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MERF, Plot No. 59, Ist Floor, G-8/1 T +92(0) 51 8443306 E info@merf-pakistan.

I & T Center, Islamabad, Pakistan F +92(0) 51 8443307 W

Disciplinary Matrix (Annex-A)

The circumstance surrounding an offense, such as the severity of the misconduct, the number of
times it has occurred and any pervious counselling, will suggest what action should be taken, below
are the offences and the resulted actions but are not limited to:

Description Level of Action

1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Unauthorized leave Explanation First written Second / Final Dismissal

(1-4 Days) Call warning written
Leaving work place without Explanation First written Second / Final Dismissal
authorization Call warning written
Vulgar/abusive Explanation First written Second / Final Dismissal
Language Call warning written
Unable to meet deadline/ Supervisor First written Second / Final Dismissal
Performance issue Report warning written
Violation of office rules First written Second / Final Dismissal
warning written
Unauthorized Absent of 5 Explanation Dismissal
days Call
Disclosure of secret Suspension Dismissal
Work place harassment/ Suspension Dismissal
Sexual harassment Suspension Dismissal

Embezzlement Suspension Dismissal

Bribery Suspension Dismissal

Stealing Suspension Dismissal

Use of drugs in office Suspension Dismissal

Falsification of Record Suspension Dismissal

 Explanation call issued by line manager/supervisor/ department head/project manager keep HR-HO-Islamabad in
 All warnings and Dismissal will be issued from head office based on the recommendations

Medical Emergency Resilience Foundation (MERF) is registered with Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) under Section 42 of the companies ordinance

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