Hoc Tieng Anh Qua Cuoc Song o Uc

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11th August 2023

Myki (n)
Myki is your ticket to travel on trains, trams, and buses in Melbourne
(Source: https://www.ptv.vic.gov.au/tickets/myki)

TOUCH (v) /tʌtʃ/ touch - touched - touched

= (of two or more things) to be so close together that there is no space between; to be
in contact:
Touch here: Hãy chạm (thẻ myki) ở đây.
TOUCH (n) /tʌtʃ/
= an act or sensation of touching: sự chạm,
I felt a touch on my shoulder.
= (often with the) one of the five senses, the sense by which we feel things: xúc giác
The stone felt cold to the touch.
TOUCHY (adj) /ˈtʌtʃ.i/
= easily offended or upset: dễ động lòng, nhạy cảm
You have to be careful what you say to Kevin - he's rather touchy.

= using a process where one object does not touch another, or where something is
touched only by water:
The touchless car wash uses water jets and detergent, but no brushes, minimizing
damage to the vehicle.

TOUCHING (adj) /ˈtʌtʃ.ɪŋ/

making you feel sadness, sympathy, etc.: cảm động
The way she took care of her little sister was really touching.
TOUCHED (adj) /tʌtʃt/ : cảm thấy biết ơn
= grateful for something kind that someone has done:
He was touched that you remembered his birthday.
TOUCHILY (adv) /ˈtʌtʃ.əl.i/
= in a way that shows someone is easily offended or upset:
Very firmly and touchily, he declined to comment.

TOUCHINGLY (adv) /ˈtʌtʃ.ɪŋ.li/

= in a way that makes you feel emotion, especially sadness or sympathy:
He spoke touchingly about how important he felt this work was.

(Source: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/touch)
According to Serena, S. (2023, August 11), “Shared e-scooters in Melbourne's CBD
are set to start 'shouting' at riders breaking the law by riding on the footpath or carrying
a passenger”.

Theo Serena, S. (2023, 11 tháng 8), những chiếc xe scooter công cộng tại trung tâm
thương mại của thành phố Melbourne dường như bắt đầu “lên tiếng/la lên” bởi những
người lái xe vi phạm luật chạy xe trên lối đi bộ hoặc chở người trên xe.

Reference list
Serena, S. (2023, August 11). Why e-scooters are going to start ‘shouting’ at
Melbourne riders. 9news.com.au. http://www.9news.com.au.

e-scooters (noun) /ˈskuː.tər/ = electric scooters
= a vehicle similar to a child's scooter but with an electric motor
attached, used by adults and children
Today's child rides an electric scooter and plays computer games.

Shared (adjective) /ʃeəd/ = owned or used by more than one person:

In a complex world of shared information it is important to have the best security for
your computer.
Share (verb) share - shared – shared
= to have or use something at the same time as someone else.
I share a house with four other people.
Share (noun) = a part of something that has been divided between several people:
The total bill comes to €80, so our share is €20.

Melbourne’s CBD = The central business district of Melbourne is the city's cultural,
entertainment and financial heart. Locally called the CBD, or simply "the City

Set (noun) = a group/ a television/ a position

I walked in the room and turned off the set.
Set (verb) = to put something in a particular place or position:
The campsite is set in the middle of a pine forest.
Set (adjective) = ready or likely to happen
Two new factories are set to open next year.

Break the law (idiom) = to do something that is illegal

“Breaking the law” song with Judas Priest at https://www.youtube.com/watch?

“2023 flowering cherry blossom festival at Quang Minh Temple on Sunday Aug 13th,
2023 until end of the month”

“Lễ hội hoa anh đào tại chùa Quang Minh vào chủ nhật ngày 13 tháng 8 năm 2023 cho
đến cuối tháng”
(Source: https://www.facebook.com/ChuaQuangMinh)

Flower (noun) /flaʊər/ = the part of a plant that is often brightly coloured and has a
pleasant smell, or the type of plant that produces these:
Flower (verb) = to produce flowers:
When does this plant flower?
cherry (noun) /ˈtʃer.i/ = a small, round, soft red or black fruit with a single hard seed in
the middle, or the tree on which the fruit grows
cherry (adjective) = cherry-red = bright red

blossom (verb) /ˈblɒs.əm/ =When a tree or plant blossoms, it produces flowers before
producing fruit that can be eaten.
The cherry tree is beginning to blossom.
blossom (noun) /ˈblɒs.əm/ = a flower, or all the flowers on a tree or plant
The tree was covered with white blossoms.

Cherry blossom (noun) = hoa anh đào

Festival (noun) /ˈfestɪvl/= an organized set of special events, such as musical
performances or plays, usually happening in one place, or a special day or period,
usually in memory of a religious event, with its own social activities, food, or
a film/food/music festival
Nhìn dọc theo con đường khu công cộng sẽ thấy những thùng rác nhiều màu để phân
loại rác tại nguồn. Dưới đây là hình được chụp từ trên đường Flinders ở Melbourne và
trong Flinders Street Station.
Plastic bottles
Plastic (noun) /ˈplæs.tɪk/ = an artificial substance that can be shaped when soft into
many different forms and has many different uses.
Those flowers aren't real - they're made of plastic.
Plastic (adjective) = made of plastic:
Plastic bottles (noun)
Recycling (noun) /ˌriːˈsaɪ.klɪŋ/ = materials such as paper, glass, and plastic that you
collect to be recycled:
Put this bottle with the recycling.
Aluminium cans (noun): lon nhôm
Aluminium (noun) /ˌæl.jəˈmɪn.i.əm/ = a chemical element that is a light, silver-coloured
metal, used especially for making cooking equipment and aircraft parts: nhôm
We take all our aluminium cans for recycling.
Paper and cardboard
Cardboard (noun) /ˈkɑrdˌbɔrd, -ˌboʊrd/ = very thick, stiff paper, usually pale brown in
color, used esp. for making boxes:
She packed the books in a cardboard box.
General waste (n): chất thải nói chung
General (adjective) /ˈdʒen.ər.əl/ = not detailed, but including the most basic or
necessary information.
What he said was very general.
Waste (noun)/weɪst/ = unwanted matter or material of any type, esp. what is left after
Most people don’t recycle kitchen waste.
Food wrapper:
Wrapper (n)/ˈræp.ər/ = a piece of paper, plastic, or other material that covers and
protects something:
a sweet wrapper: vỏ kẹo

Figure 1. Hình chụp dọc theo đường đi trên đường Figure 2. Hình chụp ở góc đặt thùng rác ở trong nhà ga Flinders street station
Xe hơi điện đang sạc điện ở một bãi đậu xe ở thành phố Melbourne.
Electric car (noun) xe hơi điện
EV/EVs (a shortened acronym) = electric vehicle(s)
Man accused of capturing ibis in
Sydney allegedly attempted to cook it
The 60-year-old is accused of stuffing the bird in his backpack and taking it home.

Attempted to

Source: https://7news.com.au/news/nsw/man-accused-of-capturing-ibis-in-sydney-

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