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CRS SCHEME =, mwrvsee os LETT TTT First Semester B.E/B. Tech. Degree E: “xamination, Jan/Feb. W23 Innovation & Design Thinking Time: 1 hr) Ke Ailes. Maes: 9 INSTRUCTIONS, 18 THE CANDIDATES 1, Answer all the fifty questions, Shtgpesion carries one <- 2. Usconly Black ball point pen for ‘iting / darkening ib Cuclen Your answer, darken the sppreprizte circle corresponding to then question number-on the OMR sbeet. 4. Darkening two circles for the same question makes the answer invalid. 5 Damaging/ovérnriting, using whitegers on the OMR shes == S=ESy probibited, AAS 1. Which ofthe following is the Teas fig abot al 2) ItacckJerates development b) It reduces cost of product develdpment. < ny LLL) (ett per Wenn = 2 3. For each question, after's ¢) Ithelps in creating product differentiation Cs 4) Ithelps to beat competi we fe & 2. People Centered Design methodology invoe ¢ 2) A problem-solving approach for people iat is Eneer and ofavereet, Dy A robin gh rou ch bss al Rey sab peer products. o Artisan rut ett aed @) None, Ay oF é 3. Use firey map helps ysl” i 3) Understand the our pet ed sin ois goof serate, iterate, iterate, defy the user exe, ccd Greeortsees 4. What is the r6le Fee 46 as tng ‘a) To defirié thé parameters for a prototype. b) To define the audience, you're trying to Reach. ) To define the problem that needs to be solved. 4) To define all of the ideas for solving a problem. 5. What isa problem stafement in design thinking? a) A written, Sion of problems from the prototype. b) A written sion of the problem to be solved. ) A written expression of problems inside the group. aA oe of problems with target market, Version B-1 of 5 . & BIDTK158 i> 6. What purpose does Point Of Veiw (POV) serve in design ‘hii 4) It serves as the guide for developing the prototype. b) Ie illustrates what your competitors are doing better. (ys ©) Its used in the testing phase for receiving feedbatk 4) It provides focus forthe design team’s brain stort. Im this Point of View (POV) statement, whief@part is considered the insight? “Senior adults with arthrit is need Easy-Open bate because they strugale (a,open childproof lids” & a) Because they struggle to open childprodf lids. ) Need easy-open bottles. Oy ©) Senior citizens Ye © 4) None of these gS & 8. What is Point Of View (POY) ta design thinking? * 4) A Report from the desigit team about the product b) A Customer's opinion about interactions with c) A written statementdf'a Customer's problem of need. 4) The opinion of the'manager about how to’brain storm. 9. Where do théingights in Point OF View (60) in design thi a) Researching other products on the market. b) Interviewing the general Public gisoral media, ©) Syhthiesizing the data that hag Beet gathered & 4) Developing ideas during brainsiérming Q e &y 10. People centered Design is¢- a5 a) How the product behéye¥in the real context. »b) How a product works of the outside wh¢fé 8 person comes jnto’tontact with it and has ing come from? to use it. a ¢) All of the abor *e d) None of thé‘above oY , e 11, Design thinking Approach leadsto,- ‘ _— a) Teckmoloby centric ‘sive b) Maketing centric designs ©) People centric designs Cy 4) All of the above ; : thy is ~ 1) to unders ple and the coftes of their use of a product b) to knowsthe way the product Works ¢) to imagine’pcople’s bchaviopin different contexts 4d) None of these o |. Design thinking enconipasses - a eS Desiabiliy a b) Feasibility ) Viability eS d) Alll of these 15, Which one of following isnot the mindset ofa design thinker? 9) Quick design ') Prototype refinement 4 Codit d) Engineer product i a0 Version B-2 of S$ « & BIDTK158 28. “Which of the following is not the mindset of a Design ine” jure 8) Make # © Self onemed b) Learn fi - a Cima mw bactrim aal d problem jhe define phase come from? oe Tertcs ee by The prototype stage sd ye Empathize stage m a; ae barrie ccd cay) rose Key elements intial or er Except Deseo byUser Fy) Insight 4 d) Need 28. "Whois te recommended exvgtialdon should test out the'prototypes with? our tarps customers ) People in your team ) Professional designers, , d) s 7 20. Which is not one of of prototype of prototypiig M« 3 toiypiig Mode 1? 2) Horizontal protorype By verveal Prototype ©) Diagonal prot ‘Domain prototype ZL What ss you Fins Yodel sin ofa product Called? 2)Dak A) — b)RoughDrafl _, “ 6) Prototype 4) Practice Design 2 sn Syn tei pase s ate ») De Tee” =) Empathize was IDEO’ comet ateesS ne @) Deep-Design pebep Dre o)Deep-Structure hay ae 2A. Frac Robinson defined and coined the pe Ed 2) Desiga thinking” ») Mind mappin “e) MVP « 4d) Hypothesis, 25, Which of the hrs incorrect? a Fy Peprice has turned Design Thinking into is sare cided bankrupt and turned profitable using Design Thinking b) Air 3 Goblets 2 3 step process to bring about new irinovation 4) All ofthe ove are ? 5, step do you,waat to complete t 59. poin oF view? 4B rp) Prototype ) Define ¢) Ideate 1. The initial desi iS provided byy Tee ‘eS ¢) Both of them d) Client 2) Designes, b) User 1p, what Bemenk of ser Expres Desi WOON design strategy fall under, 2) Interaction Design mw 'b) Experience strategy €) User Research & 4) Information Architecture 29, When esting 2 ng pltolype, how many people do you need to interview per Persons 10 tne re the ie b) 20 Persons per Persona ter DL aianadien 6) Five Persons per Persona ¢) 30 Persons per Persona & . Ca Version B-3 of 5 BIDTKI58 an, Readiness ofthe organization for strategie innovation means 4) Changing innovation process in the organization ay eee arte change mt OEY yy ‘the capabilites of the organization ¢) Ready forchange it {) Allofthe above 4 linked uM ‘yhat is dsign considerations ate no 2 a) Products: ) Services op" usiness Sprouts To Empathize, one has (0. ; 3 Moen b) Engage By ) Listen ¢ d) All of the above a) Observe x. story telling isthe most Brnpling ype of te . is Textual 4) Allof these a) Aural ) Vigra 9 ) af i i jin an organization are, A ‘34, Design thinker in am! te ote — ~~ a) People 44, a sabe : mprehensi fneiple of Design thik doeé not include 3 eee rte) Communication 4) Suppliers STRetatiansip 78) Collaboration &“ 36. In desig see does the infomation used to pt together a problem statement come fiom? 2) The besin Stage Cob) The ldea@Snge ) The Define stage & d) The ov 37. MVP stands for, ¢ a ay cit) by Aantaum Vile Pe a) Minimum Viable pros ‘¢) Most viable product a None of these» ? 438, Journey mappings also called —_ Faapping. © a) Path 'b) Experience ry ) Conduct & 4) Feedback z 39. Which: of the following are norton Thjaking? a) Co-eréation by Protofyping °) Mind slapping 4) Online marketing 40. A midi isa simple exper ; Mental model of a,proposed solution used t0, a) Test ideas alidate ideas 2), both 4) None of these 4 «i isthe usual ardexot problem solvidg process? 5) Try, Reflect, Define. ¢ b) Prepare, Try Define, Reflect ¢) Try and Reflect 4) Define, Prepare, Try, Reflect 42, Reframing'# Désign Challenge 4) Changes the Conceptual yieW point to an individual perspective 1) Helps us come up with thé Right Problem to solve. ‘Challenges us to design fo a marketing focus d)None ofthese =» Version B= 4 of 5 47. |. Which of the following és Ni . Snel dicinel cones ier A hon gveer £ / a Which ofthe following is true? 1, copeAe # pontine WHO” a) By Empathizing one tan define a problem! well, CME i resulting in break through innovation. faa Ties out OF she bane IPH tb) Empathy makes you a bettet human, batt snnervat ot ge amie si and not Empathy sc aneh set real B py se punt of ths OH iden Eureka moment ¢) Inventions are su Research or Exploration. 4? d) You become an innovator by Quest jon, ye statis QUO a! ‘Malini is in the Ideate phase. “What is her gal? 3) To Come up with one of (WO great ideas b) To come up with us many ideas as Possible, good and taf ¢) To test his best idea. Oy" 4) To figure out which probe i 's going to solve > ¢ 2 During which stage wuld) you : start looking fof, éyalternativ problem. ay 5) Prototype 4:6) Define c) Ideate Design Thinkers treate low-fidelity prototypesto = 2) Test concepts quickly and cheaply ‘with potential users. 3) Validsté voncepts for the market. ¢ ¢) Build Production-Ready products a Pea the pe of product d Which of the following well kt ; SO” rio hg al ore iting te eine DE THE 2) McKinsey & Co. AS Oe 4 ¢) Bain & Co. “’ Dae ¢ 7 eyAl of above ¢ Design Thinking &s Sometimes visualized 262 lin mA 2) impectful AA b) Incapactasiog y rte itis actually : ~ d) Iterative e wags vowing ) Empathize ¢) DeSecting ey &) Prototyping the g< 22¢ of school dropouts. ’ . Which stage is he » >) Define problem 4) Presenype Statement ‘se nee V0 Hop 4

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