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Instructor' solutions manual,

multivariable for Thomas' calculus &

Thomas' calculus early transcendental
a, 12/E 12th Edition Weir-Hass
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Collin County Community College



George B. Thomas, Jr.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Maurice D. Weir
Naval Postgraduate School

Joel Hass
University of California, Davis
The author and publisher of this book have used their best efforts in preparing this book. These efforts
include the development, research, and testing of the theories and programs to determine their
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these programs or the documentation contained in this book. The author and publisher shall not be liable in
any event for incidental or consequential damages in connection with, or arising out of, the furnishing,
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Reproduced by Addison-Wesley from electronic files supplied by the author.

Copyright © 2010, 2005, 2001 Pearson Education, Inc.

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All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
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ISBN-13: 978-0-321-60072-1
ISBN-10: 0-321-60072-X

1 2 3 4 5 6 BB 14 13 12 11 10
This Instructor's Solutions Manual contains the solutions to every exercise in the 12th Edition of THOMAS' CALCULUS
by Maurice Weir and Joel Hass, including the Computer Algebra System (CAS) exercises. The corresponding Student's
Solutions Manual omits the solutions to the even-numbered exercises as well as the solutions to the CAS exercises (because
the CAS command templates would give them all away).

In addition to including the solutions to all of the new exercises in this edition of Thomas, we have carefully revised or
rewritten every solution which appeared in previous solutions manuals to ensure that each solution
ì conforms exactly to the methods, procedures and steps presented in the text
ì is mathematically correct
ì includes all of the steps necessary so a typical calculus student can follow the logical argument and algebra
ì includes a graph or figure whenever called for by the exercise, or if needed to help with the explanation
ì is formatted in an appropriate style to aid in its understanding
Every CAS exercise is solved in both the MAPLE and MATHEMATICA computer algebra systems. A template showing
an example of the CAS commands needed to execute the solution is provided for each exercise type. Similar exercises within
the text grouping require a change only in the input function or other numerical input parameters associated with the problem
(such as the interval endpoints or the number of iterations).

For more information about other resources available with Thomas' Calculus, visit

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Inc. Publishing as Addison-Wesley.


10 Infinite Sequences and Series 569

10.1 Sequences 569
10.2 Infinite Series 577
10.3 The Integral Test 583
10.4 Comparison Tests 590
10.5 The Ratio and Root Tests 597
10.6 Alternating Series, Absolute and Conditional Convergence 602
10.7 Power Series 608
10.8 Taylor and Maclaurin Series 617
10.9 Convergence of Taylor Series 621
10.10 The Binomial Series and Applications of Taylor Series 627
Practice Exercises 634
Additional and Advanced Exercises 642

11 Parametric Equations and Polar Coordinates 647

11.1 Parametrizations of Plane Curves 647
11.2 Calculus with Parametric Curves 654
11.3 Polar Coordinates 662
11.4 Graphing in Polar Coordinates 667
11.5 Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates 674
11.6 Conic Sections 679
11.7 Conics in Polar Coordinates 689
Practice Exercises 699
Additional and Advanced Exercises 709

12 Vectors and the Geometry of Space 715

12.1 Three-Dimensional Coordinate Systems 715
12.2 Vectors 718
12.3 The Dot Product 723
12.4 The Cross Product 728
12.5 Lines and Planes in Space 734
12.6 Cylinders and Quadric Surfaces 741
Practice Exercises 746
Additional Exercises 754

13 Vector-Valued Functions and Motion in Space 759

13.1 Curves in Space and Their Tangents 759
13.2 Integrals of Vector Functions; Projectile Motion 764
13.3 Arc Length in Space 770
13.4 Curvature and Normal Vectors of a Curve 773
13.5 Tangential and Normal Components of Acceleration 778
13.6 Velocity and Acceleration in Polar Coordinates 784
Practice Exercises 785
Additional Exercises 791

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Inc. Publishing as Addison-Wesley.

14 Partial Derivatives 795
14.1 Functions of Several Variables 795
14.2 Limits and Continuity in Higher Dimensions 804
14.3 Partial Derivatives 810
14.4 The Chain Rule 816
14.5 Directional Derivatives and Gradient Vectors 824
14.6 Tangent Planes and Differentials 829
14.7 Extreme Values and Saddle Points 836
14.8 Lagrange Multipliers 849
14.9 Taylor's Formula for Two Variables 857
14.10 Partial Derivatives with Constrained Variables 859
Practice Exercises 862
Additional Exercises 876

15 Multiple Integrals 881

15.1 Double and Iterated Integrals over Rectangles 881
15.2 Double Integrals over General Regions 882
15.3 Area by Double Integration 896
15.4 Double Integrals in Polar Form 900
15.5 Triple Integrals in Rectangular Coordinates 904
15.6 Moments and Centers of Mass 909
15.7 Triple Integrals in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates 914
15.8 Substitutions in Multiple Integrals 922
Practice Exercises 927
Additional Exercises 933

16 Integration in Vector Fields 939

16.1 Line Integrals 939
16.2 Vector Fields and Line Integrals; Work, Circulation, and Flux 944
16.3 Path Independence, Potential Functions, and Conservative Fields 952
16.4 Green's Theorem in the Plane 957
16.5 Surfaces and Area 963
16.6 Surface Integrals 972
16.7 Stokes's Theorem 980
16.8 The Divergence Theorem and a Unified Theory 984
Practice Exercises 989
Additional Exercises 997

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Inc. Publishing as Addison-Wesley.



1. x œ 3t, y œ 9t# , _  t  _ Ê y œ x# 2. x œ Èt , y œ t, t 0 Ê x œ È y

or y œ x , x Ÿ 0

3. x œ 2t  5, y œ 4t  7, _  t  _ 4. x œ 3  3t, y œ 2t, 0 Ÿ t Ÿ 1 Ê y# œ t
Ê x  5 œ 2t Ê 2(x  5) œ 4t Ê x œ 3  3 ˆ y# ‰ Ê 2x œ 6  3y
Ê y œ 2(x  5)  7 Ê y œ 2x  3 Ê y œ 2  23 x, ! Ÿ x Ÿ $

5. x œ cos 2t, y œ sin 2t, 0 Ÿ t Ÿ 1 6. x œ cos (1  t), y œ sin (1  t), 0 Ÿ t Ÿ 1

Ê cos# 2t  sin# 2t œ 1 Ê x#  y# œ 1 Ê cos# (1  t)  sin# (1  t) œ 1
Ê x#  y# œ 1, y !

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Addison-Wesley.

648 Chapter 11 Parametric Equations and Polar Coordinates

7. x œ 4 cos t, y œ 2 sin t, 0 Ÿ t Ÿ 21 8. x œ 4 sin t, y œ 5 cos t, 0 Ÿ t Ÿ 21

16 cos# t 4 sin# t x# y# 16 sin# t 25 cos# t x# y#
Ê 16  4 œ1 Ê 16  4 œ1 Ê 16  25 œ1 Ê 16  #5 œ1

9. x œ sin t, y œ cos 2t,  12 Ÿ t Ÿ 1

2 10. x œ 1  sin t, y œ cos t  2, 0 Ÿ t Ÿ 1
Ê y œ cos 2t œ 1  2sin# t Ê y œ 1  2x2 Ê sin# t  cos# t œ 1 Ê ax  1b#  ay  2b# œ 1

11. x œ t2 , y œ t6  2t4 , _  t  _ 12. x œ t
t1, yœ t1, 1  t  1
2 3 2 2 2x
Ê y œ at b  2at b Ê y œ x3  2x2 Ê tœ x
x1 Êyœ 2x  1

13. x œ t, y œ È1  t# , 1 Ÿ t Ÿ 0 14. x œ Èt  1, y œ Èt, t 0

Ê y œ È1  x# Ê y# œ t Ê x œ Èy#  1, y 0

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Addison-Wesley.

Section 11.1 Parametrizations of Plane Curves 649

15. x œ sec# t  1, y œ tan t,  1#  t  1

# 16. x œ  sec t, y œ tan t,  1#  t  1
Ê sec# t  1 œ tan# t Ê x œ y# Ê sec# t  tan# t œ 1 Ê x#  y œ 1 #

17. x œ  cosh t, y œ sinh t, _  1  _ 18. x œ 2 sinh t, y œ 2 cosh t, _  t  _

Ê cosh# t  sinh# t œ 1 Ê x#  y# œ 1 Ê 4 cosh# t  4 sinh# t œ 4 Ê y#  x# œ 4

1 51
19. (a) x œ a cos t, y œ a sin t, 0 Ÿ t Ÿ 21 20. (a) x œ a sin t, y œ b cos t, # ŸtŸ #
(b) x œ a cos t, y œ a sin t, 0 Ÿ t Ÿ 21 (b) x œ a cos t, y œ b sin t, 0 Ÿ t Ÿ 21
(c) x œ a cos t, y œ a sin t, 0 Ÿ t Ÿ 41 (c) x œ a sin t, y œ b cos t, 1# Ÿ t Ÿ 9#1
(d) x œ a cos t, y œ a sin t, 0 Ÿ t Ÿ 41 (d) x œ a cos t, y œ b sin t, 0 Ÿ t Ÿ 41

21. Using a"ß $b we create the parametric equations x œ "  at and y œ $  bt, representing a line which goes
through a"ß $b at t œ !. We determine a and b so that the line goes through a%ß "b when t œ ".
Since % œ "  a Ê a œ &. Since " œ $  b Ê b œ %. Therefore, one possible parameterization is x œ "  &t,
y œ $  %t, 0 Ÿ t Ÿ ".

22. Using a"ß $b we create the parametric equations x œ "  at and y œ $  bt, representing a line which goes through
a"ß $b at t œ !. We determine a and b so that the line goes through a$ß #b when t œ ". Since $ œ "  a Ê a œ %.
Since # œ $  b Ê b œ &. Therefore, one possible parameterization is x œ "  %t, y œ $  &t, 0 Ÿ t Ÿ ".

23. The lower half of the parabola is given by x œ y#  " for y Ÿ !. Substituting t for y, we obtain one possible
parameterization x œ t#  ", y œ t, t Ÿ 0Þ

24. The vertex of the parabola is at a"ß "b, so the left half of the parabola is given by y œ x#  #x for x Ÿ ". Substituting
t for x, we obtain one possible parametrization: x œ t, y œ t#  #t, t Ÿ ".

25. For simplicity, we assume that x and y are linear functions of t and that the pointax, yb starts at a#ß $b for t œ ! and passes
through a"ß "b at t œ ". Then x œ fatb, where fa!b œ # and fa"b œ ".
Since slope œ ??xt œ "#
"! œ $, x œ fatb œ $t  # œ #  $t. Also, y œ gatb, where ga!b œ $ and ga"b œ ".
?y "3
Since slope œ ?t œ "! œ 4. y œ gatb œ %t  $ œ $  %t.
One possible parameterization is: x œ #  $t, y œ $  %t, t !.

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Addison-Wesley.

650 Chapter 11 Parametric Equations and Polar Coordinates

26. For simplicity, we assume that x and y are linear functions of t and that the pointax, yb starts at a"ß #b for t œ ! and
passes through a!ß !b at t œ ". Then x œ fatb, where fa!b œ " and fa"b œ !.
?x !  a"b
Since slope œ ?t œ "! œ ", x œ fatb œ "t  a"b œ "  t. Also, y œ gatb, where ga!b œ # and ga"b œ !.
?y !#
Since slope œ ?t œ "! œ #. y œ gatb œ #t  # œ #  #t.
One possible parameterization is: x œ "  t, y œ #  #t, t !.

27. Since we only want the top half of a circle, y 0, so let x œ 2cos t, y œ 2lsin tl, 0 Ÿ t Ÿ 41

28. Since we want x to stay between 3 and 3, let x œ 3 sin t, then y œ a3 sin tb2 œ 9sin# t, thus x œ 3 sin t, y œ 9sin# t,

29. x#  y# œ a# Ê 2x  2y dx œ 0
Ê dx œ  y ; let t œ dx Ê
dy x dy
 xy œ t Ê x œ yt. Substitution yields
y# t#  y# œ a# Ê y œ a
È1t# and x œ È1att , _  t  _

30. In terms of ), parametric equations for the circle are x œ a cos ), y œ a sin ), 0 Ÿ )  21. Since ) œ as , the arc
length parametrizations are: x œ a cos as , y œ a sin as , and 0 Ÿ s
a  21 Ê 0 Ÿ s Ÿ 21a is the interval for s.

31. Drop a vertical line from the point ax, yb to the x-axis, then ) is an angle in a right triangle, and from trigonometry we
know that tan ) œ yx Ê y œ x tan ). The equation of the line through a0, 2b and a4, 0b is given by y œ  12 x  2. Thus
4 tan )
x tan ) œ  12 x  2 Ê x œ 4
2 tan )  1 and y œ 2 tan )  1 where 0 Ÿ )  12 .

32. Drop a vertical line from the point ax, yb to the x-axis, then ) is an angle in a right triangle, and from trigonometry we
know that tan ) œ yx Ê y œ x tan ). Since y œ Èx Ê y2 œ x Ê ax tan )b2 œ x Ê x œ cot2 ) Ê y œ cot ) where
0  ) Ÿ 12 .

33. The equation of the circle is given by ax  2b2  y2 œ 1. Drop a vertical line from the point ax, yb on the circle to the
x-axis, then ) is an angle in a right triangle. So that we can start at a1, 0b and rotate in a clockwise direction, let
x œ 2  cos ), y œ sin ), 0 Ÿ ) Ÿ 21.

34. Drop a vertical line from the point ax, yb to the x-axis, then ) is an angle in a right triangle, whose height is y and whose
base is x  2. By trigonometry we have tan ) œ x y 2 Ê y œ ax  2b tan ). The equation of the circle is given by
x2  y2 œ 1 Ê x2  aax  2btan )b2 œ 1 Ê x2 sec2 )  4x tan2 )  4tan2 )  1 œ 0. Solving for x we obtain
4tan2 ) „ Éa4tan2 )b2  4 sec2 ) a4tan2 )  1b 4tan2 ) „ 2È1  3tan2 )
xœ 2 sec2 ) œ 2 sec2 ) œ 2sin2 ) „ cos )Ècos2 )  3sin2 )
œ 2  2cos2 ) „ cos )È4cos2 )  3 and y œ Š2  2cos2 ) „ cos )È4cos2 )  3  2‹ tan )

œ 2sin ) cos ) „ sin )È4cos2 )  3. Since we only need to go from a1, 0b to a0, 1b, let
x œ 2  2cos2 )  cos )È4cos2 )  3, y œ 2sin ) cos )  sin )È4cos2 )  3, 0 Ÿ ) Ÿ tan1 ˆ 1 ‰. 2
To obtain the upper limit for ), note that x œ 0 and y œ 1, using y œ ax  2b tan ) Ê 1 œ 2 tan ) Ê ) œ tan1 ˆ 12 ‰.

35. Extend the vertical line through A to the x-axis and let C be the point of intersection. Then OC œ AQ œ x
and tan t œ OC2
œ x2 Ê x œ tan2 t œ 2 cot t; sin t œ OA
Ê OA œ sin2 t ; and (AB)(OA) œ (AQ)# Ê AB ˆ sin2 t ‰ œ x#
Ê AB ˆ sin t ‰ œ ˆ tan t ‰ Ê AB œ tan# t . Next y œ 2  AB sin t Ê y œ 2  ˆ 2tansin# tt ‰ sin t œ
2 2 2 sin t

2 sin# t
2 tan# t œ 2  2 cos# t œ 2 sin# t. Therefore let x œ 2 cot t and y œ 2 sin# t, 0  t  1.

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Section 11.1 Parametrizations of Plane Curves 651

36. Arc PF œ Arc AF since each is the distance rolled and

Arc PF
b œ nFCP Ê Arc PF œ b(nFCP); ArcaAF œ )
Ê Arc AF œ a) Ê a) œ b(nFCP) Ê nFCP œ a
b );
nOCG œ  ); nOCG œ nOCP  nPCE
œ nOCP  ˆ 1#  !‰ . Now nOCP œ 1  nFCP
1 1
œ 1  ba ). Thus nOCG œ 1  ba )  # ! Ê # )
1 ˆ ab b )‰ .
œ 1  ba )  #  ! Ê ! œ 1  ba )  ) œ 1 

Then x œ OG  BG œ OG  PE œ (a  b) cos )  b cos ! œ (a  b) cos )  b cos ˆ1  b )‰
œ (a  b) cos )  b cos ˆ a b b )‰ . Also y œ EG œ CG  CE œ (a  b) sin )  b sin !
œ (a  b) sin )  b sin ˆ1  a b b )‰ œ (a  b) sin )  b sin ˆ a b b )‰ . Therefore
x œ (a  b) cos )  b cos ˆ a b b )‰ and y œ (a  b) sin )  b sin ˆ a b b )‰ .
a  ˆ 4a ‰
If b œ 4a , then x œ ˆa  4a ‰ cos )  a
4 cos Š ˆ 4a ‰ )‹
œ 3a
4 cos )  a
4 cos 3) œ 3a
4 cos )  4a (cos ) cos 2)  sin ) sin 2))
œ 3a
4 cos )  a(cos )) acos# )  sin# )b  (sin ))(2 sin ) cos ))b
œ 3a
4 cos )  a
4 cos$ ) 
a # 2a #
4 cos ) sin )  4 sin ) cos )
œ 3a
4 cos )  cos$ )  3a
# $
4 (cos )) a1  cos )b œ a cos );
a  ˆ4‰
y œ ˆa  4 sin )  4 sin Š ˆ 4a ‰ )‹ œ 4 sin )  4 sin 3) œ 4
a‰ a 3a a 3a
sin )  4a (sin ) cos 2)  cos ) sin 2))
œ 3a
4 sin )  4a a(sin )) acos# )  sin# )b  (cos ))(2 sin ) cos ))b
œ 3a
4 sin )  a
4 sin ) cos# )  a
4 sin$ )  2a
4 cos# ) sin )
œ 3a
4 sin )  3a
4 sin ) cos# )  a
4 sin$ )
œ 3a
4 sin )  3a
4 (sin )) a1  sin )b  a
4 sin$ ) œ a sin$ ).

37. Draw line AM in the figure and note that nAMO is a right
angle since it is an inscribed angle which spans the diameter
of a circle. Then AN# œ MN#  AM# . Now, OA œ a,
a œ tan t, and a œ sin t. Next MN œ OP

Ê OP# œ AN#  AM# œ a# tan# t  a# sin# t

Ê OP œ Èa# tan# t  a# sin# t
a sin# t
œ (a sin t)Èsec# t  1 œ cos t . In triangle BPO,
a sin$ t #
x œ OP sin t œ cos t œ a sin t tan t and
y œ OP cos t œ a sin t Ê x œ a sin# t tan t and y œ a sin# t.

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Addison-Wesley.

652 Chapter 11 Parametric Equations and Polar Coordinates

38. Let the x-axis be the line the wheel rolls along with the y-axis through a low point of the trochoid
(see the accompanying figure).

Let ) denote the angle through which the wheel turns. Then h œ a) and k œ a. Next introduce xw yw -axes
parallel to the xy-axes and having their origin at the center C of the wheel. Then xw œ b cos ! and
yw œ b sin !, where ! œ 3#1  ). It follows that xw œ b cos ˆ 3#1  )‰ œ b sin ) and yw œ b sin ˆ 3#1  )‰
œ b cos ) Ê x œ h  xw œ a)  b sin ) and y œ k  yw œ a  b cos ) are parametric equations of the trochoid.

# # #
39. D œ É(x  2)#  ˆy  "# ‰ Ê D# œ (x  2)#  ˆy  "# ‰ œ (t  2)#  ˆt#  "# ‰ Ê D# œ t%  4t  17
d aD # b
Ê dt œ 4t$  4 œ 0 Ê t œ 1. The second derivative is always positive for t Á 0 Ê t œ 1 gives a local
minimum for D# (and hence D) which is an absolute minimum since it is the only extremum Ê the closest
point on the parabola is (1ß 1).

# # d aD # b
40. D œ Ɉ2 cos t  34 ‰  (sin t  0)# Ê D# œ ˆ2 cos t  34 ‰  sin# t Ê dt
œ 2 ˆ2 cos t  34 ‰ (2 sin t)  2 sin t cos t œ (2 sin t) ˆ3 cos t  3# ‰ œ 0 Ê 2 sin t œ 0 or 3 cos t  3
# œ0
# # # #
1 51 d aD b # # d aD b
Ê t œ 0, 1 or t œ 3 , 3 . Now dt# œ 6 cos t  3 cos t  6 sin t so that dt# (0) œ 3 Ê relative
# # # #
maximum, d dtaD# b (1) œ 9 Ê relative maximum, d dtaD# b ˆ 13 ‰ œ 92 Ê relative minimum, and
d # aD # b ˆ 5 1 ‰
dt# 3 œ 9# Ê relative minimum. Therefore both t œ 13 and t œ 531 give points on the ellipse closest to
the point ˆ 34 ß !‰ Ê Š1ß #3 ‹ and Š1ß  #3 ‹ are the desired points.

41. (a) (b) (c)

42. (a) (b) (c)

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Section 11.1 Parametrizations of Plane Curves 653


44. (a) (b) (c)

45. (a) (b)

46. (a) (b)

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Addison-Wesley.

654 Chapter 11 Parametric Equations and Polar Coordinates

47. (a) (b) (c)

48. (a) (b)

(c) (d)


1 1 1
1. t œ 4 Ê x œ 2 cos 4 œ È2, y œ 2 sin 4 œ È2; dx
dt œ 2 sin t, dy
dt œ 2 cos t Ê dy
dx œ
dx/dt œ 2 cos t
2 sin t œ  cot t
Ê dy
dx ¹ tœ 1 œ  cot 4 œ 1; tangent line is y  È2 œ 1 Šx  È2‹ or y œ x  È
2 2 ; dy
dt œ csc# t

d# y dyw /dt csc# t " d# y

Ê dx# œ dx/dt œ 2 sin t œ  2 sin $t Ê dx# ¹ tœ 1 œ È 2

2. t œ  "6 Ê x œ sin ˆ21 ˆ 6" ‰‰ œ sin ˆ 13 ‰ œ  # , y œ cos ˆ21 ˆ 6" ‰‰ œ cos ˆ 13 ‰ œ "
# ; dx
dt œ 21 cos 21t,
21 sin 21t " ‰‰ 1‰
dt œ 21 sin 21t Ê dy
dx œ 21 cos 21t œ  tan 21t Ê dy
dx ¹ tœc 1 œ  tan ˆ21 ˆ 6 œ  tan ˆ 3 œ È3;

" È3 dyw d# y 21 sec# 21t

tangent line is y  # œ È3 ’x  Š # ‹“ or y œ È3x  2; dt œ 21 sec# 21t Ê dx# œ 21 cos 21t
d# y
œ  cos$"21t Ê dx# ¹ tœc 1 œ 8

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Addison-Wesley.

Section 11.2 Calculus With Parametric Curves 655
1 1 1 2 sin t
3. t œ 4 Ê x œ 4 sin 4 œ 2È2, y œ 2 cos 4 œ È2; dx
dt œ 4 cos t, dy
dt œ 2 sin t Ê dy
dx œ dy/dt
dx/dt œ 4 cos t

œ  "# tan t Ê dy
dx ¹ tœ 1 œ  "# tan 1
4 œ  "# ; tangent line is y  È2 œ  "# Šx  2È2‹ or y œ  "# x  2È2 ;

dyw d# y dyw /dt  "# sec# t d# y È2

dt œ  "# sec# t Ê dx# œ dx/dt œ 4 cos t
œ  8 cos $t Ê dx# ¹ tœ 1 œ 4

21 21 È3 dx È3 sin t
4. t œ 3 Ê x œ cos 3 œ  "# , y œ È3 cos 21
3 œ  # ; dt œ  sin t, dy
dt œ È3 sin t Ê dy
dx œ  sin t œ È3
ˆ "# ‰‘ or y œ È3 x; dyw d# y
Ê dy
dx ¹ tœ 21 œ È3 ; tangent line is y  Š # ‹œ
È 3 x 
dt œ0 Ê dx# œ 0
 sin t œ0

d# y
Ê dx# ¹ tœ 21 œ0

" " "

5. t œ 1
4 Ê xœ 1
4 ,yœ # ; dx
dt œ 1, dy
dt œ #Èt
Ê dy
dx œ dy/dt
dx/dt œ 1
2È t
Ê dy
dx ¹ tœ 1 œ œ 1; tangent line is
#É "4

" dyw d# y dyw /dt d# y

y # œ 1 † ˆx  4" ‰ or y œ x  4" ; dt œ  4" t$Î# Ê dx# œ dx/dt œ  4" t$Î# Ê dx# ¹ tœ 1 œ 2

6. t œ  14 Ê x œ sec# ˆ 14 ‰  1 œ 1, y œ tan ˆ 14 ‰ œ 1; dx

dt œ 2 sec# t tan t, dy
dt œ sec# t
sec# t " " "
Ê dy
dx œ 2 sec# t tan t œ 2 tan t œ # cot t Ê dy
dx ¹ tœc 1 œ # cot ˆ 14 ‰ œ  #" ; tangent line is

dyw d# y  "# csc# t

y  (1) œ  "# (x  1) or y œ  "# x  "# ; dt œ  "# csc# t Ê dx# œ 2 sec# t tan t œ  "4 cot$ t
d# y "
Ê dx# ¹ tœc 1 œ 4

1 1 1 "
7. t œ 6 Ê x œ sec 6 œ 2
È3 , y œ tan 6 œ È3 ; dx
dt œ sec t tan t, dy
dt œ sec# t Ê dy
dx œ dy/dt

sec# t 1 "
œ sec t tan t œ csc t Ê dy
dx ¹ tœ 1 œ csc 6 œ 2; tangent line is y  È3 œ 2 Šx  2
È3 ‹ or y œ 2x  È3 ;

dyw d# y dyw /dt  csc t cot t d# y

dt œ  csc t cot t Ê dx# œ dx/dt œ sec t tan t œ  cot$ t Ê dx# ¹ tœ 1 œ 3È3

ˆ 3# ‰ (3t) "Î#
8. t œ 3 Ê x œ È3  1 œ 2, y œ È3(3) œ 3; dx
dt œ  "# (t  1)"Î# , dy
dt œ 3
# (3t)"Î# Ê dy
dx œ ˆ "# ‰ (t1) "Î#
È 3 È 3  1
œ  3 Èt3t 1 œ dy
dx ¹ tœ3 œ È3(3) œ 2; tangent line is y  3 œ 2[x  (2)] or y œ 2x  1;

dyw È3t  3 (t  1) "Î# ‘3Èt  1  3 (3t) "Î# ‘ d# y Š 2tÈ3t3Èt  1 ‹

œ # # œ 3
Ê œ œ  tÈ33t
dt 3t 2tÈ3t Èt1 dx# Š 2Èt1 1 ‹

d# y
Ê dx# ¹ tœ3 œ  3"

9. t œ 1 Ê x œ 5, y œ 1; dx
dt œ 4t, dy
dt œ 4t$ Ê dy
dx œ dy/dt
dx/dt œ 4t œ t# Ê dy
dx ¹ tœc1 œ (1)# œ 1; tangent line is
dyw d# y dyw /dt " d# y "
y  1 œ 1 † (x  5) or y œ x  4; dt œ 2t Ê dx# œ dx/dt œ 2t
4t œ # Ê dx# ¹ tœc1 œ #

ˆ "t ‰
10. t œ 1 Ê x œ 1, y œ 2; dx
dt œ  t"# , dy
dt œ "
t Ê dy
dx œ œ t Ê dy
dx ¹ tœ1 œ 1; tangent line is
Š t"# ‹

dyw d# y 1 d# y
y  (2) œ 1(x  1) or y œ x  1; dt œ 1 Ê dx# œ œ t# Ê dx# ¹ tœ1 œ1
Š t"# ‹

1 1 1 1 È3
11. t œ 3 Ê xœ 3  sin 3 œ 3  # , y œ 1  cos 13 œ 1  #" œ #" ; dx
dt œ 1  cos t, dt œ sin t Ê
dy dy
dx œ dy/dt
Š #3 ‹
sin ˆ 13 ‰ È
œ sin t
1  cos t Ê dy
dx ¹ tœ 1 œ 1cos ˆ 13 ‰
œ ˆ " ‰ œ È3 ; tangent line is y  "# œ È3 Šx  13  #3 ‹

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Addison-Wesley.

656 Chapter 11 Parametric Equations and Polar Coordinates

dyw d# y dyw /dt

1 ‰
ˆ 1 cos
1È3 (1  cos t)(cos t)  (sin t)(sin t) 1
Ê y œ È3x  3  2; dt œ (1cos t)# œ 1  cos t Ê dx# œ dx/dt œ t
1  cos t
1 d# y
œ (1  cos t)# Ê dx# ¹ tœ 1 œ 4

1 1 1
12. t œ 2 Ê x œ cos 2 œ 0, y œ 1  sin 2 œ 2; dx
dt œ  sin t, dy
dt œ cos t Ê dy
dx œ cos t
 sin t œ  cot t
w #
1 # csc# t $ d# y
Ê dy
dx ¹ tœ 1 œ  cot # œ 0; tangent line is y œ 2; dy
dt œ csc t Ê d y
dx# œ  sin t œ  csc t Ê dx# ¹ tœ 1 œ 1
2 2

1 1 at  1 b 2 a2  1 b 2
13. t œ 2 Ê x œ 1
21 œ 13 , y œ 2
21 œ 2; dx
dt œ , dy
at  1b2 dt
œ at  1 b 2
Ê dy
dx œ at  1 b 2
Ê dy
dx ¹ tœ2 œ a2  1 b 2
œ 9;
dyw t  1b d# y 4 at  1 b 3 d# y 4 a2  1 b 3
tangent line is y œ 9x  1; dt œ  4ata 1 b3
Ê dx# œ at  1 b 3
Ê dx# ¹ tœ2 œ a2  1 b3
œ 108

e t e 0
14. t œ 0 Ê x œ 0  e0 œ 1, y œ 1  e0 œ 0; dx
dt œ 1  et , dy
dt œ et Ê dy
dx œ 1  et Ê dy
dx ¹ tœ0 œ 1  e0 œ  21 ;
dyw e t d# y e t d# y e 0
tangent line is y œ  12 x  12 ; dt œ a1  e t b 2
Ê dx# œ a1  e t b 3
Ê dx# ¹ tœ0 œ a1  e 0 b 3
œ  18

15. x3  2t# œ 9 Ê 3x2 dx
dt  4t œ 0 Ê 3x2 dx
dt œ 4t Ê dx
dt œ 3x2 ;
Š yt# ‹ t(3x2 )
2y$  3t# œ 4 Ê 6y# dy
 6t œ 0 Ê dy
œ 6t
œ t
; thus dy
œ dy/dt
œ œ œ 3x2
dt dt 6y# y# dx dx/dt Š c4t ‹
y# (4t) 4y#

Ê x3  2(2)# œ 9 Ê x3  8 œ 9 Ê x3 œ 1 Ê x œ 1; t œ 2 Ê 2y$  3(2)# œ 4

3 a "b 2
Ê 2y$ œ 16 Ê y$ œ 8 Ê y œ 2; therefore dy
dx ¹ tœ2 œ 4a#b#
œ  16

" "Î#
16. x œ É5  Èt Ê dx
dt œ #
ˆ5  Èt‰ ˆ "# t"Î# ‰ œ  "
; y(t  1) œ Èt Ê y  (t  1) dy " "Î#
dt œ # t
4È t É 5  È t
" " #yÈt
Èt  y È È "  #yÈt 4Èt É5  Èt
œ #at  œ #t t "2 t œ
" "  #y È t
Ê at  1b dy
œ y Ê dy
1b œ ; thus dy
œ dt

dt #È t dt #tÈt  2Èt dx dx
#Ètat" b "
4 Èt É5 Èt
#ˆ"  #yÈt‰É&  Èt
œ "t ; t œ 4 Ê x œ É5  È4 œ È3; t œ 4 Ê y † 3 œ È4 Ê y œ 2

2Š"  2a 23 bÈ4‹É&  È4 10È3

therefore, dy
dx ¹ tœ4 œ "4 œ 9

17. x  2x$Î# œ t#  t Ê dx
dt  3x"Î# dx
dt œ 2t  1 Ê ˆ1  3x"Î# ‰ dx
dt œ 2t  1 Ê dx
dt œ 13x"Î#
; yÈt  1  2tÈy œ 4
Ê dy Èt  1  y ˆ " ‰ (t  1)"Î#  2Èy  2t ˆ " y"Î# ‰ dy
œ0 Ê dy Èt  1  y
 2Èy  Š Èt y ‹ dy
dt # # dt dt 2È t  1 dt

Š 2Èct yb 1  2Èy‹ yÈy  4yÈt  1

Ê ŠÈ t  1  t dy
Èy ‹ dt œ  2È y Ê dy
œ œ ; thus
2Èt1 dt ŠÈt  1  Èy ‹ t 2Èy (t  1)  2tÈt  1

cyÈy c 4yÈt b 1
Œ 2Èy (t b 1) b 2tÈt b 1 
dx œ dy/dt
dx/dt œ 2t b 1
; t œ 0 Ê x  2x$Î# œ 0 Ê x ˆ1  2x"Î# ‰ œ 0 Ê x œ 0; t œ 0
Š ‹
1 b 3x"Î#
È4 È0  1
Œ 2È4(0  1)  2(0)È0  1 
4 4(4)

Ê yÈ0  1  2(0)Èy œ 4 Ê y œ 4; therefore dy

dx ¹ tœ0 œ 2(0)  1
œ 6
Œ 1  3(0)"Î# 

1  x cos t
18. x sin t  2x œ t Ê dx
dt sin t  x cos t  2 dx
dt œ 1 Ê (sin t  2) dx
dt œ 1  x cos t Ê dx
dt œ sin t2 ;
sin t  t cos t  2
t sin t  2t œ y Ê sin t  t cos t  2 œ dy
dt ; thus dy
dx œ c x cos t ‰
ˆ 1sin ; t œ 1 Ê x sin 1  2x œ 1

1 sin 1  1 cos 1  2 41  8

Ê xœ # ; therefore dy
dx ¹ tœ1 œ œ 21 œ 4
1 Š 1# ‹ cos 1
– sin 1  2 —

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Section 11.2 Calculus With Parametric Curves 657

19. x œ t3  t, y  2t3 œ 2x  t2 Ê dt œ 3t
dx 2
 1, dy
dt  6t2 œ 2 dx
dt  2t Ê
dt œ 2a3t2  1b  2t  6t2 œ 2t  2
2t  2 2 a1 b  2
Ê dy
dx œ 3t2 1 Ê dy
dx ¹ tœ1 œ 3 a1 b 2  1

20. t œ lnax  tb, y œ t et Ê 1 œ 1 ˆ dx

x  t dt  1‰ Ê x  t œ dt  1 Ê dt œ
dx dx
x  t  1, dy
dt œ t et  et ;
t et  et a0 b e 0  e 0
Ê dy
dx œ xt1; t œ 0 Ê 0 œ lnax  0b Ê x œ 1 Ê dx ¹ tœ0 œ 1  0  1
œ 1

21. A œ '0 y dx œ '0 aa1  cos tbaa1  cos tbdt œ a2 '0 a1  cos tb2 dt œ a2 '0 a1  2cos t  cos2 tbdt
21 21 21 21

œ a2 '0 ˆ1  2cos t  œ a2 '0 ˆ 23  2cos t  21 cos 2t‰dt œ a2 ” 23 t  2sin t  41 sin 2t•
21 21
1  cos 2t ‰
2 dt

œ a2 a31  0  0b  0 œ 31 a2

22. A œ '0 x dy œ '0 at  t2 baet bdt ”u œ t  t2 Ê du œ a1  2tbdt; dv œ aet bdt Ê v œ et •

1 1

œ et at  t2 bº  '0 et a1  2tbdt ”u œ 1  2t Ê du œ 2dt; dv œ et dt Ê v œ et •

1 1 1
œ et at  t2 bº  ”et a1  2tbº  '0 2et dt• œ ”et at  t2 b  et a1  2tb  2et •º

0 0 0

œ ae1 a0b  e1 a1b  2e1 b  ae0 a0b  e0 a1b  2e0 b œ 1  3e1 œ 1  3

23. A œ 2'1 y dx œ 2'1 ab sin tbaa sin tbdt œ 2ab'0 sin2 t dt œ 2ab'0 dt œ ab'0 a1  cos 2tb dt
0 0 1 1 1
1  cos 2t
œ ab’t  12 sin 2t“ œ abaa1  0b  !b œ 1 ab

24. (a) x œ t2 , y œ t6 , 0 Ÿ t Ÿ 1 Ê A œ '0 y dx œ '0 at6 b2t dt œ '0 2t7 dt œ ’ 14 t8 “ œ

1 1 1 1
4 0œ 1

(b) x œ t3 , y œ t9 , 0 Ÿ t Ÿ 1 Ê A œ '0 y dx œ '0 at9 b3t2 dt œ '0 3t11 dt œ ’ 14 t12 “ œ

1 1 1 1
4 0œ 1

# #
25. dx
dt œ  sin t and dy
dt œ 1  cos t Ê Êˆ dx
‰  Š dy
dt ‹ œ
Éasin tb#  a1  cos tb# œ È2  2 cos t

Ê Length œ '0 È2  2 cos t dt œ È2 '0 Ɉ 11  È2 ' É sin# t dt

1 1 1
 cos t (1  cos t) dt œ
cos t ‰
0 1  cos t

œ È2 '0
sin t
È1  cos t dt (since sin t 0 on [0ß 1]); [u œ 1  cos t Ê du œ sin t dt; t œ 0 Ê u œ 0,

t œ 1 Ê u œ 2] Ä È2 '0 u"Î# du œ È2 2u"Î# ‘ ! œ 4

# 2

# #
26. dx
dt œ 3t# and dy
dt œ 3t Ê Êˆ dx
‰  Š dy
dt ‹ œ
Éa3t# b#  (3t)# œ È9t%  9t# œ 3tÈt#  1 Šsince t 0 on ’0ß È3“‹
Ê Length œ '0 3tÈt#  1 dt; ’u œ t#  1 Ê 3
# du œ 3t dt; t œ 0 Ê u œ 1, t œ È3 Ê u œ 4“

Ä '1
4 %
# u"Î# du œ u$Î# ‘ " œ (8  1) œ 7

# #
œ t and œ (2t  1)"Î# Ê Êˆ dx ‰  Š dy Èt#  a2t  1b œ Éat  1b# œ kt  1k œ t  1 since 0 Ÿ t Ÿ 4
dt ‹ œ
dx dy
27. dt dt dt

Ê Length œ '0 at  1b dt œ ’ t2  t“ œ a8  4b œ 12
4 # %

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658 Chapter 11 Parametric Equations and Polar Coordinates

# #
28. dx
dt œ a2t  3b"Î# and dy
dt œ 1  t Ê Êˆ dx
‰  Š dy
dt ‹ œ
Éa2t  3b  a1  tb# œ Èt#  4t  4 œ kt  2k œ t  2

since 0 Ÿ t Ÿ 3 Ê Length œ '0 (t  2) dt œ ’ t2  2t“ œ

3 # 3
! #

# #
29. dx
dt œ 8t cos t and dy
dt œ 8t sin t Ê Êˆ dx
‰  Š dy
dt ‹ œ
Éa8t cos tb#  a8t sin tb# œ È64t# cos# t  64t# sin# t

Ê Length œ '0
1 Î2 1Î#
œ k8tk œ 8t since 0 Ÿ t Ÿ # 8t dt œ c4t# d ! œ 1#

# #
30. dx
dt œ ˆ sec t" tan t ‰ asec t tan t  sec# tb  cos t œ sec t  cos t and dy
dt œ  sin t Ê Êˆ dx
‰  Š dy
dt ‹

œ Éasec t  cos tb#  asin tb# œ Èsec# t  1 œ Ètan# t œ ktan tk œ tan t since 0 Ÿ t Ÿ 1

Ê Length œ '0 tan t dt œ '0

1 Î3 1 Î3 1Î$ "
sin t
cos t dt œ c ln kcos tkd ! œ  ln #  ln 1 œ ln 2

Éasin tb#  acos tb# œ 1 Ê Area œ ' 21y ds

# #
31. dx
dt œ  sin t and dy
dt œ cos t Ê Êˆ dx
‰  Š dy
dt ‹ œ

œ '0 21a2  sin tba1bdt œ 21 c2t  cos td #!1 œ 21[a41  1b  a0  1b] œ 81#

Ê Area œ ' 21x ds

# # # 1
32. dx
dt œ t"Î# and dy
dt œ t"Î# Ê Êˆ dx
‰  Š dy
dt ‹ œ
Èt  t" œ É t
È3 È3
œ '0 '0
# " 41
21 ˆ 23 t$Î# ‰ É t t dt œ 3 tÈt#  1 dt; cu œ t#  1 Ê du œ 2t dt; t œ 0 Ê u œ 1,

’t œ È3 Ê u œ 4“ Ä '14 231 Èu du œ  491 u$Î# ‘ %" œ 2891

Note: '0 21 ˆ 23 t$Î# ‰ É t
# 1
t dt is an improper integral but limb fatb exists and is equal to 0, where
# "
fatb œ 21 ˆ 23 t$Î# ‰ É t t . Thus the discontinuity is removable: define Fatb œ fatb for t  0 and Fa0b œ 0
Ê '0 Fatb dt œ 281
9 .

# #
33. dx
dt œ 1 and dy
dt œ t  È2 Ê Êˆ dx
‰#  Š dy #
dt ‹ œ Ê1  Št 
È2‹ œ Ét#  2È2 t  3 Ê Area œ ' 21x ds
œ 'cÈ2 21 Št  È2‹ Ét#  2È2 t  3 dt; ’u œ t#  2È2 t  3 Ê du œ Š2t  2È2‹ dt; t œ È2 Ê u œ 1,

’t œ È2 Ê u œ 9“ Ä '1 1Èu du œ  23 1u$Î# ‘ " œ

9 * 21 521
3 a27  1b œ 3

34. From Exercise 30, ʈ dx

‰  Š dy #
dt ‹ œ tan t Ê Area œ
' 21y ds œ '0 # 1 Î3
21 cos t tan t dt œ 21 '0
sin t dt
œ 21 c cos td ! œ 21  "#  (1)‘ œ 1

È2#  1# œ È5 Ê Area œ ' 21y ds œ ' 21at  1bÈ5 dt

# # 1
35. dx
dt œ 2 and dy
dt œ 1 Ê Êˆ dx
‰  Š dy
dt ‹ œ 0

# "
œ 21È5 ’ t2  t“ œ 31È5. Check: slant height is È5 Ê Area is 1a1  2bÈ5 œ 31È5 .

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Section 11.2 Calculus With Parametric Curves 659

Èh#  r# Ê Area œ ' 21y ds œ ' 21rtÈh#  r# dt

# # 1
36. dx
dt œ h and dy
dt œ r Ê Êˆ dx
‰  Š dy
dt ‹ œ 0

œ 21rÈh#  r# '01 t dt œ 21rÈh#  r# ’ t2 “ " œ 1rÈh#  r# . #

Check: slant height is Èh#  r# Ê Area is
1rÈh#  r# .

37. Let the density be $ œ 1. Then x œ cos t  t sin t Ê dx

dt œ t cos t, and y œ sin t  t cos t Ê dy
dt œ t sin t
# #
È(t cos t)#  (t sin t)# œ ktk dt œ t dt since 0 Ÿ t Ÿ 1
Ê dm œ 1 † ds œ ʈ dx
‰  Š dy
dt ‹ dt œ # . The curve's mass is

M œ ' dm œ '0 . Also Mx œ ' µ

y dm œ '0 asin t  t cos tb t dt œ '0 t sin t dt  '0 t# cos t dt
1Î2 1Î2 1Î2 1Î2
t dt œ 8
1Î# 1Î# 1#
œ csin t  t cos td !  ct# sin t  2 sin t  2t cos td ! œ 3 4 , where we integrated by parts. Therefore,
 2. Next, My œ ' µ
x dm œ '0 acos t  t sin tb t dt œ '0 t cos t dt  '0
Š3  ‹ 1 Î2 1 Î2 1Î2
yœ Mx
œ œ 24
t# sin t dt
M #
Š 18 ‹ 1#

1Î# 1Î# 31
œ ccos t  t sin td !  ct# cos t  2 cos t  2t sin td ! œ #  3, again integrating by parts. Hence
My ˆ 3#1  3‰
xœ œ # œ 12
1  24
1# . Therefore axß yb œ ˆ 12
1# ß 24
1#  2 .

M Š 18 ‹

38. Let the density be $ œ 1. Then x œ et cos t Ê dx

dt œ et cos t  et sin t, and y œ et sin t Ê dy
dt œ et sin t  et cos t
# #
Ê dm œ 1 † ds œ ʈ dx
‰  Š dy
dt ‹ dt œ
Éaet cos t  et sin tb#  aet sin t  et cos tb# dt œ È2e2t dt œ È2 et dt.

The curve's mass is M œ ' dm œ '0 È2 et dt œ È2 e1  È2 . Also Mx œ ' µ

y dm œ '0 aet sin tb ŠÈ2 et ‹ dt
1 1

È2 Š e21  " ‹
œ '0 È2 e2t sin t dt œ È2 ’ e5 (2 sin t  cos t)“ œ È2 Š e5  5" ‹ Ê y œ
1 21 1
e21  "
œ œ
5 5
M È 2 e1  È 2 5 ae1  1b .

Next My œ ' µ
x dm œ '0 aet cos tb ŠÈ2 et ‹ dt œ '0 È2 e2t cos t dt œ È2 ’ e5 a2 cos t  sin tb“ œ È2 Š 2e5  25 ‹
1 2t 21 1 1

È2 Š 2e5  52 ‹ 21 21 21
Ê xœ My
M œ È 2 e1  È 2 œ  52eae1  12b . Therefore axß yb œ Š 52eae1  12b ß 5 eae1 11b ‹.

39. Let the density be $ œ 1. Then x œ cos t Ê dx

dt œ  sin t, and y œ t  sin t Ê dy
dt œ 1  cos t
# #
Ê dm œ 1 † ds œ ʈ dx
‰  Š dy
dt ‹ dt œ
Éasin tb#  a1  cos tb# dt œ È2  2 cos t dt. The curve's mass

is M œ ' dm œ '0 È2  2 cos t dt œ È2'0 È1  cos t dt œ È2 '0 É2 cos# ˆ #t ‰ dt œ 2 '0 ¸cos ˆ #t ‰¸ dt

1 1 1 1

œ 2 '0 cos ˆ #t ‰ dt ˆsince 0 Ÿ t Ÿ 1 Ê 0 Ÿ Ÿ 1# ‰ œ 2 2 sin ˆ 2t ‰‘ ! œ 4. Also Mx œ ' µ

1 1
# y dm
œ '0 at  sin tb ˆ2 cos #t ‰ dt œ '0 2t cos ˆ #t ‰ dt  '0 2 sin t cos ˆ #t ‰ dt
1 1 1

1 1 ˆ41  16 ‰
œ 2 4 cos ˆ 2t ‰  2t sin ˆ #t ‰‘ !  2  "3 cos ˆ 3# t‰  cos ˆ "# t‰‘ ! œ 41  16
3 Ê yœ M œ
œ1  43 .
sin ˆ 3# t‰ 1
Next My œ ' µ
x dm œ '0 acos tbˆ2 cos #t ‰ dt œ '0 cos t cos ˆ #t ‰ dt œ 2 ’sin ˆ 2t ‰ 
1 1
3 “ œ 2  32
ˆ 43 ‰ "
. Therefore axß yb œ ˆ 3" ß 1  34 ‰.
œ 4
3 Ê xœ M œ 4 œ 3

40. Let the density be $ œ 1. Then x œ t$ Ê dx
dt œ 3t# , and y œ # Ê dy
dt œ 3t Ê dm œ 1 † ds
# #
œ ʈ dx
‰  Š dy
dt ‹ dt œ
Éa3t# b#  (3t)# dt œ 3 ktk Èt#  1 dt œ 3tÈt#  1 dt since 0 Ÿ t Ÿ È3. The curve's mass
È3 È3 È3
is M œ ' dm œ '0 œ 7. Also Mx œ ' µ
y dm œ '0
$Î# 3t#
3tÈt#  1 dt œ ’at#  1b “ # Š3tÈt#  1‹ dt
œ 9
'0 t$ Èt#  1 dt œ 87
5 œ 17.4 (by computer) Ê y œ Mx
M œ 17.4
7 ¸ 2.49. Next My œ ' µ
x dm

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660 Chapter 11 Parametric Equations and Polar Coordinates
È3 È3
œ '0 t$ † 3t Èat#  1b dt œ 3 '0 t% Èt#  1 dt ¸ 16.4849 (by computer) Ê x œ
M œ 16.4849
7 ¸ 2.35.
Therefore, axß yb ¸ a2.35ß 2.49b.

# #
41. (a) dx
dt œ 2 sin 2t and dy
dt œ 2 cos 2t Ê Êˆ dx
‰  Š dy
dt ‹ œ
Éa2 sin 2tb#  a2 cos 2tb# œ 2

Ê Length œ '0
1Î2 1Î#
2 dt œ c2td ! œ1
# #
(b) dx
dt œ 1 cos 1t and dy
dt œ 1 sin 1t Ê Êˆ dx
‰  Š dy
dt ‹ œ
Éa1 cos 1tb#  a1 sin 1tb# œ 1

Ê Length œ '1Î2 1 dt œ c1td "Î# œ 1

1 Î2 "Î#

42. (a) x œ gayb has the parametrization x œ gayb and y œ y for c Ÿ y Ÿ d Ê dx

dy œ gw ayb and dy
dy œ 1; then

Length œ 'c ÊŠ dy ' ' È1  [gw ayb]# dy

d # # d # d
dy ‹  Š dy ‹ dy œ c Ê1  Š dy ‹ dy œ c
dx dx

4 Î3
œ 32 y1Î2 Ê L œ '0 É1  ˆ 32 y1Î2 ‰# dy œ '
4 Î3 4Î3 3Î2
(b) x œ y3Î2 , 0 Ÿ y Ÿ 4
3 Ê dx
dy 0
É1  94 y dy œ ” 49 † 23 ˆ1  94 y‰ •
3 Î2 3Î2
œ 8
27 a4b  8
27 a1b œ 56

œ y1Î3 Ê L œ '0 É1  ay1Î3 b dy œ '0 É1  'a1 É y yÎ Î 1 dy

# 1 1
(c) x œ 32 y2Î3 , 0 Ÿ y Ÿ 1 Ê
2 3
dy œ lim 2 3
a Ä0
œ lim 3
'a1 ˆy2Î3  1‰1Î2 ˆ 23 y1Î3 ‰ dy œ 3 Î2 3Î2
lim ” 32 † 23 ˆy2Î3  1‰ • œ lim Ša2b3Î2  ˆa2Î3  1‰ ‹ œ 2È2  1
a Ä0 a Ä0 a Ä0 a

43. x œ a1  2 sin )bcos ), y œ a1  2 sin )bsin ) Ê d) œ 2cos )  sin )a1

dx 2
 2 sin )b, dy
d) œ 2cos ) sin )  cos )a1  2 sin )b
2cos ) sin )  cos )a1  2 sin )b 4cos ) sin )  cos ) 2 sin 2)  cos )
Ê dy
dx œ 2cos2 )  sin )a1  2 sin )b œ 2cos2 )  2sin2 )  sin ) œ 2 cos 2)  sin )

2 sina2a0bb  cosa0b 01

(a) x œ a1  2 sina0bbcosa0b œ 1, y œ a1  2 sina0bbsina0b œ 0; dy
dx º œ 2 cosa2a0bb  sina0b œ 20 œ 1
2 sinˆ2ˆ 1# ‰‰  cosˆ 1# ‰
(b) x œ ˆ1  2 sinˆ 1# ‰‰cosˆ 1# ‰ œ 0, y œ ˆ1  2 sinˆ 1# ‰‰sinˆ 1# ‰ œ 3; dy
dx º œ 2 cosˆ2ˆ 1# ‰‰  sinˆ 1# ‰
œ 00
2  1 œ0
È3  1 3  È3 2 sinˆ2ˆ 431 ‰‰  cosˆ 431 ‰
(c) x œ ˆ1  2 sinˆ 431 ‰‰cosˆ 431 ‰ œ 2 , y œ ˆ1  2 sinˆ 431 ‰‰sinˆ 431 ‰ œ 2 ; dy
dx º œ 2 cosˆ2ˆ 431 ‰‰  sinˆ 431 ‰
È3  1 2È 3  1
œ È23 œ È3  2 œ Š4  3È3‹
1  2

d2 y
44. x œ t, y œ 1  cos t, 0 Ÿ t Ÿ 21 Ê dx
dt œ 1, dy
dt œ sin t Ê dy
dx œ sin t
1 œ sin t Ê d dy
dt Š dx ‹ œ cos t Ê dx2 œ cos t
1 œ cos t. The
d2 y
maximum and minimum slope will occur at points that maximize/minimize dy
dx , in other words, points where dx2 œ0
1 31 d2 y
Ê cos t œ 0 Ê t œ 2 or t œ 2 Ê dx2 œ  ±    ± 
1 Î2 31Î2

(a) the maximum slope is dy

dx º œ sinˆ 12 ‰ œ 1, which occurs at x œ 12 , y œ 1  cosˆ 12 ‰ œ 1

(a) the minimum slope is dy

dx º œ sinˆ 321 ‰ œ 1, which occurs at x œ 31
2 , y œ 1  cosˆ 321 ‰ œ 1

2 a2 cos# t  1b 2 a2 cos# t  1b
45. dx
dt œ cos t and dy
dt œ 2 cos 2t Ê dy
dx œ dy/dt
dx/dt œ 2 cos 2t
cos t œ cos t ; then dy
dx œ0 Ê cos t œ0
" 1 31 51 71 1 1 È2
Ê 2 cos# t  1 œ 0 Ê cos t œ „ È2 Ê tœ 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 . In the 1st quadrant: t œ 4 Ê x œ sin 4 œ # and
y œ sin 2 ˆ 14 ‰ œ 1 Ê Š # ß 1‹ is the point where the tangent line is horizontal. At the origin: x œ 0 and y œ 0

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Addison-Wesley.

Section 11.2 Calculus With Parametric Curves 661
1 31
Ê sin t œ 0 Ê t œ 0 or t œ 1 and sin 2t œ 0 Ê t œ 0, # , 1, # ; thus t œ 0 and t œ 1 give the tangent lines at
the origin. Tangents at origin: dy
dx ¹ tœ0 œ 2 Ê y œ 2x and dx ¹ tœ1 œ 2 Ê y œ 2x

3(cos 2t cos t  sin 2t sin t)

46. dx
dt œ 2 cos 2t and dy
dt œ 3 cos 3t Ê dy
dx œ dy/dt
dx/dt œ 3 cos 3t
2 cos 2t œ 2 a2 cos# t1b
3 ca2 cos# t  1b (cos t)  2 sin t cos t sin td (3 cos t) a2 cos# t  1  2 sin# tb (3 cos t) a4 cos# t  3b
œ 2 a2 cos# t  1b œ 2 a2 cos# t  1b œ 2 a2 cos# t  1b ; then
(3 cos t) a4 cos# t3b 1 31
dx œ0 Ê 2 a2 cos# t  1b œ 0 Ê 3 cos t œ 0 or 4 cos# t  3 œ 0: 3 cos t œ 0 Ê t œ # , # and
È3 1 51 71 111 1 È3
4 cos# t  3 œ 0 Ê cos t œ „ # Ê tœ 6 , 6 , 6 , 6 . In the 1st quadrant: t œ 6 Ê x œ sin 2 ˆ 16 ‰ œ #
and y œ sin 3 ˆ 16 ‰ œ 1 Ê Š # ß 1‹ is the point where the graph has a horizontal tangent. At the origin: x œ 0
1 31 1 21 41 51
and y œ 0 Ê sin 2t œ 0 and sin 3t œ 0 Ê t œ 0, # , 1, # and t œ 0, 3 , 3 , 1, 3 , 3 Ê t œ 0 and t œ 1 give
the tangent lines at the origin. Tangents at the origin: dy
dx ¹ tœ0 œ 3 cos 0
2 cos 0 œ 3
# Ê yœ 3
# x, and dy
dx ¹ tœ1
3 cos (31)
œ 2 cos (21) œ  3# Ê y œ  3# x

47. (a) x œ aat  sin tb, y œ aa1  cos tb, 0 Ÿ t Ÿ 21 Ê dx

dt œ aa1  cos tb, dy
dt œ a sin t Ê Length

œ '0 Éaaa1  cos tbb#  aa sin tb# dt œ '0 Èa#  2a# cos t  a# cos# t  a# sin# t dt
21 21

œ aÈ2'0 È1  cos t dt œ aÈ2'0 É2 sin2 ˆ 2t ‰ dt œ 2a'0 sinˆ 2t ‰ dt œ ’4a cosˆ 2t ‰“

21 21 21 21

œ 4a cos 1  4a cosa0b œ 8a
(b) a œ 1 Ê x œ t  sin t, y œ 1  cos t, 0 Ÿ t Ÿ 21 Ê dx
dt œ 1  cos t, dy
dt œ sin t Ê Surface area œ

œ '0 21a1  cos tbÉa1  cos tb#  asin tb# dt œ '0 21a1  cos tbÈ1  2 cos t  cos# t  sin# t dt
21 21

œ 21'0 a1  cos tbÈ2  2 cos t dt œ 2È21'0 a1  cos tb3Î2 dt œ 2È21'0 ˆ1  cos ˆ2 † 2t ‰‰ dt

21 21
3 Î2 21

œ 2È21'0 ˆ2 sin2 ˆ 2t ‰‰ dt œ 81'0 sin3 ˆ 2t ‰ dt

21 3 Î2 21

’u œ t
2 Ê du œ 12 dt Ê dt œ 2 du; t œ 0 Ê u œ 0, t œ 21 Ê u œ 1“

œ 161'0 sin3 u du œ 161'0 sin2 u sin u du œ 161'0 a1  cos2 u bsin u du œ 161'0 sin u du  161'0 cos2 u sin u du
1 1 1 1 1

161 161 ‰ 161 ‰ 641
œ ’161cos u  3
3 cos u“0 œ ˆ161  3  ˆ161  3 œ 3

48. x œ t  sin t, y œ 1  cos t, 0 Ÿ t Ÿ 21; Volume œ '0 1 y2 dx œ '0 1a1  cos tb2 a1  cos tbdt
21 21

œ 1'0 a1  3cos t  3cos2 t  cos3 tbdt œ 1'0 ˆ1  3cos t  3ˆ 1  cos

21 21
2t ‰
 cos2 t cos t‰dt

œ 1'0 ˆ 52  3cos t  32 cos 2t  a1  sin2 tb cos t‰dt œ 1'0 ˆ 52  4cos t  32 cos 2t  sin2 t cos t‰dt
21 21

œ 1’ 52 t  4sin t  34 sin 2t  31 sin3 t “ œ 1a51  0  0  0b  0 œ 512

47-50. Example CAS commands:

with( plots );
with( student );
x := t -> t^3/3;
y := t -> t^2/2;
a := 0;
b := 1;
N := [2, 4, 8 ];
for n in N do
Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Addison-Wesley.
662 Chapter 11 Parametric Equations and Polar Coordinates

tt := [seq( a+i*(b-a)/n, i=0..n )];

pts := [seq([x(t),y(t)],t=tt)];
L := simplify(add( student[distance](pts[i+1],pts[i]), i=1..n )); # (b)
T := sprintf("#47(a) (Section 11.2)\nn=%3d L=%8.5f\n", n, L );
P[n] := plot( [[x(t),y(t),t=a..b],pts], title=T ): # (a)
end do:
display( [seq(P[n],n=N)], insequence=true );
ds := t ->sqrt( simplify(D(x)(t)^2 + D(y)(t)^2) ): # (c)
L := Int( ds(t), t=a..b ):
L = evalf(L);


1. a, e; b, g; c, h; d, f 2. a, f; b, h; c, g; d, e

3. (a) ˆ2ß 1#  2n1‰ and ˆ2ß 1#  (2n  1)1‰ , n an integer

(b) (#ß 2n1) and (#ß (2n  1)1), n an integer
(c) ˆ2ß 3#1  2n1‰ and ˆ2ß 3#1  (2n  1)1‰ , n an integer
(d) (#ß (2n  1)1) and (#ß 2n1), n an integer

4. (a) ˆ3ß 14  2n1‰ and ˆ3ß 541  2n1‰ , n an integer

(b) ˆ3ß 14  2n1‰ and ˆ3ß 541  2n1‰ , n an integer
(c) ˆ3ß  14  2n1‰ and ˆ3ß 341  2n1‰ , n an integer
(d) ˆ3ß  14  2n1‰ and ˆ3ß 341  2n1‰ , n an integer

5. (a) x œ r cos ) œ 3 cos 0 œ 3, y œ r sin ) œ 3 sin 0 œ 0 Ê Cartesian coordinates are ($ß 0)

(b) x œ r cos ) œ 3 cos 0 œ 3, y œ r sin ) œ 3 sin 0 œ 0 Ê Cartesian coordinates are ($ß 0)
(c) x œ r cos ) œ 2 cos 21 œ 1, y œ r sin ) œ 2 sin 21 œ È3 Ê Cartesian coordinates are Š1ß È3‹
3 3

71 71
(d) x œ r cos ) œ 2 cos 3 œ 1, y œ r sin ) œ 2 sin 3 œ È3 Ê Cartesian coordinates are Š1ß È3‹
(e) x œ r cos ) œ 3 cos 1 œ 3, y œ r sin ) œ 3 sin 1 œ 0 Ê Cartesian coordinates are (3ß 0)
(f) x œ r cos ) œ 2 cos 1 œ 1, y œ r sin ) œ 2 sin 1 œ È3 Ê Cartesian coordinates are Š1ß È3‹
3 3

(g) x œ r cos ) œ 3 cos 21 œ 3, y œ r sin ) œ 3 sin 21 œ 0 Ê Cartesian coordinates are (3ß 0)
(h) x œ r cos ) œ 2 cos ˆ 1 ‰ œ 1, y œ r sin ) œ 2 sin ˆ 1 ‰ œ È3 Ê Cartesian coordinates are Š1ß È3‹
3 3

1 1
6. (a) x œ È2 cos 4 œ 1, y œ È2 sin 4 œ 1 Ê Cartesian coordinates are (1ß 1)
(b) x œ 1 cos 0 œ 1, y œ 1 sin 0 œ 0 Ê Cartesian coordinates are (1ß 0)
(c) x œ 0 cos 1# œ 0, y œ 0 sin 1# œ 0 Ê Cartesian coordinates are (!ß 0)
(d) x œ È2 cos ˆ 1 ‰ œ 1, y œ È2 sin ˆ 1 ‰ œ 1 Ê Cartesian coordinates are (1ß 1)
4 4
51 3È 3 51 È
(e) x œ 3 cos 6 œ 2 , y œ 3 sin 6 œ  3# Ê Cartesian coordinates are Š 3 # 3 ß  3# ‹
(f) x œ 5 cos ˆtan" 43 ‰ œ 3, y œ 5 sin ˆtan" 43 ‰ œ 4 Ê Cartesian coordinates are ($ß 4)
Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Addison-Wesley.
Section 11.3 Polar Coordinates 663

(g) x œ 1 cos 71 œ 1, y œ 1 sin 71 œ 0 Ê Cartesian coordinates are (1ß 0)

(h) x œ 2È3 cos 231 œ È3, y œ 2È3 sin 231 œ 3 Ê Cartesian coordinates are ŠÈ3ß 3‹

7. (a) a1, 1b Ê r œ È12  12 œ È2, sin ) œ 1
È2 and cos ) œ 1
È2 Ê)œ 4 Ê Polar coordinates are ŠÈ2, 14 ‹

(b) a3, 0b Ê r œ Éa3b2  02 œ 3, sin ) œ 0 and cos ) œ 1 Ê ) œ 1 Ê Polar coordinates are a3, 1b
2 È3 111 111 ‰
(c) ŠÈ3, 1‹ Ê r œ ÊŠÈ3‹  a1b2 œ 2, sin ) œ  12 and cos ) œ 2 Ê)œ 6 Ê Polar coordinates are ˆ2, 6

(d) a3, 4b Ê r œ Éa3b2  42 œ 5, sin ) œ 4

5 and cos ) œ  35 Ê ) œ 1  arctanˆ 43 ‰ Ê Polar coordinates are
ˆ5, 1  arctanˆ 43 ‰‰

8. (a) a2, 2b Ê r œ Éa2b2  a2b2 œ 2È2, sin ) œ  È12 and cos ) œ  È12 Ê ) œ  341 Ê Polar coordinates are

Š2È2,  341 ‹
(b) a0, 3b Ê r œ È02  32 œ 3, sin ) œ 1 and cos ) œ 0 Ê ) œ 2 Ê Polar coordinates are ˆ3, 12 ‰
2 È3 51 51 ‰
(c) ŠÈ3, 1‹ Ê r œ ÊŠÈ3‹  12 œ 2, sin ) œ 1
2 and cos ) œ  2 Ê)œ 6 Ê Polar coordinates are ˆ2, 6

(d) a5, 12b Ê r œ É52  a12b2 œ 13, sin ) œ  12

13 and cos ) œ
12 Ê ) œ arctanˆ 12
5 Ê Polar coordinates are

ˆ13, arctanˆ 12

9. (a) a3, 3b Ê r œ È32  32 œ 3È2, sin ) œ  È1 and cos ) œ  È1 Ê ) œ 4 Ê Polar coordinates are
2 2
Š3È2, 4 ‹

(b) a1, 0b Ê r œ Éa1b2  02 œ 1, sin ) œ 0 and cos ) œ 1 Ê ) œ 0 Ê Polar coordinates are a1, 0b
2 È3 51
(c) Š1, È3‹ Ê r œ Êa1b2  ŠÈ3‹ œ 2, sin ) œ  2 and cos ) œ 1
2 Ê)œ 3 Ê Polar coordinates are
ˆ2, 51 ‰

(d) a4, 3b Ê r œ É42  a3b2 œ 5, sin ) œ 3

5 and cos ) œ  45 Ê ) œ 1  arctanˆ 34 ‰ Ê Polar coordinates are
ˆ5, 1  arctanˆ 43 ‰‰

10. (a) a2, 0b Ê r œ Éa2b2  02 œ 2, sin ) œ 0 and cos ) œ 1 Ê ) œ 0 Ê Polar coordinates are a2, 0b
(b) a1, 0b Ê r œ È12  02 œ 1, sin ) œ 0 and cos ) œ 1 Ê ) œ 1 or ) œ 1 Ê Polar coordinates are a1, 1b or
a1, 1b
(c) a0, 3b Ê r œ É02  a3b2 œ 3, sin ) œ 1 and cos ) œ 0 Ê ) œ 2 Ê Polar coordinates are ˆ3, 12 ‰
È3 1 È3 2 2 È3 71
(d) Š 2 , 2‹ Ê r œ ÊŠ 2 ‹  ˆ 12 ‰ œ 1, sin ) œ  12 and cos ) œ  2 Ê)œ 6 or ) œ  561 Ê Polar coordinates
71 ‰
are ˆ1, 6 or ˆ1,  561 ‰

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664 Chapter 11 Parametric Equations and Polar Coordinates

11. 12. 13.

14. 15. 16.

17. 18. 19.

20. 21. 22.

23. 24. 25.

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Section 11.3 Polar Coordinates 665


27. r cos ) œ 2 Ê x œ 2, vertical line through (#ß 0) 28. r sin ) œ 1 Ê y œ 1, horizontal line through (0ß 1)

29. r sin ) œ 0 Ê y œ 0, the x-axis 30. r cos ) œ 0 Ê x œ 0, the y-axis

31. r œ 4 csc ) Ê r œ 4
sin ) Ê r sin ) œ 4 Ê y œ 4, a horizontal line through (0ß 4)

32. r œ 3 sec ) Ê r œ cos ) Ê r cos ) œ 3 Ê x œ 3, a vertical line through (3ß 0)

33. r cos )  r sin ) œ 1 Ê x  y œ 1, line with slope m œ 1 and intercept b œ 1

34. r sin ) œ r cos ) Ê y œ x, line with slope m œ 1 and intercept b œ 0

35. r# œ 1 Ê x#  y# œ 1, circle with center C œ (!ß 0) and radius 1

36. r# œ 4r sin ) Ê x#  y# œ 4y Ê x#  y#  4y  4 œ 4 Ê x#  (y  2)# œ 4, circle with center C œ (0ß 2) and radius 2

37. r œ 5
sin )2 cos ) Ê r sin )  2r cos ) œ 5 Ê y  2x œ 5, line with slope m œ 2 and intercept b œ 5

38. r# sin 2) œ 2 Ê 2r# sin ) cos ) œ 2 Ê (r sin ))(r cos )) œ 1 Ê xy œ 1, hyperbola with focal axis y œ x

)‰ˆ " ‰
39. r œ cot ) csc ) œ ˆ cos
sin ) sin ) Ê r sin# ) œ cos ) Ê r# sin# ) œ r cos ) Ê y# œ x, parabola with vertex (0ß 0)
which opens to the right

sin ) ‰
40. r œ 4 tan ) sec ) Ê r œ 4 ˆ cos #) Ê r cos# ) œ 4 sin ) Ê r# cos# ) œ 4r sin ) Ê x# œ 4y, parabola with
vertex œ (!ß 0) which opens upward

41. r œ (csc )) er cos ) Ê r sin ) œ er cos ) Ê y œ ex , graph of the natural exponential function

42. r sin ) œ ln r  ln cos ) œ ln (r cos )) Ê y œ ln x, graph of the natural logarithm function

43. r#  2r# cos ) sin ) œ 1 Ê x#  y#  2xy œ 1 Ê x#  2xy  y# œ 1 Ê (x  y)# œ 1 Ê x  y œ „ 1, two parallel

straight lines of slope 1 and y-intercepts b œ „ 1

44. cos# ) œ sin# ) Ê r# cos# ) œ r# sin# ) Ê x# œ y# Ê kxk œ kyk Ê „ x œ y, two perpendicular

lines through the origin with slopes 1 and 1, respectively.

45. r# œ 4r cos ) Ê x#  y# œ 4x Ê x#  4x  y# œ 0 Ê x#  4x  4  y# œ 4 Ê (x  2)#  y# œ 4, a circle with

center C(2ß 0) and radius 2

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666 Chapter 11 Parametric Equations and Polar Coordinates

46. r# œ 6r sin ) Ê x#  y# œ 6y Ê x#  y#  6y œ 0 Ê x#  y#  6y  9 œ 9 Ê x#  (y  3)# œ 9, a circle with

center C(0ß 3) and radius 3

47. r œ 8 sin ) Ê r# œ 8r sin ) Ê x#  y# œ 8y Ê x#  y#  8y œ 0 Ê x#  y#  8y  16 œ 16 Ê x#  (y  4)# œ 16, a

circle with center C(0ß 4) and radius 4

48. r œ 3 cos ) Ê r# œ 3r cos ) Ê x#  y# œ 3x Ê x#  y#  3x œ 0 Ê x#  3x  9

4  y# œ 9
Ê ˆx  3# ‰  y# œ 9
4 , a circle with center C ˆ 3# ß !‰ and radius 3

49. r œ 2 cos )  2 sin ) Ê r# œ 2r cos )  2r sin ) Ê x#  y# œ 2x  2y Ê x#  2x  y#  2y œ 0

Ê (x  1)#  (y  1)# œ 2, a circle with center C(1ß 1) and radius È2

50. r œ 2 cos )  sin ) Ê r# œ 2r cos )  r sin ) Ê x#  y# œ 2x  y Ê x#  2x  y#  y œ 0

# È5
Ê (x  1)#  ˆy  "# ‰ œ 54 , a circle with center C ˆ1ß  "# ‰ and radius #

È È3
51. r sin ˆ)  16 ‰ œ 2 Ê r ˆsin ) cos 16  cos ) sin 16 ‰ œ 2 Ê #3 r sin )  "# r cos ) œ 2 Ê # y  "# x œ 2
Ê È3 y  x œ 4, line with slope m œ  " and intercept b œ 4
È3 È3

È È3
52. r sin ˆ 231  )‰ œ 5 Ê r ˆsin 231 cos )  cos 231 sin )‰ œ 5 Ê #3 r cos )  "# r sin ) œ 5 Ê # x  "# y œ 5
Ê È3 x  y œ 10, line with slope m œ È3 and intercept b œ 10

53. x œ 7 Ê r cos ) œ 7 54. y œ 1 Ê r sin ) œ 1

55. x œ y Ê r cos ) œ r sin ) Ê ) œ 4 56. x  y œ 3 Ê r cos )  r sin ) œ 3

57. x#  y# œ 4 Ê r# œ 4 Ê r œ 2 or r œ 2

58. x#  y# œ 1 Ê r# cos# )  r# sin# ) œ 1 Ê r# acos# )  sin# )b œ 1 Ê r# cos 2) œ 1

x# y#
59. 9  4 œ 1 Ê 4x#  9y# œ 36 Ê 4r# cos# )  9r# sin# ) œ 36

60. xy œ 2 Ê (r cos ))(r sin )) œ 2 Ê r# cos ) sin ) œ 2 Ê 2r# cos ) sin ) œ 4 Ê r# sin 2) œ 4

61. y# œ 4x Ê r# sin# ) œ 4r cos ) Ê r sin# ) œ 4 cos )

62. x#  xy  y# œ 1 Ê x#  y#  xy œ 1 Ê r#  r# sin ) cos ) œ 1 Ê r# (1  sin ) cos )) œ 1

63. x#  (y  2)# œ 4 Ê x#  y#  4y  4 œ 4 Ê x#  y# œ 4y Ê r# œ 4r sin ) Ê r œ 4 sin )

64. (x  5)#  y# œ 25 Ê x#  10x  25  y# œ 25 Ê x#  y# œ 10x Ê r# œ 10r cos ) Ê r œ 10 cos )

65. (x  3)#  (y  1)# œ 4 Ê x#  6x  9  y#  2y  1 œ 4 Ê x#  y# œ 6x  2y  6 Ê r# œ 6r cos )  2r sin )  6

66. (x  2)#  (y  5)# œ 16 Ê x#  4x  4  y#  10y  25 œ 16 Ê x#  y# œ 4x  10y  13

Ê r# œ 4r cos )  10r sin )  13

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Section 11.4 Graphing in Polar Coordinates 667

67. (!ß )) where ) is any angle

68. (a) x œ a Ê r cos ) œ a Ê r œ a

cos ) Ê r œ a sec )
(b) y œ b Ê r sin ) œ b Ê r œ b
sin ) Ê r œ b csc )


1. 1  cos ()) œ 1  cos ) œ r Ê symmetric about the

x-axis; 1  cos ()) Á r and 1  cos (1  ))
œ 1  cos ) Á r Ê not symmetric about the y-axis;
therefore not symmetric about the origin

2. 2  2 cos ()) œ 2  2 cos ) œ r Ê symmetric about the

x-axis; 2  # cos ()) Á r and 2  2 cos (1  ))
œ 2  2 cos ) Á r Ê not symmetric about the y-axis;
therefore not symmetric about the origin

3. 1  sin ()) œ 1  sin ) Á r and 1  sin (1  ))

œ 1  sin ) Á r Ê not symmetric about the x-axis;
1  sin (1  )) œ 1  sin ) œ r Ê symmetric about
the y-axis; therefore not symmetric about the origin

4. 1  sin ()) œ 1  sin ) Á r and 1  sin (1  ))

œ 1  sin ) Á r Ê not symmetric about the x-axis;
1  sin (1  )) œ 1  sin ) œ r Ê symmetric about the
y-axis; therefore not symmetric about the origin

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668 Chapter 11 Parametric Equatins and Polar Coordinates

5. 2  sin ()) œ 2  sin ) Á r and 2  sin (1  ))

œ 2  sin ) Á r Ê not symmetric about the x-axis;
2  sin (1  )) œ 2  sin ) œ r Ê symmetric about the
y-axis; therefore not symmetric about the origin

6. 1  2 sin ()) œ 1  2 sin ) Á r and 1  2 sin (1  ))

œ 1  2 sin ) Á r Ê not symmetric about the x-axis;
1  2 sin (1  )) œ 1  2 sin ) œ r Ê symmetric about the
y-axis; therefore not symmetric about the origin

7. sin ˆ #) ‰ œ  sin ˆ #) ‰ œ r Ê symmetric about the y-axis;

sin ˆ 21#) ‰ œ sin ˆ 2) ‰ , so the graph is symmetric about the
x-axis, and hence the origin.

8. cos ˆ #) ‰ œ cos ˆ #) ‰ œ r Ê symmetric about the x-axis;

cos ˆ 21#) ‰ œ cos ˆ 2) ‰ , so the graph is symmetric about the
y-axis, and hence the origin.

9. cos ()) œ cos ) œ r# Ê (rß )) and (rß )) are on the
graph when (rß )) is on the graph Ê symmetric about the
x-axis and the y-axis; therefore symmetric about the origin

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Section 11.4 Graphing in Polar Coordinates 669

10. sin (1  )) œ sin ) œ r# Ê (rß 1  )) and (rß 1  )) are on

the graph when (rß )) is on the graph Ê symmetric about
the y-axis and the x-axis; therefore symmetric about the

11.  sin (1  )) œ  sin ) œ r# Ê (rß 1  )) and (rß 1  ))

are on the graph when (rß )) is on the graph Ê symmetric
about the y-axis and the x-axis; therefore symmetric about
the origin

12.  cos ()) œ  cos ) œ r# Ê (rß )) and (rß )) are on
the graph when (rß )) is on the graph Ê symmetric about
the x-axis and the y-axis; therefore symmetric about the

13. Since a „ rß )b are on the graph when (rß )) is on the graph
ˆa „ rb# œ 4 cos 2( )) Ê r# œ 4 cos 2)‰ , the graph is
symmetric about the x-axis and the y-axis Ê the graph is
symmetric about the origin

14. Since (rß )) on the graph Ê (rß )) is on the graph

ˆa „ rb# œ 4 sin 2) Ê r# œ 4 sin 2)‰ , the graph is
symmetric about the origin. But 4 sin 2()) œ 4 sin 2)
Á r# and 4 sin 2(1  )) œ 4 sin (21  2)) œ 4 sin (2))
œ 4 sin 2) Á r# Ê the graph is not symmetric about
the x-axis; therefore the graph is not symmetric about
the y-axis

15. Since (rß )) on the graph Ê (rß )) is on the graph

ˆa „ rb# œ  sin 2) Ê r# œ  sin 2)‰ , the graph is
symmetric about the origin. But  sin 2()) œ ( sin 2))
sin 2) Á r# and  sin 2(1  )) œ  sin (21  2))
œ  sin (2)) œ ( sin 2)) œ sin 2) Á r# Ê the graph
is not symmetric about the x-axis; therefore the graph is
not symmetric about the y-axis

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670 Chapter 11 Parametric Equatins and Polar Coordinates

16. Sincea „ rß )b are on the graph when (rß )) is on the

graph ˆa „ rb# œ  cos 2()) Ê r# œ  cos 2)‰, the
graph is symmetric about the x-axis and the y-axis Ê the
graph is symmetric about the origin.

17. ) œ Ê r œ 1 Ê ˆ1ß 1# ‰ , and ) œ  1# Ê r œ 1
Ê ˆ1ß  1# ‰ ; rw œ ddr) œ  sin ); Slope œ rrw sin )r cos )
cos )r sin )
 sin# )r cos )
œ  sin ) cos )r sin ) Ê Slope at ˆ1ß 1# ‰ is
 sin# ˆ 1# ‰(1) cos 1#
 sin 1# cos 1# (1) sin 1#
œ 1; Slope at ˆ1ß  1# ‰ is
 sin# ˆ 1# ‰(1) cos ˆ 1# ‰
 sin ˆ 1# ‰ cos ˆ 1# ‰(1) sin ˆ 1# ‰

18. ) œ 0 Ê r œ 1 Ê ("ß 0), and ) œ 1 Ê r œ 1

Ê ("ß 1); rw œ d)
œ cos );
rw sin )r cos ) cos ) sin )r cos )
Slope œ rw cos )r sin ) œ cos ) cos )r sin )
cos ) sin )r cos ) 0 sin 0(1) cos 0
œ cos# )r sin ) Ê Slope at ("ß 0) is coscos # 0(1) sin 0

cos 1 sin 1(1) cos 1

œ 1; Slope at ("ß 1) is cos# 1(1) sin 1 œ 1

19. ) œ Ê r œ 1 Ê ˆ"ß 14 ‰ ; ) œ  14 Ê r œ 1
Ê ˆ1ß  14 ‰ ; ) œ 341 Ê r œ 1 Ê ˆ"ß 341 ‰ ;
) œ  341 Ê r œ 1 Ê ˆ1ß  341 ‰ ;
rw œ dr
d) œ 2 cos 2);
r sin )r cos ) 2 cos 2) sin )r cos )
Slope œ œ

r cos )r sin )

2 cos 2) cos )r sin )
2 cos ˆ 1# ‰ sin ˆ 14 ‰(1) cos ˆ 14 ‰
Ê Slope at ˆ1ß 14 ‰ is 2 cos ˆ 1 ‰ cos ˆ 1 ‰(1) sin ˆ 1 ‰
œ 1;
# 4 4

2 cos ˆ 1# ‰ sin ˆ 14 ‰(1) cos ˆ 14 ‰

Slope at ˆ1ß  14 ‰ is 2 cos ˆ 1# ‰ cos ˆ 14 ‰(1) sin ˆ 14 ‰
œ 1;
2 cos Š 3#1 ‹ sin Š 341 ‹(1) cos Š 341 ‹
Slope at ˆ1ß 341 ‰ is œ 1;
2 cos Š 3#1 ‹ cos Š 341 ‹(1) sin Š 341 ‹

2 cos Š 3#1 ‹ sin Š 341 ‹(1) cos Š 341 ‹

Slope at ˆ1ß  341 ‰ is œ 1
2 cos Š 3#1 ‹ cos Š 341 ‹(1) sin Š 341 ‹

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Section 11.4 Graphing in Polar Coordinates 671

20. ) œ 0 Ê r œ 1 Ê (1ß 0); ) œ 12 Ê r œ 1 Ê ˆ1ß 12 ‰ ;

) œ  1# Ê r œ 1 Ê ˆ"ß  12 ‰ ; ) œ 1 Ê r œ 1
Ê (1ß 1); rw œ d) œ 2 sin 2);

)r cos ) 2 sin 2) sin )r cos )

Slope œ rr sin
cos )r sin ) œ 2 sin 2) cos )r sin )

Ê Slope at (1ß 0) is  2 sin 0 sin 0cos 0

2 sin 0 cos 0sin 0 , which is undefined;
2 sin 2 ˆ 1 ‰ sin ˆ 1 ‰(1) cos ˆ 1 ‰
Slope at ˆ1ß 12 ‰ is 2 sin 2 ˆ 12 ‰ cos ˆ21 ‰(1) sin ˆ 21 ‰ œ 0;
2 2 2

2 sin 2 ˆ 1# ‰ sin ˆ 1# ‰(1) cos ˆ 1# ‰

Slope at ˆ1ß  12 ‰ is 2 sin 2 ˆ 1 ‰ cos ˆ 1 ‰(1) sin ˆ 1 ‰
œ 0;
# # #
2 sin 21 sin 1cos 1
Slope at ("ß 1) is 2 sin 21 cos 1sin 1 , which is undefined

21. (a) (b)

22. (a) (b)

23. (a) (b)

24. (a) (b)

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672 Chapter 11 Parametric Equatins and Polar Coordinates


26. r œ 2 sec ) Ê r œ 2
cos ) Ê r cos ) œ 2 Ê x œ 2

27. 28.

29. Note that (rß )) and (rß )  1) describe the same point in the plane. Then r œ 1  cos ) Í 1  cos ()  1)
œ 1  (cos ) cos 1  sin ) sin 1) œ 1  cos ) œ (1  cos )) œ r; therefore (rß )) is on the graph of
r œ 1  cos ) Í (rß )  1) is on the graph of r œ 1  cos ) Ê the answer is (a).

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Section 11.4 Graphing in Polar Coordinates 673

30. Note that (rß )) and (rß )  1) describe the same point in the plane. Then r œ cos 2) Í  sin ˆ2()  1))  1# ‰
œ  sin ˆ2)  5#1 ‰ œ  sin (2)) cos ˆ 5#1 ‰  cos (2)) sin ˆ 5#1 ‰ œ  cos 2) œ r; therefore (rß )) is on the graph of
r œ  sin ˆ2)  1# ‰ Ê the answer is (a).

31. 32.

33. (a) (b) (c) (d)

34. (a) (b) (c)

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674 Chapter 11 Parametric Equatins and Polar Coordinates

(d) (e)


1. A œ '0 "# )# d) œ  16 )3 ‘ ! œ
1 1 13

2. A œ '1Î4 "# a2 sin )b# d) œ 2'1Î4 sin2 ) d) œ 2'1Î4 d) œ '1Î4 a1  cos 2)bd) œ )  21 sin 2)‘1Î4
1Î2 1Î2 1Î2 1Î2 1 Î2
1  cos 2)

œ ˆ 12  0‰  ˆ 14  12 ‰ œ 1
4  1

3. A œ '0 (4  2 cos ))# d) œ '0 a16  16 cos )  4 cos# )b d) œ '0 8  8 cos )  2 ˆ 1  cos
21 21 21
" " 2 ) ‰‘
# # # d)

œ '0 (9  8 cos )  cos 2)) d) œ 9)  8 sin ) 

21 #1
2 sin 2)‘ ! œ 181

4. A œ '0 œ '0 '021 ˆ1  2 cos )  1  cos

21 21
" # " " 2) ‰
# [a(1  cos ))] d) # a# a1  2 cos )  cos# )b d) œ # a# # d)

œ "
# a# ' 0
ˆ #3  2 cos )  "# cos 2)‰ d) œ "
# a#  3# )  2 sin )  "
4 sin 2)‘ ! œ
#1 3
# 1a#

5. A œ 2 '0 cos# 2) d) œ '0

1 Î4 1 Î4
" 1  cos 4) " sin 4) ‘ 1Î% 1
# # d) œ #
)  4 !
œ 8

6. A œ '1Î6 ' 11ÎÎ66 '11ÎÎ66 '11ÎÎ66

1 Î6
" " " 1  cos 6) "
# acos 3)b2 d) œ # cos2 3) d) œ # 2 d) œ 4 a1  cos 6)b d)

œ 4" )  ‘ 1Î6
6 sin 6) 1Î6
œ 4" ˆ 16  0‰  4" ˆ 16  0‰ œ 1

7. A œ '0 (4 sin 2)) d) œ '0

1Î2 1Î2
" 1Î#
# 2 sin 2) d) œ c cos 2)d ! œ2

8. A œ (6)(2)'0 (2 sin 3)) d) œ 12 '0 sin 3) d) œ 12  cos3 3) ‘ !

1Î6 1Î6 1Î'
# œ4

9. r œ 2 cos ) and r œ 2 sin ) Ê 2 cos ) œ 2 sin )

Ê cos ) œ sin ) Ê ) œ 14 ; therefore
A œ 2 '0 (2 sin ))# d) œ '0
1Î4 1Î4
# 4 sin# ) d)

œ '0 d) œ '0
1Î4 1Î4
4 ˆ 1  cos
2) ‰
(2  2 cos 2)) d)
1Î% 1
œ c2)  sin 2) d ! œ # 1

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Section 11.5 Area and Lengths in Polar Coordinates 675
10. r œ 1 and r œ 2 sin ) Ê 2 sin ) œ 1 Ê sin ) œ #
1 51
Ê )œ 6 or 6 ; therefore
A œ 1(1)#  '1Î6
# c(2 sin ))#  1# d d)

œ 1  '1Î6 ˆ2 sin# )  "# ‰ d)


œ 1  '1Î6 ˆ1  cos 2)  "# ‰ d)


œ 1  '1Î6 ˆ "#  cos 2)‰ d) œ 1   2" ) 

sin 2) ‘ &1Î'
# 1Î'
41  3È 3
œ 1  ˆ 511#  "
# sin 51 ‰
 ˆ 12  "
# sin 13 ‰ œ 6

11. r œ 2 and r œ 2(1  cos )) Ê 2 œ 2(1  cos ))

Ê cos ) œ 0 Ê ) œ „ 1# ; therefore
A œ 2 '0
# [2(1  cos ))]# d)  "# area of the circle

œ '0
4 a1  2 cos )  cos# )b d)  ˆ "# 1‰ (2)#

œ '0
1  cos 2) ‰
4 ˆ1  2 cos )  # d)  2 1

œ '0
(4  8 cos )  2  2 cos 2)) d)  21
œ c6)  8 sin )  sin 2)d !  21 œ 51  8

12. r œ 2(1  cos )) and r œ 2(1  cos )) Ê 1  cos )

œ 1  cos ) Ê cos ) œ 0 Ê ) œ 1# or 3#1 ; the graph also
gives the point of intersection (0ß 0); therefore
A œ 2 '0 [2(1  cos ))]# d)  2 '1Î2 "# [2(1  cos ))]# d)
1Î2 1

œ '0 4a1  2cos )  cos# )bd)


 '1Î2 4 a1  2 cos )  cos# )bd)


œ '0 d)  '1Î2 4 ˆ1  2 cos ) 

1Î2 1
1  cos 2) ‰ 1  cos 2) ‰
4 ˆ1  2 cos )  # # d)

œ '0 (6  8 cos )  2 cos 2)) d)  '1Î2 (6  8 cos )  2 cos 2)) d)

1Î2 1

œ c6)  8 sin )  sin 2)d !  c6)  8 sin )  sin 2)d 11Î# œ 61  16

13. r œ È3 and r# œ 6 cos 2) Ê 3 œ 6 cos 2) Ê cos 2) œ #
Ê )œ 6 (in the 1st quadrant); we use symmetry of the
graph to find the area, so

A œ 4 '0 ” "# (6 cos 2))  "# ŠÈ3‹ • d)

1Î6 #

œ 2 '0 (6 cos 2)  3) d) œ 2 c3 sin 2)  3)d !


œ 3È3  1

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676 Chapter 11 Parametric Equatins and Polar Coordinates

14. r œ 3a cos ) and r œ a(1  cos )) Ê 3a cos ) œ a(1  cos ))

Ê 3 cos ) œ 1  cos ) Ê cos ) œ "# Ê ) œ 13 or  13 ;
the graph also gives the point of intersection (0ß 0); therefore
A œ 2 '0
# c(3a cos ))#  a# (1  cos ))# d d)

œ '0 a9a# cos# )  a#  2a# cos )  a# cos# )b d)


œ '0
a8a# cos# )  2a# cos )  a# b d)

œ '0 c4a# (1  cos 2))  2a# cos )  a# d d)


œ '0 a3a#  4a# cos 2)  2a# cos )b d)


1Î$ È3
œ c3a# )  2a# sin 2)  2a# sin )d ! œ 1a#  2a# ˆ "# ‰  2a# Š # ‹ œ a# Š1  1  È3‹

15. r œ 1 and r œ 2 cos ) Ê 1 œ 2 cos ) Ê cos ) œ  "#

Ê )œ 3 in quadrant II; therefore
A œ 2' c(2 cos ))#  1# d d) œ '21Î3 a4 cos# )  1b d)
1 1
21Î3 #

œ '21Î3 [2(1  cos 2))  1] d) œ '21Î3 (1  2 cos 2)) d)

1 1

œ c)  sin 2)d 1#1Î$ œ 1
3  #

16. r œ 6 and r œ 3 csc ) Ê 6 sin ) œ 3 Ê sin ) œ #

; therefore A œ '1Î6
1 51 "
Ê )œ 6 or 6 # a6#  9 csc# )b d)

œ '1Î6 ˆ18 
51Î6 &1Î'
# csc# )‰ d) œ 18)  9
# cot )‘ 1Î'

œ Š151  9# È3‹  Š31  9# È3‹ œ 121  9È3

17. r œ sec ) and r œ 4 cos ) Ê 4 cos ) œ sec ) Ê cos2 ) œ 1

Ê ) œ 13 , 231 , 431 , or 531 ; therefore
A œ 2 0 "# a16 cos# )  sec# )b d)
œ 0 a8  8 cos 2)  sec# )b d)
œ c8)  4 sin 2)  tan )d0
œ Š 831  2È3  È3‹  a0  0  0b œ 81
3  È3

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Section 11.5 Area and Lengths in Polar Coordinates 677

18. r œ 3 csc ) and r œ 4 sin ) Ê 4 sin ) œ 3 csc ) Ê sin2 ) œ 3

Ê ) œ 13 , 21 41 51
3 , 3 , or 3 ; therefore

A œ 41  2 '
1 Î2
1 Î3 #
a16 sin# )  9 csc# )b d)

œ 41  '1Î3 a8  8 cos 2)  9 csc# )b d)

1 Î2

1 Î2
œ 41  c8)  4 sin 2)  9 cot )d1Î3

œ 41  ’a41  0  0b  Š 831  2È3  3È3‹“

œ 3  È3

È2 È2
19. (a) r œ tan ) and r œ Š # ‹ csc ) Ê tan ) œ Š # ‹ csc )
È2 È2
Ê sin# ) œ Š # ‹ cos ) Ê 1  cos# ) œ Š # ‹ cos )
Ê cos# )  Š # ‹cos )  1 œ 0 Ê cos ) œ È2 or
È2 1
# (use the quadratic formula) Ê ) œ 4 (the solution
in the first quadrant); therefore the area of R" is
A" œ '0 '01Î4 asec# )  1b d) œ "# ctan )  )d !1Î% œ "# ˆtan 14  14 ‰ œ "#  18 ; AO œ Š È#2 ‹ csc 1#
" "
# tan# ) d) œ #

È2 È2 1 È2 # È2 " È2 È2 "
œ # and OB œ Š # ‹ csc 4 œ 1 Ê AB œ Ê1#  Š # ‹ œ # Ê the area of R# is A# œ # Š # ‹Š # ‹ œ 4 ;

therefore the area of the region shaded in the text is 2 ˆ "#  1

8  4" ‰ œ 3
#  1
4 . Note: The area must be found this way
since no common interval generates the region. For example, the interval 0 Ÿ ) Ÿ 4 generates the arc OB of r œ tan )
but does not generate the segment AB of the liner œ # csc ). Instead the interval generates the half-line from B to
_ on the line r œ # csc ).
(b) lim tan ) œ _ and the line x œ 1 is r œ sec ) in polar coordinates; then lim (tan )  sec ))
) Ä 1 Î2  ) Ä 1 Î2 c
sin ) " ‰ ˆ sincos) ) 1 ‰ œ ) ‰
œ lim ˆ cos )  œ lim lim sin ) œ 0 Ê r œ tan ) approaches
ˆ cos
) Ä 1 Î2 c cos ) ) Ä 1 Î2 c ) Ä 1 Î2 c

r œ sec ) as ) Ä # Ê r œ sec ) (or x œ 1) is a vertical asymptote of r œ tan ). Similarly, r œ  sec ) (or x œ 1)
is a vertical asymptote of r œ tan ).

20. It is not because the circle is generated twice from ) œ 0 to 21. The area of the cardioid is
A œ 2 '0 (cos )  1)# d) œ '0 acos# )  2 cos )  1b d) œ '0 ˆ 1  cos
1 1 1
# #
 2 cos )  1‰ d)
1 #
œ  32)  sin 2)
4  2 sin )‘ ! œ 31
# . The area of the circle is A œ 1 ˆ "# ‰ œ 1
4 Ê the area requested is actually 3#1  1
4 œ 51

È5 È5
21. r œ )# , 0 Ÿ ) Ÿ È5 Ê dr
d) œ 2); therefore Length œ '0 Éa)# b#  (2))# d) œ '
È ) %  4) # d)
È5 È5
œ '0 k)k È)#  4 d) œ (since ) 0) '0 ) È ) #  4 d ) ; u œ ) #  4 Ê "
# du œ ) d); ) œ 0 Ê u œ 4,

) œ È5 Ê u œ 9“ Ä '4 "  2 $Î# ‘ *

" Èu du œ
# # 3 u %
œ 19

; therefore Length œ '0 ÊŠ Èe 2 ‹  Š Èe 2 ‹ d) œ '0 Ê2 Š e# ‹ d)

1 # # 1
e) e) ) ) 2)
22. r œ È2 ,0Ÿ)Ÿ1 Ê dr
d) œ È2

œ '0 e) d) œ e) ‘ ! œ e1  1
1 1

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678 Chapter 11 Parametric Equatins and Polar Coordinates

œ  sin ); therefore Length œ '0 È(1  cos ))#  ( sin ))# d)

23. r œ 1  cos ) Ê dr

œ 2 '0 È2  2 cos ) d) œ 2'0 É 4(1 #cos )) d) œ 4 '0 É 1  #cos ) d) œ 4 '0 cos ˆ #) ‰ d) œ 4 2 sin 2) ‘ ! œ 8
1 1 1 1 1

; therefore Length œ '0 Ɉa sin# #) ‰  ˆa sin

# 1 #
) ) ) )
24. r œ a sin# # , 0 Ÿ ) Ÿ 1, a  0 Ê dr
d) œ a sin # cos # # cos #) ‰ d)
œ '0 Éa# sin% d) œ '0 a ¸sin #) ¸ Ésin#
1 1
) ) ) ) )
#  a# sin# # cos# # #  cos# # d) œ (since 0 Ÿ ) Ÿ 1) a ' sin ˆ #) ‰ d)
œ 2a cos 2) ‘ ! œ 2a

; therefore Length œ '0

1Î2 # #
1 6 sin ) 6 sin )
25. r œ 6
1  cos ) ,0Ÿ)Ÿ # Ê dr
d) œ (1  cos ))# ʈ 1  6cos ) ‰  Š (1  cos ))# ‹ d)

œ '0 d) œ 6 '0
1Î2 1Î2
36 sin# ) " sin# )
cos ))# 
É (1  36 ) É1  d)
¸ 1cos ¸ (1  cos ))#
a1  cos )b%

 0 on 0 Ÿ ) Ÿ 1# ‰ 6 '0 ˆ 1  "cos ) ‰ É 1  2 cos(1)cos

" cos# )  sin# )
œ ˆsince 1  cos ) ) )# d)

œ 6 '0 ˆ 1  "cos ) ‰ É (12 2cos È ' œ 6È2 '0 œ 3'0

1Î2 1Î2 1Î2 1Î2
cos ) d) d) ¸sec$ #) ¸ d)
) )# d) œ 6 2 0 (1  cos ))$Î# ˆ2 cos# #) ‰$Î#

œ 3'0 sec$ d) œ 6'0 '01Î4

1Î2 1Î4 1Î%
) "
# sec$ u du œ (use tables) 6 Œ sec u2tan u ‘ !  # sec u du
œ 6 Š È"2   2" ln ksec u  tan uk‘ ! ‹ œ 3 ’È2  ln Š1  È2‹“

; therefore Length œ '1Î2 ʈ 1  2cos ) ‰  Š (12cos

1 # #
1 2 sin ) sin )
26. r œ 2
1  cos ) , # Ÿ)Ÿ1 Ê dr
d) œ (1  cos ))# ))# ‹ d)

œ '1Î2 Ê (1  cos d) œ '1Î2 ¸ 1  2cos ) ¸ É (1 (1cos )cos

1 1 # #
sin# ) )  sin )
) ) # Š1  d)
a1  cos )b#
‹ ) )#

Ÿ ) Ÿ 1‰ 2 '1Î2 ˆ 1  "cos ) ‰ É 1  2 cos(1)cos

1 # #
1 cos )  sin )
œ ˆsince 1  cos ) 0 on # ) )# d)

œ 2 '1Î2 ˆ 1  "cos ) ‰ É (12 2cos È ' È ' œ '1Î2 ¸csc$ #) ¸ d)

1 1 1 1
cos ) d) d)
))# d) œ 2 2 1Î2 (1  cos ))$Î# œ 2 2 1Î2 ˆ2 sin# )# ‰$Î#

œ '1Î2 csc$ ˆ #) ‰ d) œ ˆsince csc Ÿ ) Ÿ 1‰ 2 '1Î4 csc$ u du œ (use tables)

1 1Î2
) 1
# 0 on #

2Œ csc u2cot u ‘ 1Î% 

1Î# "
'11ÎÎ42 csc u du œ 2 Š È"2   2" ln kcsc u  cot uk‘ 1Î% ‹ œ 2 ’ È"2 
1Î# "
# ln ŠÈ2  1‹“

œ È2  ln Š1  È2‹

; therefore Length œ '0

27. r œ cos$ )
3 Ê dr
d) œ  sin )
3 cos# )
Ɉcos$ 3) ‰#  ˆ sin )
cos# 3) ‰ d)

œ '0 Écos' ˆ 3) ‰  sin# ˆ 3) ‰ cos% ˆ 3) ‰ d) œ '0 ˆcos# 3) ‰ Écos# ˆ 3) ‰  sin# ˆ 3) ‰ d) œ '

1Î4 1Î4 1Î4

cos# ˆ 3) ‰ d)

œ '0
1Î4 1cos ˆ 2) ‰
" 2) ‘ 1Î% 1
# d) œ #
)  3
2 sin 3 ! œ 8  3

28. r œ È1  sin 2) , 0 Ÿ ) Ÿ 1È2 Ê dr
d) œ # (1  sin 2))"Î# (2 cos 2)) œ (cos 2))(1  sin 2))"Î# ; therefore
Length œ '0 d) œ '0
1 2 1 2
cos# 2) # #
É(1  sin 2))  (1  sin 2))
É 1  2 sin 2)1  sin 2)  cos
 sin 2)
È È 1È#
œ '0 '
1 2 1 2
É 212sin
sin 2)
2) d) œ 0
È2 d) œ ’È2 )“ œ 21

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Section 11.6 Conic Sections 679

29. Let r œ f()). Then x œ f()) cos ) Ê dx

d) œ f w ()) cos )  f()) sin ) Ê ˆ dx
‰# œ cf w ()) cos )  f()) sin )d#
œ cf w ())d# cos# )  2f w ()) f()) sin ) cos )  [f())]# sin# ); y œ f()) sin ) Ê dy
d) œ f w ()) sin )  f()) cos )
w # w # # w # #
Ê Š dy
d) ‹ œ cf ()) sin )  f()) cos )d œ cf ())d sin )  2f ())f()) sin ) cos )  [f())] cos ). Therefore
ˆ dx
‰#  Š dy w # # # # # # w # # # ˆ dr ‰#
d) ‹ œ cf ())d acos )  sin )b  [f())] acos )  sin )b œ cf ())d  [f())] œ r  d) .

Thus, L œ '! ʈ dx ' Ér#  ˆ ddr) ‰# d).

" # "
‰#  Š dy
d) ‹ d) œ !

œ 0; Length œ '0 Èa#  0# d) œ '0 kak d) œ ca)d #!1 œ 21a

21 21
30. (a) r œ a Ê dr

œ a sin ); Length œ '0 È(a cos ))#  (a sin ))# d) œ '0 Èa# acos# )  sin# )b d)
1 1
(b) r œ a cos ) Ê dr

œ '0 kak d) œ ca)d 1! œ 1a


œ a cos ); Length œ '0 È(a cos ))#  (a sin ))# d) œ '0 Èa# acos# )  sin# )b d)
1 1
(c) r œ a sin ) Ê dr

œ '0 kak d) œ ca)d 1! œ 1a


31. (a) rav œ '021 a(1  cos )) d) œ 2a1 c)  sin )d #!1 œ a

2 1 0

rav œ 21"0 '0 a d) œ #"1 ca)d #!1 œ a


rav œ ˆ 1 ‰"ˆ 1 ‰ 'c1Î2 a cos ) d) œ 1" ca sin )d 1Î# œ 2a

(c) 1
# #

œ 2f w ()) Ê r#  ˆ ddr) ‰ œ [2f())]#  c2f w ())d# Ê Length œ '! É4[f())]#  4 cf w ())d# d)

# "
32. r œ 2f()), ! Ÿ ) Ÿ " Ê dr

œ 2 '! É[f())]#  cf w ())d# d) which is twice the length of the curve r œ f()) for ! Ÿ ) Ÿ " .


1. x œ 8 Ê 4p œ 8 Ê p œ 2; focus is (2ß 0), directrix is x œ 2

2. x œ  y4 Ê 4p œ 4 Ê p œ 1; focus is (1ß 0), directrix is x œ 1

3. y œ  x6 Ê 4p œ 6 Ê p œ 3
# ; focus is ˆ!ß  3# ‰ , directrix is y œ 3

4. y œ 2 Ê 4p œ 2 Ê p œ 1
# ; focus is ˆ!ß 1# ‰ , directrix is y œ  1#

x# y#
5. 4  9 œ 1 Ê c œ È4  9 œ È13 Ê foci are Š „ È13ß !‹ ; vertices are a „ 2ß 0b ; asymptotes are y œ „ 3# x

x# y#
6. 4  9 œ 1 Ê c œ È9  4 œ È5 Ê foci are Š0ß „ È5‹ ; vertices are a0ß „ 3b

7. 2  y# œ 1 Ê c œ È2  1 œ 1 Ê foci are a „ 1ß 0b ; vertices are Š „ È2ß !‹

8. 4  x# œ 1 Ê c œ È4  1 œ È5 Ê foci are Š0ß „ È5‹ ; vertices are a!ß „ 2b ; asymptotes are y œ „ 2x

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Addison-Wesley.

680 Chapter 11 Parametric Equatins and Polar Coordinates
y# #
9. y# œ 12x Ê x œ 1# Ê 4p œ 12 Ê p œ 3; 10. x# œ 6y Ê y œ x6 Ê 4p œ 6 Ê p œ 3
# ;
focus is ($ß !), directrix is x œ 3 focus is ˆ!ß 3# ‰ , directrix is y œ  3#

x# "
11. x# œ 8y Ê y œ 8 Ê 4p œ 8 Ê p œ 2; 12. y# œ 2x Ê x œ # y
Ê 4p œ 2 Ê p œ # ;
focus is (!ß 2), directrix is y œ 2 focus is  # ß ! , directrix is x œ "#
ˆ " ‰

x# " " #
" "
13. y œ 4x# Ê y œ ˆ "4 ‰ Ê 4p œ 4 Ê pœ 16 ; 14. y œ 8x# Ê y œ  ˆx" ‰ Ê 4p œ 8 Ê pœ 32 ;
" ‰ " " ‰ "
focus is ˆ!ß 16 , directrix is y œ  16 focus is ˆ!ß  32 , directrix is y œ 3#

" " y# " "
15. x œ 3y# Ê x œ  ˆy" ‰ Ê 4p œ 3 Ê pœ 1# ; 16. x œ 2y# Ê x œ ˆ "# ‰ Ê 4p œ # Ê pœ 8 ;
" " ˆ 8" ß !‰ , "
focus is ˆ 1# ß ! ,
‰ directrix is x œ 1# focus is directrix is x œ  8

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Addison-Wesley.

Section 11.6 Conic Sections 681
# # # #
17. 16x#  25y# œ 400 Ê #x5  16
œ1 18. 7x#  16y# œ 112 Ê 16
 y7 œ 1
Ê c œ Èa#  b# œ È25  16 œ 3 Ê c œ Èa#  b# œ È16  7 œ 3

# # #
19. 2x#  y# œ 2 Ê x#  y# œ 1 20. 2x#  y# œ 4 Ê x#  y4 œ 1
Ê c œ Èa#  b# œ È2  1 œ 1 Ê c œ Èa#  b# œ È4  2 œ È2

# # # #
21. 3x#  2y# œ 6 Ê x#  y3 œ 1 22. 9x#  10y# œ 90 Ê 10
 y9 œ 1
Ê c œ Èa#  b# œ È3  2 œ 1 Ê c œ Èa#  b# œ È10  9 œ 1

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Addison-Wesley.

682 Chapter 11 Parametric Equations and Polar Coordinates
# # # #
23. 6x#  9y# œ 54 Ê x9  y6 œ 1 24. 169x#  25y# œ 4225 Ê 25
Ê c œ Èa#  b# œ È9  6 œ È3 Ê c œ Èa#  b# œ È169  25 œ 12

25. Foci: Š „ È2ß !‹ , Vertices: a „ 2ß 0b Ê a œ 2, c œ È2 Ê b# œ a#  c# œ 4  ŠÈ2‹ œ 2 Ê x#
4  y#
# œ1

x# y#
26. Foci: a!ß „ 4b , Vertices: a0ß „ 5b Ê a œ 5, c œ 4 Ê b# œ 25  16 œ 9 Ê 9  #5 œ1

27. x#  y# œ 1 Ê c œ Èa#  b# œ È1  1 œ È2 ;
# #
28. 9x#  16y# œ 144 Ê 16 x
 y9 œ 1
asymptotes are y œ „ x Ê c œ Èa#  b# œ È16  9 œ 5;
asymptotes are y œ „ 34 x

29. y#  x# œ 8 Ê y8  x8 œ 1 Ê c œ Èa#  b# 30. y#  x# œ 4 Ê y4  x4 œ 1 Ê c œ Èa#  b#

# # # #

œ È8  8 œ 4; asymptotes are y œ „ x œ È4  4 œ 2È2; asymptotes are y œ „ x

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Section 11.6 Conic Sections 683

31. 8x#  2y# œ 16 Ê x#  y8 œ 1 Ê c œ Èa#  b# 32. y#  3x# œ 3 Ê y3  x# œ 1 Ê c œ Èa#  b#

# # #

œ È2  8 œ È10 ; asymptotes are y œ „ 2x œ È3  1 œ 2; asymptotes are y œ „ È3x

33. 8y#  2x# œ 16 Ê y#  x8 œ 1 Ê c œ Èa#  b# œ 1 Ê c œ Èa#  b#

# # # #
34. 64x#  36y# œ 2304 Ê 36

œ È2  8 œ È10 ; asymptotes are y œ „ x # œ È36  64 œ 10; asymptotes are y œ „ 4 3

35. Foci: Š!ß „ È2‹ , Asymptotes: y œ „ x Ê c œ È2 and a

b œ 1 Ê a œ b Ê c# œ a#  b# œ 2a# Ê 2 œ 2a#
Ê a œ 1 Ê b œ 1 Ê y#  x# œ 1

" " a# 4a#

36. Foci: a „ 2ß !b , Asymptotes: y œ „ È3 x Ê c œ 2 and b
a œ È3 Ê bœ a
È3 Ê c# œ a#  b# œ a#  3 œ 3

Ê 4œ 4a#
3 Ê a# œ 3 Ê a œ È3 Ê b œ 1 Ê x#
3  y# œ 1

x# y#
37. Vertices: a „ 3ß 0b , Asymptotes: y œ „ 43 x Ê a œ 3 and b
a œ 4
3 Ê bœ 4
3 (3) œ 4 Ê 9  16 œ1

y# x#
38. Vertices: a!ß „ 2b , Asymptotes: y œ „ 12 x Ê a œ 2 and a
b œ 1
2 Ê b œ 2(2) œ 4 Ê 4  16 œ1

39. (a) y# œ 8x Ê 4p œ 8 Ê p œ 2 Ê directrix is x œ 2,

focus is (#ß !), and vertex is (!ß 0); therefore the new
directrix is x œ 1, the new focus is (3ß 2), and the
new vertex is (1ß 2)

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Addison-Wesley.

684 Chapter 11 Parametric Equations and Polar Coordinates

40. (a) x# œ 4y Ê 4p œ 4 Ê p œ 1 Ê directrix is y œ 1, (b)

focus is (!ß 1), and vertex is (!ß 0); therefore the new
directrix is y œ 4, the new focus is (1ß 2), and the
new vertex is (1ß 3)

x# y#
41. (a) 16  9 œ 1 Ê center is (!ß 0), vertices are (4ß 0) (b)

and (%ß !); c œ Èa#  b# œ È7 Ê foci are ŠÈ7ß 0‹

and ŠÈ7ß !‹ ; therefore the new center is (%ß $), the

new vertices are (!ß 3) and (8ß 3), and the new foci are
Š4 „ È7ß $‹

x# y#
42. (a) 9  œ 1 Ê center is (!ß 0), vertices are (0ß 5)
and (0ß 5); c œ Èa#  b# œ È16 œ 4 Ê foci are
(!ß 4) and (!ß 4) ; therefore the new center is (3ß 2),
the new vertices are (3ß 3) and (3ß 7), and the new
foci are (3ß 2) and (3ß 6)

x# y#
43. (a) 16  9 œ 1 Ê center is (!ß 0), vertices are (4ß 0) (b)
and (4ß 0), and the asymptotes are œ „ orx
y œ „ 3x Èa#  b# œ È25 œ 5 Ê foci are
4 ;cœ
(5ß 0) and (5ß 0) ; therefore the new center is (2ß 0), the
new vertices are (2ß 0) and (6ß 0), the new foci
are (3ß 0) and (7ß 0), and the new asymptotes are
3(x  2)
yœ „ 4

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Addison-Wesley.

Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
schools. … The only important amendment to this Act was passed
in 1875, and provided that the legislative grant, instead of
being divided between the Protestant and Catholic schools as
heretofore, should in future be distributed in proportion to
the number of children of school age in the Catholic and
Protestant districts. Already immigration had begun to upset
the balance of numbers and power, and as the years went on it
became evident that the Catholics were destined to be in a
permanent minority in Manitoba. This trend of immigration,
which in 1875 made legislation necessary, has continued ever
since; and to-day the Catholics of the province number only
20,000 out of a total population of 204,000. No further change
was made in the educational system of Manitoba until the
memorable year of 1890. In that year the provincial
legislature boldly broke all moorings with the past, and,
abolishing the separate denominational schools, introduced a
system of free compulsory and unsectarian schools, for the
support of which the whole community was to be taxed. … To
test the legality of the change, what is known as Barrett's
case was begun in Winnipeg. It was carried to the Supreme
Court of Canada, and the Canadian judges by a unanimous
decision declared that the Act of 1890 was ultra vires and
The city of Winnipeg appealed to the Privy Council, and that
tribunal in July 1892 reversed the decision of the Canadian
Court and affirmed that the Act was valid and binding. … The
second subsection of the 22nd section of the Manitoba Act
already quoted says: 'An appeal shall lie to the
Governor-General in Council from any Act or decision of the
legislature of the province, or of any provincial authority,
affecting any right or privilege of the Protestant or Roman
Catholic minority of the Queen's subjects in relation to
education.' But if the legislation of 1890 was intra vires,
and expressly declared to be so on the ground that it had not
prejudicially affected the position which the minority held at
the time of the Union, how could there be an appeal from it? …
The Governor-General, however, consented to refer the question
as to his jurisdiction to the courts of justice. What is known
as Brophy's case was begun, and in due course was carried to
the Supreme Court of Canada. The decision of that tribunal,
though not unanimous, was in accord with public expectation.
The majority of the judges felt that the previous judgment of
the Privy Council had settled the matter beforehand. The Act
of 1890 had been declared intra vires on the ground that it
had not interfered with the rights which the minority
possessed before the Union, and therefore there could be no
appeal from it. …

"Still the undaunted Archbishop of St. Boniface went on, and

for a last time appealed to that Judicial Committee of the
Privy Council which two years and a half before had so spoiled
and disappointed the Catholic hopes. In January 1894 the final
decision in Brophy's case was read by the Lord Chancellor. For
a second time the Lords of the Council upset the ruling of the
Supreme Court of Canada, and treated their reasoning as
irrelevant. It will be remembered that both the appellant
prelates and the Canadian judges had assumed that the clause
in the Manitoba Act, which conferred the right of appeal to
the Governor-General, was limited to one contingency, and
could be invoked only if the minority were robbed at any time
of the poor and elementary rights which they had enjoyed
before the Act of Union. But was the clause necessarily so
limited? Could it not be used to justify an appeal from
legislation which affected rights acquired after the Union? …
In the words of the judgment: 'The question arose: Did the
sub-section extend to the rights and privileges acquired by
legislation subsequent to the Union? It extended in terms to
"any" right or privilege of the minority affected by any Act
passed by the legislature, and would therefore seem to embrace
all the rights and privileges existing at the time when such
Act was passed. Their lordships saw no justification for
putting a limitation on language thus unlimited. There was
nothing in the surrounding circumstances or in the apparent
intention of the legislature to warrant any such limitation.'
… In other words, the dispute was referred to a new tribunal,
and one which was free to consider and give effect to the true
equities of the case. The Governor-General and his responsible
advisers, after considering all the facts, found in favour of
the Catholic minority, and at once issued a remedial Order to
the Government of Manitoba, which went far beyond anything
suggested in the judgment in Brophy's case. The province was
called upon to repeal the legislation of 1890, so far as it
interfered with the right of the Catholic minority to build
and maintain their own schools, to share proportionately in
any public grant for the purposes of education, and with the
right of such Catholics as contributed to Catholic schools to
be held exempt from all payments towards the support of any
other schools. In a word, the Governor-General and Sir
Mackenzie Bowell's Administration, exercising, as it were,
appellate jurisdiction, decided that the minority were
entitled to all they claimed. The Government of Manitoba,
however, had hardened their hearts against the minority in the
province, and refused to obey the remedial Order. …

"The refusal of the provincial Government 'to accept the

responsibility of carrying into effect the terms of the
remedial Order' for the first time brought the Parliament of
Canada into the field, and empowered them to pass coercive
legislation. A remedial Bill was accordingly, after an
inexplicable delay, brought into the Federal Parliament to
enforce the remedial Order. … The Cabinet recognised that the
Federal Parliament had no power to spend the money of the
province, and so all they could do was to exempt the minority
from the obligation to contribute to the support of schools
other than their own. The Bill bristled with legal and
constitutional difficulties; it concerned the coercion of a
province; it contained no less than 116 clauses; it was
introduced on the 2nd of March 1896, when all Canada knew that
the life of the Federal Parliament must necessarily expire on
the 24th of April. Some fifteen clauses had been considered
when the Government admitted, what all men saw, the
impossibility of the task, and abandoned the Bill. … While the
fate of the remedial Bill was still undecided, Sir Donald
Smith and two others were commissioned by the Federal
Government to go to Winnipeg and see if by direct negotiations
some sort of tolerable terms could be arranged. … Sir Donald
Smith proposed that the principle of the separate school
should be admitted wherever there were a reasonable number of
Catholic children—thus, wherever in towns and villages there
are twenty-five Catholic children of school age, and in
cities where there are fifty such children, they should have
'a school-house or school-room for their own use,' with a
Catholic teacher. … In the event the negotiations failed; the
baffled Commissioners returned to Ottawa, and on the 24th of
April 1896 Parliament was dissolved. The Government went to
the country upon the policy of the abandoned Bill. On the
other hand, many of the followers of Mr. Laurier in the
province of Quebec pledged themselves to see justice done to
the Catholics of Manitoba, and let it be understood that they
objected to the remedial Bill only because it was not likely
to prove effective in the face of the combined hostility of
the legislature and the municipalities of the province. …
Catholic Quebec gave Mr. Laurier his majority at Ottawa. …


"When the Liberal party for the first time for eighteen years
found itself in power at Ottawa, Mr. Laurier at once opened
negotiations with Manitoba. The result was a settlement which,
although it might work well in particular districts, could not be
accepted as satisfactory by the Catholic authorities. It arranged
that where in towns and cities the average attendance of
Catholic children was forty or upwards, and in villages and
rural districts the average attendance of such children was
twenty-five or upwards, one Catholic teacher should be
employed. There were various other provisions, but that was
the central concession. … Leo the Thirteenth, recognising the
difficulties which beset Mr. Laurier's path, mindful, perhaps,
also that it is not always easy immediately to resume friendly
conference with those who have just done their best to defeat
you, has sent to Canada an Apostolic Commissioner."

J. G. Snead Cox,
Mr. Laurier and Manitoba
(Nineteenth Century, April, 1897).

CANADA: A. D. 1895.
Northern territories formed into provisional districts.

"The unorganized and unnamed portion of the Dominion this year

was set apart into provisional districts. The territory east of
Hudson's Bay, having the province of Quebec on the south and
the Atlantic on the east, was to be hereafter known as Ungava.
The territory embraced in the islands of the Arctic Sea was to
be known as Franklin, the Mackenzie River region as Mackenzie,
and the Pacific coast territory lying north of British
Columbia and west of Mackenzie as Yukon. The extent of Ungava
and Franklin was undefined. Mackenzie would cover 538,600
square miles, and Yukon 225,000 square miles, in addition to
143,500 square miles added to Athabasca and 470,000 to
Keewatin. The total area of the Dominion was estimated at
3,456,383 square miles."

The Annual Register, 1895,

page 391.

CANADA: A. D. 1895.
Negotiations with Newfoundland.

Negotiations for the entrance of Newfoundland into the

federation of the Dominion of Canada proved ineffectual and
were abandoned in May. The island province refused the terms
CANADA: A. D. 1896 (June-July).
Liberal triumph in Parliamentary elections.
Formation of Ministry by Sir Wilfred Laurier.

General elections held in Canada on the 23d of June, 1896,

gave the Liberal Party 113 seats out of 213 in the Dominion
House of Commons; the Conservatives securing 88, and the
Patrons of Industry and other Independents 12. Much to the
general surprise, the scale was turned in favor of the
Liberals by the vote of the province of Quebec,
notwithstanding the Manitoba school question, on which
clerical influence in the Roman church was ranged against that
party. The effect of the election was to call the Liberal
leader, Sir Wilfred Laurier, of Quebec, to the head of the
government, the Conservative Ministry, under Sir Charles
Tupper, retiring on the 8th of July.

CANADA: A. D. 1896-1897.
Policy of the Liberal Government.
Revision of the tariff, with discriminating duties
in favor of Great Britain, and provisions for reciprocity.

"The position of the Canadian Liberals, when they came into

power after the General Election of 1896, was not unlike that
of the English Liberals after the General Election of 1892.
Both Liberal parties had lists of reforms to which they were
committed. The English measures were in the Newcastle
Programme. Those of the Canadian Liberals were embodied in the
Ottawa Programme, which was formulated at a convention held at
the Dominion Capital in 1893. … A large part of the Ottawa
Programme was set out in the speech which the Governor-General
read in the Senate when the session of 1897 commenced. There was
then promised a measure for the revision of the tariff; a bill
providing for the extension of the Intercolonial railway from
Levis to Montreal; a bill repealing the Dominion Franchise Act
and abolishing the costly system of registration which goes
with it; and a measure providing for the plebiscite on the
Prohibition question. Neither of these last two measures was
carried through Parliament. Both had to be postponed to
another session; and the session of 1897 was devoted, so far
as legislation went, chiefly to the tariff, and to bills, none
of which were promised in the Speech from the Throne, in
retaliation for the United States Contract Labor Laws, and the
new United States tariff. …

"The new tariff was a departure from the tariffs of the

Conservative regime in only one important direction.
Protective duties heretofore had been levied on imports from
England, in the same way as on imports from the United States
or any other country. The 'National Policy' had allowed of no
preferences for England; and during the long period of
Conservative rule, when the Conservatives were supported by
the Canadian manufacturers in much the same way as the
Republican party in the United States is supported by the
manufacturing interests, the Canadian manufacturers had been
as insistent for adequate protection against English-made
goods, as against manufactured articles from the United States
or Germany. The Conservative party had continuously claimed a
monopoly of loyalty to England; but in its tariffs had never
dared to make any concession in favour of English goods. In
the new tariff, preferences for England were established; and
with these openings in favour of imports from Great Britain,
there came a specific warning from the Minister of Finance
that Canadian manufacturers must not regard themselves as
possessing a vested interest in the continuance of the
protective system. …

"When the Minister of Finance laid the tariff before the House
of Commons, he declared that the 'National Policy,' as it had
been tried for eighteen years, was a failure; and … claimed
that lowering the tariff wall against England was a step in
the direction of a tariff 'based not upon the protective
system but upon the requirements of the public service.'
During the first fifteen months of the new tariff, the
concession to England consists of a reduction by one-eighth of
the duties chargeable under the general list. At the end of
that time, that is on the last of July, 1898, the reduction
will be one-fourth. The reductions do not apply to wines, malt
liquors, spirits and tobacco, the taxes on which are
essentially for revenue. While England was admitted at once to
the advantages of the reduced tariff, this tariff is not to be
applicable to England alone. In July, it was extended to the
products of New South Wales, the free-trade colony of the
British Australasian group; and any country can come within
its provisions whose government can satisfy the Comptroller of
Customs at Ottawa, that it is offering favourable treatment to
Canadian exports, and is affording them as easy an entrance
through its customs houses as the Canadians give by means of
the reciprocal tariff. It is also possible, under a later
amendment to the Tariff Act, for the Governor in Council to
extend the benefits of the reciprocal tariff to any country
entitled thereto by virtue of a treaty with Great Britain.
Numerous alterations were made in the general list of import
duties. Some of these involved higher rates; others lowered
the duties. But if the changes in the fiscal system had been
confined to these variations, the new tariff would not have
been noteworthy, and it would have fulfilled few of the
pledges made by the Liberals when they were in Opposition. It
owes its chief importance to the establishment of an inner
tariff in the interests of countries which deal favourably
with Canada."

E. Porritt,
The New Administration in Canada
(Yale Review, August, 1897).

CANADA: A. D. 1897 (June-July).

Conference of colonial premiers with
the British Colonial Secretary.
See (in this volume)

CANADA: A. D. 1897 (October).

Self-government for the Northwestern Territories.

By an Act passed in October, a system of self-government,

going far towards the full powers of a provincial government,
but having some limitations, was provided for the Northwest

CANADA: A. D. 1898 (January).

Encyclical Letter of the Pope on the Manitoba School Question.

On the report made by his delegate, Monsignor Merry del Val,

Pope Leo XIII. addressed an encyclical letter to the Roman
Church in Canada, concerning the duty of Catholics in the
matter of the Manitoba schools (see above: A. D. 1890-1896),
which was made public at Quebec on the 9th of January, 1898.
The letter has great general importance, as defining with
precision the attitude of the Church towards all secular
school systems. With a few unessential passages it is given in
what follows:

"It was with extreme solicitude," wrote the Pope, "that we

turned our mind to the unhappy events which in these later
years have marked the history of Catholic education in
Manitoba. … And since many expected that we should make a
pronouncement on the question, and asked that we should trace
a line of conduct and a way to be followed, we did not wish to
decide anything on this subject before our Apostolic delegate
had been on the spot, charged to proceed to a serious
examination of the situation, and to give an account to us of
the state of affairs. He has faithfully and diligently
fulfilled the command which we had given him. The question
agitated is one of great and exceptional importance. We speak
of the decision taken seven years ago by the parliament of
Manitoba on the subject of education. The act of Confederation
had secured to Catholic children the right of education in public
schools in keeping with their conscientious convictions. The
parliament of Manitoba abolished this right by contrary law.
By this latter law a grave injury was inflicted, for it was
not lawful for our children to seek the benefits of education
in schools in which the Catholic religion is ignored or
actively combated, in schools where its doctrine is despised
and its fundamental principles repudiated. If the Church has
anywhere permitted this, it was only with great reluctance and
in self-defense, and after having taken many precautions,
which, however, have too often been found unequal to parrying
the danger. In like manner one must at all cost avoid, as most
pernicious, those schools wherein every form of belief is
indifferently admitted and placed on an equal footing—as if in
what regards God and Divine things, it was of no importance
whether one believed rightly or wrongly, whether one followed
truth or falsehood. You well know, venerable brothers, that
all schools of this kind have been condemned by the Church,
because there can be nothing more pernicious nor more fitted
to injure the integrity of faith and to turn away the tender
minds of youth from the truth. … For the Catholic there is but
one true religion, the Catholic religion; hence in all that
concerns doctrine, or morality, or religion, he cannot accept
or recognize anything which is not drawn from the very sources
of Catholic teaching. Justice and reason demand, then, that
our children have in their schools not only scientific
instruction but also moral teachings in harmony, as we have
already said, with the principles of their religion, teachings
without which all education will be not only fruitless but
absolutely pernicious. Hence the necessity of having Catholic
teachers, reading books, and textbooks approved of by the
bishops, and liberty to organize the schools, that the
teaching therein shall be in full accord with Catholic faith
as well as with all the duties that flow therefrom. For the
rest, to decide in what institutions their children shall be
instructed, who shall be their teachers of morality, is a
right inherent to parental authority. When, then, Catholics
demand, and it is their duty to demand, and to strive to
obtain, that the teaching of the masters shall be in
conformity with the religion of their children, they are only
making use of their right; and there can be nothing more
unjust than to force on them the alternative of allowing their
children to grow up in ignorance, or to expose them to
manifest danger in what concerns the supreme interests of
their souls. It is not right to call in doubt or to abandon in
any way these principles of judging and acting which are
founded on truth and justice, and which are the safe-guards
both of public and private interests. Therefore, when the new
law in Manitoba struck a blow at Catholic education, it was
your duty, venerable brothers, to freely protest against the
injury and disaster inflicted; and the way in which you all
fulfilled that duty is a proof of your common vigilance, and
of a spirit truly worthy of bishops; and, although each one of
you will find on this point a sufficient approbation in the
testimony of his own conscience, learn, nevertheless, that you
have also our conscience and our approbation, for the things
which you sought and still seek to protect and defend are most
sacred. The difficulties created by the law of which we speak by
their very nature showed that an alleviation was to be sought
for in a united effort. For so worthy was the Catholic cause
that all good and upright citizens, without distinction of
party, should have banded themselves together in a close union
to uphold it. Unfortunately for the success of this cause, the
contrary took place. What is more deplorable still, is that
Catholic Canadians themselves failed to unite as they should
in defending those interests which are of such importance to
all—the importance and gravity of which should have stilled
the voice of party politics, which are of much less
importance. We are not unaware that something has been done to
amend that law. The men who are at the head of the federal
government and of the Province of Manitoba have already taken
certain measures with a view to decreasing the difficulties of
which the Catholics of Manitoba complain, and against which
they rightly continue to protest.
We have no reason to doubt that these measures were taken from
love of justice and from a laudable motive. We cannot, however,
dissimulate the truth; the law which they have passed to
repair the injury is defective, unsuitable, insufficient. The
Catholics ask—and no one can deny that they justly ask—for
much more. Moreover, in the remedial measures that have been
proposed there is this defect, that in changes of local
circumstances they may easily become valueless. In a word, the
rights of Catholics and the education of their children have
not been sufficiently provided for in Manitoba. Everything in
this question demands, and is conformable to justice, that
they should be thoroughly provided for, that is, by placing in
security and surrounding with due safe-guards those
unchangeable and sacred principles of which we have spoken
above. This should be the aim, this the end to be zealously
and prudently sought for. Nothing can be more injurious to the
attainment of this end than discord; unity of spirit and
harmony of action are most necessary. Nevertheless since, as
frequently happens in things of this nature, there is not only
one fixed and determined but various ways of arriving at the
end which is proposed and which should be obtained, it follows
that there may be various opinions equally good and
advantageous. Wherefore let each and all be mindful of the
rules of moderation, and gentleness, and mutual charity; let
no one fail in the respect that is due to another; but let all
resolve in fraternal unanimity, and not without your advice,
to do that which the circumstances require and which appears
best to be done. As regards especially the Catholics of
Manitoba, we have every confidence that with God's help they
will succeed in obtaining full satisfaction. This hope is
founded, in the first place, in the righteousness of the
cause, next in the sense of justice and prudence of the men at
the head of the government, and finally in the good-will of all
upright men in Canada. In the meantime, until they are able to
obtain their full rights, let them not refuse partial
satisfaction. If, therefore, anything is granted by law to
custom, or the good-will of men, which will render the evil
more tolerable and the dangers more remote, it is expedient
and useful to make use of such concessions, and to derive
therefrom as much benefit and advantage as possible. Where,
however, no remedy can be found for the evil, we must exhort
and beseech that it be provided against by the liberality and
munificence of their contributions, for no one can do anything
more salutary for himself or more conducive to the prosperity
of his country, than to contribute, according to his means, to
the maintenance of these schools. There is another point which
appeals to your common solicitude, namely, that by your
authority, and with the assistance of those who direct
educational institutions, an accurate and suitable curriculum
of studies be established, and that it be especially provided
that no one shall be permitted to teach who is not amply
endowed with all the necessary qualities, natural and
acquired, for it is only right that Catholic schools should be
able to compete in bearing, culture, and scholarship with the
best in the country. As concerns intellectual culture and the
progress of civilization, one can only recognize as
praiseworthy and noble the desire of the provinces of Canada
to develop public instruction, and to raise its standard more
and more, in order that it may daily become higher and more
perfect. Now there is no kind of knowledge, no perfection of
learning, which cannot be fully harmonized with Catholic

CANADA: A. D. 1898 (September).

Popular vote on the question of Prohibition.

Pursuant to a law passed by the Dominion Parliament the

previous June, a vote of the people in all the Provinces of
the Dominion was taken, on the 29th of September, 1898, upon
the following question: "Are you in favor of the passing of an
act prohibiting the importation, manufacture or sale of
spirits, wine, ale, beer, cider, and all other alcoholic
liquors for use as beverages?" The submitting of this question
to a direct vote of the people was a proceeding not quite
analogous to the Swiss Referendum, since it decided the fate
of no pending law; nor did it imitate the popular Initiative
of Swiss legislation, since the result carried no mandate to
the government. It was more in the nature of a French
Plébiscite, and many called it by that name; but no Plebiscite
in France ever drew so real an expression of popular opinion
on a question so fully discussed. The result of the voting was
a majority for prohibition in every Province except Quebec,
Ontario pronouncing for it by more than 39,000, Nova Scotia by
more than 29,000, New Brunswick by more than 17,000, Manitoba
by more than 9,000, Prince Edward's Island by more than 8,000,
and the Northwest Territories by more than 3,000, while
British Columbia gave a small majority of less than 600 on the
same side. Quebec, on the other hand, shouted a loud "No" to
the question, by 93,000 majority. The net majority in favor of
Prohibition was 107,000. The total of votes polled on the
question was 540,000. This was less than 44 per cent of the
total registration of voters; hence the vote for Prohibition
represented only about 23 per cent of the electorate, which
the government considered to offer too small a support for the
measure asked for.

CANADA: A. D. 1898-1899.
The Joint High Commission for settlement of all unsettled
questions between Canada and the United States.

As the outcome of negotiations opened at Washington in the

previous autumn by the Canadian Premier, relative to the
seal-killing controversy, an agreement between Great Britain,
Canada and the United States was concluded on the 30th of May,
1898, for the creation of a Joint High Commission to negotiate
a treaty, if possible, by which all existing subjects of
controversy between the United States and Canada should be
settled with finality. Appointments to the Commission by the
three governments were made soon afterwards, Great Britain
being represented by the Lord High Chancellor, Baron
Herschell; Canada by Sir Wilfred Laurier, Premier, Sir Richard
Cartwright, Minister of Trade and Commerce, and Sir Louis
Henry Davies, Minister of Marine and Fisheries; the United
States by Honorable John W. Foster, ex-Secretary of State,
Senator Charles W. Fairbanks, Senator George Gray,
Representative Nelson Dingley, and the Honorable John A.
Kasson, Reciprocity Commissioner. Senator Gray having been
subsequently appointed on the Commission to negotiate peace
with Spain, his place on the Anglo-American Commission was
taken by Senator Faulkner.
The Joint Commission sat first in Quebec and later in
Washington. Among the questions referred to it were those
relating to the establishment of the boundary between Alaska
and British Columbia; the issues over Bering Sea and the catch
of fur seals; the unmarked boundary between Canada and the
United States near Passamaqnoddy Bay in Maine and at points
between Wisconsin and Minnesota and Canada; the northeast
fisheries question, involving the rights of fishing in the
North Atlantic off Newfoundland and other points; the
regulation of the fishing rights on the Great Lakes;
alien-labor immigration across the Canadian-American border;
commercial reciprocity between the two countries; the
regulation of the bonding system by which goods are carried in
bond across the frontier and also the regulation of traffic by
international railways and canals of the two countries;
reciprocal mining privileges in the Klondyke, British North
America and other points; wrecking and salvage on the ocean
and Great Lakes coasting waters; the modification of the
treaty arrangement under which only one war vessel can be
maintained on the Great Lakes, with a view to allowing
warships to be built on the lakes and then floated out to the
ocean. The sessions of the Joint Commission were continued at
intervals until February, 1899, when it adjourned to meet at
Quebec in the following August, unless further adjournment
should be agreed upon by the several chairmen. Such further
adjournment was made, and the labors of the Joint Commission
were indefinitely suspended, for reasons which the President
of the United States explained in his Message to Congress,
December, 1899, as follows: "Much progress had been made by
the Commission toward the adjustment of many of these
questions, when it became apparent that an irreconcilable
difference of views was entertained respecting the
delimitation of the Alaskan boundary. In the failure of an
agreement as to the meaning of articles 3 and 4 of the treaty
of 1825 between Russia and Great Britain, which defined the
boundary between Alaska and Canada, the American Commissioners
proposed that the subject of the boundary be laid aside and
that the remaining questions of difference be proceeded with,
some of which were so far advanced as to assure the
probability of a settlement. This being declined by the
British Commissioners, an adjournment was taken until the
boundary should be adjusted by the two Governments. The
subject has been receiving the careful attention which its
importance demands, with the result that a modus vivendi for
provisional demarcations in the region about the head of Lynn
Canal has been agreed upon [see (in this volume) ALASKA
BOUNDARY QUESTION] and it is hoped that the negotiations now
in progress between the two Governments will end in an
agreement for the establishment and delimitation of a
permanent boundary."

CANADA: A. D. 1899 (October).

Modus Vivendi, fixing provisional boundary line of Alaska.

See (in this volume)


CANADA: A. D. 1899-1900.
Troops to reinforce the British army in South Africa.

A proposal from the Canadian government to assist that of the

Empire in its South African War was gratefully accepted in the
early stages of the war, and a regiment of infantry called the
Royal Canadian, numbering a little more than 1,000 men, sailed
from Quebec, October 30. In the following January a second
contingent of more than 1,000 men was sent to the field. This
latter comprised squadrons of mounted rilles and rough-riders,
and three batteries of field artillery. In the same month the
Canadian government accepted an offer from Lord Strathcona to
raise, equip and transport at his own expense a body of 500
mounted men from the Northwest.

CANADA: A. D. 1900 (November).

General election.

The general election of members of the Dominion House of

Commons was held November 7, resulting as follows:

Provinces. Liberal. Conservative.

Independent. Total.

Nova Scotia. 15 5
0 20
New-Brunswick. 9 5
0 14
Prince Edward Island. 3 2
0 5
Quebec. 57 8
0 65
Ontario. 33 54
5 92
Manitoba. 2 3
2 7
Northwest Territories. 2 0
2 4
British Columbia. 3 2
1 6

Totals. 124 79
10 213

As in the election of 1896, the Liberal Ministry of Sir

Wilfred Laurier found its strong support in the province of
Quebec. Its party suffered unexpected losses in Ontario. The
slight meaning of the election was summed up by Professor
Goldwin Smith as follows: "The net result of the elections
seems to be a Government resting on French Quebec and an
Opposition resting on British Ontario. The minor provinces
have been carried, as usual, by local interests rather than on
general questions. Apart from the distinction of race between
the two great provinces and the antagonism, before dormant but
somewhat awakened by the war, there was no question of importance
at issue between the parties. Both concurred in sending
contingents to South Africa. The Liberals, though they went in
at first on the platform of free trade—at least, of a tariff
for revenue only—have practically embraced protection under
the name of stability of the tariff, and are believed to have
received from the protected manufacturers contributions to
their large election fund. The other special principles, such
as the reduction of expenditure and discontinuance of the
bonus to railways, proclaimed by Liberals before the last
election, have been dropped. So has reform of the Senate. It
is not likely that the Liberal victory will be followed by any
change either in legislation or government, or by any special
reform. Mr. Bourassa and Monet, of the French-Canadian members
who protested against the contingent, have been re-elected.
Great as may be the extent and warmth of British feeling, the
statement that Canadians were unanimously in favour of
participation in the war must not be taken without
qualification. For myself, I felt that so little principle was
at stake that I voted for two Conservatives on their personal

CANAL, The new Bruges.

See (in this volume)

BRUGES: A. D. 1900.

CANAL, The Chicago Drainage.

See (in this volume)

CHICAGO: A. D. 1900.

CANAL, City of Mexico Drainage.

See (in this volume)

MEXICO: A. D. 1898.

CANAL, The Elbe and Trave.

See (in this volume)

GERMANY: A. D. 1900 (JUNE).

CANAL, Interoceanic, The Project of the: A. D. 1581-1892.

The early inception of the project.
Movements towards its realization.

"The thought of uniting the two great oceans by means of a

canal across the American isthmus sprang up, as is known, from
the moment the conviction was reached that the passage which,
from the days of Columbus, was thought to exist towards the
Southern Sea, was not a reality. … Nevertheless the first
survey of the land was not carried out until the year 1581,
when, in obedience to superior instructions, Captain Antonio
Pereira, Governor of Costa Rica, organized an expedition and
explored the route by way of the San Juan river, the lake, and
the rivers emptying into Gulf Nicoya, Costa Rica. Thirty-nine
years later Diego de Mercado submitted to King Philip III his
famous report of January 23, 1620, suggesting the route by the
river and lake, and thence through Costa Rican territory along
the Quebrada or Barranca Honda to Salinas Bay, then called
Puerto del Papagayo. Either because the magnitude of the
undertaking was at that time superior to the necessities of
trade, or, as was said, because Spain considered the canal
antagonistic to her interests, the era of independence arrived
without the execution of the project ever having been entered
upon. After independence the Congress of Central America, in
which Costa Rica and Nicaragua were represented as States of
the Federation which succeeded the Colonial Government,
enacted on June 16, 1825, a decree providing for the
construction of the canal, and in that same year Don Antonio
José Cañas, Diplomatic Representative of Central America in
Washington, addressed the Secretary of State, Mr. Henry Clay,
informing him of this resolution and stating that: 'A company
formed of American citizens of respectability was ready to
undertake the work as soon as a treaty with the United States
insuring the coöperation of the latter was signed; that he was
ready to enter into negotiations for the treaty, and that
nothing would be more pleasant for Central America than to see
the generous people of the United States joining her in the
opening of the canal, sharing the glory of the enterprise, and
enjoying the great advantages to be derived from it.' The
Government of Central America could not carry the undertaking
into effect, notwithstanding that among the means employed to
reach the desired result there figures the arrangement
concluded with the King of Holland in October, 1830. But,
though the hopes centered in the undertaking were frustrated,
to the honor of Central America the declarations of that
Congress, which constitute, like the concession for the canal
itself, one of the loftiest public documents ever issued by
any nation of the earth, have become a matter of record. The
Central American Federation dissolved, this important matter
attached to Nicaragua and Costa Rica directly, and the
boundary line between the two republics having been determined

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