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B.Tech V Sem L T P C
0 0 3 2


Course Objectives:
The objective of this course is to
1. To study programming based on 8086 microprocessor and 8051
2. To study 8086 microprocessor based ALP using arithmetic, logical and shift
3. To study modular and Dos/Bios programming using 8086 microprocessor.
4. To study to interface 8086 with I/O and other devices.
5. To study and interface 8051 micro controller with I/O and other devices.
Part- A
8086 Microprocessor Programs using MASM/TASM/8086 kit.
(Any Six Experiments)
1. Introduction to MASM/TASM Programming
2. Arithmetic operations.
3. Multiplication and Division.
4. Logical operations
5. String operations and Instruction prefix: Move Block, Reverse string,
Sorting, String comparison
6. Code conversion
7. Multi byte arithmetic operations.
8. DOS/BIOS Programming, reading keyboard -Display characters
Part-B: 8086 Interfacing: (Any Two Experiments)
9. 8259 – Interrupt Controller and its interfacing programs
10. 8255 – PPI and its interfacing programs (A /D, D/A,)
11. 8255 – PPI and its interfacing programs (stepper motor,)
12. 7-Segment Display.
Part-C: Microcontroller 8051 Trainer kit: (Any Four Experiments)
1. Addition and Subtraction– Signed and unsigned Arithmetic operation.
2. Multiplication and Division – Signed and unsigned Arithmetic operation.
3. Logic operations – Shift and rotate.
4. Sorting- Ascending and descending order.
5. Timer/Counter in 8051
6. Interrupt handling in 8051
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, student will be able to
CO1: Demonstrate ability to handle arithmetic and Logical operations using
assembly language programming in MASM/TASM.
CO2: Demonstrate ability to handle string instructions using assembly
language programming in MASM/TASM.
CO3: Demonstrate ability to handle sorting operations and using assembly
language programming in MASM/TASM.
CO4: Demonstrate ability to handle Arithmetic and Logical operations using
8051 trainer kits.
CO5: Demonstrate ability to handle sorting operations using 8051 trainer kits.
CO6: To interface the Microprocessor/Microcontroller with various peripherals
for various applications.

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