CRI 164 Q AND A Reviewer

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3/15/24, 5:08 PM CRI 164 Q AND A Reviewer


1 These are rules by which we make decisions about right and wrong, should and
shouldn't, good and
a. Morals c. Ethics
b. Values d. Customs

2 A social norm providing guidance for people in their dealing with one another, as a
standard against which actions are evaluated; and as a prescription or requirement
that people act justly.
a. Law c. Ethics
b. Justice d. Conduct

3 Who shall maintain political independence and impartiality at all times?

a. All police officials c. All law enforcement officers
b. All command officials d. All supervisory officials

4 Who shall ensure that the composition of the police agency is representative of the
entire community through fair and non-discriminatory recruitment and management
policies and practices?
a. Both b and d c. All law enforcement officers
b. All command officials d. All supervisory officials

5 All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. The statement is
a. Yes c. No
b. I think so d. Sometimes

6 Law enforcement officials shall at all times fulfill the duty imposed on them by law,
by serving the ___ and by protecting all persons against illegal acts.
a. Society c. community
b. nation d. state

7 The ethics around lying lead some officers to discount it as a tactic. The statement
is correct.
a. Yes c. No
b. I think so d. Sometimes

8 Tricks that officers are able to use include posing as gangsters or drug dealers in
undercover operations in order to obtain covert ____. Other tricks that officers may
use are lies in interviews to bond
with subjects.
a. Admission c. confession

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b. Evidence d. proof

9 Lies destroy confidence in the police. Both the suspect and the community at large
will not believe even truthful information brought forward in the future by an officer
who uses lying. Is this false?
a. Yes c. No
b. I think so d. Sometimes

10 No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest or detention; this is an example of

human right standard regarding:
a. Arrest c. search
b. investigation d. seizure

11 Everyone is to be presumed innocent until proven guilty in a fair trial; this is an

example of human right standard regarding:
a. arrest c. search
b. investigation d. seizure

12 Juveniles are to be separated from adults; women from men; and unconvicted
persons from convicted persons; this is an example of human right standard
a. arrest c. search
b. investigation d. detention

13 All officers are to be trained in the use of the various means for differentiated
a. use of force c. use of firearm
b. arrest d. search

14 It refers to the study of human motivation, and ultimately of human rational

behavior. It is also referred to as the science of the morality of man.
a. Ethics c. Special Ethics
b. Code of ethics d. All of the Above

15 This means that values have intrinsic limitation and imperfection.

a. Values are subjective c. Values are objective
b. Values are relative d. Values are bipolar

16 Killing a person with intent is an example of:

a. Act of man c. Human act
b. Both a and c d. A only

17 No person shall be imprisoned for ___ or non-payment of a poll tax.

a. credit c. tax
b. Debt d. all of these

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18 Are those which require the omission of a certain act such as not carrying illegal
firearms, or not destroying the property of others.
a. Negative duties c. Positive duties
b. Affirmative duties d. Natural duties

19 What kind of duty is imposed by natural law such as the duty to care for our
a. Negative c. Positive
b. Affirmative d. Natural

20 What is a moral obligation because it depends upon freewill?

a. Obligation c. Duty
b. Responsibility d. Accountability

It is the power of lawful authority to govern his subjects and to make laws for them.
a. Right of jurisdiction c. Judicious right
b. Religious right d. Alienable right

It is a qualitatively determined behavior which has a normative obligatory character

and presupposes the liberty of possible decision.
a. Values c. Ethics
b. Character d. All of these

What is the science of the morality of human acts and rational human behavior?
a. Values c. Ethics
b. Character d. Good manners and right conduct

When is the PNP Ethics month?

a. January c. March
b. August d. September

An ethics without ____ is hollow and shallow and, therefore, weak.

a. character c. values
b. justice d. morals

Values are values even if they are not put into practice. The statement is correct.
a. Yes c. No
b. I think so d. Sometimes

There is morality because there is ___.

a. humanity c. mankind
b. man d. human

What discipline in philosophy that posits the question: What is the nature of reality?
a. Descriptive c. Normative
b. Practical d. Critical

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It refers to the goodness or the badness, the rightness or the wrongness of human
a. Integrity c. Human acts
b. Morality of human acts d. Ethics

30 The philosophers of this period exhibit a diversity of trends in moral beliefs.

a. Classical c. Contemporary
b. Middle Ages d. 19th Century

This period is also known to be the rise of modern science.

a. Classical c. Contemporary period
b. Middle Ages d. Early modern period

What is the foundation of every human society?

a. Morality c. Integrity
b. Justice d. Honesty

Right to vote and be voted for is an example of:

a. Natural right c. Political right
b. Civil right d. Economic right

It is also those that are not dependent on the laws or customs of any particular
culture or government, and cannot be repealed by human laws, though one can
forfeit their enjoyment through one’s actions, such as by violating someone else’s
a. Natural rights c. Civil rights
b. Bill of rights d. Human rights

What are the basic rights and freedoms that belong to every person in the world,
from birth until death?
a. Natural rights c. Civil rights
b. Religious rights d. Human rights

No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law,
nor shall I person be denied the equal protection of the laws enshrined on what
article of the 1987 Philippine Constitution?
a. Article III c. Article I
b. Article II d. Article IV

Entrusted with the constitutional mandate to serve and protect the people, ___
should be the very first protectorate of human rights.
a. police generals c. law enforcers
b. police officers d. everybody

When was the proclamation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

a. December 10, 1948 c. December 20, 1948

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b. December 30, 1948 d. December 25, 1948

It sets out, for the first time, fundamental human rights to be universally protected.
a. Vienna Convention c. Geneva Convention
b. Universal Declaration of Human Rights d. All of these

Law enforcement officials shall at all times respect and obey the law; this is an
example of:
a. Human rights principle c. Human rights doctrine
b. Human rights standard d. Universal right

Remember that “obedience to superior orders” may not be invoked to justify serious
human rights violations such as unlawful killings and torture; this is an example of:
a. Human rights principle c. Human rights doctrine
b. Human rights standard d. Human rights practice

It is a branch of philosophy dealing with what is good and bad with moral duty and
a. Logic c. Ethics
b. Theology d. Wisdom

Police Staff Sergeant X is assigned at Lanao area while he’s away from his family; he
maintains a sexual relationship with another woman. What ethical standard has been
violated by PSSg X?
a. Morality c. Integrity
b. Justice d. Humility

When PNP members do not allow themselves to be victims of corruption and

dishonest practices, then they are adhering to the so-called?
a. Morality c. Integrity
b. Justice d. Humility

What social norm provides direction for people in their dealings with one another, as
a standard against which actions are evaluated and as a prescription or requirement
that people act justly?
a. Conduct c. Justice
b. Ethics d. Commandment

Ethics was derived from the Greek word “ethikos” meaning arising from ___.
a. habit c. behavior
b. action d. values

A person whose conduct conforms to a high standard of propriety or correct

behavior is considered to be:
a. a person of taste c. a gentleman
b. a man of value d. a patriot

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The police ____ is a noble profession which demands from its members specialized
knowledge and skills, as well as high standards of ethics and morality.
a. job c. service
b. duty d. work

The effectiveness of law enforcement is reflective of the managerial capabilities and

competent leadership of the men and women who run the PNP organization. The
statement is:
a. True c. False
b. Yes d. No

It is a noble profession which demands from its member’s specialized knowledge and
skills, as well as high standards of ethics and morality.
a. Police service c. Law enforcement
b. Police duty d. Police job

Complete this legal maxim, “Public office is a public _____.”

a. policy c. honesty
b. trust d. honor

It means doing things improperly or violating the protocol.

a. Crime c. Malfeasance
b. Misfeasance d. Nonfeasance

It means not doing the job expected from the public.

a. Felony c. Malfeasance
b. Misfeasance d. Nonfeasance

What refers to the set of conducts and behavior governing a group, a class or
a. Norms c. Ethical standard
b. Mores d. Ethics

It is the performance of some act which ought not to be done. It is the doing either
through ignorance, inattention or malice, of that which the officer had no legal right
to do at all, as when he acts without any authority whatsoever, or exceeds, ignores,
or abuses his powers.
a. Felony c. Malfeasance
b. Misfeasance d. Nonfeasance

It is the act of engaging in an action or duty but failing to perform the duty correctly.
a. Crime c. Malfeasance
b. Misfeasance d. Nonfeasance

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These include elective and appointive officials and employees, permanent or

temporary, whether in the career or non-career service, including military and police
personnel, whether or not they receive compensation or not, regardless of amount.
a. Politicians c. Public officials
b. Police officers d. Law enforcement officials

It is the manifest lack of adequate ability and fitness for the satisfactory performance
of police duties. This has reference to any physical and intellectual quality, the lack of
which substantially incapacitates one to perform the duties of peace officers.
a. Incompetency c. Ignorance
b. Impotency d. Negligence

It refers to the taking of money, gifts or favors for others by a public servant to
expedite the performance of official functions.
a. Padulas c. Pabagsak
b. Pasasalamat d. Slippery slope

Complete this statement. “Rank-has-its-own _____”.

a. privilege c. preveledge
b. previlege d. priviledge

As a law enforcement officer, your fundamental duty is to serve ____.

a. the public c. mankind
b. the people d. society

It is the formal greeting rendered to uniformed members of the PNP.

a. Salute c. Handshake
b. Hello, Sir d. Sir/Ma’am

These are those established usage or social practices carried on by tradition that
have obtained the force of law.
a. Traditions c. Ceremony
b. Customs d. Social Decorum

The following are the ethical acts to be observed by PNP members except one:
a. Honesty c. Integrity
b. Judicious use of authority d. Humility

Police Corporal Z went to San Pedro College and kicked Teacher X in the belly after
slating the teacher for scolding the police’s son who is a first year criminology
student. The said police officer’s act should be condemned because it is an act:
a. of incompetence c. of dereliction of duty
b. of malfeasance d. of misconduct

The PNP members shall be actively involved in all civic, religious, and other social
activities with the end purpose of increasing ____ awareness.
a. business c. camaraderie

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b. religious d. social

It means a regularly followed procedure or pattern in conducting activities.

a. Tradition c. Practice
b. Values d. Habit

It means long established practices common to a particular community, class, or

a. Practice c. Customs
b. Values d. Ethics

The unnecessary and unreasonable use of force in effecting arrest or abuse in the
manner of conducting search and seizure.
a. Brutality c. Cruelty
b. Illegality d. Equanimity

Public officials and employees shall extend prompt, courteous, and adequate service
to the public.
a. Responsiveness to the public c. Professionalism
b. Commitment to public interest d. Nationalism and patriotism

What government agency has the primary responsibility for the administration and
enforcement of RA 6713?
a. Sandiganbayan c. Civil Service Commission

No PNP member shall inflict, instigate or tolerate extra-judicial killings, arbitrary

arrests, any act of torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or
punishment, this is in observance of:
a. Devotion to duty c. Respect for human rights
b. Obedience to superiors d. Command responsibility

A set of norms and standards practiced by members during social activities and other
a. Habit c. Social Decorum
b. Tradition d. Table manner

What are those sets of formal acts established by customs or authority as proper to
special occasion?
a. Customs c. Rites
b. Ceremonies d. Traditions

Why is the flag raised at half-mast when there is a deceased uniformed member of
the command?
a. Because it is part of their ethical doctrine.
b. Because it is mandatory.
c. Because it is part of their custom on ceremony.

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d. Because it is part of their tradition.

Displaying integrity, morality and justice are examples of the:
a. Ethical standards c. Professional conduct
b. Police customs d. Police traditions

Is it a taboo for any personnel to petition in court or in any public forum regarding his
place of assignment?
a. Yes c. No
b. Sometimes d. I think so

Under the United Nations General Assembly Resolution dated December 17, 1979,
police officers are also known as:
a. Peace-makers c. the Public
b. Law enforcement officials d. Helpers

The following are sources of PNP Ethical doctrine except:

a. Philippine Constitution c. RA 6713
b. RA 3019 d. All of these

All PNP personnel shall be issued upon entry into the police service a copy of the PNP
COPCES which shall be considered an accountable property and shall it with them
daily. What does COPCES stand for?
a. Code of Practitioner Conduct and Ethical Standard
b. Code of Proper Conduct and Ethical Standard
c. Code of Professional Custom and Ethical Standard
d. Code of Professional Conduct and Ethical Standard

The key elements for a corrupt behavior are the following except:
a. Conduct prohibited by law c. Personal gain
b. Misuse of position d. Police brutality

When the police officer uses or sale of confiscated items and evidence, usually drugs
or narcotics, then he is doing what?
a. Recycling c. Protection
b. Extortion d. Corruption

It is the practical science that treats the principle of human morality and duty as
applied to law enforcement.
a. Science of law c. Police ethics
b. Ethics d. Ethical standard

What imports an act of cruelty, severity, unlawful execution, or excessive use of

a. Oppression c. Protection
b. Extortion d. Corruption

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It is the concealment or distortion of truth in a manner of a fact relevant to one’s

office or connected with the performance of his duties.
a. Dishonesty c. Cruelty
b. Oppression d. Brutality

Any act of a member of the PNP pursuing or following any calling or occupation, or
the act of engaging in any business, which includes but not limited to all activities,
jobs, work, and similar functions, performed, engaged in or undertaking by him, in or
off duty hours with or without compensation, which is inconsistent or incompatible
with the PNP duties or functions.
a. Moonlighting c. Recycling
b. Brutality d. Dishonesty

It refers to the thing or right disposed gratuitously, or any act of liberality in favor of
another who accepts it, and shall include a simulated sale or ostensibly onerous
disposition thereof.
a. Gift c. Bribe
b. Present d. Padulas

What is the primary objective of police service?

a. Prevention of crime c. All of these
b. Control of crime d. Prevention and control of crime

As an upholder of the law, policemen must know the limitation in enforcing the law,
a. He must be aware of the limitations which the people, through law, have placed
b. He must recognize the center of the democratic system of government, which
gives a person or group of persons, absolute power.
c. He must ensure that he does not pervert its true character.
d. All of these

The following are the conducts of a police officer in arresting of a law violator,
a. Use his power to arrest in accordance with the law and with due regard to the
rights of the citizen concerned.
b. At all times, have a clear appreciation of his responsibilities and limitations
regarding the detention of the accused.
c. Conduct himself in such a manner as will minimize the possibility of having to use
d. None of these

A ____ emulates the valor of Lapu-lapu, serenity of Rizal, the leadership of

Aguinaldo, the courage of Bonifacio, the idealism of Del Pilar, the wisdom of Mabini
and the fortitude of Gomez, Burgos and Zamora.
a. police man c. policeman
b. Filipino policeman d. all of these

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I believe in God, the Supreme Being, a great provider, and the creator of all men and
all dear to me. In return, I can do no less than love Him above all, seek his guidance
in the performance of my sworn duties and honor Him at all times. This can be found
a. Law Enforcement Code of Ethics c. Code of Professional Conduct and Ethical
b. Police Officer’s Creed d. None of these

Who is the Supreme Being according to the Police Officer’s Creed?

a. God c. Jesus
b. Lord d. Joseph

The effectiveness of law enforcement is reflective of the managerial capabilities and

competent leadership of the men and women who run the PNP organization.
a. Police image c. Police management leadership
b. Professionalism d. Social awareness

What has been portrayed if Patrolman X carefully selected the kind of pictures and
videos to be posted on her FB account?
a. Integrity c. Professionalism
b. Humility d. Honesty

While the law respects the constitutional right of individuals to suffrage, it is not
within that right for any police officer to publicly speak out his mind or perform an
act that supports a particular candidate or a political party. What PNP Ethical
doctrine is this?
a. Patriotism c. Nationalism
b. Civic duty d. Non-partisanship

Uniformed PNP members shall commit themselves to the democratic way of life and
values and maintain the principle of public accountability. They shall at all times
uphold the Constitution and be loyal to our country, people and organization, above
their loyalty to any person.
a. Commitment to democracy c. Commitment to Public Interest
b. Nationalism d. Patriotism

When these public officials and employees remain true to the people at all times,
what norm of conduct they are emphasizing?
a. Professionalism c. Justness and sincerity
b. Commitment to public interest d. Commitment to democracy

It refers to a great courage in the face of danger; strength of mind or spirit that
enables a person to encounter danger with firmness.
a. Valor c. Patriotism
b. Discipline d. Spiritual belief

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When PNP members guard the confidentiality of classified information against

unauthorized disclosure, what professional conduct is being observed?
a. Omerta c. Non- Solicitation of Patronage
b. Proper Care and Use of Public Property d. Secrecy Discipline

A branch of philosophy dealing with what is good and bad with moral duty and
A. Logic
B. Epistemology
C. Aesthetics
D. Ethics

The following are importance of Ethics, EXCEPT:

A. Indispensable knowledge
B. Without moral perception, man is only an animal
C. Without morality, man as rational being is a failure
D. Without ethics, values doesn’t coexist with morality.

What is a practical science that treats the principles of human morality and duty as
applied to law
A. Police Customs
B. Police Decorum
C. Police Ethics
D. Police Tradition

It is defined as the foundation of every human society.

A. Ethics
B. Value
C. Morality
D. Moral

It is anything that is owed or due. The power to own, exact or use something.
A. Right
B. Duty
C. Law
D. Value

It is the enjoyment of the will derived from the attainment of the thing he had
desired earlier.
A. Fruition
B. Election
C. Wish
D. Use

The following is an example of Police immorality.

A. Living with a woman not his wife.

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B. Going to the office not in uniform.

C. Smoking while patrolling.
D. Always absent from his post.

These are actions performed by man, knowingly and freely. Deliberate, intentional or
voluntary actions.
A. Human Acts
B. Elicited Acts
C. Acts of Man
D. Commanded Acts

Action which is instinctive and is not within the control of the will.
A. Human Acts
B. Elicited Acts
C. Acts of Man
D. Commanded Acts

It is a gift of God that should be respected at all times by everybody including the
A. Benefit
B. Incentive
C. Privilege
D. Right

It is a list of rights pertaining to persons; a list of individual liberties, freedom and

rights which are guaranteed and protected by the Constitution.
A. People’s Rights
B. Bill of Rights
C. Personal Rights
D. Rights

The Bill of Rights is premised on the belief in the dignity of man and the intrinsic
worth of human life. The statement is opposite to not true. It is false.
A. Yes
B. Maybe
C. No
D. It depends

It is the power of lawful authority to govern his subjects and to make laws for them.
A. Rights of Jurisdiction
B. Human Rights
C. Natural Rights
D. Alienable Rights

It is the power to own, to sell, to barter, to lend, to change, or give away one’s
personal possessions.

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A. Rights of Jurisdiction
B. Human Rights
C. Rights of Property
D. Alienable Rights

These are rights which can be surrendered, renounced, or removed, such as the right
to decent livelihood.
A. Rights of Jurisdiction
B. Human Rights
C. Rights of Property
D. Alienable Rights

It is not true that duty is a moral obligation because it depends upon freewill. The
statement is False.
A. Yes
B. Maybe
C. No
D. It depends

Which of the following is considered as the easiest to understand and most practical
course yet difficult to apply or observe properly?
A. Administration
B. Ethics
C. Investigation
D. Operation

The act of filing a complaint against the accused until the final disposition of the case
in which it follows the procedure prescribed by law is known to be what type of right.
A. The right to speedy trial
B. The right to be informed of nature and cause of accusation against him
C. The right to equal protection of law
D. The right to due process of law

The following are rights of a person under custodial investigation, except.

A. The right to face the witness face to face
B. Right against self-incrimination
C. Rights against torture, force, violence, threat, intimidation or any other means
which vitiates freewill
D. To have competent and independent counsel preferably of his own choice.

It is defined as the one rights of the accused which is founded on the principle of
justice and is intended not to protect the guilty but to present as far as human
agencies can exercise its power the conviction of an innocent person.
A. Presumption of innocence
B. Probable Cause
C. Proof beyond reasonable doubt
D. Prima Facie Evidence

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