Peace and Values Ed - Cuf

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Nature Is Speaking – Julia Roberts is Mother Nature | Conservation International (CI)


How can actions affecting the environment directly affect human well-being and peace?


We uphold to our spiritual identity that persons are created by God equal. This is an inalienable rights; that
among these are life, liberty, the enjoyment of the fruits of their own labor, and the pursuit of happiness.

The fundamentals of the Rights and Social Justice of the Human person is anchored on the following scriptures:
The Bible listed the following basic human rights that everyone should be entitled to:
Right to Equality (Galatians 3:28, James 2:1-5, Leviticus 19:15)
Right to Liberty (Galatians 5:1, 2 Corinthians 3:17, 2 Peter 2:19)
Right to Justice (Isaiah 1:17, Proverbs 20:10)

These basic rights are based on shared values like dignity, fairness, equality, respect and independence. These
values are defined and protected by law.
As the Law states, everyone born in this world have human rights that must be protected by the law. According
to United Nations, there are 30 basic human rightsthat are recognised around the world. Let’s look at 7 of the
most fundamentals:

1. The right to life - This means that nobody, including the Government, can try to end your life. It also means
the Government should take appropriate measures to safeguard life by making laws to protect you and,
in some circumstances, by taking steps to protect you if your life is at risk.
2. The right to equal treatment before the law- Every person has the right to recognition as a person before
the law. Every person has the right to enjoy the person’s human rights without discrimination.
3. The right to marry and have family - Everyone has the right to marry and to have a family. The exercise of
this right is closely linked with the right to respect for private and family life protected by Article 8.
4. The right to privacy - Privacy is an essential way we seek to protect ourselves and society against arbitrary
and unjustified use of power, by reducing what can be known about us and done to us, while protecting
us from others who may wish to exert control.


Write a reflection journal in your reflection notebook:

1. Identify your own basic rights that you are enjoying at present.

2. Were there times that you experienced feelings of deprivation of your basic rights?

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