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TIME ALLOWED 1:20 Pass point is 50%
Part I Choose the best answer from the given alternatives. (1 pt for each)
1. In marketing process the time of exchange there must be: -
A) at least two parties exist
B) each party has something that might be of value to the other party
C) each party is capable of communication and delivery
D) each party is free to accept or reject the exchange offer
E) All
2 . Of the following one is wrong definitions about marketing Management
A) It is social and managerial process
B) It is business activities that generate revenue/profit
C) it is creation and delivery of standard of living to the society
D) It is the process of planning & executing, the conception of pricing, promotion and
distribution of ideas, goods and services
E) None
3. ____is desires for specific products that are backed by ability, willingness and access to
purchasing power.
A) want C) demand
B) need D)all
E) A&B
4. ____Is states of deprivation of some basic satisfactions of human?
A) want C) need
B)demand D) Product E) all
5. Among the following marketing philosophy (concepts) that only focuses on the quality,
innovate feature and superiority of the product.
A) production concept /philosophy C) marketing concept
B) product concept/Philosophy D) selling concept E) societal marketing concept
6. Societal marketing philosophy mostly focuses on _____
A) societal well being C) Sustainable economic development
B) customers satisfactions D) environmental protection E) All
7. One is not macro marketing environment of the company/organization?
A) Economic environment C) Socio-cultural environment
B) Political environment D) technological environment E) Publics
8. Of the following one is the internal(micro) environments of the organization/company?
A) Competitors C) Financial intermidiaries
B) suppliers D) All of the above
9. Among customers purchasing (buying) behaviors social classes that have high purchasing
power of product
A) upper-upper class B)middle-middle class
C) lower-lower class D)lower-upper class E)all

10. Among the following one is not deteriminants of consumers buying behavior
A) Income B) Social class C) Religion
D) Family size E) Income F) None
11. Consumers buying behavior is highly involved in purchasing the product and sees little
difference in the brands of the product.
A) Habitual purchasing behavior C) Variety seeking buying behavior
B) Dissonance reducing buying behavior D) Complex buying behavior E) All
12. The field of ______ studies how individuals, groups, organizations select, buy, use, and
dispose of goods, services, ideas or experiences to satisfy their needs and desires.
A) Marketing C) Consumer behavior
B) Comsumerism D) Consumer Goods E) All
13. Among the following one is not the importance of promotion A) To Build an image B)
creating awareness for new products C) locating where products can be purchased D) To creat
status quo E) All
14. In consumers marketing segmentation, segmenting customers based on individuals life styles,
personality, attitude
A) Demographic segmentation C) Behavioral segmentation
B) Geographic segmentation D) Psychographic segmentation E) all of the above
15. Among the following one is not Demographic segmentation of marketing
A) Income C) Religion
B) B) Social class D) Family size E) Usage rate
16. In marketing communications tools total marketing approach by which a producing firm
builds the images of the product with in the minds of customers is known as
A) Market positioning C) Targeting marketing
B) Market segmentation D) all of the above
17. _____is the process of selecting one or more market segments to enter
A) positioning C) targeting
B) segmentation D) Mass marketing
18. Among the following one is not product A) Place B) Service C) Ideas D) Goods E) none
19. Among the following one is not consumer goods.
A) shopping goods C) specialty goods
B) convenient goods D) unsought goods E) Materials & parts
20. The advantages of product packaging is
A) to identify the product C) serves as sales tools
B) to protect from damage and theft D) Serves as information tools E) All of the above
21. The set of all products offered for sale by a company is a called _____
A) product mix C) Product depth
B) Product line D) All E) None
22. ______ is any paid form of non-personal, oral and / or visual openly sponsor-identified
message concerning goods, services or ideas.
A) Advertising C) Publicity
B) Sales promotion D) Public relations E) All

23. All of the following are accurate descriptions of concept of marketing, EXCEPT which
A. Marketing is the creation of value for customers.
B. Marketing is managing profitable customer relationships.
C. Marketing involves satisfying customers' needs.
D. Marketing is used by for-profit and not-for-profit organizations
24. The set of marketing tools a firm uses to implement its marketing strategy is called
A. Promotion mix
B. Product mix
C. Marketing mix
D. Marketing effort
25. Of the following, which is the most important concept of modern marketing?
A. Customer relationship management
B. Societal marketing
C. Consumer-generated marketing
D. Properly trained salespeople
26. From the following marketing concept, which one is balance consumer wants, society’s
interests and company profits?
A. Product concept
B. Marketing concept
C. Societal marketing concept
D. Selling/sales concept
27. Which element of the marketing mix includes the distribution of products?
A. Product
B. Price
C. Place
D. Promotion
28. In a SWOT analysis, SWOT stands for
A) Strategies, weaknesses, obligations, threats
B) Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats
C) Strengths, work requirements, opportunities, time
D) Strategies, worth, obligations, time
29. _________ is defined as the variety of marketing communications an organization
A) Promotional mix
B) Personal selling
C) Advertising
D) Publicity
30. Marketing intermediaries NOT include –
A) Physical distributors
B) Marketing service agencies
C) Financial instruments
D) Financial intermediaries
31. The following are the objectives of promotion except:
A) To deliver goods on time
B) To support sales increases

C) To create awareness
D) To create an image
32. Land Rover is a European manufacturer of bicycles. It makes bikes especially designed
for men and for women. It also makes bikes that are designed for city riding, mountain
riding, and racing. By dividing the market for its bicycles into several small groups, it is
engaging in:
A) Market segmentation
B) Market aggregation
C) Product diversification
D) Market development
33. What is another name for the practice of introducing a new product at a high price for a
brief period, in the hopes of recouping production costs?
A. Penetration pricing
B. Skimming pricing
C. Cost plus pricing
D. Markup pricing
34. ________ is defined as the customer's evaluation of the differences between all the
benefits and all the costs of a marketing offer relative to those of competing offers.
A. Customer equity
B. Customer satisfaction
C. Customer evangelism
D. Customer-perceived value
35. A person's buying choices are influenced by four major psychological factors. Which is
NOT one of these factors?
A. Motivation
B. Perception
C. Beliefs & Attitude
D. None

36. When consumers are highly involved with the purchase of an expensive product and they
perceive significant differences among brands, they most likely will undertake ________.
A. Habitual buying behavior
B. Complex buying behavior
C. Reflective buying behavior
D. Variety-seeking buying behavior
37. A shoe company uses ads featuring the members of a country music band with the hope
that the band's fans will see them wearing the company's shoes and want to wear the
same shoes. The shoe company is hoping that fans of the band view the band as a
A. Membership group
B. Reference group
C. Status symbol
D. Subculture
38. Your marketing department is currently researching the size, density, location, age, and
occupations of your target market. Which environment is being researched?
A. Demographic

B. Psychographic
C. Geographic
D. Cultural

39. Which of the following is NOT a type of factor in a company's macro-environment?

A. Demographic
B. Economic
C. Technological
D. Competitive
40. You are directed to study the demographic, economic, natural, technological, political,
and cultural factors that are larger societal forces affecting your company. What are you
A. The macro-environment
B. The micro-environment
C. The Internal environment
D. The global environment
41. Which of the following terms is used to describe the factors and forces outside marketing
that affect marketing management's ability to build and maintain successful relationships
with target customers?
A. The marketing mix elements
B. The marketing environment
C. The cultural environment
D. Economic environment
42. Which of the following are the four broad groups of consumer segmentation criteria?
A. Organisational size, demographic, behavioural variables, and income
B. Behavioural, psychological, demographical, and geographic
C. Behavioural-, gender- age, and industry- type variables.
D. Psychographic, sociological, economical and price variables.
43. Introducing a new product at a price low enough to attract a large share of the market is
A. Skimming pricing
B. Psychological pricing
C. Penetration pricing
D. Geographic pricing
44. Branding is concerned with ____________ component of 4P’s
A) Promotion
B) Place
C) Price
D) Product
45. Narrowly focused markets that are defined by some special interest are termed as
A) Target markets
B) Mass markets
C) Niche markets
D) Differentiated markets
46. Goods that customers usually purchase frequently with minimum efforts are ____goods.
A) Convenience

B) Shopping
C) Specialty
D) Unsought

47. The type of customer market that buy goods and services for further processing is called
A) Business market
B) Consumer market
C) Government market
D) Retail market.
48. The groups within a company such as top management, finance, and R&D are called the
A) Macro-environment
B) Internal environment
C) Natural environment
D) Uncontrollable environment
49. The process of monitoring and analyzing the marketing environment of a company is
A) Situational Analysis
B) Market Analysis
C) Market Scanning
D) Environmental Scanning
50. A group of products that are physically similar is called:
A) A product line
B) A product mix
C) A product concept
D) A product item

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