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University of the Punjab

Main Campus, Lahore

Sheet No.

Lab Quiz 01
Spring Term 2021
Code: IT-261 Degree: BBIT
Title: Relational Database Management System Batch: F19-MB & AA
Max Time: 60 min Marks: 60

1. Do not forget to pray before starting to attempt the paper. Trust me it helps.
Remember! SOMEONE is always with you (Be Relaxed), and HE is also watching you (Be Honest)
2. Question Paper is SELF EXPLANATORY. Understanding the Question Paper is part of Solution.
3. Nothing Beyond the Finish Line will be Evaluated. Back Side of Pages is Beyond Finish Line.
4. For Calculations etc. Use the back side of the pages.
5. Error in Question will be advantageous to Student.
6. Read the Questions carefully before attempting.
7. Solve your paper using Black/Blue Pen only.
8. Attempt All Questions in a Precise Fashion.
9. Switch Off your Cellular Phones.
10. Manage Your Time.

Good Luck
Roll No: Name:

Date: April 16, 2021 Signature:

Q 01 Q 02 Q 03 Q 04 Q 05 Q 06 Q 07 Q 08 Q 09 Q 10 Total

Invigilator’s Signature Examiner’s Signature

Do Not Open Till YOU are Advised by Invigilator

Roll No.: F19-BBIT-MB & AA-LQ-01

Name: Relational Database Management System

Question No 01. 50
Following is the relational Model of Procurement System of the Department Store.

Vendor VCode Name Address Phone City Cell

POMain VCode Date Amount Tax NetAmount

PODetail VCode PCode Date Price Qty

Products PCode PTitle Unit MinLevel QtyinHand VCode

Single underline represents PK whereas double underline represents FK.

a. Decide for Data Type, Size, Index and NULL constraint of the Data Field on basis of your
General Knowledge 5
b. All FK must be Constrained on the Master Table. 10
c. Populate the Products, and Vendor Table with at least 10 Rows/Records/Tuples. 5+5
d. Populate POMain and PODetail with following constraints in mind
a. Format of VCode is Vnnn e.g V099, 5
and PCode is Pnnn e.g. P101.
b. Implement this relational model in MS Access and populate the relations, 5+5+10
POMain with 5 Rows, and
PODeail with relevant tuples of Purchase, each purchase must have at least 5 products.

Submission Instructions:
Step 1. Save Your Work with your Roll Number.
Step 2. After Completing your task
Step 3. Email it at on Friday April 16, 2021 before 01:00 p.m.
Step 4. Subject of email must be
RDBMS~LQ01~Your Roll Number-Your Name

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