Q1 - Subject-Verb Agreement

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Learning Area English 7

Learning Modality FACE TO FACE

School Sta. Anastacia-San Rafael Grade Level Seven (7)
Teacher REINABELLE T. RASONABLE Learning Area English
Teaching Date(s) October 12 & 14, 2022 Quarter First Quarter
Teaching Time 6:30-7:50 – JOULE No. of Days 2 DAYS
7:50-9:10 – NEWTON
9:30-10:50 – BOYLE
2:00-3:20 – LEIBNIZ
3:40-5:00 - EINSTEIN

I.OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
a) 1. Identify the form of the subject and the verb in the sentence
b) 2. Choose the correct form of the verb to make it agree with the subject.
c) 3. Familiarize with the rules of subject-verb agreement.

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of pre-colonial Philippine literature as a

Standards means of connecting to the past; various reading styles; ways of determining word
meaning; the sounds of English and the prosodic features of speech; and correct
subject-verb agreement.
B. Performance The learner transfers learning by showing appreciation for the literature of the past;
Standards comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles; participating in conversations
using appropriate context-dependent expressions; producing English sounds
correctly and using the prosodic features of speech effectively in various situations;
and observing correct subject-verb agreement.
C. Most Essential
Learning EN7G-I-a-11: Observe correct subject-verb agreement
(If available, write the
indicated MELC)
D. Enabling There are no available enabling competencies in BOW 4A and no available learning
Competencies competency in the Curriculum Guide for this MELC.
(If available, write the
attached enabling
A .References
a. Teacher’s Guide n/a
b. Learners’
Materials pages
c. Textbook pages
d. Additional Learning notes from online source.
Materials from
B. List of Learning
Resources for
Development and
Engagement Activities
The teacher is going to flash pictures of a baby and puppies. Then the teacher
will show pictures of a bone and a bottle of milk will be posted. The pictures
on the left side (baby and puppies) will be the consumer and the pictures on
right side (bone and bottle of milk) will be the consumer’s proper food.

The students are expected to identify the proper food for the puppies which
is the bone and baby which is the milk.

*Like the need of the baby and the puppies of proper food, language
particularly the subject and verb must agree with each other. This is for the
purpose of clear and better communication. Today we will be discussing
about subject-verb agreement, and we will be learning some of the rules to
make our verb agree with our subjects.

B. Development The subject and verb must agree in number: both must be singular, or both
must be plural.
Notice the difference between singular and plural forms in the following

a) The baby drinks the milk.

b) The babies drink the milk.
In order to find out if our subject and verb agree, there is a need to identify
the subject of our sentence. In Sample (a), the subject is singular therefore
our verb is singular. In sample (b), our subject is plural therefore our verb is
plural. Notice the difference in the formation of subject from singular to
plural compared to the formation of verb from singular to plural. When we
transform our subject into plural we usually add s or es but in verb, adding s
makes the verb singular.
General Rule of Subject-Verb Agreement
Singular subjects require singular verb and plural subjects requires plural
Additional Rules
1. If subjects are joined by and, they are considered plural.

Example: The quarterback and the coach are having a conference.

2. If subjects are joined by or or nor, the verb should agree with the closer

Example: Either the baby or the puppies drink milk.

3. The relative pronouns (who, whom, which, and that) are either singular or
plural, depending on the words they refer to.

Example: The sales manager is a good researcher who spends a great

amount of time surfing the Web for information.
4. Indefinite pronouns (someone, somebody, each, either one, everyone, or
anyone) are considered singular and need singular verbs although they
convey plural meaning.
Example: Anyone who wants to pursue higher education has to pass
entrance exams.
5. A few subjects look plural but are really singular or vice versa.

Example: The news of the discovery is spreading.

6. Expressions stating amount of time, money, weight, volume are plural in form
but take a singular verb as in:
Example: Two hundred dollars is a lot of money.

Things to remember in subject- verb agreement

a) The trick is to know whether the subject is singular or plural.
b) The next trick is to recognize whether the verb is singular or plural


C. Engagement Learning Task 1

Direction: Underline the correct verb inside the parenthesis to make the
statement correct. Identify the subject and determine whether it is in singular or

Example: The survey covering seven colleges (reveal, reveals) a growth

in enrollment.

Subject: the survey Form: Singular

1. My sister and brother (lives. live) in Berlin.

2. Either the man or his friends (knows, know) the answer.
3. Three weeks (is, are) a long time.
4. Lisa is one of the students who (has, have) passed with an A.
5. Each student and teacher (was, were) aware of the difficulty.
6. A car and a bike (is, are) my means of transportation.
7. My aunt or my uncle (is, are) arriving at the airport.
8. Neither Jenny nor the others (is, are) available.
9. The serving bowl or the plates (go, goes) on that shelf.
10. Each of the students (read, reads) well.
11. Five years (is, are) the maximum sentence for that offense.
12. Salma is the scientist who (write, writes) he reports.
13. He is one of the men who (do, does) the work.
14. Mathematics (is, are) my favorite subjects.
15. Mumps (is, are) a viral disease.

Learning Task 2: Read the excerpt entitled "New Yorker in Tondo". Look for 10
verbs from the story, then identify if the verb is either singular or plural.


By: Marcelino Agana, Jr.
New Yorker in Tondo is a story of a girl named Kikay who went to New York to study
Hair Culture and Beauty Science. Upon going home after a year, she acquires all the New
Yorkish things like style, language, looks and manner. She even influenced her mother
with her way of living.

One day, Tony visited her for he heard that Kikay has already arrived. Tony was
Kikay’s sweetheart, and they got secretly engaged before Kikay left. While waiting for
Kikay to wake up, Totoy and Nena also came. Totoy and Nena were also Kikay’s and
Tony’s childhood friend.

Upon waking up, Kikay immediately entertained her friends. They are all shock of what
they’ve seen. Kikay was transformed into a different girl. She doesn’t want to be called as
Kikay instead she wants everybody to call her Francesca. She tells them everything she
experienced in New York, and she even keep on comparing New York from Tondo.

When Kikay and Tony had the chance to be alone, Tony was trying to open the issue
of them being engaged before she left. But Kikay didn’t want to listen; instead, she keeps
on ignoring Tony and even told him that being engaged to him is just a childish act. She
even degraded Tony by telling him, “Imagine a New Yorker marrying a Tondo boy!” Tony
gets irritated of what Kikay acted, so he confronts her, reprimands her and tell her that
New York didn’t bring her any good.

Kikay realizes everything that Tony said. She asks for forgiveness and promises him
that she will go back to her original self. She even said that Francesca is dead and who’s
standing in front of him is Kikay. Tony forgave her and they went back to each other’s

Acquires – singular

1. ________________ 6. ________________
2. ________________ 7. ________________
3. ________________ 8. ________________
4. ________________ 9. ________________
5. ________________ 10. ________________

Learning Task 3: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

D. Assimilation
1. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence, “The toddlers and their
nannies ________ in the playground”?
A. play B. plays C. is playing
2. “Either Mary or Grace ___ the food.”
A. eat B. eats C. are eating
3. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence “Somebody ______”?
A. care B. cares C. caring
4. “Seven years ____ too short for a good friendship”
A. is B. are C. have been
5. “Beauty ______ simplicity.”
A. mean B. means C. meaning
6. What is the subject in the sentence, “Captain America is my favorite Marvel
comics character.
A. Captain America B. Marvel Comics C. character
7. In the sentence, “My sister and best friend ______ me so much” the
compound subject signifies only one person. Therefore, the verb is
A. love B. loves C. both A and B
8. “Either Gelsy or Gracie _____ to the store.”
A. go B. goes C. have gone\
9. In the sentence, “Neither my mother nor my sisters ______ going to visit
you” the correct verb is
A. is B. are C. has
10. In the sentence, “There are pencils in the boxes”, the subject is
A. there B. pencils C. boxes

Learning Task 4: GROUP TASK

Directions: Write the correct form of the verb inside the parenthesis that will agree
with the subject.

V. Reflection • The learners, in their notebook, journal or portfolio will write their personal insights
about the lesson using the prompts below.

I understand that ________________________________________________

I realize that__________________________________________________

Prepared by: Noted by:


Grade 7 – English Teacher Head Teacher I

Checked by: Approved by:


Master Teacher I Principal III

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