Speaking Booklet

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Q1. What is your mother tongue?

(Native language)

A: Well, my mother tongue is Sindhi as I belong from Sindh, it’s a province in Pakistan by the way and I’d
like to add that Sindhi has various dialects. Hmm... And in my opinion, it’s one of the most beautiful
languages you can say.

Q2. What other languages can you speak?

A: That’s an interesting question-- honestly, everyone in Pakistan is a multilingual as we speak multiple

languages, which includes our mother language, the native one and the official one. So, when it comes
to me, I can speak Sindhi, Urdu and English.

Q3. Will you learn other languages in the future?

A: Oh yeah, I plan on learning Arabic in future, as it is my favorite most language. Then I’m also
interested in Farsi and some of Korean because I’m a huge fan of k-dramas, I know some words though.
I’d also like to polish my English language skills.

Q4. Would you say it’s difficult to learn a new language?

A: For a beginner, I’ll say, it can be. But being consistent is the key to success.From my point of view,
anything can be learnt if you’re dedicated or passionate enough towards it.

Q5. Do you often dream?

A: Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t. And most of the times I don’t even remember my dreams, which
keeps me curious throughout the day.

Q6. Do you share your dreams with others?

A: Rarely. Why? Because I believe dreams hold meanings to them. And sharing it with people can spoil
the meaning for me. But it’s not always like that. I do share ‘em… with my mother. She predicts their
meaning for me.

Q7. Do you like to listen to other people talking about their dreams?

A: Ah yes, I do. It makes up a really interesting conversation. People sharing and assuming the meanings
or sometimes explaining how random the dream was, it’s actually so funny at times.

Q8. Do you think dreams have any special meaning?

A: Like I mentioned earlier, for me, I do believe that dreams have special meanings behind them, unless
they are one of those random ones, you know?
9First language)

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