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Lj. T. Grujii and D. D. siljak, “On stability of discrete composite systems.” IEEE required for applicability of the solution arequite vague and results
Tram A u l o m r . Confr. (Short Papers), vol. AC-18, pp. 522-524, Oct 1973. using this method have not beencompletelysatisfactory and, so, ap-
-, “Asymptotic stabilityandinstability of large-scale systems” IEEE Trans.
A u t o m ~Contr., vol. AC-18, pp. 63-5. Des. 1973. proximation to optimal nonlinear filters of greatercomplexity are re-
0 . D. Siljak, Tompetitive economic systems: Stability, decomposition and aggre- sorted to [3]. Holmstevdt [4] has applied nonlinear observability theory
gation,” in Proc. 1973 IEEE Con$ Decision and Control, pp. 265-275.
A. N. Micbel, “Stability analysis of interconnected systems,” 1. S I A M Conrr., ser. to this problem.Observabilityiscertainly a necessary condition for
A, vol. 12, pp. 554-579. Aug. 1974. convergence of the filter. Otherwise little is known theoretically about
D. W. Porter and A. N . Michel, “Input-output stability of time-varying nonlinear the convergence properties of the extended Kalman filter.
multiloop feedback system” IEEE Trans. A u z o m . Contr. (Short Papers), vol.
AC-19, pp. 422-427, Aug. 1974. Several approacheshavebeentaken to eliminatetheproblems
A. N . Michel. “Stability analysis and trajectorybehavior of wmposite systems,” associatedwith the extended Kalman filter. Schmidt [ 5 ] and Neal [6]
IEEE Trans. Circuirr Sysz., vol. CT-22, pp. 305-312 Apr. 1975.
-, “Stability analysis of stochastic composite systems.” IEEE Trans. Automat. proposed theaddition of terms to thegain of theKalman filter to
Conrr. (short Papers), vol. 20, pp. 2 6 2 5 0 , Apr. 1975. prevent divergence. Except for the work of Schaefer and Nahi [7], the
E. Wong, Srochastic Processes in Information and Dynanicnl System. New Yo&:
McGraw-Hill, 1971. approach remains ad hoc. Thus, the method eitherrequiresextensive
H. Kushner, Srochastic Stabiliry and Control. New York: Academic, 1967. “tuning” oraddstothecomputationalburden, either of whch isa
H. Kushner, Imroduction to Stochastic Control. New York:Holt, Rinehast and
disadvantage in practicalon-lineapplications. M a d [SI and Hilborn
H. Kushner. “Convene theorems for stochastic Lyapunov functiom” J. SIAM and Lainiotis [9] considered the problemusingdecisiontheoryby
Contr., ser. A, vol. 5. pp. 228-233, 1967. assuming the unknown parameters came from a finite set; however, this
A. Ostrowski, “Determinanten mi[ iberwiegender Hauptdiagonale und die absolute
KonvergenzvonlinearenIterationsprozessen,” Commenrarii Math Heloetici, vol. requires the use of n parallel Kalman filters, which is totally impractical
30. pp. 175-210,1956. for many applications.
M.Fiedler and V. Ptak, “On matrices with non-positive off-diagonal elements and
positive principal minors,’’ Czech Mruh J., vol. 12, pp. 3 8 2 4 . 1962. Saridis and Stein [ 111 proposed a stochastic approximation algorithm
to estimate the parameters of single input-single output systems. Mehra
[I21 usedcorrelationtechniquesfor the singleinput-single output sys-
tems and also presents an extension for multivariable systems. However,
no computation results were presented for the multivariable case. Budin
The Simultaneous On-Line Estimation of Parameters [I31 presentedresults for multivariablesystems but requires that the
and States in Linear Systems covariance of the noises be known in order toobtainan unbiased
estimate of the parameters.
, AND EDWIN STEAR, Practical experience with the extended Kalman filter and the above
MEMBER,IEEE observations motivated the development of a computationally economi-
cal and robust parameter and state estimator. The filter proposed here
Abstract-Thepracticalimplementation of adaptive controllers using separates the problem into two estimators. This approach is based upon
minicomputers requires algorithms which are both numerically economical the observation that the problem of estimating only the parameters of a
and robust. The problem of combined state and parameter estimation for linear system with no state noise is a linear estimation problem while the
adaptive controllers was originally posed as a nonlinear fiitering problem. estimation of the states of a linear system given the parameters is also a
The only known nonlinear fdter which can be practically implementedon a linear estimation problem. The combined parameter and state estimator
small computer is the extended Kalman filter. The extended Kalmao filter, of this short paper first estimates only the parameters of the model and
however, often diverges,thus, there is a need for economic4 robust then uses these estimates in a linear Kalman filter to estimate the states
parameter-stateestimators. A simplesuboptimalparameterand state of thesystem. The structure of the estimator isshowninFig. 1. This
estimator is presented which f f i this need. The fiiter is based on a separation of the problem is made possible by a canonical form of the
particular canonical form for the state-space equations of a linear system state space equations whichallowsthe parameters of an input-output
which allows the parameters and states to be estimated separately rising model to be uniquely related to the parameters of the canonical state
two linear estimators. If an innovationsmodel is used, the steady-state spacemodel. If an innovationsmodel is identified, the steady-state
Kalman fiier gains can be estimated and thus, during steady-state opera- Kalman filter gain coefficients are identlfied and the state estimates are
tion, the estimates of the states can be easily obtained. Nnmerical exam- easily obtained during steady-state operation.
ples are presented which demonstrate the increased robustness and speed In Section I1 the problem is defined. In Section 111 the parameter
of the proposed linear estimator over the extended Kalman filter. estimator is presented, the canonical form is established and the relation-
ship of the estimatedparameters to the parameters of the state-space
canonical model is shown. In Section IV the state estimator is presented
and the consistency of the combined estimator is shown. Some numeri-
The practical implementation of adaptive controllers dictates the use cal results are presented in Section V comparing the adaptive estimator
of minicomputers and/or microprocessors.These computers are often of this short paper to the extended Kalman filter.
not equipped with hardware multiply and divide and thus are ratherslow
computationally. This places a severe restriction on the controller algo- 11. h O B L w i STAMEhT
rithmused. Thus, aneed for numerically economicalandrobust
algorithms clearly exists. We assume that measured inputs and outputs are generated by the
The combined parameter and state estimation problem was originally following discrete-time, cyclic, stable system:
posed as a nonlinear estimation problem by augmenting the state vector x(k+l)=~x(k)+~u(k)+ro(k)
with the unknown parameters of the state space equations. Kopp and (1)
Orford [I] and Farison et al. [2] proposed the extended Kalman filter to y(k)=Hx(k)+v(k)
solve the resultingnonlinearfiltering problem; however, the extended where x ( k ) is the n-dimensional state, u ( k ) is the mdmensional input,
Kalman filter, whilebeing computationally feasible, is prone to diver- y ( k ) is the p-dimensional measured output, w(k) is the r-dimensional
gence. This is due partially to the fact that the extended Kalman filter is state noise, and v(k) is the p-dimensional output noise. The system is
based on a linearization about the current estimate. If the a priori state assumed tobe completelycontrollable and observable. The random
estimates are poor, or if later estimates should take the filter out of the processes w ( k ) and v(k) areGaussianandare assumed to have the
linearregion, the estimates often diverge. Furthermore, the conditions following statistics:
E { v ( t ) }= E { w ( k ) } = O
Manuscript received March 7, 1974; revised October 20, 1975. Paper recommended by
H.W. Sorenson, Chairman of d e IEEE S C S Estimation and Identification Committee.
This work wassupportedby d e Air Force Office of Scientific ResearchunderGrant
AFOSR 72-2166.
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106.

A relationship between the elements of the and the coefficients of
INPUT- PARAEIETEQ the 9 , A, r?and H matrices must now be established. Simple algebraic
OUTPUT ESTI?RTES manipulations will establish a map-from the parameter space of 9 , A, r,
and H to the parameter space of Oi. The existence of the unique inverse
map will not be proven here but will be demonstrated by example.
Consider again the models of (3). Let q be the observability index of
STATE (3). Then consider the following set of q+ 1 equations:
Fig. 1. Structure of the estimator. y(k+l)=H(Px(k)+HAu(k)+e(k+l)+HK*e(k)

The problem then is to obtain consistent estimates of the parameters and y(k+q-l)=H@,-?y(k)+HA~(k+q-2)
states of the following model:
(3) +H4W2Au(k)+e(k+q-1) (8)
+HK*e(k+q-2)+.-. +HW-'K*e(k)
Note that this is a special case of the system given by (1) where A ( k ) = I.
This is the inverse innovations filter and thus K* = (PK where K is the
steady-state Kalman gain matrix. It is further assumed that the dimen- +H@A~(k+q-2)+...
sions n, m,p, and r are known. Thus, e ( k ) are the innovations and are a +HW-'~u(k)+e(k+q)
white Gaussian process [ 121.
+HK*e(k+q-l)+... +HW-'k*e(k).
111. THE ON-LINEPARAMETER ESTIMATOR The first q equations of (8) may be written compactly as
In order to obtain estimates of the parameters of (3), it is necessary to Y,(k)=Lx(k)+MU,(k)+NE,(k)
eliminate the state vector from (3) and obtain a relationship which only
involves the input., output, and the innovations. Since the system gener- where
ating the measured data is observable, we h o w that it is possible to
obtain such relationships. Valis[17] discusses such state free descrip- Y,(k)~:[y=(k),y=(k+l),...,y=(k+q-l)lT
tions. Thus, each componentof the output equation in (3), yi(k), can be
written in terms of the system's inputs, outputs, innovations, and aset of U,(k) ~ [ u T ( k ) , u r ( k + l ) , . . . , u T ( k + q - l ) ] '
parameters arranged in avector denoted by Oj. This relationship has the
form E,(k)=[eT(k),er(k+l),...,eT(k+q-l)]T
yi(k)=zT(k)ei(k)+ei(k) (4) and

Further, assume that any time variability of the parameters Oi(k) can be
modeled by a random walk, that is

Oi(k+l)=Oi(k)+wi(k) (5)
where w ( k ) is assumed to be a zero-mean, white, Gaussian process with
covariance W ( k ) . Notice that (4) and (5) taken together form a single-
output system in which the parameters Oi(k) form the state vector and
L is a truncated observability matrix. Since q is the observability index,
the output is a weighted combination of the states where the weighting
L has at least rank n. By a suitable choice of basis vectors for the state
matrix is time varying and composed of previous inputs, outputs and
space, the first n rows of the matrix L can be made to equal theidentity
innovations. If the parameters are truly time invariant, then w ( k ) is not
matrix. With this choice of basis vectors, (9) can be easily solved for the
included in (5). We apply Kalman's results [l5] immediately to (4) and state vector x ( k ) .
(5) to obtain the following estimator:
x ( k ) = Y,(k)-MU,(k)-NE,(k). ( 12)
Equation (12) may then be substituted into the last equation in (8) and
K,(k)=Pi(k-l)Z(k)[ZT(k)Pi(k-l)Z(k)+l]-' the desired relationship is established. This choice of basis vectors
Pi(k)=[Z-K(k)ZT(k)lPi(k-l)+W(k). (6) establishes the canonical form of the state-space equations, namely that
the matrices H and (P have the following form:
The only problem with (6)is that the innovations are really not known
until the estimates converge and thus must be estimated. A reasonable
estimate of the innovations is

~i(k)=yi(k)-Z=(k-l)~(k). (7)
where W is a p X n matrix and Zp is a p Xp identity matrix, and 0 is a null
A similar parameter estimator forthe single input-single output case was matrix of appropriate dimension.
proposedbyPauuska [14]. A detailed discussion of the convergence A simple example at this point will establish the significance of the
properties of (6) and (7) can be found in [ 101. canonical form. Consider the following two input-two output third-order

systemgiven in canonicalform. The noise-free case is considered The error of the estimate is then
without loss of generality.
x ( k l k ) = [ I - K ( k ) H I [ ~ ( k ) + 6 ( k ) l x ( kIlk-
- 1)
0 0 + [ I - K(k)Hk(k)w(k)
+[I-K(k)HIa(k)u(k-l)-K(k)v(k) (22)

where 6 ( k ) and ( k ) are the unknown errors in @ and A, respectively.

Since the model is obtained from a consistent identifier, then



and thus, as k - m , (22) becomes in the limit

where K' is the optimal gain matrix.


This section presents the results of some numerical experiments which

compare the performance of the extended Kalman filter to the adaptive
estimator of this short paper. Two systemswereusedforcomparison
purposes. The first was a single input-single output second-order system,
while the second was a single input-two output system of third order.
A . Results for the Single Input-Single Output System
The following second-order linear system given in canonical form was
used to compare the two estimators:

y(k)=[l Olx(k)+v(k)
where the scalar processes o(k) and v ( k ) have the following statistics:
E { v(k)v(j)}=o.lsk-j
E { w ( k ) o ( j ) }=O.lSk-,.

Furthermore,theinput is also a random processwith the following

Note that the parametersof (19) and (20) are uniquely related to those of statistics:
the innovationsmodel. Noticealsothattheparameters of twoscalar
E { u ( t ) } =o E {Id%)} = 1.0
output equations are to beestimated, thus no matrixinversionisre-
quired in estimating the model parameters. and is independent of both the process and measurement noises. The
extended Kalman filter obtained estimates of thestates and the four
IV. THESTATEESTIMATOR unknown parameters of the and A matrices. The adaptive filter
additionally estimates the two unknown Kalman gain parameters. The
The state estimatorused by the authors for numerical experiments was results of a typical run for both estimators are shown in Figs. 2 and 3,
a linear Kalman-Bucy filter. Although no special precautions were taken respectively. The performances of both estimators are quite satisfactory
to insure that the filter converged, in the examples tried so far this was for the run shown. It should be mentioned, however, that the extended
not a problem. It is evident, however, that divergence could result from Kalman filter did not always behave so nicely. For example, if the null
poor initial parameter estimates. Clearly some modification of the state vector was used as the initial state estimate, the estimates quickly blew
estimate covariance matrix should be made to account for the errors in up and overflow resulted after about 15 time steps. The adaptive filter,
the parameter estimates. This remains an area of future investigation. on the other hand, displayed no such instability for this initial condition.
There may be some efficient algorithmic method to accomplish this since The extended Kalman filter was also unstable if the initial estimates had
we can obtain a measure of the accuracy of the parameter estimates. the wrong sign.
After thestart-up transientshavesubsided andtheparameter esti- Although the adaptive estimator estimated two additional parameters,
mates haveconvergedsufficiently, thestate estimates can beeasily the time required for a run of 500 samples was 10 percent shorter than
obtained by using the innovations model and the estimated steady-state for the extended Kalman filter. Thus.
this example demonstrates that the
gains. goals of robustness and economy have been achieved.
If the parameter estimates are consistent, their use in the Kalman filter
should produce at least an asymptotically consistent state estimator in B. Results for a Single Input-Two Output System
the sense that the estimates will converge in a probabilistic sense to the
To demonstrate the application of the adaptive filter to multivariable
estimaies of theoptimalstate filter. To show this, assumethat
[@(k),A(k),HI is the model used for estimation at time k , then the state systems, the following third-order system given in canonical form was
estimate is used:

G(klk)=G(klk-l)+K(k)[y(k)-HG(klk-l)]. (21)
A=[ 81

+ I Iterations +

100 200 300 400 500
lcerations +


Fig. 2. Results for extended K h a n filter (see Section V-A). Fig. 4. Results for extended Kalman filter (see Section V-B).


100 200 300 400 500

Iterations +



Fig. 3. Results for adaptive estimator (see Section V-A). Fig. 5. Results for adaptive estimator (see Section V-B).


A combinedparameterandstate estimatorformultivariable linear

E{w(k)}=E{u(k)}=E{v(k)}=O discrete-time systems has been presented. This estimator has beenshown
E { w ( k ) w ( j ) }= -O.lS,, to be both robust and numerically economical when compared to the
extended Kalman filter. The estimator is based on a separation of the
E { u ( k ) u ( j ) }= I.06,-, parameter and state estimation functions. This separation, while subop-
E { v ( k ) u = ( j ) } =0.116,-,. timal, accounts for the robust and efficient character of the estimator.
The separation was possible because of the use of a canonical form of
Again the results of the parameter estimates forboth estimators are the state space equations of motion. When an innovations model is used,
shown in Figs. 4 and 5. Althoughthe extended K h a n filter gave the elements of the steady-state Kalman gain matrix can be estimated
reasonable results, there was some bias in the parameter estimates even and state estimates easily obtained during steady-state operation enhanc-
after 5000 samples. This is not surprisingsince the extended Kalman ing the numerical efficiency. Numerical experiments tend to substantiate
filter is known to be a biased estimator. This was not the case with the the particular advantages claimed for the adaptive estimator over the
adaptive estimator. extended Kalman filter. Extensionssuch as estimation of thenoise

statistics and coupling to the covariance equation for the state estimates statesand to apply the extendedKalman-Bucy filter to estimate the
from the parameter estimates appear feasible butare left for future parameters [ 11, [2]. A straightforward method using trajectory sensitivity
research. is presented in this short paper. Sensitivity analysis in optimal control
has receivedconsiderableinterest [3H6],Kahne [7], Sarma and De-
ekshatulu [8], and Higginbotham [9] used the trajectory sensitivity to the
Theauthors wouldlike to expresstheir gratitude to the Technical problems of analytical design of lowsensitivitysystems. In this short
University of Norwayand to Prof. J. G. Balchen of theInstitute of paper, a Kalman filter is extended to a linear stochastic systemwith
Technical Cybernetics for their support, hospitality, and guidance while uncertain parameters. The filter gain is designed so that it minimizes a
a major portion of this work was undertaken. quadratic criterion. A suboptimal filter using a sensitivity technique is
also provided.
11. P R O B L U l FORMC;LAT?OP.;
R. E. Kopp and R. J. Orford, “Linear regression applied to system identification for
adaptive control systems,” AIAA J., pp. 230&2306, OcL 1963. Consider a linear time-invariant stochastic systemdescribedby the
J. B. Farison, R. E. Graham, and R. C. Shelton, “Identification and control of following differential equations:
linear discrete systems,” IEEE Trans. Auromar. Conrr. (Short Papers), vol.AC-12,
pp. 438-442, Aug. 1967.
R. &an, “Systems identification using approximate nonlinear filters,” presented at x(a,t)=A(a)x(a,t)+B(a)u(t)+r(a)w(t) (1)
the 3rd Symp. Nonlinear Estimation Theory and Its Application% Sept 1972.
G. Holmstvedt, “Parameter estimation using a Kalman filter,” M. S . thesig Division v(a,t)= C ( a ) x ( a , t ) + o ( r ) (2)
of Automatic Control, Univ. Trondheim, Norway.
S. F. Schmidt, “Compensation for modeling errors in orbit determination prob- where w and u are zerpmean-uncorrelated white noise processes withthe
lems,” Analytical Mechanics Ass.. Westbury, N Y , Rep. 67-16. 1967.
S . R. Neal, “Linear estimation in the presence of errors in assumed plant dy- covariance matrices Q and R , respectively. a is an I-dmensional uncer-
namics,” IEEE Tram. AuromrConrr. (Short Papers), vol. AC-IZ pp. 582-594, Oct. tain parameter, which is regarded as a random vector with given opriori
N. E. Nahi and B. M. Schaefer, “Decision-directed adaptive recursive estimators; statistics as follows.
Divergence prevention,” IEEE Trans. Auromar. Conrr., vol. AC-17, pp. 61-68. Feb. Let a, bea nominalvalue. The variation of a, 8a= a- a,, is a
D. T. Magill. “Optimal adaptive e s h a t i o n of sampled stochastic professs,” IEEE random vector of zero-mean and variance
Tram. Auromar. Conrr., vol. AC-10, pp. 434439, Oct. 1965.
C. G. Hilborn and D. G. Lainiotis, “Optimal estimation in the presence of unknown
parameters,” IEEE Tram. *st., Sci., Cybern., vol. SSC-5, pp. 38-43. J a n . 1969.
E {(~a)(~a)’)
=&ag[o;*, .;:u . ,a,?]
L.W. Nelson, “On line identification and state estimation in linear systems,” Ph.D. and is independent of the noise. The variances i,?areassumed
dissertation, Dep.Elec. Eng. Comput. Sci., Univ. California, Santa Barbara, 1975.
G.N. Sari&, and G . Stein, “Stochastic approximation algorithms for linear dis- sufficientlysmall to allow a first-orderanalysis to hold with high
crete-time systems identification,‘’ IEEE Tram. Auromar. Conrr., vol.AC-13,pp. probability.
515-523, Oct. 1968.
R. K. Mehra, “On-line identification of linear dynamical systems with applications The initial condition is alsoarandom vectorwithgiven (I priori
to K h a n filtering,” IEEE Trans. Automar Conrr., vol.AC-16, pp. 12-21, Feb. statistics.
M.A. Budin, “A new approach IO system identification andstate estimation,”
IEEE Tram. *st., Man, Cybern., vol. SMC-2, pp. 396-402 July 1972. E { x(0)) = x,; cov { x(0)) = F,.
V. Panuska, “An adaptive recursive-least-sqw identification algorithm,‘’ in Proc.
8th IEEE Symp. Adaptice Processes, 1969, paper 6-e. A Kalman type filter is designed as
R. E. Kalman, “A new approach to linearfiltering and prediction problems.” T r a m
A S M E (J. Basic En&), series D, vol. 82, pp. 35-45, Mar. 1%0.
H. Cox, “On the estimation of state variables and parameters for noisy dynamic i(r)=~o~(r)+~ou(r)+~(r)[y(t)-~,~(t)I+~(t)
systems,“ IEEE Tram. Automat. Corn., vol. AC-9, pp. 5-12, Jan. 1964.
J. Vali$ “On-line identification of multivariable linear systems from input/output
data,” presented at the 2nd IFAC Symp. on Identification and Process Parameter
x (0)= x, (3)
Estimation, 1970, paper 1.5. where A,, Bo, C, are constant matrices equal to the nominal values of A ,
B, and C.
Expanding to first order in a,
Minimum-Sensitivity Filter for Linear
Time-Invariant I
Stochastic Systemswith Uncertain Parameters x(a,l)=Xo(t)+ 2 &Yii-(t).
RICHARD C . CHUNG, %EMBER, IEEE, AND PIERRE R. From (1) there follows easily
Abstract-A bxjectory sensitivity approach is taken to the design of a XO(0) = x0
I(alman filterfor a system with uncertain parameters. A two-point
boundaryvalueproblem (TPBVP) is formulated, where the performance and
index depends on the variances of the parameter deviations. A suboptimal
algorithm is also developed. An example shows that estimation errors may
be reduced considembly from those generated by a I(alman f i r design X,(O) =0 . (6)
for the nominal parameter values.
where the subscript cr, indicatesdifferentiation withrespect to air
I. INTRODUCTIOX evaluated at the nominal value.
Expand also
Dynamic systems in practicalapplicationsusually depend on some
uncertain parameters. One approach to estimation or filtering for this
kind of system is to incorporate the uncertain parameters with the plant v ( a , t ) = C,x,(t)+ c 6%{ c,x,ct,+
i= 1
CG-KJt)} +U(I) (7)

Manuscript received June 16,1975: revised October IO, 1975. Paper recommended by
H. W. Sorenson, Chairman of the IEEE S-CS Estimation and Identificauon Committee.
i(a,t)=i0(2)+ 2 6a,i,(t). (8)
l= 1
This work was supported in part by the National Research Council of Canada under
Grant A-4094.
R. C. Chung was with the Department of Electrical Engineering. McGill University, Use (3) and associate the zero-order terms with i, and the first-order
Montreal. P.Q., Canada.He is now wilh the Ministry of Transport, O t t a w a , Onr. terms with x,. This yields
P.R. Belanger is aith the Department of Electrical Engineering, McGill University,
Montreal. P.Q., Canada.

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