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Can an “Image Name” text filler also come along here below the
image when using camera from long press
The alignment, Size and spacing (horizontal/vertical) between the oval boxes of document
type is not proper. All box sizing and text size needs to be same. “Name as per Aadhar Card”
“Name as per Driving License” . Only make “Name….” as compulsory to fill or type. Put “*”
beside it. And only uploading needs to be compulsory. There should be another oval box
with “Others” written on it. It can have “Name as per the Document” & “Document
Number” written below when chosen
When clicked on profile pic does it enlarge? The video or image at background shall be
playable when clicked on the play button? so does it open up as a small box there itself? The
verified icon can be slightly bigger in size and its colour shall be different. Please give 1-2
best colour options in contrast to this purple so that I can choose. Tier 1 should be slightly
bigger in size and it should be Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond & Lithium Tier. Every
user should be termed as “Bronze Tier” by default. These tiers can be manually assigned
from admin for every user or vendor then. There can be various combinations or ways to get
these tiers & can be notified from admin gradually and in FAQs, etc. Instead of ID/User ID
below the name, City & Profession should be written. The Like thumb should be in centre
properly with equal spacing between the oval boxes. Also, the number of thumbs up should
come beside the thumb. Font colour of Tier, KYC Verified Logo, Thumbs Up & the number
beside it would be same.
If number of likes and thumbs up no. is same, then just keep the thumb there without any
number besides it. What does the arrow besides reward pts do? What does the cloud like
icon at bottom right of top image do? Referrals and Likes font size same. “Services Offered” .
All service names shall be in proper spelling and any number of words with first capital letter.
“My Quick Contacts”. Keep this above services. “Images” “Documents” “Sample Work or
Achievements”. There needs to be some more boxes/ form fields to fill for a profile. These
would be the names - “Primary Occupation” “Work Wish List” “Professional Offerings” .
Keep these below Bio. Can a deletable prefixed text come at start of these boxes when user
opens to type. What all to make compulsory to fill to save profile? Write “NA” wherever a
box left blank. Share profile button not there at top. Usually, share page or share icon should
be there at all pages in app so that it can be shared along with app download link via
Whatsapp, etc like all other apps
“Search” . There should be an “Others” box at bottom with a text box besides to type in if
the service is not listed here. Then a pop-up shall come for that - “Thanks for entering your
service(s) offered. We will get back to you at the earliest so that you can fill in more relevant
details related to them”. what happens when the vendor selects multiple circles? then one
by one he can fill in the details about those services? A skip button should be there too if
user wants to mention about the details later? “Tentative Billing Amount” - this should have
a text typing option too along with the number so that vendor can specify properly.
“Locations” - multiple locations can be typed here with comma. “Experience in this Service”
instead of “Date”, MM/YY can be written instead of calendar icon here . “Other Important
Information” text field should be added below “Description”. Until a photograph is uploaded
with the service, what is the sample photo or how does that oval box look?

“Services Required”. “Other Relevant Information” text field should be added below the
description box. Also, spacing between all boxes should be equal and not too less. Multiple
image upload option should be given everywhere in app. When entering service name here,
can we enter multiple services also? Also, does a dropdown open up when user starts typing
2-3 letters of service so that she can quickly choose?
“Press the button to start recording an audio note”. “Enter Recording Name”. Does .mp3
come by itself? “SAVED TO TEMP FILES”

In the live experience in the app, the name and category marked with asterisk were not
there in the app and everything needed to be filled. I will give that feedback with that
screenshot. Also, it did not let upload multiple images. “Add Product Type” in dropdown
heading. At top besides “Add Product”, please add “(Pin to Plane)”. The bottom Save or Add
button needs to be frozen. The Following would be the additions after Product Image - “Bill
or Seller Details” (here a photograph can be uploaded or text field given) . “Warranty Date”
(here a calendar date given and text field). “AMC (Annual Maintenance Contract)” (here a
text field and pricing slabs. option to not select any slab or any date , etc shall be there. Just
text description can be written for every heading) . “User Manual” “Testimonials” “Relevant
Business Cards” (here photograph can be uploaded for all and text fields). All the additional
custom fields should have option of date selection or photo or price range along with text

referral page needs to be designed again as per the details sent. Proper text alignment, font
and proper lower case and upper case needs to be be set for all types.
in This, add “Comments” as a text field where the profile user can type any additional info
he or she wishes to tell about the quick contact. It will show NA if left empty. Other user can
see those comments by clicking on the contact name.
have listed all the additional form fields and type for product addition. the AMC numbers
need to be properly shown. it is looking very unprofessional - like Upto INR 5000, INR 5000 -
INR 10000, and so on. Also, keep option till ‘INR 100000 & more’ as last one. Also, while
selecting date, we are not able to go to the previous years and select comfortably
Select all will be “Select All”. What is the logic of double tick and single tick here or are all
double ticks? . “Are you sure you want to delete these messages?” - this shall come when 2
or more messages are selected. For one message selected to be deleted, this shall come -
“Are you sure you want to delete this message?” . Start typing… will be “Enter message
“Image, Links and Files” . “Services Offered”. In services offered, both the words or more
shall have first letter of every word as uppercase. in second screen, monday or any weekday
or date should be in upper case first letter “Monday” or date as “02/07/24” etc. Also, the
last chat visible under the name is showing last message exchanged in that chat or
something else?
The last message exchanged should show in exact upper case or lower case as sent, not in
lowercase like shown here. The number of requests shown above it is too close to the name.
The circle should be at some distance and ’05’ should be in bold as it is less readable.
“Yesterday”, “Monday”, etc all in uppercase as first letter. Can chat background or text box
colours be changed by user or admin?
“Send and Receive messages from your friends & vendors and grow your business”. In
second screen, there is a big gap between cross and tick, that should be lesser. Also, below
the name, the designation or occupation as entered in user profile should come, rather than
the ID. In third screen, will this message be standard for all requests, even if it is user to user
request or vendor to user or vice versa? . Message will be this - “Do you want to add Amol
Shenoy to your friend list?” . In fourth screen , the options will be these - “Friend” “Vendor”
“Father” “Mother” “Spouse” “Brother” “Sister” “Cousin” “Others” - all these options needs
to be there in horizontal rows.
Here, Logout heading in pop up message needs to be center aligned in the box. Also, logout
and cancel box at bottom need to be centre aligned.

This bar needs to be fixed for most screens. It is floating at a higher level from bottom of
phone screen, it can be slightly decreased. Please make sure this bar is there on mostly all
“We are always ready to help you. Feel free to reach out to us for any query or issue. Our
team will get back to you at the earliest”. Clicking on email shall take directly to compose
email right? Clicking on the phone button shall open the whatsapp chat page here. Kindly
change the call icon to whatsapp icon rather than direct calling option. 'Call us’ will be -
“WhatsApp us”. The ‘Contact’ form will have “Query or Feedback Form” as heading. Rest
would be same. For page two, the pop-up message would be this - “Done! Thank you for
contacting us. We shall respond to you at the earliest” . The ‘home page’ button name will
be “Home Page”. Also, what will happen if the user doesnt click on home page button but
clicks on the screen elsewhere? Will it collapse this pop up mesaage and keep the contact us
page opened then?
“Change Mobile Number”. “Enter new Mobile Number”. for screen two - “Change Email ID”.
What is the pop up message that comes on pressing reset button?
In bottom screens, “Didn’t receive code? Resend” will be the bottom lines in both. ‘Resend’
will be bold and highlighted.

Screen1 - “Privacy Policy” “FAQs” “Change Email ID” . Screen2 - “You can either make your
entire profile public or private or give permissions for only the data that you wish to make
publicly available. Making products public or private would make them visible to all users
and vendors across the platform”. The font size of ‘Mobile Number’, ‘Email ID’, etc should be
same for all. It is not the same. ‘Email Id’ will be “Email ID” . ‘Product’ will be “Products”.
Clicking on toggle button in front of product will do what? Add more button will list all other
products or they would be visible by default? The names of the products in Screen2 should
be same as name written while adding a product. Screen3 - ‘The product……’ line will be
“Select the Products that you wish to make Public or Private. Privacy would make them
hidden from all users and vendors who visit your profile”. Under ‘Access’, font size for all
headings needs to be same. What is the referral toggle button doing exactly? Family and
Friends list same?
“My Orders”. The heading for the cancelled orders is the name of the service being offered
right? . in Screen2 - “Cancelled Order Details”. In cancelled order pop-up, whose address is it
showing? from where is this address coming? Booked on and Date are different dates based
on what logic? The name of the vendor should have both first and last name with first letter
as uppercase. It should be in bold and clickable, so that it can take you to their profile? While
booking or with this cancelled order, two text-field boxes need to be there with headings -
“Mobile Number of Service User” and “Any Message or Instruction for the Vendor” . “NA”
should come for any field left blank anywhere in the app.
“Transaction ID” “Total Amount Paid” “Recipient Vendor” “Payment Mode” . Will the
message under payment failed be same for all cases in Screen2? If the payment fails due to
net issue or anything else then what comes? Also, the date alignment is not proper. 11:30pm
has pm touching the 0. please correct date and time alignment for all cases. How are
transaction IDs generated?. In Screen3 - “Your booking is Done. Kindly check your Email ID
for details”. Also, which screen opens on pressing ‘OK’ in this pop-up. Does it take us to
home page?

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