Ethics - Poem

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Form a group consist of two (2) members. Write a poem describing/explaining your chosen normative ethical

theory (Consequentialism, Nonconsequentialism, or Virtue Ethics). The poem must consist of at least eight (8)

stanzas, where each stanza should have at least four (4) lines and must either follow the rhymed meter or free

verse. It can either be in English or Tagalog, but strictly no Taglish.

• Paper size: Letter
• Font: TNR, 12
• Line spacing: 1
• Margin: 1’’ on all sides
• Citation style: APA (if necessary)
• File name: Surname1_Surname2_Surname3 (e.g. Escobinas_Dayo_Tutor)

Deadline: March 6, 2024 (Wednesday)

Choose only one from your group to submit your output.
Submission link:
You will be graded based on the following:
5 4 3 2 1
The entire poem is related Most parts of the poem are Some parts of the poem Majority of the poem No attempt has been
to the chosen normative related to the chosen are related to the chosen do not explain the made to relate the
ethical theory and allows theory. The poem wanders theory and the reader chosen normative poem to the chosen
Relevance the reader to understand off at some points, but the does not learn much ethical theory and normative ethical
much more about the reader can still learn about the theory. the reader does not theory.
theory. something about the topic. learn anything about
the theory.
The poem demonstrates The poem demonstrates a The poem demonstrates The poem The poem’s
an excellent good understanding of the a fair understanding of demonstrates a description and
Accuracy understanding of the chosen normative ethical the chosen normative limited explanation of the
chosen normative ethical theory, and most of its ethical theory, and some understanding of chosen normative
theory, and its descriptions and of its descriptions and the chosen ethical theory are all
descriptions and explanation are correct. explanation are correct. normative ethical wrong.
explanation are all theory, and only
correct. few of its
descriptions and
explanation are

The poem uses vivid The poem uses vivid words The poem uses words The poem uses a
The poem does not
words and phrases that and phrases that linger or that communicate clearly,limited vocabulary
capture the reader’s
linger or draw pictures in draw pictures in the but the writing lacks that does not
Word choice the reader's mind, and the reader's mind, but variety, punch, or flair. communicate
choice and placement of occasionally the words are strongly or capture
the words are accurate, used inaccurately or seem the reader's interest.
natural, and not forced. overdone.

The poem contains many The poem contains a few The poem contains a few The poem contains The poem does not
creative details and/or creative details and/or creative details and/or little evidence of show any creativity
descriptions that contribute descriptions that contribute descriptions that distract creativity. The author at all.
to the reader's enjoyment. to the reader's enjoyment. the reader from does not seem to
The author has really used The author has used understanding the poem. have used much
imagination. imagination. The author has tried to imagination.
use imagination.

Output has one Output has three Output has four or
Output follows Output has two
Paper Format all formatting formatting error. formatting errors formatting errors more formatting
rules. errors
0 to 2 3 to 5 grammatical 6 to 8 grammatical 9 to 10 11 or more
grammatical errors errors grammatical errors grammatical errors
Total points 30 points

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