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Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 7
1.1 Identification of the broad problem: ............................................................................ 7
1.2 Define Problem Statement: ........................................................................................ 7
1.3 Previous Study Gap: ............................................................................................... 7
1.4 Contribution: ....................................................................................................... 8
1.5 Objective for the research: ............................................................................. 8
1.6 Research Questions: ....................................................................................... 8
2. Literature review ................................................................................................................... 9
2.1 CELEBRITY ENDORSEMENT:................................................................................. 9
2.2 BUYING BEHAVIOUR: ........................................................................................... 9
2.3 BRAND PERCEPTION: ........................................................................................ 9
2.4 Forms of superstars underwriting: .................................................................... 9
2.5 Advantages of celebrity endorsement: ........................................................... 9
2.6 Superstar vs. Non-Superstar Endorsement: ................................................ 9
2.7 Factors Affecting Celebrity Endorsement and relationship with
consumer behavior: ........................................................................................... 10
2.8 Factors influencing purchase decision :............................................... 11
3. Theoretical framework........................................................................................................ 12
3.1 Variables: ...................................................................................................................... 12
3.2 Hypothesis: ................................................................................................................ 13
4. Research Methodology ........................................................................................................ 14
Research Design: ..................................................................................................................... 14
DATA ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................................... 16
5.1 Data Collection Method: .............................................................................................. 16
CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................... 21
The topic of research for this paper is analysis of impact of celebrity endorsements on consumer
buying behavior. In this modern era, many products are easily available in the market and so it
become difficult for people to differentiate amongst products. So. marketers have to use different
strategies for differentiating their product and make brand image in the mind of the consumer,
celebrity endorsement is also one of them and most used in this era. This research aims at finding
the impact of Celebrity endorsements on Buying behavior of consumers of different gender, age,
income level etc. This research uses both of descriptive and exploratory research. The sample
size of this research is 65respondents out of which 50 are female (77%) and 15 are male (33%).
Primary and secondary both researches are conducted for this study. The data has been analyzed
using , different descriptive statistics and correlational techniques like ,standard deviation, mean
,frequencies etc. In the conclusion, we found that Celebrity endorsements help to create
awareness in consumer mind about the brand but don’t have direct impact on Consumer buying
behavior. But celebrity endorsement has usually show a positive impact on the consumers. The
Various qualities of a celebrity affect consumer buying behavior in different variations. But as
according to our sample we concluded that Celebrity endorsements are not as important as
factors such as Price and Quality while buying a product. Overall, some of the consumers feel
that claims made by such celebrity endorsements are not believable, because now a days
celebrities are just endorsing for the sake of earning and fame. On the other hand, some
consumers are very likely to abstain from buying certain products due to the celebrities who
advertise them. But we also can’t deny that these celebrity endorsement has a impact of some
consumer as according to the research some consumers also influence so much by seeing their
favorite celebrities in the advertisement.
The whole praise is to Almighty Allah, who is creator of this universe; he made us the super
entity with great knowledge. Alhamdulillah, Thank to Almighty Allah S.W.T for giving us the
fulfillment and energy to complete our research in the course of Business Research Management.
Since the project of report goes on, we have a great experiences and knowledge about the project
that was implementing by us. We have fully satisfied with this project report even though we
know it is hard and need a lot of work to do to finish this report. At the end, we finally come out
with the good result. We deem it a pleasure to acknowledge our sense of gratitude to our project
guide SIR Imran Raheel under whom we carried out the report. His keen, objective guidance and
with timely advice encouraged us with constant flow of energy to continue the work. Huge
thanks to him, who give us this golden opportunity. Finally, we must say that none of the height
can ever be without some sacrifices that we made at any end, it is here where we owe our special
debt to our parents, our friends who gave us such motivation that whenever we face any
difficulty during academic life and particularly for the accomplishment of this project. We would
like to thank our Institution, UVAS Business School for providing us with the platform and great
knowledge. Lastly, we would like to thank all are respondents of the research paper.
In below passages background, introduction and some important terminologies of the
research topic are discussed. Many studies have been conducted on the effectiveness of
advertising. There are many tools to improve the effectiveness of advertising; celebrity
endorsement is one of those tools. Since 19th century till now, as time passes this strategy
has become the most effective tool of advertising or marketing a product or brand to take
the attention of target market and to get the desired output from them in terms of their
buying behavior regarding the product or brand being marketed through the celebrity

1.1 Identification of the broad problem:

Today, a lot of products are available in the market and hence it has become difficult for
people to differentiate amongst products. Marketing has been one of the best tools to
differentiate among products. From last 150 years advertising has been changing. The
intense use of celebrity endorsements as a tool of advertising strategy has increased in the
past few years. (Okorie 2010) (O. &. Aderogba 2011).
In Pakistan a celebrity idolizes in the mind of the consumer so large that any activity can
be capitalized on their huge fan following. (Erdogan 1999).Famous personalities have a
great influence on the consumers buying behavior and that is why it becomes the most
attractive tool of advertising. But in our research we have to find that if the use of
celebrity endorsement is increasing then what is the impact of this celebrity endorsement
on the buying behavior. Weather it is positively related or negatively related.

1.2 Define Problem Statement:

The problem statement for this report is:
“To what extent does celebrity endorsement impact consumer buying behavior and what factors
mediate this relationship and how does it influence the decision -making process of consumers in
the modern era?”
1.3 Previous Study Gap:
We have gone through many literatures there have been many studies conducted on the impact of
celebrity endorsement on consumer buying behavior in various global contexts, there is a notable
research gap regarding this topic specifically within the context of Pakistan. Limited empirical
research exists that comprehensively explores the influence of celebrity endorsement on
consumer behavior in the Pakistani market. Furthermore, previous research often relies on
quantitative methods, such as surveys and experiments, to investigate the impact of celebrity
endorsements. However, there is a dearth of qualitative studies that delve into the subjective
experiences and perceptions of Pakistani consumers regarding celebrity endorsements, which can
provide deeper insights into the underlying mechanisms and psychological processes involved
1.4 Contribution:
Our contribution in this report is as we observed that in the previous studies there is not as much
qualitative research conducted on this topic. Most of the previous studies is based on quantitative
techniques. We have done quantitative research by conducting surveys as well as a use some
qualitative techniques for the study. Like, We have conducted different interviews , focus group
discussions. Observe different people in different stores and some content analysis.
1.5 Objective for the research:
Our Objectives of the Research on the Impact of Celebrity Endorsement on Consumer Buying
Behavior are:
1. To investigate the attitudes and perceptions of consumers towards celebrity endorsements
in the Pakistani market.
2. To analyze the influence of celebrity endorsements on consumers' brand preferences and
purchase intentions.
3. To understand the psychological processes and mechanisms underlying the impact of
celebrity endorsements on consumer decision-making in Pakistan.
4. To contribute to the existing literature by filling the research gap on the impact of
celebrity endorsement on consumer buying behavior specifically within the context of

1.6 Research Questions:

Research questions for the topic are given below:
• How do celebrity endorsements influence consumer attitudes towards a product or brand?
• What are the effects of celebrity endorsements on consumer purchase intentions?
• What factors moderate the relationship between celebrity endorsements and consumer
buying behavior?
2. Literature review
Below are some important concepts covered in previous studies.


Celebrity endorsement is a particular strategy used by marketers to advertise a
product from such a platform through which consumers can associate themselves
with the brand value from the perspective of the celebrity personnel. (Kotler 2006)
2.2 Buying behavior:
Consumer buying behavior is the study of the ways of buying and disposing of
goods, services, ideas or experiences by the individuals, groups and organizations in
order to satisfy their needs and wants. (Keller 2011)
2.3 Brand perception:
Brand Perception is the interpretation of a brand by a consumer based on sensory
information gathered through interactions with it. Brand perceptions can either be
positive, negative or neutral. Celebrities and their attributes often affect the way in
which a consumer sees a particular brand. The goal of any brand is to create a
positive and emotional bond with a consumer. Brand perception is basically how a
consumer thinks, feels and reacts to a brand.
2.4 Forms of superstars underwriting:
Nowadays celebrity endorsement is being practicing in different forms like, print ads
in magazines or newspapers, celebrity’s appearance in TVCs, celebrities promoting
brands in some programs, through music, through mobile vans, etc. such superstars
could be established ones or new ones as well (Eshaghpour, 2010).
2.5 Advantages of celebrity endorsement:
Despite that it’s a costly marketing technique, it has lots of advantages as well. By
utilizing the famous people 'open acknowledgment, the organizations could increase
numerous benefits. (McAleer, 2010) Firstly, shoppers start thinking in a direction
that if a reputed personality is using a brand then this brand must be of that caliber.
Another big advantage is that attention of viewers can easily got grabbed for brand
by the presence of famous persons or superstars. Thirdly, brands can easily get free
exposure in public, TV, newspaper, magazine, news, shows, etc., when well-known
celebrities use or wear that brand and go anywhere. Fourthly, brands endorsed by big
names are usually costly so profitability and return on investment would probably be
higher in this way (Farrell, Karels, Monfort & McClatchy, 2000; Erdogan et al.,
2001). 5thly this technique proves as a successful one to help customers in
recognizing the brands, their points of differentiation with the competitive brands
and also in retaining and recalling such brand names (Burroughs & Feinberg, 1987).
2.6 Superstar vs. Non-Superstar Endorsement:
Past researches showed that celebrities speeches favoring brands results in more
powerful and productive influence than those speeches done by non-celebrities (Seno
& Lukas, 2007). The ultimate objective of taking superstars support is to build a
desired brand image and desired behavior of customers towards that brand. As
opposed to this, superstar endorsers has built up a character and identity of
themselves as time passes (Tom et al., 1992). Prior investigations about superstar’s
advocacy proves when contrasted with non-superstar advocator, superstar’s
advocator has created greater certifiable practices toward advertising and expanded
purchasing target (Atkin & Block, 1983; Petty et al., 1983; Ohanian, 1991).
2.7 Factors Affecting Celebrity Endorsement and relationship with consumer
There are different factors of celebrities influencing the consumer buying behavior when
such celebrities endorsed any brand. Marketers have to consider some factors while
selecting celebrities to endorse brands to get the desired result to use this strategy of
celebrity endorsement in terms of brand image, consumer buying behavior and attainment
of desired market share. Past researchers have focused on different mix of factors related
to celebrity endorsement influencing consumer buying behavior, this research is focused
on relatively a different and most appropriate mix of factors that a marketer should
consider while selecting celebrities to endorse any brand to get a desired effect on
consumer buying behavior. These are given below:
2.7.1 Credibility:
It refers to the level of believability a beneficiary has towards a message given by the
source and expertise of the source or deliverer (Ohanian, 1990). In past source
credibility was just considered as an endorser credibility in a commercial (Aronson,
Turner, & Carlsmith, 1963). It is proved as a significant basis affecting customer
buying behavior and their attitude towards marketing communications (Lutz,
MacKenzie, & Belch, 1983). Past publications described trio facets of it which are
trustworthiness, expertise & attractiveness (Baker & Churchill, 1977; Giffin, 1967;
Hovland, Janis, & Kelley, 1953; Joseph, 1982; Kahle, & Homer, 1985; Maddux &
Rogers, 1980; Mills & Harvey, 1972).
Physical Attractiveness:
Attractiveness has the power that can easily grab the attention of viewers but it
doesn’t just relate with the body but the entire physical traits comes under the
measure of attractiveness which includes, hair color, facial features, height, weight,
complexion, etc and normally public figures have to be attractive to have an influence
on their audience and viewers (Temple, 2009).
Trustworthiness is the degree of believability or trust listeners have for communicator
(Hovland, 1953). In case of celebrities it refers to the buyer’s trust on celebrities
message for brand (Ohanian, 1991). In other words if customers have a trust on
celebrity being endorsed then the message of such celebrities will be more influential
and will help a lot in changing the minds of customers towards the desired action
what organizations want for their brand by customers (Miller and Baseheart, 1969).
Impacts of Trustworthiness:
Previously it was researched that more the customers have a trust on communicator
the more they get persuaded by the message of that communicator and more the
chances of getting customers mind change for the purchase of that brand (Miller &
Baseheart, 1969)
Expertise is the measure of communicator’s aptitude and attitude which influences customers
decision towards purchase of a brand. Researchers believe that celebrities with relative and high
expertise prove to be more successful in persuading the customers than those who just have
physical attractiveness not the combination of attractiveness and expertise (Till and Busler
Impacts of Expertise:
Expertise is the ability of a communicator that proves as a helpful factor in taking the decision
by shopper. They generally get inspired by the sayings of learned and expert communicators.
Proficient learning skills and expertise of endorsers has a significant reliability impact on
customers believe towards the communication of such endorsers (David H. Silvera, Benedikte
Austad, 2004).
2.7.2 Emotional involvement:
Emotional Involvement means the purchase decision of customers is directly proportional to the
the use and likeness by celebrity (endorser) for the brand that celebrity is endorsing (Cronley et
al., 1999; Silvera and Austad, 2004). Adding to this, emotional attachment of viewers with their
favorite celebrities becomes more fruitful in terms of their believability for the message given by
that celebrity.
2.7.3 Meaning transfer:
The Meaning Transfer Model by McCracken (1989) clarifies the adequacy of big name
spokespersons in terms of what purchasers connect with the endorser and in the end exchange to
the brand. McCracken described this model in three stages. First stage covers the message
transferred by celebrity to the brand, in the second stage message from the brand gets transferred
to the customer and in the third stage that message leaves the impact on customer’s psyche and
ultimately on customers’ decision to buy that brand.
2.8 Factors influencing purchase decision :
There are three factors that influence buyer conduct. Such factors play an important role on
consumer buying behavior (Satish. K. Batra, 2008). Social factors include the social gathering or
surrounding, culture and subculture, friends, relatives, family, colleagues. These people have a
great influence on the buying behavior of consumers. Mental factors means the internal state of
mind or the way of thinking of customer. It includes inspiration, recognition, learning and state
of mind of buyer or client. Personal or individual factors incorporate individual’s statistical
elements, way of life, and situational factors

3. Theoretical framework
Theoretical framework explains the entire research briefly, for celebrity endorsement there are
lots of factors to consider while selecting the appropriate celebrity but in this research focus is on
three factors which are credibility that includes physical attractiveness; trustworthiness &
expertise, emotional involvement that includes celebrity’s passion towards working with the
product impacts the consumer buying behavior & emotional involvement of viewers with the
celebrity impacts their buying behavior for the product which is endorsed by that celebrity, and
meaning transfer by celebrity that includes effective communication of celebrity in
advertisement impacts the consumer buying behavior & the field of celebrity endorsed (cricketer,
film or drama star, sports person, etc.) that best match with product attributes impacts consumer
buying behavior. Selection of celebrity on these bases improves the effectiveness of message
which ultimately affects consumer purchasing positively (Ahmed et al., 2014)
3.1 Variables:
Following structure describes the entire topic and the variable in it.



Dependent Variable
Independent variables:
Independent variable are given below:
• Celebrity Endrosement
Dependent Variables:
The dependent variable which are affected by Independent variables are:
• Consumer Buying behavior
Mediating Variable:
Mediating variables in this which directly influence the relationship between IV and DV are:
• Credibility
• Environmental involvement
• Meaning Transfer
Moderators in this relation are:
• Trustworthiness
• Attractiveness
• Expertise
In this research-controlled variable is purchasing conduct of consumers and uncontrolled
variable is big-stars endorsement. Both dependent and independent variables are already
discussed above in this paper in detail.
3.2 Hypothesis:
Hypothesis for this research are given below:
Ho: Celebrity endorsements have a negative impact on consumer attitudes towards a product or
H1: Celebrity endorsements have a positive impact on consumer attitudes towards a product or
Ho: Celebrity endorsements negatively influence consumer purchase intentions.
H1: Celebrity endorsements positively influence consumer purchase intentions.
Ho: The effectiveness of celebrity endorsements varies does not based on the credibility,
attractiveness, and expertise of the celebrity.
H1: The effectiveness of celebrity endorsements varies based on the credibility, attractiveness,
and expertise of the celebrity.
4. Research Methodology
In this chapter, we will discuss about the research design like the research approaches used in
this research , population, sampling and data collection methods etc used in this research.
Research Design:
4.1.1 Research Type:
The research type we used in it is Quantitative and the combination of descriptive and
exploratory research. Descriptive research because it aims to describe the impact of celebrity
endorsements on consumer buying behavior. It also aims to study the impact of various attributes
of a celebrity on Consumer Buying behavior. Exploratory research is conducted to get better
understanding of the level of awareness that people have towards Celebrity endorsements.
4.1.2 Testing Technique:
This research is carried out by using Cross Sectional study, and more under cross sectional
studies, single cross sectional studies has used, where segments of the population is selected and
data is collected from them only once at a particular period of time.
4.1 Population:
For the research purpose, the population selected was all those people who buy products .A
population is an entire group about which target information is required to be ascertained. . As it
is not easy and as well as possible to collect data from all people who buy products , this study is
basically e-sample study is conducted. The sample chosen will be the part of the target
population and will represent the population.
4.2 Sampling Method:
Sampling can be done in 2 ways: one is probability method and the other one is non-probability
method. In probability method every unit in the population has a known chance of being selected
while in the non-probability method of sampling units in the population do not have a known
chance of being selected as a sample.
In this research we uses non-probability method because we don't have access to a database of
all people who buy products and therefore probability sampling isn't feasible.
4.3 Sampling Type:
We used the convenience sampling, which is a type of non-probability sampling. Respondents
that were selected for the sample were friends, colleagues and relatives of the us. Snow ball
sampling has also been used, as the friends and colleagues that was previously selected as per the
convenience of the us, further referred their other friends and colleagues. Data was collected
from them too.
4.4 Sampling Size:
The sample size for this research is almost 65 respondents in which 50 are female (77%) and 15
are male (33%). They show various age groups, different occupations and have different income
4.5 Data Collection Method:
Primary as well as secondary research both is conducted for this research. Secondary research is
conducted to understand which is already known about the Impact of Celebrity endorsements by
studying based on previous research studies. Through primary research, quantitative and
qualitative data has been collected. For quantitative data the data collection method was survey
which we used was questionnaire and we uses lickert scale . In the questionnaire we used fixed
numbers of closed ended questions which was asked by respondents. The questionnaire was in
the form of a web-page survey, Google Forms and a link was sent to the respondents for the
purpose of filling the survey. And the link for the web-page is given below:

5.1 Data Collection Method:
The data has been analyzed using , different descriptive statistics and correlational techniques
like ,standard deviation, mean ,frequencies etc. On the basis of these statistics conclusions are
Hypothesis 1:
Ho: Celebrity endorsements have a negative impact on consumer attitudes towards a product or
H1: Celebrity endorsements have a positive impact on consumer attitudes towards a product or
Multiple Response:

$Positive_impact Frequencies

Responses Percent of

N Percent Cases

0 12 4.8% 19.0%

1 27 10.7% 42.9%
C.I has positive impact on
2 87 34.5% 138.1%
3 93 36.9% 147.6%

4 33 13.1% 52.4%
Total 252 100.0% 400.0%

a. Group

Descriptive Statistics

N Mean Std. Deviation Variance

Gender 63 .22 .419 .176

Celebrity endorsement
63 2.35 .901 .812
makes you notice a brand
You believe products
specifically advertised by
63 2.08 1.036 1.074
the celebrities are of good
Your favorite celebrity gives
a positive image to the 63 2.46 1.029 1.059
endorsed brand
Celebrity endorsement
63 2.83 .925 .856
helps in brand promotion
Valid N (listwise) 63

We accept the H1 hypothesis because Overall, the data suggests that respondents generally
perceive celebrity endorsement as effective in attracting attention to a brand and promoting it.
They also tend to believe that products endorsed by celebrities are of good quality and that their
favorite celebrity positively influences the image of the endorsed brand.
Hypothesis 2:
Ho: Celebrity endorsements negatively influence consumer purchase intentions.
H1: Celebrity endorsements positively influence consumer purchase intentions.

Multiple Response

$postive_buyingbehaviot Frequencies

Responses Percent of

N Percent Cases

0 16 6.3% 25.4%

1 22 8.7% 34.9%

C.i have postv buying bhvra 2 70 27.8% 111.1%

3 123 48.8% 195.2%

4 21 8.3% 33.3%
Total 252 100.0% 400.0%

Descriptive Statistics

N Mean Std. Deviation Variance

Gender 63 .22 .419 .176

You buy a brand if your
favorite celebrity is 63 1.98 1.129 1.274
endorsing it
Celebrity’s passion while
endorsing a product impacts
63 2.51 .878 .770
the consumer buying
Emotional involvement of
viewers with the celebrity
impacts their buying
63 2.71 .851 .724
behavior for the product
which is endorsed by that
Effective communication of
celebrity in advertisement
63 2.56 .929 .864
impacts the consumer
buying behavior
Valid N (listwise) 63
We have accept the hypothesis 1 as the provided descriptive statistics represent the mean,
standard deviation, and variance for different variables based on responses from a sample of 63
1. Influence of Celebrity Endorsement on Consumer Buying Behavior:
• Participants rated their likelihood of buying a brand if their favorite celebrity
endorses it with a mean of 1.98, suggesting a moderate level of agreement. The
standard deviation was 1.129, indicating some variability in responses.
• The impact of a celebrity's passion while endorsing a product on consumer buying
behavior received a mean rating of 2.51, indicating a moderate level of agreement
among respondents. The standard deviation was 0.878.
• Respondents agreed to a greater extent that emotional involvement with a
celebrity impacts their buying behavior for products endorsed by that celebrity,
with a mean rating of 2.71. The standard deviation was 0.851, indicating
relatively less variability in responses.
• The effective communication of a celebrity in advertisements impacting consumer
buying behavior had a mean rating of 2.56, suggesting a moderate level of
agreement. The standard deviation was 0.929.
Overall, the data suggests that respondents perceive the influence of celebrity endorsement on
consumer buying behavior. They tend to consider their favorite celebrity's endorsement, the
celebrity's passion while endorsing a product, emotional involvement with the celebrity, and
effective communication in advertisements as factors that impact their purchasing decisions to
varying degrees. But it don’t as much influence the decision because there are some other factors
also influence the buying decision like quality and price etc.
Hypothesis 3:
Ho: The effectiveness of celebrity endorsements varies does not based on the credibility,
attractiveness, and expertise of the celebrity.
H1: The effectiveness of celebrity endorsements varies based on the credibility, attractiveness,
and expertise of the celebrity.

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Gender 63 0 1 .22 .419

Physical attractiveness of
celebrity impacts the 63 0 4 2.49 1.014
consumer buying behavior
Trustworthiness of celebrity
impacts the consumer 63 0 4 2.49 .931
buying behavior
Expertise of celebrity
impacts the consumer 63 0 4 2.57 .856
buying behavior
The field of celebrity
endorser that best match
with product attributes 63 0 4 2.78 .888
impacts the consumer
buying behavior
Valid N (listwise) 63

We accept hypothesis H1 as this dataset consists of responses from 63 participants. The mean
gender score suggests that approximately 22% of the participants identified as male. The other
variables, measuring the impact of physical attractiveness, trustworthiness, expertise, and
product attribute match on consumer buying behavior, show moderate mean scores ranging from
2.49 to 2.78, indicating some level of influence on consumer decision-making.
Chapter 6
The results of this research show that there is as such no direct impact of Celebrity
endorsements on Consumer Buying behavior. But it celebrity endorsement has usually
show a positive impact on the consumers. As they do not influence the purchase decision
of mostly consumer. Although they are playing very important role to create awareness
about the product. As during the interviews some of the consumers also said that they
will not switch from their already using product to another even if the second one was
endorsed by their favorite celebrity .But we also can’t deny that some consumer also say
that they show very rapid response if their favorite celebrity endorse some product. We
also concluded that in most of the cases celebrity endorsements are not as important as
factors such as Price and Quality while buying a product. Most of the consumers said it
as the least important factor during buying decision. Celebrity attributes like Credibility,
Intelligence and attractiveness persuade consumers to buy products more than other
factors. Consumers get influenced to buy Shopping products through celebrity
endorsements. Overall, some of the consumers feel that claims made by such celebrity
endorsements are not believable, because now a days celebrities are just endorsing for the
sake of earning and fame. On the other hand, some consumers are very likely to abstain
from buying certain products due to the celebrities who advertise them. But we also can’t
deny that these celebrity endorsement has a impact of some consumer as according to the
research some consumers also influence so much by seeing their favorite celebrities in
the advertisement.

Chapter 7
• Generalizability: The findings of this study may be limited to the selected population and
might not be applicable to all consumer groups.
• Self-Report Bias: The reliance on self-reported data may introduce response biases, such
as social desirability bias or recall bias.
• External factors not controlled in the experiment may influence consumer buying
• Objective Limitation :The findings of this research are only valid for the research
objectives used in this study and does not cover other factors and aspects that might
affect the buying behavior of consumers.
• Place Limitation: The research is conducted in Lahore and thus the findings of this
research may not be true for people in different cities and different countries.
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