Biology O Level Topical Past Papers

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Year X Mid-Term Exam

Islamiat 1. Hadiths (1-20)
2. History and Importance of Hadith
3. Three Rightly Guided Caliphs (Abu Bakr, Umar
& Uthman)
4. Articles of Faith (Tauheed, Angels & Books,
Prophets, Predestination And Decree )
5. Pillars of Islam (Fasting & Zakat, Hajj)
Paper 1
1) Life And Importance Of Prophet
2) First Islamic Community
10 blessed companions
Pakistan Studies

History and Culture of Pakistan PI

• Towards Pakistan 1940-1947
• Biographies (Jinnah, Iqbal, Rahmat Ali)
• New Nation (Initial Problems- 1947-48)
• Government of Pakistan 1948-69
• Separation of East Pakistan
• Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto 1971-77
Environment of Pakistan PII
• Unit 2 Climate
• Unit 7 Agricultural Development
• Unit 3 Natural Resources - an issue of
Sustainability of Water
• Unit 8 Power Resources
• Unit 9 Industrial Development Secondary and
Tertiary Industries
• Unit 11 Transport and Telecommunications
Unit 1 Topography
Unit 10 Trade
• Culture, Socialisation & Social Control
• Nature Nurture Debate
• Influences on Social Identity (Globalisation and
Postmodernist views on
• Types of Family & Households
• Functions & Loss of Functions
World History World History
Year X Mid-Term Exam
Syllabus 1. Treaty of Versailles
2. League of Nations
3. Collapse of International Peace
Economics 1. The Economic Problem
2. Factors of Production
3. Opportunity Cost
4. Production Possibility Curve
5. Micro & Macro Economics
6. The Economic Systems
7. Demand, Supply & Price Determination
8. Price Elasticity of Demand
9. Price Elasticity of Supply
10. Government Intervention
11. Influences on Spending, Saving & Borrowing
Global Perspectives

Component 1 based exam

Deconstruction of sources.
Q1: Analysis of information, arguments and
perspectives presented about the
global issue.
Q2: Evaluation of research or evidence presented
in the source and testing a
Q3: Analysis and Evaluation of arguments.
Judging the quality of the argument.
Q4: Assess actions in response to the global issue
and explain judgments with
reasons and evidence.
Literature In English Chinua Achebe: Things Fall Apart
Complete Novel
Paper Format:
1. Section One
Text based
2. Section Two
Choice between four questions
Students attempt ONE from each section
One source based question is compulsory
Mathematics Book 3
1. Factorisation ( Quadratic and cubic)
Year X Mid-Term Exam
Syllabus 2. Quadratic Equations and Functions Chapter No
3. Graphs of functions and Graphical solution
Chapter No 7 Ex 7A, 7B & Review
Ex 7 Q 1 till 5
4. Sketching cubic, reciprocal & exponential
graph Worksheet
5. Coordinate Geometry (Mid-Point included)
Chapter No 6
6. Further Functions (Composition not included)
Chapter No 2
Book 3, Unit 4: Indicies
CIE key Question 1:

Urdu Urdu

• Prose:
Aur Aana Ghar mein Murghion ka
• Poetry:
Ahmed Fraz
Qataat by Meerza Mehmood Sarhadi
Momin Khan Momin
• Compositions:
‫ )تفصیل مضمون‬Essay Descriptive
‫ )بیان مضمون‬Essay Narrative

• Comprehension
English Language 1. Comprehension (Q1 and Q2) 1. Comprehension (Q1 and Q2)
2. Essay (Narrative or Descriptive) 2. Essay (Narrative or Descriptive)

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