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mobile cloud enables core features

holger luedorf
head of business development
foursquare – a personal location service
• 3-4 years ago a service like foursquare would have not been
technically possible

• Smartphones communicate with the mobile cloud

• All the core data sits in the cloud: Venue information, user-generated
content (photos, comments, tips etc.), location information, check-in
history, social graph activity

• Available on all major mobile platforms globally

• 15M+ users have checked in more than 1.7B times

• 33M+ venues/POIs globally, all user-generated, all extremely current

• More check-ins give foursquare a better idea of a user’s habits and

preferences as well as those of the user’s friends on foursquare
check-ins enable key user benefits
connect with friends saving money personalized tips &

• connecting f riends in the • m erc hant Spec ials • based on personal and
real world – no other app provide dis c ounts and f riends’ check -in habits,
is as ef f ective at doing other benef its (no waiting f oursquare provides
this than f oursquare in line, s pec ial ac c es s personalized local
• sharing location allows etc .) recommendations & tips
users to “meet by • ac c es s to 3 r d party Dail y • leverage the
accident”, creating Deals bas ed on loc ation intelligence of the
serendipity • ex c lus ive Credit Card user’s network of
deals (Am eric an Ex pres s ) f riends
check-ins enable key user benefits
follow Lists/Brands game dynamics check-in history

• f ollow lis ts of f avor ite • us ers have a f riendl y • n e ve r f o r g e t a p l a c e yo u

c elebrities or m agazines c om petition around h a ve vi s i t e d b e f o r e ( “ W h a t
to dis c over rec om m ended earning Badges f or wa s t h a t g r e a t s u s h i p l a c e
i n To k yo a g a i n ? ” )
r es taurants etc . c hec k - in at c ertain plac es
• be reminded of great
• f ollowing a brand lik e • us ers c om pete f or moments & locations (e.g.
‘His tor y Channel’ tur ns Mayors h ips , earned by Ti m e H o p i s a s e r vi c e t h a t
f ours quare into a loc al having c hec k ed in m ore s e n d s yo u d a i l y e m a i l s wi t h
check-ins and photos from a
tour guide to one plac e than others ye a r a g o )
Thank You
twitter: @holger

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