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Table 7 - Chapter 5 assuming a certain interest rate or rate of return.

Investment Decisions It accounts for the growth or accumulation of the

initial amount over time.

Investment Decision - the process of Cost Capital - the overall rate of return that a
choosing where to allocate money in order to company expects to earn on its investments to
achieve certain financial goals. It involves maintain or enhance its value. It includes the
evaluating different opportunities, considering cost of debt and the cost of equity, reflecting
risks and returns, and deciding on the best way the expenses associated with obtaining funds for
to use available funds. business operations and projects.

Investment - involves allocating resources, Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) -

typically money, with the expectation of is a calculation that considers the proportion of
generating future income or profit. It could debt and equity in a company's capital
include purchasing stocks, bonds, real estate, or structure. It represents the average rate of return
funding projects with the goal of achieving a company must pay to its investors (both debt
returns over time. and equity) to finance its assets. WACC is used
to evaluate the attractiveness of investment
Net Present Value Rule (NPV Rule) - The opportunities.
concept of focusing on projects with a positive
Net Present Value (NPV) suggests a financially Cash Flow - the movement of money into or
prudent approach, as it considers future cash out of a business over a specific period.
flows discounted to their present value. It helps Positive cash flow occurs when a company
ensure that investments generate more returns receives more money than it spends, while
than the initial cost, promoting sound financial negative cash flow occurs when expenses
decision-making. exceed incoming funds. It's a crucial measure of
a company's financial health and ability to meet
Avoidable Costs - Are expenses that can be its obligations.
eliminated or reduced by making specific
business decisions. These costs are tied to Economic Profit - is the total revenue from
certain activities or projects and can be avoided sales that is received by a business minus the
if those activities or projects are discontinued or opportunity costs (explicit and implicit) from all
altered. inputs.

Sunk Costs - expenses that have already been Accounting Profit - is also referred to as
incurred and cannot be recovered. Once financial profit. It is the total profit of a company
you've spent money on something, it's a sunk minus explicit costs. This is used to assess the
cost, and decision-makers should focus on performance of the company and to compare its
future costs and benefits rather than trying to financial performance with other competitors.
recover what's already spent.
Break-Even Quantity - amount you need to sell
Rule 72 - a simple formula used to estimate the to cover costs. Formula to get a break-even
number of years it takes for an investment to quantity is Q = FC/(P-MC).
double in value, given a fixed annual rate of
return. You divide 72 by the annual rate of return Contribution Margin (P-MC) - what is left after
to get an approximate doubling time. marginal cost to contribute to covering fixed
Present Value - the current worth of a sum of
money to be received or paid in the future, Market Share - represents a percentage of the
discounted at a specific interest rate. It industry that is owned by a company over a
represents the value of future cash flows in particular period of time. Calculated by dividing
today's terms, considering the time value of the sales of a company in the period and the
money. total sales of the industry.

Future Value - the projected worth of a current

sum of money at a specific date in the future,
Sales - is any transaction of exchanging Example of Sunk-Cost and Post-Investment
ownership of a good over money or value. It can Hold Up
be of amount or quantity. National Geographic can reduce shipping costs
by printing with regional printers.
Break-Even Advice - Do not invoke break-even
analysis to justify higher prices or greater output. • To print a high quality magazine, the printer
Note: Managers sometimes believe they must buy a $12 million printing press.
must raise prices to cover fixed costs or they • Each magazine has a MC of $1 and the printer
must sell as much as possible to make average would print 12 million copies over two years.
costs lower. These are extent decisions which • The break-even cost/average cost is $7 =
require marginal analysis, not break-even. ($12M / 2M copies) + $1/copy
• BUT once the press is purchased, the cost is
Shut-Down Decisions - made using break- sunk and the break-even price changes.
evenprices rather than quantities, • Because of this the magazine can hold up the
The break-even price is the average printer by renegotiating the terms of the deal –
avoidable cost per unit. because the price of the press is unavoidable,
- Profit = (Rev-Cost)= (P-AC)(Q). and sunk, the break-even pricefalls to $1, the
- If you shut down, you lose your revenue, marginal cost.
but you get back your avoidable cost
- If the average avoidable cost is less Vertical Integration - One possible solution to
than price, shut down. post-investment hold-up. It refers to the common
ownership of two firms in separate stages of the
Cost Taxonomy - Determining avoidable costs vertical supply chain that connects raw materials
can be difficult. Cost Taxonomy is then used to to finished goods.
identify avoidable costs firms use. Example: Bauxite mine and alumina
Example of Cost Taxonomy • Refineries are tailored to specific
FC=$100, MC=$5, and you produce 100 qualities of ore
units/year • The transaction options are:• Spot-
● How low of a price before you shut market transactions
down? IT DEPENDS. • Long-term contracts
● It depends on which costs are
avoidable. Contractual View of Marriage - Long-term
Long-run - fixed costs become avoidable so contracts induce higher levels of relationship-
they are included in the shutdown price. specific investment.
Short-run - they are unavoidable and should not
be included in the shutdown price.

Sunk-Cost and Post-Investment Hold Up -

Always remember the business maxim “look
ahead and reason back.” This can help you
avoid potential hold up.
- Before making a sunk cost investment,
ask what you will do if you are held up.
- What would you do to address hold up?

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