1 NGBSS Solution Overview

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 Customer:

 Different user or user group, like individual customers and group customers

 Subscriber:

 Prepaid , Postpaid or Hybrid, support convergent billing

 Offer:

 Objects for sale from the marketing perspective

 There will be one or multiple Products packed in one offer

 Product:

 Bundle or promotion involves different services,

 Shared by all subscribers

 Account:

 An account is a payment entity of a subscriber

 Dedicated money, resource ;

 One account can be used or shared by several products

IDLE: When subscribers are created in HUAWEI CRM, the initial state can be Pending state or Active
state. Usually, the subscribers in the Pending state cannot use any services.
ACTIVE: The subscriber can be activated at a customer service center.
BARRING: The barring action for the outgoing calls, is the fact to prevent the subscriber from
making outgoing calls for all categories of services: TEL, SMS, GPRS, FAX, DATA, DATA
ROAMING, MMS, etc. Only the incoming calls will be possible, once the client is in this state.
Suspended: A subscriber is in a status “Suspended”, this means, he can neither make outgoing calls,
nor receiving an incoming calls and this for all type of calls (TEL, SMS, FAX, DATA, GPRS, MMS, etc)
home or in roaming.
DEACTIVE: The status “Deactivated” is the last status of a subscriber. This means not possible
operation on the subscriber services in term of adding, modifying its services or their parameters.
Predeactiveted: When a subscriber does not want to use any services, the customer can use
this feature to request deactivation. After being deactivated, the subscriber enters the
Predeactivated state, and then enters the Deactive state after 90 days (by default).
 The CRM system provides a unified customer information view (360 view) containing
information such as subscriber profile, business handling orders, and customer contact
records. Customer information can be queried and displayed in all dimensions in the
system. The 360 view of a customer helps a carrier to fully understand the basic
information, business handling information, and extension information about the
customer. Such information helps the carrier to assess the customer's behavior and
execute targeted marketing to provide better services for the customer.

 The 360 view for customers records customer profiles, subscriber subscription information,
payment records, account balances, order information, and customer contact records,
displaying rich information.
 Receive Resource: Receive Goods from vendor into the warehouse. Resource can be
received by File or Manual Input.

 Distribute Resource: Distribute resources between warehouse , sub-warehouse, Dealer

and shops.

 Transfer Resource: Move resources between shops and departments.

 Return Resource: Shop can return resource to the distributor or warehouse

 The CC supports batch operations for businesses of the same type, for example, creating
subscribers or changing offerings in batches.

 To expand customer groups, carriers provide corporate businesses so that members from
different corporations or the same corporation can enjoy fee preference and corporations
can pay fees for their members.

 The CC provides a home service for home subscribers so that family members can benefit
from sharing a service package.
 Subsystems (such as the Customer Care and Dealer Management) upload files and
information to the corresponding shared directories on the OSMS server by using secure
file transfer protocol (SFTP) or in file sharing mode. The OSMS back-end processes and
sorts the files and information by time, and stores them in object data warehouses defined
by the OSMS.

 The OSMS enables systems such as the Customer Care subsystem, Channel to download
files and information.

 Filemanager can receive file upload and download requests from a web server.
 The CBS system functions:

 Product management

 Resource management

 Rating and billing

 Credit control

 Recharge center

 Call control

 Through the convergence with external charging system, the CBS system can provide

 Uniform charging platform

 Uniform service management platform

 Uniform customer care platform for prepaid subscribers, postpaid subscribers and
hybrid subscriber.
 CBP: It provides Rating & Charging function and Convergent Balance management
function, CBP is the Core of CBS system.
 Debt Collection (DC) provides the dunning function. When Invoicing executes bill run,
Accounts Receivable (AR) synchronizes outstanding invoices to DC. Then DC generates
collection objects such as accounts and invoices for overdue outstanding invoices based on
the collection object selection rules and assigns the collection objects to the corresponding
collection groups.

 Collection actions can be classified into the following types:

 Collection actions that DC uses files or WebService interfaces to request third-party

systems to execute, including manual collection and blacklisting.

 Collection actions that DC sends work orders to request CRM to execute, including
barring, suspension, unbarring, and resumption.

 Collection actions executed by DC, for example, collection SMS message or email.
 Offering Management:

 Offering is a sales unit generated after products are priced and packaged based on a
certain marketing policy. The carrier can provide an Offering for a customer to
obtain certain profits.

 An Offering catalog is a list of Offerings in different levels that are arranged based
on certain principles.

 Element is entity associated with the offering. If a simple offering is created, the
offering element is an atomic or composite product or a combination of both.

 A contract is a subscription agreement or terms that are signed between the carrier
and a customer who registers an Offering.

 A sales channel defines the various interfaces through which the operator can sell
the offerings to the customer.

 Eligibility refers to the various rules which are use for publishing an offering from the
offering catalog.

 Product is an entity which consists of product properties and the services which can
be offered through the product.

 A product catalog is a list of products in different levels that are arranged based on
certain principles.

 A product property describes a feature of a product.

 Main Product: A Main Product is the product that provide service for the subscriber with
uniquely identifies.

 Primary Offering: An offering which contains one and only one Main Product (Atomic or
Composite Main Product )becomes the Primary Offering.

 Bundled Offering: It means bundling several offerings together with price discount, and it
should be subscribed and unsubscribed at the same time. Currently, system should support
Bundled Offering with several Simple Supplementary Offerings, or Bundled Offering with a
Simple Primary Offerings and several Simple Supplementary Offerings.

 Offering Group: A group of offerings with special subscription rules (for example: select
N from M). Offering Group could be a hierarchy.

 Offering Catalog: A sales catalog with Offering or Offering Group.

 Relation: One Offering can contain one or more product or plan. One Primary Offering
can be released to different Business Entity with different Brand.
 Basic Information

 Offering Name, Offering Type, Payment Mode, Customer Type, Network Type

 Elements

 Choose products and offerings

 Plans

 Pricing Plan, Notification Plan, Tax Plan etc.

 Properties

 Static Property, Subscription Property and Instantiate Specification Properties

 Relationship

 Attached , replacement

 Contract Terms

 Activation Mode, Effective Mode, Expiration Mode

 The Partner Relationship Management (PRM) is a profit-sharing software system. Through
the PRM, carriers can cooperate with their partners in the services such as Roaming,
Interconnection, SP/CP (Service Provider or Content Provider.

 Provide integrated tool for configuration and maintenance.

 Settlement bill generation, CDR reconciliation with partners.

 Statistics and analysis reports, and provides whole-flow audit.

 Support the lastest roaming protocol standard, including TAP(Transfer Account

Procedure), RAP(Returned Account Procedure), CIBER(Cellular Inter-carrier Billing
Exchange Record), HUR(High Usage Report) and NRTRDE(Near Real-Time Roaming
Data Exchange).

 Other scenarios: LCR (Least Cost Routing), MVNE (Mobile Virtual Network Enabler)
settlement, Inter-Operator interconnect Monitor, International Gateway Monitoring.
 Roaming is the capability for a cellular subscriber to make and receive voice calls, send and
receive data, or access other services when traveling outside the geographical coverage of
the home network, by means of using a visit network. Thus, a roaming subscriber must
meet the following requirements:

 The home carrier of the subscriber reaches a roaming service agreement with the
visit carrier.

 The subscriber subscribes to the roaming service.

 The mobile phone standard of the subscriber meets the requirements of the network
in the visit area.

 Roaming-out Settlement

 The communication that occurs in a visit area of a subscriber is called roaming

communication. For the home area of the subscriber, the communication is called
roaming-out communication. The home carrier needs to make a settlement with the
visit carrier. The entire process is called the roaming-out settlement.

 Roaming-in Settlement

 The communication that occurs in a visit area of a subscriber is called roaming

communication. For the visit area of the subscriber, the communication is called
roaming-in communication. The visit carrier needs to make a settlement with the
home carrier. The entire process is called the roaming-in settlement.
 Interconnect Settlement

 When a communication service uses the resources of two or more carriers, the
communication is called the interconnect communication. Carriers who provide
resources for the interconnect communication can benefit substantially from such a
communication service. The settlement between the carriers is called the
interconnect settlement.

 The interconnect settlement can be performed in one of the following ways:

 Bilateral settlement

 Multilateral settlement

 No settlement

 IDD Settlement

 To obtain links to provide subscribers with the international direct dialing service, a
carrier can reach a cooperation agreement with an international transit carrier.

 An IDD settlement is the settlement made between a carrier and an international

transit carrier. To use an international toll link, a carrier must pay to the carrier
transiting an international call.
 This section describes the scenario of the SP/CP settlement and the end-to-end settlement

 The SP/CP settlement indicates that when an SP/CP provides mobile phone subscribers
with services, the carrier shares the service revenues with the SP/CP.

 A business tariff is composed of communication fees and information service fees.

 Communication fees

Communication fees refer to the fees generated when subscribers use telecom
bearer networks. Communication fees are charged by carriers.

 Information service fees

Information service fees refer to the fees generated when subscribers use the
application or information services.

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