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What was the Treaty of Lahore?

After the First Sikh War ended, with the British emerging victorious, the Governor-General Lord
Hardinge signed a treaty with the Lahore government on 9 March 1846. This was known as the First
Treaty of Lahore.he treaty of Lahore was signed between the British and Sikhs. This treaty declared the
end of the first Anglo- Sikh war during the yar 1845-1846. The East India Company and Maharaja Duleep
Singh Bahadur concluded it.Upon the defeat of Punjab in the Second Anglo Sikh War, the Last Treaty of
Lahore was signed. the British demanded the Koh-i-Noor be surrendered to the Queen of England. The
conditions under which this treaty was signed were

What was suttee? /4

Suttee: The Hindu religion seemed to permit the ritual burning of widows on the funeral pyres of their
husbands. At first the British were reluctant to get involved but the loud demands of Christian
missionaries and Ram Mohan Roy, an Indian campaigner for justice, forced the East India Company to
outlaw the practice in Bengal in 1829, and then in the rest of the country. In fact, there was very little
opposition to this change. Lord Bentinck was the Governor General who took this bold step.

What wasThuggee? /4

In central and upper India groups of armed robbers-thugs-claimed they were serving a goddess. They
used a ritual way of murdering their victims and people were terrified of them. The East India Company
used force to once and for all destroy huggee. In 1830, under Colonel Sleeman's command about two
thousand thugs were caught and dealt with. This step was welcomed by all.

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