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ative real number, other than 1 and am = x, then we write: m = log, x and
we say
he value of log x to the base a is
1. Logarithm: If a is a
that the value of 1 Example:
1000 = 3
(ii) 34 = 81 = log, 81 = 4 (iv) (.1)2 = .01 log,1) 01 = 2
2. log,
6) 103 = 1000 = log10 1000 = 3 (ii) 2 = 3 = log2 - = II.
Properties of Logarithms:
1. loga (xy) = loga x + log, y 3. log; x = 1 5. log, (x P) = p
(log, x)
logbx log x 7. loga x = 1
logba log a 9. floga) = logat
=loga x - log, y
= abml

4. log, 1 = 0
6. log x= 1
x-log, a
= abm
8. alo8ax = x

10. loggxP = log x


Remember: When base is not mentioned, it is taken as

10. III. Common Logarithms: Logarithms to the base 10
are known as common logarithms. IV. The logarithm of a
number contains two parts, namely characteristic and
Characteristic: The integral part of the logarithm of a number
is called its characteristic. Case I : When the number is
greater than 1. In this case, the characteristic is one less than
the number of digits to the left of the decimal point in the given
number. Case II : When the number is less than 1.
case, the characteristic is one more than the number of zeros
between the decimal point and the significant digit of the
number and it is negative.
-1, - 2, etc. we write, 1 (one bar), 2 (two bar), etc.
In this

Instead of -1, -2, etc. Example:

Number 348.25 46.583 9.2193
Number 0.6173 0.03125 0.00125
Mantissa: The decimal
For mantissa, we
ecimal part of the logarithm of a number is known as its mantissa.
sa, we look through log table.
6.1. Evaluate :
luate : (i) logz 27
(iii) l08100 (0.01)
Sol. (i) log,27 = 1083
108; 27
(iv) logg128
" = log233 = 3 log 3 = 3.
1: log33 = 1

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