Pretest Midterm Purposive Communication - Sedillo

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2nd Semester
Dumaguete Campus
S.Y. 2023-2024
College of General Education
Purposive Communication (PURPCOM)

I. Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer in your blue book.
1. Which of the following is a useful strategy for generating ideas quickly in impromptu speaking situations?
a. Memorizing a pre-written speech
b. Using mind maps or brainstorming techniques
c. Rehearsing extensively before the speech
d. Ignoring the topic and speaking spontaneously
2. What is the primary difference between impromptu and extemporaneous speech?
a. Impromptu speeches are longer than extemporaneous speeches.
b. Extemporaneous speeches are delivered without any preparation.
c. Impromptu speeches are delivered with minimal preparation, while extemporaneous speeches are
prepared in advance.
d. Extemporaneous speeches are delivered without considering the audience.
3. What is an essential aspect of delivering an effective impromptu or extemporaneous speech?
a. Using complex vocabulary to impress the audience
b. Speaking quickly to cover more content
c. Providing clear and coherent structure
d. Reading directly from notes without making eye contact
4. Which of the following best defines impromptu speech?
a. A rehearsed speech delivered with minimal preparation
b. A speech delivered without any prior preparation or planning
c. A speech delivered with extensive research and preparation
d. A speech delivered with the aid of visual aids and props
5. Which of the following is a helpful strategy for managing nerves or anxiety during impromptu or
extemporaneous speeches?
a. Drinking excessive amounts of caffeine before the speech
b. Focusing on negative thoughts and self-doubt
c. Taking deep breaths and practicing relaxation techniques
d. Avoiding eye contact with the audience

II. Matching Type. Instructions: Begin by matching the items in the first column with their corresponding
descriptions in the second column. You can do this by drawing lines or writing the corresponding letter
or number from the second column next to each term in the first column.
Column A Column B
______6. This refers to the circumstances or
contexts in which speakers or writers communicate A. Euphemism
with an audience. B. Figures of Speech
______7. Techniques used by writers and speakers C. Metaphor
to enhance their arguments and communicate more D. Simile
effectively. E. Personification
______8. A word or phrase used in a different way F. Rhetorical Devices
from its usual meaning in order to create a particular G. Rhetorical Situations
mental picture or effect. H. Discourse
______9. These are generally formed through the I. Apostrophe
usage of the words ‘as’ or ‘like’. J. Hyperbole
______10. A direct comparison of dissimilar things
to create more vivid imagery or understanding.

III. Statement Analysis. Instructions: Carefully read and familiarize yourself with the entire statement or
text below, decode the Rhetorical Situations given by determining its Rhetorical Devices and Elements.

11-30. Malala Yousafzai’s UN Speech (2012). In 2012, Malala Yousafzai, a Pakistani activist for female
education, delivered a speech at the United Nations Youth Assembly, advocating for the right to education for
every child. This speech came after she survived an assassination attempt by the Taliban for her activism. Her
address, titled “Malala Day,” called for worldwide access to education and emphasized the power of youth.
a. TEXT: ____________________________________________________________________________
b. AUTHOR: _________________________________________________________________________
c. AUDIENCE: ________________________________________________________________________
d. PURPOSE: __________________________________________________________________________
e. RHETORICAL DEVICES: _____________________________________________________________

IV. Essay. Give a precise and accurate explanation on the question provided below:
1. Directions: Briefly discuss the following in two sentences: (5 points for each item)
a. Minutes
b. Non-verbal cues

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