EN411 Research Project Proposal

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EN411 Research Project A

EN411 Research Project Proposal Form

Student Name and Number:

Student Name: Vincent Nanai

Number: 21300801

Date: 13/03/2024

The Research Topic and Question

The Research Topic: Beamforming and Antenna Grouping Design for the Multi-Antenna
Relay with Energy Harvesting to Improve Secrecy Rate

The Research question:

Wireless transmission with relay systems is revolutionizing the way we communicate. However,
due to its openness medium, information faces serious security risks. Many research papers have
proposed wireless relay systems as a significant solution although there are still drawbacks to it.
This leads us to the counteracting question;
How can we make relay systems in wireless network more reliable, efficient and scalable
to improve network security and Integrity?
Sub questions:
1. What best practice relay system is more reliable?
2. Which ambient energy efficiency method is proficient?
3. Is this method scalable for implementation?
We seek to delve into the intricate details of relay system design and simulation of wireless
networks. By investigating factors such as energy efficiency, fault tolerance, and scalability and
reliability we aim to identify strategies and techniques at hand to improve the overall performance
of security of wireless communication. Through empirical analysis and experimentation, our
research attempts to provide actionable insights and recommendations for developing a secure
and robust antenna relay system.

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Project Background
Background and Justification:

The project aims to optimize relay systems in wireless networks to address the key challenges
such as signal propagation, energy efficiency, and signal security. The importance of this
approach is the growing reliance on wireless communication across all technological industry
and business platforms, not forgetting communication between individuals like you and I.

This research project is to address three (3) key challenges/ limitations identified in the reviewed
literature “Beamforming and Antenna Grouping Design for the Multi-Antenna Relay with Energy
Harvesting to Improve Secrecy Rate” by Weijia Lei and Meihui Zhan pertaining to relay systems
and wireless network security. Specifically, we aim to improve upon the following aspects (that
lead to eavesdropping and lack of secrecy rate):

1. Relay Propagation and Beamforming Techniques

2. Energy Efficiency Concerns
3. Signal interference and Security
From the existing design system model in the figure 1, shows the layout which we will be using
as reference for experimental analysis, since we are trying to improve the existing design and
rectify its limitations. In this model we study the security transmission in wireless powered
relaying systems. In the system model, the source, the destination, and the eavesdropper are
respectively equipped with an antenna, and the relay is equipped with multiple antennas to
amplify and forward information

Comparison between existing design and proposed design:

The simulation results extracted from the research article, shows that their system strategy has
better security performance, especially when the battery power of the relay is low. However, the
below figures has shown multiple drawbacks which still lead to low transmission security and
In the figure is the relationship of the relays position with respect to secrecy-rate. Improving the
relays power and signal strength especially will potentially increase the secrecy rate.
Additionally, optimizing the system to be efficient. The secrecy rate in Figure 4 appears to be
closely linked to transmission power, indicating that developing an energy-efficient relay system
could address issues related to power consumption and increase the secrecy rate.
Implementing a SIMO (Single Input Multiple Output) or MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output)
antenna relay system based on existing design models and techniques may offer advantages
over the original model, including enhanced signal strength, reduced transmission delay, and

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EN411 Research Project A

improved information security by mitigating eavesdropping risks.

"According to research findings, SIMO (Single
Input Multiple Output) antenna relay systems,
wherein one transmitter communicates with
multiple receivers, are noted for their ability to
enhance signal strength, minimize energy
consumption, and improve reliability in wireless
communication. SIMO systems can also optimize
relay positions and secrecy rates by enabling
multiple receivers to capture signals, thereby
potentially reducing eavesdropping risks through
enhanced signal reception.
Figure 7. SIMO antenna system (1 x 2)

Introducing a groundbreaking solution to revolutionize wireless communication, our SIMO

(Single Input Multiple Output) relay system stands as a pinnacle of innovation and efficiency.
This demo proposal embodies a comprehensive approach to address key challenges in relay
propagation, energy efficiency, and signal interference/security. With an intuitive design, our
system leverages advanced beamforming techniques to optimize relay propagation, ensuring
superior signal integrity and secrecy rates.

User 1
Signal Processor Tx
Power OUT1
D1 Artificial Noise
Supply (
User s Precoding Rx
) Tx Signals
Data Single User 2
User Data
Selection ( Relay

) Tx Rx
( User M

Source (s) s Channel Matrix

) System (r)
Relay Destination (d)

Figure 8. Abstract System Model Design.

Key highlights of our proposal include:

➢ Dynamic relay channel allocation with artificial noise for optimal signal distribution
➢ Intelligent energy management to maximize battery life and minimize power
➢ Integration of SIMO antenna capabilities for enhanced security and reduced
This proposal serves as a testament to our commitment to pushing the boundaries of wireless
communication technology. With its simplicity and effectiveness, our SIMO relay system
promises to deliver unparalleled performance and reliability in real-world applications.

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Project Objectives
The primary objective of this research is to investigate and optimize the relay systems in
wireless networks to enhance communication security, efficiency, and reliability. Through
theoretical analysis and simulation experiments, we aim to achieve these outcomes:

1) Develop innovative techniques for optimized relay system design and beamforming
propagation modes.
2) Investigate energy-efficient protocols and mechanisms for the relay system
3) Evaluate the vulnerabilities of relay systems and security threats including; eavesdropping,
interception and jamming.
4) Provide practical implementation guidelines and best practices for deployment and
management of proposed relay system design.
5) Publish research findings in reviewed journals with project supervisors to contribute to the
academic literature on relay systems and wireless network security.

Research Design/Methodology
Research Procedure:
1. Experimental Design
• Use an experimental approach, by theoretical analysis and simulations, to
investigate and study optimized relay systems in wireless networks.
• Experimental setups will involve scheming relay nodes and beamforming in
simulation software’s like MATLAB, AUTOCAD /Proteus, etc. to evaluate the
system performance under various condition.
2. Data Collection and Analysis
• Data will be collected through both existing studies and performing empirical
experiments, simulations, and numerical computations, capturing relevant metrices
such as signal strength, error rates, energy consumption, and network throughput.
• Statistical analysis techniques, analyze experimental data and identify significant
trends, correlations and relationships.
• Data visualization tools such as graphs, charts, and heatmaps will be utilized to
present key findings derived from analysis.
3. Methodological Framework
• Research Method will involve iterative cycles of experimentation, analysis and
• Controlled experiments will be conducted using MATLAB and other relative
software’s to investigate specific aspects of relay system, energy efficiency
enhancement, and security measures.
• Simulation studies to help complement the experiments, allowing for scalability
testing and performance evaluation under certain conditions.
4. Interpretation and Conclusion
• Results and experimental findings will be interpreted according to the research
objectives and hypothesis of the proposed system
• Conclusions drawn from the data analysis will be supported by empirical evidence,
theoretical principles, and comparisons with existing literature and techniques.
• Limitations of the research methodology and areas for future investigations will be

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discussed along with recommendations for practical implementations.

References which investigated Research Design process:
i. Montgomery, D. C., Peck, E. A., & Vining, G. G. (2012). Introduction to Linear Regression
Analysis. John Wiley & Sons.
ii. Field, A. (2013). Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics. SAGE Publications Ltd.
iii. Thirumuruganathan, S., Zoumpatianos, K., Parameswaran, A., & Jyothi, P. (2018). Data
visualization for data scientists: Why, what, how, and what's next. IEEE Transactions on
Visualization and Computer Graphics, 24(1), 8-31.
iv. Perera, C., Zaslavsky, A., Christen, P., & Georgakopoulos, D. (2014). Context aware
computing for the Internet of Things: A survey. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials,
16(1), 414-454.

Structure of the Research Report

Structure of the Research Report:

1. Introduction
i. Background and context of the research
ii. Objectives and significance of the study
iii. Overview of the research methodology

2. Literature Review
i. Examination of existing literature on relay systems and wireless network security
Discussion of key concepts, theories, and findings from relevant studies
ii. Identification of gaps and limitations in current research

3. Theoretical Framework
i. Explanation of key theoretical concepts and principles underlying relay systems and
energy harvesting
ii. Description of beamforming techniques and their applications in wireless

4. Methodology
i. Detailed explanation of the research design and experimental approach
ii. Description of data collection methods and analysis techniques
iii. Discussion of the simulation tools and software used for experimentation

5. Results
i. Presentation of empirical findings and experimental results
ii. Analysis of data to address research questions and objectives
iii. Visualization of key trends, correlations, and relationships

6. Discussion
i. Interpretation of results in relation to research objectives
ii. Comparison of findings with existing literature and theoretical predictions
iii. Evaluation of implications for relay system design and wireless network security

7. Conclusion
i. Summary of key findings and contributions of the study

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ii. Reflection on the limitations of the research

iii. Recommendations for practical implementation

8. References
i. List of all sources cited in the research report, citation style in APA referencing.

This papers were studied to explored the techniques of relay propagation and beamforming, energy
harvesting and security in wireless communication networks.

i. Lei, W., & Zhan, M. (2016). Beamforming and Antenna Grouping Design for the Multi-Antenna
Relay with Energy Harvesting to Improve Secrecy Rate. Chongqing Key Laboratory of Mobile
Communications Technology, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications,
Chongqing 400065, China. Correspondence: leiwj@cqupt.edu.cn, zhanmhcqupt@163.com.
Academic Editor: Lorenzo Mucchi. Received: 27 April 2016; Accepted: 1 July 2016;
Published: 13 July 2016.
ii. Joshi, N., Yadav, S., & Sharma, S.C. (Year). Experimental Validation of SISO and Diversity
Techniques on MIMO with C-700 Software Defined Radio Platform. Electronics & Computer
Discipline, IIT Roorkee, India 247667. Email: njoshi@pp.iitr.ac.in; Dept. of ECE, IIIT
Allahabad, India 211015. Email: suneel@iiita.ac.in; Electronics & Computer Discipline, IIT
Roorkee, India 247667. Email: scs60fpt@iitr.ac.in.
iii. Rappaport, T. S. (2017). Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice (2nd Edition).
Pearson Education.
iv. Love, D. J., Heath, R. W., & Andrews, M. (Eds.). (2018). Massive MIMO for 5G and Beyond.
IEEE Press.
v. Zeng, Y., Zhang, R., & Lim, T. J. (2016). Wireless Communications with Energy Harvesting:
The Green Communication Era. IEEE Press.
vi. Liu, Y., Liu, J., Zhang, J., & Chen, S. (2019). Physical Layer Security in Cooperative Relay
Networks: A Survey. IEEE Access, 7, 110289-110303.
vii. Wang, X., Han, Z., & Petropulu, A. P. (2017). Wireless Physical Layer Security. Academic

Websites researched;
i. https://youtube.com/
ii. https://chat.openai.com/
iii. https://www.researchgate.net/
iv. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/
v. https://matlab.mathworks.com/
vi. https://www.academia.edu/
vii. https://create.microsoft.com/en-us/templates/gantt-charts

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Gantt Chart or Equivalent

Project Research schedule here. We used the free template available from the website
Gantt project planner (office.com). Link to Project Plan: EN411 Research Project

EN411 - Research Project Schedule

Name: Vincent Legend
Supervisor: Dr.
Hikma Shabani
Project start date: 22/02/2024

Scrolling increment: 10

Milestone description Category Due Tasks Progress Start Days

Project Research
1. Establish project Goal Research 100% 22/02/202 3
goals, objectives, and Topic 4
milestones Submission
2. Conduct an extensive Milestone 100% 02/03/202 1
review 4
3. Refine the research Low Risk 100% 07/03/202 5
question based on the 4
literature review
4. Define the Milestone 100% 10/03/202 1
experimental and simulation 4
5. Plan data collection Med Risk Research 100% 13/03/202 6
and analysis strategies Proposal 4
Experiment Setup
and Simulation
1. Prepare empirical High Risk Research 20% 15/03/202 20
experiment Proposal 4
2. Implement simulation On Track 10% 21/03/202 10
models using appropriate 4
3. Verify the correctness Low Risk 28/03/202 11
of the simulation framework 4

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4. Conduct initial tests to Med Risk 04/04/202 4

ensure the reliability of the 4
experimental setup and
simulation models
5. Identify and address Low Risk 11/04/202 24
any issues that arise 4

Data Collection
and Empirical
1. Commence data On Track 20% 09/04/202 8
collection from empirical 4
2. Record relevant Med Risk 10% 02/04/202 14
metrics such as signal 4
strength, energy consumption,
and system performance
3. Conduct simulation On Track 5% 17/04/202 6
experiments based on the 4
defined scenarios
4. Perform initial data Goal 24/04/202 5
analysis to identify trends and 4
5. Validate experimental Low Risk 30/04/202 9
results against theoretical 4
Final Data
Analysis and
1. Identify correlations, High Risk 09/05/202 15
significance, and patterns in 4
the results
2. Interpret findings in Med Risk 19/05/202 5
the context of research 4
3. Address any Med Risk 08/06/202 1
unexpected results and 4
propose explanations
4. Create visualizations Med Risk 17/06/202 4
and graphics to effectively 4
present results
5. Prepare a preliminary Goal 22/06/202 5
draft of the research findings 4

and Reporting
1. Develop a Med Risk 25/06/202 5
comprehensive research 4
paper incorporating

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methodology, results, and

2. Revise and refine the paper High Risk 30/06/202 5
based on received feedback 4
3. Prepare the final version Milestone 03/07/202 3
of the research paper for 4
submission and presentation

Human Ethics
Does this project require Human Ethics Approval? Yes ☐ No ☒

If you have indicated “Yes” you will need to submit the "School of Engineering Form for
Application for Exemption of Human Ethics’, which is available from the School of

Is confidentiality requested for the Research Report that will be submitted? Yes ☐ No ☒

If you have indicated “Yes” you will need to submit the ‘School of Engineering Form for
Application for Restricted Access to and/or Confidential Examination’ which is available from
the School of Engineering.

Supervisor Details

Name Dr. Hikma Shabani


Hikma Shabani

Student Declaration and Signature

By signing this Research Proposal Form I declare that all information provided is correct and
that I have discussed the Proposal with, and received support from my Supervisor as
indicated above.

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Student Signature

Vincent Nanai

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