Girl Power Talk Questionnaire

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Girl Power Talk Questionnaire


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1. How did you learn about the opportunity to apply to Girl Power Talk? If you were referred by someone
please list their name.


2. What position are you applying for?


3. Do you have any mentors? If so, describe one or several of them.


4. Name one person or even several people you admire in history and why. They could be living or have
already passed.


5. Leadership comes in many forms. We value diversity of leadership. Describe your leadership qualities.


6. What was a time you exercised leadership? Tell us about a situation where you were a leader. How did you
keep others in your group, team, family or friend circle united and productive? Describe how you led,
perhaps vocally, by example or both.


7. What are your biggest strengths? Describe at least two of them and how can you use them to make the
world better.


8. Write an autobiography for your life in 250-350 words. You have freedom to be imaginative & creative.

9. What is your favorite quote? What does it mean to you personally and/or professionally?


10. What does confidence mean to you? Describe what being confident means to you.


11. Tell us about a challenge or conflict you've faced, and how you dealt with it.


12. What is your greatest achievement in life to date?


13. What skills do you seek to develop if you join the Girl Power Talk culture?


14. “Our fears are more dangerous than our dangers.” (Seneca 4BC – 65 AD) What is your biggest fear?


15. What are your most significant weaknesses? Describe at least two and how you plan to improve or
mitigate them. Note: This is not a trick question. Everyone has weaknesses. Please be honest : )


16. What do you think is the most concerning women issue? If given the power to change the issue,
describe briefly the plan you will implement to change that.


17. What is your favorite book? Why is it your favorite? Please share what you learned from it and how you
apply practically to your life?


18. One piece of knowledge or information you want to share with us that we may not know. It could be
anything, but must be something that is factual and you find compelling.


19. One interesting fact that we may not know about you when evaluating your candidacy to join the Girl
Power Talk family.

20. If you could wave a magic wand, what qualities would you want in an ideal “boss”, “manager”, or team
leader for you?


21. What will you do if you are given a million dollars?


22. How do you deal with pressure or stressful situations?


23. Most influential and/or inspiring woman in your life except your mother. Why?


24. "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." (Eleanor Roosevelt 1884 –
1962). What does this quote mean to you and what do you think about when you read it?


25. What do you like to do outside of work? Describe how you spend most of your time, including hobbies
and interests. This will help us get to know you better : )


26. How would your closest friends and family describe you?


27. Why did you decide to complete the indication of interest for Girl Power Talk and our sister company,
Blue Ocean Global Technology? In other words, what inspires you to be part of the Girl Power Talk
culture and why do you think you will be a good fit?


28. Do you have any questions for us? Please feel free to ask them here.


Integrity & Honesty Certification:

I hereby attest that the above responses are original content authored by me personally. I did not copy,
plagiarize or seek the help of someone else to write or complete this interview questionnaire. I hereby
acknowledge that violating this pledge will terminate my candidacy and is grounds for immediate termination
of employment when discovered at any date in the future. I understand that violating this pledge will blacklist
my name permanently. I will be prohibited from ever applying to Girl Power Talk and Blue Ocean Global
Technology, including all affiliated and subsidiary companies.

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