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Zero Conditional

Name: Result: __/38 Date: __/__/20__

gain an immense numerical majority in this country,

1. If Catholics ever _______
is at an end. (gain) (be)
religious freedom _____

2. If the prince ________, it _____ simply the accident of fate. (live) (be)

3. If clouds _________ in the matrimonial heaven, she _____________ them

with the breath of love. (gather) (dissipate)

4. If I _____________ General Massena aright, your information __________

no details, nor any particular suggestions as to the attack.
(understand) (convey)

5. If we ________ an aboriginal number of 7.0 persons per family, then the

number per house __________ 16.45 instead of 11.75. (admit) (become)

6. If content _____ but half, form _____ the other half of stories and not the
easier half, either. (be) (be)

7. If it _____ right to me, then it _____ right. (be) (be)

8. If any animal _______________ human consciousness, it _____ the

common Tabby. (approximate) (be)

9. If she _________ me, my luck _______ with her. (leave) (go)

10. If it _____ terrified, it _________. (be) (yield)

11. If this piscina _____ original, it _____ a very fine specimen for so early a
date. (be) (be)

12. If we ______ brute and barbarous, the fate ________ a brute and
dreadful shape. (be) (take)

13. If she _______ this, even with regard to her own manifestations, she
_______! (say) (lie)

14. If it _______ us farewell from the cliffs of Dover, it _________ us again on

the quay of Calais. (bid) (greet)
15. If our Americans _______ a fault, it _____ a very slight one. (have) (be)

16. If it ________, it _____ fresh. (sink) (be)

17. If you __________ authority, the world _____ greater than the city.
(require) (be)

18. If you ________ ill of them falsely, it ___________ you, not them.
(speak) (concern)

19. If such a thing _________, it _____ the curse of Hecate. (exist) (be)

20. If he _______, he _______ like a gentleman. (die) (die)

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