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Statistical Yearbook
Bangladesh 2021

বাাংলাদেশ পরিসাংখ্যান
ষ ২০২১
প্রকাশকাল: জ্যৈষ্ঠ, ১৪২৯
Date of Publication: June 2022



Statistics and Informatics Division (SID)
Ministry of Planning
Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh


The Statistical Yearbook Bangladesh is one of the most essential documents that helps to
formulate effective and fruitful plan, policy and strategy. It is regarded as a unique tool that might
substantially assist us in meeting emerging issues in several areas of socio-economic sectors.
This publication would be helpful as a data source to monitor Sustainable Development Goals,
8th Five Year Plan, 2nd Perspective Plan, National Social Security Strategy and Bangladesh Delta
Plan 2100 etc.

It is known to all that compiling a large publication like the Statistical Yearbook Bangladesh 2021
is a robust and time-consuming task. Notwithstanding this, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics has
been able to produce this publication on a yearly basis. References and sources of data of this
publication have made an opportunity for stakeholders to make a policy plan as well project
analysis. This yearbook contains a complete set of data in much detailed form which can be
useful for the enthusiastic researchers and planners.

I would like to convey my heartfelt gratitude to all officials involved in the preparation of this
book. My sincere thanks to the Director General and his colleagues at BBS for their tireless
efforts in bringing out this publication. I would also like to acknowledge the great contribution of
the local bodies, government officials and officials of source agencies who have continuously
helped BBS by providing data. I hope that they will continue the same co-operation in future.

I hope that this publication will turn out to be very useful to the public representatives, policy-
makers, officials, planners, academicians, researchers, business community, students and all
other data users.

Dhaka Dr. Shahnaz Arefin, NDC

June 2022
Director General
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
Statistics and Informatics Division (SID)
Ministry of Planning
Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh


Bangladesh Statistical Yearbook 2021 is a compilation of important demographic, socioeconomic, and

environmental information that provides a comprehensive account of the trends, status, and progress
of Bangladesh. It is a regular publication of Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) and the current
edition of this publication is 41st of its kind. It presents both cross sectional and time series data as
well as rates of change, ratios and distribution to facilitate comprehensive analysis. It gives an
overview of the financial year 2020-21 as well as the calendar year 2021. It includes the compilation
of quantitative benchmark data on various areas to monitor upper middle income status, as well as
associated targets within the 8th Five Year Plan, Perspective Plan, Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100, and
SDG evaluation framework.

The publication consists of 15 chapters with latest available data on general features and
environment, area, population and households, labor and employment, agriculture, industry, energy,
transportation and communication, foreign trade, banking and insurances, price and wages, national
income, education, health and family planning, consumption, household income and expenditure. This
publication has been used as a standard document of statistics.

This publication is the compilation of data of secondary sources. One of the main issues is availability
of data in proper time from the sources. Sometimes data are not found in the required format. As a
result, the data need to be restructured in order to include in the publication. To enable the timely
production of this Yearbook, we enthusiastically solicit the cooperation of all relevant agencies and

My sincere thanks and gratitude goes to Secretary, Statistics and Informatics Division for excellent
guidance and cooperation in completing the publication. I also would like to thank Director, National
Accounting Wing, BBS, as well as the other officials who were involved to prepare the manuscript.
The officials of SID and BBS as a member of different committees- Publication Scrutiny Committee of
SID, Editors Forum of BBS deserve special thanks for their technical integrity and efforts to improve
this publication.

Suggestions and Comments on this publication would be highly appreciated.

Dhaka Mohammad Tajul Islam

June 2022
Contents VII

Bangladesh: An overview .................................................................................................................................................................XXI-XXX

Chapter 1


1.01 Characteristics of general soil types...................................................................................................................................... 3-6

1.02 Country summary of area and proportions occupied by general soil types.......................................................................... 6
1.03 Classified Land type of Bangladesh Dhaka division, Chattogram division, Barishal division ................................................ 7-11
1.04 Forest land under the Control of Forest Department (acres),............................................................................................... 12
1.05 Area under different types of forests, 2020-21 ...................................................................................................................... 12
1.06 River systems of Bangladesh ................................................................................................................................................ 13
1.07 Main rivers according to length .............................................................................................................................................. 14
1.08 Areas of major standing water bodies.................................................................................................................................... 14
1.09 Water level of major rivers at selected stations of Bangladesh ............................................................................................. 15
1.10 Physiography of Bangladesh ................................................................................................................................................. 15
1.11 Land type of Bangladesh........................................................................................................................................................ 15
1.12 Agro-ecological zone of Bangladesh...................................................................................................................................... 16
1.13 Named Cyclone over Bay of Bengal during 2005 .................................................................................................................. 17
1.14 Flood in Bangladesh 2007 ...................................................................................................................................................... 17
1.15 Devastating Nor’westers and Tornadoes .............................................................................................................................. 17
1.16 Major Earthquakes in Bangladesh ......................................................................................................................................... 18
1.17 Major Cyclones in Bangladesh............................................................................................................................................... 18
1.18 Cyclone Shelter by Districts in Bangladesh ........................................................................................................................... 18
1.19 Landslides by Location in Bangladesh ................................................................................................................................... 18
1.20 Natural Disasters in Bangladesh from 1980-2010 ................................................................................................................. 19
1.21 Erosion of agricultural land, roads, embankments and settlements along the Jamuna and Padma in 2004 ........................ 19
1.22 Flood Affected Area and People............................................................................................................................................. 19
1.23 Monthly total rainfall in Bangladesh 2021 ............................................................................................................................... 20
1.24 Monthly Average Rainfall....................................................................................................................................................... 20
1.25 Monthly average minimum temperature in Bangladesh, 2021 ……………………………………………………………………..
1.26 Monthly average maximum temperature in Bangladesh, 2021.............................................................................................. 22
1.27 Monthly average normal rainfall in Bangladesh in Selected station, 1981-2010 .................................................................... 23
1.28 Standard minimum normal temperature in Bangladesh, 1981-2010 ...................................................................................... 24
1.29 Standard maximum normal temperature in Bangladesh, 1981-2010..................................................................................... 25
1.30 Disaster Related Statistics..................................................................................................................................................... 25
1.31 Major Landslides Occur in Bangladesh ................................................................................................................................. 26
1.32 Earthquakes Occur in Bangladesh ........................................................................................................................................ 26-28
1.33 Big floods Occur in Bangladesh ............................................................................................................................................. 28-29
1.34 Droughts of Historical significance Occur in Bangladesh...................................................................................................... 30
Chapter 2


2.01 Administrative units as on December, 2021 of Bangladesh .................................................................................................. 33

VIII Contents
2.02 Number of upazila/thana, union, village and municipality by zila, 2011.................................................................................. 33-34
2.03 Adjusted Population by Sex, 2011..................................................................................................................................... 34-35
2.04 Projected Population by Sex 2011-2061............................................................................................................................. 36
2.05 Household, population and literacy rate by zila, 2011............................................................................................................ 37-38
2.06 Area population and literacy rate by paurashava, 2011 ........................................................................................................ 39-48
2.07 Household and population of Statistical Metropolitan Area (SMA), 2001 ............................................................................... 49
2.08 Inter-censal growth rate of population, 1911-2011 ................................................................................................................ 49
2.09 Population by sex and age group, 1991-2011 ....................................................................................................................... 49
2.10 Percentage distribution of population by sex 15-24 age groups, 1974-2011 ........................................................................ 50
2.11 Enumerated population of Bangladesh by former districts in census years, 1911-2011 ...................................................... 50
2.12 Population 10 years and over by age group, sex and marital status, 2011.......................................................... ................ 51-52
2.13 Mean age at marriage by sex ................................................................................................................................................ 53
2.14 Percentage distribution and variation of major communities by religion, 1901-2011 ............................................................. 53
2.15 Inter-censual growth rates of population (both sexes) and youths based on population adjusted for net undercount, 1974-2001 53
2.16 Distribution of ethnic population and households by zila, 2011.............................................................................................. 54
2.17 Crude birth rates and total fertility rates ................................................................................................................................. 55
2.18 Crude Birth Rate (CBR) by residence ................................................................................................................................... 55
2.19 Age specific and total fertility rate per 1000 women in Bangladesh for selected years......................................................... 56
2.20 Age-specific fertility rates per 1000 women by residence .................................................................................................... 57
2.21 Gross Reproduction Rate (GRR) and Net Reproduction Rate (NRR) by residence .......................................................... 57
2.22 Estimated number of birth by locality ..................................................................................................................................... 58
2.23 Child-women ratio by zila, 2001 ............................................................................................................................................. 58
2.24 Crude Death Rate .................................................................................................................................................................. 59
2.25 Crude Death Rate (CDR) per 1000 population by residence in Bangladesh ........................................................................ 59
2.26 Infant mortality per 1000 live births by sex and residence ................................................................................................... 60
2.27 Child death rate per 1000 children of ages 1-4 years by sex and residence........................................................................ 60
2.28 Estimates of life expectancy at birth in Bangladesh .............................................................................................................. 61
2.29 Sex ratio and distribution of population by major cities in census years .............................................................................. 62
2.30 Household and population by type of household at locality, 2011 ......................................................................................... 62
2.31 Distribution of dwelling households by religion of head and size of household and by residenc e, 2011............................... 63
2.32 Distribution of household by number of persons, 2011 ......................................................................................................... 64
2.33 Main house of the dwelling households by type of structure, 2011 ....................................................................................... 64
2.34 Distribution of household by source of drinking water and residence, 2011 ......................................................................... 64
2.35 Household reporting latrine, 2011 .......................................................................................................................................... 64
2.36 Distribution of household by use of lighting facility and fuel used by residence, 2020 .......................................................... 65
2.37 Distribution of household by sources of fuel and locality, 2018-20........................................................................................ 65
2.38 Percentage distribution of household by source of drinking water by locality ....................................................................... 65
2.39 Percentage distribution of household by toilet facility and locality.......................................................................................... 66
2.40 Percentage distribution of household by electricity connection ............................................................................................. 66
2.41 Percentage distribution of population aged 10+ Years by marital status, age and sex.......................................................... 67
2.42 Abridged life table for Bangladesh population by sex, 2020................................................................................................... 68
2.43 Abridged life table for Bangladesh population by sex and residence, 2008 & 2009 .............................................................. 69

Chapter 3


Contents IX
3.01 Key findings of Labour Force Survey....... ............................................................................................................................. 73-76
302 Percentage of population aged 15 and above who received Vocational training, by sex and area………………………………... 77
3.03 Working age population aged 15 and above, by age group, sex and area………………………………………………………….
3.04 Population aged 15 years and above, by age group and sex... ........................................................................... ………….. 78
3.05 Total Labor Force by age group, sex and area……………………………………………………………………………… ……. 78
3.06 Population aged 15 and above, by current economic activity status age, sex and area ...................................................... 79
3.07 Participation rate by category.... ............................................................................................................................................ 80
3.08 Employed population aged 15 and above, by age group, Sex and area................................................................................ 81
3.09 Employed populations aged 15 and above, by occupation, sex and area ... ………………………………………..………….
3.10 Employed population aged 15 and above, by formal/informal sector economic sector and area………………………………
3.11 Informal employment aged 15 and above , by age group sex and area……………………………………………………… 84
3.12. Unemployed populations aged 15 and above, by age group, s ex and Area………………………………………………… 85
3.13 Distribution of youth labour force in total labour force, by age group, sex and area …………………………………………… 86
3.14 Proportion of employed youth in total employment by age group, sex and area.................................................................... 87
3.15 Employed populations aged 15 and above, by occupations and frequency of payment…………………………………… 88
3.16 Average number of hours employed persons worked per week by industry, sex and area…………………………………… 89
3.17 Proportion of own-account and contributing family workers in total employment……………………………………………… 90-91
3.18 Employed persons reporting an occupational injury by type of injury………………………………………………………… 92
3.19 Occupational segregation, by sex and area……………………………………………………………………………………… 93
3.20 Total migrant persons aged 15 years and over, by migrant type sex and area…………………………………………… 94
3.21 Comparative Manpower Statement of the ministry/ divisions………………………………………………………………… 95
3.22 Class wise number of female officers and staff.............. ...........................................................................................………. 96
3.23 Class wise manpower of civil officers and staff ..................................................................................................................... 96
3.24 Overseas employment in 2020 .............................................................................................................................................. 97-98
3.25 Category wise overseas employment ................................................................................................................................... 99
3.26 Growth of RMG in Bangladesh.............................................. .................................................................................................. 100
3.27 Class-wise statistics of Civil Officers and Staffs of the departments and districts…………………………………………… 101-109
3.28 Number of employees by category in Bangladesh railway……………………………………………………………………… 110
3.29 Number of expatriates employee and amount of remittance……………………………………………………………… 110
3.30 Number of expatriates Bangladesh in abroad………………………………………………………………………………………
3.31 Country wise remittance………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 111

Chapter 4


4.01 Key findings of different Agriculture Censuses ...................................................................................................................... 115

4.02 Gross value added, share & growth rate of agriculture sector at current price.................................................................... 116
4.03 Gross value added, share & growth rate of agriculture sector at constant (2015-16) price ................................................ 116
4.04 Distribution of weights of value added of different crops at current prices............................................................................ 117
4.05 Distribution of weights of value added of different crops at constant prices ......................................................................... 118
4.06 Gross value added of agriculture sector and sub-sector at current prices, 2016-17........................................................... 119
4.07 Gross value added of agriculture sector and sub- sector at current prices, 2017-18.......................................................... 120
4.08 Gross value added of agriculture sector and sub-sector at current prices, 2018-19........................................................... 121
4.09 Gross value added of agriculture sector and sub-sector at current prices, 2019-20(p) ...................................................... 122
X Contents
4.10 Gross value added of agriculture sector and sub-sector at constant prices, 2016-17 ........................................................ 123
4.11 Gross value added of agriculture sector and sub-sector at constant prices, 2017-18 ........................................................ 124
4.12 Gross Value Added of Agriculture Sector and Sub-Sector at Constant Prices, 2018-19 …………………………………..... 125
4.13 Gross Value Added of Agriculture Sector and Sub-Sector at constant prices, 2019-20(p) ………………………………….. 126
4.14 Land utilization ........................................................................................................................................................................ 127
4.15 Reserve Forest Products Statistics...............................................................................................................................................127
4.16 Area irrigated under different means and by zila 2018-19 to 2019-20 ..................................................................................128-129
4.17 Fertilizer sales by product and year from 2005-06 to 2020-21 ............................................................................................. 130
4.18 Export of fish and fish products from Bangladesh ................................................................................................................. 131
4.19 Selected agricultural statistics by division and districts/zila, 2008......................................................................................... 132-133
4.20 Selected agricultural statistics by division and districts/zila, 2008......................................................................................... 134-135
4.21 Selected agricultural statistics by division and district/zila..................................................................................................... 136-137
4.22 Selected agricultural statistics by division and district/zila..................................................................................................... 138-139
4.23 Intensity of cropping by former district................................................................................................................................... 140
4.24 Area irrigated under different crops ....................................................................................................................................... 140
4.25 Area irrigated by methods ...................................................................................................................................................... 140
4.26 Consumption of pesticide ....................................................................................................................................................... 141
4.27 Quarterly pesticides consumption ......................................................................................................................................... 141
4.28 Acreage, production and yield rate of major agricultural crops ............................................................................................. 142
4.29 Acreage, production of maize, jowar, barley and bajra.......................................................................................................... 143
4.30 Acreage and production of Pulses ......................................................................................................................................... 143
4.31 Acreage, production and yield Rate of Tobacco.................................................................................................................... 144
4.32 Acreage and production of condiments and spices............................................................................................................... 145
4.33 Acreage and production of miscellaneous cash crops.......................................................................................................... 145
4.34 Acreage and production of rice by varieties .......................................................................................................................... 146
4.35 Acreage and production of rice by former districts................................................................................................................ 147
4.36 Acreage and production of rice (all varieties) by former districts (2011-12) ........................................................................ 148
4.37 Acreage and production of rice (all varieties) by former districts year 2012-13 ................................................................... 148
4.38 Estimates of wheat, 2019-20 & 2020-21 ................................................................................................................................ 149
4.39 Acreage and production of oil seeds...................................................................................................................................... 150
4.40 Estimate of Kharif Groundnut, 2019-20 & 2020-21 ................................................................................................................ 151
4.40 Estimate of Winter Groundnut, 2019-20 & 2020-21 ............................................................................................................... 152
4.41 Estimate of Tobacco (Jati), 2019-20 & 2020-21 .................................................................................................................... 153
4.41 Estimate of Tobacco (Matihar), 2019-20 & 2020-21 ............................................................................................................. 154
4.41 Estimate of Tobacco (Vergina), 2019-20 & 2020-21 ............................................................................................................. 155
4.41 Estimate of Tobacco (Others) .............................................................................................................................................. 156
4.42 Sowing & Harvesting Period of Important Crops & Requirement of seeds & Fertilizers ....................................................... 157
4.43 Sowing & Harvesting Period of Selected Vegetables & Requirement of seeds and Fertilizers............................................. 158
4.44 Production of Vegetables ...................................................................................................................................................... 158
4.45 Estimate of Ripe Banana, 2019-20 & 2020-21 ....................................................................................................................... 159
4.46 Estimate of Mango, 2019-20 & 2020-21................................................................................................................................. 160
4.46 Estimate of Mango, 2019-20 & 2020-21................................................................................................................................. 161
4.47 Estimate of Jackfruit, 2019-20 & 2020-21.............................................................................................................................. 162
4.47 Estimate of Jackfruit, 2019-20 & 2020-21.............................................................................................................................. 163
4.48 Estimate of Pine Apple, 2019-20 & 2020-21........................................................................................................................... 164
4.49 Estimate of Litchi, 2019-20 & 2020-21 ................................................................................................................................... 165
4.49 Estimate of Litchi, 2019-20 & 2020-21 ................................................................................................................................... 166
4.50 Estimate of coconut, 2018-19 & 2019-20............................................................................................................................... 167
4.50 Estimate of coconut, 2018-19 & 2019-20............................................................................................................................... 168
4.51 Estimate of Robi Till, 2019-20 & 2020-21 ............................................................................................................................... 169
Contents XI
4.51 Estimate of Till/Sesame (Summer), 2019-20 & 2020-21........................................................................................................ 170
4.52 Production of Important Fruits ............................................................................................................................................... 171
4.53 Flowering & Harvesting Periods of Main Fruits ..................................................................................................................... 171
4.54 Species/group Wise Annual Fish Production in Inland & Marine Fisheries, 2019-20 ........................................................... 172
4.55 Sector Wise Annual Fish Production in Inland & Marine Fisheries, 2019-20......................................................................... 172
4.56 Annual Total Fish Production of the Inland Waters by District, 2019-20 ............................................................................... 173
4.57(a) Production of Hatching in Government Hatcheries, 2020 ............................... ...................................................................... 174
4.57(b) Production of Hatching in Government from Hatcheries in Private Sectors 2020 (Division-Wise) ...................................... 174
4.58 Species-Wise Annual Fish Catch of All River, 2019-20 ......................................................................................................... 175
4.59 District-Wise Annual Fish Catch of All River, 2019-20........................................................................................................... 177
4.60 District wise Annual Fish Production of Beel, 2017-18 …………………………………………………………………………………. 177
4.61 Annual Fish Production of Pond, 2019-20 ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 178-180
4.62 Annual Fish Production of Baor, 2019-20………………………………………………………………………………………………… 181
4.63 Annual Production of Shrimp/Prawn Farm, 2019-20 ………………………………………………………………………………. 182-183
4.64 Annual Catch of Marine Fisheries, 2019-20 ………………………………………………………………………………………………184
4.65 Sector-wise Annual Fish Production from 2006-07 to 2019-20……………………………………………………………………… 185
4.66 Food Grain Production ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…. 186
4.67 Number of the livestock and poultry in Bangladesh …………………………………………………………………………………..….186
4.68 Production of Milk, Meat & Eggs ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 186

Chapter 5


5.01 Quantum index of industrial production, all industries (manufacturing mining and electricity) .............................................. 189
5.02 Quantum index of medium and land large scale manufacturing industries by major industry groups ………………….…..…. 189-
5.03 Quantum index of mining and electricity production .............................................................................................................. 190
5.04 Employment indices of industrial workers in selected industries........................................................................................... 191
5.05 Productivity indices of industrial labour in selected industries at constant price ................................................................... 192
5.06 Price index of industrial goods by economic end-use classifications.................................................................................... 193
5.07 Price index of industrial goods by major economic activity classifications............................................................................ 193
5.08 Price indices of domestically produced goods by industrial groups ...................................................................................... 194-95
5.09 Handloom units (establishment) and looms by type of ownership and zila, 1990 ................................................................. 196-97
5.10 Ownership, and loom operational status by size of handloom unit, 1990.............................................................................. 197
5.11 Production of selected industrial items................................................................................................................................... 198-99
5.12 Statistics of cotton textiles industries…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 199
5.13 Structure of jute manufacturing industry ................................................................................................................................ 200
5.14 Production, export, consumption and stock of jute goods..................................................................................................... 200
5.15 Count-wise quantity and value of production of yarn............................................................................................................. 201
5.16 Grade-wise production of tea................................................................................................................................................. 202
5.17 Number of tea factory workers .............................................................................................................................................. 202
5.18 Quantity and value of production of minerals by type............................................................................................................ 202
5.19 Key findings survey of manufacturing industries, 2012 (SMI-2012) ..................................................................................... 203
5.20 Gross value added by type of manufacturing industries ....................................................................................................... 204
5.21 Number of establishments by size & major industry (BSIC 2 digits) .................................................................................... 204
5.22 Value of fixed assets by size and category ........................................................................................................................... 204
5.23 Industrial statistics for the year of 1973-74 to 2005-06 ......................................................................................................... 205
XII Contents
5.24 Gross outputs by type of industry group ............................................................................................................................... 205
5.25 Industrial statistics by employment, gross output, value added by public & private sector ................................................. 206
5.26 Value of output of the manufacturing industries by product category .................................................................................. 206
5.27 Size and growth rate of manufacturing sector ....................................................................................................................... 206
5.28 Quantum index of production for medium and large scale manufacturing ............................................................................ 207

Chapter 6


6.01 Indicators of the Energy Sector ............................................................................................................................................. 211

6.02 Installed capacity power generation demand and load shedding .......................................................................................... 212
6.03 Maximum generation and percent increase........................................................................................................................... 212
6.04 Gross Energy Generation (GWH) of BPDB and others ........................................................................................................ 213
6.05 Consumption of fuel (BPDB) .................................................................................................................................................. 213
6.06 Per capita generation and consumption (GRID).................................................................................................................... 213
6.07 Plant wise generation, 2019-20 .............................................................................................................................................. 214-216
6.08 Power distribution zone under BPDB ..................................................................................................................................... 217
6.09 Power consumption pattern of the country and BPDB, 2019-20 ........................................................................................... 217
6.10 Retail sales by BPDB ............................................................................................................................................................ 217
6.11 Consumer growth by number of consumers (category wise) .............................................................................................. 218
6.12 Electrification of thana, villages, hat-bazar and pumps.......................................................................................................... 218
6.13 Distribution system loss and net revenue collection.............................................................................................................. 219
6.14 Sale of petroleum products by items ..................................................................................................................................... 219
6.15 Sale of petroleum products by marketing company, 2019-20 .............................................................................................. 219
6.16 Company-wise sale of petroleum products during, 2019-20 ................................................................................................. 220
6.17 Petroleum products quantity imports and export expenditure ............................................................................................... 220
6.18 Import of crude and refined oil................................................................................................................................................ 220
6.19 Sector-wise use of main petroleum product during last 3 years .......................................................................................... 220
6.20 Export performance (last 5 years)......................................................................................................................................... 221
6.21 Received of petroleum products from different gas field ...................................................................................................... 221
6.22 BPC’s contribution to the national exchequer and financial loss............................................................................................ 222
6.23 Import of coal and coke from selected country ..................................................................................................................... 222
6.24 Sector wise number of consumers of rural electricity ........................................................................................................... 222
6.25 Fuel consumption by BPDB Power plant ............................................................................................................................... 223
6.26 Bangladesh gas reserves ...................................................................................................................................................... 223
6.27 Main natural gas transmission and distribution line................................................................................................................ 224
6.28 Category wise number of new gas connection...................................................................................................................... 224
6.29 Consumption of natural gas by sector ................................................................................................................................... 225
6.30 Quantity and value of production of natural gas by gas-fields............................................................................................... 225
6.31 ERL production during last six years ..................................................................................................................................... 226
Contents XIII
Chapter 7


7.01 Summary of value added of transport, support transport service storage and communication subsector at current price 229
7.02 Summary of value added of transport, support transport service storage and communication subsector at constant
price........................................................................................................................................................................................ 230
7.03 Transport, communication and storage statistics.................................................................................................................. 231
7.04 Rate of fare and freight of different modes of transport (Public)............................................................................................ 232
7.05 Rates of different modes of communication and telephone charges..................................................................................... 232
7.06 Length of RHD road network as per road type...................................................................................................................... 233
7.07 District wise length of road by road classification in 2018 under RHD .................................................................................. 233-34
7.08 Distance from Dhaka to other districts………………………………………………………………………………………………… 235
7.09 Roads maintained by local government institutions…………………………………………………………………………………. 236
7.10 Estimated number of mechanized vehicles in Bangladesh.................................................................................................... 237
7.11 Number and capacity of buses and trucks of Bangladesh road transport corporation plying on road................................. 237
7.12 Number of motor vehicles in Bangladesh registered by type ................................................................................................ 238
7.13 Number of motor vehicles registered in Dhaka by type ........................................................................................................ 238
7.14 Number of motor driving license issued by Dhaka metropolitan area by type ...................................................................... 239
7.15 Number of registered rickshaws in urban area ..................................................................................................................... 240
7.16 Estimated number of rickshaw in rural area by former districts ............................................................................................ 241
7.17 Number of road accident in Dhaka, Chattogram, Khulna, Barishal, Sylhet and Rajshahi metropolitan area ........................ 241
7.18 Number of road accidents in Bangladesh by zila................................................................................................................... 242
7.19 Route kilometer and stations by gauge of Bangladesh railway ............................................................................................. 243
7.20 Rolling stock of Bangladesh railway....................................................................................................................................... 243
7.21 Bangladesh Railway routes by districts, 2019-20……………………………………………………………………………………. 244
7.22 Freight carried by Bangladesh railway (classified) by commodity ........................................................................................ 245
7.23 Number of wagons and quantity lifted by Bangladesh railway at Chattogram port by selected commodities ...................... 245
7.24 Revenue rate and financial operation of Bangladesh railway ................................................................................................ 246
7.25 Use of rolling stock by Bangladesh railway ........................................................................................................................... 246
7.26 Traffic earnings and physical assets of Bangladesh railway................................................................................................. 247
7.27 Number of passengers carried by Bangladesh railway......................................................................................................... 247
7.28 Passport issued…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 248
7.29 Indicators of the performance of Bangladesh Biman ............................................................................................................. 248
7.30 Number of aircrafts in operation and total earnings of Bangladesh Biman ............................................................................ 249
7.31 Passengers movement by Bangladesh Biman ...................................................................................................................... 250-251
7.32 Number of Hajis…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 251
7.33 Cargo movement by Bangladesh Biman................................................................................................................................ 252-53
7.34 Aircraft, passenger and freight/mails movement by airports ................................................................................................. 254
7.35 Division-wise number of post offices ..................................................................................................................................... 255
7.36 Number of letters, parcels and money orders booked through different post offices ........................................................... 255
7.37 Number of post office in Bangladesh ..................................................................................................................................... 255
7.38 Division-wise number of telephones ...................................................................................................................................... 256
7.39 Number of radio and television sets licensed classified by type .......................................................................................... 256
7.40 Air mail rates from Bangladesh to selected countries............................................................................................................ 256
7.41 Number of vessels with carrying capacity of Bangladesh shipping corporation ................................................................... 257
7.42 Cargo lifting of Bangladesh shipping corporation, their profit earned, assets & liabilities ...................................................... 257
7.43 Water transport operation under Bangladesh inland water transport authority ..................................................................... 258
7.44 Dredging activities by BIWTA and BWDB.............................................................................................................................. 258
7.45 Movement of passenger vehicles and goods and revenue receipt by Bangladesh inland water transport corporation ...... 259
XIV Contents
7.46 Vessels by type Under Bangladesh inland Water transport corporation............................................................................... 259
7.47 International vessels entered into and cleared from Chattogram and Mongla ports ............................................................. 260
7.48 Vessels handled at Chattogram and Mongla ports ................................................................................................................ 260
7.49 Cargo handled at Chattogram and Mongla ports ................................................................................................................... 261
7.50 Commodity-wise export handled at Chattogram ports .......................................................................................................... 261
7.51 Commodity-wise export handled at Mongla port.................................................................................................................... 262
7.52 Commodity-wise Import handled at Mongla port.................................................................................................................... 263
7.53 Commodity-wise import handled at Chattogram port............................................................................................................. 264
7.54 Arrival of tourists in Bangladesh by nationality ...................................................................................................................... 265

Chapter 8


8.01 Balance of payments of Bangladesh...................................................................................................................................... 269

8.02 Foreign trade, 2002-03 to 2020-21 ....................................................................................................................................... 269
8.03 Value of commodities exported from Bangladesh by HS section .......................................................................................... 270
8.04 Value of commodities imported into Bangladesh by HS section ............................................................................................ 271
8.05 Export and import of commodities by broad economic categories........................................................................................ 272
8.06 Export by major institutional accounts ................................................................................................................................... 273
8.07 Import by major institutional accounts ................................................................................................................................... 273
8.08 Import and export by sea, air and land .................................................................................................................................. 273
8.09 Export price (f.o.b.) per unit of selected commodities ........................................................................................................... 274
8.10 Import price (c.i.f.) per unit of selected commodities ............................................................................................................. 274
8.11 Export by type of commodities............................................................................................................................................... 274
8.12 Import by type of commodities ............................................................................................................................................... 274
8.13 Export as percentage of import……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 274
8.14 Unit price index of exports ..................................................................................................................................................... 275
8.15 Unit price index of selected imported commodities................................................................................................................ 275
8.16 Direction of export and import by areas and countries.......................................................................................................... 276-80
8.17 Direction of export by SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Co-Operation) countries by broad commodities ..... 281-87
8.18 Direction of import by SAARC countries by broad commodities .......................................................................................... 288-93
8.19 Export of selected commodities (4-digit level) ....................................................................................................................... 294-99
8.20 Import of selected commodities (4-digit level) ....................................................................................................................... 300-319
8.21 Export of jute goods by country ........................................................................................................................................... 320-322
8.22 Country wise export of jute goods by BJMA ........................................................................................................................ 323-25
8.23 Export of tea by country......................................................................................................................................................... 327-28
8.24 Export of selected textile goods by country (FY 2014-15) ................................................................................................... 328
8.25 Export of selected textile goods by country (FY-2012-13 ................................................................................................... 329
8.26 Export of textile fabrics to selected country........................................................................................................................... 329

Chapter 9


9.01 Consolidated receipts and expenditures of the government of Bangladesh ......................................................................... 333
9.02 Revenue budget of the government....................................................................................................................................... 334-35
Contents XV
9.03 Informations of government resources by sources………………………………………………………………………………….. 336
9.04 Economic classification of revenue budget of the government ............................................................................................. 337
9.05 Development expenditure of the government by sector........................................................................................................ 338
9.06 Economic classification of the development expenditure of the government ........................................................................ 338
9.07 Financing of the development expenditure ............................................................................................................................ 339
9.08 Classification of total outlays of the central government by function .................................................................................... 340-41
9.09 Government gross fixed capital formation (ADP) .................................................................................................................. 342
9.10 Receipts and expenditure of Bangladesh railway .................................................................................................................. 343
9.11 Receipts and expenditure of post office department ............................................................................................................. 344
9.12 Economic classification of receipts and expenditure of the telegraph and telephone department ........................................ 345
9.13 Revenue receipts and expenditure of insurance corporations.............................................................................................. 346
9.14 Revenue receipts and expenditure of steel and engineering corporation ............................................................................. 346
9.15 Revenue receipts and expenditure of textile mills corporation .............................................................................................. 347
9.16 Revenue receipts and expenditure of Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation ............................................................................ 347
9.17 Consolidated receipts and expenditure of corporations and autonomous bodies................................................................. 348
9.18 Consolidated receipts and expenditures of local government ............................................................................................... 349
9.19 Consolidated receipts and expenditure of city corporation.................................................................................................... 349
9.20 Consolidated receipts and expenditures of zila parishads .................................................................................................... 349
9.21 Consolidated receipts and expenditures of municipalities ................................................................................................... 350
9.22 Consolidated receipts and expenditures of union parishads ................................................................................................. 350
9.23 Summary of commitment and disbursement of foreign economic assistance to Bangladesh .............................................. 351
9.24 Commitment and disbursement of foreign economic assistance to Bangladesh ................................................................. 352-55
9.25 Commitment and disbursement of foreign economic assistance to Bangladesh ................................................................. 356-57
9.26 Banks and their offices operating in Bangladesh ................................................................................................................... 358
9.27 Assets and liabilities of banks (all banks) .............................................................................................................................. 359
9.28 Trends of bank credit ............................................................................................................................................................. 359
9.29 Deposits of scheduled banks by type.................................................................................................................................... 360
9.30 Trends of money supply ........................................................................................................................................................ 360
9.31 Bank advances by main economic purposes........................................................................................................................ 361
9.32 Bank credit by sectors (all banks) ......................................................................................................................................... 361
9.33 Bank advances and deposits by division/districts and locality .............................................................................................. 363-68
9.34 Foreign exchange reserves and exchange rate ................................................................................................................... 369
9.35 Bank rate and interest rate structure of post office savings bank and house building finance corporation.......................... 370
9.36 Bank -wise interest-rate structure in Bangladesh (except Islamic banks) end Nov. 17 ...................................................... 371-74
9.37 Profit rate structure of the Islami banks ................................................................................................................................. 375
9.38 Deposits in various government sponsored savings scheme .............................................................................................. 376
9.39 Insurance companies and corporations in Bangladesh (life & general) ................................................................................ 377-78
9.40 Disbursement and recovery of agricultural credit by different banks and financial institutions............................................. 379
9.41 Disbursement and recovery of agricultural credit of Bangladesh Krishi Bank by zila ........................................................... 380
9.42 Cumulative statement of Grameen Bank, 2015 ..................................................................................................................... 381
9.43 Disbursement and recovery of loan of Grameen Bank, 2019 .............................................................................................. 382
9.44 Disbursement and recovery of agricultural credit by Bangladesh Rural Development Board ............................................. 383
9.45 Number of central and primary co-operative societies in Bangladesh by region .................................................................. 384
9.46 Statistics on employment created through programmes of the co-operative societies ........................................................ 385
9.47 Distribution of rickshaw to rickshaw puller co-operative societies ........................................................................................ 386
9.48 Statistics on employment created through programmes of the co-operative societies ........................................................ 387
9.49 Statistics on employment created through programmes of the co-operative societies (figures are cumulative) ................. 388
9.50 Statistics on co-operative markets ........................................................................................................................................ 389
9.51 Statistics on housing co-operative-2014................................................................................................................................ 390
9.52 Statistics on housing co-operative-2015................................................................................................................................ 390
XVI Contents
9.53 Statistics on housing co-operative-2017................................................................................................................................ 390
9.54 Selected co-operative societies number of members disbursement and recovery of loans ................................................ 391
9.55 Item wise revenue collection .................................................................................................................................................. 391
9.56 Government grant/subsidy .................................................................................................................................................... 392
9.57 Private investment proposals registered with BOI................................................................................................................. 392

Chapter 10


10.01 Market price agricultural crops during the harvest time ........................................................................................................ 395-96
10.02 Annual average wholesale price of selected consumer goods in Bangladesh...................................................................... 397
10.03 Annual average wholesale price of selected consumer goods in city ................................................................................... 398-403
10.04 Annual average wholesale price of tanned leather and hides in Dhaka ................................................................................ 404
10.05 Annual average wholesale price of selected building materials at major towns .................................................................... 405-406
10.06 Consumer price index (CPI), national .................................................................................................................................... 407
10.07 Consumer Price Index (CPI), rural ........................................................................................................................................ 407
10.08 Consumer Price Index (CPI), urban ...................................................................................................................................... 408
10.09 Annual average retail price of selected consumer goods in Bangladesh .............................................................................. 409
10.10 Annual average retail price of selected consumer goods in Dhaka ...................................................................................... 410
10.11 Price of gold and silver bullion in Dhaka................................................................................................................................. 411
10.12 Average retail price of tea ...................................................................................................................................................... 411
10.13 House-rent indices of different categories of private residential houses in four principal cities ........................................... 412
10.14 Construction cost index (building) Bangladesh...................................................................................................................... 413
10.15 Annual average daily wage rate of construction labour by type of labour at princ ipal towns ............................................... 413
10.16 Transport charges of building materials................................................................................................................................. 414
10.17 Wage rate indices by sector .................................................................................................................................................. 414
10.18 Daily average wage rate of selected groups of industrial workers in Dhaka ........................................................................ 415
10.19 Miscellaneous service charges in Bangladesh...................................................................................................................... 416-17
Chapter 11


11.01 Key Indicators of National Accounts ...................................................................................................................................... 421

11.02 Annual growth of GDP by sectors at constant price ............................................................................................................. 422
11.03 Sectoral shares of Gross Domestic Product at constant prices........................................................................................... 423
11.04 Gross Domestic Products of Bangladesh at constant prices by major industry activity ...................................................... 424
11.05 Annual growth of GDP by sector at current price.................................................................................................................. 425
11.06 Sectoral shares of Gross Domestic Product at current market prices................................................................................. 426
11.07 Gross Domestic Products of Bangladesh at current prices.................................................................................................. 427
11.08 Gross Domestic Products of Bangladesh at current prices by broad industry sectors ....................................................... 428
11.09 Gross Domestic Products of Bangladesh at Constant Prices by Broad Industry Sector..................................................... 428
11.10 Implicit GDP and Sectoral Deflators ..................................................................................................................................... 429
11.11 Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Categories at Current Prices ............................................................................. 430
11.12 Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Categories at Constant Prices( Base: 2015-16) ................................................. 431

11.13 Per Capita GDP, GNI and NNI at Current Prices .................................................................................................................. 432
11.14 Per Capita Real GDP, GNI and NNI at Current Prices……………………………………………………………………………. 432
Contents XVII
Chapter 12


12.01 Number of Institution, Student & Teacher by type of Education, 2019 ................................................................................. 435
12.02 Number of Public Universities Teachers & Students by sex in Bangladesh ......................................................................... 436
12.03 Number of teachers & students ratio in public universities.................................................................................................... 437
12.04 Yearly average per head expenditure in public universities students ................................................................................... 438
12.05 Faculty and others wise number of students in public universities, 2018 ............................................................................. 439-40
12.06 Number of students, teachers and other information of private universities, 2018 .............................................................. 441-43
12.07 Faculty and main subject wise number of students in private universities, 2018.................................................................. 444-46
12.08 Enrolment in colleges by management and sex .................................................................................................................... 447
12.09 Number of college, teacher and enrolment by type, 2019 .................................................................................................... 448
12.10 Number of secondary schools, teachers and enrolment ...................................................................................................... 448
12.11 Enrolment in Pre-primary by Gender, 2019 ........................................................................................................................... 449
12.12 Number of primary education institution teacher and enrolment ........................................................................................... 449
12.13 Gross and net enrolment rate in primary education .............................................................................................................. 450
12.14 Dropout rate by grade percentage ……………………………………………………………………………………………………... 450
12.15 Number of Sanskrit & Pali tols with teachers and students in Bangladesh ........................................................................... 450
12.16 Number of teacher in professional educational institutions by type, sex and management.................................................. 451
12.17 Enrolment in professional educational institutions by type, sex and management ............................................................... 451
12.18 Number of professional education institute by types and division, 2018 ............................................................................... 452
12.19 Number of technical institution, teacher and enrolment by type, 2019 .................................................................................. 452
12.20 Number of government recognized unani colleges, teachers, students and output of final examinations ........................... 453
12.21 Number of government recognized Ayurveda colleges, teachers, students and output of final examinations .................... 453
12.22 Result statistics for SSC examination by sex under Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education, Dhaka ...................... 454
12.23 Result statistics for SSC examination by sex under Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education, Rajshahi ................... 455
12.24 Result statistics for SSC examination by sex under Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education, Comilla ..................... 456
12.25 Result statistics for SSC examination by sex under Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education, Jessore.................... 457
12.26 Result statistics for SSC examination by sex under Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education, Chattogram .............. 458
12.27 Result statistics for SSC examination by sex under Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education, Barishal .................... 459
12.28 Result statistics for SSC examination by sex under Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education, Sylhet ....................... 460
12.29 Result statistics for SSC examination by sex under Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education, Dinajpur.................... 461
12.30 Result statistics for Dakhil examination by sex under Bangladesh Madrasha Education Board, Dhaka ............................. 462
12.31 Result statistics for HSC examination by sex under Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education, Dhaka ...................... 463
12.32 Result statistics for HSC examination by sex under Board of Intermediate & Sec ondary Education, Rajshahi................ 464
12.33 Result statistics for HSC examination by sex under Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education, Comilla ..................... 465
12.34 Result statistics for HSC examination by sex under Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education, Jessore ................... 466
12.35 Result statistics for HSC examination by sex under Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education, Chattogram.............. 467
12.36 Result statistics for HSC examination by sex under Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education, Barishal.................... 468
12.37 Result statistics for HSC examination by sex under Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education, Sylhet....................... 469
12.38 Result statistics for HSC examination by sex under Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education, Dinajpur ................... 470
12.39 Result statistics for Alim examination by sex under Bangladesh Madrasha Education Board, Dhaka................................. 471
12.40 Result of madrasha for Fazil and Kamil public examination................................................................................................... 472
12.41 School attendance rates of population 5-24 years by sex and residence,2011 ................................................................... 472
12.42 Literacy rate for persons aged 7 years and above by sex and zila ..................................................................................... 473
12.43 Literacy rate of population 7 years and over ......................................................................................................................... 474
12.44 Adult literacy rate of population 15 years and over ............................................................................................................... 475
12.45 Adult literacy rate of population for all age by zila by sex, 2011 ............................................................................................ 476
12.46 Number of persons completed different educational levels and percentage distribution, 2011 ........................................... 477
XVIII Contents
12.47 School attendance rate of population 5-24 years by sex and locality ................................................................................... 478
12.48 Number of school, student and teacher by type and management, 2018............................................................................. 479
12.49 Number of college, teacher and student by type, sex and management, 2019 ................................................................... 479
12.50 Number of madrasha, teacher and enrolment (Post-primary) by type Gender & Management, 2019................................. 480
12.51 Number of institution, teacher and enrolment in technical and vocational education ............................................................ 480
12.52 Number of institution enrolment.............................................................................................................................................. 481
12.53 Number of students at higher education level........................................................................................................................ 481
12.54 Comparative statistics of JSC & JDC examination,............................................................................................................... 482
12.55 Number of English medium school by type............................................................................................................................ 482

Chapter 13


13.01 Indicators of the health and family planning sector ................................................................................................................ 485-86
13.02 Proxy indicators of hand washing behaviors at home……………………………………………………………………………… 486
13.03 Hand washing behavior at school…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 487
13.04 Products used at home during meanstrution……………………………………………………………………………………… 487
13.05 Probelems faced by adolescent girls and women during menstruation………………………………………………………… 487
13.06 Products used at school during meanstrution……………………………………………………………………………………… 488
13.07 Yearly cases of HIV-AIDS...................................................................................................................................................... 488
13.08 Year-wise collection of safe blood by philanthropic organization .......................................................................................... 488
13.09 Distribution of the upazila health complexes by % of bed occupancy rates in different years ............................................. 489
13.10 Primary healthcare facilities run by DGHS…………………………………………………………………………………………… 489
13.11 Secondary and tertiary public hospital under Under the DGHS by division, 2017………………………………………………. 490
13.12 Number of community clinic by district, 2018………………………………………………………………………………………… 490
13.13 Proportion and prevalence of morbidity …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 491
13.14 Access to toitets for the restqaurant staff and food vendor……………………………………………………………………….. 492
13.15 Percentage distribution of adults(>15 years) who use tobacco………………………………………………………………….. 492
13.16 Average monthly expenditure on tobacco by sex ………………………………………………………………………………… 492
13.17 Number of admissions, deaths district/general hospitals, 2013 .......................................................................................... 493
13.18 Division wise number of sanctioned, filled up and vacant posts under DGHS...................................................................... 494
13.19 Average length of stay, bed occupancy rate, hospital death rate, average daily admissions and average daily OPD patients
in different type of hospitals ................................................................................................................................................... 495
13.20 Some parameters of hospitalized patients served................................................................................................................. 495
13.21 Average expenditure on treatment due to accident………………………………………………………………………………….. 496
13.22 Medical colleges and their number of seats, 2019 ................................................................................................................ 496-98
13.23(a) Sex-wise prevalence of top 15 diseases/causes of admission among the indoor patients ................................................. 499
13.23(b) Sex-wise prevalence of top 15 diseases/causes of admission among the indoor patients ................................................. 489
13.23(c) Sex-wise prevalence of top 15 diseases/causes of admission among the indoor patients ................................................. 499
13.24 Cumulative screening report for blood with TTIs .................................................................................................................. 500
13.25 Statistics of local production of finished drugs & raw materials ............................................................................................. 500
13.26 Prices of selected imported raw materials for essential drugs .............................................................................................. 500
13.27 Statistics for import of finished drugs raw and packaging materials...................................................................................... 501
13.28 Export statistics finished drugs and raw materials ................................................................................................................ 501
13.29 Licensed business units in drugs by categories.................................................................................................................... 501
13.30 Statistics of production units, registered drug products (brands) & distributions outlets ...................................................... 501
13.31 Number of family planning personnel by districts and division, 2020-21 ............................................................................... 502
13.32 Distribution of family planning aids……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 503
13.33 Distribution of ever users of contraceptives by age of women and method of used, 2011 .................................................. 503
Contents XIX
13.34 Distribution of contraceptives uses of currently married women by age, 2011 .................................................................... 503
13.35 Locality wise differentials of CPR, 2011 ................................................................................................................................. 503
13.36 Contraceptive prevalence rate by residence......................................................................................................................... 504
13.37 Contraceptive method mix with respect to any method......................................................................................................... 504
13.38 Contraceptive method mix with respect to modern method .................................................................................................. 504
13.39 Birth attendant (1993-2001) .................................................................................................................................................. 505
13.40 Neo-natal mortality rate per 1000 live births .......................................................................................................................... 505
13.41 Post neo-natal mortality rate per 1000 live births................................................................................................................... 506
13.42 Under 5 years child death rate (per 1000 live birth) .............................................................................................................. 509
13.43 Contraceptive prevalence rate by division and residence, 2011........................................................................................... 509
13.44 Contraceptive prevalence rate by method residence............................................................................................................ 510
13.45 Percentage distribution of currently married women using family planning methods by types ............................................. 510
13.46 Maternal mortality ratio per 1000 live births ........................................................................................................................... 511
13.47 Cause-specific death rates per 100,000 population by sex and locality ............................................................................... 511
13.48 Percentage distribution of death by causes, sex and locality................................................................................................ 512
13.49 Person who believe tobacco causes diseases……………………………………………………………………………………….. 512
13.50 Place of delivery ..................................................................................................................................................................... 513
13.51 Progress of sinking deep tube wells in coastal saline areas ................................................................................................. 513
13.52 Number of hand/shallow tube wells for drinking water in rural areas by former districts ...................................................... 514
13.53 Number of hand/tara for drinking water in rural areas by former districts............................................................................. 515
13.54 Production and number of sales center of sanitary latrines by former district ...................................................................... 516
13.55 Number of newspapers and books published (general) ....................................................................................................... 516
13.56 Number of cinema houses and their seating capacity by former districts, 2018 .................................................................. 517
13.57 Number of advocates and lawyers by former districts.......................................................................................................... 517
13.58 Number of crimes by type as registered with the police, 2017 ............................................................................................. 518-19
13.59 Number of imams trained and expenditure incurred thereon in Bangladesh......................................................................... 520
13.60 Number of imam trained by former districts .......................................................................................................................... 521
13.61 SDGs indicators and tier classification by goal and data availability in Bangladesh, ( as of 12June, 2022)...................... 522

Chapter 14


14.01 Net availability and per capita availability for consumption of selected items ........................................................................ 525-26
14.02 Net availability and per capita availability of food grains for domestic consumption.............................................................. 527
14.03 Net availability and per capita availability of food grains for domestic consumption.............................................................. 528
14.04 Per capita availability of tea for domestic consumption ......................................................................................................... 529
14.05 Per capita availability of onion for domestic consumption...................................................................................................... 529
14.06 Per capita availability of chilies for domestic consumption .................................................................................................... 530
14.07 Per capita availability of pulses for domestic consumption.................................................................................................... 530
14.08 Per capita availability of edible oils for domestic consumption............................................................................................... 531
14.09 Per capita availability of sugar for domestic consumption ..................................................................................................... 532-34
14.10 Per capita availability of molases for domestic consumption................................................................................................. 535
14.11 Per capita availability of salt for domestic consumption......................................................................................................... 536
14.12 Per capita availability of meat and eggs for domestic consumption ...................................................................................... 536
14.13 Per capita availability of milk and milk products for domestic consumption .......................................................................... 537
14.14 National food balance of Bangladesh .................................................................................................................................... 538
14.15 Household Income and Expenditure Survey, 2016 .............................................................................................................. 539-41
14.16 Average household size......................................................................................................................................................... 542
XX Contents
14.17 Age-sex structure of population by residence, 2010 and 2016 ............................................................................................. 543
14.18 Monthly household nominal income expenditure and consumption by residence HIES 2000 to 2016 ................................ 544
14.19 Percentage distribution of average monthly household consumption expenditure by major expenditur e groups HIES....... 545
14.20 Percentage distribution of income accruing to household in groups (deciles) and Gini co-efficient HIES ........................... 545
14.21 Per capita day intake of major food items (grams) HIES, 2010 to 2016................................................................................ 546
14.22 Average intake of major food items (in grams) by residence HIES 2010 and 2005 ............................................................. 547
14.23 Per capita per day ( intake by residence HIES............................................................................................................. 548
14.24 Per capita per day intake of protein (grams) by residence from HIES.................................................................................. 548
14.25 Prevalence of malnutrition among children aged 56-59 months........................................................................................... 548
14.26 Poverty gap and squared poverty gap (in percent) by cost to basic needs method HIES................................................... 549
14.27 Incidence of poverty (CBN) by educational status HIES....................................................................................................... 550
14.28 Incidence of poverty by main occupation of head of household............................................................................................ 551
14.29 Percentage distributions of households by sources of drinking water and residence HIES................................................. 552
14.30 Enrolment of children aged 6-10 years by sex division and poverty status HIES ................................................................ 553
14.31 Percentage of children attending different types of schools at primary level by sex HIES ................................................... 553
14.32 Distribution of method of treatment by sex and residence HIES ........................................................................................... 554
14.33 Average amount received in last 12 months from different social safety net programmes (taka) HIES .............................. 554-55
14.34 Percentage distribution of population (5 years and over) facing some difficulty by sex, age group and type of disability HIES 555
14.35 Percentage distribution of migrants working abroad sending remittances during the last 12 months .................................. 556
14.36 Percentage distribution of households faced/experienced crises during the last 12 months by residence HIES, 2010 ..... 556

Chapter 15


Notes on data and their sources............................................................................................................................................................ 559-75

Appendix..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 576-77
Metric system of weights and measures ............................................................................................................................................... 579
Unit of measurement .............................................................................................................................................................................. 580
Abbreviations and notations ................................................................................................................................................................... 580
Standard Conversation factors .............................................................................................................................................................. 581-84
Bangladesh: An Overview XXI

Historical The history of Bangladesh is an eventful combination of turmoil and peace, as well as prosperity and
Background destitution. It has thrived under the glow of cultural splendor and suffered under the ravages of war. The
territory now constituting Bangladesh was under the Muslim rule over five and a half centuries from 1201
to 1757 A.D. Then it was ruled by the British, after the defeat of the last sovereign ruler of Bengal, Nawab
Siraj ud-Daulah, at the Battle of Plassey on the fateful day of June 23, 1757. The British ruled over the
entire Indian sub-continent including this territory for nearly 190 years from 1757 to 1947. During that
period Bangladesh was a part of the British Indian provinces of Bengal and Assam. With the termination
of the British rule in August, 1947 the sub-continent was partitioned into India and Pakistan. Bangladesh
then became a part of Pakistan and was named as East Pakistan. It remained so far about 24 years from
August 14, 1947 to March 25, 1971. It appeared on the world map as an independent and sovereign
state named Bangladesh on December 16, 1971 following victory at the War of Liberation (from March
25 to December 16, 1971).

Geographical o o
Bangladesh lies in the north eastern part of South Asia between 20 34' and 26 38' north latitude
o o
and 88 01' and 92 41' east longitude. The country is bounded by India on the west-north and north-
east while Myanmar on the south-east and the Bay of Bengal on the south. The area of the country is
56,977 sq. miles or 1, 47,570 sq. k.m. The limits of territorial water area of Bangladesh are 12 nautical
miles and the area of the high seas extending to 200 nautical miles measured from the base lines
constitutes the economic zone of the country. Bangladesh won in Arbitral Tribunal/PCA more than 1,
18,813 square kilometers of waters comprising territorial sea, exclusive economic zone extending out to
200 NM across sizable area, and also has undeniable sovereign rights in the sea bed extending as far as
354 NM from Chattogram coast in the Bay of Bengal with all the living and non living resources. To
achieve an equitable result, the tribunal awarded Bangladesh 19,467sq km of area out of total disputed
area of 25,602 sq km (approx).

Physiography Except the hilly regions in the north-east, south-east and some areas of high land in the northern
part, the country consists of plain and fertile land. A network of rivers exists in the country of which the
Padma, the Jamuna, the Teesta, the Brahmaputra, the Surma, the Meghna and the Karnaphuli are
prominent. All those rivers have 230 tributaries with a total length of about 24140 kilometers. The alluvial
soil is thus continuously being enriched by heavy silts deposited by rivers during the rainy season.

Flora and Fauna Of the total area of Bangladesh, forest lands account for almost 21.05% of its geographical surface.
The total forest land includes classified and unclassified state lands and homestead forests and
tea/rubber gardens. The Sundarban is the largest mangrove forest in the world. It lies at the southern
part of the Ganges delta and is spread across the coastal areas of Bangladesh and West Bengal of India.
The section of Sundarban that belongs to Bangladesh has been listed in the UNESCO world heritage.
The Sundarban is known for its wide range of fauna. Sundarban is the home of the world famous 'Royal
Bengal Tiger'. Numerous species of birds, spotted deer, crocodiles and snakes also inhabit there. The
country produces timber, bamboo and cane. Bamboos grow in almost all areas but quality timber grows
mostly in the hilly region of country. Among the timber sal, gamari, chaplish, telsu r , jarul, teak, garjan and
sundari are valuably important. Plantation of rubber in the hilly regions of the country was undertaken
and extraction of rubber had already been started.
XXII Bangladesh: An Overview

Climate Bangladesh enjoys generally a sub-tropical monsoon climate. While there are six seasons in a year,
three namely, Winter, Summer and Monsoon are prominent. Winter which is quite pleasant begins in
November and ends in February. In Winter there is not usually much fluctuation in temperature which
o o o o o o o o
ranges from minimum of 7 C—13 C (45 F—55 F) to maximum of 24 C—31 C (75 F—85 F). The
o o
maximum temperature recorded in Summer is 37 C (98 F) although in some places this occasionally
o o
rises up to 41 C (105 F) or more. Monsoon starts in July and stays up to October. This period accounts
for 80% of the total rainfall. The average annual rainfall varies from 1429 to 4338 millimeters. The
maximum rainfall is recorded in the coastal areas of Chattogram and northern part of Sylhet district, while
the minimum is observed in the western and northern parts of the country.
Population The Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics conducted the fifth decennial population census in the country
on March 15-19, 2011. As per population census 2011 report the population (adjusted) of the country
stood at 149.77 million in 2011. The male population was 74.98 million and female 74.79 million. The
intercensal growth rate of population 2011 census was 1.37 per annum. The density of population was
843 per in 2001which increased to 976 per in 2011. The sex ratio of the population is
100.25 males per 100 females. There were 32.1 million households in the country distributed over
56,348 mauzas (revenue villages).
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics introduces Sample Vital Registration System (SVRS) in 1980 to
determine the annual population change during inter-censal period. As reported in the SVRS the
population (estimated) of the country stood at 168.22 million in 1 July, 2020. The male population was
84.19 million and female 84.03 million. The rate of natural growth of population was 1.30. The density of
population was 1125 per in 2019 which increased to 1140 per in 2020. The sex ratio of the
population is 100.2 males per 100 females.

Labour Forces The total employed population (million) 15+ of the country has been estimated at 63.5 million as per
Report of Labour Force Survey, 2016-17, of which 43.5 million are male and 20.0 million are female
while it was 62.2 million for both sex, 43.1 million for male and 19.1 million for female in Labour Force
Survey 2015-16 as per usual definition.

Capital and other Dhaka, formerly Dacca, is the capital and the largest metropolitan city of the country. The city is
Cities average o o
within the monsoon climate zone, with an annual average temperature of 25 C (77 F) and monthly
o o o o
varying between 18 C (64 F) in January and 29 C (84 F) in August. Chattogram is the main sea port
and second largest metropolitan city of Bangladesh and has extensively developed port facilities for
ocean steamers.
Bangladesh: An Overview XXIII

Administrative Bangladesh is governed by a Parliamentary Form of Government. The President is the head of the
Setup State while the Prime Minister is the head of the Government. According to the Constitutions, the Prime
Minister is appointed by the President based upon the result of the electorate’s choice in parliamentary
general election. The Prime Minister is selected by the President. The Prime Minister is assisted by a
council of ministers in discharging his/her duties. For the convenience of administration, the country is
divided into eight administrative divisions; each is placed under a Divisional Commissioner. Each division
is further sub-divided into zilas (Districts). After the administrative re-organization carried out in 1984, the
country has been divided into 64 zilas. Each zila is headed by a Deputy Commissioner (DC) who is
assisted by other officials. Each zila is further divided into a number of Upazilas (Sub district) headed by
Upazila Nirbahi Officer(UNO).

The legislature The constitution provides a Parliament for Bangladesh (to be known as the House of the Nation) in
which legislative power of the Republic is vested. It consists of 300 members directly elected by adult
franchise. The Members of House of the nation elect another 50 female members. Thus, the total
number of members of the House is 350.

The Judiciary The Supreme Court of Bangladesh is the highest judicial organ and comprises of the Appellate
Division and the High Court Division. The Supreme Court of Bangladesh is headed by a Chief Justice.
The Supreme Court serves as the guardian of the constitution and enforces the fundamental rights of the
citizens. The Appellate Division hears and determines appeals from judgments, decrees, orders or
sentences of the High Court Division. At the district level, the district court is headed by Sub judge who
is assisted by Additional District Judge, subordinate judges, assistant judges and magistrates.

The tires of Local Government are (i) Union Parishad, (ii) Upazila Parishad, and (iii) Zila Parishad
However, in the urban areas, there are two types of Local Government System –namely (i) Pourashava
(Municipality) and (ii) City Corporation. The Local Government bodies are constituted by the
representatives directly elected by the people.

Fundamental The fundamental Foreign Policy of Bangladesh is - The state shall base its international relations on
Foreign Policy of the principles of respect for national sovereignty and equality, non-interference in the internal affairs of
Bangladesh other countries, peaceful settlements of international disputes, and respect for international law on the
principles enunciated in the United Nations Charters and on the basis of those principles shall –
a. (a) Strive for the renunciation of the use of force in international relations and for general and
complete disarmament,
b. (b) Uphold the right of every people freely to determine and build up its own social, economic and
political system by ways and means of its own free choice, and
c. © Support oppressed peoples throughout the world wagging a just struggle against imperialism,
colonialism or racialism.
XXIV Bangladesh: An Overview

Communication The country has about 2955.53 kilometers of rail-way, 22362.83 kilometers of paved road and
System roughly 6000 kilometers of perennial and seasonal waterways. Side by side with development of road
transport, efforts are under way to develop the water transport system. In fact, rivers are the life line of
the nation, which provide the cheapest means of transport, water for agricultural operation and ensure
supply of fish for people. Steps have been taken to put more mechanized boats into service and
modernize the existing country boats.

Regarding air transport facilities, Dhaka is connected by air with London, Bangkok, Abudhabi,
Tokyo, Kuala lumpur, Singapore, Karachi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Dubai, Jeddah, Kathmandu, Yangon,
Kuwait, Rome and Bahrain by her national airline (Biman). A number of foreign airlines operate their
international services with a link to Dhaka. Regular air services are operated by the Biman between
Dhaka and other major towns in the country. The two sea ports of Bangladesh are situated in
Chattogram and Mongla. Payra sea port is the 3rd sea port of Bangladesh located on the bank of
Rabnabad Channel under Kalapara, Patuakhali. Among the river ports and terminals, Dhaka,
Narayanganj, Chandpur, Barishal, Khulna, Aricha, Paturia, Goalando, Jagannathganj ghat, Bhairab
Bazar, Bahadurabad and Fulchari ghat are important.

The country has a network of radio and television broadcasting. There were two television stations in
Dhaka and Chattogram under government and it increased to 17 stations. Presently 35 television
channels are broadcasting under the government & private ownerships. The television system was
introduced in 1965 and since then sub-stations have been set up in Sylhet, Khulna, Rangpur,
Mymensingh, Natore, Noakhali, Satkhira, Cox’s Bazar, Rangamati, Thakurgaon, Patuakhali,
Brahmanbaria, Jhenaidah, Rajshahi etc. The Colour Television system was introduced on 1st December,
1980. An extensive telecommunication system has connected the capital city with other places within the
country. Telecommunication lines have also been established with major cities of the world through the
earth satellite ground stations at Betbunia in the Chattogram Hill-Tracts and Talibabad (Kaliakoir) in
Gazipur Zila. In order to cater the high speed of data communication Bangladesh has already been
linked with information superhighway through submarine cable in the Bay of Bengal.
Bangladesh: An Overview XXV

Education and The education system of Bangladesh is divided into Three levels (i) Primary (from grades 1 to 8),
Culture Secondary (from grades 9 to 10), Higher Secondary (from grades 11 to 12) and Tertiary. Besides, there
are some private institutions providing English medium education. They offer 'O' level and 'A' level
courses. The highest allocation in the national budget for education exposes that Government of
Bangladesh is very much keen for human resources development through education. Bangladesh has
also Madrasa system of education which emphasizes on Arabic medium Islam-based education. This
system is supervised by the Madrasa Board of the country.

Bangla is the mother tongue of Bangladesh. But to establish Bangla as the mother language,
Bangalees had to sacrifice their lives. A number of People were martyrized in February 21, 1952 to
establish the rights of mother language. In recognition of their supreme sacrifice, UNESCO declared 21st
February as the” International Mother Language Day” throughout the world.

Bangladesh has a rich historical and cultural past; combining Dravidian, Indo-Aryan, and Mongolian,
Mughal, Arab, Persian, Turkish and West European cultures. Bangladesh has a unique cultural history,
dating back more than 2500 years ago. The land, the rivers and the lives of the common people
combined have formed a rich heritage. The culture of Bangladesh is composed of different forms,
including music, dance and drama, art and craft, folklores and folktales, language and literature,
philosophy and religion, festivals and celebrations etc. Festivals and celebrations are an integral part of
the culture of Bangladesh. Pohela Baishakh (Bengali New Year), Independence Day, Victory Day
National Mourning Day, Eid-ul-Fitre, Eid-ul-Azha, Muharram, Durga Puja, Shahid Dibash and
International Mother Language Day, Buddha Purnima etc. are widely celebrated, across the country.

Bangladeshis are great enthusiasts of sports and games. Football, handball, basketball, volleyball,
table tennis, hockey, badminton, cricket, kabadi, swimming, boat racing and lawn tennis are some of the
most popular outdoor games in this country.

Agriculture and Bangladesh is mainly an agricultural country. Agriculture is the single largest producing sector of
Main Crops the economy and contributes about 13.02 % to the total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country.
This sector also accommodates around 40.6% (in 2016-17) of labour force. Due to natural calamities like
flood cyclone, drought, loss of production in both food and cash crops are almost a regular phenomenon.
Yet in recent years, there has been a substantial increase in food grain production. Agricultural holding
in Bangladesh is generally small but use of modern machinery and equipment is gradually increasing.
Rice, jute, sugarcane, potato, vegetables, wheat, tea and maize are the principal crops of Bangladesh.
Crop diversification programme, credit supply, extension work, research and input distribution policies
pursued by the government are yielding positive results. The country is now on the threshold of attaining
self-sufficiency in food grain production.
XXVI Bangladesh: An Overview

Fish Wealth Bangladesh is rich in fish wealth. In the innumerable rivers, canals, tanks and other low lying and
depressed areas and paddy fields that remain under water for about 6 months in a year and cover nearly
12 million acres, tropical fish of hundreds of varieties are cultivated. Rice and fish constitutes an average
Bangladeshi's principal diet. Hilsa, lobsters and shrimps are some of the fish varieties that are exported
to foreign countries. Having the Bay of Bengal in the south of the country enjoys geographic advantage
for marine fishing.

Mineral Bangladesh has a few proven mineral resources. The country has enormous deposit of natural gas.
Resources So far, 27 gas fields have been discovered from which natural gas is available for power-generation,
and Energy industrial and other uses. Fertilizer factories that are operating in the country including the petro-chemical
complex at Ashuganj and also those yet to be commissioned in near future are and will be using sizeable
quantity of natural gas.

Coal deposits have been found in Bangladesh and mining activity is going on with international
assistance. Electricity is produced by both thermal and hydro-electric process. The total generation of
electricity amounted to 71419 million kilowatt hours in 2019-20. The solitary hydro-electric project having
installed capacity of producing 230 m.w.electricity is located at Kaptai in the Chattogram Hill Tracts.
Limestone, the basic raw material for the production of cement, has been found in some places in the
country and cement factories are being set up for their utilization. Other minerals found include hard rock,
lignite, silica sand, white clay, etc. Salt is manufactured on a small scale at several thousand evaporation
sites in the coastal areas of Chattogram and Cox's Bazar.

Extensive radio-active sand deposits have been found all along the beaches from Kutubdia to
Teknaf. A survey estimates the reserve to be of the order of 0.5 million tons of sand containing a
significant amount of usable heavy minerals.

Industries Although Bangladesh is predominantly an agricultural country. A large number of large-scale

industries based on both indigenous and imported raw materials have been set up. Among them ready-
made garments, cotton textile, pharmaceuticals, fertilizer, wood product, iron and steel, ceramic, cement
and plastic product, chemical are important ones. Other notable industries are engineering and ship
building, oil refinery, paints, colours and varnishes, electric cables and wires, electric lamps, fluorescent
tube lights, other electrical goods and accessories, matches, cigarettes, etc.. Among the cottage
industries, handlooms, carpet-making, shoe-making, coir, bamboo and cane products, earthenware,
brass and bell metal products, bidi and cheroots, small tools and implements, ornaments, etc. are

The manufacturing sector contributes about 24.18% of the GDP. Growth rate of manufacturing
sector is dominated by ready-made garments. Bangladesh is the fifth largest garment exporter to the
European Union and among the top ten apparel suppliers to the US. In the past two decades,
Bangladesh holds the second position in ready-made garments exports.
Bangladesh: An Overview XXVII

Finance, Bangladesh has a mixed banking system comprising nationalized, private and foreign commercial
Banking banks. Bangladesh Bank is the central bank of the country and is entrusted with the responsibilities of
and Insurance formulating monetary policies of the Government and controls all commercial banks. The Grameen
Bank is a core microfinance organization and also community development bank in Bangladesh
providing small loans (known as microcredit) to impoverished people without requiring collateral. The
system is based on the idea that the poor have skills that are under-utilized but do not have the capacity
to take loan from conventional banks by providing collateral. The bank also accepts deposits, provides
other services, and runs several development-oriented businesses including fabric, telephone and
energy companies.

In recent years, the banking system has been greatly changed. In light of the avowed Government
policy of encouraging the private sector to play its due role in economic development of the country. The
Government has allowed setting up of commercial and investment banks in the private sector. In
response to this encouraging Government policy quite a number of commercial and investment banks
including some Islamic banks have been set up in the private sector and have started functioning.

There are other specialized financial institutions namely, House Building Finance Corporation,
Bangladesh Krishi (Agriculture) Bank, Bangladesh Shilpa (Industrial) Bank, Bangladesh Shilpa Rin
Sangstha (Industrial credit organization) and Co-operative Banks which are operating in their respective
fields to facilitate these sectors by providing credit and other services at convenient terms. Industrial
Credit and Investment Corporation of Bangladesh has also been set up by the Government to provide
equity support to public limited companies in the private sector.

In the field of insurance the Government has allowed both public and private sectors to operate life as
well as non-life insurance business in order to develop a strong competition. In the public sector, there
are one Jiban Bima Corporation for the life insurance business and one Shadharan Bima Corporation for
general insurance business. In the private sector more than sixty one (61) companies are engaged in life
and general insurance business.
XXVIII Bangladesh: An Overview

Tourists Bangladesh is a large delta laden with bounties of nature. The borderland along the north-east, east
attractions and the south-east is evergreen forested hills with wondrous wildlife. All her six seasons vibrate with fairs
and festivals, mirth and merriment.

Though Bangladesh is one of the world’s smallest countries, it has the world’s longest unbroken
sandy sea-beach along the Bay of Bengal at Cox’s Bazar, The Sundarbans, (the largest mangrove
forest), the home of the Royal Bengal Tiger and the spotted deer, it is recognized as the part of world
heritage by UNESCO for being the diffuse home of flora and fauna. Dhaka - the capital known as the city
of mosques, Rangamati - the heart of the panoramic lake district, Sylhet-land of holy shrines of great
religious saints and of fascinating hills and tea gardens, Chattogram - the largest port city and the
Commercial Capital of the country known as the city of holy shrines, Mainamati, Mohasthangarh and
Paharpur archaeological treasures in the country over the period from 300 BC to 1200 AD. Saint
Martin’s, a beautiful coral island about 10 km south-west of the southern tip of the mainland is a topical
slime, with beaches fringed with coconut plants and beautiful marine life are one of the most attractions
in the country. Except these, Kuakata’s long and wide unique beach and Foy’s lake, a man-made lake in
Patuakhali sets amidst picturesque surroundings is the natural form. Above all riverine beauty, colourful
tribal life and simple village life of the friendly millions are the main motivational factors for potential

Bangladesh has a variety of attractions for visitors, tourists and holidaymakers including
archaeological sites, historical mosques and monuments, resorts, beaches, anthropological
communities, forests, flora and fauna.

The Government of Bangladesh recognized tourism as an industry and declared a National Tourism
Policy for the development of domestic and international tourism in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Parjatan
Corporation, National Tourism Organization is playing the leading role as promoter of the industry.
Bangladesh: An Overview XXIX

Bangladesh Vision 2021 is a perspective plan to build Bangladesh a middle income and technology based country by
Vision-2021 2021. The main perspective plans are:
2010: 100 percent net student enrolment at primary level.
2011: Supply of pure drinking water for the entire population.
2012: Self-Sufficiency in food.
2013: Each house brought under hygienic sanitation.
2013: Attain 8 percent annual growth rate and this will be increased to 10 percent in 2017 and sustained.
2013: Bangladesh generates 7000 Megawatt of electricity which will be further increased to 8000
Megawatt in 2015. Steps will be taken to increase power generation capacity assuming that the demand
for power will reach the level of 20,000 Megawatt in 2021.
2013: Free tuition up to degree level.
2014: Bangladesh attains full literacy.
2015: Living accommodation for the entire population.
2021: Contribution of agriculture, industry and service sector to GDP will stand at 15,40 and 45 percent
respectively in place of 22,28 and 50 percent as at percent.
2021: Unemployment reduced to 15 percent from the present rate of 40 percent.
2021: Labour in agriculture comes down to 30% from 48% at present.
2021: Labour in industry is 25% from 16% and in service 45% from 36% at present.
2021: Poverty rate comes down to 15% from 45% at present
2021: Bangladesh knows as a country of educated people with skills in information technology.
2021: 85% of the population have standard nutritional food.
2021: Poor people ensured a minimum of 2122 kilo calories of food.
2021: All kinds of contagious diseases eliminated.
2021: Longevity increases to 70 years.
2021: Infant mortality comes down to 15 from 54 per thousand at present.
2021: Maternal death rate reduced to 1.5% from 3.8%.
2021: Use of birth control methods increased to 80%

Empowerment of
The term empowerment is a process through which women in general gain control over resources and
decision making.
The present situation of the women in our country is unfortunate, The women especially who live in the
rural areas passing inhuman life. Rights and liberty is the dream to them, Number of women is not enough in
our administration and Very few women are involved in Politics. The political status of our women is not
satisfactory. Participation of women in our economic activities is also very poor. Wage differentials between
men and women are very high in case of wage employment.
The factors behind the disempowerment of women are:
A. Economic factors
I) Dependency on men
II) Ownership of land
III) Less scope for employment

B. Socio-cultural and religious factors

I) Illiteracy
II) Socially ignored
III) Cultural apathy
IV) Purdah or Seclusion.

C. Political factors
I) Indifference of political parties
II) Limited participation in electoral politics
III) Intra-household discrimination.
XXX Bangladesh: An Overview

Educational With a view to implementing the election manifesto 2008, Vision 2021 and digital Bangladesh,The
Policy government has adopted consistent with what has been provided for in the constitution and it will work as a
strategy to develop the country as secular and citizen friendly environment where well planned education system
will operate to ensure social welfare.
The policy aims at stimulating intellectual ability and instilling work culture and social skills as well as
establishing moral, human, cultural, scientific and social values at personal and national levels.
The main characteristics of the education policy is to develop a humane, rational, principled, self-respecting,
non-superstitious, tolerant, non-sectarian, patriotic and hardworking citizen capable of leading humanity
development and people-oriented development and progress.

Energy Policy The government has been preparing power system master plan 2021 to realize the goal to provide the electricity
for all. According to the initial finding of power system master plan, 2010 study, the maximum demand including
captive power in 2015, 2021 and 2030 would be about 12000, 20000 and 36000 respectively. The meet the
demand with reasonable reliability, instable capacity will be increased to 23000 mw and 37000 mw by the year
2021 and 2030 respectively. To fulfill the growing demand of electricity, various short, medium- and long-term
generations, distribution and transmission project are in implementation.

Industrial Policy The industrial policy 2010 of Bangladesh proposed an integrated strategy of economic growth through rapid
industrialization. It has been prepared taking into consideration the government’s determination to achieve
millennium development goals by 2015, and halve the number of the unemployed, and hunger and poverty-
stricken people by 2017. To alleviate poverty by creating additional employment opportunities, the policy aims to
create job for one person per family.
The aim of the industrial policy is improving the socio-economic condition of the people by achieving industrial
growth and creating massive employment opportunities through industrialization through concerted efforts of
government and private sector.

The industrial policy 2016 targets the contribution of the industrial sector to the existing national income will be
increased from 29 percent to 35 percent and the contribution of the labor force from 16 percent to 25 percent in
order to implement the overall development vision of the government, by 2021,

In addition, the policy emphasizes to play a role in inclusive development by increasing human resource and
income generating employment through industrialization.
General Features and Environment 1

Chapter 1

2 General Features and Environment
General Features and Environment 3

1.01 Characteristics of General Soil Types

General Soil Types Division/Zila of important occurrence Characteristics


Non-calcareous Chattogram : Brahmanbaria, Chandpur Raw sandy and salty alluvial deposits, usually
Alluvium Chattogram, Chattogram Hill Tracts, Cumilla,, stratified either from the surface or below the
Cox's Bazar, Habiganj, Khagrachhari, cultivated topsoil in the active floodplain areas
Moulvibazar, Sunamganj & Sylhet. (young char lands) or massive in the older
Dhaka : Dhaka, Jamalpur, Kishoreganj, flood plain areas. Brahmaputra and Teesta
Manikganj, Mymensingh, Narayanganj, alluvia are rich in mica and biotite, alluvia
Narsingdi, Netrokona, Sherpur &Tangail. of other rivers are less micaceous. They are
Rajshahi : Bogura, Dinajpur, Gaibandha, neutral to alkaline in reaction. They are saline in the
Kurigram, Lalmonirhat, Naogaon, coastal tidal areas.
Nilphamari, Pabna, Panchagarh, Rangpur &
Barishal : Barishal, Bhola, Pirojpur, Patuakhali &

Calcareous Chattogram : Chandpur, Chattogram, Calcareous Alluvium is similar in charac-

Alluvium Cox's Bazar, Feni, Lakshmipur & Noakhali. terisitics to the Non-calcareous Alluvium in
Dhaka : Dhaka, Faridpur, Gopalganj addition, they are slightly to moderately calca-
Madaripur, Manikganj, Munshiganj, reous due to presence of calcities derived mostly
Rajbari & Sariatpur. from the Gangetic sources. St. Martins Island has
Khulna : Bagerhat, Khulna, Kushtia, Magura, sands mixed with calcareous coral debris. They are
Narail & Satkhira. saline in the coastal tidal areas.
Rajshahi : Chapai Nawabganj, Natore,
Pabna & Rajshahi.

Acid Sulphate Chattogram : Cox's Bazar. Grey or dark grey clayey soils with yellow
Soil Khulna : Bagerhat, Khulna & Satkhira. patches of jarosite developed in tidal deposit
areas, once covered by mangrove vegetation,
lying adjoining to Khulna Sundarbans in the
Ganges tidal floodplain and the Chakaria
Sundarbans in the coastal tidal floodplain of
Cox's Bazar District. They become extreme
acid and toxic when dried/drained. They are also
saline to variable degrees.
Peat Barishal : Barishal & Pirojpur.
Chattogram : Habiganj, Moulvibazar & Sylhet. Highly organic dark coloured soils developed
under submerged conditions mainly in the
Dhaka : Gopalganj, Madaripur & Gopalganj-Khulna basin areas and locally in
Netrokona. Hakaluki Haor and other smaller waterlogged
beels and valleys. If drained and allowed to
Khulna : Bagerhat, Jashore, Khulna & Narail. dry out peat shrinks irreversibly, thus causing
cracking and subsidence of the ground surface.

Non-calcareous Barishal: Barguna, Barishal, Jhalokathi, Prismatic and/or blocky structured predominantly
Grey Patuakhali & Pirojpur. grey sandy loams to silty clay loams on young
Floodplain Soils Chattogram : Brahmanbaria, Chandpur, floodplain ridges and silty clay loams to clays
Chattogram, Cumilla, Cox's Bazar, Feni, in basins, slightly acid to neutral. They become saline
Habiganj, Khagrachhari, Lakshmipur, in dry season in the coastal tidal areas.
Moulvibazar, Noakhali, Sunamganj & Sylhet.
Dhaka : Dhaka, Gazipur, Jamalpur,
Kishoreganj, Manikganj, Munshiganj,
Mymensingh, Narayanganj, Narsingdi,
Netrakona, Sherpur & Tangail.
Khulna : Bagerhat.
Rajshahi : Bogura, Dinajpur, Gaibandha,
Kurigram, Joypurhat, Lalmonirhat, Naogaon,
Nilphamari, Panchagarh, Rangpur, Sirajganj &

Calcareous Chattogram : Chandpur, Chattogram, Feni, Structured, grey silt loams to silty clays,
Grey Flood- Lakshmipur & Noakhali. calcareous from the surface or at shallow
plain Barishal : Barishal, Barguna, Bhola, Patuakhali,& depths, developed from Ganges alluvium.
Soils Pirojpur. They become saline in the dry season in
Khulna : Bagerhat, Khulna, Narail& Satkhira. the coastal tidal areas.
4 General Features and Environment

1.01 Characteristics of General Soil Types

General Soil Types Division/Zila of important occurrence Characteristics

Grey Chattogram : Bandarban, Brahmanbaria, Structured, grey sandy loams to clays,

Piedmont Chattogram, Chattogram Hill Tracts, Cumilla, strongly acid, developed in piedmont out-
Soils Cox's Bazar, Feni & Khagrachhari. wash in the piedmont aprons and valleys in
areas adjoining or within the north-eastern
Dhaka : Mymensingh, Netrakona & Sherpur. hilly region. These soils are often affected by
flash floods from the hills and liable to burial
Sylhet: Habiganj, Moulvibazar, Sunamganj &Sylhet by fresh sandy deposits.

Acid Basin Chattogram : Brahmanbaria & Cumilla, Very strongly acid, grey to dark grey heavy
Clays plastic clays mainly occurring in the Sylhet
haor and Chalan beel areas and in deep
Dhaka : Dhaka, Gazipur, Jamalpur, valleys of the Madhupur Tract. They are
Kishoreganj, Mymensingh, Narsingdi, usually seasonally deeply flooded and have
Netrakona, Sherpur & Tangail. heavy consistence.
Rajshahi : Bogura, Chapai Nawabganj,
Noagaon, Natore, Pabna, Rajshahi & Sirajganj.
Sylhet: Habiganj, Moulvibazar, Sunamganj & Sylhet.

Non-calcareous Barishal : Barishal, Patuakhali & Pirojpur, Structured dark grey loamy soils on old
Dark Grey flood plain ridges and clay in basins.
Floodplain Chattogram : Brahmanbaria, Chandpur, Slightly acid to somewhat alkaline in
Soils Cumilla, Feni, Habiganj, Lakshmipur, reaction. The basin clays have heavy
Moulvibazar, Noakhali, Sunamganj & Sylhet. consistence.

Dhaka : Dhaka, Faridpur, Gazipur,

Gopalganj, Jamalpur, Kishoreganj,Madaripur,
Manikganj, Munshiganj, Mymensingh,
Narayanganj, Narsingdi, Netrakona,
Sariatpur, Sherpur & Tangail.

Khulna : Bagerhat, Chuadanga, Jashore,

Jhenaidah, Khulna, Kushtia, Magura,
Meherpur, Narail & Satkhira.

Rajshahi : Bogura, Dinajpur, Gaibandha,

Kurigram, Naogaon, Natore, Nilphamari,
Pabna, Panchagarh, Rajshahi, Rangpur,
Sirajganj & Thakurgaon.

Sylhet: Habiganj, Moulvibazar, Sunamganj &


Calcareous Dhaka : Dhaka, Faridpur, Gopalganj, Structured dark grey silty clay loams
Dark Grey Madaripur, Manikganj, Munshiganj, to heavy clays occurring in basins and on
Flood plain Rajbari & Sariatpur. low ridges of the old Ganges river
Soils floodplain and locally in the Ganges
Khulna : Bagerhat, Chuadanga, Jhenaidah, tidal floodplain and old Meghna estuarine
Khulna, Kushtia, Magura, Meherpur, Narail & flood plain. Soils are calcareous within a
Satkhira. depth of 1.2 m below the surface. Clays
Barishal : Barishal, Jhalokati & Pirojpur. are highly cracking when dry, drought
prone and have heavy consistence. They become
Rajshahi : Chapai Nawabganj, Natore, saline in the day season in the Tidal floodplain.
Pabna, Rajshahi & Naogaon.

Calcareous Chattogram : Chandpur, Feni, Lakshmipur & Calcareous, brown silt loams to light
Brown Noakhali. silty clays, occurring in the Ganges
Floodplain river floodplain and locally in the young
Soils Dhaka : Dhaka, Faridpur, Gopalganj, and old Meghna estuarine floodplains.
Madaripur, Manikganj, Munshiganj, Locally they are leached of lime up to a
Rajbari & Sariatpur. depth of 1 m from the surface.
Khulna : Bagerhat, Chuadanga, Jhenaidah,
Khulna, Kushtia, Magura, Meherpur, Narail &
Rajshahi : Chapai Nawabganj, Natore,
Pabna, Rajshahi & Noagaon
General Features and Environment 5

1.01 Characteristics of General Soil Types

General Soil Types Division/Zila of important occurrence Characteristics

Non-calcareous Chattogram : Chattogram, Chattogram Hill Tracts & Non-calcareous brown sandy loams to clay
Brown Khagrachhari. loams occurring in the old Himalayan
Floodplain Dhaka : Jamalpur, Narsingdi, Mymensingh, piedmont plain, Tista and old Brahmaputra
Soils Netrakona & Sherpur, floodplains and locally in the old Ganges
Khulna : Chuadanga, Jhenaidah, Jashore & river floodplain. Soils are slightly to
Satkhira. strongly acid in reaction.

Rajshahi : Bogura, Chapai Nawabganj,

Dinajpur, Gaibandha, Kurigram, Lalmonirhat,
Nilphamari, Panchagarh, Rangpur &Thakurgaon.

Brown Chattogram : Bandarban, Chattogram, Chattogram Brown sandy loams to clay loams
Piedmont Hill Tracts, Cox's Bazar & Khagrachhari. occurring in the higher sites of valleys
Soils and piedmont plains in and around the
north-eastern hills areas. Soils are very
Dhaka : Mymensingh,Netrakona &Sherpur. strongly acid.

Sylhet: Habiganj, Moulvibazar & Sylhet.

Black Rajshahi : Dinajpur, Panchagarh & Very dark grey to black sandy loams
Terai Thakurgaon. to clay loams occupying low floodplain
Soils ridges and depressions mainly in the
northern part of the old Himalayan
piedmont plain. Top soils are strongly to
very strongly acidic but the sub soils are
slightly acidic in reaction.

Hill Soils
Brown Chattogram : Bandarban, Chattogram, Brown sandy loams to clay loams,
Hill Chattogram Hill Tracts, Cumilla, Cox's Bazar & Feni. slightly to strongly acid, sometimes
Soils Dhaka : Mymensingh, Netrakona & Sherpur. shallow over shaley/sandstone bedrocks
Sylhet : Habiganj, Moulvibazar, on very steep high hills.
Sunamganj & Sylhet.

Terrace Soils
Shallow Dhaka : Dhaka, Gazipur, Jamalpur, Mymensingh & Brown or red brown, usually strongly
Red-Brown Tangail. acid, structured, friable to firm clay
Terrace loams to clays intergrading into a greyer,
Soils Rajshahi : Naogaon. compact Madhupur clay substratum
within a metre below the surface. They
mainly occur on the narrow terraces of the
Mahupur Tract and locally in the
dissected Barind Tract.

Deep Chattogram : Brahmanbaria Brown to red, slightly to strongly acid,

Red-Brown finely structured, friable clay loams to clays,
Terrace Dhaka: Dhaka, Gazipur, Jamalpur, gradually intergrading into a mixed red, black
Soils Mymensingh, Narsingdi & Tangail. and pale brown, friable, weathered
Madhupur clay substratum to a deeper
Rajshahi: Bogura, Dinajpur, Gaibandha & depth. They occur extensively on the
Rangpur. edges of broad level terraces in the
Madhupur Tract and locally in the north-
eastern edge of the Barind Tract.

Brown Dhaka: Dhaka, Gazipur, Jamalpur, Brown mottled with specks of grey,
Mottled Mymensingh & Tangail. pale brown and red, slightly acid,
Terrace structured, friable clay loams to clays
Soils Rajshahi: Bogura, Dinajpur, Gaibandha, intergrading into a mixed red black and pale
Joypurhat, Naogaon &Rangpur. brown, rather friable and weathered
Madhupur Clay substratum. They occur
in the middle parts of the broadly
dissected level terraces of the Madhupur
Tract and locally on the edges of the
Barind Tract.

6 General Features and Environment

1.01 Characteristics of General Soil Types

General Soil Types Division/Zila of important occurrence Characteristics

Shallow Dhaka: Dhaka, Gazipur, Jamalpur, Whitish grey slightly to strongly acid,
Grey Mymensingh & Tangail. friable, somewhat porous silt loams
Terrace to silty clays intergrading into a weakly
Soils Rajshahi: Bogura, Chapai Nawabganj, mottled grey, compact and little altered
Dinajpur, Joypurhat, Naogaon, Rajshahi, Madhupur clay substratum at a shallow
Rangpur & Sirajganj. depth. They occur extensively in the
level Barind Tract and locally on the flat
areas of the narrow terraces of the
Madhupur Tract.

Deep Grey Dhaka: Dhaka, Gazipur, Jamalpur, Whitish grey, speckled with brown or
Terrace Mymensingh & Tangail. red mottles, slightly to strongly acid,
Soils friable and highly porous silt loams
(including Rajshahi: Bogura, Chapai Nawabganj to silty clay loams, usually grading into
Grey Dinajpur, Gaibandha, Joypurhat, a strongly mottled red and grey, rather
Valley Naogaon, Rajshahi & Rangpur. friable and permeable Madhupur clay at
Soils) a deeper depth. They occur extensively
in the western parts of Barind Tract and
also, in smaller extent in the interiors of
broad level terrace of the Madhupur
Tract and in shallow valleys in both areas.
Source: Soil Resources Development Institute (SRDI).

1.02 Country Summary of Area and Proportions Occupied by General Soil Types
Area Proportion
General Soil Type (sq. km) (%)

Floodplain Soils
Calcareous Alluvium 591796 4.1
Non-calcareous Alluvium 562242 3.9
Calcareous Brown Floodplain Soils 478518 3.3
Calcareous Grey Floodplain Soils 170767 1.2
Calcareous Dark Grey Floodplain Soils 1434678 9.9

Non-calcareous Grey Floodplain Soils 3387153 23.4

Non-Calcareous Brown Floodplain Soils 383312 2.6
Non-Calcareous Dark Grey Floodplain Soils 1599645 11.0
Black Terai Soils 83408 0.6
Acid Basin Clays 348994 2.4
Acid Sulphate Soils 226647 1.6
Peat 130005 0.9
Grey Plidmont Soils 215279 1.5
Made-land 106278 0.7
Area of Floodplain Soils 9718722 67.1
Proportion of total soil area (79.0)
Hill Soils
Brown Hill Soils 1561472 10.8
Area of Hill Soils 1561472 10.8
Proportion of total soil area (12.7)

Terrace Soils
Shallow Red-Brown Terrace Soils 72549 0.5
Deep Red-Brown Terrace Soils 189380 1.3
Brown Mottled Terrace Soils 34335 0.3
Shallow Grey Terrace Soils 265427 1.8
Deep Grey Terrace Soils 352152 2.4
Grey Valley Soils 114287 0.8
Area of Terrace Soils 1028030 7.1
Proportion of total soil area (8.3)
Total Soil Area 12308224 85.0
Miscellaneous Land Types
River, bills, etc. 973430 6.7
Urban 81945 0.6
Homesteads + included takns 1122670 7.7
Area of Miscellaneous Land Types 2178045 15.0
Total 14486269 100.0
Note: Area figures are not updated and differ from land areas updated by the office of the surveyor general of Bangladesh, 1993
Source : Soil Resource Development Institute. (SRDI), Ministry of Agriculture, Krishi Khamar Sarak, Dhaka-1215
General Features and Environment 7

1.03 Classified Land Type of Bangladesh Dhaka Division, 2008

Name of Hill Cultivated Land Miscellaneous Land Grand

District HL MHL MLL LL VLL Total Total

Dhaka ,, 10777 19198 43608 16773 2685 93041 19034 112075

,, 10 17 39 15 2 83 17 100
Faridpur ,, 23309 63768 63381 13251 299 164008 44561 208569
,, 11 31 31 6 0 79 21 100
Gazipur ,, 56142 26292 20377 18024 9523 130358 18150 148508
,, 38 18 14 12 6 88 12 100
Gopalganj ,, 4511 14857 46350 40041 18759 124518 21834 146352
,, 3 10 32 27 13 85 15 100
Jamalpur 1173 41380 67674 58619 6597 0 174270 33947 209390
1 20 32 28 3 0 83 16 100
Kishoreganj ,, 28811 39357 42725 76049 26628 213570 43688 257258
,, 11 15 17 30 10 83 17 100
Madaripur ,, 3602 36732 34249 12245 1730 88558 25952 114510
,, 3 31 30 11 2 77 23 100
Manikganj ,, 2194 33039 50966 17093 55 103347 32081 135428
,, 2 24 37 13 0 76 24 100
Munshiganj ,, 4183 5556 27159 23356 5809 66063 25601 91664
,, 5 6 30 25 6 72 28 100
Mymensingh 387 137490 153072 60427 17004 3363 371743 60392 432135
,, 32 35 14 4 1 86 14 100
Narayanganj ,, 5643 9612 15255 7268 2242 40020 12444 52464
,, 11 18 29 14 4 76 24 100
Narsingdi ,, 16433 31765 19594 19662 1853 89307 21876 111183
,, 15 29 17 17 2 80 20 100
Netrokona 1465 46309 77839 43813 51264 16677 237367 35932 273299
1 17 28 16 19 6 87 13 100
Rajbari ,, 18824 43799 13749 8510 1072 85954 27288 113242
,, 17 38 12 8 1 76 24 100
Shariatpur ,, 5591 37459 31582 9310 0 83942 33272 117214
,, 5 32 27 8 0 72 28 100
Sherpur 7405 35669 53783 19562 4155 0 113169 11330 131904
6 27 41 15 3 0 86 8 100
Tangail ,, 63458 120281 69858 28879 2050 284526 50763 335289
,, 18 36 21 9 1 85 15 100
Total 10430 504326 834083 661274 369481 92745 2463761 518145 2990484
Percentage 1 17 28 22 12 3 82 18 100
Note- Bold number indicates value in percent (Contd.)
hl-high land, MHL-medium high land, MLL-Medium low land. LL- Low land, VLL-Very low land
** Land type clasifications data are not included in forest area of Bangaldesh.
** Miscellaneous land means settlement, Ponds, water bodies , river, channel, brick fields etc.
source- Soil Resource Development Institute
8 General Features and Environment

1.03 Classified Land Type of Bangladesh Chattogram Division, 2008

Name of Hill Cultivated Land Miscellaneous Grand

District HL MHL MLL LL VLL Total Land Total
B. Baria 1194 6640 31842 58844 28614 31470 157410 25301 183905
1 4 17 32 16 17 86 14 100
Cumilla 2265 11005 110656 81269 40948 709 244587 58165 305017
1 4 36 27 13 0 80 19 100
Chandpur 0 4841 34207 57769 8559 1613 106989 56837 163826
0 3 21 35 5 1 65 35 100
Feni 2582 2663 68647 25 0 0 71335 20864 94781
3 3 72 0 0 0 75 22 100
Lakshmipur 0 3097 80574 9043 594 0 93308 36296 129604
0 2 62 7 0 0 72 28 100
Noakhali 0 3269 148391 32023 2394 0 186077 106720 292797
0 1 51 11 1 0 64 36 100
Chattogram 139971 41834 160345 16908 0 0 219087 165920 524978
27 8 31 3 0 0 42 32 100
Cox’s Bazar 75281 25919 75253 1377 4985 0 107534 63165 245980
31 11 31 1 2 0 44 26 100
Bandarban 409433 13491 8381 145 0 0 22017 6681 438131
93 3 2 0 0 0 5 2 100
Khagrachhari 225368 17502 16714 0 0 0 34216 9495 269079
84 7 6 0 0 0 13 4 100
Rangamati 430309 9615 6730 1813 0 0 18158 61577 510044
84 2 1 0 0 0 4 12 100
Total 1286403 139876 741740 259216 86094 33792 1260718 611021 3158142
Percentage 41 4 23 8 3 1 40 19 100
Note- Bold number indicates value in percent

1.03 Classified Land Type of Bangladesh Barishal Division, 2008

Name of Hill Cultivated Land Miscellaneous Grand

District HL MHL MLL LL VLL Total Land Total
Patuakhali 2584 179376 12588 0 0 194548 113327 307875
1 58 4 0 0 63 37 100
Barguna 2574 103179 4384 0 0 110137 57550 167687
2 61 3 0 0 66 34 100
Barishal 8819 142990 24046 8550 0 184405 76988 261393
3 56 9 3 0 71 29 100
Jhalakathi 3720 39691 12448 0 0 55859 18057 73916
5 54 17 0 0 76 24 100
Pirojpur 4631 72356 7710 3885 0 88582 39226 127808
4 56 6 3 0 69 31 100
Bhola 6368 134748 4910 0 0 146026 162273 308299
2 43 2 0 0 47 53 100
Total 28696 672340 66086 12435 0 779557 467421 1246978
Percentage 2 55 5 1 0 63 37 100
Note- Bold number indicates value in percent Cont’d.
General Features and Environment 9

1.03 Classified Land Type of Bangladesh Rajshahi Division, 2008

Name of Cultivated Land Miscellaneous Grand

District HL MHL MLL LL VLL Total Land Total
Pabna 55082 52890 43060 32836 6010 189878 48917 238795
23 22 18 14 3 80 20 100
Sirajganj 37368 71582 43900 32715 2060 187625 56941 244566
15 30 18 13 1 77 23 100
Rajshahi 120751 43803 21479 7916 258 194207 39204 233411
52 19 9 3 0 83 17 100
Naogaon 194009 51869 36945 18774 188 301785 42857 344642
57 15 11 5 0 88 12 100
Natore 52595 46663 50961 9005 1112 160336 28370 188706
27 25 27 5 1 85 15 100
Chapai 86199 31270 16222 8574 1672 143937 16867 160804
55 19 10 5 1 90 10 100
Joypurhat 54141 31423 1723 35 0 87322 9345 96667
55 33 2 0 0 90 10 100
Bogura 110602 109037 13849 397 0 233885 57612 291497
38 37 5 0 0 80 20 100
Total 710747 438537 228139 110252 11300 1498975 300113 1799088
Percentage 40 23 13 6 1 83 17 100
Note- Bold number indicates value in percent

1.03 Classified Land Type of Bangladesh Khulna Division, 2008

Name of Cultivated Land Miscellaneous Grand

District HL MHL MLL LL VLL Total Land Total
Khulna 9552 132759 20111 3367 0 165789 48031 213820
4 62 10 2 0 78 22 100
Bagherhat 10369 121953 15096 3388 0 150806 50525 201331
5 61 7 2 0 75 25 100
Satkhira 38765 142049 6214 233 0 187261 42346 229607
17 62 3 0 0 82 18 100
Jashore 77625 86021 28852 6358 0 198856 58649 257505
30 34 11 2 0 77 23 100
Narial 13588 30044 22552 10847 0 77031 20026 97057
14 31 23 11 0 79 21 100
Jhenaidah 73346 69082 12492 3663 0 158583 36715 195298
38 35 6 2 0 81 19 100
Magura 26001 40722 15828 2438 0 84989 18348 103337
25 40 15 2 0 82 18 100
Kushtia 48967 54099 14193 3743 0 121002 37340 158342
31 34 9 2 0 76 24 100
Chuadanga 50318 38111 5992 176 0 94597 21632 116229
43 33 5 0 0 81 19 100
Meherpur 30674 22912 6254 437 0 60277 11067 71344
43 31 9 1 0 84 16 100
Total 379205 737752 147584 34650 0 1299191 344679 1643870
Percentage 23 45 9 2 0 79 21 100
Note- Bold number indicates value in percent (Cont’d.)
10 General Features and Environment

1.03 Classified Land Type of Bangladesh Rangpur Division, 2008

Name of Cultivated Land Miscellaneous Grand

District HL MHL MLL LL VLL Total Land Total
Rangpur 86534 111822 5889 0 0 204245 31427 235672
37 48 2 0 0 87 13 100
Kurigram 52678 78482 31537 6306 0 169003 54187 223190
24 35 14 3 0 76 24 100
Lalmonirhat 42519 53981 6296 0 0 102796 21296 124092
34 44 5 0 0 83 17 100
Gaibandha 56497 79817 29126 11077 0 176517 37813 214330
26 37 14 5 0 82 18 100
Nilphamari 65137 69596 2080 177 0 136990 21101 158091
41 45 1 Minor 0 87 13 100
Thakurgaon 99229 58748 2702 0 0 160679 20337 181016
56 32 1 0 0 89 11 100
Panchagarh 71171 46548 147 0 0 117866 12402 130268
55 35 Minor 0 0 90 10 100
Dinajpur 157210 141747 2458 0 0 301415 42464 343879
46 41 1 0 0 88 12 100
Total 630975 640741 80235 17560 0 1369511 241027 1610538
Percentage 39 40 5 1 0 85 15 100
Note- Bold number indicates value in percent

1.03 Classified Land Type of Bangladesh Sylhet Division, 2008

Name of Hill Cultivated Land Miscellaneous Grand

District HL MHL MLL LL VLL Total Land Total
Moulvibazar 86676 11892 70299 29019 16149 11206 138565 32120 257361
34 5 27 11 6 4 54 12 100
Sunamganj 1162 17197 48045 75611 97953 84796 323602 42880 367644
0 5 13 21 27 23 88 12 100
Habiganj 32644 17772 49290 48214 59530 18692 193498 25979 252121
13 7 20 19 24 7 77 10 100
Sylhet 14374 23010 81519 74315 68688 23471 271003 60026 345403
4 7 24 22 20 7 78 17 100
Total 134856 69871 249153 227159 242320 138165 926668 161005 1222529
Percentage 11 6 20 19 20 11 76 13 100
Note- Bold number indicates value in percent (Cont’d.)
General Features and Environment 11

1.03 Classified Land Type of Bangladesh, 2008

Name of Hill Cultivated Land Miscellaneous Grand

District HL MHL MLL LL VLL Total Land Total
Barishal 0 28696 672340 66086 12435 0 779557 467421 1246978
0 2 55 5 1 0 63 37 100
Chattogram 128603 9876 741740 259216 86094 33792 1260718 611021 3158142
41 4 24 8 3 1 40 19 100
Dhaka 10430 504320 834083 661274 369481 92745 2463761 518145 2990484
1 17 28 22 12 3 82 18 100
Khulna 0 379205 737752 147584 34650 0 1299191 344679 1643870
0 23 45 9 2 0 79 21 100
Rajshahi 0 710747 438537 228139 110252 11300 1498975 300113 1799088
0 40 13 6 1 83 17 100
Rangpur 0 630975 640741 80235 17560 0 1369511 241027 1610538
0 39 40 5 1 0 85 15 100
Sylhet 134856 69871 249153 227159 242320 138165 926668 161005 1222529
11 6 20 19 20 11 76 13 100
Total 1431689 2463696 4314346 1669693 872792 276002 9598381 2643411 13671629
Percentage 1 18 32 12 6 2 70 19 100
Note: Bold number indicates value in percent
12 General Features and Environment

1.04 Forest Lands under the Control of Forest Department During 2020-21
(Sq. kilo meter)
Name of Reserved Reserved Protected Acquired/ Unclassed Total Forest Unclassed Total Forest
District Forest (Acre) Forest (Acre) Forest (Acre) Vested State Forest Land (controlled State Forest Land (Acre)
Notified under Notified under Forest (controlled by by FD) (Acre) (controlled by
Section 20 of Section 4&6 of (Acre) FD) (Acre) District
Forest Act, Forest Act, Administration)
1927 1927 (Acre)
Dhaka 0.00 934.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 934.74 0.00 934.74
Gazipur 44189.90 20983.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 65173.21 0.00 65173.21
Mymensingh 34555.11 4305.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 38860.14 0.00 38860.14
Jamalpur 0.00 10364.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 10364.39 0.00 10364.39
Sherpur 6324.70 13759.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 20084.15 0.00 20084.15
Netrokona 591.97 1381.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 1973.57 0.00 1973.57
Tangail 73815.69 49061.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 122876.90 0.00 122876.90
Sylhet 23900.63 25538.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 49839.48 988.88 50428.36
Habiganj 33885.73 274.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 34159.73 2200.00 36359.73
Moulvibazar 59332.62 40.70 0.00 10932.00 0.00 70305.32 1079.41 71384.73
Sunamganj 6434.15 11578.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 18012.31 0.00 18012.31
Chattogram 210626.04 152624.86 46435.46 16402.82 0.00 826089.18 0.00 426089.18
Cox’s Bazar 152986.40 22667.14 33521.42 0.00 0.00 209174.96 0.00 209174.96
Bandarban 242668.40 21830.80 0.00 0.00 38644.75 303143.95 494372.54 797516.49
Rangamati 573261.21 41401.88 0.00 1.50 0.00 614664.59 763890.54 1378555.13
Khagrachhari 88492.83 7342.67 0.00 0.00 4202.76 100038.026 454077.95 554116.21
Cumilla 0.00 1720.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 1720.92 0.00 1720.92
Feni 2191.43 18000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20191.43 0.00 20191.43
Bagerhat 566512.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 566512.95 0.00 566512.95
Khulna 5460081.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5460081.61 0.00 546081.61
Satkhira 370354.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 370354.18 0.00 370354.18
Rangpur 1678.47 1749.03 0.00 21.54 0.00 3449.04 0.00 3449.04
Nilphamari 0.00 0.00 648.59 551.49 0.00 1200.08 0.00 1200.08
Kurigram 128.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 128.59 0.00 128.59
Lalmonirhat 82.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 82.62 0.0 82.62
Dinajpur 14609.76 3455.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 18065.14 0.00 18065.14
Thakurgaon 1591.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1591.68 0.00 1591.68
Panchagarh 501.38 4049.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 4550.87 0.00 4550.87
Naogaon 473.95 0.00 5991.70 681.99 0.00 7147.64 0.00 7147.64
Noakhali 72132.36 307867.64 4784.72 0.00 0.00 384784.72 0.00 384784.72
Luxmipur 0.00 50000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50000.00 0.00 50000.00
Patuakhali 58723.87 91276.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 150000.00 0.00 150000.00
Barguna 30553.90 44466.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 75000.00 0.00 75000.00
Pirojpur 0.00 6000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 543.66 0.00 543.66
Bhola 94245.39 265754.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 360000.00 0.00 360000.00
Acre Total 8224928 1178428.09 91381.89 28591.34 42847.51 9961100 1716609 6363309

Hectare Total 3328513.21 476893.35 36980.97 11570.52 17339.79 4031117.71 694687.63 2575142.07
SQ Km 33285.13 4768.93 369.81 115.71 173.40 40311.18 6946.88 25751.42

Source: Department of Forest

1.05 Area under Different Types of Forests, 2020-21


Evergreen 1400000.0
Moist deciduous 120000.0
Mangrove 801700.0
Total : 2321700
Source: Department of Forest.
General Features and Environment 13

1.06 River Systems of Bangladesh

Rivers Miles Kilometers

A. Total Length of 310 Rivers

B. Major Rivers
Jamuna-Brahmaputra from Nunkhawa to Alakdia 94 150
Padma (a) From border point at Godagari at India to confluence at Aricha in Bangladesh 150 240
(b) From confluence of Ganges & Brahmaputra at Alakdia to the 72 115
confluence of Padma & Meghna at Chandpur
Surma-Meghna from border Upto Chandpur 298 477
Meghna from Chandpur to the Bay of Bengal (Char Aricha) 113 180
Karnaphuli from border point in India to the Bay of Bengal (South Patenga) 100 160
The Padma-Ganges and its distribution System
i) Ganges, Padma 222 355
ii) Mathabhanga 81 130
iii) Ichamati
a) At Manikganj 56 90
b) At Dinajpur 51 82
c) At Rangamati 21 34
d) At Kalindi 47 75
e) At Gaibandha-Bogura 35 56.6
iv) Bhairab 136 218
v) Kumar
a)At Chuadanga-Magura 91 145
b)At Faridpur-Madaripur 81 130
c) Kumar(upper) at Madaripur-Muksudpur 25 40
d) Kumar (lower) at Madaripur-Agaljhara 14 23
vi) Kobadak 113 180
vii) Chitra
a) At Chuadanga 81 130
b) At Rajbari 16 25
viii) Nabaganga 144 230
ix) Garai, Madhumati 142 227
x) Arial Khan 102 163
The Meghna and Surma System
i) Meghna
a) Meghna (upper) 94 150
b) Meghna(lower) 113 180
ii) Surma 153 245
iii) Kushiyara 143 229
iv) Kalni 51 82
Jamuna-Brahmaputra System
i) Tista 71 113
ii) Old Brahmaputra 150 240
iii) Dhaleswari 105 168
iv) Buriganga 28 45
Other Rivers in north West region
i) Nagar
a) Nagar(border)At Panchagarh-Takurgaon 31 50
b) Nagar(lower)At Bogura-Natore 79 127
ii) Tangan 84 135
iii) Purnabhaba 100 160
iv) Mahananda
a)At Panchagar 11 17
b) At Chapainawabganj 42 67
v) Baral
a) Baral (upper) 53 84
b) Baral (lower) 25 40
vi) Karatoa- Atrai- Hurasagar- Gumani 351 561
vii) Dharala 46 73
Rivers in Chattogram Region
i) Karnaphuli 100 160
ii) Sangu 113 180
iii) Matamuhuri 75 120
Source: WDB, BIWTA
14 General Features and Environment

1.07 Main Rivers According to Length

(Figures in miles)
Name of the rivers Miles km. Area covered

Surma-Meghna 359 575 Sylhet (180), Cumilla (146), Barishal (90)

Karatoya-Atrai-Gurgumari-Hursagar 382 611 Dinajpur (161), Rajshahi (160) & Pabna (50)
Donai-Charalkata-jamuneswari-Karatoya 227 363 Rangpur (120) Bogura (98) & Pabna (62)
Ganges-Padma 222 355 Rajshahi (90) Pabna (60) Dhaka (60) & Faridpur (80)
Garai-Madhumati-Baleswar 233 373 Kushtia (36) Faridpur (70) Jashore (91)
Khulna (104) and Barishal (65)
Old Brahmaputra 150 240 Mymensingh (172)
Brahmaputra-Jamuna 94 150 Rangpur (75) Pabna (75)
Kobadak 113 180 Jashore (49) Khulna (112)
Banhshi 115 184 Mymensingh (123) Dhaka (25)
Ghagat 148 237 Rangpur (247)
Dhanu-Boulai-Ghorautra 136 218 Sylhet (68), Mymensingh (78)
Nabaganga 144 230 Kushtia (16) Jashore (128)
Kushiyara 143 229 Sylhet (142)
Bhogai-Kangsa 141 225 Mymensingh (140)
Jamuna 56 90 Dinajpur (100) Bogura (29)
Dakatia 69 110 Cumilla (112) Noakhali (17)
Little Feni 50 80 Noakhali (59) Cumilla (62)
Bhadra 119 190 Jashore (36) Khulna (84)
Betna-Kholpotua 80 128 Jashore (64) Khulna (55)
Sangu 113 180 Chattogram (50) and Chattogram Hill Tracts (58)
Chitra 97 155 Kushtia (12) Jashore (94)
Banar 101 162 Faridpur (96) Barishal (5)
Kumar (Faridpur Dist.) 81 130 Faridpur (101)
Punarbhaba 100 160 Dinajpur (50) Rajshahi (50)
Arial Khan 102 163 Faridpur (64) Barishal (36)
Dhaleswari 105 168 Mymensingh (100)
Bhairab 136 218 Jashore (81) Khulna (18)
Mathabhanga 81 130 Rajshahi (10), Kushtia (87)
Rupsa-Pasur 41 66 Khulna (88)
Karnaphuli 100 160 Chattogram H.T. (40) Chattogram (37)
Tista 71 113 Rangpur (70)

Source: Bangladesh Water Development Board

1.08 Areas of Major Standing Water Bodies

Major Standing Water Bodies Area in Sq. km. Thana
Kaptai lake 268 in May-742 in October Rangamati
Langadu Barkal
Nanear Char
Juraichhari, Kaptai
Kahabil Matinhaor 65.45 Tahirpur
Durgapara Fulban 46.78 Tanore
Chagra Kulaura 23.64 Baralekha
Nayanpura Hali Haor 20.06 Moulvibazar
Chak manik Hasinpur 17.90 Bagmara
Darbarpur 13.83 Shibganj

Eklaspur Hazhagi Beel 13.72 Shibganj

Panga Bil-Niyamalpur 13.52 Jamalpur
Double Tilbari Beel 13.14 Gomastapur
Bohabula-Baldar Beel 13.10 Tahirpur
Hali-Bil Faridpur 12.98 Phulpur

Pata chatal, Bil-Singua Beel 12.65 Balaganj

Bariapara Taluk Para 12.30 Sherpur
Chepla Bil-Chatla Beel 11.86 Balaganj
Chhat Chandos 11.18 Manda
Rahimpur-Dupkushi Beel 11.03 Biswamvarpur
Islampur Gabai Beel 10.37 Sapahar
Total: 584-1922 Sq. km
General Features and Environment 15

1.09 Water Level of Major Rivers at Selected Stations of Bangladesh

2020 2021
River Station Name & Station ID Highest Lowest Highest Lowest
Ganges-Padma Hardinge Bridge, SW 90 13.50 5.34 14.20 4.13
Gumti Cumilla, SW110 9.52 4.60 9.48 4.40
Matamuhuri Lama, SW 203 12.84 5.95 13.87 5.86
Meghna-Surma Bhairab Bazar SW 273 5.27 -0.06 4.45 0.05
Muhuri Parsuram SW 212 14.32 7.89 14.34 7.79
Surma-Meghna Sylhet, SW 267 10.90 0.79 10.46 0.84
Teesta Kaunia, SW 294 38.42 26.03 29.54 25.96
Gumti Daudkandi, SW115 5.98 0.80 4.98 0.49
Brahmaputra-Jamuna Sirajganj, SW 49 14.36 6.05 14.02 5.57
Surma-Meghna Daulatkhan, SW278 4.55 -0.52 4.55 -0.40
Ganges-Padma Goalundo 9.84 2.14 9.43 2.01
Note: Water year (April-March)
Source: Bangladesh Water Development Board.
1.10 Physiography of Bangladesh
Class %
Old Himalyan Floodplain 4008 2.77
Tista Floodplain 10304 7.11
Korotoya Floodplain 2572 1.78
Lower Atrai Basin 851 0.59
Lower Punarbhaba Floodplain 129 0.09
Brahmaputra Floodplain 16344 11.28
Ganges River Floodplain 24504 16.92
Ganges Tidal Floodplain 17066 11.78
Gopalgonj Khulna beels 2247 1.55
Arial Beel 144 0.10
Meghna River Floodplain 2464 1.70
Meghna Estuarine Floodplain 17011 11.74
Sylhet Basin/Surma-Kusiara Floodplain 9195 6.35
Northern & Eastern Piedmont Plains 4038 2.79
Chattogram Coastal Plain 3720 2.57
St, Martin Coral Island 8 0.01
Barind Tract 7727 5.33
Madhupur Tract 4244 2.93
North a Eastern Hills 18172 12.54
Akhaura Terrace 113 0.08
Source: FAO, 1988, Land Resources Appraisal of Bangladesh for Agricultural Development, Repoort 2, Agroecological Regions of Bangladesh

1.11 Land Type of Bangladesh

Class Area (Hector)
High Land (H) or (FO) 4199952
Medium Hig Land (MH) or (F1) 5039724
Medium Low Land (ML) or (F2) 1991102
Low Land (L) or (F3) 1101560
Very Low Land (VL) or (F4) 193243
Other 2178045
Totol 14483626
Source: FAO, 1988, Land Resources Appraisal of Bangladesh for Agricultural Development, Repoort 2, Agroecological Regions of Bangladesh
16 General Features and Environment

1.12 Agro-Ecological Zone of Bangladesh

No. Class Total Area Soils Character

( Type* Sent% Alluvium% Clay %
1. Old Himalyan Piedmont Plain 4008 1 10 82 8
2. Tista Active 836 2 41 59 0
3. Tista Meander Floodplain 9468 3 6 88 6
4. Korotoya Bangali Floodplain 2572 3 8 65 27
5. Lower Atrai Basin 851 4 0 16 84
6. Lower Punarbhaba Floodplain 129 5 0 0 100
7. Active Brahmaputra Jamuna Floodplain 3190 2 27 72 1
8. Young Brahmaputra-Jamuna Floodplain 5924 3 6 79 15
9. Old Brahmaputra Floodplain 7230 4 2 51 47
10. Active Ganges Floodplain 3334 6 8 80 12
11. High Ganges Floodplain 13205 4 1 51 48
12. Lower Ganges Floodplain 7968 4 0 48 52
13. Ganges Tidal Floodplain 17066 3 0 17 83
14. Gopalgong Khulna Beels 2247 4 0 15 57
15. Arial Beel 144 4 0 8 92
16. Middle Megna Floodplain 1555 3 14 59 27
17. Lower Meghna Floodplain 909 7 0 50 50
18. Young Meghna Estuarine Floodplain 9269 6 0 98 2
19. Old Meghna Estuarine Floodplain 7740 3 0 90 10
20. Eastern Surma Kusiara Floodplain 4622 3 1 25 74
21. Sylhet Basin 4573 3 1 12 87
22. Northern & Eastern Piedmont Plains 4038 5 4 4 51
23. Chattogram Coastal Plain 3720 3 3 82 15
24. St. Martin Coral Island 8 8 96 2 0
25. Level Barind Tract 5049 9 0 3 97
26. High Baring Tract 1600 10 0 13 87
27. North Eastern Barind Tract 1076 10 0 2 98
28. Madhupur Tract 4244 9 0 13 87
29. North and Eastern Hills 18171 11 9 67 4
30 Akhaura Terrace 113 12 0 31 63
Type of Soile: 1. Non-calcareous brown, 2. Non-calcareous alluvium, 3. Non-calcareous grey, 4. Non-calcareous dark grey, 5. Acid basin clays, 6. Calcareous
alluvium, 7. Calcareous grey, 8. Calcareous alluvim (non-saline), 9. Shallow grey terrace 10. Deep grey terrace, 11. Brow hill, 12. Deep red-brown terrace
Source: FAO, 1988, Land Resources Appraisal of Bangladesh for Agricultural Development, Repoort 2, Agroecological Regions of Bangladesh

Source: Bangladesh Meteorological Department

General Features and Environment 17

1.13 Named Cyclone over Bay of Bengal during 2005 – till date
Cyclone Name Status Landfall Area Landfall Date
PYARR Cyclonic Storm Crossed the Andhra Pradesh coast near 19.09.2005
Kalingapatnam, India
Weakened into a well-marked Low-Pressure area
BAAZ Cyclonic Storm 02.12.2005
over Southwest Bayof Bengal
FANOOS Cyclonic Storm Crossing the coast near Vedaranyam. India 10.12.2005
Crossed Arakan coast about 100 Kms South of
MALA Very Severe Cyclonic Storm 29.04.2006
Sandoway, Myanmar
Crossed the coast between Bapatia and Ongole,
OGNI Severe Cyclonic Storm 30.10.2006
Crossed south Bangladesh coast close to south of
AKASH Cyclonic Storm 14.05.2007
Cox's Bazar
SIDR Very Severe Cyclonic Storm Crossed Bangladesh coast near Baleshwar River 15.11.2007
NARGIS Very Severe Cyclonic Storm Crossed southwest coast of Myanmar 02.05.2008
RASHMI Cyclonic Storm Crossed Bangladesh coast near Khepupara 26.10.2008
Crossed the south Andhra Pradesh coast close to
KHAIMUK Cyclonic Storm 15.11.2008
the north of Kavali
NISHA Cyclonic Storm Crossed Tamilnadu coast north of Karaikal 27.11.2008
BIJLI Cyclonic Storm Crossed the Bangladesh coast near Chattogram 17.04.2009
Crossed the West Bengal coast close to east of
AILA Severe Cyclonic Storm 25.05.2009
Sagar Island
WARD Cyclonic Storm Crossed north Sri Lanka coast near Trincomalee 14.12.2009
LAILA Severe Cyclonic Storm Crossed Andhra Pradesh coast near Bapatla 20.05.2010
GIRI Very Severe Cyclonic Storm Crossed Myanmar coast east-southeast of Sittwe 22.10.2010
Crossed north Tamilnadu and south Andhra
JAL Severe Cyclonic Storm 07.11.2010
Pradesh coast
Crossed the Tamil Nadu coast close to south of
THANE Very Severe Cyclonic Storm 30.12.2011
crossed north Tamilnadu coast near
NILAM Cyclonic Storm 31.10.2012
Mahabalipuram, south of Chennai
Crossed Bangladesh coast between Chattogram
VIYARU Cyclonic Storm 16.05.2013
and Feni
Odisha& adjoining north Andhra Pradesh coast
PHAILIN Very Severe Cyclonic Storm 12.10.2013
near Gopalpur
Crossed Andhra Pradesh coast close to south of
HELEN Severe Cyclonic Storm 22.11.2013
Crossed Andhra Pradesh close to south of
LEHAR Very Severe Cyclonic Storm 28.11.2013
MADI Very Severe Cyclonic Storm Crossed Tamil Nadu coast near Vedaranyam 12.12.2013

1.14 Floods in Bangladesh 2007

Affected Districts 39
Affected Upazilas 256
Affected Union 2057
Affected pourshava 67
Family Affected at present 22,86,564
Affected People 1,06,55,145
Death (Drowning, Snake Bite etc) 554 (Source-MHFP)
Household (Full) 62,956
Household (Partial) 8,81,922
Source: National Plan for Disaster Management, 2010-15, Disaster Management Bureau.

1.15 Devastating Nor’westers and Tornadoes

Date Location
14 April 1969 Demra (Dhaka)
17 April 1973 Manikgang
10, April 1974 Faridpur
11 April 1974 Bogura
09 May 1976 Narayangang
01 April 1977 Faridpur
26 April 1989 Saturia (Manikganj)
14 May 1993 Southern Bangladesh
13 May 1996 Tangail
04 May 2003 Brahmanbaria
21 March 2005 Gaibandha
Source: Bangladesh: State of the Environment 2001 and Web sources.
18 General Features and Environment

1.16 Major Earthquakes in Bangladesh

Date Name Magnitude Epicentral Epicentral Epicentral
(Richter) Distance from Distance from Distance from
Dhaka (km) Sylhet City (km) Chattogram (km)
10 January 1869 Cachar Earthquake 7.5 250 70 280
14 July 1885 Bengal Earthquake 7.0 170 220 350
12 June 1897 Great Indian 8.7 230 80 340
8 July 1918 Srimongal 7.6 150 60 200
2 July 1930 Dhubri earthquake 7.1 250 275 415
15 January 1934 Bihar-Nepal 8.3 510 530 580
15 August 1950 Assam Earthquake 8.5 780 580 540
Source: Choudhury, 2005; National Plan for Disaster Management 2010-2015, Disaster Management Bureau

1.17 Major Cyclones in Bangladesh

Date Maximum Wind Speed (km/hr) Storm Surge Height (metre) Death Toll
11 May 1965 161 3.7-7.6 19,279
15 December 1965 217 2.4-3.6 873
1 October 1966 139 6.0-6.7 850
12 November 1970 224 6.0-10.0 3,00,000
25 May 1985 154 3.0-4.6 11,069
29 April 1991 225 6.0-7.6 1,38,882
19 May 1997 232 3.1-4.6 155
15 November 2007 (SIDR) 223 - 3363
25 May 2009 (AILA) 92 - 190
Source: Bangladesh Meteorological Department

1.18 Cyclone Shelter by Districts in Bangladesh

Serial No. Districts No. of Cyclone shelter
1. Chandpur 80
2. Chattogram 679
3. Cox’s Bazar 621
4. Feni 76
5. Laxmipur 76
6. Noakhali 300
7. Bagerhat 163
8. Barguna 216
9. Barishal 52
10. Bhola 677
11. Jalkhati 17
12. Patuakhali 340
13. Pirojpur 70
14. Khulna 124
15. Satkhira 82
Total 3739
Source: Emergency Preparedness Plan for Cyclone-2014, CDMP, MoDMR.

1.19 Landslides by Location in Bangladesh

Districts No of No of No of No of death Crops (Acre) Livestock Water point
Affected Affected Household Damaged damaged Damaged
Upazilas Families fully
Cox’s Bazar 8 154,648 16,118 51 28,216 1430 6709
Chattogram 15 347,479 11,139 37 11,410 1650 948
Bandarban 7 30,384 7,102 38 9,695 850 2455
Sylhet 11 118,521 3,328 3 25,797 261 389
Sunamganj 3 50,595 365 0 5,140 15 50
Sirajganj 9 55,309 2050 1 54,456 481 -
Gaibandha 4 66,015 10,249 3 - - -
Bogura 3 27,850 10,000 1 12,170 - -
Kurigram 9 123,806 22,609 4 52,899 129 -
Jamalpur 7 55,088 5,110 1 30,638 - -
Total 76 1,029,695 88,070 139 230,421 4,816 10,551
Source: DRRO, MoDMR; As of 19 July 2012.
General Features and Environment 19

1.20 Natural Disasters in Bangladesh from 1980-2010

No. of events 234

No. of people killed 191,836
Average Killed per year 6,188
No. of people Affected 323,480,264
Average affected (per year) 10,434,847
Economic Damage (US $ X 1000) 17,072,500
Economic Damage (US $ X 1000) per year 550,726
Source: Preventive Web; The Economics of Early Response and resilience: Bangladesh Country Study.

1.21 Erosion of agricultural land, roads, embankments and settlements along

the banks of the Jamuna and Padma in 2004
Districts Upazilas Total Land Eroded Infrastructure
(ha) Settlement District Upazila Rural road Embankment (m)
(ha) Road(m) Road (m) (m)
Sirajganj Kazipur 177 50 176 84 1617
Sirajganj sadar 170 13 1 164 2107
Belkuchi 0 0
Chauhali 207 45 395
Shahjadpur 148 31 159
Total 702 139 160 571 248 3724
Faridpur Faridpur Sadar 200 57 1175 370
Char 78 17 320
Sadarpur 3 1
Total 281 75 320 1175 370
Source: CEGIS, MoWR, 2005

1.22 Flood Affected Area and People

Serial Districts Affected Affected Affected People Affected
No. Area (sq km) House- Male Female Children Total disabled
holds people
1. Gaibandha 485.00 37786 46890 50381 37359 134630 2015
2. Nilphamari 8.0972 4100 4800 5200 5705 15705 0
3. Kurigram 1339.65 92148 123553 124862 53232 301647 3341
4. Bagura 340.76 140939 147500 137700 167520 452720 0
5. Lalmonirhat 204.29 12987 17679 15082 12518 45279 0
6. Rangpur 134.37 665 1580 480 0 2060 0
7. Jamalpur 1211.00 108202 319407 172776 24682 516865 4556
8. Tangail 182.05 63891 104412 96779 20981 222172 459
9. Sirajganj 772.00 100500 800 300 100 1200 710
10. Faridpur 312.23 6277 26368 28964 23797 79129 260
11. Netrokona 612.91 12320 3273 2802 470 6545 0
12. Sunamganj 1849.65 37588 26055 28698 8620 63373 3056
13. Rajbari 252.50 13920 22268 22086 7371 51725 868
14. Munshiganj 74.79 2139 9635 6170 26 15831 0
15. Sylhet 359.00 16823 73251 58601 14650 146502 0
16. Manikganj 143.64 7666 17017 17247 778 35042 44
17. Madaripur 39.00 1063 2573 2503 239 5315 432
18. Shariatpur 102.35 14122 22268 22071 8271 52610 0
Total 8423.24 673136 794788 627731 204832 2148350 15741
Source: Disaster Report -2014 (draft), Department of Disaster Management.
20 General Features and Environment

1.23 Monthly Total Rainfall in Bangladesh, 2021

Station Month
Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Dhaka-41923 0 0 3 39 244 543 318 247 140 166 27 153
Tangail-41909 0 0 8 61 218 536 168 455 115 221 11 38
Faridpur-41929 0 0 0 18 186 321 456 354 122 71 29 175
Madaripur-41939 0 0 0 15 180 427 282 185 141 80 27 113
Gopalgonj-41938 0 0 0 3 118 485 271 233 316 168 12 74
Nikli-41902 0 0 14 60 308 386 284 516 246 163 2 31
Mymensingh-41886 0 0 2 45 376 429 230 435 66 188 0 9
Netrokona-41888 0 0 71 46 424 729 456 658 182 177 0 11
Chattogram-41978 0 0 0 25 210 905 865 753 314 234 0 95
Sandwip-41964 0 0 0 0 162 790 798 713 357 126 0 62
Sitakunda-41965 0 0 0 0 94 1051 587 656 211 129 0 66
Rangamati-41966 0 0 0 34 113 438 407 576 218 146 0 74
Cumilla-41933 0 0 0 4 150 439 365 269 544 118 20 164
Chandpur-41941 2 0 2 3 164 469 357 398 235 198 34 126
M Court-41953 0 0 0 6 181 717 468 436 233 212 0 92
Feni-41943 0 0 1 16 104 618 721 382 296 192 19 89
Hatiya-41963 0 0 0 2 151 1174 725 749 321 104 0 67
Cox’s Bazar-41992 0 0 0 46 167 808 1095 936 185 207 0 39
Kutubdia-41989 0 0 0 19 94 902 1084 973 133 252 0 84
Teknaf-41998 0 0 0 9 29 927 1003 641 159 171 0 21
Sylhet-41891 0 0 128 133 338 669 651 915 207 240 0 14
Srimangal-41915 3 0 109 39 244 228 233 436 170 165 2 66
Rajshahi-41895 0 0 0 18 193 233 336 540 148 116 1 1
Ishurdi-41907 0 0 1 41 175 430 285 337 170 117 18 16
Bogura-41883 0 0 6 24 296 404 289 408 115 90 0 1
Badalgachi-41881 0 0 0 11 310 541 191 370 97 109 0 0
Tarash-41897 0 0 0 137 211 289 231 447 147 123 0 4
Rangpur-41859 0 0 9 54 312 241 170 448 193 386 0 5
Dinajpur-41863 0 0 0 22 277 289 185 412 121 442 0 5
Sayedpur-41858 0 0 0 52 291 245 306 548 233 350 0 4
Tetulia-41850 0 0 17 26 218 452 747 819 286 416 0 4
Dimla-41851 0 0 27 41 270 348 420 568 213 339 0 1
Rajarhat-41856 0 0 20 73 381 296 149 459 324 382 0 2
Khulna-41947 0 3 0 2 136 458 524 202 340 234 3 69
Mongla-41958 0 0 0 0 206 431 961 332 373 248 2 60
Satkhira-41946 0 3 0 1 173 402 511 235 347 217 3 87
Jashore-41936 0 1 0 4 170 368 294 210 332 167 41 193
Chuadanga-41926 0 0 13 6 233 296 298 521 147 77 37 75
Kumarkhali-41927 0 0 0 9 115 399 220 365 181 80 36 60
Barishal-41950 0 1 1 0 126 340 399 259 244 277 0 67
Patuakhali-41960 0 0 0 1 88 619 832 367 363 248 2 58
Khepupara-41984 4 0 0 0 122 561 838 436 385 268 0 50
Bhola-41951 0 1 0 1 173 638 392 329 196 228 2 68
Source: Bangladesh metrological department.

1.24 Monthly Average Rainfall

Division Monthly rainfall (mm) 2019 Monthly rainfall (mm)
Barishal 189 193
Chattogram 228 261
Dhaka 140 146
Khulna 144 143
Mymensingh 165 227
Rajshahi 127 271
Rangpur 190 240
Sylhet 247 200
Bangladesh 179 221
Source: Bangladesh Meteorological Department
General Features and Environment 21

1.25 Monthly Average Minimum Temperature in Bangladesh, 2021

Station Month
Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Dhaka-41923 17.3 23.2 25.0 25.3 26.0 25.8 26.7 26.8 26.7 25.6 19.6 17.1
Tangail-41909 14.3 21.1 23.3 23.4 24.1 25.0 25.7 25.4 25.4 23.5 16.7 14.5
Faridpur-41929 14.9 21.5 23.9 24.0 25.3 25.8 26.5 26.6 26.3 25.3 18.7 15.7
Madaripur-41939 14.3 21.3 23.7 23.8 24.8 25.5 26.4 26.5 26.0 24.8 18.1 15.1
Gopalgonj-41938 14.3 21.6 23.9 24.1 25.5 25.8 26.7 26.8 25.7 24.8 17.8 14.9
Nikli-41902 15.1 20.3 22.2 22.6 24.3 25.7 26.6 26.3 25.9 25.1 18.9 15.3
Mymensingh-41886 15.1 20.3 22.2 22.6 24.3 25.7 26.6 26.3 25.9 25.1 18.9 15.3
Netrokona-41888 15.2 20.3 22.3 22.7 24.4 26.1 26.7 26.7 26.6 24.7 17.5 14.8
Chattogram-41978 15.1 19.5 21.9 22.1 23.9 25.8 26.4 26.2 26.3 24.7 17.5 14.8
Sandwip-41964 16.7 22.7 24.9 25.2 25.8 25.6 25.7 25.7 26.0 25.7 21.6 17.6
Sitakunda-41965 15.0 21.5 23.8 24.1 25.3 25.3 25.7 25.6 26.0 25.3 19.4 15.7
Rangamati-41966 13.7 20.5 23.3 23.3 25.2 25.3 25.7 25.7 25.4 24.2 18.2 14.1
Cumilla-41933 13.7 20.1 23.7 23.8 24.9 25.0 25.1 25.1 25.0 24.8 19.5 15.8
Chandpur-41941 14.7 21.0 23.3 23.5 24.8 25.6 26.0 26.2 25.8 25.2 18.4 15.4
M Court-41953 16.2 22.9 249 25.2 26.0 26.1 26.8 27.0 26.4 25.7 19.7 17.0
Feni-41943 16.4 22.3 24.2 24.5 25.4 25.7 26.3 26.5 26.5 25.8 20.6 17.1
Hatiya-41963 14.7 21.3 23.6 23.8 25.1 25.0 25.8 25.7 25.7 25.0 18.2 14.8
Cox’s Bazar-41992 15.6 21.6 24.1 24.1 25.3 25.3 25.9 26.0 26.1 25.3 19.9 16.3
Kutubdia-41989 17.6 22.9 24.5 24.7 25.8 25.2 25.4 25.5 25.6 25.5 22.6 18.5
Teknaf-41998 16.3 21.8 24.2 24.4 25.4 25.4 25.7 25.7 25.8 25.4 21.2 17.1
Sylhet-41891 15.6 21.5 23.9 24.0 26.3 26.0 25.5 26.0 26.3 25.0 22.8 18.1
Srimangal-41915 15.2 20.5 21.7 22.2 23.8 25.3 25.9 25.4 26.0 24.6 18.5 15.9
Rajshahi-41895 11.2 18.1 21.2 21.5 23.9 25.4 25.8 25.5 25.4 23.9 16.1 13.1
Ishurdi-41907 12.9 19.3 22.5 22.9 24.4 26.0 26.5 26.5 26.2 24.5 17.4 14.2
Bogura-41883 13.0 19.4 22.6 23.0 24.3 26.1 26.3 26.5 26.3 24.6 17.3 14.0
Badalgachi-41881 15.1 21.2 23.6 23.9 24.4 25.9 26.9 26.5 26.4 24.8 18.0 15.3
Tarash-41897 14.0 18.8 21.7 22.0 24.0 25.9 26.7 26.4 25.7 23.6 16.0 13.3
Rangpur-41859 15.2 20.3 22.9 23.1 24.4 25.9 26.9 26.7 26.7 24.8 18.1 14.9
Dinajpur-41863 13.9 19.0 21.9 22.2 23.9 26.1 26.8 26.4 26.2 24.4 17.6 14.5
Sayedpur-41858 12.9 18.3 21.2 21.8 23.9 26.0 26.9 26.6 26.0 23.8 16.3 12.9
Tetulia-41850 13.2 17.9 20.9 21.4 23.5 26.1 26.6 26.4 25.7 23.9 16.4 13.2
Dimla-41851 11.5 17.1 19.7 20.0 22.4 25.3 25.6 25.7 25.1 22.2 14.3 10.8
Rajarhat-41856 13.6 18.1 20.5 20.9 23.2 25.8 26.5 26.4 25.8 23.4 16.6 13.3
Khulna-41947 11.9 17.3 20.3 20.7 22.9 25.5 26.3 25.7 25.5 23.4 16.2 12.7
Mongla-41958 15.8 22.5 25.0 25.2 26.1 26.3 26.9 26.8 25.9 25.4 19.3 16.0
Satkhira-41946 16.3 22.7 24.8 25.1 25.9 26.1 26.8 26.7 25.9 25.4 19.9 16.5
Jashore-41936 15.4 22.0 24.9 25.0 25.6 26.1 26.9 27.1 26.6 26.0 19.8 16.1
Chuadanga-41926 14.3 20.9 23.8 23.9 25.1 25.9 26.4 26.8 25.9 245 17.3 14.2
Kumarkhali-41927 12.8 19.4 23.1 23.3 24.6 25.8 26.3 26.5 26.0 24.5 17.3 14.0
Barishal-41950 14.4 20.8 23.5 23.7 24.5 25.4 26.3 26.2 26.0 24.6 17.5 14.8
Patuakhali-41960 14.4 21.4 24.0 24.1 25.5 25.8 26.4 26.4 26.0 24.9 18.0 14.7
Khepupara-41984 15.6 22.5 24.0 24.2 25.8 25.8 26.3 26.4 26.3 25.5 19.8 16.3
Bhola-41951 15.5 22.5 24.4 24.6 26.1 26.0 26.4 26.5 26.0 25.3 19.9 16.0

Source: Bangladesh metrological department.

22 General Features and Environment

1.26 Monthly Average Maximum Temperature in Bangladesh, 2021

Station Month
Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Dhaka-41923 29.5 34.5 35.7 36.1 35.0 32.4 32.8 33.2 33.8 33.5 30.0 26.5
Tangail-41909 29.2 33.9 35.2 35.5 34.6 32.8 32.8 33.2 33.6 33.3 29.7 26.3
Faridpur-41929 29.4 34.4 35.6 35.9 33.7 32.7 32.8 33.1 33.1 33.2 29.2 25.7
Madaripur-41939 28.8 33.8 35.3 35.8 34.8 32.0 32.8 32.7 32.5 32.6 29.1 25.4
Gopalgonj-41938 29.3 34.3 35.5 36.0 34.9 31.0 32.7 32.4 32.0 328 29.4 25.5
Nikli-41902 27.9 32.5 34.1 34.6 34.4 32.6 32.6 32.3 33.9 32.9 29.1 25.7
Mymensingh-41886 27.9 32.5 34.1 34.6 34.4 32.6 32.6 32.3 33.9 32.9 29.1 25.7
Netrokona-41888 28.4 31.8 33.2 33.7 33.3 32.1 32.3 32.6 33.6 33.2 29.8 26.2
Chattogram-41978 27.8 31.2 32.3 33.0 32.8 31.5 32.5 32.6 33.0 32.6 29.6 26.4
Sandwip-41964 28.9 33.0 33.5 33.7 33.5 31.6 315 31.1 33.0 33.2 31.5 27.7
Sitakunda-41965 29.5 33.1 34.0 34.3 33.9 31.0 32.0 31.7 32.8 33.2 31.3 28.0
Rangamati-41966 30.4 34.4 35.0 35.3 35.2 31.4 31.5 31.4 33.5 33.8 31.7 28.2
Cumilla-41933 30.1 34.9 36.0 36.2 35.6 31.5 31.9 31.8 33.5 33.1 30.0 26.8
Chandpur-41941 29.2 33.0 34.1 34.6 34.6 31.9 32.0 31.6 33.6 33.1 29.8 26.9
M Court-41953 29.3 33.9 34.9 35.1 35.1 32.1 31.7 32.1 33.4 33.8 30.1 26.6
Feni-41943 28.8 33.4 35.1 35.5 35.3 31.6 32.9 33.1 33.0 33.2 29.4 25.8
Hatiya-41963 29.8 34.2 35.6 36.0 35.6 32.0 32.3 32.1 34.2 33.5 30.8 27.5
Cox’s Bazar-41992 29.0 33.0 34.2 34.5 33.7 31.0 32.6 32.4 32.0 32.7 30.7 26.7
Kutubdia-41989 29.3 32.9 33.4 33.7 33.9 30.9 31.1 31.4 32.2 32.9 32.1 28.6
Teknaf-41998 27.8 31.9 32.7 32.9 33.6 31.3 30.9 30.9 32.4 33.0 31.4 27.8
Sylhet-41891 29.4 32.2 33.4 33.6 33.8 30.8 31.3 31.7 31.9 31.8 31.6 29.6
Srimangal-41915 29.6 33.3 33.4 34.0 33.5 32.1 30.5 31.3 34.5 33.5 30.4 27.3
Rajshahi-41895 29.4 33.5 34.7 35.2 34.4 33.0 33.0 31.9 34.3 33.5 30.2 27.0
Ishurdi-41907 29.1 34.6 37.2 37.6 34.6 34.2 32.9 32.9 34.2 33.2 29.4 26.3
Bogura-41883 28.7 34.4 36.3 36.6 34.8 33.6 34.2 34.0 33.4 33.1 29.0 25.9
Badalgachi-41881 29.1 32.7 34.6 35.0 33.3 32.7 34.0 34.0 33.7 33.3 30.1 26.8
Tarash-41897 28.0 32.5 34.4 34.8 33.5 32.8 33.1 32.9 33.1 32.3 29.0 26.3
Rangpur-41859 27.9 32.5 33.9 34.2 33.5 32.6 33.0 34.0 33.7 33.5 30.1 26.3
Dinajpur-41863 28.1 31.2 32.9 33.4 31.8 32.7 33.1 32.6 33.7 32.4 29.6 26.8
Sayedpur-41858 28.0 31.8 33.6 34.1 32.1 33.3 32.2 33.0 33.9 32.2 29.5 26.6
Tetulia-41850 28.4 32.0 33.7 34.2 32.1 33.2 33.4 33.1 34.0 33.0 29.9 27.1
Dimla-41851 27.7 31.2 33.2 32.8 31.1 31.8 33.6 33.1 34.3 32.4 30.1 27.3
Rajarhat-41856 27.5 31.0 32.7 33.3 31.2 32.5 33.0 32.0 33.5 31.7 29.3 26.6
Khulna-41947 28.3 31.4 33.2 33.6 31.2 32.1 32.6 33.1 33.3 31.9 28.7 26.4
Mongla-41958 29.5 34.6 36.1 36.5 34.7 32.6 32.7 31.5 32.3 33.1 30.0 28.9
Satkhira-41946 29.7 34.8 35.9 36.3 34.7 32.9 32.6 32.7 32.7 32.9 30.0 26.2
Jashore-41936 28.8 33.8 35.1 35.5 34.5 32.5 32.7 33.0 31.8 32.3 28.4 25.2
Chuadanga-41926 29.9 35.2 36.5 37.1 35.7 33.5 32.8 32.3 33.4 33.7 29.9 26.1
Kumarkhali-41927 28.9 34.5 36.3 36.7 34.7 33.2 33.6 33.7 33.4 33.2 28.9 25.6
Barishal-41950 29.0 34.4 36.2 36.4 34.5 32.5 33.6 3.7 32.7 32.9 28.8 25.5
Patuakhali-41960 29.6 34.1 35.0 35.4 34.8 32.3 32.4 33.0 32.7 33.4 30.4 26.8
Khepupara-41984 29.7 34.4 35.3 35.7 34.9 319 32.6 32.5 32.0 32.9 30.0 26.5
Bhola-41951 30.1 34.3 35.3 35.6 34.8 32.0 31.8 32.1 31.7 32.0 30.3 26.9

Source: Bangladesh Meteorological department.

General Features and Environment 23

1.27 Monthly Average Normal Rainfall in Bangladesh in Selected Station, 1981-2010

Station Month Yearly
Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Dhaka 8 22 64 141 288 347 388 303 340 180 31 13 177
Tangail 6 25 45 111 262 315 335 251 288 172 26 12 154
Mymensingh 7 19 41 141 334 403 470 340 330 215 18 10 194
Faridpur 7 26 51 115 229 318 338 294 265 160 35 13 154
Madaripur 8 23 53 117 236 372 391 329 266 157 34 5 165
Srimangal 6 30 91 209 428 409 341 338 283 174 36 13 196
Sylhet 7 36 141 385 582 7770 794 626 555 195 30 13 344
Bogura 8 13 20 76 211 327 370 288 300 161 10 10 149
Dinajpur 11 11 13 70 226 365 451 360 362 162 8 9 170
Ishurdi 6 21 34 77 173 236 308 225 293 114 16 9 126
Rajshahi 8 14 24 56 141 242 313 248 272 119 13 10 121
Rangpur 10 12 27 118 277 466 476 344 377 187 9 8 192
Sydpur 10 6 27 92 251 462 438 330 386 179 11 6 183
Chuadanga 11 21 27 40 148 229 344 210 315 133 17 9 125
Jashore 14 25 46 72 188 315 336 276 278 139 31 12 144
Khulna 13 33 52 78 183 331 322 305 290 157 38 6 150
Mongla 11 27 45 57 178 346 381 316 331 185 43 3 160
Satkhira 14 31 41 86 159 294 345 300 299 146 32 7 146
Barishal 11 25 54 104 206 399 424 354 284 192 49 6 175
Bhola 8 25 50 116 241 458 458 374 307 191 42 7 189
Khepupara 10 26 46 87 260 484 631 468 398 277 60 8 229
Patuakhali 9 25 44 111 235 538 598 454 378 225 47 4 222
Chandpur 6 22 64 142 277 369 434 361 285 170 38 7 181
Teknaf 4 14 16 60 291 1000 1119 926 446 259 82 16 352
Chattogram 8 24 57 131 319 580 760 531 239 204 60 14 243
Commilla 8 21 67 142 322 366 407 301 254 166 34 10 174
Cox’s Bazar 5 21 32 98 338 851 961 685 402 224 92 15 310
Feni 6 26 64 163 368 527 705 513 358 208 46 9 249
Hatiya 5 19 44 117 279 624 703 537 407 262 49 12 254
Kutubdia 7 23 45 82 277 633 793 518 324 213 71 9 249
M. Court 11 24 73 143 338 567 747 608 400 218 46 7 265
Rangamati 5 22 64 131 342 473 549 434 292 170 55 13 212
Sandwip 11 23 66 134 368 686 884 606 460 277 54 8 298
Sitakunda 5 19 72 156 352 560 733 580 400 274 54 7 267
Ambagan (Ctg) 8 7 26 95 370 646 673 472 294 263 49 16 243
Source: Bangladesh Meteorological Department
24 General Features and Environment

1.28 Standard Minimum Normal Temperature in Bangladesh, 1981-2010

Station Month Annual
Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Period
Dhaka 13.1 16.2 20.8 23.8 24.8 26.2 26.3 26.4 25.9 23.9 19.4 14.8 21.8
Tangail 11.4 14.4 18.9 22.8 24.0 25.6 26.1 26.3 25.7 23.5 18.5 13.5 20.9
Mymensingh 11.9 14.9 18.9 22.3 23.7 25.6 26.1 26.3 25.6 23.3 18.2 13.5 20.9
Faridpur 12.2 15.1 19.7 23.4 24.5 25.8 25.9 26.2 25.9 24.0 19.3 14.2 21.3
Madaripur 12.2 15.1 19.7 23.4 24.5 25.8 25.9 26.2 25.9 24.0 19.3 14.2 21.3
Srimangal 10.0 12.5 17.5 21.3 22.9 24.8 25.1 25.3 24.7 22.2 16.7 11.9 19.6
Sylhet 12.9 14.8 18.7 21.1 22.9 24.8 25.1 25.3 24.7 22.2 16.7 11.9 19.6
Bogura 11.7 14.4 19.0 22.6 24.1 25.8 26.2 26.4 25.7 23.3 18.3 13.7 20.9
Dinajpur 10.4 13.0 17.3 21.1 23.2 25.1 25.7 26.2 25.3 22.3 16.7 12.2 19.9
Ishurdi 104 13.3 18.2 23.0 24.4 25.8 26.0 26.2 25.6 23.0 17.5 12.4 20.5
Rajshahi 10.6 13.2 17.9 22.8 24.3 25.8 26.1 26.2 25.6 22.9 17.5 12.6 20.5
Rangpur 10.9 13.2 17.3 21.2 23.3 25.3 26.0 26.3 25.3 22.6 17.4 13.0 20.1
Sydpur 10.7 13.5 17.5 21.3 23.4 25.2 26.1 26.3 25.4 22.6 17.4 12.8 20.2
Chuadanga 10.7 14.3 19.0 23..7 25.1 26.1 26.2 26.3 25.6 23.4 18.0 12.6 20.9
Jashore 11.2 14.7 19.6 23.6 25.0 26.0 26.0 260 25.5 23.1 17.8 12.6 20.9
Khulna 12.2 15.6 20.5 24.2 25.3 26.2 26.2 26.3 25.9 24.1 19.4 14.0 21.7
Mongla 13.9 17.5 22.0 25.0 26.0 26.5 26.3 26.4 26.0 24.5 20.5 15.7 22.5
Satkhira 12.1 15.9 20.7 24.4 25.6 26.4 26.2 26.2 25.7 23.5 18.3 13.3 21.5
Barishal 12.0 15.4 20.5 23.8 24.9 25.8 25.7 25.8 25.4 23.7 18.9 13.6 21.3
Bhola 12.6 16.0 21.0 24.1 25.2 26.1 25.9 26.1 25.7 24.0 19.4 14.4 21.7
Khepupara 13.6 16.9 21.8 24.8 25.8 26.3 25.9 26.0 25.7 24.3 20.1 15.3 22.1
Patuakhali 13.6 16.7 21.2 24.2 25.4 26.2 26.0 26.1 25.8 24.2 20.1 15.2 22.1
Chandpur 13.5 16.1 20.7 23.7 24.8 25.9 25.9 26.1 25.8 24.2 20.0 15.3 21.8
Teknaf 15.0 17.0 20.7 24.1 25.4 25.5 25.2 25.2 25.2 24.3 21.1 16.9 22.1
Chattogram 14.1 16.3 20.6 23.6 24.9 25.4 25.2 25.3 25.2 24.1 20.3 15.8 21.7
Commilla 12.1 15.5 19.7 22.7 24.1 25.4 25.5 25.6 25.2 23.5 18.5 13.4 20.9
Cox’s Bazar 15.4 17.6 21.2 24.2 25.3 25.4 25.3 25.3 25.1 24.5 21.1 17.0 22.3
Feni 12.7 15.8 20.4 23.4 24.5 25.4 25.2 25.3 25.1 23.5 19.0 14.4 21.2
Hatiya 14.1 16.8 21.1 24.0 25.1 25.7 25.5 25.6 25.4 24.4 20.3 15.8 22.0
Kutubdia 15.0 17.4 21.2 24.2 25.4 25.7 25.5 25.6 5.5 24.5 220.8 16.7 22.3
M. Court 13.7 16.3 20.4 23.6 24.9 25.8 25.7 25.8 25.7 24.5 20.5 15.8 21.9
Rangamati 13.0 15.1 19.4 22.7 24.0 24.9 24.8 24.8 24.6 23.4 19.7 15.3 21.0
Sandwip 14.2 16.9 21.5 24.4 25.3 25.7 25.4 25.5 25.4 24.4 20.4 15.9 22.1
Sitakunda 12.0 14.9 19.8 23.5 24.7 25.5 25.4 25.4 25.2 23.6 18.8 13.8 21.0
Ambagan (Ctg) 14.3 17.2 21.3 24.5 255.0 25.6 25.5 25.5 25.4 24.3 20.1 16.1 22.1
Source: Bangladesh Meteorological Department
General Features and Environment 25

1.29 Standard Maximum Normal Temperature in Bangladesh, 1981-2010

Station Month Yearly
Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Dhaka 25.0 28.3 32.4 33.8 33.3 32.5 31.7 32.0 32.0 31.7 29.7 26.5 30.7
Tangail 23.8 27.4 31.6 33.8 33.3 32.6 31.9 32.2 32.0 31.6 29.4 25.9 30.5
Mymensingh 24.4 27.0 30.6 31.8 31.7 31.5 31.1 31.6 31.3 31.3 29.4 26.1 29.8
Faridpur 24.4 27.9 32.5 34.3 33.7 32.5 31.5 31.7 31.8 31.6 29.2 25.9 30.6
Madaripur 25.2 28.5 32.5 34.1 33.9 32.7 31.8 32.1 32.3 32.1 29.9 26.6 31.0
Srimangal 25.1 28.0 31.6 62.9 32.1 32.1 32.1 32.5 32.1 31.5 29.3 26.6 30.5
Sylhet 25.5 27.7 30.6 31.0 31.1 31.3 31.5 32.1 31.6 31.4 29.5 26.6 30.0
Bogura 24.5 27.4 31.4 33.5 33.2 32.7 32.0 32.4 32.1 31.8 30.1 26.5 30.6
Dinajpur 23.0 26.5 30.9 32.8 32.6 32.5 31.9 32.3 31.7 31.0 28.9 25.3 29.9
Ishurdi 24.1 27.7 32.8 35.4 34.6 33.5 32.3 32.5 32.3 31.7 29.4 25.9 31.0
Rajshahi 24.0 27.9 33.1 36.0 35.0 33.8 32.4 32.7 32.5 31.6 29.3 25.7 31.2
Rangpur 23.1 26.2 30.4 31.6 31.7 31.8 31.7 32.1 31.5 30.7 28.4 25.0 29.5
Sydpur 22.8 26.5 30.8 32.2 32.4 32.2 32.0 32.4 32.0 31.1 28.8 25.3 29.5
Chuadanga 24.4 28.4 33.3 36.1 35.7 34.1 32.8 33.0 32.8 32.2 29.9 26.1 31.6
Jashore 25.4 28.9 33.3 35.8 35.4 33.7 32.5 32.7 32.8 32.5 30.3 26.8 31.7
Khulna 25.3 28.7 32.9 34.7 34.6 33.1 32.0 32.1 32.3 32.0 29.8 26.5 31.2
Mongla 25.3 28.8 32.8 34.7 34.5 32.8 31.7 31.8 31..9 31.6 29.5 26.5 31.0
Satkhira 25.5 28.8 32.9 35.0 35.2 33.5 32.2 32.2 32.3 32.2 30.1 26.8 31.4
Barishal 25.5 28.5 32.3 33.5 33.3 32.0 31.1 31.4 31.6 31.7 29.7 26.7 30.6
Bhola 25.8 28.4 31.8 32.9 32.9 31.6 30.8 31.2 31.3 31.6 29.8 26.8 30.4
Khepupara 25.8 28.6 31.8 32.7 32.8 3.5 30.6 30.8 31.1 31.3 29.5 26.9 30.3
Patuakhali 25.6 28.6 32.2 33.4 33.3 31.8 30.9 31.2 31.6 31.6 29.5 26.7 30.5
Chandpur 24.6 27.9 31.7 33.0 33.1 32.1 31.4 31.7 31.7 31.5 29.4 26.1 30.3
Teknaf 27.3 29.0 31.0 32.1 32.3 30.5 29.9 30.1 30.8 31.5 30.2 28.1 30.2
Chattogram 26.0 28.2 30.8 31.9 32.3 31.6 30.9 31.3 31.7 31.7 29.9 27.1 30.3
Commilla 25.1 277 30.8 32.4 32.6 31.8 31.2 31.8 31.9 31.5 29.6 26.6 30.3
Cox’s Bazar 27.0 29.1 31.5 32.7 32.8 31.2 30.4 30.8 31.4 31.9 30.5 28.1 30.6
Feni 25.7 28.3 31.3 32.2 32.3 31.2 30.5 31.1 31.4 31.4 29.8 26.9 30.2
Hatiya 25.2 27.9 30.9 32.1 32.1 30.8 30.0 30.5 30.8 31.0 29.2 26.4 29.7
Kutubdia 25.5 27.4 30.1 31.7 32.3 31.0 30.2 30.6 31.1 31.4 29.9 27.2 29.9
M. Court 25.1 27.9 31.4 32.9 32.8 31.5 30.7 31.1 31.4 31.4 29.4 26.2 30.2
Rangamati 25.8 28.8 32.0 33.3 33..0 31.7 31.1 31.7 31.9 31.6 29.3 26.5 30.6
Sandwip 25.3 27.5 30.2 31.4 31.7 30.8 30.1 30.5 31.0 31.3 29.4 26.5 29.6
Sitakunda 26.6 28.9 31.3 32.2 32.4 31.3 30.6 31.2 31.8 32.1 30.3 27.7 30.5
Ambagan (Ctg) 27.3 30.2 32.3 32.9 32.7 31.5 31.0 31.5 32.0 32.4 31.0 28.5 31.1
Source: Bangladesh Meteorological Department

1.30 Disaster Related Statistics (Disaster prone area)

Sl. Description Number %
1 Estimated Population in 2014 20204367 100.00
2 Male 10497444 51.96
3 Female 9706923 48.04
4 Education (7+) years old and above 17362575 100.00
5 No education 6656371 33.34
6 Class I to V 5656437 32.58
7 Class VI to IX 3223284 18.56
8 SSC/HSC equivalent 1602116 9.23
9 Graduate and above 224366 1.29
Source: Bangladesh Disaster related Statistics 2015, BBS
26 General Features and Environment

1.31 Major Landslides Occur in Bangladesh

Year Location Damage

1968 Kaptai-Chandraghona road Loose soil washed down, the reservoir silted up and in its 30 years
existence it had lost about 25% of its volume due to siltation

1970 Ghagra-Rangamati road Similar damage like Kaptai- Chandraghona road

1990 Jhagar beel area of Rangamati district Affected the link road embankment

1997 Charaipada of Bandarban The total area of about 90,000-sq m was affected

1999 Lama thana, Aziz Nagar union, (Villages: Chittaputti, At least 50 houses were completely vanished under the solid earth and
Monargiri, Meounda, Muslimpara, Sonaisari, Bazapara, 300 houses were partly damaged. About 283.50 ha of cultivated land,
Kalargiri, Maishkata, Aungratali, Chionipara, 810 ha of household garden, and 50 km unmetalled road were crushed.
Kariungpara)- Bandarban Road communication between Bandarban headquarters and remote
thanas became snapped.

1999 Gopaipur - Chattogram Crushed two thatched houses at the foot of the hill claimed the lives of
10 people of the houses who were asleep.

2000 Chattogram University campus and other parts of At least 13 people were killed and 20 injured and damaged property
Chattogram City worth several lakhs of taka in those places.
Source: Banglapedia, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh.

1.32 Earthquakes Occur in Bangladesh

Year Location Magnitude Damage

1548 Sylhet and Chattogram - The earth opened in many places and threw up water and mud of
a sulphurous smell.

1642 Sylhet - Buildings were cracked but there was no loss of life.

1663 Assam in India and Sylhet district in - Severe earthquake, continued for half an hour.

1762 Foul island, Chedua island, Chattogram, - i) Raised the Coast of Foul Island by 2.74m and the northwest coast
Eastern bank of the Meghna, Dhaka. of Chedua island by 6.71m above sea level.
ii) Caused a permanent submergence of 155.40 sq km near
iii) In Dhaka 500 persons lost their lives, the rivers and jheels were
agitated and raised high above their usual levels and when they
receded their banks were strewn with dead fish.
iv) A large river dried up, a tract of land sank and 200 people with all
their cattle were lost.
v) Two volcanoes were said to have opened in the Sitakunda hills.

1775 Dhaka - No loss of life

1812 Many places of Bangladesh, violent in Sylhet -

1865 Many places of Bangladesh - no serious damage occurred.

General Features and Environment 27

1.32 Earthquakes Occur in Bangladesh

Year Location Magnitude Damage

1869 Sylhet - Steeple of the church was shattered, walls of the courthouse and
the circuit bungalow cracked, in the eastern part of the district the
banks of many rivers caved in.

1885 Manikganj (epicentre) 7.0 Generally associated with the deep-seated Jamuna Fault.

1889 Jaintia Hills (epicentre) - Sylhet 7.5 Affected Sylhet town and surrounding areas.

1897 Epicentre at Shillong Plateau. 8.7 i) Caused serious damage to masonry buildings in Sylhet town
where the death toll rose to 545. The tremor was felt throughout
Affected area- Sylhet, Mymensingh, Rajshahi. Bengal, from the south Lushai Hills on the east to Shahbad on the
ii) In Mymensingh, many public buildings of the district town were
wrecked, very few of the two-storied brick-built houses belonging
to zamindars survived.
iii) Heavy damage was done to the bridges on the Dhaka-
Mymensingh railway, traffic was suspended for about a fortnight.
iv) The river communication of the district was seriously affected
v) Loss of property was estimated at five million Rupees.
vi) Rajshahi suffered severe shocks, 15 persons died.
vii) In Tippera masonry buildings and old temples suffered a lot, total
damage was estimated at Rs 9,000.

1918 Epicentre- Srimangal, Maulvi Bazar., 7.6 Intense damage occurred in Srimangal, minor effects in Dhaka.

1930 Epicentre - Dhubri, Assam. 7.1 Major damage in the eastern parts of Rangpur district.

1934 Epicentre - Darbhanga of Bihar, India. (15 8.3 Great damage in Bihar, Nepal and Uttar Pradesh, Bangladesh
January) was not affected.

Epicentre - Dhubri of Assam, India. (3 July) 7.1 Damages in greater Rangpur district of Bangladesh.

1950 Epicentre in Assam, India. 8.4 The tremor was felt throughout Bangladesh but no damage was

1997 Chattogram 6.0 Minor damage around Chattogram town.

1999 Maheshkhali Island with the epicentre in the 5.2 Severely felt around Maheshkhali island and the adjoining sea.
same place. Houses cracked and in some cases collapsed.

2003 Kolabunia union of Barkal upazila, 5.1 ---


2006 Epicentre located 110 km southwest of 4.2 The tremor was widely felt in Dhaka as well as other places in the
Dhaka near Narail. country.

2008 Epicentre - Situated in Manikganj 41 km 3.8 Created considerable panic among the city dwellers.
west-northwest of DUEO (believed to be
originated from the Madhupur fault)

2008 Epicentre - 12 km northeast of Mymensingh 5.1 Caused panic, tremors from this earthquake were felt in many
city and120 km north of Dhaka. parts of the Dhaka metropolitan area.

28 General Features and Environment

1.32 Earthquakes Occur in Bangladesh

Year Location Magnitude Damage

2008 Epicentre - 50 km southeast of Dhaka near 4.5 Caused tremendous panic among the city dwellers.
Kachua of Chandpur.

2009 Epicentre - Eastern Bhutan, 410 km north- 6.1 Shook most of Bangladesh.
northeast of Dhaka. Originated from the Main
Central Thrust (MCT).

2009 Epicentre - North Andaman Islands of the 7.5 No significant damage was reported throughout Bangladesh, but
Bay of Bengal and seacoast of Myanmar. the tremor was felt strongly in Dhaka.

2010 The tremor was felt in Dhaka and its 4.8 ----
surrounding areas, Epicentre - 45 km
southwest from Dhaka.

2011 Epicentre - 500 north from Dhaka in Indian 6.8 The tremor felt was strong enough in Dhaka and the northern part
Sikkims’s capital Gangtok. of Bangladesh

2017 Epicentre- Tripura, India. 75 km from Dhaka. 4.7 Caused panic among the people. Do damage recorded.

2019 Epicentre- Gazipur, Bangladesh. 4.1 No damage.

2020 Epicentre- Assam, India. 397 km from Dhaka. 6.0 Shook almost the country. Caused panic among the people.

2020 Epicentre- Myanmar, 347km Fronm Dhaka. 5.8 Shook mostly the Hilltracts. No damage occurred.
Source: Banglapedia, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, National Dailies.

1.33 Big floods Occur in Bangladesh

Year Location Damage
1781 Western part of sylhet district. Loss of fodder, cattle suffered.

1786 Meghna Wrought havoc to the crops and immense destruction of the villages on the banks. It was
followed by a famine, great loss of life at bakerganj. At Tippera the embankment along
the gumti gave way. At Sylhet the parganas were entirely under water, cattle drowned
some were kept on bamboo rafts.

1794 Gumti The Gumti embankment burst, much damage around Tippera.

1822 Bakerganj division and Patuakhali subdivision, Barishal, 39,940 people died; 19,000 cattle perished, properties worth more than 130 million taka
Bhola and manpura were destroyed.

1825 Bakerganj and adjoining regions No important embankments or other protective works against inundation.

1838 Rajshahi and a number of other districts Heavy rainfall caused extensive inundation at Rajshahi, cattle suffered much from loss of
fodder, people were greatly inconvenienced when driven to seek shelter on high places,
water subsided, cholera broke out in an epidemic form.

1853 West of Sylhet district Partly the result of very heavy local rainfall and partly caused by the overflow of the

1864 The greater part of Rajshahi town Serious inundation, embankment was breached, much suffering among the people who
took shelter with their cattle on the embankment.
1865 Rajshahi district. Extensive inundation, excessive rainfall seriously affected Rajshahi town.

1867 Bakerganj Destructive flood, crop was partially destroyed, no general distress resulted.

1871 Rajshahi and a few other districts Extensive inundation; damaged crops, cattle and valuable properties, Cholera broke out
in an epidemic form.

1876 Barishal and patuakhali Meghna overflowed by about 6.71m, seriously damaged Galachipa and Bauphal, a total
of about 215,000 people died, cholera broke out immediately after flood.

1879 Tista Change in the course of the Brahmaputra began.

General Features and Environment 29

1.33 Big floods Occur in Bangladesh

Year Location Damage
1885 Satkhira subdivision of khulna district Serious floods, embankment along the Bhagirathi burst of, affected areas of Satkhira
subdivision of khulna district.

1890 Satkhira Serious flood, Enormous damage to cattle and people.

1900 Bhagirathi, Satkhira Embankment along the Bhagirathi burst of; affected Satkhira.

1902 Sylhet Terrible flood, general level of the river went so high at Sylhet, damaged crops and
valuable properties.

1904 Mymensingh. Abnormally high tide, damaged crops in some parts of cox’s bazar subdivision and
kutubdia island.

1954 Dhaka Dhaka district went under water. On August 1 flood peak of the jamuna river at Sirajganj
was 14.22m and on August 30 flood peak of the Ganges river at hardinge bridge was
1955 Dhaka Flooded more than 30% of Dhaka district, flood level of the buriganga exceeded the
highest level of 1954.
1962 - Affected many people, damaged crops and valuable properties.

1966 Dhaka, Sylhet Badly damaged about 25% of houses, 39 people died, loss of 10,000 cattle, affected
about 1,200,000 people. On September 15- continuous rainfall made Dhaka city
stagnant for 52 hours, resulted in pools of water 1.83m deep for about 12 hours.

1968 Sylhet district Severe flood, badly affected about 700,000 people.

1969 Chattogram district Serious flood caused by heavy rainfall, damaged crops and valuable property.

1974 Mymensingh Flooded about 10,360 sq km area of Mymensingh, severely affected people and cattle,
destroyed more than 100,000 houses.
1987 Western side of the Brahmaputra, the area below the Catastrophic flood, affected 57,300 sq km (about 40% of the total area of the country)
confluence of the Ganges and the Brahmaputra, north of and estimated to be a once in 30-70-year event.
Khulna and areas adjacent to the Meghalaya hills.

1988 Dhaka Catastrophic flood, inundated about 82,000 sq km (about 60% of the area) and
estimated return period to be 50-100 years; Rainfall together with synchronisation of very
high flows of all the three major rivers of the country in only three days aggravated the
flood, flood lasted 15 to 20 days.

1989 Sylhet, Sirajganj and Maulvi bazar Serious flood; trapped 600,000 people.

1993 Twenty-eight districts of Bangladesh Thousands of hectares of crops went under water.

1998 Two-thirds of the total area of Bangladesh. Worst flood in recorded history; a combination of heavy rainfall within and
outside the country, synchronisation of peak flows of the major rivers and a
very strong backwater effect coalesced into a mix; flooded over two-thirds of
the total area of Bangladesh, lasted for more than two months, damaged a

2000 Five south-western districts of Bangladesh Serious flood, caused due to the outcome of the failure of small river dykes in
bordering India West Bengal that were overtopped by excessive water collected through
heavy downpour; 3 million people were homeless.

2004 Almost 50% of total area of the country were 30 million people were homeless and above 750 died. Numbers of bridges
affected and culverts and killometres of roads were were destroyed.

2017 31 districts of the country were affected 6.1 million people were affected, 3 million were sheltered in camps. 2800km
roads and 123 bridges and culverts were damaged.

2019 21 districts of the country were affected 5 million people were affected by the flood. More than 70 died, 287513
people were displaced. 6655 km roads were damaged and 1463 km of river
embankments either fully of partially destroyed.

2020 One third of the country were affected. 3.3 million people were affected directly.Over 90 peole died. Another 56000
Inundation of 34000 square kilometres. were dislaced. 1900 schools were damaged.

Source: Banglapedia, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, NDRCC,,

30 General Features and Environment

1.34 Droughts of historical significance Occur in Bangladesh

Year Location Damage

1791 Jashore district Affected Jashore district, prices had risen to twice and three times of
their usual levels.

1865 Dhaka. Proceeded famine

1866 Bogura. Severe drought; rice production was hit hard; price went up three
times its normal level.

1872 Sundarbans Deficient rainfall, crops suffered to a great extent.

1874 Bogura Extremely low rainfall, much greater crop failure.

1951 Northwest Bangladesh Severe drought, substantially reduced rice production.

1973 Northern Bangladesh. One of the severest in the present century, responsible for the 1974
famine in northern Bangladesh.

1975 Bangladesh Affected 47% of the entire country; suffered about 53% of the total

1978-79 Bangladesh Severe drought; widespread damage to crops; reduced rice

production by about 2 million tons; directly affected about 42% of the
cultivated land and 44% of the population.

1981 Bangladesh Severe drought, adversely affected crop production.

1982 Bangladesh Caused a total loss of rice production amounting to about 53,000 tons

1989 Naogaon, Nawabganj, Nilpahamari and Thakurgaon of Dried up most of the rivers in NW Bangladesh, dust syndrome
North-west Bangladesh occurred for a prolonged period due to drying up the topsoil.

1994-95 North-west Bangladesh. Persistent drought; caused immense damage to crops like rice and

Source: Banglapedia, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh.

Area, Population, Household and Household Characteristics 31

Chapter 2

32 Area, Population, Household and Household Characteristics
Area, Population, Household and Household Characteristics 33

2.01 Administrative Units as on December 2019 of Bangladesh

Division 8
Region 20
Zila 64
City Corporation 12
Municipalties 330
Upazila 495
Thana 644
Union 4571
Source: Ministry of LGRD and Co-operatives & Police Head Quarters

2.02 Number of Upazila/Thana, Union, Village and Municipality by Zila, 2011

Division and zila Total Area (Sq. km.) Upazila/ Thana Union Village Municipalities
Barishal Division 13225.2 40 349 4097 25
1. Barishal 2784.5 10 85 1116 6
2. Bhola 3403.5 7 68 438 5
3. Jhalokathi 706.8 4 32 455 2
4. Pirojpur 1277.8 7 51 648 3
5. Barguna 1831.3 5 42 562 4
6. Patuakhali 3221.3 7 71 878 5
Chattogram Division 33908.5 112 945 15241 60
7. Bandarban 4479.0 7 30 1554 2
8. Khagrachhari 2749.2 8 38 1702 3
9. Rangamati 6116.1 10 49 1555 2
10. Chattogram 5282.9 26 197 1288 11
11. Cox's Bazar 2491.9 8 71 989 4
12. Brahmanbaria 1881.2 9 100 1324 4
13. Chandpur 1645.3 8 87 1230 7
14. Cumilla 3146.3 16 181 3532 10
15. Feni 990.4 6 43 553 5
16. Lakshmipur 1440.4 5 58 547 4
17. Noakhali 3685.9 9 91 967 8
Sylhet Division 12635.2 38 332 10251 20
18. Habiganj 2636.6 8 77 2143 6
19. Moulvibazar 2799.4 7 67 2015 5
20. Sunamganj 3747.2 11 87 2887 4
21. Sylhet 3452.1 12 101 3206 5
Dhaka Division 31177.7 163 1247 25215 86
22. Dhaka 1463.6 46 79 2001 4
23. Gazipur 1806.4 5 43 1114 5
24. Manikganj 1383.7 7 65 1660 2
25. Munshiganj 1004.3 6 67 919 2
26. Narayanganj 684.4 5 41 1204 6
27. Narsingdi 1150.1 6 70 1048 6
28. Faridpur 2052.9 9 79 1899 4
29. Rajbari 1092.3 5 42 967 3
30. Gopalganj 1468.7 5 68 889 4
31. Madaripur 1125.7 4 59 1062 3
32. Shariatpur 1174.1 6 65 1254 5
33. Jamalpur 2115.2 7 68 1361 6
34. Sherpur 1364.7 5 52 695 4
35. Kishoreganj 2688.6 13 108 1725 8
36. Mymensingh 4394.6 12 146 2692 10
37. Netrokona 2794.3 10 86 2282 5
38. Tangail 3414.3 12 109 2443 9
Khulna Division 22284.2 64 571 9289 37
39. Jashore 2606..9 8 91 1419 8
40. Jhenaidah 1964.8 6 67 1144 6
41. Magura 1039.1 4 36 711 1
42. Narail 968.0 3 38 635 3
43. Bagerhat 3959.1 9 75 1048 3
44. Khulna 4394.4 14 69 1123 3
45. Satkhira 3817.3 7 79 1441 2
46. Chuadanga 1174.1 4 32 521 4
47. Kushtia 1608.8 6 66 973 5
48. Meherpur 751.6 3 18 274 2
34 Area, Population, Household and Household Characteristics

2.02 Number of Upazila/Thana, Union, Village and Municipality by Zila, 2011

Division and zila Total Area ( sq. km.) Upazila/Thana Union Village Municipalities
Rajshahi Division 34338.0 128 1099 23129 88
49. Bogura 2898.7 12 108 2618 11
50. Joypurhat 1012.4 5 32 887 4
51. Dinajpur 3444.3 13 101 2131 8
52. Panchagarh 1404.6 5 43 825 2
53. Thakurgaon 1781.7 5 51 641 3
54. Pabna 2376.1 9 73 1562 9

55. Sirajganj 2402.1 9 82 2016 6

56. Naogaon 3435.6 11 99 2780 3
57. Natore 1900.2 6 52 1351 8
58. Chapi Nawabganj 1702.5 5 45 1135 4
59. Rajshahi 2425.4 13 71 1730 15

60. Gaibandha 2114.8 7 82 1250 3

61. Kurigram 2245.0 9 72 1872 3
62. Lalmonirhat 1247.4 5 45 478 2
63. Nilphamari 1546.6 6 60 361 4
64. Rangpur 2400.6 8 83 1492 3

Source: Population and Housing Census, 2011, BBS

2.03 Adjusted Population by Sex, 2011

Adjusted Population, 2011
Division/District Number of Household
Male Female
Bangladesh 32173630 74980386 74791978
Barishal Division 1862841 4250111 4402210
Barguna 215842 456435 473254
Barishal 513673 1181467 1233262
Bhola 372723 918704 927647
Jhalokati 158139 342303 367611
Patuakhali 346462 783104 813119
Pirojpur 256002 569898 587317
Chattogram Division 5626310 14488530 15065327
Bandarban 80102 211627 192464
Brahmanbaria 538937 1420991 1532217
Chandpur 506521 1192331 1321507
Chattogram 1532014 3988553 3924813
Cumilla 1053572 2678234 2924390
Cox’s Bazar 415954 1216640 1165174
Feni 277665 722627 773512
Khagrachhari 133792 326621 312346
Lakshmipur 365339 680655 937106
Noakhali 593918 1544427 1687405
Rangamati 128496 325823 294392
Dhaka Division 8309923 19467553 18426391
Dhaka 2786133 6813450 5703910
Faridpur 420174 979581 1009114
Gazipur 826458 1850692 1697443
Gopalganj 249872 600514 617805
Kishoreganj 627322 1489738 1538968
Area, Population, Household and Household Characteristics 35

2.03 Adjusted Population by Sex, 2011

Adjusted Population, 2011
Division/District Number of Household
Male Female
Madaripur 252149 597373 614826
Manikganj 324794 702809 744492
Munshiganj 313258 749919 752530
Narayanganj 675652 1586418 1487660
Narsingdi 477976 1147655 1167234
Rajbari 238153 540555 550708
Shariatpur 247880 581167 620297
Tangail 870102 1827682 1921404
Khulna Division 3739779 8153456 8155847
Bagerhat 354223 769203 764809
Chuadanga 277464 587738 587098
Jashore 656413 1442473 1433907
Jhenaidah 422332 922086 920487
Khulna 547347 1220902 1186777
Kushtia 477289 1011952 1011701
Magura 205902 472760 482044
Meherpur 166312 337490 343841
Narail 162607 367625 382860
Satkhira 469890 1021227 1042383
Mymensingh Division 2539392 5672537 5755228
Jamalpur 563367 1174105 1210706
Mymensingh 1155436 2640039 2673124
Netrakona 479146 1154967 1162223
Sherpur 341443 703426 709175
Rajshahi Division 4486829 9628289 9597616
Bogura 867137 1778528 1760765
Joypurhat 242556 477722 472718
Naogaon 655801 135448 1350758
Natore 423875 888305 886527
Chapai Nawabganj 357982 843000 871249
Pabna 590749 1313771 1310912
Rajshahi 633758 1362641 1337047
Sirajganj 714971 1613172 1607640
Rangpur Division 3817664 8193850 8218430
Dinajpur 715773 1569005 1540621
Gaibandha 612283 1214563 1257117
Kurigram 508045 1050371 1100603
Lalmonirhat 290444 653410 651838
Nilphamari 421572 959856 947641
Panchagarh 228581 516090 510049
Rangpur 720180 1501646 1494688
Thakurgaon 320786 728910 715873
Sylhet Division 1790892 5126070 5170925
Habiganj 393302 1065909 1105156
Moulvibazar 361177 981784 1012468
Sunamganj 440332 1284519 1280021
Sylhet 596081 1793859 1773280
Source: Population and Housing Census-2011, Analytical Report.
36 Area, Population, Household and Household Characteristics

2.04 Projected Population by Sex 2011-2061

(in Million)

Male Female Total
2011 74980 74784 149765
2012 76037 75854 151891
2013 77105 76924 154029
2014 78167 77998 156165
2015 79226 79072 158298
2016 80033 80186 160219
2017 81466 81326 162792
2018 82631 82499 165130
2019 83792 83677 167469
2020 84948 84861 169809
2021 85800 85884 171684
2022 87144 87091 174235
2023 88205 88160 176365
2024 89253 89229 178482
2025 90300 90303 180603
2026 91053 91042 182095
2031 95520 95214 190734
2036 99539 98963 198502
2041 103118 102518 205636
2046 106103 105560 211663
2051 108425 108038 216463
2056 110329 110230 220560
2061 111528 111862 223390
* Assuming the medium variant fertility level. Initiating from 2.3 in 2011, it assumed to be dropped to 2.1 in 2021, from 2026
TFR is assumed to be 1.9 and continued thereafter. Figures may vary due to rounding.
Source: Population Projection of Bangladesh: Dynamics and Trends 2011-2061, BBS.
Area, Population, Household and Household Characteristics 37

2.05 Household, Population and Literacy Rate by Zila, 2011

Division and zila Np. of household Population Sex Ratio Literacy

(M/F) Rate
(7 Yers+)
Total General Institutonal Others Both Sex Male Female

BANGLADESH 32173630 31863396 26677 283557 144043697 72109796 71933901 100.2 51.77
Barishal Division 1862841 1855173 1148 6520 8325666 4089508 4236158 96.5 56.75
Barguna 215842 214863 148 831 892781 437413 455368 96.1 57.64
Barishal 513673 510780 425 2468 2324310 1137210 1187100 95.8 61.24
Bhola 372723 371799 132 792 1776795 884069 892726 99.0 43.24
Jhalokati 158139 157559 123 457 682669 329147 353522 93.1 66.68
Patuakhali 346462 345113 157 1192 1535854 753441 782413 96.3 54.07
Pirojpur 256002 255059 163 780 1113257 548228 565029 97.0 64.85

Chattogram Division 5626310 5581669 7167 37474 28423019 13933314 14489705 96.2 52.69
Bandarban 80102 78714 239 1149 388335 203350 184985 109.9 35.86
Brahmanbaria 538937 537560 261 1116 2840498 1366711 1473787 92.7 45.29
Chandpur 506521 503851 338 2332 2416018 1145831 1270187 90.2 56.78
Chattogram 1532014 1509717 3141 19156 7616352 3838854 37774998 101.6 58.91
Cumilla 1053572 1048984 1120 3468 5387288 2575018 2812270 91.6 53.32
Cox's Bazar 415954 413402 321 2231 2289990 1169604 1120386 104.4 39.29
Feni 277665 275461 419 1785 1437371 694128 743243 93.4 59.63
Khagrachhari 133792 132503 243 1046 613917 313793 300124 104.6 46.11
Lakshmipur 365339 364255 225 859 1729188 827780 901408 91.8 49.40
Noakhali 593918 590808 459 2651 3108083 1485169 1622914 91.5 51.29
Rangamati 128496 126414 401 1681 595979 313076 282903 110.7 49.73
Dhaka Division 10849315 10645520 11061 192734 47424418 24172317 23252101 104.0 54.19
Dhaka 2786133 2639630 5578 140925 12043977 6555792 5488185 119.5 70.54
Faridpur 420174 41855 372 1248 1912969 942245 970724 97.1 48.96
Gazipur 826458 809761 1164 15533 3403912 1775310 1628602 109.0 62.60
Gopalganj 249872 248735 225 912 1172415 577868 594547 97.2 58.09
Jamalpur 563367 562180 166 1021 2292674 1128724 1163950 97.0 38.44
Kishoreganj 627322 623914 223 3185 2911907 1432242 1479665 96.8 40.87
Madaripur 252149 251581 145 423 1165952 574582 591370 97.2 47.97
Manikganj 324794 323741 154 899 1392867 676359 716508 94.4 49.20
Munshiganj 313258 310664 320 2274 1445660 721552 724108 99.6 56.09
Mymensingh 1155436 1150574 611 4251 5110272 2539124 2571148 98.8 43.49
Narayanganj 675652 663088 619 11945 2948217 1521438 1426779 106.6 57.10
Narsingdi 477976 473937 393 3646 2224944 1102943 1122001 98.3 49.60
Netrokona 479146 477927 197 1022 2229642 1111306 1118336 99.4 39.44
Rajbari 238153 237352 114 687 1049778 519999 529779 98.2 52.28
Shariatpur 247880 246535 95 1250 1155824 559075 596749 93.7 47.26
Sherpur 341443 340769 121 553 13583225 676388 681937 99.2 37.91
Tangail 870102 866578 564 2960 3605083 1757370 1847713 95.1 46.79
38 Area, Population, Household and Household Characteristics

2.05 Household, Population and Literacy Rate by Zila, 2011

Sex Ratio Literacy

Division and zila Np. of household Population (M/F) Rate
(7 Yers+)
Total General Institutional Others Both Sex Male Female

Khulna Division 3739779 3721281 2251 16247 15687759 7842533 7845226 100.0 53.23
Bagerhat 354223 350537 269 3417 1476090 740138 735952 100.6 58.98
Chuadanga 277464 276910 129 425 1129015 564819 564196 100.1 45.91
Jashore 6564113 653423 469 2521 2764547 1386293 1378254 100.6 56.52
Jhenaidah 422332 421300 173 859 1771304 886402 884902 100.2 48.40
Khulna 5473347 540504 612 6231 2318527 1175686 1142841 102.9 60.14
Kushtia 477289 475989 187 1113 1946838 973518 973320 100.0 46.33
Magura 205902 205492 113 297 918419 454739 463680 98.1 50.64
Meherpur 166312 165974 53 285 655392 324634 330758 98.1 46.27
Narail 162607 162299 74 234 721668 353527 368141 96.0 61.27
Satkhira 469890 468853 172 865 1985959 982777 1003182 98.0 52.07

Rajshahi Division 4486829 4472322 2232 12275 18484858 9256910 9227948 100.3 48.05
Bogura 867137 863600 505 3032 3400874 1708806 1692068 101.0 49.38
Joypurhat 242556 241994 115 447 913768 459284 454484 101.1 57.48
Naogaon 655801 654275 250 1276 2600157 1300227 1299930 100.0 48.22
Natore 423875 422921 188 766 1706673 854183 852490 100.2 49.59
Nawabganj 357982 357246 126 610 1647521 810218 837303 96.8 42.94
Pabna 590749 588891 238 1620 2523179 1262934 1260245 100.2 46.72
Rajshahi 633758 630331 520 2907 2595197 1309890 1285307 101.9 52.98
Sirajganj 714971 713064 290 1617 3097489 1551368 1546121 100.3 42.05

Rangpur Division 3817664 3807882 1718 8064 15787758 7881824 7905934 99.7 47.19
Dinajpur 715773 713255 429 2089 2990128 1508670 1481458 101.8 52.42
Gaibandha 612283 611297 142 844 2379255 1169127 1210128 96.6 42.81
Kurigram 508045 507106 156 783 2069273 1010442 1058831 95.4 42.52
Lalmonirhat 290444 289953 139 352 1256099 628799 627300 100.2 46.09
Nilphamari 421572 420906 217 449 1834231 922964 911267 101.3 44.37
Panchagarh 228581 228074 96 411 987644 496725 490919 101.2 51.77
Rangpur 720180 717362 389 2429 2881086 1443816 1437270 100.5 48.55
Thakurgaon 320786 319929 150 707 1390042 701281 688761 101.8 48.71

Sylhet Division 1790892 1779549 1100 10243 9910219 4933390 4976829 99.1 45.01
Habiganj 393302 391657 164 1481 2089001 1025591 1063410 96.4 40.53
Maulvibazar 361177 3597715 158 1304 1919062 944728 974334 97.0 51.10
Sunamganj 440332 438752 134 1446 2467968 1236106 1231862 100.3 34.98
Sylhet 596081 589425 644 6012 3434188 1726965 1707223 101.2 51.18
Source: Population and Housing Census 2011, BBS
Area, Population, Household and Household Characteristics 39

2.06 Area, Population and Literacy Rate by Paurashava, 2011

Sl No. Zila and Upazila Paurashava Area ( Ward Mahallah Household Population Literacy Rate
Total Male Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 Barishal Barishal City Corporation 58.05 30 225 72709 328278 169475 158803 75.3
2 Chattogram Chattogram City Corporation 155.40 41 238 556451 2582401 1360695 1221706 68.7
3 Dhaka Dhaka City Corporation 126.34 92 1576746 6970105 3876586 3093519 74.6
4 Khulna Khulna City Corporation 50.61 31 200 157261 663342 345005 318337 73.6
5 Rajshahi Rajshahi City Corporation 97.18 30 283 99245 449756 232974 216782 74.0
6 Sylhet Sylhet Citycorporation 26.50 27 236 97508 479837 256244 223593 67.8
7 Amtali Amtali Paurashava 7.69 9 14 4067 17311 8701 8610 68.7
8 Barguna Barguna Paurashava 15.57 9 18 7353 32235 16697 15538 75.9
9 Betagi Betagi Paurashava 4.10 9 9 2526 10204 5111 5093 76.4
10 Patharghata Patharghata Paurashava 7.21 9 9 4457 17177 8637 8540 72.5
11 Bakerganj Bakerganj Paurashava 6.22 9 17 3395 15418 7644 7774 76.7
12 Banari Para Banari Para Paurashava 1.81 9 16 2373 10366 5365 5001 88.5
13 Gauranadi Gaornadi Paurashava 16.83 9 20 9417 42438 21205 21233 68.9
14 Mehendiganj Mehendiganj Paurashava 14.97 9 11 6329 30067 14535 15532 64.3
15 Muladi Muladi Paurashava 16.96 9 14 4528 20490 10215 10275 62.6
16 Bhola Bhola Paurashava 22.66 9 19 9635 47477 24493 22984 76.0
17 Burhanuddin Burhanuddin Paurashava 3.22 9 13 2649 13110 6753 6357 69.0
18 Char Fasson Char Fasson Paurashava 9.49 9 9 4088 19595 10122 9473 75.4
19 Daulat Khan Daulat Khan Paurashava 2.49 9 9 3230 16728 8535 8193 48.1
20 Lalmohan Lalmohan Paurashava 6.53 9 18 4218 20522 10388 10134 60.3
21 Jhalokati Jhalokati Paurashava 16.13 9 47 12399 54029 27528 26501 77.9
22 Nalchity Nalchity Paurashava 23.32 9 21 7053 30805 14706 16099 66.1
23 Bauphal Bauphal Paurashava 7.96 9 10 2538 11435 5653 5782 75.8
24 Galachipa Galachipa Paurashava 3.39 9 9 4967 21200 10888 10312 71.5
25 Kala Para Kala Para Paurashava 3.75 9 24 4347 17332 8887 8445 75.1
26 Kuakata Kuakata Paurashava 4.14 9 10 2065 9177 5043 4134 57.6
27 Patuakhali Patuakhali Paurashava 12.66 9 29 13994 65000 33630 31370 75.8
28 Mathbaria Mathbaria Paurashava 4.01 9 16 4330 18375 9124 9251 77.9
29 Pirojpur Pirojpur Paurashava 29.49 9 30 13646 60056 30048 30008 77.8
30 Swarupkati Swarupkati Paurashava 4.98 9 9 3985 20019 10865 9154 79.3
31 Bandarban Bandarban Paurashava 13.05 9 69 8699 41434 23191 18243 67.1
32 Lama Lama Paurashava 13.87 9 34 3996 19014 9850 9164 50.3
40 Area, Population, Household and Household Characteristics

2.06 Area, Population and Literacy Rate by Paurashava, 2011

Sl No. Zila and Upazila Paurashava Area ( Ward Mahallah Household Population Literacy Rate
Total Male Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
33 Akhaura Akhaura Paurashava 8.22 9 23 7453 36262 17855 18407 61.8
34 Brahmanbaria Brahmanbaria Paurashava 17.60 12 34 33517 172017 85323 86694 66.0
35 Kasba Kasba Paurashava 16.86 9 34 7757 40416 19749 20667 56.0
36 Nabinagar Nabinagar Paurashava 14.14 9 18 10539 53157 25343 27814 51.2
37 Chandpur Chandpur Paurashava 22.91 15 121 33322 159021 79799 79222 67.4
38 Faridganj Faridganj Paurashava 19.69 9 21 7552 35090 16626 18464 60.1
39 Hajiganj Hajiganj Paurashava 20.25 12 18 12679 63892 31735 32157 66.2
40 Kachua Kachua Paurashava 11.23 9 20 5125 27024 13371 13653 63.3
41 Matlab Matlab Paurashava 30.92 9 31 13682 59286 28051 31235 63.0
42 Senrarchar Senrarchar Paurashava 27.23 9 41 7884 36691 18093 18598 59.2
43 Shahrasti Shahrasti Paurashava 15.65 9 17 5815 28287 13695 14592 67.0
44 Banshkhali Banshkhali Paurashava 28.42 9 37 7378 36910 18049 18861 42.3
45 Chandanaish Chandanaish Paurashava 26.83 9 12 6852 35248 17014 18234 61.4
46 Barairhat Barairhat Paurashava 2.12 9 14 2354 11602 5983 5619 54.0
47 Mirsharai Mirsharai Paurashava 10.49 9 27 3507 16218 7695 8523 60.1
48 Patiya Patiya Paurashava 9.95 9 13 10613 55323 29191 26132 64.3
49 Rangunia Rangunia Paurashava 11.82 9 22 6541 32641 16115 16526 60.2
50 Raozan Raozan Paurashava 27.15 9 17 11460 59148 29546 29602 63.3
51 Sandwip Sandwip Paurashava 30.03 9 10 8278 41365 19195 22170 51.3
52 Satkania Satkania Paurashava 12.51 9 19 8548 45001 20909 24092 61.4
53 Sitakunda Sitakunda Paurashava 27.97 9 23 9017 45147 22759 22388 62.1
54 Barura Barura Paurashava 23.13 9 26 9807 49126 24318 24808 52.8
55 Chandina Chandina Paurashava 15.12 9 19 9315 46823 22734 24089 59.3
56 Chauddagram Chauddagram Paurashava 16.64 9 27 7629 38317 18838 19479 63.0
57 Cumilla Dakshin Cumilla Sadar Dakshin Paurashava 30.87 9 63 20209 103710 54196 49514 69.3
58 Daudkandi Daudkandi Paurashava 13.18 9 26 9400 46256 22887 23369 57.4
59 Debidwar Debidwar Paurashava 21.05 9 22 11901 61418 29300 32118 60.6
60 Homna Homna Paurashava 11.73 9 13 5905 29173 14302 14871 46.4
61 Cumilla Cumilla Adarsha Sadar Paurashava 11.47 18 48 46669 235423 123104 112319 75.8
62 Laksam Laksam Paurashava 19.86 9 31 14079 70632 35063 35569 60.3
63 Nangalkot Nangalkot Paurashava 13.06 9 21 5194 26719 12966 13753 52.6
64 Chakoria Chakoria Paurashava 15.76 9 23 13163 72669 37328 35341 61.3
Area, Population, Household and Household Characteristics 41

2.06 Area, Population and Literacy Rate by Paurashava, 2011

Sl No. Zila and Upazila Paurashava Area Ward Mahallah Household Population Literacy Rate
( Total Male Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
65 Cox's Bazar Cox's Bazar Paurashava 7.94 12 95 31431 167477 94279 73198 55.7
66 Maheshkhali Maheshkhali Paurashava 7.70 9 28 5061 27321 14069 13252 43.7
67 Teknaf Teknaf Paurashava 4.04 9 16 4752 25056 13296 11760 40.9
68 Chhagalnaiya Chhagalnaiya Paurashava 25.25 9 11 8702 45177 22337 22840 63.4
69 Daganbhuiyan Daganbhuiyan Paurashava 12.76 9 20 6144 32080 16089 15991 65.1
70 Feni Feni Paurashava 22.00 18 35 31468 156971 82554 74417 69.7
71 Parshuram Parshuram Paurashava 22.38 9 15 5950 29691 14456 15235 59.1
72 Sonagazi Sonagazi Paurashava 5.33 9 14 3784 19866 9760 10106 62.8
73 Khagrachhari Khagrachhari Paurashava 13.05 9 71 10247 47278 25583 21695 71.0
74 Matiranga Matiranga Paurashava 25.50 9 53 5023 23913 12255 11658 60.4
75 Ramgarh Ramgarh Paurashava 20.87 9 29 5161 24854 12865 11989 59.6
76 Lakshmipur Lakshmipur Paurashava 19.42 9 22 17009 83112 42162 40950 63.9
77 Roypur Roypur Paurashava 10.02 9 15 6593 30756 15065 15691 60.8
78 Ramganj Ramganj Paurashava 26.16 9 18 9055 44775 21505 23270 63.1
79 Ramgati Ramgati Paurashava 11.81 9 11 4735 24016 11955 12061 51.9
80 Chaumohani Begomganj (Chaumohani )Paurashava 14.48 9 23 14568 80001 42062 37939 67.2
81 Chatkhil Chatkhil Paurashava 13.81 9 16 6084 31395 15258 16137 70.1
82 Basurhat Basurhat Paurashava 6.85 9 11 5512 29877 14800 15077 62.5
83 Hatiya Hatiya Paurashava 30.56 9 23 9026 44802 21592 23210 57.2
84 Kabirhat Kabirhat Paurashava 9.74 9 11 3240 17448 8224 9224 61.7
85 Senbagh Senbagh Paurashava 8.01 9 15 3613 19065 9137 9928 63.6
86 Sonaimuri Sonaimuri Paurashava 13.11 9 18 6162 34218 16590 17628 62.0
87 Noakhali Noakhali Paurashava 16.67 9 36 20222 107654 54948 52706 75.3
88 Baghaichhari Baghaichhari Paurashava 18.78 9 35 2774 13807 7304 6503 57.1
89 Rangamati Rangamati Paurashava 64.75 9 55 18355 84000 44925 39075 73.1
90 Dhamrai Dhamrai Paurashava 6.98 9 44 14380 56777 28986 27791 66.7
91 Dohar Dohar Paurashava 11.28 9 26 8056 36434 17735 18699 61.5
92 Savar Savar Paurashava 13.54 9 56 75902 296851 157018 139833 74.9
93 Bhanga Bhanga Paurashava 12.43 9 26 7505 34148 16934 17214 61.5
94 Boalmari Boalmari Paurashava 13.42 9 18 6016 27595 13748 13847 54.6
95 Faridpur Faridpur Paurashava 19.07 9 41 27384 121632 62144 59488 77.3
96 Nagarkanda Nagarkanda Paurashava 8.25 9 15 2556 11872 5978 5894 54.3
42 Area, Population, Household and Household Characteristics

2.06 Area, Population and Literacy Rate by Paurashava, 2011

Sl No. Zila and Upazila Paurashava Area ( Ward Mahallah Household Population Literacy Rate
Total Male Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
97 Gazipur Gazipur Paurashava 47.23 9 30 43909 179037 93616 85421 67.8
98 Tongi Tongi Paurashava 32.07 12 41 120624 406420 255236 151184 67.7
99 Kaliakair Kaliakair Paurashava 24.66 9 18 42093 157162 83527 73635 69.0
100 Kaliganj Kaliganj Paurashava 15.29 9 23 9718 45430 24334 21096 60.1
101 Sreepur Sreepur Paurashava 46.90 9 20 31470 126249 67160 59089 63.3
102 Gopalganj Gopalganj Paurashava 14.25 9 47 11600 51346 26369 24977 78.6
103 Kotalipara Kotalipara Paurashava 2.05 9 9 1240 5808 2953 2855 78.0
104 Muksudpur Muksudpur Paurashava 16.77 9 15 4312 19711 9822 9889 61.8
105 Tungipara Tungipara Paurashava 2.59 9 12 1754 8596 4370 4226 63.0
106 Dewanganj Dewanganj Paurashava 20.25 9 43 9418 38027 18570 19457 42.6
107 Islampur Islampur Paurashava 16.66 9 19 10195 38568 19031 19537 47.9
108 Jamalpur Jamalpur Paurashava 53.28 12 76 33845 142764 71418 71346 62.1
109 Madarganj Madarganj Paurashava 10.78 9 22 7957 33169 16188 16981 39.1
110 Melandaha Melandaha Paurashava 12.95 9 31 7615 31320 15880 15440 45.7
111 Sarishabari Sarishabari Paurashava 22.54 9 34 12638 52162 25738 26424 53.4
112 Bajitpur Bajitpur Paurashava 9.57 9 28 7821 34898 17561 17337 60.4
113 Bhairab Bhairab Paurashava 15.71 12 29 24057 118992 60284 58708 53.6
114 Hossainpur Hossainpur Paurashava 5.58 9 16 5205 23118 11414 11704 49.3
115 Karimganj Karimganj Paurashava 7.82 9 17 5913 26844 13107 13737 51.4
116 Katiadi Katiadi Paurashava 19.32 9 20 9090 40725 19660 21065 48.2
117 Kishoreganj Kishoreganj Paurashava 11.30 9 56 21879 103798 52534 51264 72.5
118 Kuliar Char Kuliar Char Paurashava 11.08 9 37 6598 31781 15651 16130 43.5
119 Pakundia Pakundia Paurashava 18.28 9 25 6407 28606 13937 14669 60.5
120 Kalkini Kalkini Paurashava 27.78 9 38 8815 41608 20351 21257 55.3
121 Madaripur Madaripur Paurashava 14.22 9 34 14112 62690 31070 31620 73.1
122 Shib Char Shib Char Paurashava 8.02 9 17 5527 24154 11876 12278 65.9
123 Manikganj Manikganj Paurashava 23.14 9 50 16459 71698 36084 35614 69.1
124 Singair Singair Paurashava 16.56 9 14 6102 26885 12961 13924 55.8
125 Mirkadim Mirkadim Paurashava 2.87 9 31 9912 44145 22744 21401 62.8
126 Munshiganj Munshiganj Paurashava 17.74 9 41 15133 70674 35868 34806 65.8
127 Bhaluka Bhaluka Paurashava 10.04 9 18 9787 38774 20239 18535 73.8
128 Fulbaria Fulbaria Paurashava 15.80 9 11 6658 31058 15653 15405 54.3
Area, Population, Household and Household Characteristics 43

2.06 Area, Population and Literacy Rate by Paurashava, 2011

Sl No. Zila and Upazila Paurashava Area ( Ward Mahallah Household Population Literacy
Total Male Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
129 Gaffargaon Gaffargaon Paurashava 5.39 9 19 6513 29325 14691 14634 67.7
130 Gauripur Gauripur Paurashava 8.80 9 34 5583 25570 12782 12788 64.7
131 Ishwarganj Ishwarganj Paurashava 12.41 9 13 5917 28631 14593 14038 58.0
132 Mymensingh Mymensingh Paurashava 21.73 21 94 54869 258040 132123 125917 73.9
133 Muktagachha Muktagachha Paurashava 12.57 9 21 11189 49915 25127 24788 60.2
134 Nandail Nandail Paurashava 23.05 9 20 7329 33308 16506 16802 53.3
135 Phulpur Phulpur Paurashava 10.10 9 12 5774 25628 12908 12720 53.9
136 Trishal Trishal Paurashava 15.48 9 12 7202 34747 17943 16804 61.0
137 Sonargaon Sonargaon Paurashava 9.06 9 60 7289 32796 16812 15984 62.6
138 Narayanganj Narayanganj Paurashava 12.69 9 75 66045 286330 148214 138116 67.7
139 Siddirganj Siddirganj Paurashava 22.71 9 36 60290 256760 132698 124062 67.7
140 Kadam Rasul (Bandar) Kadam Rasul (Bandar) 11.28 9 61 39302 166291 84262 82029 61.8
141 Kanchan Kanchan Paurashava 16.97 9 29 10912 49468 24309 25159 55.5
142 Tarabo Tarabo Paurashava 19.39 9 21 38612 150709 81088 69621 58.1
143 Manohardi Manohardi Paurashava 6.66 9 12 4159 17635 8609 9026 63.9
144 Madhabdi Madhabdi Paurashava 5.10 9 15 11323 49583 28865 20718 63.9
145 Narsingdi Narsingdi Paurashava 14.75 9 33 32361 146115 75179 70936 67.8
146 Ghorasal Ghorasal Paurashava 25.37 9 51 18868 85949 44624 41325 66.6
147 Roypura Roypura Paurashava 7.61 9 23 7282 34904 16779 18125 52.9
148 Shibpur Shibpur Paurashava 4.85 9 17 4278 20272 10080 10192 58.8
149 Durgapur Durgapur Paurashava 13.31 9 28 5687 24306 12298 12008 60.1
150 Kendua Kendua Paurashava 10.64 9 32 4888 22363 11203 11160 53.4
151 Madan Madan Paurashava 11.77 9 11 3639 17388 8837 8551 42.0
152 Mohanganj Mohanganj Paurashava 6.97 9 18 5786 27193 13636 13557 65.8
153 Netrokona Netrokona Paurashava 29.39 9 51 19627 91936 46898 45038 67.1
154 Goalandaghat Goalandaghat Paurashava 4.85 9 45 4156 18663 9207 9456 58.5
155 Pangsha Pangsha Paurashava 12.57 9 21 6569 29098 14568 14530 67.7
156 Rajbari Rajbari Paurashava 11.65 9 31 12657 56313 28271 28042 74.3
157 Bhedarganj Bhedarganj Paurashava 2.14 9 12 1791 8169 4021 4148 62.7
158 Damudya Damudya Paurashava 5.38 9 11 3274 14242 6719 7523 64.5
159 Naria Naria Paurashava 9.64 9 27 4957 22773 10819 11954 60.5
160 Shariatpur Shariatpur Paurashava 24.92 9 27 10908 49535 25113 24422 62.5
44 Area, Population, Household and Household Characteristics

2.06 Area, Population and Literacy Rate by Paurashava, 2011

Sl No. Zila and Upazila Paurashava Area ( Ward Mahallah Household Population Literacy
Total Male Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
161 Zanjira Zanjira Paurashava 13.27 9 19 4434 21251 10480 10771 56.0
162 Nakla Nakla Paurashava 16.41 9 16 8067 33086 16134 16952 52.6
163 Nalitabari Nalitabari Paurashava 9.25 9 17 6522 27142 13652 13490 55.0
164 Sherpur Sherpur Paurashava 23.40 9 46 22665 97979 49622 48357 56.2
165 Sreebardi Sreebardi Paurashava 10.90 9 20 5794 24169 12145 12024 38.2
166 Bhuapur Bhuapur Paurashava 13.69 9 21 6854 28708 14565 14143 59.0
167 Dhanbari Dhanbari Paurashava 25.63 9 25 9134 36125 17746 18379 52.3
168 Ghatail Ghatail Paurashava 8.88 9 16 7668 35245 19590 15655 72.10
169 Gopalpur Gopalpur Paurashava 23.15 9 35 12539 50160 24771 25389 49.5
170 Kalihati Kalihati Paurashava 16.33 9 17 8731 37038 18655 18383 53.4
171 Madhupur Madhupur Paurashava 25.00 9 23 13713 56342 28769 27573 56.7
172 Mirzapur Mirzapur Paurashava 8.50 9 17 6129 28602 13147 15455 69.7
173 Sakhipur Sakhipur Paurashava 13.77 9 18 7473 30028 14896 15132 57.6
174 Tangail Tangail Paurashava 33.80 18 64 37607 167412 84741 82671 71.8
175 Bagerhat Bagerhat Paurashava 7.53 9 31 11982 49073 24601 24472 75.8
176 Mongla Mongla Paurashava 19.40 9 13 8927 39837 21607 18230 64.1
177 Morrelganj Morrelganj Paurashava 6.00 9 12 5070 21741 10855 10886 73.8
178 Alamdanga Alamdanga Paurashava 9.59 9 19 8078 32048 15774 16274 63.1
179 Chuadanga Chuadanga Paurashava 37.37 9 43 20472 85786 42940 42846 61.7
180 Darshana Darshana Paurashava 24.56 9 25 7968 33396 16682 16714 59.0
181 Jiban Nagar Jiban Nagar Paurashava 13.03 9 26 6699 25518 12770 12748 57.4
182 Noapara Abhy Nagar Paurashava 25.11 9 21 21267 85856 43405 42451 63.7
183 Bagherpara Bagherpara Paurashava 3.03 9 12 1923 8290 4194 4096 62.3
184 Chaugachha Chaugachha Paurashava 11.63 9 11 5144 21422 10783 10639 61.6
185 Jhikargachha Jhikargachha Paurashava 9.43 9 15 7890 32774 16045 16729 64.4
186 Keshabpur Keshabpur Paurashava 12.41 9 14 6330 26229 13141 13088 63.0
187 Jashore Jashore Paurashava 14.71 9 73 45930 201796 104753 97043 77.8
188 Manirampur Manirampur Paurashava 17.65 9 15 7017 28138 14215 13923 66.1
189 Benapole Benapole Paurashava 11.15 9 11 8563 36524 18477 18047 56.9
190 Harinakundu Harinakundu Paurashava 22.78 9 17 5385 22011 11024 10987 47.3
191 Jhenaidah Jhenaidah Paurashava 44.33 9 34 25286 107834 55047 52787 68.1
192 Kaliganj Kaliganj Paurashava 15.89 9 20 10637 45341 22966 22375 65.1
Area, Population, Household and Household Characteristics 45

2.06 Area, Population and Literacy Rate by Paurashava, 2011

Sl No. Zila and Upazila Paurashava Area ( Ward Mahallah Household Population Literacy
Total Male Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
193 Kotchandpur Kotchandpur Paurashava 17.04 9 25 7943 33094 16467 16627 62.3
194 Maheshpur Maheshpur Paurashava 21.27 9 16 6687 27670 13916 13754 53.6
195 Shailkupa Shailkupa Paurashava 20.92 9 24 8507 35271 17671 17600 54.1
196 Chalna Chalna Paurashava 9.49 9 15 3449 14188 7065 7123 64.5
197 Paikgachha Paikgachha Paurashava 5.53 9 11 3788 16017 8204 7813 65.9
198 Bheramara Bheramara Paurashava 3.99 9 15 5274 22124 10940 11184 71.4
199 Khoksa Khoksa Paurashava 6.49 9 18 4086 17607 8849 8758 58.8
200 Kumarkhali Kumarkhali Paurashava 10.50 9 17 5276 21914 10824 11090 63.6
201 Kushtia Kushtia Paurashava 13.32 12 36 23037 102988 52887 50101 74.8
202 Mirpur Mirpur Paurashava 9.21 9 15 5507 22417 11470 10947 56.0
203 Magura Magura Paurashava 43.92 9 61 22105 98355 49065 49290 66.0
204 Gangni Gangni Paurashava 16.90 9 29 6488 25500 12721 12779 59.6
205 Meherpur Meherpur Paurashava 15.90 9 71 10418 43133 21784 21349 66.3
206 Kalia Kalia Paurashava 17.74 9 19 4485 19678 9900 9778 52.1
207 Lohagara Lohagara Paurashava 17.01 9 24 5919 25290 12193 13097 76.1
208 Narail Narail Paurashava 26.90 9 24 9945 42299 21338 20961 81.7
209 Kalaroa Kalaroa Paurashava 14.54 9 9 6570 27250 13510 13740 61.3
210 Satkhira Satkhira Paurashava 32.39 9 33 26896 113322 57616 55706 69.3
211 Santahar Santahar Paurashava 10.20 9 35 7847 31037 15713 15324 62.1
212 Bogura Bogura Paurashava 68.63 21 110 93351 400983 210093 190890 72.4
213 Dhunat Dhunat Paurashava 4.85 9 16 3474 14206 7084 7122 52.1
214 Dhupchanchia Dhupchanchia Paurashava 10.35 9 37 5401 22406 11458 10948 61.6
215 Gabtali Gabtali Paurashava 10.80 9 21 5493 21455 10601 10854 60.3
216 Kahaloo Kahaloo Paurashava 6.82 9 19 3636 13887 6955 6932 61.8
217 Nandigram Nandigram Paurashava 19.38 9 22 4528 18496 9437 9059 56.3
218 Sariakandi Sariakandi Paurashava 3.58 9 17 5069 18543 9398 9145 50.5
219 Sherpur Sherpur Paurashava 7.70 9 19 5678 25152 12602 12550 74.5
220 Shibganj Shibganj Paurashava 13.67 9 31 5576 21643 10916 10727 44.6
221 Sonatola Sonatola Paurashava 12.46 9 16 6514 24720 12208 12512 49.6
222 Akkelpur Akkelpur Paurashava 15.99 9 15 6281 24227 12129 12098 63.2
223 Joypurhat Joypurhat Paurashava 18.55 9 48 16843 69033 35278 33755 77.9
224 Kalai Kalai Paurashava 13.11 9 34 4411 16464 8173 8291 54.0
46 Area, Population, Household and Household Characteristics

2.06 Area, Population and Literacy Rate by Paurashava, 2011

Sl No. Zila and Upazila Paurashava Area ( Ward Mahallah Household Population Literacy
Total Male Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
225 Panchbibi Panchbibi Paurashava 9.63 9 14 5510 22475 11283 11192 69.4
226 Dhamoirhat Dhamoirhat Paurashava 11.14 9 15 3852 15006 7749 7257 55.5
227 Naogaon Naogaon Paurashava 37.08 9 62 35923 150549 77326 73223 65.1
228 Nozipur Nozipur Paurashava 11.82 9 14 5315 21670 11238 10432 69.6
229 Bagatipara Bagatipara Paurashava 9.06 9 17 2557 9975 4860 5115 62.1
230 Baraigram Baraigram Paurashava 10.97 9 18 5576 22247 10988 11259 51.5
231 Banpara Banpara Paurashava 12.61 9 16 4480 17276 8568 8708 54.2
232 Gurudaspur Gurudaspur Paurashava 13.61 9 18 8287 32807 16613 16194 54.6
233 Gopalpur Gopalpur Paurashava 14.98 9 16 5319 21042 10660 10382 60.3
234 Natore Natore Paurashava 14.84 9 33 18828 81203 41272 39931 73.0
235 Naldanga Naldanga Paurashava 5.22 9 16 2661 10266 5109 5157 60.3
236 Singra Singra Paurashava 29.39 12 35 7955 33192 16682 16510 56.8
237 Rahanpur Rahanpur Paurashava 14.42 9 33 7614 34941 17391 17550 56.5
238 Nachole Nachole Paurashava 12.40 9 10 3780 17364 8581 8783 55.6
239 Chapai Nawabganj Chapai Nawabganj Paurashava 32.90 15 82 39422 180731 86012 94719 60.8
240 Shibganj Shibganj Paurashava 23.68 9 31 9023 42693 21315 21378 51.9
241 Atgharia Atgharia Paurashava 8.60 9 18 3390 13686 6776 6910 56.7
242 Bera Bera Paurashava 16.42 9 26 11012 50068 25118 24950 52.2
243 Bhangura Bhangura Paurashava 5.13 9 37 4712 20606 10237 10369 56.6
244 Chatmohar Chatmohar Paurashava 3.28 9 13 3377 14443 7238 7205 76.3
245 Faridpur Faridpur Paurashava 9.63 9 16 3203 14010 6889 7121 56.0
246 Ishwardi Ishwardi Paurashava 19.59 9 27 15332 66255 33420 32835 65.2
247 Pabna Pabna Paurashava 27.27 15 46 33217 144442 74039 70403 76.2
248 Santhia Santhia Paurashava 26.29 9 27 9319 38704 19627 19077 47.9
249 Sujanagar Sujanagar Paurashava 11.08 9 24 5833 25461 12808 12653 44.6
250 Bagha Bagha Paurashava 11.69 9 28 7044 27623 13887 13736 55.4
251 Arani Arani Paurashava 9.41 9 22 4059 16550 8289 8261 53.2
252 Bhabanigonj Bhabanigonj Paurashava 13.34 9 20 4546 17955 9107 8848 52.6
253 Tahirpur Tahirpur Paurashava 10.48 9 17 4469 17944 9040 8904 54.4
254 Charghat Charghat Paurashava 18.72 9 20 9105 38409 19860 18549 62.1
255 Durgapur Durgapur Paurashava 24.83 9 12 7109 26671 13337 13334 55.0
256 Godagari Godagari Paurashava 14.29 9 19 8008 39766 20239 19527 53.0
Area, Population, Household and Household Characteristics 47

2.06 Area, Population and Literacy Rate by Paurashava, 2011

Sl No. Zila and Upazila Paurashava Area ( Ward Mahallah Household Population Literacy
Total Male Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
257 Kakanhat Kakanhat Paurashava 19.25 9 25 3997 16569 8066 8503 44.4
258 Kesharhat Kesharhat Paurashava 16.19 9 20 5091 19645 9852 9793 53.9
259 Katakhali Katakhali Paurashava 9.13 9 20 6953 28613 14915 13698 59.8
260 Noahata Noahata Paurashava 40.46 9 40 14045 57119 28826 28293 56.5
261 Puthia Puthia Paurashava 13.50 9 16 5188 20610 10390 10220 59.2
262 Tanore Tanore Paurashava 27.22 9 26 7976 31479 15666 15813 49.1
263 Mundumala Mundumala Paurashava 31.76 9 14 4888 21940 10854 11086 49.7
264 Belkuchi Belkuchi Paurashava 19.00 9 14 16229 75364 39174 36190 49.6
265 Kazipur Kazipur Paurashava 8.49 9 11 3396 12637 6004 6633 46.9
266 Royganj Royganj Paurashava 7.04 9 29 4354 17318 8655 8663 61.3
267 Shahjadpur Shahjadpur Paurashava 11.07 9 31 14226 64507 32923 31584 56.1
268 Sirajganj Sirajganj Paurashava 28.49 15 50 35556 158913 80241 78672 63.2
269 Ullah Para Ullah Para Paurashava 12.07 9 25 10526 47693 24169 23524 61.9
270 Birampur Birampur Paurashava 27.53 9 26 10802 45334 22979 22355 59.7
271 Birganj Birganj Paurashava 6.30 9 11 4535 19467 9949 9518 65.7
272 Setabganj Bochagay Paurashava 10.23 9 33 7128 27335 13825 13510 62.6
273 Fulbari Fulbari Paurashava 16.04 9 14 8170 34786 17651 17135 62.3
274 Ghoraghat Ghoraghat Paurashava 18.63 9 29 5570 22717 11405 11312 51.2
275 Hakimpur Hakimpur Paurashava 16.40 9 17 6679 28411 15002 13409 63.6
276 Dinajpur Dinajpur Paurashava 20.67 12 80 40929 186727 96139 90588 75.4
277 Parbatipur Parbatipur Paurashava 6.67 9 36 7299 29143 14629 14514 64.5
278 Gaibandha Gaibandha Paurashava 11.29 9 35 15430 67833 33987 33846 74.5
279 Gobindaganj Gobindaganj Paurashava 14.47 9 22 9718 38415 19362 19053 54.8
280 Sundarganj Sundarganj Paurashava 6.51 9 17 4252 17168 8559 8609 51.6
281 Kurigram Kurigram Paurashava 27.04 9 105 17159 77252 39353 37899 63.2
282 Nageshwari Nageshwari Paurashava 42.00 9 81 15298 62289 31021 31268 49.7
283 Ulipur Ulipur Paurashava 26.14 9 16 11526 45933 22403 23530 50.3
284 Lalmonirhat Lalmonirhat Paurashava 17.62 9 64 13897 60322 30496 29826 66.0
285 Patgram Patgram Paurashava 12.49 9 23 6379 30565 15491 15074 49.7
286 Domar Domar Paurashava 9.42 9 12 4011 17027 8535 8492 64.2
287 Jaldhaka Jaldhaka Paurashava 28.20 9 15 10207 46211 23493 22718 41.5
288 Nilphamari Nilphamari Paurashava 19.28 9 13 9448 45386 23286 22100 64.1
48 Area, Population, Household and Household Characteristics

2.06 Area, Population and Literacy Rate by Paurashava, 2011

Sl No. Zila and Upazila Paurashava Area ( Ward Mahallah Household Population Literacy
Total Male Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
289 Saidpur Saidpur Paurashava 24.88 9 42 26311 127104 65060 62044 63.9
290 Boda Boda Paurashava 11.11 9 32 3951 14787 7428 7359 60.7
291 Panchagarh Panchagarh Paurashava 20.72 9 32 10105 45589 23241 22348 70.3
292 Badarganj Badarganj Paurashava 3.88 9 12 6289 25286 12926 12360 57.9
293 Haragachh Haragachh Paurashava 16.13 9 7 14714 61425 30140 31285 41.4
294 Rangpur Rangpur Paurashava 50.69 15 107 64885 300659 156110 144549 72.1
295 Pirganj Pirganj Paurashava 29.41 9 11 6541 27700 14103 13597 53.8
296 Ranisankail Ranisankail Paurashava 9.15 9 18 3876 17762 9112 8650 59.8
297 Thakurgaon Thakurgaon Paurashava 30.03 9 30 18015 80589 41211 39378 74.3
298 Ajmiriganj Ajmiriganj Paurashava 6.30 9 30 2780 13353 6641 6712 44.1
299 Chunarughat Chunarughat Paurashava 7.99 9 21 3889 19651 9754 9897 55.9
300 Habiganj Habiganj Paurashava 8.97 9 73 13517 69512 34990 34522 71.3
301 Shaysestagagj Shaysestagagj Paurashava 6.35 9 29 4513 23314 11632 11682 57.5
302 Madhabpur Madhabpur Paurashava 7.70 9 12 4077 21930 11106 10824 50.2
303 Nabiganj Nabiganj Paurashava 9.70 9 22 4381 23989 12116 11873 50.9
304 Barlekha Barlekha Paurashava 9.26 9 30 4129 22247 11145 11102 56.9
305 Kamalganj Kamalganj Paurashava 9.81 9 27 3364 16878 8460 8418 61.5
306 Kulaura Kulaura Paurashava 11.25 9 26 4993 26150 13055 13095 65.5
307 Maulvibazar Maulvibazar Paurashava 10.36 9 48 10840 56537 29615 26922 65.0
308 Sreemangal Sreemangal Paurashava 2.30 9 20 4825 23031 11814 11217 66.5
309 Chhatak Chhatak Paurashava 11.98 9 23 7824 44364 23674 20690 55.6
310 Derai Derai Paurashava 6.50 9 29 5073 28157 14254 13903 60.0
311 Jagannathpur Jagannathpur Paurashava 28.64 9 43 7032 40699 20926 19773 43.9
312 Sunamganj Sunamganj Paurashava 17.31 9 44 11926 65332 33520 31812 60.5
313 Beani Bazar Beani Bazar Paurashava 12.39 9 37 7709 42030 21032 20998 63.5
314 Golapganj Golapganj Paurashava 16.50 9 23 5652 32444 16405 16039 62.2
315 Kanaighat Kanaighat Paurashava 22.16 9 26 4671 27078 13552 13526 60.1
316 Zakiganj Zakiganj Paurashava 8.23 9 25 2811 16398 8194 8204 51.8
Source: Population and Housing Census 2011, BBS
Area, Population, Household and Household Characteristics 49

2.07 Household and Population of Statistical Metropolitan Area (SMA), 2001

Sl. Name Household Total Population Sex Household
No. Male Female ratio size
1. Dhaka 2071046 9672763 5382233 4290530 125 4.6
2. Chattogram 588471 2991723 1639045 1352678 121 5.1
3. Khulna 253215 1172831 623723 549108 114 4.6
4. Rajshahi 135216 651062 345319 305743 113 4.8
Total 3101078 14488379 7990320 6498059 123 4.7
Source : Population and Housing Census, 2001, BBS

2.08 Inter-Censal Growth Rate of Population, 1911-2011

Year and date of census Population Variation Growth Rate
(Adjusted) Number Percent (exponential
1911 March-10 31,555,056 2,627,270 9.08 0.94
1921 March18 33,254,096 1,699,040 5.38 0.60
1931 Feb.-26 35,604,170 2850071 7.07 0.74
1941 March-01 41,997,297 6893127 17.96 1.70
1951 March-01 44,165,740 2,168,443 5.16 0.50
1961 Feb.-01 55,222,663 11,056,923 25.04 2.26
1974 March-01 76,398,000 21,175,337 38.35 2.48
1981 March-05 89,912,000 13,514,000 17.69 2.35
1991 March-11 111,455,185 21,543,185 23.96 2.17
2001 January-23 130522598 19067413 17.11 1.59
2011 March-15 149772364 19249766 14.75 1.37
Source : Population and Housing Census, 2011, BBS

2.09 Population by Sex and Age Group, 1991-2011

Year Sex Total 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-59 60+
1991 Both sex 111455 18695 18391 13443 18864 16269 10883 8865 6045
Male 57314 9482 9505 7175 9175 8032 5886 4762 3298
Female 54141 9213 8886 6267 9690 8236 4997 4104 2748

1995 Both sex 119957 16877 18611 15913 22967 18294 11534 10520 5250
Male 61643 8577 9354 8132 11784 9426 6020 5610 3164
Female 58314 8300 9257 7781 11183 8868 5514 4910 2086

1996 Both sex 122125 15502 18680 15455 21297 17374 13382 10687 9748
Male 62714 7921 9733 7839 10781 8629 6924 5625 5262
Female 59411 7581 8947 7616 10516 8745 6458 5062 4486

2001 Both Sex 124355 16002 16696 15872 23212 19623 14152 11069 7729
Male 64091 8327 8749 8389 11250 9300 7678 6130 4268
Female 60264 7675 7947 7483 11962 10323 6474 4939 3461

2011 Both Sex 1440437 150620 181732 166466 261617 239793 178181 154333 107595
Male 721098 76385 93225 86149 198093 113044 89783 82394 57250
Female 719339 74234 88507 80317 201973 126749 88398 71939 50445
Source: Population and Housing Census, SVRS, BBS.
50 Area, Population, Household and Household Characteristics

2.10 Percentage Distribution of Population by Sex 15-24 Age Groups, 1974-2011

Year Sex Total 0-4 5-9 10-14 20-24 25-34 35-44 45-59 60+
1974 Both sex 100.0 16.9 18.3 12.8 15.1 12.5 10.0 8.7 5.7
Male 100.0 16.2 17.8 13.5 15.0 11.8 10.2 9.3 6.2
Female 100.0 17.6 18.9 12.2 15.3 13.2 9.6 8.0 5.2

1981 Both sex 100.0 17.0 16.3 13.4 17.1 13.1 9.3 8.2 5.6
Male 100.0 16.6 16.0 13.9 16.4 12.8 9.5 8.7 6.1
Female 100.0 17.4 16.5 12.9 17.9 13.5 9.1 7.7 5.1

1991 Both sex 100.0 16.77 16.50 12.06 16.92 14.60 9.77 7.95 5.42
Male 100.0 16.54 16.58 12.52 16.01 4.02 10.27 8.31 5.75
Female 100.0 17.02 16.41 11.58 17.90 15.21 9.23 7.58 5.07

1995 Both sex 100.0 14.07 15.51 13.27 19.15 15.25 9.62 8.76 4.37
Male 100.0 13.90 15.16 13.19 19.11 15.28 9.25 9.80 5.12
Female 100.0 14.33 15.97 13.44 19.29 15.21 9.76 8.52 3.68

1996 Both sex 100.0 12.69 15.30 12.66 17.44 14.23 10.95 8.75 7.98
Male 100.0 12.63 15.52 12.50 17.19 13.76 11.04 8.97 8.39
Female 100.0 12.76 15.06 12.82 17.70 14.72 10.87 8.52 7.55

2001 Both Sex 13.02 12.99 13.64 12.79 18.19 15.55 11.38 5.54 6.38
Male 13.02 13.09 13.93 13.21 17.02 14.13 11.94 9.70 6.86
Female 12.84 12.88 13.35 12.37 19.42 17.03 10.79 8.36 5.84

2011 Both Sex 100.00 10.46 12.62 11.56 18.16 16.65 12.37 10.71 7.48
Male 100.00 10.59 12.93 11.95 17.04 15.68 12.45 11.43 7.94
Female 100.00 10.32 12.30 11.17 19.29 17.62 12.29 10.00 7.01
Source: Population and Housing Census,BBS

2.11 Enumerated Population of Bangladesh by Former Districts in Census Years

Former Districts 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1974 1981 1991 2001 2011
Bandarban - - - - - - - 171 231 299 388
Chattogram H. Ts 154 173 213 247 288 383 508 580 744 1034 7616
Chattogram 1508 1611 1797 2153 2309 2983 4315 5491 6715 8386 7616
Cumilla 2455 2696 3056 3860 3792 4389 5819 6881 8207 9265 5387
Noakhali 1303 1473 1707 2217 2274 2383 3234 3816 4626 5307 3108
Sylhet 2241 2298 2466 2832 3059 3490 4759 5656 6765 7939 2434

Dhaka 2929 3172 3449 4224 4073 5096 7611 10014 13232 17192 12043
Faridpur 1958 2030 2163 2650 2710 3179 4060 4764 5424 6102 1912
Jamalpur - - - - - - 2059 2452 3013 4490 2292
Mymensingh 4531 4842 5135 6030 4558 5532 5508 6568 7994 4583 5110
Tangail - - - - 1227 1487 2078 2444 3002 3291 3605

Barishal 2613 2844 3194 3811 2636 3068 3928 4667 5413 5865 2324
Jashore 1597 1590 1552 1695 1703 2190 3327 4020 4848 5574 2764
Khulna 1380 1472 1629 1944 2076 2449 3557 4329 5039 5793 2318
Kushtia 842 783 808 920 884 1166 1884 2292 2801 3338 1946

Patuakhali - - - - 1006 1194 1499 1843 2050 2309 1535

Bogura 1017 1083 1122 1260 1278 1574 2231 2728 3434 3860 3400
Dianajpur 1168 1220 1236 1336 1355 1710 2571 3200 3983 4693 2990
Pabna 1425 1385 1438 1584 1584 1959 2815 3424 4183 4870 2523
Rajshahi 2000 2028 1993 2198 2205 2881 4268 5270 6594 7625 2595
Rangpur 2434 2555 2646 2924 2916 3796 5447 6510 8015 9154 2881
Bangladesh 31555 33255 35604 41885 41933 50909 71478 87120 106315 124355 144043
Note: Figures may differ due to rounding.
Source: Population and Housing Census, BBS
Area, Population, Household and Household Characteristics 51

2.12 Population 10 Years and above by Marital Status, Sex, Age Group and Residence, 2011
Age Group Marital Status
& Total Never Married Currently Married Widow/Widower Divorce/Seperated
Residence Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
TOTAL 110808539 55148787 55659752 35447458 21479916 13967542 69943854 33247419 36696435 4886669 351322 4535347 530555 70126 460429
10-14 16646619 8614890 8031729 16450924 8545964 7904960 173360 64070 109290 18197 4004 14193 4138 852 3286
15-19 12861897 6509496 6352401 10553550 6317012 4236538 2249326 186326 2063000 21592 3749 17843 37429 2409 35020
20-24 13299801 5777378 7522423 5208502 4002623 1205879 7964915 1758337 6206578 44115 7062 37053 82269 9356 72913
25-29 13479517 6225259 7254258 2112692 1792267 320425 11204575 4408783 6795792 75900 10882 65018 86350 13327 73023
30-34 10499769 5079109 5420660 558808 458870 99938 9758254 4599927 5158327 112068 10147 101921 70639 10165 60474
35-39 9556430 4697352 4859078 207709 152050 55659 9100218 4526017 4574201 183022 10843 172179 65481 8442 57039
40-44 8261668 4280924 3980744 114974 75613 39361 7784185 4183864 3600321 300957 14172 286785 61552 7275 54277
45-49 6380072 3363272 3016800 65600 41561 24039 5925014 3302434 2622580 348201 14584 333617 41257 4693 36564
50-54 5552273 2952597 2599676 50691 29858 20833 4948560 2897253 2051307 520720 21675 499045 32302 3811 28491
55-59 3500996 1923534 1577462 27669 16382 11287 3056500 1885629 1170871 401666 19298 382368 15161 2225 12936
60-64 3934013 2081306 1852707 33618 16850 16768 3118572 2024328 1094244 766001 37667 728334 15822 2461 13361
65-69 2113488 1149569 963919 16584 8538 8046 1610010 1109358 500652 480483 30337 450146 6411 1336 5075
70-74 2231712 1206398 1025314 20457 9716 10741 1539865 1143747 396118 665377 51359 614018 6013 1576 4437
75-79 874727 488338 386389 8332 4372 3960 590770 453442 137328 273629 29796 243833 1996 728 1268
80+ 1615554 799361 816193 17348 8240 9108 919730 703904 215826 674741 85747 588994 3735 1470 2265
TOTAL 83780931 40964285 42816642 25836824 15516154 10320670 53599263 25118051 28481212 3932861 276215 3656646 411974 53860 358114
10-14 13036750 6746461 6290289 12882986 6692051 6190935 135533 50534 84999 14897 3201 11696 3334 675 2659
15-19 9444806 4773564 4671242 7663160 4628286 3034874 1733893 140494 1593399 17185 2878 14307 30568 1906 28662
20-24 9549044 3974284 5574760 3312697 2605450 707247 6137026 1356088 4780938 34460 5363 29097 64861 7383 57478
25-29 9840882 4378921 5461961 1261773 1079052 182721 8454288 3281363 5172925 58582 8195 50387 66239 10311 55928
30-34 7742152 3618855 4123297 331644 269197 62447 7269897 3334659 3935238 86933 7488 79445 53678 7511 46167
35-39 7132100 3406238 3725862 132293 94644 37649 6809053 3297354 3511699 140967 7939 133028 49787 6301 43486
40-44 6246930 3156731 3090199 78219 50606 27613 5889826 3090238 2799588 231888 10472 221416 46997 5415 41582
45-49 4875089 2513613 2361476 45610 28590 17020 4528664 2470725 2057939 269078 10761 258317 31737 3537 28200
50-54 4327099 2249315 2077784 36134 21114 15020 3857136 2209169 1647967 408687 16120 392567 25142 2912 22230
55-59 2742239 1474861 1267378 19533 11464 8069 2394394 1447132 947262 216233 14512 301721 12079 1753 10326
60-64 3174988 1655310 1519678 24801 12325 12476 2517901 1612041 905860 619632 28986 590646 12654 1958 10696
65-69 1727158 931935 795223 12400 6251 6049 1317614 900729 416885 391945 23776 368169 5199 1079 4120
70-74 1852253 998787 853466 15694 7366 8328 1280662 948904 331758 1550984 41224 509760 4913 1293 3620
75-79 727896 407506 320390 6145 3160 2985 494092 379518 114574 225994 24237 201757 1665 591 1074
80+ 1361536 677899 683637 13735 6498 7237 779284 599103 180181 565396 71063 494333 3121 1235 1886
52 Area, Population, Household and Household Characteristics

2.12 Population 10 Years and above by Marital Status, Sex, Age Group and Residence, 2011

Age Group Marital Status

& Total Never Married Currently Married Widow/Widower Divorce/Seperated
Residence Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
TOTAL 27027608 14184502 12843111 9610634 5963762 3646872 16344591 8129368 8215223 953808 75107 878701 118581 16266 102315

10-14 3609869 1868429 1741440 3567938 1853913 1714025 37827 13536 24291 3300 803 2497 804 177 627

15-19 3417091 1735932 1681159 2890390 1688726 1201664 515433 45832 469601 4407 871 3536 6861 503 6358

20-24 3750757 1803094 1947663 1895805 1397173 498632 1827889 402248 1425640 9655 1699 7956 17408 1973 15435

25-29 3638635 1846338 1792297 850919 713215 137704 2750287 1127420 1622867 17318 2687 14631 20111 3016 17095

30-34 2757617 1460254 1297363 227164 189673 37491 2488357 1265268 1223089 25135 2659 22476 16961 2654 14307

35-39 2424330 1291114 133216 75416 57406 18010 2291165 1228663 1062502 42055 2904 39151 15694 2141 13553

40-44 2014738 1124193 890545 36755 25007 11748 1894359 1093626 800733 69069 3700 65369 14555 1860 12695

45-49 1504983 849659 655324 19990 12971 7019 1396350 831709 564641 79123 3823 75300 9520 1156 8364

50-54 1225174 703282 521892 14557 8744 5813 1091424 688084 403340 112033 5555 106478 7160 899 6261

55-59 758757 448673 310084 8136 4918 3218 662106 438497 223609 85433 4786 80647 3082 472 2610

60-64 759025 425996 333029 8817 4525 4292 600671 412287 188384 146369 8681 137688 3168 503 2665

65-69 386330 217634 168696 4184 2187 1997 292396 208629 83767 88538 6561 81977 1212 257 955

70-74 379459 207611 171848 4763 2350 2413 259203 194843 64360 114393 10135 104258 1100 283 817

75-79 146831 80832 65999 2187 1212 975 96678 73924 22754 47635 5559 42076 331 137 194

80+ 254018 121462 132556 3613 1742 1871 140446 104801 35645 109345 14684 94661 614 235 379

Source: Population and Housing Census, 2011, BBS

Area, Population, Household and Household Characteristics 53

2.13 Mean Age at Marriage by Sex

Year/Source Marriages per 1000 Population Male Number of marriages (Million) Female
1984 SVRS - 23.9 - 17.8
1985 " 10.23 25.3 1.01 18.0
1986 " 8.81 24.5 0.90 17.5
1987 " 11.55 25.0 1.15 17.9
1988 " 11.20 24.8 1.14 18.0
1989 " 10.90 25.0 1.12 18.0
1990 " 10.80 25.1 1.13 18.0
1991 " 11.82 25.2 1.19 18.1
1992 " 10.74 25.2 1.20 18.2
1993 " 10.03 26.6 1.20 19.6
1994 " 10.01 27.7 1.17 19.8
1995 " 10.20 27.5 1.32 19.9
1996 " 10.10 27.6 1.17 20.0
1997 “ 9.450 27.6 1.17 20.0
1998 “ 9.20 27.6 1.16 20.2
1999 " 9.10 27.7 - 20.3
2000 " 9.00 27.7 - 20.4
2001 " 8.90 25.8 - 20.4
2002 " 9.48 25.6 - 20.6
2003 " 10.41 25.2 - 20.4
2004 " 12.44 25.3 - 19.0
2005 " 13.00 23.3 - 17.9
2006 " 12.45 23.4 - 18.1
2007 " 12.46 23.6 - 18.4
2008 " 11.55 23.8 - 19.1
2009 " 13.15 23.8 - 18.5
2010 " 12.69 23.9 - 18.7
2011 " 13.40 24.9 - 18.6
2012 " 13.3 24.7 - 19.3
2013 " 13.0 25.2 - 18.6
2014 " 12.9 25.9 - 18.5
2015 " 13.0 26.4 - 18.7
2016 " 14.3 26.3 - 18.8
2017 " 14.6 26.2 - 18.8
2018 " 14.7 25.5 - 18.9
2019 " 14.9 25.3 - 18.9
2020 " 15.3 25.2 - 19.1
Source: SVRS, 2020, BBS

2.14 Percentage Distribution and Variation of Major Communities by Religion, 1901-2011

Year All communities Muslim Hindu* Others
Percent Variation Percent Variation Percent Variation
1901 100 66.1 - 33.0 - 0.9 -
1911 100 67.2 10.9 31.0 4.3 1.3 49.1
1921 100 68.1 6.8 30.6 2.2 1.3 10.2
1931 100 69.5 9.2 29.4 2.8 1.0 -5.0
1941 100 70.3 19.3 28.0 12.4 1.6 76.9
1951 100 76.9 9.2 22.0 -21.4 0.1 -37.3
1961 100 80.4 26.9 18.5 1.5 0.1 22.3
1974 100 85.4 49.3 13.5 3.1 0.2 34.4
1981 100 86.7 23.7 12.1 9.3 0.3 38.8
1991 100 88.3 24.4 10.5 5.8 0.3 18.1
2001 100 89.6 18.7 9.3 5.8 0.2 11.2
2011 100 90.39 - 8.54 - 1.07 -
Source: Population and Housing Census, BBS

2.15 Inter census Growth Rates of Population (Both Sexes) and Youths
Based on Population Adjusted for Net Undercount, 1974-2001
Age group Population (in thousand) Growth rate (Exponential)
1974 1981 1991 2001 1974-81 1981-91 1974-91 1991-2001
15-19 6326 8408 9500 11963 4.06 1.22 2.39 2.33
20-24 5250 6997 9364 10916 4.10 2.91 3.40 1.59
25-29 5200 6626 9472 10760 3.46 3.57 3.53 1.28
15-29 16776 22031 28336 33639 3.89 2.52 3.08 1.73
Total Population 76398 89912 111455 123851 2.32 2.15 2.22 1.06
Source: Population and Housing Census- 2001, BBS
54 Area, Population, Household and Household Characteristics

2.16 Distribution of Ethnic Population and Households by Zila, 2011.

Name of Zila (General) Institutional Others Population Male Female
Bangladesh 353727 370 2078 1586141 797477 788664
1. Bagerhat 698 0 5 3327 1677 1650
2. Bandarban 36288 75 313 172401 87670 84731
3. Barguna 325 0 3 1143 565 578
4. Barishal 15 0 2 76 45 31
5. Bhola 11 0 0 57 28 29
6. Bogura 2008 0 7 7981 3984 3997
7. Brahmanbaria 25 0 2 118 59 59
8. Chandpur 282 0 2 1292 674 618
9. Chattogram 6834 23 0 32165 16329 15836
10. Chuadanga 329 0 149 1268 611 657
11. Cumilla 604 4 10 2974 1667 1307
12. Cox's Bazar 2885 1 34 14551 7045 7506
13. Dhaka 4615 31 323 20123 10400 9723
14. Dinajpur 15999 7 43 66861 33030 33831
15. Faridpur 651 0 5 3233 1670 1563
16. Feni 117 3 15 639 351 288
17. Gaibandha 1123 0 1 4312 2111 2201
18. Gazipur 3525 7 48 15368 7702 7666
19. Gopalganj 348 1 3 2066 1080 986
20. Habiganj 14534 0 38 65802 33038 32764
21. Joypurhat 5705 1 11 23139 11712 11427
22. Jamalpur 376 0 9 1569 803 766
23. Jashore 3790 0 5 17432 8779 8653
24. Jhalokati 11 0 0 57 28 29
25. Jhenaidah 698 0 6 3108 1528 1580
26. Khagrachhari 70175 23 26 316987 159310 157677
27. Khulna 476 1 2 2054 1022 1032
28. Kishoreganj 94 0 2 433 227 206
29. Kurigram 115 0 3 486 226 260
30. Kushtia 373 0 2 1666 819 847
31. Lakshmipur 56 0 3 244 131 113
32. Lalmonirhat 23 0 0 126 59 67
33. Madaripur 17 0 1 76 38 38
34. Magura 1760 1 3 8099 4043 4056
35. Manikganj 115 1 0 582 313 269
36. Meherpur 4 0 1 18 9 9
37. Maulvibazar 13217 3 42 63466 31422 32044
38. Munshiganj 24 0 7 103 78 25
39. Mymensingh 8632 18 39 35907 17288 18619
40. Naogaon 28374 3 20 116736 57863 58873
41. Narail 208 0 0 943 465 478
42. Narayanganj 165 2 26 899 603 296
43. Narsingdi 40 0 4 208 109 99
44. Natore 2853 1 6 11912 5927 5985
45. Nawabganj 3216 1 4 14190 7031 7159
46. Netrokona 6021 10 38 25247 12323 12924
47. Nilphamari 109 0 0 495 257 238
48. Noakhali 51 0 7 347 201 146
49. Pabna 501 0 2 1973 973 1000
50. Panchagar 383 0 3 1528 751 777
51. Patuakhali 376 0 3 1399 707 692
52. Pirojpur 12 0 1 53 26 27
53. Rajshahi 11132 6 78 49312 24136 25176
54. Rajbari 293 0 0 1285 612 673
55. Rangamati 76821 121 411 356153 181820 174333
56. Rangpur 4727 4 10 18561 9180 9381
57. Shariatpur 10 0 1 93 80 13
58. Satkhira 569 0 2 2615 1278 1337
59. Sirajganj 4676 5 7 19772 9583 10189
60. Sherpur 4180 4 12 16231 8091 8140
61. Sunamganj 1444 4 6 6911 3521 3390
62. Sylhet 2484 1 10 12781 6470 6311
63. Tangail 6071 8 18 25584 13022 12562
64. Thakurgaon 2139 0 4 9632 4891 4741
Source: Population and Housing Census- 2011, BBS.
Area, Population, Household and Household Characteristics 55

2.17 Crude Birth Rates and Total Fertility Rates

Sources Year CBR per 1000 TFR
VRS 1984 34.8 4.83
VRS 1985 34.6 4.71
VRS 1986 34.4 4.70
VRS 1987 33.3 4.42
VRS 1988 33.2 4.45
VRS 1989 33.0 4.35
VRS 1990 32.8 4.33
SVRS 1991 31.6 4.24
SVRS 1992 30.8 4.18
BDSR 1993 28.8 3.84
BDSR 1994 27.0 3.58
SVR 1995 26.5 3.45
BDSR 1996 25.6 3.41
BDSR 1997 21.0 3.10
VRS 1998 19.9 2.98
VRS 1999 19.2 2.64
VRS 2000 19.0 2.59
VRS 2001 18.9 2.56
SVRS 2002 20.1 2.55
SVRS 2003 20.9 2.57
SVRS 2004 20.8 2.51
SVRS 2005 20.7 2.46
SVRS 2006 20.6 2.41
SVRS 2007 20.9 2.39
SVRS 2008 20.5 2.30
SVRS 2009 19.4 2.15
SVRS 2010 19.2 2.12
SVRS 2011 19.2 2.11
SVRS 2012 18.9 2.12
SVRS 2013 19.0 2.11
SVRS 2014 18.9 2.11
SVRS 2015 18.8 2.10
SVRS 2016 18.7 2.10
SVRS 2017 18.5 2.05
SVRS 2018 18.3 2.05
SVRS 2019 18.1 2.04
SVRS 2020 18.1 2.04
Source: SVRS 2020, BBS

2.18 Crude Birth Rate (CBR) by Residence

Year National Urban Rural
1993 28.8 21.0 30.0
1994 27.0 20.2 29.1
1995 26.5 19.4 28.5
1996 25.6 19.0 27.8
1997 21.0 16.2 24.5
1998 19.9 14.0 21.0
1999 19.2 13.8 20.9
2000 19.0 13.7 20.8
2001 18.9 13.6 20.7
2002 20.1 16.6 21.0
2003 20.9 17.9 21.7
2004 20.8 17.8 21.6
2005 20.7 17.8 21.7
2006 20.6 17.5 21.7
2007 20.9 17.4 22.1
2008 20.5 17.2 22.4
2009 19.4 16.8 20.4
2010 19.2 17.1 20.1
2011 19.2 17.4 20.2
2012 18.9 17.1 20.0
2013 19.0 18.2 19.3
2014 18.9 17.2 19.4
2015 18.8 16.5 20.3
2016 18.7 16.1 20.9
2017 18.5 16.1 20.4
2018 18.3 16.1 20.1
2019 18.1 15.9 20.0
2020 18.1 15.3 20.4
Source: SVRS 2020, BBS
56 Area, Population, Household and Household Characteristics

2.19 Age Specific and Total Fertility Rate and Age Specific Fertility Rate per 1000
Women in Bangladesh for Selected Years
Total fertility rate Age-specific fertility rate (per 1000 women)
Year (per women) 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49

Vital Registration System, (VRS), B.B.S

1988 4.45 78 248 244 153 100 38 17
1989 4.35 80 245 227 158 107 37 15
1990 4.33 79 240 233 158 109 34 12
1991 4.24 77 234 227 153 106 33 12
1992 4.18 75 232 232 152 103 32 10
1993 3.84 60 220 214 140 103 27 7
1994 3.58 56 205 207 126 98 18 6
1995 3.45 55 202 198 119 94 17 5
1996 3.41 54 200 196 117 93 17 5
1997 3.10 48 183 177 107 86 16 5
1998 2.98 47 174 171 103 81 14 5
1999 2.64 32 165 168 90 52 16 5
2000 2.59 39 159 162 89 50 15 4
2001 2.56 44 152 159 87 49 15 4
2002 2.55 57 153 134 88 47 21 13
2003 2.57 64 163 135 82 42 19 9
2004 2.51 59 165 130 71 50 21 8
2005 2.46 57 160 131 71 48 18 8
2006 2.41 54 159 121 72 47 22 7
2007 2.39 59 148 123 79 44 16 8
2008 2.30 60 142 116 73 38 15 9
2009 2.15 62 137 113 68 33 12 4
2010 2.12 59 136 113 66 36 11 5
2011 2.11 65 142 110 62 30 9 4
2012 2.12 53 143 118 67 31 10 3
2013 2.11 60 152 113 54 30 8 5
2014 2.11 83 144 110 48 25 7 4
2015 2.10 75 137 105 56 25 9 3
2016 2.10 78 132 107 58 26 7 3
2017 2.05 75 134 105 59 26 7 3
2018 2.05 74 132 106 62 26 7 3
2.04 74 126 110 64 25 7 2
Source: SVRS, 2019, BBS
Area, Population, Household and Household Characteristics 57

2.20 Age-Specific Fertility Rates Per 1000 Women by Residence

Year Total fertility rate per Age groups
wornan 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49
2005 2.46 57 160 131 71 48 18 8
2006 2.41 54 159 121 72 47 22 7
2007 2.39 59 148 123 79 44 16 8
2008 2.30 66 142 116 73 38 15 9
2009 2.15 62 137 113 68 33 12 4
2010 2.12 59 136 113 66 36 11 5
2011 2.11 65 142 110 62 30 9 4
2012 2.12 53 143 118 67 31 10 3
2013 2.11 60 152 113 54 30 8 5
2014 2.11 83 144 110 48 25 7 4
2015 2.10 75 137 105 56 25 9 3
2016 2.10 78 132 107 58 26 7 3
2017 2.05 75 134 105 59 26 7 3
2018 2.05 74 132 106 62 26 7 3
2019 2.04 74 126 110 64 25 7 2
2020 2.04 74 126 109 63 26 8 2
2005 2.65 61 173 141 76 51 21 8
2006 2.63 58 173 131 78 53 25 8
2007 2.61 67 164 133 85 49 17 8
2008 2.60 75 159 131 82 44 19 11
2009 2.28 68 147 113 71 34 13 5
2010 2.26 61 145 120 72 39 12 5
2011 2.25 65 142 110 62 30 9 4
2012 2.30 62 160 138 90 51 23 14
2013 2.19 60 160 120 50 30 10 10
2014 2.22 91 152 114 48 27 8 4
2015 2.30 85 158 117 59 29 9 3
2016 2.38 85 159 126 64 30 9 3
2017 2.37 84 161 118 70 30 8 3
2018 2.38 89 158 117 69 31 8 3
2019 2.37 88 152 123 71 28 9 3
2020 2.37 88 151 121 71 31 9 3
2005 1.87 38 127 105 60 31 9 4
2006 1.81 41 123 95 56 30 14 4
2007 1.79 39 107 99 63 31 14 5
2008 1.79 51 113 93 57 28 10 7
2009 1.65 50 116 89 53 26 5 4
2010 1.72 52 112 92 46 30 8 3
2011 1.71 52 196 192 125 100 29 5
2012 1.84 47 131 102 55 23 7 2
2013 1.84 60 120 100 50 20 10 0
2014 2.11 83 144 110 48 25 7 4
2015 1.72 60 110 89 53 20 7 4
2016 1.68 69 102 87 50 21 5 2
2017 1.68 65 103 92 45 22 5 3
2018 1.68 57 104 94 53 21 5 2
2019 1.67 56 98 97 56 22 5 1
2020 1.66 55 99 96 54 22 6 1
Source : SVRS, 2020, BBS

2.21 Gross Reproduction Rate (GRR) and Net Reproduction Rate (NRR) by Residence
Year National Urban Rural National Urban Rural
1997 1.52 1.10 1.63 1.37 1.07 1.62
1998 1.45 1.08 1.62 1.31 1.06 1.43
1999 1.29 0.86 1.44 1.25 0.82 1.39
2000 1.27 0.82 1.41 1.24 0.79 1.37
2001 1.26 0.80 1.40 1.23 0.79 1.36
2002 1.26 1.03 1.32 1.22 0.94 1.29
2003 1.24 0.95 1.32 1.20 0.92 1.29
2004 1.21 0.92 1.28 1.18 0.91 1.25
2005 1.19 0.91 1.28 1.17 0.90 1.24
2006 1.17 0.90 1.27 1.15 0.88 1.24
2007 1.17 0.87 1.28 1.14 0.85 1.24
2008 1.11 0.87 1.25 1.09 0.86 1.23
2009 1.07 0.81 1.15 1.06 0.80 1.14
2010 1.05 0.84 1.12 1.04 0.82 1.11
2011 1.04 0.85 1.11 1.03 0.83 1.10
2012 1.05 0.91 1.14 1.04 0.90 1.13
2013 1.02 0.92 1.06 1.01 0.91 1.04
2014 1.05 0.91 1.09 1.04 0.90 1.08
2015 1.05 0.88 1.16 1.00 0.84 1.10
2016 1.02 0.84 1.15 1.00 0.80 1.10
2017 1.02 0.84 1.14 1.00 0.80 1.09
2018 1.00 0.83 1.16 0.99 0.82 1.15
2019 1.00 0.83 1.16 1.00 0.82 1.15
2020 1.01 0.82 1.15 1.00 0.81 1.14
Source : SVRS, 2020, BB
58 Area, Population, Household and Household Characteristics

2.22 Estimated Number of Birth by Locality 2.23 Child-Woman Ratio by Zila, 2011
(In '000')
Residence Year Both sex Male Female Name of Zila Child-Women Ratio
Total 1993 3326 1711 1615 Bangladesh 392
1994 3275 1670 1605 Barishal DIVISION 557
1995 3228 1641 1587 Barguna 369 547
1996 3126 1575 1551 Barishal 379 309
1997 3057 n.a. n.a. Bhola 498 498
1998 2608 n.a. n.a. Jhalakathi 351 510
1999 2454 n.a. n.a. Patuakhali 404 541
2000 2472 n.a. n.a. Pirojpur 253 491
2001 2489 n.a. n.a.
2002 2674 n.a. n.a. Chattogram DIVISION 584
2003 2814 n.a n.a Bandarban 554 621
2004 2830 n.a n.a Brahmanbaria 558 708
2005 2879 n.a n.a Chandpur 403 403
2006 2901 n,a n.a Chattogram 361 361
2007 2986 n,a n.a Cumilla 435 544
2008 3022 n.a n.a Cox's Bazar 568 777
2009 2832 n.a n.a Feni 387 511
2010 2870 - - Khagrachhari 459 641
2011 2891 - - Lakshmipur 453 621
Urban 1993 373 193 180 Noakhali 474 640
1994 352 183 169 Rangamati 419 562
1995 351 182 169
1996 339 178 161 DHAKA DIVISION 506
1997 490 n.a. n.a. Dhaka 294 351
1998 489 n.a. n.a. Faridpur 399 542
1999 406 n.a. n.a. Gazipur 298 421
2000 413 n.a. n.a. Gopalganj 422 422
2001 421 n.a. n.a. Jamalpur 425 536
2002 515 n.a. n.a. Kishoreganj 529 694
2003 564 n.a n.a Madaripur 410 589
2004 577 n.a n.a Manikganj 347 437
2005 607 n,a n,a Munshiganj 361 463
2006 603 n.a n.a Mymensingh 482 646
2007 615 n,a n.a Narayanganj 348 463
2008 623 n.a n.a Narsingdi 435 603
2009 619 n.a n.a Netrokona 540 685
2010 652 - - Rajbari 376 511
2011 631 - - Shariatpur 622 653
Rural 1993 2953 1518 1435 Sherpur 453 573
1994 2923 1487 1436 Tangail 349 441
1995 2877 1473 1424
1996 2666 1441 1402 KHULNA DIVISION 435
1997 2567 n.a. n.a. Bagerhat 342 476
1998 2119 n.a. n.a. Chuadanga 315 412
1999 2048 n.a. n.a. Jashore 316 424
2000 2059 n.a. n.a. Jhenaidah 326 421
2001 2068 n.a. n.a. Khulna 302 415
2002 2159 n.a. n.a. Kushtia 329 414
2003 2250 n.a n.a Magura 370 490
2004 2253 n.a n.a Meherpur 296 380
2005 2272 n,a n,a Narail 393 512
2006 2298 n.a n.a Satkhira 303 458
2007 2371 na na
2008 2399 n.a n.a RAJSHAHI DIVISION 488
2009 2213 n.a n.a Bogura 332 422
2010 2218 - - Dinajpur 367 487
2011 2260 - - Gaibandha 414 518
Joypurhat 295 392
Source: SVRS, 2011, BBS Kurigram 418 582
Lalmonirhat 422 561
Naogaon 303 432
Natore 323 421
Nawabganj 384 547
Nilphamari 436 591
Pabna 387 475
Panchagarh 415 560
Rajshahi 292 411
Rangpur 372 490
Sirajganj 423 539
Thakurgaon 401 554


Habiganj 541 656
Moulvibazar 433 579
Sunamganj626 713
Sylhet 617 634
Source : Population and Housing Census, 2011, BBS
Area, Population, Household and Household Characteristics 59

2.24 Crude Death Rate 2.25 Crude Death Rate (CDR) Per 1000
Crude death rate per Population by Residence in Bangladesh
Year 1000 Population
Year National Urban Rural
1986 12.1
1992 11.0 7.5 11.3
1987 11.5
1988 11.3 1993 10.0 7.2 10.4
1989 11.3 1994 9.3 7.1 9.3
1990 11.4
1991 11.2
1995 8.7 6.7 9.0
1992 11.0 1996 8.2 6.5 8.8
1993 10.0
1997 5.9 4.2 6.5
1994 9.3
1995 8.7 1998 5.1 3.7 5.4
1996 8.2 1999 5.1 3.5 5.4
1997 5.9
1998 5.1 2000 4.9 3.5 5.3
1999 5.1 2001 4.8 4.3 5.2
2000 4.9
2002 5.1 3.8 5.4
2001 4.8
2002 5.1 2003 5.9 4.7 6.2
2003 5.9 2004 5.8 4.4 6.1
2004 5.8
2005 5.8 2005 5.8 4.9 6.1
2006 5.6 2006 5.6 4.4 6.0
2007 6.2
2007 6.2 5.1 6.6
2008 6.0
2009 5.8 2008 6.0 5.1 6.5
2010 5.6
2009 5.8 4.7 6.1
2011 5.5
2012 5.3 2010 5.6 4.9 5.9
2013 5.3 2011 5.5 4.8 5.8
2014 5.2
2012 5.3 4.6 5.7
2015 5.1
2016 5.1 2013 5.3 4.6 5.6
2017 5.1
2014 5.2 4.1 5.6
2018 5.0
2019 4.9 2015 5.1 4.6 5.5
2020 5.1 2016 5.1 4.2 5.7
Source: SVRS, 2020, BBS
2017 5.1 4.2 5.7
2018 5.0 4.4 5.4
2019 4.9 4.4 5.4
2020 5.1 4.9 5.2
Source: SVRS, 2020, BBS
60 Area, Population, Household and Household Characteristics

2.26 Infant Mortality Per 1000 Live Births by Sex and Residence
Year Sex National Urban Rural
2009 BothSex 39 37 40
Male 42 36 42
Female 37 38 37

2010 Both Sex 36 35 37

Male 38 34 39
Female 35 36 35

2011 Both Sex 35 32 36

Male 36 31 38
Female 33 34 33

2012 Both Sex 33 31 34

Male 34 30 37
Female 32 33 32

2013 Both Sex 31 26 34

Male 32 24 35
Female 31 28 33

2014 Both Sex 30 26 31

Male 31 29 32
Female 28 22 29

2015 Both Sex 29 28 29

Male 30 29 31
Female 28 28 28
2016 Both Sex 28 28 28
Male 27 28 26
Female 28 28 28
2017 Both Sex 24 22 25
Male 25 22 27
Female 23 23 23
2018 Both Sex 22 21 22
Male 23 21 23
Female 21 21 21
2019 Both Sex 21 20 22
Male 22 20 23
Female 21 20 21
2020 Both Sex 21 20 21
Male 22 21 23
Female 21 20 21

Source: SVRS, 2020, BBS

2.27 Child Death Rate per 1000 Children of Ages 1-4 Years by
Sex and Residence
Year Residence Both Sex Male Female
2009 National 2.7 2.9 2.6
Urban 1.9 1.8 2.0
Rural 3.2 3.6 3.1
2010 National 2.6 3.0 2.3
Urban 2.0 2.2 1.9
Rural 2.8 3.3 2.4

2011 National 2.4 2.6 2.3

Urban 1.6 1.8 1.4
Rural 2.9 2.9 2.8

2012 National 2.3 2.3 2.3

Urban 1.6 1.7 1.5
Rural 2.6 2.6 1.6

2013 National 2.2 2.3 2.1

Urban 2.3 1.7 2.9
Rural 2.1 2.4 1.9

2014 National 2.0 1.8 2.3

Urban 1.0 1.1 1.0
Rural 2.3 2.0 2.6

2015 National 2.0 2.3 1.7

Urban 0.9 1.0 0.8
Rural 2.7 3.0 2.2
2016 National 1.8 2.1 1.6
Urban 1.1 1.1 1.1
Rural 2.3 2.8 1.9
2017 National 1.8 2.1 1.6
Urban 1.1 1.3 0.9
Rural 2.4 2.6 2.1
2018 National 1.7 1.9 1.4
Urban 1.0 1.1 0.9
Rural 2.1 2.5 1.8
2019 National 1.7 1.9 1.5
Urban 1.2 1.4 1.0
Rural 2.1 2.3 1.8
2020 National 1.7 1.8 1.5
Urban 1.4 1.7 1.2
Rural 1.9 1.9 1.8
Source: SVRS, 2019, BBS

2.28 Estimates of Life Expectancy at Birth in Bangladesh

Area, Population, Household and Household Characteristics 61

year Life expectancy at birth

Both sex Male Female
1997 National 60.1 60.5 59.7
Urban 62.3 62.7 62.0
Rural 59.4 59.6 59.2
1998 National 61.5 61.7 61.2
Urban 63.2 63.5 63.1
Rural 60.2 60.2 60.3
2002 National 64.9 64.5 65.4
Urban 67.2 67.0 67.3
Rural 64.4 63.9 65.0
2003 National 64.9 64.3 65.4
Urban 67.6 67.3 67.9
Rural 64.3 63.4 65.5
2004 National 65.1 64.4 65.7
Urban 67.8 67.5 68.1
Rural 64.3 63.4 65.5
2005 National 65.2 64.4 65.8
Urban 67.9 67.6 68.1
Rural 64.5 63.5 65.6
2006 National 65.5 65.4 67.8
Urban 68.1 67.7 68.7
Rural 65.9 64.7 67.6
2007 National 66.6 65.5 67.9
Urban 68.1 67.7 68.7
Rural 66.0 64.7 67.6
2008 National 66.8 65.6 68.0
Urban 68.3 67.9 68.8
Rural 66.2 64.8 67.7
2009 National 67.2 66.1 68.7
Urban 68.7 68.2 69.2
Rural 66.9 65.6 68.3
2010 National 67.7 66.6 68.8
Urban 68.9 68.3 69.5
Rural 67.4 66.4 68.6
2011 National 69.0 67.9 70.3
Urban 69.9 68.9 71.1
Rural 68.6 67.4 69.8
2012 National 69.4 68.2 70.7
Urban 71.5 70.8 70.3
Rural 69.2 68.8 70.0
2013 National 70.0 68.8 71.2
2014 National 70.7 69.1 71.6
2015 National 70.9 69.4 72.0
2016 National 71.6 70.3 72.9
2017 National 72.0 70.6 73.5
2018 National 72.3 70.8 73.8
2019 National 72.6 71.1 74.2
2020 National 72.8 71.2 74.5
Source: SVRS, 2020, BBS

2.29 Sex Ratio and Distribution of Population by Major Cities in Census Years
62 Area, Population, Household and Household Characteristics

Locality Census, 2011 2001

Both sex Male Female Sex ratio Both sex Male Female Sex ratio

1. Dhaka city 8906039 4931802 3974233 124 5333571 3025395 2308176 131

2. Chattogram city 2591681 1367282 1224399 112 2023489 1127516 895973 126

3. Narayanganj city 286330 148214 138116 107 241393 131168 110225 119

4. Khulna city 664728 346069 318659 109 770498 412661 357837 115

5. Barishal Municipality 339308 174980 164328 106 192810 103785 89025 117

6. Saidpur city 133433 68884 64549 107 112609 58289 54320 107

7. Rajshahi city 449756 232974 216782 107 388811 208525 180286 116

8. Mymensingh city 389918 200053 189865 105 2272014 119172 108032 110

9. Cumilla city 296010 153523 142487 108 166519 88927 77592 115

Source: Population and Housing Census, 2011, BBS

2.30 Household and Population by Type of Household at Locality, 2011

Type of Structure Bangladesh Rural Urban

General Units 31863396 24588843 7274553
Institutional 26677 11962 14715
Others 283557 70785 212772
Total 32173630 24671590 7502040

Genera; Units 141515346 109699769 31815576
Institutional 958502 350849 607653
Others 1422175 382694 1039481
Total 143896023 110433312 33462710
Source: Population and Housing Census, 2011. BBS
Area, Population, Household and Household Characteristics 63

2.31 Distribution of Dwelling Households by Religion of Head and Size of Household by Residence, 2011
Locality & Total Persons Per Household Average
Religion Of H/Hold 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 + Size Of
Head Household
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
TOTAL 31863396 1030651 3407233 6159495 7834040 5881870 341388 1849812 986311 550786 422957 268853 4.4
MUSLIM 28770968 936190 3103830 5556708 7011318 5291027 3147851 1691093 904262 503127 385344 140218 4.4
HINDU 2748848 82445 265616 535887 737214 526200 285699 139212 72472 42663 34303 27137 4.4
BUDDHIST 196099 5391 18333 37155 49698 38021 232174 12174 3146 3087 2054 826 4.4
CHRISTIAN 101160 4794 13848 20675 14599 17801 9772 4877 2282 1282 799 431 4.1
OTHERS 46321 1831 5606 9070 11211 8821 4852 2456 1149 627 457 241 4.3
TOTAL 24588843 786380 2584889 4682442 6007848 4590850 2737048 1432217 777583 431903 327337 200676 4.5
MUSLIM 22168441 713886 2348327 4218521 5368819 4118543 2476667 1225801 713413 395241 298811 180412 4.5
HINDU 2153040 63921 207561 412722 573045 421151 229953 110573 56379 32614 25887 19204 4.4
CHRISTIAN 75284 3275 9980 15131 18030 13577 7623 3881 1828 1018 627 314 4.2
BUDDHIST 150841 3758 1357 28000 37922 29679 18406 9771 4935 2472 1600 541 4.5
OTHERS 41237 1540 4934 8068 10032 7900 4369 2191 1028 558 412 2050 4.3
TOTAL 7274553 244271 822674 1477053 1826192 1291020 734340 387595 208728 118883 95620 68177 4.4
MUSLIM 6602527 222304 755503 1338187 1942499 1172484 671184 355292 190849 107886 95533 59806 4.4
HINDU 595808 18524 58055 123165 164169 105049 55716 28639 16093 10049 8416 7922 4.4
CHRISTIAN 25876 1519 3868 5544 6569 4224 2149 996 454 264 172 117 4.0
BUDDHIST 45258 1633 4576 9155 11776 8342 4808 2403 1211 615 454 285 4.3
OTHERS 5084 291 672 1002 1179 921 483 265 121 69 45 36 4.2
Source: Population and Housing Census, 2011, BBS
64 Area, Population, Household and Household Characteristics

2.32 Distribution of Household by Number of Persons, 2011

Person per Household Population
household Number % Number %
All household 31863396 100% 141515346 100%
1 Person 1030651 3.23 1030653 0.73
2 ,, 3407233 10.69 6814466 4.82
3 ,, 6159495 19.33 18478485 13.06
4 ,, 7834040 24.59 31336160 22.14
5 ,, 5881870 18.46 29409350 20.78
6 ,, 3471388 10.89 20828328 14.72
7 ,, 1849812 5.81 12948684 9.15
8 ,, 986311 3.10 7890488 5.58
9 ,, 550786 1.73 4957074 3.50
10 691810 2.17 7821658 5.53

Source: Population and Housing Census, 2011, BBS

2.33 Main House of the Dwelling Households by Type of Structure, 2011

Structure Total Urban Rural

Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
Jhupri 929979 2.9 193034 2.6 736945 3.0
Kutcha 21140029 66.2 2462630 33.5 18677399 75.8
Semi-Pucka 6354072 19.6 2404841 32.0 3949231 16.0
Pucka 3749549 11.3 2441535 31.9 1308014 5.2
Total 32173629 100 7502040 100 24671589 100
Source : Population and Housing Census, 2011, BBS

2.34 Distribution of Household by Source of Drinking Water and Residence, 2011

Area Total Tap Tube well other

Rural 100 2.3 91.1 6.6
Urban 100 38.3 58.6 3.1
Total 100 10.7 83.5 5.8
Source : Population and Housing Census , 2011, BBS

2.35 Household Reporting Latrine, 2011

Locality Latrine Latrine%
Total Sanitary with Sanitary Non Sanitary/ Open Space Sanitary with Sanitary without Non Sanitary/ Open Total
Water Seal without Water Kutcha Water Seal Water Seal Kutcha Space
Total 31705684 8816453 10714206 9953308 2221716 27.81 33.79 31.39 7.01 100.00
Rural 25535877 5840787 8645738 8953670 2095681 22.87 33.86 35.06 8.21 100.00
Urban 6169807 2975666 2068468 999638 126035 48.23 33.53 16.20 2.04 100.00

Source: Population Census Sample Survey, 2011, BBS

Area, Population, Household and Household Characteristics 65

2.36 Distribution of Household by Use of Lighting Facility and Fuel Used by Residence, 2020
Residence Total Percent of household using lighting facility
household Kerosine Electricity Solar Other
Bangladesh 100.0 1.2 92.2 2.4 0.2
Urban 100.0 0.9 97.8 1.0 0.3
Rural 100.0 1.5 94.8 3.5 0.2
Source: SVRS, 2020, BBS

2.37 Distribution of Household by Sources of Fuel and Locality, 2018-2020

Source of Fuel 2018 2019 2020

National Rural Urban National Rural Urban National Rural Urban
Straw 28.6 43.0 11.3 22.6 34.9 7.8 20.4 31.4 7.0
Bran 4.0 4.6 3.3 - - - - - -
Wood/Bamboo 41.2 45.6 36.1 45.8 52.1 38.2 46.7 54.9 36.6
Kerosene 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.3
Electricity 1.1 0.1 2.1 1.0 0.2 1.9 0.4 0.1 0.8
Gas 24.3 5.8 46.5 26.8 7.1 50.3 28.2 7.7 53.1
Others 0.5 0.7 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Source : SVRS, 2020, BBS

2.38 Percentage Distribution of Household by source of Drinking Water by Locality

Source of Drinking Water
Year Locality Total H/H Tap Tubewell Well Pond Canal/River Other
2007 Rural 100.00 1.00 97.59 0.89 0.20 0.20 0.10
Urban 100.00 32.03 67.70 0.13 0.00 0.07 0.10
2008 Rural 100.00 1.48 96.24 0.63 1.27 0.23 0.15
Urban 100.00 34.63 64.88 0.15 0.19 0.08 0.07
2009 Rural 100.00 1.81 93.3 1.20 1.30 0.50 2.00
Urban 100.00 31.4 65.1 0.40 0.10 0.10 0.10
2010 Rural 100.00 1.90 95.8 0.90 0.80 0.50 0.10
Urban 100.00 31.2 67.8 0.50 0.10 0.20 0.10
2011 Rural 100.00 1.3 96.1 1.0 1.2 0.5 0.1
Urban 100.00 20.3 79.0 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.1
2013 Rural 100.00 2.9 94.2 0.8 1.7 0.2 0.3
Urban 100.00 40.2 58.6 0.8 0.3 0.0 0.0
2014 Rural 100.00 1.7 95.7 0.7 1.3 0.1 0.5
Urban 100.00 39.7 59.4 0.3 0.2 0.0 0.2
2015 Rural 100.00 3.7 93.3 0.9 1.5 0.2 0.5
Urban 100.00 26.2 72.9 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.4
2016 Rural 100.00 3.9 93.3 0.7 1.3 0.2 0.6
Urban 100.00 27.1 72.0 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.5
2017 Rural 100.00 3.3 94.0 0.7 1.4 0.2 0.4
Urban 100.00 27.4 71.3 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.5
2018 Rural 100.00 3.1 94.1 0.6 1.4 0.2 0.6
Urban 100.00 27.5 71.4 0.2 0.4 0.1 0.5
2019 Rural 100.00 3.1 94.2 0.7 1.4 0.1 0.3
Urban 100.00 23.7 75.5 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.4
2020 Rural 100.00 2.8 94.6 0.6 1.4 0.1 0.3
Urban 100.00 23.4 76.1 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0
Source: SVRS, 2020, BBS
66 Area, Population, Household and Household Characteristics

2.39 Percentage Distribution of Household by Toilet Facility and Locality

Year Locality Total H/H Sanitary Other None
2008 Rural 100.00 55.09 36.55 8.36
Urban 100.00 82.96 15.38 1.66

2009 Rural 100.00 58.00 33.60 8.40

Urban 100.00 79.60 19.20 1.20

2010 Rural 100.00 58.10 39.10 2.80

Urban 100.00 79.70 19.80 0.60

2011 Rural 100.00 55.0 41.2 3.8

Urban 100.00 78.3 20.8 0.9

2012 Rural 100.00 56.5 39.9 3.6

Urban 100.00 76.2 22.8 1.0

2013 Rural 100.00 61.4 32.1 6.5

Urban 100.00 86.6 12.1 1.3

2014 Rural 100.00 58.1 39.3 2.6

Urban 100.00 81.2 18.2 0.6

2015 Rural 100.00 65.0 30.2 4.8

Urban 100.00 85.8 13.1 1.2

2016 Rural 100.00 65.9 30.2 4.0

Urban 100.00 86.1 12.8 1.1

2017 Rural 100.00 68.5 27.7 3.9

Urban 100.00 87 12.0 1.0

2018 Rural 100.00 70.1 26.8 3.1

Urban 100.00 87.6 11.7 0.8
2019 Rural 100.00 72.4 27.7 0.0
Urban 100.00 92.5 7.6 0.0
2020 Rural 100.00 73.5 26.4 0.1
Urban 100.00 91.2 8.8 0.0
Source: SVRS, 2020, BBS

2.40 Percentage Distribution of Household by Electricity Connection

Year Locality Total H/H Electricity connection Without electricity
2014 Rural 100.00 62.30 37.70
Urban 100.00 85.70 14.30
2015 Rural 100.00 67.6 32.4
Urban 100.00 92.9 7.1
2016 Rural 100.00 71.4 28.6
Urban 100.00 93.0 7.0
2017 Rural 100.00 78.6 21.4
Urban 100.00 93.5 6.5
2018 Rural 100.00 85.1 14.9
Urban 100.00 96.0 4.0
2019 Rural 100.00
Urban 100.00
2020 Rural 100.00 94.8 5.2
Urban 100.00 97.8 2.2
Source: SVRS, 2020, BBS.
Area, Population, Household and Household Characteristics 67

2.41 Percentage Distribution of Population Aged 10+Years by Marital status, Age and Sex

Age 2011 2001 1991 1981

Never Widowed Never Widowed Never Widowed Never Widowed
married Married divorced married Married divorced married Married divorced married Married divorced
Separated Separated Separated Separated

Total 38.9 60.3 0.8 43.7 55.7 0.6 42.1 57.2 0.7 42.8 55.9 1.3
10-14 99.2 0.7 0.1 98.7 1.3 0.0 99.5 0.5 - 99.0 1.0 -
15-19 97.0 2.9 0.1 95.7 4.2 0.1 95.0 4.9 0.1 99.3 6.6 0.1
20-24 69.3 30.4 0.3 69.1 30.7 0.2 68.4 31.4 0.2 59.7 39.9 0.4
25-29 28.8 70.8 0.4 32.2 67.6 0.2 26.4 73.3 0.3 21.2 78.3 0.5
30-34 9.0 90.6 0.4 12.0 87.7 0.3 7.2 92.5 0.2 6.3 93.1 0.6
35-39 3.2 96.4 0.4 4.7 95.0 0.3 2.1 97.6 0.3 2.3 97.0 0.7
40-44 1.8 97.7 0.5 3.3 96.3 0.4 1.1 98.4 0.5 1.9 97.1 1.0
45-49 1.2 98.2 0.6 2.4 97.0 0.5 0.6 98.7 0.7 1.2 97.5 1.3
50-54 1.0 98.1 0.9 2.9 96.1 1.0 0.7 98.1 1.2 1.7 96.3 2.0
55-59 0.8 98.1 1.1 2.9 95.8 1.3 0.4 98.0 1.6 1.2 96.2 2.6
60+ 0.8 94.9 4.3 5.0 91.2 3.8 0.6 95.1 4.3 0.7 90.7 8.6

Total 25.1 65.9 9.0 29.0 63.0 8.0 25.2 46.8 10.0 23.7 63.4 12.9
10-14 98.4 1. 0.2 96.1 3.4 0.5 96.8 3.0 0.2 98.0 2.0 -
15-19 66.7 32.5 0.8 62.6 36.2 1.1 48.7 49.6 1.7 3.3 65.4 3.3
20-24 16.0 82.5 1.5 17.6 80.5 1.9 10.5 86.6 2.9 5.1 90.9. 4.0
25-29 4.4 93.7 1.9 6.6 91.0 2.4 2.4 94.0 3.6 1.3 94.4 4.3
30-34 1.8 95.2 3.0 3.9 92.0 4.1 1.1 93.8 5.1 1.0 92.9 6.1
35-39 1.2 94.1 4.7 2.5 91.4 6.1 0.6 92.1 7.3 0.4 89.8 9.6
40-44 1.0 90.4 8.6 2.6 87.2 10.2 0.6 86.9 12.5 0.7 81.9 17.4
45-49 0.8 86.9 12.3 2.1 84.3 13.6 0.4 81.7 17.9 0.3 74.5 25.2
50-54 0.8 78.9 20.3 3.0 75.2 21.8 0.5 10.6 28.9 1.4 62.3 36.3
55-59 0.7 74.2 25.1 3.2 71.8 25.0 0.4 46.3 35.2 0.7 54.4 44.9
60+ 1.0 46.5 52.5 6.3 48.0 45.7 0.8 42.9 56.3 0.5 32.9 66.6
Source: Population & Housing Census, 2011, BBS
68 Area, Population, Household and Household Characteristics

2.42 Abridged Life Table for both Sex combined, SVRS 2020
Age nq x Ix nL x Tx ex
0-1 0.0255 100000 97791 7276656 72.8
1-5 0.0017 97506 388429 7178865 73.6
5-10 0.0006 96847 483556 6790436 70.1
10-15 0.0003 96575 482507 6306881 65.3
15-20 0.0006 96428 481428 5824374 60.4
20-25 0.0007 96121 479760 5342946 55.6
25-30 0.0010 95771 477754 4863186 50.8
30-35 0.0011 95315 475326 4385432 46.0
35-40 0.0015 94797 472374 3910106 41.2
40-45 0.0023 94110 468079 3437732 36.5
45-50 0.0042 93029 460720 2969653 31.9
50-55 0.0062 91108 449170 2508933 27.5
55-60 0.0116 88337 430088 2059763 23.3
60-65 0.0168 83330 400793 1629675 19.6
65-70 0.0270 76609 360121 1228882 16.0
70-75 0.0444 66869 302100 868761 13.0
75-80 0.0676 53444 228508 566661.1 10.6
80-85 0.0842 38006 338154 338153.6 8.9
Abridged Life Table for Males, SVRS 2020
Age nq x Ix nL x Tx ex
0-1 0.0268 100000 97687 7116371 71.2
1-5 0.0018 97378 387781 7018683 72.1
5-10 0.0007 96664 482499 6630902 68.6
10-15 0.0003 96335 481269 6148403 63.8
15-20 0.0005 96172 480257 5667134 58.9
20-25 0.0009 95909 478515 5186877 54.1
25-30 0.0011 95472 476089 4708362 49.3
30-35 0.0013 94950 473322 4232273 44.6
35-40 0.0018 94356 469851 3758952 39.8
40-45 0.0027 93532 464769 3289101 35.2
45-50 0.0051 92267 455970 2824332 30.6
50-55 0.0067 89958 442942 2368363 26.3
55-60 0.0135 86993 421843 1925421 22.1
60-65 0.0196 81299 388416 1503577 18.5
65-70 0.0298 73691 344239 1115161 15.1
70-75 0.0508 63445 282901 770922 12.2
75-80 0.0851 49065 201341 488021.2 9.9
80-85 0.0867 31925 286680 286680.2 9.0
Abridged Life Table for Female, SVRS 2020
Age nq x Ix nL x Tx ex
0-1 0.0241 10000 97923 7446697 74.5
1-5 0.0015 97637 389039 7348775 75.3
5-10 0.0004 97037 484649 6959736 71.7
10-15 0.0003 96823 483786 6475086 66.9
15-20 0.0007 96691 482618 5991301 62.0
20-25 0.0006 96335 481014 5508682 57.2
25-30 0.0008 96068 479390 5027668 52.3
30-35 0.0009 95670 477259 4548278 47.5
35-40 0.0012 95220 474779 4071019 42.8
40-45 0.0019 94659 471238 3596240 38.0
45-50 0.0032 93763 465410 3125002 33.3
50-55 0.0056 92270 455507 2659592 28.8
55-60 0.0097 89710 438650 2204085 24.6
60-65 0.0134 85477 414402 1765435 20.7
65-70 0.0241 79923 378359 1351033 16.9
70-75 0.0375 70822 324484 972673.9 13.7
75-80 0.0483 58644 262306 648190.2 11.1
80-85 0.0820 45963 385885 385884.6 8.4
Source: SVRS, 2020, BBS
69 Area, Population, Household and Household Characteristics

2.43 Abridged Life Table for Bangladesh Population by Sex, 2008 & 2009
Age Both Sex Male Female
Probability Number Expectation Expectation Number expectatio Expectatio Number Expectation
of dying Serviving of life of life Serviving n of life n of life Serviving of life
2009 National
0 0.04212 100000 67.224 0.04384 100000 66.144 0.04031 100000 68.742
1 0.00713 95788 68.614 0.00758 95616 67.431 0.00666 95969 69.839
2 0.00408 95104 68.104 0.00397 94891 66.943 0.00419 95330 69.305
3 0.00131 94716 67.381 0.00101 94514 66.208 0.00162 94930 68.594
1-4 0.00239 94592 66.468 0.00237 94419 65.274 0.00241 94771 67.709
0-4 0.01445 94366 69.597 0.01445 94196 68.399 0.01445 94543 70.842
5-9 0.00673 93002 66.589 0.00712 92834 65.373 0.00638 93176 67.852
10-14 0.00434 92377 62.023 0.00419 92173 60.824 0.00444 92582 63.271
15-19 0.00568 91976 57.282 0.00548 91786 56.070 0.00588 920171 58.542
20-24 0.00563 91453 52.596 0.00628 91283 51.365 0.00504 91629 53.874
25-29 0.00782 90938 47.879 0.00762 90710 46.674 0.00802 91167 49.134
30-34 0.01084 90226 43.237 0.01198 90018 42.013 0.00960 90436 44.511
35-39 0.01143 89248 38.683 0.01143 88940 37.492 0.01143. 89568 39.918
40-44 0.01681 88228 34.102 0.01691 87923 32.897 0.01666 88543 35.351
45-49 0.02000 86745 29.642 0.02386 86437 28.420 0.01479 87068 30.908
50-54 0.03902 85010 25.196 0.04892 84374 24.053 0.02897 85781 26.334
55-59 0.06197 81693 21.118 0.07387 80246 20.162 0.04783 83295 22.045
60-64 0.11009 76630 17.348 0.12791 74319 16.571 0.09037 79311 18.027
65-69 0.15617 68194 14.184 0.17076 64813 13.634 0.13880 72144 14.570
70-74 0.24091 57544 11.347 0.024800 53745 10.927 0.24596 62130 11.515
75-79 0.33669 43681 9.155 0.38855 40417 8.706 0.29740 46849 9.456
80+ 100000 28974 7.532 1.00000 24713 7.650 1.00000 32916 7.400
Source: SVRS, 2010, BBS

Age Both Sex Male Female

Probability Number Expectati Probability of Number Expectation Probability of Number Expectation
of dying Serviving on of life dying Serviving of life dying Serviving of life
0 0.04395 100000 66.776 0.04624 100000 65.611 0.95030 100000 67.962
1 0.00552 95605 68.882 0.00526 95376 67.827 0.99420 95030 70.237
2 0.00340 95077 68.263 0.00421 94875 67.184 0.99745 94478 69.645
3 0.00291 94753 67.494 0.00280 94476 66.466 0.99697 94238 68.821
4 0.00185 94478 66.690 0.00176 94211 65.651 0.99785 93952 68.029
1-4 0.01477 94303 69.783 0.01477 94046 68.736 0.98444 93751 71.143
5-9 0.00737 92910 66.799 0.00772 92657 65.736 0.99302 92292 68.236
10-14 0.00449 92225 62.276 0.00524 91941 61.228 0.99631 91648 63.697
15-19 0.00643 91811 57.546 0.00683 91460 56.3538 0.99402 91310 58.924
20-24 0.00598 91221 52.902 0.00588 90836 51.909 0.99392 90764 54.264
25-29 0.00643 90675 48.205 0.00568 90301 47.201 0.99297 90212 49.581
30-34 0.00896 90092 43.501 0.00827 89788 42.457 0.99040 89578 44.914
35-39 0.01059 89285 38.872 0.01138 89046 37.790 0.99015 88718 40.325
40-44 0.01725 88339 34.261 0.01926 88032 33.196 0.98491 87844 35.701
45-49 0.02284 86815 29.819 0.02586 86336 28.799 0.98118 86518 31.210
50-54 0.04042 84833 25.457 0.0415 84104 24.497 0.96575 84890 26.761
55-59 0.05802 81404 21.424 0.07024 80612 20.450 0.95685 81982 22.621
60-64 0.09438 76681 17.590 0.10924 74949 16.806 0.92275 78445 18.528
65-69 0.15238 69444 14.162 0.16552 66762 13.561 0.86220 72385 14.870
70-74 0.26034 58862 11.259 0.28168 55712 10.755 0.76324 62410 11.847
75-79 0.31989 43538 9.342 0.34782 40019 8.992 0.71237 47634 9.747
80+ 1.00000 29611 7.560 1.00000 26099 7.454 0.00000 33933 7.673
Source: SVRS, 2009, BBS
70 Area, Population, Household and Household Characteristics
Labour and Employment 71

Chapter 3


72 Labour and Employment
Labour and Employment 73

3.01 Key Findings of the Survey

Category 2005-06 2010 2013 2015-16 2016-17

Economically active population/Labour Force (Million) (15+)
Bangladesh 49.5 56.7 60.7 62.1 63.5
Male 37.3 39.5 42.5 43.1 43.5
Female 12.1 17.2 18.2 19.1 20.0
Total 11.7 13.3 17.1 17.3 17.9
Male 8.9 9.3 12.0 12.5 12.9
Female 2.8 4 5.1 4.8 5.0
Total 37.8 43.4 43.5 44.8 45.7
Male 28.5 30.2 30.5 30.6 30.7
Female 9.3 13.2 13.1 14.3 15.0
Employed population (million) 15+
Bangladesh 47.4 54.1 58.1 59.5 60.8
Male 36.1 37.9 41.2 41.8 42.2
Female 11.3 16.2 16.8 17.8 18.6
Total 11.3 12.4 16.2 16.5 16.9
Male 8.6 8.8 11.6 12.1 12.4
Female 2.7 3.6 4.5 4.4 4.6
Total 36.1 41.7 41.9 43.0 43.9
Male 27.5 29.1 29.6 29.7 29.8
Female 8.6 12.6 12.3 13.3 14.1
Unemployed population (million)
Bangladesh 2.1 2.6 2.59 2.6 2.7
Male 1.2 1.6 1.3 1.3 1.4
Female 0.9 1.0 1.3 1.3 1.3
Total 0.5 0.9 0.99 0.8 0.9
Male 0.3 0.5 0.44 0.4 0.4
Female 0.2 0.4 0.56 0.4 0.5
Total 1.6 1.7 1.59 1.8 1.8
Male 0.9 1.1 0.84 0.9 0.9
Female 0.7 0.6 0.75 0.9 0.9
Not in labour force (Million)
Bangladesh 35.1 38.9 45.6 44.0 45.8
74 Labour and Employment

3.01 Key Findings of the Survey

Category 2005-06 2010 2013 2015-16 2016-17

Male 5.7 8.4 9.6 9.5 10.6
Female 29.4 30.5 36.1 34.5 35.2
Total 9.3 9.9 13.1 13.6 14.2
Male 1.8 2.3 2.7 2.8 2.8
Female 7.5 7.6 10.4 10.8 10.5
Total 25.8 29 32.5 30.4 31.5
Male 3.9 6.1 6.9 6.7 7.6
Female 21.9 22.9 25.6 23.7 24.0
Unemployment rate (%)
Bangladesh 4.3 4.5 4.3 4.2 4.2
Rural - - 3.6 4.1 4.0
Urban - - 5.8 4.4 4.9
Male 3.4 4.1 3.0 3.0 3.1
Female 7.0 5.8 7.3 6.8 6.7
Labour force participation rate (%) (refined activity rate)
Bangladesh 58.5 59.3 57.1 58.5 58.2
Male 86.8 82.5 81.7 81.9 80.5
Female 29.2 36.0 33.5 35.6 36.3
Total 55.7 57.3 56.7 56.0 55.7
Male 83.2 80.2 81.7 81.7 81.0
Female 27.4 34.5 32.9 30.8 31.0
Total 59.4 60.0 57.3 59.6 59.3
Male 88.0 83.3 81.6 81.9 80.3
Female 29.8 36.4 33.7 37.6 38.6
Crude activity /employment rate (%)
Bangladesh 36 38.1 39.4 37.6 37.7
Male 53.3 52.5 55.5 52.5 52.1
Female 18 23.3 23.4 22.5 23.2
Total 36.3 39 39.7 37.2 37.0
Male 54.2 54.2 56.5 54.4 54.2
Female 17.9 23.6 23.3 20.0 19.9
Total 35.9 37.8 39.2 37.7 38.0
Male 53 52 55.0 51.7 51.3
Female 18.1 23.3 23.5 23.5 24.5
Labour and Employment 75

3.01 Key Findings of the Survey

Category 2005-06 2010 2013 2015-16 2016-17

Dependency ratio
Demographic (DDR) 73.5 72.5 68.9 - -
Economic (EDR) 71 68.7 54.6 - -
Demographic (DDR) 60.6 59.4 70.0 - -
Economic (EDR) 79.7 74.5 - - -
Demographic (DDR) 77.9 78 68.5 - -
Economic (EDR) 68.3 67 - - -
Employed by broad economic sector (%)
Agriculture 48.1 47.3 45.1 42.7 40.6
Non-agriculture 51.9 52.7 54.9 57.3 59.4
Unpaid family worker (million)
Bangladesh 10.3 11.8 10.6 8.6 7.2
Male 3.5 2.7 2.1 1.9 1.8
Female 6.8 9.1 8.4 6.7 5.4
Total 1.1 2.1 1.6 1.1 0.8
Male 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.3
Female 0.6 1.8 1.2 0.7 0.5
Total 9.2 9.7 8.9 7.6 6.4
Male 3 2.3 1.7 1.6 1.4
Female 6.2 7.4 7.3 6.0 5.0
Youth Labour Force (aged 15-29) (Million)
Bangladesh 17.8 20.9 23.4 20.8 20.1
Male 13.2 13.1 14.0 13.7 13.1
Female 4.6 7.8 9.3 7.1 7.0
Total 4.2 5.1 6.5 6.1 6.1
Male 3.0 3.1 3.8 4.0 3.9
Female 1.2 2.0 2.7 2.1 2.2
Total 13.6 15.8 16.8 14.7 13.9
Male 10.2 10.0 10.2 9.7 9.2
Female 3.4 5.8 6.6 4.9 4.7
76 Labour and Employment

3.01 Key Findings of the Survey

Category 2005-06 2010 2013 2015-16 2016-17

Youth Labour Force (aged 15-24) (Million)
Bangladesh 10.8 13.2 13.4 11.7 11.0
Male 8.4 8.2 7.6 7.9 7.4
Female 2.4 5 5.8 3.8 3.7
Total 2.3 3.2 3.5 3.4 3.4
Male 1.7 1.9 1.9 2.2 2.1
Female 0.6 1.3 1.6 1.3 1.3
Total 8.5 9.9 9.9 8.3 7.7
Male 6.7 6.3 5.7 5.8 5.3
Female 1.8 3.6 4.2 2.5 2.4
Female labour force (million) 15+
Bangladesh 12.1 17.2 18.2 19.1 20.0
Urban 2.8 4.0 5.1 14.3 15.0
Rural 9.3 13.2 13.1 4.8 5.0
Female labour force participation rate (%)
Bangladesh 29.2 36.0 33.5 35.6 36.3
Urban 27.4 34.5 32.9 30.8 31.0
Rural 29.8 36.4 33.7 37.6 38.6
Status in employment (million)
Bangladesh 47.4 54.1 58.1 59.5 60.8
Self-employed/own accountant workers 19.9 22.0 23.6 25.7 26.8
Employers 0.1 0.1 0.5 1.6 2.7
Employee 6.6 9.4 22.5 23.3 23.8
Unpaid family helpers 10.3 11.8 10.6 8.6 7.2
Day laborers 8.6 10.6 9.0 - -
Household aid 1.9 1.4 0.9 0.3 0.4
Employment by informality (million)
Formal sector
Total 10.2 6.8 7.3 - -
Male 8.6 5.5 5.7 - -
Female 1.6 1.3 1.6 - -
Informal sector
Total 37.2 47.3 50.8 52.3 51.7
Male 27.5 32.4 35.6 35.1 34.6
Female 9.7 14.9 15.2 17.2 17.1
Source: Labour Force Survey (LFS), 2016-17, BBS.
Labour and Employment 77

Table 3.02 Dependency Ratio of the Population, by Sex and Area 2016-17
(in ‘000’)
Age group Rural Urban Bangladesh
(in Years) Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
0-14 19863 18591 38454 7051 6779 13831 26914 25371 52285
15-64 34719 36192 70912 14769 15457 30227 49489 51649 101138
65+ 3575 2604 6179 1015 721 1736 4591 3325 7915
Total 58158 57387 115545 22836 22957 45794 80994 80345 161338

Youth Dependency
57.2 51.4 54.2 47.7 43.9 45.8 54.4 49.1 51.7
10.3 7.2 8.7 6.9 4.7 5.7 9.3 6.4 7.8
Dependency Ratio
Total Dependency
67.5 58.6 62.9 54.6 48.5 51.5 63.7 55.6 59.5
Source: Labor Force Survey (LFS), 2016-17, BBS

3.03 Working age population aged 15 or older, by age group, sex and area 2016-17
(in ‘000)
Age group Rural Urban Bangladesh
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
15-29 13856 14661 28517 5777 6959 12736 19633 21620 41254
30-64 20863 21531 42394 8993 8498 17491 29856 30029 59885
65+ 3575 2604 6179 1015 721 1736 4591 3325 7915
Total 15+ years 38295 38796 77091 15785 16178 31963 54080 54974 109054
Total population 58158 57387 115545 22836 22957 45794 80994 80345 161338
% of Total 65.8 67.6 66.7 69.1 70.5 69.8 66.8 68.4 67.6
Source: Labor Force Survey (LFS), 2016-17, BBS
78 Labour and Employment

3.04 Working Age Population aged 15 years and above, by age

Group and sex
Category 2016-17 2015-16
15-29 41254 41639
30-64 59885 57034
65+ 7915 7457
Male 54080 52593
Female 54974 53537
Total 109054 106130
Source: Labor Force Survey (LFS), BBS

3.05 Employed Population aged 15 or older, by Age Group,

Sex and Area 2016-17
(in 000)
Age Group Rural Urban Bangladesh
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
15-29 8457 4064 1252 3560 1871 5432 1201 5936 17952
1 7
30-64 1960 9770 2937 8394 2650 1104 2800 12421 40423
9 9 4 2
65+ 1744 241 1985 418 48 467 2163 290 2452
Total 2980 14076 4388 1237 4570 1694 4218 18646 60828
9 5 2 3 2
Total (Wap) 3829 38796 7709 1578 16178 3196 5408 54974 109054
5 1 5 3 0
Employed persons as % of Total Working Age population
15-29 22.1 10.5 16.2 22.6 11.6 17.0 22.2 10.8 16.5
30-64 51.2 25.2 38.1 53.2 16.4 34.6 51.8 22.6 37.1
65+ 4.6 0.6 2.6 2.7 0.3 1.5 4.0 0.5 2.2
Total 77.8 36.3 56.9 78.4 28.2 53.0 78.0 33.9 55.8
Source: Labor Force Survey (LFS), 2016-17, BBS
Labour and Employment 79

3.06 Working age Population, Labor Force, Employed, Unemployed, not in Labor Force
aged 15 or Older, by Broad Age Group, Sex and Area
(in ‘000)
Age Group Rural Urban Bangladesh
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Working age population
15-29 13856 14661 28517 5777 6959 12736 19633 21620 41254
30-64 20863 21531 42394 8993 8498 17491 29856 30029 59885
65+ 3575 2604 6179 1015 721 1736 4591 3325 7915
Total 38295 38796 77091 15785 16178 31963 54080 54974 109054
Labor Force
15-29 9198 4740 13938 3898 2247 6145 13096 6987 20083
30-64 19796 9976 29773 8474 2723 11196 28270 12699 40969
65+ 1744 241 1985 418 48 467 2163 290 2452
Total 30739 14957 45696 12790 5018 17808 43528 19976 63504
15-29 8457 4064 12521 3560 1871 5432 12017 5936 17952
30-64 19609 9770 29379 8394 2650 11044 28002 12421 40423
65+ 1744 241 1985 418 48 467 2163 290 2452
Total 29809 14076 43885 12372 4570 16943 42182 18646 60828
15-29 742 676 1417 338 376 713 1079 1051 2131
30-64 188 206 394 80 73 152 267 279 545
65+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 929 882 1811 417 448 866 1347 1330 2677
Not in Labor Force
15-29 4658 9921 14579 1879 4712 6591 6537 14633 21170
30-64 1067 11555 12622 5119 5775 6294 1586 17330 18916
65+ 0 2363 4194 597 672 1269 2428 3035 5463
Total 7556 23839 31395 2995 11160 14155 10551 34998 45549
Source: Labor Force Survey (LFS), 2016-17, BBS.
80 Labour and Employment

3.07 Participation rate by category

Category Labour force participation rate Unemployment rate Employment Employment to

rate population ratio
Bangladesh 57.1 4.3 95.7 37.7
Male 81.7 3.0 96.9 53.8
Female 33.5 7.2 92.3 21.7
Rural 57.3 3.7 96.3 37.8
Urban 56.7 5.8 94.7 37.5
15-17 years 27.5 11.0 89.0 24.5
18-24 years 52.5 9.1 90.9 47.7
25-29 years 72.3 6.3 93.7 67.7
30-64 years 63.4 2.0 98.0 62.1
65+ years 33.6 0.5 99.5 33.4
Rural Male 81.6 2.8 97.0 53.5
Female 33.7 5.8 93.9 22.1
Urban Male 81.7 3.6 96.7 54.4
Female 32.9 10.9 89.1 20.7
Source: Labor Force Survey (LFS), 2013, BBS.
Labour and Employment 81

3.08 Employed population aged 15 or older, by age group, Sex and Area
(in '000)
Age group Rural Urban Bangladesh
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
15-19 2103 599 2701 766 436 1202 2869 1035 3904
20-24 2699 1376 4075 1076 633 1708 3775 2009 5783
25-29 3655 2090 5744 1719 802 2521 5373 2892 8265
30-34 3658 2201 5859 1823 761 2584 5481 2962 8443
35-39 3934 2363 6298 1779 654 2433 5713 3017 8730
40-44 3060 1632 4692 1401 411 1812 4461 2043 6504
45-49 3040 1532 4572 1240 389 1629 4280 1921 6201
50-54 2331 1002 3333 958 225 1183 3289 1227 4516
55-59 2056 711 2768 737 141 878 2793 853 3646
60-64 1529 329 1858 456 68 524 1985 397 2382
65 + 1744 241 1985 418 48 467 2163 290 2452
Total 29809 14076 43885 12372 4570 16943 42182 18646 60828
15 + years - - - - - - - - -
Source: Labor Force Survey (LFS), 2016-17, BBS
82 Labour and Employment

3.09 Employed populations aged 15 or older, by occupation, sex and area

Occupation Rural Urban Bangladesh
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Managers 316 33 349 573 74 647 889 107 996
Professionals 1067 512 1580 831 522 1353 1898 1035 2933
Technicians and Associate Professionals 489 87 575 472 84 556 961 170 1131
Clerical Support Workers 398 62 460 358 79 436 756 140 896
Service and Sales Workers 5383 540 5923 3717 382 4100 9101 922 10023
Skilled Agricultural, Forestry and Fisheries 9192 8870 1806 847 774 1621 10039 9644 19683
Craft and Related Trades Workers 4459 1745 6204 2655 1509 4164 7114 3254 10368
Plant and Machine Operators, and Assemblers 2433 236 2669 1317 176 1492 3750 411 4161
Elementary Occupations 5980 1988 7968 1552 966 2517 7531 2954 10485
Other Occupations 92 4 96 51 5 56 143 8 152
Total 29809 14076 43885 12372 4570 16943 42182 18646 60828
Managers 0.5 0.1 0.6 0.9 0.1 1.1 1.5 0.2 1.6
Professionals 1.8 0.8 2.6 1.4 0.9 2.2 3.1 1.7 4.8
Technicians and Associate Professionals 0.8 0.1 0.9 0.8 0.1 0.9 1.6 0.3 1.9
Clerical Support Workers 0.7 0.1 0.8 0.6 0.1 0.7 1.2 0.2 1.5
Service and Sales Workers 8.9 0.9 9.7 6.1 0.6 6.7 15.0 1.5 16.5
Skilled Agricultural, Forestry and Fisheries 15.1 14.6 29.7 1.4 1.3 2.7 16.5 15.9 32.4
Craft and Related Trades Workers 7.3 2.9 10.2 4.4 2.5 6.8 11.7 5.3 17.0
Plant and Machine Operators, and Assemblers 4.0 0.4 4.4 2.2 0.3 2.5 6.2 0.7 6.8
Elementary Occupations 9.8 3.3 13.1 2.6 1.6 4.1 12.4 4.9 17.2
Other Occupations 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.2
Total 49.0 23.1 72.1 20.3 7.5 27.9 69.3 30.7 100.0
Source: Labor Force Survey (LFS), 2016-17, BBS
Labour and Employment 83

3.10 Employed population aged 15 or older, by economic Sector, Sex and Area
(in ‘000)
Sector of employment Rural Urban Bangladesh
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Number (in ‘000)
Agriculture 12478 10220 22699 1086 908 1994 13565 11128 24693
Industry 5828 1614 7442 3451 1532 4982 9279 3145 12424
Service 11503 2242 13744 7836 2131 9967 19338 4372 23711
Total 29809 14076 43885 12372 4570 16943 42182 18646 60828
% of Total Employment
Agriculture 20.5 16.8 37.3 1.8 1.5 3.3 22.3 18.3 40.6
Industry 9.6 2.7 12.2 5.7 2.5 8.2 15.3 5.2 20.4
Service 18.9 3.7 22.6 12.9 3.5 16.4 31.8 7.2 39.0
Total 49.0 23.1 72.1 20.3 7.5 27.9 69.3 30.7 100.0
Column %
Agriculture 41.9 72.6 51.7 8.8 19.9 11.8 32.2 59.7 40.6
Industry 19.6 11.5 17.0 27.9 33.5 29.4 22.0 16.9 20.4
Service 38.6 15.9 31.3 63.3 46.6 58.8 45.8 23.5 39.0
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Source: Labor Force Survey (LFS), 2016-17, BBS
84 Labour and Employment

3.11 Informal employment aged 15 or older, by age group, Sex and Area
(in ‘000)
Age group Rural Urban Bangladesh
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Informal employment
15-29 7516 3729 11245 3061 1709 4770 10577 5438 16015
30-64 16409 9188 25597 5732 2238 7970 22141 11426 33567
65+ 1539 218 1758 320 45 365 1859 264 2123
Total 25464 13135 38599 9112 3992 13105 34576 17128 51704
Column %
15-29 29.5 28.4 29.1 33.6 42.8 36.4 30.6 31.8 31.0
30-64 64.4 69.9 66.3 62.9 56.1 60.8 64.0 66.7 64.9
65+ 6.0 1.7 4.6 3.5 1.1 2.8 5.4 1.5 4.1
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
informal employment as % of Total Employment
15-29 88.9 91.8 89.8 86.0 91.3 87.8 88.0 91.6 89.2
30-64 83.7 94.0 87.1 68.3 84.5 72.2 79.1 92.0 83.0
65+ 88.3 90.6 88.5 76.4 93.3 78.2 86.0 91.0 86.6
Total 85.4 93.3 88.0 73.7 87.4 77.3 82.0 91.9 85.0
Source: Labor Force Survey (LFS), 2016-17, BBS
Labour and Employment 85

3.12 Unemployed populations aged 15 or older, by age group, sex and area
(in ‘000)
Age group Rural Urban Bangladesh
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
15-24 526 389 915 218 226 444 744 614 1358
25-29 216 287 503 120 150 270 335 437 772
30-64 188 206 394 80 73 152 267 279 546
Total 929 882 1811 417 448 866 1347 1330 2677
Unemployed as % of total unemployed
15-24 19.7 14.5 34.2 8.1 8.4 16.6 27.8 22.9 50.8
25-29 8.1 10.7 18.8 4.5 5.6 10.1 12.5 16.3 28.9
30-64 7.0 7.7 14.7 3.0 2.7 5.7 10.0 10.4 20.4
Total 34.7 32.9 67.7 15.6 16.7 32.3 50.3 49.7 100.00
Source: Labor Force Survey (LFS), 2016-17, BBS
86 Labour and Employment

3.13 Proportion of youth labor force in total labor force, by age group, sex and area
(in ‘000)
Age group Rural Urban Bangladesh
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
15-19 2347 748 3095 865 509 1374 3212 1257 4469
20-24 2981 1615 4596 1194 786 1980 4176 2401 6576
25-29 3870 2377 6247 1838 953 2791 5708 3329 9038
Total Youth 9198 4740 13938 3898 2247 6145 13096 6987 20083
Total labour force 30739 14957 45696 12790 5018 17808 43528 19976 63504
Youth Labor Force as % in total labour force
15-19 7.6 5.0 6.8 6.8 10.1 7.7 7.4 6.3 7.0
20-24 9.7 10.8 10.1 9.3 15.7 11.1 9.6 12.0 10.4
25-29 12.6 15.9 13.7 14.4 19.0 15.7 13.1 16.7 14.2
Total Youth 29.9 31.7 30.5 30.5 44.8 34.5 30.1 35.0 31.6
Source: Labor Force Survey (LFS), 2016-17, BBS
Labour and Employment 87

3.14 Proportion of employed youth in total employment by age group, sex and area
(in ‘000)
Age group Rural Urban Bangladesh
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
15-19 2103 599 2701 766 436 1202 2869 1035 3904
20-24 2699 1376 4075 1076 633 1708 3775 2009 5783
25-29 3655 2090 5744 1719 802 2521 5373 2892 8265
Total Youth 8457 4064 12521 3560 1871 5432 12017 5936 17952
Total Employment 29809 12372 42182 14076 4570 18646 43885 16943 60828
Youth as % of total employed
15-19 7.1 4.8 6.4 5.4 9.6 6.4 6.5 6.1 6.4
20-24 9.1 11.1 9.7 7.6 13.8 9.2 8.6 11.9 9.5
25-29 12.3 16.9 13.6 12.2 17.6 13.5 12.2 17.1 13.6
Total 28.4 32.8 29.7 25.3 41.0 29.1 27.4 35.0 29.5
Source: Labor Force Survey (LFS), 2016-17, BBS
88 Labour and Employment

3.15 Employed Population aged 15 or above, by major industry, sex and area
(in ‘000)
ISIC Rev-4/BSIC 2009 at 1 digit-section Rural Urban Bangladesh
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Agriculture, forestry and Fishing 41.9 72.6 51.7 8.8 19.9 11.8 32.2 59.7 40.6
Sub-total 41.9 72.6 51.7 8.8 19.9 11.8 32.2 59.7 40.6
Mining and Quarrying 0.3 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2
Manufacturing 12.0 10.0 11.3 18.8 32.0 22.4 14.0 15.4 14.4
Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioners 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.0 0.2
Water Supply, Sewerage, Water management 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0
Construction 7.1 1.4 5.3 8.6 1.3 6.6 7.5 1.4 5.6
Sub-total 19.6 11.5 17.0 27.9 33.5 29.4 22.0 16.9 20.4
Wholesale and retail trade, repair of 16.1 2.7 11.8 26.1 5.4 20.5 19.0 3.4 14.2
Transportation and Storage 11.0 1.0 7.8 14.2 1.5 10.8 11.9 1.1 8.6
Accommodation and Food Service Activities 1.9 0.7 1.5 3.2 1.9 2.9 2.3 1.0 1.9
Information and Communication 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.8 0.2 0.7 0.4 0.1 0.3
Financial and Insurance Activities 0.4 0.2 0.3 1.9 1.2 1.7 0.8 0.4 0.7
Real Estate Activities 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.6 0.0 0.5 0.3 0.0 0.2
Professional, Scientific and Technic 0.4 0.1 0.3 1.0 0.3 0.8 0.6 0.1 0.4
Administration and Support Service Activities 0.6 0.1 0.4 1.2 0.4 1.0 0.8 0.2 0.6
Public Administration and Defence 1.3 0.4 1.0 3.5 2.0 3.1 2.0 0.8 1.6
Education 2.7 3.2 2.8 4.0 9.8 5.6 3.1 4.8 3.6
Human Health and Social Work Activities 0.5 0.7 0.5 1.2 2.6 1.6 0.7 1.2 0.8
Art, Entertainment and Recreation 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Other Service Activities 3.1 4.5 3.6 3.9 7.9 5.0 3.3 5.4 4.0
Activities of Households as employer 0.3 2.4 1.0 1.4 13.1 4.6 0.6 5.0 2.0
Activities of Extraterritorial Organ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Sub-total 38.6 15.9 31.3 63.3 46.6 58.8 45.8 23.5 39.0
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Source: Labor Force Survey (LFS), 2016-17, BBS
Labour and Employment 89

3.16 Average number of hours employed persons worked per week By industry, sex and
Industry Rural Urban Bangladesh
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 46 32 39 45 33 40 46 32 39
Mining and quarrying 52 42 52 53 41 52 52 42 52
Manufacturing 56 49 54 58 56 57 57 52 55
Electricity, gas, steam and air condition 51 51 51 50 51 50 50 51 50
Water supply, sewerage, waste management 51 41 47 49 48 49 50 45 48
Construction 52 48 51 51 48 51 52 48 51
Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor 57 47 56 59 48 58 58 47 57
Transportation and storage 58 48 58 58 52 58 58 50 58
Accommodation and food service activities 60 47 58 61 48 59 61 48 58
Information and communication 49 45 49 54 53 54 52 51 52
Financial and insurance activities 50 43 49 49 46 48 49 45 49
Real estate activities 52 48 52 54 47 54 53 47 53
Professional, scientific and technical a 50 47 50 51 47 50 50 47 50
Administrative and support service activities 52 48 52 53 45 52 53 46 52
Public administration and defense 51 47 51 50 45 50 51 46 50
Education 41 42 42 40 41 41 41 42 41
Human health and social work activities 52 46 49 53 50 51 52 48 50
Arts, entertainment and recreation 45 38 43 49 47 49 47 42 45
Other service activities 54 40 48 57 41 50 55 41 49
Activities of households as employers, u 56 46 48 61 50 53 59 49 51
Activities of extraterritorial organizations 48 37 46 53 48 53 52 46 51
Total 51 36 46 55 47 53 52 38 48
Source: Labor Force Survey (LFS), 2016-17, BBS
90 Labour and Employment

3.17 Proportion of own-account and contributing family workers In total employment.

(in ‘000)
Age group Rural Urban Bangladesh
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Total employment
15-29 8457 4064 12521 3560 1871 5432 12017 5936 17952
30-64 19609 9770 29379 8394 2650 11044 28002 12421 40423
65+ 1744 241 1985 418 48 467 2163 290 2452
Total 29809 14076 43885 12372 4570 16943 42182 18646 60828
Own account worker
15-29 2606 1613 4219 924 352 1275 3530 1964 5494
30-64 10910 4445 15355 3726 770 4496 14637 5215 19851
65+ 1195 134 1329 258 21 279 1454 154 1608
Total 14712 6191 20903 4909 1142 6051 19620 7333 26954
Contributing family worker
15-29 1070 1336 2406 254 136 390 1324 1472 2796
30-64 278 3421 3699 69 327 396 347 3748 4094
65+ 31 63 94 7 6 12 37 69 107
Total 1379 4820 6199 329 468 798 1708 5289 6997
Labour and Employment 91

3.17 Proportion of own-account and contributing family workers in total employment

(in ‘000)
Age group Rural Urban Bangladesh
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Own account worker as % of Total Employment
15-29 30.8 39.7 33.7 25.9 18.8 23.5 29.4 33.1 30.6
30-64 55.6 45.5 52.3 44.4 29.0 40.7 52.3 42.0 49.1
65+ 68.5 55.4 66.9 61.8 42.9 59.8 67.2 53.3 65.6
Total 49.4 44.0 47.6 39.7 25.0 35.7 46.5 39.3 44.3
Contributing family worker as % of Total Employment
15-29 12.7 32.9 19.2 7.1 7.3 7.2 11.0 24.8 15.6
30-64 1.4 35.0 12.6 0.8 12.3 3.6 1.2 30.2 10.1
65+ 1.8 26.3 4.8 1.6 12.0 2.6 1.7 23.9 4.4
Total 4.6 34.2 14.1 2.7 10.3 4.7 4.0 28.4 11.5
Own account worker + Contributing family worker as % of Total Employment
15-29 43.5 72.6 52.9 33.1 26.0 30.7 40.4 57.9 46.2
30-64 57.1 80.5 64.9 45.2 41.4 44.3 53.5 72.2 59.2
65+ 70.3 81.7 71.7 63.3 55.5 62.4 69.0 77.3 69.9
Total 54.0 78.2 61.8 42.3 35.2 40.4 50.6 67.7 55.8
Source: Labor Force Survey (LFS), 2016-17, BBS
92 Labour and Employment

3.18 Rate of reported exposure at work, by type of exposure, sex and area
(in ‘000)
Type of injury Rural Urban Bangladesh
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Dust, Fumes, noise or 2.1 0.2 2.3 1.3 0.4 1.6 3.4 0.6 4.0
Fire, gas, flames 0.9 0.1 1.1 0.4 0.1 0.5 1.4 0.2 1.6
Extreme cold or heat 0.9 0.1 0.9 0.3 0.0 0.3 1.1 0.1 1.2
Dangerous tools 4.4 0.8 5.3 1.2 0.4 1.6 5.6 1.3 6.9
Work underground or at 1.2 0.0 1.2 0.7 0.0 0.7 1.9 0.0 1.9
Work in water/pond/ River 1.7 0.1 1.9 0.2 0.0 0.2 1.9 0.2 2.1
Workplace too dark or 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.1 0.5
Chemicals/explosives 3.3 0.2 3.5 0.4 0.0 0.5 3.7 0.3 4.0
Other things (specify) 0.8 0.1 0.9 0.2 0.0 0.2 1.0 0.1 1.1
Total (any of the above) 11.3 1.5 12.8 3.6 0.9 4.5 14.9 2.4 17.2
Source: Labor Force Survey (LFS), 2016-17, BBS
Labour and Employment 93

3.19 Occupational segregation aged 15 years, or older, by sex and area

(in ‘000)
Occupation-BSCO 2012 Male Female
Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total
Other Occupations 93 51 144 4 5 8
Managers 316 574 890 33 74 107
Professionals 1071 831 1902 515 527 1042
Technicians and Associate Professionals 489 472 961 87 84 171
Clerical Support Workers 400 358 758 63 79 142
Service and Sales Workers 5393 3722 9115 541 384 925
Skilled Agricultural, Forestry and Fisheries 9210 849 10058 8925 781 9706
Craft and Related Trades Workers 4469 2658 7127 1751 1513 3264
Plant and Machine Operators, and Assemblers 2434 1317 3751 238 176 414
Elementary Occupations 5983 1554 7538 1999 972 2970
Total 29858 12386 42244 14156 4595 18750
Other Occupations 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.0
Managers 1.1 4.6 2.1 0.2 1.6 0.6
Professionals 3.6 6.7 4.5 3.6 11.5 5.6
Technicians and Associate Professionals 1.6 3.8 2.3 0.6 1.8 0.9
Clerical Support Workers 1.3 2.9 1.8 0.4 1.7 0.8
Service and Sales Workers 18.1 30.0 21.6 3.8 8.4 4.9
Skilled Agricultural, Forestry and Fisheries 30.8 6.9 23.8 63.1 17.0 51.8
Craft and Related Trades Workers 15.0 21.5 16.9 12.4 32.9 17.4
Plant and Machine Operators, and Assemblers 8.2 10.6 8.9 1.7 3.8 2.2
Elementary Occupations 20.0 12.5 17.8 14.1 21.1 15.8
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Source: Labor Force Survey (LFS), 2016-17, BBS
94 Labour and Employment

3.20 Distribution of Migrant vs non-migrant persons, Sex and Area

(In million)
Migrant type Rural Urban Bangladesh
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Migrant 1.3 7.1 8.5 5.5 7.1 12.6 6.8 14.2 21.0
Non-migrant 37.0 31.7 68.6 10.3 9.1 19.4 47.3 40.7 88.0
Total 38.3 38.8 77.1 15.8 16.2 32.0 54.1 55.0 109.1
Migrant 3.5 18.3 11.0 34.5 43.9 39.3 12.6 25.9 19.3
Non-migrant 96.5 81.7 89.0 65.5 56.1 60.7 87.4 74.1 80.7
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Source: Labor Force Survey (LFS), 2016-17, BBS
Labour and Employment 95

3.21 Comparative Manpower Statements of the Ministries/Divisions, Departments/Directorates,

Divisional Deputy Commissioner’s Offices and Autonomous Bodies/Corporations, 2011-2018

Year Ministries/ Division Departments/directorates Divisional/Deputy Commissioner’s

Sanction Exist Vacant Sanction Exist Vacant Sanction Exist Vacant
2011 12580 9438 3142 986186 844735 141451 38842 28413 10429
2012 13038 9452 3586 1004023 851277 152746 45190 33581 11609
2013 13486 10181 3305 106224 901143 161081 44368 33501 10867
2014 13852 10732 3120 1257569 1059653 198016 45135 34686 10449
2015 14387 10780 3607 1276150 1072444 203706 42107 31788 10319
2016 14765 11118 3647 1262301 1041181 221120 38889 28803 10086
2017(Jan) 15621 11655 3966 1321914 1063626 258288 41094 29704 11390
2017(Dec) 16212 12008 4204 1332992 1072904 260088 45786 32487 13299
2018 17767 12566 5201 1367185 1110552 256633 47025 33213 13812

Year Autonomous Bodies/Corporations Total

Sanction Exist Vacant Sanction Exist Vacant
2010 318631 231816 86815 1321749 1078082 143667
2011 322519 233336 99183 1370127 1115922 254205
2012 343273 235250 108023 1405524 1129560 275964
2013 350958 249624 101334 1471036 119449 276587
2014 361786 270367 91419 1678342 1375438 302904
2015 378060 267381 110679 1710704 1382393 328311
2016 385759 261351 124408 1701714 1342453 359261
2017(Jan) 383566 257313 126253 1762195 1362298 399897
2017(Dec) 389312 273656 115656 1784302 1391055 393247
2018 389307 277615 111692 1821284 1433946 387338
Source: Ministry of public Administration
96 Labour and Employment

3.22 Class wise Number of Female Officers & Staff, 2018

Class Ministry/ Departments/ Div Com and Dty Com, Autonomous Bodies Total
Division Directorates UNO & AC Land /Corporations
Class I 823 19932 627 12169 33551
Class II 470 37762 3 6358 44593
Class III 566 257975 1608 13029 273178
Class IV 493 38180 1619 4803 45095
Grand Total: 2352 353849 3857 36359 396417
Source: Ministry of Public Administration.

3.23 Class wise Manpower of Civil Officers and Staff, 2018

Year Ministries/Divisions Departments/Directorates Divisional/Deputy Commissioners’
Approved Actual Vacant Approved Actual Vacant Approved Actual Vacant

Class I 4810 3810 1000 114569 86400 28169 2829 2226 603
Class II 3769 2550 1219 118946 92197 26749 1106 271 835
Class III 5178 3309 1869 911944 766132 145812 21352 14455 6897
Class IV 4010 2897 1113 221726 165823 55903 21738 16261 5477
Total: 17767 12566 5201 1367185 1110552 256633 47025 33213 13812

Year Autonomous Bodies/Corporations Total

Approved Actual Vacant Approved Actual Vacant
Class I 98194 77036 21158 220402 169472 50903
Class II 66968 40314 26654 190789 135332 55457
Class III 124753 90954 33799 1063227 874850 188377
Class IV 99392 69311 30081 346866 254292 92574
Total: 389307 277615 111692 1821284 1433946 387338
Source: Ministry of Public Administration
Labour and Employment 97

3.24 Overseas Employment in 2021

Name of the Country

Month KSA UAE Kuwait Oman Qatar Bahrain Lebanon Jordan Libya Sudan Malaysia Singapore
January 26650 176 - 2865 199 2 - 824 - - 2 3476
February 38396 335 1 4463 313 - - 1059 2 - 2 3300
March 44957 1841 7 7414 491 - 60 1337 - - 7 3360
April 23879 1701 10 4201 640 7 - 654 - - - 1857
May 10512 580 12 99 375 - 3 1458 1 - 3 146
June 44985 55 42 - 1025 - 10 1370 - 3 - 74
July 11282 1 7 - 417 - - 335 - - - -
August 14919 1 14 576 1747 - 13 959 - 2 - 269
September 31238 27 138 4661 1568 - 43 1324 - 8 - 950
October 51472 1140 245 5101 1514 - 22 890 - 4 4 2679
November 71725 8419 459 10707 1439 1 24 1635 - 15 6 5228
December 87212 14926 913 14922 1430 1 60 1971 - 7 4 6536
Total 457227 29202 1848 55009 11158 11 235 13816 3 39 28 27875
% 74.08 4.73 0.30 8.91 1.81 0.00 0.04 2.24 0.00 0.01 0.00 4.52
98 Labour and Employment

3.24 Overseas Employment in 2021

Name of the Country

Month S. Korea UK Italy Japan Egypt Brunei Mauritius Iraq Others Misc. Total Monthly
Clearance Increase (%)
January - 2 1 - - - 3 - 116 1416 35732 -
February - 4 6 1 - 2 8 1 429 1188 49510 38.56
March - 7 17 2 - 8 3 2 625 1515 61653 24.53
July - 2 24 - - - - - 296 874 34145 -44.62
April - 4 23 - - - - - 261 723 14200 -58.41
May - 9 67 - - - - 1 478 448 48567 242.02
June - 2 10 - - - - 178 148 12380 -74.51
August - 9 41 - - - 1 - 772 281 19604 58.35
September - 14 114 - - - 6 - 1129 788 42008 114.28
October - 13 86 - - - 37 - 874 1152 65233 55.29
November - 28 98 - - 1 52 1 1343 1680 102861 57.68
December 108 29 166 - - 1 105 - 1210 1715 131316 27.66
Total 108 123 653 3 - 12 215 5 7711 11928 617209

% 0.02 0.02 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 1.25 1.93 100.00
Source: Bureau of Manpower, Employment and Training.
Labour and Employment 99

3.25 Category-Wise Overseas Employment 2000 to 2021

Year Professional Worker’s Category Total
Skilled Semi-Skilled Less-Skilled Other
2000 10669 99606 26461 85950 - 222686
2001 5940 42742 30702 109581 - 188965
2002 14450 56265 36025 118516 - 225256
2003 15862 74530 29236 134562 - 254190
2004 12202 10177 28327 122252 8582 272958
2005 1945 13655 24546 112556 12240 252702
2006 925 115468 33965 231158 10722 381516
2007 676 165338 183673 482922 10222 832609
2008 1864 292364 132825 448002 10914 875055
2009 1426 134265 84517 255070 8485 475278
2010 387 90621 20016 279678 7560 390702
2011 1192 229149 28729 308992 7440 568062
2012 812 209368 20498 377120 9509 607798
2013 689 133754 62528 203058 9224 409253
2014 1730 148766 70095 193403 11690 425684
2015 1828 214328 91099 243929 4697 555881
2016 4638 318851 119946 303706 10590 757731
2017 4507 434344 155569 401796 12302 1008518
2018 2673 317528 117734 283002 13244 734181
2019 1914 304921 142536 197102 53686 700159
2020 378 61719 9412 139640 - 211149
2021 824 129057 19870 455166 12292 617209
Source: Bureau of Manpower, Employment and Training.
100 Labour and Employment

3.26 Growth of RMG in Bangladesh 1991-92 to 2019-20

Year Number of Garment Employment In Million Export Of RMG In Total Export Of % OF RMG’s To
Factories Workers Million US$ Bangladesh In MN US$ National Export
1991-92 1163 0.582 1182.57 1993.90 59.31
1992-93 1537 0.804 1445.03 2382.89 60.64
1993-94 1839 0.827 1555.78 2533.90 61.40
1994-95 2182 1.200 2228.35 3472.56 64.17
1995-96 2353 1.290 2547.13 3882.42 65.61
1996-97 2503 1.300 3001.24 4418.28 67.93
1997-98 2726 1.500 3783.63 5161.20 73.31
1998-99 2963 1.500 4020.23 5312.86 75.67
1999-00 3200 1.600 4352.39 5752.20 75.66
2000-01 3480 1.800 4860.12 6467.30 75.15
2001-02 3618 1.800 4583.80 5986.09 76.57
2002-03 3760 2.000 4912.10 6548.44 75.01
2003-04 3957 2.000 5686.09 7602.99 74.79
2004-05 4107 2.100 6417.67 8654.52 74.15
2005-06 4220 2.200 7900.80 10526.16 75.06
2006-07 4490 2.400 9211.23 12177.86 75.64
2007-08 4743 2.800 10699.80 14110.80 75.83
2008-09 4925 3.500 12347.77 15565.19 79.33
2009-10 5063 3.600 12496.72 16204.65 77.12
2010-11 5150 3.600 17914.46 22924.38 78.15
2011-12 5400 4.00 19089.69 24287.66 78.60
2012-13 5876 4.00 21515.73 27027.36 79.61
2013-14 4222 4.00 24491.88 30186.62 81.13
2014-15 4296 4.00 25491.40 31208.94 81.68
2015-16 4328 4.00 28094.17 34257.18 82.01
2016-17 4482 4.00 28149.84 34655.92 81.23
2017-18 4560 4.00 30614.76 36668.17 83.49
2018-19 4621 4.00 34133.27 40535.04 84.21
2019-20 - - 27949.19 33674.09 83.00
Source: BGMEA, Export Promotion Bureau, Bangladesh Bank, Compile by BGMEA.
Labour and Employment 101

3.27 Class-Wise Statistics of Civil Officers and Staff of the Departments and Directorates, 2018
Class-I Class-II Class-III Class- IV Total
Sanc. Exist. Vacancy Sanc. Exist. Vacancy Sanc. Exist. Vacancy Sanc. Exist. Vacancy Sanc. Exist. Vacancy
AGRI INFORMATION SERVICE 23 22 1 7 6 1 152 123 29 61 51 10 243 202 41
INSTITUTE 225 154 71 28 18 10 251 216 35 197 141 56 701 529 172
DEPTT OF AGRI MARKETING 118 41 77 45 0 45 283 221 62 348 175 173 794 437 357
AGENCY 252 148 104 1 1 0 140 86 54 157 97 60 550 332 218
COTTON DEV BOARD 114 64 50 17 7 10 520 371 149 228 179 49 879 621 258
DEPTT OF AGRI EXTENSION 2917 1942 975 547 453 94 17998 13631 4367 4231 3014 1217 25693 19040 6653
MINISTRYTOTAL 3649 2371 1278 645 485 160 19344 14648 4696 5222 3657 1565 28860 21161 7699
DTEOFCONSUMERRIGHTS 101 78 23 3 1 2 105 83 22 31 31 0 240 193 47
CONTOFIMP ANDEXP 23 17 6 42 32 10 118 40 78 94 12 82 277 101 176
CO. S 15 12 3 19 15 4 34 26 8 13 11 2 81 64 17
MINISTRYTOTAL 139 107 32 64 48 16 257 149 108 138 54 84 598 358 240
DEPTTOFPUBLICLIBRARY 105 55 50 43 24 19 370 151 219 313 123 190 831 353 478
COPYRIGHTOFFICEDHAKA 5 2 3 4 1 3 30 21 9 4 3 1 43 27 16
DTEOFARCHIVES 20 11 9 7 1 6 67 40 27 46 37 9 140 89 51
DEPTTOFARCHAEOLOGY 47 32 15 17 10 7 191 152 39 220 189 31 475 383 92
MINISTRYTOTAL 177 100 77 71 36 35 658 364 294 583 352 231 1489 852 637
ANDDRAGSLAB 2 0 2 0 0 0 8 6 2 16 12 4 26 18 8
SURVEYOFBANGLADESH 38 18 20 11 3 8 635 445 190 209 129 80 893 595 298
DW (ARMY) 99 67 32 481 183 298 781 635 146 271 247 24 1632 1132 500
SERVICES 14 9 5 2 2 0 149 129 20 243 226 17 408 366 42
(BASB) 15 10 5 0 0 0 60 57 3 2 2 0 77 69 8
CANTT. 0 0 0 1 1 0 3 3 0 41 39 2 45 43 2
DWANDCE(NAVY) 48 32 16 591 306 285 1061 999 62 389 384 5 2089 1721 368
(AIR)KURMITOLA 23 12 11 74 40 34 199 171 28 56 43 13 352 266 86
&TECHNOLOGY 130 18 112 60 47 13 165 71 94 50 28 22 405 164 241
ADMNOFFICER 171 123 48 106 90 16 972 785 187 743 643 100 1992 1641 351
102 Labour and Employment

Class-I Class-II Class-III Class- IV Total

Sanc. Exist. Vacancy Sanc. Exist. Vacancy Sanc. Exist. Vacancy Sanc. Exist. Vacancy Sanc. Exist. Vacancy
MEDICALSTORES,DEPOTDH 2 2 0 0 0 0 25 23 2 56 55 1 83 80 3
CADETCORPS 3 0 3 0 0 0 210 174 36 267 243 24 480 417 63
DEFENCEPURCHASE 2 2 0 0 0 0 57 36 21 28 22 6 87 60 27
MEDICALCOLLEGE 1 0 1 14 12 2 29 25 4 101 91 10 1454 128 17
FACTORIES 72 50 22 151 124 27 1485 1334 151 361 237 124 2069 1745 324
&CANTOMENT 36 27 9 15 7 8 55 35 20 51 29 22 157 98 59
DEPTT OF CYPHER 10 6 4 9 8 1 15 13 2 11 8 3 45 35 10
A F I P, DHAKA CANT. 3 0 3 0 0 0 5 3 2 32 31 1 40 34 6
BANGLADESH AIR FORCE 8 4 4 20 31 -11 1342 1187 155 2661 2336 325 4031 3554 473
COLLEGE, MIRPUR 6 3 3 0 0 0 10 10 0 52 52 0 68 65 3
INSTITUTE, DHAKA, CANT. 6 1 5 1 0 1 9 6 3 87 74 13 103 81 22
AHQ, AGS BR (PA DTE) 74 15 59 218 96 122 5020 4286 734 7411 7065 346 12723 11462 1261
RELATION 6 6 0 4 4 0 17 17 0 6 6 0 33 33 0
(NAVAL HQ) 74 28 46 144 117 27 2858 2467 391 1142 1037 105 4218 3649 569
COMMAND & STAFF COLLEGE 3 2 1 1 1 0 38 35 3 93 87 6 135 125 10
AHQ, E IN C’S BR. WORKS 4 7 -3 18 11 7 41 45 -4 14 15 -1 77 78 -1
DEFENCE FINANCE 116 112 4 216 156 60 1387 964 423 171 132 39 1890 1364 526
METEOROLOGICAL DEPTT 147 98 49 16 10 6 932 670 262 195 119 76 1290 897 393
MINISTRY TOTAL 1113 652 461 2153 1249 904 17568 14631 2937 14759 13392 1367 35593 29924 5669
DISASTERMANAGEMENT 321 196 125 307 254 53 1502 1081 421 213 143 70 2343 1674 669
DTEGENERALOFRELIEF 319 276 43 306 288 18 904 861 43 213 206 7 1742 1631 111
MINISTRYTOTAL 640 472 168 613 542 71 2406 1942 464 426 349 77 4085 3305 780
DTE OF INSPECTION 35 27 8 0 0 0 77 27 50 18 5 13 130 59 71
DEPTT 203 138 65 643 476 167 290 217 73 229 194 35 1365 1025 340
ACCOUNTS 5 5 0 5 2 3 53 29 24 7 6 1 70 42 28

HIGHER EDUCATION 21274 17541 3733 12320 9287 3033 4401 2261 2140 7649 4205 3444 45644 33294 12350
BUREAU OF EDU INFORM 23 15 8 6 5 1 31 21 10 19 15 4 79 56 23
Labour and Employment 103

Class-I Class-II Class-III Class- IV Total

Sanc. Exist. Vacancy Sanc. Exist. Vacancy Sanc. Exist. Vacancy Sanc. Exist. Vacancy Sanc. Exist. Vacancy
FOREDUMANAG(NAEM) 62 57 5 6 5 1 47 30 17 85 71 14 200 163 37
LANGUAGEINSTITUTE 17 7 10 1 0 1 36 9 27 1 0 1 55 16 39
DTE OF TECHNICALEDUCATION 4730 3188 1542 1985 939 1046 4060 2561 1499 1729 1035 694 12504 7723 4781
MINISTRYTOTAL 26349 20978 5371 14966 10714 4252 8995 5155 3840 9737 5531 4206 60047 42378 17669
OFFICE 694 457 237 0 0 0 861 666 195 823 694 129 2378 1817 561
MINISTRY TOTAL 694 457 237 0 0 0 861 666 195 823 694 129 2378 1817 561
BUREAU OF MANPOWER EMP 400 227 173 1471 642 829 2259 1356 903 1455 1124 331 5585 3349 2236
MINISTRYTOTAL 400 227 173 1471 642 829 2259 1356 903 1455 1124 331 5585 3349 2236
WORKS AUDIT DIRECTORATE 43 43 0 48 29 19 231 150 81 40 39 1 362 261 101
MONITORING CELL 18 12 6 2 1 1 10 7 3 6 5 1 36 25 11
DIRECTORATE 70 70 0 56 10 46 157 125 32 17 15 2 300 220 80
DIRECTORATE 144 139 5 264 26 238 556 376 180 89 77 12 1053 618 435
DIRECTORIATE 67 67 0 130 64 66 348 228 120 70 56 14 615 415 200
ACADEMY (FIMA) 22 20 2 2 1 1 10 6 4 6 5 1 40 32 8
DEFENCE AUDIT DEPARTMENT 26 26 0 30 13 17 107 88 19 27 25 2 190 152 38
DIRECTORATE OF CIVIL AUDIT 40 41 -1 35 10 25 218 138 80 23 22 1 3196 211 105
DIRECTORAE DIRECTORATE/413 9 9 0 5 3 2 9 8 1 8 8 0 31 28 3
ACCOUNTS, DHAKA 735 633 102 801 210 591 5499 3272 2227 889 586 303 7924 4701 3223
RAILWAYAUDIT DIRECTORATE 21 20 1 35 8 27 133 85 48 22 18 4 211 131 80
DIRECTORATE 21 21 0 36 10 26 202 140 62 41 39 2 300 210 90
MISSION AUDITE DIRECTORATE 7 7 0 5 3 2 18 13 5 11 11 0 41 34 7
1453 1342 111 1822 980 842 8804 5986 2818 1737 1118 619 13816 9426 4390
DHAKA 25 19 6 0 0 0 77 49 28 55 35 20 157 103 54
NATIONALBOARDOF 0 0 0 0 0 0 77 69 8 69 69 0 146 138 8
OFREVENUE(EXCISE&VAT) 1510 625 885 4676 1552 3124 2944 1008 1936 3559 1490 2069 12689 4675 8014
DTEOFNATIONALSAVINGS 107 70 37 81 57 24 178 108 700 93 75 18 459 310 149
APPELLATETRIBUNAL 10 10 0 1 0 1 35 19 16 19 16 3 65 45 20
OFREVENUE(BOARDOFADMIN) 2262 1584 678 5629 3671 1958 10263 5456 4807 10428 6016 4412 28582 16727 11855
104 Labour and Employment

Class-I Class-II Class-III Class- IV Total

Sanc. Exist. Vacancy Sanc. Exist. Vacancy Sanc. Exist. Vacancy Sanc. Exist. Vacancy Sanc. Exist. Vacancy
MINISTRYTOTAL 6590 4758 1832 13658 6648 7010 29876 17331 12545 17209 9725 7484 67333 38462 28871
ANDLIVESTOCKINFOR 7 3 4 0 0 0 53 7 46 22 5 17 82 15 67
DEPTT OF LIVESTOCK SERVICES 1881 1603 278 54 47 7 5222 3834 1388 2860 2073 787 10017 7557 2460
DEPTTOFFISHERIES 1676 875 801 663 365 298 2105 1572 533 1341 1210 131 5785 4022 1763
MINISTRYTOTAL 3564 2481 1083 717 412 305 7380 5413 1967 4223 3288 935 15884 11594 4290
DIRECTOR GENERAL OFFOOD 893 566 327 1757 1103 654 5416 2201 3215 5610 3995 1615 13676 7865 5811
MINISTRYTOTAL 893 566 327 1757 1103 654 5416 2201 3215 5610 3995 1615 13676 7865 5811
PADMA,MEGHNA,SUGANDA 3 2 1 0 0 0 21 22 -1 63 58 5 87 82 5
MINISTRYTOTAL 3 2 1 0 0 0 21 22 -1 63 58 5 87 82 5

DTEOFDRUGADMNDHAKA&CTG 133 96 37 40 14 26 142 116 26 76 62 14 391 288 103

HEALTHSERVICES(DGHS) 27642 21251 6211 961 541 420 51335 36043 15292 24824 16744 8080 104582 74579 30003
DIRECTORATEOFNURSING 406 240 166 32532 31911 621 872 785 87 717 558 159 34527 33494 1033
T 74 61 13 85 78 7 136 130 6 91 88 3 386 357 29
CENTSKINHCENTCTG 5 5 0 0 0 0 18 11 7 13 9 4 36 25 11
SOCIALMEDICAL 63 32 31 15 13 2 50 22 28 55 27 28 183 94 89
EQUIPMEINTORG(TEMO) 1 1 0 3 3 0 44 30 14 27 14 13 75 48 27
MEDEQUIPMEINTW/SHOPCENT 13 4 9 14 6 8 49 36 13 21 18 3 97 64 33
ENGINEERINGDEPARTMENT(HED) 87 69 118 413 117 296 226 150 76 213 75 138 1039 411 628
CIVILSURGEONOFFICE 6223 6017 206 303 272 31 43035 40969 2066 12846 12323 523 62407 59581 2826
100 95 5 17 17 0 252 239 13 128 107 21 497 458 39
ARDISEASES 319 278 41 920 875 45 356 287 69 309 251 58 1904 1691 213
INSTOFPUBLICHEALTH 69 50 19 71 57 14 313 246 67 472 277 195 925 630 295
NIPORT 126 69 57 57 30 27 322 226 96 309 203 106 814 528 286
DEPTTOFFAMILYPLANNING 1962 1432 530 1089 512 577 16889 14278 2611 32501 25204 7297 52441 41426 11015
MINISTRYTOTAL 37143 29700 7443 36520 34446 2074 114039 93568 20471 72602 55960 16642 260304 213674 46630
BANGLADESHCOASTGUARD 196 78 118 74 35 9 271 142 129 22 16 6 563 301 262
INVESTIGATIONAGENCY 39 23 16 37 13 24 165 110 55 47 32 15 288 178 110
INVESTIGATIONAGENCY-ICTBD 43 33 10 37 12 25 166 115 51 47 34 13 293 194 99
ANSARANDVDP DEPTT 376 215 161 836 423 413 19230 17893 1337 279 230 49 20721 18761 1960
DIRECTORATEOFPRISONS 297 145 152 289 182 107 11141 10308 833 188 22 166 11915 10657 1258
Labour and Employment 105

Class-I Class-II Class-III Class- IV Total

Sanc. Exist. Vacancy Sanc. Exist. Vacancy Sanc. Exist. Vacancy Sanc. Exist. Vacancy Sanc. Exist. Vacancy
POLICEDIRECTORATE 11734 10246 1488 28078 23331 4747 173707 161523 12184 7136 6097 1039 220655 201197 19458
&DEFENCE 48 22 26 186 155 31 3320 2645 675 8248 7140 1108 11802 9962 1840
DEPTTOFIMMIGRATION 133 84 49 47 42 5 683 631 52 321 298 23 1184 1055 129
BORDER GUARDBANGLADESH 55 20 35 83 78 5 1632 1167 465 3584 3510 74 5354 4775 579
DEPTT OF NARCOTICSCONTROL 165 105 60 172 142 30 1034 638 396 344 320 24 1715 1205 510
MONITORINGCENTRE 11 8 3 1 0 1 7 0 7 0 0 0 19 8 11
MINISTRYTOTAL 13097 10979 2118 29840 24443 5397 211356 195172 16184 20216 17699 2517 274509 248293 26216

PUBLICWORKSDEPTT 942 686 256 1362 1034 328 3500 2240 1260 2086 1878 208 7890 5838 2052
DEPTTOFARCHITECTURE 75 63 12 0 0 0 155 132 23 47 36 11 277 231 46
OFFICESETTLEMENT 15 13 2 0 0 0 12 10 2 12 11 1 39 34 5
DTE OF GOVTACCOMODATION 18 14 4 0 0 0 164 116 48 284 257 27 466 387 79
DTE OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT 55 38 17 2 2 0 120 95 25 65 65 0 242 200 42
DTEOFINTERNALAUDIT 3 3 0 8 6 2 38 25 13 12 10 2 61 44 17
MINISTRYTOTAL 1108 817 291 1372 1042 330 3989 2618 1371 2506 2257 249 8975 6734 2241
BOILERINSPECTIONOFFICE 10 8 2 0 0 0 13 9 4 7 8 -1 30 25 5
PATENTS, DESIGN MARKSOFFICE 42 29 13 5 2 3 53 32 21 13 9 4 113 72 41
PRODUCTIVITYORGANISATION 21 15 6 1 1 0 32 19 13 13 8 5 67 43 24
MINISTRYTOTAL 73 52 21 6 3 3 98 60 38 33 25 8 210 140 70
FILMCENSORBOARD 3 3 0 6 6 0 16 5 11 10 6 4 35 20 15
MASSCOMMUNICATION 40 28 12 16 8 8 45 41 4 35 35 0 136 112 24
DTELEVISION) 371 213 158 151 109 42 817 606 211 338 288 50 1677 1216 461
84 72 12 89 64 25 614 373 241 262 206 56 1049 715 334
PRESSINFORMATIONDEPTT 87 74 13 28 24 4 131 92 39 124 93 31 370 283 87
DEPTTOFFILMS 42 30 12 34 21 13 186 106 80 86 26 60 348 183 165
(BDBETAR) 667 443 224 100 23 77 959 623 336 1023 442 581 2749 1531 1218
BANGLADESHFILMARCHIVES 4 5 -1 9 9 0 27 24 3 8 7 1 48 45 3
MINISTRYTOTAL 1298 868 430 433 264 169 2795 1870 925 1886 1103 783 6412 4105 2307
DIRECTORATEOFJUTE 73 68 5 51 43 8 409 119 290 72 28 44 605 258 347
DEPTTOFTEXTILE 341 181 160 248 179 69 607 490 117 197 190 7 1393 1040 353
MINISTRYTOTAL 414 249 165 299 222 77 1016 609 407 269 218 51 1998 1298 700
OFINSPECTIONFORFACTORIES 393 142 251 365 227 138 206 150 56 207 36 171 1171 555 616
DTEOFLABOUR 184 105 79 72 34 38 414 287 127 301 198 103 971 324 347
MINIMUMWAGESBOARD 2 2 0 0 0 0 6 6 0 5 5 0 13 13 0
106 Labour and Employment

Class-I Class-II Class-III Class- IV Total

Sanc. Exist. Vacancy Sanc. Exist. Vacancy Sanc. Exist. Vacancy Sanc. Exist. Vacancy Sanc. Exist. Vacancy
NSDCSECRETARIAT 9 7 2 0 0 0 11 1 10 6 6 0 26 14 12
TRIBUNALLABOURCOURT 17 13 4 0 0 0 53 51 2 47 41 6 117 105 12
MINISTRYTOTAL 605 269 336 437 261 176 690 495 195 566 286 280 2298 1311 987
DEPTTOFLANDRECORDS 488 307 181 684 129 555 4536 1785 2751 1344 880 464 7052 3101 3951
CENTRE 10 7 3 0 0 0 11 7 4 17 10 7 38 24 14
BOARDOFLANDAPPEAL 11 10 1 0 0 0 25 22 3 14 10 4 50 42 8
LANDREFORMSBOARD 24 22 2 8 0 8 48 43 5 25 18 7 105 83 22
(REV) 11 11 0 77 77 0 112 90 22 79 76 3 279 254 25
MINISTRYTOTAL 544 357 187 769 206 563 4732 1947 2785 1479 994 485 7524 3504 4020
APORADHDAMANTRIBUNAL 6 6 0 6 3 3 40 35 5 12 9 3 64 53 11
REGISTRATION 547 405 142 1 0 1 1569 1552 17 653 638 15 2770 2595 175
ATTORNEYGENERAL 4 4 0 2 2 0 77 70 7 130 125 5 213 201 12
HIGHCOURT.DIV 113 26 87 395 324 71 739 709 30 403 403 0 1650 1462 188
1 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 2 0 2 5 1 4
CRIMESTRIBUNAL(ICT-BD),DHAKA 20 5 15 9 0 9 22 16 6 32 27 5 83 48 35
ADDITIONALTRIBUNAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 1 7 7 0 13 12 1
JUSTICEDIVISION 1820 1574 246 120 111 9 3528 3123 405 4173 3711 462 9641 8519 1122
FARIDPUR 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 2 2 0 2 5 0 5
TRAININGINSTITUE 12 12 0 2 2 0 26 25 1 25 25 0 65 64 1
BANGLADESH LAWCOMMISION 8 3 5 0 0 0 9 8 1 15 13 2 32 24 8
,DHAKA 2 2 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 4 2 2 10 8 2
ADMNAPPELLATETRIBUNAL 3 3 0 0 0 0 6 3 3 7 7 0 16 13 3
PABNA 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 2 1 1 5 3 2
DIV 8 7 1 2 1 1 42 34 8 35 34 1 87 76 11
SERVICESORGANISATION 70 66 4 0 0 0 76 76 0 3 3 0 149 145 4
SERVICESCOMMISSIONSECTT. 10 9 1 0 0 0 29 23 6 11 11 0 50 43 7
BANGLADESHBARCOUNCIL 9 9 0 3 3 0 35 35 0 38 38 0 85 85 0
ADMINSTTRATIVETRIBUNAL 5 5 0 0 0 0 11 11 0 12 12 0 28 28 0
&OFFRECIVEROFFICE 1 0 1 1 0 1 13 8 5 6 6 0 21 14 7
Labour and Employment 107

Class-I Class-II Class-III Class- IV Total

Sanc. Exist. Vacancy Sanc. Exist. Vacancy Sanc. Exist. Vacancy Sanc. Exist. Vacancy Sanc. Exist. Vacancy
TRIBUNAL,JESSORE 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 1 1 0 4 4 0
TRIBUNAL,NOAKHALI 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 5 5 0
NIRJATANDAMANTRIBUNAL 29 27 2 1 1 0 89 89 0 55 55 0 174 172 2
DRUTHOBICHARTRIBUNAL 5 5 0 5 3 2 20 19 1 19 19 0 49 46 3
MINISTRYTOTAL 2677 2172 505 547 450 97 6351 5850 501 5649 5149 500 15224 13621 1603

DHAKAMOSQUITOCONTROL 1 1 0 1 0 1 49 28 21 345 263 82 396 292 104

LOCALGOVERNMENT(NILG) 36 24 12 12 10 2 29 21 8 36 34 2 113 89 24
DEPARTMENT 1548 1035 513 2266 1420 846 7062 5247 1815 2049 1474 575 12925 9176 3749
ENGINEERINGDEPTT 513 234 279 704 523 181 1556 1046 510 4548 3928 620 7321 5731 1590
DEPTTOFCO-OPERATIVES 191 134 57 574 496 78 2970 2440 530 1260 1036 224 4995 4106 889
MINISTRYTOTAL 2289 1428 861 3557 2449 1108 11666 8782 2884 8238 6735 1503 25750 19394 6356
COMMUNICATIONTECHDTE 1728 21 1707 12 0 12 314 0 314 38 0 38 2092 21 2071
DIRECTORATE 572 4 568 4 0 4 157 0 157 4 0 4 737 4 733
BANGLADESHPOSTOFFICE 236 146 90 56 7 49 10216 6189 4027 4837 3962 875 15345 10304 5041
REGULATORYCOMMISSION 139 88 51 63 49 14 103 77 26 116 103 13 421 317 104
MINISTRYTOTAL 2675 259 2416 135 56 79 10790 6266 4524 4995 4065 930 18595 10646 7949

BDFORESTRESEARCHINSTCTG 103 50 53 43 28 15 432 267 165 216 133 83 794 478 316
DEPTTOFFOREST 342 170 172 440 110 330 5436 3636 1800 4042 3158 884 10260 7074 3186
ENVIRONMENTDEPTT 261 129 132 185 56 129 281 207 74 57 12 45 784 404 380
UM 19 9 10 3 3 0 18 14 4 12 11 1 52 37 15
MINISTRYTOTAL 725 358 367 671 197 474 6167 4124 2043 4327 3314 1013 11890 7993 3897

DEPTTOFPRINTING,STATIONARY, 24 15 9 31 18 13 1747 1255 492 587 318 269 2389 1606 783
WELFAREBOARD 49 28 21 27 10 17 126 73 53 78 49 29 280 160 120
ACADEMY 25 19 6 3 0 3 44 40 4 52 34 18 124 93 31
HOSPITALDHAKA 100 75 25 66 40 26 53 12 41 67 55 12 286 182 104
TRANSPORT 9 11 -2 4 1 3 3044 1794 1250 347 212 135 3404 2018 1386
ACCOUNTSOFFICER 6 3 3 2 2 0 43 24 19 5 4 1 56 33 23
MINISTRYTOTAL 213 151 62 133 71 62 5057 3198 1859 1136 672 464 6539 4092 2447
108 Labour and Employment

Class-I Class-II Class-III Class- IV Total

Sanc. Exist. Vacancy Sanc. Exist. Vacancy Sanc. Exist. Vacancy Sanc. Exist. Vacancy Sanc. Exist. Vacancy
BANGLADESHRAILWAY 561 450 111 1590 901 689 15610 10898 4712 23408 15682 7726 41169 27931 13238
RAILWAYINSPECTIONDEPTT 2 2 0 0 0 0 4 1 3 3 3 0 9 6 3
MINISTRYTOTAL 653 452 111 1590 901 689 15614 10899 4715 23411 15685 7726 41178 27937 13241
BRIDGESAUTHORITY 58 45 13 21 8 13 81 52 29 51 43 8 211 148 63
ROADSDEPTT 677 478 199 888 722 166 4546 2022 2524 3562 847 2715 9673 4069 5604
149 94 55 163 123 40 364 240 124 107 74 33 783 531 252
MINISTRYTOTAL 884 617 267 1072 853 219 4991 2314 2677 3720 964 2756 10667 4748 5919
STATISTICS 466 320 146 133 62 71 3177 1566 1611 849 458 391 4625 2406 2219
MINISTRYTOTAL 466 320 146 133 62 71 3177 1566 1611 849 458 391 4625 2406 2219
DEPTTOFEXPLOSIVES 31 14 17 2 0 2 48 22 26 23 16 7 104 52 52
BUREAUOFMINERALDEVELOPMEN 10 6 4 0 0 0 17 2 15 11 7 4 38 15 23
BANGLADESHPETROLEUMINSTITU 21 11 10 0 0 0 18 14 4 15 15 0 54 40 14
BANGLADESH 174 126 48 29 8 21 308 200 108 140 96 44 651 430 221
ELECADVELECINSPECTOR 10 4 6 6 2 4 20 14 6 9 6 3 45 26 19
POWERCELL 16 15 1 0 0 0 18 18 0 9 9 0 43 42 1
ENERGYAUDITCELL 9 3 6 0 0 0 5 3 2 6 5 1 20 11 9
MINISTRYTOTAL 271 179 92 37 10 27 434 273 161 213 154 59 955 616 339
EDUCATION,MYMENSINGH 45 38 7 6 3 3 27 6 21 18 13 5 96 60 36
COMPULSORYPRIMARYEDNIMPLUN 13 12 1 1 1 0 26 25 1 19 18 1 59 56 3
DTEOFPRIMARYEDUCATION 2342 1849 493 3197 2752 445 400605 351509 49096 1280 785 495 407424 356895 50529
EDUCATION 80 59 21 1 0 1 143 112 31 260 147 113 484 318 166
MINISTRYTOTAL 2480 1958 522 3205 2756 449 400801 351652 49149 1577 963 614 408063 357329 50734
NATIONALSECURITYINTELLIGENC 489 439 50 338 292 46 705 638 67 795 711 84 2327 2080 247
BOARDOFINVESTMENT 93 40 53 0 0 0 145 69 76 114 95 19 352 204 148
BUREAUOFNGOAFFAIRS 23 7 16 3 3 0 37 33 4 21 16 5 84 59 25
SPECIALSECURITYFORCE 5 1 4 4 3 1 116 87 29 97 81 16 222 172 50
MINISTRYTOTAL 610 487 123 345 298 47 1003 827 176 1027 903 124 2985 2515 470
BANGLADESH HAJJ 2 2 0 1 1 0 8 5 3 9 2 7 20 10 10
CONSULGENOFBDJEDDAH (HAJJ) 2 2 0 1 1 0 5 3 2 5 2 3 13 8 5
HAJJOFFICEDHAKA 1 1 0 2 2 0 12 11 1 9 8 1 24 22 2
MINISTRYTOTAL 5 5 0 4 4 0 25 19 6 23 12 11 57 40 17
Labour and Employment 109

Class-I Class-II Class-III Class- IV Total

Sanc. Exist. Vacancy Sanc. Exist. Vacancy Sanc. Exist. Vacancy Sanc. Exist. Vacancy Sanc. Exist. Vacancy
NATIONALMUSEUMOFSCI 15 13 2 1 1 0 21 16 5 27 26 1 64 56 8
MINISTRYTOTAL 15 13 2 1 1 0 21 16 5 27 26 1 64 56 8
CTG 7 6 1 1 1 0 8 7 1 6 5 1 22 19 3
DTEOFSEAMENWEL CTG 4 4 0 0 0 0 16 12 4 22 19 3 42 35 7
GOVTSHIPPINGOFFICECTG 2 1 1 2 1 1 21 18 3 7 7 0 32 27 5
SURVEYOFFICE,KHULNA 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 3 3 0
DEEPSEAPORTCELL 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 5 5 0
ENGGOFFICENGN. 1 1 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 1 1 0 5 4 1
MARINEACADEMYCHITTAGONG 42 23 19 13 10 3 58 50 8 103 93 10 216 176 40
CTG 6 4 2 1 1 0 23 20 3 17 14 3 47 39 8
ENGGOFFICEDHAKA 1 1 0 0 0 0 12 10 2 3 3 0 16 14 2
INSTITUTE,CTG 10 4 6 3 1 2 11 8 3 4 4 0 28 17 11
INLANDSHIPS 20 14 6 54 21 33 86 57 29 37 34 3 197 126 71
MINISTRYTOTAL 95 60 35 74 35 39 241 187 54 203 183 20 613 465 148
DEPTTOFSOCIALSERVICES 1166 969 197 275 173 102 6466 5500 966 4022 3514 508 11929 10156 1773
MINISTRYTOTAL 1166 969 197 275 173 102 6466 5500 966 4022 3514 508 11929 10156 1773
DEPTTOFWOMENSAFFAIRS 185 127 58 601 502 99 2154 1831 323 1122 978 144 4062 3438 624
MINISTRYTOTAL 185 127 58 601 502 99 2154 1831 323 1122 978 144 4062 3438 624
DIVISIONALEDUCATIONCOLLEGE 14 4 10 0 0 0 5 4 1 15 15 0 34 23 11
DIVISIONALEDUCATIONCOLLEGE 11 2 9 0 0 0 4 3 1 9 0 9 24 5 19
RAJSHAHIPHYSICALCOLLEGE 8 7 1 9 9 0 6 6 0 26 26 0 49 48 1
DISTRICTSPORTSOFFICE 64 21 43 0 0 0 64 57 7 64 64 0 192 142 50
DIVISIONALEDUCATIONCOLLEGE 14 3 11 0 0 0 3 0 0 13 13 0 30 9 11
PHYSICALEDUCATIONCOLLEGE 66 28 38 18 18 0 16 15 1 26 26 0 126 87 39
DEPTT OF YOUTHDEVELOPMENT 435 242 193 748 586 162 3008 2415 593 1049 999 50 5240 4242 998
PHYSICALEDUCATIONCOLLEGE 11 3 8 0 0 0 4 2 2 9 0 9 24 5 19
DTE OFSPORTS 134 73 61 0 0 0 120 106 14 171 144 27 425 323 102
MINISTRYTOTAL 757 383 374 775 613 162 3230 2611 619 1382 1287 95 6144 4894 1250
GRANDTOTAL 114569 86400 28169 118946 92197 26749 911944 766132 145812 221726 165823 55903 1367185 1110552 256633
110 Labour and Employment

3.28 Number of Employees by Category in Bangladesh Railway

Year Officers (Grade I to VI) Staff (Grade VII to X) Total

1990-91 533 56215 56784

1991-92 571 54842 55413
1992-93 - - -
1993-94 531 42203 42734
1994-95 557 41918 42475
1995-96 546 40818 41364
199`6-97 535 39875 40410
1997-98 519 38580 39099
1998-99 519 37653 38172
1999-2000 495 36944 37439
2000-01 504 36099 36603
2001-02 515 35025 35540
2002-03 482 34245 34727
2003-04 509 33659 34168
2004-05 484 34688 35172
2005-06 477 33729 34206
2006-07 477 32718 33195
2007-08 464 31410 31874
2008-09 429 30015 30444
2009-10 409 27562 27971
2010-11 401 25948 26349
2011-12 425 26033 26458
2012-13 479 25460 25939
2013-14 475 25171 25646

Source: Bangladesh Railway

3.29 Number of Expatriate Employees and amount of Remittance

Year No of employment Amount of Remittance
abroad (000) Million US$ Percentage Croretk Percentage
Change (%) Change (%)
2005-06 291 4802.41 24.79 32276 36.49
2006-07 564 5998.47 24.91 41301 27.96
2007-08 981 7914.78 31.95 54296 31.46
2008-09 650 9689.26 22.42 66677 22.80
2009-10 427 10987.40 13.40 76011 14.00
2010-11 439 11650.32 6.03 82991 9.18
2011-12 691 12843.43 10.24 101882 22.76
2012-13 441 14461.14 12.60 115647 13.51
2013-14 201 14228.26 -1.61 110584 -4.38
2014-15 461 15316.91 7.65 118993 7.60
2015-16 684 14931.18 -2.52 116857 -1.80
2016-17 905 12769.45 -14.48 101099 -13.48
2017-18 867 14981.69 17.32 123156 21.82
2018-19 659 16419.63 9.60 138007 12.06
2019-20 530 18205.01 10.11 154353 11.84
Source: Bureau of Manpower, Employment and Training and Bangladesh Bank.
111 Labour and Employment

3.30 Number of expatriate Bangladeshi in Abroad

Year RE
2008 132124 319 419355 13182 52896 131762 56581 25548 8444 68836 875055
2009 14666 10 258348 28426 41704 12402 39053 11672 13941 80141 475278
2010 7069 48 203308 21824 4264 919 18696 12085 17268 114217 390702
2011 15039 29 282739 13986 135265 742 48667 13111 19169 71585 568062
2012 21232 02 215452 21777 180326 804 58657 28808 14864 28801 14864
2013 12654 06 14241 25155 134028 3853 60057 57584 15098 86577 409253
2014 10657 3094 24232 23378 105748 5134 54750 87575 16640 94476 425684
2015 58270 17472 25271 20720 129859 30483 55523 123965 19113 75205 555881
2016 143913 39188 8131 72167 188247 40126 54730 120382 15095 90847 757731
2017 551308 49604 4135 19318 89074 99787 40401 82012 8327 64559 1008525
2018 257317 27637 3235 811 72504 175927 41393 76560 5991 72806 734181
2019 399000 12299 3318 133 72654 545 49829 50292 4863 107226 700159
2020 161726 1744 1082 3 21071 125 10085 3608 488 17737 217669
2021 457227 1848 29202 11 55009 28 27875 11158 235 34616 617209
Source: Bureau of Manpower, Employment and Training

3.31 Country Wise Remittance

(In million US Dollar)
2006-07 1734.7 804.84 233.17 196.47 680.7 930.33 886.9 11.84 80.24 419.28 5978.47
2007-08 2324.23 1135.14 289.79 220.64 863.73 1380.08 896.13 92.44 130.11 582.49 7914.78
2008-09 2859.09 1754.92 343.36 290.06 970.75 1575.22 789.65 282.2 165.13 658.88 9689.26
2009-10 3427.05 1451.89 360.11 349.08 1019.18 1890.31 827.51 587.09 193.46 881.72 10987.4
2010-11 3290 2002.6 319.4 334.3 1075.8 1848.5 889.6 703.7 202.3 984.1 11650.3
2011-12 3684.3 2404.78 335.33 400.93 1190.14 1498.46 987.46 847.49 31.46 1183.03 12843.4
2012-13 3829.45 2829.4 286.89 640.11 186.93 1859.76 991.59 997.43 498.79 1370.78 14461.1
2013-14 1477.81 1282.43 122.09 315.95 547 2323.32 812.34 489.46 197.27 780.19 6772.75
2014-15 3345.23 2823.77 310.15 915.26 1077.78 2380.19 84.46 135.28 35.50 4209.28 15316.90
2015-16 2955.55 2711.74 435.61 909.65 1039.95 2424.32 863.28 1337.14 387.24 1798.94 14931.16
2016-17 2267.22 2093.54 576.02 897.71 1033.31 1688.86 808.16 1103.62 300.99 2000.02 12769.45
2017-18 2591.58 2429.96 844.06 958.19 1199.7 1997.49 1106.01 1107.21 330.16 2417.33 14981.69
2018-19 3110.4 2540.41 1023.91 1066.06 1463.35 1842.86 1175.63 1197.63 368.33 2631.05 16419.63
2019-20 4015.16 2472.56 1019.60 1240.54 1372.24 2403.4 1364.89 1231.30 457.40 2627.92 18205.01
2020-21 6900.27 2439.90 1450.11 1535.58 1886.40 3461.50 2023.51 2002.29 624.84 2452.23 24776.63
Source: Bureau of Manpower, Employment and Training and Bangladesh Bank.
Labour and Employment 112
Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery 113

Chapter 4

114 Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery
Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery 115

4.01 Key Findings of Different Agriculture Censuses

(*rural area only)
Sl Item 1983-84 1996 2008
1. Number of Holdings
Total 13817646 17828187 25351506
Non-farm 3772347 6029945 10480930
Farm 10045299 11798242 14870576
2. Percent of holdings (%)
Total farm holdings 72.70 66.18 58.66
Small farm (0.05-2.49 acres) 70.34 79.87 84.27
medium farm (2.50-7.49) 24.72 17.61 14.19
Large farm (7.50 acres & above) 8.67 10.18 9.58
3 Operated area (acres):
All holdings 23019885 20484561 2294423.6
Per Holdings 1.67 1.15 0.91
Farm Holdings 22678464 19957144 21945480
Per farm Holding 2.26 1.69 1.48
4. Homestead area (acres):
All holdings 965986 1318415 1995702
Per holding 0.07 0.07 0.08
Per non-farm holding 0.04 0.05 0.06
Per farm holding 0.08 0.09 0.09
5 Cultivated area (acres):
All farm holding 20157564 17771339 18815381
Per farm holding 2.00 1.50 1.26
Temporary-crops net area 19055299 16450528 17443075
Temporary-crops net area per farm 1.94 1.39 1.17
6. Crop area (‘000 acres)
Temporary-crops gross area 32544 28616 30114
Aus 7684 4149 2515
Percent of gross area 23.6 14.5 8.35
Aman 11964 10548 9261
Percent of gross area 36.8 36.9 30.75
Boro 3138 6137 9980
Percent of gross area 9.6 21.4 33.14
Jute 1799 1304 1079
Percent of gross area 5.4 4.5 3.58
Sugarcane 396 329 216
Percent of gross area 1.2 1.1 72
Wheat 1322 1522 635
Percent of gross area 4.1 5.3 2.11
7. Cropping intensity (%) 170.84 173.95 172.64
8. Irrigation
Holdings reporting irrigation 4426941 7570302 10258189
Irrigated area (acres) 4003719 8586222 11845974
Percent of holdings reportig 32.0 42.5 40.45
Percent of farm holdings reporting irriigation 43.3 64.2 68.62
Percent of irrigated area to cultivated area 19.9 48.3 62.96
9. Bovine Animal
Total number 22062257 22294904 25853643
Number per holding 1.060 1.25 1.02
10. Sheep-goat
Total number 14225768 14609783 17306190
Number per holding 1.03 0.82 0.68
11. Poultry birds
Total number 73713161 126667861 135119224
Number per holding 5.3 7.10 5.33
12. Agriculture labour households
Total number 5495300 6401453 8732259
Percent of all households 39.8 5.9 34.44
Number in non-farm group 2375551 3381101 3855180
Percent in non-farm group 62.97 56.07 36.78
Total number in farm group 3119749 3020356 4877079
Percent in farm group 31.06 25.60 32.80
Source: Agriculture Census, BBS
116 Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery

4.02 Gross Value Added, Share & Growth Rate of Agriculture Sector at Current Price (Base: 2015-16)
Million Taka
Growth Growth Rate Growth Growth Growth Rate Growth Rate
Activity Sector 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Rate (%) (%) Rate (%) Rate (%) (%) (%)
Agriculture, Forestry &
2795050 - 3011670 7.75 3293802 9.37 3534431 7.31 3804464 7.64 4106614 7.94
a) Crops & Horticulture 1382799 - 1486692 7.51 1623332 9.19 1733782 6.80 1861159 7.35 1996305 7.26
b) Animal Farming 466548 - 495159 6.13 531856 7.41 562897 5.84 597153 6.09 632931 5.99
c) Forest & Related 10.95
371884 - 398637 7.19 435632 9.28 466390 7.06 503992 8.06 559163
d) Fishing 573819 - 631181 10.00 702982 11.38 771362 9.73 842160 9.18 918215 9.03
Total Agriculture as 12.09
14.06 13.56 13.09 12.52 12.44
Percentage of GDP
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS

4.03 Gross Value Added, Share & Growth Rate of Agriculture Sector at Constant Price (Base: 2015-16)
Million Taka
Growth Growth Growth Growth Growth
Activity Sector 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 Rate 2020-21
Rate (%) Rate (%) Rate (%) Rate (%) Rate (%)
Agriculture, Forestry &
2795050 - 2884380 3.20 2986618 3.54 3083999 3.26 3189501 3.42 3290754 3.17
a) Crops & Horticulture 1382799 - 1413445 2.22 1452281 2.75 1482299 2.07 1519388 2.50 1554174 2.29
b) Animal Farming 466548 - 479482 2.77 493403 2.90 508246 3.01 524455 3.19 539891 2.94
c) Forest & Related
371884 - 390487 5.00 410329 5.08 431359 5.13 454402 5.34 477043 4.98
d) Fishing 573819 - 600966 4.73 630605 4.93 662095 4.99 691256 4.40 719645 4.11
Total Agriculture As
14.06 13.62 13.14 12.56 12.52 12.07
Percentage of GDP
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS
Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery 117

4.04 Distribution of Weights of Value Added of Different Crops at Current Prices

(Million Taka)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Activity Sector Value Weights Value Weights Value Weights Value Weights Value Weights Value Weights
Added (%) Added (%) Added (%) Added (%) Added (%) Added (%)
1. Agriculture, forestry and fishing
(i) Crops and Horticulture (A+B+C) 1399471 100.00 1504787 100.00 1642135 100.00 1752372 100.00 1875497 100.00 2012996 100.00
A. Crops 1370066 97.90 1469101 97.63 1602441 97.58 1707015 97.41 1826228 97.37 1959610 97.35
I. Cereals 675376 48.26 694317 46.14 776552 47.29 808205 46.12 848632 45.25 902181 44.82
II. Tea, Tobacco and Narcotics 95406 6.82 96631 6.42 94122 5.73 134470 7.67 141203 7.53 155242 7.71
III. Fibres 59001 4.22 68038 4.52 78420 4.78 80993 4.62 80169 4.27 80807 4.01
IV. Fruits 128953 9.21 146716 9.75 151285 9.21 159354 9.09 169508 9.04 181464 9.01
V. Oil Seeds 84086 6.01 95496 6.35 113032 6.88 110553 6.31 114245 6.09 120584 5.99
VI. Pulses 23286 1.66 25581 1.70 27483 1.67 29098 1.66 30882 1.65 34732 1.73
VII. Condiments and Spices 114454 8.18 129613 8.61 138682 8.45 150172 8.57 188080 10.03 209556 10.41
VIII. Sugar Crops 15806 1.13 16175 1.07 17159 1.04 15286 0.87 17993 0.96 18118 0.90
IX. Vegetables 171811 12.28 194505 12.93 203352 12.38 216419 12.35 232604 12.40 253588 12.60
X. Other Crops 1887 0.13 2028 0.13 2353 0.14 2464 0.14 2912 0.16 3339 0.17
B. Horticulture 5078 0.36 8503 0.57 8517 0.52 11612 0.66 12648 0.67 13514 0.67
C. Irrigation Service 24326 1.74 27183 1.81 31177 1.90 33745 1.93 36621 1.95 39872 1.98
Source: Narional Accounting Wing, BBS
118 Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery

4.05 Distribution of Weights of Value Added of Different Crops at Constant Prices

(Million Taka)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Activity Sector Value Weights Value Weights Value Weights Value Weights Value Weights Value Weights
Added (%) Added (%) Added (%) Added (%) Added (%) Added (%)
1. Agriculture, forestry and fishing
(i) Crops and Horticulture (A+B+C) 1399471 100.00 1430560 100.00 1468976 100.00 1497840 100.00 1530699 100.00 1566532 100.00
A. Crops 1370066 97.90 1397648 97.70 1436221 97.77 1462477 97.64 1494381 97.63 1529565 97.64
I. Cereals 675376 48.26 667552 46.66 710171 48.34 714042 47.67 723850 47.29 741828 47.35
II. Tea, Tobacco and Narcotics 95406 6.82 91150 6.37 82882 5.64 112240 7.49 111641 7.29 116093 7.41
III. Fibres 59001 4.22 64293 4.49 69314 4.72 67946 4.54 63802 4.17 60911 3.89
IV. Fruits 128953 9.21 138194 9.66 132801 9.04 132428 8.84 133303 8.71 134826 8.61
V. Oil Seeds 84086 6.01 90057 6.30 99475 6.77 92199 6.16 90251 5.90 90087 5.75
VI. Pulses 23286 1.66 24144 1.69 24540 1.67 24660 1.65 24779 1.62 26355 1.68
VII. Condiments and Spices 114454 8.18 122194 8.54 121979 8.30 125138 8.35 148422 9.70 156353 9.98
VIII. Sugar Crops 15806 1.13 15178 1.06 14949 1.02 12569 0.84 13954 0.91 13245 0.85
IX. Vegetables 171811 12.28 182995 12.79 178088 12.12 179268 11.97 182177 11.90 187499 11.97
X. Other Crops 1887 0.13 1891 0.13 2021 0.14 1987 0.13 2204 0.14 2370 0.15
B. Horticulture 5078 0.36 8037 0.56 7655 0.52 9964 0.67 10585 0.69 10958 0.70
C. Irrigation Service 24326 1.74 24875 1.74 25099 1.71 25399 1.70 25732 1.68 26009 1.66
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS.
Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery 119

4.06 Gross Value Added of Agriculture Sector and Sub-Sector at Current Prices, 2017-18
(Million Taka)
Value of Value of Total value of Total value of Value added
Activity Sector
production byproduct output input

A. Crops 2143853 66191 2210044 607603 1602441

I. Cereals 1102271 58739 1161011 384459 776552
II. Tea, Tobacco
111994 515 112509 18387 94122
and Narcotics
III. Fibres 93164 4216 97380 18960 78420
IV. Fruits 167001 0 167001 15716 151285
V. Oil Seeds 148235 845 149080 36048 113032
VI. Pulses 33958 689 34647 7164 27483
VII. Condiments and
178464 0 178464 39782 138682
VIII. Sugar Crops 17646 1186 18832 1673 17159
IX. Vegetables 288443 0 288443 85091 203352
X. Other Crops 2677 0 2677 324 2353
B. Horticulture 10752 0 10752 2235 8517
C. Irrigation Service 119587 0 119587 88409 31177
Crops and Horticulture 2274192 66191 2340383 698248 1642135
Animal Farming 952264 952264 414247 538018
Forestry 475596 475596 34917 440678
Fishing 975755 975755 264630 711125
Total Agriculture 4677807 66191 4743998 1412041 3331957
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS
120 Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery

4.07 Gross Value Added of Agriculture Sector and Sub-Sector at Current Prices, 2018-19
(Million Taka)
Value of Value of Total value of Total value of Value added
Activity Sector
production byproduct output input

A. Crops 2281866 66024 2347890 640875 1707015

I. Cereals 1150225 58694 1208919 400714 808205
II. Tea, Tobacco and
160031 747 160778 26308 134470
III. Fibres 96325 4079 100403 19410 80993
IV. Fruits 176201 0 176201 16846 159354
V. Oil Seeds 144972 789 145761 35207 110553
VI. Pulses 35966 691 36657 7559 29098
VII. Condiments and
193295 0 193295 43123 150172
VIII. Sugar Crops 15791 1024 16815 1529 15286
IX. Vegetables 306259 0 306259 89840 216419
X. Other Crops 2803 0 2803 339 2464
B. Horticulture 14798 0 14798 3185 11612
C. Irrigation Service 127684 0 127684 93940 33745
Crops and Horticulture 2424348 66024 2490372 738000 1752372
Animal Farming 1012003 1012003 443069 568934
Forestry 508742 508742 37351 471392
Fishing 1066261 1066261 286626 779635
Total Agriculture 5011355 66024 5077379 1505046 3572332
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS
Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery 121

4.08 Gross Value Added of Agriculture Sector and Sub-Sector at Current Prices, 2019-20
(Million Taka)
Value of Value of Total value of Total value Value added
Activity Sector
production byproduct output of input

A. Crops 2439336 65268 2504604 678376 1826228

I. Cereals 1210890 58136 1269027 420395 848632
II. Tea, Tobacco and
166211 583 166794 25591 141203
III. Fibres 95545 3827 99372 19202 80169
IV. Fruits 187140 0 187140 17632 169508
V. Oil Seeds 150012 830 150842 36597 114245
VI. Pulses 38205 692 38897 8014 30882
VII. Condiments and
240903 0 240903 52823 188080
VIII. Sugar Crops 18684 1201 19885 1892 17993
IX. Vegetables 328433 0 328433 95829 232604
X. Other Crops 3313 0 3313 401 2912
B. Horticulture 16067 0 16067 3419 12648
C. Irrigation Service 136551 0 136551 99930 36621
Crops and Horticulture 2591954 65268 2657222 781725 1875497
Animal Farming 1074804 1074804 473049 601755
Forestry 548118 548118 40243 507875
Fishing 1160584 1160584 311935 848649
Total Agriculture 5375460 65268 5440728 1606952 3833776
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS
122 Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery

4.09 Gross Value Added of Agriculture Sector and Sub-Sector at Current Prices, 2020-21
(Million Taka)
Value of Value of Total value of Total value of Value added
Activity Sector
production byproduct output input

A. Crops 2621827 66565 2688391 728781 1959610

I. Cereals 1290898 59595 1350493 448312 902181
II. Tea, Tobacco and
182675 608 183283 28041 155242
III. Fibres 96551 3670 100221 19414 80807
IV. Fruits 200276 0 200276 18812 181464
V. Oil Seeds 158503 866 159369 38786 120584
VI. Pulses 42990 738 43728 8997 34732
VII. Condiments and
269136 0 269136 59580 209556
VIII. Sugar Crops 18861 1086 19947 1829 18118
IX. Vegetables 358139 0 358139 104551 253588
X. Other Crops 3798 0 3798 460 3339
B. Horticulture 17145 0 17145 3630 13514
C. Irrigation Service 145925 0 145925 106053 39872
Crops and Horticulture 2784896 66565 2851461 838465 2012996
Animal Farming 1145212 1145212 506989 638223
Forestry 608517 608517 44679 563839
Fishing 1264364 1264364 338472 925892
Total Agriculture 5802990 66565 5869554 1728604 4140950
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS
Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery 123

4.10 Gross Value Added of Agriculture Sector and Sub-Sector at Constant Prices, 2017-18
(Million Taka)
Value of Value of Total value of Total value of Value added
Activity Sector
production byproduct output input

A. Crops 1917611 66191 1983802 547581 1436221

I. Cereals 1002940 58739 1061680 351509 710171
II. Tea, Tobacco and
98567 515 99082 16200 82882
III. Fibres 81857 4216 86073 16759 69314
IV. Fruits 146604 0 146604 13803 132801
V. Oil Seeds 130357 845 131202 31726 99475
VI. Pulses 30211 689 30900 6360 24540
VII. Condiments and
156971 0 156971 34992 121979
VIII. Sugar Crops 15212 1186 16399 1449 14949
IX. Vegetables 252593 0 252593 74504 178088
X. Other Crops 2299 0 2299 278 2021
B. Horticulture 9665 0 9665 2009 7655
C. Irrigation Service 105289 0 105289 80190 25099
Crops and Horticulture 2032565 66191 2098756 629780 1468976
Animal Farming 883976 883976 384901 499075
Forestry 447932 447932 32886 415046
Fishing 875112 875112 237258 637854
Total Agriculture 4239585 66191 4305775 1284826 3020950
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS
124 Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery

4.11 Gross Value Added of Agriculture Sector and Sub-Sector at Constant Prices, 2018-19
(Million Taka)
Value of Value of Total value of Total value of Value added
Activity Sector
production byproduct output input

A. Crops 1950222 66024 2016246 553769 1462477

I. Cereals 1009262 58694 1067956 353914 714042
II. Tea, Tobacco and
133469 747 134216 21977 112240
III. Fibres 80152 4079 84230 16284 67946
IV. Fruits 146438 0 146438 14010 132428
V. Oil Seeds 120773 789 121562 29364 92199
VI. Pulses 30337 691 31028 6367 24660
VII. Condiments and
161074 0 161074 35936 125138
VIII. Sugar Crops 12792 1024 13817 1248 12569
IX. Vegetables 253664 0 253664 74396 179268
X. Other Crops 2261 0 2261 274 1987
B. Horticulture 12692 0 12692 2728 9964
C. Irrigation Service 106548 0 106548 81149 25399
Crops and Horticulture 2069462 66024 2135486 637646 1497840
Animal Farming 914565 914565 400991 513574
Forestry 470418 470418 34537 435881
Fishing 914833 914833 245796 669037
Total Agriculture 4369278 66024 4435302 1318970 3116331
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS
Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery 125

4.12 Gross Value Added of Agriculture Sector and Sub-Sector at Constant Prices, 2019-
(Million Taka)
Value of Value of Total value of Total value
Activity Sector
production byproduct output of input Value added

A. Crops 1990759 65268 2056028 561646 1494381

I. Cereals 1024171 58136 1082308 358458 723850
II. Tea, Tobacco and
131307 583 131890 20249 111641
III. Fibres 75258 3827 79085 15283 63802
IV. Fruits 147181 0 147181 13879 133303
V. Oil Seeds 118334 830 119163 28913 90251
VI. Pulses 30482 692 31174 6395 24779
VII. Condiments and
190108 0 190108 41686 148422
VIII. Sugar Crops 14207 1201 15408 1454 13954
IX. Vegetables 257204 0 257204 75026 182177
X. Other Crops 2507 0 2507 303 2204
B. Horticulture 13455 0 13455 2870 10585
C. Irrigation Service 107945 0 107945 82213 25732
Crops and Horticulture 2112159 65268 2177428 646729 1530699
Animal Farming 945189 945189 416830 528359
Forestry 494059 494059 36274 457785
Fishing 952135 952135 255734 696402
Total Agriculture 4503542 65268 4568811 1355566 3213245
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS
126 Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery

4.13 Gross Value Added of Agriculture Sector and Sub-Sector at Constant

Prices, 2020-21 (Million Taka)

Value of Value of Total value of Total value of

Activity Sector
production byproduct output input Value added

A. Crops 2040239 66565 2106804 577238 1529566

I. Cereals 1050710 59595 1110306 368478 741828
II. Tea, Tobacco
136474 608 137082 20989 116093
and Narcotics
III. Fibres 71876 3670 75546 14635 60911
IV. Fruits 148819 0 148819 13993 134826
V. Oil Seeds 118200 866 119067 28980 90087
VI. Pulses 32407 738 33146 6791 26355
VII. Condiments
200809 0 200809 44456 156353
and Spices
VIII. Sugar Crops 13481 1086 14568 1322 13245
IX. Vegetables 264766 0 264766 77267 187499
X. Other Crops 2696 0 2696 326 2370
B. Horticulture 13925 0 13925 2967 10958
C. Irrigation Service 109104 0 109104 83095 26009
Crops and
Horticulture 2163268 66565 2229833 663301 1566532
Animal Farming 978452 978452 434268 544184
Forestry 518937 518937 38101 480836
Fishing 990215 990215 264847 725368
Total Agriculture 4650872 66565 4717437 1400517 3316920
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS
Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery 127

4.14 Land Utilization

(Thousand acres)
Year Forest Not Cultivable Current Net Area sown Total
available for waste fallows cropped more than cropped
cultivation (a) (b) area once area (c)
1993-94 4674 10355 1566 984 19090 14225 33315
1994-95 4861 10128 1547 1000 19133 14280 33413
1995-96 5317 9788 1314 969 19281 14110 33391
1996-97 5329 9681 1295 963 19401 14688 34089
1997-98 5572 9268 1241 898 19690 15210 34810
1998-99 5572 9141 1100 1115 19741 14752 34493
1999-00 6490 8435 781 862 20101 15166 35267
2000-01 6490 8427 794 987 19970 15365 35335
2001-02 6365 8676 799 1005 19824 15252 35076
2002-03 6418 8685 764 957 19845 15281 35126
2003-04 6418 8697 736 957 19843 15286 35129
2004-05 6420 8724 663 1157 19703 15142 34845
2005-06 6420 8802 640 1518 19289 14655 33944
2006-07 6420 8835 634 1514 19266 14656 33922
2007-08 6420 8872 596 1598 19187 15093 34280
2008-09 6420 8835 572 1171 19621 15993 35614
2009-10 5754 9572 549 1310 19484 16248 35730
2010-11 6368 9238 542 1153 19368 17558 36926
2011-12 6359 9265 521 930 19594 17667 37261
2012-13 6359 9293 505 969 19543 17607 37150
2013-14 6368 9105 483 929 19581 17992 37573
2014-15 6368 8942 519 1042 19594 18078 37674
2015-16 6368 8901 551 1009 19636 18512 38148
2016-17 6368 8883 575 994 19650 18606 38256
2017-18 6368 8841 575 907 19774 18762 38536
2018-19 6363 8364 639 1126 19973 19384 39357
2019-20 6363 8284 671 1066 20081 19597 39678

Notes: (a) Cultivable waste is the area suitable for cultivation but lying fallow for more than one year.
(b) Current fallow is the area already brought under cultivation, but not cultivated during the year.
(c) Total cropped area is the sum of the net cropped area and the area sown more than once.
Source: Agriculture Wing, BBS

4.15 Reserve Forests Products Statistics

Period Unit 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
Timber cft. 2998464.13 10273292.55 2402863.43
Firewood cft. 1563253.65 2564367.14 1150560.91
Golpata KG 227222.46 8702010.00 7993852.00
Bamboos No. 50452211 49875936 34166242
Sun-grass KG 148666.00 113602.00 109478.00
Honey KG 79831.00 302968.33 445200.00
Fish KG 7834286.70 7766391.87 9707739.30
Source: Forest Department
128 Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery

4.16 Area Irrigated under Different Means and by Zila 2018-19 to 2019-20
(Figures in ‘000’ Acres)
Power pump Deep tube-well Shallow tube- Hand tube-well Total tube well Traditional Total irrigated Cropped % of Irrigated
Name of Region well area Area Area
2018-19 2019-20 2018-19 2019-20 2018-19 2019-20 2018-19 2019-20 2018-19 2019-20 2018-19 2019-20 2018-19 2019-20 2018-19 2019-20 2018-19 2019-20
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Bandarban 10 9 0 0 0 0 - - 0 0 6 5 16 14 124 131 12.90 10.69
Khagrachari 30 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 30 61 61 168 174 36.31 35.06
Rangamati 21 21 0 0 0 0 - - 0 0 10 10 31 31 171 134 18.13 23.13
Chattagram 201 201 12 12 14 14 10 9 36 35 34 34 271 270 919 870 29.49 31.03
Cox’s Bazar 95 100 8 9 36 38 - - 44 47 12 12 151 159 433 449 34.87 35.41
Cumilla 74 76 152 154 201 201 4 4 357 359 12 14 443 449 1045 1009 42.39 44.50
Chandpur 131 131 27 27 24 24 - - 51 51 4 4 186 186 385 364 48.31 51.10
Brahmmanbaria 88 88 34 34 160 161 1 1 195 196 11 11 294 295 500 527 58.80 55.98
Noakhali 120 120 9 10 22 23 - - 31 33 2 2 153 155 741 711 20.65 21.80
Lakshmipur 103 102 2 2 9 9 - - 11 11 7 7 121 120 513 526 23.59 22.81
Feni 64 64 6 6 12 12 - - 18 18 2 2 84 84 271 293 31.00 28.67
Chattagram Division 937 943 250 254 478 482 15 14 743 750 131 131 1811 1824 5270 5188 34.36 35.16
Sylhet 121 119 3 5 25 23 1 1 29 29 76 74 226 222 751 788 30.09 28.17
Maulavi Bazar 42 49 1 - 3 4 3 3 7 7 57 63 106 119 633 640 16.75 18.59
Sunamganj 253 286 2 2 50 45 - - 52 47 75 70 380 403 785 813 48.41 49.57
Habiganj 153 176 18 19 48 50 - - 66 69 18 18 237 263 712 707 33.29 37.20
Sylhet Division 569 630 24 26 126 122 4 4 154 152 235 225 949 1007 2881 2949 32.94 34.15
Dhaka 20 19 5 5 99 105 - - 104 110 1 1 125 130 240 239 52.08 54.39
Gazipur 58 56 37 39 93 91 - - 130 130 2 3 190 189 306 338 62.09 55.92
Manikganj - 1 15 15 144 163 0 0 159 178 1 1 160 180 391 369 40.92 48.78
Munshiganj 77 83 5 5 55 56 - - 60 61 6 5 143 149 220 233 65.00 63.95
Narayanganj 43 44 1 1 40 39 - - 41 40 1 1 85 85 113 120 75.22 70.83
Narsindhi 36 36 5 5 125 126 1 1 131 132 1 1 167 169 267 277 62.55 61.01
Faridpur 14 14 18 17 276 264 - - 282 281 1 1 297 296 773 774 38.42 38.24
Rajbari 22 22 22 22 169 167 - - 189 189 - - 211 211 454 481 46.48 43.87
Madaripur 76 66 0 0 65 74 - - 65 74 1 1 142 141 351 345 40.46 40.87
Gopalganj 107 101 2 2 98 113 - - 100 115 14 13 221 229 416 453 53.13 50.55
Sariatpur 66 67 3 3 33 33 - - 36 36 - - 102 103 316 307 32.28 33.55
Tangail 8 7 60 60 464 454 1 1 515 515 12 6 535 528 903 911 59.25 57.96
Kishoerganj 157 160 27 27 223 235 1 1 251 263 17 15 425 438 717 740 59.27 59.19
Dhaka Division 684 676 200 201 1884 1920 3 3 2063 2124 57 48 2803 2848 5467 5588 51.27 50.97
Mymensingh 22 25 254 255 370 379 1 - 625 634 15 15 662 674 1467 1491 45.13 45.20
Jamalpur 1 1 19 16 412 405 - - 431 421 3 2 435 424 825 815 52.72 52.02
Sherpur 14 14 9 9 233 238 - - 243 247 5 5 262 266 512 514 51.17 51.75
Netrokona 139 149 24 15 264 260 - 1 288 276 12 12 439 437 815 822 53.87 53.16
Mymensingh Division 176 189 306 295 1279 1282 1 1 1587 1578 35 34 1798 1801 3619 3642 49.68 49.45
Barishal 155 155 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 9 9 165 165 657 682 25.11 24.19
Jhalkathi 28 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 14 42 44 223 254 18.83 17.32
Perojpur 42 43 0 0 - - - 0 1 0 18 18 61 61 325 312 18.77 19.55
Bhola 126 125 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 17 17 143 142 935 864 15.29 16.44
Patuakhali 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 35 41 41 572 557 7.17 7.36
Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery 129
Power pump Deep tube-well Shallow tube- Hand tube-well Total tube well Traditional Total irrigated Cropped % of Irrigated
Name of Region well area Area Area
2018-19 2019-20 2018-19 2019-20 2018-19 2019-20 2018-19 2019-20 2018-19 2019-20 2018-19 2019-20 2018-19 2019-20 2018-19 2019-20 2018-19 2019-20
Barguna 29 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 31 32 406 369 7.74 8.67
Barishal Division 386 389 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 1 94 95 483 485 3118 3038 15.49 15.96
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6
Jashore 18 17 165 167 485 460 - 627 625 627 - - 643 644 957 944 67.19 68.22
Jheniadah 3 3 32 33 467 470 0 503 499 503 17 16 519 522 789 792 66.03 65.91
Magura 9 9 2 2 268 262 0 264 270 264 5 6 284 279 406 403 69.95 69.23
Narial 7 7 - - 134 134 - 134 134 134 - - 141 141 377 392 37.40 35.97
Khulna 36 40 0 1 132 126 1 128 133 128 17 13 186 181 428 441 43.46 41.04
Bagerhat 70 70 0 0 28 28 1 29 29 29 27 26 126 125 379 402 33.25 31.09
Satkhira 13 16 45 46 174 179 - 225 219 225 1 1 233 242 498 522 46.79 46.36
Kushtia 38 38 19 19 402 417 - 436 421 436 61 63 520 537 683 685 76.13 78.39
Chuadanga 7 7 70 71 440 445 1 517 511 517 5 4 523 528 508 520 99.25 99.98
Meherpur - - 11 11 274 278 0 289 285 289 - - 285 289 334 347 85.33 83.29
Khulna Division 201 207 344 350 2804 2799 3 3152 3126 3152 124 129 3460 3488 5356 5448 64.60 64.02
Rajshahi 10 9 403 453 234 222 - 675 637 675 - - 647 684 929 992 69.64 68.95
Noagoan 53 53 418 428 454 451 - 879 872 879 23 20 948 952 1273 1270 74.47 74.96
Natore 5 4 40 43 330 332 - 375 370 375 2 2 377 381 740 740 50.95 51.49
Nawbganj 34 34 208 215 94 101 1 317 303 317 5 4 342 355 617 581 55.43 61.10
Bogura 1 31 175 122 615 633 0 755 790 755 - - 791 786 1226 1279 64.52 61.45
Joypurhat 7 7 121 120 170 164 0 284 291 284 - - 298 291 496 512 60.08 56.84
Pabna 7 7 98 93 327 316 - 409 405 409 12 12 424 428 861 821 49.25 52.13
Sirajganj 7 6 55 57 459 489 - 546 514 546 3 2 524 554 854 864 61.36 64.12
Rajshahi Division 124 151 1430 1531 2683 2708 1 4240 4182 4240 45 40 4351 4431 6996 7057 62.19 62.79
Rangpur 36 36 54 55 460 460 - 515 514 515 1 - 551 551 1063 1065 51.83 51.74
Gaibanda 2 2 28 27 400 403 - 431 428 431 5 5 435 438 763 798 57.01 54.89
Kurigram 10 10 22 21 293 290 1 313 316 313 4 6 330 329 720 717 45.83 45.89
Nilphamari 19 23 28 33 341 345 1 369 350 369 5 3 374 395 677 668 55.24 59.13
Lalmonirhat 52 58 8 8 182 182 - 190 190 190 - - 242 248 482 501 50.21 49.50
Dinajpur 4 4 213 213 752 744 - 957 965 957 - - 969 961 1505 1546 64.39 62.16
Thakurgaon 0 0 130 130 372 374 - 504 502 504 1 1 503 505 888 894 56.64 56.49
Panchagar - - 22 22 135 135 - 157 157 157 1 1 158 158 552 579 28.62 27.29
Rangpur Division 123 133 505 509 2935 2933 2 3436 3422 3436 17 16 3562 3585 6650 6768 53.56 50.97
Bangladesh 3200 3318 3059 3166 12189 12246 31 15433 15279 15433 738 718 19217 19469 39357 39678 48.83 49.07
NB. (-) Indicates negligible, Source: Agriculture Wing, BBS
130 Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery

4.17 Fertilizer Sales by Products and Year from 2005-06 to 2020-21

(Fig. in tons)
Product Nutrient
Year Urea TSP SSP DAP Gypsum ASP NPKS Sulpuric Acid P. Acid Lum S Zn

2005-06 2451375 56392 130393 - 44947 6741 - 9581 - - - -

2006-07 2527796 50430 125402 57009 59225 4865 - 125448 - - - -

2007-08 2762783 47167 97948 89441 82731 3147 - 14176 - - - -

2008-09 2532966 24144 240294 13226 45421 1455 - 17349 - - - -

2009-10 2409276 73950 3451 51676 28313 737 - 11348 8 400 - -

2010-11 2655245 59672 - 34854 4530 329 77 21423 14 775 - -

2011-12 2296457 64661 41662 41662 57983 249 27 15330 15 800 - -

2012-13 708 40823 - 33532 61966 195 9 13738 0 540 - -

2013-14 2461681 88261 - 40415 70546 81 3 15533 15 830 - -

2014-15 2638533 86398 - 65855 82910 - 65.80 14132 15 655 -

2015-16 2291452 94032 - 93099 77179 - 154.25 10347.42 15 575 -

2016-17 2365737 110814 - 71748 68395 - 106.00 11170 - 545 - -

2017-18 2427467 99196.95 - 59128 60116 - 32.00 15845 10 496 - -

2018-19 2594093 106771.45 - 34227 70498 - 2.00 8316 - 656 -

2019-20 2509726 98728.90 - 72947.10 65085 - - 5541.65 - 656.50 - -

2020-21 2463419 96159.65 - 73977.30 92197 - - 7871.38 - 358.13 - -

Note: Others include As, SOP and Gypsum until 1987-88; from 1988-89 others include only SOP.
Urea=46 percent N, TSP=46 percent P2O5, DAP=18 percent N, and 46 percent P2O5, SSP=18 percent P2O5 and 12 percent s,
MOP=60 percent K2O, gypsum=18 percent S, AS=21 percent N and 24 percent S, Zinc=18 percent S and 36 percent Zn.
From 1994-95 the required nutrient contents of SSP under the Fertilizer Control Order, 1995 has been changed and now stands at SSP=16 percent P2O5 and 10 percent S.
2011-12 (up to May-2012)
Source: BCIC (This Figure Only BCiC)
Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery 131

4.18 Export of Fish and Fish Products from Bangladesh

(Quantity in M.ton/Value in Crore Taka)
Frozen Live Fish Frozen Chilled Fish Dry fish Salted & Crab & Kuchia Shark fish/ Total % of
Year Shrimp Fish Dehydrated Fish maws Others total
fish export
Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value earnings

1997-98 18630 1181.48 - - 8836 151.66 - - 233 3.11 1106 26.43 1198 14.34 155 10.79 - - 30158 1387.81 5.83
1998-99 20127 1162.21 - - 6395 153.96 - - 137 2.23 1232 37.18 486 6.39 154 17.40 - - 28531 1379.37 5.41
1999-00 28514 1612.15 - - 9484 137.19 - - 215 3.65 809 25.96 107 1.44 262 31.17 - - 39391 1811.56 6.28
2000-01 29713 1885.15 - - 7965 94.89 - - 137 2.02 838 27.73 154 2.33 181 20.63 - - 38988 2032.75 5.77
2001-02 30209 1447.76 - - 9864 137.39 - - 517 8.32 293 9.53 336 7.07 263 27.07 - - 41482 1637.14 4.76
2002-03 36864 1719.88 - - 8846 158.64 - - 333 7.02 526 19.12 630 14.58 172 22.35 - - 47371 1941.59 5.10
2003-04 42943 2152.77 - - 10229 202.24 - - 472 4.16 377 1.38 116 1.39 4 1.53 - - 54141 2363.47 5.71
2004-05 46533 2281.59 - - 15763 256.20 - - 272 3.71 770 28.97 38 0.86 1 0.39 - - 63377 2571.72 5.90
2005-06 49317 2698.35 57 0.48 17429 294.14 - - 150 2.19 591 19.84 1107 12.95 78 0.80 100 1.09 68829 3029.84 4.56
2006-07 53361 2992.33 4 0.07 18376 325.90 - - 77 1.34 441 12.80 1123 15.48 244 4.11 78 0.86 73704 3352.89 4.90
2007-08 49907 2863.9 10 0.15 23515 495 - - 210 2..67 658 26.97 439 4.88 266 1.82 294 0.41 75299 3396.28 4.04
2008-09 50368 2744.1 03 0.006 19294 451 - - 341 11.99 84 3.92 1217 11.98 276 1.77 1308 18.73 72888 3243.41 3
2009-10 51599 2885.2 1783 13.22 21464 458 - - 622 25.06 0 0 692 10.41 955 12.66 528 3.85 77643 3408.52 2.74
2010-11 54891 3568.2 0.6 0045 16743 490 16369 421.05 623.3 5.57 576.8 30.86 4485.2 54.11 0 0 2780 34.0 96469 4603.83 2.73
2011-12 48007 3640.2 0.46 0.04 15513 396.18 19026 520.74 996 9.43 411 27.46 5767 95.77 0 0.00 2758 14.14 92479 4703.95 2.46
2012-13 50333 33762 0 0 11435 316.36 11831 246.86 1278 36.03 0 0 7428 169.49 1 0.09 2599 1393 84905 4158.97 2.01
2013-14 47635 4118.8 0 0.00 11677 337.11 5021 89.07 2634 29.67 261 21.65 7707 164.75 0 0.00 2393 15.89 77328 4776.92 2.09
2014-15 44278 3937.6 0 0.00 10656 277.63 11629 177.08 2845 36.74 261 25.37 12558 199.38 0 0.00 1297 6.81 83524 4660.60 1.92
2015-16 40726 3598.67 12454 184.28 11133 273.76 7428 163.52 2229 30.12 249 21.03 106 7.09 0 0.00 1013 4.35 75338 4282.82 1.97
2016-17 39706 3682.26 0 0.00 8281 236.65 4124 94.99 2297 30.19 207 18.57 12883 220.26 0.16 0.08 809 4.65 68306 4287.64 1.51
2017-18 36168 3527.07 0 0.00 8265 276.29 8890 214.80 3144 42.59 214 26.60 11435 217.53 0.50 0.12 819 4.96 68936 4309.94 1.50
2018-19 33363 3088.85 14592 293.69 9742 306.99 10364 262.04 2340 32.95 166 18.59 470.23 44.88 2134 26.54 0 0 73171 4074.52* 1.23
2019-21 30036 2948.94 11827 254.30 10009 321.76 11907 303.25 4141 54.21 139 15.43 589.50 5785 2296 29.39 0 0 70945 3985.15 1.39
2020-21 30615 2730.56 3151 63.59 13023 419.48 16568 522.86 4691 62.58 79 7.68 6288.21 264.06 2176 18.16 0 0 76592 4088.96 1.24

Source: Department of Fisheries; *=4250.31 crore tk (as per EPB data)

132 Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery

4.19 Selected Agricultural Statistics by Division and District/Zila, 2008

Division and Area under
District/Zilla Local HYV Local HYV Local Hybrid HyV Wheat Maize Jute Pulses Oil Sugar Can Potato
Aus Aus Aman Aman Boro Boro Boro Seeds
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Total 1519807 1033063 4492427 4868456 1663954 2103256 6344337 644378 667224 1090734 1074317 1249133 218348 765424
Rural 1496492 1018633 4444810 4816869 1629309 2071000 6280229 635235 657537 1079455 1063297 1239025 215576 751658
Urban 23315 14430 47617 51587 34644 32256 64108 9143 9686 11279 11020 10108 2772 13766
Total 307972 62357 841669 63814 80301 38590 112612 8642 2599 10521 260004 41015 4376 15440
Rural 306087 61315 835793 63092 79235 38007 111100 8596 2567 10482 258323 40848 4368 15261
Urban 1885 1041 5876 722 1066 584 1512 46 32 39 1682 167 8 179

04 Barguna 39821 26995 155421 11128 4961 849 651 150 341 167 51781 4031 185 2133
06 Barishal 52408 5854 136096 8793 22103 17997 60818 2076 596 7861 57411 3902 2136 1865
09 Bhola 81033 6152 174452 8099 32958 7776 28431 5856 435 531 36501 18594 421 5774
42 Jhalakathi 25523 5925 57367 3348 2439 2007 7798 100 131 229 8801 729 280 710
78 Patuakhali 83582 7540 236389 29467 4541 1301 971 238 859 690 95945 13234 231 2618
79 Pirojpur 25605 9890 81945 2980 13299 8660 13944 222 237 1043 9565 525 1123 2339
Toal 425095 182298 635246 3869882 257158 226350 634979 17327 47479 19620 91290 115979 4880 75585
Rural 420720 180231 630245 384114 253166 223522 629371 17066 47214 19432 90707 115484 4792 74752
Urban 4375 2067 5002 2867 3991 2828 5607 261 265 189 582 495 88 834

03 Bandarban 32194 3949 5382 7757 4076 2947 5226 94 12402 83 441 4018 314 3363
15 Chattagram 67492 34541 95021 93175 49175 16706 63078 618 817 401 18321 2689 576 10512
22 Cox’s Bazar 19236 8214 35503 36361 32677 7330 27327 283 370 277 2731 464 255 3625
46 Khagrachhari 11884 6103 14161 22233 7144 6218 17273 142 1166 30 132 349 541 2159
84 Rangamati 31991 3880 10721 9113 11862 143956 17250 210 4625 119 614 2456 829 2720
12 Brahmanbaria 10958 6959 48014 38183 39311 18748 158157 5621 315 7755 12384 13718 278 4056
13 Chandpur 12155 16585 38759 23605 17910 12034 70354 2179 10053 5493 2077 4395 855 18955
19 Cumilla 50033 79927 86546 101500 56167 61123 189551 5553 16472 3800 6752 9533 517 26599
30 Feni 16982 8332 32297 33056 6706 5617 40545 704 123 348 3770 1312 245 874
51 Lakshmipur 59676 6385 80803 10505 11184 10757 20420 1275 346 629 8164 37655 211 1037
75 Noakhali 112494 7425 188039 11493 20944 70474 30797 649 791 704 35904 39388 261 1687
Total 206598 167730 1022594 915418 447194 441600 2156400 145654 53765 428327 239152 448938 43857 115483
Rural 197200 164105 1008736 902439 433588 429633 2135763 142473 5245 423558 235497 443283 43076 111343
Urban 9398 3625 13858 12980 13606 11968 20637 3181 1520 4770 3655 5656 782 4140
26 Dhaka 11077 3573 24132 6560 27849 17645 70800 40158 7555 13514 9369 26809 971 6900
33 Gazipur 8921 2905 26210 23907 33139 23828 61957 1231 573 5599 1380 4020 3670 1231
56 Manikganj 3511 540 23597 3234 5835 5428 88073 1886 19835 11702 29187 82196 2173 5096
59 Munshiganj 3038 1547 31390 3792 11666 5691 25706 826 3734 10261 1178 8339 774 51152
67 Narayanganj 2982 1796 12596 3847 7133 6281 42934 1189 399 2974 1230 6965 335 5933
68 Narsingdi 5613 3320 24540 32590 17149 10088 86034 1285 328 9647 1860 10276 399 4125
29 Faridpur 23688 2678 35389 13719 5548 4345 62424 44529 1408 99071 48251 25610 6512 1044
35 Gopalganj 9052 1052 41874 2102 9578 48055 77060 7958 307 22724 28924 11279 1305 704
54 Madaripur 8191 2388 27215 3167 5274 5680 62643 11719 790 39210 24769 19851 1831 675
61 Mymensingh 55844 86987 266084 234881 135309 96490 331133 5368 3214 13882 8238 10750 868228 6714
82 Rajbari 16075 3463 28285 25958 4940 1562 28566 31869 701 52249 20600 16412 4974 361
86 Shariatpur 25564 1303 20569 3768 5026 2169 34569 9859 263 30457 15778 14025 1091 1904
39 Jamalpur 2691 5149 71612 160793 14256 46814 227191 6804 6401 54776 8622 58708 8937 7270
48 Kishoreganj 14691 24840 39269 61051 53769 53611 238725 3505 5148 14023 5803 14948 395 7496
72 Netrokona 5820 5723 131765 105973 60480 392533 283972 2714 319 8363 1354 7608 175 3161
89 Sherpur 5014 17141 99752 93699 20184 65366 123295 2370 548 7679 1669 11447 341 4797
93 Tangail 4827 3323 118314 136377 30058 9295 321319 8386 2242 32196 30940 119695 3745 6918
Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery 133

4.19 Selected Agricultural Statistics by Division and District/Zila, 2008

Division and Area under
District/Zilla Local HYV Local HYV Local Hybrid HyV Wheat Maize Jute Pulses Oil Sugar Can Potato
Aus Aus Aman Aman Boro Boro Boro Seeds
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Khulna Division
Total 193560 227253 572443 596754 172516 3321192 583237 118976 122802 278101 200361 119953 34867 32616
Rural 190002 224728 565088 590717 167796 325544 575053 117022 120543 274712 197397 118303 34498 32155
Urban 3558 2525 7356 6037 4719 5648 8184 1954 2259 3389 2964 1650 369 461

01 Bagerhat 17953 3088 137944 6409 22519 43311 14836 489 281 1486 12233 1742 1983 1451
47 Khulna 26408 3509 128027 30122 15823 41898 34777 964 351 3663 2881 4967 1348 2984
87 Satkhira 5135 19676 32306 109945 15784 30039 90376 4860 277 16766 5397 11065 1406 9354
18 Chuadanga 16049 17737 24460 31518 20143 23391 38239 13133 54489 30786 17710 8976 5804 3155
41 Jashore 20416 61823 53369 130020 29478 75585 163677 7255 1070 34404 25096 22891 1206 4247
44 Jhenaidah 21881 39082 59375 107311 35334 23983 99305 13656 18032 34605 46633 20253 6101 2198
50 Kushtia 36954 43744 30198 94152 7131 7140 51765 28390 36815 54526 26300 11918 12828 5648
55 Magura 14674 19930 41015 49928 15439 31275 34131 20122 432 49300 29772 20081 954 139
57 Meherpur 11235 12954 16670 22858 7002 12186 31571 24360 10865 30041 9638 10965 2114 3239
65 Narial 22855 5711 49080 14491 3863 42386 24561 5746 190 22525 24702 7096 1123 201
Rajshahi Division
Total 195533 306954 1135399 2791063 395590 917262 2528742 347088 439404 350068 278714 514539 129395 509652
Rural 192108 302256 1121040 2762679 387334 906664 2502588 343422 433819 347183 276600 512441 127871 501581
Urban 3425 4698 14359 28384 8256 10598 26153 3666 5585 2885 2114 2098 1524 8071
64 Naogaon 25411 69682 153039 300247 64560 60476 346650 16485 20279 9461 3225 40006 3037 44078
69 Natore 24337 7020 87968 26727 50874 49540 63342 40670 14265 19959 49136 23108 45904 2388
70 Chapai 24337 7020 87968 26727 50874 49540 63342 40670 14265 19959 49136 23108 45904 2388
81 Rajshahi 24199 82102 34429 100261 18584 36590 120268 33042 43761 18993 30694 37361 22709 44444
10 Bogura 7093 39962 135065 2717792 46527 104883 305819 2841 30960 29596 4181 40937 1151 99943
38 Joypurhat 1195 686 39593 136085 16661 89186 72833 1384 4316 5144 1241 5532 2926 68799
76 Pabna 33934 8371 94841 38526 38054 14275 111438 52117 4337 52543 53876 57976 8261 1515
88 Sirajganj 9499 9191 58284 29836 24354 64050 222402 7386 14132 27847 39864 192193 5645 5268
27 Dinajpur 7284 18621 108265 483417 24131 87412 371232 29547 95984 13159 2105 7833 3984 53573
77 Panchagarh 1017 605 26981 178624 3811 22592 55621 25613 11149 24087 4802 26800 5236 10609
94 Thakurgaon 927 733 45059 266936 13473 17817 160085 737776 49590 16515 16297 8116 5494 28253
32 Gaibandha 2464 5577 92554 153819 33514 101003 126358 5401 25040 25466 4928 23920 4373 22602
49 Kurigram 8734 3620 91383 121878 13031 52437 128674 19095 7883 42696 14752 26446 1866 6353
52 Lalmonirhat 2852 1886 34514 127605 8774 36457 58561 5461 49272 15298 1149 8201 641 9632
73 Nilphamari 2126 1849 31725 203167 8870 45393 123025 9311 19515 23151 4755 2034 1001 33694
85 Rangpur 3157 5735 75312 285453 19275 129624 170407 7552 34889 23858 5964 6415 6002 77224
Sylhet Division
Total 191049 86471 285076 114424 311194 148261 328368 6692 1175 4097 4796 8710 973 16648
Rural 190375 85997 283909 113828 308189 147631 326353 6656 1150 4088 4773 8667 972 16567
Urban 674 474 1167 596 3006 630 2015 36 25 9 23 43 2 81
36 Habiganj 45054 39214 74234 42658 57656 75516 108768 3962 434 1534 2478 3170 560 6368
58 Maulvibazar 55937 22201 57563 30411 30834 5509 36310 430 209 383 345 338 155 4739
90 Sunamganj 15133 5320 59887 18143 126581 48232 157298 1422 172 1355 1017 3341 192 2229
91 Sylhet 74925 19736 93392 23212 96123 19003 25991 878 360 825 957 1862 66 3312
Source: Agriculture Census, 2008, BBS
134 Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery

4.20 Selected Agricultural Statistics by Division and District/Zila, 2008

Division and Cattle & Number of No. of holdings Average amount of Population engaged in agriculture work
District/Zila Buffalo reporting Loan (Tk.)
Goat & Fowls & Inst. Non-Inst Inst. Loan Non-Inst Total Male Female <10 years 10-14 Years 15+ Years
sheep Ducks Loan Loan Loan
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Total 26219492 17615706 137243083 5186697 2213307 19214 19525 29661026 21594682 8066344 308381 729097 28623547
Rural 25853643 17306190 135119224 5048981 2182777 18522 19347 29443419 21436817 8006602 304196 720892 28418330
Urban 365849 309516 2123859 137716 30530 44613 32244 217607 157865 59742 4185 8205 205217
Total 1851553 812419 15975123 477886 167121 19266 18008 1906690 1301968 604722 20751 62102 1823837
Rural 1830546 801748 15732864 463507 165069 18715 17826 1894304 1293892 600412 20633 61940 1811731
Urban 21007 10671 242259 14379 2052 37022 32631 12386 8076 4310 118 162 12106

04 Barguna 296676 117256 2413825 72715 16469 21650 17778 253112 163273 89839 1858 3810 247644
06 Barishal 420812 169521 3272485 124059 49044 20241 19267 599333 374699 224634 6247 17894 575182
09 Bhola 302058 193277 3747994 83378 34613 14671 13569 419536 293113 126423 6053 25651 387832
42 Jhalakathi 127112 46470 1036083 32222 9479 19085 17883 104353 78827 25526 925 2099 101329
78 Patuakhali 483909 198789 3542319 97707 29901 18796 16459 333143 234016 99127 4333 9114 319696
79 Pirojpur 220986 87106 1962417 67805 27615 21338 23193 197213 158040 39173 1535 3534 192144
Toal 3192445 1518398 2625310 509022 325513 23228 31043 5098129 3242729 1855400 86500 228106 4783523
Rural 3143157 1489954 25845462 496297 321826 22512 30980 5065405 3219873 1845532 85734 226379 4753292
Urban 49288 28444 407640 12725 3687 51161 36526 32724 22856 9868 766 1727 30231

03 Bandarban 97076 57297 495093 14743 6351 14334 12794 120347 68474 51873 3369 10337 106641
15 Chattagram 595181 215634 3153638 61676 34424 19168 22299 500603 352295 148308 7150 16320 477133
22 Cox’s Bazar 259348 138241 1788691 43024 26047 16104 17176 296164 211901 84263 6232 15911 274021
46 Khagrachhari 137704 112560 921187 16150 6070 19004 19024 188835 106581 82254 1342 5587 181906
84 Rangamati 122758 110047 889427 20872 6085 13837 10827 233214 124553 108661 4925 12846 215443
12 Brahmanbaria 342287 113524 2284463 38940 39566 22321 31285 719881 403997 315884 12171 33641 674069
13 Chandpur 275698 125509 2448116 46662 28487 22539 28970 580584 350533 230051 6444 17884 556256
19 Cumilla 662900 303982 5835463 103139 77764 32512 45026 1403455 846368 557087 25261 61690 1316504
30 Feni 142538 34948 1431150 31796 20559 31076 52193 175746 130360 45386 3864 5624 166258
51 Lakshmipur 180561 92100 2191318 55480 28781 21928 24523 373963 248314 125649 8332 22739 342892
75 Noakhali 376394 214556 4814556 76540 51379 21724 24991 505337 399353 105984 7410 25527 472400
Total 6202486 3562032 29767394 1327533 831554 21904 19683 7772620 5818918 1953702 79962 161995 7530663
Rural 6101171 3501878 29231637 1286713 817255 20795 19348 7708434 5769874 1938560 78473 158173 7471788
Urban 101315 60154 535757 40820 14299 56835 38821 64186 49044 15142 1489 3822 58875
26 Dhaka 260119 124131 1167809 38512 16141 41654 42840 287816 173534 114282 4380 8734 274702
33 Gazipur 381067 222122 1462259 59748 23797 35422 39369 488075 286431 201644 6788 9595 471692
56 Manikganj 284992 191338 1057688 48728 20028 23944 27136 289251 229590 59661 1602 3467 284182
59 Munshiganj 123407 51027 634959 23023 14488 35893 50143 172008 136132 35876 934 1605 169469
67 Narayanganj 94105 98502 833299 47530 12519 31392 44620 136991 108597 28394 1732 2970 132289
68 Narsingdi 253569 161778 1589134 73206 26740 22781 23507 286706 248974 37732 1868 3789 281049
29 Faridpur 332031 301971 1861492 87133 21755 19303 17695 302729 282741 19988 871 3192 298666
35 Gopalganj 238396 67169 1184954 42149 14295 16706 17085 248253 209652 38601 1485 4061 242707
54 Madaripur 191795 11834 1156761 51532 21416 21836 21077 216065 186060 30005 1026 2993 212046
61 Mymensingh 1035391 566421 5043408 190304 168260 18751 16275 1210160 1022510 187650 10077 25889 1174194
82 Rajbari 196670 222987 889096 54603 10852 18426 15629 177385 167522 9863 373 1305 175707
86 Shariatpur 171025 134301 1318951 61689 14404 20720 21448 240709 173355 67354 1001 3093 236615
39 Jamalpur 533304 331048 2467451 116114 101492 19888 15121 866382 552466 323916 8746 16951 850685
48 Kishoreganj 491812 154816 2345410 96305 106890 19274 19755 1047154 604870 442284 27097 43264 976793
72 Netrokona 515634 170890 2072132 88348 104572 16604 13877 613322 496623 116699 6514 16286 590522
89 Sherpur 333669 185270 1609371 80168 82773 18636 12971 352315 317790 34525 1440 5595 345280
93 Tangail 765500 459927 3073220 168441 71132 21694 25489 827299 622071 205228 4028 9206 814065
Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery 135

4.20 Selected Agricultural Statistics by Division and District/Zila, 2008

Division and Cattle & Number of No. of holdings Average amount of Population engaged in agriculture work
District/Zila Buffalo reporting Loan (Tk.)
Goat & Fowls & Inst. Non- Inst. Non-Inst Total Male Female <10 years 10-14 15+ Years
sheep Ducks Loan Inst Loan Loan Years
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Khulna Division
Total 3662955 3640140 17406415 907761 242717 19827 17940 4464913 3003347 1461566 32155 73257 4359501
Rural 3596625 3567058 17082941 878238 237689 19105 17909 4411256 2968985 1442271 31270 71749 4308237
Urban 66330 73082 323474 29523 5028 41311 19404 53657 34362 19295 885 1508 51264
01 Bagerhat 309067 181204 2122240 10523\5 30023 24818 22197 413017 291928 121089 2902 7103 403012
47 Khulna 374626 288179 1763996 79681 29935 20097 16984 409259 280015 129244 1090 2831 405338
87 Satkhira 451593 491278 2213080 125576 56797 22359 20931 637862 441284 196578 5389 10502 621971
18 Chuadanga 272631 409617 1417941 68875 16386 16003 12523 444228 271000 173228 6689 15238 422301
41 Jashore 719410 715821 3261849 143539 36679 20339 17103 809232 517636 291596 4396 9714 795122
44 Jhenaidah 532707 490438 2039858 110953 24298 17985 16523 610356 373151 237205 5375 11135 593846
50 Kushtia 389518 479716 1693377 129289 23928 18719 15491 391591 340338 51253 1752 4290 385549
55 Magura 275622 209784 1081591 66141 8396 16655 13709 315105 189617 125488 2284 4886 307935
57 Meherpur 142198 274556 941291 42727 7900 18391 14948 183759 156209 27550 915 1899 180945
65 Narial 195583 99547 871192 35745 8375 18262 18235 250504 142169 108335 1363 5659 243482
Rajshahi Division
Total 9560339 7518329 40982016 1793645 470544 16176 13297 8697713 6912252 1785461 68516 141357 8487839
Rural 9441446 7384126 40402149 1755596 465670 15773 13201 8645264 6870563 1774701 67663 140480 8437120
Urban 118893 134203 579867 38049 4874 34776 22474 52449 41689 10760 853 877 50719
64 Naogaon 948539 792813 5154590 133925 41145 16000 14052 803502 657007 146495 6138 13657 783707
69 Natore 330843 393330 2033782 76497 24067 18509 17958 506633 397427 109206 5348 9200 492085
70 Chapai 294068 375674 1456887 45415 10451 17345 14338 243011 226066 16945 1039 4328 237644
81 Rajshahi 501412 615613 3331619 102170 21769 16689 11660 563113 226066 16945 1039 4328 237644
10 Bogura 901114 602156 4235057 203185 43207 17621 14487 728102 655328 72774 5368 9846 712888
38 Joypurhat 327268 206266 1841148 87034 13630 20869 14263 254796 222826 31970 1112 2751 250933
76 Pabna 438129 532973 2246107 127522 35785 19741 17528 763509 441928 321581 12282 21614 729613
88 Sirajganj 607062 431919 2615733 1177751 62168 17491 16309 663376 520765 142611 9079 15432 638865
27 Dinajpur 1251882 873172 4847449 179973 37964 15379 11595 835191 677242 157949 5523 9563 820105
77 Panchagarh 368404 289207 951044 54962 4705 13052 10173 253438 198448 54990 1118 3048 249272
94 Thakurgaon 657062 535415 1580505 100898 12842 14424 10973 366694 314296 52398 1396 4472 360826
32 Gaibandha 709922 407634 2761888 143981 42178 13939 10079 642987 527142 115845 4788 7263 630936
49 Kurigram 557588 359685 2674642 108637 47485 13862 10708 597892 468380 129512 3241 11658 582993
52 Lalmonirhat 372275 312100 937694 87471 21977 16934 11486 447243 286931 160312 3595 63.52 437296
73 Nilphamari 476897 301496 1244370 114889 17338 13842 9721 354945 294873 60072 1320 4787 348838
85 Rangpur 817874 488876 3069501 109335 33833 13394 11760 673281 553865 119416 3363 9210 660708
Sylhet Division
Total 1749714 564388 6859033 170850 175858 14856 17755 1720961 1315468 405493 20497 62280 1638184
Rural 1740698 561426 6824171 168630 175268 14471 17697 1718756 1313630 405126 20423 62171 1636162
Urban 9016 2962 34862 2220 590 44030 34877 2205 1838 367 74 109 2022
36 Habiganj 400025 143356 1706787 42087 47997 15638 19092 597079 376388 220691 8893 23673 564513
58 Maulvibazar 330346 136140 1355350 32953 18872 15407 20462 271641 231343 40298 2020 5614 264007
90 Sunamganj 517393 112767 1720290 70637 83147 13117 14486 484083 421631 62452 5079 16193 462811
91 Sylhet 501950 145125 2076606 25173 25842 17705 23811 368158 286106 82052 4505 16800 346853
Source: Agriculture Census, 2008, BBS
136 Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery

4.21 Selected Agricultural Statistics by Division and District/Zila, 2008

Division and All Non-Farm Number of farm holding Number of holding Agriculture
District/Zila holdings holding Total Small Medium Large Owner Owner- Tenant labour
cumtenant households
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Total 28695763 13512580 15183183 12812372 2136415 234396 18734787 6278282 3682694 8844402
Rural 25351506 10480930 14870576 12531509 2109522 229545 16784717 6137960 2428829 8732259
Urban 3344257 3031650 312607 280863 26893 4851 1950070 140322 1253865 1121143
Total 1731282 554439 1176843 1001379 157501 17963 1229108 378484 123690 479713
Rural 1626165 475303 1150862 977022 156033 17807 1159546 369058 97561 475174
Urban 105117 79136 25981 24357 1468 156 69562 9426 26129 4539
04 Barguna 201929 56669 145260 116579 25174 3507 143484 43029 15416 51506
06 Barishal 482075 160021 322054 290408 29899 1747 333718 111015 37342 137014
09 Bhola 347515 125084 222431 189343 29799 3289 226720 91447 29348 121414
42 Jhalakathi 133204 36588 96616 83913 12002 701 100481 27616 5107 20787
78 Patuakhali 323502 110123 213379 167338 38935 7106 241394 58323 23785 81990
79 Pirojpur 243057 65954 171103 153798 21692 1316 183311 47054 12692 67002
Total 4883132 2367927 2515205 2234576 252688 27941 3438946 999597 444589 1270749
Rural 4289934 1822922 2467012 2190314 249515 27183 3051140 965334 273460 1254377
Urban 593198 545005 48193 44262 3173 758 387806 34263 171129 16372

03 Bandarban 63744 18321 45423 24669 17197 3557 37027 10744 15973 18945
15 Chattagram 1298834 931320 367514 334285 30888 2341 931019 165335 202480 182749
22 Cox’s Bazar 335825 187554 145271 133023 13846 1402 231437 64779 39609 952257
46 Khagrachhari 116475 27142 89333 57016 27935 4382 80625 23413 12437 38147
84 Rangamati 108263 28038 80225 39594 33710 6921 72670 17791 17802 28310
12 Brahmanbaria 465720 208230 257490 229014 26813 1663 325578 110255 29887 113251
13 Chandpur 461192 190786 270406 259502 10543 361 337183 100140 23869 155700
19 Cumilla 917743 361669 556074 524549 30530 995 622295 260054 35394 278797
30 Feni 237575 108745 128830 118497 9881 452 177160 50532 9883 49660
51 Lakshmipur 332818 117388 215430 199526 14702 1202 237649 73478 21691 11637
75 Noakhali 544943 188734 356209 314901 36643 4665 3863303 123076 35564 192996
Total 9456838 5299286 4157552 3592281 521001 44270 5900227 1749863 1806748 2281526
Rural 7667774 3629819 4037955 3482899 512310 42746 4992285 1713572 961917 2235869
Urban 1789064 1669467 119597 109382 8691 1524 907942 36291 844831 45657
26 Dhaka 2266479 2025027 241452 218887 20404 2161 1181671 79282 1005526 88086
33 Gazipur 538597 308394 230203 20566 24943 1694 337436 71397 129764 83423
56 Manikganj 293977 122909 171068 148313 21244 1511 187540 82899 23538 76117
59 Munshiganj 268766 166792 101974 87905 12573 1496 190220 42816 35730 62636
67 Narayanganj 532415 412936 119479 113340 5675 464 325260 49298 157857 41718
68 Narsingdi 414892 202394 212498 199495 12481 522 301056 54159 29677 74845
29 Faridpur 382686 160831 221855 185951 33550 2354 252008 102208 28470 117853
35 Gopalganj 230494 74032 156462 124594 30035 1833 150998 68519 10977 73276
54 Madaripur 243774 103164 140610 122383 17203 1024 172426 55774 15574 82455
61 Mymensingh 1103260 450648 652612 559053 87352 6207 745314 269020 88926 414687
82 Rajbari 216579 86732 129847 109207 19390 1250 132918 65745 17916 75511
86 Shariatpur 225523 76916 148607 132552 15069 986 145291 54647 25585 81341
39 Jamalpur 546075 209291 336784 291019 42649 3116 324116 163295 58664 225415
48 Kishoreganj 597752 289019 308733 261308 41302 6123 406914 139610 51228 224153
72 Netrokona 458472 175821 282651 221963 53239 7449 309405 111447 37620 203758
89 Sherpur 335460 133775 201685 169808 29323 2554 226005 77593 31862 145549
93 Tangail 801637 300605 501032 442937 54569 3526 511649 232154 57834 210703
Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery 137

4.21 Selected Agricultural Statistics by Division and District/Zila, 2008

Division and All Non-Farm Number of farm holding Number of holding Agriculture
District/Zila holdings holding Total Small Medium Large Owner Owner- Tenant labour
cumtenant households
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Khulna Division
Total 343547 1330540 2104930 1762229 313293 29408 2177272 941023 317175 1345987
Rural 3129699 1070444 2059255 1722002 308571 28682 1993139 912804 223756 1325119
Urban 305771 260096 45675 40227 4722 726 184133 28219 93419 20868

01 Bagerhat 339217 106600 232617 188879 38317 5421 235792 72173 31252 144577
47 Khulna 502835 295092 207743 167904 35146 4693 319009 86292 97534 144350
87 Satkhira 436178 184142 252036 212420 34106 5510 302240 103903 30035 227847
18 Chuadanga 254916 81218 173698 146224 25686 1788 146363 91437 17116 102661
41 Jashore 591030 216407 374623 321394 49788 3441 375892 158654 56484 240843
44 Jhenaidah 385860 129266 256594 213087 40672 2835 243045 122147 20668 152857
50 Kushtia 432249 187033 245216 213753 29188 2275 265720 125990 40539 152738
55 Magura 189589 49390 140199 115636 23283 1280 111405 69876 8308 63254
57 Meherpur 152544 39872 112672 94918 16585 1169 85685 59340 7519 69138
65 Narail 151052 41520 109532 88014 20522 996 92121 51211 7720 47722
Rajshahi Division
Total 7663035 3263408 4399627 3579118 731852 88657 4881568 1951710 829757 3010577
Rural 7195280 2861526 4333754 3522665 723868 87221 4539719 1922544 733017 2987306
Urban 467755 401882 65873 56453 7984 1436 341849 29166 96740 23271
64 Naogaon 611822 221301 390521 295534 81877 13110 364604 195075 52143 264031
69 Natore 392969 153248 239721 192743 40741 6237 237053 102939 52977 181489
70 Chapai 320388 163487 156901 116936 35237 4638 220570 67171 32647 95942
81 Rajshahi 572365 250984 321381 271263 45513 4605 370734 137950 63681 208189
10 Bogura 791343 338196 453147 388810 59025 5312 501755 222482 67106 251577
38 Joypurhat 229123 80519 148604 122571 23921 2112 136859 77355 14909 83863
76 Pabna 533209 250311 282898 231235 46498 5165 339986 129087 64136 185107
88 Sirajganj 656830 314541 342289 291680 46203 4406 415289 144728 96813 231920
27 Dinajpur 662677 270704 391973 292704 85334 13935 413189 190300 59188 281904
77 Panchagarh 203831 64986 138845 103860 30813 4172 122280 58701 22850 71867
94 Thakurgaon 297962 99041 198921 145050 46113 7758 180916 87249 29797 121829
32 Gaibandha 581289 254519 326770 285172 38118 3480 387435 137339 56515 266281
49 Kurigram 469713 194037 275676 235940 36439 3297 302295 111404 56014 229042
52 Lalmonirhat 274769 102621 172148 142474 27410 2264 169080 66046 39643 118592
73 Nilphamari 384629 180426 204203 166633 34256 3314 268970 71622 44037 153639
85 Rangpur 680116 324487 355629 296513 54264 4852 450553 152262 77301 265305
Sylhet Division
Total 1526006 696980 829026 642789 160080 26157 1107666 257605 160735 455850
Rural 1442654 620916 821738 636607 159225 25906 1048888 254648 139118 454414
Urban 83352 76064 7288 6182 855 251 58778 2957 21617 1436
36 Habiganj 342178 145035 197143 152281 38341 6521 227724 71338 43056 135531
58 Maulvibazar 342178 145035 197143 152281 38341 6521 227724 71398 43056 135531
90 Sunamganj 387205 180485 206720 144599 51407 10714 281207 73254 32744 144194
91 Sylhet 487182 241716 245466 195344 44286 5836 365515 63742 57925 91230
Source: Agriculture Census, 2008, BBS
138 Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery

4.22 Selected Agricultural Statistics by Division and District/Zila, 2008

Homestead Net Net area Irrigated Gross Intensity of
Division and Owned Operated area cultivated under area cropped cropping
District/Zila area area area crop area (%)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Total 22755331 23505192 2166302 19097544 17671319 11981329 30485315 173
Rural 21623783 22944236 1995702 18815381 17443075 11845974 30120545 173
Urban 1131547 560956 170600 282163 228244 135355 364769 160
Total 1586893 1664158 114212 1387956 1179381 199888 2102648 178
Rural 1534586 1639222 108760 1371997 1169326 197063 2085746 178
Urban 52306 24936 5452 15959 10055 2825 16901 168
04 Barguna 231438 242531 16196 206067 183023 14623 332744 182
06 Barishal 367715 368840 31617 296837 248349 86932 424748 171
09 Bhola 276200 327946 20788 270793 228162 63131 473649 208
42 Jhalokati 120723 118229 8146 99282 78126 8727 132164 169
78 Patuakhali 375633 388411 23196 32911 305077 7537 543849 178
79 Pirojpur 215184 218202 14270 185827 136644 18938 195494 143
Toal 3220956 3389542 377827 2595144 2179799 1167403 3591552 165
Rural 3083529 3304676 347676 2556892 2155767 156499 3557732 165
Urban 137427 84866 30151 38252 24032 10904 33819 141

03 Bandarban 134371 154931 8821 125650 74974 18090 151692 202

15 Chattagram 504104 499654 89722 338706 304050 126107 496625 163
22 Cox’s Bazar 180261 200648 33225 144392 131159 868542 198317 151
46 Khagrachhari 233520 236136 12019 185004 89332 31162 135462 152
84 Rangamati 256970 273561 12044 223159 124418 39051 198442 160
12 Brahmanbaria 347508 350131 34615 293292 287908 211230 389934 135
13 Chandpur 232159 236673 31443 174380 153288 106885 255522 167
19 Cumilla 565335 576216 68783 444132 425431 339925 750928 177
30 Feni 149420 152125 20226 108794 100169 56263 161284 161
51 Lakshmipur 197862 218642 20981 173263 136922 43936 274664 201
75 Noakhali 419446 490825 45947 384371 352147 126212 578681 164
Total 6247996 6142022 733738 4818856 4564896 3344185 7513644 165
Rural 5744398 5900139 642565 4725314 448704 3303123 7395108 165
Urban 503598 241883 91173 93542 77191 41063 118536 154
26 Dhaka 645265 406811 122189 212113 191016 103970 263891 138
33 Gazipur 303975 308518 39038 231963 177862 119337 231140 130
56 Manikganj 244913 252637 32167 196739 186696 100148 318611 171
59 Munshiganj 131605 125911 27132 87528 82278 57251 112991 146
67 Narayanganj 142433 157807 22143 122659 120262 70487 175579 137
68 Narsingdi 230597 224519 31783 175545 160566 123975 249059 155
29 Faridpur 342912 343965 33489 268707 248692 143193 429439 173
35 Gopalganj 261766 267167 21932 223242 216590 143912 274807 127
54 Madaripur 207711 200728 24859 156300 149503 70990 231713 155
61 Mymensingh 940780 967368 103937 761506 732262 603496 1337569 183
82 Rajbari 193792 199209 20658 159688 149109 87552 279537 187
86 Shariatpur 190881 196013 21136 145845 133866 47169 206988 155
39 Jamalpur 457875 476711 47762 398375 391038 329777 742969 190
48 Kishoreganj 476954 498820 41247 429711 423437 363353 577002 136
72 Netrokona 528697 541709 39451 461442 454892 382610 686764 151
89 Sherpur 291621 302499 28926 254428 248681 222287 483665 194
93 Tangail 656219 671629 75889 533066 498146 374680 911920 183
Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery 139

4.22 Selected Agricultural Statistics by Division and District/Zila, 2008

Homestead Net Net area Irrigated Gross Intensity of
Division and District/Zila Owned area Operated area area cultivated under crop area cropped area cropping
area (%)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Khulna Division
Total 3105337 3264398 234737 2639694 2373388 1698934 3979787 168
Rural 2972701 3192244 220328 2594658 2337078 1674079 2922418 168
Urban 132636 72153 14409 45036 36311 24856 57370 158

01 Bagerhat 346181 381669 21673 307843 249897 67687 301297 121

47 Khulna 379965 369945 30070 282783 261272 95956 331651 127

87 Satkhira 401627 424525 25861 280730 257346 173438 387678 151

18 Chuadanga 241038 263351 18629 226032 208641 193820 346120 166

41 Jashore 497237 522095 40442 431466 370263 340379 674505 182

44 Jhenaidah 388852 403986 29866 342988 316120 260425 592440 187

50 Kushtia 312865 335697 31021 276024 259317 207521 519893 200

55 Magura 208744 214165 113252 188747 170205 143688 356414 209

57 Meherpur 154184 171944 11771 150741 143131 135953 235451 165

65 Narail 174644 177020 12152 152340 137197 80068 234337 171

Rajshahi Division

Total 7002047 7422304 578319 6282051 6093420 4869598 11684494 192

Rural 6744398 7304319 554638 6202212 6021126 4817244 11555453 192

Urban 257649 117985 23681 79839 72294 52354 129041 178

64 Naogaon 704633 784665 43233 691137 677993 546895 1216204 179

69 Nator 386570 420884 30696 364062 350093 255508 560488 160

70 Chapai Nawabganj 311275 324673 21704 275201 247862 144732 412074 166

81 Rajshahi 452068 477074 34062 404413 371937 300711 709315 191

10 Bogura 625464 670442 60029 557759 551807 496128 1198056 217

38 Joypurhat 221127 238342 16392 205681 202969 191685 465304 229

76 Pabna 454253 482289 46779 403546 387463 246758 672246 174

88 Sirajganj 486985 521327 52150 426108 415569 340311 749122 180

27 Dinajpur 749513 805444 49956 705603 694371 614453 1369923 197

77 Panchagarh 275052 281391 18135 244898 237345 118611 445759 188

94 Thakurgaon 409014 424922 24784 377939 370943 340304 742868 200

32 Gaibandha 434504 449549 42074 365610 358717 303985 676641 189

49 Kurigram 386631 397061 38981 309241 293860 209725 578458 197

52 Lalmonirhat 248855 262888 19693 217539 210355 164490 404816 192

73 Nilphamari 334061 336812 27422 278857 274937 202558 556419 202

85 Rangpur 522041 544542 52231 454457 447201 392744 926804 207

Sylhet Division

Total 1592102 1622769 127468 1373842 1280436 701320 1613190 126

Rural 1544171 1603636 121735 1364307 1272075 697968 1604088 126

Urban 47931 19133 5734 9535 8361 3353 9102 109

36 Habiganj 372219 398283 26630 352106 342926 254971 485677 142

58 Maulvibazar 271268 277328 26597 227900 196914 65846 267045 136

90 Sunamganj 500209 513550 33206 451402 435266 279344 470999 108

91 Sylhet 448406 433609 41036 342434 305330 101159 389468 128

Source: Agriculture Census, 2008, BBS
140 Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery

4.23 Intensity of Cropping by Former Districts

(Thousand acres)
Name of Regions Total area (000) Net area (000) Total Cropped area (000) Intensity of cropping
2009- 2010- 2011- 2009- 2010- 2011- 2009- 2010- 2011- 2009-10 2010- 2011-
10 11 12 10 11 12 10 11 12 11 12
Bandarban 1107 1107 1107 65 64 67 86 88 90 132 138 134
Chattagram 2035 2035 2035 643 605 623 1184 1203 1189 184 199 191
Cumilla 1660 1660 1660 1106 1078 1113 2032 1957 1947 184 182 175
Khagrachhari 667 667 667 77 72 74 153 153 156 199 212 211
Noakhali 1525 1525 1525 702 689 690 1398 1457 1467 199 211 213
Rangamati 151 1511 1511 88 84 86 121 121 116 137 144 135
Sylhet 3113 3113 3113 1471 1502 1569 2171 2314 2354 147 154 150
Dhaka 1838 1838 1838 950 946 948 1654 1626 1594 174 172 168
Faridpur 1726 1726 1726 1084 1084 1114 1991 2086 2141 184 192 192
Jamalpur 839 839 839 587 684 588 1226 1337 1314 209 229 223
Kishoreganj 1380 1380 1380 884 880 873 1437 1538 1509 162 175 173
Mymensingh 1078 1078 1078 732 724 741 1514 1556 1560 207 215 211
Tangail 844 844 844 545 540 548 1008 1039 1029 185 192 188
Barishal 2040 2040 2040 1160 1154 1157 1982 2033 2043 171 176 177
Jashore 1623 1623 1623 1089 1088 1107 2341 2482 2504 215 228 226
Khulna 3062 3062 3062 973 968 969 1240 1297 1278 127 134 132
Kushtia 861 861 861 557 552 553 1296 1412 1497 233 256 271
Patuakhali 1245 1245 1245 750 751 751 1108 1119 1108 148 149 148
Bogura 960 960 960 717 714 714 1635 1682 1705 228 235 239
Dinajpur 1644 1644 1644 1227 1220 1222 2616 2577 2581 205 211 211
Pabna 1201 1201 1201 762 762 766 1473 1547 1556 193 203 203
Rajshahi 2333 2333 2333 1732 1728 1735 3001 3116 3289 173 180 190
Rangpur 2377 2377 2377 1583 1579 1586 3163 3186 3234 200 202 204
Bangladesh 36669 36669 36669 19484 19368 19594 35730 36926 37261 183 191 190
Source: Agriculture Wing, BBS
4.24 Area Irrigated Under Different Crops
(Area in acre)
Crop 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
Rice: Aus - - - - - - -
Aman 2126000 2259000 2357000 2496000 2585000 2643000 2715000
Boro 11416000 11282000 11137000 11240000 11337000 11470000 11458000
Total Rice - - - - - - -

Wheat 951000 973000 972000 914000 865000 840000 835000

Other cereals - - - - - - -
Pulses - - - - - - -
Oilseeds - - - - - - -
Potato 981000 989000 991000 1082000 1065000 1050000 1073000

Vegetables 925000 1035000 1119000 1171000 1194000 1215000 1276000

Sugarcane 146000 135000 135000 135000 140000 132000 149000
Cotton 30000 32000 29000 25000 19000 18000 13000
Others 1541000 1599000 1665000 1759000 1785000 1849000 195000
Grand Total 18116000 18303000 1840500 1882000 18990000 19217000 19469000
Source: Agriculture Wing, BBS

4.25 Area Irrigated by Methods

Method 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

Power pumps 2948000 3067000 3100000 3103000 3202000 3200000 3318000

Tube wells 14225000 14438000 14517000 14936000 15047000 15279000 15433000
Traditional * 943000 798000 788000 781000 741000 738000 718000
Total 18116000 18303000 18405000 1882000 18990000 19217000 19467000
Notes: * Canals are included in traditional
Source: Agricultural Statistics Wing, BBS
Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery 141

4.26 Consumption of Pesticide

((Figures in MT/KL)
Year Insecticide Fungicide Herbicide Rodenticide Public Total
Granular Liquid Powder General Sulphue Hygiene
2003 11781.36 1830.32 155.02 2940.68 - 1354.02 18.56 - 18080.46
2004 12113.40 2008.27 229.04 4279.23 - 3462.83 23.08 - 22115.85
2005 14061.65 2511.05 323.51 5771.74 - 2774.94 23.54 - 25466.43
2006 15918.46 3159.13 453.57 - - - 14.73 - 31522.00
2007 19963.23 3104.19 519.36 - - - 10.36 - 37712.20
2008 25230.58 4190.40 694.20 - - - 68.18 - 48690.19
2009 22118.87 4274.89 606.80 - - - 62.38 - 45172.43
2010 20967.86 3954.94 571.82 - - 3346.00 79.80 - 42240.63
2011 20335.12 3574.83 673.50 - - 3895.60 58.5 - 44423.33
2012 16539.35 3455.46 641.37 3182.60 13295.21 3623.94 89.81 - 40882.94
2013 13443.44 3462.65 691.34 3517.96 13536.43 2949.06 108.44 - 37781.00
2014 11741.00 3590.25 753.73 2575.05 12562.31 3420.29 79.73 - 35801.68
2015 10132.48 3310.21 823.45 3950.75 10945.31 4051.33 74.79 - 33371.60
2016 9595.60 3923.24 1027.28 4800.35 10565.45 5049.38 72.45 - 35136.28
2017 9115.82 4562.73 1268.69 5904.43 10354.14 5796.69 75.30 - 37187.28
2018 8495.94 4927.75 1414.60 6199.66 10768.31 6996.60 76.80 - 37187.28
2019 6456.28 5321.54 1632.35 6695.50 10445.00 7416.41 78.30 - 38163.20
2020 5045.78 5542.68 1840.25 6802.85 10525.00 7605.50 80.00 - 37562.81
2021 4636.25 6345.50 2240.20 7385.80 10835.00 7880.50 87.00 - 39542.75
Source: Bangladesh Crop Procetion Association

4.27 Quarterly Pesticides Consumption for the year of 2021

Name of Quarter Insecticide Miticide Fungicide Herbicide Rodenticide Total
Granular Liquid Powder General Suphur Quantity
Jan.-Mar. 1538.55 2156.60 825.40 47.80 2532.80 3675.90 2781.81 30.50 13589.36
Apr.-Jun. 842.60 1045.24 232.10 23.55 1546.70 2051.70 1397.30 16.20 7155.39
July-Sep. 860.70 1061.58 349.00 19.50 1152.50 1625.40 1080.49 13.80 6162.97
Oct.-Dec. 1394.40 2082.08 833.70 41.65 2153.80 3482.00 2620.90 26.50 12635.03
Total 4636.25 6345.50 2240.20 132.50 7385.80 10835.00 7880.50 87.00 39542.75
Source: Bangladesh Crop Procetion Association
142 Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery

4.28 Acreage and Production of Major Agricultural Crops

Rice Jute Sugarcane Tea
Acreage Production Acreage Production Acreage Production Acreage Production
Year '000' '000' '000'acres '000' '000' '000' '000' '000'
acres M. tons Bales acres M. tons lbs.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

2004-05 25621 25157 965 732 388 6423 132 126942

2005-06 26018 26530 993 838 377 5511 130 127879
2006-07 26142 27319 1034 886 371 5770 147 128968
2007-08 26130 28931 1089 839 320 4984 132 130073
2008-09 27872 31317 1039 - 312 5233 134 130073
2009-10 28056 31975 1029 924 290 4491 136 132277
2010-11 28489 33542 1751 1523 287 4671 140 133380
2011-12 28487 33889 1878 1452 266 4603 143 133379
2012-13 28228 33833 1683 7611 270 4469 144 139994
2013-14 28101 34357 1645 7436 265 4508 148 145728
2014-15 28209 34710 1662 7501 258 4434 149 145727
2015-16 28123 34710 1675 7554 243 4208 148 142198
2016-17 27184 33804 1823 8247 227 3863 133 -
2017-18 28699 36278 1874 8895 223 3639 133 -
2018-19 28456 36391 1852 8576 207 3203 133
2019-20 28213 36604 1679 8045 213 3683 147 -
2020-21 28913 37608 1686 7725 192 3333 136 -

Pulses (a) Oilseeds (b) Condiments and spices © Tobacco

Year Acreage Production Acreage Production Acreage Production Acreage Production
‘000’ ‘000’ ‘000’acres ‘000’ ‘000’ ‘000’ ‘000’ ‘000’
acres M. tons M. tons acres M. tons M. Ton
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

2004-05 947 316 860 587 746 1000 74 40

2005-06 833 279 845 657 794 1182 78 43
2006-07 769 258 841 684 860 1405 76 39
2007-08 558 204 874 701 729 1370 76 40
2008-09 559 196 871 661 460 1104 77 40
2009-10 576 218 903 786 706 1350 94 54
2010-11 627 232 924 730 795 1649 121 79
2011-12 667 240 972 787 1042 1880 126 85
2012-13 701 265 1009 804 784 1722 124 181
2013-14 824 352 1065 844 855 2043 124 85
2014-15 885 378 1124 934 924 2409 127 94
2015-16 922 378 1125 934 987 2488 115 88
2016-17 901 387 1197 975 1018 2675 115 88
2017-18 897 390 1122 1026 1007 2596 105 89
2018-19 866 378 1088 954 994 2671 94 82
2019-20 882 398 1183 972 1046 2997 100 86
2020-21 919 425 1235 996 1061 3593 100 89
Source: Agriculture Wing, BBS
Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery 143

4.29 Acreage, Production of Maize, Jowar, Barley and Bajra

Maize Jowar Barley Bajra
Acreage Production Acreage Production Acreage Production Acreage Production
Year '000' '000' '000'acres '000' '000' '000' '000' '000'
Acres M. tons M. tons acres M. tons (M.ton)

2006-07 373 902 0.45 0.25 2 1 0.06 0.015

2007-08 553 1346 - - 2 1 - -
2008-09 317 730 1 1 1 1 - -
2009-10 376 887 0.50 0.27 2 1 - -
2010-11 409 1018 0.49 0.25 1 0.48 0.164 0.099
2011-12 487 1298 0.42 0.23 1 032 0.149 0.087
2012-13 580 1548 0.33 015 1 0.32 0.146 0.083
2013-14 759 2124 0.275 0.12 1 0.266 0.101 0.058
2014-15 804 2272 0.235 0.478 1 0.307 0.094 0.05
2015-16 827 2446 0.23 0.102 1 0.317 0.089 0.048
2016-17 963 3026 0.207 0.092 1 0.287 0.076 0.04
2018-19 1100 3569 0.196 0.088 0.471 0.157 0.071 0.038
2019-20 1166 4015 0.164 0.077 0.361 0.124 - -
2020-21 1186 4116 0.134 0.064 0.460 0.174 - -

Source : Agriculture Wing, BBS

4.30 Acreage and Production of Pulses

Acreage in ‘000’ acres
Year Masur Moong Gram Mashkalai Arhar Other pulses(a) Total
2004-05 380 60 32 57 5 413 947
2005-06 333 55 31 58 4 352 833
2006-07 340 60 31 58 4 277 810
2007-08 170 60 23 59 3 233 567
2008-09 175 54 20 61 2 247 559
2009-10 191 57 21 79 2 246 576
2010-11 205 68 20 78 2 254 627
2011-12 213 91 19 77 1 265 666
2012-13 222 87 18 79 1 294 701
2013-14 308 97 17 88 1 312 823
2014-15 359 96 17 96 1 314 883
2015-16 382 105 15 98 1 321 922
2016-17 382 102 15 103 1 318 921
2017-18 385 93 12 109 1 316 916
2018-19 345 102 12 114 1 293 136
2019-20 349 109 11 90 1 322 881
2020-21 186 109 11 100 1 336 743

Production in ‘000’ acres

Year Masur Moong Gram Mashkalai Arhar Other pulses(a) Total
2005-06 115 17 10 17 1 119 279
2006-07 117 19 10 19 1 105 271
2007-08 72 21 07 21 1 83 205
2008-09 61 18 07 22 1 87 196
2009-10 72 20 07 28 1 95 218
1010-11 80 19 07 29 1 96 232
2011-12 80 26 07 24 0.44 101 238
2012-13 93 25 07 26 0.423 114 265
2013-14 157 32 06 31 1 125 352
2014-15 167 33 07 33 1 138 379
2015-16 158 37 06 35 1 141 378
2016-17 169 35 06 39 1 138 388
2017-18 177 34 05 41 0.465 137 394
2018-19 161 34 05 42 0.468 136 378
2019-20 177 37 05 34 0.458 144 397
2020-21 186 41 05 37 0.474 155 424
Source: Agriculture Statistics Wing, BBS
144 Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery

4.31 Acreage and Production of Tobacco

Year Acreage Production
(M. tons)
1998-99 78240 28795

1999-00 79910 35480

2000-01 73870 36755

2001-02 75600 38080

2002-03 76110 36840

2003-04 75175 38690

2004-05 73535 37955

2005-06 78385 42710

2006-07 75860 39180

2007-08 72344 40248

2008-09 73808 40265

2009-10 94568 55288

2010-11 120754 79234

2011-12 125736 85419

2012-13 119695 79370

2013-14 123986 84922

2014-15 127379 94221

2015-16 114786 87628

2016-17 113297 87628

2017-18 104914 89009

2018-19 93998 82399

2019-20 100006 85853

2020-21 99600 89002

Source: Agriculture Wing, BBS

Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery 145

4.32 Acreage and Production of Condiments and Spices

Acreage (000 acres) Production (000 M. tons)
Year Chillies Onion Garlic Others(a) Total Chillies Onion Garlic Others(a) Total
2002-03 420 93 36 77 626 137 153 43 92 425
2003-04 401 128 52 76 666 139 272 73 125 609
2004-05 382 213 63 89 747 186 589 90 135 1000
2005-06 352 286 66 89 793 155 769 102 156 1182
2006-07 349 318 96 97 860 154 894 177 180 1405
2007-08 231 309 83 105 728 118 889 145 216 1368
2008-09 221 266 85 108 680 109 735 155 213 1212
2009-10 215 291 92 108 706 109 872 164 205 1350
2010-11 259 316 104 115 794 176 1052 209 212 1649
2011-12 240 335 109 118 802 126 1159 234 237 1756
2012-13 231 332 105 116 784 102 1168 224 226 1720
2013-14 222 373 131 130 856 110 1387 312 234 2043
2014-15 228 419 141 136 924 123 1704 346 235 2408
2015-16 252 438 150 137 977 130 1735 382 239 2486
2016-17 255 459 164 140 1018 137 1867 425 244 2673
2017-18 255 441 176 140 1006 141 1738 462 253 2589
2018-19 239 426 177 151 993 149 1803 466 253 2522
2019-20 239 458 182 168 1047 158 1954 485 399 2996
2020-21 247 480 180 153 1060 492 2269 502 330 3593
Source: Agriculture Wing, BBS

4.33 Acreage and Production of Miscellaneous Cash Crops

Year Acreage (‘000 acres) Production
Potato Potato Nut Cotton Hemp Berry (Acres) Potato Sweet Betelnut Cotton Sunhemp Mulberry*
(sweet) (‘000’ potato M. tons bales) (bales) (‘000’
(tons) (tons) (tons)
1999-00 601 101 190 40 - 4 Nil 2933 378 44 29 - 7
2000-01 615 97 130 39 - - Nil 3216 357 95 27 - 6
2001-02 587 94 192 32 - 4 Nil 2994 346 47 27 - 5
2002-03 606 91 191 27 - 4 Nil 3386 332 51 22 - 5
2003-04 669 88 191 39 - 3 Nil 3908 320 55 28 - 4
2004-05 806 87 192 37 - 3 Nil 4856 311 55 25 - 4
2005-06 744 84 61 26 - 4 Nil 4161 308 207 30 - 8
2006-07 853 83 57 25 0.06 1 Nil 5167 304 216 18 0.15 24
2007-08 993 78 51 22 - 1 Nil 6648 307 252 15 - 25
2008-09 977 78 42 18 0.171 1 Nil 5268 305 258 12 0.244 24
2009-10 1074 77 38 24 0.158 1 Nil 7930 307 260 26 0.461 21
2010-11 1137 75 45 29 0.165 1 Nil 8326 298 218 26 1 14
2011-12 1063 61 39 25 0.1 1 Nil 8205 253 244 27 1 28
2012-13 1098 67 37 31 0.145 1 Nil 8603 263 238 20 1 27
2013-14 1142 64 37 28 0.00006 1 Nil 8950 260 214 97 - 28
2014-15 1164 62 29 33 0.000117 1 9254 255 186 41 - 29

2015-16 1175 61 30 34 0.000106 0.463 Nil 9474 259 277 45 - 28

2016-17 1235 64 42 33 0.091 0.491 Nil 10216 263 247 43 23 27
2017-18 1176 59 42 32 0.083 0.314 Nil 9725 247 - 48 0.36 27
2018-19 1157 60 96 49 0.077 0.292 Nil 9655 236 317 148 0.319 27
2019-20 1140 61 97 49 01 Nil 9606 246 329 147 0.079 26
2020-21 1158 66 115 39 0.058 01 Nil 9887 280 346 102 0.668 31
Note : The area and production data of 1998-99 has been adjusted with census data of 1996.
Source : Agriculture Wing, BBS
146 Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery

4.34 Acreage and Production of Rice by Varieties

Year Area in ‘000’ acres Production in ‘000’M. tons
Aman Aus Boro Aman
Local HYV Total Local HYV Total Local HYV Hybride Total Local HYV Total
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

2004-05 5866 7181 13047 1418 1114 2532 464 9578 - 10042 3126 6693 9819
2005-06 5524 7891 13415 1279 1277 2556 430 9617 - 10047 3305 7505 10810
2006-07 5137 8245 13382 1051 1187 2238 336 10166 - 10522 2974 7867 10841
2007-08 4069 8405 12474 885 1385 2270 311 9341 - 11386 1947 7715 9662
2008-09 4440 9145 13585 929 1704 2633 302 2011 - 11654 2538 9075 11152
2009-10 4670 9323 13993 8320 1600 2432 265 13366 - 11631 2804 9403 12207
2010-11 4304 9647 13951 780 1970 2750 195 9968 1625 11788 2650 10142 12792
2011-12 4139 9650 13789 708 2104 2812 179 10114 1593 11886 2544 10254 12798
2012-13 4041 9822 13863 653 1949 2602 163 10082 1518 11763 2460 10437 12897
2013-14 3778 9888 13666 601 1997 2598 131 10135 1572 11838 2361 10662 13023
2014-15 3679 9986 13665 569 2014 2583 130 10106 1725 11961 2302 10888 13190
2015-16 3560 10254 13814 524 1992 2516 117 9992 1685 11794 2243 11240 13483
2016-17 3486 10311 13797 466 1861 2327 84 9268 1708 11060 2216 11440 13656
2017-18 3217 10818 14035 396 2260 2657 80 9992 1935 12008 1783 12210 13993
2018-19 2992 10900 13892 434 2298 2731 112 9612 2108 11832 1668 12386 14055
2019-20 2646 11094 13740 325 2381 2706 82 9496 2189 11767 1495 12709 14204
2020-21 2540 11319 13859 265 2960 3225 77 9298 2453 11828 1504 12934 14438

Production in ‘000’ M.tons Area in ‘000’ acres Production in ‘000’ M.tons

Aus Boro All varieties All varieties
Local HYV Total Local HYV Hybride Total Local HYV Hybride Total Local HYV Hybride Total
2+5+8 3+6+9 10 4+7+11 12+15+18 13+16+19 14+17+21
(15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29)

2004-05 638 862 1500 392 13446 - 13837 7748 17873 - 25621 4155 21001 - 25156

2005-06 664 1081 1745 347 13628 - 13975 7233 18785 - 26018 4316 22214 - 26530
2006-07 516 996 1512 256 14709 - 14965 6444 19598 - 26142 3746 23572 - 27318

2007-08 408 1099 1507 226 3552 - 17762 5265 20364 - 26129 2581 26350 - 28931
2008-09 447 1948 1895 218 12866 3725 17809 5670 - 20191 27872 3203 - 24389
2009-10 393 1316 1709 215 17844 - 18059 5767 24289 - 28056 3412 28563 - 31975
2010-11 394 1739 2133 162 15329 3126 18617 5279 21585 1625 28489 3206 27210 3126 33542
2011-12 369 1963 2332 140 15597 3022 18759 5026 21868 1593 28487 3053 27814 3022 33889
2012-13 337 1821 2158 137 15752 2889 18778 4857 21853 1518 28228 2937 28010 2889 33836
2013-14 304 2022 2326 100 15898 3009 19007 4510 22020 1572 28101 2765 28582 3009 34356
2014-15 293 2035 2328 99 15782 3311 19192 4378 22106 1725 28209 28705 34710
2015-16 278 2011 2289 89 15609 3239 18937 4201 22238 1685 28124 2610 28860 3239 34709
2016-17 254 1880 2134 66 14675 3273 18014 4036 21440 1708 27184 2536 27995 3273 33804
2017-18 223 2487 2710 62 15835 3678 19576 3693 23070 3678 28700 2068 30532 3678 36279
2018-19 242 2534 2775 85 15364 4111 19561 3538 22810 2108 28455 1995 30284 2108 36391
2019-20 162 2594 2756 61 15458 4127 19646 3053 22971 2189 28213 1718 30761 4127 36606

2020-21 139 3146 3285 56 15202 4627 19885 2882 23577 4627 28912 1699 31282 4627 37608
Note: Total may differ due to rounding, HYV-High yielding varieties, includes pajam also, Local Aman included broadcast also.
Source: Agriculture Wing, BBS
Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery 147

4.35 Acreage and Production of Rice by Former Districts

(Area in thousand acres andproduction in thousand M. tons)
Former Districts Area and 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
Bandarban Area 51 34 47 47 49 47 53 55
Prod. 46 50 43 41 48 46 52 55

Chattagram Area 1031 1039 1051 1061 1047 1.28 1015 976
Prod. 1149 1212 1201 1193 1229 1180 1143

Khagrachhari Area 101 103 119 108 108 107 100 99

Prod. 99 107 124 129 130 130 118 115

Cumilla Area 1497 347 1756 1685 1665 1650 1635 1606
Prod. 1738 1921 2083 2061 2055 2005 1934 1915

Noakhali Area 1008 1055 1153 1222 1231 1234 1214 1173
Prod. 893 983 1085 1182 1220 1265 1289 1239

Rangamati Area 50 58 57 58 60 53 60 60
Prod. 49 57 62 54 63 52 69 68

Sylhet Area 1978 2161 1974 2112 2158 2232 2231 2281
Prod. 2096 2204 2299 2423 2480 2494 2558 2633

Dhaka Area 1023 1060 1135 1109 1084 1089 1073 1062
Prod. 1341 1344 1494 1443 1477 1431 1410 1377

Faridpur Area 861 1029 1107 1044 987 959 906 919
Prod. 1020 1186 1231 1240 1229 1180 1181 1195

Jamalpur Area 895 929 1030 1027 1038 1027 973 997
Prod. 1022 1105 1241 1346 1344 1313 1251 1314

Kishoreganj (a) Area 1245 1333 1339 1417 1395 1398 1395 1454
Prod. 1666 1745 1657 1914 1879 1969 1938 2001
Mymensingh Area 1369 1390 1414 1452 1448 1401 1359 1351
Prod. 1392 1458 1457 1618 1644 1586 1779 1779
Tangail Area 648 726 745 761 759 727 725 731
Prod. 844 871 895 940 927 900 993 1004

Barishal Area 1627 1725 1743 1762 1749 1710 1714 1702
Prod. 1151 1448 1445 1584 1607 1500 1492 1541
Jashore Area 1679 1809 1767 1789 1789 1722 1719 1676
Prod. 1980 2150 2158 2247 2334 2200 2302 2243
Khulna Area 1145 1204 1105 1135 1108 1125 1155 1146
Prod. 1077 1223 1208 1250 1201 1281 1423 1399
Kushtia Area 673 746 729 757 776 741 758 747
Prod. 738 852 843 888 965 911 943 920
Patuakhali Area 695 1015 1041 1050 1049 1019 979 953
Prod. 450 608 712 744 751 756 737 732

Bogura Area 1220 1323 1288 1311 1315 1304 1311 1302
Prod. 1622 1667 1593 1603 1644 1720 1692 1727
Dinajpur Area 1716 1820 1816 1820 1840 1834 1867 1901
Prod. 2068 2207 2234 2334 2243 2257 2376 2417
Pabna Area 853 953 991 999 983 988 1022 999
Prod. 1099 1153 1139 1245 1159 1258 1318 1296

Rajshahi Area 2149 2232 2162 2258 2315 2258 2299 2289
Prod. 2781 2818 2684 2870 2938 2750 3075 3031
Rangpur Area 2346 2439 2498 2504 2545 2575 2637 2634
Prod. 2699 3006 3075 3174 3256 3398 3588 3556

Bangladesh Area 26128 27872 28055 28489 28488 28229 28209 28123
Prod. 28931 31317 31975 33542 33890 33833 34710 34709

Note : (a) agriculture district.

Source : Agriculture Wing, BBS
148 Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery

4.36 Acreage and Production of Rice (All Varieties) by Former

Districts 2011-12
Former districts Area in ‘000’ acres Production in ‘000’ M. tons
Local HYV Hybrid Total Local HYV Hybrid Total
Bandarban 16 33 0.30 52 11 37 01 54
Chattagram 111 911 25 1047 71 1083 39 1193
Cumilla 224 1378 63 1665 118 1826 111 2055
Khagrachhari* 05 99 04 108 03 120 07 130
Noakhali 483 662 86 1231 298 775 147 1220
Rangamati* 12 802 08 822 07 43 12 62
Sylhet 519 1518 121 2158 385 1898 198 2681
Dhaka 202 846 35 1083 93 1305 78 1476
Faridpur 300 609 79 988 126 934 170 1230
Jamalpur 140 813 85 1038 96 1091 157 1344
Kishoreganj (agri.) 144 1138 1112 13394 95 1561 229 1879
Mymensingh 182 1214 52 14448 117 1427 9 1643
Tangail 156 596 07 759 83 830 14 927
Barishal 887 816 46 1749 585 928 94 1607
Jashore 83 817 115 1015 42 2060 233 2335
Khulna 244 753 108 1108 144 868 184 1196
Kushtia 28 735 14 777 13 922 29 964
Patuakhali 584 365 - 1049 415 336 0 751
Bogura 43 1162 109 1314 30 1400 214 1644
Dinajpur 57 1693 90 1840 38 2035 171 2244
Pabna 205 743 35 983 104 1081 74 1259
Rajshahi 188 2043 84 2315 105 2654 176 2939
Rangpur 110 2121 315 2546 71 2594 591 3256
Bangladesh 5026 21867 1593 28486 3055 27813 3022 33890
Note: HYV- High yielding varieties. * Khagrachhari & Rangamati constitutes former Chattagram H.Ts. District.
Source: Agriculture Wing, BBS

4.37 Acreage and Production of Rice (All Varieties) by Former Districts

Year: 2012-13
Former districts Area in ‘000’ acres Production in ‘000’ M. tons
Local HYV Hybrid Total Local HYV Hybrid Total
Bandarban 14 33 0.34 47 10 35 01 46
Chattagram 107 897 24 1028 68 1120 41 1229
Cumilla 225 1366 59 1650 117 1774 114 2005
Khagrachhari* 05 99 03 107 04 120 06 130
Noakhali 473 674 87 1234 300 815 150 1265
Rangamati* 14 38 01 53 09 42 01 52
Sylhet 520 1591 121 2232 375 1915 204 2494
Dhaka 201 855 33 1089 91 1273 67 1431
Faridpur 282 595 82 959 135 876 169 1180
Jamalpur 142 799 86 1027 95 1058 160 1313
Kishoreganj (agri.) 133 1157 108 1378 90 1688 191 1969
Mymensingh 175 1173 53 1401 120 1352 114 1586
Tangail 146 576 05 727 73 817 10 900
Barishal 867 795 48 1710 504 895 101 1500
Jashore 71 1547 104 1722 37 1953 210 2200
Khulna 229 787 109 1125 161 928 194 1283
Kushtia 28 698 15 741 13 898 30 911
Patuakhali 663 356 - 1019 416 340 - 756
Bogura 39 1163 102 1304 28 1497 195 1720
Dinajpur 54 1713 37 1834 36 2096 125 2257
Pabna 195 761 32 988 98 1100 60 1258
Rajshahi 173 1014 71 2258 96 2704 150 2950
Rangpur 100 2167 308 2575 60 2742 596 3398
Bangladesh 4857 21854 1518 28229 293 28011 2889 33833
Note: HYV- High yielding varieties. * Khagrachhari & Rangamati constitutes former Chattagram H.Ts. District.
Source: Agriculture Wing, BBS
Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery 149

4.38 Estimates of Wheat, 2019-20 to 2020-21

2019-20 2020-21
Zila/Division Acres Hectares Acre Hectare Production Acres Hectares Acre Hectare Production
(Maund) (M. Ton) (M. Ton) (Maund) (M. Ton) (M. Ton)
1 Barguna 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0
2 Barishal 1052 426 25.52 2.354 1002 1800 728 25.24 2.328 1696
3 Bhola 4830 1955 34.15 3.150 6157 5670 2295 33.10 3.053 7005
4 Jhalakathi 40 16 33.30 3.072 50 160 65 33.38 3.079 199
5 Patuakhali 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 31 13 35.01 3.229 41
6 Pirojpur 46 19 16.66 1.537 29 57 23 19.54 1.802 42
1 Barishal Division 5968 2415 32.49 2.997 7237 7718 3123 146 2.876 8983
7 Bandarban 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0 0.000 0
8 Brahmanbaria 2928 1185 24.77 2.285 2707 1898 768 19.44 1.793 1378
9 Chandpur 979 396 27.71 2.556 1013 107 43 29.28 2.701 117
10 Chattaogram 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0 0.000 0
11 Cumilla 1232 498 27.59 2.545 1269 1231 498 27.42 2.529 1259
12 Cox, Bazar 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0 0.000 0
13 Feni 144 58 27.32 2.520 147 150 61 28.67 2.645 161
14 Khagrachari 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0 0.000 0
15 Laksmipur 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0 0.000 0
16 Noakhali 3 1 21.01 1.938 2 21 8 25.21 2.325 20
17 Rangamati 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 0 0 0 0.000 0
2 Ctg. Division 5286 2139 26.04 20402 5138 3407 1379 23.073 2.128 2934
18 Dhaka 372 150 27.08 2.498 376 372 150 32.83 3.028 455
19 Faridpur 56919 23034 26.42 2.437 56133 55341 22395 36.90 3.404 76226
20 Gazipur 134 54 20.23 1.866 101 167 67 32.06 2.957 199
21 Gopalgonj 16678 6749 31.39 2.895 19542 13291 5379 31.06 2.865 15409
22 Kishoregonj 2471 1000 24.07 2.220 2220 3030 1226 27.27 2.515 3084
23 Madaripur 10658 4313 32.02 2.954 12738 11787 4770 32.00 2.952 14079
24 Manikgonj 873 353 31.80 2.933 1036 3993 1616 30.42 2.806 4534
25 Munsigonj 0 0 0.00 0.000 0 21 8 31.63 2.918 24
26 Naryangonj 5 2 22.56 2.081 4 140 56 20.61 1.901 107
27 Narsingdi 830 336 24.33 2.244 754 241 98 24.20 2.232 218
28 Rajbari 29423 11907 28.80 2.657 31631 29485 11932 28.39 2.619 31246
29 Shariatpur 10003 4048 33.66 3.105 12568 10260 4152 35.18 3.245 13473
30 Tangail 10986 4446 28.39 2.619 11642 11985 4850 30.43 2.807 13613
3 Dhaka Division 139351 56392 28.60 2.638 148745 140111 56700 33.02 3.045 172668
31 Bagerhat 2205 892 20.35 1.877 1675 259 105 20.65 1.905 200
32 Chuadanga 2824 1143 28.64 2.642 3019 1869 765 40.31 3.718 2812
33 Jashore 933 378 30.61 2.823 1066 1890 765 32.89 3.034 2320
34 Jhenaidah 10310 4172 36.50 3.367 14047 13261 5366 37.68 3.476 18652
35 Khulna 460 186 24.31 2.242 417 497 201 27.87 2.571 517
36 Kustia 28147 11390 41.02 3.784 43098 27399 11088 41.81 3.857 42760
37 Magura 10574 4279 30.19 2.785 11916 10947 4430 30.33 2.798 12394
38 Meherpur 28856 11677 39.33 3.628 42363 31854 12891 46.05 4.248 54755
39 Narail 3522 1425 31.96 2.948 4202 3717 1504 31.69 2.923 4397
40 Satkhira 1802 729 31.25 2.882 2102 1843 746 31.48 2.904 1265
4 Khulna Division 89633 36273 37.03 28.978 123905 93536 37852 40.38 3.724 140972
41 Jamalpur 9753 3947 31.86 2.939 11599 10623 4299 30.69 2.831 12169
42 Mymensingh 3296 1334 27.03 2.493 3326 3247 1314 30.05 2.772 3642
43 Netrokona 3162 1280 25.90 2.389 3057 2005 811 23.26 2.145 1741
44 Sherpur 1652 669 30.58 2.821 1886 2080 842 31.43 2.899 2440
5 Mymensingh Division 17863 7229 29.80 2.748 19867 17955 7266 29.83 2.752 19993
45 Bogura 6555 2653 31.17 2.875 7627 6264 2535 31.75 2.929 7424
46 Joypurhat 5743 2324 30.29 2.794 6493 5649 2286 29.39 2.711 6197
47 Naogaon 53783 21765 35.63 3.286 71530 56124 22712 37.93 3.499 79462
48 Natore 54380 22006 31.77 2.930 64489 53757 21754 31.88 2.941 63971
49 Chapai Nawabgonj 64099 25939 37.39 3.449 89461 60134 24335 39.35 3.630 88327
50 Pabna 64118 25947 32.04 2.955 76683 64976 26294 32.79 3.025 79528
51 Rajshahi 65098 26344 33.33 3.074 80990 62433 25265 33.12 3.055 77184
52 Sirajgonj 14114 5712 29.52 2.723 15552 13460 5447 30.79 2.840 15470
6 Rajshahi Division 327890 132690 33.73 3.111 412825 322797 130629 34.65 3.197 417562
53 Dinajpur 16320 6604 30.91 2.851 18830 10237 4143 34.27 3.161 13095
54 Gaibandha 7952 3218 27.59 2.545 8189 7317 2961 32.01 2.953 8743
55 Kurigram 20750 8397 32.93 3.037 25506 20932 8471 35.83 3.305 27995
56 Lalmonirhat 3457 1399 30.88 2.848 3985 3302 1336 32.58 3.005 4016
57 Nilphamari 12843 5197 33.39 3.080 16007 12475 5048 34.93 3.222 16265
58 Panchagar 43785 17719 34.09 3.144 55716 44594 18046 35.74 3.297 59492
59 Rangpur 4377 1771 35.64 3.287 5823 4235 1714 44.99 4.150 7112
60 Thakurgaon 123457 49960 38.12 3.516 175669 121790 49286 40.39 3.726 183617
7 Rangpur Division 232941 94266 35.62 3.286 309725 224882 91005 38.16 3.520 320335
61 Hobigonj 722 292 19.87 1.833 536 550 223 28.79 2.656 591
62 Maulovibazar 83 34 24.48 2.258 76 88 36 19.93 1.746 62
63 Sunamgonj 854 346 29.55 2.726 942 1172 474 18.98 1.751 830
64 Sylhet 490 198 19.65 1.813 359 590 239 19.84 1.830 437
8 Sylhet Division 2149 870 23.84 2.199 1913 2400 971 21.44 1.977 1921
Bangladesh 821081 332274 33.59 3.098 1029354 812805 328924 35.77 3.300 1085368
Note : *Khagrachhari & Rangamati constitutes former Chattagram H.Ts. District. ** Agriculture District.
Source : Agriculture Wing, BBS
150 Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery

4.39 Acreage and Production of Oil Seeds

Acreage (thousand acres)
Year Rape and mustard Til Linseed Groundnut Cocoanut Castor Other oil Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2001-02 749 91 11 64 76 1 3 955
2002-03 735 96 11 66 77 1 2 988
2003-04 690 96 11 64 96 1 2 960
2004-05 597 96 12 71 13 - 9 798
2005-06 536 76 34 73 22 1 5 747
2006-07 520 89 35 81 12 0.47 5 742
2007-08 577 83 31 77 06 0.34 3 777
2008-09 578 81 28 77 07 - 2 773
2009-10 601 88 26 83 06 - 1 805
2010-11 623 86 25 78 07 - 1 820
2011-12 682 82 24 77 06 - 1 872
2012-13 728 84 23 71 05 - 1 911
2013-14 727 93 22 73 06 - 3 921
2014-15 803 94 17 78 09 - 3 1004
2015-16 787 100 16 88 - - 4 995
2016-17 831 93 13 91 10 - 2 1041
2017-18 760 93 14 94 10 - 4 975
2018-19 667 85 13 87 89 - 158 1099
2019-20 83 10 81 90 - 155 1183

2020-21 814 86 13 86 89 - 147 1235

Acreage (thousand Production)

Year Rape and mustard Til Linseed Groundnut Cocoanut Castor Other oil Total
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
2001-02 233 22 3 30 87 0.27 1 376
2002-03 218 25 2 34 88 0.29 1 368
2003-04 210 25 3 34 133 0.30 1 406
2004-05 191 37 3 39 907 - 3 1180
2005-06 183 39 8 38 325 0.33 2 595
2006-07 189 29 8 46 352 0.33 1 625
2007-08 228 27 8 44 334 0.23 1 642
2008-09 203 28 7 47 316 - 1 602
2009-10 222 32 7 53 402 - 0.36 716
2010-11 246 31 7 54 326 - 0.40 664
2011-12 262 30 6 52 372 - 0.37 722
2012-13 194 31 6 50 364 - 0.34 745
2013-14 296 30 9 56 341 - 2 735
2014-15 359 36 05 57 384 - 02 843
2015-16 362 37 04 62 374 - - 841
2016-17 363 34 04 66 409 - 02 878
2017-18 352 35 04 67 467 - 02 927
2018-19 312 32 04 63 432 - - -
2019-20 358 32 03 81 412 - 106 992
2020-21 397 32 04 67 403 - 93 996
Note : Production of cocoanut (in weight) has been calculated at 40 cleaned cocoanut equal to one maund approximately.
Source : Agriculture Wing, BBS
Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery 151

4.40 Estimate of Kharif Groundnut 2020-21

(Area in acres and production in M. tons)
2019-20 2020-21
District/Division Area Yield Per acre Production Area (acre) Yield Per Production
(acre) (KG) (MT) acre (KG) (MT)
1 Barguna 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 Barishal 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 Bhola 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Jhalokati 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Patuakhali 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 Pirojpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 Barishal 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 Bandarban 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 Brahmanbaria 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 Chandpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 Chattagram 0 0 0 67.92 782.83 5.17
11 Cumilla 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 Cox’s Bazar 368 1332 490 396 1259.95 498.94
13 Feni 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 Khagrachhari 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 Laksmipur 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 Noakhali 0 0 0 0 0 0
17 Rangamati 33 758 25 29 823.10 23.87
2 Chattogram 401 1284 515 492.92 1168.51 575.98
18 Dhaka 0 0 0 0 0 0
19 Faridpur 246 431 106 146 596 87
20 Gazipur 106 500 53 112.74 471.88 53.20
21 Gopalganj 25 880 22 27 895.56 24.18
22 Kishorganj 225 356 80 223.41 545.10 101.45
23 Madaripur 30 1500 45 25 1500 37.50
24 Manikganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
25 Munshiganj 3 333 1 9.5 447 4.25
26 Narayanganj 12 500 6 13.15 539 7.09
27 Narsingdi 37 568 21 0 0 0
28 Rajbari 575 704 405 549 714 392
29 Shariatpur 5 600 3 6 667 4
30 Tangail 87 1667 145 89 1636.40 145.64
3 Dhaka 1351 657 887 1200.80 713.12 856.31
31 Bagerhat 8 625 5 9 583.33 5.25
32 Chuadanga 91 615 56 79 646 51
33 Jashore 0 0 0 0 0 0
34 Jheniadah 31 613 19 28 649.29 18.18
35 Khulna 0 0 0 2.50 352 0.88
36 Kushtia 153 739 113 145 724 105
37 Magura 0 0 0 22.25 1966.29 43.75
38 Meherpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
39 Narail 126 683 86 78 692 54
40 Satkhira 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Khulna 409 682 279 363.75 764 278.06
41 Jamalpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
42 Mymensing 0 0 0 38 632 24
43 Netrokona 0 0 0 0 0 0
44 Sherpur 0 0 0 62 2210 137
5 Mymensing 0 0 0 100 1610 161
45 Bogura 0 0 0 0 0 0
46 Joypurhat 0 0 0 0 0 0
47 Naogaon 144 736 106 107 755.23 80.81
48 Natore 113 726 82 91 868 79
49 Chapai Nawabganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
50 Pabna 690 946 653 700 966.24 676.37
51 Rajshahi 17 588 10 30.64 793.73 24.32
52 Sirajganj 144 660 95 146.20 593.84 86.82
6 Rajshahi 1108 854 946 1074.84 881.36 947.32
53 Dinajpur 34 588 20 41 585 24
54 Gaibandha 438 902 395 411 951 391
55 Kurigram 776 455 353 1338 614 821
56 Lalmonirhat 1343 824 1106 720 754 543
57 Nilphamari 138 587 81 116 690 80
58 Panchagarh 2678 674 1805 2821 725 2045
59 Rangpur 123 764 94 156 782 122
60 Thakurgaon 57 421 24 60 450 27
7 Rangpur 5587 694 3878 5663 716 4053
61 Habiganj 72 542 39 73 532.88 38.90
62 Mauluvibazar 23 478 11 25 880 22
63 Sunamganj 349 771 269 335 821 275
64 Sylhet 8 625 5 11 1200 13.20
8 Sylhet 452 717 324 444 786.26 349.10
Bangladesh 9308 734 6829 9339.31 773.16 7220.77
Source : Agriculture Wing, BBS
152 Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery

4.40 Estimate of Winter Groundnut 2019-20 to 2020-21

(Area in acres and production in M. tons)
2019-20 2020-21
District/Division Area Yield Per acre Production Area (acre) Yield Per Production
(acre) (KG) (MT) acre (KG) (MT)
1 Barguna 186 903 168 189 1296 245
2 Barishal 70 786 55 77 883 68
3 Bhola 4728 764 3614 4716 787 3713
4 Jhalokati 22 455 10 25 440 11
5 Patuakhali 1196 627 750 1204 414 499
6 Pirojpur 13 692 9 13 692 9
1 Barishal 6215 741 4606 6224 730 4545
7 Bandarban 200 695 139 213 695 148
8 Brahmanbaria 347 608 211 392 599 235
9 Chandpur 265 574 152 265 592 157
10 Chattagram 1902 909 1728 1905 908 1730
11 Cumilla 322 960 309 323 960 310
12 Cox’s Bazar 621 1250 776 626 1256 786
13 Feni 1932 717 1386 1943 715 1390
14 Khagrachhari 128 1047 134 129 1054 136
15 Laksmipur 209 1172 245 211 1185 250
16 Noakhali 7676 529 4062 11215 678 7607
17 Rangamati 57 596 34 54 574 31
2 Chattogram 13659 672 9176 17276 740 12780
18 Dhaka 278 629 175 261 670 175
19 Faridpur 5389 1134 6113 5330 1140 6075
20 Gazipur 82 305 25 32 375 12
21 Gopalganj 1744 889 1550 1477 890 1314
22 Kishorganj 1875 1095 2054 1914 809 1549
23 Madaripur 287 714 205 295 729 215
24 Manikganj 1890 586 1108 2121 695 1474
25 Munshiganj 167 731 122 145 752 109
26 Narayanganj 523 528 276 525 530 278
27 Narsingdi 566 532 301 566 532 301
28 Rajbari 301 1601 482 290 1634 474
29 Shariatpur 667 1012 675 646 1045 675
30 Tangail 2922 533 1556 2924 552 1615
3 Dhaka 16691 877 14642 16526 863 14266
31 Bagerhat 37 676 25 46 609 28
32 Chuadanga 56 607 34 52 596 31
33 Jashore 15 467 7 17 529 9
34 Jheniadah 706 1200 847 711.85 1196.38 851.364
35 Khulna 0 0 0 0 0 0
36 Kushtia 480 631 303 495 626 310
37 Magura 63 2127 134 65 2062 134
38 Meherpur 27 630 17 21 857 18
39 Narail 1023 992 1025 976 929 907
40 Satkhira 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Khulna 2407 990 2382 2383.85 960.06 2288.64
41 Jamalpur 315 670 211 304 671 204
42 Mymensing 680 535 364 649 562 365
43 Netrokona 150 647 97 313 808 253
44 Sherpur 110 955 105 103 971 100
5 Mymensing 1255 619 777 1369 673 922
45 Bogura 513 536 275 553 535 296
46 Joypurhat 0 0 0 0 0 0
47 Naogaon 157 637 100 213 700 149
48 Natore 22 455 10 1091 450 491
49 Chapai Nawabganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
50 Pabna 770 723 557 637 749 477
51 Rajshahi 507 862 437 703 868 610
52 Sirajganj 3100 689 2136 3169 764 2421
6 Rajshahi 5069 693 3515 6366 698 4444
53 Dinajpur 80 788 63 62 823 51
54 Gaibandha 1290 923 1191 1313 903 1185
55 Kurigram 1963 675 1326 2274 673 1630
56 Lalmonirhat 409 892 365 409 910 372
57 Nilphamari 246 553 136 224 567 127
58 Panchagarh 19947 709 14148 19561 758 14837
59 Rangpur 81 765 62 119 739 88
60 Thakurgaon 86 628 54 81 617 50
7 Rangpur 24102 720 17345 24043 759 18240
61 Habiganj 10 800 8 15 467 7
62 Mauluvibazar 27 481 13 20 540 9
63 Sunamganj 2050 772 1582 2769 727 2014
64 Sylhet 35 1086 38 12 750 9
8 Sylhet 2122 774 1642 2816 724 2039
Bangladesh 71520 756 54085 77003.85 773 59524.64
Source : Agriculture Wing, BBS
Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery 153

4.41 Estimate of Tobacco (Jati) 2019-20 to 2020-21

(Area in acres and production in M. tons)
2019-20 2020-21
District/Division Area Yield Per acre Production Area (acre) Yield Per Production
(acre) (KG) (MT) acre (KG) (MT)
1 Barguna 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 Barishal 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 Bhola 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Jhalokati 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Patuakhali 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 Pirojpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 Barishal 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 Bandarban 0 0 0 6641 485.79 3226.10
8 Brahmanbaria 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 Chandpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 Chattagram 0 0 0 15 80 1.20
11 Cumilla 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 Cox’s Bazar 0 0 0 385.80 1096.27 422.94
13 Feni 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 Khagrachhari 0 0 0 2046.30 966.57 1977.89
15 Laksmipur 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 Noakhali 0 0 0 0 0 0
17 Rangamati 0 0 0 260.83 728.75 190.08
2 Chattogram 0 0 0 9348.93 622.34 5818.21
18 Dhaka 0 0 0 0 0 0
19 Faridpur 0 0 0 54 722 39
20 Gazipur 0 0 0 0 0 0
21 Gopalganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
22 Kishorganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
23 Madaripur 0 0 0 0 0 0
24 Manikganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
25 Munshiganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
26 Narayanganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
27 Narsingdi 0 0 0 0 0 0
28 Rajbari 0 0 0 0 0 0
29 Shariatpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
30 Tangail 0 0 0 49.50 320.40 15.86
3 Dhaka 0 0 0 103.50 530.05 54.86
31 Bagerhat 0 0 0 0 0 0
32 Chuadanga 0 0 0 0 0 0
33 Jashore 0 0 0 0 0 0
34 Jheniadah 0 0 0 0 0 0
35 Khulna 0 0 0 0 0 0
36 Kushtia 0 0 0 0 0 0
37 Magura 0 0 0 0 0 0
38 Meherpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
39 Narail 0 0 0 0 0 0
40 Satkhira 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Khulna 0 0 0 0 485 16
41 Jamalpur 0 0 0 33 0 0
42 Mymensing 0 0 0 0 1009.44 36.34
43 Netrokona 0 0 0 36 0 0
44 Sherpur 0 0 0 0 758.55 52.34
5 Mymensing 0 0 0 69 0 0
45 Bogura 0 0 0 0 0 0
46 Joypurhat 0 0 0 0 0 0
47 Naogaon 0 0 0 0 0 0
48 Natore 0 0 0 0 0 0
49 Chapai Nawabganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
50 Pabna 0 0 0 0 0 0
51 Rajshahi 0 0 0 0 0 0
52 Sirajganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 Rajshahi 0 0 0 0 0 0
53 Dinajpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
54 Gaibandha 0 0 0 0 0 0
55 Kurigram 0 0 0 0 0 0
56 Lalmonirhat 811 580 470 829 581 482
57 Nilphamari 8013 803 6435 8017 792.18 6350.88
58 Panchagarh 0 0 0 0 0 0
59 Rangpur 1484 584 806 1461 691 1014
60 Thakurgaon 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 Rangpur 10308 754 7771 10313 760.87 7846.88
61 Habiganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
62 Mauluvibazar 0 0 0 0 0 0
63 Sunamganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
64 Sylhet 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 Sylhet 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bangladesh 19860.75 695.88 13820.67 19834 694.36 13772.29
Source : Agriculture Wing, BBS
154 Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery

4.41 Estimate of Tobacco (Matihari) 2019-20 & 2020-21

(Area in acres and production in M. tons)
2019-20 2020-21
District/Division Area Yield Per acre Production Area (acre) Yield Per Production
(acre) (KG) (MT) acre (KG) (MT)
1 Barguna 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 Barishal 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 Bhola 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Jhalokati 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Patuakhali 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 Pirojpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 Barishal 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 Bandarban 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 Brahmanbaria 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 Chandpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 Chattagram 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 Cumilla 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 Cox’s Bazar 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 Feni 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 Khagrachhari 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 Laksmipur 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 Noakhali 0 0 0 0 0 0
17 Rangamati 286 640 183 256.17 574.23 147.10
2 Chattogram 286 640 183 256.17 574.23 147.10
18 Dhaka 0 0 0 0 0 0
19 Faridpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
20 Gazipur 0 0 0 0 0 0
21 Gopalganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
22 Kishorganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
23 Madaripur 0 0 0 0 0 0
24 Manikganj 152 325 49.40 149 322.89 48.11
25 Munshiganj 4 677.50 2.71 4.43 647.86 2.87
26 Narayanganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
27 Narsingdi 0 0 0 0 0 0
28 Rajbari 0 0 0 103 913 94
29 Shariatpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
30 Tangail 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 Dhaka 156 334.04 52.11 256 565.38 144.98
31 Bagerhat 0 0 0 0 0 0
32 Chuadanga 0 0 0 0 0 0
33 Jashore 0 0 0 0 0 0
34 Jheniadah 0 0 0 0 0 0
35 Khulna 0 0 0 0 0 0
36 Kushtia 0 0 0 0 0 0
37 Magura 0 0 0 0 0 0
38 Meherpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
39 Narail 0 0 0 0 0 0
40 Satkhira 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Khulna 0 0 0 0 0 0
41 Jamalpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
42 Mymensing 0 0 0 0 0 0
43 Netrokona 0 0 0 0 0 0
44 Sherpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Mymensing 0 0 0 0 0 0
45 Bogura 0 0 0 0 0 0
46 Joypurhat 0 0 0 0 0 0
47 Naogaon 0 0 0 0 0 0
48 Natore 84 489.52 41.12 87.67 434.13 38.06
49 Chapai Nawabganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
50 Pabna 0 0 0 0 0 0
51 Rajshahi 0 0 0 0 0 0
52 Sirajganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 Rajshahi 84 489.52 41.12 87.67 434.13 38.06
53 Dinajpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
54 Gaibandha 0 0 0 0 0 0
55 Kurigram 0 0 0 0 0 0
56 Lalmonirhat 4312 788 3398 4333 780
57 Nilphamari 4057 699 2837 4058 684.92 2779.40
58 Panchagarh 9 200 280 10 240 2.40
59 Rangpur 902 511 561 908 576 523
60 Thakurgaon 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 Rangpur 9280 721.75 669.80 9309 718.07 6684.54
61 Habiganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
62 Mauluvibazar 0 0 0 0 0 0
63 Sunamganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
64 Sylhet 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 Sylhet 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bangladesh 9806 711.20 6973.03 9909 707.89 7014.68
Source: Agriculture Wing, BBS
Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery 155

4.41 Estimate of Tobacco (Vergina) 2019-20 & 2020-21

(Area in acres and production in M. tons)
2019-20 2020-21
District/Division Area Yield Per acre Production Area (acre) Yield Per Production
(acre) (KG) (MT) acre (KG) (MT)
1 Barguna 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 Barishal 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 Bhola 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Jhalokati 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Patuakhali 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 Pirojpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 Barishal 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 Bandarban 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 Brahmanbaria 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 Chandpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 Chattagram 40 340 13.60 6.24 838.14 5.23
11 Cumilla 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 Cox’s Bazar 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 Feni 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 Khagrachhari 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 Laksmipur 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 Noakhali 0 0 0 0 0 0
17 Rangamati 819.20 631.66 517.46 805.60 710.76 572.59
2 Chattogram 859.20 618.08 531.06 811.84 711.74 577.82
18 Dhaka 0 0 0 0 0 0
19 Faridpur 43 791 34 41 927 38
20 Gazipur 0 0 0 0 0 0
21 Gopalganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
22 Kishorganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
23 Madaripur 0 0 0 0 0 0
24 Manikganj 5261 770 4051 5216 846.75 4416.66
25 Munshiganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
26 Narayanganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
27 Narsingdi 0 0 0 0 0 0
28 Rajbari 0 0 0 0 0 0
29 Shariatpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
30 Tangail 312 522 163 293 538.26 157.71
3 Dhaka 5616 756 4248 5550 831.06 4612.37
31 Bagerhat 0 0 0 0 0 0
32 Chuadanga 2514 991 2491 2485 986.30 2450.96
33 Jashore 0 0 0 0 0 0
34 Jheniadah 3995 801 3201 4002 826 3307
35 Khulna 0 0 0 0 0 0
36 Kushtia 32794 1028 33699 32376 1068 34575
37 Magura 0 0 0 1.47 299.32 0.44
38 Meherpur 6220 1114 6927 6057 1135.03 6874.88
39 Narail 0 0 0 0 0 0
40 Satkhira 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Khulna 45523 1017 46318 44921.47 1050.91 47208.28
41 Jamalpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
42 Mymensing 0 0 0 0 0 0
43 Netrokona 0 0 0 0 0 0
44 Sherpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Mymensing 0 0 0 0 0 0
45 Bogura 0 0 0 0 0 0
46 Joypurhat 0 0 0 0 0 0
47 Naogaon 0 0 0 0 0 0
48 Natore 0 0 0 0 0 0
49 Chapai Nawabganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
50 Pabna 0 0 0 0 0 0
51 Rajshahi 0 0 0 0 0 0
52 Sirajganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 Rajshahi 12 417 5 9 444 4
53 Dinajpur 85 659 56 82 732 60
54 Gaibandha 394 614 242 393 613 241
55 Kurigram 12266 844 10357 12242.50 877.09 10737.77
56 Lalmonirhat 0 0 0 0 0 0
57 Nilphamari 0 0 0 0 0 0
58 Panchagarh 5584 591 3301 5847 816 4774
59 Rangpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
60 Thakurgaon 18341 761 13961 18573.50 851.58 15816.77
7 Rangpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
61 Habiganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
62 Mauluvibazar 0 0 0 0 0 0
63 Sunamganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
64 Sylhet 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 Sylhet 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bangladesh 70339.20 924.92 65058.06 69856.81 976.50 68215.24
Source : Agriculture Wing, BBS
156 Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery

4.41 Estimate of Tobacco (Others) 2016-17 & 2017-18

(Area in acres and production in M. tons)
2016-17 2017-18
District/Division Area Yield Per acre Production Area (acre) Yield Per Production
(acre) (KG) (MT) acre (KG) (MT)
1 Barguna 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 Barishal 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 Bhola 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Jhalokati 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Patuakhali 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 Pirojpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 Barishal 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 Bandarban 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 Brahmanbaria 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 Chandpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 Chattagram 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 Cumilla 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 Cox’s Bazar 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 Feni 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 Khagrachhari 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 Laksmipur 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 Noakhali 0 0 0 0 0 0
17 Rangamati 370 765 283 349 759 265
2 Chattagram 370 765 283 349 759 265
18 Dhaka 0 0 0 0 0 0
19 Faridpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
20 Gazipur 0 0 0 0 0 0
21 Gopalganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
22 Kishorganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
23 Madaripur 0 0 0 0 0 0
24 Manikganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
25 Munshiganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
26 Narayanganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
27 Narsingdi 0 0 0 0 0 0
28 Rajbari 0 0 0 0 0 0
29 Shariatpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
30 Tangail 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 Dhaka 0 0 0 0 0 0
31 Bagerhat 0 0 0 0 0 0
32 Chuadanga 0 0 0 0 0 0
33 Jashore 0 0 0 0 0 0
34 Jheniadah 0 0 0 0 0 0
35 Khulna 0 0 0 0 0 0
36 Kushtia 0 0 0 0 0 0
37 Magura 0 0 0 0 0 0
38 Meherpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
39 Narail 0 0 0 0 0 0
40 Satkhira 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Khulna 0 0 0 0 0 0
41 Jamalpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
42 Mymensing 0 0 0 0 0 0
43 Netrokona 0 0 0 0 0 0
44 Sherpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Mymensing 0 0 0 0 0 0
45 Bogura 0 0 0 0 0 0
46 Joypurhat 0 0 0 0 0 0
47 Naogaon 0 0 0 0 0 0
48 Natore 0 0 0 0 0 0
49 Chapai Nawabganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
50 Pabna 0 0 0 0 0 0
51 Rajshahi 0 0 0 0 0 0
52 Sirajganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 Rajshahi 0 0 0 0 0 0
53 Dinajpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
54 Gaibandha 0 0 0 0 0 0
55 Kurigram 0 0 0 0 0 0
56 Lalmonirhat 0 0 0 0 0 0
57 Nilphamari 0 0 0 0 0 0
58 Panchagarh 0 0 0 0 0 0
59 Rangpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
60 Thakurgaon 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 Rangpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
61 Habiganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
62 Mauluvibazar 0 0 0 0 0 0
63 Sunamganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
64 Sylhet 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 Sylhet 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bangladesh 370 765 283 349 759 265
Source : Agriculture Wing, BBS
Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery 157

4.42 Sowing and Harvesting Period of Important Crops and Requirement of Seeds
and Fertilizers
Crop Sowing period Harvesting period Seeds per acre Chemical fertilizer per acre
Creals :
1. Aus Paddy Mid March- Mid July-August 28-37 Kg. incase of Urea-1 Md. 5 Srs
Mid April broadcasting: 14-19 kg TSP-1 " 5 "
in case of live sowing MP 17 Srs.

2. Broadcast Mid March- Mid Nov-Mid Dec. 33-37 kg. Urea-33 Srs.
Aman Mid April TSP-33 "
Paddy MP-16 "

3. Transplanted Late June-Sept. December-January 9-11 kg. Urea-1 Md. 5 Srs.

Aman TSP-1 " 5 "
MP- 17 Srs.

4. Local Boro Mid Nov.-Mid Jan. April-May 8-11 kg. Urea-1 Md. 5 "
Paddy TSP-1 " 5 "
MP-17 Srs.

5. High Yielding December-Mid Feb. Mid April-June 8-11 kg. Urea-2 Mds. 25 "
Boro Paddy TSP-2 "
MP-1 " 10 Srs.

6. Wheat Nov.-December March-Mid April 28-33 kg. without irrigation Urea-1 "
TSP 20 "
MP 15 "
Fibres :
7. White Early March to July-August 4-5 kg. Urea-1 Md. 5 Srs.
Jute Mid April TSP 11 "
MP 16 "

8. Tossa Jute Mid April to August-September 4-5 kg. do.

early May

9. Mesta Jute April-May October-Nov. do. do

Pulses :
10. Masur Mid Oct. to Begining Feb. to 11-14 kg. Urea 30 "
Mid Nov. early March TSP-1 Md. 15 "
MP 20 "

11. Khesari Mid Oct. to Mid Mid Feb. to 9-11 kg. Urea 30 "
Dec. Mid April TSP-1 Mds.
MP 20 "
12. Bhadoi chillies Mid April to 3-4 months after 1 kg. in case of seeds
Mid July sowing

13. Rabi chillies Mid Nov. to 3-4 months after Seeding raised from
Mid January sowing approximately 100 grams
groom seeds

14. Onion Beginning Oct. to Late April to 2-3 kg in case of seeds

early Dec. Mid June (2-3 Gl. in case of bulb)

15. Turmeric Mid April to Mid Dec. to 8-11 kg.

Mid June Mid March

16. Ginger Mid March to Mid Dec. to 8-11 kg.

Mid May Mid March

17. Corriander Oct.-Dec. Mid Feb to Mid March 6-8 kg.

Others :
18. Potato Mid Sept. to Nov. Mid January to March 4-6 Ql. tuber Urea-3 Mds.
TSP-2 "
MP-3 "

19. Sugarcane Early Mid Oct. to Mid Oct. to Mid April 19 Ql. cuttings. Urea-3 "
Mid December TSP- 3 "
MP -2 "

20. Tobacco Mid Oct to Mid Dec. Mid Feb. to Mid April 23-35 grams Urea 36 Srs.
TSP 22 "
MP 35 "
Source : Agriculture Wing, BBS, (ii) Ministry of Agriculture
158 Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery

4.43 Sowing and Harvesting Period of Selected Vegetable and Requirement of

Seeds and Fertilizers
Vegetable Sowing period Harvesting period Seed per acre Fertilizer per acre

Brinjal October to Late November to a) Seeds: 75 grams Urea-1 manud

Mid Nov. Mid April b) Seedlings 6-8 thousand TSP-2 maund
MP 20 seers
Cauliflower Late Oct. to Early January to a) Seeds: 105-117 grams Urea-1 maund
Mid Nov. early March b) Seedling 8-10 thousand TSP-1 maund 20 srs.
MP 20 seers
Cabbage Late Oct. to Early January to a) Seed: 105-117 gram Urea-2 maunds
Mid Nov. early March b) Seedlings 6-8 thousand TSP 20 seers
MP 20 seers
Watergourd Mid July to Early January to 250 grams. Urea-1 maund
early Nov. early March TSP-1 maund
MP 20 seers
Pumpkin March-May June-Sept. 3-4 chattak Do.
July-August Nov.-January
Tomato Mid August to Beginning Dec. to a) Seeds: 50-70 grams Urea-1 maund 20 srs.
Late Nov. mid January b) Seedling 6-8 thousand TSP-2 maunds
MP 20 seers
Radish Mid August to Early January to 3-4 kgs. Urea-1 maund
early October mid February TSP 20 seers
MP 20 seers
Spinach (Puisak) Mid March to Late August to 200 grams. Ureau-1 maund 20 srs
early June mid November TSP 20 seers
MP 20 seers
Beans Late June to Late Nov. to 800 kgs. TSP-1.5 seers
early Sept. mid April MP - 1.5 seers
Patal Mid August to Mid January to 1-2 thousand cuttings Urea -1 maund
mid October March TSP-1 maund
MP 20 seers
Lady's finger Mid April to June to mid 2-3 kgs. Urea-1 maund
mid June September TSP-1 maund
MP 20 seers
Cucumber Mis Sept. to MId January to 150 grams Urea,TSP,MP, 1 seer
mid Oct. mid June each.
Karala(Bittergourd) Feb.-May June-October 12 chattak to 1 seer Urea-1 maund
TSP - 1 maund
MP 20 seers.
Source : Agriculture Wing, BBS. and Ministry of Agriculture

4.44 Production of Vegetables

(Thousand M.Tons)
Iitem 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

Pumpkin 245 278 291 295 303 320 340 365

Brinjal 444 450 475 507 516 530 558 587
Potato 8950 9254 - 10216- 9725 965 9607 9887
Patal 84 84 86 86 85 54 91 98
Lady's finger 45 52 54 55 56 - 56 70

Jhinga 45 45 47 49 50 52 56 56
Karala 51 52 55 57 58 54 59 59
Arum 229 232 228 244 230 - - -
Puisak 73 76 79 79 82 83 88 98
Chichinga 33 34 37 39 37 38 43 46

Cucumber 55 57 60 71 65 73 83 95
Cabbage 217 259 296 312 321 331 384 380
Cauliflower 183 268 268 278 274 307 283 295
Watergourd 179 198 218 226 232 236 251 252
Tomato 360 414 369 389 385 388 415 448

Radish 252 271 281 281 281 308 287 316

Beans 110 122 129 137 135 144 170 170
Other vegetables 77 81 87 95 96 963 787 1403

Total : 11632 12227 3060 13416 12912 13520 13555 14616

Source: Agriculture Wing, BBS
Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery 159

4.45 Estimate of Ripe Banana 2019-20 & 2020-21

(Area in acres and production in M. tons)
2019-20 2020-21
District/Division Area Yield Per acre Production Area (acre) Yield Per Production
(acre) (KG) (MT) acre (KG) (MT)
1 Barguna 347 4553 1580 305 4580 1397
2 Barishal 1750 3143 5500 1760 3285 5781
3 Bhola 536 3506 1879 563 3622 2039
4 Jhalokati 2902 2868 8324 2910 3265 9500
5 Patuakhali 554 4904 2717 561 3361.68 1885.90
6 Pirojpur 2768 4837 13390 2786 4829 13454
1 Barishal 8857 3770 33390 8885 3833.08 34056.90
7 Bandarban 3822 4813 18396 3830 4812 18340
8 Brahmanbaria 274 3876 1062 269.65 3820.84 1030.29
9 Chandpur 956 5319 5085 990 5183.52 5131.68
10 Chattagram 2950 4920 14515 2961.32 4900.87 14513.03
11 Cumilla 837 3852 3224 849.55 4625.98 3930
12 Cox’s Bazar 848 3096 2625 854.91 2708.61 2315.62
13 Feni 475 4518 2146 483 4461.90 2155.10
14 Khagrachhari 7411 3614 26783 7462 3610.02 26938
15 Laksmipur 3257 2797 9109 3250 3825 12432
16 Noakhali 1282 4997 6406 1212.69 2880.67 3493.36
17 Rangamati 9183 4543 41718 9230 4630 42734
2 Chattogram 31295 4188 131069 31393.12 4239.88 133103.08
18 Dhaka 570 6902 3934 588.56 6924 4075.02
19 Faridpur 184 3272 602 202. 3089 624
20 Gazipur 1078 6206 6690 1499.68 6110.14 9163.26
21 Gopalganj 998 6298 6285 909.9 5918.14 5384.92
22 Kishorganj 1503 7593 11413 1536.34 7523.04 11557.94
23 Madaripur 1392 8460 11777 1584 7699.13 12195.42
24 Manikganj 582 4802 2795 601 3271.26 1966.03
25 Munshiganj 162 3469 562 170.10 3807.52 647.66
26 Narayanganj 200 5110 1022 195.71 5111.03 1000.28
27 Narsingdi 3858 6783 26170 3677.74 6817.90 25074.45
28 Rajbari 1054 5792 6105 1071 5843.96 6258.88
29 Shariatpur 389 3440 1338 413 3785 1563
30 Tangail 11492 7734 88880 11391.15 7759.92 88314.68
3 Dhaka 23462 7142 167573 23840.18 7039.61 167825.54
31 Bagerhat 2063 4145 8501 2077 4158.58 8637.37
32 Chuadanga 1774 9844 17403 1813 9927.99 17999.44
33 Jashore 1969 5598 1103 1973 5144.89 10150.87
34 Jheniadah 8064 6241 50320 8152 6176.55 50351.20
35 Khulna 1304 4145 5405 1303.94 3929.28 5123.54
36 Kushtia 4039 9390 3795 4022 9190 36962
37 Magura 1744 8855 1543 1601 9256 14819
38 Meherpur 2400 15331 36795 2432 15377.93 37399.12
39 Narail 629 6893 4336 638 6887 4394
40 Satkhira 997 4672 4658 995.5 6269.14 6240.93
4 Khulna 2483 7682 191929 25007.44 7680.81 192077.47
41 Jamalpur 1321 5545 7325 1324 5531 7323
42 Mymensing 5212 7157 3730 5325 6798 36200
43 Netrokona 777 5488 4264 804 5706 4588
44 Sherpur 1050 6312 6628 623 5587 3480.70
5 Mymensing 8360 6641 55518 8076 6388.27 51591.70
45 Bogura 2564 7923 20314 2572.5 7904.96 20335.51
46 Joypurhat 402 7960 3200 416.53 7335.46 3055.44
47 Naogaon 1573 8593 13517 1631.83 8496.50 13864.85
48 Natore 741 7240 5365 856 16776 14360
49 Chapai Nawabganj 398 7980 3176 419.96 8085.08 3395.41
50 Pabna 741 7240 5365 756 7360.00 5564.16
51 Rajshahi 4590 9519 43693 4672.5 10234.78 47822.03
52 Sirajganj 597 7772 4640 583.98 7456.63 4354.52
6 Rajshahi 11606 8553 99270 11909.3 9467.55 112751.92
53 Dinajpur 2837 11482 32575 2772 10430.01 28912
54 Gaibandha 3476 18046 62728 3459 18041.98 62407.2
55 Kurigram 486 10274 4993 520.53 10175.92 5296.87
56 Lalmonirhat 272 10901 2965 277 10834.37 3001.12
57 Nilphamari 398 8899 3542 439.83 8350.54 3672.82
58 Panchagarh 425 12153 5165 402 12613.18 5070.50
59 Rangpur 2323 6535 15180 2321 5618.70 13041
60 Thakurgaon 1139 5036 5736 1161.46 5041.57 5855.58
7 Rangpur 11356 11702 132884 11352.82 11209.29 127257.09
61 Habiganj 373 2308 861 279.33 2774.71 755.06
62 Mauluvibazar 269 5290 1423 269 5290 1423
63 Sunamganj 320 5953 1905 325 5997 1949
64 Sylhet 896 2328 2086 855 3908 3341
8 Sylhet 1858 3377 6275 1728.33 4332.54 7488.06
Bangladesh 121777 6716 817908 122192 6761.08 826151.76
Source : Agriculture Wing, BBS
160 Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery

4.46 Estimate of Mango 2020-21

(Area in acres and production in M. tons)
Number of Trees Area under Garden Yield Per Fruit bearing
District/Division 2019-20 2020-21 (Acre)
Fruit Non- Total Fruit Non- Total Last Current Last Year Current Year
bearing Fruit bearing Fruit Year Year 2019-21 2020-21
bearing bearing 2019-20 2020-21
1 Barguna 241681 90472 332153 277533 132782 410315 6642 2348 25 26
2 Barishal 276500 110000 496500 359312 142414 501726 9423 27465 29 30
3 Bhola 84484 44560 129044 84642 42973 127615 1438 715 23 18
4 Jhalokati 43758 14350 58108 48435 49485 97920 518 1957 24 22
5 Patuakhali 161589 86800 248389 247750 96865 344615 3967 4944 18 16
6 Pirojpur 254773 179202 433975 254911 180437 435348 8676 3842 18 18
1 Barishal 1062791 635384 1698169 1272589 644950 1917539 30664 41271 22 23.01
7 Bandarban 49180 33990 83170 49641 33814 83455 2871 2839 77 75
8 Brahmanbaria 143663 82462 226125 140553 63731 204284 3073 2856 67 70
9 Chandpur 160043 192879 352922 167866 190263 358129 1050 1054 59 58
10 Chattagram 235181 156438 391619 242699 139561 382260 3000 2583 74 82
11 Cumilla 406715 202211 608926 367633 211579 579212 2781 5878 57 61
12 Cox’s Bazar 85418 26551 111969 138138 49540 187678 243 1192 72 70
13 Feni 118817 163175 281992 160060 178999 339059 1258 1569 35 30
14 Khagrachhari 243984 155378 399362 262983 176270 439253 3871 4207 36 35
15 Laksmipur 90355 163075 253430 95977 94222 190199 839 1923 46 23
16 Noakhali 206498 166693 373191 203509 173592 377101 1000 730 30 32
17 Rangamati 116810 77487 194297 115593 76933 192524 3925 3748 49 53
2 Chattogram 1856664 1420339 3277003 1944652 1388502 3333154 23911 28579 53 52.83
18 Dhaka 80821 55418 136239 80874 55078 135952 534 533 74 70
19 Faridpur 197140 69990 267130 188430 79400 267830 256 1339 109 43
20 Gazipur 198174 136454 334628 199803 137650 337453 786 1796 43 44
21 Gopalganj 136246 156830 293076 144701 149333 294034 730 1044 53 26
22 Kishorganj 155483 61565 217048 149555 58959 208514 449 644 65 70
23 Madaripur 119577 77984 197561 192762 60870 253632 572 1015 47 38
24 Manikganj 89356 37932 127288 89085 38290 127375 990 2707 59 62
25 Munshiganj 38288 17349 55637 38600 16755 55355 267 265 85 81
26 Narayanganj 236342 12843 49185 33487 12456 45943 82 80 63 57
27 Narsingdi 130063 86306 216369 130325 86951 217276 603 996 45 38
28 Rajbari 377331 334415 711746 416581 315355 731936 2120 2771 39 67
29 Shariatpur 67726 252211 319937 142851 173694 316545 3028 10042 61 41
30 Tangail 685136 341923 1027059 669451 316404 985855 1422 2204 28 27
3 Dhaka 2311683 1641220 3952903 2476505 1501195 3977700 11839 25436 49 40.59
31 Bagerhat 91877 158686 250563 96639 155233 251862 313 383 19 20
32 Chuadanga 92655 20605 113260 92456 21711 114167 905 914 77 68
33 Jashore 307335 98672 406007 309206 99777 408983 3581 3653 33 31
34 Jheniadah 404740 194570 599310 418275 196485 614760 1992 1768 48 41
35 Khulna 163869 93549 257418 187843 118853 306696 257 1336 50 41
36 Kushtia 572114 157996 730110 623763 190776 814539 2868 4450 72 79
37 Magura 123390 78797 202187 118476 84274 202750 280 529 67 60
38 Meherpur 110582 160694 271276 177021 131763 308784 5800 6050 75 77
39 Narail 128131 182303 310434 173219 138652 311871 1370 1629 42 45
40 Satkhira 166832 129754 296586 174490 126799 301289 2034 3161 63 63
4 Khulna 2161525 1275626 3437151 2371388 1264313 3635701 19400 23873 54 54.73
41 Jamalpur 186635 73314 259949 217710 44089 261799 2142 2664 56 59
42 Mymensing 481268 223400 704668 441808 260190 701998 24500 6934 45 49
43 Netrokona 332297 108437 440734 373991 68546 442537 29 4404 60 77
44 Sherpur 171726 119837 291560 201749 76408 278157 437 2355 64 57
5 Mymensing 1171926 524985 1696911 1235258 449233 1684491 27108 16357 34 60.44
45 Bogura 409261 220141 629402 401401 228251 629652 3147 3148 56 56
46 Joypurhat 97484 70221 167705 109405 60039 169444 1643 883 37 43
47 Naogaon 364829 212143 576972 813821 336079 1149900 4457 6061 79 49
48 Natore 278990 108930 387920 231733 93064 324797 2757 4083 276 175
49 Chapai Nawabganj 1641883 355793 1997676 1664224 364734 2028958 62800 63886 114 80
50 Pabna 337653 128347 466000 338081 132834 470915 2337 2480 103 103
51 Rajshahi 1279253 627410 1906663 1333729 597485 1931214 27339 35724 184 184
52 Sirajganj 352482 153859 506341 312343 150635 462978 855 772 78 75
6 Rajshahi 4761835 1876844 6638679 5204737 1963121 7167858 105335 117037 126 108.72
53 Dinajpur 413145 203940 617085 432284 172378 604662 5818 1534 101 96
54 Gaibandha 204699 158887 363586 214793 157982 372775 1723 1818 65 63
55 Kurigram 169000 50440 219440 169422 50505 219927 1145 1173 62 65
56 Lalmonirhat 92923 22824 115747 96309 21775 118084 579 899 71 59
57 Nilphamari 135757 60117 195874 142251 57352 199603 577 595 68 72
58 Panchagarh 247200 87561 334761 249028 87578 336606 1631 1934 60 64
59 Rangpur 331853 219249 551102 337534 260567 598101 1100 951 75 70
60 Thakurgaon 425588 197972 623560 430398 196062 626460 3995 4179 66 67
7 Rangpur 2020165 1000990 3021155 2072019 1004799 3076218 16568 13088 73 72.76
61 Habiganj 233236 238974 472210 288782 176450 465232 200 17256 44 78
62 Mauluvibazar 80984 84522 129506 80041 48241 128282 101 777 77 74
63 Sunamganj 101607 42705 144312 103274 45636 148910 109 1667 138 135
64 Sylhet 146613 109114 25727 142447 133305 275752 113 1487 34 32
8 Sylhet 562440 439315 1001755 614544 403632 1018176 523 21187 63 99.13
Bangladesh 15909029 8814703 24723726 17191692 8619145 25810837 235348 286823 77 70.65
Source : Agriculture Wing, BBS
Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery 161

4.46 Estimate of Mango 2020-21

(Area in acres and production in M. tons)
Name of District/Division Total Production (Metric Tons)
Last Year (Inside Current Year Last Year Current Year Total of Last Total of Current Year
Garden) 2019-20 (Inside Garden) (Outside Garden) (Outside Garden) Year (Inside & (Inside & Outside
2020-21 2019-20 2020-21 Outside Garden) Garden) 2020-21
1 Barguna 1038 1485 5004 5715 6042 7200
2 Barishal 0 2 8000 10703 8000 10705
3 Bhola 0 0 1906 1513 1906 1513
4 Jhalokati 0 66 1066 1024 1066 1090
5 Patuakhali 0 0 2900 4045 2900 4045
6 Pirojpur 356 357 4347 4377 4703 4734
1 Barishal 1394 1910 12223 27377 24617 29287
7 Bandarban 1600 1571 2187 2166 3787 3737
8 Brahmanbaria 75 107 9485 9732 9560 9839
9 Chandpur 0 0 9393 9739 9393 9739
10 Chattagram 528 640 16971 19164 17499 19804
11 Cumilla 9755 0 13594 22529 23349 22529
12 Cox’s Bazar 764 1071 5359 8579 6123 9650
13 Feni 83 933 4103 2729 4186 3662
14 Khagrachhari 6087 6169 2806 2945 8893 9114
15 Laksmipur 0 0 4186 1925 4186 1925
16 Noakhali 0 0 6214 6616 6214 6616
17 Rangamati 3451 3688 2318 2437 5769 6125
2 Chattogram 22343 14179 76616 88561 98959 102740
18 Dhaka 728 690 5216 4986 5944 5676
19 Faridpur 8781 2259 12659 5823 21440 8076
20 Gazipur 949 1004 7561 7833 8510 8837
21 Gopalganj 47 240 7225 3591 7272 3831
22 Kishorganj 199 234 9859 10184 10058 10418
23 Madaripur 144 365 5455 7055 5599 7420
24 Manikganj 927 1030 4350 4474 5277 5504
25 Munshiganj 111 106 3125 3013 3236 3119
26 Narayanganj 104 168 2193 1733 2297 1901
27 Narsingdi 298 226 5555 4783 5853 5009
28 Rajbari 2397 4307 12411 12209 14808 16516
29 Shariatpur 3842 168 289 5716 4131 5884
30 Tangail 4298 4375 14886 13961 19184 18336
3 Dhaka 22825 15172 90784 85361 113609 100533
31 Bagerhat 73 117 1662 1796 1735 1913
32 Chuadanga 5143 4480 2081 1852 7224 6332
33 Jashore 4551 4469 5687 5111 10238 9580
34 Jheniadah 8121 7241 11444 9874 19656 17115
35 Khulna 977 1209 7223 5902 8200 7111
36 Kushtia 10585 13072 30370 36258 40955 49330
37 Magura 3649 2529 4660 4577 8309 7106
38 Meherpur 6244 10935 2067 2659 8311 13594
39 Narail 1479 2581 3903 5145 5382 7726
40 Satkhira 7342 5796 3168 4202 10510 9998
4 Khulna 48164 52429 72265 77376 120429 129805
41 Jamalpur 807 316 9695 12476 10502 12792
42 Mymensing 1954 506 19703 21214 21657 21720
43 Netrokona 21 195 19917 28495 19938 28690
44 Sherpur 89 196 10976 11272 11065 11468
5 Mymensing 2871 1213 60291 73457 63162 74670
45 Bogura 447 822 22328 21612 22775 22434
46 Joypurhat 269 394 3338 4172 3607 4566
47 Naogaon 10146 27567 18634 12626 28780 40193
48 Natore 30806 13808 46183 47206 76989 61014
49 Chapai Nawabganj 159728 119801 27446 13587 187174 133388
50 Pabna 7279 7283 27536 27472 34815 34755
51 Rajshahi 163245 168459 71858 77513 235103 245972
52 Sirajganj 282 329 27241 23218 27523 23547
6 Rajshahi 372202 338463 244564 227406 616766 565869
53 Dinajpur 16665 15820 25155 25976 41820 41796
54 Gaibandha 35 37 13293 13462 13328 13499
55 Kurigram 295 316 10180 10728 10475 11044
56 Lalmonirhat 2676 2282 3937 3428 6613 5710
57 Nilphamari 646 1254 8578 8966 9224 10220
58 Panchagarh 5503 5919 9219 9937 14722 15856
59 Rangpur 6762 6543 18276 17134 25038 23677
60 Thakurgaon 11133 11449 16906 17518 28039 28967
7 Rangpur 43715 43620 105544 107149 149259 150769
61 Habiganj 107 2546 10178 33547 10285 36093
62 Mauluvibazar 0 165 6269 5773 6269 5938
63 Sunamganj 2930 3410 11087 10505 14017 13915
64 Sylhet 96 115 4900 4863 4996 4978
8 Sylhet 3133 6236 32434 54688 35567 60924
Bangladesh 516647 473222 705721 741375 1222368 1214597
Source: Agriculture Wing, BBS
162 Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery

4.47 Estimate of Jack Fruit 2019-20 & 2020-21

(Area in acres and production in M. tons)
Number of Trees Area under Garden Average Yield
District/Division 2019-20 2020-21 (Acre) Per Fruit
Fruit Non-Fruit Total Fruit Non-Fruit Total Last Year Current Year Last Current
bearing bearing bearing bearing 2019-20 2020-21 Year Year
2019-20 2020-21
1 Barguna 48480 68530 117010 46415 73550 119965 550 600 48 51
2 Barishal 205970 184400 390370 256070 204400 460470 425 500 67 55
3 Bhola 114574 52354 166928 121499 54222 175721 440 600 48 46
4 Jhalokati 42535 30829 73364 43275 31015 74290 677 700 59 58
5 Patuakhali 111310 142565 253875 101310 142556 243866 598 750 73 71
6 Pirojpur 151606 60977 212583 152079 61516 213595 729 800 45 45
1 Barishal 674475 539663 1214138 720648 567259 1287907 3419 3950 58 46
7 Bandarban 19251 1667 20918 19694 1150 20844 190 300 70 136
8 Brahmanbaria 70501 25350 95851 71372 25661 97033 83 150 177 293
9 Chandpur 77228 83829 161057 77302 83884 161186 248 480 133 140
10 Chattagram 115478 279380 394858 234609 128053 362662 997 998 93 145
11 Cumilla 95250 62981 158231 100049 58534 158583 789 800 25 197
12 Cox’s Bazar 14194 48066 62260 47571 19169 66740 259 240 182 155
13 Feni 40568 56078 96646 39679 55864 95543 53 100 61 60
14 Khagrachhari 374605 157764 532369 375451 159326 534777 5321 5426 114 114
15 Laksmipur 42357 36727 79084 43684 35612 79296 152 154 56 51
16 Noakhali 24380 25678 50058 24270 25786 50056 149 147 65 62
17 Rangamati 201899 86774 288673 202316 2466 204782 3370 3380 236 232
2 Chattagram 1075711 864294 1940005 1235997 595505 1831502 11611 12175 130 155
18 Dhaka 26815 25782 52597 27705 24972 52677 198 213 127 128
19 Faridpur 155860 116480 272340 156340 116250 272590 517 663 84 83
20 Gazipur 650059 465263 1115322 706375 1142097 1848472 4540 6573 116 136
21 Gopalganj 24406 23630 48036 23967 24572 48539 185 184 93 95
22 Kishorganj 216973 70902 287875 217846 70743 288589 133 200 114 118
23 Madaripur 15094 15249 30343 24985 16768 41753 150 190 142 81
24 Manikganj 47221 13621 60842 47316 13681 60997 817 850 123 124
25 Munshiganj 9010 3406 12416 9005 3647 12652 58 58 87 87
26 Narayanganj 10049 4883 14932 10229 4674 14903 26 30 203 196
27 Narsingdi 225042 180336 405378 250714 145616 396330 1531 1175 104 108
28 Rajbari 67907 58171 126078 120266 72330 192596 124 574 91 148
29 Shariatpur 20029 19236 39265 21029 19236 40265 319 167 63 60
30 Tangail 700934 315214 1016148 656573 363034 1019607 3016 2386 80 114
3 Dhaka 2169399 1312173 3481572 2272350 2017620 4289970 11614 13263 99 123
31 Bagerhat 42384 19180 61564 33709 22786 56495 53 95 76 75
32 Chuadanga 21170 6289 27459 21250 39226 60476 30 70 78 115
33 Jashore 112213 49074 161287 110346 50390 160736 55 100 102 103
34 Jheniadah 121576 49881 171457 123588 50632 174220 547 600 109 105
35 Khulna 40318 19790 60108 40709 20105 60814 117 202 108 102
36 Kushtia 290428 90174 380602 291156 90077 381233 278 300 185 284
37 Magura 116999 40388 157387 73962 69622 143584 258 300 290 23
38 Meherpur 60225 49478 109703 60193 49547 109740 115 116 161 161
39 Narail 86530 26425 112955 86620 26430 113050 816 815 89 90
40 Satkhira 50349 53073 103422 65868 39996 105864 218 250 74 89
4 Khulna 942192 403752 1345944 907401 458811 1366212 2487 2848 150 159
41 Jamalpur 216241 72131 288372 241018 46989 288007 45 100 98 119
42 Mymensing 598447 711338 1309785 589437 619237 1208674 520 600 75 42
43 Netrokona 214783 85308 300091 266259 34168 300427 20 60 67 98
44 Sherpur 119610 52812 172422 115926 51731 167657 68 80 118 105
5 Mymensing 1149081 921589 2070670 1212640 752125 1964765 653 840 144 102
45 Bogura 210969 117004 327973 200969 137004 337973 660 690 83 119
46 Joypurhat 25567 21740 47307 25457 13484 38941 85 95 108 110
47 Naogaon 80060 37198 117258 81060 46198 127258 156 170 137 77
48 Natore 139652 36216 175868 149054 40806 189860 642 680 156 156
49 Chapai Nawabganj 20868 11075 31943 2135 11061 32376 153 170 136 139
50 Pabna 158370 68767 227137 158649 68917 227566 1345 1333 181 184
51 Rajshahi 76385 21451 97836 73182 16856 90038 390 400 137 142
52 Sirajganj 158506 60409 218915 168206 60609 228815 55 94 118 118
6 Rajshahi 870377 373860 1244237 877892 394935 1272827 3486 3632 131 134
53 Dinajpur 174059 91686 265745 225471 93327 318798 1562 1590 149 157
54 Gaibandha 129185 65204 194389 129497 65322 194819 658 643 93 91
55 Kurigram 93397 32047 125444 93582 32202 125784 680 737 105 105
56 Lalmonirhat 62756 32105 94861 65404 29828 95232 316 380 108 110
57 Nilphamari 208623 140351 348974 201109 143874 344983 149 170 160 160
58 Panchagarh 208217 28184 236401 209416 28269 237685 229 250 124 125
59 Rangpur 13991 86083 226004 140079 86181 226260 246 300 118 122
60 Thakurgaon 117763 62545 180308 118244 62364 180608 985 986 77 78
7 Rangpur 1133921 538205 1672126 1182802 541367 1724169 4825 5056 122 126
61 Habiganj 179089 83607 262696 167804 64762 232566 638 650 115 120
62 Mauluvibazar 90213 36604 126817 90186 36620 126806 1366 1366 142 93
63 Sunamganj 72889 29972 102861 66519 36384 102867 377 400 93 80
64 Sylhet 73866 44244 118110 80679 47862 128541 420 450 68 89
8 Sylhet 452183 251505 703688 405188 185592 590780 2801 2866 100 101
Bangladesh 8467339 5205041 13672380 8814918 5513214 14328132 40896 44630 118.30 124.44
Source: Agriculture Wing, BBS
Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery 163

4.47 Estimate of Jack Fruit 2020-21

(Area in acres and production in M. tons)
Name of District/Division Total Production (Metric Tons)
Last Year (Inside Current Year Last Year Current Year Total of Last Total of Current Year
Garden) 2019-20 (Inside Garden) (Outside Garden) (Outside Garden) Year (Inside & (Inside & Outside
2020-21 2019-20 2020-21 Outside Garden) Garden) 2020-21
1 Barguna 0 0 2335 2367 2335 2367
2 Barishal 0 0 13800 8601 13800 8601
3 Bhola 0 0 5499 14000 5499 14000
4 Jhalokati 0 0 2520 2499 2520 2499
5 Patuakhali 0 0 8125 15459 8125 15459
6 Pirojpur 0 0 6822 6790 6822 6790
1 Barishal 0 0 39101 49716 39101 49716
7 Bandarban 576 1514 771 2245 1347 3759
8 Brahmanbaria 15812 920 555 19987 16367 20907
9 Chandpur 0 0 10291 10822 10291 10822
10 Chattagram 6320 7454 4428 26606 10748 34060
11 Cumilla 2147 1294 234 18616 2381 19910
12 Cox’s Bazar 2163 1915 420 5482 2583 7397
13 Feni 2223 109 122 2252 2345 2361
14 Khagrachhari 27726 27549 14792 15365 42518 42914
15 Laksmipur 0 0 2372 1484 2372 1484
16 Noakhali 0 0 1586 1505 1586 1505
17 Rangamati 30159 29701 17484 17199 47643 46900
2 Chattagram 87126 70456 53055 121563 140181 192019
18 Dhaka 2412 1048 986 2504 3398 3552
19 Faridpur 1611 1592 11539 11403 13150 12995
20 Gazipur 62761 15097 12646 80699 75407 95796
21 Gopalganj 1841 395 436 1881 2277 2276
22 Kishorganj 23948 962 909 24756 24857 25718
23 Madaripur 0 0 2143 2034 2143 2034
24 Manikganj 0 0 5808 5849 5808 5849
25 Munshiganj 0 0 788 781 788 781
26 Narayanganj 2019 157 21 1853 2040 2010
27 Narsingdi 21706 4447 1646 22737 23352 27184
28 Rajbari 4027 8076 2152 17799 6179 25875
29 Shariatpur 0 0 1269 1269 1269 1269
30 Tangail 44340 13374 11734 61439 56074 74813
3 Dhaka 164665 45148 52077 235004 216742 280152
31 Bagerhat 0 110 3320 2428 3320 2538
32 Chuadanga 1046 2569 605 2991 1651 5560
33 Jashore 5679 5420 5713 5891 11392 11311
34 Jheniadah 4981 4709 8316 8225 13297 12934
35 Khulna 193 183 4163 3997 4356 4180
36 Kushtia 40403 20346 13326 62410 53729 82756
37 Magura 21285 352 12644 1334 33929 1686
38 Meherpur 4897 4898 4800 4818 9697 9716
39 Narail 7081 627 620 7203 7701 7830
40 Satkhira 1591 2924 706 2911 2297 5835
4 Khulna 87156 42138 54213 102208 141369 144346
41 Jamalpur 20079 1357 1112 27324 21191 28681
42 Mymensing 50057 3092 5521 22302 55578 25394
43 Netrokona 0 10089 75909 46984 75909 57073
44 Sherpur 12208 814 930 11350 13138 12164
5 Mymensing 82344 15352 83472 107960 165816 123312
45 Bogura 2009 2881 15501 21034 17510 23915
46 Joypurhat 347 354 2414 2446 2761 2800
47 Naogaon 770 433 10198 5802 10968 6235
48 Natore 6422 6422 15363 16830 21785 23252
49 Chapai Nawabganj 777 801 2061 2172 2838 2973
50 Pabna 9130 6550 19851 22609 28981 29159
51 Rajshahi 1996 2016 8468 8371 10464 10387
52 Sirajganj 222 222 18481 18747 18703 18969
6 Rajshahi 21673 19679 92337 98011 114010 117690
53 Dinajpur 19516 10376 6393 24983 25909 35359
54 Gaibandha 0 0 12014 11811 12014 11811
55 Kurigram 9418 357 346 9424 9764 9781
56 Lalmonirhat 6483 268 276 6905 6759 7173
57 Nilphamari 32403 998 964 31201 33367 32199
58 Panchagarh 15332 1061 10410 25083 25742 26144
59 Rangpur 15086 1591 1538 15564 16624 17155
60 Thakurgaon 4026 4086 5066 5101 9092 9187
7 Rangpur 102264 18737 37007 130072 139271 148809
61 Habiganj 15504 2297 5078 17788 20582 20085
62 Mauluvibazar 7960 3177 4850 5210 12810 8387
63 Sunamganj 0 751 6779 4581 6779 5332
64 Sylhet 3951 1400 1144 5753 5095 7153
8 Sylhet 27415 7625 17851 33332 45266 40957
Bangladesh 572643 219135 429113 877866 1001756 1097001
Source : Agriculture Wing, BBS
164 Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery

4.48 Estimate of Pineapple 2019-20 & 2020-21

(Area in acres and production in M. tons)
2019-20 2020-21
District/Division Area Yield Per acre Production Area (acre) Yield Per Production
(acre) (KG) (MT) acre (KG) (MT)
1 Barguna 72 1250 90 82 1646 135
2 Barishal 26 885 23 28 1607 45
3 Bhola 56 1911 107 53 1925 102
4 Jhalokati 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Patuakhali 118 1144 135 130 2569 334
6 Pirojpur 44 2227 98 36 2472 89
1 Barishal 316 1434 453 329 2143 705
7 Bandarban 1530 4064 6218 1541 4064 6262
8 Brahmanbaria 43 1372 59 36 1389 50
9 Chandpur 6 500 3 5.66 1215.55 6088
10 Chattagram 2489 4249 10576 2122 3885 8245
11 Cumilla 37 3784 140 32 3469 111
12 Cox’s Bazar 326 6552 2136 328 6463 2120
13 Feni 19 2421 46 20 2600 52
14 Khagrachhari 2112 3776 7975 2133 3953 8432
15 Laksmipur 30 2633 79 28 2714 76
16 Noakhali 31 1290 40 23 1217 28
17 Rangamati 3306 7613 25170 3314 7592 25160
2 Chattagram 9929 5282 52442 9582.66 5274.41 50542.88
18 Dhaka 1 4000 4 0 0 0
19 Faridpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
20 Gazipur 2849 3707 10560 2867 3706 10624
21 Gopalganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
22 Kishorganj 18 3444 62 10 4800 48
23 Madaripur 0 0 0 0 0 0
24 Manikganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
25 Munshiganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
26 Narayanganj 15 4667 70 12 4500 54
27 Narsingdi 281 4655 1308 273 4652 1270
28 Rajbari 0 0 0 0 0 0
29 Shariatpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
30 Tangail 18673 6794 126865 17992 7103 127795
3 Dhaka 21837 6359 138869 21154 6608 139791
31 Bagerhat 50 1380 69 46 1326 61
32 Chuadanga 0 0 0 0 0 0
33 Jashore 112 3429 384 107 3486 373
34 Jheniadah 1 2000 2 1 200 2
35 Khulna 30 1667 50 17 3471 59
36 Kushtia 0 0 0 0 0 0
37 Magura 0 0 0 0 0 0
38 Meherpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
39 Narail 0 0 0 0 0 0
40 Satkhira 37 2757 102 24 2750 66
4 Khulna 230 2639 607 195 2877 561
41 Jamalpur 110 2900 319 101 2911 294
42 Mymensing 2490 6163 15346 739 8766 6478
43 Netrokona 32 3688 118 34 4824 164
44 Sherpur 33 2879 95 45 5778 260
5 Mymensing 2665 5958 15878 919 7830 7196
45 Bogura 20 2300 46 6 3000 18
46 Joypurhat 0 0 0 0 0 0
47 Naogaon 36 1722 62 0 0 0
48 Natore 0 0 0 0 0 0
49 Chapai Nawabganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
50 Pabna 0 0 0 0 0 0
51 Rajshahi 0 0 0 0 0 0
52 Sirajganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 Rajshahi 56 1929 108 6 3000 18
53 Dinajpur 4 1500 6 0 0 0
54 Gaibandha 0 0 0 0 0 0
55 Kurigram 22 6136 135 24 3958 95
56 Lalmonirhat 10 1800 18 10 2100 21
57 Nilphamari 10 5900 59 9 6222 56
58 Panchagarh 46 2370 109 17 2588 44
59 Rangpur 42 2048 86 46 2087 96
60 Thakurgaon 25 2080 52 17 2118 36
7 Rangpur 159 2925 465 123 2829 348
61 Habiganj 487 3499 1704 467 3407 1591
62 Mauluvibazar 1115 5695 6350 1099 5701 6265
63 Sunamganj 26 1231 32 32 2750 88
64 Sylhet 362 3149 1140 340 3047 1036
8 Sylhet 1990 4636 9226 1938 4634 8980
Bangladesh 37182 5864 218048 34246.66 6077.73 208141.88
Source : Agriculture Wing, BBS
Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery 165

4.49 Estimate of Lichi 2019-20 & 2020-21

(Area in acres and production in M. tons)
Number of Trees Area under Average Yield
District/Division 2019-20 2020-21 Garden (Acre) Per Fruit
Fruit Non-Fruit Total Fruit Non- Total Last Curret Last Curret
bearing bearing bearing Fruit Year Year Year Year
bearing 2019- 2020- 2019- 2020-
20 21 20 21
1 Barguna 4358 3125 7483 4508 3245 7753 142 146.63 15 15.08
2 Barishal 16000 10000 26000 16549 10190 26739 493 507.14 47 60.30
3 Bhola 10519 5150 15669 10150 5345 15495 207 58.35 25 19.14
4 Jhalokati 11820 15670 27490 1228 16079 28307 291 372.36 8 11
5 Patuakhali 3340 10350 13690 3355 10331 13686 126 126 9 8.94
6 Pirojpur 8040 3730 11770 8796 3332 12128 200 59.41 13 12.70
1 Barishal 54077 48025 102102 55586 48522 104108 1459 1269.89 22 27.56
7 Bandarban 5392 2429 7821 5434 2432 7866 226 217.60 47 47
8 Brahmanbaria 17936 3473 21409 19141 2595 21736 335 133.26 125 148.67
9 Chandpur 6067 7377 13444 8004 9578 17582 244 43.22 22 24.62
10 Chattagram 41428 26573 68001 41324 26277 67601 975 271.63 50 49.91
11 Cumilla 7001 5946 12947 7349 6119 13468 200 180.13 34 35.71
12 Cox’s Bazar 8873 5608 14481 8891 5643 14534 180 48.61 64 49
13 Feni 3332 4466 7798 3348 4472 7820 136 72.99 12 12.50
14 Khagrachhari 12545 8015 20560 50665 45137 95802 224 951.38 49 41
15 Laksmipur 3562 2895 6457 4053 2945 6998 109 16.52 24 29
16 Noakhali 4375 4487 8862 4260 4478 8738 125 23.88 18 19.05
17 Rangamati 48650 44949 93599 47426 45538 92964 1278 950.63 43 42
2 Chattagram 159161 116218 275379 199895 155214 355109 4032 2909.85 53 51.71
18 Dhaka 4345 3536 7881 4506 3706 8212 25 22.65 30 30.76
19 Faridpur 21350 18460 39810 21861 17133 38994 480 392 34 36.24
20 Gazipur 22221 13286 35507 23150 13120 36270 263 860 53 53
21 Gopalganj 12125 8531 20656 12408 7924 20332 314 142.55 23 28.93
22 Kishorganj 49014 31539 80553 47790 33981 81771 1435 450.44 76 79.71
23 Madaripur 6112 4580 10692 6112 4580 10692 52 51.89 12 43.34
24 Manikganj 4403 2516 6919 4443 2578 7021 117 117.35 45 45.82
25 Munshiganj 1551 898 2449 1611 827 2438 40 11.43 54 53.05
26 Narayanganj 8885 1660 10545 8897 1658 10555 28 27.90 38 37.83
27 Narsingdi 16649 8059 24708 16381 8479 24860 450 93.43 46 45.40
28 Rajbari 23015 8324 31339 23253 8249 31502 228 163.34 76 75
29 Shariatpur 12750 8288 21038 11529 7373 18902 345 80.15 19 22
30 Tangail 31359 14336 45695 31894 14671 46565 751 108.15 35 36.88
3 Dhaka 213779 124013 337792 213835 124279 338114 4528 2521.28 54 51.45
31 Bagerhat 27590 13919 41509 27734 13643 41377 46 69.47 23 20
32 Chuadanga 7193 2075 9268 7416 2066 9482 165 60.05 42 40
33 Jashore 66067 24180 90247 66084 24218 90302 1378 489 45 46
34 Jheniadah 14600 3994 18594 16035 14559 30594 330 77.15 27 37
35 Khulna 16822 7990 24812 16858 8233 25081 460 86.64 22 19
36 Kushtia 37088 19090 56178 53698 20156 73854 890 450 81 76
37 Magura 27521 7270 34791 33857 8866 42723 506 372.86 37 64.41
38 Meherpur 11230 8487 19717 11378 8610 19988 380 383.90 77 77
39 Narail 22535 6835 29370 22561 6848 29409 393 292 41 41
40 Satkhira 13366 14622 27988 19844 9243 29087 350 245.43 48 52
4 Khulna 244012 108462 352474 275465 116432 391897 4898 2526.50 45 47.65
41 Jamalpur 32510 12612 45122 3258 41864 45122 751 451 59 59
42 Mymensing 75162 59577 134739 75126 59613 134739 2530 1530 56 44
43 Netrokona 16925 4018 20943 16925 4018 20943 304 204 45 45
44 Sherpur 1416 556 1972 1416 556 1972 50 15.11 47 47
5 Mymensing 126013 76763 202776 96725 106051 202776 3635 2200.11 59 62.90
45 Bogura 50157 17766 67923 57155 20311 77466 624 255.63 39 38.52
46 Joypurhat 5788 1644 7432 5840 1621 7461 133 44.90 56 54.73
47 Naogaon 18656 9068 27724 18992 9051 28043 407 131.08 66 49.77
48 Natore 58549 27710 86259 55099 24099 79198 1290 168.70 43 59.18
49 Chapai Nawabganj 10180 5300 15480 10438 5340 15778 300 227.09 70 70.92
50 Pabna 88152 19547 107699 91981 74411 166392 1992 887.02 81 80.74
51 Rajshahi 45669 8844 54513 44956 7782 52738 722 691.69 82 85.36
52 Sirajganj 10572 4838 15410 10775 5095 15870 231 32.78 40 53.88
6 Rajshahi 287723 94717 382440 295236 147710 442946 5699 2438.89 64 66.53
53 Dinajpur 11944 51489 170938 128913 55761 184674 1957 197.30 87 82
54 Gaibandha 16352 7650 24002 15986 8969 24955 210 114.45 26 26.34
55 Kurigram 16967 6230 23197 17733 6035 23768 211 122.67 35 39
56 Lalmonirhat 18268 3296 21564 18604 3541 22145 320 180.84 40 44.46
57 Nilphamari 25392 17705 43097 26090 17860 43950 607 398.62 60 58.19
58 Panchagarh 59526 12408 71934 59583 12559 72142 1787 728.44 47 44
59 Rangpur 33326 19359 52685 34298 19916 54214 739 288.03 62 44.61
60 Thakurgaon 31008 13037 44045 31118 13012 44130 322 221.90 82 81.61
7 Rangpur 320288 131174 451462 332325 137653 469978 6153 2252.25 66 71.02
61 Habiganj 7148 2672 9820 7144 2669 9813 141 140.63 53 53.05
62 Mauluvibazar 13299 4723 18022 13249 4109 17358 205 125.01 63 68.33
63 Sunamganj 11662 4998 16660 13486 5069 18555 733 831 26 28
64 Sylhet 5274 3541 8815 4918 3949 8867 108 64.58 47 30
8 Sylhet 37383 15934 53317 38797 15796 54593 1187 1161.22 47 47.93
BANGLADESH 1442436 715306 2157742 1507864 851657 2359521 31591 17279.99 56.10 57.82
Source: Agriculture Wing, BBs
166 Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery

4.49 Estimate of Litchi 2019-20 & 2020-21

(Area in acres and production in M. tons)
Name of District/Division Total Production (Metric Tons)
Last Year (Inside Current Year Last Year Current Year Total of Last Total of Current Year
Garden) 2019-20 (Inside Garden) (Outside Garden) (Outside Garden) Year (Inside & (Inside & Outside
2020-21 2019-20 2020-21 Outside Garden) Garden) 2020-21
1 Barguna 0 0 66 68 66 68
2 Barishal 0 0 750 998 750 998
3 Bhola 0 0 262 194.28 262 194.28
4 Jhalokati 0 0 92 130 92 130
5 Patuakhali 0 0 30 30 30 30
6 Pirojpur 3 2.92 10 108.79 13 111.71
1 Barishal 3 2.92 1210 1529.07 1213 1531.99
7 Bandarban 127 128.22 124 125.14 251 253.36
8 Brahmanbaria 1485 1926.02 757 919.55 2242 2845.57
9 Chandpur 0 0 130 188.38 130 188.38
10 Chattagram 623 610.1 1449 1452.45 2072 2062.55
11 Cumilla 52 48.6 189 213.84 241 262.44
12 Cox’s Bazar 161 115.79 408 315.95 569 431.74
13 Feni 0 0 39 39.87 39 39.87
14 Khagrachhari 417 1212.53 196 842.43 613 2054.96
15 Laksmipur 0 0 85 137.54 85 137.54
16 Noakhali 0 0 79 81.16 79 81.16
17 Rangamati 1152 1086.62 953 891.89 2105 1978.51
2 Chattagram 4017 51.27 4409 5208.20 8426 10336.08
18 Dhaka 0 0 129 138.64 129 138.64
19 Faridpur 1299 142.42 589 649.74 1888 792.16
20 Gazipur 425 431.2 759 797.80 1184 1229
21 Gopalganj 0 0 275 281.76 275 281.76
22 Kishorganj 240 280.98 3495 3528.52 3735 3809.50
23 Madaripur 0 0 74 264.90 74 264.90
24 Manikganj 0 0 45 203.59 45 203.59
25 Munshiganj 0 0 84 85.47 84 85.47
26 Narayanganj 200 199.59 138 137.01 338 336.60
27 Narsingdi 39 38.59 726 705.03 765 743.62
28 Rajbari 460 559.68 1286 1194.70 1746 1754.38
29 Shariatpur 0 0 248 246.60 248 246.60
30 Tangail 48 55.8 1051 1060.82 1099 1116.62
3 Dhaka 2711 1708.26 8899 9294.58 11610 11002.84
31 Bagerhat 5 4.18 623 556.14 628 560.32
32 Chuadanga 154 153.16 147 144.31 301 297.47
33 Jashore 1126 1161.92 1824 1851.80 2950 3013.72
34 Jheniadah 69 66.42 326 153.53 395 219.95
35 Khulna 0 0 369 320 369 320
36 Kushtia 1084 1327.87 1928 2727.13 3012 4055
37 Magura 30 39 981 2141.88 1011 2180.88
38 Meherpur 671 672.29 190 199.06 861 871.35
39 Narail 201 200.61 728 731.75 929 932.36
40 Satkhira 338 370.86 300 305.16 638 676.02
4 Khulna 3678 3996.31 7416 9130.76 11094 13127.07
41 Jamalpur 488 487.52 1435 1435.48 1923 1923
42 Mymensing 0 0 4228 3328 4228 3328
43 Netrokona 0 0 767 767 767 767
44 Sherpur 0 0 556 66 556 66
5 Mymensing 488 487.52 6986 5596.48 7474 6084
45 Bogura 617 929.17 1333 1272.63 1950 2201.80
46 Joypurhat 98 94.41 227 225.22 325 319.63
47 Naogaon 332 250.19 903 1022..81 1235 1273
48 Natore 1533 1890.15 1021 1370.85 2554 3261
49 Chapai Nawabganj 242 252.62 472 487.70 714 740.32
50 Pabna 4013 3326.48 3169 4102.22 7182 7427.70
51 Rajshahi 2019 2025.85 1709 1811.55 3728 3837.40
52 Sirajganj 15 245.10 594 335.50 609 580.60
6 Rajshahi 8869 9013.97 9428 10627.48 18297 19641.45
53 Dinajpur 6543 6705.87 3807 3898.13 10350 10604
54 Gaibandha 23 22.92 408 420.91 431 443.83
55 Kurigram 42 78.16 559 617.04 601 695.20
56 Lalmonirhat 331 375.29 399 451.76 730 827.05
57 Nilphamari 404 414.72 1109 1103.51 1513 1518.23
58 Panchagarh 978 914.63 1813 1714.37 2791 2629
59 Rangpur 504 2156.36 1562 2187.53 2066 4343.89
60 Thakurgaon 1184 1180.16 1368 1359.46 2552 2539.62
7 Rangpur 10009 11848.11 11025 11752.71 21034 23600.82
61 Habiganj 64 64.14 315 314.86 379 379
62 Mauluvibazar 38 45.08 804 866.92 842 912
63 Sunamganj 0 0 304 378 304 378
64 Sylhet 11 13.59 236 196.96 247 190.55
8 Sylhet 113 122.81 1659 1736.74 1772 1859.55
Bangladesh 29888 32307.78 51032 54876.02 80920 87183.80
Source: Agriculture Wing, BBS
Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery 167

4.50 Estimate of Coconut 2018-19 & 2019-20

(Area in acres and production in M. tons)
Number of Trees Area under Average Yield
District/Division 2018-19 2019-20 Garden (Acre) Per Fruit
Fruit Non-Fruit Total Fruit Non- Total Last Current Last Current
bearing bearing bearing Fruit Year Year Year Year
bearing 2018- 2019- 2018- 2019-
19 20 19 20
1 Barguna 206600 100300 306900 213300 144300 357600 6137 6116 48 43
2 Barishal 373383 246072 619455 420000 250000 670000 12386 13397 18 34
3 Bhola 435662 221258 656920 440382 218143 658525 13135 13168 67 66
4 Jhalokati 150500 98100 248600 16320 91430 251750 4971 3323 43 44
5 Patuakhali 189800 157000 346800 184830 180294 365124 6934 1886 53 62
6 Pirojpur 388434 288470 676904 293590 374937 668527 3325 3219 62 78
1 Barishal 1744379 1111200 2855579 1712422 1259104 2971526 46888 41109 54 55
7 Bandarban 16525 7555 24080 16625 7536 24161 31 387 66 66
8 Brahmanbaria 72319 34454 106773 70322 25996 96318 167 1541 74 75
9 Chandpur 143155 111069 254224 139155 115069 254224 2252 3067 85 82
10 Chattagram 138152 74739 212891 153155 11249 264504 7028 4232 50 53
11 Cumilla 189173 53843 243016 136051 86558 222609 609 3240 47 51
12 Cox’s Bazar 125427 62992 188419 102728 38645 141373 729 1861 104 131
13 Feni 94210 117218 211428 94217 117049 211266 503 910 25 25
14 Khagrachhari 27784 22292 50076 27943 22622 50565 166 450 33 33
15 Laksmipur 376761 191455 568216 378641 188551 568192 0 9050 35 35
16 Noakhali 225198 201921 427119 224668 203485 428153 671 1448 72 65
17 Rangamati 14687 5967 20654 82066 29076 111142 230 2428 46 49
2 Chattagram 1423391 883505 2306896 1425571 946936 2372507 12386 28614 57 57
18 Dhaka 61034 37540 98574 46611 24757 71368 171 1142 46 51
19 Faridpur 102490 129660 232150 105800 128100 233900 464 468 47 48
20 Gazipur 23298 42613 65911 23566 38807 62373 207 212 77 74
21 Gopalganj 81126 53603 134729 87875 611734 699609 367 749 38 35
22 Kishorganj 77296 37751 115047 83566 38505 122071 1254 322 73 61
23 Madaripur 84451 53280 137731 93909 69525 163434 480 408 72 70
24 Manikganj 75099 35319 110418 7560 101817 109377 814 903 52 58
25 Munshiganj 15625 6938 22563 15773 6961 22734 75 140 78 73
26 Narayanganj 27356 12584 39940 27003 12269 39272 46 150 58 57
27 Narsingdi 26900 19061 45961 26780 18464 45244 109 150 66 81
28 Rajbari 204970 259190 464160 172034 94273 266507 657 800 53 56
29 Shariatpur 166242 144530 310772 167444 152947 320391 38 1535 38 36
30 Tangail 91119 63706 154825 103078 69798 172876 266 611 36 36
3 Dhaka 1037006 895775 1932781 960999 1368157 2329156 4948 7590 68 52
31 Bagerhat 473847 303616 777463 488639 289336 774975 777 1010 50 49
32 Chuadanga 29825 21200 51025 34399 22268 56667 112 740 53 40
33 Jashore 221563 99534 321097 222174 100411 322585 1552 1587 56 56
34 Jheniadah 352645 87900 440545 346625 68752 408777 406 1210 38 38
35 Khulna 285413 267002 552415 361354 148918 447272 950 1126 28 28
36 Kushtia 370271 120540 490811 381397 140414 52181 807 1220 42 41
37 Magura 112597 121465 234062 118269 104296 222565 187 610 28 27
38 Meherpur 21561 19565 41126 24743 17291 42034 157 520 32 31
39 Narail 102629 19447 122076 102613 19483 122096 478 1030 52 52
40 Satkhira 168021 79391 247412 172661 83478 257139 642 1812 31 31
4 Khulna 2138372 1139660 3278032 2184274 991647 3175920 6068 1130 42 41
41 Jamalpur 69127 33669 102796 68406 29394 97800 254 820 47 49
42 Mymensing 314879 230965 545844 289409 230682 520091 11593 2679 54 62
43 Netrokona 71387 29026 100413 76180 23947 100127 7 190 55 59
44 Sherpur 34267 19709 53976 26490 9144 35624 103 146 30 36
5 Mymensing 489660 313369 803029 460485 293167 753652 11957 3835 52 58
45 Bogura 96183 86334 182517 94145 72594 166739 453 720 82 87
46 Joypurhat 20319 17994 38313 19377 17067 26444 96 583 36 37
47 Naogaon 26860 30269 57129 27002 20080 47082 133 210 36 36
48 Natore 147996 60387 208383 144879 62470 207349 527 615 110 90
49 Chapai Nawabganj 15321 4501 19822 15632 4674 20306 114 150 29 31
50 Pabna 116236 62652 178888 100272 78752 179024 762 777 62 64
51 Rajshahi 90362 32990 123352 105157 28938 134095 419 531 93 94
52 Sirajganj 69422 44946 114368 69251 42872 112123 172 175 45 44
6 Rajshahi 582699 340073 922772 575715 327447 903162 2676 3761 78 65
53 Dinajpur 72923 41583 114506 72160 42653 114813 396 420 53 50
54 Gaibandha 42588 23647 66235 43585 24095 67680 318 241 41 43
55 Kurigram 13937 7045 20982 13904 7185 21089 80 79 53 52
56 Lalmonirhat 15310 4174 19484 15333 4296 19629 49 79 58 60
57 Nilphamari 34016 13078 47094 33600 430510 464110 108 114 61 59
58 Panchagarh 37509 8001 45510 37889 4832 42721 127 132 45 45
59 Rangpur 36499 26861 63360 36049 27789 63838 118 135 53 53
60 Thakurgaon 10202 6140 16342 10234 6108 16342 654 461 73 73
7 Rangpur 262984 130529 393513 262754 547468 810222 1850 1661 52 51
61 Habiganj 89559 42728 132287 54429 31106 85535 1287 1368 63 74
62 Mauluvibazar 60304 28744 89048 59484 29621 89105 389 176 64 68
63 Sunamganj 39636 32828 72464 39615 32943 72558 257 175 71 69
64 Sylhet 42168 30294 72462 35407 28360 63767 34 367 41 42
8 Sylhet 231667 134594 366261 188935 122030 310965 1967 2086 59 54
BANGLADESH 7910158 4948705 12858863 7771155 5855956 13627111 88740 89786 55 53
Source: Agriculture Wing, BBS
168 Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery

4.50 Estimate of Coconut 2018-19 & 2019-20

(Area in acres and production in M. tons)
Name of District/Division Total Production (Metric Tons)
Last Year (Inside Current Year Last Year Current Year Total of Last Total of Current Year
Garden) 2018-19 (Inside Garden) (Outside Garden) (Outside Garden) Year (Inside & (Inside & Outside
2019-20 2018-19 2019-20 Outside Garden) Garden) 2019-20
1 Barguna 0 0 10000 9133 10000 9133
2 Barishal 0 0 14086 14086 14086 14086
3 Bhola 1766 1543 27573 27615 29339 29158
4 Jhalokati 0 0 6500 7094 6500 7094
5 Patuakhali 0 0 10000 11370 10000 11370
6 Pirojpur 2526 3405 21396 19353 23922 22758
1 Barishal 4292 4948 89555 88651 93847 93599
7 Bandarban 462 464 622 627 1084 1091
8 Brahmanbaria 0 0 5323 5298 5323 5298
9 Chandpur 0 0 12146 11411 12146 11411
10 Chattagram 837 1021 6035 7029 6872 8050
11 Cumilla 3108 2475 5767 4507 8875 6982
12 Cox’s Bazar 7773 5153 5282 8274 13055 13427
13 Feni 102 102 2223 2212 2325 2314
14 Khagrachhari 33 33 888 899 921 932
15 Laksmipur 0 0 13036 13084 13036 13084
16 Noakhali 0 0 16303 14610 16303 14610
17 Rangamati 19 2144 653 1892 672 4036
2 Chattagram 12334 11392 68278 69843 80612 81235
18 Dhaka 109 0 2717 2360 2826 2360
19 Faridpur 216 221 4635 4846 4851 5067
20 Gazipur 193 99 1606 1635 1799 1734
21 Gopalganj 36 123 3028 2953 3064 3076
22 Kishorganj 320 272 5315 4805 5635 5077
23 Madaripur 0 0 6090 6574 6090 6574
24 Manikganj 70 78 3839 4304 3909 4382
25 Munshiganj 0 0 1220 1155 1220 1155
26 Narayanganj 0 0 1580 1535 1580 1535
27 Narsingdi 0 0 19061 2167 19061 2167
28 Rajbari 5650 5187 5213 4528 10863 9715
29 Shariatpur 0 0 6242 5996 6242 5996
30 Tangail 98 103 3149 3503 3247 3606
3 Dhaka 6692 6083 63695 46361 70387 52444
31 Bagerhat 0 0 23538 23959 23538 23959
32 Chuadanga 811 592 760 794 1571 1386
33 Jashore 3969 3985 8508 8544 12477 12529
34 Jheniadah 361 360 13309 12728 13670 13088
35 Khulna 985 993 6936 7370 7921 8363
36 Kushtia 725 708 14700 14988 15425 15696
37 Magura 757 625 2372 2610 3129 3235
38 Meherpur 0 0 699 763 699 763
39 Narail 1489 1487 3869 3887 5358 5374
40 Satkhira 963 428 4266 5033 5229 5461
4 Khulna 10060 9178 78957 80676 89017 89854
41 Jamalpur 0 0 3249 3357 3249 3357
42 Mymensing 296 342 16740 17610 17036 17952
43 Netrokona 0 0 3926 4505 3926 4505
44 Sherpur 0 0 1024 947 1024 947
5 Mymensing 296 342 24939 26419 25235 26761
45 Bogura 100 0 7808 8211 7908 8211
46 Joypurhat 140 228 587 490 727 718
47 Naogaon 0 0 956 977 956 977
48 Natore 0 0 16353 13039 16353 13039
49 Chapai Nawabganj 0 0 451 489 451 489
50 Pabna 302 186 6952 6226 7254 6412
51 Rajshahi 695 745 7679 9035 8374 9780
52 Sirajganj 0 0 3146 3081 3146 3081
6 Rajshahi 1237 1159 43932 41548 45169 42707
53 Dinajpur 0 0 3834 3580 3834 3580
54 Gaibandha 0 0 1745 1884 1745 1884
55 Kurigram 0 0 740 729 740 729
56 Lalmonirhat 0 0 894 921 894 921
57 Nilphamari 0 0 2073 1971 2073 1971
58 Panchagarh 97 100 1581 1621 1678 1721
59 Rangpur 0 0 1948 1903 1948 1903
60 Thakurgaon 0 0 746 749 746 749
7 Rangpur 97 100 13561 13358 13658 13458
61 Habiganj 132 0 5156 4046 5288 4046
62 Mauluvibazar 359 494 3484 3041 3843 3535
63 Sunamganj 0 0 2808 2733 2808 2733
64 Sylhet 71 92 1661 1409 1732 1501
8 Sylhet 562 586 13109 11229 13671 11815
Bangladesh 35570 33788 396026 378085 431596 411873
Source: Agriculture Wing, BBS
Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery 169

4.51 Estimate of Robi Till 2019-20 & 2020-21

(Area in acres and production in M. tons)
2019-20 2020-21
District/Division Area Yield Per acre Production Area (acre) Yield Per Production
(acre) (KG) (MT) acre (KG) (MT)
1 Barguna 109 312 34 82 366 30
2 Barishal 1500 460 690 1510 473 714
3 Bhola 166 361 60 160.41 362.07 58.08
4 Jhalokati 483 511 247 625 482 301
5 Patuakhali 534 318 170 536 319.50 171.25
6 Pirojpur 32 375 12 36 222 8
1 Barishal 2824 430 1213 2949.41 434.78 1282.33
7 Bandarban 346 223 77 340 222 75.60
8 Brahmanbaria 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 Chandpur 193 223 43 194.73 284 55.31
10 Chattagram 15 133 2 15.6 15. 2.38
11 Cumilla 35 514 18 34.24 473 15.18
12 Cox’s Bazar 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 Feni 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 Khagrachhari 28 250 7 30 256.67 7.70
15 Laksmipur 0 0 0 4 35 0.14
16 Noakhali 44 23 2 0 0 0
17 Rangamati 290 1276 370 277 1294.98 358.71
2 Chattagram 951 545 518 895.57 576 516.02
18 Dhaka 42 429 18 36 430 15.48
19 Faridpur 130 338 44 132.5 344.68 45.67
20 Gazipur 127 228 29 56.88 351.62 20
21 Gopalganj 226 226 5 226 225 50.86
22 Kishorganj 19 211 4 18.88 252.12 4.76
23 Madaripur 41 268 1 44 370.23 16.29
24 Manikganj 0 0 20 0 0 0
25 Munshiganj 7 429 3 8.45 426.04 3.60
26 Narayanganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
27 Narsingdi 212 165 35 111.07 189.07 21
28 Rajbari 0 0 0 0 0 0
29 Shariatpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
30 Tangail 278 320 89 110.70 261.07 28.90
3 Dhaka 1082 262 284 744.48 277.44 206.55
31 Bagerhat 0 0 0 0 0 0
32 Chuadanga 126 357 45 135 381.93 51.56
33 Jashore 0 0 0 0 0 0
34 Jheniadah 34 412 14 35 400 14
35 Khulna 6 500 3 0 0 0
36 Kushtia 45 444 20 46 478 22
37 Magura 40 375 15 42.52 388.52 16.52
38 Meherpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
39 Narail 24 1000 24 23 1000 23
40 Satkhira 37 270 10 30.97 256.38 7.94
4 Khulna 312 420 131 312.49 432.08 135.02
41 Jamalpur 368 345 127 397 353 140
42 Mymensing 196 301 59 195 303 59
43 Netrokona 0 0 0 0 0 0
44 Sherpur 80 350 28 65 400 26
5 Mymensing 644 332 214 657 342 225
45 Bogura 51 314 16 50.87 310.01 1577
46 Joypurhat 56 321 18 55.36 394.15 21.82
47 Naogaon 30 367 11 30.75 365.20 11.23
48 Natore 19 211 4 240 494.21 118.61
49 Chapai Nawabganj 99 222 22 92.75 228.03 21.15
50 Pabna 38 237 9 35 269.71 9.44
51 Rajshahi 90 433 39 91.61 438.38 40.16
52 Sirajganj 462 377 174 577 377.16 217.62
6 Rajshahi 845 347 293 1173.34 388.46 455.80
53 Dinajpur 40 325 13 21 238 5
54 Gaibandha 432 595 257 429 699 300
55 Kurigram 330 333 110 406 382 155
56 Lalmonirhat 56 464 26 53 472 25
57 Nilphamari 22 364 8 16 438 7
58 Panchagarh 93 387 36 127 362 46
59 Rangpur 98 480 47 69 522 36
60 Thakurgaon 101 277 28 85 235 20
7 Rangpur 1172 448 525 1206 493 594
61 Habiganj 18 556 10 14.95 451.51 6.75
62 Mauluvibazar 14 571 8 0 0 0
63 Sunamganj 35 571 20 13 1000 13
64 Sylhet 11 727 8 17 682.35 11.60
8 Sylhet 78 590 46 44.95 697.44 31.5
Bangladesh 7908 408 3224 7983.24 431.66 3446.07
Source : Agriculture Wing, BBS
170 Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery

4.51 Estimate of Til/Sesame (summer) 2019-20 & 2020-21

(Area in acres and production in M. tons)
2019-20 2020-21
District/Division Area Yield Per acre Production Area (acre) Yield Per Production
(acre) (KG) (MT) acre (KG) (MT)
1 Barguna 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 Barishal 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 Bhola 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Jhalokati 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Patuakhali 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 Pirojpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 Barishal 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 Bandarban 182 462 84 180.50 464.16 83.78
8 Brahmanbaria 1154 412 475 1158.07 413.00 478.28
9 Chandpur 22 318 7 6.85 383.94 2.63
10 Chattagram 9 111 1 4.94 50.61 0.25
11 Cumilla 1954 429 839 1767.31 428.11 756.60
12 Cox’s Bazar 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 Feni 7 143 1 6.90 188.41 1.30
14 Khagrachhari 128 219 28 126 216.43 27.27
15 Laksmipur 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 Noakhali 0 0 0 0 0 0
17 Rangamati 1921 275 528 1863 271.20 505.25
2 Chattagram 5377 365 963 5113.57 362.83 1855.36
18 Dhaka 534 498 266 486.20 453.04 220.27
19 Faridpur 3671 410 505 3667.30 413.38 1516
20 Gazipur 51 333 17 53.26 347.23 18.49
21 Gopalganj 480 590 283 465.33 280.17 130.37
22 Kishorganj 12 417 5 13.40 271.64 3.64
23 Madaripur 560 311 174 555.85 447.84 248.93
24 Manikganj 5217 311 620 5210 311.61 1623.49
25 Munshiganj 550 451 248 518 154.54 80.05
26 Narayanganj 77 494 38 82.80 476.81 39.48
27 Narsingdi 789 382 302 665.88 377.82 251.58
28 Rajbari 4838 462 2237 4827 465 2244
29 Shariatpur 55 255 14 65 246 16
30 Tangail 5602 299 1676 5644.56 300.93 1698.61
3 Dhaka 22436 374 8385 22254.57 363.56 8090.91
31 Bagerhat 282 213 60 265 283 75
32 Chuadanga 517 404 209 489 393 192
33 Jashore 6575 366 2406 6208 363 2256
34 Jheniadah 5561 368 2045 5519 346 1908
35 Khulna 3817 89 341 3627 122 441
36 Kushtia 6691 534 3572 6597 492 3244
37 Magura 356 351 125 2253 389 876
38 Meherpur 240 446 107 354 466 165
39 Narail 2353 397 933 2241 394 883
40 Satkhira 298 289 86 298 295 88
4 Khulna 26690 370 9884 27851 364 10128
41 Jamalpur 203 310 63 201 333 67
42 Mymensing 48 1500 72 46 478 22
43 Netrokona 38 263 10 48 417 20
44 Sherpur 19 316 6 17 294 5
5 Mymensing 308 490 151 312 365 114
45 Bogura 79 278 22 83.36 317.78 26.49
46 Joypurhat 0 0 0 7.40 313.51 2.32
47 Naogaon 435 476 207 413.30 422.74 174.72
48 Natore 1007 679 684 1172 543.67 637.18
49 Chapai Nawabganj 53 283 15 61 278.03 16.96
50 Pabna 8505 394 3347 8592 413.04 548.87
51 Rajshahi 2198 389 856 2539.91 395.24 1003.87
52 Sirajganj 3944 342 1348 5250 359.51 1887.43
6 Rajshahi 16221 399 6479 18118.97 402.77 7279.84
53 Dinajpur 15 333 5 14 357 5
54 Gaibandha 362 395 143 286 423 121
55 Kurigram 216 389 84 219 539 118
56 Lalmonirhat 47 447 21 52 481 25
57 Nilphamari 15 267 4 21 381 8
58 Panchagarh 3385 408 1380 3331 348 1160
59 Rangpur 76 329 25 75 320 24
60 Thakurgaon 88 375 33 90 378 34
7 Rangpur 4204 403 1695 4088 366 1495
61 Habiganj 6 167 1 6 150 0.90
62 Mauluvibazar 18 222 4 20 300 6
63 Sunamganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
64 Sylhet 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 Sylhet 24 208 5 26 265 6.9
Bangladesh 75260 380 28562 77764.11 372.77 28988.01
Source : Agriculture Wing, BBS
Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery 171

4.52 Production of Important Fruits

(Thousand M. tons)
Fruits 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Banana 774 770 777 798 807 810 833 818 826
Mango 957 992 1018 1162 1288 1166 1219 1222 1215
Pineapple 187 199 198 201 212 208 217 218 204
Jackfruit 957 1004 1061 1031 1050 1075 1038 1002 1097
Papaya 125 131 133 130 135 135 136 131 126
Melon 40 52 53 49 41 41 41 41 47
Orange 03 04 04 03 03 03 03 03 04
Ber 78 82 90 86 90 114 129 131 108
Guava 205 203 203 214 229 242 237 226 244
Citrus fruits 19 18 21 21 23 23 - - -
Other fruits 11 16 16 15 16 16 - -
Note : Other fruits include bel, shopeda, sharifa, nona, jamrul, etc.
Source : Agriculture Wing, BBS.

4.53 Flowering and Harvesting Periods of Main Fruits

Approximate Approximate
Fruits flowering period harvesting period

Mango Feb.-March May-August

Pineapple Feb.-March May-July

Litchi Feb.-March May-June

Lemon Feb.-March Aug.-Oct.

Pomelo Feb.-March Oct.-December

Lime Feb.-March June-August

Orange Feb.-March November-December

Jackfruit Feb.-March May-July

Guava March-May July-Sept.(main crop)

No.-December Feb.March (2nd crop)

Banana Throughout the year Peak period

Dec.-Feb. Sep.-Oct.

Papaya Throughout the year Peak period


Melon Feb.-March April-May

Source : Agriculture Wing, BBS

172 Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery

4.54 Species/Group-wise Annual Fish Production in Inland and

Marine Fisheries,2019-20
(Unit-Metric ton)
SL No Species/Group Inland Fishereis Marine Fishereis Total %
1 Major Carp 962049 0 962049 21.36
2 Other Carp 125565 0 125565 2.79
3 Exotic Carp 503224 0 503224 11.17
4 Pangas (Cat fish) 405059 0 405059 8.99
5 Other Cat fish 69389 0 69389 1.54
6 Snake head 74368 0 74368 1.65
7 Live fish 160068 0 160068 3.55
8 Tilapia 371263 0 371263 8.24
9 Other Inland Fish 592404 0 592404 13.15
10 Hilsha/Illish (Tenualosa ilisha) 245862 304566 550428 12.22
11 Shrimp/ Prawn 198465 42816 241281 5.36
12 Crab 12562 0 12562 0.28
13 Sarpunti (Puntius sarana) 98565 0 98565 2.19
14 Cuchia 13424 0 13424 0.30
15 Sardine (Sardinella fimbriata) 0 16814 16814 0.37
16 Bombay duck (Harpondan nehereus) 0 70749 70749 1.57
17 Indian Salmon (Palydaclylns indicus) 0 177 177 0.00
18 Pomfret (Rup Hail/Fali Chanda) 0 10023 10023 0.22
19 Jew fish (Poa Lambu kaladatina) 0 41943 41943 0.93
20 Sea Cat fish (Tachys wrns spp) 0 13610 13610 0.30
21 Sharks /Skate/Ray 0 3373 3373 0.07
22 Other marine fish 0 167033 167033 3.71
Total Metric Ton 3832267 671104 4503371 100
% 85.10 14.90 100
Notes :
1. Major carp-Rui, catla, Mrigal. 2. Other carp- Ghania, kalbaus, Bata, 3. Exotic carp-Silver carp, Common carp, Mirror carp, Grass Carp, Big
Head Carp.Black Carp 4. Other Cat fish-Boal, Silon, Air, Rita. 5. Snake Head- Shol, Gazar, Taki. 6.Live fish-Koi, Singhi, Magur.
7. Prawn-Galda and Other Inland Chingri, 8. Shrimp-Bagda and Other Coastal/Marine Chingri 9. Other Fish (Inland and Marine)- Including all
other fishes except those mentioned above
Crab production has included from 2015-16.
Source: Department of Fisheries

4.55 Secctor-wise Annual Fish Production in Inland and Marine Fisheries 2019-20

Sector of fisheries Water area Production % of Productivity

(Hectare) (Metric Ton) Production (Kg./Hectare)
A. Inland Fisheries
(i) Inland Open Water (Capture)
1. River & Estuaries 853863 331793 7.37 389
2. Sundarban 177700 21007 0.47 118
3. Beels 114161 103104 2.29 903
4. Kaptai lake 68800 12696 0.28 185
5. Floodplain 2651567 779801 17.32 294
Capture Total 3866091 1248401 27.72
(ii) Inland Closed Water (Culture)
6. Ponds 404497 2046258 45.44 5059
7. Seasonal Cultured Water Body 151942 225948 5.02 1487
8. Baor 5671 10969 0.24 1934
9. Shrimp/Prawn farms 257888 270114 6.00 1047
10. Crab* 9535 12562 0.28 1317
11. Pen Culture 7263 13425 0.30 1848
12. Cage Culture** 1.79 lakh cu m 4590 0.10 26
Culture Total 836796 2583866 57.38
Inland Fisheries total 4702887 3832267 85.10
B. Marine Fisheries
13.Industrial fisheries (Trawl) 115354 2.56
14.Artisanal fisheries 555750 12.34
Marine Fisheries Total 671104 14.90
Country Total 4503371 100
Note:. 1 Catch of River, Beel and Baor is estimated by catch assessment survey on the basis of Frame Survey and water area from SPARRSO (Space Research and Remote Sensing
Organization) Report, 1983.
2.Catch data of Sundarbans are supplied by Forest Department and water area of Sundarbans is estimated on the basis of Integrated Resource Development of Sundarbans
Reserved forest,1994.
3. Catch data of Kaptai Lake are supplied by Bangladesh Fisheries Development Corporation (BFDC).
4. Seasonal cultured water body means Paddy field, Floodplain, Boropit etc. which are under in fish culture.
5. Catch data of Marine Fisheries are supplied by Marine Wing, Department of Fisheries.
* Crab production had included from 2015-16.
** Volume of cage is 1,76,213 cubic meter assuming one-meter average depth of the cages over 17.62 ha water area. This area is included with River and Estuary area.
ource: Department of Fisheries
Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery 173

4.56 Annual Total Fish Production of the Inland Waters by District, 2019-20
(Metric ton)
Sundarban Beel Kaptai Flood Seasonal Baor Shrimp/ Pen Cage
District River lake Plain Pond Cyltured Prawn Culture Culture Total
Water Farm
Dhaka 1148 0 824 0 6193 8649 3469 0 0 1005 38 21326
Faridpur 2080 0 588 0 9087 19410 6241 812 72.8 1171 2 39464
Gazipur 541 0 1767 0 16231 26358 8447 0 0 901 0 54245
Gopalganj 705 0 861 0 7689 15846 3787 1047 2003 3600 16 35554
Kishoreganj 2450 0 6950 0 42671 25869 1075 0 2.08 939 17 79973
Madaripur 1470 0 313 0 8130 12362 193 1253 67 1293 242 25323
Manikgang 2830 0 679 0 10515 11816 3497 0 7.8 846 0 30191
Munshiganj 3311 0 282 0 11577 9670 4621 0 1 178 0 29640
Narayangang 1828 0 163 0 1500 9822 3584 0 0 992 0 17889
Narsingdi 2670 0 1279 0 12479 22536 920 0 1 93 557 40535
Rajbari 2930 0 297 0 6152 14971 2668 29 0 0 0 27047
Shariatpur 5583 0 46 0 5325 13256 1021 0 55 38 8 25332
Tangail 1322 0 2349 0 11095 38993 2629 0 0 7 0 56395
Dhaka Division 28868 0 16398 0 148644 229558 42152 3141 2209.51 11063 880 482914
jamalpur 2935 0 3225 0 9227 17245 1537 0 0 723 16 34908
Mymensingh 1295 0 6459 0 10842 339859 2028 0 4 19 17 360523
Netrokona 1485 0 6786 0 36700 38909 5434 0 0 102 0 89416
sherpur 966 0 2533 0 2333 22620 1948 0 0 0 0 30400
Mymensingh Division 6681 0 19003 0 59102 418633 10947 0 4 844 33 515247
Bagerhat 5318 19529 32 0 5093 17603 1779 10 72237 0 0 121601
Chuadanga 352 0 1094 0 1302 11052 1588 1603 0 0 8 16999
Jashore 970 0 1718 0 34498 131541 24251 3598 30424 0 3 227003
Jhenaidah 353 0 1055 0 6032 26452 3259 1760 19 0 0 38930
Khulna 3666 762 228 0 19754 16040 1022 0 68863 0 0 110335
Kushtia 1246 0 564 0 3717 22339 4187 195 0 13 64 32325
Magura 1120 0 153 0 2762 10706 112 211 52 0 0 15116
Meherpur 286 0 384 0 854 6863 218 250 0 0 27 8882
Narail 957 0 546 0 3051 4766 578 0 4381 0 0 14279
Satkhira 1380 716 33 0 12674 39599 1761 201 74249 0 0 130613
Khulna Division Total 15648 21007 5807 0 89737 286961 38755 7828 250225 13 102 716083
Barguna 6219 0 0 0 3538 7538 611 0 591 17 84 18598
Barishal 40999 0 35 0 8563 37732 8084 0 4457 0 45 99915
Bhola 88344 0 0 0 5091 36248 435 0 166 0 164 130448
Jhalokathi 2029 0 15 0 4384 4379 554 0 76 109 6 11552
Patuakhali 30833 0 0 0 10231 23932 218 0 3254 5 16 68489
Pirojpur 3552 0 10 0 3891 8592 1025 0 2569 0 26 19665
Barishal Division Total 171976 0 60 0 35698 118421 10927 0 11113 131 341 348667
Dinajpur 293 0 554 0 5910 48170 2003 0 17 0 18 56965
Gaibandha 2129 0 567 0 5788 26335 822 0 13 37 0 35691
Kurigram 4003 0 1666 0 10996 20043 4683 0 6 152 149 41698
Lalmonirhat 205 0 569 0 1662 13359 3678 0 3 24 7 19507
Nilphamari 201 0 501 0 3263 19379 740 0 5 25 8 24122
Panchagarh 123 0 57 0 2642 12954 455 0 4 6 0 16241
Rangpur 163 0 1865 0 8356 30163 3620 0 15 32 0 44214
Thakurgaon 117 0 209 0 3728 24558 350 0 6 9 13 28990
Rangpur Division Total 7234 0 5988 0 42345 194961 16351 0 69 285 195 267428
Bogura 928 0 2597 0 4642 75386 703 0 5 49 9 84319
C. Nawabganj 1917 0 3027 0 1455 12204 221 0 1 155 27 19007
Jaypurhat 199 0 271 0 157 22910 589 0 24 0 4 24154
Naogaon 1304 0 5211 0 14891 58512 664 0 2 0 56 80640
Natore 871 0 1056 0 15642 47250 431 0 2 0 26 65278
Pabna 4248 0 2664 0 10701 46207 3056 0 0 4 40 66920
Rajshahi 2481 0 4129 0 6012 62703 6362 0 10 0 10 81707
Sirajganj 4541 0 779 0 32425 25446 1252 0 2 19 1443 65907
Rajshahi Division Total 16489 0 19734 0 85925 350618 13278 0 46 227 1615 487932
Bandarban 150 0 0 0 167 1346 522 0 0 0 0 2185
Brahmanbaria 1955 0 491 0 20631 36451 2800 0 0 540 165 63033
Chandpur 35432 0 290 0 23329 37914 1912 0 192 174 999 100242
Chattagram 6862 0 53 0 680 65840 3446 0 1599 0 0 78480
Cumilla 1039 0 329 0 70534 122731 77308 0 148 76 46 272211
Cox's Bazar 2404 0 0 0 1285 4737 161 0 16549 0 0 25136
Feni 1352 0 0 0 6752 24309 272 0 69 1 35 32790
Khagrachari H.T. 218 0 54 0 0 2721 447 0 0 0 0 3440
Lakshmipur 21984 0 0 0 10068 30918 867 0 74 0 69 63980
Noakhali 10050 0 0 0 26873 48527 1180 0 362 0 0 86992
Rangamati 221 0 0 12696 0 1015 555 0 0 46 65 14598
Chattagram Division
Total 81667 0 1217 12696 160319 376509 89470 0 18993 873 1379 743087
Habiganj 1016 0 2613 0 28102 18116 206 0 15 0 0 50068
Moulvi Bazar 484 0 2911 0 23881 22229 781 0 0 0 2 50288
Sunamganj 866 0 24049 0 65294 10320 1515 0 0 16 0 102060
Sylhet 864 0 5324 0 40754 19932 1566 0 1 9 43 68493
Sylhet Division Total 3230 0 34897 0 158031 70597 4068 0 16 25 45 270909
Total 331793 21007 103104 12696 779801 204658 225948 10969 282676 13425 4590 3832267
% 8.66 0.55 2.69 0.33 20.35 53.40 5.90 0.29 7.38 0.35 0.12 100
Note: Shrimp Farm Production including Crab Production00
Source: Department of Fisheries
174 Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery

4.57 (a) Production of Hatchling in Government Hatcheries, 2020

No. of Hatcheling Production (Kg.)
Hatcher Major Exotic Panga Thai Bata Koi Shingi/ Other Total
y Carp Carp s Punti Magur
Fish Sheet Multiplication Farm
1. Dhaka Division 13 1167 268 0 47 32 0.00 0 0 1513
2. Mymensingh Division 9 1282 263 5 210 120 0.00 2 0 1882
3. Khulna Division 14 2631 0 0 0 0 0.00 2 0 2633
4. Barishal Division 9 527 52 30 5 0 0.00 5 0 619
5. Rangpur Division 16 1146 745 0 73 121 0.00 0 1 2086
6. Rajshahi Division 17 1563 822 37 61 301 0.00 10 140 2934
7. Chattagram Division 18 1710 418 0 201 57 0.00 0 0 2386
8. Sylhet Division 6 699 91 0 135 11 0.00 0 25 960
Sub Total 102 10725 2658 72 731 642 0.00 19 166 15013
Other Govt. Hatchery**
1.Central Fish Breeding and 1 716 754 0 14 21 0 0 0 1505
Training Centre, Jhenaidah,
2. Fish Breeding and Training 1 540 123 10 59 0 0 0 0 732
Centre,Raipur Lakshmipur
3. Fish Seed Multiplication Farm 1 305 217 0 25 70 0 0 0 617
and Training Centre, Parbatipur,
4. Hatchery of Bangladesh 1 360 180 0 0 0 0 0 150 690
Fisheries Research Institute,
5. Faridpur Training and 1 40 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 50
Extension Centre, Faridpur.
Sub total 5 1961 1284 10 98 91 0 0 150 3594


4.57 (b) Production of Hatchling from Hatcheries in Private Sectors

2020 (Division-wise)
No. of Hatcheling Production (Kg.) Tilapia
Division Hatchery Major Exotic Pangas Thai Bata Koi Shingi/ Other Total Juvenile
Carp Carp Punti Magur (Lakh)
Dhaka 42 12516 4805 25 2186 2980 677 450 570 24209 255
Mymensingh 328 60381 54118 6850 14101 2711 6357 26917 20314 191749 4879
Khulna 97 39390. 36793 4761 1997 1866 1092 462 4551 90913 2258
Barishal 35 11609 5764 320 2859 260 355 450 2267 23884 194
Rangpur 94 26774 28106 0 4859 10048 428 1905 1300 73420 225
Rajshahi 177 59521 55704 12646 5654 13504 2354 9072 16084 174539 19000
Chattagram 166 33999 12938 6614 1747 777 232 131 4829 61267 2771
Sylhet 24 4322 3164 30 636.12 241 25 0 88 8506 1843
Total 963 248513 201392 31246 34039 32387 11520 39387 50003 648486 31426
Note: 1.About four lakh hatchlings contain in one kg. spawn and one Kg. contaius m 1000-1200 tilapia Juvenile.
2 Other Species: Ghonia, Chitol, Gulsa, Pabda etc.
3. No of Hatchery metioned which is under operation only.
Source: Department of Fisheries
Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery 175

4.58 Species-wise Annual Fish Catch of All River, 2019-20

[Unit: Metric Ton]
SL Species Lower Upper Lower Upper Jamuna Brahmaputra Other Totall %
No Meghna Meghna Padma Padma River
1 Rui 167 266 251 222 189 197 1853 3145 0.95
2 Catla 120 145 163 147 125 159 1112 1971 0.59
3 Mrigal 90 123 135 64 108 139 736 1395 0.42
4 Kalibaus 0 29 61 43 36 90 358 617 0.19
5 Bata 1220 100 0 0 13 0 282 1615 0.49
6 Ghonia 0 15 0 0 0 0 18 33 0.01
7 Pangas 376 65 77 189 0278 0 203 910 0.27
8 Boal/Air 298 142 308 206 0 419 1254 2905 0.88
9 Shol/Gazar/Taki 0 0 0 0 0 0 803 803 0.24
10 Koi 0 0 0 0 0 0 99 99 0.03
11 Shingi/Magur 0 0 0 0 0 0 91 91 0.03
12 Sarpunti 0 0 181 0 0 0 19 200 0.06
13 cuchia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3024 3024
14 Other Inland Fish 3451 5294 3637 4715 4529 4698 30254 56578 17.05
15 Hilsa/Illish 178800 1111 5952 604 682 325 57498 244972 73.83
16 Galda 329 140 69 20 16 69 270 913 0.28
17 Bagda 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 33 0.01
18 Harina0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3028 3028 0.91
19 Chaka 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 18 0.01
20 Other small 505 366 215 200 412 797 6948 9443 2.85
Total 185356 7796 11049 6410 6388 6893 107901 331793 100
Source: Department of Fisheries
176 Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery

4.59 District-wise Annual Fish Catch of All River, 2019-20

[Unit: Metric Ton]
District Principal River Pricipal Other Grand
Lower Upper Lower Upper Padma Jamuna Brahmaputra River Toatl River Total Total
Meghna Meghna Padma (A) (B) (A+B)
Dhaka 0 0 689 0 0 0 689 459 1148
Faridpur 0 0 1498 0 0 0 1498 582 2080
Gazipur 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 541 541
Gopalganj 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 705 705
Kishoreganj 0 1021 0 0 0 0 1021 1429 2450
Madaripur 0 0 1184 0 0 0 1184 286 1470
Manikganj 0 0 1700 0 761 0 2461 369 2830
Munshiganj 0 1407 1478 0 0 0 2885 426 3311
Narayanganj 0 1351 0 0 0 0 1351 477 1828
Narshingdi 0 2126 0 0 0 0 2126 544 2670
Rajbari 0 0 1061 1215 0 0 2276 654 2930
Shariatpur 1745 0 3439 0 0 0 5184 399 5583
Tangail 0 0 0 0 1053 0 1053 269 1322
Dhaka Div. 1745 5905 11049 1215 1814 0 21728 7140 28868
Mymensingh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1295 1295
Netrokona 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1485 1485
Jamalpur 0 0 0 0 640 2083 2723 212 2935
Sherpur 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 966 966
Div. 0 0 0 0 640 2083 2723 3958 6681
Bagerhat 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5318 5318
Chuadanga0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 352 352
Jashore 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 970 970
Jheniadah 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 353 353
Khulna 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3666 3666
Kushtia 0 0 0 198 0 0 198 1048 1246
Magura 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1120 1120
Meherpur 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 286 286
Narail 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 957 957
Satkhira 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1380 1380
Khulna Div. 0 0 0 198 0 0 198 15450 15648
Barguna 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6219 6219
Barishal 36201 0 0 0 0 0 36201 4798 40999
Bhola 83918 0 0 0 0 0 83918 4426 88344
Jhalokathi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2029 2029
Patuakhali 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30833 30833
Pirojpur 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3552 3552
Barishal Div. 120119 0 0 0 0 0 120119 51857 171976
Dinajpur 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 293 293
Gaibandha 0 0 0 0 217 1377 1594 535 2129
Kurigram 0 0 0 0 0 3433 3433 570 4003
Lalmonirhat 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 205 205
Nilphamari 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 201 201
Panchagarh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 123 123
Rangpur 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 163 163
Thakurgaon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 117 117
Rangpur div. 0 0 0 0 217 4810 5027 2207 7234
Bogura 0 0 0 0 130 0 136 792 928
C. Nawabganj 0 0 0 1111 0 0 1111 806 1917
Joypurhat 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 199 199
Naogaon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1304 1304
Natore 0 0 0 504 0 0 504 367 871
Pabna 0 0 0 1839 1025 0 2864 1384 4248
Rajshahi 0 0 0 1543 0 0 1543 938 2481
Sirajganj 0 0 0 0 2556 0 2556 1985 4541
Rajshahi Div. 0 0 0 4997 3717 0 8714 7775 16489
Bandarban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 150 150
Brahmanbaria 0 1275 0 0 0 0 1275 680 1955
Chandpur 31914 0 0 0 0 0 31914 3518 35432
Chattagram 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6862 6862
Cumilla 0 426 0 0 0 0 426 613 1039
Cox,s Bazar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2404 2404
Feni 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1352 1352
Khagrachari 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 218 218
Lakshmipur 21701 0 0 0 0 0 21701 283 21984
Noakhali 9877 0 0 0 0 0 9877 173 10050
Rangamati 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 221 221
Ctg. Div 63492 1701 0 0 0 0 65193 16474 81667
Habiganj 0 190 0 0 0 0 190 826 1016
Moulvibazar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 484 484
Sunamganj 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 866 866
Sylhet 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 864 864
Sylhet Div. 0 190 0 0 0 0 190 3040 3230
Total 185356 7796 11049 6410 6388 6893 223892 107901 331793
% 55.86 2.35 3.33 1.93 1.93 2.08 67.48 32.52 100
Source: Department of Fisheries
Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery 177

4.60 District-wise Annual Fish Production of Beel, 2017-18

[Unit: Metric Ton, Area in Hectare]
District Natural Source Beel Nursery Program Total Catch
Area Production Area Production Area Production
Dhaka 918 709 78 88 996 797
Faridpur 229 216 197 262 426 478
Gazipur 1713 1246 7 3 1720 1249
Gopalganj 657 426 244 233 901 659
Kishoreganj 5273 4818 1564 1983 6837 6801
Madaripur 112 87 151 153 263 240
Manikganj 513 227 259 317 772 544
Munshiganj 331 149 18 18 349 167
Narayanganj 203 109 13 8 216 117
Narshingdi 1149 1041 15 30 1164 1071
Rajbari 90 42 159 208 249 250
Sariatpur 72 33 4 2 76 35
Tangail 2098 1907 235 374 2333 2281
Dhaka Division 13356 11010 2944 3679 16302 14689
Mymensingh 6747 5889 599 850 7346 6739
Jamalpur 2508 2161 852 922 3360 3083
Netrokona 7988 5800 367 782 8355 6582
Shepur 3494 2388 14 21 3508 2409
Mymensingh Division 20737 16238 1832 2575 22569 18813
Bagerhat 39 17 9 3 48 20
Chuadanga 988 789 173 285 1161 1074
Jashore 2482 1415 228 279 2710 1694
Jhenaidah 971 841 160 182 1131 1023
Khulna 250 117 21 16 271 133
Kushtia 430 294 157 146 587 440
Magura 282 261 50 52 332 313
Meherpur 434 189 15 8 449 197
Narail 578 309 286 263 864 572
Satkhira 41 14 5 2 46 16
Khulna Division 6495 4246 1104 1236 7599 5482
Barguna 0 0 0 0 0 0
Barishal 41 23 0 0 41 23
Bhola 0 0 0 0 0 0
Jhalokati 14 9 0 0 14 9
Patuakhali 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pirojpur 20 9 0 0 20 9
Barishal Division 75 41 0 0 75 41
Dinajpur 583 323 199 196 782 519
Gaibandha 794 437 25 26 819 463
Kurigram 1251 988 100 128 1351 1116
Lalmonirhat 422 220 181 182 603 402
Nilphamari 742 282 66 52 808 334
Panchagarh 94 43 16 10 110 53
Rangpur 1789 1622 121 144 1910 1766
Thakurgaon 290 155 71 46 361 201
Rangpur Division 5965 4070 779 784 6744 4854
Bogura 3226 2074 291 445 3517 2519
C.Nawabganj 3754 2135 1050 1213 4804 3348
Jaypurhat 262 110 22 19 284 129
Naogaon 6299 2977 1356 1366 7655 4343
Natore 1046 581 347 344 1393 925
Pabna 1875 957 478 513 2353 1470
Rajshahi 5664 3278 333 338 5997 3616
Sirajganj 629 405 273 269 902 674
Rajshahi Division 22755 12517 4150 4507 26905 17024
Bandarban 0 0 0 0 0 0
Brahmanbaria 344 308 124 159 468 467
Chandpur 195 127 166 185 361 312
Chattagram 83 33 6 3 89 36
Cumilla 188 177 86 97 274 274
Cox's Bazar 0 0 0 0 0 0
Feni 0 0 0 0 0 0
Khagrachari H.T. 49 21 26 30 75 51
Lakshmipur 0 0 0 0 0 0
Noakhali 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rangamati H.T. 0 0 0 0 0 0
Chattagram Division 859 666 408 474 1267 1140
Habiganj 2669 3238 309 558 2978 3796
Moulvi Bazar 2912 3318 580 1060 3492 4378
Sunamganj 20950 23778 18 26 20968 23804
Sylhet 4612 4333 650 843 5262 5176
Sylhet Division 31143 34667 1559 2487 32702 37154
Total 101387 83455 127774 15742 114161 99197
Note: Area of Beel from SPARRSO Report, 1983 and District-wise area from CEGIS Report, 2002
Source: Department of Fisheries.
178 Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery

4.61 Annual Fish Production of Pond 2019-20 [Area in Hectare, Production in Metric Ton]
Sl. Estensive Semi-intensive Intensive Highly Intensive Total
No. District
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. MT/Ha
1 Dhaka 0 0 1727 6858 229 1730 5 61 1961 8649 4.41
2 Faridpur 94 135 2102 8062 1559 9265 138 1948 3893 19410 4.99
3 Gazipur 53 67 2249 8134 1416 12645 362 5512 4080 26358 6.46
4 Gopalganj 660 905 1671 6531 1383 8300 10 110 3724 15845 4.26
5 Kishoreganj 311 412 2759 10833 1722 12934 125 1690 4917 25869 5.26
6 Madaripur 196 274 1944 6865 596 3682 149 1541 2885 12362 4.28
7 Manikganj 345 501 1628 6113 567 4936 17 266 2552 11816 4.62
8 Munshiganj 120 171 1594 6028 491 3471 0 0 2205 9670 4.39
9 Narayanganj 97 122 1272 4622 688 5078 0 0 2057 9822 4.77
10 Narshingdi 79 105 1185 4450 882 6896 653 11085 2799 22536 8.05
11 Rajbari 144 185 2605 9164 937 5622 0 0 3686 14971 4.06
12 Sariatpur 27 38 1770 7044 829 6174 0 0 2626 13256 5.05
13 Tangail 7 10 3206 10633 4279 25727 229 2623 7721 38993 5.05
Dhaka Div. 2133 2925 25712 95337 15578 106460 1688 24836 45111 229558 5.09
14 Jamalpur 0 0 1917 7057 1315 8490 110 1698 3342 17245 5.16
15 Mymensingh 648 921 6953 22302 11557 85984 9986 230652 29144 339859 11.66
16 Netrakona 490 675 5171 20145 2265 17808 23 281 7949 38909 4.89
17 Sherpur 43 60 2362 7841 1486 8055 607 6664 4498 22620 5.03
Mymensingh Div. 1181 1656 16403 57345 16623 120337 10726 239295 44933 418633 9.32
18 Bagerhat 1714 2531 3448 13713 139 1359 0 0 5301 17603 3.32
19 Chuadanga 5 7 1032 3546 1151 7499 0 0 2188 11052 5.05
20 Jashore 77 112 9535 41763 5650 49226 2256 40440 17518 131541 7.51
21 Jhenaidah 13 18 3277 13052 1790 12872 40 510 5120 26452 5.17
22 Khulna 655 918 3465 10820 665 4302 0 0 4785 16040 3.35
23 Kushtia 0 0 2567 9374 1869 12965 0 0 4436 22339 5.04
24 Magura 35 48 1932 7406 355 3252 0 0 2322 10706 4.61
25 Meherpur 0 0 1326 5077 216 1786 0 0 1542 6863 4.45
26 Narail 65 91 646 2395 379 2280 0 0 1090 4766 4.37
27 Satkhira 7006 8244 4198 11287 1621 14130 287 5938 13112 39599 3.02
Khulna Div. 9570 11969 31426 118433 13835 109671 2583 46888 57414 286961 5.00
Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery 179

4.61 Annual Fish Production of Pond 2019-20

[Area in Hectare, Production in Metric Ton]
Sl. Estensive Semi-intensive Intensive Highly Intensive Total
No. District
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. MT/Ha
28 Barguna 476 686 1921 6653 28 199 0 0 2425 7538 3.11
29 Barishal 0 0 9646 36889 136 843 0 0 9782 37732 3.86
30 Bhola 253 364 2001 7317 5594 28142 36 425 7884 36248 4.60
31 Jhalokati 0 0 1097 4082 37 223 4 74 1138 4379 3.85
32 Patuakhali 1226 1637 6770 21224 173 1071 0 0 8169 23932 2.93
33 Pirojpur 701 978 1907 5736 351 1878 0 0 2959 8592 2.90
Barishal Div. 2656 3665 23342 81901 6319 32356 40 499 32357 118421 3.66
34 Dinajpur 102 149 6541 26060 2781 20250 98 1711 9522 48170 5.06
35 Gaibandha 0 0 4986 19115 810 6109 65 1111 5861 26335 4.49
36 Kurigram 204 294 3310 12907 905 5554 118 1288 4537 20043 4.42
37 Lalmonirhat 48 70 2650 10502 448 2592 13 195 3159 13359 4.23
38 Nilphamari 0 0 1968 6716 2126 11831 69 832 4163 19379 4.66
39 Panchagarh 0 0 2036 6905 1099 5064 73 985 3208 12954 4.04
40 Rangpur 98 127 4443 17589 1740 12282 10 165 6291 30163 4.79
41 Thakurgaon 0 0 3706 14089 1404 8281 194 2188 5304 24558 4.63
Rangpur Div. 452 640 29640 113883 11313 71963 640 8475 42045 194961 4.64
42 Bogura 417 560 9376 28280 3799 29777 733 16769 14325 75386 5.26
43 C.Nawabganj 0 0 2326 8352 706 3852 0 0 3032 12204 4.02
44 Jaypurhat 30 40 2105 7063 2569 15807 0 0 4704 22910 4.87
45 Naogaon 0 0 9768 37665 2915 19460 118 1387 12801 58512 4.57
46 Natore 0 0 5320 19921 2714 23598 243 3731 8277 47250 5.71
47 Pabna 0 0 8727 34089 1798 12020 9 98 10534 46207 4.39
48 Rajshahi 0 0 5050 19394 7220 40747 233 2562 12503 62703 5.02
49 Sirajganj 68 80 3287 12999 1953 12367 0 0 5308 25446 4.79
Rajshahi Div. 515 680 45959 167763 23674 157628 1336 24547 71484 350618 4.90
180 Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery

4.61 Annual Fish Production of Pond 2019-20

[Area in Hectare, Production in Metric Ton]
Sl. Estensive Semi-intensive Intensive Highly Intensive Total
No. District
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. MT/Ha
50 Bandarban 175 228 268 750 74 368 0 0 517 1346 2.60
51 Brahmanbaria 125 181 3899 15433 2765 19829 58 1008 6847 36451 5.32
52 Chandpur 171 248 6372 22835 2872 14831 0 0 9415 37914 4.03
53 Chattagram 6470 9304 12881 45298 1718 10208 80 1030 21149 65840 3.11
54 Cumilla 1445 2053 12548 44577 7480 62464 1081 13637 22554 122731 5.44
55 Coxes Bazar 238 320 1207 4417 0 0 0 0 1445 4737 3.28
56 Feni 303 352 4094 15449 949 7757 47 751 5393 24309 4.51
57 Khagrachari 141 201 807 2005 93 515 0 0 1041 2721 2.61
58 Lakshmipur 239 332 6027 21515 1869 9071 0 0 8135 30918 3.80
59 Noakhali 991 1285 11685 43419 434 3823 0 0 13110 48527 3.70
60 Rangamati 52 66 352 885 10 64 0 0 414 1015 2.45
Chattagram Div. 10350 14570 60140 216583 18264 128930 1266 16426 90020 376509 4.18
61 Habiganj 1099 1415 2502 8201 1166 7315 110 1185 4877 18116 3.71
62 Moulvibazar 3344 4445 2617 9759 1221 7998 2 27 7184 22229 3.09
63 Sunamganj 450 615 2437 8305 179 1345 4 55 3070 10320 3.36
64 Sylhet 856 1130 3472 10413 1657 8161 17 228 6002 19932 3.32
Sylhet Div. 5749 7605 11028 36678 4223 24819 133 1495 21133 70597 3.34
Total 32606 43710 243650 887923 109829 752164 18412 362461 404497 2046258 5.06

Culture Method Range Number Area Production Growth Rate %

of Pond (Ha) % (MT) % MT/Ha
Extensive <1.5MT/Ha 497296 32606 8.06 43710 2.14 1.341 -1.36
Semi-intensive 1.5-4 MT/Ha 1432410 243650 60.24 887923 43.39 3.644 1.30
Intensive 4>10MT/Ha 484585 109829 27.15 752164 36.76 6.848 12.14
Highly Intensive 10>MT/Ha 75612 18412 4.55 362461 17.71 19.686 -5.37
Total 248990 404497 100 2046258 100 5.059 3.63

Note: Pond Area from SPARRSO (Space Research and remote Sensing Organization) Report, 1983 and updated on the basis of DFO (District Fisheries Office) Report 2014-2015.
Source: Department of Fisheries.
Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery 181

4.62 Annual Fish Production of Baor, 2019-20

Districts Area (Ha) Production (MT)
Faridpur 437 812
Gopalganj 791 1047
Madaripur 1119 1253
Rajbari 14 29
Dhaka Division 2361 3141
Chuadanga 498 1603
Jashore 1474 3598
Bagherhat 90 10
Jhenaidah 881 1760
Kushtia 87 195
Magura 118 211
Meherpur 81 250
Satkhira 81 201
Khulna Division 3310 7828
Total 5671 10969

Unit Production (MT/Ha) 1.93

Note: Area of Baor from SPARRSO Report-1983, CEGIS Report-2004 and Baor Fish Development Project
Source: Department of Fisheries.
182 Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery

4.63 Annual Production of Shrimp/Prawn Farm, 2019-20

Area (Ha) Shrimp/Prawn Production (MT)
Other Total Crab Fish Total
District Bagda Golda Crab Total Bagda Golda shrimp/ shrimp/ Production Production Production
prawn prawn (MT) (MT) (MT)

Dhaka 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Faridpur 0 58.6 0 58.6 0 11 0 11 0 61.8 72.8
Gazipur 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Gopalganj 0 1261.46 0 1261.46 0 454 0 454 0 1549 2003
Kishoreganj 0 0.3 0 0.3 0 0.08 0 0.08 0 2.00 2.08
Madaripur 0 17.48 0 17.48 0 8.61 0 8.61 0 58 67
Manikganj 0 3 0 3 0 2.4 1.40 3.8 0 4 7.8
Munshiganj 0 0.32 0 0.32 0 0.25 0 0.25 0 0.6 0.9
Narayanganj 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Narshingd 0 0.36 0 0.36 0 0.28 0 0.28 0 1.1 1.38
Rajbari 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sariatpur 0 22.55 0 22.55 0 7 0 7 0 47.7 54.70
Tangail 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Dhaka Div. 0 1364 0 1364 0 484 1.40 485 0 1724 2210
Mymensingh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Netrokona 0 0.97 0 0.97 0 0.83 0 0.83 0 2.79 3.62
Jamalpur 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sherpur 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
MymensinghDiv. 0 0.97 0 0.97 0 0.83 0 0.83 0 2.79 3.62
Bagerhat 52550 19960 1719 74228.8 17488 163370 2117 35942 3458 32837 72237
Chuadanga 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Jashore 1612 14864 0 16476 425 7751 101 8277 0 22147 30424
Jhenaidah 0 3.5 0 3.5 0 2 0 2 0 17 19
Khulna 33996 19216 7325 60537.5 12549 13325 1733 27607 6250 35005 68863
Kushtia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Magura 0 23.36 0 23.4 0 5 0 5 0 47 52
Meherpur 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Narail 0 2327 0 2327 0 2080 200 2280 0 2101 4381
Satkhira 49866 9378 314 59558 24088 8631 4383 37102 1892 35255 74249
Khulna Divn. 138024 65772 9358 213154.2 54550 48131 8534 111215 11600 127409 250225
Barguna 256.5 148.40 8 412.9 93 79 72.14 244.14 31 315 591
Barishal 0 1751 0 1751 0 884 0 884 0 3573 4457
Bhola 22.6 15.20 13 50.8 8.89 8 3 19.89 35 112 166
Jhalokati 0 23.37 0 23.37 0 10 0 10 0 66 76
Patuakhali 480 693 15 1188 163 394 392 949 148 2157 3254
Pirojpur 40 1035 6.2 1081 13 553 76 642 24 1903 2569
Barishal Div. 799 3666 42 4507 278 1928 543 2749 238 8126 11113
Dinajpur 0 4.05 0 4.05 0 1.85 0 1.85 0 15.46 17.31
Gaibandha 0 3 0 3 0 2 0 2 0 11.4 13.40
Kurigram 0 1.56 0 1.56 0 0.385 0 0.385 0 5.63 6.01
Lalmonirhat 0 0.9 0 0.9 0 0.78 0 0.78 0 2.63 3.41
Nilphamari 0 0.88 0 0.88 0 0.7 0 0.7 0 4.34 5.04
Panchagarh 0 3.83 0 3.83 0 0.27 0 0.27 0 4.21 4.48
Rangpur 0 4.58 0 4.58 0 4.38 0 4.38 0 10.64 15.02
Thakurgaon 0 1.66 0 1.66 0 0.83 0 0.83 0 5.60 6.43
Rangpur Div. 0 20.46 0 20.46 0 11.195 0 11.195 0 60 71.09
Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery 183

4.63 Annual Production of Shrimp/Prawn Farm, 2019-20

Area (Ha) Shrimp/Prawn Production (MT)

Other Total Crab Fish Total
District Bagda Golda Crab Total Bagda Golda shrimp/ shrimp/ Productio Productio Productio
prawn prawn n n n
(MT) (MT) (MT)
Bogura 0 1.28 0 1.28 0 1.08 0 1.08 0 4.2 5.28

C.Nawabganj 0 0.25 0 0.25 0 0.13 0 0.13 0 0.91 1.04

Jaypurhat 0 5.84 0 5.84 0 1.215 0 1.215 0 22.36 23.58

Naogaon 0 0.53 0 0.53 0 0.26 0 0.26 0 1.92 2.18

Natore 0 0.5 0 0.5 0 0.16 0 0.16 0 1.8 1.96

Pabna 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Rajshahi 0 3.09 0 3.09 0 1.25 0 1.25 0 8.29 9.54

Sirajganj 0 0.53 0 0.53 0 0.28 0 0.28 0 1.5 1.78

Rajshahi Div. 0 12.02 0 12.02 0 4.375 0 4.375 0 40.98 45.36

Bandarban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Brahmanbaria 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Chandpur 0 47.30 0 47.3 0 43.4 0 43.4 0 148.2 191.6

Chattagram 2924 304 0 3228 775 180.4 338.5 1293.9 0 305 1598.9

Cumilla 0 35.56 0 35.56 0 27 15.2 42.2 0 106.0 148.2

Coxes Bazar 44528 129.32 118 44775 9085 156.3 2378 11619.3 705 4225.0 16549.3

Feni 0 38.13 0 38.13 0 11.3 0.2 11.5 0 57.0 68.5

Khagrachari 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Lakshmipur 0 72 0 72 0 50 6.75 56.75 0 18.0 74.4

Noakhali 0 147 17 164 0 65.25 0 65.25 19 278.0 362.3

Rangamati 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Chattagram Div. 47452 773.31 135 48359.99 9860 533.65 2738.65 13132.3 724 5137.15 18993

Habiganj 0 4.19 0 4.19 0 3.31 0 3.31 0 11.5 14.8

Moulvi Bazar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sunamganj 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sylhet 0 0.31 0 0.31 0 0.3 0 0.3 0 0.7 0.98

Sylhet Div 0 4.50 0 4.5 0 3.61 0 3.61 0 12.2 15.78

Total 186275 71613 9535 267423 64688 51096 11817 127601 12562 142513 282676

% 69.66 26.78 3.57 100 22.88 18.08 4.18 45.14 4.44 50.42 100

Species Area (Ha) Production (MT) Kg/Ha Growth Rate (%)

2018-19 2017-18 Difference 2018-19 2017-18 Difference 2018-19 2017-18 2018-19 2017-18
Bagda 185308 184821 487 63171 61709 1462 341 334 2.37 (- ) 9.61
Galda 73245 73860 (-)615 52197 51571 626 713 698 1.21 6.17
Other Shrimp/Prawn - - 9742 9270 472 38 36 5.09 (-) 31.08
Shrimp/Prawn Total 258553 - (-)128 125110 122550 2560 474 474 2.09 (-) 5.94
Fish - - 132929 131817 1111 510 510 0.84 13.53
Total 258553 258681 (-)128 258039 254367 3671 983 983 1.44 3.23
Crab 9377 9854 (-)477 12084 11787 297 1196 1196 2.52 (-) 18.27

Other Shrimp/Prawn: Harina, Chaka and other small shrimp/prawn. Crab Production has been included from 2015-16
Source: Department of Fisheries.
184 Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery

4.64 Annual Catch of Marine Fisheries, 2019-20

Number of Number of Catch in Metric tons
Type of Fishing
craft Unit
(Trawler/Boat) (Gear /Net) Shrimp Hilsha Other Fish Total
A. Industrial
(1) Trawl Fishing
(a) Shrimp Trawler 30 90 1457 0 2749 4206
(b) Fish Trawler 190 570 979 9616 100553 111148
Total Industrial 220 660 2436 9616 103302 115354
B. Artisanal
(1) Gill Net Fishing
(a) Mechanised 20359 77768 0 269900 69896 339796
(b) Non-mechanised 16831 40585 0 25050 11589 36639
Sub-Total 37190 118353 0 294950 81485 376435
(2) Set Bag Net Fishing
(a) Seasonal (M.B.) 10000 22404 30885 0 115970 146855
(b) Seasonal (N.M.B.) 5200 10000 6110 0 1335 7445
(c) All Season (N.M.B.) 5550 10025 750 0 445 1195
Sub-Total 20750 42429 37745 0 117750 155495
(3) Long Line Fishing
Long Line Jew Fishing
(a) Mechanised 2500 10191 0 0 17035 17035
(b) Non-mechanised 400 900 0 0 375 375
(c) Other Long Line 325 772 0 0 140 140
Sub-Total 3225 11863 0 0 17550 17550
(4)Trammel Net Fishing 131 422 950 0 2265 3215
(5) Other Gears Fishing 6373 15640 1685 0 1370 3055
Total Artisanal (M.B.) 67669 188707 40380 294950 220420 555750
Grand Total (A+B) 67889 189367 42816 304566 323722 671104

Trawler Boat Gear

Type No. Type No. Type No.
ShrimpTrawler 37 MB (Mechanized Boat) 32859 Gill Net 118353
Fish Trawler 218 NMB (Non-Mechanized Boat 34810 Set Bag Net 42429
Long line 11863
Trammel Net 422
Other Gear 15640
Total 253 67669 188707
Note: M.B- Mechanised Boat
N.M.B- Non Mechanised Boat
SBN-Set Bag Net
Source : Department of Fisheries
Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery 185

4.65 Sector-wise Annual Fish Production from 2006-07 to 2019-2020

Capture Culture Marine

Year Sunda Kaptai Marine Marine Total Growth
River r bans Beel Lake Floodplain Pond Seasonal Baor Shrimp Crab Pen Cage Industrial Artisanal Rate
Cultured Culture Culture (%)
1989-90 173410 6393 46594 3713 193762 163730 1357 27505 11379 227684 855527 1.74
1990-91 135355 6651 47913 4392 249083 181018 1544 28431 8760 232778 895935 4.72
1991-92 124843 6297 49201 4216 295185 195034 2682 30147 9623 235851 952079 6.27
1993-94 138746 6939 53019 4142 329573 202167 1803 33773 12227 238265 1020654 7.20
1994-95 152782 6951 58298 5556 367558 267282 2460 47331 11715 2520935 1172868 7.54
1995-96 165637 7265 60768 6148 369333 307974 2764 68349 11959 257743 1257940 7.25
1996-97 159660 9225 32798 5764 362453 403830 3014 79020 13504 261140 1360468 8.15
1997-98 156894 7031 67825 5932 378280 483416 3378 88018 15273 57545 1463579 7.58
1998-99 151309 11134 69850 6689 410436 199590 3536 60076 15818 293979 1552417 6.07
1999-00 154335 11648 72825 6852 424808 561050 3622 92448 16304 317495 1661384 7.02
2000-01 150129 12035 74527 7051 445178 615825 3801 93014 23901 355506 1781057 7.20
2001-02 143592 12345 76101 7247 449150 685107 3892 97605 25165 390255 1890459 6.14
2002-03 137848 13884 75460 7025 414823 75205 4098 100804 27954 40954 1908197 5.70
2003-04 137337 15242 74328 7238 437509 795810 4282 114660 32606 422601 2102026 5.20
2004-05 139798 15724 74925 7379 554762 756993 4388 120710 34114 440483 2215057 5.42
2005-06 137859 16423 76365 7548 690753 759628 27738 4498 127923 - - - 34084 445726 2328545 5.08
2006-07 136958 17751 75137 8085 738673 811954 30157 4698 129160 - - - 35391 452047 2440011 4.79
2007-08 136812 18151 77524 8248 786515 866049 32931 4778 134715 - - - 34159 463414 2563296 5.05
2008-09 138160 18462 79200 8590 843671 912178 35842 5038 145585 - - - 35429 479215 2701370 5.39
2009-10 141148 20437 79209 7336 781807 1140484 46902 8727 155866 - - - 34182 483100 2899198 7.32
2010-11 144566 22451 81564 89=0 797024 1219736 51230 4864 184939 - - - 41665 504668 3061687 5.60
2011-12 145613 21610 85208 8537 696127 1392412 132163 5186 196306 - - - 73386 50534 3261782 6.54
2012-13 147264 15945 87902 9017 701330 1446594 200833 6146 206235 - - - 7330 515958 3410254 4.55
2013-14 167373 18366 88911 8179 712976 1526160 193303 6514 216447 - 13054 1447 76885 518500 3548115 4.04
2014-15 174878 17580 92678 8645 730210 1613240 201280 7267 223582 - 13070 1969 84846 515000 3684245 3.84
2015-16 178458 16870 95453 9589 747872 1719783 207658 7729 239798 13160 13364 2062 105348 521180 3878324 5.27
2016-17 271639 18086 98117 9982 765782 1833118 215547 8002 246406 14421 13368 2490 108479 528997 4134434 6.60
2017-18 320598 18225 99197 10152 768367 1900298 216353 8072 254367 11787 11015 3523 120087 534600 4276641 3.44
2018-19 325478 18282 99890 10578 781481 1974632 217340 10343 258039 12084 12361 3802 107236 552675 4384221 2.52
2019-20 331793 21007 103104 12696 779801 2046258 225948 10969 270114 12562 13425 4590 115354 555750 4503371 2.72
Note : From 2013-14 a part of floodplain is converted into pen cultured for Culture for modern aqua-culture system.
186 Agriculture : Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery

4.66 Food Grain Production

(Lac in MT Ton)
Food grains 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19

Aus 21.58 23.26 23.28 22.88 21.33 27.09 27.75

Aman 128.97 130.23 131.90 134.83 136.56 139.92 140.55
Boro 187.78 190.07 191.92 189.37 180.13 195.75 195.61
Total 338.33 343.56 347.10 347.09 338.03 362.78 363.91
Wheat 12.54 13.02 13.47 13.48 13.11 10.99 10.16
Potato 86.03 89.50 92.54 94.74 102.15 97.44 96.55
Jute (Bales in Lac) 76.10 74.36 75.01 75.58 82.46 88.94 85.76
Maize 15.47 21.23 22.71 24.45 30.25 32.88 35.69
Onion 11.67 13.87 17.04 17.35 18.66 17.37 18.03
Source: Agriculture Wing, BBS.

4.67 Number of the Livestock and Poultry in Bangladsh

(in lakh number)
Livestock/Poultry Fiscal Year
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Cattle 239.88 236.36 237.85 239.35 240.86 242.38 243.91 245.45
Buffalo 14.57 14.64 14.71 14.78 14.79 14.86 14.93 15.00
Goat 254.39 256.02 257.66 259.31 261.00 262.67 264.35 266.04
Sheep 32.06 32.70 33.35 34.01 34.68 35.37 36.07 36.79
Total livestock 535.90 539.72 543.57 547.45 551.33 555.28 559.26 563.28
Chicken 2553.11 2617.70 2683.93 2751.83 2821.45 2892.83 2966.02 3041.06
Duck 488.61 505.22 522.40 540.16 558.53 577.52 597.16 617.46
Total Poultry 3041.72 3122.93 3206.33 3292.00 3379.98 3470.35 3563.18 3658.52
Source: Department of Livestock Services, Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock

4.68 Production of Milk, Meat and Eggs

Product Unit Production
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

Milk Lakh Metric Ton 50.70 60.92 69.70 72.75 92.83 94.06 99.21 106.80 119.85
Meat Lakh Metric Ton 36.20 45.21 58.60 61.52 71.54 72.60 75.14 76.74 84.40
Eggs Crore in number 761.74 1016.80 1099.52 1191.24 1493.31 1552.00 1710.97 1736 2057.64
Source: Department of Livestock Services, Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock
Industry 187

Chapter 5

188 Industry
Industry 189

5.01 Quantum Index of Industrial Production, All Industries

(Manufacturing Mining and Electricity)
(Base: 1988-89 = 100)
Period index-all Manufacturing Mining Electricity
Weight 100.00 89.47 1.74 8.79
2003-2004 273.31 272.13 289.65 282.12
2004-2005 295.18 294.72 307.14 297.47
2005-06 327.74 328.35 337.22 319.68
2006-07 356.80 360.33 659.83 320.26
2007-08 382.50 117.50 114.92 100.18
2008-09 409.00 127.47 125.35 16.90
2009-10 437.27 135.01 134.37 112.66
2010-11 493.77 157.89 135.24 120.79
2011-12 560.74 174.92 142.36 129.05
2012-13 609.06 195.19 153.15 146.72
2013-14 207.83 213.22 157.18 177.20
2014-15 229.68 236.11 172.97 191.06
2015-16 260.31 267.88 185.57 219.29
2016-17 288.49 279.89 185.55 243.39
2017-18 329.74 342.47 186.12 270.95
2018-19 375.82 392.82 182.70 297.94
2019-20 380.68 398.35 168.58 306.22
2020-21 426.98 447.60 169.39 345.88
Source : C.M.I, BBS
5.02 Quantum Index of Medium and Large Seale Manufacturing Industries by Major
Industry Groups (4-Degit Level)
Base Year (2005-06=100)
Code Industry Weight Year
No. 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
1020 Fish & Sea food 12.8 151.24 145.01 135.82 135.04 119.12 127.06 112.16 106.35
1030 Fruit & Juice 0.61 279.27 392.94 495.07 771.92 798.69 809.78 791.93 699.62
1040 Hid veg oil 1.89 557.80 963.24 1150.40 1139.38 1581.80 1819.07 1588.35 1576.61
1050 Dairy Products 0.37 169.55 253.23 411.51 537.92 655.99 854.94 984.21 904.66
1061 Grain milling 0.84 193.01 275.93 257.48 322.07 377.07 337.61 566.74 307.31
1063 Rice Milling 3.14 207.12 234.49 263.60 268.65 275.28 300.11 467.57 524.51
1071 Bakery Products 0.83 105.02 98.02 106.04 92.19 125.99 127.28 115.92 98.44
1072 Sugar 0.52 96.23 59.19 43.65 45.00 51.41 48,99 61.34 36.07
1077 Tea 0.76 122.01 115.48 130.30 149.57 143.11 166.13 164.75 164.89
1079 Edible oil 0.38 128.73 130.76 152.88 148.07 155.79 155.95 146.27 167.80
1080 Animal feeds 0.22 268.55 242.32 274.23 312.57 364.19 418.72 425.96 519.28
1101 Sprits & Alcohol 0.01 124.49 134.04 123.63 137.38 155.69 146.87 151.59 125.55
1104 Soft Drinks 0.25 146.55 224.79 234.13 260.25 223.55 252.94 206.33 365.47
1105 Mineral water 0.08 247.50 258.52 399.34 264.38 303.69 350.33 304.55 532.04
1200 Cigarette 1.54 115.11 107.67 90.55 71.44 63.67 62.12 65.81 62.62
1201 Bidies 1.38 188.19 191.67 185.61 215.59 222.04 223.92 215.31 201.10
1311 Textile Fabrics 3.35 144.97 116.20 132.65 133.68 138.68 149.41 184.71 212.73
1312 Weaving tex 3.87 188.79 117.44 124.67 123.66 111.54 114.05 111.11 104.41
1314 Jute Textile 2.23 151.88 120.16 152.14 176.29 159.45 141.83 148.73 121.49
1315 Handloom Tex 1.20 124.06 153.95 231.19 464.75 771.85 781.72 1096.31 1287.71
1410 Wearing Apparel 16.96 288.34 302.84 344.11 339.79 378.46 432.46 357.74 385.67
1430 Knitwear 17.88 298.80 306.59 333.62 347.48 398.26 453.10 379.07 469.29
1511 Tanning & Finishing 1.84 158.06 149.75 96.48 78.64 66.38 146.98 56.41 71.60
1512 Manufacture of 1.10 146..38 145.67 194.68 422.55 827.66 910.14 983.07 1126.10
1520 Leather foot wear 1.46 136.01 124.88 109.76 167.58 173.42 179.57 233.06 261.98
1629 Partex board ply wood 0.33 243.39 269.88 301.72 325.26 339.52 356.42 376.71 421.34
1701 Pulp. Paper New Paper 0.15 125.48 139.55 141.21 143.30 143.74 144.20 206.03 280.89
1709 Article Made & Paper 0.18 174.01 203.96 214.31 217.31 220.07 223.73 227.78 226.48
1720 Petroleum 1.15 134.21 89.82 81.04 176.02 142.59 76.77
1920 Misc Petroleum Product 0.10 147.58 177.04 243.42 259.93 254.56 250.43 225.03 201.26
2011 Computed equipped goods 115.49 102.60 101.19 96.85 95.18 97.79 85.38 77.77
2012 Fertilizer 55.78 50.69 53.36 52.45 63.37 44.60 47.79 50.67 67.27
2022 Paints & varnishes 139.57 141.08 145.33 159.99 216.31 79.89 77.87 61.85 80.59
190 Industry

5.02 Quantum Index of Medium and Large Seale Manufacturing Industries by Major
Industry Groups
(4-Degit Level) Base Year (2005-06=100)
Code Year
No. Industry Weight 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
2023 Perfumes & cosmetics 0.35 72.59 72.95 97.78 160.93 330.47 386.69 491.38
2023 Soaps & detergents 0.4 107.63 252.23 260.17 308.73 306.17 307.52 333.38
2031 Matches 0.06 141.01 145.26 170.00 197.30 258.07 272.89 337.53
2100 Pharma 7.70 284.22 314.46 422.55 459.96 676.27 893.55 1125.03
2101/02 Unanin 0.53 389.23 389.06 449.76 411.94 585.17 730.32 1094.96
2211 Tyers & Tubes 0.13 343.38 405.45 404.89 487.75 539.19 434.02
2219 Rubber footwear 0.27 121.36 126.18 82.20 62.59 81.65 163.90 95.87
2220 PVC Products 1.12 328.12 372.56 410.00 474.82 511.57 500.50 478.41
2221 Melamine 0.04 292.32 586.36 681.18 772.38 802.45 764.05 548.11
2310 Glass Sheet 0.14 334.22 333.38 345.66 426.16 438-41 502.07 556.88
2392 Tiles 0.23 178.63 210.95 248.27 275.21 331.89 314.01 224.43
2393 Ceramic 0.5 155.40 196.68 248.77 308.24 444.29 543.29 558.46
2394 Cement 2.75 262.82 398.73 581.88 669.05 767.92 817.59 957.85
2397 Bricks 3.50 118.01 156.96 172.55 171.94 196.47 232.49 277.24
2410 Iron and steel mills 0.51 179.01 188.26 171.45 164.50 164.72 186.72 196.25
2410 Re-rolling mills 2.64 188.69 205.67 174.54 189.28 192.67 154.04 182.33
2511 Structural metal Products 1.56 191.39 213.39 255.83 267.83 294.49 280.44 267.73
2599 Utensils 0.20 176.19 205.50 224.10 228.96 231.00 195.29 163.43
2599 Other Fabricated metal 0.56 159.18 162.93 226.49 308.69 331.70 384.89 392.96
2630 TV 0.12 148.37 231.89 316.67 223.22 246.05 277.60 292.04
2710 Electric Motors generators 0.20 75.19 86.08 106.10 107.87 126.45 133.78 73.03

2720 Batteries 0.12 271.81 497.62 460.60 393.10 394.82 1492.86 292.22
2732 Wires Cables 0.12 128.48 175.30 235.45 263.64 272.19 281.18 285.38
2740 Electric Wir e s 0.12 195.17 165.97 795.70 732.51 841.79 462.64 750.09
2750 Electrical Apparatus 0.17 197.86 226.05 294.04 342.05 359.35 364.54 357.06
Electrical Domestic
2821 Agriculture & Forestry 0.05 215.05 228.78 239.91 255.87 262.31 273.72 249.33
2826 Machinery for teyli apporas 0.03 455.44 814.00 1138.00 1579.00 1921.78 2248.47 2340.81
and leather Products
2829 Machinery equipment 0.10 124.65 143.86 270.11 386.08 446.11 577.03 562.39
2910 Assemble of motor 0.13 178.83 331.63 559.61 438.44 614.11 295.38 205.35
ve h ic l e s
3011 Ship and boat Building 0.26 438.59 866.65 799.54 867.87 872.17 1479.74 948.57
3091 Motor cycle 0.15 277.71 294.48 315.78 333.31 338.04 304.09 320.64
3092 Bicycle and invalid 0.10 175.00 193.25 206.22 216.53 213.74 185.87 234.34
3099 Transport equipment 0.06 82.02 82.87 83.48 84.73 85.09 85,37 76.75

3100 Metal Furniture 0.12 147.77 131.57 126.95 128.93 132.57 148.64 137.16
3101 Wooden furniture 0.36 110.32 132.52 146.21 219.58 224.75 138.37 182.90
3103 Plastic furniture 0.28 97.16 131.77 179.15 187.98 206.63 217.16 170.89
Source : National Accounting Wing, BBB.

5.03 Quantum Index of Mining and Electricity Production (Base : 2005-06=100)

Period General Index Coal Natiral Gas Electricity
Weight 100.00 0.82 99.18 100.00
2012-13 153.15 292.88 152.00 160.43
2013-14 213.22 329.33 155.76 177.20
2014-15 236.11 232.93 172.48 191.06
2015-16 267.88 340.15 184.29 219.29
2016-17 279.89 373.69 184.00 243.39
2017-18 329.74 306.61 185.12 270.95
2018-19 182.70 227.29 182.33 297.94
2019-20 168.58 288.50 167.59 306.22
2020-21 169.39 245.85 168.76 345.88
Source : National Accounting Wing BBS
Industry 191

5.04 Employment Indices of Industrial Workers in Selected Industries

(Base: 1988-89=100)

Period Jute Cotton Paper Steel Cement Fertilizer Petroleum Paints and
products varnish
Production All em- Production All em- Production All em- Production All em- Production All em- Production All em- Production All em- Produc. All em-
workers ployees workers ployees workers ployees workers ployees workers ployees workers Ployees workers ployees workers ployees
1996-97 75.42 72.70 72.20 71.88 77.05 83.24 39.04 39.24 112.08 104.83 106.90 107.90 118.80 118.25 125.13 119.29

1997-98 75.50 73.10 72.33 72.10 74.55 80.53 37.45 37.93 121.42 117.60 108.78 107.77 116.89 117.76 133.68 124.64

1998-99 75.39 72.68 71.26 71.41 72.58 78.60 35.32 35.74 146.97 139.82 108.57 107.44 110.62 117.42 139.03 128.59

1999-2000 74.43 71.59 72.06 72.15 70.83 86.91 36.28 36.22 135.02 119.79 107.91 107.77 103.26 118.69 145.98 137.66

2000-2001 71.13 68.31 71.78 71.86 68.79 75.29 38.10 37.96 142.44 126.14 105.44 106.33 93.73 116.58 157.75` 150.22
2001-2002 72.58 69.88 71.79 71.87 67.17 52.53 - - 145.87 128.71 100.56 105.24 92.91 115.76 166.84 152.09
2002-2003 68.19 66.46 71.66 71.77 37.75 42.82 - - 143.00 127.06 99.90 104.30 95.00 114.90 168.00 155.62

2003-2004 69.07 66.56 71.69 71.81 29.48 34.19 - - 143.96 127.82 95.45 100.28 99.46 116.44 167.91 155.35
2004-2005 65.46 62.58 71.76 71.87 26.72 30.38 - - 145.05 128.64 92.22 96.25 109.26 118.55 167.37 156.27

2005-2006 56.87 63.12 71.90 71.97 27.86 31.42 - - 146.56 130.23 89.69 94.57 110.35 121.13 193.58 155.80

2006-2007 65.14 59.06 72.47 72.49 27.11 30.59 - - 148.62 132.79 89.13 94.16 107.90 118.71 185.56 152.32

2007-2008 64.35 57.81 72.56 72.62 24.91 28.22 - - 150.13 134.46 85.14 89.62 101.90 118.04 177.00 147.20

2008-09 64.59 58.04 72.69 72.62 22.87 26.18 - - 154.93 139.45 80.29 86.55 105.58 121.07 180.75 150.52

2009-10 65.04 68.64 74.88 74.30 23.51 26.76 - - 166.28 152.30 82.61 88.06 114.71 131.34 207.48 169.30

2010-11 65.08 58.50 75.02 74.45 23.67 26.95 - - 168.73 154.73 82.98 88.35 117.71 134.86 217.11 177.38

2011-12 72.61 66.43 75.02 74.44 21.45 22.93 - - 195.49 160.00 84.02 77.72 106.33 128.00 153.74 127.54

2012-13 78.81 73.37 75.04 74.56 22.38 24.33 - - 200.96 162.74 91.71 83.50 100.54 127.46 150.27 123.49

Source : National Accounting Wing BBS

192 Industry

5.05 Productivity Indices of Industrial Labor in Selected Industries at Constant Price

(Base: 1988-89=100)

Period Jute Cotton Paper Steel Cement Fertilizer Petroleum Paints and
products Varnish
Production All em- Production All em- Production All em- Production All em- Production All em- Production All em- Production All em- Produc. All em-
workers ployees workers ployees workers ployees workers ployees workers ployees workers ployees workers ployees workers Ployees
1996-97 106.25 110.22 127.12 127.69 102.25 94.64 441.98 439.73 158.34 169.29 103.88 102.91 106.73 107.23 264.29 277.22

1997-98 104.13 107.66 122.49 122.88 71.05 66.52 523.84 517.21 141.51 146.11 116.77 117.87 115.64 114.79 267.72 287.13

1998-99 96.00 99.58 128.23 127.96 96.22 88.85 462.42 456.99 188.84 198.50 103.66 104.75 85.88 80.91 311.50 336.79

1999-2000 89.24 92.78 136.09 135.93 90.56 83.07 468.74 469.52 295.80 333.41 110.37 110.52 127.56 111.02 349.49 370.83

2000-2001 93.88 97.76 142.79 142.63 86.72 79.24 494.36 496.18 341.32 385.42 123.49 122.45 137.41 110.48 413.55 434.28

2001-2002 94.66 98.32 142.48 142.32 69.85 64.69 - - 335.10 379.67 106.96 104.23 144.25 115.78 380.65 417.57

2002-2003 89.79 92.13 152.48 152.25 93.54 69.93 - - 353.00 397.13 143.00 135.76 136.00 112.00 411.00 444.00

2003-2004 86.94 90.21 202.14 201.81 114.49 98.68 - - 373.61 420.79 144.11 137.17 126.16 107.76 485.12 524.34

2004-2005 82.55 86.35 257.28 250.89 113.10 99.47 - - 413.94 466.74 142.62 136.64 106.99 98.63 617.39 661.24

2005-2006 76.02 79.34 287.38 287.10 107.68 95.48 - - 435.50 490.11 134.38 127.45 115.78 105.48 577.40 717.41

2006-2007 79.32 87.48 366.28 366.18 98.56 87.34 - - 545.46 508.63 139.13 131.70 118.86 108.03 663.97 808.86

2007-2008 89.83 100.00 400.06 399.74 112.80 99.57 - - 469.84 524.59 116.22 110.41 113.49 97.98 672.13 808.20

2008-09 84.69 94.25 412.46 412.88 123.56 107.80 - - 535.18 594.61 104.99 97.38 78.86 68.46 623.40 748.78

2009-10 91.65 86.48 411.76 414.98 92.73 68.86 - - 503.01 549.19 88.23 82.77 105.28 91.95 683.94 838.18

2010-11 92.67 103.10 421.16 424.66 103.51 90.97 - - 513.76 560.24 76.36 71.72 105.88 92.41 706.56 864.81

2011-12 99.77 109.13 393.50 396.58 290.91 273.61 - - 479.62 489.44 74.04 80.95 117.29 106.76 1021.80 1228.25.

2012-13 106.27 115.72 398.35 400.91 297.05 273.24 - - 500.71 618.30 73.33 80.53 131.45 103.64 1041.07 1266.84

Source : National Accounting Wing BBS

Industry 193

5.06 Price Index of Industrial Goods by Economic End-use Classifications

(Base: 1988-89 =100)
Industry Weight Year
2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

General index : Mfg. 100.00 201.18 216.86 220.32 222.95 231.29

Consumer goods: 71.98 206.42 222.43 226.63 230.26 233.76
Capital goods: 0.97 306.05 253.54 272.66 286.56 286.65
Machinery other than
electric & transport 0.20 173.13 127.64 123.30 122.76 125.00
Machinery electric 0.20 204.55 167.69 167.70 167.70 169.97
Transport equipment 0.13 74.34 102.69 93.87 91.62 94.17
Other capital goods 0.44 480.24 393.70 440.30 471.76 469.17
Intermediate goods: Total 27.05 183.45 200.72 201.65 201.23 222.75
Intermediate consumer goods 12.14 254.78 253.34 247.93 248.26 273.50
Intermediate capital goods 14.91 125.32 157.84 163.93 162.91 181.39
Note : P-provisional.
Source : BBS

5.07 Price Index of Industrial Goods by Major Economic Activity Classifications

(Base: 1988-89 =100)
Code Year
No. Industry Weight 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10
General index :(All) 100.00 174.74 182.70 194.49 208.24 226.37 257.11 259.78
Manufacturing : 89.657 177.83 186.21 199.23 214.48 234.58 266.71 268.47
Electricity : 8.633 124.26 128.22 128.71 128.71 128.71 148.51 160.89

Mining : Total 1.710 267.81 273.85 278.25 282.44 289.03 302.07 303.44
Clay & pits (china clay) 0.194 107.14 110.89 116.96 124.11 128.57 128.57 128.57
Non-metallic mineral(lime stone) 0.195 181.82 185.61 195.83 209.47 219.85 230.30 230.30
Gas and oil: (Natural gas) 1.321 268.29 274.34 278.73 282.89 289.47 302.42 303.93
Source : National Accounting Wing. BBS
194 Industry

5.08 Price Indices of Domestically Produced Goods by Industrial Groups

(Base: 2005-06=100)
ISIC, 4 digit
Name of Industry 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Rev.2 Weight
1020 Fish & sea food 1.28 138.11 114.43 113.86 109.67 117.16 119.51 119.51 119.51 120.08
1030 Processing & Preserving of fruits 0.61 118.36 118.36 120.17 120.17 120.90 119.36 122.96 122.96 118.04
and vegetables
1040 Hyd. Vegetable oil 1.89 203.26 209.49 202.55 159.41 134.69 157.70 142.75 136.77 198.85
1050 Dairy products 0.37 103.55 103.55 103.72 106.52 110.34 122.60 125.56 126.08 127.09
1061 Grain milling 0.84 150.26 154.87 155.62 161.75 140.70 155.56 145.51 138.60 156.98
1063 Rice milling (Almodina/Macca) 3.14 102.64 103.08 104.58 91.49 92.78 144.92 148.03 148.99 149.27
1071 Bakery Products 0.83 180.32 200.59 210.63 281.48 281.48 301.64 336.90 345.51 360.31
1072 Sugar (Teer/Fresh) 0.52 128.38 131.08 131.18 100.00 109.40 162.16 138.14 149.77 162.16
1077 Black & Blending Tea 0.76 156.64 162.56 162.82 149.41 173.65 200.13 196.71 162.66 179.38
1079 Edible salt (Mollah, Pubali) 0.38 116.83 120.85 120.85 120.85 135.95 187.51 228.77 241.69 227.09

1080 Animal feeds (Poultry Feeds) 0.22 172.81 177.39 177.84 177.84 176.13 165.92 164.25 165.17 166.69
1101 Spirits & Alcohol (Carus Co.) 0.01 133.33 133.33 133.33 237.30 288.90 324.04 317.41 314.78 265.78
1104 Soft Drinks (Tabani/Akiz/Pran/ Transcom)
1105 Mineral Water (Pran, Partex, 0.25 120.40 129.60 129.60 127.12 142.60 144.74 144.80 144.80 144.80
City Group, Dunkan brothers)
Tiger (250 ml cane) 0.08 92.57 93.35 94.37 90.68 91.35 95.50 95.50 90.01
1200 Cigarettes 1.54 261.72 303.83 352.60 303.48 367.63 655.48 655.48 655.48
1201 Biddies 1.38 126.19 123.81 133.93 264.76 301.90 500.40 527.59 659.37
Akiz Biri (Akiz group)
1311 Preparation & Spinning of 3.35 126.64 132.25 140.42 160.62 209.63 267.86 268.08 298.91
Cotton Textile fibers (Medinipur 262.09
1312 Weaving of Textiles 3.87 129.15 131.40 136.95 161.07 427.50 426.82 426.50 425.49
1313 Dyeing, bleaching & finishing 2.45 89.39 87.88 90.83 90.83 90.83 98.35 67.30 60.98 63.62
1312 Silk & Synthetic 0.97 180.04 238.37 382.90 383.23 384.75 383.29 382.55 358.29
1314 Jute Textile 2.23 169.61 184.79 226.52 247.33 289.00 292.16 276.79 783.60
1315 Handloom Textile 1.2 142.87 145.20 153.68 147.09 149.39 150.60 141.26 142.72
1410 Wearing Apparel 16.96 124.41 127.41 125.88 109.79 111.12 115.01 115.71 116.14
1430 Knitwear 17.88 146.82 150.44 168.64 278.29 281.41 291.98 294.41 301.48
1511 Tanning & Finishing Leather: 1.84 129.17 133.46 137.87 145.75 157.21 159.6 149.06 177.83
1512 Mfg. of luggage, handbags etc. 1.10 127.17 127.17 127.17 141.32 144.19 103.88 275.30 277.67 275.22
1520 Leather Footwear (shoe & 1.46 135.60 152.69 162.75 189.79 196.46 438.12 442.46 442.46 439.30
1629 Particle board/ plywood 0.33 101.39 101.76 102.10 103.23 103.22 93.16 105.36 105.36 105.36
1701 Pulp, Paper & newsprint 0.15 120.55 133.25 136.50 134.80 136.69 137.36 137.36 137.36 141.92
1709 Articles made of paper 0.18 109.85 111.78 112.89 114.05 114.32 116.75 116.75 116.75 116.75
1811 Printing of Newspaper 1.83 146.48 146.48 157.98 204.80 237.30 263.29 267.69 264.11 268.67
1920 Petroleum refining 1.25 167.47 179.67 179.71 236.61 229.19 203.50 203.62 207.53 208.84
2011 Compressed liquefied gas 0.82 241.75 242.69 242.69 242.69 214.89 155.57 127.18 156.19 128.83
2012 Fertilizer 1.87 256.29 285.92 283.39 285.86 284.74 284.34 283.89 182.58 278.06
2022 Paints and varnishes 0.17 100.00 94.96 96.96 140.76 133.68 135.81 138.43 101.81 106.19
2023 Perfumes and cosmetics 0.35 111.92 111.92 114.19 118.80 119.57 154.57 154.57 0 165.44
2023 Soaps & detergents 0.40 100.92 100.92 100.92 99.93 101.69 73.98 86.62 88.88 88.88
2031 Matches 0.06 110.34 110.34 110.34 110.34 110.34 105.46 107.34 108.62 108.62
2100 Pharmaceuticals/Allopathic 8.23 100.56 105.54 105.61 150.62 153.77 157.10 158.70 160.29 159.95
drugs and medicine
2211 Tyres and Tubes 0.13 167.34 183.30 183.73 184.36 180.10 136.89 137.85 140.11 136.58

Industry 195

5.08 Price Indices of Domestically Produced Goods by Industrial Groups

(Base: 2005-06=100)
ISIC, 4 digit
Name of Industry 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Rev.2 Weight
2219 Rubber footwear/other rubber 0.27 159.44 171.33 171.33 174.71 175.46 175.46 177.77 178.66 195.31
2220 P.V.C products/plastic products 1.12 107.05 127.88 147.09 147.08 160.38 160.38 136.82 0.16 157.49
(RFL, National Polymer)
2221 Melamine (Sharif/Bangladesh) 0.04 146.89 143.75 145.39 145.94 146.75 146.75 146.86 87.53 69.71
2310 Glass Sheet (Nasir) 0.14 174.07 177.78 192.59 217.28 176.54 276.54 276.54 237.04 295.88
2391 Mfg. of Non-metallic mineral 1.05 109.66 107.77 110.91 110.91 112.76 114.49 120.76 124.15 125.90
2392 Tiles (RAK) 0.02 108.01 112.50 112.87 112.85 113.15 115.98 124.69 127.34 133.16
2393 Ceramic (RAK) 0.18 101.33 104.48 106.97 108.65 102.40 110.96 116.09 116.24 117.74
2394 Cement (Chatak Cement) 3.57 104.26 116.09 121.96 127.74 127.19 127.19 127.40 130.53 133.34
2397 Bricks (New National/Auto 2.15 127.78 133.33 138.89 144.44 150.69 194.44 179.63 222.22 224.31
2410 Iron & steel mills 0.51 104.03 103.94 104.07 105.00 105.18 105.18 106.66 121.37 117.59
2411 Re-rolling mills 2.64 111.60 109.28 111.22 113.91 114.59 187.67 261.25 283.59 317.33
2511 Structural metal products 1.56 166.55 171.33 192.53 201.03 203.94 210.12 218.77 218.77 218.77
2599 Utensils 0.20 223.05 230.32 234.44 233.23 265.19 269.11 276.38 233.35 232.74
2599 Other Fabricated metal products 0.56 128.79 133.33 121.97 131.06 132.17 137.53 140.61 139.86 139.39
2630 communication equipment (TV, 0.15 106.07 108.88 109.46 110.69 119.56 133.36 145.65 138.93 131.97
2710 Electric Motors, Generators, 0.20 120.17 122.38 122.79 123.23 133.35 150.97 167.65 167.65 169.94
transformers / Electrical
2720 Batteries 0.12 100.33 100.28 104.63 126.29 126.28 131.70 139.98 140.00 131.05
2732 Wires & Cables(ELEC.) 0.12 125.53 199.93 200.29 200.02 208.05 291.92 291.92 291.92 288.40
2740 Electric Lamps 0.12 212.82 281.85 334.78 422.98 541.34 750.77 974.68 2437.2 2467.03
2750 Electrical appliances / Domestic 0.17 109.26 109.26 112.04 112.13 75.94 114.66 121.10 108.63 108.74
2826 Machinery for Textile , apparel 0.08 116.94 122.81 126.56 124.20 127.47 135.52 117.98 110.16 113.19
and leather production
2829 Machinery equipment NEC
2910 Assemble of Motor vehicles 0.55 101.22 102.13 102.14 102.15 102.30 102.52 102.69 91.29 94.17
3011 Ship and boat building
3091 Motor cycle, Walton, 100 cc 0.31 105.19 106.22 122.08 125.02 108.35 112.72 190.06 190.07 194.97
3092 Bicycle and invalid carriages
3099 Easy bike(Meghna), (Trans. - - - - - - - - -
Equip. n.e.c,)
3100 Metal furniture (Steelman) 0.24 111.33 125.67 144.93 176.89 186.40 210.75 296.63 296.63 296.63
3101 Wooden furniture (Khaleda, 0.36 110.17 106.49 117.95 124.39 124.47 127.15 316.37 416.00 422.50
3103 Plastic furniture 0.28 123.75 133.38 144.73 164.01 190.06 196.96 204.58 204.65 203.72
Source: National Accounting Wing BBS
196 Industry

5.09 Handloom Units (Establishment) and Looms by

Type of Ownership and Zila 1990
Ownership and Number of Handloom Unit
Total Private Family owner Partnership Co-operative
Zila No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of
Unit Looms Unit Looms Unit Looms Unit Looms
Bandarban 14538 17374 14531 17338 5 27 2 9
Chattogram 538 1479 533 1429 3 40 2 10
Cox’s Bazar 994 1673 979 1626 9 13 6 34
Brahmanbaria 8662 29292 8457 27930 200 1311 5 51
Chandpur 319 560 315 512 2 21 2 27
Cumilla 11339 17777 11237 17516 94 246 8 15
Khagrachhari 16072 19887 16049 19759 10 30 13 98
Feni 250 322 231 280 10 13 9 29
Lakshmipur 661 784 657 768 3 15 1 1
Noakhali 848 1058 844 1047 1 1 3 10
Rangamati 17291 24128 17265 23969 19 93 7 66
Hobijanj 291 532 291 532 - - - -
Moulvibazar 3137 5035 3120 5010 14 19 3 6
Sunamganj 168 255 163 213 3 31 2 11
Sylhet 412 681 412 681 - - - -
Division Total 75520 120837 75084 118610 373 1860 63 367
Dhaka 6339 13340 6298 13164 37 151 4 25
Gazipur 816 3112 797 2934 17 152 2 26
Manikganj 1761 3527 1756 3481 1 4 4 42
Munshiganj 1909 2943 1892 2902 16 21 1 20
Narayanganj 17231 51468 16948 50228 271 1194 12 46
Narsingdi 20511 59671 20143 57746 345 1875 23 50
Faridpur 1459 2352 1448 2319 3 9 8 24
Rajbari 1634 2869 1605 2769 29 100 - -
Gopalganj 663 847 652 820 10 24 1 3
Madaripur 1748 2637 1729 2568 7 51 12 18
Sariatpur 569 831 565 826 4 5 - -
Jamalpur 170 278 163 228 5 13 2 37
Sherpur 393 481 392 461 1 20 - -
Kishoreganj 1002 2709 991 2607 9 78 2 24
Mymensingh 620 1047 613 990 - - 7 57
Netrokona 79 210 71 150 1 4 7 56
Tangail 10960 34678 10824 33883 114 679 22 116
Division Total 67864 183000 66887 178076 870 4380 107 544
Barishal 4013 9968 3939 9739 56 111 18 118
Bhola 30 45 27 36 - - 3 9
Jhalakati 419 837 414 825 5 12 - -
Pirojpur 126 192 126 192 - - - -
Jashore 2854 5081 2835 5026 14 42 5 13
Jhenaidah 2853 5349 2838 5322 14 25 1 2
Magura 442 872 436 851 4 12 2 9
Narail 621 989 618 980 2 5 1 4
Bagerhat 564 781 558 757 4 9 2 15
Khulna 1878 3516 1860 3440 7 24 11 52
Satkhira 3889 6213 3879 6196 6 11 4 6
Chuadanga 1086 1629 1076 1591 10 38 - -
Kushtia 12433 23620 12335 23396 81 181 17 43
Meherpur 778 976 777 968 - - 1 8
Barguna 340 472 337 467 - - 3 5
Patuakhali 754 1070 748 1064 - - 6 6
Division Total 33080 6161 32803 60850 203 470 74 290
Bogura 4982 6479 4933 6399 22 30 27 50
Joypurhat 1019 1204 1014 1195 4 5 1 4
Dinajpur 1053 1738 1030 1650 5 7 18 81
Panchagarh 72 106 70 95 - - 2 11
Thakurgaon 254 283 254 283 - - - -
Pabna 9745 28868 9637 28340 102 491 6 37
Sirajganj 13512 101536 12912 93551 593 7952 7 33
Naogaon 1064 1232 1056 1222 7 8 1 2
Industry 197

5.09 Handloom Units (Establishment) and Looms

by Type of Ownership and Zila, 1990
Ownership and Number of Handloom Unit
Total Private Family owner Partnership Co-operative
Zila No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of
Unit Looms Unit Looms Unit Looms Unit Looms

Natore 254 470 252 468 2 2 - -

Nawabganj 1690 3159 1664 2990 23 153 3 18
Rajshahi 887 1598 868 1443 7 36 12 119
Gaibandha 77 167 71 139 4 20 2 8
Kurigram 719 1101 700 1063 1 1 18 37
Lalmonirhat 262 327 254 304 - - 8 23
Nilphamari 270 513 265 480 1 16 4 17
Rangpur 97 228 94 211 - - 3 17
Division Total 35957 149009 35074 139833 771 8719 112 457
Grand Total 212421 514456 209848 497369 2217 15429 356 1658

Source: Handloom Survey Report, 1990, BBS

5.10 Ownership, and Loom Operational Status by Size of Handloom Unit, 1990
(Value in Tk. ‘000’)
Ownership & size No. of Total Currently Year round Total Initial Working Persons
of units units Looms Operational Nonopera- Operational Nonopera- Fixed Invest- capital engaged

Private Family
Total 209848 497369 339493 157876 314757 182612 4887840 2633430 2497185 996733
01 Looms 1143044 113044 70412 42632 54895 58149 1267096 832871 560206 254598
02 Looms 50869 101738 67350 34388 62649 39089 900770 539888 417852 220411
03 Looms 16012 48036 33257 14779 32644 15392 398388 214613 198741 102345
04 Looms 10033 40132 28815 11317 28582 11550 374627 192562 213098 80606
05 Looms 5003 25015 17847 7168 18070 6945 224541 127144 105703 50384
06-10 Looms 10035 75110 55783 19327 55904 19206 731201 332515 407160 142590
11-19 Looms 3164 43543 31855 11688 31422 12121 445295 202383 260377 75239
20-29 Looms 1108 25293 17162 8131 15485 9808 296687 119131 188554 36636
30 Looms 580 25458 17012 8446 15106 10352 249235 72323 145494 33924
Total 2217 15429 11754 3675 11668 3761 222629 94055 127908 27982
01 Looms 500 500 358 142 353 147 19866 8658 7042 1338
02 Looms 353 706 529 177 537 169 6346 2865 2817 1766
03 Looms 208 624 473 151 480 144 6694 2293 6200 1443
04 Looms 196 784 588 196 607 177 17933 4239 5168 1584
05 Looms 124 620 456 164 471 149 6097 2606 2537 1394
06-10 Looms 399 3145 2395 750 2421 724 34909 14111 20798 5939
11-19 Looms 266 3739 2910 829 2845 894 49413 28956 31362 6542
20-29 Looms 107 2464 1825 639 1725 739 45335 19023 26170 3850
30 Looms 64 2847 2220 627 2229 618 36036 11304 25814 4126
Total 356 1658 967 691 932 726 38114 13244 15178 2692
01 Looms 105 105 72 33 69 36 1452 587 410 234
02 Looms 76 152 84 68 84 68 2007 1021 537 272
03 Looms 29 87 47 40 44 43 946 535 199 150
04 Looms 41 164 108 56 110 54 3798 1181 1025 327
05 Looms 24 120 62 58 49 71 1599 495 222 154
06-10 Looms 42 319 205 114 182 137 3790 1734 1428 429
11-19 Looms 23 311 183 128 186 125 11805 4609 3999 588
20-29 Looms 12 269 90 179 92 177 5070 2367 5943 239
30 Looms 4 131 116 15 116 15 7647 715 1415 299
Total 212421 514456 352214 162242 327347 187099 5148583 2740729 264027 1027407
01 Looms 113649 113649 70842 42807 55317 58332 1288414 842116 567658 256170
02 Looms 51298 102596 67963 34633 63270 39326 909123 543774 421206 222449
03 Looms 16249 48747 33777 14970 33158 15579 406028 217441 205140 103938
04 Looms 10270 41080 29511 11569 29299 11781 396358 197982 219291 82517
05 Looms 5151 25755 18365 7390 18590 7165 232237 130245 108462 51932
06-10 Looms 10476 78574 58383 20191 58507 20067 769900 348360 429386 148958
11-19 Looms 3543 47593 34948 12645 34453 13140 506513 235948 295738 82369
20-29 Looms 1227 28026 19077 8949 17302 10724 347092 140521 220667 40725
30 Looms 648 28436 19348 9088 17451 10985 292918 84342 172723 38349
Source: BBS
198 Industry

5.11 Production of Selected Industrial Items

(Value in ‘000’ Taka)
Items Unit 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
1 2 7 7 7 7 7 8
311-312 Food Mfg.: - -
Shrimps and frog legs M.Ton 48402 - 40512
Atta, maida and suji '' 435439 - 332939
Bread and biscuit '' 58490 - 45082
Sugar '' 65302 - 48082
Molasses '' -
Mustard oil '' -
Soybean oil '' -
Tea (black) '' 90684 - 90008
Vegetable ghee '' -
Sea salt (crude) '' 94113 - 101262
Country type liquor -
Soft drink 00 Doz bot. 72602 - 104902
Tobacco Mfg. cigarettes M.No. 15279 - 15403
321-22 Textile Mfg. -
Cotton yarn M.Ton 180642 - 257198
Cotton cloth '000'Metric 43403 - 39735
Hessian M.Ton 44289 - 35295
Sacking '' 186015 - 132304
Carpet backing '' 6154 - 439
Others '' 125508 - 142019
Synthetic yarn '000'Metric - -
341 Paper products: - -
Newsprint 168719 2201884
Particle board '000'sq.m 11598 - 13710
Hard board '000'sq.m - -
351-353 Chemicals & -
Urea M.Ton - - 1102283
Amn. Sulphate '' - -
T.S.P. '' - - 91610
D.A.P. '' - - 102115
Sulphuric acid '' - -
Hydro. Acid '' - -
Caustic soda '' - -
Chlorine '' - -
D.D.T. '' - -
Medicine (vlue of prod) '000'Tk - -
Paints and varnishes '000'Liter - -
Matches '000'G.B - -
354 Petroleum products: - -
Naptha M.Ton - -
M.S. '' - -
H.O.B.C. '' - -
S.B.P. '' - -
M.T.T. '' - -
J.P.I. '' - -
S.K.O. '' - -
L.D.O. '' - -
H.S.D. '' - -
J.B.O. '' - -
F.O. (H.S.) '' - -
F.O. (L.S.) '' - -
L.P.G. '' - -
Residue '' - -
R.C.O. '' - -
Industry 199

5.11 Production of Selected Industrial Items

(Value in 000 Taka)
Items Unit 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
356 Rubber products:
3569 Rubber footwear Doz. Pair 264803 - 310938
357 Misc. plastic products:
3579 PVC products M.Ton 55613 - 52008
36 Non-Metallic Mineral products:
361 Pottery China & Earthen
Ware :
3612 Ceramic '000' Doz 29723 - 37361
362 Glass & Glass Products:
3622 Glass products Gross 17782 - 22587
369 Other Non-Metallic
Mineral Products:
3691 Bricks '000'No. 184472 - 260315
3692 Cement M.Ton 16860929 - 21030828
37 Basic Metal Industry:
371 Iron & Steel Basic Industry:
3711 Iron & steel M.Ton 379761
3713 Re-Rolling " M.Ton 401298 -
38 Fabricated Metal, Machinery
381 Fabricated Metal: -
3819 Utensils -
1. Aluminum Wear M.Ton 14271 - 10097
2. Enamel Wear '000' Nos. -
3827 Plumbing Equipment Doz.
3829 Fabricated Metal " 836588 991088
383 Machinery Non-Electric : -
3831 Engine & Turbine : -
1. Diesel Engine No.
2. Centrifugal pumps "
3. Turbine pumps "
3834 Textile Machinery (PLoom) '000'No. -
3839 Machinery equipment
Electrical NEC
1. Machinery parts M.Ton -
2. Machinery parts No. -
3841 Elect. Indus. Machinery -
Parts No. -
3842 Radio, TV. & Telephone -
1. Radio No. -
2. Television No. 590268 - 700595
3. Telephone Set No. -
3843 Electrical Appliances No. 524938 - 521593
3844 Wires & Cables (Elec.) M.T. 50750 - 53210
3845 Electric Lamps '000'No. 269206 239880
3846 Batteries " 327397 - 242324
3849 Electrical Apparatus No. 581009 - 335541
385 Transport Equipment : -
3851 Ship Building (Cons.steel) M.T. 341009 - 370882
3854 Motor Vehicles No.
3855 Motor Cycle No. 96037 - 91094
2912 Lime Stone M.T.
2915 China Clay " -
412 Natural Gas : -
4121 Natural Gas M.Cu Metre 27196 25172
411 General Index of Electricity :
4114 Electricity MKWH 67752 78654
Source : National Accounting Wing BBS

5.12 Statistics of Cotton Textile Industry

No. of Installed capacity Working Total production
Year reporting Spindles Looms Spindles Yarn
mills (000) (000) (000) (ml.Kg)
2018-19 18 198792 352 Rented
2019-20 18 198792 352 Rented
Rented Rented
2020-21 18 198792 352 Rented
Source: Bangladesh Textile Mills Corporation.
200 Industry

5.13 Structure of Jute Manufacturing Industry

Year No. of mills Running No. of looms No. of looms No. of workers (permanent)
Installed Operating (‘000’)
2006-07 19 10912 5946 37
2007-08 18 7511 5186 27
2008-09 16 7320 4102 24
2009-10 16 8875 5849 23
2010-11 18 10379 6730 30
2011-12 18 8680 7418 33
2012-13 22 11049 7594 34
2013-14 22 11049 6789 34
2014-15 22 10884 5333 31
2015-16 22 10884 5473 30
2016-17 22 10811 5859 29
2017-18 22 10835 5626 28
2018-19 22 10835 4128 26
2019-20 22 10847 3800 25
2020-21 132 16895 5020 59.246
Source: Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation (up to 2019-20), Bangladesh Jute Mills Association (2020-21)

5.14 Production, Export, Consumption and Stock of Jute Goods

(Thousand M.Ton)
Year Total Export Internal Beginning of Stock at End Remark
production Overseas consumption the season of the
2007-08 129 100 20 5 7
2008-09 110 89 19 7 6
2009-10 146 106 34 6 10
2010-11 173 118 27 10 33
2011-12 181 127 17 33 65
2012-13 192 179 28 65 50
2013-14 167 85 37 50 93
2014-15 95 118 26 93 42
2015-16 108 85 47 42 21
2016-17 146 89 24 21 47
2017-18 133 87 25 47 66
2018-19 72 29 34 66 74
2019-20 59 35 50 74 46
2020-21 310.057 242.492 53.713 47.211 34.341
Source: Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation (up to 2019-20), Bangladesh Jute Mills Association (2020-21)
Industry 201

5.15 Count-Wise Quantity and Value of Production of Yarn

(Quantity in thousand kg and value in thousand taka)
Yarn 01-31 Yarn 32 Yarn 33-39 Yarn 40 Yarn 41-59 Yarn 60 Yarn above Hosiery Double Total Yarn
Year counts counts counts counts counts Counts 60 counts yarn counts Estimated
Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Value

1995-96 8034 6445 2544 17855 7940 2593 3899 123 496 49929 7582652

1996-97 9077 5057 2875 17549 9134 2005 3451 97 514 50159 7665415

1997-98 9485 5276 3003 19211 9510 2149 3602 87 557 52880 8062558

1998-99 9480 5612 3062 20378 20378 9733 2229 77 576 54800 8320972

1999-00 9099 6761 3319 21845 10198 2602 4008 86 625 58543 9023887

2000-01 9455 7129 3638 21969 10745 2822 4280 87 694 60819 9360970

2001-02 10424 7734 3610 24071 11869 2589 4267 117 895 65576 10033.28

2002-03 11752 4882 4184 26260 13584 3064 5024 125 963 69838 10648126

2003-04 14384 2876 6864 32781 16826 3881 6186 120 1100 84867 13027402

2004-05 17092 2727 10767 38529 20628 6689 7689 158 1297 105578 15892569

2005-06 19370 3565 13016 42676 21189 9976 9415 533 1410 121150 18560228

2006-07 22580 9002 14399 48694 23295 16137 16462 5054 1745 156634 23808368

2007-08 22543 12407 14516 49075 23344 17558 22539 5715 2501 171354 25993473

2008-09 24175 9892 15224 50366 23109 18732 23626 7088 4030 176166 26777232

2009-10 24650 10531 16035 50405 23607 19432 24220 7565 4926 181371 36274200

2010-11 25066 109333 16498 50730 24105 19872 24780 7976 5354 179356 39458320
Source: Bangladesh Textile Mills Corporation and BTMA
202 Industry

5.16 Grade-Wise Production of Tea

(Million kg.)
Classifi- 2017 2018 2020 2021
cation Ortho- C.T.C Legg- Total Ortho- C.T.C Legg- Total Ortho- C.T.C Legg- Total Ortho- C.T.C Legg- Total
dox cut dox cut dox cut dor cut

Leaf 0.03 63.64 - 63.64 0.05 67.34 - 67.39 0.10 78.90 - 79.00
Dust - 13.76 - 13.76 - 14.46 - 14.46 - - - -
Green - 0.69 - 0.69 - 0.28 - 0.28 - 0.43 - 0.43
Total 0.03 78.09 - 78.12 0.05 82.08 - 82.13 0.10 79.33 - 79.43
Source : Bangladesh Tea Board

5.17 Number of Tea Factory Workers

No. of No. of all No. of
Year establishments employees production workers
2008-09 116 105430 99890
2010-11 122 110588 104883
2017-18 141 902 8059
Note : From 1982-83 and on wards as of production workers includes Tea labourers.
Sources: B.B.S. & Bangladesh Tea Board
5.18 Quantity and Value of Production of Minerals by Type
Limestone China clay Natural gas
Year Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
(M.ton) ('000' Tk.) (M.ton) ('000' Tk.) (106 cft.) ('000' Tk.)
2003-04 20038 12029 13113 11487 12827 26411260
2004-05 30127 18076 13738 11829 13605 44347433
2005-06 17988 10792 19766 16584 14921 51462529
2006-07 31000 18598 19429 18242 15920 54901182
2007-08 - - 6573 6065 17014 58681286
2008-09 - - - - 18510 63840990
2009-10 - - - - 19919 68710631
2010-11 - - - - 20075 69238075
2011-12 - - - - 21056 -
2012-13 - - - - 22669 -
2013-14 23233
2014-15 25727
2015-16 27489
2016-17 27445
2017-18 27613
2018-19 27196
2019-20 24998
2020-21 25172
Note: Unit of natural gas has been shown in million cubic metre since 1989-90
Source: (i) BCIC - Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation (limestone)
(ii) BMD - Bureau of Mineral Development (china clay)
(iii) Petro-Bangla (natural) gas
Industry 203

5.19 Key Findings Survey of Manufacturing Industries, 2012 (SMI-2012)

Size class of the industries
Category Total Micro Small Medium Large
(TPE 10-24) (TPE 25-99) (TPE 100-250) (TPE 250+)

Number of Establishments
No. of Establishments 42792 17384 15666 6103 3639
Persons Engaged
Total Persons Engaged 5015936 271644 738801 1041220 296472
Male 3062009 229407 615426 673821 1543355
Female 1953928 42237 123374 367399 1420918
Compensation of employees (Taka in Milion)
Total 569067 27705 82375 109934 349053
Salary and wages 517522 22624 72643 99401 322854
Cash & non-cash benefit 49028 5003 9527 10091 24406
Social Security 2517 77 205 442 1792
Fixed Assets (Taka in Milion)
Initial Fixed Asset 1163750 49493 289932 286211 538114
Additional/alteration 125680 472 14434 25165 85609
Transfer 3203 59 67 235 2841
Depreciation 101694 3377 21059 24787 55471
Net Fixed Asset 1188108 46528 283336 286901 571342
Costs (Taka in Milion)
Non-industrial cost 104428 4679 24215 21788 53745
Industrial cost 3762722 179396 810602 1028606 1744118
Intermediate Consumption 3813959 183726 833293 1044696 1770244
Gross Output (Taka in Milion)
Gross Output 5394905 275818 1203267 1408342 2507478
Cross Value Added
Cross Value Added 1562947 92092 369974 363646 737235
Indirect Tax (Taka in Milion)
Indirect Tax 75872 2413 14343 14767 44349
* TPE-Total persons engaged
Source : SMI (2012) BBS.
204 Industry

5.20 Gross Value added by type of manufacturing industries

Category No. of establishment Gross Output Gross Value Added

Number (In Milliion Tk.) (In Milliion Tk.)
Total 42792 5394905 1562947
Micro 17384 275818 92092
Small 15666 1203267 369974
Medium 6103 1408342 33646
Large 3639 2507478 737235
Source : SMI (2012) BBS

5.21 Number of establishments by Size and mojor industry (BSIC 2 digits)

BSIC & Description Total Micro Small Medium Large
Total 427992 17384 15666 6103 3639
10 Manufacture of food products 8441 5733 2416 187 105
11 Manufacture of beverages 367 161 187 14 5
12 Manufacture of tobacco products 487 250 136 53 48
13 Manufacture of textiles 10983 5424 4064 1137 358
14 Manufacture of wearing apparel (Ready-made garments) 6984 764 1066 2402 2752
15 Manufacture of wooden products of wood and crok, 302 533 274 100 23
except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting
17 Manufacture of paper and paper products 902 263 31 7 1
18 Printing and reproduction of recorded media 904 214 646 42 0
19 Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products 19 418 455 31 0
20 Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products 563 9 9 0 1
21 Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and 494 142 328 65 28
botanical products
22 Manufacture of rubber and plastics products 1036 15 392 50 37
23 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products 4654 528 460 35 13
24 Manufacture of basic metals 1205 162 2782 1537 173
25 Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except 1449 119 689 347 50
machinery and equipment
26 Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products 149 7933 637 19 0
27 Manufacture of electrical equipment 884 78 66 2 3
28 Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. 195 328 530 14 12
29 Manufacture of motor vehicles, trawlers and semi-trailers 137 133 46 12 4
30 Manufacture of other transport equipment 276 76 51 8 2
31 Manufacture of furniture 1055 126 123 19 8
32 Other manufacturing 235 796 235 15 9
33 Repair and installation of machine and equipment 120 187 34 7 7
34Recycling 21 111 9 0 0
Source : SMI (2012) BBS

5.22 Value of Fixed Assets by Size and Category

(In Million Tk)
BSIC & Description Total Micro Small Medium Large
Total 1188105 46527 283335 286900 571341
Land 238872 16883 68144 63376 90469
Land development 8889 188 2323 1575 4803
Building (residence & factory) 250356 8531 50640 58194 132991
Machinery and equipment’s 533889 16259 128438 129021 260171
Transport 44112 1398 9680 11118 21915
Computer and software 11007 274 2625 1647 6461
Other fixed assets 100980 2994 21485 21969 54531
Source : SMI (2012) BBS
Industry 205

5.23 Industrial Statistics for the Years of 1973-74 to 2005-2006

(Value in Million Tk)
Period No. of Reporting Value of Employment Value of Gross Value Value Added
Establishment Fixed Assets All Employee Operational Gross Output added at Factor
(No) (No) Cost
1973-74 1427 3654 307404 260444 7350 3737 -
1974-75 2847 4640 370097 309515 11800 4569 3431
1975-76 2216 5475 353640 292040 15930 6240 4384
1976-77 2057 6526 347385 281880 18734 6682 4403
1977-78 2728 7693 400670 317623 27120 10263 6694
1978-79 2728 7693 400670 317623 27120 10263 6094
1979-80 3006 8791 417298 330463 34784 13061 9275
1980-81 3152 11509 438044 341425 40717 14130 9579
1981-82 3356 13962 456291 356139 47630 15711 10363
1982-83 3538 14467 448951 348932 50623 18832 13380
1983-84 3740 22873 452436 349660 62042 23068 16913
1984-85 3934 27170 468606 364086 69917 23956 17245
1985-86 4473 30293 466636 369433 75483 29567 20142
1986-87 4519 35520 478696 381669 41216 31954 22404
1987-88 4793 36173 489500 390663 89177 32549 23975
1988-89 23752 83279 991689 822210 177568 60663 47242
1989-90 25283 83393 1084583 910871 201836 65815 47489
1990-91 25890 87758 1110582 941869 208383 66412 45518
1991-92 26446 102415 1156204 984792 222868 73249 51090
1992-93 26677 106312 1248708 1069002 256436 84459 55639
1993-94 27247 126645 1203018 1040804 329682 143572 109515
1995-96 28920 206830 1714039 1486875 508460 182233 121162
1997-98 29573 214704 2104247 1838667 576655 203959 133685
1999-00 24752 243805 2259717 2005038 639220 235443 155820
2001-02 28065 336145 2465397 2142401 901937 290910 198662
2005-06 34710 925189 3335144 2984949 1912048 718239 599130
Source : SMI(2005-06), BBS

5.24 Gross Outputs by type of Industry Group (BSIC 2 digits)

BSIC & Description Total Large
Total 427992 5394902
10 Manufacture of food products 8441 608777
11 Manufacture of beverages 367 52826
12 Manufacture of tobacco products 487 87197
13 Manufacture of textiles 10983 715247
14 Manufacture of wearing apparel (Ready made garments) 6984 1819482
15 Manufacture of Leather and related Products 302 76174
16 Manufacture of wood and products of wood and cork, except furniture; manufacture of 302 6912
articles of straw and plaiting materials
17 Manufacture of paper and paper products 902 57187
18 Printing and reproduction of recorded media 904 10821
19 Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products 19 3684
20 Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products 563 140184
21 Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products 494 113070
22 Manufacture of rubber and plastics products 1036 51143
23 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products 4654 351779
24 Manufacture of basic metals 1205 905850
Source : SMI (2005-06), BBS
206 Industry

5.25 Industrial Statistics by Employment, Gross Output, Value Added by Public

and Private Sector by the Years
Period Public (Government) Private (including joint Venture)
No. of All Gross Output Gross Value No. of All Employee Gross Gross
Establishment Employee added Establishment Output Value
1972-73 136 119069 1705 747 1850 63023 1386 627
1974-75 277 251602 6368 2561 2570 118495 5462 2008
1975-76 291 268330 10001 3045 1925 85310 5929 3195
1976-77 416 272003 10560 3682 1641 75382 8174 3000
1977-78 315 298956 15930 5303 2451 95362 6899 2800
1978-79 303 310188 18591 7065 2425 90482 8529 3198
1979-80 297 316736 23053 8279 2709 100562 11730 4782
1980-81 292 235549 26739 8584 2860 112495 13978 5546
1981-82 290 328906 30235 8679 3066 127385 17395 7032
1982-83 227 246189 27524 9617 3356 202762 23099 9215
1983-84 196 223914 31520 11429 3544 228522 30522 11639
1984-85 194 230159 34043 11357 3740 238447 35875 12599
1985-86 174 217897 34734 13699 4299 248739 40749 15868
1986-87 170 219714 36996 14081 4349 258982 47220 17873
1987-88 167 222994 38913 14496 4626 266506 50263 19054
1988-89 210 277078 47488 23158 23542 714612 130080 37504
1989-90 226 309933 48354 19369 25057 774650 153482 46446
1990-91 230 280230 48816 189720 25660 830352 159568 47440
1991-92 210 280273 45436 16908 26236 1047014 177432 56341
1992-93 235 244337 41516 18567 26442 1004370 214920 65892
1993-94 191 143362 35687 22778 27056 1059655 293994 120793
1995-96 167 182528 42756 20761 28753 1531509 465705 161462
1997-98 158 187376 54471 32769 29415 1916871 522184 171190
1999-00 147 157882 50266 28446 24605 2101835 588955 206998
2001-02 138 138242 44480 20173 27833 2327455 857457 270738
2005-06 119 100904 28620 11544 34591 3604980 1883428 706695
Source : SMI(2005-06), BBS

5.26 Value of Output of the Manufacturing Industries by Product Category

(In Million Tk.)
Initial Stock Current year Sales in Local Sales in foreign End Stock
Production Market market
Total 703043 4813186 2895609 2304531 298718
Main Product 637664 4330357 2572829 2108887 269479
Secondary 36703 307793 174365 153648 16076
Secondary 10218 81785 46134 36542 9272
Other products 13649 66952 72624 4878 3056
By-product 3351 16366 18742 383 554
Product waste 1458 9933 10915 193 281
Source: SMI(2005-06) BBS

5.27 Size and Growth Rate of Manufacturing Sector (At constant prices of 1995-96)
(Taka in crore)
Type of Industry 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13(P)

Small & Cottage 13551.5 14865.1 15920.0 17018.9 18340.9 19411.9 20664.7 22061.9
(9.2) (9.7) (7.1) (6.90) (7.77) (5.84) (6.45) (6.76)
Medium-Large 33268.2 36507.1 39157.2 41735.0 44229.8 49069.9 54232.3 59830.6
(11.4) (9.7) (7.3) (6.58) (5.98) (10.94) (10.52) (10.32)
Total 46819.7 51372.2 55077.2 58753.9 62570.7 68481.8 74897.0 81892.5
(10.8) (9.7) (7.2) (6.68) (6.5) (9.45 (9.37) (9.34)

Note: Growth rate is shown in parenthesis

Source: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
Industry 207

5.28 Quantum Index of Production for Medium and Large-Scale Manufacturing

Industries by Year

Industry 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2019-20 2020-2021

Medium to Large 174.92 195.19 213.22 236.11 267.88 297.89 342.47 398.35 447.60
Scale Industries

Source: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics

208 Industry
Energy 209

Chapter 6

210 Energy
Energy 211

6.01 Indicators of the Energy Sector 2015-16 to 2020-21

Items 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

A. Electricity
Total Generation Capacity (MW) 12771 15410 18438 19892 22031
Maximum Generation (MW) 9479 10958 12893 12738 13792
Energy Generation (MKWH) 57276 62678 70533 71419 80423
Energy Consumption (MKWH) 50264 55103 62037 63364 71470
Transmission lines in (KM) 10436 11123 11650 12283 12836
Distribution lines in (KM) (33KV&below) 401678 456924 532590 577479 612310
Electrification of BPDB (No.):
a. Thana 173 175 195 201 204
b. Village 3778 4023 4646 5651 6470
c. Deep/shallow & low 28018 28020 35332 37371 36962
lift pumps

B. Gas
Production (Billion Cubic Feet) 969.22 968.68 961.7 882.6
Consumption(Billion Cubic Feet) 987.3 981.98 1041.8 994.4
Connection (Number) 8005 1866 14121 11035
Power (BCF) 403.6 398.6 450.9 455.9
Fertilizer(BCF) 49.1 43.0 57.7 54.6
Industrial(BCF) 163.1 166.6 164.5 155.7
Commercial(BCF) 8.7 8.2 7.9 6.7
Tea garden(BCF) 1 0.9 1.0 1.1
Brick field(BCF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Domestic(BCF) 154.4 158.0 158.9 132.7
Captive power(BCF) 160.5 160.5 157.5 151.6
C.N.G(BCF) 47 46.2 43.4 36.1
Total consumption 987.3 982.0 1041.8 994.4
C. Petroleum (‘000’ MT)
Imports :
(i) Crude Oil 1379 1174 1362 1152
(ii) Refined oil 4452 5542 4600 4049
(iii) Lube base oil 0 0 0 0
Total 5831 6716 5962 5201
Note: MKWH=million kilowatt hours. BFC=Billion Cubic fit (gas Volume). (-) indicate Data is not available.
Source: PDB, BPC, Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources.
212 Energy

6.02 Installed Capacity Power Generation Demand and Load Shedding

Present Capacity Maximum Energy not served
Year Installed Capacity Maximum Forecasted
(Derated) (mw) Demand Served (MKWH)
(mw) Demand (mw) (mw)
2003-04 4680 3592 4023 3592 147
2004-05 4995 3721 4308 3721 260
2005-06 5245 3782 4693 3782 843
2006-07 5202 3718 5112 3718 2264
2007-08 5201 4130 5569 4130 1107
2008-09 5719 5166 6066 4162 1363
2009-10 5823 5271 6454 4606 1829
2010-11 7264 6639 6765 4890 1899
2011-12 8716 8100 7518 6060 1647
2012-13 9151 8537 8349 6434 1070
2013-14 10416 9821 9268 7556 515
2014-15 11534 10939 8920 7817 177
2015-16 12365 11770 9600 9036 122
2016-17 13555 12771 10400 9479 37
2017-18 15953 15410 11200 10958 32
2018-19 18961 18438 12100 12893 53
2019-20 20383 19892 13300 12738 58
Note: m. w. – megawatt.
Source: Bangladesh Power Development Board

6.03 Maximum Generation and Percent Increase

Year Maximum Generation In MW % Increase over the
East Zone West Zone System Total preceding year
2003-04 2646 946 3592 4.79
2004-05 2750 971 3724 3.58
2005-06 2809 973 3782 1.65
2006-07 2725 993 3718 -1.70
2007-08 3089 1041 4130 11.09
2008-09 3589 573 4162 0.78
2009-10 3883 723 4606 10.67
2010-11 3962 928 4890 6.17
2011-12 4805 1261 6066 24.05
2012-13 5010 1424 6434 6.07
2013-14 5320 2036 7356 14.33
2014-15 5902 1915 7817 6.27
2015-16 6699 2337 9036 15.59
2016-17 7024 2455 9479 4.90
2017-18 8034 2924 10958 15.60
2018-19 9012 3881 12893 17.66
2019-20 9005 3733 12738 -1.20
Note: m. w. – megawatt.
Note: Coal is included from the year 2005-06
Source: Bangladesh Power Development Board
Energy 213

6.04 Gross Energy Generation (GWH) of BPDB and Others

BPDB Net Total Private Total % Increase
Year Gross Energy Generation of BPDB Generation Generation Inclu. Generation over the
East Zone West Zone System Total REB (Net) (Net) Preceding Year
2003-04 11303 2039 13342 12584 7718 20302 9.99
2004-05 11910 2157 14067 13223 8185 21408 5.45
2005-06 13177 2240 15417 14456 8522 22978 7.33
2006-07 12964 2531 15495 14539 8729 23268 1.26
2007-08 13397 2758 16155 15167 9779 24946 712
2008-09 13627 2803 16431 15449 11084 26533 6.36
2009-10 14735 2329 17064 16072 13175 29247 10.23
2010-11 12845 2680 15525 14673 16682 31355 7.21
2011-12 13316 2758 16074 15201 19917 35118 12.00
2012-13 15078 3929 19008 17994 20235 38299 8.86
2013-14 152726 4943 20669 19645 22550 42195 10.37
2014-15 16950 5214 22163 21103 24733 45836 8.63
2015-16 17542 6179 23721 22586 29607 52193 13.87
2016-17 21343 6594 27938 26597 30679 57276 9.74
2017-18 24231 8276 32507 31082 31595 62677 9.43
2018-19 26755 9963 36718 35107 35426 70533 12.53
2019-20 26094 10980 37074 35316 36102 71419 1.26
Source: Bangladesh Power Development Board

6.05 Consumption of Fuel (BPDB)

Year Natural Gas Liquid Fuel in Million liter Coal in Million Ton
In MMCFT Furnace oil HSD, SKO & LDO
2003-04 134482.37 209.17 114.32 -
2004-05 141021.85 229.86 123.75 -
2005-06 153920.65 204.85 149.61 0.19
2006-07 146261.67 111.84 119.19 0.51
2007-08 150991.54 137.11 111.52 0.45
2008-09 161007.68 90.26 112.81 0.47
2009-10 166557.42 9.74 124.69 0.48
2010-11 150031.41 118.73 137.66 0.41
2011-12 151047.84 182.48 59.89 0.45
2012-13 175944.51 266.11 34.97 0.59
2013-14 183522.79 424.72 175.00 0.54
2014-15 180765.64 378.13 291.06 0.52
2015-16 207838.44 439.33 238.22 0.49
2016-17 215894.52 512.56 347.98 0.59
2017-18 211341.98 615.35 795.34 0.82
2018-19 269829.08 480.06 372.50 0.57
2019-20 267767.94 301.09 11.93 1.24
Source: Bangladesh Power Development Board

6.06 Per Capita Generation and Consumption (GRID)

Year Total Generation Total Population Total Sale Per Capita Generation Per Capita Consumption
(GWh) (In million) (mkwh) (kwh) (kwh)
2004-05 21,408 137 16,338 156.26 119.26
2005-06 22,978 140 18,128 164.36 129.67
2006-07 23,268 142 18,696 164.09 131.85
2008-09 24,946 144 20,415 173.48 141.97
2009-10 26,533 146 21,955 181.98 150.59
2009-10 29,247 148 24,596 197.88 166.42
2010-11 31,355 150 26,587 209.46 177.60
2011-12 35,118 152 29,974 231.65 197.72
2012-13 38,229 154 32,740 248.73 213.01
2013-14 42,195 156 36,233 270.83 232.56
2014-15 45,836 158 39,624 290.28 250.95
2015-16 52,193 160 45,299 326.41 283.30
2016-17 57,276 162 50,264 354.10 310.75
2017-18 62,677 164 55,103 383.00 336.71
2018-19 70,533 166 62,037 426.05 374.73
2019-20 71,419 168 63,364 426.23 378.16
2020-21 80423 169 71470 475.00 422.13
Source: Bangladesh Power Development Board
214 Energy

6.07 Plant Wise Generation, FY 2019-20

Installed Net Energy Efficiency Thermal
Sl. Type of Plant
Name of power plant Capacity (As of Generation (%) Efficiency
No fuel factor
June) (MW) (GWh) (Net) (%)
a) Ghorasal TPP (Unit 1&2) Gas 110 313.86 45.11% 25.02
b) Ghorasal Repowered CCPP Unit-3 Gas 210 463.93 32.98% %
1 c) Ghorasal Repowered CCPP Unit-4 Gas 210 626.87 42.31% %
d) Ghorasal TPP Unit-5 Gas 210 194.59 12.61% %
e) Ghorasal TPP Unit-6 Gas 0 -1.23 - %-
2 Ghorasal 365 MW CCPP Unit-7 Gas 365 1789.83 59.03% 47.18
3 Tongi 80 MW GTPP Gas 105 -0.79 - %-
4 Haripur GTPP Gas 32 1.88 1.65% 18.50
5 210 MW Shiddirganj TPP Gas 210 -4.69 - %-
6 Siddhirganj 2x120 MW GTPP Gas 210 318.89 18.13% 24.60
7 Haripur 412 MW CCPP Gas 412 2800.29 80.71% %
8 Gazipur 52 MW PP F.Oil 52 93.72 21.28% %
9 Kodda 150 MW PP F.Oil 149 175.19 14.01% %
10 Siddhirganj 335 MW CCPP Gas 335 918.91 33.19% %
11 Gazipur 100 MW PP F.Oil 105 287.82 31.71% %
12 Karnafuli Hydro Hydro 230 825.19 41.07% -
Rauzan 210 MW /ST (1st) Gas 210 612.78 45.31% 29.34
13 %
Rauzan 210 MW /ST (2nd) Gas 210 313.31 21.89% 25.88
14 Shikalbaha 150 MW Peaking PP Gas 150 959.03 75.41% %
15 Hathazari 100 MW Peaking PP F.Oil 98 4.49 0.75% %
16 Sangu, Dohazari-kaliaish 100 MW PPP F.Oil 102 104.80 12.14% %
17 RPCL Raozan 25 MW F.Oil 25 33.27 15.68% %
Gas 1382.99 72.64% %
18 Shikalbaha 225 MW PS HSD 225 0.34 - %-
19 Kaptai Solar Solar 7 9.51 15.60% -
a) Ashuganj TPP Unit-3 Gas 150 496.79 46.06% 32.67
20 b) Ashuganj TPP Unit-4 Gas 150 169.26 16.33% %
c) Ashuganj TPP Unit-5 Gas 150 214.37 20.33% %
34.32 39.72
21 Ashuganj 50 MW PP Gas 53 244.15 63.61% %
22 Ashuganj 225 MW CCPP Gas 221 1480.50 77.93% %
23 Ashuganj 450 MW CCPP (South) Gas 360 2350.52 77.52% %
24 Ashuganj 450 MW CCPP (North) Gas 360 2458.47 81.34% %
25 Chandpur 150 MW CCPP Gas 163 590.80 44.06% %
26 Titas 50 MW Peaking PP F.Oil 52 7.64 1.97% %
27 Shahjibazar 70 MW GT, Habiganj Gas 70 480.46 83.77% 27.50
28 Shahjibazar 330 MW CCPP Gas 330 1531.47 56.29% %
29 Fenchuganj C.C. (Unit #1) Gas 97 496.55 82.26% %
30 Fenchuganj C.C. (Unit #2) Gas 104 352.40 48.23% %
31 Sylhet 1x20 MW /GT Gas 20 98.05 56.29% %
32 Sylhet 230 MW Gas 231 615.68 31.21% %
33 Bibiyana-3 GTG Gas 400 1081.55 32.32% %
34 Khulna 225 MW (NWPGCL) HSD 230 5.91 0.43% 23.22
35 Bheramara GT unit-3 HSD 20 3.89 2.95% %
36 Bheramara 360 MW CCPP (NWPGCL) Gas 410 2320.61 67.63% %
37 Faridpur 50 MW Peaking PP F.Oil 54 39.50 8.90% %
38 Gopalganj 100 MW Peaking PP F.Oil 109 48.53 5.48% %
39 Modhumoti 105 MW NWPGCL F.Oil 105 216.47 23.70% %
- Barishal 2x20 MW /GT HSD - 1.07 0.57% 22.21
40 Bhola 225 MW CCPP Gas 194 1054.25 65.55% %
Baghabari 71 MW /GT Gas 71 239.8 26.73
41 9 50.37% %
Baghabari 100 MW /GT Gas 100 70.99 26.53%
Gas 1251. 42.86
42 Sirajgonj 210 MW CC (NWPGCL) Unit-1 210 51 71.09% %
43 Baghabari 50 MW Peaking RE F.Oil 52 42.52 9.57% 37.69%
Energy 215

Annual Thermal
Installed Net Energy Efficiency
Sl. Type of Plant Efficiency
Name of power plant Capacity (As of Generation (%)
No fuel factor (%)
June) (MW) (GWh) (Net)
(%) (Net)
44 Bera 70 MW Peaking RE F.O 71 13.03 2.25 35.33%
45 Santahar 50 MW PP F.Oil 50 26.92 %
6.33% 38.29
46 Katakhali 50 MW PP F.Oil 50 41.52 9.71% %
47 Chapainobabgonj Peaking Power Station 100 MW, Amnura F.Oil 104 168.3 18.94% %
Gas 6
660.1 %
48 Sirajgonj 210 MW CC (NWPGCL) Unit-2 220 6- 35.90% %
Gas 1236. 42.28
49 Sirajgonj 210 MW CC (NWPGCL) Unit-3 220 18 66.66% %
50 Barapukuria Coal based S/T (unit 1,2) COA 250 307.4 23.80% 25.52
51 Barapukuria Coal based S/T (unit 3) L
COA 274 6
1759. 80.60% %
52 Saidpur 20 MW /GT L
HSD 20 57
9.22 5.30% %
53 Rangpur 20 MW /GT HSD 20 3.38 1.99% %
Total (Grid) 9,71 34411 44.50% %-
Isolated East HSD 7
0 .37
Isolated West HSD 0 0.00
Total PUBLIC 9,71 34415
1 Payra, Potuakhali 2*660 MW PP (U-1) COAL 622 900.9 16.71% 36.91
Total Joint Venture 622 0
900.9 16.71% 36.91
1 Ashuganj 51 MW PP (Midland) GAS 51 267.9 59.97% 35.51%
2 RPCL 210MW CCPP GAS 210 1
1289. 72.88% 45.85%
3 Haripur 360MW CCPP(HPL) GAS 360 58
2585. 81.99% 48.40%
4 Meghnaghat 450 MW CCPP(MPL) GAS 450 76
3042. 77.18% 44.78%
5 Ghorashal 108MW PP (Regent) GAS 108 34
286.5 30.28% 43.20%
6 Ashuganj 195MW PP (APSCL-United) GAS 195 0
342.0 20.02% 42.52%
7 Bibiana-II 341 MW CCPP (Summit) GAS 341 7
2533. 84.81% 46.13%
8 Kushiara 163 MW CCPP (KP) GAS 163 40
1148. 80.41% 41.62%
9 Sirajgonj 410 MW CCPP (Unit-4) GAS 414 09
3047. 84.04% 48.68%
10 Meghnaghat CCPP(Summit) GAS 305 92
1233. 46.18% 41.64%
11 Natore 52 MW IPP (Raj-Lanka) (IPP) F.Oil 52 79
79.77 17.51% 43.57%
12 Gagnagar 102 MW PP (Digital Power) F.Oil 102 228.4 25.57% 41.25%
13 Patenga 50MW PP (Baraka) F.Oil 50 7
133.2 30.41% 43.04%
14 Chattogram 108 MW PP (ECPV) F.Oil 108 2
178.0 18.82% 42.49%
15 Jangalia 52 MW PP (Lakdanavi) F.Oil 52 3
69.19 15.19% 43.59%
16 Katpotti 52 MW PP (Sinha) F.Oil 51 88.05 19.71% 42.90%
17 Barishal 110 MW PP (Summit ) F.Oil 110 191.4 19.86% 43.86%
18 Madanganj-55 MW PP(Summit) F.Oil 55 0
96.81 20.09% 42.54%
19 Manikganj 55 MW PP (Northern) F.Oil 55 151.0 31.36% 44.41%
20 Nababganj 55 MW PP (Southern power ) F.Oil 55 7
110.2 22.89% 44.41%
21 Jamalpur 95 MW PP (Powerpack) F.Oil 95 7
339.6 40.81% 43.57%
22 Bosila 108MW PP(CLC) F.Oil 108 1
147.4 15.58% 43.20%
23 Kamalaghat 54 MW PP (Banko Energy) F.Oil 54 2
217.4 45.96% 44.39%
24 Kodda 300 MW PP Unit-2 (Summit) F.Oil 300 1
365.3 13.90% 43.34%
25 Mymensingh 200 MW PP (United) F.Oil 200 0
507.8 28.99% 44.00%
26 Kodda 149 MW PP Unit-1 (Summit) F.Oil 149 3
404.1 30.96% 42.73%
27 Rupsha 105 MW PP (Orion rupsha) F.Oil 105 4
187.1 20.35% 43.36%
28 Chandpur 200 MW (Desh energy) F.Oil 200 4
352.8 20.14% 44.00%
29 Juldah 100 MW PP Unit-3 (Acorn) F.Oil 100 3
329.1 37.58% 43.86%
30 Ashuganj 150 MW PP (Midland) F.Oil 150 8
196.0 14.92% 43.35%
31 Jamalpur 115 MW PP (United) F.Oil 115 7
435.5 43.23% 44.00%
32 Bogura 113 MW PP (Unit-2) (Confidence) F.Oil 113 0
223.19 22.55% 44.58
33 Sikalbaha 105 MW PP (Baraka Sikalbaha) F.Oil 105 99.24 10.79% %
34 Anwara 300 MW PP (United) F.Oil 300 810.69 30.85% %
35 Rangpur 113 MW PP (Confidence) F.Oil 113 280.46 28.33% %
36 Potiya 54 MW PP (Zodiac Power) F.Oil 54 36.56 7.73% %
37 Shikalbaha 110 MW PP (Kornophuly Power) F.Oil 110 41.59 4.32% %
Feni 114 MW PP (Lakdanavi) F.Oil 114 34.82 3.49% %
39 Bogura 113 MW PP (Unit-1) (Confidence) F.Oil 113 199.46 20.15 44.97
40 Choumohoni 113 MW PP (HF Power) F.Oil 113 128.26 12.96
% 44.99
41 Juldah 100 MW PP Unit-2 (Acorn) F.Oil 100 186.55 %
21.30 %
- Manikganj 162MW P0wer Generation F.Oil - - %- %-
- Nutan Biddyut 220MW F.Oil - - - -
216 Energy

Installed Net Energy Annual Efficiency

Sl. Type of Plant
Name of power plant Capacity (As of Generation (%)
No fuel factor
June) (MW) (GWh) (Net)
42 Meghnaghat 104 MW PP (SPL) F.Oil 104 10.83 1.19 -
43 Keranigonj 300 MW PP (APR) HSD 300 10.50 %
0.40 36.00
44 Daudkandi 200 MW PP (B.Trac) HSD 200 7.11 %
0.41 %
45 Noapara 100 MW PP (Bangla Trac) HSD 100 79.10 %
9.03 %
46 Aurahati 100MW PP (Aggreko) HSD 100 6.35 %
0.72 %
47 Bramhangoan 100 MW PP (Aggreko) HSD 100 5.13 %
0.59 %
48 Baghabari 200 MW PP (Paramount) HSD 200 3.67 %
0.21 %
49 Sarishabari 3 MW Solar Plant Solar 3 3.86 %
14.69 %-
50 Teknaf 20MW PP (Solartech) Solar 20 36.03 %
20.56 -
51 Mazipara, Tatulia 8 MW Solar PP (Symba) Solar 8 11.49 %
16.39 -
- Sailo Solar Power Plant Shantahar Solar - 0.11 %
0.00 -
- Shalla 400 KW Solar Solar 0.4 0.07 %
1.95 -
Sub-Total IPP 7233 22801.1 %
1 Bogura 22 MW PP (GBB) GA 22 133.166 69.10% 29.02
2 Bogura 20 MW PP (Energyprima) S
GA 20 952
78.6629 89.80% %
3 Ghorashal 78.5 MW PP(MAX) S
GA 78 52
151.975 22.24% %
4 Tangail 22 MW PP (Doreen) S
GA 22 009
143.404 74.41% %
5 Feni 22 MW PP (Doreen) S
GA 22 572
141.279 73.31% %
6 Jangalia 33 MW PP (Summit) S
GA 33 397
208.181 72.02% %
7 Ashuganj 55 MW PP (Precision) S
GA 55 906
218.732 45.40% %
- Kumargao 50 MW 3 yrs (Energyprima) S
GA - 592
137.527 31.40% %
8 Shahjibazar 86MW PP (Shahjibazar) S
GA 86 56
440.516 58.47% %
9 Shazibazar 50 MW PP (EPL) S
GA 50 616
115.938 26.47% %
10 Sylhet 10 MW PP (Desh) S
GA 10 819
64.2871 73.39% %
11 Fenchugonj 51 MW PP (Barakatullah) S
GA 51 22
284.768 63.74% %
12 Fenchuganj 44 MW PP (EPL) S
GA 44 958
307.712 79.83% %
13 Barabkunda 22 MW PP (Regent) S
GA 22 992
156.035 80.96% %
- Malancha, EPZ, Ctg S
GA - 66
219.280 - %-
14 Bhola 33 MW PP (Venture) S
GA 33 32
172.416 59.64% 30.04
- Shahjahanulla 25 MW PP S
GA - 844
133.344 60.89% %
15 Bhola 95 MW PP (Aggreko) S
GA 95 817
445.529 53.54% %
16 Khulna 115 PP MW (KPCL-2) S
F.Oi 115 02
276.250 27.42% %-
17 Noapara 40 MW PP (Khanjahan Ali) l
F.Oi 40 119
91.5466 26.13% 40.96
18 Madanganj 102 PP(Summit) l
F.Oi 102 21
223.216 25.48% %
19 Meghnaghat 100 MW(IEL) l
F.Oi 100 584
193.301 22.07% %
20 Siddhirganj 100 PP(Dutch Bangla) l
F.Oi 100 76
184.437 21.05% %-
- Energies Power Cor.Ltd Shikalbaha 55MW l
F.Oi - 936
4.63433 1.04% -
21 Amnura 50 MW PP l
F.Oi 50 3
109.202 24.93% 41.63
22 Keraniganj 100 MW PP (Powerpac) l
F.Oi 100 081
54.3070 6.20% %
23 Juldah 100 MW Unit-1 (Acorn) l
F.Oi 100 56
90.6121 10.34% %
24 Katakhali 50 MW PP (Northern) l
F.Oi 50 5
69.5378 15.88% %
Sub-Total RENTAL& SIPP l 1,400 54
4849.81 37% %
1 Power Import (Bheramara-Bharampur Phase-1) Imp 500 1,701
2 Import from Tripura (1st Phase) ort
Imp 100 1,007
3 Import from Tripura (2nd Phase) ort
Imp 60 902
4 Power Import (Bheramara-Bharampur Phase-2) ort
Imp 300 1,701
5 Sembcorp Energy India Ltd. ort
Imp 200 1,363
Total Energy IMPORT ort 1,160 6,674
SIPP (REB) 251 1,778.00
GRAND TOTAL 20,383 71,418.8
Source: Power Development Board 7
Energy 217

6.08 Power Distribution Zones under BPDB (As of June 2020)

Sl Southern Zone, Cumilla Zone Central Zone, Sylhet Zone Total
No Chattogram Mymensingh

1 33/11 KV Sub-Station Capacity 1364/1670 639/822 846/1126 455/603 3304/4221

2 Distribution Lines K.m) 11019 4228 11177 7218 33642
3 Total No. of consumers 1139169 643629 1021680 430559 3235037
4 Distribution System Loss (%) 7.54 10.11 10.25 10.86 8.99
Source: Power Development Board

6.09 Power Consumption Pattern of the Country and BPDB, 2019-20

Item Country BPDB
(MKWh (%) (MKWh) (%)

Domestic 36130 57.02 4732 45.91

Agriculture 1533 2.42 136 1.32
Industrial 17476 27.58 3817 37.03
Commercial 6457 10.19 1316 12.77
Others 1768 2.79 306 2.97
Total 63364 100.00 10308 100.00
Source: Power Development Board

6.10 Retail Sales by BPDB

Year MkWh
2006-07 4425.70
2007-08 4813.96
2008-09 5222.52
2009-10 5863.30
2010-11 6379.65
2011-12 7148.00
2012-13 7692.96
2013-14 8756.00
2014-15 9314.75
2015-16 10820.35
2016-17 10002.41
2017-18 9694.05
2018-19 10572.55
2019-20 10308.09
Source: Power Development Board
218 Energy

6.11 Consumer Growth by Number of Consumers (Category Wise)

Large %
Year Domestic Agricult Small Small Inds. & REB DPDC/ DES WZPD NESC Others Total Icrease
ure Industrial Commer Comm. Others CO CL O Over the
cial Preceedi
A B C E F+H I G1+G2+G3 I2 I3 I4 D+J ng Year

2003-04 1359724 14284 44018 347635 2183 246 4 1 - - 26863 1794958 6.18
2004-05 1114679 12484 34472 273957 1867 266 4 1 1 - 21593 1459324 -18.70
2005-06 1165265 14911 34574 280079 2010 275 4 1 1 - 21771 1518891 4.08
2006-07 1272144 17693 35561 297213 2163 184 5 1 1 - 23450 1648415 8.53
2007-08 1385424 21191 37065 312041 2299 185 5 1 1 - 25083 1783295 8.18
2008-09 1495195 25175 39114 333818 2534 185 5 1 1 - 26333 1922361 7.80
2009-10 1621596 28724 40903 345605 2689 185 6 1 1 - 27628 2067338 7.54
2010-11 1704936 30523 41607 351673 2846 185 7 1 1 - 27846 2159625 4.46
2011-12 1947827 36506 43241 372245 3184 70 7 1 1 - 28973 2432055 12.61
2012-13 2146940 39810 44809 386947 3464 70 9 1 1 - 31968 2654019 9.13
2013-14 2378278 45042 45792 396776 3780 71 9 1 1 - 31559 2901309 9.32
2014-15 2606764 49937 47215 416197 4125 71 10 1 1 - 32783 3157104 8.82
2015-16 2868941 54952 48764 444140 4471 82 12 1 1 - 35899 3457263 9.51
2016-17 2111564 32951 31396 321931 3513 84 13 1 1 1 25227 2526682 -26.92*
2017-18 2360627 34807 38041 336526 3848 85 14 1 1 1 28000 2801951 10.89
2018-19 2573705 35727 39129 361479 4214 84 14 1 1 1 31901 3046256 8.72
2019-20 2749620 36922 42022 369081 4508 80 16 1 1 1 34634 3236886 15.52
A=Residential Light & Fan, B=Agriculture pump, C=Small Industry, D=Non-Residential light & fan, E=Commercial, F=Medium voltage general
purpo, G=DPDC/Others, H=High voltage general purpose, I=REB/PBS, J=Street light and water pumps.
*Due to Handover of Rajshahi & Rangpur Zone to NESCO.
Source: Power Development Board

6.12 Electrification of Thana, Villages, Hat-bazar and Pump

Year Upazila/Thana Village Hat/Bazar Deep, Shallow &

Low Lift Pumps (Nos.)
2003-04 443 3432 2040 20928
2004-05 443 3478 2080 20993
2005-06 443 3495 2113 21020
2006-07 443 3495 2113 21020
2007-08 443 3495 2113 21020
2008-09 221 4204 1410 26572
2009-10 236 4792 1626 29626
2010-11 236 4792 1780 30405
2011-12 236 4810 1880 30933
2012-13 236 5344 1863 36232
2013-14 243 5393 2044 43822
2014-15 246 5735 2138 45010
2015-16 256 5947 2241 41835
2016-17 173 3778 1389 28018
2017-18 175 4023 1443 28020
2018-19 195 4646 1666 35332
2019-20 242 4957 1592 33982
Source: Power Development Board
Energy 219

6.13 Distribution System Loss and Net Revenue Collection (BPDB)

Year Distribution System Loss In % Million Taka % of Change
2003-04 21.33 39608 9.82
2004-05 20.00 39177 -1.09
2005-06 19.06 44284 13.03
2006-07 16.58 52799 19.23
2007-08 14.43 54060 2.39
2008-09 13.57 58922 8.99
2009-10 13.10 66776 13.33
2010-11 13.06 74303 11.27
2011-12 12.15 102242 37.60
2012-13 11.95 151711 48.38
2013-14 11.89 174740 15.18
2014-15 11.17 193013 10.46
2015-16 10.66 222382 15.22
2016-17 10.92 274355 23.37
2017-18 9.89 293725 7.06
2018-19 9.12 332294 13.13
2019-20 8.99 337846 1.67
Source: Power Development Board

6.14 Sale of Petroleum Products by Items

Quantity M.Ton
Commodity 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Jet A-1 376700 408272 430341 345126 237894
Octane 186911 230280 266988 262825 303917
Petrol 232359 284668 318593 322432 378846
Kerosene 170993 138403 121497 105851 101783
Diesel 4000044 4835712 4593486 4023409 4597585
LDO 660 96 96 268 331
JBO 17133 17910 12984 12738 11709
FOHS 806440 925150 683880 364241 559032
Lub oil 18752 19812 23402 21128 20707
SBPS 865 1993 1438 503 591
MTT 6475 10338 10271 6548 3790
LPG 16370 16303 20173 13421 12009
Butumen 55028 59399 66448 24601 58150
Total 5888730 6948336 6549597 5503091 6286344
Source: Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation

6.15 Sale of Petroleum Products by Marketing Company, 2020-21

(Quantity M.Ton)
Commodity Padma Jamuna Meghna SAOCL ERL LPG Total
Octane 106278 80899 116740 0 0 0 303917
Petrol 137867 115709 125270 - - - 378846
Kerosene 33142 35131 33510 - - - 101783
Diesel 1420021 1337756 1806400 33408 - - 4597585
LDO 331 0 0 - - - 331
FOHS 16820 164617 199009 27386 - - 559032
JBO 3957 3166 4586 - - - 11709
Lub Oil 4486 3192 10494 2535 - - 20707
LPG 3435 3269 3738 1122 - 445 12009
Bitumen 17538 3166 26519 4927 - - 58150
JetA-1 234516 - 0 3378 - - 237894
SBPS 591 - 0 0 - - 591
Marine Fuel 5438 3036 4860 - - - 13334
Grease 36 - 16 - - - 52
MTT 3353 - 437 0 - - 3790
Total 2139009 1755941 2331579 72756 0 445 6299730
Source: Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation
220 Energy

6.16 Company-wise sale of Petroleum Products during, 2020-21

(Quantity in MT)

Product POCL % MPL % JOCL % SAOCL % ERL % LPGL % Total

HOBC 106278 34.97 116740 38.41 80899 26.62 - 0.00 - - - - 303917

MS 137867 36.39 125270 33.07 115709 - - 0.00 - - - - 378846
SKO 33142 32.56 33510 32.92 35131 - - 0.00 - - - - 101783
HSD 1420021 30.89 1806400 39.29 1337756 - 33408 0.73 - - - - 4597585
LDO 331 100.00 0 0.00 0 - - 0.00 - - - - 331
FO 168020 30.06 199009 35.60 164617 - 27386 4.90 - - - - 559032
JBO 3957 33.79 4586 39.17 3166 - - 0.00 - - - - 11709
LUBE 4486 21.66 10494 50.68 3192 - 2535 12.24 - - - - 20707
LPG 3435 28.60 3738 31.13 3269 - 1122 9.34 - - 445 3.71 12009
BITUMEN 17538 30.16 26519 45.60 9166 - 4927 8.47 - - - - 58150
SUBTOTA 1895075 31.35 2326266 38.49 1752905 29.00 69378 1.15 0 0.00 445 0.01 6044069
JET A-1 234516 98.58 0 - 0 - 3378 - - - - 0.00 237894
SBP 591 100.00 0 - 0 - 0 - - - - 0.00 591
MTT 3353 88.47 437 - 0 - 0 - - - - 0.00 3790
SUB-TOTAL 238460 98.43 437 0.18 0 0.00 3378 1.39 0 0.00 0 0.00 242275
TOTAL 2133535 33.94 2326703 37.01 1752905 27.88 72756 1.16 0 0.00 445 0.01 6286344
Source: Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation
6.17 Petroleum Products Quantity Imports Expenditures
Crude Refinery Lube base Oil
Year Quantity Value in Value in Quantity Value in Value in Quantity Value in Value in
M.Ton US$ Crore Taka M.Ton US$ Crore Taka M.Ton US$ Crore Taka
2016-17 1379329 518.53 4102.50 4452631 1957.43 15557.65 0 0 0
2017-18 1173647 565.99 4603.81 5542628 3122.85 25392.19 0 0 0
2018-19 1361877 721.28 6080.39 4600592 2925.15 24658.99 0 0 0
2019-20 1151963 455.91 3854.64 387313161 2009.66 17045.81 0 0 0
2020-21 1506099 608.51 5169.27 4222649.78 1995.34 16957.05 0 0 0
Source: Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation
6.18 Import of Crude and Refined Oil (Value US$ in Million)
2017-18 2018-19
Year Quantity (M. Ton) C&F Value (US$) Value in Crore Tk Quantity (M. Ton) C&F Value (US$) Value in Crore Tk

1. Crude Oil 1173647.24 565.994 4603.81 1361877 721.280 6080.39

2. Refined Oil 4895917.82 2864.725 23300.67 4281958 2773.013 23376.50
3. Furnace Oil 652227.98 258.127 2091.52 318634 152.134 1282.49
4. Lube base 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
In Total 6721493.04 3688.846 29996.00 5962469 3646.427 30739.38
Year 2019-20 2020-21
Quantity (M. Ton) C&F Value (US$) Value in Crore Tk Quantity (M. Ton) C&F Value (US$) Value in Crore Tk
1. Crude Oil 1151963.48 455.91 3854.64 1506099.06 608.51 5169.27
2. Refined Oil 3873131.61 2009.66 17045.81 4174726.06 1977.65 16805.64
3. Furnace Oil 175693.95 81.31 687.04 47923.72 17.69 151.41
4. Lube base 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
In Total 5200789.04 2546.88 21587.49 5728748.84 2603.85 22126.32

Source: Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation

6.19 Sector-wise use of Main Petroleum Product during Last 3 Years
(Value US$ in Million)
Year Percentage Year Percentage Year Percentage
Sector 2018-19 % 2019-20 % 2020-21 %
a) Agriculture 1075326 16.42 990752 18.00 975604 15.49
b) Industry 388324 5.93 421088 7.65 450437 7.15
c) Power 1123396 17.15 371021 6.74 652066 10.35
d) Transportation 3710211 56.65 3536489 64.27 3963725 62.92
e) Household 134609 2.06 108347 1.97 97600 1.55
f) Others 117731 1.80 75394 1.37 160298 2.54
Total 6549597 100.00 5503091 100.00 6299730 100
Source: Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation
Energy 221

6.20 Export Performance (Last 5 Years)

US$ in Million
Qty in MT
Year 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Product Qty US$ Qty US$ Qty US$ Qty US$ Qty US$
Naptha 109130 45.70 18584 8.93 36513 21.55 0 0 18795.25 10.21
FO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 109130 45.70 18584 8.93 36513 21.55 0 0 18795.25 10.21
Source: Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation

6.21 Received of Petroleum Product from Different Gas field &

Fractional Plant during 2020-21
Government Qnty in MT
Name of Gas Field MS Octane HSD SKO Light Ms MTT SBP Total
Haripur Gas Field 114 0 0 35 0 0 0 149
Kailashtila Gas Field 832 0 614 0 0 0 0 1446
Rashidpur Condensate 4941 0 1133 1066 0 0 0 7140
Fractionation Plant
Rupantarito Natural Gas Field 3801 0 995 0 0 0 0 4796
Company Ltd
Bakhrabad Gas Field 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Titas Gas Field Ltd 1137 0 4687 0 0 0 0 5824
400 BPD Condensate 23510 0 2485 4318 0 0 0 30313
Fractionation Plant
Total 34335 0 9914 5419 0 0 0 49668

Name of Plant MS Octane HSD SKO Light Ms MTT SBP Total
Super Refined Private Limited 200 0 512 0 0 0 0 712
Chowdhury Refined Limited 19 0 30 0 0 0 0 49
Aqua Mineral Turpentine solvents 39739 24127 6384 9461 0 115 0 79826
Plants Ltd.
Super Petrochemical (Pvt.) Ltd 44481 139351 18784 0 427 2512 592 206147
Petromax Refinery Ltd. 19200 56208 10594 10459 0 0 0 96461
PHP Petro Refinery Limited 67 0 66 0 0 14 0 147
Synthetic Raging Products 193 0 404 0 0 0 0 597
Private Limited
JB Refinery Ltd 218 0 139 0 0 144 0 501
Lark Petroleum Company Ltd 41 0 112 0 0 0 0 153
CVO Petrochemical Refinery ltd 228 0 44 0 0 138 0 410
Universal Refinery (Pvt) Ltd 48 0 135 0 0 7 0 190
Rupsha Tank Terminal & Refinery 0 0 0 0 0 57 0 57
Golden Condensate Oil Refine 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Factory Ltd
Carbon Holding Limited 168 0 0 0 0 77 0 245
Total 104602 219686 37204 19920 427 3064 592 385495

Qnty in MT
Summary MS Octane HSD SKO Light Ms MTT SBP Total
Government 34335 0 9914 5419 0 0 0 49668
Non-government 104602 219686 37204 19920 427 3064 592 385495
Total 138937 219686 47118 25339 427 3064 592 435163
Source: Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation
222 Energy

6.22 BPC’s Contribution to the National Exchequer and Financial Loss

(‘000 MT)
Fiscal Year Contribution to the National Exchequer Financial Loss

2010-11 3508.50 9799.91

2011-12 4691.63 10551.74
2012-13 4794.42 5616.50
2013-14 4854.06 1665.61
2014-15 5448.61 4212.67
2015-16 7169.15 6063.31
2016-17 9248.58 6844.58
2017-18 9097.01 5783.38
2018-19 9590.06 3980.64
2019-20 14146.66 5065.30
2020-21 15778.76 9092.61
Source: Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation

6.23 Import of Coal and Coke from Selected Country

Source Year
2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
India 16998.83 39322.91 2690.17
China 20173.23 21401.52 10198.00
Indonesia 4484398.05 5430749.13 4973752.23
Japan 0.00 0.00 0.00
Bhutan 243.00 72.94 0.00
U.K. - - -
Chile - - -
Panama - - -
Other countries - - -
Total 4521813.11 5491546.50 4986640.40
Source: NBR
6.24 Sector Wise Number of Consumers of Rural Electricity
(Cumulative, unit in MKWH)
Year Sectors
Domestic Commercial Irrigation Industry Others Total
2004-05 5175322 674220 162891 104314 13070 6129817
2005-06 5807713 736013 198661 114744 13781 6870912
2006-07 6217054 767488 205957 119752 14087 7324338
2007-08 6183618 736563 195164 117533 12854 7245732
2008-09 6562850 768818 170086 126038 13340 7641132
2009-10 6985344 794896 177669 1330965 13675 8102549
2010-11 7206182 813057 194681 134102 14075 8362097
2011-12 7875105 850456 206559 139274 14416 9085810
2012-13 8148444 870603 214384 142272 14524 9390227
2013-14 8868415 902389 218198 145487 14670 10149159
2014-15 10629791 970255 223270 150042 14865 11988223
2015-16 14088385 1106381 220292 155938 15110 15586106
2016-17 17181206 1251987 231501 162435 31518 18858647
2017-18 20746631 1466389 240404 169210 326188 22948822
2018-19 23792224 1623402 256280 174654 368693 26215253
2019-20 26192370 1773225 273353 192432 405715 28837095
2020-21 28653504 1997659 281400 231502 453031 31617096
Source: Rural Electrification Board
Energy 223

6.25 Fuel Consumption by BPDB Power Plant

Fiscal Year Natural gas Liquid fuel (million liter)
(million cft) Furnace Oil HSD, SKD, SKO & LDO
2002-03 131180 128 62
2003-04 134482 174 95
2004-05 141021 186 130
2005-06 153920 171 125
2006-07 146262 93 99
2007-08 150992 137 111
2008-09 161008 90 113
2009-10 166557 10 125
2010-11 150031 119 138
2011-12 151048 182 60
2012-13 175945 266 35
2013-14 183523 425 175
2014-15 180766 378 291
Source: Bangladesh Power Development Board

6.26 Bangladesh Gas Reserves

Natural Gas Reserve in Bangladesh
Unit=Billion Cubic Feet
Producing Reserve Product. Cumulative Remaining
Gas field Wells GIIP (Recoverable) FY 2020-21 Production Reserve w.r.t
(dec, 21) 2P(1st jan,22)
A. Producing
Titas 22 8148.9 6367.0 145.18 5072.51 1294.49
Habiganj 8 3684.0 2647.0 63.05 2634.25 12.75
Bakhrabad 6 1701.0 1231.5 13.87 867.97 363.56
Narshingdi 2 3610.0 2760.0 15.09 745.77 2014.23
Meghna 5 3650.0 2433.0 16.12 675.58 1757.42
Sylhet 2 370.0 318.9 1.37 219.67 99.23
Kailashtila 1 122.1 101.0 2.70 79.49 21.51
Rashidpur 2 369.0 276.8 9.77 229.87 46.93
Beanibazar 1 230.7 203.0 2.89 111.15 91.85
Saldanadi 2 553.0 381.0 2.39 166.22 214.78
Fenchuganj 2 379.9 279.0 1.20 95.03 183.97
Shahbazpur 4 918.1 642.7 14.32 110.70 531.98
Semutang 1 653.8 317.7 0.30 13.92 303.78
Sundalpur 1 62.2 35.1 2.68 20.13 14.97
Srikail 4 240.0 161.0 11.58 117.12 43.88
Begumgonj 1 100.0 70.0 2.17 8.28 61.77
Jalalabad 6 1499.0 1499.0 73.54 1499.03 -
Maulavibazar 4 1053.0 428.0 6.26 338.44 89.56
Bibiyana 26 8350.0 5755.4 473.36 4991.60 763.83
Bangura 5 1198.0 714.0 32.24 515.54 198.46
Sub Total A 105 36892.8 26621.2 892.06 18512.26 8108.90

B. Non-Production
Kutubdia - 65.0 45.50 0.00 0.00 45.50
Bhola North1 - 621.9 435.30 - - 435.30
Zakiganj - 75.9 53.13 - - 53.13
Sub Total B - 762.8 533.95 0.00 0.00 533.95

C. Production suspended
Rupganj - 48.0 33.6 0.00 0.68 32.92
Chattak - 1039.0 474.0 0.00 26.46 447.54
Kamta - 71.8 50.3 0.00 21.1 29.20
Feni - 185.2 125.0 0.00 62.4 62.60
Sangu - 899.6 577.8 0.00 487.91 89.85
Sub Total C - 2195.6 1260.7 0.00 598.5 662.1
Grand Total in BCF 39851.1 28415.77 892.06 19110.81 9304.96
Grand Total in TCF 39.9 28.42 0.89 19.11 9.30
Source: Petrobangla
224 Energy

6.27 Main Natural Gas Transmission and Distribution Line

(Unit in Km)
Pipe line Year
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Titas Gas Transmission & Distri, Ltd.
Transport Line - 6.65 - - - -
Distribution line - 0.26 - - - 2.73
Feeder Main & Service line 142.42 2.07 2.02 2.99 4.27 6.67
Others 7.24 12.22 16.35 49.64 53.91 43.08
Bakhrabad Gas System Ltd.
Transport Line - - 21.63 - - -
Distribution line - - 0 - - -
Feeder Main & Service line - - 0 - - 0.33
Others - - 0 0.54 - 0.55
Jalalabad Gas Distribution Company Ltd.
Transport Line - 1.47 0 0 0.17 1.68
Distribution line 0.32 0.09 0.01 0 0.04 2.23
Feeder Main & Service line 15.60 0.05 0.27 3.30 0.08 -
Others 16.97 0.0 0.01 0.50 7.71 1.45
Gas transmission Company Ltd.
Transport Line 61.00 172.36 91 30.00 267.00 -
Distribution line - - 0 - - -
Feeder Main & Service line - - 0 - - -
Others - - 0 - - -
Paschimanchal Gas Company Ltd.
Transport Line - 0.0 0 - - -
Distribution line - 5.1 0 - 3.93 -
Feeder Main & Service line 1.28 0.23 2.22 7.05 2.20 3.37
Others - 0 0 - 1.22 7.04
Karnafuly Gas Distribution Co. Ltd.
Transmission line - 0 0 - - -
Distribution Line - 0 0 - - -
Feeder Main & Service 44.51 0.13 1.59 3.14 0.11 10.53
Others - 0 0 - - -
Transmission line - 0 0 - - -
Distribution Line - 0 0 - - -
Feeder Main & Service - 4.2 3.76 9.82 9.12 -
Others - 0 0 - - -
All Company Total
Transport Line 61.00 180.48 112.63 30.00 267.17 1.68
Distribution line 0.32 5.45 0.01 - 3.97 4.96
Feeder Main & Service line 203.81 6.68 9.86 26.30 15.78 20.90
Others 24.21 12.22 16.36 50.68 62.84 52.12
Source: Petrobangla

6.28 Category Wise Number of New Gas Connection

Category Year
2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Power 1 4 8 4 5 2 1
Fertilizer - - 0 0 0 0 0
Industry 17 25 16 36 103 111 72
Commercial 115 6 -16 -8 72 7 41
Tea Garden - 2 0 1 2 1 2
Brick's - - 0 0 0 0 0
CNG 10 5 1 4 9 4 0
Domestic 355752 276228 7993 1824 13899 10872 -86
Captive power 22 12 3 5 31 38 32
Total: 355917 276282 8005 1866 14121 11035 62
Source: Petrobangla
Energy 225

6.29 Consumption of Natural Gas by Sector

Unit= Billion Cubic Feet
Fiscal Year Sectors Total
Production Power Captive Fertilizer Industry Tea Com. Dom. CNG Bricks
2004-05 486.8 211.0 37.9 94.0 51.7 0.8 4.9 52.5 3.6 0.0 456.3
2005-06 527.0 224.4 48.9 89.09 63.3 0.8 3.3 56.7 6.8 0.0 493.3
2006-07 562.2 221.1 93.5 62.5 77.5 0.8 5.7 63.3 12.0 0.0 536.2
2007-08 600.9 234.3 80.2 78.7 92.2 0.8 6.6 69.0 22.8 0.0 584.6
2008-09 653.8 256.3 94.7 74.9 104.4 0.7 7.5 73.8 31.0 0.0 643.2
2009-10 703.6 283.2 112.6 64.7 118.8 0.8 8.1 82.7 39.3 0.0 710.2
2010-11 708.9 273.8 121.2 62.8 121.5 0.8 8.5 87.4 38.5 0.0 714.5
2011-12 743.7 3043 123.6 58.4 128.5 0.8 8.6 89.2 38.6 0.0 751.7
2012-13 800.6 328.8 134.1 60.0 135.7 0.8 8.8 89.7 40.2 0.0 798.2
2013-14 820.4 337.4 143.8 53.8 141.9 0.8 8.9 101.5 40.1 0.0 828.1
2014-15 892.2 354.8 150.0 53.8 147.7 0.8 9.1 118.2 42.9 0.0 877.3
2015-16 973.2 399.6 160.8 52.6 156.0 0.9 9.0 141.5 46.5 0.0 966.9
2016-17 971.6 403.6 160.5 49.1 163.1 1 8.7 154.4 47 00 987.3
2017-18 968.7 398.6 160.5 43.0 166.6 0.9 8.2 158.0 46.2 0.0 982.0
2018-19 961.7 450.9 157.5 57.7 164.5 1.0 7.9 158.9 43.4 0.0 1041.8
2019-20 882.6 455.9 151.6 54.6 155.7 1.1 6.7 132.7 36.1 0.0 994.4
2020-21 889.0 425.8 169.1 64.7 181.7 0.9 6.0 134.2 35.1 0.0 1017.5
Source: Petrobangla

6.30 Quantity and Value of Production of Natural Gas by Gas-fields

(Qty in million cubic metre and value in ThusandTaka)
Name of gas 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
fields Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
Titas 5412.308 5527.745 5193.236 4346.589 4111.18
Habiganj` 2298.424 2262.458 2243.107 1922.273 1841.44
Bakhrabad 403.920 340.415 312.043 425.263 392.76
Narshingdi 292.342 283.843 281.657 257.529 427.19
Meghna 125.516 130.724 116.600 87.871 456.39
Sylhet/Haripur 79.273 50.57 42.517 38.500 38.77
Kailastila 671.644 650.216 648.763 571.696 76.49
Rashidpur 583.546 552.767 526.801 496.446 276.76
Beani Bazar 118.503 99.085 90.796 86.631 81.71
Saldanadi 54.219 30.106 44.203 61.456 67.71
Fenchuganj 249.099 133.147 96.510 40.157 33.94
Shabajpur 276.910 432.094 576.946 475.604 405.51
Semutang 22.192 13.048 7.855 9.121 8.50
Shundalpur 0.000 26.514 71.274 73.696 75.85
Srikail 424.333 365.798 352.628 316.827 327.91
Begumganj 0.148 0.00.0 48.387 54.872 61.54
Rupganj 12.188 7.041 0.0 0.0 0.0
Jalalabad 2726.980 2601.94 2370.770 2057.970 2082.42
Moulvibazar 387.290 349.77 222.190 150.520 177.26
Bibiyana 12330.44 12640.27 13070.500 12587.730 13404.05
Bangura 977.089 932.432 915.814 932.101 912.93
Source: Petrobangla
226 Energy

6.31 ERL Production during Last Seven Years

(Unit in MT)
Product 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
LPG 11070 9932 11454 9793 12831 8902 11583
Naphtha 162026 131944 153249 96821 100572 77015 143561
SBPS 256 219 437 211 0 0 0
MS 16921 12211 39896 57885 90694 82099 75231
HOBC 549 13327 5620 35834 3963 1732 0
MTT 6687 2566 6017 4928 3150 360 0
Jet A-1 753 1379 0 1403 0 895 0
SKO 245341 194422 149179 126856 95196 83157 72956
HSD 386449 329455 539508 495295 632808 447426 719961
JBO 17491 165443 17733 210249 11052 13112 8587
LDO - - - - - - -
LDO +LDO (RF) 2524 2680 4818 3967 5320 4035 5805
FO + FO (RF) 299357 362719 374046 301141 344038 275312 416115
Bitumen 66757 65255 55635 58162 69877 30500 52786
FOHS - - - - - - -
RCO - - - - - - -
MS/HOBC - - - - - - -
DSN - - - - - - -
HG - - - - - - -
FO - - - - - - -
Total: 1216181 1143652 1357592 1305724 1369501 1024545 1506585
Source: Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation
Transport and Communication 227

Chapter 7


228 Transport and Communication
Transport and Communication 229

7.01 Summary of Value Added of Transport and Storage Sector at Current Price
(Base: 2015-16)
(Million taka)
Items 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Land transport
Bangladesh Railway 12,176 12,881 13,525 14,337 14,337 14,337
Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation 1,740 2,143 2,237 2,493 2,860 3,210
Mechanized Road Transport 1,197,46 1,383,314 1,564,19 1,770,651 1,888,500 2,120,57
4 0 4
Non-Mechanized Road Transport 174,548 173,695 166,396 160,242 148,996 149,663
Water Transport
Bangladesh Shipping Corporation 484 695 590 928 1,260 1,584
Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Corporation 1,682 1,966 2,070 2,068 2,150 2,105
Mechanized Water Transport 94,507 104,739 112,264 119,579 125,746 133,745
Non-Mechanized Water Transport 34,302 37,624 37,703 37,771 37,827 38,775
Air Transport
Bangladesh Biman Corporation 12,612 14,149 14,991 15,994 16,590 17,197
Private airlines 4,256 5,076 6,206 6,744 6,625 5,785
Post and Courier activity
Bangladesh Post Office 5,408 5,825 6,451 7,138 7,587 8,247
Courier Service 4,117 4,462 4,795 5,237 5,742 6,263
Support Transport Services Storage
Chittagong Port Authority 16,798 17,898 18,523 18,816 20,044 16,966
Mongla Port Authority 1,190 1,464 1,537 2,859 3,644 4,051
Bangladesh Parjaton Corporation 624 687 805 1,223 1,332 1,220
Bangladesh Civil Aviation Authority 8,564 9,048 10,720 11,764 13,639 12,020
Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority 1,448 1,536 1,457 1,414 1,472 1,533
Bangladesh Bridge Authority 3,681 4,194 4,813 5,153 5,459 5,465
C&F Agent 12,976 15,338 17,966 20,816 19,190 21,556
Urban Storage 9,822 11,192 12,607 14,220 16,073 17,848
Rural Storage 951 1,044 1,132 1,231 1,341 1,435
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS
230 Transport and Communication

7.02 Summary of Value Added of Transport and Storage Sector at Constant Price
(Base: 2015-16)
(Million taka)
Items 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Land transport
Bangladesh Railway 12,176 10,700 10,855 11,117 10,741 10,378
Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation 1,740 1,780 1,795 1,933 2,143 2,323
Mechanized Road Transport 1,197,464 1,297,022 1,408,243 1,530,145 1,566,121 1,664,151
Non-Mechanized Road Transport 174,548 167,068 159,210 152,526 141,071 124,660
Water Transport
Bangladesh Shipping Corporation 484 665 557 871 1,161 1,436
Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Corporation 1,682 1,776 1,865 1,863 1,914 1,873
Mechanized Water Transport 94,507 96,368 99,076 101,289 102,264 104,564
Non-Mechanized Water Transport 34,302 33,580 32,863 32,150 31,443 31,445
Air Transport
Bangladesh Biman Corporation 12,612 13,980 14,740 15,683 16,090 16,500
Private airlines 4,256 5,016 6,102 6,613 6,426 5,577
Post and Courier activity
Bangladesh Post Office 5,408 5,568 5,944 6,239 6,265 6,468
Courier Service 4,117 4,265 4,419 4,577 4,742 4,912
Support Transport Services Storage
Chittagong Port Authority 16,798 17,082 17,673 18,093 19,316 15,389
Mongla Port Authority 1,190 1,399 1,453 2,676 3,356 3,674
Bangladesh Parjaton Corporation 624 656 761 1,145 1,227 1,106
Bangladesh Civil Aviation Authority 8,564 8,941 10,563 11,592 13,228 11,533
Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority 1,448 1,387 1,313 1,274 1,310 1,364
Bangladesh Bridge Authority 3,681 4,137 4,720 5,048 5,258 5,263
C&F Agent 12,976 14,661 16,555 18,194 15,846 16,906
Urban Storage 9,822 10,388 10,982 11,606 12,261 12,950
Rural Storage 951 969 986 1,004 1,023 1,041
Source : National Accounting Wing, BBS
Transport and Communication 231

7.03 Transport, Communication and Storage Statistics

Source/Capacity 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Bangladesh Railway :
(a) Locomotives Owned (no.)
(i) Broad Gauge 78 73 97 96 96 94 94
(ii) Meter Gauge 217 185 196 186 186 179 178
Total : 295 258 293 282 282 273 272
(b) Coaching vehicles Owned (no.) :
(i) Broad Gauge 312 312 324 312 312 425 442
(ii) Meter Gauge 1144 1160 1185 1164 1162 956 1188
Total : 1456 1472 1509 1476 1474 1381 1630
(c) Wagons Owned (no.) :
Freight (Four wheelers)
(i) Broad Gauge 2667 3009 3009 3001 3001 2627 1868
(ii) Meter Gauge 10383 10100 9915 9601 9601 8897 6821
Total : 13050 13109 12924 12602 12602 11524 8689
Un-Organized road transport (no.) :
Rickshaw (000 nos.) 800 806 813 814 815 815 816
Push cart (000 Nos) 32 34 36 35 35 36 36
Bullock cart (000 nos.) 45 44 43 42 40 39 38
Country Boats:
(a) Motorized (`000` nos) 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
(b) Passenger (`000`nos) 122 121 117 115 112 110 107
(c) Cargo (`000`nos) 66 64 63 63 60 59 58
Air Transport (No):
(a) Fokker 2 0 0 2 2 2 2
(b) Boeing-747 5 4 9 6 6 6 6
(c) Airbus4 3 2 2 2 2 2 1
(d) DC-10-30 3 2 2 2 4 4 4
Total: 13 8 13 12 14 14 13
Communication (no.) :
(a) Post Offices 9886 9886 9886 9886 9886 9882 9886
(b) Telephones 935760 903000 846000 768000 716000 662491 616000
Name of operators & Subscribers number (000) nos
1) Grameen Phone Ltd. (GP) (000) nos 39293 43967 49233 53129 56904 61579 69170
2) Bangla Link ltd. (000) no 25490 27076 29751 32224 31941 33570 33282
3) Robi ltd. (000) no 19211 22897 24018 27368 27442 31572 44729
4) Airtel ltd. (000) no 6734 7821 8540 8743 9892 8049 -
5) Citycell ltd. (000) no 1699 1383 1416 1187 702 - -
6) Teletalk ltd. (000) no 1358 1902 3595 4216 4490 3260 3764
Total 000 93785 105046 116553 126866 131376 135981 150945
(d) PSTN (land phone)
1) BTCL (000) no 936 903 846 768 716 663 -
2) Rangs telecom ltd. (000) no - - 4 14 15 - 616
3) World tel (000) no - - 6 5 15 - 03
4) Bangla phone ltd. (000) no - - 6 5 15 - 1
Total 936 903 856 787 736 663 620
1) Mobile Internet (000) no 25016 33905 36412 46899 59658 68650 82912
2) WIMAX (000) no 401 505 281 182 112 075 81
3) Isp+pstn (000) no 1211 1222 1230 1268 3520 4622 5685
Total 000no 26628 35631 37923 48347 63290 73347 87790
Storage : (capacity)
(i) B.A.D.C. ('000' ton) 576 587 590 688 697 727 749
(ii) Food (000 M. ton) 1645 1685 1845 2040 2103 2128 2180
(iii) Jute (000) (sq. ft.) 862 903 - - - N/A n/a
(iv) Cold storage (000 M. ton) 4000 4600 4600 3400 4000 5300 5500
(v) Chattogram Port Authority :
(a) Covered space and silos
Godowns (`000 ton) 246 246 246 246 246 246 248
(b) Open Space (`000` sqft) 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
(c) Container yard (TEUS) 31022 31022 31022 36357 36357 36357 49018
Mongla Port Authority
(a) Transit shed (`000`sq ft) 211 211 211 211 211 211 211
(b) Open space (`000 sq ft) 3229 3229 3229 3229 3229 3229 3229
(c) Container yard (TEUS) 2180 2180 2180 2180 2180 2180 2180
Note : Data may not tally with the previous publication as the data have been revised.
(-) indicates data not available..
Source : Bangladesh Railway, Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority, Bangladesh Shipping Corporation, Bangladesh
Postal Deptt., B.T.C.L & Bangladesh Biman. Dept : B.A.D.C, Food. Jute, Cold Storage, Chattogram and Mongla Prot, B.T.R.C=(Bangladesh Tele
Communication Regulatory Commission)
232 Transport and Communication

7.04 Rate of Fare and Freight of Different Modes of Transport (Public)

Name of Transport corporation 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Fare in Taka per passenger per kilometer
Bangladesh Railway 0.39 0.58 0.75 0.78. 0.59 0.63 0.67 0.69
Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.53 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.57
Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Corporation 0.96 0.96 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01
Bangladesh Biman 5.46 4.53 4.22 4.16 5.01 4.78 4.62 4.64

Freight per ton per Kilometre in Taka

Bangladesh Railway 1.59 2.00 5.65 6.81 2.42 6.81 6.85 6.85
Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation 4.57 4.57 6.53 6.25 5.86 6.25 6.80 6.84
Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Corporation 1.47 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.20
Bangladesh Biman 1.10 2.06 2.10 2.18 1.72 2.39 3.11 3.13
(Freight per kg per Kilometre)
Indices of Fare and Freight (Base Year 2005-16)
Bangladesh Railway 104.72 443.22 290.39 333.46 342.77 352.07 361.14 367.26
Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation 188.45 188.45 210.14 211.24 214.50 214.50 220.58 221.05
Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Corporation 157.34 194.31 197.72 198.05 198.58 198.58 198.58 199.27
Bangladesh Biman 125.43 116.23 110.20 109.79 123.83 129.73 129.24 129.44
General Index 122.01 131.94 180.60 195.39 206.75 213.34 216.43 218.73
Note: Data may not tally with the previous publication as the base year has been revised.
Source: Bangladesh Railway, B.R.T.C., B.I.W.T.C. & Bangladesh Biman.

7.05 Rates of Different Modes of Communication and Telephone Charges

(Price in Taka)
Year Post card Envelop Parcel Radio license (Tk.)Radio Television license (Tk.) Television license (Tk) Telephone
(400 gm) license (Tk.) Black and white Color Charge/
Domestic Commercial Domestic Commercial Domestic Commercial Call

2004-05 1.00 2.00 4.00 Na Na 250.00 900.00 500.00 1200.00 1.50

2005-06 1.00 2.00 4.00 Na Na 250.00 900.00 500.00 1200.00 1.50
2006-07 1.00 2.00 4.00 Na Na 750.00 900.00 1500.00 1200.00 1.50
2007-08 1.50 3.00 10.00 Na Na 750.00 900.00 1500.00 1200.00 0.50
2008-09 1.50 3.00 10.00 Na Na 750.00 900.00 1500.00 1200.00 0.30
2009-10 1.50 3.00 10.00 Na Na 750.00 900.00 1500.00 1200.00 0.30
2010-11 1.50 3.00 10.00 Na Na 750.00 900.00 1500.00 1200.00 0.30
2011-12 1.50 3.00 10.00 Na Na 750.00 900.00 1500.00 1200.00 0.30
2012-13 1.50 3.00 10.00 Na Na 750.00 900.00 1500.00 1200.00 0.30
2013-14 1.50 3.00 10.00 Na Na 600.00 900.00 1500.00 1200.00 0.30
2014-15 1.50 3.00 10.00 Na Na 750.00 900.00 1500.00 1200.00 0.30
2015-16 1.50 3.00 10.00 Na Na 750.00 - 1500.00 1200.00 0.30
2016-17 1.50 3.00 10.00 NA NA 750.00 900.00 1500.00 1200.00 0.30
2017-18 2.00 5.00 30.00 NA NA 600.00 1200.00 1500.00 1200.00 0.30
Indices (Base : 2005-06=1000)
2006-07 100.00 100.00 100.00 NA NA 300.00 100.00 300.00 100.00 100.00
2007-08 150.00 150.00 250.00 NA NA 300.00 100.00 300.00 100.00 33.33
2008-09 150.00 150.00 250.00 - - 300.00 100.00 300.00 100.00 20.00
2009-10 150.00 150.00 250.00 - - 300.00 100.00 300.00 100.00 20.00
2010-11 150.00 150.00 250.00 - - 300.00 100.00 300.00 100.00 20.00
2011-12 150.00 150.00 250.00 - - 300.00 100.00 300.00 100.00 20.00
2012-13 150.00 150.00 250.00 - - 300.00 100.00 300.00 100.00 20.00
2013-14 150.00 150.00 250.00 - - 240.00 66.67 300.00 100.00 20.00
2014-15 150.00 150.00 250.00 - - 300.00 100.00 300.00 100.00 20.00
2015-16 150.00 150.00 250.00 - - 300.00 100.00 300.00 100.00 20.00
2017-18 200.00 250.00 750.00 - - 240.00 133.33 300.00 100.00 20.00
Note : Data may not tally with the previous publication as the base year has been revised.and (-) means data is not available
Source : Bangladesh Postal Department. Bangladesh T.V. & T&T Board
Transport and Communication 233

7.06 Length of RHD Road Network as Per Road Type

(Length in Kilometre)
Survey Year National Regional Feeder Type A Total
2002 3086 1751 15962 20799
2003 3086 1751 15962 20799
2004 3086 1751 15962 20799
2005 3529 4127 13125 20781
2006 3529 4127 13126 20782
2007 3482 4128 13255 20865
2008 3478 4004 13513 20995
2009 3492 4253 13275 21020
2010 3538 4276 13455 21269
2011 3538 4276 13470 21284
2012 3580 4276 13509 21365
2013 3580 4276 13509 21365
2014 3580 4276 13509 21365
2015 3791 4328 13245 21365
2016 3813 4247 13262 21322
2017 3813 4247 13262 21322
2018 3791 4207 13130 21128
Note : (a) Data is not available for all the roads as the whole network is not covered by the database survey
of RHD. Roads constructed and maintained by municipalities, district councils and other local bodies are not included here.
(b) Width of different roads by category, National-7.32 meter, Regional-5.49 meter, Feeder Type A-3.66 meter
Source : Roads and Highways Department. (Based on RCS survey record of RHD Road Network database Report)

7.07 District wise Length of Road by Road Classification in 2018 under RHD
(Length in KM)
SL Name of National Regional Zilla Total Paved Unpaved Length of Total
No. District Highways Highways Road Length Road not Survey Length
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(3+4+5) (7+8+9)
1 Dhaka 77.33 81.33 119.10 277.76 230.80 15.30 31.66 277.76
2 Gazipur 103.07 211.13 98.54 412.74 393.65 10.39 8.7 412.74
3 Jamalpur 19.73 00 277.40 297.13 274.32 5.48 17.33 297.13
4 Kishoreganj 3.27 137.49 236.24 377.00 359.68 3.49 13.83 377.00
5 Manikganj 73.33 60.78 86.56 220.67 211.42 7.66 1.59 220.67
6 Munshiganj 33.57 103.18 188.41 325.16 298.3 19.34 7.52 325.16
7 Mymensingh 101.91 82.62 349.61 534.14 481.72 23.12 29.3 534.14
8 Narayanganj 77.85 82.04 51.06 210.95 190.73 4.74 15.48 210.95
9 Narsingdi 52.61 104.49 192.23 349.33 335.20 13.10 1.03 349.33
10 Netrokona 00 52.64 316.20 368.84 292.71 38.59 37.54 368.84
11 Sherpur 28.66 63.28 181.27 273.21 256.12 15.38 1.71 273.21
12 Tangail 132.92 57.76 264.02 454.70 444.20 6.95 3.55 454.70
13 Bogura 126.35 59.51 339.17 525.03 520.21 4.33 0.49 525.03
14 Dinajpur 67.58 126.72 285.14 479.44 461.18 000 18.26 479.44
15 Gaibanda 32.85 35.22 177.02 245.09 234.80 3.23 7.06 245.09
16 Joypurhat 00 39.04 150.28 189.32 189.32 00 0.32 189.32
17 Kurigram 12.55 00 225.89 238.44 230.62 6.92 0.9 238.44
18 Lalmonirtat 120.70 8.28 45.89 174.87 174.83 0.03 0.01 174.87
19 Nilphamari 17.47 55.59 171.06 244.12 235.30 1.35 7.47 244.12
20 Panchgarh 71.27 00 113.07 184.34 184.25 00 0.37 184.34
21 Rangpur 108.75 30.82 194.67 334.24 333.80 0.45 0 334.24
22 Thakurgaon 30.60 6.14 119.26 156.00 155.98 0.01 0 156.00
23 Bagerhat 61.12 62.37 269.11 392.60 325.47 27.63 39.5 392.60
24 Chuadanga 00 118.71 24.58 143.29 142.63 .16 0.5 143.29
25 Jashore 146.37 54.37 137.69 338.43 332.21 6.14 0.08 338.43
26 Jhenaidah 74.99 48.84 271.81 395.64 392.74 2.90 .47 395.64
27 Khulna 61.04 42.38 269.76 373.18 349.86 5.78 17.54 373.18
28 Kushtia 48.65 73.82 146.36 268.83 268.34 .48 0 268.83
29 Magura 46.27 30.93 168.13 245.33 230.27 00 15.06 245.33
30 Meherpur 00 66.57 65.45 132.02 131.07 00 .95 132.02
31 Narail 30.98 16.08 121.29 168.35 165.43 2.39 .53 168.35
32 Satkhira 9.23 51.96 220.47 281.66 242.49 15.10 24.07 281.66
234 Transport and Communication

7.07 District wise Length of Road by Road Classification in 2018 under RHD
SL Name of National Regional Zilla Total Paved Unpaved Length of Total
not Survey
No. District Highways Highways Road Road
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(3+4+5) (7+8+9)

33 Bandarban 22.64 30.45 377.17 430.26 270.35 61.92 97.99 430.26

34 Chattogram 133.12 137.93 289.98 561.03 477.96 73.07 0 561.03
35 Cox'sBazar 159.58 41.16 338.37 539.11 421.51 98.48 19.12 539.11
36 Khagrachari 00 104.73 284.51 389.24 370.11 18.65 .48 389.24
37 Rangamati 36.44 70.39 115.50 222.33 140.79 63.98 17.56 222.33
38 Habiganj 128.02 103.33 90.82 322.17 280.67 0.50 41 322.17
39 MoulaviBazar 89.73 74.22 135.74 299.69 291.80 4.17 3.75 299.69
40 Sunamganj 00 138.46 206.66 345.12 247.40 37.59 60.13 345.12
41 Sylhet 139.14 162.01 243.53 544.68 494.21 .41 50.06 544.68
42 Naogaon 8.00 254.43 212.91 475.34 454.75 19.88 .71 475.34
43 Natore 109.32 23.67 224.61 357.60 348.69 8.91 0 357.60
44 Nawabganj 42.19 23.01 165.69 230.89 224.40 6.20 0.29 230.89
45 Pabna 155.04 162.88 206.78 524.70 484.13 36.89 3.68 524.70
46 Rajshahi 100.22 44.77 281.52 426.51 413.10 11.79 1.62 426.51
47 Sirajganj 87.16 23.43 331.21 441.80 421.94 11.55 8.31 441.80
48 Branmanbaria 81.64 83.05 105.60 270.29 245.47 22.88 1.94 270.29
49 Chandpur 00 71.66 284.71 356.37 327.94 28.20 .23 356.37
50 Cumilla 170.14 67.44 513.35 764.79 742.15 8.78 13.86 764.79
51 Feni 49.24 00 244.59 293.83 291.05 2.68 0 293.83
52 Laxmipur 10.03 56.26 191.06 257.35 250.67 .66 6.02 257.35
53 Noakhali 30.43 59.35 296.42 386.20 365.66 8.04 12.5 386.20
54 Faridpur 90.60 00 240.09 330.69 338.80 0.75 8.86 330.69
55 Gopalganj 66.88 45.48 187.74 300.10 283.97 15.69 .44 300.10
56 Madaripur 86.66 16.29 89.56 192.51 184.86 0.07 7.58 192.51
57 Rajbari 19.65 54.81 82.19 156.65 140.21 16.44 0 156.65
58 Sariatpur 00 47.29 95.10 142.39 135.92 6.13 .34 142.39
59 Barguna 00 26.53 146.16 225.16 166.09 00 59.07 225.16
60 Barishal 90.78 3.47 259.02 353.27 292.03 22.56 38.68 353.27
61 Bhola 16.47 109.40 113.88 239.75 231.95 8.10 0 239.75
62 Jhalokati 7.32 38.81 202.01 248.14 241.10 5.63 1.41 248.14
63 Patuakhali 13.37 69.85 152.15 235.37 218.64 12.85 3.88 235.37
64 Pirojpur 00 25.19 296.79 321.98 268.73 9.58 43.67 321.98
Dohazari 76.03 72.72 248.11 396.89 317.98 26.62 52.26 396.89
Total 3791 4207 13130 21128 19455 900 733 21128
Source: Road & High ways Department
Transport and Communication 235

7.08 Distance from Dhaka to Other Districts, 2020

Sl. No. Name of District Distance from Dhaka (in kilometre)

1. Narayanganj 17
2. Munshiganj 27
3. Manikganj 63
4. Gazipur 37
5. Narsingdi 51
6. Mymensingh 122
7. Kishoreganj 117
8. Netrokona 158
9. Tangail 92
10. Jamalpur 179
11. Sherpur 188
12. Faridpur 101
13. Madaripur 90
14. Gopalganj 127
15. Rajbari 118
16. Shariatpur 101
17. Chattogram 242
18. Cox's Bazar 391
19. Noakhali 158
20. Laxmipur 137
21. Feni 149
22. Cumilla 96
23. Chandpur 115
24. Brahmanbaria 109
25. Sylhet 241
26. Sunamgonj 296
27. Moulvibazar 203
28. Hobigonj 163
29. Rangamati 293
30. Khagrachhari 259
31. Bandarban 316
32. Rajshahi 256
33. Naogaon 247
34. Chapainawabganj 302
35. Natore 210
36. Pabna 216
37. Sirajganj 134
38. Bogura 197
39. Joypurhat 249
40. Rangpur 304
41. Gaibandha 268
236 Transport and Communication

7.08 Distance from Dhaka to Other Districts, 2020

Sl. No. Name of District Distance from Dhaka (in kilometre)

42. Kurigram 348

43. Lalmonirhat 343
44. Dinajpur 338
45. Nilphamari 359
46. Panchagarh 443
47. Thakurgaon 407
48. Khulna 180
49. Bagerhat 178
50. Satkhira 240
51. Jashore 164
52. Magura 150
53. Narail 130
54. Kushtia 183
55. Jhenaidah 178
56. Chuadanga 215
57. Meherpur 240
58. Barishal 169
59. Jhalakathi 182
60. Pirojpur 185
61. Bhola 205
62. Patuakhali 204
63. Barguna 247
Source: Roads & highways Department.

7.09 Roads Maintained by Local Government Institutions

Type of Number Total Surface type-wise break up of total length (Km) Total length (Km)
Road of road length
(Km) Earthen HBB WBM BC Paved Unpaved
Upazila 4781 37519 5818 2095 703 28903 31702 5818
Union 8023 41680 16702 4026 667 20286 24979 16702
Village 137874 273743 250052 14195 1581 25052 46212 227532
Total 150678 352943 272572 20316 20151 74241 102893 250052
2017-18 4791 37598 4700 1989 374 31135 32898 4700
Upazila 8057 41863 14331 3075 607 23849 27532 14331
Union 137892 273680 220094 13698 759 38147 53585 220094
Village 150740 353141 239125 15994 17440 93131 114015 239125
Upazila 4764 37254 3931 2015 379 31537 33323 3931
Union 8056 41828 13628 3150 622 24428 28200 13628
Village 138300 274250 219354 14033 778 39080 54896 219354
Total 151120 353332 236913 19197 1778 95045 116419 236913
Note: HBB-Haring bon bond. WBM-water bound macadam.
BC-bituminous carpeting. Paved=pacca road = (HBB+WBM+BC)
Source: LGED
Transport and Communication 237

7.10 Estimated Number of Mechanized Vehicles in Bangladesh on Road by Type

Sl. Type of Vehicles 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
1 Ambulance 4,033 4,436 4,919 5,482 6,148 6,839
2 Auto Rickshaw 209,726 218,699 233,708 258,236 278,415 289,381
3 Auto Tempo 16,065 17,401 18,303 18,645 18,769 18,810
4 Bus 34,437 37,848 40,689 43,628 46,203 47,874
5 Cargo Van 5,937 7,067 8,267 8,729 8,732 8,734
6 Covered Van 17,038 21,035 25,992 29,697 31,885 34,665
7 Delivery Van 21,545 23,631 25,633 27,216 28,399 29,595
8 Human Hauler 11,008 14,096 16,086 16,873 17,123 17,195
9 Jeep (Hard/Soft) 41,138 45,829 50,782 55,822 60,500 66,373
10 Microbus 80,127 85,227 89,468 92,946 95,773 99,442
11 Minibus 24,461 24,897 25,309 25,918 26,555 26,989
12 Motor Cycle 1,432,392 1,728,269 2,059,453 2,421,594 2,736,026 3,050,628
13 Pick Up (Double/Single Cabin) 75,160 86,550 98,487 109,656 119,628 129,291
14 Private Passenger Car 270,377 289,545 307,293 322,917 335,657 348,788
15 Special Purpose Vehicle 7,254 8,013 9,094 10,214 11,019 11,552
16 Tanker 3,930 4,244 4,644 5,061 5,376 5,619
17 Taxicab 40,650 40,674 40,766 40,830 40,838 40,841
18 Tractor 32,351 34,778 37,696 40,358 42,629 44,915
19 Truck 106,644 114,853 125,418 134,473 140,019 144,844
20 Other 7,556 11,660 16,695 21,705 25,717 29,296
Total 2,441,830 2,818,752 3,238,702 3,690,003 4,075,410 4,451,673
Note: Figures have been revised on the basis of latest available data.
Source: National Accounting Wing. BBS

7.11 Number and Capacity of Buses and Trucks of Bangladesh Road Transport
Corporation Plying on Road
Passenger Vehicles
Single decker Double decker Coach Total no. On road Truck
Year No.(at the Capacity No.(at the Capacity No.(at the Capacity (at the (average Total No. Capacity
end of the in no. end of the in no. end of the in no. end of the per day) (at the in Tons
period) (average period) (average period) (average period) end of the (average
(a) vehicle) (b) vehicle) (c) vehicle) (a+b+c) period) vehicle)

2003 456 56 305 84 120 40 881 655 170 8

2004 427 56 299 84 236 40 962 615 164 8
2005 508 56 240 84 257 40 1005 654 166 8
2006 531 56 266 84 171 40 968 563 162 8
2007 671 56 258 84 171 40 1100 730 174 8
2008 701 56 218 84 391 40 1310 414 157 8
2009 412 56 198 83 225 52 835 488 162 8
2010 1391 56 183 83 273 52 1847 1201 160 8
2011 1131 56 115 83 180 52 1426 835 157 8
2012 774 56 388 76 184 52 1346 388 129 8
2013 815 56 358 76 175 53 1348 1073 130 10
2014 731 56 332 76 171 53 1234 1063 125 10
2015 696 56 317 76 221 53 1234 1013 109 10
2016 683 56 313 76 222 53 1218 996 116 11
2017 1075 56 303 76 205 53 1583 934 105 11
2018 1022 56 392 76 205 53 1619 921 112 13
2019 830 56 484 76 0 0 1314 818 399 15
2020 808 56 545 76 0 0 1353 933 479 15
2021 734 56 517 76 0 0 1251 1033 485 15
Note: (-) Data not available.
Source : B.R.T.C
238 Transport and Communication

7.12 Number of Motor Vehicles in Bangladesh Registered by Type

Sl. No 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Ambulance 3436 3774 4254 4632 5126 5690 6357
Auto Rickshaw 186428 206325 226325 237498 246708 268344 299311
Auto Tempo 15462 15962 17057 18379 19971 20580 20808
Bus 32085 33573 35964 39797 43558 46313 49919
Cargo Van 4980 5588 5987 7004 8413 9693 9697
Covered Van 11704 14573 16927 20267 25432 31161 34203
Delivery Van 19735 20911 22630 24811 27214 29314 30845
Human Hauler 8772 8997 10139 13626 17030 18453 18963
Jeep(Hard/Soft) 37303 39173 42774 47666 53083 58638 64268
Microbus 76011 80324 85548 91352 96927 101064 104747
Minibus 26317 26573 26896 27368 27858 28294 29131
Motor Cycle 1061269 1151954 1392312 1724369 2049968 2445571 2852468
Pick Up 56878 66432 76689 88060 101557 114654 126606
Private Passenger Car 252476 267175 288237 308541 330488 348715 365498
Special Purpose
7220 7392 7688 8308 9297 10636
Vehicle 11818
Tanker 3444 3806 4130 4524 4842 5371 5790
Taxicab 44678 45052 45140 45184 45199 45360 45371
Tractor 31179 32701 34400 36976 39753 43306 45867
Truck 99662 107798 114128 121403 132729 145392 153718
Others 2405 4000 6073 9943 14941 20917 26211
Total 1981444 2142083 2463298 2879708 3300094 3797466 4301596
Source: B.R.T.A

7.13 Number of Motor Vehicles Registered in Dhaka by Type

Sl.No 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Ambulance 3745 4032 4432 4888 5436 6817 7572
Auto Rickshaw 109255 109837 109879 115516 122355 296350 305502
Auto Tempo 13982 13982 13982 13982 13982 16008 16033
Bus 34522 38001 41295 43617 46568 47841 49354
Cargo Van 5933 6934 8219 9443 9446 9537 9540
Covered Van 14304 16917 20947 25328 27830 37173 40968
Delivery Van 21256 23154 25353 27235 28527 30623 32061
Human Hauler 7529 8316 8533 8744 8744 17316 17368
Jeep(Hard/Soft) 40159 44376 49088 53952 58990 64936 72530
Microbus 81924 87093 92020 95605 98846 103428 108364
Minibus 25458 25622 25781 25966 26152 27153 27542
Motor Cycle 854352 908090 983342 1087406 1186662 3125653 3497725
Pick Up 62022 70504 80804 90419 99193 132956 143846
Private Passenger Car 276720 294730 314302 330621 345637 365941 381982
Special Purpose Vehicle 6241 6465 6698 7200 7610 11161 11673
Tanker 3164 3373 3561 3887 4124 5935 6183
Taxicab 44816 44846 44850 44944 44950 36107 36107
Tractor 31351 33861 36615 39974 42477 42356 44920
Truck 98701 103254 110289 119020 125253 138199 143985
Others 3923 6490 9635 13227 16609 53388 57417
Total 1739357 1849877 1989625 2160974 2319391 4568878 5010672
Note: New format data.
Source: Bangladesh Road Transport Authority.
Transport and Communication 239

7.14 Number of Motor Driving License Issued by Dhaka Metropolitan Area by Type
Driving Licence issued Motor cycle Motor car M.C.R. LTV MTV HTV Learner PSV

2003 1065 - 189 9743 459 19590 110

2004 1364 - 455 5457 1819 12307 34

2005 2184 728 293 3642 436 11369 31

2006 2714 863 858 3951 1051 11969 23

2007 3180 512 639 7639 761 26512 5

2008 3180 512 639 7639 761 26512 5

2009 6103 12205 2091 1813 1205 35168 16

2010 6551 6600 514 31936 4135 68053 17

2011 10609 4503 4831 37123 259 61537 79

2012 10493 - 4241 82850 301 96341 03

2013 15170 - 731 57537 170 72950 -

2014 9824 - 1825 33631 213 75532 08

2015 11869 - 1809 36686 3680 62300 -

2016 19851 - 1012 44912 3012 2357 83582 78

2017 23150 - 600 37585 1760 3231 76317 33

2018 23767 39360 2797 48349 5579 5274 114790 04

Notes : M.C.R.- Motor cycle rickshaw L.T.V.- light transport vehicle H.T.V.- heavy transport vehicle P.S.V.- public service vehicle, MTv-
Note: (-) indicates data not available.
Source : Bangladesh Road Transport Authority
240 Transport and Communication

7.15 Number of Registered Rickshaws in Urban Area

No. Name of the zila Year
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19

1. Dhaka 219816 221574 223347 225134 226935 228750 230580

2. Narayanganj 16810 16944 17080 17216 17354 17493 17633
3. Gazipur 12032 12129 12226 12324 12422 12522 12622
4. Narshingdi 4922 4961 5001 5041 5018 5122 5163
5. Munshiganj 1949 1965 1981 1996 2012 2028 2045
6. Manikganj 4104 4137 4170 4204 4237 4271 4305
7. Faridpur 9941 10020 10100 10181 10263 10345 10427
8. Gopalganj 2400 2419 2439 2458 2478 2498 2518
9. Madaripur 3754 3784 3814 3844 3875 3906 3937
10. Shariatpur 1630 1643 1656 1669 1682 1696 1709
11. Rajbari 3076 3101 3126 3151 3176 3201 3227
12. Tangail 11229 11318 11409 11500 11592 11685 11778
13. Mymensingh 16957 17092 17229 17367 17506 17646 17787
14. Kishoreganj 12935 13039 13143 13248 13354 13461 13569
15. Netrokona 6648 3701 6755 6809 6863 4918 6974
16. Jamalpur 13885 13996 14108 14221 14335 14449 14565
17. Sherpur 5673 5718 5764 5810 5857 5904 5951
18. Chattogram 95710 96476 97247 98025 98810 99600 100397
19. Cox’s Bazar 5546 5591 5636 5681 5726 5772 5818
20. Rangamati 184 185 187 188 190 191 193
21. Bandarban 1263 1273 1283 1293 1304 1314 1325
22. Khagrachhari 2406 2425 2444 2464 2484 2504 2524
23. Cumilla 21062 21231 21401 21572 21744 21918 22094
24. Brahmanbaria 7324 7383 7442 7502 7562 7622 7683
25. Chandpur 7382 7441 7500 7560 7621 7682 7743
26. Noakhali 13113 13218 13324 13431 13538 13646 13756
27. Lakshmipur 4490 4526 4562 4598 4635 4672 4709
28. Feni 9612 9689 9766 9844 9923 10002 10082
29. Sylhet 10015 10095 10176 10258 10340 10422 10506
30. Habiganj 5706 5752 5798 5844 5891 5938 5986
31. Moulvibazar 9471 9547 9624 9701 9778 9856 9935
32. Sunamganj 2424 2444 2463 2483 2503 2523 2543
33. Khulna 27348 27567 27787 28010 28234 28460 28687
34. Bagerhat 8348 8415 8482 8550 8618 8687 8757
35. Satkhira 9605 9682 9759 9837 9916 9995 10075
36. Jashore 14779 14897 15016 15136 15257 15379 15502
37. Jhenaidah 4932 4992 5012 5052 5092 5133 5174
38. Magura 1570 1582 1595 1608 1621 1634 1647
39. Narail 1170 1179 1188 1198 1207 1217 1227
40. Kushtia 9701 9779 9857 9936 10016 10096 10176
41. Chuadanga 4858 4896 4936 4975 5016 5055 5095
42. Meherpur 2352 2371 2390 2409 2428 2447 2467
43. Barishal 13673 13784 13894 14005 14118 14230 14344
44. Bhola 2818 2840 2863 2886 2909 2932 2955
45. Jhalakathi 3196 3221 3247 3273 3299 3326 3352
46. Pirojpur 2301 2320 2338 2357 2376 2395 2414
47. Patuakhali 5367 5410 5453 5497 5541 5585 5630
48. Barguna 1265 2175 1285 1296 1306 1316 1327
49. Rajshahi 14863 14982 15101 15222 15344 15467 15590
50. Natore 7383 7442 7502 7562 7622 7683 7745
51. Nawabganj 2916 2940 2963 2987 3011 3035 3059
52. Naogaon 8190 8256 8322 8388 8456 8523 8591
53. Pabna 11846 11941 12036 12133 12230 12328 12426
54. Sirajganj 7507 7567 7628 7689 7750 7812 7875
55. Bogura 23635 23824 24014 24207 24400 24595 24792
56. Joypurhat 3378 3405 3432 3459 3487 3515 3543
57. Rangpur 25169 25370 25573 25778 25984 26192 26401
58. Gaibandha 14398 14513 14629 14746 14864 14983 15103
59. Nilphamari 10525 10609 10694 10779 10866 10953 11040
60. Lalmonirhat 2370 2389 2408 2427 2447 2466 2486
61. Kurigram 2936 2959 2983 3007 3031 3055 3080
62. Dinajpur 11201 11291 11381 11472 11564 11656 11750
63. Thakurgaon 3019 3043 3067 3092 3117 3141 3167
64. Panchagarh 35 35 35 35 36 36 36
Total: 806122 812571 813790 815011 815419 815500 815582
Note: Data have been revised from 1989-90 & onwards. Source: BBS Estimates.
Transport and Communication 241

7.16 Estimated Number of Rickshaw in Rural Area by Former Districts

Former Districts 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Bandarban 65 66 67 69 70 71 73 74
Chattogram 13229 13477 13730 13987 14249 14516 14788 15064
- - - - - - -
H.Ts. -
Cumilla 17821 18155 18495 18841 19194 19553 19919 20293
Noakhali 14135 14399 14669 14944 15224 15509 15799 16095
Sylhet 6550 6673 6797 6925 7054 7187 7321 7458

Dhaka 10746 10947 11152 11361 11574 11791 12012 12236

Faridpur 5092 5188 5285 5384 5485 5587 5692 5799
Jamalpur 3166 3225 3285 3347 3410 3473 3538 3605
Mymensingh 11381 11595 11812 12033 12258 12488 12722 12960
Tangail 2033 2071 2109 2149 2189 2230 2272 2315

Barishal 4777 4866 4957 5050 5145 5241 5339 5439

Jashore 7695 7839 7986 8136 8288 8444 8602 8763
Khulna 7293 7430 7569 7711 7855 8002 8152 8305
Kushtia 972 991 1009 1028 1047 1067 1087 1107
Patuakhali 911 928 945 963 981 1000 1018 1037

Bogura 6680 6805 6932 7062 7194 7329 7466 7606

Dinajpur 2917 2972 3028 3087 3142 3201 3261 3322
Pabna 2182 2223 2264 2307 2350 2394 2439 2484
Rajshahi 2398 2443 2489 2535 2583 2631 2681 2731
Rangpur 6494 6616 6740 6866 6994 7125 7259 7395

Bangladesh 126537 128907 131322 133781 136287 138839 141440 144,089

Note: (-) Data not available.
Source : Estimation based on Agriculture (Sample Survey), 1983-84, BBS

7.17 Number of Road Accident in Dhaka, Chattogram, Khulna, Barishal, Sylhet and
Rajshahi Metropolitan Area
Metropolitan Area
Year Dhaka Chattogram Khulna Rajshahi
Accident Persons Accident Persons Accident Persons Accident Persons
Killed Injured Killed Injured Killed Injured Killed Injured
2009 517 301 261 108 74 36 45 32 16 29 24 21
2010 417 272 162 112 84 39 36 30 6 24 21 14
2011 388 261 151 113 83 31 29 15 14 19 17 15
2012 444 304 146 131 99 46 16 12 4 20 12 13
2013 340 274 94 79 69 18 18 14 4 21 18 5
2014 326 239 140 62 54 12 18 14 4 21 22 2
2015 398 306 151 66 53 16 12 10 5 37 43 22
2016 353 278 89 76 67 9 11 8 2 34 34 5
2017 297 215 99 68 69 11 13 12 2 31 27 21
2018 310 221 136 89 64 26 17 12 3 39 34 34
2019 321 230 139 69 54 72 24 24 16 27 18 19
Source : Police Head Quarters.
Metropolitan Area Bangladesh
Year Barishal Sylhet
Accident Persons Accident Persons Accident Persons
Killed Injured Killed Injured Killed Injured
2009 12 09 04 39 28 23 3381 2958 2886
2010 29 16 12 40 25 21 2827 2646 1803
2011 32 24 33 32 27 23 2667 2546 1641
2012 20 17 7 26 31 14 2636 2538 2134
2013 23 20 13 23 19 15 2029 1957 1396
2014 7 5 6 23 30 9 2027 2067 1535
2015 9 18 - 27 24 10 2394 2376 1958
2016 18 8 29 35 34 11 2566 2463 1954
2017 19 12 24 16 14 11 2562 2513 1767
2018 10 13 02 21 25 25 2609 2635 1920
2019 26 33 08 01 00 01 4147 4138 4411
Source : Police Head Quarters. Note: (-) Data not available.
242 Transport and Communication

7.18 Number of Road Accidents in Bangladesh by Zila

2016 2017 2018 2019
Zila Persons Accident Persons Accident Persons Persons
Accident Accident
Killed Injured Killed Injured Killed Injured Killed Injured
DMP 353 278 89 297 215 99 310 221 136 321 230 139
CMP 76 67 9 68 69 11 89 64 26 63 54 72
KMP 11 8 2 13 12 2 17 12 3 24 24 16
RMP 34 34 5 31 27 21 39 34 34 27 18 19
BMP 18 8 29 19 12 24 10 13 02 26 33 08
SMP 35 34 11 16 14 11 21 25 03 01 00 01
Bandarban 2 3 1 3 6 10 9 4 19 27 30 69
Chattogram 138 139 96 114 117 28 97 97 47 47 59 56
Cox’sBazar 54 55 51 53 55 65 42 57 21 17 12 57
Khagrachhari 14 17 100 14 20 18 10 7 6 11 07 10
Rangamati 4 5 2 3 3 2 8 4 5 19 15 62
Cumilla 213 179 116 166 178 67 120 115 132 101 117 203
Chandpur 12 11 - 26 23 11 27 23 7 34 34 17
Brahmanbaria 34 44 76 70 55 72 48 46 61 44 46 61
Feni 35 26 8 21 24 14 34 60 19 19 16 18
Lakshmipur 18 15 8 6 9 2 4 4 0 13 19 4
Noakhali 11 8 1 14 14 8 27 27 6 33 51 69
69Habiganj 40 40 4 57 65 4 63 63 40 68 75 20
Maulvibazar 28 24 5 32 28 9 32 25 8 31 20 17
Sunamganj 18 18 5 28 22 11 36 37 13 31 36 30
Sylhet 18 17 4 26 31 1 37 49 0 65 62 126
Dhaka 43 27 7 55 42 18 90 86 85 85 83 36
Gazipur 93 104 - 123 143 19 137 133 9 86 65 27
Manikganj 95 66 196 78 51 163 67 55 98 78 75 103
Munshiganj 7 5 3 31 13 36 38 11 84 34 17 72
Narayanganj 97 88 15 111 105 6 97 104 2 99 113 26
Narsingdi 57 52 58 60 79 63 48 63 50 50 63 34
Faridpur 29 28 52 29 51 42 42 51 73 49 66 115
Rajbari 29 31 42 27 26 15 14 13 14 18 20 26
Gopalganj 24 24 10 28 38 31 94 59 47 15 26 20
Madaripur 11 22 4 21 23 7 12 13 3 17 21 51
Shariatpur 2 11 1 9 6 7 12 10 3 35 26 50
Jamalpur 7 5 2 24 11 7 11 9 4 13 14 5
Sherpur 19 22 15 16 14 17 22 91 11 28 27 22
Kishoreganj 18 23 - 34 24 9 31 25 8 - - -
Mymensingh 94 114 16 121 131 66 161 178 93 161 164 118
Netrokona 15 15 1 27 21 3 25 29 6 31 36 5
Tangail 117 128 268 106 114 166 67 66 109 94 84 89
Barishal 17 13 14 14 11 13 18 18 19 12 12 2
Bhola 7 3 8 2 2 1 2 2 0 7 6 6
Jhalakathi 5 2 1 2 2 - 4 3 0 8 6 7
Pirojpur 11 9 6 14 13 - 6 5 4 18 16 22
Jashore 28 31 - 31 31 1 54 49 8 74 67 7
Jhenaidah 14 9 4 12 - - 12 2 4 43 39 32
Magura 14 12 8 21 19 5 22 21 25 10 11 11
Narail 8 14 - 5 5 - 4 5 0 1 0 1
Bagerhat 13 12 18 11 20 70 18 20 35 34 54 35
Khulna 20 25 57 12 15 29 23 28 32 28 30 69
Satkhira 7 5 8 4 4 4 16 17 11 10 9 6
Chuadanga 8 4 1 16 - - 5 2 1 18 12 15
Kushtia 12 9 7 9 4 27 32 26 4 22 23 14
Meherpur 4 3 3 1 - 1 3 3 0 3 2 1
Barguna 10 9 1 13 13 1 7 13 1 10 10 7
Patuakhali 26 17 18 23 19 20 9 6 8 17 11 32
Bogura 44 71 19 53 72 30 53 64 5 75 75 87
Joypurhat 12 12 2 6 4 14 1 1 0 11 16 23
Dinajpur 18 17 10 12 21 11 5 5 2 12 15 7
Panchaghar 6 9 4 7 11 2 9 22 20 12 15 4
Thakurgaon 10 13 1 6 6 4 6 7 0 11 19 14
Pabna 33 37 36 32 36 55 20 16 14 16 16 15
Serajganj 85 70 220 57 65 131 40 53 156 67 85 38
Naogaon 14 12 20 22 23 11 25 27 37 15 13 7
Natore 50 53 50 43 60 00 44 64 74 32 26 33
Nawabganj 18 38 - 14 13 - 24 23 2 17 16 16
Rajshahi 13 8 11 31 29 15 26 31 13 12 14 13
Gaibandha 50 40 34 40 42 39 37 59 125 34 39 46
Kurigram 17 19 - 4 4 - 20 17 3 8 11 2
Lalmonirhat 10 11 2 10 7 2 17 19 1 24 26 12
Nilphamari 6 6 - 11 10 2 8 17 13 15 15 16
Rangpur 53 75 79 46 61 54 40 59 14 40 47 39
Bangladesh 2566 2,463 1,954 2562 2513 1767 2658 2687 1918 2631 2614 2512
Note: (-) Data not available. Source : Police Head quarters
Transport and Communication 243

7.19 Route Kilometer and Stations by Gauge of Bangladesh Railway

Year Broad gauge Meter gauge Total
Station Route Station Route Dual gauge Station Route
kilometer kilometer kilometer

2001-02 130 936 324 1830 - 454 2766

2002-03 134 660 320 1830 365 454 2835

2003-04 134 660 320 1830 365 454 2835

2004-05 134 660 320 1830 365 454 2835

2005-06 134 659 320 1801 375 454 2835

2006-07 134 659 307 1801 375 441 2835

2007-08 134 659 306 1801 375 440 2835

2008-09 134 659 306 1801 375 440 2835

2009-10 134 659 306 1801 375 440 2835

2010-11 134 659 309 1757 375 443 2791

2011-12 134 659 310 1808 410 444 2877

2012-13 134 659 310 1808 410 444 2877

2013-14 146 659 310 1808 410 456 2877

2014-15 151 659 309 1808 410 460 2877

2015-16 146 659 309 1808 410 455 2877

2016-17 151 659 309 1808 410 455 2877

2017-18 156 677 310 1846 433 466 2956

2018-19 175 832 308 1652 535 482 3019

2019-20 181 880 308 1680 534 489 3094

Note: (-) Data not available.
Source : Bangladesh Railway.

7.20 Rolling Stock of Bangladesh Railway

Locomotives Total Coaching vehicles Freight wagons
Broad gauge Meter gauge Passenger Other Unit Four
Year Steam Diesel Steam Diesel carriages coaching Wheelers
2000-01 - 75 - 202 277 1275 136 10778 13755
2001-02 - 75 - 202 277 1272 135 10631 13707
2002-03 - 75 - 200 275 1273 137 10605 13679
2003-04 - 75 - 198 273 1347 64 10328 13217
2004-05 - 78 - 208 286 1344 62 10236 13122
2005-06 - 77 - 208 285 1341 62 10246 13230
2006-07 - 75 - 208 285 1385 31 9473 12443
2007-08 - 75 - 208 285 1435 35 9409 12326
2008-09 - 71 - 208 279 1451 35 8998 11909
2009-10 - 78 - 208 286 1472 37 9970 13108
2010-11 - 71 - 188 259 1242 29 8860 11835
2011-12 - 78 - 217 295 1456 33 9974 13050
2012-13 - 73 - 185 258 1472 33 9879 13109
2013-14 - 97 - 196 293 1476 33 9701 12924
2014-15 - 96 - 186 282 1474 33 9179 12602
2015-16 - 94 - 184 278 1278 31 8677 12054
2016-17 - 94 - 179 273 1425 29 8154 11524
2017-18 - 94 - 178 272 1577 53 5299 8689
2018-19 - 89 - 171 260 2299 63 3831 7134
Note : (-) indicated data not available.
Source : Bangladesh Railway
244 Transport and Communication

7.21 Bangladesh Railway Routes by District, 2019-20

Sl. No. Name of District Station No Kilometres
1 Khulna 6 8.130
2 Jashore 12 100.700
3 Jhenaidah 6 36.200
4 Chuadanga 10 95.600
5 Faridpur 18 81.340
6 Gopalganj 9 55.520
7 Rajbari 15 89.900
8 Kushtia 10 95.600
9 Serajganj 8 42.365
10 Pabna 21 137.100
11 Chapainawabganj 8 65.280
12 Rajshahi 11 63.000
13 Natore 11 37.000
14 Naogaon 5 27.000
15 Joupurhat 7 54.000
16 Thakurgaon 6 47.100
17 Panchagarh 3 18.320
18 Nilphamari 9 68.516
19 Kurigram 8 42.500
20 Dinajpur 19 165.500
21 Lalmonirhat 15 114.000
22 Rangpur 9 67.680
23 Gaibandha 14 80.950
24 Bogura 15 84.150
25 Tangail 8 95.200
26 Jamalpur 18 109.550
27 Netrokona 13 65.000
28 Kishoreganj 12 73.750
29 Mymensingh 20 149.550
30 Gazipur 12 52.450
31 Dhaka 8 30.000
32 Narayanganj 3 9.500
33 Narsingdhi 10 40.970
34 Sunamganj 3 13.900
35 Brahmanbaria 15 75.120
36 Habiganj 10 85.400
37 Moulvibazar 12 125.330
38 Sylhet 4 60.600
39 Noakhali 8 39.400
40 Chandpur 11 40.660
41 Cumilla 17 106.900
42 Feni 5 64.200
43 Chattogram 45 178.450
Total 489 3093.381

Source: Bangladesh Railway

Transport and Communication 245

7.22 Freight Carried by Bangladesh Railway (Classified) by Commodity

(Thousand tons)
Commodities 2013-14 2014-15 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
Ton P.C Ton P.C Ton P.C Ton P.C Ton P.C Ton P.C
Rice 129 5.11 133 5.21 - - - - - - - -
Paddy - - - - - - - - - - - -
Wheat 258 10.22 262 10.25 50 1.87 84.03 1.85 73.56 1.86 84.52 2.66
Provisions 0.14 - 0.30 - - - - - - - - -
Other Grains 135 5.35 137 5.30 - - - - - - - -
- - - - -
Sugarcane 10 .40 9 0.35 - - - - - - - -
Sugar 60 2.38 62 2.43 - - - - - - - -
Salt 10 .40 15 0.59 - - - - - - - -
- - - - -
Vegetable Oil 224 8.87 230 9.00 - - - - - - - -
Molasses - - - - - - - - - - - -
Livestock - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gram and pulses - - - - - - - - - - - -
Tobacco - - - -- - - - - - - - -
Jute, raw 0.05 .32 0.10 0.27 - - - - - - - -
Military traffic 8 .20 7 0.16 6.75 0.03 0.85 0.02 8.86 0.22 0.77 0.02
Jute, manufactured 5 - 4 - - - - - - - - -
Cotton, raw - - - - - - - - - - - -
Container 36 - 0.66 - - - 776.68 16.83 706.69 17.85 700.06 22.02
Coal 5.68 22.50 584 22.86 811 30.59 - - - - - -
Cement 30 - 0.44 - - - - - - - - -
Iron & steel wrought .15 - - - - - - - - - - -
Firewood & other 24 .95 0.50 - - - 1.23 0.02 - - - -
Fuel - - 23 0.90 - - - - 2.2 0.06 - -
Wood unwrought - .16 - - - - - - - - - -
Fuel for the Railway 1 .04 1 0.04 - - - - - - - -
- - - - - -
Fodder 4 16 4 0.16 - - - - - - - -
Marble and stone - - - - - - 1228.95 26.98 1375.61 34.74 1184.22 37.24
Oil fuel 100 3.96 95 3.72 754 28.44 1309.47 28.75 1027.46 25.95 731.25 23
Petrol 192 19.49 496 19.41 - - - - - - - -
40 1.58 38 1.49 - - - - - - - -
Oilseeds - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Railway stores & mat-
erials other than fuel 16 .63 15 0.59 - - 32.60 .72 20.58 0.52 9.72 0.31
Kerosene oil 214 8.48 217 8.49 9 0.37 - - - - - -
Fertilizer 204 8.08 208 8.14 51 1.93 37.29 .82 120.69 3.05 16.88 0.53
Tea - - - - 826 0.03 .37 .008 0.16 0 - -
All other commodities 20 79 18 0.70 221 8.31 1094.66 24.02 623.45 15.75 452.27 14.22
Total 2524 100 2555 100.0 2652 100.00 4555 100.0 3959.25 100 3179.69 100.00
Note : (-) indicated data not available.
Source : Bangladesh Railway

7.23 Number of Wagons and Quantity Lifted by Bangladesh Railway at

Chattogram Port by Selected Commodities (Thousand)
Food grains Coal and coke Oil Container Others Total
Year No. of Tonnes No. of Tonnes No. of Tonnes No. of Tonnes No. of Tonnes No. of Tonnes
wagon lifted wagon lifted wagon lifted wagon lifted wagon lifted Wagon Lifted
2003-04 3 56 - - 18 203 33 368 1 20 55 647
2004-05 5 67 - - 19 205 36 361 1 31 61 664
2005-06 5 88 - - 20 263 34 598 1 367 70 778
2006-07 8 116 - - 17 231 39 378 1 24 66 749
2007-08 5 94 - - 21 279 54 587 1 94 82 968
2008-09 7 113 - - 20 262 74 613 4 36 105 1024
2009-10 5 79 - - 19 252 66 540 7 63 97 934
2010-11 4 69 - - 18 230 66 579 6 60 94 938
2011-12 1 28 - - 20 261 66 585 6 50 93 921
2012-13 2 23 - - 20 261 66 585 6 52 94 921
2013-14 2 33 - - 17 282 71 572 23 49 114 936
2014-15 2 33 - - 22 265 64 584 7 77 96 959
2015-16 2 32 - - 22 288 64 584 6 60 94 964
2016-17 5 90 - - 13 181 33 269 4 87 51 546
2017-18 4 65 - - 40 553 73 767 10 137 128 1522
2018-19 2 30 - - 18 292 86 700 50 55 156 1077
2019-20 3 55 - - 18 292 86 700 50 55 114 1103
Note : The term ‘Oil’ includes only petrol and kerosene oil, (-) Data not available.
Source : Bangladesh Railway
246 Transport and Communication

7.24 Revenue Rate and Financial Operation of Bangladesh Railway

Year Revenue per Revenue Revenue per Revenue per Operating Operating Net Operating
passenger per ton kilometre ton (Taka) revenue expenses income (Million
kilometre (Paisa) passenger (Paisa) (Million Tk.) (Million Tk.) Tk.)
1997-98 28.61 29.25 138.8 388.69 3509 4334 (-)824.6
1998-99 34.63 36.23 142.4 394.00 3743 4612 (-)868.9
1999-00 35.79 37.74 147.0 409.69 3415 4699 (-)1283.6
2000-01 35.93 37.99 138.1 377.28 3664 5239 (-)1574.8
2001-02 38.65 41.05 147.5 397.92 3884 5355 (-)7147.1
2002-03 38.54 41.14 146.2 393.68 4201 5867 (-)1666.2
2003-04 38.20 39.89 144.8 385.79 3942 6394 (-) 1418.27
2004-05 38.00 39.31 149.2 392.46 5449 6951 (-)1501.41
2005-06 38.08 39.31 149.5 413.42 5512 8147 (-)2634.52
2006-07 38.19 40.30 155.8 418.59 5552 9331 (-)3778.85
2007-08 38.50 41.63 156.4 428.54 6743 1088 (-)41429.04
2008-09 38.47 41.77 158.4 435.63 7417 11727 (-)4348.22
2009-10 38.58 44.45 157.7 428.74 6732 11273 4541.17
2010-11 38.60 50.61 158.9 447.78 7264 14918 (-)7447.49
2011-12 38.55 53.06 158.8 438.47 964 15671 8406.91
2012-13 57.91 79.11 200.3 543.84 8043 15624 (-)7581
2013-14 57.84 75.14 202.5 565.00 8002 16017 (-)8015
2014-15 57.92 77.62 238.33 680.75 9354 18083 (-)8728
2015-16 59.35 75.62 242.14 691.15 9040 22292 (-) 13252.01
2016-17 65.01 91.85 362.00 681.30 1304 28355 (-)153176.08
2017-18 69.67 91.7 237.97 627.90 14861.59 29180.27 (-) 14318.68
Source : Bangladesh Railway

7.25 Use of Rolling Stock by Bangladesh Railway

Item 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2016-17 2017-18
Freight Wagon
Wagon turn round time (days) B.G. 9.00 9.58 9.60 10.4 38.1 35.5

M.G. 11.90 9.78 6.60 12.1 30.40 34.53

Percentage of wagons available for use B.G. 76.30 18.70 31.3 10.8 14.0 13.6
to total on line M.G. 7.17 15.00 18.4 18.6 18.6 36.12

Net ton km. per wagon day on line B.G. 1580 1345 642 714 674 679
M.G. 86 85 68 64 62 90

Av. speed of diesel freight train (KPH) B.G. 11.9 12.4 11.9 11.9 12.2 12.5
M.G. 12.1 10.7 12.1 12.3 12.6 12.6

Passenger carriages
Percentage of coaches available for B.G. 70.06 76.54 75.6 75.0 81.55 24.9
service to total on line M.G. 77.77 73.75 73.1 71.0 70.61 35.1

Passenger Km. per vehicle day on line B.G. 398 413 423 448 469 607
M.G. 261 295 261 257 262 288
Diesel Locomotives
Percentage of locomotives available for B.G. 73.08 80.82 97 96 94 21.6
20.1service to total on line M.G. 63.59 64.32 64 70 70 30.4

Engine Km. per engine on line per day B.G. 197 198 197 196 184 175
M.G. 173 172 171 173 230 223

Engine-Km. per engine day in use (for B.G. 172 171 171 175 182 172
goods traffic only) M.G. 174 173 174 184 231 219
Note : B.G. – Broad Gauge, M.G. – Metre Gauge.
Source : Bangladesh Railway
Transport and Communication 247

7.26 Traffic Earnings and Physical Assets of Bangladesh Railway

Item 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Railway traffic :
Tonne carried “000” 2011 2524 2555 2555 3870 4550
Tonne kilometre Million 525 677 694 694 1053 1237
Passenger carried “ 63 65 67 67 78 99
Passenger kilometre “ 8253 8135 8711 8711 10040 12994

Railway earnings : (Million Tk.)

Passenger “ 4952 4881 5227 5227 7147 9053
Other coaching “ 186 225 185 185 191 190
Goods “ 1096 1429 1443 1443 2641 2860
Miscellaneous “ 1808 1466 2200 2200 3054 2759

Physical assets :
Route kilometre 2877 2791 2877 2877 2877 2956
Track kilometre 3976 3976 4093 4093 4162 4325
Locomotives owned (No.) 258 293 282 282 273 272
Passenger vehicles owned (No.) 1472 1476 1474 1474 1381 1577
Other coaching vehicles owned (No.) 33 33 33 33 29 53
Wagons (4 wheelers) owned (No.) 13109 12924 12602 12602 11524 8695
Source : Bangladesh Railway

7.27 Number of Passengers Carried by Bangladesh Railway

Year Air conditioned class 1st class 2nd class 3rd class Total
1995-96 22 179 32509 - 32710
1996-97 27 279 37188 - 37494
1997-98 29 338 37933 - 38300
1998-99 18 349 35872 - 36239

1999-00 18 398 38218 - 38634

2000-01 22 451 40740 - 41213
2001-02 19 452 38245 - 38716
2002-03 22 533 38608 - 39163
2003-04 24 483 42928 - 43435
2004-05 19 434 41801 - 42254
2005-06 29 435 44056 - 44520
2006-07 33 468 45257 - 45758
2007-08 34 427 53310 - 53816
2008-09 68 553 64408 - 65029
2009-10 144 564 64919 - 65627
2010-11 147 570 62819 - 63536
2011-12 150 578 65411 - 66139
2012-13 147 571 61879 - 62597
2013-14 136 532 64290 - 64958
2014-15 140 588 67342 - 68070
2015-16 147 621 70063 - 70831
2016-17 268 664 76875 - 77807
2017-18 314 991 88952 - 90057
Note: (-) Indicated data not available
Source : Bangladesh Railway
248 Transport and Communication

7.28 Passports Issued

Division 2016 2017 2018
Dhaka 1085773 1003514 1197389
Chattogram 713387 571535 669393
Rajshahi 167798 158870 213795
Khulna 250208 290967 323237
Barishal 79767 71913 79888
Sylhet 177348 150566 190897
Rangpur 68417 72185 94674
Total 2542698 2319550 2769273
MOFA - 746 1218
Foreign Mission 613926 752107 909410
Source: Department of Passport and Immigration, Dhaka.
Note: (-) means Data not Available

7.29 Indicators of the Performance of Bangladesh Biman

Item 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Passenger carried: (000 Nos.)
Domestic 233 113 322 379 447 509 425 320
International 1338 1907 1997 1966 2164 2260 1607 632
Total 1571 2020 2319 2345 2611 2759 2032 952

Passenger kilometers
(RPK Million) 5207 6645 6937 6937 7072 7286 5929 2896
Cargo and mail uplifted
(Million lbs.) 73 97 90 75 73 67 48 60

Freight tonne
Kilometre (Million) 150 199 183 183 914 810 736 363
On line station 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 28
No. of employees 4589 4489 4533 4533 5685 5811 5957 6001

Source : Bangladesh Biman

Transport and Communication 249

7.30 Number of Aircrafts in Operation and Total Earnings of Bangladesh Biman

Year DASH-8 Number and type of aircraft in operation Total earning
Fokker B-737 B-777 Air DC-10- Total Total Local currency Foreign
Boeing Bus 30 (Million Taka) (Million Taka) currency
B-777-200 ER (Million US $)
1998-99 4 - - 6 10 133013 133013 -
1999-2000 3 - - 8 11 156151 156151 -
2000-01 3 - - 10 13 172112 172112 -
2001-02 3 - 4 6 13 181656 181656 -
2002-03 5 - 4 8 17 193494 193494 -
2003-04 5 - 6 6 17 21038 21038 -
2004-05 4 - 4 6 14 23402 23402 -
2005-06 4 3 4 6 13 26617 26617 -
2006-07 3 - 3 4 10 24637 24637
2007-08 4 1 3 5 13 297978 29798 429
2008-09 2 2 2 4 10 30397 30397 438
2009-10 2 2 3 4 11 294362 29437 423
2010-11 2 3 3 4 12 328864 32886 449
2011-12 2 5 3 3 13 37895 37895 479
2012-13 0 4 2 2 8 39400 39400 -
2013-14 0 9 2 2 13 38395 38395 491
2014-15 2 - 8 2 - 12 46570 46570 596
2015-16 2 2 4 2 4 14 45827 45827 580
2016-17 2 2 4 2 4 14 44243 44243 553
2017-18 2 2 4 1 4 13 48174 48174 575.56
2018-19 3 0 0 0 16 57912 57912 689.18
2019-20 2 0 0 0 18 50447 50447 595.31
2020-21 5 0 0 0 21 39502 39502 465.78
Note: (-) indicated data not available
Source: Bangladesh Biman
250 Transport and Communication

7.31 Passengers Movement by Bangladesh Biman

(No. of passengers)
Area of operation(both ways) 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Domestic flight :
Chattogram - Coxes Bazar 56 4074 10854 4545 95
Coxes Bazar – Chattogram - 3047 10174 4391 281
Chattogram – Dhaka 71466 125983 202112 93353 65670
Dhaka – Chattogram 121104 146801 210984 103566 60158
Coxes Bazar – Dhaka 26186 36071 47027 36810 37374
Dhaka - Coxes Bazar 24515 34056 42755 34093 36443
Dhaka – Barishal 7041 7749 12370 8956 4980
Barishal – Dhaka 6088 7295 10408 7156 4652
Dhaka – Jashore 25362 22819 29938 16968 5939
Jashore – Dhaka 24958 22798 28212 15545 5690
Dhaka – Rajshahi 13875 12647 12105 6275 1272
Rajshahi – Dhaka 13069 11683 11519 7256 1734
Dhaka – Saidpur 18218 20794 26101 12539 13772
Saidpur – Dhaka 18505 20645 25252 13702 13425
Dhaka – Sylhet 63784 87363 91685 74677 33155
Sylhet – Dhaka 176172 208662 263797 185822 44413
Total (Domestic) 610399 772487 1035293 625654 329053
International flight :
Abu Dhabi - Chattogram 40201 59047 74845 33634 6174
Chattogram - Abu Dhabi 54456 54952 89351 41833 189
Abu Dhabi - Dhaka 6436 1556 4533 22154 15388
Dhaka - Abu Dhabi 10788 12032 20010 33329 13181
Abu Dhabi - Sylhet 17400 14457 27075 12692 116
Bangkok – Dhaka 33292 41834 38568 22654 685
Dhaka – Bangkok 32840 41300 38045 29153 610
Jakarta – Dhaka - - - - -
Dhaka – Dammam 56195 52817 60276 37263 37246
Dammam – Dhaka 40700 44674 54838 34204 36445
Dhaka – Doha 24062 36876 36145 20498 9275
Doha – Dhaka 1693 13742 16820 20020 13722
Bangkok - Chattogram - - 77 0 3
Chattogram - Bangkok - - 0 0 0
Chattogram - Kolkata 4827 5018 6344 1871 0
Kolkata - Chattogram 4522 4432 5687 1685 0
Dhaka – Kolkata 42484 58865 53991 35278 1244
Kolkata – Dhaka 49252 69939 68445 48414 2098
Dhaka - Frankfurt - - - - -
Frankfurt - Dhaka - - - - -
Dhaka - Hong Kong - - 0 0 0
Hong Kong - Dhaka - - 0 0 0
Dhaka – Dubai 12737 5882 2159 20730 70938
Dubai – Dhaka 6023 5986 7818 18097 47136
Dhaka – Jeddah 122972 137342 123553 101299 2293
Jeddah – Dhaka 81428 83573 81356 71612 52017
Dhaka - Kathmandu 28523 30179 38047 21488 1271
Kathmandu - Dhaka 36464 40765 39160 24276 1505
Dhaka - Kuala Lumpur 88060 83326 56520 38071 416
Kuala Lumpur – Dhaka 87699 64365 58810 55804 8860
Dhaka – Kuwait 44991 40364 36620 25185 0
Kuwait – Dhaka 27069 35204 33000 20689 0
Dhaka – London 59881 60274 70650 46926 11434
London – Dhaka - - 1668 972 1179
Dhaka – Muscat 18424 18848 29566 26378 13324
Muscat – Dhaka 15170 18531 11518 13585 24161
Dhaka – Milan - - - - -
Milan – Dhaka - - - - -
Dhaka – Yangon 6970 5996 - - -
Yangon – Dhaka 6732 6405 - - -
Dhaka – Rome - - - - -
Rome – Dhaka - - - - -
Dhaka – Riyadh 107829 104898 95484 77095 53780
Transport and Communication 251

7.31 Passengers Movement by Bangladesh Biman

(No. of passengers)
Area of operation(both ways) 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Riyadh – Dhaka 82198 86063 87715 71958 60758
Dhaka – Singapore 34748 34443 45007 37855 3628
Singapore – Dhaka 48031 46874 50089 43328 9478
Dhaka – Delhi - - 3032 15849 1588
Delhi – Dhaka - - 2933 14141 2020
Dhaka - Amsterdam - - - - -
Amsterdam - Dhaka - - -
Dhaka – Guwahati - - - - -
Guwahati – Dhaka - - - - -
Dhaka – Medina - - 1147 21624 1096
Medina – Dhaka - - 3259 17254 0
Chattogram - Doha 12302 12443 11946 5903 0
Doha - Chattogram 18876 13571 22562 8260 0
Chattogram - Dubai 39496 34318 39261 30600 26137
Dubai - Chattogram 26706 87757 31574 27678 23602
Chattogram - Jeddah 39564 45061 58676 43842 535
Jeddah - Chattogram 46148 54335 62065 36924 1228
Chattogram - Muscat 46568 42227 43845 29666 6731
Muscat - Chattogram 53542 55299 53690 32852 15363
Dhaka – Burma - - - - -
Burma – Dhaka - - - - -
Dhaka - Karachi - - - - -
Karachi - Dhaka - - - - -
Dhaka - Manchester - - 0 26378 0
Manchester - Dhaka - - 0 13585 0
Sylhet – Dubai - 2778 16287 5257 26137
Museat - Sylhet - 3922 12937 9264 0
Sylhet – Jeddah 1253 1652 826 838 0
Jeddah - Sylhet 22492 33283 36850 23410 404
Dubai – Sylhet 19290 11463 16257 11478 9405
Sylhet – London - - 0 0 5385
London - Sylhet 58304 59176 67250 43958 10088
Doha – Sylhet 9483 13923 13113 7353 0
Kuala Lumpur - Chattogram - - 0 0 0
Kuwait - Chattogram 6556 - 259 3893 0
Yangon - Chattogram - - - - -
Other International - - - - -
Total (International) 1734677 183889 1961559 1540037 628273
Total (Domestic + International 2345076 2611376 2996852 2165691 957326
Note : (—) Flight operation nil.
Source : Bangladesh Biman

7.32 Number of Hajis

Year Ballottee Non-Ballottee G.Total*
Male Female Total Male Female Total
2017 2939 1259 4198 85490 36638 122128 126326
2018 4070 2714 6784 72350 48064 120414 127198
*Bangladeshis living abroad who performed hajj are not included in here.
Source: Hajj Office, Ministry of Religious Affairs
252 Transport and Communication

7.33 Cargo Movement by Bangladesh Biman

Fig (M. ton)
Area of operation (both ways) 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

Domestic flight :
Chattogram - Coxes Bazar - - 0.003 0 0
Coxes Bazar - Chattogram - - 0 0 0
Chattogram - Dhaka - 5 0.007 0.44 0
Dhaka - Chattogram 53 1263 4.31 20.30 911.40
Coxes Bazar - Dhaka 429 - 0 0 0
Dhaka - Coxes Bazar - - 0.88 1.05 0.75
Dhaka - Barishal - - 1.23 1.79 0
Barishal - Dhaka - - 123 10 0
Dhaka - Jashore - - 0.42 0.55 0
Jashore - Dhaka - - 0 0 0
Dhaka - Rajshahi - - 0.20 0.52 0
Rajshahi - Dhaka - - 0 0 0
Dhaka - Saidpur - - 0.28 0.72 0.12
Saidpur – Dhaka - - 0 0 0
Dhaka - Sylhet 1288 638 556.66 619.11 3.04
Sylhet - Dhaka 08 19 0 0.005 0.27
Total (Domestic) 1778 1925 564.10 644.48 915.55
International flight :
Abu Dhabi – Chattogram 98 38 100.51 43.83 5
Chattogram - Abu Dhabi 2130 1190 2805.01 498.05 6.83
Abu Dhabi – Dhaka 36 03 0.65 1.90 9.85
Dhaka - Abu Dhabi 477 192 603.84 1051.60 576.06
Abu Dhabi – Sylhet 407 369 438.13 174.31 0
Bangkok – Dhaka 87 48 153.99 126.57 2011.68
Dhaka – Bangkok 438 880 469.65 291.78 1235.49
Jakarta - Dhaka - -
Dhaka – Dammam 615 408 1109.19 399.46 602.42
Dammam – Dhaka 618 756 893.58 292.86 305.65
Dhaka – Doha 252 1566 2131.55 1389.47 771.32
Doha – Dhaka 6 2 4.53 2.64 0.12
Bangkok - Chattogram - -
Chattogram - Bangkok - -
Chattogram - Kolkata - -
Kolkata - Chattogram - 01 0.05 0 0
Dhaka – Kolkata 11 174 94.13 2.36 0.06
Kolkata – Dhaka 81 244 429.04 692.61 0
Dhaka - Frankfurt - - - - -
Frankfurt - Dhaka - - - - -
Dhaka - Hong Kong - - 0 0 2874.37
Hong Kong – Dhaka - - 0 0 3863.09
Dhaka – Dubai 580 233 15.70 125.51 2427.73
Dubai – Dhaka 06 05 1.54 117.40 530.03
Dhaka – Jeddah 5606 4098 4014.62 3217.53 2311.78
Jeddah – Dhaka 457 126 127.41 120.86 367.94
Dhaka – Kathmandu 215 158 308.33 91.33 39.43
Kathmandu – Dhaka 04 06 3.06 1.56 0.20
Dhaka - Kuala Lumpur 1251 2018 1625.11 626.97 239.78
Kuala Lumpur - Dhaka 247 237 181.70 74.71 37.65
Transport and Communication 253

7.33 Cargo Movement by Bangladesh Biman

(M. ton)
Area of operation (both ways) 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

Dhaka – Kuwait 2581 1583 981.78 609.93 0

Kuwait – Dhaka 177 165 134.95 37.81 0
Dhaka – London - 843 2117.81 1233.82 789.01
London – Dhaka - - 0 0 53.17
Dhaka – Muscat 491 772 895.98 690.02 291.93
Muscat – Dhaka 08 03 15.25 0 195.41
Dhaka – Milan - -
Milan – Dhaka - -
Dhaka – Yangon 02 07 5.52 2.53 0
Yangon - Dhaka - -
Dhaka – Rome - -
Rome – Dhaka - -
Dhaka – Riyadh 5573 4874 5353.74 3522.49 2618.63
Riyadh – Dhaka 757 663 574.97 284.90 84.82
Dhaka - Singapore 540 645 913.13 971.26 423.43
Singapore - Dhaka 56 56 158.75 164.01 53.21
Dhaka – Delhi - - 2.96 43.28 0.40
Delhi – Dhaka - - 6.87 172.58 1.09
Dhaka - Amsterdam - -
Dhaka - Guwahati - -
Guwahati - Dhaka - -
Dhaka – Medina - - 24 2.68 0
Medina – Dhaka - - 6 0 0
Chattogram - Doha 275 384 745.23 405.07 0
Doha - Chattogram 58 41 87.41 11.14 0
Chattogram – Dubai 887 962 354.15 395.70 532.36
Dubai – Chattogram 1858 31 2.03 117.40 515.36
Chattogram - Jeddah 35 991 869.33 183.27 0
Jeddah - Chattogram 1566 520 1144.41 389.30 18.558
Chattogram - Muscat 306 2010 996.27 145.56 13.65
Muscat - Chattogram 53 23 75.71 152.44 177.96
Dhaka – Burma - -
Burma – Dhaka - -
Dhaka - Karachi - -
Karachi - Dhaka - -
Dhaka - Manchester - -
Manchester - Dhaka - -
Dhaka - Amman - -
Dhaka – Manama - -
Sylhet – Dubai - 38 151.02 25.74 112.72
Jeddah – Sylhet 636 884 349 213.42 0
Dubai – Sylhet 246 46 3.04 44.62 8.54
Sylhet – London - - 0 0 132.21
London – Sylhet 1880 2388 2568.30 1405.09 253.64
Doha – Sylhet 92 41 66.10 6.22 0
Kuala Lumpur - Chattogram - -
Kuwait - Chattogram 74 -
Yangon – Chattogram - -
Other International - 06
Total (International) 31778 30728
Total (Domestic + International 33549 32650
Note : (-) Flight operation nil. Source : Bangladesh Biman
254 Transport and Communication

7.34 Aircraft, Passenger and Freight/Mails Movement by Airports

Name of Airports
Year Shahjalal Shah Amanat Osmani Jashore Ishwardi Shah Saidpur Tejgaon Cox's Barishal Total
Int’l Airport, Int’l Airport, Int’l Airport, Airports Airport Makdum Airports Airports bazar Airports Airports
Dhaka Chattogram Sylhet Airport, Airports

Passenger Movement ('000' number)

2006 2891 356 189 49 - 6 10 - 10 5 3516
2007 3140 348 166 29 - 2 - - 9 - 3694
2008 4205 746 182 31 - - 10 - 14 3 5191
2009 4147 559 160 52 - - 4 25 2 4946
2010 4690 690 191 51 - - - - 35 - 5657
2011 4756 861 180 83 - 1 1 - 58 - 5940
2012 5574 922 210 82 - 3 8 - 66 - 6865
2013 5678 929 216 105 - 37 06 - 41 03 7014
2014 5564 1064 248 103 - 04 27 - 87 03 7100
2015 6289 1088 293 105 - 06 44 - 107 03 7938
2016 6527 1184 350 137 - 30 77 - 154 22 8482
2017 7577 1415 480 230 - 52 190 - 256 38 10238
2018 8898 1687 536 294 - 84 313 - 539 47 12398
2019 9856 1805 562 304 - 96 348 - 600 94 13669
2020 3639 671 248 222 - 64 344 - 361 81 5534
2021 5668 769 337 351 - 86 381 - 488 135 8219

Freight Mails (Loaded and unloaded) (M. ton)

2006 111689 2622 3919 3561 - 15 14 - 3020 68 124908

2007 131240 2811 153 2880 - 2 - - 2614 7 139707
2008 115348 2174 158 2125 - - 11 - 2571 1 122388
2009 136179 1166 721 454 - 2 2 - 2697 632 141853
2010 155736 2501 1228 11415 - - - - 3978 - 174859
2011 167768 3484 1020 3959 - - 3 - 3881 - 180115
2012 213876 4525 852 2157 - - - - 1577 - 222987
2013 233653 5227 1634 3036 - - - - 2090 130 246311
2014 210977 4516 2666 4563 - - 12769 - 3541 46 239078
2015 262099 6563 3532 4278 - - - - 2809 05 279286
2016 277360 4455 5218 3035 - - - - 2087 50 292205
2017 312316 3824 5697 3994 - - - - 1676 - 327507
2018 364255 4647 6050 4232 - - - - 3834 - 383018
2019 344389 5974 8030 5494 - - - - 2083 462 366432
2020 264954 3700 2263 2263 - - - - 2620 685 276485
2021 333944 8797 29 4920 - - - - 1986 874 350550

Air traffic Movement (Number)

2006 37993 16650 4259 24474 - 660 707 - 2175 394 87312
2007 40053 17533 3866 26561 - 12 30 - 1849 326 90230
2008 47593 17758 3657 26307 - - 746 120 2945 92 99218
2009 47356 21315 3391 21747 - 21 76 - 2467 182 96555
2010 56909 16040 3148 27560 - 208 75 - 2756 22 106718
2011 61220 25206 2912 26634 - 1292 92 - 3305 24 120685
2012 62949 24063 3154 22620 - 4437 1016 - 2712 62 121013
2013 63627 26870 7844 30163 -* 9322 567 - 3877 172 138508
2014 64390 25583 4864 28223 - 3765 863 - 3915 290 131893
2015 74011 25485 4059 22984 - 2600 1590 - 5452 242 136423
2016 97804 27340 6896 25533 - 2854 2136 - 4850 643 168056
2017 87061 28799 5422 30851 - 4103 3566 - 5688 861 166351
2018 99194 31760 6495 33074 - 6054 5938 - 7131 1123 190769
2019 104062 21073 6928 7617 - 2164 6496 - 8084 1640 158064
2020 59179 8740 4356 5942 - 1697 5568 - 6324 1874 93680
2021 80816 5716 5465 7597 - 2112 6704 - 6512 2786 117708
Note: (-) Flight operation nil
Source : Bangladesh Civil Aviation Authority
Transport and Communication 255

7.35 Division-Wise Number of Post Offices 2017-18

Divisions Name GPO Head Office Sub-Office Branch Office Total
Dhaka 1 13 529 2302 2845
Chattogram 1 13 393 1483 1890
Khulna 1 17 215 1094 1327
Rajshahi 1 09 163 1092 1215
Barishal - 05 127 847 979
Rangpur - 08 108 847 963
Sylhet - 04 140 523 667
Total 4 69 1666 8148 9886
Note : Position as on June, 2017-18, (-) Indicated data not available.
Source : Bangladesh Post Office

7.36 Number of Letters, Parcels and Money Orders Booked Through

Different Post Offices
No. of Regd. Letters booked No. of Regd. Parcels booked Money orders
(‘000’ Nos.) (‘000’ Nos.) (000) Value
Year Insured Ordinary V.P. Insured Ordinary V.P. Number (MillionTk.)
1999-00 11 14861 166 213 1177 184 3426 32666
2000-01 10 15797 141 215 1339 154 3274 33382
2001-02 17 16331 114 265 1267 187 3519 47076
2002-03 15 14529 130 264 1358 218 3488 49931
2003-04 16 17662 157 259 1531 221 3755 5146
2004-05 29 16618 184 302 1694 247 4705 69701
2005-06 24 13134 146 265 1614 182 3480 6025
2006-07 17 10407 80 257 777 84 3338 60143
2007-08 12 8820 65 223 798 64 2877 53168
2008-09 15 7835 81 265 903 90 2298 49334
2009-10 03 8019 100 383 861 76 2022 47453
2010-11 03 7695 154 309 712 114 1532 42582
2011-12 01 8450 151 421 826 70 1038 30317
2012-13 12 8461 158 411 823 823 719 21733
2013-14 6 7366 113 380 71 437 496 14819
2014-15 3 7579 140 395 544 56 432 92905
2015-16 2 7895 214 432 516 54 407 98432
2016-17 06 8013 202 486 494 491 757 27094
2017-18 04 8219 177 544 537 81 338 9903
Source : Ministry of Post and Tele-Communications

7.37 Number of Post Office in Bangladesh

I.T.O. & T.O.& E.D. V.H.F.
Year H.O. S.O. B.O. Total D.T.O. S.T.O. C.S.O. P.C.O. P.C.O. Total

1998-99 70 1636 7695 9401 16 272 292 37 416 1033

1999-2000 65 1645 7829 9539 16 272 292 37 162 779

2000-01 70 1648 7979 9697 15 253 29 69 193 559
2001-02 70 1654 8119 9843 15 253 29 69 193 559
2002-03 70 1668 8121 9859 15 279 10 34 319 657

2003-04 70 1686 8251 10007 15 279 10 34 319 657

2004-05 70 1667 8149 9886 15 279 10 34 319 657
2005-06 70 1668 8149 9887 15 279 10 34 319 657
2006-07 67 1667 8138 9872 15 279 10 34 319 657
2007-08 87 1667 8138 9872 15 279 10 34 319 657
2008-09 67 1668 8148 9882 - - - - - -
2009-10 67 1667 8148 9886 - - - - - -
2010-11 67 1667 8148 9886 - - - - - -
2011-12 71 1667 8148 9886 - - - - - -
2012-13 72 1666 8148 9886 - - - - - -
2013-14 72 1666 8148 9886 - - - - - -
2014-15 72 1666 8148 9886 - - - - - -
2015-16 72 1675 8138 9886 - - - - - -
2016-17 69 1675 8188 9882 - - - - - -
2017-18 69 1666 8148 9886 - - - - - -
Notes : H.O.- Head Office, S.O.- Sub Office, B.O.-Branch Office, (-) Not Available
Source : Ministry of Post and Tele-Communications
256 Transport and Communication

7.38 Division-Wise Number of Telephones

Division 2009-10 2010-11 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Dhaka 571465 544798 537000 511000 472000 445000 406558 385000
Chattogram 164093 146679 134000 122000 108000 100000 100396 97000
Khulna 86593 81899 76000 71000 63000 57000 48780 46000
Rajshahi 43803 43176 42000 39000 34000 30000 28859 26000
Rangpur 55917 54857 52000 51000 47000 44000 41462 29000
Sylhet 46909 43264 42000 34000 27000 24000 21204 18000
Barishal 21714 21087 20000 18000 17000 16000 15232 15000
Total : 990494 935760 903000 846000 768000 716000 662491 616000
Source : Ministry of Post and Tele-Communications

7.39 Number of Radio and Television Sets Licensed Classified by Type

Radio ('000' nos.) Television
Year Black & white Coloured T.V.
Commercial Commercial Total
& domestic & dealers
2001 103 17 120 1199266 224888
2002 92 20 112 634978 617358
2003 67 19 86 486280 591941
2004 N.A. N.A. N.A. 135231 245262
2005 N.A. N.A. N.A. 25343 62567
2006 N.A. N.A. N.A. 3264 31567
2007 N.A. N.A. N.A. 2855 73395
2008 N.A. N.A. N.A. 1436 45106
2009 N.A. N.A. N.A. 89 9830
2010 N.A. N.A. N.A. 41 25.24
2011 N.A. N.A. N.A. 19 1666
2012 N.A. N.A. N.A. 0 485
2013 N.A N.A N.A 0 671
2014 N.A N.A N.A 0 777
2015 N.A N.A N.A 0 148
2016 N.A N.A N.A 0 170
2017 N.A N.A N.A 0 113
2018 NA NA NA Na Na
Note: Rodio licenced Closed.
Source : Ministry of Post and Tele-Communications 2. Bangladesh Television

7.40 Air Mail Rates from Bangladesh to Selected Countries, 2017-18

Letter first EMS
Country 20 grams Express Mail Service
India 20 750
Pakistan 20 850
Srilanka 20 850
Bhutan 20 850
Maldives 20 960
Nepal 20 980
Australia 40 1410
Japan 30 1220
China 30 1250
Thailand 30 890
Myanmar 30 850
Singapore 30 1050
Indonesia 30 1050
Abu Dhabi 30 1030
Saudi Arabia 30 1250
Kuwait 30 1210
Egypt 50 1450
Libya 50 1330
Nigeria 50 1530
Russia 50 1750
Germany 50 1870
Turkey 50 1350
U.K. 50 989
U.S.A. 60 1850
Canada 60 2020
France 50 1830
Note : Position as on 2017-18, (-) Data not available.
Source : Ministry of Post and Tele-Communications
Transport and Communication 257

7.41 Number of Vessels with Carrying Capacity of Bangladesh Shipping Corporation

Carrying Carrying
No. of No. of Cumulative No. of No. of capacity of capacity of
Year vessels vessel total of vessels vessels on vessels purcha- number of vessels
purchased/ sold vessels owned route/ sed(dead owned(dead
received (given to purchased/ operation weight Tonnage) weight Tonnage)
others) received
2003-04 - - - 13 13 195741 195741
2004-05 - - - 13 13 195741 195741
2005-06 - - - 13 13 195741 195741
2006-07 - - - 13 13 195741 195741
2007-08 - - - 13 13 195741 195741
2008-09 - - - 13 13 195741 195741
2009-10 - - - 13 13 142437 142479
2010-11 - - - 13 13 - -
2011-12 - - - 13 13 - 196669
2012-13 - - - 13 13 - 196000
2013-14 - 05 - 08 06 - 121811
2014-15 - 03 - - 05 - 76483
2015-16 - 5 - 3 3 - 42027
2016-17 - - - 3 3 - 41932
2017-18 - 01 - 02 02 - 29082
2018-19 06 - 06 08 08 233499 262581
2019-20 - - - - 08 - 262581
2020-21 - - - - 08 - 262581
Note: (-) Indicates data not available, Source : Bangladesh Shipping Corporation

7.42 Cargo Lifting of Bangladesh Shipping Corporation, Their Profit Earned,

Assets & Liabilities
Cargo liftings Net profit Current 0Current 00Increase in
No. of Chartered Quantity Income 0No. of earned assets liabilities working capi-
Year ships vessels carried (Million voyage (Million (Million (Million tal (Million
owned (000 Tons) Tk.) Tk.) Tk.) Tk.) Tk.)
2001-02 13 12 2054 2003 111 1.2 927 751 116

2002-03 13 13 2213 2076 108 1.80 - - -

2003-04 13 01 1860 2574.9 - 152.5 1246 730 226

2004-05 13 01 1830 3156.9 - 332.5 1729 800 413

2005-06 13 01 3207 3240.7 86 308.7 2155.3 916.3 1239.0

2006-07 13 01 2704 2944.1 64 159.6 2230.1 684.3 1548.8

2007-08 13 01 2704 412.63 18 466.8 2898.8 959.8 393.2

2008-09 13 01 2704 276.74 08 10.26 2142.9 628.9 425.0

2009-10 13 20 1751 2732.60 25 133.4 2419.4 831.2 74.18

2010-11 13 25 1800 1018.92 - 18.93 2131.9 631.7 88.00

2011-12 13 23 1707 2597.19 54 14.64 5318.0 782.5 -

2012-13 13 27 1900 2727.34 52 16.31 5142.64 937.50 4205.14

2013-14 16 26 1781 2957 42 33.1 5507.86 1025.95 4481.9

2014-15 5 30 2998 838 48 53.34 5603.43 1089.79 4513.63

2015-16 3 29 2697 723.27 42 808.59 6046.49 1270.80 4775.69

2016-17 3 34 3134 824.90 47 86.57 4808.17 655.52 4152.65

2017-18 02 33 1739 831 153 125.15 5270.34 970.15 4300.19

2018-19 08 28 2080 1850.90 35 175.11 6232.44 1775.25 4457.19

2019-20 08 23 3200 2799.00 79 414.68 7715.83 2161.92 5553.91

2020-21 08 39 3474 2742.72 87 720.21 9463.57 2556.07 6907.50

Note: (-) Indicates data not available.

Source : Bangladesh Shipping Corporation
258 Transport and Communication

7.43 Water Transport Operation under Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority
Navigable waterways in km No. of passengers (In million) Volume of
Year By Motor By By Ferry cargo handled
Mansoon Dry season Launch Steamer Service Total (Million Tons)
2000-01 5968 3600 86.29 0.85 8.02 95.17 5.89
2001-02 5968 3600 86.24 0.94 9.60 96.79 5.90
2002-03 5968 3600 66.56 1.18 11.40 79.14 7.93
2003-04 5968 3600 76.16 1.11 13.34 90.61 8.08
2004-05 5968 3600 49.47 1.08 13.99 64.54 11.59
2005-06 5968 3600 166.50 1.11 17.05 184.66 17.80
2006-07 5968 3600 177.62 0.94 117.84 196.40 20.50
2007-08 5968 3600 190.30 0.89 17.80 208.99 25.51
2008-09 6000 3824 199.80 0.80 17.33 217.93 26.77
2009-10 6000 3824 220.19 0.89 17.73 238.79 27.12
2010-11 6000 3824 231.52 1.00 17.90 250.42 32.60
2011-12 6000 3824 333.09 0.80 17.09 350.98 35.86
2012-13 6000 3800 232.75 0.75 16.75 250.25 18.77
2013-14 6000 3800 139.27 0.60 16.16 156.03 22.02
2014-15 6000 3800 152.40 0.60 16.16 169.16 22.71
2016-17 6000 4347 195.12 0.39 22.5 211.88 19.25
2017-18 6000 4347 283.58 0.33 21.9 305.81 23.03
2018-19 6000 4347 314.74 - - 314.74 55.94
2019-20 6700 4750 250.63 - - 250.63 60.13
Note: (-) Indicates data not available.
Source : Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority, Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Corporation.

7.44 Dredging Activities by IWTA and BWDB

2018-19 2019-20
Dredging activities IWTA BWDB IWTA BWDB
Number of dredgers
35 45

Total 1569.65 1869.86

(a) Public 347.64 357.64

(b) Private 1222.01 1512.22

Total Cost (Million Tk.) 6582.30 8042.10

Per cft Cost (Taka) 4.19 4.30

Note : The ports of Chattogram and mongla having no dredger . Dredgers are hired from IWTA of BWDB `in time of needs.
Source : IWTA & BWDB
Transport and Communication 259

7.45 Movement of Passenger Vehicles and Goods and Revenue Receipt by

Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Corporation
Passenger service Ferry service Cargo service
Year Number of Cargo Total Number of Number Cargo Total Cargo Total
passenger (000 earning passenger vehicle (tons) earning (000 earning
(000 nos.) tons) Lakh Tk.) (000 nos.) (000) (Lakh Tk.) tons) (Lakh Tk.)
2004-05 1080 13 812 14000 1182 1000 9506 57 830
2005-06 1114 14 830 17050 1274 1000 10603 15 910
2006-07 940 17 749 17843 1370 1000 11986 2 755
2007-08 886 16 8.50 17802 1449 1000 13259 16 649
2008-09 803 15 976 17325 1446 1000 14085 15 654
2009-10 885 17 1055 17733 1644 1000 16069 17 689
2010-11 1000 16 1095 17901 1830 1000 17060 16 679
2011-12 800 7 1030 17094 1954 1000 18853 7 679
2012-13 745 8 1311 16747 2009 1000 22077 8 679
2013-14 595 9 1434 16159 2043 1000 24115 9 679
2014-15 558 9 1444 18463 2313 1000 28478 9 679
2015-16 430 7 1300 23406 2599 1000 32409 7 281
2016-17 390 4 1221 22564 2610 1000 32925 4 123
2017-18 337 4 985 21912 2795 1000 34687 5 61
2018-19 276 4 894 21985 2974 - 36277 37 154
2019-20 149 2 632 17624 3077 - 35257 7 828
2020-21 88 1 559 16080 3724 - 38825 7 807
Source: BIWTC

7.46 Vessels by Type under Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Corporation

Item 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Passengers vessels 11 11 12 11 11
Ferry steamers 44 48 50 50 52 52 52 54
Tankers 12 12 12 12 12 5 5 5
Coasters 8 8 7 3 3 3 1 1
Self-propelled vessels 10 7 6 2 2 2 1 1
Bay crossing tugs and barges 15 15 15 14 14
Water Bus 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
Water Taxi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Harbour duty launches 4 4 4 4 5 4 5 5
Inland flats 13 13 12 9 9
River barges jute boats 2 2 2 2 2
Receiving flats/pontoons 28 32 32 31 29 33 33 30
Sea trucks 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14
Miscellaneous 16 17 16 4 17 0 0 0
Total : 184 196 195 169 183
Note : (-) Data not available
Source : B.I.W.T.C
260 Transport and Communication

7.47 International Vessels Entered in to and Cleared from Chattogram and Mongla Ports
Vessels entered Vessels cleared
Year Number Net regd. tonnage Number Net regd. tonnage
In ballast With cargo In ballast With cargo
('000' tons) ('000' tons) ('000' tons) ('000' tons)
2005-06 2052 1106 8891 2054 7102 2892
2006-07 1923 1290 7535 1951 6629 3037
2007-08 2109 1344 8539 2070 7947 2426
2008-09 1890 1603 8857 2033 7630 2829
2009-10 2069 1587 9943 2014 9869 1689
2010-11 2427 2050 13208 2379 12941 2237
2011-12 2162 2252 12988 2137 11964 3294
2012-13 2164 1928 13781 2156 11859 3312
2013-14 2290 1832 14913 2284 13825 2990
2014-15 2478 1977 17154 2158 15460 4223
2015-16 2735 2448 22313 2284 16976 7978
2016-17 2998 2501 22302 2793 16744 8977
2017-18 3511 2799 20009 3362 15908 11522
2018-19 3781 2692 26363 3079 13903 12004
Source : Chattogram and Mongla Port Authorities

7.48 Vessels Handled at Chattogram and Mongla Ports

Both ports Chattogram port Mongla port
Year Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of
Vessels days Vessels days Vessels Days
2002-03 1974 8.61 1683 4.76 291 3.85
2003-04 2194 8.56 1748 4.24 446 4.32
2004-05 2438 8.30 1983 4.57 455 3.73
2005-06 2682 9.55 1906 4.93 776 4.62
2006-07 2106 10.31 1913 6.38 193 3.93
2007-08 2202 10.07 2074 5.07 128 5.00
2008-09 2239 10.9 2088 5.51 151 5.39
2009-10 2356 11.46 2203 5.51 153 5.95
2010-11 2606 12.12 2308 5.69 298 6.43
2011-12 2533 10.97 2265 4.87 268 6.10
2012-13 2656 9.63 2318 4.91 338 4.72
2013-14 2845 9.08 2498 4.24 347 4.84
2014-15 3319 8.07 2817 4.25 502 4.45
2015-16 3807 10.02 3171 5.13 636 4.89
2016-17 3973 12.38 3350 6.29 623 5.09
2017-18 4649 12.36 3865 7.15 784 5.21
Source : Chattogram and Mongla port Authorities
Transport and Communication 261

7.49 Cargo Handled at Chattogram and Mongla Ports

(Thousand metric ton)
Total Cargo Chattogram port Mongla port
Year handled in Total cargo Export Import Total cargo Export Import
both ports handled handled

1998-99 13835 10514 650 9864 3321 369 2952

1999-00 14336 11326 551 10775 3010 310 2700
2000-01 14961 12254 578 11676 2707 305 2402
2001-02 15673 13420 585 12835 2253 306 1947
2002-03 17034 15274 679 14595 1760 351 1409
2003-04 16600 15105 547 14558 1495 317 1178
2004-05 18530 17053 580 16473 1477 222 1255
2005-06 19401 17917 583 17334 1484 269 1215
2006-07 19076 18159 510 17649 917 253 664
2007-08 19028 18301 454 17847 727 209 518
2008-09 20228 19087 537 18550 1141 209 932
2009-10 38614 36999 4186 32813 1649 148 1501
2010-11 47592 44893 4978 39915 2699 169 2530
2011-12 43521 40902 4717 36185 2619 136 2483
2012-13 46522 43374 5061 38313 3148 201 2947
2013-14 55153 51610 5369 41961 3544 142 3402
2014-15 59307 54777 5838 48939 4530 101 4429
2015-16 69005 63207 5872 57335 5798 88 5710
2016-17 80688 73173 6709 66464 7515 85 7430
2017-18 94762 85047 6997 78050 9715 147 9568
Source : Chattogram and Mongla port Authorities

7.50 Commodity-Wise Export Handled at Chattogram Ports

(Figures in Ton)
Commodity 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Jute 165793 190071 165287 157635 215451 206480
Jute Goods 820702 808741 813599 705807 822054 722800
C. Boxes - - - - - -
Tea 49 495 490 48 - -
Hides & Skins - - - - - -
Leather 23777 31477 35787 30199 30806 35912
Bone & bonemeal - - - - - -
Paper - - - - - -
Oilcake - - - - - -
Fish (dry) frozen - - - - - -
Cotton waste - - - - - -
Chillies - - - - - -
Ammonia 27275 14000 40004 40800 15000 39083
Rayon- - - - - - -
H. Hair - - - - - -
Sundries - - - - - -
Bulk oil, crude oil by product - - - - - -
Naphtha, Molasses - - 76952 53256 104954 18500
Buner etc. 134920 79618 - - - -
News print - - - - - -
Frozen Goods 86884 173429 123846 94108 121893 110555
Bran - - - - - -
Fertilizer 12658 80 - 229 31000 -
Shrimp - - - - -
C/Bones - - - - -
Rice - - - - -
Tobacco - - - - -
Broom stick - - - - -
Furnace oil - - - - -
Tamarind - - - - -
Turmeric - - - - -
Ginger - - - - -
General Cargo - - - - -
Garments 2364576 2653198 2760449 2785071 2985944 3422571
Others 1423006 1385225 1823572 2104481 2398514 2441564
Total 5059640 5338377 5839986 5971634 6725616 6997465
Note : (-) Data not available
Source : Chattogram port Authorities
262 Transport and Communication

7.51 Commodity-Wise Export Handled at Mongla Port

(Figures in M. Ton)
Commodity 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Jute 79095 42000 21479 13152 25752 50104
Jute Goods 74783 47733 32195 25171 19801 53858
C. Boxes - - - - - -
Tea - - - - - -
Hides & Skins - - - - - -
Leather - 304 - - - -
Bone & bonemeal - - - - - -
Paper - - - - - -
Oil cake - - - - - -
Safety Matches 1189 - - - - -
Machinery - - - - - -
Frozen goods 34399 34260 35856 3142 33278
by product Naptha, Molasses - - - - - 50
Buner etc. - - - - - -
White fish 434 - - - - -
News Print - - - - - -
Battle Nut 945 - - - - -
Bran - - - - - -
Fertilizer - - - - - -
Shrimp 35959 - - - - -
C/Bones 279 - - - - -
Rice - - - - - -
Tobacco 38 - - - - -
Broom stick - - - - - -
Furnace oil - - - - - -
Clay tiles 5553 - - - - -
Turmeric - - - - - -
Gomger - - - - - -
General Cargo 3073 - - - - -
Garments - - - - - --
Others - 17111 12896 13678 8617 9861
Total 201352 141547 100830 87857 85622 147151
Note : (-) Data not available
Source : Mongla Port Authorities
Transport and Communication 263

7.52 Commodity-Wise Import Handled at Mongla Port

(Figures in M. Ton)
Commodity 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Foodgrain 159654 284351 140832 129632 441359 896324
Sugar - - - - - -
Salt 37100 15000 - - 18750 15000
Oil in drum - - - - - -
Slag 247771 - - - - -
Ra[ seed oil 2930 - - - - -
Oil seeds - - - - - -
Motor Vichicle 6173 - - - - -
Cement clinker - 1011942 1236442 1572211 2025269 2378291
Fertilizer 1234648 1342361 1727917 1565327 1465570 1813010
Cotton - - - - -
Gypsum 57550 - - - -
Cotton yam - - - - -
Cotton piece Goods - - - - -
Iron and steel - - - - -
Betelnut - - - - -
Gas (L.P.G) 61144 - - - -
Timber - - - - -
Paper - - - - -
Fly Ash - - - - -
Wood pulp - - - - -
Wax - - - - -
Sundries - - - - -
Coal 20000 - 336325 1059143 1263940 1767844
Clinker 866241 - - - - -
Poles (in bulk) - - - - - -
Machinery 18357 - - - - -
Petroleum - - - - - -
Steel pipes - - - - - -
Bitumen - - - - - -
Pig iron - - - - - -
Steel & iron material - - - - - -
Furnace oil - - - - - -
Palm oil - - - - - -
General cargo 208284 - - - - -
Edible oil - 61370 - - - -
Others - 687378 987933 1383351 2213217 2698430
Total 2946222 3402402 4429449 5709664 7428105 9568899
Note : (-) Data not available
Source : MonglaPort Authority
264 Transport and Communication

7.53 Commodity-Wise Import Handled at Chattogram Port

(Figures in M. Ton)
Commodity 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Foodgrain 1428491 2072156 2955454 3963718 504775 6783355
Sugar 1474516 2044215 1989353 2095344 2134908 2468556
Salt 488248 - 136700 324760 551956 778178
Oil seeds - - - - - -
Cement - - - - - -
Cement clinker 12031461 13580424 14209572 - 19628151 21492163
Fertilizer 1467554 1256454 1605124 - 19628181 1777825
Cotton - - - - 1416115 -
Cotton yam - - - - - -
Copra piece Goods - - - - - -
Iron and steel - - - - - -
C.I Sheet - - - - - -
Wood pulp - - - - - -
Wax - - - - - -
Vehicles - - - - - -
Coal 40714 - 1375725 2226397 1364436 1577312
Poles (in bulk) - - - - - -
Soda Ash - - - - - -
Petroleum 5371990 5576296 616314 5655407 7027510 7788517
Zinger - - - - - -
Zine - - - - - -
Furnace oil - - - - -
General cargo - - - - - -
Edible oil 1614218 1710798 1904320 2456364 1996578 2508948
Others 14394836 15719827 18595844 22900408 27296850 32925593
Total 38312028 41960170 48941406 58324786 66464285 78050447
Note : (-) Data not available
Source : Chattogram Port Authority
Transport and Communication 265

7.54 Arrival of Tourists in Bangladesh by Nationality

Item 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Australia 4878 7902 1609 1507 1306 1381 1395 862 1249
Canada 5085 10573 2265 1289 1278 1410 1203 933 1076
France 2674 3102 892 846 965 986 911 698 806
Germany 3190 4890 1014 1131 1038 1227 1158 935 1090

Greece 180 110 59 101 51 60 54 49 74

Italy 1667 2218 864 838 930 958 921 859 989
Japan 4370 5851 3975 3731 5011 5675 5773 4456 5457
Netherlands 1416 2287 703 772 684 791 752 671 746
New Zealand 1384 1418 283 260 190 187 - 160 197

Norway 725 954 344 336 259 262 227 284 209
Sweden 1869 3363 763 704 567 693 686 517 604
Switzerland 978 950 321 336 348 322 344 274 286
Singapore 2321 3765 - - - - 811 469 887
Thailand 3469 3484 570 610 571 853 644 505 715

U.K. 37136 51314 19436 25901 35378 4171 3232 2425 3082
U.S.A. 19604 34638 77721 5833 6103 5750 - 3882 4797
U.S.S.R. 1122 1216 208 151 145 149 195 235 -
Yugoslavia 3 15 10 01 00 00 00 22 -
India 60516 7856 122974 100250 96444 105522 78119 78975 77177
Others 48024 152291 21713 20618 21915 24220 28518 51238 19720

Total : 200311 289110 185724 165215 173183 154617 124943 148449 119161
Foreign exchange
earned (Tk. in lakh) 55307 52652 61245 57622 55629 62016 82540 94951 122732
Note : (-) Data not available
Source : Bangladesh Parjaton (Tourism) Corporation & Special Branch of Police
266 Transport and Communication
Foreign Trade 267

Chapter 8

268 Foreign Trade
Foreign Trade 269

8.01 Balance of Payments, 2017-18 to 2020-21

(Crore Taka)
Items 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Current Accounts:
a) Goods
Import (FOB) 447422.4 465793.3 429749.0 514607.6
Export (FOB) 297456.2 335633.3 280337.6 313213.4
Trade Balance (1-2) -149966.2 -130160.0 -149411.4 -201394.2
b) Services
Receipts 37062.9 50849.1 50747.8 62781.5
Payments 76200.3 79728.0 72093.8 87265.6
Net -39137.4 -28878.9 -21346.0 -24484.1
c) Income
Receipts 1035.1 3522.8 1853.9 1991.6
Payments 18647.8 20633.8 23355.0 24647.1
Secondary Income Net -17612.8 -17111.0 -21501.1 -22655.5
d) Current Transfer (Net)
Official 397.6 195.0 163.7 278.3
Private 126970.95 142465.8 158938.6 214821.5
Total: 127368.5 142660.8 159102.3 215099.8
e) Current Account -79347.8 -33489.1 -33156.2 -33434.0
Balance (a+b+c+d)
f) Capital and Financial
Account (Net)
1. Capital Account 2398.7 1955.5 2174.2 1872.5
2. Direct Investment -14874.1 -22072 -10783.7 -8201.8
3. Portfolio Investment 664.4 1609.2 -124.9 2876.0
4. Other Investment -56732.4 -20294.7 -55974.5 -119170.3
5. Reserve Assets -6402.3 -831.5 27451.9 84722.2
g) Total (1+2+3+4+5) -80344.4 -41589.3 -39431.2 -39773.9
Errors and Omissions(e+g) -3395.3 -10055.7 -8449.2 -8212.4
Source: Economic Trends, Statistics Department, Bangladesh Bank. December 2019.

8.02 Foreign Trade, 2002-03 to 2020-21

Exports Imports Balance

2002-03 33242 55918 (-)22676
2003-04 40581 64257 (-)23676
2004-05 50853 80898 (-)30060
2005-06 62601 99130 (-)36529
2006-07 78931 118478 (-)39560
2007-08 87022 148370 (-)62087
2008-09 97498 154823 (-)57325
2009-10 102148 164241 (-)62093
2010-11 144431 240028 (-)95597
2011-12 180313 280963 (-)100650
2012-13 189437 272328 (-) 82891
2013-14 213374 316572 (-)103198
2014-15 226486 315185 (-)88699
2015-16 236802 313879 (-)77077
2016-17 239656 344577 (-)104921
2017-18 267178 435041 (-)167863
2018-19 296986 471078 (-) 174092
2019-20 265308 411315 (-)146007
2020-21 299286 460765 (-)161479
Note: Export date is on fob basis; import data are on C&F/CIF bases
Source: Economic Trends. Bangladesh Bank. Complete. National Accounting Wing, BBS.
270 Foreign Trade

8.03 Value of Commodities Exported from Bangladesh by HS Section

(Million Taka)
HS Sec-
tion Commodity 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Total 2634669 3003837 3087936 3481620 2811668 3479890
1 Live Animals; Animal products 39245 47470 43238 44145 36482 42942
2 Vegetable products 16798 14298 14497 18807 22106 21800
3 Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products;
Prepared edible fats; Animal or vegetable wages 2226 4375 4031 14282 10990 16628
4 Prepared foodstuffs; Beverages, spirits and vinegar; Tobacco
and manufactured tobacco substitutes 21401 25787 36647 41817 34047 49667
5 Mineral products 23800 23570 18251 39976 14817 8449
6 Products of the chemical or allied industries 8349 11998 12486 17300 15630 24612
7 Plastics and articles thereof; rubber and articles thereof 7830 12183 10501 12927 10438 13473
Raw hides and skins, leather furskins and articles thereof;
8 saddlery
and harness; travel goods, handbags and similar containers;
of animal gut (other than silk work gut) 48860 59313 42750 34727 25898 36983
9 Wood and articles of wood; wood charccal; cork and articles of
manufactures of straw of esparto or of other plaiting materials
and wicke work 1164 1722 1761 2024 1852 403
10 Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic material; waste and
scrap of
paper or paper board; Paper and Paper Boardd and Articles 3089 5015 6273 6944 6092 9326
11 Textiles and Textile Articles 2340976 2626797 2698906 3044845 2428761 3017230
Footweare headgeare, umbrellas, sun umbrellas, walking sticks,
12 seat
sticks, whips, riding-crops and parts thereof; prepared feathers
articles make therewith; artificial flowers; articles of human hair 67563 85665 83438 93912 79231 104309
13 Articles of stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica or similar
materials; ceramic products; glass and glass ware 2814 3538 4538 6056 2553 3477
Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones,
14 precious
mestals metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof,
jewellery; coin 337 442 274 113 22 61
15 Base metals and articles of base metal 7675 11821 17641 13527 9111 19930
Machinery and mechanical appliances electrical equipment, parts
16 thereof;
sound recorders and reproducers, television image and sound
and reproducers and parts and accessories of such articles 17618 28050 50076 33464 49779 44214
17 Vehicles, arcraft vessels, and associated transport equipment 13910 21514 22176 21430 39676 34898
Optical photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking,
18 precision,
medical surgical instruments and apparatus; clocks and watches;
Musical instruments, parts and accessories thereof 4475 11499 9127 21889 9739 11150
19 Arms and Ammunition, parts and Accessories thereof 1 114 236 220 1 6764
20 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 6495 8662 10835 13103 14422 13544
21 Work of art, collectors, pieces and antiques 43 60 254 112 21 30
Note: HS=Hermonised System.Source : National Accounting Wing, BBS
Foreign Trade 271

8.04 Value of Commodities Imported into Bangladesh by HS Section

(Million Taka)
Section Commodity
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Total 3869349 4712495 5511644 5722675 5441658 6633052

1. Live Animals; Animal products 33428 29176 37134 39878 49282 51842
2. Vegetable products 251985 251326 329356 485947 378686 616037
3. Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products;
Prepared edible fats; Animal or vegetable wages 219880 224434 278256 288508 252510 305645
4. Prepared foodstuffs; Beverages, spirits and vinegar; Tobacco
and manufactured tobacco substitutes 108529 113786 163707 165396 148342 232775
5. Mineral products 491726 474909 639023 730614 856353 1319083
6. Products of the chemical or allied industries 300797 312764 322718 374634 430455 516426

7. Plastics and articles thereof; rubber and articles thereof 168678 162680 202769 222317 253308 306208
8. Raw hides and skins, leather furskins and articles thereof; saddlery
of animal gut (other than silk work gut) 14994 16426 19661 20862 19667 16604
9. Wood and articles of wood; wood charccal; cork and articles of
and wicke work 8438 23864 11719 13153 11746 10744
10. Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic material; waste and
scrap of
paper or paper board; Paper and Paper Boardd and Articles
66273 68329 78168 95989 103927 96372
11. Textiles and Textile Articles 898142 960128 1051265 1199867 1277337 1296116
12. Footweare headgeare, umbrellas, sun umbrellas, walking sticks,
seat sticks, whips, riding-crops and parts thereof; prepared
feathers and articles make therewith;artificial flowers; articles of
12301 13253 18550 19374 21708 21096
human hair
13. Articles of stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica or similar
materials; ceramic products; glass and glass ware 13187 15794 22140 22341 27794 34461
14. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones,
preciousmestals metals clad with precious metal and
articles thereof, imitation jewellery; coin 629 587 1064 697 679 1322
15. Base metals and articles of base metal 269603 275145 340540 417352 464054 482801
16. Machinery and mechanical appliances electrical equipment, parts
thereof;sound recorders and reproducers, television image and
sound recorders and reproducers and parts and accessories of
such articles 568986 646636 754457 979686 967988 920389
17. Vehicles, arcraft vessels, and associated transport equipment 186736 197803 322866 300724 348965 294750
18. Optical photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking,
medical surgical instruments and apparatus; clocks and watches;
Musical instruments, parts and accessories thereof 24803 38338 49715 57879 57011 52543
19. Arms and Ammunition, parts and Accessories thereof 4593 14289 29227 34461 8686 11896
20. Miscellaneous manufactured articles 26940 29623 40053 41623 44093 45181
21. Work of art, collectors, pieces and antiques 54 58 108 342 84 761
Note: HS=Hermonised System.
Source : National Accounting Wing, BBS
272 Foreign Trade

8.05 Export and Import of Commodities by Broad Economic Categories

(Million Taka)
Country Export Import

2016-17 2017-18 2019-20 2020-21 2016-17 2017-18 2019-20 2020-21

Total : 3003837 3087936 2811668 3479890 5511644 5722675 5441658 6633052

Food and beverages 82210 89323 86099 104156 874550 736265 830565 1015134
Unprocessed for Industry 2345 2223 2420 3705 311812 199553 250782 306191
Unprocessed for household 47770 44387 37836 47031 135854 140667 159091 193743
Processed for Industry 4346 9866 7800 8287 378016 340759 364556 457919
Processed for household 27749 32846 38043 45132 48868 55285 56136 57280

Industrial Supplies N.E.S. 187765 197824 186858 268891 2606699 2891461 2721316 3131577
Primary 33187 34070 32549 48194 544800 610141 595576 716122
Processed 154579 163754 154309 220697 2061899 2281320 2125740 2415456

Fuel and Lubricants 22115 16839 1852 2063 589471 678892 699482 1079563
Primary 3 1 263 231 53993 74399 105020 263354
Processed Motor spirit - - - - - - - -
Processed other 22112 16838 1589 1832 535477 604492 594462 816209

Machinery & other capital equipment 32421 54160 61679 67071 969520 949539 753225 932184
Machinery & other capital equipment 24659 45151 55971 57425 816226 753928 577740 643848
Parts and accessories 7762 9009 5708 153294 195611 175485 288336

Transport equipment & accessories 24546 19820 34483 23435 258981 274151 256982 262295
Passenger motor cars 300 67 3495 1443 38953 40175 38013 37172
Other Industrial 7279 4829 18958 2883 89899 117079 113730 72942
Other Non-Industrial 10284 7311 6845 11216 25773 22605 10814 10035
Other parts and accessories 6682 7613 5185 7893 104355 94292 94425 142146

Consumer goods N.E.S. 2654651 2707948 2440677 3013803 183932 185152 168560 200888
Durable 3195 3339 3697 5626 23465 19543 17221 19590
Semi-durable 1993885 2032993 1835028 2214714 53363 57270 57465 72319
Non-durable 657571 671616 601951 193462 107104 108340 93875 108979

Goods N.E.S. 129 2023 20 472 28491 7216 115282 11412

Source : National Accounting Wing, BBS
Foreign Trade 273

8.06 Exports by Major Institutional Accounts

(Million Taka)
Account 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Value % Value % Value % Value % Value % value % value %
Govt 2253 - 24923 - 43 - 36 - 78 - 399 - 496 -
Others (govt) 6032 - 22483 - 23377 - 16837 - 31439 - 12468 - 4998 -
Nationalised - - - - - - - - - - - - -
industires - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Corporation of
Private 2400565 - 2587262 - 2980417 - 3071063 - 3393321 - 2798801 - 3474396 -
Total : 2408850 - 2634668 - 3003837 - 3087936 - 3481620 - - - 3479890 -
Source : National Accounting Wing, BBS

8.07 Imports by Major Institutional Accounts

(Million Taka)
Account 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Value % Value % Value % Value % Value % Value % Value %

Govt 23116 - 3958 - 10055 - 32413 - 6610 - 23357 - 30895 -

Others (govt) 384316 - 354000 - 546387 - 535096 - 505243 - 616065 - 806558 -
industires - - - - - - - - - - -
Corporation of
Private 3263270 - 3511391 - 4156053 - 4944135 - 5210822 - 4802236 - 5795599 -
Total : 3670702 - 3869349 - 4712495 - 5511644 - 5722675 - - - 6633052 -
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS

8.08 Import and Export by Sea, Air, Land

Year Import Export

Sea Air land Total Sea Air land Total
2003-04 622890 - 7473 630363 433514 3578 6 437098
2004-05 763191 - 6763 769954 532831 - - 532831
2005-06 957874 - 4471 962345 691950 - - 691950
2006-07 1113534 - 5130 1116884 842082 - 8227 850309
2007-08 1208707 181939 106076 1496722 809614 152655 23662 985931
2009-10 1523900 - 270424 1794324 281127 - 853462 1134589
2010-11 2167223 - 492182 2659405 374353 - 1255380 162973322
2011-12 2512150 - 430660 2942710 413622 - 1348666 1762288
2012-13 2526169 - 618121 3144200 549833 - 1718774 2268607
2013-14 2484208 - 338102 2822310 1207709 - 914893 2122602
2014-15 3492880 - 177822 3670702 2376477 - 32373 2408850
2015-16 3704228 - 165121 3869349 2603710 - 30958 2634668
2016-17 4547015 - 165480 4712495 2970013 - 33824 3003837
2017-18 5198361 - 312283 5511644 3055231 - 32705 3087936
2018-19 5404720 - 317955 5722675 3446718 - 34901 3481619
2019-20 5128752 - 312906 5441658 2766288 - 45380 2811668
2020-21 6137847 - 495206 6633052 3439963 - 39927 3479890
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS
274 Foreign Trade

8.09 Export Price (F.O.B.) Per Unit of Selected Commodities

Commodity Unit 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Raw Jute M. Ton 147533 53282 52800 48696 52922 48696 69998
Jute manufacture M. Ton 86325 105601 46864 8072 84093 87313 116459
Woven Fabric of Jute
(a) Hessian M. Ton - - - - - - -
(b) Sacking M. Ton - - - - - - -
© Carpet backing cloth M. Ton - - - - - - -
Tea kg 137 277 158 264 361 264 192
Newsprint M. Ton 41789 209954 201727 49699 52271 - 58241
Frozen Shrimp M. Ton 881 470 900 923 782 923 855170
Frog Legs fresh/frozen M. Ton - s - - - - -
Source : National Accounting Wing, BBS

8.10 Import Price (C.I.F.) Per Unit of Selected Commodities

Commodity Unit 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Rice M. Ton 29421 31053 34400 35433 32493 35433 36308
Wheat M. Ton 22259 18155 17389 19920 22362 19920 24086
Raw Cotton M. Ton 241624 201803 148958 163896 9159 163895 175603
Soyabean oil M. Ton 66414 56924 63567 65714 59166 65714 79004
Cotton yarn Kg. 291 262 284 299 9159 299 297
Cement M. Ton 4797 42763 4063 4230 4431 4230 4263
Pig iron M. Ton 32982 19332 24831 30730 33380 33195 42581
Kerosene oil M. Ton 40016 40348 40629 42051 42793 4205 43405
Steel billets M. Ton - - - - - -
Source : National Accounting Wing, BBS

8.11 Exports by Type of Commodities

(Million Taka)
Type of goods Period and percentage
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
% % Value % Value % Value % Value % Value %

Consumer 2431758 - 2742563 - 2799366 - 3165488 - 2524550 - 3118774 -

Materials for
consumption 18219 - 228906 - 238082 - 269654 - 208676 - 298894 -
Capital goods 14558 - 31939 - 48399 - 40574 - 74927 - 60308 -
Materials for
capital goods 133 - 429 - 2089 - 5904 - 3515 - 1914 -

Total 2634668 - 3003837 - 3087936 - 3481620 - 2811668 - 3479890 -

Source : National Accounting Wing, BBS
8.12 Imports by Type of Commodities
(Million Taka)
Type of goods Period and percentage
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
% % Value % Value % Value % Value % Value %
Consumer goods 373556 - 512090 - 888037 - 568881 - 540221 - 690414 -
Materials for
consumption 2879457 - 3406441 - 3716874 - 4235415 - 4160831 - 5177557 -
Capital goods 575570 - 732215 - 844755 - 870972 - 691419 - 707580 -
Materials for
capital goods 40766 - 61669 - 61978 - 47407 - 49187 - 57501 -

Total 3869349 - 4712495 - 5511644 - 5722675 - 5441658 - 6633052 -

Source : National Accounting Wing, BBS
8.13 Export as a Percentage of Import
(Million US$)
Year Exports Imports Export as a percentage to
2016-17 34846.8 43540.8 80.03
2017-18 36668.2 52939.6 69.26
2018-19 40535.0 56060.8 72.31
2019-20 33674.1 48699.8 69.15
Source: Export Promotion Bureau, Bangladesh Bank
Foreign Trade 275

8.14 Unit Price Index of Exports

(Base Year: 1988-89=100) and (2002-03 = 100)
Commodity Unit 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

General Index - 827.02 1287.19 1284.88 1198.36 1205.16 882.41 777.47

Shrimp & Prawn Kg. 163.78 158.82 160.76 164.93 139.63 164.83 152.16

Tea Kg. 190.71 385.21 219.52 367.14 501.49 367.14 266.53

Naptha Liter 447.73 470.07 392.28 436.21 531.71 436.21 -

Fertilizer Kg. 4544.28 47057.97 47057.14 39394.41 36381.55 9861.84 9864.29

Leathers, Hide & Skins Kg. 300.74 291.29 289.87 305.71 218.72 305.71 140.66

Raw Jute Kg. 339.52 380.59 377.15 347.83 378.01 347.83 499.98

Jute goods Kg. 1224.91 264.05 280.00 291.24 1163.38 291.24 354.55
Source : National Accounting Wing, BBS

8.15 Unit Price Index of Selected Imported Commodities

(Base Year: 1988-89 = 100) and (Base Year : 2002-03 = 100)
Commodity Unit 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

General Index - 722.36 1079.42 1282.85 1307.75 1250.66 1206.78

Wheat Kg. 201.95 193.43 221.58 248.74 221.58 267.92

Rice Kg. 222.29 246.24 253.64 232.59 253.64 259.90

Milk & Cream Kg. 121.27 134.72 143.04 136.99 143.04 153.07

Pulses Kg. 192.34 173.66 165.04 144.61 165.04 171.70

Spices Kg. 268.18 251.96 322.94 302.83 295.58 324.28

Edible oil Kg. 216.98 247.40 251.00 221.32 251.00 311.52

Sugar Kg. 206.58 206.58 206.58 206.58 206.58 147.77

Crude oil (Petrol) M.T. 368.70 368.60 381.47 388.03 381.47 373.49

Petroleum Products M.T. 382.05 378.20 400.89 407.35 400.89 390.69

Raw Cotton M.T. 1161.05 1877.27 206.00 115.11 206.00 220.72

Cement M.T. 189.17 179.65 24205.31 19576.53 18718.33 18761.06

Fertilizer M.T. 417.47 338.86 381.25 472.66 381.25 434.66

Iron & Steel M.T. 157.48 177.61 207.44 214.81 207.44 217.59

Commodity terms of trade *

Note: Commodity terms of trade is obtained by dividing unit price index of export (General) by unit price index of imports
(General) multiplied by 100.
Source : National Accounting Wing, BBS
276 Foreign Trade

8.16 Direction of Export and Import by Areas and Countries

(Million Taka)

Category Export Import

2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
North America :
Canada 95728 92213 112619 75601 102844 60384 5036 66488 90393 100890
Greenland - - - - - - - - - -
U.S.A. 505413 492383 579047 458432 607092 108834 156566 187059 238511 195837
North America n.s. 601141 584596 691666 533943 709936 169217 206931 253547 328904 296727
Central America :
Bahamas - - - - - - 6 8 - -
Barbados - 4 - 1 4 6 3 13 28 40
Barmuda 10 9 9 5 3 - - - - -
British Honduras - - - - - - - - - -
Elsalvador 185 307 407 223 380 - - - 5 104
Costarica 293 365 353 220 371 18 104 27 91 141
Grenada 2 4 2 2 4 - - 1 - 7
Honduras 107 163 113 112 146 442 339 203 69 191

Cuba 26 58 64 51 18 15 - - - -
Dominican Republic 201 345 414 356 510 297 344 100 144 281
French West Indies - - - - - - - - - -
Guatemala 82 141 150 143 250 1388 1820 1761 1186 1594
Jamaica 10 154 127 96 163 24 16 - 1 -
Mexico 12232 13454 18482 13603 15941 712 958 951 1209 1118
Dominica 5 12 - 6 4 55 2 - 14 11
Haiti 41 6 20 - 7 3 574 - 1 31
Netherlands Antilles 13 - - - - 2 3 207 - -
Nicaragua 56 129 59 79 97 8 14 - 5 -
Panama - - - 83 - - - - - 97
Trinidad and Tobago 79 57 43 16390 224 97 110 - 15
Central America n.s. 14738 16270 21748 29157 18122 7990 11699 187059 7497 3615
South America :
Argentina 794 1475 1715 1064 664 97020 89764 92279 301129 110707
Bolivia 51 104 124 52 332 30 10 70 88343 -
Brazil 9929 14523 14740 8821 8414 126433 135093 145222 197248 235063
Chile 5539 7078 10102 8115 8094 1468 2607 4118 5084 2869
Colombia 1329 3433 4015 2860 3180 137 346 106 142 126
Ecuador 162 156 156 121 199 370 88 266 44 33
Falkland Islands - - - - - - - - - -
French Guyana - - - 3 - - - - - -
Guyana 4 6 2 22 36 - 40 43 33 46
Paraguya 93 82 126 88 299 11104 15996 5283 2244 4279
Peru 2795 3515 5230 4660 4281 388 291 278 3796 2053
Surinam 10 16 36 13 14 754 1235 957 1384 1230
Uruguay 456 16 1371 3130 1827 4915 449 815 2345 3877
Venezuela 21 958 26 208 597 6 21 377 466 105
South America n.s. 21183 31383 37643 - 27937 242626 245938 249815 - 360383

Europe :
(a) E.E.C. countries :
Belgium 80107 71964 79530 54510 61525 16831 22681 24666 21456 18714
France 164781 164743 187349 129727 173013 19877 15467 25511 15939 20735
Italy 130299 128537 138347 98799 119667 50701 67331 69372 50283 42508
Foreign Trade 277

8.16 Direction of Export and Import by Areas and Countries

(Million Taka)
Category Export Import
2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Luxemburg - 24 - 56 77 913 438 342 376 222
Netherlands 92899 100109 107530 82202 112314 23444 30897 25321 25672 29621
Germany - 489033 521442 379452 528060 - 102403 104365 87056 62477
U.K. 308430 327434 350600 255589 328914 29161 33378 38277 74732 29478

(b) EFTA (excl. U.K.) :

Austria 5662 3017 3756 - 4771 6251 7508 8347 7077 7914
Denmark 60992 56965 61456 49470 77535 13293 13133 13361 11516 12018
Finland 2820 2748 - 2654 3281 4149 21035 18482 - 10975
Liechtenstein - - - - - 913 722 549 109 -
Norway 10295 7948 8519 5022 7227 1312 8944 4759 2804 3580
Portugal 7044 7198 8953 6331 6907 1244 1306 1426 1059 1438
Sweden 46852 47547 58500 44447 57333 8427 11045 8248 11201 9264
Switzerland 10348 7728 9234 5990 7538 24733 41509 41665 43904 43702
San Marino - - - - - 151 151 115 87 57

(c) Others :
Gibraltar - - - - - 11 3 38 19 -
Greece 3346 4753 4351 3177 4061 2730 3067 4787 5502 5529
Iceland - - - - - - - - - -
Monaco - 1 2 1 - 20 - 28 6 49
Malta and Gozo 298 513 1072 597 74 149 1513 98 202 116
Spain 176136 201842 214662 162189 214777 16322 18669 27219 19449 16726
Western Europe n.s. 1592780 1639185 1776931 - 1724799 287593 382706 404761 - 306777

Eastern Europe : 159507 177836 214954 - 238860 220091 159959 162673 - 200101
Albania 85 53 75 37 49 4 4 - - -
Bulgaria 259 257 408 175 253 2505 2611 2581 3512 3173
Czechoslovakia 31104 40402 42194 14999 20228 1952 2662 2671 2449 2166
German D.R. - - - - - - - - - -
Hungary 540 528 983 1506 512 431 781 1401 678 899
Byelorussia - - - - 131256 - - - - 15167
Poland 70767 79292 106970 86289 2624 7519 7487 5303 5580 5104
Rumania 1564 2290 1929 1407 60614 234 1849 1301 2292 2142
U.S.S.R. - 40166 46539 1573 - - - 83645 - 128124
Yugoslavia - - - - - - - - - -
Eastern Europe n.s. 2065 1768 2141 1573 2599 39844 32799 35167 43806 25720
(a) Asian countries :
Afghanistan 396 573 526 438 766 - 12 18 49 121
Bahrain 560 571 643 700 633 4507 2512 1234 1509 762
Cyprus 406 399 499 460 529 110 48 358 2030 776
Iraq 103 107 155 242 342 28 300 1007 954 5139
Iran 3117 2947 1488 1303 1688 455 220 65 139 37

278 Foreign Trade

8.16 Direction of Export and Import by Areas and Countries

(Million Taka)
Cateogry Export Import
2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Jordan 756 1003 821 1956 1957 817 1297 953 2569 4138
Kuwait 1967 1993 2825 1739 2525 88525 107255 97349 53425 1622
Lebanon 1000 879 891 509 504 734 1981 2143 2978 21
Oman 1982 2165 2497 1796 2411 11691 11960 20621 43782 80754
Pakistan 5139 6072 19523 3785 7617 51985 63997 67782 67254 63551
Qatar 2209 3206 3963 2557 4656 13999 38047 67589 108060 113770
Saudi Arabia 15928 16866 21005 20136 23052 63299 68496 72221 93943 185159
Yemen 218 343 336 242 597 56 43 77 48 54
Middle East :
Syria 26 98 67 16 40 - - 9 - -
Turkey 52966 43372 340400 31854 44476 28192 33671 38858 33643 43088
United Arab Emirat 27637 29247 38597 44595 106722 127499 118557 236859
Middle East n.s. - - - - 89111 - - - - 279947
(b) African countries :
Djibouti 319 97 120 81 69 198 - 143 141 43
Ethiopia 401 578 1211 1071 1225 67 208 182 23 83
French Somaliland - - - - - - - - - -
Liby 54 93 - 79 133 1 - 2 4 2
Somalia 1106 1265 1460 882 1525 4 - - - -
Sudan 6615 4111 985 965 3990 2 56 1229 60 1422
U.A.R. (Egypt) - - - - - - - - - -

African countries (excl.M.E.)

---Algeria 626 461 504 396 522 127 249 244 345 538
Angola 98 41 108 23 31 - 7 23 193 -
Cameroon - - - - -
Burundi 59 42 64 48 86 - 4 - - -
Central African Rep. - - 5 1290 - - 81 173 118 72
Chad - 1 2 5 24 2874 3034 2263 776 1670
Congo Dem. Rep. 211 372 5551 138 463 - 134 81 - 4
Congo Rep. - - - - - - - - 1545 -
Dahomey (Benin) 121 141 123 91 82 2490 11666 10821 188878 21110
Gambia 435 52 121 63 128 4 38 134 189 85
Gabon 3 16 42 26 99 345 869 1023 1206 1087
Ghana 149 226 857 196 470 80 248 218 299 320
Guinea 198 183 129 129 136 31 87 - 55 134
Guinea Bissau 99 80 131 88 165 - - 9160 - -
Ivory Coast 1180 1439 1264 1297 1963 5105 5201 1594 8820 10244
Kenya 914 4 1373 1129 1737 627 957 - 642 735
Lesotho 6 157 16 8 11 - - 13477 - -
Liberia 91 126 111 55 151 9 8763 49 9792 25629
Malagasy(Madagascar) 5 18 85 54 247 372 67 429 11 66
Malawi - - 28 11 14 - - - 242 -
Foreign Trade 279

8.16 Direction of Export and Import by Areas and Countries

(Million Taka)
Cateogry Export Import

2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Mali 137 2103 146 96 779 7319 9302 10459 9287 5609
Mauritania 73 82 109 40 86 - - 20 48 11
Mauritious 357 524 448 490 1183 1383 1789 2511 1955 1396
Morocco 1390 1525 2325 1684 2968 8003 9998 12929 11082 31432
Mozambique 32 36 76 72 29 681 1503 211 183 467
Niger 6 25 65 41 148 1 - 8 44 1
Nigeria 316 421 460 356 742 209 335 392 713 467
Reunion Islands 19 14 26 50 47 - - 1 - -
Rhodesia (Zimbabue) 5 30 9 16 32 40 279 606 372 135
Senegal 1727 155 205 174 326 1503 5025 2437 2898 4560
South Africa 5970 6947 9805 185608 9938 1372 19679 21584 18311 18321
Rwanda 68 10 9 3 17 - - - - 10
Seychelles 34 53 52 22 25 29 52 76 98 600
Sierra Leane 65 77 73 70 183 136 190 639 193 403
Swaziland 104 24 90 57 80 2316 2878 2877 4600 10065
Tanzania - - - 226 451 - - - 2161 1159
African countries :
Togo 32 6 68 29 37 1858 1777 2083 1941 4376
Tunisia 573 576 451 549 588 8007 9643 8395 7555 8220
Uganda 3308 3841 3373 2426 4864 5801 6496 9277 7303 11115
Upper Volta (Burkino Faso) 155 249 277 142 318 4216 6853 5823 6160 5928
Zambia 9 7 6 8 78 358 293 825 283 249
Asian countries (excl. M.E.)
(a) India 56213 76173 107101 88645 114558 573555 776828 752048 656981 1059725
Nepal 2481 3734 3252 3536 5843 669 1124 1580 894 545
`584 9639
272 360 637 299 - 4348 6306 9397 7616 -
(b) Ofther Asian countries (excl. - - - - 2807 - - - - 11427
F.E.) 1886 1768 2735 2535 8815 5350 22995 124914 15463 282766
3926 5043 5117 4032 27302 192771 248801 245289 254994 231221
Bhutan 18072 19526 24070 17540 526 157269 212229 218278 219741 629
Brunei 251 442 563 364 6478 831 3429 3947 189 2476
Myanmar 3917 3863 6230 - - 1912 - - 4560 -
Indonesia 27454 - - 15185 37514 458468 1925 48343 421190 558612
Malaysia 27454 19726 22732 7895 4328 458468 475440 17744 15900 22318
Maldive Islands 4120 2610 3965 3528 4172 94662 123267 105618 89696 93956
Philippines 226140 4839 4485 143559 212343 1711887 1883055 1850336 1682662 2273314
South East Asia n.s.
280 Foreign Trade

8.16 Direction of Export and Import by Areas and Countries

(Million Taka)
Cateogry Export Import
2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

(c) Far East :

Cambodia 504 466 814 819 1384 75 208 145 130 332
China 80754 77348 74378 66455 71418 1023760 1181249 1291540 1123512 1350427
Taiwan 5008 5611 5220 6285 100963 106305 113629 96591
Hong Kong 23521 26081 16566 11092 14424 239802 243940 262087 216361 265785
Japan 85926 106602 121176 92045 104366 157461 175552 159105 179697 204027
Laos 16 61 37 49 49 5 7 221 85 8
Mongolia 57 44 44 73 123 - 4 - 74 -
Korea D.P.R. 27 9 8 27 16 11 17 14 10 21
Vietnam 5671 4613 4728 17252 6279 68873 93746 68977 76071 100149
Korea Rep. 20376 - - 25489 37977 125594 - - - 121526

Oceania :
Australia 56618 58511 67669 49387 71749 65979 69977 53278 60874 64971
Fiji 180 166 235 181 275 - 34 49 72 66
New Zealand 6129 6852 7716 5987 9055 16677 19217 22076 23268 24006
New Island NZ - - - - - - - - - -
Papua-New Guinea 307 234 126 92 389 573 817 747 792 717
Tonga 40 8 7 12 11 - - 26 - -
Oceania n.s. - - - - 127171 - - - - 127445
Other country 56545 52423 3177 46027 45692 33400 34251 39079 34000 37685

Note : (-) negligible.

Source : National Accounting Wing, BBS
Foreign Trade 281

8.17 Direction of Export by SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional

Co-Operation) Countries by Broad Commodities
(Value in '000' Taka)
Sec.No. Commodity 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Total 5139166 6071777 19522708 3780627 7575889
1. Live Animals; Animal products - - 778 - 8
2. Vegetable products 230511 2735 70995 128324 182621
3. Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products;
Prepared edible fats; Animal or vegetable wages - 107739 - - -
4. Prepared foodstuffs; Beverages, spirits and vinegar; Tobacco
and manufactured tobacco substitutes 202018 351252 412550 364951 221972
5. Mineral products - - - - -
6. Products of the chemical or allied industries 199699 246951 227722 251036 659250
7. Plastics and articles thereof; rubber and articles thereof 34540 30517 54783 32935 118780
8. Raw hides and skins, leather furskins and articles thereof;
saddlery and harness; travel goods, handbags and similar
containers; articles of animal gut (other than silk work gut) 35887 9212 15961 26907 31311
9. Wood and articles of wood; wood charccal; cork and articles of
cork; manufactures of straw of esparto or of other plaiting
materials basketware and wicke work - - - - -
10. Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic material; waste and scrap of
paper or paper board; Paper and Paper Boardd and Articles thereof 27414 43009 60254 49388 24033
11. Textiles and Textile Articles 4118019 5047642 3703905 2562155 5957243
12. Footweare headgeare, umbrellas, sun umbrellas, walking sticks,
seat sticks, whips, riding-crops and parts thereof; prepared feathers
and articles make therewith; artificial flowers; articles of human hair 24888 17175 19981 30770 47550
13. Articles of stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica or similar
materials; ceramic products; glass and glass ware 3401 - - 4 321
14. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones,
preciousmestals metals clad with precious metal and articles
thereof, imitation jewellery; coin - - - - -
15. Base metals and articles of base metal 71557 81823 36275 20529 14103
16. Machinery and mechanical appliances electrical equipment,
parts thereof; sound recorders and reproducers, television image &
recorders and reproducers and parts and accessories of such articles 39748 19134 3541556 37407 106199
17. Vehicles, arcraft vessels, and associated transport equipment - - 143434 280 748
18. Optical photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking,
precision, medical surgical instruments and apparatus; clocks
and watches; Musical instruments, parts and accessories thereof 15465 14113 11158893 229 5597
19. Arms and Ammunition, parts and Accessories thereof - - 1 - -
20. Miscellaneous manufactured articles 133711 96503 74670 275290 205883
21. Work of art, collectors, pieces and antiques 2308 3969 951 423 273
282 Foreign Trade

8.17 Direction of Export by SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional

Co-Operation) Countries by Broad Commodities
(Value in '000' Taka)
Sec. Commodity
No. 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Total 56166414 76172584 107101238 88479027 114497912

1. Live Animals; Animal products 1125385 2312969 2384653 3101318 6974048

2. Vegetable products 456060 613483 353814 55893 80990
3. Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products;
Prepared edible fats; Animal or vegetable waxes 3269617 3256822 13460609 9757470 15058135
4. Prepared foodstuffs; Beverages, spirits and vinegar; Tobacco
and manufactured tobacco substitutes 2628432 3936619 5384852 3105263 4880035
5. Mineral products 1880938 1504812 2363065 710804 14666910
6. Products of the chemical or allied industries 1203800 2230194 3634026 2446777 3438869
7. Plastics and articles thereof; rubber and articles thereof 911633 2422229 3387354 1884496 1507647
8. Raw hides and skins, leather furskins and articles thereof;
saddlery and harness; travel goods, handbags and similar
containers; articles of animal gut (other than silk work gut) 1237271 1287411 2681473 2922439 4086044

9. Wood and articles of wood; wood charccal; cork and articles of

manufactures of straw of esparto or of other plaiting materials
basketware and wicke work 23269 6104 17709 27785 86902
10. Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic material; waste and
scrap of
paper or paper board; Paper and Paper Boardd and Articles 311568 717806 679871 425724 446499
11. Textiles and Textile Articles 30336458 42668376 63266261 50479474 61553537
12. Footweare headgeare, umbrellas, sun umbrellas, walking sticks,
sticks, whips, riding-crops and parts thereof; prepared feathers
articles make therewith; artificial flowers; articles of human hair 795725 970383 1420945 1490869 3137208
13. Articles of stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica or similar
materials; ceramic products; glass and glass ware 161736 147191 130326 90698 432468
14. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones,
precious mestals metals clad with precious metal and
articles thereof, imitation jewellery; coin 22894 7415 - - -

15. Base metals and articles of base metal 5603142 7725837 5362863 3289258 5739435
16. Machinery and mechanical appliances electrical equipment, parts
thereof; sound recorders and reproducers, television image and
recorders and reproducers and parts and accessories of such 4060524 38951010 1643061 1748659 4086082
17. Vehicles, arcraft vessels, and associated transport equipment 923544 1566149 594981 5974914 630239
18. Optical photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking,
precision, medical surgical instruments and apparatus; clocks
and watches; Musical instruments, parts and accessories 1102220 696935 594981 737572 443022
19. Arms and Ammunition, parts and Accessories thereof - - - - 1243
20. Miscellaneous manufactured articles 108465 195935 255611 229114 442353
21. Work of art, collectors, pieces and antiques 3733 10804 1307 499 6247
Foreign Trade 283

8.17 Direction of Export by SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional

Co-Operation) Countries by Broad Commodities
(Value in '000' Taka)
Sec.No. Commodity 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Total 272261 359600 635551 299003 584245

1. Live Animals; Animal products - 1747 639 226 -

2. Vegetable products 15966 819 3184 648 7527
3. Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products; - - - - -
Prepared edible fats; Animal or vegetable wages
4. Prepared foodstuffs; Beverages, spirits and vinegar; Tobacco
and manufactured tobacco substitutes 135828 168893 173571 111259 167894
5. Mineral products - 45775 132877 72936 177775
6. Products of the chemical or allied industries 25229 426010 231856 44038 45639
7. Plastics and articles thereof; rubber and articles thereof 30480 31575 24500 15046 22841
8. Raw hides and skins, leather furskins and articles thereof; saddlery
and harness; travel goods, handbags and similar containers; articles
of animal gut (other than silk work gut) - - - 100 -
9. Wood and articles of wood; wood charccal; cork and articles of cork;
manufactures of straw of esparto or of other plaiting materials
basketware and wicke work - - 274 - -
10. Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic material; waste and scrap of
paper or paper board; Paper and Paper Boardd and Articles thereof - 371 - 1144 3517
11. Textiles and Textile Articles 35351 32900 37721 28194 73159
12. Footweare headgeare, umbrellas, sun umbrellas, walking sticks, seat
sticks, whips, riding-crops and parts thereof; prepared feathers and
articles make therewith; artificial flowers; articles of human hair - - - 103 308
13. Articles of stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica or similar
materials; ceramic products; glass and glass ware 1451 4423 81 - 4133
14. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious
mestals metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof, imitation
jewellery; coin - - - - -
15. Base metals and articles of base metal 20000 14902 138700 12380 44302
16. Machinery and mechanical appliances electrical equipment, parts
sound recorders and reproducers, television image and sound
and reproducers and parts and accessories of such articles 2742 4385 2100 901 351
17. Vehicles, arcraft vessels, and associated transport equipment 1668 - 3180 - -
18. Optical photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking, precision,
medical surgical instruments and apparatus; clocks and watches;
Musical instruments, parts and accessories thereof - - - - -
19. Arms and Ammunition, parts and Accessories thereof - - - - -
20. Miscellaneous manufactured articles 3546 11201 11698 12026 36801
21. Work of art, collectors, pieces and antiques - - - - -
284 Foreign Trade

8.17 Direction of Export by SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional

Co-Operation) Countries by Broad Commodities
(Value in '000' Taka)
Sec.No. Commodity 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Total 250600 442260 563423 363852 519393
1. Live Animals; Animal products 20158 55826 69958 29295 19657
2. Vegetable products 17907 16632 35557 165301 161781
3. Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products;
Prepared edible fats; Animal or vegetable waxes 6156 108 521 220 3436
4. Prepared foodstuffs; Beverages, spirits and vinegar; Tobacco
and manufactured tobacco substitutes 141349 124628 251181 110849 208348
5. Mineral products - - - 897 -
6. Products of the chemical or allied industries 21430 29312 22141 27564 52890
7. Plastics and articles thereof; rubber and articles thereof 6376 8868 2806 1341 1113
8. Raw hides and skins, leather furskins and articles thereof; saddlery
and harness; travel goods, handbags and similar containers; articles
of animal gut (other than silk work gut) - - 9 - -
9. Wood and articles of wood; wood charccal; cork and articles of cork;
manufactures of straw of esparto or of other plaiting materials
and wicke work 214 - - 2705 183
10. Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic material; waste and scrap of
paper or paper board; Paper and Paper Boardd and Articles thereof - 3 1456 1371 16
11. Textiles and Textile Articles 30738 191753 129825 16462 42124
12. Footweare headgeare, umbrellas, sun umbrellas, walking sticks, seat
sticks, whips, riding-crops and parts thereof; prepared feathers and
articles make therewith; artificial flowers; articles of human hair 223 152 37 - 337
13. Articles of stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica or similar
materials; ceramic products; glass and glass ware 372 - 139 26 -
14. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious
mestals metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof,
imitation jewellery; coin - - - - -
15. Base metals and articles of base metal 956 505 464 17 520
16. Machinery and mechanical appliances electrical equipment, parts
sound recorders and reproducers, television image and sound
and reproducers and parts and accessories of such articles 4217 14233 21522 4908 28890
17. Vehicles, arcraft vessels, and associated transport equipment 239 238 27807 177 -
18. Optical photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking, precision,
medical surgical instruments and apparatus; clocks and watches;
Musical instruments, parts and accessories thereof - - - - 34
19. Arms and Ammunition, parts and Accessories thereof - - - - -
20. Miscellaneous manufactured articles 265 - - 2718 63
21. Work of art, collectors, pieces and antiques - - - - -
Foreign Trade 285

8.17 Direction of Export by SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional

Co-Operation) Countries by Broad Commodities
(Value in '000' Taka)
Sec.No Commodity
. 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Total 2481296 3734049 3252348 3522280 5826356
1. Live Animals; Animal products 8186 9832 23298 9025 9591
2. Vegetable products 3426 175844 18835 1521248 647585
3. Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products;
Prepared edible fats; Animal or vegetable wages - 2098 57840 30951 135772
4. Prepared foodstuffs; Beverages, spirits and vinegar; Tobacco
and manufactured tobacco substitutes 979396 1646178 896387 200426 2226964
5. Mineral products 65400 70611 66081 25213 41031
6. Products of the chemical or allied industries 212770 282120 369150 243182 1039937
7. Plastics and articles thereof; rubber and articles thereof 28579 41564 53112 18447 65552
8. Raw hides and skins, leather furskins and articles thereof;
saddlery and harness; travel goods, handbags and similar
containers; articlesof animal gut (other than silk work gut) - - 272 100 167
9. Wood and articles of wood; wood charccal; cork and articles of
manufactures of straw of esparto or of other plaiting materials
basketware and wicke work - - - - -
10. Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic material; waste and
scrap of
paper or paper board; Paper and Paper Boardd and Articles 28018 195536 285098 147305 114368
11. Textiles and Textile Articles 775871 848368 819745 889808 915719
12. Footweare headgeare, umbrellas, sun umbrellas, walking sticks,
sticks, whips, riding-crops and parts thereof; prepared feathers
articles make therewith; artificial flowers; articles of human hair 2214 2285 3934 2456 9559
13. Articles of stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica or similar
materials; ceramic products; glass and glass ware 656 631 5572 43058 63655
14. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones,
mestals metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof,
jewellery; coin - - - - -
15. Base metals and articles of base metal 962 1708 2034 6240 1246
16. Machinery and mechanical appliances electrical equipment,
thereof; sound recorders and reproducers, television image and
recorders and reproducers and parts and accessories of such 345077 298151 509978 318760 514883
17. Vehicles, arcraft vessels, and associated transport equipment 11966 121610 81004 41520 12950
18. Optical photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking,
medical surgical instruments and apparatus; clocks and watches;
Musical instruments, parts and accessories thereof 15 2 2374 8266 9159
19. Arms and Ammunition, parts and Accessories thereof - - - - -
20. Miscellaneous manufactured articles 18262 37306 57573 15262 16619
21. Work of art, collectors, pieces and antiques 500 200 61 1014 89
286 Foreign Trade

8.17 Direction of Export by SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional

Co-Operation) Countries by Broad Commodities
(Value in '000' Taka)
HS 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Sec.No Commodity
Total 3600046 2610094 3964988 7895387 4328260
1. Live Animals; Animal products - - - - -
2. Vegetable products 202642 121792 960049 10770 350153
3. Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products;
Prepared edible fats; Animal or vegetable wages - - - - -
4. Prepared foodstuffs; Beverages, spirits and vinegar; Tobacco
and manufactured tobacco substitutes 8496 19320 58458 10301 69586
5. Mineral products 5335 - 14448 - -
6. Products of the chemical or allied industries 139078 134314 1770389 1668703 2092392
6 6
7. Plastics and articles thereof; rubber and articles thereof 85848 89105 56183 45685 144310
8. Raw hides and skins, leather furskins and articles thereof; saddlery
and harness; travel goods, handbags and similar containers; articles
of animal gut (other than silk work gut) 46 5895 348 - 1166
9. Wood and articles of wood; wood charccal; cork and articles of cork;
manufactures of straw of esparto or of other plaiting materials
and wicke work 1049 - - - 6338
10. Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic material; waste and scrap
paper or paper board; Paper and Paper Boardd and Articles thereof 45381 142297 135230 70612 154844
11. Textiles and Textile Articles 450124 636584 697891 956706 1315902
12. Footweare headgeare, umbrellas, sun umbrellas, walking sticks, seat
sticks, whips, riding-crops and parts thereof; prepared feathers and
articles make therewith; artificial flowers; articles of human hair 2918 1564 471 9442 18685
13. Articles of stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica or similar
materials; ceramic products; glass and glass ware 26 14404 102 - 57172
14. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones,
mestals metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof, imitation
jewellery; coin - - - - -
15. Base metals and articles of base metal 77447 3475 182 8916 2323
16. Machinery and mechanical appliances electrical equipment, parts
sound recorders and reproducers, television image and sound
and reproducers and parts and accessories of such articles 125712 196674 136065 5071078 74628
17. Vehicles, arcraft vessels, and associated transport equipment 38235 26867 14828 31783 15570
18. Optical photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking,
medical surgical instruments and apparatus; clocks and watches;
Musical instruments, parts and accessories thereof - 50 - - 1491
19. Arms and Ammunition, parts and Accessories thereof - - - - -
20. Miscellaneous manufactured articles 34418 8059 19990 11390 23700
21. Work of art, collectors, pieces and antiques 173 863 355 - -
Source : National Accounting Wing, BBS
Foreign Trade 287

8.17 Direction of Export by SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional

Co-Operation) Countries by Broad Commodities
(Value in '000' Taka)
2019-20 2020-21
Sec.No. Commodity 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Total 334345 363101 396017 573392 765581

1. Live Animals; Animal products - - - - -

2. Vegetable products - - 198 - -
3. Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products; - - - - -
Prepared edible fats; Animal or vegetable wages
4. Prepared foodstuffs; Beverages, spirits and vinegar; Tobacco 35958 14940 3924 2665 32055
and manufactured tobacco substitutes
5. Mineral products - - - - -
6. Products of the chemical or allied industries 262953 312837 355990 507364 680503
7. Plastics and articles thereof; rubber and articles thereof 854 - 2498 - -
8. Raw hides and skins, leather furskins and articles thereof; saddlery - - 244 - -
and harness; travel goods, handbags and similar containers; articles
of animal gut (other than silk work gut)
9. Wood and articles of wood; wood charccal; cork and articles of cork; - - - - -
manufactures of straw of esparto or of other plaiting materials
and wicke work
10. Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic material; waste and scrap of - - - - -
paper or paper board; Paper and Paper Boardd and Articles thereof
11. Textiles and Textile Articles 6745 15061 16814 34515 20470
12. Footweare headgeare, umbrellas, sun umbrellas, walking sticks, seat - 251 - - -
sticks, whips, riding-crops and parts thereof; prepared feathers and
articles make therewith; artificial flowers; articles of human hair
13. Articles of stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica or similar - 2447 2198 9395 6888
materials; ceramic products; glass and glass ware
14. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious - - - - -
mestals metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof, imitation
jewellery; coin
15. Base metals and articles of base metal - - - - 15742
16. Machinery and mechanical appliances electrical equipment, parts 27592 15477 11925 18361 9814
sound recorders and reproducers, television image and sound
and reproducers and parts and accessories of such articles
17. Vehicles, arcraft vessels, and associated transport equipment - - - - -
18. Optical photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking, - - - - -
medical surgical instruments and apparatus; clocks and watches;
Musical instruments, parts and accessories thereof
19. Arms and Ammunition, parts and Accessories thereof - - - - -
20. Miscellaneous manufactured articles 39 - 2166 - -
21. Work of art, collectors, pieces and antiques 204 2089 62 1092 108
Source : National Accounting Wing, BBS
288 Foreign Trade

8.18 Direction of Import by SAARC Countries by Broad Commodities

(Value in '000' Taka)
Sec.No. Commodity 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Total 51984631 63997201 67782466 67253576 63549268
1. Live Animals; Animal products 140936 116346 154721 141222 140814
2. Vegetable products 657133 9136151 2601712 1715186 1699201
3. Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products;
Prepared edible fats; Animal or vegetable wages - 1041 2319 2320 5585
4. Prepared foodstuffs; Beverages, spirits and vinegar; Tobacco
and manufactured tobacco substitutes 110368 87659 148098 133658 174736
57406 9556108 12421597 124449309
5. Mineral products 255920
6. Products of the chemical or allied industries 966572 747768 1127822 1314727 1700769
7. Plastics and articles thereof; rubber and articles thereof 519931 456844 418534 688316 436623
8. Raw hides and skins, leather furskins and articles thereof;
saddlery and harness; travel goods, handbags and similar
containers; articlesof animal gut (other than silk work gut) 2107546 1811482 1548952 1217402 865162

9. Wood and articles of wood; wood charccal; cork and articles of

cork;manufactures of straw of esparto or of other plaiting
Materials basketware and wicke work 1187 1359 914 1310 1958

10. Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic material; waste and

scrap of
paper or paper board; Paper and Paper Boardd and Articles 119261 55363 24556 21656 13007
11. Textiles and Textile Articles 45523773 49634712 51203334 45983334 43403968
12. Footweare headgeare, umbrellas, sun umbrellas, walking
sticks, seat sticks, whips, riding-crops and parts thereof;
prepared feathers and articles make therewith; artificial
articles of human hair 7308 10651 6125 7046 9770
13. Articles of stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica or similar
materials; ceramic products; glass and glass ware 3520 6819 27517 77016 127534
14. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones,
precious mestals metals clad with precious metal and articles
thereof, imitation jewellery; coin 579 94 64 141 1226
15. Base metals and articles of base metal 145265 115465 57734 115844 236626
16. Machinery and mechanical appliances electrical equipment,
parts thereof; sound recorders and reproducers, television
image and sound recorders and reproducers and parts and
accessories of such articles 907660 1206629 612596 1390878 1071398
17. Vehicles, arcraft vessels, and associated transport equipment 168258 126858 47723 1774277 606025
18. Optical photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking,
precision, medical surgical instruments and apparatus; clocks
and watches; Musical instruments, parts and accessories 76510 215988 106388 104622 85167
19. Arms and Ammunition, parts and Accessories thereof 162265 104323 12001 16289 407722
20. Miscellaneous manufactured articles 109596 101963 125100 126687 112647
21. Work of art, collectors, pieces and antiques 1043 2280 147 51 21
Foreign Trade 289

8.18 Direction of Import by SAARC Countries by Broad Commodities

(Value in '000' Taka)
Sec.No. Commodity 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Total 573552283 776828017 752025415 656980680 1059516091
1. Live Animals; Animal products 4562286 3497095 6985461 5748669 8309346
2. Vegetable products 61734803 159781542 72163616 48428876 204438907
3. Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products;
Prepared edible fats; Animal or vegetable wages 275459 140894 119963 374531 105150
4. Prepared foodstuffs; Beverages, spirits and vinegar; Tobacco
and manufactured tobacco substitutes 24446989 36825193 45414329 32516585
5. Mineral products 24222773 34415471 48208387 61095750
6. Products of the chemical or allied industries 59711831 64878698 74530908 76994677 101113409
7. Plastics and articles thereof; rubber and articles thereof 26093328 30333417 34636404 32572503 37119253
8. Raw hides and skins, leather furskins and articles thereof;
saddlery and harness; travel goods, handbags and similar
containers; articles of animal gut (other than silk work gut) 1032133 1180932 1454482 1324184 1097838
9. Wood and articles of wood; wood charccal; cork and articles of
cork; manufactures of straw of esparto or of other plaiting
materials basketware and wicke work 245445 525722 392387 451146 539478
10. Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic material; waste and
of paper or paper board; Paper and Paper Boardd and Articles 4534715 5894554 7123729 7232121 10924336
11. Textiles and Textile Articles 174088832 196119998 187767693 174281734 245607222
12. Footweare headgeare, umbrellas, sun umbrellas, walking sticks,
seat sticks, whips, riding-crops and parts thereof; prepared
and articles make therewith; artificial flowers; articles of human 1579979 1377109 1211791 708256 843553
13. Articles of stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica or similar
materials; ceramic products; glass and glass ware 2539727 2851673 2680478 2814088 3095524
14. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones,
precious mestals metals clad with precious metal and articles
thereof, imitation jewellery; coin 685742 503942 530478 479046 771566
15. Base metals and articles of base metal 53882237 63317609 68933905 63145118 68693591
16. Machinery and mechanical appliances electrical equipment,
parts thereof; sound recorders and reproducers, television
image and sound recorders and reproducers and parts and
accessories of such articles 61565640 81898878 99332327 86733920 94844891
17. Vehicles, arcraft vessels, and associated transport equipment 65467915 85176997 90494299 54236707 63529008
18. Optical photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking,
precision, medical surgical instruments and apparatus; clocks
and watches; Musical instruments, parts and accessories 3449413 4050714 5137613 4112026 4317490
19. Arms and Ammunition, parts and Accessories thereof - - 21 1287 170608
20. Miscellaneous manufactured articles 3429532 3988206 4902660 3725426 3348080
21. Work of art, collectors, pieces and antiques 3505 69375 4485 4031 5056
290 Foreign Trade

8.18 Direction of Import by SAARC Countries by Broad Commodities

Sri Lanka
(Value in '000' Taka)
Sec.No Commodity
2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Total 12521639 12635914 17743621 15899623 22317860

1. Live Animals; Animal products 73882 36980 40007 61086 31207

2. Vegetable products 289136 308284 56115 139911 108824
3. Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products;
Prepared edible fats; Animal or vegetable wages 2737 5705 7102 8561 9597
4. Prepared foodstuffs; Beverages, spirits and vinegar; Tobacco
and manufactured tobacco substitutes 25414 35002 295910 259168 272097
5. Mineral products 384234 411772 1390538 2229294 5681714
6. Products of the chemical or allied industries 1245889 1281338 1292422 1575576 1405307

7. Plastics and articles thereof; rubber and articles thereof 620439 522511 539148 546869 793161
8. Raw hides and skins, leather furskins and articles thereof;
saddlery and harness; travel goods, handbags and similar
containers; articles of animal gut (other than silk work gut) 1470 30 1405 3715 1949
9. Wood and articles of wood; wood charccal; cork and articles of
cork; manufactures of straw of esparto or of other plaiting
materials basketware and wicke work 21 972 6 3 16
10. Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic material; waste and scrap
of paper or paper board; Paper and Paper Boardd and Articles 514442 758616 1560953 1250927 999175
11. Textiles and Textile Articles 7069148 7545174 10101189 7922890 10753209

12. Footweare headgeare, umbrellas, sun umbrellas, walking sticks,

seat sticks, whips, riding-crops and parts thereof; prepared feathers
and articles make therewith; artificial flowers; articles of human hair 3031 1445 1764 9632 420
13. Articles of stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica or similar
materials; ceramic products; glass and glass ware 3878 1246 7613 6481 8938
14. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones,
precious mestals metals clad with precious metal and articles
thereof, imitation jewellery; coin 1 1 2 - 5
15. Base metals and articles of base metal 540116 498836 753358 938749 801357
16. Machinery and mechanical appliances electrical equipment, parts
thereof; sound recorders and reproducers, television image and
sound ecorders and reproducers and parts and

r accessories of such articles 1316980 923681 1360460 828166 1213632

17. Vehicles, arcraft vessels, and associated transport equipment 236101 180277 196424 27861 135203
18. Optical photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking,
precision, medical surgical instruments and apparatus; clocks
and watches; Musical instruments, parts and accessories thereof 13915 103 2523 5048 3547
19. Arms and Ammunition, parts and Accessories thereof - - - - -
20. Miscellaneous manufactured articles 180738 123911 136530 85648 98490
21. Work of art, collectors, pieces and antiques 66 29 152 39 12
Foreign Trade 291

8.18 Direction of Import by SAARC Countries by Broad Commodities

(Value in '000' Taka)
Sec.No. Commodity 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Total 831436 3428794 3947377 188667 628507
1. Live Animals; Animal products 5 1 - - 1
2. Vegetable products 2 1 - - 1
3. Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products;
Prepared edible fats; Animal or vegetable wages - - 2 - -
4. Prepared foodstuffs; Beverages, spirits and vinegar; Tobacco 46119 127005 229106 188509 228487
and manufactured tobacco substitutes
5. Mineral products 785211 3301711 3718151 - 333214
6. Products of the chemical or allied industries 8 - - 3 7
7. Plastics and articles thereof; rubber and articles thereof - - - 1 -
8. Raw hides and skins, leather furskins and articles thereof;
saddlery and harness; travel goods, handbags and similar
containers; articles of animal gut (other than silk work gut) - - - 2 -
9. Wood and articles of wood; wood charccal; cork and articles of
cork; manufactures of straw of esparto or of other plaiting
materials basketware and wicke work - - - 1 -
10. Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic material; waste and scrap 15 10 - 25 13
of paper or paper board; Paper and Paper Boardd and Articles
11. Textiles and Textile Articles 30 16 62 31 10809
12. Footweare headgeare, umbrellas, sun umbrellas, walking sticks,
seat sticks, whips, riding-crops and parts thereof; prepared feathers
and articles make therewith; artificial flowers; articles of human hair - - 1 1 311
13. Articles of stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica or similar
materials; ceramic products; glass and glass ware - - 2 12 -
14. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones,
precious mestals metals clad with precious metal and articles
thereof, imitation jewellery; coin - - - - -
15. Base metals and articles of base metal - - 2 49 3
16. Machinery and mechanical appliances electrical equipment,
parts thereof; sound recorders and reproducers, television
image and sound recorders and reproducers and parts and
accessories of such articles 36 50 20 12 27
17. Vehicles, arcraft vessels, and associated transport equipment - - 1 - 55630
18. Optical photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking,
precision, medical surgical instruments and apparatus; clocks
and watches; Musical instruments, parts and accessories thereof - - - 13 -
19. Arms and Ammunition, parts and Accessories thereof - - - - -
20. Miscellaneous manufactured articles - - 30 9 5
21. Work of art, collectors, pieces and antiques 6 - - 1 -
292 Foreign Trade

8.18 Direction of Import by SAARC Countries by Broad Commodities

(Value in '000' Taka)
Sec.No Commodity
2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Total 4348245 6306272 9396974 7615669 9636033

1. Live Animals; Animal products - - - - 316

2. Vegetable products 2154878 2395820 3136070 2591939 4353101
3. Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products; - - - - -
Prepared edible fats; Animal or vegetable wages
4. Prepared foodstuffs; Beverages, spirits and vinegar; Tobacco
and manufactured tobacco substitutes 14055 11326 26421 45791 68413
5. Mineral products 2024566 3711466 605394 4859065 5199614
6. Products of the chemical or allied industries 43769 56844 114289 97495 14587
7. Plastics and articles thereof; rubber and articles thereof 776 300 - - -
8. Raw hides and skins, leather furskins and articles thereof; - - - - -
saddlery and harness; travel goods, handbags and similar
containers; articles of animal gut (other than silk work gut)
9. Wood and articles of wood; wood charccal; cork and articles of - - - - -
cork; manufactures of straw of esparto or of other plaiting
materials basketware and wicke work
10. Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic material; waste and - - - - -
scrap of
paper or paper board; Paper and Paper Boardd and Articles
11. Textiles and Textile Articles 1 - 1 - 1
12. Footweare headgeare, umbrellas, sun umbrellas, walking sticks,
seat sticks, whips, riding-crops and parts thereof; prepared
feathers and articles make therewith;
artificial flowers; articles of human hair - - - - -
13. Articles of stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica or similar
materials; ceramic products; glass and glass ware - - - - -
14. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones,
precious mestals metals clad with precious metal and articles
thereof, imitation jewellery; coin - - - - -
15. Base metals and articles of base metal 110200 130516 66252 21380 -
16. Machinery and mechanical appliances electrical equipment,
parts thereof; sound recorders and reproducers, television
image and sound recorders and reproducers and parts and
accessories of such articles - - - - -

17. Vehicles, arcraft vessels, and associated transport equipment - - - - -

18. Optical photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking,
precision, medical surgical instruments and apparatus; clocks
and watches; Musical instruments, parts and accessories thereof - - - - -
19. Arms and Ammunition, parts and Accessories thereof - - - - -
20. Miscellaneous manufactured articles - - - - -
21. Work of art, collectors, pieces and antiques - - - - -
Foreign Trade 293

8.18 Direction of Import by SAARC Countries by Broad Commodities

(Value in '000' Taka)
Sec.No Commodity 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Total 668629 1123618 1579668 894055 545404

1. Live Animals; Animal products - - - - 34959

2. Vegetable products 589392 1008096 1522528 873982 429198
3. Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products;
Prepared edible fats; Animal or vegetable wages 69 - - - 2345
4. Prepared foodstuffs; Beverages, spirits and vinegar; Tobacco
and manufactured tobacco substitutes 26480 77091 33225 11600 62027
5. Mineral products - - 1 - -
6. Products of the chemical or allied industries 3846 5125 4371 3728 3066
7. Plastics and articles thereof; rubber and articles thereof 4 73 57 67 1308
8. Raw hides and skins, leather furskins and articles thereof; 42361 20 7 1860 4
saddlery and harness; travel goods, handbags and similar
containers; articles of animal gut (other than silk work gut)
9. Wood and articles of wood; wood charccal; cork and articles of - 1 1 12 1
cork; manufactures of straw of esparto or of other plaiting
materials basketware and wicke work
10. Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic material; waste and scrap of
paper or paper board; Paper and Paper Boardd and Articles thereof 51 107 112 62 107
11. Textiles and Textile Articles 2637 10964 110 538 80
12. Footweare headgeare, umbrellas, sun umbrellas, walking sticks,
seat sticks, whips, riding-crops and parts thereof; prepared feathers
and articles make therewith; artificial flowers; articles of human hair 1 13 11 1 23
13. Articles of stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica or similar
materials; ceramic products; glass and glass ware 1 8 10 6 10
14. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones,
precious mestals metals clad with precious metal and articles
thereof, imitation jewellery; coin 39 1 - - -
15. Base metals and articles of base metal 227 231 59 22 15
16. Machinery and mechanical appliances electrical equipment,
parts thereof; sound recorders and reproducers, television
image and sound recorders and reproducers and parts and
accessories of such articles 2903 15670 18524 4 3403

17. Vehicles, arcraft vessels, and associated transport equipment - 666 - 14 2383
18. Optical photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking,
precision, medical surgical instruments and apparatus; clocks
and watches; Musical instruments, parts and accessories thereof 499 958 18 - 1397
19. Arms and Ammunition, parts and Accessories thereof - - - - -
20. Miscellaneous manufactured articles 109 4592 632 2160 5077
21. Work of art, collectors, pieces and antiques 8 2 - - 2

Source : National Accounting Wing, BBS

294 Foreign Trade

8.19 Export of Selected Commodities

(4-digit level)

('000' Taka)
HSC 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

TOTAL EXPORT 3087936483 3481619795 2811667567 3479890237

0105 Live poultry - - - -
0106 Live animals, other 1229 357 227 544
0204 Meat sheep goat fresh/chill frozen 533 359 - -
0208 Meat/edible meat ofal frsh/chl/fz - - - -
0210 Meat/edible ofal flour meal ltd. dry 4352 2776 738 3211
0301 Live fish 716486 1472784 957499 552072
0303 Fish frozen excl fish fillet meat 2898584 3341506 2876819 3634253
0304 Fish fillet/other meat frsh/chl/fzn 12515 38883 8082 11003
0305 Fish, dry, salt in brine, smoke fish 706120 560879 533855 730642
0306 Crustaceans live chil/fzn dry etc. 35093881 34243904 28050474 29371681
0307 Molluscs live chil fzn dry etc. 491305 599136 261733 432863
0402 Milk/cream, containing sugar/sweet 4146 16678 14003 20452
0407 Birds egg in shell frsh presrv/cook - - - -
0410 Edible product of animal origin nec. - - - -
0501 Human hair unwrk wash or not & wste 19686 8321 29730 467210
0502 Pig badger bristle & hair waste - - 45 -
0504 Gut, bladder & stomachs of animal 1074586 1197913 510429 925121
0505 Skin & other parts of brids 32460 50662 38599 21209
0506 Bones and horn-cores, unworked 44378 54907 35525 11853
0507 Ivory, tortoise-shell, whalebone 753 2872 939 6527
0508 Coral & simlar materil unworked 7094 14925 5486 16087
0602 Live plant cuting/slip mushroom spwn 2007 2170 596 4070
0701 Potatoes, fresh or chilled 924833 1050638 1756243 4893161
0704 Cabbage cauliflower etc fresh/chill 12249 6462 4736 159997
0710 Vegetable uncooked/cooked frozen 146874 191662 191241 415373
0713 Dry legumnus veg shelld skin or not 17580 29980 4604 19497
0714 Manioc, arrowroot, salep sago pith 343 - 135 4755
0801 Coconut brazil/cashen nut fresh/dry 9027 2961 31145 14882
0802 Nuts, other fresh/dry shelled or not 181088 3100 1369 5641
0803 Bananas incl plantains, fresh/dry - - - -

0804 Date fig pineapple mango fresh/dry 4313 710 6652 3394
0805 Citrus fruits, fresh or dried - 422 - -
0806 Grapes, fresh or dried - - - -
0807 Melon incl water melon papaws fresh - - - -
0813 Fruit, dry other not coconut etc 547 - 440 -

0901 Coffee roasted/decaffeinated or not - - 59 1238

0902 Tea 227688 237178 239735 307349
0903 Mate - - - -
0909 Seed: Anise fennel coriander cumin 358651 61761 11943 50530
0910 Ginger saffron, turmeric bay leaves 3524093 3471310 2546518 3682350

1207 Oil seeds, other oleaginous fruit 454163 969535 1587716 2412667
1209 Seeds, fruit & spores for sowing 26971 81777 91181 619694
1211 Plant & part for perfumery/pharmacy 41585 51285 50975 144980
1301 Lac natrl gum resin gum-resin balsm - - - -
1401 Veg meterial use for plaiting 3346 3816 1470 3393

1404 Vegetable products nec. 1251005 3174398 1152117 738458

1506 Animal fat/oil/faction, other - - - -
1520 Glycerol (glycerine, pure or not) - - - -
1521 Veg waxes beeswax insect waxes 10656 3067 - -
1605 Crustacean mollusc other invert prep 374376 279538 244641 447450
Foreign Trade 295

8.19 Export of Selected Commodities

(4-digit level)

('000' Taka)
HSC Commodities 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

1703 Molasses from extract/refine sugar 2850 27814 6622 14760

1901 Malt extract food pre flour meal etc. 8331818 8421571 5036741 8291498
1902 Pasta cook/stuff or not meroni etc. 921403 1128168 959641 1818727
1905 Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits etc. 5866677 8185463 7693733 12926678
2007 Jam fruit jelly marmalade etc. cook 49612 105222 70263 146071
2106 Food preparations nec. 18837 10488 27383 112411
2302 Bran sharp/other residue from mill 111492 789036 34160 32223
2401 Unmanufacture tobacco, tabaco refuse 4371483 5149417 6056295 6956271
2402 Cigar cheroot cigarillos/cigarette 192354 71805 343798 510272
2403 Manufacture tobacco/substitute othe 65961 100430 126175 94419

2704 Coke/semicoke of lignite/peat - - - -

2710 Petro oil/oil from bitum mineral nec 16837715 37329568 12627582 4998133
2833 Sulphate alum peroxosulphate 813 31 - 3275
2835 Phosphinate phosphonate phosphates 13 - - -
2836 Carbonates; peroxocarbonates etc. 4869 6027 3360 9302

2925 Carboxy mide & imine-function com 11252 53753 196355 714212
2931 Organo inorganic compounds, other - - - -
3002 Human/animal blood for therapeutic 44 18063 37347 24822
3004 Medicaments for retail sale 7112222 8997168 9053433 12354865
3006 Pharma goods surgical catgui etc. 99595 132638 110356 162000

3102 Mineral/chemical fertilizer nitrogen - 495419

3103 Mineral/chemical fertilizer phosphate - - - -
3201 Tanning extract of vegetable origin - - - 3183
3203 Colouring matter veg animal origin 101 5780 270 2375
3214 glazier/grft putty, resin cement etc. - - - 106

3302 Mixtures of odoriferous substances - 5 1717 5494

3306 Preparation for oral/dental hygiene 855 1352 5859 4512
3401 Soap; organic surface-active product 99835 116089 59449 84727
3403 Lubricating prep for textile leather 841 62 - 19459
3705 Photo plate film expos/dev not cine - - 253 -
3706 Cinema film expo/dev. sund trak/not 290 310 135 -
3808 Insecticide rodenticide fungicide 4351 21753 76340 64683
3823 Prepared binders for foundry moulds 827061 850086 1438230
3926 Article of other plastic/material 448210 785874 796747 749588
4010 Convyor/transmi belt vulcan rubber 3404 94 275 10438
4015 Artcl apparel/cloth access vul rbr 1073380 1294316 1187481 1731369
4103 Raw hide/skin other fresh/sltd etc. 18721 25726 17087 6125
4104 Leather bovine/equine without hair 9699203 9244124 5876140 11749126
4105 Sheep/lamp skin leather not wool on 33207 248884 6687 6805
4106 Goat/kid skin leather not hair on 1045701 853108 355692 692294
4202 Trunks suit-cases vanity-cases etc. 16207655 18538373 16102909 19287603
4303 Article apparel/other article fur skin 66 968 - 23828
4403 Wood in the rough 502 47 1779572 -
4407 Wood sawn/chipped lengthwise sliced - - - 486
4411 Fibreboard of wood - - - -
4420 Wood marquetry/inlaid wood, caskets 1208 33958 1301 10056
4421 Wood articles, other 2376 3575 744 498
4601 Plait/product of plaiting material 51891 28775 34650 180207
4602 Basketwork wickerwork/other article 1318424 1647308 - 2814856
4706 Pulp other fibrous cellulos material - 2 - -
296 Foreign Trade

8.19 Export of Selected Commodities

(4-digit level)
('000' Taka)
HSC Commodities 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

4801 Newsprint, in rolls or sheets 181899 197583 3387 18687

4802 Paper and paper board, uncoated 1020966 1149338 555124 318382
4805 Paper/paper board uncoat roll/sheet 129150 146570 72069 112360
4817 Envelopes, letter card post card etc 89 166 763 632
4819 Cartons boxes cases bags of paper 3185537 3118626 2792910 2981635

4820 Register's account books paper/board 5673 4697 7003 2430

4822 Bobbin spool cop of paper pulp etc. 7962 37997 1944 141
4901 Printed books, brochures, leaflets 31581 44987 24718 49657
4902 Newspapers, journals and periodicals 78 6037 777 12
4910 Calendars of any kind, printed 285 1612 1874 1680

4911 Printed matter, pictures/photographs 10522 8741 11094 66508

5007 Woven fabrics of silk or silk waste - 1370 4438 49277
5201 Cotton not carded or combed 846 - 191 7465
5208 Fabric cotton 85%+not more 200 GSM 2404855 2814945 2069223 2376822
5210 Fabric cotton<85% mixed M/made fibr 110512 135922 52396 34532

5211 C/Fabric <85% M/made fibre 200 GSM+ 1431101 870849 675325 1625345
5303 Jute/other tex fibre raw/process N/spn 12781431 9451147 10111259 12626299
5305 Coconut abaca ramie & other vegetables 945 3185 4188 1202
5307 Yarn jute/other textile bast fibres 53178953 43090905 42865144 69848048
5308 Yarn other vege tex fibre paper yarn - 490 - 2669

5310 Fabric jute/other tex fibres 8072313 8727592 6098516 7103551

5403 Artifical filament yarn not retail 748 - 7373 416
5505 Waste of man-made fibres 116470 90254 52452 77513
5508 Sewing thread man made staple fibre 350479 608157 637153 631871
5513 Fabric <85% syn fibre cotton<=170 GSM 203236 297195 65826 128375

5607 Twine cordge cable plait or not 1251441 2079838 2146401 2581942
5609 Article yrn strip twine rope etc nec 89018 129178 87703 173606
5703 Carpet tex floor cover tufted 93 1926 275 8977
5801 Woven pile & chenille fabric 65733 84312 40904 26193
5802 Terry towelling similar tery fabric 3472312 4253313 2851238 3026178

5806 Narow wovn fab consist warp assembld 94970 132217 153416 333056
5807 Label badges similar article tex mtrl 197694 236363 177205 236463
6104 Women/gril suit enscbmle jacket etc. 120368201 135035312 113298289 176847704
6105 Mens/boys shirt knitted/crocheted 70781854 74863940 53419250 56118940
6107 Men/boys undrpant brief gown etc. 39106057 44805575 37014961 56746086

6110 Jersey pullover cardigan etc knittd 301914506 357589820 299233450 362017654
6111 Baby garment cloth accessories knitd 33551195 37778301 29096883 47079900
6112 Track-ski suit/swimwear knittd 5988343 7293840 7174696 6504956
6115 Panty hose tight stock other hosiery 2363709 2196329 1190049 1064126
6116 Globe mitten & mitt knitd/crochtd 2528519 2748312 1987866 2472123

6201 Men/boy over-car coat cape cloak etc. 47350260 62815143 58396687 70239478
6202 Women/gril over-car coat etc n-knitd 37068172 49513062 51305462 60047625
6203 Men/boy suit ensmble jacket bib etc. 524033473 582865901 442116161 505619926
6204 Women/girl suit ensmble jacket etc 326465899 368364388 283155626 334665036
6205 Men's/boy's shirt not knitd/crochtd 169457426 195361407 145435508 127608833

6206 Women/girl blouse shirts not knitd 53131334 56053106 42254845 42913173
6207 Men/boy singlet vest undrpants etc 5037635 5890373 5271814 6438694
6208 Women/girl singlet other vest etc 3876907 3830569 2596059 3377205
6209 Baby garment/clothing accessories 18422489 21409150 18854428 19675975
6210 Garment felt/nonwovn/text fabric etc 27483676 34882420 31333339 32418529
Foreign Trade 297

8.19 Export of Selected Commodities

(4-digit level)
('000' Taka)
HSC Commodities 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
6211 Track, ski suit swimmer garment n-knit 14866410 17866983 19718181 26913485
6212 Br1iassier girdles similar article 33745314 4295836 34711039 45212843
6215 Ties, bow ties and cravats 10116 28982 14454 11307
6216 Gloves, mittens and mitts 189249 900273 630453 363287
6217 Made up clothing accessories & part 4095577 4851768 3739743 3728614

6302 Bed/Table toilet/kitchen linen 43356057 40886428 31512167 44760997

6303 Curtain interior blind/bed valance 503146 465655 359362 639811
6305 Sack/bag used for packing goods 15289459 12851823 12312861 19204772
6306 Tarpaulin sails, tent camp goods 16418489 16362104 13408221 25049611
6307 Madeup article other incl dress pattern 1227276 1185014 2441364 10312943

6310 Use new rag scrap twine cordge cabl 4639049 5435357 4751005 8512552
6405 Footwear other 980113 611534 245402 354179
6406 Parts of footwear 2741574 2457835 2018288 2262059
6903 Refractory ceramic goods other 506 1353 1366 -
6908 Glazed cramic flag paving wall tile - - - -

6911 Tbleware kitchnware other H/H article 2740288 2836352 1963632 2477536
6913 Statute other ornament cramic article 13134 21649 6629 13924
6914 Ceramic articles, other 153 13 - 317
7005 Float/surface grund/plish glass sheet - 473846
7010 Cartory botle flask jar etc of glass 11526 9539 5686 14054

7012 Glass inner for vacuum flask/vessel - - - -

7020 Articles of glass, other - - 133 -
7103 Precious & semi-precious stone 1633 - - -
7204 Ferro-waste; remelt scrap iron ingot 1306712 1928976 1873963 4068890
7213 N/aloy stel. h/rol. ir/wound coil bar 2653 523 - -
7228 Angle, shape, etc, other alloy steel 3323 38 3669 471
7305 Iron/steel tube/pipe, 4 M+E/diameter 842 76166 86726 15785
7307 Iron/steel tube/pipe fittings 178275 42427 38864 152167
7309 Iron/steel reservior, tank, etc, 30 0l+ 304095 15476 43616 183044
7310 Iron steel tank, cask, drum, etc, <300L+ 110624 125693 128374 81113

7311 Iron/steel liquefied gas container 27257 26004 41509 100245

7315 Chain and parts of iron/steel 8180 29072 35760 37973
7319 Sewing knitting needles, bodkins etc. - - - -
7326 Articles of Iron or steel, other 1658551 1505164 1350716 1888069
7407 Copper bars, rods and profiles 51745 - - -

7418 Table kitchen h/hold article 899 1654 - -

7419 Articles of copper, other 25944 33982 32251 36476
7610 Luminium structures and parts 29286 36996 17650 20229
7611 Alumn reservoir tank vat exc 300L 1 12283 - -
7612 Alumn cask drum cans not exc 300L 43597 30725 19410 181

7613 Alumn container for comp/liq gas - 218 - 19

7615 Table kitchen/other H/H part thereof 42358 38677 33318 99464
7616 Aluminium articles, other 38397 11880 12793 33343
8201 Hand tools 56 7023 - 267
8203 File rasp plier & similarhand tool 20656 11320 2001 2001

8206 Tools for hand saw blade 106669 117894 77925 64394
8207 Interchangeable tools for hand tool 414970 122526 3591 398149
8215 Spoon fork skimmer fish knife etc 67400 307723 76441 49352
8301 Padlocks and locks of base metal 126736 20965
10510 948

298 Foreign Trade

8.19 Export of Selected Commodities

(4-digit level)

('000' Taka)
HSC Commodities 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
8304 Filing cabinet card-index cabinet 306 - - -
8306 Bells gong & the like non-electric 30212 50837 49792 19185
8311 Wire rod tube plate electrodesetc 144 8 - 1291
8405 Producer gas/water gas generator 18480 38218 1093590 13889
8407 Spark-ignitton/rotary piston engine 58210 76599 73156 198220
8408 Compression-ignition piston engine 16739 14146 13929 71457
8409 Part spark ignition piston engine 334304 185117 29551 48269
8410 Hydraulic turbine water wheel - - 106672 4112
8411 Turbo-jet turbo-propeller & other 2296752 661386 1604126 1861989
8413 pumps for liquids liquid elevators 1203757 745469 497456 828673
8414 Air/vacuum pump gas compressor & fan 1086615 1443271 475502 707558
8415 Air conditioning machines 12050 79214 32824 539017
8418 Refrigerators, freezers and other 28891 60197 56977 1040373
8419 Machinery, plant lab equip 50934 19351 34464 350949
8425 Pulley tackle & hoist winch capstan 87498 1695197 1348699 287748
8426 Derick crane mobile lift frame etc 1849524 2203154 1776672 1881164
8429 Self propel buldzr angldzr gradr etc 670831 551021 2338673 1874786
8431 Part mchnry pulley tackle hoist etc 1159297 628952 266581 4597473
8438 Mchnry for mfg of fooddrnk nec 989 602 57216 15935
8443 Print mchnry for ancillary to print 155359 179618 173589 199373
8445 Mchne for preparing textile fibre 48492 10308 25315 108837
8448 Aux mchnry for extrud draw mach etc 11272 1001067 5923 49345
8452 Sewig mchne not book sewing machine 1939253 788859 3241666 2058527
8458 Lathes for removing metal 7469 13898 - 34878
8466 Part mchn tool h/n 84.56 to 84.65 29734 36497 48007 11223
8468 Mchnry for soldering braz weld etc 18359 4102 9221 1099
8469 Typewriter word-process machines - - - 1446
8473 Part typewriter calculating mchn etc 328088 72932 25371 26771
8474 Mchnery sort screen wash crush etc 59908 201555 13298 6453945
8479 Mchn mechanical appl individual func 1275375 301136 297683 512182
8480 Mould box base pattrn rubbr/plastic 18738 53922 13642 35111
8481 Taps, cocks, valves and similar appl 61254 79680 62844 152586
8482 Ball-or roller beraings 13964 12242 2212 7698
8501 Electric motors generator 483137 46812 186914 112621
8502 Elec generating set, rotary convertr 964386 1673405 15792021 1386566
8504 Electrical transformer inductor etc 922364 1242490 3072382 920744
8511 Electrical ignition equip. generator 26478 43 5527 4657
8514 Industrial/lab electric furnac, oven 6584 20914 4828 14711
8515 Elect laser/photon beametic machine 255916 10333 254569 13073
8523 S/recording prepared unrecord media 19048 49048 25462 114106
8528 TV incl video monitors/projectors 148999 78732 34695 556845
8535 Electric Switching, etc apparatus; Ikv.> 122882 24005 532525 23937
8536 Electric switching, etc, aparats, <=Ikv 72610 65087 25051 167168
8537 One+elect switch equiped, board, etc 239532 231470 130830 56473
8538 Part electric switching, etc, aparats 33890 25751 31432 37178

8539 Electric filament/discharge lamps 68010 61832 9180 29126

8540 Thermionic, cold/cathode valve 4529 126 41 2124
8543 Elec individual function machie nec 48609 2673669 53719 19716
8544 Insulated wire, opti fibre cable etc 891389 2635462 243293 177206
8549 Parts elect machine/aparatus nec - - - -
Foreign Trade 299

8.19 Export of Selected Commodities

(4-digit level)

('000' Taka)
HSC Commodities 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

8701 Tractor, excl rail station platform - 98970 28049 273213

8702 Public-passenger motor vehicles 1412 47957 - -
8703 Motor car, other motor vehicles 67422 164388 74673 1442741
8704 Motor vehicle for goods transport 453947 5617055 68427 463392
8705 Special purpose motor vehicle 238027 101131 3493314 1080500

8706 Chassis with engine jor tractor, etc - - - -

8707 Body, for tractor, passenger car, etc 28976 - - 3252
8709 Works truck, self-propel, short dista 42651 111893 - -
8711 Motor cycle/cycle, auxiliary motor fit 121462 10005 37785 12909
8712 Bicycle/other cycle, not motorised 7033732 7079512 6760658 11123468

8714 Part/and accessory of motorcycle etc 536652 1534860 550196 1034490

8716 Trailer/semi-trailers; ohr vehic, nec 278105 473784 274128 133522
8901 Cruise cargo ships, barge etc 2609231 592917 1261984 9345
8904 Tug and pusher craft 622450 1157403 - 404148
8906 Vessel, other, incl warship/lifeboat - 60386 3124908 -

9007 Cinematographic camera projector - 377 - -

9009 Photo/thermo copying, etc, apparatus - - - -
9010 Apparatus for photographic lad. nec - 19 24478 -
9012 Miscroscop excl optical difract, apts - 2907 - -
9015 Surveying, hydrographic etc instrum 388879 11889612 252802 1145356

9018 Medical, surgical, dental, etc instrut - 1520735 2506614 1671900

9022 Apts based on X-ray, alpha, etc. radia 16035 60467 23216 42829
9023 Demonstrational instrument/models 17486 17364 26785 47566
9025 Hydro, thermo, pyro, etc, meters 74895 23304 253482 12648
9026 Flow, level, etc, measuring/checking instr 452093 282998 193572 90230

9029 Taxi-miteo, tacho, etc, motors 33 - 2643 16799

9030 Osciloscope, spectrom analyser, etc 314493 336426 475775 398593
9031 Measuring/checking instrument, nec 347799 166357 96824 266294
9102 Wrist, pocket, etc, watch, other - - 67 -
9403 Furniture other & parts thereof 1441094 1135777 953199 1558375

9404 Mattress support, bedding articl, etc 2881632 3036270 2186304 2662364
9405 Lamp, iluminated sign/name-plate, etc 66920 64941 78519 185762
9601 Worked ivory bone tortoise shell, etc - 302 - -
9602 Worked vegetabl/mineral carv matrl 40525 50783 31396 27396
9603 Broom brush, map feather duster etc 46306 22407 18164 189146

9605 Travel sets for personal toilet, etc - 14 - 31

9606 Buttons, press/snap-fastener, etc 115320 173264 162252 190329
9608 Ball point pen, duplicating stylos, etc 12020 18647 8957 8186
9614 Smoking pipe, cigar/cigaritte holder - - - -
9701 Painting, drawing pastal, hand executed 206170 82415 1031 2506

9704 Postage stamp, etc used/unuse n/curr - - -

9800 Goods & commodity not incl elsewhere - - - -
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS
300 Foreign Trade

8.20 Import of Selected Commodities

(4-digit level)

('000' Taka)
HSC Commodities 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
TOTAL IMPORT 5511644075 5722675195 544165843 6633052384
0105 Live poultry 1963772 2640642 2134087 3059317
0106 Live animals, other 35763 77027 88268 148102
0207 Meat edible offal poultry fresh/chill frozen 9805 11414 2644 955
0208 Meat/edible meat ofal frsh/chl/fzn 1538 1357 - 4
0210 Meat/edible ofal flour meal ltd. dry 2192 2972 3597 8698

0305 Fish, dry, salt in brine, smoke fish 1985491 2344652 2309768 2287949
0307 Molluscs live chil fzn dry etc. 1563 2275 571 2120
0402 Milk/cream, containing sugar/sweet 28558569 31728073 33246206 32333296
0403 Butter milk curdmilk W/sugar or not 94680 22768 23028 18336
0404 Whey cont: aining sugar/sweet or not 695309 950776 1368186 1160575
0405 Butter fat oil derived from milk 353197 498512 425583 469498
0406 Cheese and curd 174439 198999 206597 264893
0407 Birds egg in shell frsh presrv/cook 12081 1112 3159 5107
0408 Bird egg not in shell & egg yolk 1952 1575 3431 13919
0409 Natural honey 217214 257857 85821 606543

0410 Edible product of animal origin nec. - - 10 2

0506 Bones and horn-cores, unworked 80561 86268 92897 62606
0508 Coral & simlar materil unworked 28372 9154 8942 9849
0509 Natual sponges of animal origin - - - -
0511 Animal product unfit human consump 453751 49422 559686 508946

0602 Live plant cuting/slip mushroom spwn 74260 39845 55860 76889
0701 Potatoes, fresh or chilled 430749 305857 240489 688708
0702 Tomatoes, fresh or chilled 745660 1094814 1382730 1925377
0703 Onion shallot garlic, fresh/chill 34122748 23307910 28539341 28066688
0704 Cabbage cauliflower etc fresh/chill 3293 5532 2666 6403

0711 Vegetables provisionally, preserved 1982 2873 2840 824

0712 Dry veg whole cut slice not prepard 151383 168514 207419 299696
0713 Dry legumnus veg shelld skin or not 37675978 42323993 57592829 58991534
0714 Manioc, arrowroot, salep sago pith 31147 64762 18072 302372
0801 Coconut brazil/cashen nut fresh/dry 248424 229657 254932 461893

0802 Nuts, other fresh/dry shelled or not 1836003 2776212 2268363 5707629
0803 Bananas incl plantains, fresh/dry 2 - 2 547
0804 Date fig pineapple mango fresh/dry 4184805 3870221 3682809 8004158
0805 Citrus fruits, fresh or dried 6377756 9403069 8476930 14496134
0806 Grapes, fresh or dried 4915424 6552864 4205270 8167405

0807 Melon incl water melon papaws fresh 3213 2674 8596 17481
0808 Apples, pears and quinces, fresh 11156462 8329360 12277405 11967012
0809 Apricot cherry peach plum sloe/fresh 5003 2003 6606 6287
0813 Fruit, dry other not coconut etc 769425 664301 636198 841840
0901 Coffee roasted/decaffeinated or not 63904 98440 105274 102878

0902 Tea 274886 1806654 330805 205593

0904 Pepper dried/crushed/ground 6644478 8297889 6702321 10354862
0905 Vanilla 221 124 1759 128
0906 Cinnamon and cinnamon tree flowers 964135 1115418 1395751 1073838
0907 Cloves whole fruit, cloves & stem 274452 322102 415001 701154

0908 Nutmeg, mace and cardamoms 4318967 5173733 3746454 6901587

0909 Seed: Anise fennel coriander cumin 5792324 6226912 6529655 7552490
0910 Ginger saffron, turmeric bay leaves 10064256 11996661 15142044 19556969
1001 Wheat and meslin 124790959 123625351 142901568 162928635
1003 Barley 2162 4159 10306 18691
Foreign Trade 301

8.20 Import of Selected Commodities

(4-digit level)
('000' Taka)
HSC Commodities 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
1004 Oats 195 283 26 204
1005 Maize (corn) 29851401 26565458 28590301 48232374
1006 Rice 10113281 1990757 75552440
1007 Grain sorghum 138470 143377 171816 293833
1101 Wheat or meslin flour 17979 18877 13797 11234
1104 Cereal grains otherwise worked 2589 3745 2670 22636
1106 Flours & meal of dry leguminous veg 5210 15912 27025 33868
1107 Malt, whether or not roasted 23143 23641 17927 12007
1108 Starches; Inulin 2789995 2463741 1675062 1503267
1109 Wheat gluten, whether or not dried 26732 33531 42112 36181
1203 Copra 3403500 1970256 2149669 3153407
1205 Rape or colza seeds broken or not 5420216 5715196 16468819 19036812
1206 Sunflower seeds, broken or not 1113238 24295 15342 1202636
1207 Oil seeds, other oleaginous fruit 1025901 867513 428243 1089547
1208 Flours/meals oil seeds not mustard 35811 37305 119912 118852
1209 Seeds, fruit & spores for sowing 2612560 3148256 2523390 3591521
1210 Hop cone fresh/dry ground pow or not 6 13 284 17
1211 Plant & part for perfumery/pharmacy 1417350 1652515 1440187 1909089
1212 Locust bean seaweed sugar beet/cane 29887 14999 9560 14705
1301 Lac natrl gum resin gum-resin balsm 945217 1028612 939644 1335670
1302 Vegetable saps and extracts 371597 372737 443781 422948
1401 Veg meterial use for plaiting 53455 48791 27251 23351
1404 Vegetable products -nec. 912680 965806 650001 1125069
1502 Fat bovine animal/sheep/raw/render 1035 12 17 12
1503 Lard stear in/oil not emulsfied/prep - - - 1
1504 Fat/oil of fish/mamml refine or not 367607 390416 700352 762403
1505 Wool grease/fatty substance thereof 18990 21271 13822 25017
1507 Soya-bean oil/fraction refine or not 114490388 81219127 111819513
1508 Groundnut oil/fraction refine or not 7076 9051 8881 10515
1509 Olive oil/fractions refined or not 147343 214758 351517 651182
1511 Palm oil/fractions, refined or not 132339151 152879778 186823760
1512 Sunflower/safflower/cotton-seed oil 429447 818485 943531 868979
1513 Coconut palmdrnel/babasu oil/fraction 1826839 1800357 1665139 1757380
1514 Rape, colza/mustard oil/fractions 26440 29515 24423 40458
1515 Fixed vegetable fats & oil other 146536 225811 150233 177532

1516 Animal/veg fat/oil hydrogenerated 1453300 1433025 1366905 1767487

1518 Animal/veg fat/oil boiled oxidised 187423 228181 216566 212368
1519 Industry monocrboxylic fatty acid - - - -
1520 Glycerol (glycerine) pure or not 235 236 79 3
1521 Veg waxes beeswax insect waxes 23783 26177 25045 45399
1601 Sausage/prdct meat, meat offal/blood 17464 35426 39354 39716
1701 Cane/beet sugar & chem pure sucrose 76481588 69118995 107851131 129111970
1702 Sugar other incl lactose glucose etc 1528930 1460107 1723716 1925595
1704 Sugar confectionary not contain cocoa 158525 127314 122013 191803
1801 Cocoa bean whole/broken raw/roasted 2 - 672 883
1805 Cocoa powder, not added sugar/sweet 226006 248725 316662 363412
1806 Chocolate/food prep contain cocoa 905059 707489 684510 971627
1901 Malt extract food pre flour meal etc 6823945 7712460 9173038 10848526
1902 Pasta cook/stuff or not mcroni etc 74031 107111 111977 155772
1903 Tapioca/subst prep from starch 329030 426850 489516 444136
302 Foreign Trade

8.20 Import of Selected Commodities

(4-digit level)
('000' Taka)
HSC Commodities 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
1904 Prep food by swelling/roastng cereal 723198 445379 652133 621415
1905 Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits etc. 150134 199306 245756 367032
2007 Jam fruit jelly marmalade etc. cook 39635 33328 50454 54400
2008 Fruit nut/other edible plant part nec 404808 252721 233259 544641
2009 Fruit/veg juice unfremnt sugar or not 341453 295373 370891 405467
2102 Yeasts other single-cell micro-organ 843528 881523 983218 1010489
2103 Sauces and preparations thereof 1800636 1896312 1853518 2095052
2106 Food preparations nec 5481505 6743178 5935568 7376229
2201 Water incl natural/art minrl N/sugar 57062 30449 41173 19449
2202 Water incl mineral/aerated cont sugar 51096 48561 43539 32274
2203 Beer made from malt 180013 202740 161694 113733
2204 Wine: frsh grape incl fortified wine 48285 52206 64877 23584
2205 Vermouth/other wine or fresh grape 81 - 16 6
2206 Fermented beverages other 1908 265 6 1
2207 Undenatured ethyl alcohol vol 80%+ 61257 92360 190397 152860
2208 Undenatured ethyl alcohol vol<80% 444398 470635 417901 238076
2209 Vinegar/substi from acitic acid 24889 27913 54541 79478
2304 Oil-cake/other residue soyabean oil 24450797 16893117 13818860 26897640
2307 Wine less; argol - - - -
2309 Preparations used in animal feeding 26791174 20242491 21037430 22279539
2401 Unmanufacture tobacco tabaco refuse 845219 698052 1016540 822764
2402 Cigar cheroot cigarillos/cigarette 201840 229736 161674 155604
2403 Manufacture tobacco/substitute other 133763 101448 528426 267854
2501 Salt incl table/dnature/pure sodium 2373088 1229278 1408314 1366549
2503 Sulphur all kind N/sublime sulphur 828757 766836 957633 585986
2504 Natural graphite 247614 110446 27045 32744
2505 Natural sand all kind color or not 284487 396082 635073 298736
2506 Qartz not natural sand quartzite 775668 929405 909905 1282252
2507 Kaolin and other kaolinic clays 2110000 1631437 1574718 1820050
2508 Clays other 3699561 4044059 3692882 5083959
2509 Chalk 73869 53417 46909 35845
2510 Natural calcium phosphates, etc 1016234 1040001 1465520 1538535
2511 Natural barium sulphate/carbonate 913115 51812 117770 100193
2512 Siliceous fossil meals 14387 19635 14368 20580
2513 Pumico stone emery natural garnet etc 708658 112895 1015894 1049833
2514 Slate, roughly trimmed or no 13084 818 96 -
2515 Marble travertin ecaussin bldg stone 487714 602873 566555 490389
2516 Granite/other monument/bldg stone 3912202 8876182 7575433 10181647
2517 Pebble gravel broken/crushed stone 14555015 17410452 20943696 28202463
2518 Dolomite calcined or not trim/cut 756212 811274 883548 992310
2519 Natural magnesium carbonate 106967 137897 165129 150541
2520 Gypsum; anhydrite plasters 3670274 426410 4128423 5713654
2521 Limestone for mfg cement 6678331 8436191 11417346 19984598
2523 Portland/aluminous/slag cement etc 73686539 87692301 89428710 108638417
2524 Asbestos 829285 960036 788142 1081767
2525 Mica incl split ting, mica waste 21899 46854 26734 43237
2526 Natural stetite talc trim or not, cut 310233 363627 327462 451848
2528 Natural borate/concentre thereof 1020 5093 - 478
2529 Felspar, leucite; nepheline etc 3366462 3855283 3821058 5329426
2530 Mineral substances nec 220791 270467 212733
Foreign Trade 303

8.20 Import of Selected Commodities

(4-digit level)
('000' Taka)
HSC Commodities 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

2601 Iron ores and concentrates 1161 171 21164 170752

2602 Manganese ores and concentrates 1009618 975588 1215434 1116243
2604 Nickel ores and concentrates - - - -
2605 Cobalt ores and concentrates 6 1063 1712 8200
2606 Aluminium ores and concentrates 13799 5725 12810 8200

2701 Coal briquette ovoid/fuel from coal 24061718 39514322 43087796 41545027
2704 coke/semicoke of lignite/peat 219727 660644 655652 522709
2705 Coal gas water gas producer gas etc 761 1880 775 9
2706 Tar distil from coal/lignt/peat tar 237918 260608 145804 438203
2707 Oil/prodct of distil hi temp coal tar 335329 427698 336933 445202
2708 Pitch/pitchcok from coltar/minrltar 55817 19779 61930084 10873
2709 Petro oil/oil from bitmn minrl crud 29924954 34880708 449422573 221807950
2710 Petro oil/oil from bitum mineral nec 511054294 449422573 584750495
2711 Petroleum gases/gaseous hydrocarbon 30005323 89993174 142577026 228889803
2712 Petroleum jelly; paraffin wax, etc 846081 858050 947281 808389

2713 Petroleum coke/bitumen and residue 8510592 17337149 17914811 15544253

2714 Bitumen and asphalt, natural 7439 28258 4181 5961
2715 Bitumin mixt base natural asphalt etc 10319 9155 13722 33806
2801 Flucrine chlorine bromine & iodine 21504 23637 6243 1115
2802 Sulphur sublime/preciptat colloidal 6782 5585 14680 7038

2803 Carbon (carbon black & other carbon) 925680 1187746 1090451 1274260
2804 Hydrogen rare gases/other non-meat 393034 443061 420116 553312
2805 Alkali/alkaline/rare earth metal 50596 87231 76116 97180
2806 Hydrgn chlorid chlurosulphuric acd 8754 4194 7012 9090
2807 Sulphuric acid, oleum 48611 27242 21788 24256

2808 Nitric acid; sulphonitric acids 50497 39637 58893 40672

2809 Diphosphorus pentaoxide; etc 2315687 2407162 2867917 3647053
2810 Oxides of boron; boric acids 231459 242220 234453 217569
2811 Inorganic acid/oxygen comp N/metal 750818 739026 803244 867107
2812 Halides & halide oxides non-metal 19418 35145 13090 39524

2813 Sulphides n/metl com phos trisulphd 157 1503 571 394
2814 Ammonia, anhydrous/adueous solution 6465 3312 4952 7423
2815 Sodium/potassium hydroxide/peroxide 1496678 941921 699936 432750
2816 Hydroxide/peroxide magnesium etc 187323 320969 234509 377010
2817 Zinc oxide; zinc peroxide 315144 487006 449186 444724

2818 Aluminium oxide/hydroxide 508764 578852 852770 810287

2819 12755Chromium oxides and hydroxides 31378 43254 29891 51534
2820 Manganese oxides 117609 113644 128699 127161
2821 Iron oxides & hydroxide earth color 293543 254420 275538 381656
2822 Coblt oxide/hydroxide com cobli oxid 23555 34998 5696 23889

2823 Titanium oxides 271547 309095 295499 284644

2824 Lead oxides; red & orange lead 174452 64305 74338 176797
2825 Hydroazine/hydroxylamine/inorgan salt 212237 263802 283885 386626
2826 Fluorides, flourosilicates, etc 63261 67484 71739 87806
2827 Chloride, chloride oxide/hydrox etc 593135 685798 394221 452499

2828 Hypochlorite cal hypochlorite etc 603943 769351 621062 861798

2829 Chlorate/perchlorate bromates etc 157733 227891 87778 53596
2830 Sulphides; polysulphides 264642 324425 234839 329158
2831 Dithionites and sulphoxylates 1007993 1265091 1038581 1007598
2832 Sulphite; thiosulphates 616713 609868 586632 663958
304 Foreign Trade

8.20 Import of Selected Commodities

(4-digit level)

('000' Taka)
HSC Commodities 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
2833 Sulphate alum peroxosulphate 8494009 9336220 9095250 10269661
2834 Nitrites; nitrates 146476 72710 79138 558132
2835 Phosphinate phosphonate phosphates 2285842 2855709 4129919 3528603
2836 Carbonates; peroxocarbonates etc. 10837276 11907131 13128902 12895205
2837 Cyanide, cyanide oxide/complx cynid 26243 34095 45853 33235
2838 Ful minates, cyanates/thiocyanates - - -
2839 Silicate comm alkhli metal silicate 440934 686871 474295 537000
2840 Borates; peroxoborates 423918 357490 414499 506990
2841 Salt oxometallic/peroxometallic acid 299885 238799 293409 369186
2842 Salt inorganic acid/peroxoacid other 627981 726264 932017 770429
2844 Radioactive chem elemnt/isotopes 126749 221452 732065 129605
2845 Isotopes inorgn/orgn n/radio active 1077 68 642 108
2846 Comp inorga/orga rare earch metal 27014 23734 22903 15870
2847 Hydrogn peroxide slid or not W/urea 207555 288647 124097 114561
2849 Carbides chemically defined or not 185805 171435 143857 142086
2850 Hydrides, nitrides, azides etc 3338 5032 2536 4704
2851 Inorga comp liquid/compress air - - -
2901 Acyclic hydrocarbons 392899 482396 602356 698927
2902 Cyclic hydrocarbons 795636 1099729 927481 1272701
2903 Halogenate derivative hydrocarbon 1168553 1123786 1372359 1117040
2904 Sulphonate nitrate/nitrosate deri 91915 106665 163375 174200
2905 Acyclic alcohol/halogen sulphon etc 4480477 4784005 5690782 6816657
2906 Cyclic alchl/halogena sulphonat etc 207840 237549 248804 463805
2907 Phenols; phenol-alchols 110800 162841 149916 161488
2909 Ethers, ether alchol/phenols etc 689218 12211364 865759 757103
2910 Epoxide epoxyalcohol epoxyphenois 29893 45703 46464 38178
2911 Acetats/hemiacetals, W/oxygen or not 13 24 41174356 52
2912 Aldehydes with oxygen or not 812383 1232651 1844 1419082
2913 Halogen sulpho etc prodct aldehyde 9032 9972 833955 3276
2914 Ketone/quinone oxygen func or not 566030 708779 6257765 1019426
2915 Satur acyclic monocarboxylic acid 5716060 6530982 6257765 7905635
2916 Unsatu acryclic monocarboxylic acid 1715685 1652701 1537865 2115479
2917 Polycar boxylic acids anhydrides etc 1335932 1416970 1619003 1731442
2918 Carboxylic acid with addll oxygen 2598536 2811191 3086668 32266442
2919 Phosphoric esters and salts 31437 30012 47160 40688
2920 Ester of other inorganic acid & salt 151680 229818 167954 190407
2921 Amino-function compounds 1213645 1104250 1229752 2115388
2922 Oxygen-function amino-compounds 4220708 4983805 6462876 6311735
2923 Qaternary ammonium salts etc 558465 659575 848740 6311735
2924 Carboxyamide amid-func comp 569093 651163 722358 846622
2925 Carboxyimide & imine-function comp 1245275 795149 1135802 1317243
2926 Nitrite-function compounds 105990 143378 152277 185202
2927 Diazo-azo-or axoxy-compounds 306320 266782 267604 313539
2929 Compound with other nitrogen functn 1207166 1104713 855462 930288
2930 Organo-sulphur compounds 5710683 5512090 6197568 6206990
2931 Organo-inorganic compounds, other 194916 207381 233191 402110
2933 Heterocyclic comp nitrogn heter atm 10433436 13323321 14829406 16540534
2934 Heterocyclic compounds, other 2910986 3752110 4782568 4671552
2935 Sulphonamides 1208528 1173399 1547133 1501861
2936 Provitamin/vitamin natural/synth 5235201 4907855 5171685 4926438
Foreign Trade 305

8.20 Import of Selected Commodities

(4-digit level)
('000' Taka)
HSC Commodities 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
2937 Hormones, natural/synthesis 2856902 4109856 4297232 5831185
2938 Glycosides, natural/synth salt etc 901358 874136 1432342 1708257
2939 Veg alkaloids, natural/synth salt etc 472556 698832 600565 824653
2940 Sugar chemical pure not sucrose etc 398719 393976 622248 718947
2941 Antibiotics 10058793 10762091 13495467 13708844
3001 Gland/organ for organo therapeutic 238494 201646 338139 1016742
3002 Human/animal blood for therapeutic 10909625 10281392 13879424 20467843
3003 Medicaments not for retail sal 69758 66774 150570 188897
3004 Medicaments for retail sal 9088483 8761316 9649042 976988
3005 Wadding, gauze, bandages 361303 434623 405117 473291
3006 Pharma goods surgical catgui etc. 1257746 1630823 1301508 661847
3101 Animal/vegetable fertilizers 16911 14732 14687 23533
3102 Mineral/chemical fertilizer nitroge 27303715 47019933 32270147 29119652
3103 Mineral/chemical fertilizer phosphate 20545530 20785763 18683839 17949551
3104 Mineral/chemical fertilizer, potasseo 17612426 19151170 21228749 18272071
3201 Tanning extract of vegetable origin 595142 537134 416283 469683
3202 Syn organic/inorga tanning substances 1983402 1868127 1279815 1305869
3203 Colouring matter veg animal origin 45816 47614 27751 38417
3204 synthetic organic colouring matter 34207979 42592593 36585645 43242346
3205 Color lakes prep base on color lak 1084087 1227982 817500 862481
3206 Colour matter use as luminophores 6022320 5799391 6081277 7654801
3207 Prepared pigment/opacifiers/colours 5039869 5047086 5595679 6940376
3208 Paint/varnish syn polymer non-aqua 1983403 1861728 2379926 3674836
3209 Paint/varnish base synth polymr aqua 357639 406497 426919 646018
3210 Paint/varnish other use for leather 142357 122535 92191 106794

3211 Prepared driers 241280 282612 266219 407231

3212 Pigment dispersed in none-aqueous 909206 888836 820826 973085
3213 Artist student/signbord pantr color 80996 110378 101729 161493
3214 Glazier/grft putty, resin cement, etc 713681 710064 789459 1008868
3215 Printing writing drawing/other inks 5958935 6381697 6831162 957778

3301 Essential oils 91578 94983 150663 131542

3302 Mixtures of odoriferous substances 5246133 5585028 5780497 6771332
3303 Perfumes and toilet waters 152054 124951 112956 114347
3304 Beauty/make-up/skin preparation 1878351 1431199 1825971 2832676
3305 Preparations for use on the hair 1029505 972824 895805 1314484

3306 Preparation for oral/dental hygiene 641494 677893 524342 766675

3402 Organic surface-active agent N/soap 9898280 11591460 1643376 15175577
3403 Lubricating prep for textile leather 2635256 2795377 2312464 2514829
3404 Artificial waxes and prepared waxes 467568 697900 690202 872957

3405 Photo plate film expos/dev not cine 615882 574746 515466 863356
3501 Casein caseinates casein deri/glue 21145 26290 23807 8245
3502 Albumin albuminate albumin deri 3156 6266 1109 16032
3503 Gelatin/deri isinglass glue animal 137303 153218 166574 215127
3504 Peptones/deri other protein subs nec 13075 24488 30284 77481
3505 Dextrins & other modified starches 2044188 2218909 2398579 3069779
3506 Prepare glue/other prep adhesive nec 2819005 3112903 2985688 4067754
3507 Enzymes; prepared enzymes nec 3690037 3918949 4194768 4863008
3602 Prep explosive propellent powder 146497 76265 156305 49181
3603 Safety/detonating fuse prcusion cap 93824 38108 25387 24320
306 Foreign Trade

8.20 Import of Selected Commodities

(4-digit level)
('000' Taka)
HSC Commodities 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

3604 Fireworks signal flare rain rockets 28873 3021 22765 8791
3605 Matches, not pyrotechnic articles 9 - -
3606 Ferro-cerium/other pyrophoric alloys 17819 6292 5261 4321
3701 Photo plate/film flat sensi unxpose 1483156 1880599 2103972 2286664
3702 Photo film in roll sensi unexposed 51532 45826 49953 47099
3703 Photo paper/board/text sensi unexpo 58592 66935 67984 103002
3704 Photo plate film etc expos n/develop 8378 3128 3467 6012
3705 Photo plate film expose/dev not cine 17842 30737 9231 5682
3706 Cinema film expo/dev sund trak/not 624 320 2115 2019
3707 Chemical prepa for photographic use 358082 343473 334280 405044
3801 Art/colloidal/semi collo graphite 374387 431347 460715 490417
3802 Activated crbn/mnral pdt animl blak 1275340 1831064 1813184 1703163
3803 Tall oil whether or not refined - 1841 -
3805 Gum wood/sulphate turpentine/t-oil 51016 65674 74804 98576
3806 Rosin/resin acd deri spirit/oil gum 132011 110885 127059 116199
3807 Wood tar/tar oil/creosote/naphtha 5 34 121 409
3808 Insecticide rodenticide fugnicide 21910652 2356413 21189706 3082004
3809 Finishing agent/dyeing of stuffs 14777166 14938867 15578154 15559755
3810 Pick ling prepa for mental surface etc 682813 676838 673812 848650
3811 Anti-knock prep oxidation inhibitor 659500 858961 635194 662409

3812 Prepared rubber accelerators 1251298 1672057 2009860 2636716

3813 Prepa charges for fire-extinguisher 39932 60642 49029 90054
3814 Organic composite solvent/thinners 1581810 1780200 1637073 2275389
3815 Reaction initiator/accelerator 229983 425577 621636 345361
3816 Refractory cement mortar concrete 889577 1071530 1071349 1156906

3821 Prep culture media deve micro-organ 83498 118288 145295 192510
3823 Prepared binders for foundry moulds 2039393 6349073 1432712 2082160
3901 Polymer of ethylene in primary form 40650673 44829513 43604997 47702546
3902 Polymer propylene/olefins primary 37730427 42377926 45411422 50801906
3903 Polymer sytrene primary form plstic 8692838 11556737 10047313 12917119

3904 Polymer vinyl chlorid/halogn olefin 22176184 25194172 26124014 37634218

3905 Polymer vinyl acetate/ester polymer 1767286 1792368 2086944 1993698
3907 Polyacetal/polyethers/epoxide resin 21882576 28071039 25619431 27585148
3908 Polyamides in primary forms 935186 1246717 1300600 1337434
3909 Amino/phenolic resin/polyurethanes 7094474 7577157 6549860 9438816

3910 Silicons in primary forms 2237185 2492544 2674398 2553623

3912 Cellulose/chemical deri nec primary 1874187 2149036 2342782 2730460
3913 Natural polymer/modify natural polymr 874945 957316 1091367 1158900
3914 Ion-exchanger base polymer primary 403166 539108 438017 540325
3915 Waste, parings/scrap of plastics 574990 667290 487626 622391
3916 Monofilament secton rod stck plast 220616 215890 202322 311992
3917 Tube pipe/hoses/fittings of plastic 1281625 2345729 2496961 5721986
3918 Floor coverings of plastics 323917 237266 136647 298979
3919 Self-adhesive plate sheet film etc 5894375 6410003 6039578 7644478
3920 Plate sheet film foil/strip plastic 14056760 15299252 16931292 19448594

3922 Bath showr-bath santry ware plastic 359002 387106 523659 694206
3923 Artcl for convey pack/goods; plastic 5077754 5311900 4573316 5040041
3926 Article of other plastic/material 5769597 8730319 11291753 14362206
4001 Natural rubber balata gutta-percha 985088 1114495 1375532 1064939
4002 Synth rubber/factice deriv from oil 3280771 3516929 3936692
Foreign Trade 307

8.20 Import of Selected Commodities

(4-digit level)
('000' Taka)
HSC Commodities 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
4003 Reclaimed rubber in primary forms 107762 134551 104627 132259
4004 Waste paring scrap rubr powdr grnul 5238 14114 6268 1759
4005 Compound rubber unvul primary form 153740 161153 171427 162495
4006 Rubber unvulcanised in other forms 98686 158023 223373 389742
4007 Vulcanised rubber thread & cord 2002735 2136415 2001855 2854421
4009 Tube pipe/hoses of vulcanise rubber 695244 737665 679335 869619
4010 Convyor/transmi belt vulcan rubber 930299 887344 885310 1163592
4011 New pneumatic tyres, of rubber 16102607 16388439 16084083 18447643
4012 Retreaded/use pneumatic tyre rbr 87408 98836 65364 72563
4013 Inner tubes of rubber 327625 311696 188834 2553023
4014 Hygienic/pharma article vul rubber 627370 808206 897773 10443656
4015 Article apparel/cloth access vul rbr 2263542 2593379 3292222 4729426
4016 Articles other, of vul rubber 2917715 3258152 3144626 3931176
4017 Hard rubber inclu waste/scrap/artcl 77673 62411 56196 69367
4104 Leather bovine/equine without hair 3383053 1490025 933161 403919
4105 Sheep/lamp skin leather not wool on 126547 945700 524010 215987
4202 Trunks suit-cases vanity-cases etc 1283709 1048986 968338 978307
4203 Article apparel/cloth access leather 1996146 1613274 1121779 1487520
4204 Leather/composition leather article - - -
4205 Leather articles, other 478223 332279 658078 232567
4206 Articles of gut not silk-worm gut 110 641 184 128
4303 Article apparel/other article fursk in 39810 50422 20284 4887
4401 Fuel wood in logs in billet in twig 56146 103060 53034 14081
4403 Wood in the rough 8214248 8150684 8570176 7409315
4404 Hoopwood; Split poles; piles, pickets 2068 9283 1562 5276

4407 Wood sawn/chipped lenghwise sliced 639583 456042 334515 494293

4409 Wood continuously shape plane or not 5684 3951 8303 8656
4410 Particle board/similar board wood 106270 50495 6361 45913
4411 Fibreboard of wood 1586288 888147 846133 546681
4412 Plywood veneered panel/lamintd wood 340713 410808 431554 475864

4413 Densified wood in block plate etc 177523 70415 24709 64742
4416 Wooden casks barrels vats tubs etc 112 68 345 2110
4417 Tool tool body tool handle etc wood 63714 75944 95647 58731
4418 Builders joinery and carpentry wood 453526 208258 173045 147171
4419 Tableware and kitchen ware of wood 12707 10413 11989 17214

4420 Wood marquetry/inlaid wood, caskets 77801 44414 41248 19046

4421 Wood articles, other 141389 157563 257111 2552272
4501 Natural cork raw or simply prepared 18810 7368 13079 17884
4502 Natural cork debacked/roughly squar 2379 5066 1557 2359
4503 Articles of natural cork 7842 4693 484 564

4504 Agglomerated cork and articles 21160 21447 6747 19442

4601 Plait/product of plaiting material 98682 69275 40868 43568
4602 Basketwork wickerwork/other article 21619 31764 21627 16054
4702 Chemical wood pulp dissolving grade 10 19580 -
4703 Chemical woodpulp soda/sulphate n/dsolv 19002113 20006765 17500814 13722356

4704 Chemical wood pulp sulphite n/disolv 144360 44746 4131 4541
4706 Pulp other fibrous celulos material 33042 33694 23694 90777
4707 Waste/scrap of paper or paperboard 2009456 2144128 118393 1032351
4801 Newsprint, in rolls or sheets 2168156 2387430 1871009 860907
4802 Paper and paper board, uncoated 1946219 1957099 2328710 1515450
308 Foreign Trade

8.20 Import of Selected Commodities

(4-digit level)
('000' Taka)
HSC Commodities 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

4803 Toilet or facial tissue stock 284790 246121 183405 122488

4804 Kraft paper and paper board uncoated 10644454 12316565 11131081 10298704
4805 Paper/paperboard uncoat roll/sheet 5592116 7217762 7327750 7045662
4806 Veg parchment greaseproof paper etc 127430 191470 131281 188087
4807 Composite paper and paperboard 55713 30993 26909 31446

4808 Paper and paperboard corrugated etc 299518 340649 196934 214216
4809 Carbon paper, self-copy paper 95126 105240 87963 155934
4810 Paper and paper board, coated 22640913 24635184 24854792 26313170
4811 Paper, paperboard cellulose wadding 4716241 5492027 4978873 6198849
4812 Filter block slabs plate paper pulp 790 745 1047 1817
4813 Cigarette paper cut to size or not 733113 678715 1396629 1394236
4816 Carbon/self-copy other copying paper 40103 21990 22418 25875
4817 Envelopes, letter card post card etc 44058 29924 17617 9436
4818 Toilet paper, handkerchief towel etc 203529 193851 173016 260661
4819 Cartons boxes cases bags of paper 4208523 4938748 4636690 6168948

4820 Registers account books paper/board 71176 65138 65404 56738

4821 Paper/board labels of all kinds 6747761 6694994 5449074 5578230
4822 Bobbin spool cop of paper pulp etc 123010 162879 161530 166205
4823 Paper/board other cellulose wadding 991200 1215522 1106232 1304654
4901 Printed books, brochures, leaflets 599264 1037456 782165 3624329

4902 Newspapers, journals and periodicals 22037 23306 21076 21690

4905 Maps/hydrographic/similar charts 6658 2154 4290 856
4906 Plans/drawings architectural, engg 11237220 9879926 1249495 3385741
4907 Unused postage, revenue stamps 89075 322030 702518 4236593
4908 Transfers (decaloomanias) 446933 476797 624737 814905

4909 Printed or illustrated postcards 6867 2393 3373 2507

4910 Calendars of any kind, printed 12214 9767 5957 8821`
4911 Printed matter, pictures/photographs 456626 585559 8402560 1383896
5002 Raw silk (not thrown) 33339 20793 22401 1383896
5004 Silk yarn not putup for retail sale 12166 3432 7088 559

5006 Silk yarn/spun wast r/sale worm gut 4472 21053 90384 5139
5007 Woven fabrics of silk or silk waste 109785 52963 41728 37391
5101 Wool not carded or combed 10706 21842 16705 31323
5102 Fine/coarse animal hair n/card/comb 20441 12777 170721 22020
5103 Waste wool/fine/coarse animal hair 574 8381 59012 2885

5105 Wool/fine/coarse hair carded/combed 246076 309113 285012 144962

5106 Yarn carded wool n/for retail sale 1025831 1048870 711623 512388
5109 Yarn wool/fine animal hair rtl sale 69141 199622 262001 329033
5111 Woven fabric card wool/fine hair 376611 306673 207913 257205
5112 Woven fabric comb wool/fine hair 179262 638299 259222 204758
5113 Woven fabric coarse animal/hors chair 5635 5638 4261 282
5201 Cotton not carded or combed
270090055 290565357 321373435
5202 Cotton waste 68988 85249 211126 205365
5203 Cotton carded or combed 2219345 2106399 1580758 1831587
5204 Cotton sewing thred rtl sale or not 687730 788676 557911 169241
5205 Cotton yarn weight 85%+not rtl sale 96107107 96270285 75635078 105409092
5206 C/yarn less than 85% weight n/rtl 7278482 8222242 6806864 10297345
5207 Cotton yarn put up for retail sale 287044 302920 427567 534038
5208 Fabric cotton 85%+not more 200 gsm 117482825 107371021 74051401 55619267
5209 Fabric cotton containing 85%+200 gsm+ 139680647 140515072 112139064 102130196
Foreign Trade 309

8.20 Import of Selected Commodities

(4-digit level)
('000' Taka)
HSC Commodities 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-2021

5210 Fabric cotton <85% mixed m/made fibr 15609129 17376782 16258561 14013415
5211 C/fbric <85% m/made fibr 200 gsm+ 47007426 58842650 66277296 73964640
5301 Flax raw/process n/spun tow waste 270446 491855 879772 559600
5305 Coconut abaca ramie & other vegetable 7052 42832 32916 23539
5307 Yarn jute/other textile best fibres 664492 513184 270514 875290
5308 Yarn other vege tex fibre paper yarn 4336 3960 62295 7588
5401 Sew thred m/made fila retail or not 13904179 15303167 12760357 89874490
5402 Synthetic filament yarn not retail 38078450 46290379 44142632 66511555
5403 Artificial filament yarn not retail 8643735 10754363 8851087 9891688
5404 Synthetic monofilament 67 decitex+ 287843 476749 308426 336304

5407 Woven fabrics synthe filament yarn 61453372 70523206 72814476 79850958
5408 Woven fabric of artificial fila yarn 5488961 8007905 5278994 3078786
5501 Synthetic filament tow 2611337 2954352 1851419 2052460
5502 Artificial filament tow 3882131 3261605 6141719 5358843
5503 Syn fibre n/carded combed for spin 20207830 21448090 20093920 22381623

5505 Waste of man-made fibres 51294 56971 27834 17249

5506 Synth staple fibre card comb process 293912 198144 229595 372766
5508 Sewing thread man made staple fibre 1099436 1391253 1568276 1711596
5509 Yarn synth staple fibre not retail 32847697 37877217 24661587 28106969
5510 Yarn of ari staple fibre not retail 5359647 4872596 4368571 4132316

5511 Yarn man made staple fibre retail 157046 160191 194108 123844
5512 Woven fabric 85%+syn staple fibre 18399330 17078599 8042984 6653984
5513 Fabric<85% syn fibre cotton<=170 gsm 25738387 25115379 18744786 16815243
5514 Fabric<85% syn fibre cotton 170 gsm+ 11382813 10800564 8636831 10129062
5515 Woven fabric synth staple fibre other 10288487 1313696 11501890 9254909

5516 Woven fabric artificial staple fibre 8991801 11696904 15709083 15182165
5601 Wadding text mtrl fibre <=5mm 1278935 1662853 1587007 1590629
5602 Felt impregnate coat cover lminate 266245 364142 282799 319416
5603 Nuonwoven impregnated coat lminatd 2926620 4334094 5472820 6952300
5604 Rubber thread cord text cover yarn 756632 1030340 1221611 1048030

5605 Metal yrn gimped tex yarn<=67 deci 376454 341127 317145 459525
5606 Gimped yrn syn monofila<67 deci 538313 738091 738691 421859
5607 Twine cordge cble plait or not 982438 1099402 1291184 1826086
5608 Knott yrn strin twine etc tex mtrl 99419 91697 144357 169616
5609 Article yrn strip twine rope etc nec 61170 80169 93636 178405

5701 Carpet other tex floor covering knotd 61465 23011 38112 9242
5702 Carpet tex floor cover n/tuft flock 164218 187167 127886 14740
5703 Carpet tex floor cover tufted 137771 110948 144487 153702
5704 Carpet text floor cover felt n/tuft 24795 19486 10558 9972
5705 Carpet other text floor cover other 219644 228408 403184 502554

5801 Woven pile & chenille fabric 3983813 7084551 5043453 7609969
5802 Terry otwelling similar tery fabric 1068871 1450088 1081050 1157252
5803 Gauze other than narrow woven fabric 1405 2927 4762 2112
5804 Tulle other net fabric n/wovn n/knitd 5283683 5527988 5473592 7035499
5805 Hand-wov tapestrics gobln findr etc 47401 14791 13771 19957

5806 Narow wovn fab consist warp assembl 4303643 6037144 6664432 9036651
5807 Label adgessi similar article tex mtrl 4936960 5201158 4726610 4669821
5808 Braid ornamnt trimng smilrd artcl 206761 180023 135245 112375
5809 Fabric metal thred metallised yarn 104861 22579 16805 30614
5810 Embroidry piece stsip/in motif 222384 209452 256418 459305
310 Foreign Trade

8.20 Import of Selected Commodities

(4-digit level)
('000' Taka)
HSC Commodities 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

5901 Tex fabric coat gum/amylace substance 55396 76501 15816 430283
5902 Tyre cord fabric high tancty yrn nyl 1319588 1786524 1985687 1851807
5909 Textile hosepipe & similar tex tubing 263540 539010 477833 281123
5910 Transmission/conveyor belt tex mtrl 221648 217102 238747 308506
5911 Tex product & article for tech use 1031817 1206316 1046450 1105802

6001 Pile incl long pile & fabrics 16600417 20225081 17155609 27358582
6002 Knittd or croched fabric other 4972263 6324595 4580127 2594863
6103 Men/boy suit ensemble jakt trousr etc 146679 3284908 134427 116240
6104 Women/girl suit ensemble jacket etc 32938 8610095 19638 124334
6107 Men/boys undrpant brief gown etc 24303 27135 45795 86682
6110 Jersey pullover cardigan etc knittd 93795 12288 71617 86623
6115 Pantry hose homse tight stock other hosiery 44995 91539 42051 63167
6116 Gloves nitten & mitt knitd/crochtd 674565 282933 195080 326647
6201 Men/boy ovr-car coat cape cloak etc 131442 105933 119430 112930
6202 Women/gild ovr-car coat etc n/knitd 67898 27253 11855 6149
6203 Men/boy suit ensembl jacket bib etc 325936 414716 199149 396630
6204 Women/grl suit ensmble jacket etc 558637 852607 903569 1784555
6205 Men's/boy's shirt not knitd/crochtd 166643 82696 45733 41650
6206 Women/girl blouse shirts not knitd 21690 33358 14677 31087
6207 Men/boy singlet vest under pants etc 73960 465026 165040 86282
6208 Womn/girl singlet othr vest etc 20235 184369 157758 78632
6210 Grnt felt/nonwovn/text fabric etc 12271 133234 861464 443738
6211 Track, ski suit swimwer grnt n/knit 28317 28254 43497 153416
6212 Brassier girdes similar artical 546088 688389 937837 1690827
6214 Shawl scarve muffler mantillas veil 397299 386163 469576 428610

6215 Ties, bow ties and cravats 362466 476883 294299 231859
6216 Gloves, mittens and mitts 7782 9814 12818 16250
6217 Made up clothing accessories & part 61143122 6020969 - 44353116
6301 Blankets and travelling rugs 1796267 1475105 1364028 848630
6302 Bed/table/toilet/kitchen linen 260417 321817 184632 87250

6303 Curtain interior blind/bed valance 61889 47507 21657 25514

6304 Furnish article, other 618188 235547 340806 336376
6305 Sack/bag used for packing goods 252414 166181 2111160 338043
6306 Tarpaulin sails, tent camp goods 2319391 730604 942957 263758
6307 Madeup artcl othr incl dress pattrn 443593 422730 657967 2067126

6309 Worn clothing & other warn article 503337 836640 904360 584825
6403 Footwear sole rubr etc uppr w/leathr 192335 372853 316255 236031
6405 Footwear other 275064 213011 153493 512826
6406 Parts of footwear 14077829 156204804 2990 15879925
6502 Hatshape plait assmb strip any mtrl 4737 116 2990 486

6504 Hats other headgear 2489 4614 5148 6645

6505 Hat and other headgear knit 122061 97461 61425 120091
6506 Headgear other line/trim or not 270780 355701 - 257925
6601 Umbrellas and sum umbrellas 526549 197540 83753 86993
6603 Part umbrella walk stick seat-stick 228483 262623 214981 313923

6801 Selts curbstone & flagstone natural 76510 40 538 47

6802 Monumental building stone, worked 594479 431190 320626 355710
6803 Work slate & article of slate etc 7251 3422 6721 10772
6804 Mllstone grindstone grind whel etc 1445060 1789021 11936017 2178884
6805 Natural/art abrasive powder/grain 411165 421608 404926 525898
Foreign Trade 311

8.20 Import of Selected Commodities

(4-digit level)
('000' Taka)
HSC Commodities 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

6806 Slag rock wool/similar mineral wool 346201 470711 577450 342528
6807 Article of asphalt/similar material 119045 72838 84570 188214
6808 Panel, board, tile & similar article 306563 160368 215280 67049
6809 Articles plaster/based on plaster 75490 65118 61537 113215
6810 Articles cement concrete/art stone 597737 5594680 7137236 10269882

6811 Article asbestos-cement, cellulose etc 31014 70966 68641 31386

6812 Fabricated asbestos fibres 176378 125477 126544 103877
6813 Friction material & article thereof 427208 396114 3392296 319091
6814 Worked mica and articles of mica 43181 17712 11811 16402
6815 Articles of stone/other mineral subs 433894 477246 793993 649859

6901 Brick block tile/other ceramic goods 51347 159716 17474 15263
6902 Refrctory brick block tile/ceramic 1882414 1700433 2271678 2112639
6903 Refractory ceramic goods other 1487355 1578638 14581594 1780761
6904 Cramic bldg brick floor block etc 24671 11862 416 13635
6905 Roof tile chimny-pot/linr cowl etc 191117 119647 40665 16383

6906 Cramic pipe, conduit, sutr/pipe fitng 4460 3471 216 147704
6907 Unglaz cramic flag paring wall tile 4804814 3685008 2953361 2860446
6908 Gazd cramic flag paring wall tile 17058 - 1124
6909 Cramic ware for lab chemical tech use 139924 17363 30482 40046
6910 Cramic sink wash basin padstal etc 370011 298637 375237 441325

6911 Tbleware kitchnware other h/h article 35833 9462 14154 9025
6912 Cramic table/kitchnware not proclin 25500 13533 18774 24474
6913 Statuete other ornamntl cramic artcl 17784 27364 15336 22461
6914 Ceramic articles, other 25143 60072 12457 58191
7001 Cullet/othr waste/scrap glass/mass 80837 112187 227166 239450

7002 Glass ball n/microspher, rod unwork 368671 419185 402660 420826
7003 Cast glass roll glass sheet profile 190395 179407 226770 171022
7004 Grawn glass & blown glass in sheets 23141 32049 32770 8442
7005 Float/surface grund/plish glass sheet 1713125 2124018 1950440 1204987
7006 Glass bent, edge work engraved, etc 59777 303454 127656 111426

7007 Safety/tougn or laminated glass 1075118 2548527 1578597 3500050

7008 Multiple-wall insulating unit, glass 123839 211390 165068 240419
7009 Glass mirrors whether or not framed 630097 733408 515615 593619
7010 Carboy botle flask jar etc of glass 1358053 1392817 1307308 1813230
7011 Glass envelope open for elec lamp 38864 51340 8825 8236

7013 Glassware of the kitchn toilet etc 750020 562847 593675 482362
7015 Clock/watch glass & similar glass 1234 4289 1138 1066
7016 Pave block slab brick tile etc other 27292 18468 30790 85632
7017 Lab, hygnic/pharmaceutical glassware 185685 152768 193177 132788

7018 Glass bead imita pearl precius stone 322213 283127 302959 432148
7019 Glass fibre & articles thereof 775148 1098267 1451532 1873231
7020 Articles of glass, other 95147 129699 177621 248746
7106 Silver unwrought/semi-mfg/powder 7886 693 4299 36
7110 Platinum unwrought/semi-mfg/powdr 108 109 26 335

7115 Art precius metl/clad w/precius mtl 856 37 240 1513

7116 Artcl naturl/culture pearl p/stone 4996 1274 128 1721
7117 Imitation jewellery 622677 663105 - 926684
7201 Pig iron/spregeleisen, in pig, block 2824417 4091003 596442 362871
7202 Ferro-alloys 3910932 4333239 - 458963
312 Foreign Trade

8.20 Import of Selected Commodities

(4-digit level)
('000' Taka)
HSC Commodities 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

7204 Ferro-waste; remelt scrap iron ingot 77387988 97171040 1146656108 113930398
7205 Granule, powder of pig iron, etc 70639 56530 5202814 2064436
7206 Iron, non-alloy steel in ingots etc 26961 3945 50 48
7207 Iron/n-alloy steel semi-finish prod 6684368 967869 12698 20405
7208 Flat h/roll '.6m>=width, n/clad, prodt 56390344 77299655 82547645 65255398

7209 Flat cold-roll, .6m>=nclad, product 6179913 6532180 6149992 5490067

7210 Flat-rolled, .6m>width, clad, product 18396761 13336100 23437001 20647940
7211 Flat-roll, <.6m width, n/clad, product 724487 961631 906992 1042678
7212 Flat-rol, <.6m, clad, n/aly steel prod 4479433 528424 5537139 7915274
7213 N/alloy stel, h/rol, ir/wound coil bar 2242624 3049416 2721990 3036716

7214 N/aloy steel, ohr, forge, h/rol, bar/rod 2240457 2244466 2455605 1188908
7215 Iron/non-alloy steel bar/rod, other 111365 494815 386988 26340412
7216 Non-alloy steel, angle, shape/section 3405540 3093018 2319378 2910978
7217 Wire of iron or non-alloy steel 5796820 4629054 4735621 2883658
7218 Semi-finish stainless steel product 3573 781 188 2679

7219 Flat-rol, stainless steel, .6m+, prodt 4279477 6314156 6813237 97651803
7220 Flat-rol, <.6m, stainless steel, prodt 941116 1071578 1134654 1068801
7221 Stanles stel ir/wind coil, h/rol, bar 15360 859895 1055646 202125
7222 Stainles stel, ohr, bar/rod, angle etc 1198354 1229965 1074688 1263220
7223 Wire of stainless steel 181057 129784 101317 213235

7224 Alloy steel, other, in primary form 143 - 21588 806

7225 Flat-rol, othr alloy steel, .6m,+prod 14132954 15609905 11272699 11731267
7226 Flat-ro , othr alloy steel, <.6m, prod 1256697 881151 652957 702058
7228 Angle, shape, etc, other alloy steel 1802409 2661214 984572 2015348
7229 Wire of other alloy steel 109322 97066 128464 184054

7301 Sheet pil; weld angle etc, iron/steel 2391007 3129684 2116678 1686217
7302 Iron/steel railway track material 2782316 2118860 4065138 1774508
7303 Tubes, pipes of cast iron 3588655 818206 1818613 991625
7304 Tube, pipe etc seamless, iron/steel 7378126 13146994 10299588 8997126
7305 Iron/steel tube/pipe, .4m+e/diameter 2029626 1700080 1640881 5215555

7307 Iron/steel tube/pipe fittings 4547952 5387432 5160309 457902

7308 Structures & parts of iron/steel 21266949 26869925 21394536 40918132
7309 Iron/steel reservoir, tank, etc, 3001+ 1284558 1173676 2650588 1733912
7310 Iron steel tank, cask, drum, etc, <300 523688 430175 471898 662606
7311 Iron/steel liquefied gas container 11882295 8356217 4519145 4062552

7312 Strand wire, etc, n/electric insulate 1857026 2551342 1800372 1955618
7313 Fencing barbed wire, twist hoop, etc 6853 15370 24658 21212
7314 Cloth grill, netting, etc, iron/steel 192082 325408 240984 156765
7315 Chain and parts of iron/steel 1427099 1597971 1471188 2173104
7316 Anchor, grapnel, parts of iron/steel 510009 861390 199729

7317 Nail, drawing pin etc, iron/steel 459657 484105 702516 940341
7318 Screws bolts, nuts, etc, of iron/steel 5215672 5167922 5040126 6064802
7319 Sewing, knitting needles, bockins, etc 168108 202640 169790 230971
7320 Spring/level for spring, iron/steel 770818 606331 477073 549584
7321 Iron/steel stove, range etc, n/elects 2650458 2632739 2376326 4122251

7322 N/elec heated cntrl heating radiatr 25233 26667 107346 1318565
7323 Iron/steel table wool, pad, glove, etc 786686 568860 594842 784742
7324 Iron/steel sanitary ware and parts 217666 290203 323879 474406
7325 Cast article, other, of iron or steel 483008 634734 323682 488603
7326 Articles of iron or steel, other 4153243 5236737 4800640 9102691
Foreign Trade 313

8.20 Import of Selected Commodities (Contd.)

(4-digit level)
('000' Taka)
HSC Commodities 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

7403 Refine coper coper alloy unwrought 16311509 11854071 12172978 12311641
7405 Master alloys of copper 150909 185924 108268 141327
7406 Copper powder and flakes 21798 15343 32975 57699
7407 Copper bars, roos and profiles 1964831 1615795 1597499 1650276
7408 Copperwire 4798515 4413571 5232319 3296796

7409 Copper plate sheet thick etc 15mm 1432401 1397520 1367414 1932709
7411 Copper tubes and pipes 1408560 1751697 2493547 2175429
7412 Copper tube or pipe fittings 123881 104834 159230 202523
7413 Strand wire cable not elect insulat 566308 398065 30097 271261
7414 Cloth gril netting copper wire - - -

7415 Nails tacks drawing pins staples 74416 76404 312097 137142
7417 Cooking/heading apparatus of copper - - -
7418 Table kitchen h/hold article 9979 1955 7937 14145
7419 Articles of copper, other 103712 185990 314196 689775
7502 Unwrought nickel 3679 16086 18196 31939

7503 Nickel waste and scrap - 16 -

7504 Nickel powders and flakes 3329 7286 790 5565
7505 Nickel bars, rods, profiles and wire 37063 17356 3369 6837
7506 Nickel plates, sheets, strip foil 9987 11848 16498 29606
7507 Nickel tube pipe & tube/pipe fiting 89013 168114 21710 14054

7508 Nickel articles, other 40844 35152 25043 30349

7601 Aluminium unwrought 15257882 15853426 15388622 16282137
7602 Aluminium waste and scrap 137392 123374 182566 244497
7603 Aluminium powders and flakes 7387 777 1486 1654
7604 Aluminium bars, rods and profiles 761529 832893 815642 983139

7605 Aluminium wire 4617188 2984043 770674 261763

7606 Aluminium plate sheet thick exc (2 mm) 1845780 2341327 2456884 2442632
7607 Aluminium foil thick not exc (2mm) 5173269 5386557 6201282 6546512
7609 Aluminium tube or pipe fittings 117767 783687 69199 51110
7610 Aluminium structures and parts 560633 852733 1443215 1200910

7611 Alumn reservoir tankvat exc 300L 2646 1193 97 2300

7612 Alumn cask drum cans not exc 300L 1175075 1197991 1277615 971348
7613 Alumn container for comp/liq gas 36217 16604 42440 335534
7614 Strnd wire cable plait nt elec insl 3970036 8666534 7266015 9504999
7615 Table kitchen/other h/h part thereof 150793 85535 87864 216378

7616 Aluminium articles, other 462064 383963 417728 751221

7801 Unwrought lead 7610149 3581836 4938083 5440397
7802 Lead waste and scrap 1579 - 96014 197405
7804 Lead plate sheet strip powd flake 5339 4788 3437 6962

7806 Lead articles, other 14589 18476 14901 13049

7901 Unwrought zinc 14615488 13017253 13557598 11464531
7902 Zinc waste and scrap - - 3041
7903 Zinc dust, powders and flakes 40520 10632 23017 30769

7904 Zinc bars, rods, profiles and wire 154258 75116 132532 158719
7905 Zinc plates, sheets, strip and foil 460 55 376 26205
7907 Zinc articles, other 17591 36756 17416 17056
8001 Unwrought tin 282761 645400 189162 217240
8003 Tin bars rods profiles and wire 6578 11044 22585 5654
314 Foreign Trade

8.20 Import of Selected Commodities

(4-digit level)
('000' Taka)
HSC Commodities 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
8004 Tin plate sheet strip thick exc. 2mm - - -
8005 Tin foil thick not exc (2mm) - - -
8007 Tin articles, other 2864 721481 135872 24880
8101 Tungsten article thereof waste scra 43411 55472 44482 52884
8102 Molybdenum & article waste & scrap 11167 17933 26307 25697
8103 Tantalum & article incl waste scrap 18 77 -
8104 Magnesium & article incl waste scrap 33393 44823 33385 17911
8107 Cadmium & article incl waste scrap 47623 39948 32919 39305
8108 Titanium & article incl waste scrap 4834 2207 1892 490030
8110 Antimony & article incl waste scrap 195886 201415 128448 188163
8201 Hand tools 192741 241841 194756 252519
8202 Handsaw blade for saw of all kind 192637 195192 153619 269512
8203 File rasp plier & similar hand tool 353857 448161 316145 472943
8204 Hand-operated spanner & wrench 394799 409861 348272 487465
8205 Handtool; blow lamp vice clamp etc 645033 868700 755470 876405
8206 Tools for hand saw blade 87364 79684 47025 112749
8207 Interchangeable tools for hand tool 983479 915417 1062446 1160126
8208 Knives & cutting blade for machine 714274 909586 911367 803883
8209 Plate stick tip for tool unmounted 77820 42897 85387 33225
8210 Hand operated mech appli weigh 10 kg 8552 20678 11312 30024
8211 Knive with blade scrrated/or not 47665 64854 56052 98801
8212 Razors and razor blades 698263 762130 583679 881048
8213 Scissor tailor shear blade therefor 50881 43791 37642 79515
8214 Articles of cutlery other 76755 80389 70597 105261
8215 Spoon fork skimmer fish knife etc 285972 230947 198554 3020

8301 Padlocks and locks of base metal 1560361 1324826 1171673 2264332
8302 Base metal mount fitting & the like 3003615 3738951 3309379 4022899
8303 Armour/reinforced safes doors etc 77602 122255 61893 99453
8304 Filing cabinet card-index cabinet 10784 13962 12139 9925
8305 Fiting losse-leaf blinder/files etc 208316 217180 230955 227348

8306 Bells gong & the like non-electric 179075 186227 132154 185968
8307 Flexible tubing of base metal 217179 225241 317512 238049
8308 Clasp frame buckle eyes & the like 3610956 4127591 3994553 4983541
8309 Stopper cap & lids of base 393781 425264 469327 659699
8310 Sign name address plate base metal 53910 58101 43642 83624

8311 Wire rod tube plate electrodes etc 983720 219497 1089412 1238768
8401 Nuclear reactors; fuel elements 5424 1513998 3597302 26652950
8402 Steam othr vapour generating boiler 9488482 29910033 14312454 21078943
8404 Aux plant steam/cent heat boiler 6798922 12836430 4932195 13092189
8405 Producer gas/water gas generator 1542901 1826910 1837463 1799090

8406 Steam turbine othr vapour turbine 7283333 14655501 11155210 21493352
8407 Spark-ignition/rotary piston engine 2404701 5639855 7758179 12334363
8408 Compression-ignition piston engine 9823409 8507565 6555127 7678706
8409 Part spark ignition piston engine 11273333 10545720 11846180 25515927
8410 Hydraulic turbine water wheel 10660 113338 1171714 308647

8411 Turbo-jet turbo-propeller & other 26025845 6051328 9637710 15217830

8412 Engines and motors, other 4411892 1334640 912050 1827943
8413 Pumps for liquid elevators 15354307 17784919 19393645 18729784
8414 Air/vacuum pump gas compressor & fan 20595668 17818032 17587327 18602948
8415 Air conditioning machines 9916581 8844164 11211321 9397064

Foreign Trade 315

8.20 Import of Selected Commodities

(4-digit level)
('000' Taka)
HSC Commodities 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

8416 Furnace burners for liquid fuel 407797 220221 295190 402251
8417 Indus/lab furnace oven non-electri 1227706 2633327 2446779 996548
8418 Refrigerators, freezers and other 11124801 10358543 8677732 9350016
8419 Machinery, plant lab equips 10584840 18365562 20772392 18403445
8420 Calendering/other rolling machines 486347 861089 481513 527474

8421 Centrifuge filtering/purify mchnry 13290639 15076744 12192933 15192688

8422 Dish washing machines 19110216 15943163 15471278 10524742
8423 Weighing mchnery incl weight aperate 1230656 1429042 1602108 2164797
8424 Mechanical appliances & the like 4521413 4171394 3077847 4213253
8425 Pulley tackle & hoist winch capstan 1586071 1954278 344514 1195914

8426 Derick crane mobile lift frame etc 14607308 17193667 13626784 12682293
8428 Lift hndlng load/unload mchnry othr 11468949 11575123 13553907 13500782
8429 Selpropel buldzr angldzr gradr etc 18855513 16466280 16397579 16300319
8430 Moving gradng levelng mchnry etc ohr 9007939 6274991 6884642 3269681
8431 Part mchnry pulley tackle hoist etc 5999967 4767982 4423028 3494896

8432 Agri horti or forestry machinery 5833501 5091639 3562814 4469053

8433 Harvesting or threshing machinery 779977 827043 2318005 4960566
8434 Miling machine and dairy machinery 275853 336127 892173 81980
8435 Presses, crushers & beverage mchnry 9404 46639 41391 17850
8436 Agri horti poultry-keep mchnry othr 6515510 4996283 4352996 4084226

8437 Mchne for clean sort/grad seed etc 7319474 5077712 3614326 10672841
8438 Mchnry for mfg. of food/drnk nec 9183732 11414038 8838232 3992121
8439 Mchnry for making pulp/papr/p/board 3191371 5231403 4720471 1792172
8440 Book-binding machinery 471629 198867 123271 112405
8441 Mchnry making paper pulp, paper othr 4301036 2919894 3747712 3002349

8442 Machinery, apparatus and equipment 1243200 1759534 455169 354622

8443 Print mchnry for ancillary to print 16734457 14622653 13384326 10340095
8444 Mchne extruding, draw texturng mtrl 187695 518766 1029787 753975
8445 Mchine for preparing textile fibre 31321210 25875446 13238609 11611726
8446 Weaving macnines (looms) 13333526 8314887 5955314 9031600
8447 Knitting mach stitch-bond mach etc 32491998 23329312 16623070 13219802
8448 Aux mchnry for extrud draw mach etc 8148962 7766730 7276038 7117854
8449 Macninery for mfg/finishing of felt 964065 295465 544471 554345
8450 H/hold/laundry-type washing macnine 722081 1064640 1030364 2758665
8451 Mchnry for wash clean wring dry etc 36214395 26835879 24850895 17916477
8452 Sewing mchne not book sewing machine 22263397 23182897 17273614 17196547
8453 Mchnry prep ring, tanning/work hide 2557985 2352886 1769710 1907240
8454 Convert ladle ingot mould cast mchn 1051297 914258 616884 925052
8455 Metal-rolling mill roll therefor 4153864 7494734 3231000 4369120
8456 Mchny-tool for working material 1700406 1412433 1874516 1511599
8458 Lathes for removing metal 559459 613174 734910 532091
8459 Mchn-tool drill boring thread etc 1055726 1634003 473539 637683
8460 Mchn-tool deburing sharpen grind etc 287444 588094 592806 259691
8461 Mchne-tool planing shaping slot etc 474798 482962 539800 550908
8462 Mchn-tool work forging hamering etc 4149563 3892654 2650912 1918779
8463 Machine-tool othr for working metal 475945 521999 658830 843757
8464 Mchine-tool work stone ceramic etc 1881546 1023054 2957034 1047757
8466 Part mchn tool h/n 84.56 to 84.65 525558 572356 453292 462352
8467 Tool hand pnumtic/self n/elec motor 1277771 1539992 1361221 1757792
8468 Mchnry for soldering braz wend etc 782378 382404 297709 267301
316 Foreign Trade

8.20 Import of Selected Commodities

(4-digit level)
('000' Taka)
HSC Commodities 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
8469 Typewriter word-process machines
- - -
8470 Calculating account frank mchne etc 540372 472757 804804 873361
8471 Auto data process mchn unit thereof 25483325 26702279 21325257 19106808
8472 Office machines other 237062 368381 396862 1442489
8473 Part typewritr calculating mchn etc 3032593 3369497 3606142 5054707
8474 Mchnery sort screen wash crush etc 14011012 24653528 15700760 9483618
8475 Mchn assem elec lamp tube/valve etc 1832386 2131859 741715 1261663
8476 Automatic goods-vending machines 396589 119356 65777 42700
8477 Mchnry for working rubber/plastics 12977210 9524756 9389114 12732228
8478 Mchnry preparing/making up tobacco 2342035 2160793 2057369 2067134
8479 Mchn mechanical appl individual func 33102591 3896536 16119980 16144234
8480 Mould box base pattrn rubbr/plastic 11596690 11186599 9569415 9049318
8481 Taps, cocks, valves and similar appl 8966132 9253809 7724208 11670838
8482 Ball-or roller bearings 3783620 4052009 4064360 6421456
8483 Transmission shaft crank bearing etc 5186490 5711984 5891209 5427026
8484 Gasket & similar joints metal sheet 1113800 291373 837643 954783
8501 Electric motors generator 9438346 14625391 10429142 7963036
8502 Elec generating set, rotary convertr 81121310 71720865 21102404 22303998
8503 Parts electric motor, generating set 8070121 6162979 4487650 8312452
8504 Electrical transformer inductor etc 38071159 27372903 20790213 30454876
8505 Electro-magnets; and articles 272642 442655 671177 332858
8506 Primary cells and primary batteries 312137 307836 290391 351611
8507 Electric accumulator, incl separator 12941415 8738013 6564886 14377770
8508 Electro-mechanical tools with motor 423823 109693 68719 86766
8509 Electro-mechanical domestic applianc 440312 750010 589711 1146848

8510 Electric shaver hair chipper 68745 79367 62499 149249

8511 Electrical ignition equip, generator 1482961 1039589 1028083 1433907
8512 Elec light/signaling equipment, etc 1106567 1171524 1529767 1982503
8513 Portable elctri, own energy run, lamp 1347209 743357 740777 1039526
8514 Industrial/lab electric furnac, oven 2196860 1518874 994797 1195956

8515 Elect laser/photon beametic machine 1383601 1275545 1142625 1247209

8516 Elec storage water, immersion heater 3398279 4199106 3012680 4926995
8517 Electric line T/phony, T/graphy apts 100642479 84806797 81789851 127391865
8518 Microphone loudspeaker, headphone, etc 1405898 2028124 2087314 2846193
8519 Turntables, record/casete player, etc 265261 237487 115895 402332

8520 Sound recording, apparatus - - -

8521 Video-recording/reproducing aparats 101558 82946 106068 116304
8522 Part, turntable, record-player, etc 16062 113710 10199 29530
8523 S/recording prepared unrecord media 12439774 14598546 14208317 22035628
8524 Sound recorder record, tape etc - - -

8525 Transmission apart radio-tel, tv etc 1476675 2085655 1560016 1008915

8526 Radar radio navigation aid, etc apts 1308942 1756816 798079 2363798
8527 Radio telephone, etc, reception apts 2529217 2740616 1290920 268607
8528 TV incl video monitors/projectors 5009236 5708387 3180166 4928477
8529 Part, transmission, reception etc, apts 5302739 10775091 9865103 14175052

8530 Elec signal, safety equp railway etc 538171 1491082 536817 736147
8531 Electric sound/visual signaling apts 4108848 5035967 3596933 3681167
8532 Elect capacitor, fixed, variable, etc 1089749 763518 728096 1016660
8533 Electronic resistor not heating 281825 249408 253454 270854
8534 Printed circuits 815786 832666 787477 743224
Foreign Trade 317

8.20 Import of Selected Commodities

(4-digit level)
('000' Taka)
HSC Commodities 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

8535 Electric switching, etc aparatus; 1 kv> 7358838 8217286 5445263 52277394
8536 Electric switching, etc, aparats, <=1 kv 5774882 6570435 5017463 8071115
8537 One+elect switch equped, board, etc 18373576 19559056 13109301 13290902
8538 Part electric swetching etc, aparats 3724583 4058761 5339740 4973491
8539 Electric filament/discharge lamps 5843187 5850005 4915637 5485485

8540 Thermionic, cold/cathode valve 1113950 455438 109978 35135

8541 Diode, transistor etc semi-conductor 6559294 3079248 5133494 3796457
8542 Electro integrat circut mcro asbl 1705434 1948565 2010376 7931882
8543 Elec individul function machie nec 1843302 2463250 2088545 2162797
8544 Insulated wire, opti fibre cable etc 23328177 22245188 14573662 24121672

8545 Carbon electrode/brush etc, electric 1413158 1635456 1066018 2357919

8546 Electrical insulator any material 2249287 2185264 1814168 4294750
8547 Insulatg fittng for elec machin etc 689015 547014 231410 772732
8548 Parts elect machine/aparatus nec 154595 158832 80116 177950
8601 External powered rail locomotives - 24198 - 18

8603 Self-propelled rail/tram coache etc 23 326 5 1558799

8604 Rail tram maintenan/service vehicle - 1653056 3437 609133
8605 Rail/tram pasenger coach, n/s-propel - 2134857 4879868 4307419
8606 Rail/tram goods van not self-propel 326855 35363 41876 224979
8607 Parts rail/tram locomo/rolling stock 363060 714756 389869 759317

8608 Rail/tram track fixture/fitting, etc 313476 169423 354400 467732

8609 Containers for carriage 717118 268193 202751 329186
8701 Tractor, excl rail station platform 9897858 9158358 5456510 6582791
8702 Public-passenger motor vehicles 4947222 6255331 3547604 3338660
8703 Motor car, other motor vehicles 38963230 37402653 33740300 37193384

8704 Motor vehicle for goods transport 43855713 42641378 19591093 23089757
8705 Special purpose motor vehicle 3805893 7865727 6550791 4194154
8706 Chassis with engine for tractor, etc 5209515 3979559 5680018 3237767
8707 Body, for tractor, passenger car, etc 844770 1185490 290952 562885
8708 Part, accessory tractor, goods vehi 11021805 9755512 8719769 14377945

8709 Works truck, self-propel, short dista 156920 220787 47770 119922
8711 Motorcycle/cycle, auxilary motor fit 25185908 21632407 10112293 9361020
8712 Bicycle/other cycle, not motorised 27667 30020 33350 32697
8713 Invalid carriage, mechanical propel 180095 226316 275453 215046
8714 Part/and accessory of motorcycle etc 11871011 14364583 18666465 28110190

8715 Baby carriages and parts thereof 50077 58085 64504 50717
8716 Trailer/semi-trailers; ohr vehic, nec 2036596 2441674 761998 802977
8801 Balloon/dirigible, glider, etc 260 358 497 527
8802 Aircraft ohr, spacecraft launch vehi 7594315 33163189 47350016 11045612
8803 Parts, baloon/drigible, glider, etc 4165781 2475302 4699491 5690970
8805 Aircraft launching gear, etc 19338 441886 55833 71695
8901 Cruise cargo ships, barge etc 18590324 1802847 33771307 12503741
8902 Vessel for process/preserv fish prod 632783 - 427260 2
8903 Yacht, rowing boat, canoe etc 133244 522969 239591 309947
8904 Tugs and pusher craft 3280066 2743537 363385 758641
8905 Light-vessel, fire float, dredger etc 19175328 8915146 15123638 21371603
8906 Vessel, other, incl warship/life boat 4455559 297969 211941 695500
8907 Floating structure, other 585019 76636 99968 67554
8908 Vessel, ohr floating structure, break 81909162 118081295 54160604 92557068
9001 Optical fibre/bundle, lenses, etc 907474 1624540 1449924 1877253
318 Foreign Trade

8.20 Import of Selected Commodities

(4-digit level)
('000' Taka)
HSC Commodities 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

9002 Lense, mirror, etc, any mtrl, mounted 1175875 1092548 899836 750917
9003 Frame/mounting spectacle, goggle, etc 664932 622681 623480 520499
9004 Spectacle, goggle, etc, corrective, etc 136773 1526131 344885 317089
9005 Binocular, monocular telescope, etc 43933 737261 49541 966519
9006 Photo camera, flashlight, flashbulb 159203 324718 295335 401433

9007 Cinematographic camera, projector 20166 6789 121897 9319

9008 Image projector, photo enlarger/redu 280804 147052 124012 21639
9009 Photo/thermo copying, etc, apparatus - - -
9010 Apparatus for photographic lab nec 72837 217704 39999 32505
9011 Compound optical microscope 350689 545034 712735 276841

9012 Microscop excl opticl difract, apts 164541 192767 159612 180976
9013 Liquid crystal device, laser, or, etc 4243211 1443088 228279 167240
9014 Compass, OHR navigational instrument 122351 737335 330844 279789
9015 Surveying, hydrographic etc. instrum 1596036 987788 851336 866762
9016 Balance of a sensitivity 5 cg/better 130715 115576 83181 79047

9017 Drawing, math, etc. calculating, instru 433267 370596 329889 322689
9018 Medical, surgical, dental, etc instrut 11018187 13122931 14990754 13151939
9019 Mechano, ozone-therapy, etc, appliance 1271722 1935985 2080559 2636453
9020 Breathing, applicance, other 147373 42344 284624 149533
9021 Orthopaedic, splint, etc, appliance 1277446 1372734 1539248 1575427

9022 Apts based on X-ray, alpha, etc, radia 6411272 3473390 6166777 3837070
9023 Demonstrational instrument/models 425127 322158 387632 115405
9024 Hardness, strength, etc, test machne 1266897 1661482 1124030 1339584
9025 Hydro, thermo, pyro, etc, meters 332712 390251 595122 1018900
9026 Flow, level, etc, measurg/checking instr 3210233 1711558 1381242
9027 Physical, chemical analysis, etc inst 5811455 7323368 6119557 6818387
9028 Gas, liquid/elec meter incl calibrat 9085926 6231793 488785 4244509
9029 Taxe. miled, tacho, etc, meters 179048 396923 378894 519203
9030 Osciloscope, spectrom analyser, etc 1587416 1119018 127251 1113435
9031 Measuring/checking instrument, nec 1942964 2266504 2146158 2149881
9032 Auto regulat/controlling instrument 2200903 1752544 2355112 2199297
9101 Wrist, etc, watch, precios metal case 154116 219666 157972 140285
9102 Wrist, pocket, etc, watch, other 230946 220762 292540 307417
9103 Clocks with watch movement 620 645 756 2448
9105 Clocks, other 84435 78949 86748 77135
9106 Time of day recording apparatus, etc 18552 26959 47144 14498
9107 Time switch with clock/wat move, etc 11667 2231 1673 441
9108 Watch movement complet assembled 1787 939 462 218
9109 Clock movement complet & assembled 13184 16060 21540 28052
9110 Compl/incomple watch/clock move, etc 2360 1396 9286 20206
9111 Watch cases and parts thereof 69732 22675 18115 29253
9112 Clock case/similar for other goods 1569 1632 3747 9920
9201 Pian incl auto harpsichord, etc 5692 12316 19905 31921
9202 String musical instrument other 36716 41934 30938 39148
9203 Keyboard pipe organs harmonium etc - - -
9204 Accordion/similar, mouth organ - - -
9205 Wind musicl instrument other 617 1323 1939 3180
9207 Music instru, sound amplified, electr 6072 0548 9907 80057
9208 Musical box, fairground organs, etc 2577 5008 2879 1114
9209 Parts/acsr, musical instru, all kinds 12880 10498 5766 18734

Foreign Trade 319

8.20 Import of Selected Commodities (Contd.)

(4-digit level)

('000' Taka)
HSC Commodities 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

9302 Revolvr/pistol excl sport rifle, etc 43785 41641 334709 5423
9303 Firearm ohr, explosiv charg operated 5502816 1168489 824348 396185
9304 Arms, other excl sword, cutlasses, etc - 128274 29581 727
9305 Part of revolver, pistol, etc 84763 127542 317675 1857135

9401 Seat, whr/n convertibl into bed part 1397351 1378304 1581558 1802267
9403 Furniture other & parts thereof 2308298 1854616 1883352 1781308
9404 Mattress support, bedding article, etc 190843 182589 164057 137544
9405 Lamp. iluminated sign/name-plate, etc 2069081 1911235 1963103 2371872
9501 Wheel toy dgn ridn child doll carri - - - -

9502 Doll represent only human - - - -

9503 Toys, other; reduced-size model, etc 1061298 810789 - 1032370
9504 Furfair article, table/parlour game 179141 54733 92986 121387
9506 Article for gymnastics, athletic etc 1421246 1863477 1821861 1676927
9507 Fishing rod/hook, tackle, nets, etc 86424 66325 72671 152832

9602 Worked vegetabl/minerl carv matrl 1242210 1323878 1609908 1845726

9603 Broom, brush, map, feather duster, etc 494400 514704 640878 943380
9604 Hand sieves and hand riddles 7406 6342 6785 13164
9605 Travel sets for personal toilet etc 46936 13554 46657 2531
9606 Buttons, press/snap-fastener, etc 9963369 10308553 9443338 9322516

9607 Slide fasteners and parts thereof 12923667 13485774 12018668 14429855
9608 Ball point pen, duplicatg stylos, etc 650018 660501 666297 470618
9609 Pencil crayon, write, tailor chalk, etc 307228 266878 238640 117299
9610 Slate, board, with write/drawg surface 40241 46067 72723 38594
9611 Date, sealing stamp, hand operate, etc 34130 47102 72846 83725

9612 Typewriter etc ribbon, inked, ohr, etc 608369 721364 620288 759269
9613 Cigarete/ohr lightr, mech/elec or not 386592 284155 367363 569787
9614 Smoking pipe, cigar/cigaritte holder 3568 3206 3976 7376
9615 Comb, hair-slide, hair/corlng pin, etc 457586 470788 373690 556223
9616 Scent/ohr toilet spray, powder-puff 74621 84814 136223 384239

9617 flask/ohr vacuum vessel, with case 198804 219300 200877 403828
9701 Painting, drawg pastal, hand executed 228637 18490 25545 20270
9703 Original sculpture/statuary, any mat 10666 8036 10237 7343
9705 Collector piece zoological etc, intst 106 333 12 5

9706 Antique, age exceeding 100 years - - 8

9800 Goods & commodity not incl elsewher - - - -
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS
320 Foreign Trade

8.21 Export of Jute Goods by Country

(Value “000” US$)
Sl.n Region/Country 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
1. Auatralia 4052 3548 2879 2584 1978.07 3666.64
2. U.A.E. 7368 17019 9019 14595 20916.44 43522.16
3. Russia 12590 14862 15548 14943 14090.22 21969.99
4. Pakistan 3895 2066 55191 35155 30173.51 53671.98
5. Argentina 337 52 241 180 71.01 249.03
Brazil - - 7812 7790 8280.23 11210.80
6. Canada 557 514 519 525 629.58 1244.82
7. Chile 1214 560 532 452 400.62 744.53
Colombia - - 21 25 38.88 149.61
8. Costarica 730 1047 18 - - -
9 Mexico 1526 2268 2018 1823 1665.61 1175.29
10. Peru 833 753 197 276 216.92 87.18
11. Uruguay - 24 - 52 108.46 31.73
12. Jamaica - - - - - -
13. Equadar 438 - - - 90.90 -
14. Paraguay 25 - 58 51 - -
15. Panama 23 30 - - - -
TOTAL: - - - -
16. Yogoslavia - - - - - -
17. Hungary 95 122 - 86 79.71 123.98
18. Bulgaria 297 564 744 101 72.02 64.86
TOTAL: - - - - - -
19. Belgium 24016 20313 14466 10615 7577.23 12659.76
20. Denmark 113 189 25 47 18.93 126.87
21. France 1199 1025 352 142 374.37 730.16
22. Greece 1254 1239 677 540 365.57 737.32
23. Italy 1111 1926 1661 1310 940.91 1551.45
24. Ire Land - 459 754 777 428.24 43.68
25. Netherland 12589 9735 6198 5275 5406.55 7355.92
26. U.K. 3185 2797 4906 5249 - -
27. Germany 3202 2878 3772 3825 - -
28. Portugal 363 195 398 420 252.60 220.24
29. Spain 5972 5117 4772 5524 - -
30. Switzerland 22 11 1 - - -
31. Finland 34 - - 18 - 120.31
Bosnia and Herze govina - - 17 - 17.09 -
Belarus- - - 2672 2455 3119.87 4917.03
Foreign Trade 321

8.21 Export of Jute Goods by Country

(Value “000” US$)
Sl. Region/Country 2014-15 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
32. Austria 25 3548 - 44 31.27 305.75
33. Cyprus - - 13 - - 18.66
34. Algeria 6256 4005 2718 - - -
35. Dijebuti 19 647 954 452.81 384.65
36. Egypt 34975 33148 39626 31202 24464.30 42797.98
37. Somalia - - - - - -
38. Libya 1192 500 - 587 - -
39. Morocco 2942 2590 2868 4362 3949.68 6608.91
40. Sudan 57834 50623 1986 130 875.50 199.49
41. Tunisia 787 703 3750 2301 3355.72 2981.95
42. Niger - - - - - 903.83
43. Comoro Island 50 87 - - - -
44. Lesotho - - - - -
45. Kenya 2049 3726 172 - - -
46. Mozambique 111 234 - - 8.47 -
47. Zambia 336 12 - 43 - -
48. Tanzania 992 420 - 92 19 -
49. Burundi - 28 - - - -
50. Uganda 1513 1849 - - - 107.70
51. Zimbabwe 8898 - 29 - - -
52. Malagassy - - - - - -
TOTAL: - -
53. Benin 424 1354 - - - -
54. Congo 168 412 -- - - -
55. Ivory Coast 4446 10481 - - - -
56. Cameroon 2301 2541 - - -
57. Sierraleon 655 281 - - -
58. Ghana 97 - - -
59. Guinea 183 557 - - -
60. Nigeria 521 1799 211 473.54 903.83
61. Senegal - - -- - -
62. Togo 88 - - -
Cote D’Ivoire - - 15379 12869 14880.77 19652.63
Eastern Europe and Western Asia
Azerbaijan - - 252 131 141.05 85.84
322 Foreign Trade

8.21 Export of Jute Goods by Country

(Value “000” US$)
No. Region/Country 2014-15 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
63. South Africa 798 853 - 596.40 -
64. Oman 89 63 16.28
65. Iran 48334 33700 17041 17420.66 18153.19
66. Jordan 3285 4872 4971 4949.91 13293.00
67. Labanon 471 180 242 88.49 -
68. Syria 7513 90 579 148.26 391.44
69. Saudi Arabia 9191 4686 6071 5778.65 9475.03
70. Turkey 205101 219225 179864 250798.85 331933.26
71. Yemen (A.R) 286 150 28 26.65 33.72
72. U.A.E. - 17019 14595 - -
TOTAL: - - -
73. Afghanistan 83 166 9019 181 482.48 137.42
74. Bhutan - - - -
75. India 106447 103641 141844 130925.05 112028.19
76. Indonesia 19223 25937 12711 12431.17 20726.92
77. Laos - - - -
78 Nepal 161 7983 10179.27 7491.31
79. Malaysia 1016 779 272 305.11 492.22
80. Mayanmer 794 619 534 408.38 563.23
81. Kampuchea - - - -
82. Singapore 174 26 22 63.92 58.66
83. Philippine 238 289 543 311.75 244.95
84. Srilanka 1461 1512 1663 - -
85. Brunei 42 - 18.27 -
86. Thailand 1358 998 799 348.98 741.60
87. Hongkong 4 4 - 672.44 189.20
88. Japan 4508 6134 5456 4284.09 4479.24
89. Mauritus - - 2.58 184.00
90. South Korea 5526 - - - -
91. North Korea 9224 - 21.73
92. Taiwan 1355 488 926 - 1569.15
93. New Zealand 208 1499 1465 1066.05 1373.79
94. New Guinea - - - -
95. Other Countries 8898 432 - - -
96. Georgia 55 143 153 44.64 102.55
97. Brazil 3716 7790 8280.23 11210.80
98. China 97477 103223 130713 105465 105387.72 144885.78
99. Czech Repub 78 65 136 102 221.08 223.59
100. Ethiopia 247 2356 1619 1583.49 843.51
101. Guatemala 173 268 - - -
102. Guinea Bisau 397 481 - 50.82 -
103. Kyrgizstan 48 1433 - -
104. Liberia 69 106 - - -
105. Poland 1896 1544 1911.51 3341.87
106. Uzbekistan 10314 18473 18549 18768.43 22640.07
107. Ukraine 225 2856 3822 4090.14 6850.85
108. Romania 2108 1226 1403 992.78 1628.87
TOTAL: 208524
Source: EPB
Foreign Trade 323

8.22 Country Wise Export of Jute Goods by BJMA, 2020-21

(Quantity in M. Ton & Value in Lac Taka)
Sl No. Region/Country Hessain Sacking CBC Yarn Others Total
Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
South Africa 53.00 92.59 219.79 351.98 66.77 62.31 339.56 506.88
Afganistan 25.00 40.94 25.00 40.94
Australia 265.59 433.42 343.22 428.04 54.45 79.27 1069.61 968.65 1732.87 1909.38
Benin 59.05 77.70 59.05 77.70
Belgium 66.81 98.06 101.19 112.58 66.18 108.40 1604.97 1865.40 1839.15 2184.44
Cameroon 430.99 430.95 430.99 430.95
Canada 66.65 116.63 102.99 136.45 85.50 134.64 255.14 387.72
Chilie 5.93 11.11 345.96 475.78 351.89 486.89
Costrarica 160.58 203.00 338.90 390.77 2.83 4.80 502.31 598.57
Ethiopia 285.14 339.94 33.50 29.39 24.00 39.19
Gambia 34.50 65.20 114.28 120.90 148.78 186.10
Germany 1959.26 3458.53 98.34 84.41 448.82 554.51 1931.86 1616.03 4438.28 5713.48
Greece 467.64 800.51 72.00 75.82 180.90 254.69 17.40 13.91 737.94 1144.93
Guatemala 131.14 194.05 109.00 146.00 240.14 340.05
Guinea 73.93 87.55 73.93 87.55
Hongkong 16.97 19.69 57.13 56.96 906.46 764.34 980.56 840.99
Honduras 154.76 170.93 154.76 170.83
India 5046.22 5969.60 20415.88 20455.04 552.61 699.45 14669.03 15393.43 1317.14 1044.29 42000.88 43561.81
Indonesia 2824.20 2639.66 1118.00 1375.87 3942.20 4015.53
Ivorecost 300.16 369.19 7553.00 8688.66 7853.16 9057.85
Italy 116.24 218.43 114.97 97.25 268.49 398.16 485.66 381.99 985.36 1095.83
Japan 111.33 263.59 271.57 309.70 13.11 20.06 1463.51 2182.66 158.90 200.77 2018.42 2976.78
Kenya 349.32 593.58 3353.07 3089.63 3702.39 3673.21
Madagasker 193.86 187.41 193.86 187.41
Mexico 1235.22 1176.61 184.00 221.45 68.83 68.42 1488.05 1466.48
Malaysia 68.23 75.45 135.00 479.92 519.40 4488.38 722.63 5043.75
Morocco 181.80 194.65 908.66 1118.79 1090.46 1313.44
Nigeria 665.32 919.00 665.32 919.00
PNG 190.47 210.67 190.47 210.67
Panama 11.70 17.79 16.80 22.84 28.50 40.63
Papua New Guinea 471.63 465.76 471.63 465.76
Ruanda 35.38 42.08 35.38 42.08
Romania 8.48 14.87 662.75 468.38 56.82 74.88 728.05 558.13
Russia 26.00 33.29 248.78 243.51 2796.70 3197.99 6668.54 5871.68 9740.02 9346.47
Singapore 19.84 15.97 239.30 245.68 259.14 261.65
Newzealand 130.24 233.47 9.20 8.71 82.44 161.83 4.22 7.20 13.10 14.57 239.20 425.78
Colombia 9.53 16.25 15.00 25.31 24.53 41.56
8 (Cont’d)
324 Foreign Trade

8.22 Country Wise Export of Jute Goods by BJMA, 2020-21

(Quantity in M. Ton & Value in Lac Taka)
Region/Country Hessain Sacking CBC Yarn Others Total
Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
Philipines 15.59 26.67 40.63 40.40 56.22 67.07
Poland 66.74 122.68 407.82 477.29 834.14 865.04 1308.70 1456.01
Thailand 113.20 134.62 13.00 18.36 729.20 1072.95 113.00 113.34 968.40 1339.27
Somalia 19.05 20.99 19.05 20.99
Timor 55.50 12.71 55.50 12.71
Solomon Island 96.34 105.77 0.20 0.47 96.54 106.24
Srilanka 171.11 278.41 151.62 99.73 420.15 342.91 47.64 32.20 790.52 753.25
Sudan 8140.83 7549.10 1009.00 898.73 9149.83 8447.83
Switzerland 24.22 45.18 24.22 45.18
Tunisia 327.19 304.86 427.30 360.05 37.28 29.13 791.77 694.04
Turkey 4775.69 5518.44 1394.54 1252.23 13.68 22.85 28888.48 33037.46 4270.50 5802.91 39342.89 45633.89
UAE 1789.95 2620.24 1297.26 1270.61 3616.00 7436.76 9086.65 34558.47 15789.85 45886.08
USA 2770.02 4450.59 3862.64 3356.53 35.11 51.87 827.76 1014.74 900.76 904.77 8396.29 9778.50
Uganda 34.30 58.56 1410.32 1330.47 1444.62 1389.03
Viyetnum 156.00 190.09 1317.75 1158.99 1942.86 1932.60 3416.61 3281.68
Macedonia 38.50 53.00 38.50 53.00
Kiribati 38.10 46.45 38.10 46.45
Ghana 38.10 43.97 448.82 554.51 1931.86 1616.03 4438.28 5713.48
Vanuato 77.90 82.52 24.00 35.35 101.90 117.87
KSA 49.78 57.97 369.40 562.43 419.18 617.40
Estonia 18.10 18.26 234.88 240.64 41.00 71.48 293.98 330.38
Netherlands 1110.07 1846.17 511.81 804.42 16.70 29.32 103.00 154.42 56.48 100.64 1798.06 2934.97
Iran 125.14 144.05 15.31 31.92 478.00 653.47 618.45 829.44
Tanzinia 2237.21 1853.52 2237.21 1853.52
Burundi 18.94 20.68 18.94 20.68
EGYPT 7950.50 8816.49 7950.50 8816.49
Westindies 32.85 36.07 32.85 36.07
Croatia 3.99 10.05 2.90 5.16 28.40 39.16 35.29 54.37
Nicaragua 665.32 919.00 665.32 919.00
Grenada 19.05 19.05 19.05 19.05
Spain 284.52 542.50 47.86 45.66 1165.00 1383.97 858.84 717.42 2356.22 2689.55
Syria 104.00 126.70 104.00 126.70
Sierra Leone 19.90 19.68 19.90 19.68
Slovenia 68.53 108.81 51.20 66.08 12.15 10.88 131.88 185.77
Tahiti 37.00 80.72 37.00 80.72
Taiwan 46.50 60.08 21.00 18.06 67.50 74.14
Tajikistan 45.00 62.79 45.00 62.79
Togo 57.14 63.34 57.14 63.34
UK 614.03 1088.97 28.36 54.84 173.94 301.40 130.26 214.88 946.59 1660.09
Portugal 35.47 57.43 35.47 57.43
Foreign Trade 325

8.22 Country Wise Export of Jute Goods by BJMC BJMA, 2020-21

(Quantity in M. Ton & Value in Lac Taka)
Hessain Sacking CBC Yarn Others Total
Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
Korea 153.26 176.26 1.34 2.01 118.03 205.00 600.91 635.03 294.57 1673.39 1168.11 2691.69
China 364.00 472.32 3180.73 2611.45 25829.72 24284.89 575.63 489.13 29950.08 27857.79
Lebanon 12.00 21.15 12.00 21.15
Cyprus 7.75 12.19 19.60 19.41 27.35 31.60
Latvia 16.09 28.58 13.50 21.94 29.59 50.52
Martial Island 38.06 40.62 38.06 40.62
Uruguay 18.14 26.54 18.14 26.54
Uzbekistan 5009.00 6031.16 5009.00 6031.16
Dominican 26.00 29.35 26.00 29.35
Iceland 93.85 141.65 55.49 49.10 149.34 190.75
Algeria 51.39 58.98 208.40 258.74 259.79 317.72
Argentina 22.40 30.51 26.00 27.75 11.59 2.35 59.99 60.61
Azerbijan 5.00 9.18 5.00 9.18
Bulgeria 15.00 16.00 15.00 16.00
Bhutan 0.15 0.90 0.15 0.90
Brasil 301.00 364.68 44.79 78.43 345.79 443.11
Comoros Island 19.28 14.90 19.28 14.90
Denmark 23.35 43.73 18.12 21.84 0.41 7.73 41.88 73.30
Dominican Republic 57.70 98.77 57.70 98.77
East Timor 9.48 12.57 9.48 12.57
Equador 96.00 151.48 96.00 151.48
El salvador 125.00 116.68 125.00 116.68
Englang 47.06 26.51 0.65 1.38 47.71 27.89
Eritria 26.26 24.40 26.26 24.40
Faroe Island 24.00 39.19 24.00 39.19
Finland 12.30 20.27 15.75 22.61 28.05 42.88
France 478.64 856.50 21.90 36.99 85.64 132.18 807.58 1919.89 1393.76 2945.56
Guyana 14.88 16.95 14.88 16.95
Hungary 5.85 9.81 16.50 24.95 22.35 34.76
Ireland 4.40 7.99 7.80 11.44 12.40 19.43
Jakarta 53.85 0.50 53.85 0.50
Jordan 15.73 19.03 924.86 1181.61 940.59 1200.64
Kuwait 13.00 11.46 13.00 11.46
Lithunia 9.92 15.52 50.76 72.57 60.68 88.09
Mayanmar 4.82 7.29 69.79 58.43 258.00 281.03 332.61 346.75
Norway 42.09 54.45 42.09 54.45
Oman 19.05 21.11 19.05 21.11
Pakistan 120.00 69.13 2124.39 950.57 2244.39 1019.70
Turkomenistan 45.00 56.33 45.00 56.33
Ukraine 140.12 162.52 68.50 73.51 6.00 7.04 437.50 456.20 91.57 94.66 743.69 793.93
Total 29063.78 43529.29 60996.91 58876.04 1112.70 1662.57 119641.60 134770.03 33020.43 63869.42 243835.43 302707.34
Source : Bangladesh Jute Mills Association
326 Foreign Trade
Foreign Trade 327

8.22 Export of Tea by Country

(Value in '000' Taka, Qty.inton)
Country 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Qty. Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value
Canada - - - - - 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.57 - 8.77
U.S.A. - 276.01 - 245.76 - 346.92 - 661.86 - 533.76 - 500.45
Colombia - - - - - - - - - - - -
Austria - - - - - - - - - -
Denmark - - - - - - - - - - - -
San Marino - - - - - - - - - - - -
Maxico - - - - - - - - - - - -
Chile - - - - - - - - - - - -
Finland - - - - - - - - - - - -
France - - - - - 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 - 18.68

West Germany - 0 - 142.52 - - - - - - - 0.00

Ireland - 25.49 - 0.00 - - - - - - - -
Italy - 9.62 - 9.01 - 10.15 - 0.00 - 0.00 - 13.49
Malta - - - - - - - - - - - -
Norway - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gibralta - - - - - - - - - - - -
Spain - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ukraine (Ussr) - - - - - - - - - - - -
Monaco - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -- - - - - - - - - - -
Greece - - - - - 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 - 21.08
Sweden - - - - - - - - - - - -
Jardan - - - - - - - - - - - -
Switzerland - - - - - 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 - 12.71
U.K. - 2.67 - 1.59 - - - - - - - -
Czechoslovakia - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bahamas - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bulgaria - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rumania - - - - - - - - - - - -
German D.R. - - - - - 95.71 - 273.92 - 23.67 - 0.00
Hungary - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - -
U.S.S.R. - - - - - - - - - - - -
Yugoslavia - - - - - - - - - - - -
Afganistan - - - - - - - - - - - -
Egypt - - - - - - - - - - - -
Iran - - - - - - - - - - - -
Iraq - - - - - - - - - - - -
Kuwait - 63.60 - 70.33 - 119.95 - 135.65 - 73.29 - 137.51
Oman - - - - - - - - - - - -
Pakistan - 707.04 - 2690.4 - 1191.0 - 590.90 - 1499.31 - 1428.06
8 5
Quatar - 51.60 - 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 - 21.99
Turkey - - - - - - - - - - - -
Somalia - - - - - - - - - - - -
South Africa - - - - - - - - - - - -
Cyprus - - - - - - - - - - - -
Yemen - - - - - - - - - - - -
Saudi Arabia - 272.34 - 316.21 - 104.81 - 75.41 - 0.00 - 56.20
- - - - - --
Argentina - - - - - -
Mozambique - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sudan - - - - - - - - - - - -
Combodia - - - - - - - - - - - -
Tunisia - - - - - - - - - - - -
Syria Rep. - - - - - - - - - - - -
U.A.E. - 397.90 - 963.91 - 878.77 - 1025.61 - 845.07 - 1289.43
Keneya - - - - - - - - -
328 Foreign Trade

8.22 Export of Tea by Country

(Value in '000' Taka, Qty. in ton)
Country 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Qty. Value Qty. Value Qty. Value Qty. Value Qty. Value Qty. Value
China - 0.00 - 9.98 - 0.00 - 14.97 - 121.06 - 12.19
India - - - - - 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.18
Bhutan - 9.51 - 7.75 - 5.37 - 4.54 - 0.00 - 0.00
Srilanka - - - - - - - - - - - -
Nepal - - - - - - - - - - - -
-- - - - - - - -
Malaysia - 0.82 - 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 - 9.63
Singapore - - - - - - - - - - - -
Korea REP - - - - - - - - - - - -
Vietnam - - - - - - - - - - - -
Thailand - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hongkong - - - - - 5.09 - 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00
Japan - 7.24 - 14.23 - 9.74 - 25.88 - 0.00 - 14.91
Australia - 0.00 - 0.34 - 5.71 - 0.00 - 0.00 - 1.37
Newzealand - - - - - 0.00 - 0.00 - 4.84 - 0.00
Taiwan - - - - - - - - - - - -
Baharain - - - - - 0.00 - 3.84 - 0.59 - 3.48
Panama - - - - - - - - - - - -
Belgium - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ethiopia - - - - - - - - - - - -
Morocco - - - - - - - - - - - -
US.MIS.PAC.I - - - - - - - - - - - -
ST.KITTS - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sao tome PRN - - - - - - - - - - - -
Other country - 1.58 - 0.19 - - - - - - - -
Total :
Source : EPB Figure in Value for 2010-11 is not available

8.23 Export of Selected Textile Goods by Country, (FY 2020-21)

(Value in ‘000 USD)
Woven Terry towel Knit wear Silk Specialised textile and
garments products Fabrics household linen
U.S.A. 3887707.36 19170.56 2058694.32 1.37 96081.57
France 659388.01 00 1109609.88 00 50571.98
Germany F.R. 2518667.19 133.14 3094014.93 00 87598.13
Sweden 215606.91 00 393939.74 00 28461.72
Italy 381677.14 00 834722.08 00 14890.9
U. K. 1331018.67 46.83 2113554.67 00 57591.64
Belgium 221726.69 00 339863.58 9.24 3495.66
U.A.E. 111519.19 1.97 114470.05 00 4780.66
Denmark 291351.42 00 542460.80 00 3901.61
Switzerland 26183.80 00 48598.39 00 596.69
Singapore 36923.50 00 41689.94 00 103.69
Srilanka 5348.05 106.77 2401.30 16.13 2786.57
People's Republic of China 145547.07 1.58 125731.54 7.81 6435.83
Malaysia 47882.63 10.99 107210.08 00 692.33
Australia 300744.11 154.99 430381.66 00 40638.97
Netherlands 422720.57 6.01 621021.90 00 10148.82
Hongkong 29451.86 10.18 38427.37 00 52.51
Japan 462049.50 30.95 482773.75 00 34302.34
Canada 502988.09 4220.65 492598.54 38.04 53048.77
Spain 927937.19 0.94 1234008.19 00 8630.2
Norway 18536.26 00 44788.37 00 11801.44
Saudi Arabia 62703.05 62.00 65316.16 00 276.57
Others 1889561.51 19633.6 2623750.45 498.09 135343.33
Total Export 14496699.77 43591.11 16960027.69 570.68 652231.93
Source: Export Promotion Bureau
Foreign Trade 329

8.24 Export of Selected Textile Goods by Country, (FY 2020-21)

(Value in ‘000 USD)
Woven Terry towel Silk Specialised textile and
Country Knit wear
garments products Fabrics household linen
U.S.A. 3887707.36 19170.56 2058694.32 1.37 96081.57
France 659388.01 00 1109609.88 00 50571.98
Germany F.R. 2518667.19 133.14 3094014.93 00 87598.13
Sweden 215606.91 00 393939.74 00 28461.72
Italy 381677.14 00 834722.08 00 14890.9
U. K. 1331018.67 46.83 2113554.67 00 57591.64
Belgium 221726.69 00 339863.58 9.24 3495.66
U.A.E. 111519.19 1.97 114470.05 00 4780.66
Denmark 291351.42 00 542460.80 00 3901.61
Switzerland 26183.80 00 48598.39 00 596.69
Singapore 36923.50 00 41689.94 00 103.69
Srilanka 5348.05 106.77 2401.30 16.13 2786.57
People's Republic of China 145547.07 1.58 125731.54 7.81 6435.83
Malaysia 47882.63 10.99 107210.08 00 692.33
Australia 300744.11 154.99 430381.66 00 40638.97
Netherlands 422720.57 6.01 621021.90 00 10148.82
Hongkong 29451.86 10.18 38427.37 00 52.51
Japan 462049.50 30.95 482773.75 00 34302.34
Canada 502988.09 4220.65 492598.54 38.04 53048.77
Spain 927397.19 0.94 1234008.19 00 8630.2
Norway 18536.26 00 44788.37 00 11801.44
Saudi Arabia 62703.05 62.00 65316.16 00 276.57
Others 1889561.51 19633.6 2623750.45 498.09 135343.33
Total Export 14496699.77 43591.11 16960027.69 570.68 652231.93
Source: Export Promotion Bureau
8.25 Export of Textile Fabrics to Selected Country
(Value in ‘000’ US$)
Countries 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
USA 54 275 234.99 195.04 39.78 504.57
Local Sale - - - - - 70261.02
UK 10 10 - - - 1.29
Italy 535 320 1074.30 807.65 233.18 183.92
Hongkong 111 526 113.77 88.10 641.96 531.27
India 14873 13568 21380.85 28494.28 29345.59 34125.63
China 1432 525 1230.49 4969.44 9979.17 16952.92
Poland - 5 9.06 6.09 9.67 -
Germany 257 114 122.74 95.22 10.03 5.94
France 51 6 2.78 13.85 39.13 -
Sri Lanka 2303 407 - - - 949.37
Taiwan 41 51 2.53 - 11.10 9.17
Belgium 30 - 7.67 7.49 64.93 64.93
Spain 1934 1083 1270.86 1413.49 526.06 835.11
Sweden 84 65 54.58 5.35 4.74 -
Indonesia 51 - 334.20 235.27 847.99 218.80
Vietnam 170 106 671.64 1499.74 251.92 1112.48
Australia 38 - 23.04 - - 0.10
Cambodia 693 - - - - -
Austria - - - - - -
Korea Rep. 804 62 44.32 195.91 266.64 54.06
Japan 70 18 22.29 70.01 12.41 57.39
Canada 66 62 90.03 112.02 24.94 90.74
UAE 152 186 33.06 74.90 0.04 149.61
Greece 12 - - - - -
Pakistan 1982 1257 1671.26 3155.23 1055.55 2846.73
Bahrain 16 - - - - -
Netherlands 3 4 15.17 17.89 - -
Romania - - 6.99 - 3.74 -
Syria - - - - - -
Iran 2 - - - - -
Turkey 1190 548 233.79 289.07 41.91 31.51
Maxico 34 - - 15.44 138.89 754.38
Nepal 485 1299 837.78 376. 401.68
Rusia - - 61.98
Lebanon - - 36.78
Egypt 589 42 4302.60
Newzeland - 2 13.65
Estonia - - -
Swaziland - - 24.48
Chile - - -
Source: Export Promotion Bureau
330 Foreign Trade
Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution 331

Chapter 9

332 Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution
Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution 333

9.01 Consolidated Receipts and Expenditures of the Government of Bangladesh

(In million Tk.)
Heads 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Revenue Receipts 1396702 1566710 1829531 1774000 2185000 2574540 3392800
(a) Tax 1168242 1301780 1552915 1554000 1922610 2322020 3059280
(b) Non-Tax 228460 264930 276616 220000 262390 272520 333520
Development Receipts 599260 806090 940710 942490 1079840 1518290 1776350
(a) Project 239730 242580 311690 318470 359870 520500 600000
(b) Food and Commodities 24690 27560 15560 2270 2940 34470 46360
(c) Internal Resources 334840 535950 613460 621750 699030 963320 1129990
Total Receipts : 1995962 2372800 2770241 2716490 3246840 4112830 9169150

Revenue Expenditure (gross) 1131330 1559280 1686990 1605020 1898860 2105780 2824150
(a) Wages and Salaries 229400 285440 299750 424890 497470 532100 585120
(b) Commodities and Services 130330 206180 230360 192830 230040 266560 300780
(c) Transfer 386270 408190 1102060 901070 1054030 1139620 1630780
(d) Other Services 385330 659470 54820 86230 117320 167500 307470

Development Expenditure : 500353 520000 637500 864900 1040580 1483058 1589577

(a) Agriculture, Flood Contorl,
water resources and Rural
Institutions 110610 114954 140929 170994 142804 249317 265709
(b) Industry 17137 17810 21834 26492 21124 15193 19584
(c) Transport and Communication 88932 92424 113308 137480 228860 361109 375769
(d) Other Services 283674 294812 361429 438534 647792 857439 928515

Total Expenditure : 1631683 2079280 2324490 2469920 2994250 3588838 4413727

Real Public Expenditure (deflated) - - - - -

Population of Mid Financial Year - - - - -
Per capita Expenditure :
(a) Constant Prices (deflated) - - - - -
(b) Current Prices - - - - -
Total Public Expenditure as % GDP
at current market price - - - - -
Notes: Real public expenditure has been obtained by deflating total expenditure in current prices by the implicit national income deflator;
(With base 1995-96=100)
Per capita expenditure in current Prices has been obtained from the real Public Expenditure. The present figures of development
receipts shown in the table indicate revised budget estimates. As the actual data are not available the receipts and expenditures on
development budget may differ.
R.E. Revised Estimate. BE Budget Estimate.
Source: Compiled by National Accounting Wing, BBS
334 Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution

9.02 Revenue Budget of the Government

(In million Tk.)
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
I. Total Tax Revenue 1163242 1412190 1552915 1554000 1922610 2322020 3054280
A. Taxes on income and wealth : 390970 500921 580703 551114 718954 555655 640994
(a) Corporation tax - - -
(b) Taxes on income other
than Corporation tax 373888 482970 560855 561247 694374 528025 612170
(c) Taxes on agricultural income - - - - - - -
(d) Estate duty - - - - - - -
(e) Wealth tax - - - - - - -
(f) Gift tax - - - - - - -
(g) Land Revenue 6082 6401 7378 7383 9134 12200 14000
(h) Income-tax realised under M.L.R. - - - - - -
(i) Private Banks, industries and 15430 14824
investment organization 11000 11550 12475 12484 15446
Mis. Taxes
B. Taxes on commodities and
Transactions 739112 867929 922207 922857 1141752 1458069 1941022
146740 146232 146334 181044 265794 325896
(a) Customs : 145684 146290 145905 146006 180638 265392 325536
(i) Imports 145284 450 327 328 406 402 360
(ii) Exports 400 - - - - - -
(iii) Miscellaneous - - - - - -
(b) Excise duties : 9971 13100 12506 12514 15482 17488 21924
(i) Excise 9971 13100 12506 12514 15482 17488 21924
(ii) Dev. surcharge on
petroleum products - - - - - -
(c) Sales tax /VAT 583457 708089 763469 764003 945226 1174787 1593202
(i) On imports/exports 159816 162850 168724 168842 208891 794737 1078988
(ii) On locally manufacturing
goods (VAT) 223992 336658 381346 381613 472132 302768 397245
(iii) Import /Export (VAT) 59 48 63 64 79 89 110
(iv) Supplementary duty 199590 208533 213336 213484 264124 77143 116859
C. Other taxes and duties : 38160 43340 50005 50035 61904 308296 477264
(a) Receipts under M.V.Act. 720 700 774 775 958 984 1100
(b) Stamps 27850 32640 35087 35108 43436 397882 69000
(c) Other taxes and duties n.e.c. 9590 10000 14144 14152 17510 272520 413164
2. Total Non-tax Revenue 228460 262400 276616 220000 262390 100510 333520
A. Income from property : 80577 97329 97566 77596 92547 63201 182989
(a) Enterprises 41258 59568 63261 50312 60006 790 1000115
(i) Post Office 2430 2640 2940 2338 2788 790 940
(ii) Telegraph and telephone - - - - - - -
(iii) Railway 7400 10000 11000 8748 10433 13328 10505
(iv) Income from nationalized
and Private Banks and
Investment Institution 22730 32778 36778 29250 34885 29717 34048
(v) Nationalized Industrial Corp. 8698 14150 12543 9976 11900 19366 54622
Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution 335

9.02 Revenue Budget of the Government

(In million Tk.)
Heads 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19

(b) Interest receipts 10870 7274 5785 6899 19366 54622

(c) Other income from property 26891 27031 21499 25642 17943 28252
(i) Forest 1106 989 786 937 943 977
(ii) Defence services 25184 25386 20190 24080 17000 2713335
(iii) Civil works 601 656 523 625 - 140
B. Fees and miscellaneous receipts : 165071 179050 142404 169843 172010 150531
(a) Angnculture,Fisheris 478 388 308 367 587 285
(b) Industry 300 300 238 283 - -
(c) Justine and police 5054 6402 5092 6073 6439 6021
(d) Education 998 1101 875 1043 1691 1720
(e) Health 868 765 608 725 880 1532
(f) Radio and Television 371 425 338 403 - -
(g) Port and pilotege - - - - 132771 108634
(h) Mise and Recuplt 127618 143669 114264 136280 29642 32339
(i) Registration 29384 26000 20681 24669 2594540 3392800
Total Revenue receipts (1+2) 1674590 1829531 1774000 2185000
Revenue Expenditure :
Revenue collecting deptt. 14840 13260 12625 14936 17913 20372
Civil Administration 276320 330280 314231 371759 376853 423788
Defence 149480 162400 154509 182795 254707 279137
Education 25050 201590 191794 226906 298572 330362
Health 90740 67970 64667 76505 84484 91257

Civil works 16960 9840 9362 11075 12737 14448

Interest 265420 310430 295346 349416 379200 513396
Miscellaneous expenditure 711470 591220 562486 665468 661314 151390

Net Revenue expenditure 1550280 1686990 1605020 1898860 2105780 2824150

Revenue surplus - - - - - -
Note: R.E. Revised estimate. B.E. Budget estimate.
Source : Ministry of Finance.
336 Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution

9.03 Information of Government Resources by Sources

(Million Taka)
Heads 2018-19 2019-20
1. Total Govt. resources (a+b) 4751420 5045070

(a) Internal Resources 4105060 4275390

(i) Revenue Receipts 3392800 3480690
Tax-Revenue 3059280 3130670
Non-Tax Revenue 333520 350020
(ii) Domestic capital (Net) 712260 794700
(iii) T & T Board 30000
(iv) Self Financing Autonomous Bodies 261970 249570
(v) Borrowing from Banking System 420290 824210

(b) External Resources (Grants & Loans) 646360 671130

(i) Project and non-ADP project aid 643650 668470
(ii) Commodity aids and others -
(iii) Food aid 2710 2660
2. Use of resources 4480807 4634596
(i) Revenue 2824150 2937360
(ii) Annual Development Program 1589577 1617406
(iii) Non-ADP Project 43650 48460
(iv) Food for Work Programe 19780 13810
(v) Net outlay for Food Account Operation 3650 17560
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS.
Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution 337

9.04 Economic Classification of Revenue Budget of the Government

(In million Tk.)
Heads 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
• 1674590 1829531 1774000 2185000 2594540 3392800
A..Total Revenue Receipts 1412190 155915 1554000 1922610 2322020 305928
Total Tax Receipts 500921 580703 581108 718947 555655 640994
(a)Taxes on income and wealth (direct) 867929 922207 922851 1141752 1458069 1941022
(b)Taxes on commodities and transaction (indirect) 43340 50005 50041 61911 308296 477264
©Others taxes and duties
262400 276616 220000 262390 272520 333520
Total non-tax receipts 97329 97566 77596 92547 100510 182989
(a)income from property 165071 179050 142404 169843 172010 150531
(b)fees & misc. receipts
1559280 1686990 1605020 1898860 2105780 2824150
B.Total Revenue Expenditure (Gross) 798660 885900
491620 530110 617720 727510 532100 585120
Consumption expenditure 285440 299750 424890 497470 266560 300780
(a)Wages & Salaries 206180 230360 192830 230040
(b)commodities & Services
1067660 1086630 901070 1054030 1139620 1630780
Transfer payment 265420 310430 316690 353580 374200 513380
(a)Interest Payment 436846 441200 364348 439781 422600 499122
(b)Grant 9064 9154 6427 7758 7454 8803
(i)Local Bodies 244466 246902 173348 209237 201063 237470
(ii)Corp. & Autonomous bodies 183316 185144 184573 222786 214083 252849
300934 335000 220032 260669 337820 618278
©Other Current transfer 142780 152607 105812 127769 155100 306948
(i)Subsidy (Autonomous body) 11886 14100 2010 5610 18190 25100
(ii)Subsidy Food 68180 84830 111450 126670 136860 260470
(iii)Pension Payment 78088 83463 760 680 27670 25760
(iv)misc. & other transfer - - - - - -
(v)Capital transfer (W.P)
- - - - - -
64460 70250 86230 117320 167500 307470
Capital Expenditure - - - - - -
Deduction - - - - - -
Revenue expenditure (Net) - - - - - -

Note: R.E-Revised estimate, BE-Budget Estimate, W.p-Work programme

Source: Ministry of Finance.
338 Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution

9.05 Development Expenditure of the Government by Sector

(In million Tk.)
Sectors 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19

Agriculture 19800 26962 28020 34351 5520 66412 48666 62263

Industry 4471 17137 17810 21834 17558 21124 15193 19584
Flood Control and
Water Resources 12800 15934 16560 20302 24500 29476 38765 45008
Rural Institution 42736 67714 70373 86275 38995 46916 161886 158438

Power and
Natural Resources 67548 104978 109100 133752 153859 185111 271432 284006
Transport 52642 82081 85304 104579 177482 213532 352306 355780
Communication 7454 6851 7120 8728 12741 15328 8803 19989
Education and
Training 52130 65345 68950 84530 94460 113647 125874 145480
Health 30270 35088 36466 44706 47625 57298 84705 98118

Population Control
and Family Planning
Physical Planning
and Housing 50930 58440 60734 74457 155635 187248 189676 222780
Others * 7719 19823 19563 23986 86845 104488 185752 178131
Total 348500 500353 520000 637500 864900 104058 148305 1589577
0 8
Notes : * Others include social welfare, labour training , Science and technology, Research and public administration.
Figures worked out by B.B.S. may differ with those of ADP, Ministry of planning as those are based on estimates.
B.E.-Budget Estimate.
Source : Compiled by National Accounting Wing, BBS

9.06 Economic Classification of the Development Expenditure of

the Government
(In million Tk.)

Subject 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19

Construction 145408 207682 215819 264586 358965 431878 615521 659730

Land improvement
orchard development 844.1 12055 12527 15357 20835 25067 35726 38292
Machinery and 56119 80152 83294 102116 138542 166684 237562 254624
Breeding stock 242 347 360 441 598 719 1025 1099
Fixed investment (sub- 210210 300236 312000 382500 518940 624348 889834 953745
Wages and salaries 41075 59438 61780 75740 102756 123627 176196 188851
Contingent and other 44508 64406 66942 82068 111342 133958 190920 204632
Interest and 2700 3906 4060 4977 6752 8123 11577 12408
Repayment of Loan
Subsidy 48806 70626 73409 89996 122098 146899 209364 224401
Land purchase 1201 1741 1809 2219 3012 3625 5167 5540
Non-investment (sub- 138290 200117 208000 255000 345960 416232 593224 635832
Grand Total 348500 500353 520000 637500 864900 1040582 1483058 1589577
Notes : (i) Data on development expenditure have been obtained from Government agencies through detailed
questionnaire and also derived through analysis of annual development programme (ADP).
(ii) Construction consists of all kinds i.e. buildings, roads, canals, embankments, line construction.
(iii) Machinery and equipment include transport, machinery, agricultural machinery and equipment, and
all other machinery and equipment. These also include office equipment and furniture.
Source : Compiled by National Accounting Wing, BBS
Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution 339

9.07 Financing of the Development Expenditure

(In crore Tk.)
Subject 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19

Expenditure 35880 45651 60137 72275 86345 99296 114190 148381 173000
Financing :
Revenue Surplus 18084 15482 40174 53988 54723 28522 40346 65627 87612

Net domestic
capital receipt 24817 27208 33484 53595 61346 62175 69903 96332 112999

Accumulated balance
autonomous bodies - - - - - -
Through debentures

Total domestic
resources 42901 42690 73658 107583 116069 90697 110249 161959 200611

Project assistance 13430 20720 23973 24258 31169 31847 35987 52050 60000

assistance 1350 2520 2050 2400 1200 - - 2140 4365

from Food account 364 383 419 356 356 227 294 307 271

Total foreign
assistance 15144 23623 26442 27014 32725 32074 36281 55497 64636

Total resources 58045 73893 100100 134597 148794 122771 146530 217456 265247

Balance (-)22165 (-)28242 (-)39963 (-)62322 (-) 62449 (-)23475 (-)32340 (-)69075 (-)92247
Note : 1 crore =10 Million, Figures are revised.
Source : Compiled by National Accounting Wing, BBS.
340 Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution

9.08 Classification of Total Outlays of the Central Government by Function, 2010-2011

(In million Tk.)
Final Gross Subsidy Property Curr- Capi- Total
consumption Fixed income ent tal Loan
Categories of COFOG Expenditure capi- Tran- Tran-
tal sfer sfer
Total Which Corporatio Food.
C.e n Domestic Foreign Domestic Foreign

1. General Public Service 55002 26889 9691 0 29558 0 131607 61899 399 508752 0 796908

2. Defence Affairs Services 74977 44730 16112 0 2905 0 0 9372 2866 896 0 107128

3. Public Order & Safety Service 56718 10100 4649 0 4650 0 0 3520 872 88 0 70497

4. Economic Affairs Service 61712 29839 68139 0 57000 45 14547 14402 566 50961 0 267372

5. Environmental Protection 3068 2202 1962 0 0 0 0 14 9 0 0 5093

6. Housing & Community Amenities 7689 2677 4083 0 0 0 0 812 120 25 0 12729

7. Health 47267 31543 2186 0 0 0 0 24026 0 200 0 73679

8. Recreation Cultural & Religion 3312 2300 14649 0 0 0 0 3826 114 0 0 21901

9. Education 52362 43979 18857 0 0 0 0 104457 257 210 0 176143

10. Social Protection 5173 2900 1362 0 0 0 0 26578 12 0 0 33130

Total 367280 227159 141690 0 94113 45 146154 248906 5258 561132 0 1564580
Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution 341

9.08 Classification of Total Outlays of the Central Government by Function, 2009-10

(In million Tk.)
Final Gross
consumption Fixed Subsidy Property Curr- Capi- Loan Total
Categories of COFOG Expenditure capi- income ent tal
Total Which tal Corporation Food. Tran- Tran-
C.e formation sfer sfer
Domestic Foreign Domestic Foreign
1. General Public Service 49649 23499 7884 0 27679 0 132602 8253 405 679831 0 906303

2. Defence Affairs Services 59658 38183 15180 0 2710 0 0 2843 2673 1608 0 84672

3. Public Order & Safety Service 47884 33011 3856 0 1041 0 0 3862 1410 97 0 61150

4. Economic Affairs Service 56546 26660 56702 0 42000 53 14172 12175 438 44915 0 227001

5. Environmental Protection 1652 1355 109 0 0 0 0 6 52 0 0 1819

6. Housing & Community Amenities 6700 2350 3145 0 0 0 0 692 555 60 0 11152

7. Health 38166 24331 12957 0 0 0 0 19549 0 198 0 70870

8. Recreation Cultural & Religion 2766 1918 1722 0 0 0 0 2459 81 0 0 7028

9. Education 42637 36572 13407 0 0 0 0 93724 126 210 0 150104

10. Social Protection 4283 2519 1053 0 0 0 2 22408 0 0 0 27746

Total 309941 190398 116015 0 76430 53 146776 165971 5740 726919 0 1547845
Note: C.E= Compensation of employee.
COFOG.=Classification of function of government.
Source: Ministry of Finance and IMED.
342 Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution

9.09 Government Gross Fixed Capital Formation (ADP)

(In million Tk.)
Items 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19

Construction : 145408 207682 215819 264586 358965 431878 615521 659730

i) Residential building 2946 4207 4372 5360 7272 8749 12469 13364
ii) Non-residential building 39337 56184 58386 71579 97112 116837 166518 178478
iii) Other construction except land
improvement 103125 147291 153061 187647 254581 306292 436534 467888
Land improvement, Plantation and orchard
development : 8441 12055 12527 15357 20835 25067 35726 38292
i) Land improvement 4675 6676 6938 8505 11538 13882 19785 21206
ii) Plantation and orchard deve. 3766 5471 5589 6852 9297 11185 15941 17086
Machinery and equipment : 56119 80152 83294 102116 138540 166684 237582 254624
i) Transport eqt. 9540 13626 14160 17360 23552 28336 40385 43285
ii) Agri. machinery and equipment 2823 4032 4190 5136 6968 8383 11948 12806
iii) Other machinery and equipment 43756 62494 64944 79620 108020 129965 185229 198533
Breeding stock drought animals,
dairy cattle and the like 242 347 360 441 598 719 1025 1099
Total : 210210 300236 312000 382500 518940 624348 889834 953745
Notes : Gross fixed capital formation of the Government sector has been derived by analysis of the ADP and data also
obtained through detailed questionnaire from Government agencies.
Source : Compiled by National Accounting Wing, BBS
Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution 343

9.10 Receipts and Expenditure of Bangladesh Railway

(In million Tk.)
Heads 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11

Revenue Receipts : 5210 5264 5682 6254 5663 6295

Cash eamings 2100 2100 2072 2716 2918 3215
Goods eamings 1850 1850 1466 1314 1166 1052
Suspense - - - - - -
Miscellaneous receipts 1260 1314 2154 2224 1579 2028
Eamings from increased fare -
Revenue Expenditure :

Compensation of employees 2147 2170 2625 2262 3038 3492

Superannuation allowances and pensions 992 1333 1613 2082 2440 3515
Contribution and special contribution to provident 838 900 627 - - -
fund and gratuities

Commoditiies and services 2509 2786 3536 4082 3742 4392

1412 2741 3025 3006
Gross fixed capital formation 2280 2426 - 561 327 513
Transfer -
Total operating expenses 8766 9615 9813 11728 12572 14918
Suspense -
Interest on foreign loans 233 300 363 363 372 219
Debt repayment 418 478 578 578 593 727
Appropriation to improvement fund - - - - -
Appropriation to depreciation reserve fund - - - - -
Operating surplus - - - - -
Return on Government Investment - - - - -
Net Surplus/Deficit (-)3556 (-)4351 (-)4131 (-)5474 (-)6909 (-)8623
Route Kilometer Broad gauge 1025 1025 1025 659 - -
Meter gauge 1855 1855 1855 1801 - -
Total: 2880 2880 2880 2460 - -

No. of Railway Stations Broad gauge 134 134 134 134 - -

Meter gauge 324 324 324 306 - -
Total : 458 458 458 440 - -
No. of employees Officer 1436 1436 1436 - - -
Staff 33617 33617 33617 - - -
Total : 35053 35053 35058 - - -
Source : Bangladesh Railway.
344 Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution

9.11 Receipts and Expenditure of Post Office Department

(In million Tk.)
Heads 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11

Receipts : (Income)
Sale proceeds of stamps 500 405 510 510 260 261 277
Postage realised in cash 350 380 400 400 400 375 352

Net receipts from other

Postal Administration 150 80 95 95 7 16 7

Money Order and Postal

Order Receipts 200 220 250 250 104 116 172
Other fees and mixed. Receipts 300 495 553 753 944 1596 1364

Gross total : 1500 1580 1808 2008 1715 2364 2172

Deduct : Refund and other payment - - - - - - -
Net total : 1500 1580 1808 2008 1715 2364 2172
Expenditure :
Wages and salaries 1521 1709 1895 1869 980 1289 1428
Commodities and Services 293 331 251 235 1208 1200 1445
Transfers 16 16 16 15 17 18 20
Pensionary payment 366 450 500 235 605 718 905
Subsidy and Benevolent fund - - - - 209 40 50
Contribution to R.R. fund - - - - - - -
42 43 62
Gross fixed capital formation 35 32 32 31 3142 - -
Interest 85 220 240 - - 3308 3910
Gross total : 2416 2758 2934 2385 (-)1427 - -
Deduction : - - - 2385 - (-)944 (-)1738
Net total : 2416 2758 2934 (-)337 - - -
Balance (+) (-) (-)916 (-)1178 (-)1144 - - - -
No. Head office 70 70 70 - - - -
Post Office Sub-office 1712 1712 1712 - - - -
Branch office 6892 6892 6892 - - - -
Total : 8874 8874 8874 - - - -
- - -
No. of Regular 11500 11500 11500 - - - -
employees Extra 13090 13030 13030 - - - -
- - -
Total : 24590 24590 24590 - - - -
Source : Bangladesh post office department.
Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution 345

9.12 Economic Classification of Receipts and Expenditure of the Telegraph and

Telephone Department
(In million Tk.)
Heads 2001-02 2002-03 2004-05 2005-06 ( 2006-07 2007-08

Receipts : 62 61 65 70 75 76
Telegraph charges including radio telegraph - - - -
Telegraph charges received by transfer
from combined offices of P.O. dept. 118 118 121 130 140 142
Net receipts from other telegraph administration 375 374 387 416 447 452
Net receipts from radio companies
774 773 797 857 922 933
Rent of telephone 10482 10462 10781 11577 12448 12602
Telephone call fees 4220 4212 4349 4670 5021 5083
Fees and other misc. receipts 16031 16000 16500 17720 19053 19288
Gross total
- - - -
Deduction misc. refunds 16031 16000 16500 17720 19053 19288
Net total

Expenditure : 1475 1466 1444 1557 1857 1975

Wages and salaries 315 490 378 674 717 797
Commodities and services 6 6 6 6 6 5
Transfer 67 67 492 600 700 317
Pensionary payments - - - - -
Subsidy & Benevolent fund 315 315 - - -
Contribution 1197 1121 1916 1331 1395 1390
G.F.C.F. 245 477 784 1163 1204 1254
Interest 3620 - 5020 5331 5879 5738
Gross Total 4 (-) 4 (-)4 - - -
Deduction 3616 3938 5016 5331 5879 5738
Net Total
No. of employees 19418 17623 16442 14469 15795 -
No. of telephones 350000 362000 - - - -
No. of Public call office 1725 1730 - - - -
Source : Bangladesh Telegraph and Telephone Department.
346 Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution

9.13 Revenue Receipts and Expenditure of Insurance Corporations

(In million Tk.)
Heads 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
(RE) (BE)

Revenue Receipts :
Premium receipts 00002676 2866 3067 3177 3466 3031 4077 4291
Rent 99 99 95 97 103 104 116 122
Interest on investment 375 432 546 538 544 566 660 688
Dividend 27 32 24 32 34 39 41 42
Miscellaneous receipts 88 38 150 102 139 27 48 59
Total Receipts 3265 3467 3882 3946 4286 3767 4942 5202

Wages and salaries 568 672 792 816 1060 788 957 986
Pension, gratuity and P.F. 139 144 150 154 161 133 182 187
Commodities and services 120 150 157 145 184 224 250 256
Interest payments - - - - - - - -
Depreciation 15 24 26 27 28 27 29 29
Claim payments 855 1005 1141 1074 1206 1333 1368 1506
Total Expenditure 1679 1995 2266 2216 2639 2505 2786 2964

Operating surplus (+)1568 (+)1472 (+)1616 (+)1730 (+)1647 (+)1262 (+)2156 (+)2230

Note : As the figures in fiscal year are not available, they are published in calendar year from 1984.
Source : Budget Book of Autonomous Bodies, Ministry of Finance.
1. Jiban Bima Corporation.
2. Sadharan Bima Corporation.

9.14 Revenue Receipts and Expenditure of Steel and Engineering Corporation

(In million Tk.)
Heads 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

Receipts :
Overhead charges 40 40 40 40 40 40
Sales 6942.87 7191.78 8618.98 9137.99 8820.11 3297.77
Service charges 10.88 31.21 2.57 6.78 3.13 4.29
Interest 130.92 126.83 178.42 198.91 148.59 180.80

Rent 57.89 71.37 74.64 100.32 120.19 154.05

Govt. Grants 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Dividend on shares
Misc. Receipts 270.14 211.96 179.31 158.78 188.45 216.51
Total Receipts : 7452.70 7673.15 9093.92 9642.78 9320.47 3893.42

Expenditure :
Wages and Salaries 1115.97 978.17 876.85 900.12 860.80 807.12
Commodities and services 4478.96 4875.74 6528.39 7365.76 7123.45 2431.35
Interest 97.88 72.91 76.30 77.13 130.53 116.63
Depreciation 57.20 65.29 56.87 70.54 66.87 72.12
Transfer (Pension) 44.03 40.72 49.94 3.88 18.74 20.63
Others 684.48 764.20 689.36 374.47 555.07 518.55

Land and Building 74.26 235.29 40.67 32.24 40.11 20.65

Machinery and office equipment 41.52 81.15 6.79 26.99 6.28 28.08
Transport & vehicles 9.10 23.24 15.66 24.37 7.39 12.11
Total expenditure : 6603.40 7136.71 8340.83 8875.50 8809.24 4027.24

Operating surplus 849.30 536.44 753.09 767.28 511.23 -133.82

Source : Bangladesh Steel & Engineering Corporation
Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution 347

9.15 Revenue Receipts and Expenditure of Textile Mills Corporation

(In million Tk.)
Heads 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Receipts :
Overhead charges 2.00 2.00 - 2.00 2.00 -
Sales 490.00 191.00 80.00 183.00 330.00 196.00
Service charges 3.00 2.00 - - - -
Interest 1.00 25.00 25.00 9.00 6.00 -

Rent 27.00 25.00 26.00 29.00 29.00 25.00

Govt. Grant - - - - 39.00
Dividend on Shares - - - - -
Misc. Receipts 6.00 24.00 25.00 32.00 33.00 42.00
Total Receipts 529.00 269.00 156.00 255.00 400.00 302.00

Wages & Salaries 402.00 163.00 98.00 135.00 212.00 230.00

Commodities and Services 307.00 187.00 127.00 174.00 226.00 146.00
Interest 130.00 106.00 86.00 120.00 122.00 41.00
Transfer (Pension) 2.00 33.00 30.00 31.00 30.00 8.00
Depreciation 44.00 - 1.00 - 1.00 4.00
Others 107.00 74.00 69.00 86.00 94.00 100.00

Land & Buildings 24.00 4.00 - 55.00 86.00 75.00

Machinery and office equipment 9.00 2.00 - 20.00 31.00 27.00
Transport & vehicles 2.00 - - 4.00 6.00 6.00
Total Expenditure 1027.00 569.00 321.00 625.00 808.00 637.00

Operating Surplus (-)498.00 (-)300.00 (-)165.00 (-)370.00 (-)408.00 (-)335.00

Source : Bangladesh Textile Mills Corporation

9.16 Revenue Receipts and Expenditure of Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation

(In million Tk.)
Heads 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

Receipts :
Overhead charges. 130.00 113.00 120.00 145.00 170.00 308.00
Sales 11327.00 - 5722.00 9150.00 14099.00 38547.00

Service charges - - - - - -
Interest - - - - - -
Rent - - - - - -
Govt. Grants - - - - - -
Dividend on shares - - - - - -
Miscellaneous recipts 11.00 28.00 22.00 31.00 35.00 3.00
Total Receipts : 11468.00 141.00 5864.00 9326.00 14304.00 38858.00

Expenditure :
Wages & salaries 4106.00 3315.00 3248.00 4176.00 5047.00 5589.00
Commodities and services 5901.00 3158.00 4383.00 5319.00 9129.00 185.00
Interest 770.00 800.00 872.00 914.00 966.00 352.00
Depreciation 532.00 510.00 371.00 124.00 111.00 124.00
Transfer 18.00 16.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 24.00
Others 37.00 52.00 43.00 64.00 71.00 121.00

Land and Building 99.00 3.00 3.00 144.00 447.00 1001.00

Machinery and office equipments 35.00 1.00 1.00 52.00 160.00 357.00
Transport & vehicles 7.00 - - 10.00 32.00 72.00
Total expenditure : 11505.00 1855.00 8923.00 10625.00 15965.00 7825.00

Operating surplus - (-)1714.00 (-)3059.00 (-)1299.00 (-)1661.00 31033.00

Source : Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation

348 Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution

9.17 Consolidated Receipts and Expenditure of Corporations and Autonomous Bodies

(In million taka)
Heads 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-9 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

Receipts :
Overhead charges 799.00 847.00 1276.00 1333.00 1736.00 2026.00 2064.00
Sales 124386.00 141677.00 292351.00 311964.00 408342.00 456894.00 872644.00
Service charges 311247.00 343999.00 19450.00 53724.00 44567.00 46577.00 24755.00
Interest 2093.00 495.00 1901.00 2763.00 6146.00 7787.00 7579.00
Miscellaneous receipts 6129.00 3127.00 19121.00 2876.00 2187.00 1949.00 2467.00
Govt. grants 2620.00 3103.00 7014.00 9227.00 10443.00 12136.00 12734.00
Dividend on shares 2308.00 2565.00 2843.00 1756.00 3554.00 4163.00 5253.00
Rent 1187.00 3097.00 4016.00 4300.00 5283.00 4507.00 1790.00
Total Receipts : 450769.00 498910.00 347972.00 387943.00 482258.00 536039.00 929286.00
Wages and salaries 20828.00 25681.00 22254.00 25257.00 31974.00 37790.00 33337.00
Commodities and services 451945.00 502244.00 531809.00 520024.0 627930.00 725548.00 4185.00
Interest 10772.00 12388.00 12791.00 10585.00 15889.00 15996.00 2456.00
Depreciation 18085.00 19081.00 30108.00 25340.00 24262.00 26041.00 9025.00
Transfer 2960.00 2238.00 1442.00 2443.00 3497.00 3736.00 5841.00
Others 3091.00 2997.00 2609.00 1988.00 2674.00 2815.00 7371.00
Land and building 50779.00 61871.00 31390.00 15997.00 61389.00 143754.00 4948.00
Machinery and office equipment 18135.00 22097.00 11211.00 11078.00 21926.00 52053.00 1896.00
Transport & vehicles 3627.00 4419.00 2242.00 2216.00 4384.00 10412.00 401.00
Total Expenditure : 580222.00 653016.00 645771.00 615328.00 793925.00 1018145.00 69460.00
Operating surplus (-)12945.00 (-)154106.00 (-)297799.00 (-)227385.00 (-)311667.00 (-)482106.00 859826.00

Notes : The following organizations are included : The number of corporation and autonomous bodies were 33 in table No. 9.30 for the year
1991-92 (B.E). Now the number of those bodies increased to 39. As a result, the figures in the said table would differ from the previous one.
19. Bangladesh Biman
1. Bangladesh Textile Mills Corporation 20. Bangladesh Agricultural Dev. Corporation
2. Bangladesh Steel & Engineering Corporation 21. Bangladesh Water Dev. Board
3. Bangladesh Sugar & Food Ind. Corporation 22. Bangladesh Film Dev. Board
4. Bangladesh Chemical Ind. Corporation 23. Bangladesh Inland Water T/Authority
5. Bangladesh Small & Cottage Ind. Corporation 24. Chattogram Port Authority
6. Bangladesh Forest Ind. Corporation 25. Port of Mongla Authority
7. Bangladesh Freedom fighter W/T. 26. Chattogram WASA
8. Bangladesh Mineral Exploration & Dev. Corporation 27. Dhaka WASA
9. Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation 28. Chattogram Dev. Authority
10. Bangladesh Trading Corporation of Bangladesh 29. DIT
11. Bangladesh Consumer Supplies Company Ltd. 30. Rajshahi Town Dev. Authority
12. Bangladesh Fisheries Dev. Corporation 31. Khulna Dev. Authority
13. Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation 32. Bangladesh Power Dev. Board
14. Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation 33. Rural Electrification Board
15. Bangladesh Shipping Corporation 34. Bangladesh Tea Board
16. BIWTC 35. Bangladesh Earning Board
17. BRTC (Bus Div.) 36. Bangladesh Export Processing Zone Authority
18. BRTC (Truck Div.) 37. Bangladesh Silk Board.
38. DESA.
Source : Ministry of Finance.
Note : Data of GFCF of PSC are revised.
Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution 349

9.18 Consolidated Receipts and Expenditure of Local Government

(In million Tk.)

2007-2008 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13

Receipts :
Taxes 8309 9158 10919 12799 13953 18202
Rates 1306 1647 2230 3239 3351 4660
Fees & tolls 1873 2155 2725 3560 2390 2936
Property income 1010 1109 1804 2215 174 697
Misc. receipts 7170 8219 9566 12527 36684 49693
Govt. grants 14655 13665 17374 22922 9270 22466
Works programme grants 9891 15900 21400 33012 43504 34634
Total 44214 51853 66018 90274 109326 133288
Wags and salaries 5972 6755 8277 10455 11510 13952
Commodities and services 3439 3982 4830 6087 9409 11201
Gross fixed capital format. 29524 35107 44971 60137 2862 19515
Interest payment 2 4 4 7 4 10
Works programme 2014 2294 3111 4187 43504 34627
Transfer 3263 3711 4825 9401 42037 53983
Total 44214 51853 66018 90274 109326 133288
Source: Budget of Local Government

9.19 Consolidated Receipts and Expenditure of City Corporation

(In million Tk.)

2007-2008 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13

Receipts :
Taxes 4457 4504 5252 5433 5655 7579
Rate 158 160 425 750 1568 2101
Fees & tolls 990 1001 1338 1425 852 1142
Property income 675 683 1297 1550 35 47
Misc. receipts 1810 1830 1892 2050 19864 26622
Govt. grants 5530 1872 3037 3158 300 402
Works programme grants 1855 5588 8831 9049 3107 4164
Total 15475 15638 22072 23415 31381 42057
Wages and salaries 2218 2330 2835 3361 3620 4851
Commodities and services 608 611 807 954 1400 1876
Gross fixed capital format. 10268 10308 14997 15050 332 445
Interest payment 0 0 0 0 0 0
Works programme 890 894 1362 1571 3107 4164
Transfer 1491 1495 2071 2479 22922 30721
Total 15475 15838 22072 23415 31381 42057
Source: Budget of City Corporation

9.20 Consolidated Receipts and Expenditure of Zila Parishads

(In million Tk.)

2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13

Receipts :
Taxes 1027 1245 1488 2080 2855 3807
Rate 258 419 500 698 188 250
Fees & tolls 299 464 554 774 28 37
Property income 91 142 170 238 68 90
Misc. receipts 28 119 142 199 7264 9635
Govt. grants 614 1600 1912 2674 5 6
Works programme grants 1371 2280 2727 3812 3559 4748
Total 3688 6269 7493 10475 13967 18623
Wages and salaries 301 468 559 781 820 1093
Commodities and services 219 326 390 545 810 1080
Gross fixed capital format. 3084 5333 6374 8910 244 325
Interest payment 0 0 0 0 0 0
Works programme 2 14 18 25 3559 4745
Transfer 82 128 152 214 8534 11380
Total 3688 6269 7493 10475 13967 18623
Source: Budget of Zila Parisad
350 Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution

9.21 Consolidated Receipts and Expenditure of Municipalities

(In million Tk.)
2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13
Receipts :
Taxes 1845 2177 2721 3129 3598
Rate 627 740 925 1064 1223
Fees & tolls 509 601 751 863 992
Property income 260 306 382 439 505
Misc. receipts 4930 5817 7270 8360 9614
Govt. grants 6206 7322 9152 10524 12102
Works programme grants 4368 5153 6443 7411 8524
Total 18745 22116 27644 31790 36558

Wages and salaries 1822 2150 2687 3009 3460
Commodities and services 2642 3117 3896 6111 7027
Gross fixed capital format. 13159 15526 19407 14285 16427
Interest payment 3 3 4 5 6
Works programme 433 511 639 7411 8522
Transfer 686 809 1011 969 1116
Total 18745 22116 27644 31790 36558
Source: Budget of Municipalities

9.22 Consolidated Receipts and Expenditure of Union Parishads

(In million Tk.)
2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13
Receipts :
Taxes 1564 2002 2565 2873 3218
Rate 441 565 866 970 1086
Fees & tolls 181 232 610 683 765
Property income 24 31 45 50 55
Misc. receipts 1340 1715 3008 3368 3772
Govt. grants 3987 5103 7938 8890 9956
Works programme grants 3664 4689 13708 15354 17198
Total 11201 14337 28740 32188 36050

Wages and salaries 2135 2733 3626 4061 4548
Commodities and services 403 516 692 1088 1218
Gross fixed capital format. 6307 8074 16770 2070 2318
Interest payment 1 1 3 3 4
Works programme 953 1220 1952 15354 17196
Transfer 1402 1793 5697 9612 10766
Total 11201 14337 28740 32188 36050
Source : Source: Budget of Union Parisad
Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution 351

9.23 Summary of Commitment and Disbursement of Foreign Economic

Assistance to Bangladesh
(In million U.S. D.)
Itmes Commitment
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Food Aid
Grants 00 - 6 - - - - 19 -
Loan - - - - - - - - -
Total 00 - 6 - - - - 19 -
Commodity Aid
Grants - - - - - - - - -
Loan - - - - - - - - -
Total - - - - - - - - -
Project Aid
Grants 555 498 488 7048 17962 705 1572 565 701
Loan 5300 5346 4765 545 405 14270 8335 9213 8742
Total 5855 5844 5253 6503 17557 14975 9907 9779 9442
Food Aid - - 6 - - - - 19 -
Commodity Aid - - - - - - - - -
Project Aid 5855 5844 5253 6503 - 14975 9907 9779 9442
Grand Total 5855 5844- - - -
Food Aid - 6 - - - - 19 -
Commodity Aid - - - - - - - -
Project Aid 555 498 488 545 405 - - - -
Total Grants 555 498 494 545 405 - - 19 -
Food Aid - - - - - - - - -
Commodity Aid - - - - - - - - -
Project Aid 5300 5346 4765 6503 17557 14270 8335 9213 8742
Total Loan 5300 5346 5253 6503 17557 14270 8335 9213 8742
Total Grants & 5855 5844 5747 7048 17962 14270 8335 9232 8742

9.23 Summary of Commitment and Disbursement of Foreign Economic Assistance to

(In million U.S. D.)
Items Disbursement
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

Food Aid
Grants 50 38 38 32 29 13 23 11 17
Loan - - - - - - - - -
Total 50 38 38 32 29 13 23 11 17
Commodity Aid - - - - - - - - -
Grants - - - - - - - - -
Loan - - - - - - - - -
Total - - - - - - - - -
Project Aid
Grants 676 643 533 499 431 369 257 297 492
Loan 2085 2404 2472 3033 3213 5987 6263 7074 7449
Total 2761 3047 3005 3532 3649 6356 6520 7371 7941

Food Aid 50 38 38 32 29
Commodity Aid - - - - -
Project Aid 2761 3047 3005 3532 3649
Grant Total 2811 3085 3043 3564 3678

Food Aid 50 38 38 32 29
Commodity Aid - - - - -
Project Aid 676 643 533 494 431
Total Grants
Food Aid - - - - -
Commodity Aid - - - - -
Project Aid 2085 2404 2472 3033 3218
Total Loan 2085 2404 2472 3033 3218

Total Grants & Loans 2811 3085 3043 3564 3678

Source: Flow of External resources into Bangladesh, 30 June, 2017

352 Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution

9.24 Commitment and Disbursement of Foreign Economic Assistance to Bangladesh

(Million U.S. D.)
Country/Agency Commitment
2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15

Food Aid (Grants & Loan)

Australia 11 11 6 - - - - - -
Canada - - - - - - - - -
E.E.C./E.U. - - - - - - - - -
France - - - - - - - -
Italy 4 - - - - - - -
Japan - - - - - - - -
- - - - -
U.N. System - 101 86 180 8 111 2 - 6
U.S.A. - - - - - - - -
Total (Food aid) 15 112 92 180 8 111 2 -

Disbursement Food Aid (Grants & Loan)

Australia 11 - 6 - - - -
Canada 8 - - - - - - -
E.E.C./E.U. 17 4 1 - - - - -
France - - - - - - - -
Japan - - - - - - - -
U.N. System 62 55 104 52 93 55 50 37 37
U.S.A. - - - - - - - 37 43
Total (Food aid) 98 59 111 52 93 55 50
Source : Flow of External Resources into Bangladesh, June 30, 2015.
Commodity Aid (Grants)
Germany - - - - - - - - -
India - - 22 - - - -
Japan 123 - - - - - - - -
- - -
Norway - - - - - - - - -
U.N. System - - - - - - - - -
U.S.A. - - - - - - - - -
Sub Total 123 - 22 - - - - -
Source: Flow of External Resources into Bangladesh, June 30, 2016
Commodity Aid (Grants)
Belgium - - - - - - - - -
Canada - - - - - - - - -
Denmark - - - - - - - - -
France - - - - - - - - -
Germany - - - - - - - - -
India 22 - - - - - - - -
Japan - - - - - - - - -
- - - -
Norway - - - - - - - - -
Saudi Arabia - - - - - - - - -
UN system - - - - - - - - -
U.S.A. - - - - - - - - -
- - - -
Sub Total 22 - - - - - - - -
Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution 353

9.24 Commitment and Disbursement of Foreign Economic Assistance to

(In million U.S. D.)
Country/Agency Commitment
2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

Commodity Aid (Loans)

A.D.B. - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
I.D.A. - - - - - - - - -
Sub Total (loans) - - - - - - - - -
Total Commodity Aid - - - - - - - - -
(Grants+ Loans)

Commodity Aid

A.D.B - - - - - - - - -
China - - - - - - - - -
France - - - - - - - - -
I.D.A. - - - - - - - - -
I.D.B./I.S.D.B. - - - - - - - - --
Japan - - - - - - - - -
Sub Total (loans) - - - - - - - - -
Total Commodity Aid - - - - - - - - -
Source : Flow of External Resources into Bangladesh, June 30, 2017
Project Aid (Grants)
A.D.B. 1 12 9 7 9 - 29 12 25
Australia - - - - - - - - -
Belgium - - - - - - - - -
Canada - - - 5 4 16 - 55 74
China 9 29 31 - - - - - -
Denmark 59 - 33 11 19 49 19 50 -
E.E.C./E.U. - 33 29 16 52 51 31 53 14

France - - - - - - 4 6 18
Germany (F.R.G. ) 6 35 45 43 69 35 47 26 10
I.D.A. - 67 40 50 99 126 86 178 123
I.D.B/I.S.D.B. 2 3 3 - - - 30 -
Italy - - - - - -

Japan 14 29 9 33 10 35 39 7 14
Netherlands - - - 15 5 7 - - 38
Norway - - 36 - - - - - -
Sweden - - - 106 11 24 - - 3
Switzerland - - 6 9 - 2 8 - -
116 - - -
U.K. - 42 110 136 108 17 86 5 -
UNICEF - - - 99 67 114 78 140 -
U.N. System 32 288 54 113 121 - - - -
U.S.A. 120 6 127 255 15 2 15 - -

South Korea - - - - - 2 12 110 12
Sub Total (Grants) 243 544 468 996 589 594 484 542 331
354 Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution

9.24 Commitment and Disbursement of Foreign Economic Assistance to

(In million U.S. D.)
Country/Agency Disbursement
2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
Project Aid (Grants)
A.D.B - 3 85 7 9 - 9 10 14
Australia - - - - - - - - 5
Belgium - - - - - - - - 9
Canada - 32 32 5 4 16 13 21 -
China - - - - - - - - 61
Denmark - 58 33 11 19 49 26 24 14
E.E.C./E.U. - 53 18 15 52 51 30 4 43

Finland - - - - - - - - -
France 64 49 - - - 35 30 61 45
Germany (F.R.G. ) 96 95 46 43 69 126 108 141 98
IDA - - 173 114 99 - - - -
I.D.B./I.S.D.B. - - - - - - - - -

Japan 25 40 14 8 10 35 12 12 20
Netherlands 11 5 - - 5 7 2 2 13
Norway - - - - - - - 3 -
Saudi Arabia - - - - - - - - -
Sweden 25 - 12 34 11 23 10 29 -
Switzerland - - - - - 2 14 14 6

U.K. 132 61 103 137 109 116 79 65 22

UNICEF 78 62 54 59 67 17 39 39 47
U.N.System 91 86 111 73 121 114 107 97 74
U.S.A. - - - - - 2 2 - 3

Others - - -
South Korea - - 4 2 - - - 6 5
Sub Total 607 544 685 508 575 593 487 558 474
Source : Flow of External Resources into Bangladesh, June 30, 2017
Project Aid (Loans)
A.D.B. 425 1291 915 454 743 966 707 803 743
Belgium - - - - - - 3 - -
China 2 23 211 112 77 - 121 116 61
Denmark - 82 - 35 22 810 870 - -
France - - - - - - - 3 12
I.D.A. 1097 489 2045 1575 670 - 133 1016 1307
I.D.B./I.S.D.B. 38 166 155 18 23 105 40 100 40
I.F.A.D. - 22 80 36 16 - 44 49 146
India - - 1000 - 75 - 354 85 70
Italy - - - - - - - 541 625
Japan 439 422 - - - 1 7 - -
Kuwait - - 642 66 10 1184 - 17 32
Norway - - 53 48 6 30 11 - -
OPEC 20 - - - - - 10 26 30
Saudi Arabia - - - - - - - 29 30
Sweden - - 45 53 3 - - - -
Suppliers credit - - - - - - - -
U.K. - - 211 325 64 - - - -
Spain - - - - 38 - - - -
NDE - - - - - 114 -- - -
South Korea - - - - - - 56 27 26

Sub Total 2021 2495 5357 2722 1747 5102 2356 2812 3022
Total Project 2628 3039 6042 3230 2322 5695 2843 3370 3446
(Grants +Loans)
Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution 355

9.24 Commitment and Disbursement of Foreign Economic Assistance to

(In million U.S. D.)
Country/Agency Disbursement
2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

Project Aid (Loans)

A.D.B. 440 614 1081 401 454 743 465 707 803 743
Belgium - - - - - - - - - -
China - - - - 112 77 413 121 116 61
Denmark - - 5 - 34 22 14 4 4 -
France - - - - - - - - - 12
I.D.A. 783 412 342 380 507 670 810 870 1016 1307
I.D.B./I.S.D.B. 11 21 19 17 17 22 77 133 100 46
I.F.A.D. 20 12 20 22 - 15 14 40 50 46
India - - - - 12 75 73 44 85 70
Japan 72 78 81 107 239 - 416 354 541 625
Kuwait 55 32 12 10 4 10 10 7 17 32
Norway - - - - - - - - - -
O.P.E.C. 4 2 5 11 23 6 7 11 26 30
Saudi Arabia - - - 2 - 3 6 10 29 30
Sweden - - - - - - - - 16 -
Suppliers credit - 12 - - 33 62 - - -
U.A.E. - - - - - - - - - 19
U.K. - - - - - - - - - -
Others - - - 5 - -
N.D.E. 3 - 3 71 60 37 35 56 27 26
-South Korea 10 5 20 - - - - - -
-Spain - - - - - - - - -
Sub Total (Loans) 1403 1188 1588 1021 1495 1742 2400 2362 2830 3041
Total Project Aid 1953 1795 2132 1706 2003 2317 2993 2843 3370 3515
Source : Flow of External Resources into Bangladesh, June 30, 2017.
356 Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution

9.25 Commitment and Disbursement of Foreign Economic Assistance to Bangladesh

(In million U.S. D.)
Country/Agency Commitment
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
A.D.B. 1230 986 990 895 1890 777 2859 1795 1656
Australia - - - - - - - - -
Belgium - - - - - - - - -
Canada - 77 - - - - - - -
China 360 50 - 195 1245 3624 73 2427 -
Denmark 49 42 19 52 14 10 9 211 21
-E.E.C./E.U. 124 2 30 55 - 65 385 11 166
F-rance 45 - 39 6 - 205 00 144 316
Germany (FRG) 58 27 102 185 10 79 219 2 78
I.D.A. 808 2743 1894 1178 968 2931 2972 1049 2831
I.D.B./I.S.D.B. 404 105 324 248 123 129 0.28 00 47
I.F.A.D. 121 - 55 - 43 65 67 101 8
India - - - - - 4508 00 00 7
Italy - - - 2000 12 - - - -
Japan - 1216 1115 1696 1600 1832 2600 3155 2661
Kuwait - - 34 50 - 50 00 00 48
Netherlands 80 10 - - 38 - 6 - 6
Norway - 30 65 6 13 00 00 00 00
O.P.E.C. 30 - 50 - - 60 60 00 145
Saudi Arabia 53 120 109 - 3 30 - - -
Sweden 22 34 - - - 00 2 00 00
Switzerland 8 8 00 00 21 00
U.K. 2 - 86 5 - 00 139 00 00
UNICEF - - 7 - - 340 26 - 6
U.N. System 37 160 84 140 194 147 259 202 146
U.S.A. 15 - - - - 00 147 00 00
Suppliers Credit 64 - - - - 00 00 00 00

NDE - 24 30 - -
South Korea 22 120 109 176 204 76 00 8 100
Spain - - - - -
Total 3532 5746 5342 6888 6357
Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution 357

9.25 Commitment and Disbursement of Foreign Economic Assistance to Bangladesh

(In million U.S. D.)
Country/Agency Disbursement
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
A.D.B. 752 464 716 814 757 938 1255 1707 1309
Australia - - - - 5 3 - - -
Belgium - - - - - - - - -
Canada 4 16 13 21 9 6 - - -
China 77 473 121 116 64 979 515 695 888
Denmark 41 63 30 24 15 9 - - 14
E.E.C./E.U. 52 51 30 4 43 - - 51 181
Finland - - - - - - - - -
France - - - 4 12 68 18 32 142
Germany (FRG) 69 35 30 61 45 39 15 24 61
I.D.A. 770 936 978 1158 1399 1423 2031 1510 1641
I.D.B./ISDB 23 77 133 100 40 36 33 40 105
I.F.A.D. 17 14 42 52 49 38 28 25 41
India 175 123 94 85 80 50 138 136 142
Japan 349 451 367 553 646 1544 1196 1693 1945
Kuwait 11 9 8 17 32 19 28 10 37
Netherlands 5 7 - 3 13 00 00 00 00
Norway - - - - - 00 00 00 00
O.P.E.C. 6 7 11 26 30 16 35 21 54
Saudi Arabia 3 6 10 29 30 19 27 6 9
Sweden 11 24 10 - - 00 00 00 00
Switzerland - 2 14 14 6 3 00 2 00
U.A.E. - - - 16 19 12 12 00 00
U.K. 109 116 79 65 22 11 00 21 00
UNICEF 67 17 39 39 47 78 76 62 43
U.N.System 171 152 145 129 103 106 90 98 107
U.S.A. - - 2 - 3 00 5 00 00
Supplier’s credit 62 - - - - 00 00 00 00
- - - - - -
N.D.E. 2 2 - - -
South Korea 38 36 56 33 31 41 52 79 118
Spain - - - - -
Grand Total : 2814 3081 2927 3363 3500
Note : Figures may differ due to rounding.
Source : Flow of External Resources into Bangladesh, June 30, 2017
358 Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution

9.26 Banks and Their Offices Operating in Bangladesh

Name of Banks 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Central Bank
Bangladesh Bank 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Nationalized Commercial Bank : 3606 3608 3501 3398 3396 3387 3387 3387 3389 3390
Sonali Bank 1293 1291 1221 1186 1186 1183 1183 1183 1183 1184
Janata Bank 898 900 871 847 847 847 847 848 848 848
Agrani Bank 903 903 903 872 870 864 864 864 866 869
Rupali Bank Ltd. 512 514 506 493 493 493 493 492 492 492
Private Local Bank 1271 1332 1414 1487 1553 1637 1637 1778 1927 1993
Pubali Bank Ltd. 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 356 361 361
Uttara Bank Ltd. 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 201 207 207
The City Bank Ltd. 76 76 76 77 77 77 77 78 83 83
United Commercial Bank Ltd. 79 79 80 80 80 80 80 84 84 84
Arab Bangladesh Bank Ltd. 62 64 69 69 70 67 67 68 71 71
IFIC Bank Ltd. 54 54 58 62 62 65 65 65 69 70
Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. 116 121 128 141 151 169 169 176 186 196
The Oriental Bank Ltd. 34 34 34 34 31 30 30 30 30 31
Eastern Bank Limited 21 22 22 22 22 22 22 25 28 30
National Credit & Commerce Bank 27 29 31 32 36 41 41 48 53 54
Prime Bank Ltd. 21 26 27 30 36 41 41 50 61 65
South East Bank Ltd. 12 13 19 23 27 31 31 31 38 43
Dhaka Bank Ltd. 14 17 18 20 23 29 29 37 42 44
Al-Arafa Islami Bank Ltd. 37 40 40 40 40 41 41 46 46 50
Social Investment Bank Ltd. 14 15 9 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd. 9 11 17 17 19 28 28 39 49 49
Mercantile Bank Ltd. 10 14 15 20 25 28 28 35 41 41
Standard Bank Ltd. 9 10 13 15 18 22 22 26 29 31
One Bank Ltd. 4 5 7 10 15 18 18 23 30 35
Export import Bank of Bangladesh 7 10 16 19 24 28 28 30 35 39
Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd. 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
Mutual Trust Bank Ltd. 4 7 8 13 16 20 20 25 30 32
First Security Bank Ltd. 4 8 10 11 12 12 12 15 20 23
The Premier Bank Ltd. 6 7 12 18 21 21 21 26 27 30
Bank Asia Ltd. 5 7 12 14 17 19 19 24 29 32
The Trust Bank Ltd. 8 10 11 13 14 18 18 26 31 34
National Bank Ltd. 66 75 76 76 76 76 76 91 101 101
Shahjalal Islami Bank Ltd. - 2 8 10 12 16 16 21 26 26
Jamuna Bank Ltd. - 3 8 15 19 23 23 27 35 36
BRAC Bank Ltd. - 1 7 9 13 18 18 26 36 46
Foreign Private Bank. 36 36 21 37 40 47 47 55 61 63
American Express Bank 3 3 3 3 4 - - - - -
Standard Chartered Bank 6 6 6 18 18 25 25 26 27 27
A.N.Z. Grind lays Bank PLC 13 13 - - - - - - -
Habib Bank Ltd. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 4
State Bank of India 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4
Commercial Bank of Sylon Ltd. 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 5 6 6
National Bank of Pakistan 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 4
Muslim Commercial Bank 2 2 - - - - - - - -
Citi Bank N.A. 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4
Woori Bank Ltd. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
The Hongkong & Sanghai Banking 2 2 2 3 5 5 5 7 8 8
Corp Ltd
Shamil Bank of Bahrain E.C.(Islamic 1 1 1 1 1 3 - - - -
Bank AL-Falah Ltd. 3 3 5 5
Specialized Bank 1200 1266 1314 1313 1322 1335 1335 1344 1359 1367
Bangladesh Krishi Bank 854 889 921 921 929 938 938 942 948 955
Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank 301 331 349 349 349 353 353 357 364 364
Bangladesh Shilpa Bank 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Bangladesh Shilpa Rin Sanghsta 5 6 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2
BASIC Bank Ltd. 25 25 25 25 27 27 27 28 30 31
Financial Insitutions 1265 1322 1337 1355 1521 1909 1909 2493 2666 2735
Ansar V.D.P. Unnayan Bank 72 77 74 74 76 81 81 81 81 100
Bangladesh Sambya Bank Ltd. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Grameen Bank 1160 1173 1178 1195 1358 1735 1735 2319 2481 2530
Karma Sangsthan Bank 32 71 84 85 86 92 92 92 103 104
Total (all Banks) 7388 7574 7597 7600 7842 8325 8325 9067 9412 9558
Source : Activities of Bank and Financial Institutions
Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution 359

9.27 Assets and Liabilities of Banks (All Banks)

(In million taka)
Items 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

1. Assets
a Cash in hand and at bank 903518.3 1099634.4 1368438.7 1595054.8 1591700.5 1468639.7 2022220.9
b. Money at call and short 43764.9 67863.5 77267.5 65313.3 81572.7 83142.9 60438.1
c. Foreign currency balance 201987.4 209376.2 211852.4 225793.5 270045.7 282123.8 295385.5
d. Bills 249655.6 303456.2 353827.3 335470.2 357366.3 280220.8 286738.2
e. Advances 5333133.2 6187967.2 7166628.0 8480442.9 9518805.9 10495713.0 391533.6
f. Investments 1939680.0 2072701.1 1985792.0 1952133.9 2145737.2 2760536.7 3486015.1
g. Other assets 10954644.9 13766302.0 11073537.5 14150995.8 16326655.1 17956587.9 20878505.2
Total 19626384.3 23707300.6 22237343.4 26805204.4 30291883.4 33326964.8 38420836.6
2. Liabilities
a. Paid up capital 368411.0 387987.7 403027.2 442052.8 477221.8 499307.2 525000.1
b. Reserve 419719.9 462244.8 488006.5 514697.1 505294.2 577902.5 672221.9
c. Deposits 7595941.1 8664372.1 9645991.8 10770036.9 11864221.8 12988259.2 14857677.2
d. Borrowings 159693.6 335983.6 442224.3 556892.4 591412.8 767646.7 928319.7
e. Foreign liabilities 78756.6 76646.7 61144.0 84202.7 81067.8 109851.6 99670.8
f. Other liabilities 11003862 13780065.7 11196949.6 14437322.5 16772665.0 18383997.6 21337946.9

Total 19626384.3 23707300.6 22237343.4 26805204.4 30291883.4 33326964 38420836.6

Note : All Schedule Banks and Bangladesh Shamabaya Bank Ltd.
Source : Bangladesh Bank Bulletin, Apr-June, 2013

9.28 Trends of Bank Credit

(In million taka)
Period Advances Bills Total Bank Credit Advances as Bills as %
% Total credit Total credit
1995-96 368648 12330 380978 96.76 3.24
1996-97 409675 16813 426488 96.06 3.94
1997-98 464021 20055 484076 95.86 4.14
1998-99 525778 20402 546180 96.26 3.74
1999-00 579166 22708 601874 96.23 3.77
2000-01 670909 35236 707145 94.88 4.98
2001-02 759540 36391 795931 95.43 4.57
2002-03 845715 42231 887946 95.24 4.76
2003-04 950040 70332 1020372 93.11 6.89
2004-05 1114710 82954 1197664 93.07 6.93
2005-06 1296481 143079 1439560 90.06 9.94
2006-07 1484298 164649 1648947 90.01 9.98
2007-08 1831144 135262 1966406 93.12 6.88
2008-09 2142186 117151 2259337 94.81 5.19
2009-10 2641822 140676 2782498 94.94 5.06
2010-11 3266342 210423 3476765 93.95 6.05
2011-12 3876839 238522 4115361 94.20 5.80
2012-13 428315.1 199008 4482159 95.56 4.44
2013-14 485399.7 19349.2 504748.9 96.17 3.83
2014-15 552948.2 20029.7 572977.9 96.50 3.50
2015-16 6428957 24050.0 666945.7 96.39 3.60
2016-17 7436502 289447 7725949 96.25 3.75
2017-18 8776745 281992 9058737 96.89 3.11
2018-19 9802176 305677 10107853 96.98 3.02
2019-20 10766843 239546 11006389 97.82 2.18
2020-21 11664915 240246 11905161 97.98 2.02
Note : i. Total advances including balances with OFIs-Public & money at call and short notice & excluding inter-bank.
ii. Figures as on 30th June.
Source: Economic Trends, Bangladesh Bank, March,2020.
360 Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution

9.29 Deposits of Scheduled Banks by Type

(In million taka)
Period Demand Time Total bank Total outstanding End of period
deposits deposits deposits balance of post office Jan.-Dec.
savings bank deposits
1996-97 75924 354603 430527 14002.3 1997
1997-98 77352 399805 477157 11498.8 1998
1998-99 85628 457773 543401 9745.9 1999
1999-00 97053 548811 645864 39230.3 2000
2000-01 108691 648268 756959 42987.8 2001
2001-02 116204 744549 860753 61824.0 2002
2002-03 128279 872511 1000790 153788.2 2003
2003-04 146126 992737 1138863 297830.4 2004
2004-05 168499 1160423 1328922 64495.2 2005
2005-06 197396 1380219 1577615 na 2006
2006-07 234625 1613362 1847987 na 2007
2007-08 265176 1894805 215981 - -
2008-09 302365 2300730 2603095 - -
2009-10 416218 2750428 3166646 na 2010
2010-11 481062 3374189 3855251 na 2010
2011-12 510604 4073881 4584485 a -
2012-13 557365 4799023 5356388 na 2012
2013-14 643443 5589784 6233227 na 2015
2014-15 723837 6267999 6991836 Na 2016
2015-16 897591 6177116 7074707 Na 2017
2016-17 1018852 7759976 8778828 Na 2018
2017-18 1132171 8550873 9683044 Na 2019
2018-19 1182179 9463181 10645360 Na 2020
Source : Economic Trends, March, 2020

9.30 Trends of Money Supply

(In million taka)
Currency Demand Money Supply Time Money Supply
Period outside banks deposits (M-I) deposits (M-II)

1998-99 86866 85628 172494 457773 630267

1999-00 101760 97053 198813 548811 747624
2000-01 114783 108691 223474 648268 871741
2001-02 125314 116204 241611 744549 986160
2002-03 139018 128279 267432 872511 1139943
2003-04 158110 146126 304480 992737 1297217
2004-05 185181 168499 354041 1160423 1514464
2005-06 228621 197396 426523 1380219 1806742
2006-07 266438 234625 501680 1613362 2115042
2007-08 326899 265176 59144 1894805 2487949
2008-09 360492 302365 664269 2300730 2964999
2009-10 461571 416218 879883 2750428 3630311
2010-11 547951 481062 1031011 3374189 4405200
2011-12 584171 510604 1097214 4073881 5171095
2012-13 675529 557365 1236031 4799023 6035054
2013-14 769084 645443 1416451 5589784 7006235
2014-15 879408 723837 1608142 6267999 7876141
2015-16 122074.5 89759.1 150638.2 617711.6 768349.8
2016-17 1375318 101885.2 2400785 775997.6 1016076.1
2017-18 1409175 1132171 2548937 8550873 11099810
2018-19 1542870 1182179 2732934 9463181 12196115
Notes : Money supply (1) + Time deposit = Money supply (II) or Broad Money.
Figures correspond to the last Friday of each month.
Source : Economic Trends, Bangladesh Bank , March, 2020
Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution 361

9.31 Bank Advances by Main Economic Purposes

(In million taka)
Economic purpose 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
1. Agriculture, fishery & forestry 294498.9 343605.1 377821.5 4292237 457888.85 483417.99 536990.97
2. Industry 3876599.23 4391138.36 4746439.90
Term loan (other than working 1943351.9 2339248.5 2771858.8 34209714 1913627.40 2157773.93 2369850.64
capital financing)
3. Working capital financing 988249.4 1286950.8 1477432.3 18271385 1962971.83 2233364.43 2376589.26
4. Construction 440296.0 541963.8 652472.1 7868069 912134.14 936220.55 960531.86
5. Water-works & sanitary services 1105.9 482.8 1045.3 359.1 - -
6. Transport & communication 40581.8 47622.3 50907.1 73612.8 75982.80 140945.69 135495.40
7. Storage 53200.5 76917.2 80693.4 66206.6 -
8. Trade 1956662.5 2225927.9 2584077.3 2886951.8 3175928.95 3535980.52 3842649.35
9. Miscellaneous 70760.0 55376.5 54571.8 47865.1 58448.66 38105.52 39673.72
Total 15361475.4 6215565.9 72168497 8470154.6
Source: Bangladesh Bank Scheduled Banks Statistics, 2018.

9.32 Bank Credit by Sectors (All Banks)

(In million taka)
Sectors 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13
I. Public Sector 74631.3 66869.2 64793.2 84670.2 98787.6 119215.3 102704.0 112315.2
Government 3389.5 3696.3 3997.1 4990.1 2173.8 3360.1 3172.4 2691.4
Autonomous and semi-autonomous
bodies 755.6 4896.1 791.8 17033.1 21239.4 11132.3 20973.8 26931.5
Financial institutions 24.0 174.2 4.4 170.6 3.7 0 0 0
Non-financial public 69568.9 57303.4 59410.3 62348.7 75270.3 104649.5 785108 83392.3
(a) Nationalized sector 68629.4 56365.0 58620.1 61899.2 74823.0 104051.4 781290 83037.9
(b) Others n.e.c. 939.5 938.4 790.2 499.5 447.3 598.1 381.8 354.4
Local bodies 323.1 182.7 155.0 127.7 100.1 73.4 47.0 0
Others 570.2 616.5 434.6 - 3 0 0 0
II. Private Sector 1217021.7 1398864.2 1750732.3 2005815.7 2475646.9 3093633.4 3756628.5 4135729.5
Agriculture and professionals 117816.0 114159.7 128750.4 138271.8 159320.6 205475.4 217910.9 220008.6
Manufacturing companies 503684.0 603676.4 750297.2 886964.7 1046538.2 1332670.6 1583721.3 31765301.5
Commerce & trade 352683.5 394959.5 504665.3 564665.6 748287.8 936560.4 1089522.1 1183038.6
Transport and storage 18661.6 17366.7 16655.5 19854.5 26470.1 37102.3 49302.1 58347.5
Construction companies 29465.6 34302.4 383448 47170.2 61279.6 73153.6 98748.5 103582.5
Private Trust Funds & Non-profit
Organizations - - - - - - - -
Financial institutions 28313.7 28115.1 37275.5 36466.5 62370.5 69640.6 81218.7 80693.9
Professionals & self employed 24674.5 25382.8 29486.1 30170.7 22543.5 28907.2 39615.6 38312.3
Others n.e.c. 195722.8 180901.6 245257.5 282241.7 348836.6 410123.3 596589.3 681444.6
Grand Total 1291653.0 1465733.4 1815525.5 2090485.9 2574434.5 3212848.7 3859332.5 4248044.7
Source: Bangladesh Bank Bulletin April-June, 2013.
Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution 363

9.33 Bank Advances and Deposits by Division/Districts and Locality

(In million taka)
Division/ Advances Deposits
Districts Locally 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

Chattogram Urban 10458684 12265490 1421102.27 1562164.4 1735387.26 1841263.01 1294685.9 1444633.2 1623212.38 1714462.59 1873485.31 2116757.52
Div. Rural 117398.5 1405748 170931.20 188360.93 213651.76 262373.26 452232.3 543573.7 642279.73 716512.24 777486.87 934256.86
Total 1163266.8 13671238 1592033.47 1750525.3 1949039.02 2103636.27 1746918.3 1988206.9 2265492.12 2430974.83 2650972.18 3051014.38
Bandarban Urban 1283.6 1589.3 1755.20 1985.96 2034.77 2565.84 3428.7 4289.6 5351.39 5520.90 6419.20 6706.90
Rural 719.8 861.9 964.76 1157.03 1369.12 1717.87 1243.7 1438.3 1613.89 1774.61 2283.12 2499.79
Total 2003.4 2451.2 2719.96 3143.00 3403.88 4283.71 46724 5727.9 6965.28 7295.51 8702.32 9206.69
Brahmanbaria Urban 9182.0 105686 11975.09 13156.23 12979.33 14253.08 47231.3 54324.5 56841.85 66547.93 74479.03 86421.75
Rural 10412.2 122247 13395.07 15081.22 15478.93 17532.54 30319.2 33510.9 38736.78 44636.92 52498.02 59660.69
Total 19594.1 22893.3 25370.15 28237.44 28458.26 31785.62 77450.5 87844.3 95578.63 111184.85 126877.05 146082.44
Chandpur Urban 9644.9 10820.9 11896.64 12812.00 13368.26 14617.21 35722.7 39255.9 45139.90 49251.43 55746.73 64473.22
Rural 6377.3 6567.8 7136.92 7555.22 8154.49 9880.22 26827.8 29690.9 34425.22 38381.52 44013.39 52947.82
Total 16022.2 17388.7 19033.57 20367.22 21522.75 24497.43 62550.5 68946.8 79565.12 87632.95 99760.12 117421.04
Chattogram Urban 924336.1 1086866.1 1267299.70 1395690.2 1565897.32 1652213.52 914537.1 1025466.6 1155461.78 1190723.55 1290285.49 1449307.35
Rural 55075.5 65453.5 86054.18 95105.82 114473.75 148602.52 239348.1 299977.2 361206.09 396437.35 408854.11 498504.62
Total 979411.6 1152319.6 1353353.89 1490796 1680371.07 1800816.04 1153885.2 1325443.8 1516667.87 1587160.91 1699139.60 1947811.97
Rangamati Urban 1915.8 2510.4 2925.31 3570.89 3640.20 4271.55 7737.9 9400.0 11277.61 13281.92 14318.38 14681.55
Rural 1030.6 1228.8 1437.19 1842.31 2004.35 2403.97 2300.5 2604.1 3205.20 3031.55 3216.87 3426.39
Total 2946.3 3739.2 4362.50 5413.19 5644.55 6675.52 10038.4 12004.1 14482.82 16313.47 17535.25 18104.94
Cumilla Urban 30320.0 35149.5 38417.97 42923.84 43611.13 48529.84 99809.2 108452.9 118337.46 130465.03 142962.18 165254.21
Rural 18520.3 23475.0 27110.65 29810.11 31523.99 35850.12 72581.4 84104.4 97250.42 111821.12 127934.51 151628.07
Total 16430.4 58624.5 65528.61 72733.95 75135.12 84379.95 172390.5 192557.3 215587.88 242286.15 270896.89 316882.28
Cox's Bazar Urban 3825.9 12012.8 21519.71 23110.76 22471.10 25485.60 39680.4 449721 54214.11 67896.44 72131.30 78859.27
Rural 20256.3 5716.5 7152.84 7912.46 9500.09 11107.42 14644.6 193735 21473.33 25820.42 30255.54 34685.30
Total 18717.7 24729.3 28672.54 31023.22 31971.19 36593.02 54380.5 64355.5 75687.44 93716.86 102386.84 113544.57
Feni Urban 4651.1 21224.1 23438.87 24546.03 25004.50 28712.16 55361.8 59611.7 65962.73 71317.06 81528.47 94413.95
Rural - 5146.9 5868.49 6366.75 6618.04 7210.31 12144.2 20063.1 22673.22 25493.96 29223.98 35809.73
Total 23368.8 26371.0 29307.36 30912.77 31622.53 35922.47 74505.9 79674.8 88635.94 96811.02 110752.46 130223.68
Khagrachhari Urban 1508.4 22403 2586.89 3132.27 3366.98 4202.37 4308.1 5209.2 6400.66 6303.34 7229.51 8508.46
Rural 871.7 1008.5 1077.84 1449.17 1650.84 2025.23 1513.3 1695.4 1868.66 2113.46 2402.67 3056.45
Total 2380.2 3248.8 3664.73 4581.43 5017.82 6227.59 5821.4 6904.5 8269.32 8416.81 9632.18 11564.91
Lakshmipur Urban 9024.2 10086.1 10643.69 11296.32 11883.93 12764.39 28627.7 31552.8 34839.97 38086.17 43385.58 49763.64
Rural 6240.7 7171.2 7469.02 7785.12 8091.89 9037.53 14440.2 16283.4 19230.72 21561.25 24935.40 30604.06
Total 15264.4 17257.3 18112.71 19081.44 19975.82 21801.93 43067.9 47836.2 54070.68 59647.43 68320.98 80367.70
Noakhali Urban 23505.3 26381.0 28643.20 29939.90 31129.73 33647.46 58240.6 62098.0 69384.93 75068.82 84999.43 98367.20
Rural 9673.4 11719.9 13264.25 14295.73 14786.28 17005.52 29914.4 34823.6 40596.20 45440.07 51869.26 61433.94
Total 33178.7 38100.9 41907.45 44235.63 45916.02 50652.98 88155.0 96921.6 109981.13 120508.89 136868.69 159801.14
Dhaka Dvision Urban 3903622.1 4514794.6 5316112.02 6023815.7 6685898.74 7217403.18 4445868.4 4884699.0 5321365.23 5928312.01 6599375.88 7495238.52
Rural 253162.0 295527.2 360668.93 421780.31 472008.26 527385.21 787980.1 863936.5 940195.45 1056168.75 1167640.84 1362868.42
Total 4156784.1 4810321.8 5676780.95 6445596.0 7157907.00 7744788.39 5233848.5 5748635.5 6261560.68 6984480.77 7767016.72 8858106.94
Dhaka Urban 3704574.8 4280611.3 5041854.14 5723854.4 637185.01 6870693.59 4033763.4 4427767.9 4812896.86 5369984.70 5972057.92 6774943.94
Rural 137628.7 156580.0 201233.30 246533.41 283927.49 314093.06 452123.2 488353.0 520225.35 593139.47 650739.10 764578.24
Total 3842303.5 4437191.5 5243087.44 5970387.8 6655712.49 7184786.64 4485886.6 4916120.9 5333122.21 5963124.18 6622797.02 7539522.18
Faridpur Urban 18828.6 21191.5 25365.02 29282.15 30416.09 32259.52 28408.0 31668.6 36238.21 41402.64 48683.01 55539.46
Rural 5768.5 6443.8 7049.98 8071.74 8211.69 9128.87 15858.1 18078.8 21332.18 24317.94 28436.55 32910.01
Total 24597.1 27635.4 32415.00 37353.89 38627.78 41388.39 44266.1 49747.1 57570.39 65720.58 77119.56 88449.47

364 Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution

9.33 Bank Advances and Deposits by Division/Districts and Locality

(In million taka)
Division/ Advances Deposits
Districts Locally 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

Gazipur Urban 251352 32560.6 35616.64 39134.04 40337.42 43869.16 61713.85 69967.2 80102.28 90018.13 101843.88 125466.75
Rural 27342.7 34752.5 41504.53 47525.72 51004.81 58758.82 939610 100174.9 107373.27 116265.72 126195.16 142128.94
Total 524780 67313.1 77121.17 86659.76 91342.23 102627.98 155674.8 170142.2 187475.56 206283.86 228039.04 267595.69
Gopalganj Urban 4123.4 5109.9 6761.70 8788.06 9103.34 11067.66 14366.5 17045.1 20186.66 21412.57 24524.57 27297.64
Rural 2585.0 3221.0 3875.42 5167.40 5602.02 6710.27 6693.1 7964.8 9460.57 10643.79 11876.15 23230.81
Total 6708.3 8330.9 10637.12 13955.46 14705.36 17777.93 21060.1 25014.9 29647.23 32056.35 36400.71 40528.45
Jamalpur Urban 9718.6 5109.9 14720.93 15467.30 15443.16 17236.69 15314.1 16970.7 20156.15 21460.30 24059.27 27649.01
Rural 10681.6 3221.0 11973.14 13340.63 13562.49 15415.63 10981.2 11772.4 14002.98 14013.36 15711.54 18239.16
Total 20400.3 8330.9 26694.07 28807.92 29005.65 32652.31 26295.3 28743.1 34159.14 35473.65 39770.81 45888.16
Kishoreganj Urban 11908.8 13934.8 15859.17 17179.89 17122.53 19658.21 29759.8 32998.6 36720.14 41690.97 47057.41 54794.89
Rural 6165.1 7149.3 8186.48 9428.40 10043.27 12163.45 9790.0 11114.1 13077.61 15002.05 17620.30 21212.00
Total 18073.9 21084.0 24045.64 26608.28 27165.79 31821.66 39550.7 44112.8 49797.75 56693.01 64677.71 76006.89
Madaripur Urban 5665.8 5491.9 7557.96 8516.19 8643.29 9687.33 1726.30 22163.4 27130.99 29110.70 33124.94 35408.42
Rural 4005.1 5097.0 5774.84 6046.88 6408.35 7211.27 10931.3 13165.8 15163.03 17535.88 19941.82 22019.17
Total 9670.9 11088.9 13332.80 14563.08 15051.64 16898.60 28194.3 35329.2 42294.02 46646.58 53066.77 57427.59
Manikgonj Urban 4702.5 6676.0 7577.94 8407.67 8552.64 9626.46 20732.7 23140.6 24766.60 26481.22 29259.67 32823.80
Rural 3709.0 4162.0 5172.89 6197.87 6173.62 6995.68 15146.5 17003.1 18902.93 19815.19 22225.49 25626.36
Total 8411.5 10838.0 12750.83 14605.53 14726.26 16622.14 35878.6 40143.7 43669.53 46296.42 51485.15 58450.16
Munshiganj Urban 4276.3 52414 5730.82 6324.65 6238.24 6415.38 13485.9 14710.8 24766.60 18270.36 19960.59 23643.28
Rural 9158.4 11041.6 12056.04 12413.16 12918.10 14492.52 38696.6 44874.2 18902.93 56320.94 61608.28 76809.35
Total 13434.7 16283.0 17786.85 18737.81 19156.34 20907.91 52183.6 59585.0 43669.53 74591.30 81568.87 100452.63
Mymensingh Urban 24975.3 29851.2 35062.35 38154.87 38941.63 44614.99 52550.8 57614.7 64811.61 72343.47 80640.60 90829.96
Rural 19049.6 22350.8 25038.66 27523.81 28861.54 33001.45 18172.0 20508.8 23348.75 25132.80 28072.37 32239.23
Total 44024.9 52202.0 60101.01 65678.68 67803.17 77616.44 70722.5 78123.5 88160.37 97476.27 108712.97 123069.19
Narayanganj Urban 80069.8 901280 107483.79 114415.31 124015.32 137793.46 114156.4 120942.9 129780.47 140666.56 154208.05 170510.87
Rural 21677.5 27531.4 30424.21 33007.02 36213.58 40178.67 658.236 75022.9 82768.30 92652.50 100676.02 114974.81
Total 1017473 1176595 137908.00 147422.33 160228.89 177972.12 179979.9 195965.8 212548.77 233319.06 254884.07 285485.68
Norsingdi Urban 21866.5 258029 30546.50 32945.35 34517.86 36338.85 43064.9 46187.4 50257.00 53489.66 60693.60 69187.31
Rural 19029.1 20394.6 22807.59 21961.84 24146.67 25390.60 30462.3 33468.9 37675.30 43131.18 50747.74 56696.86
Total 40895.7 46197.5 53354.09 54907.19 58664.53 61729.45 73472.2 74656.2 87932.30 96620.84 111441.34 125884.16
Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution 365
Division/ Advances Deposits
Districts Locally 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Netrokona Urban 6464.8 7945.5 9901.39 11276.16 10762.38 12402.00 9844.4 11352.7 13869.10 14798.81 16734.27 18398.28
Rural 4806.3 5019.2 5690.26 7003.18 6902.67 8104.84 3330.7 3830.5 4465.89 6036.86 6454.23 8128.34
Total 11271.1 12964.6 15591.65 18279.33 17665.05 20506.83 13175.7 15183.3 18334.99 20835.67 23188.51 26526.62
Rajbari Urban 4377.3 5340.7 6211.04 6780.74 7197.74 8726.10 11392.1 12843.5 14159.89 15378.05 18615.37 21484.91
Rural 2481.0 2802.6 3478.31 4029.14 4272.70 4833.73 3417.1 3863.8 4819.76 5169.53 5964.78 7286.02
Total 6858.3 8143.4 9689.35 10809.88 11470.43 13559.84 14809.2 16707.3 18979.65 20547.58 24580.15 28770.93
Sariatpur Urban 3728.1 4225.0 4621.53 4865.50 4896.83 5972.47 12409.3 14241.0 16260.48 17820.82 19722.10 23655.45
Rural 3595.4 4217.0 4738.86 5378.95 5550.05 6477.11 9481.6 11637.0 14846.83 17399.18 20491.18 25339.83
Total 7323.4 8442.0 9360.39 10244.45 10446.89 15449.58 24890.9 25878.1 31107.31 35220.00 40213.27 48995.28
366 Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution

9.33 Bank Advances and Deposits by Division/Districts and Locality

(In million taka)
Division/ Advances Deposits
Districts Locally 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

Sherpur Urban 9474.6 11723.5 13135.98 14260.07 13975.65 15650.20 7777.7 8729.7 9778.69 11201.39 12110.12 14267.25
Rural 5002.0 5546.6 6414.53 6946.03 7239.48 8122.48 2417.1 2865.6 3418.13 3796.86 4482.78 5102.71
Total 14476.6 17270.0 19550.52 21206.10 21215.14 23772.69 10194.8 11595.3 13196.81 14998.25 16592.90 19369.96
Tangail Urban 14265.0 17480.5 20925.79 23321.77 23072.43 25294.99 45347.2 51021.8 56429.13 62585.63 69624.78 80481.80
Rural 10016.5 12134.4 14366.48 16018.79 17535.92 20951.15 35654.4 39210.2 43829.58 44775.36 51118.26 60056.03
Total 24281.4 30114.9 35292.27 39340.56 40608.35 46246.14 81001.5 90232.0 100258.71 107361.00 120743.05 140537.83
Khulna Division Urban 190300.5 222137.9 259938.83 282200.05 296739.37 318558.46 258493.8 287055.4 312821.40 343069.88 388946.63 427403.83
Rural 63941.9 75025.5 84864.35 96181.62 102302.22 115415.36 101198.7 116383.2 132072.93 141401.01 160203.75 180343.41
Total 254242.3 297163.4 344803.19 378381.67 399041.58 433973.82 359692.5 403438.6 444894.34 484470.89 549150.39 607747.24
Bagerhat Urban 3777.3 5006.7 5819.52 7319.04 6841.28 7697.26 14449.4 16159.6 15974.35 17053.31 19770.69 24838.35
Rural 5516.9 6871.6 8059.68 9626.54 10038.10 11909.45 12954.6 14859.1 19408.56 18546.70 20824.07 21466.99
Total 9294.2 11878.3 13879.20 16945.58 16879.38 19606.71 27404.0 31018.7 35382.92 35600.01 40594.75 46305.34
Chuadanga Urban 7850.7 9485.1 11313.11 12424.75 12635.52 14215.67 12079.0 13522.0 14586.55 15889.16 18295.98 20218.69
Rural 3155.0 3508.1 4303.32 4959.89 5356.00 6301.10 4481.4 4942.3 5750.58 6236.10 6736.09 7672.55
Total 11005.7 12993.1 15616.44 17384.65 17991.52 20516.77 16560.4 18464.2 20337.13 22125.26 25032.07 27891.24
Jashore Urban 36387.6 41788.9 49692.20 52793.37 54920.43 55883.76 44922.5 49827.6 54698.45 59218.47 67920.64 75011.53
Rural 3155.0 13833.0 15341.43 16880.68 18192.85 20458.32 26241.2 30293.3 32967.37 35050.88 38482.76 43453.33
Total 11005.7 55621.4 65033.63 69674.04 73113.28 76342.08 71163.7 80120.9 87665.82 94269.34 106403.40 118464.85
Jhenaidah Urban 11310.3 12878.0 15433.58 17358.86 18685.06 20644 17238.4 19123.8 21134.95 23540.04 27696.07 28143.37
Rural 4589.0 5253.0 5653.81 6272.96 7000.39 7964.09 6653.4 7268.0 8626.91 8810.91 10643.64 12637.48
Total 15899.2 18131.1 21087.39 23631.82 25685.45 28608.33 23585.8 26391.8 29761.87 32350.95 38339.70 40780.85
Khulna Urban 87451.5 103538.2 116725.96 123466.62 131494.75 144114.91 93831.0 101966.8 113164.81 126372.08 141453.71 151663.54
Rural 18987.0 22481.6 25216.56 27791.91 27952.75 30936.09 19230.2 22758.4 24605.89 26956.17 31586.15 35983.36
Total 105438.5 126019.8 141942.53 151258.53 159447.49 175051.01 113061.2 124725.3 137770.70 153328.26 173039.87 187646.89
Kushtia Urban 25221.0 27609.2 34773.51 38219.68 42186.79 41798.77 31612.4 36617.8 38241.93 41951.60 47756.09 53932.64
Rural 8948.3 10361.2 11404.33 13163.05 14310.10 14668.40 9302.5 10354.8 11673.50 12965.34 15257.87 17387.50
Total 34169.3 37970.3 46177.84 51382.73 56496.89 56467.18 40414.8 46972.7 49915.43 54916.94 63013.96 71320.14
Magura Urban 2947.0 3587.2 4373.55 4751.13 5368.08 6181.93 8979.7 10270.6 11478.41 12126.26 13718.38 15379.45
Rural 2085.5 2418.8 2883.18 3745.95 4263.36 5050.96 3444.6 3935.6 4285.07 4842.43 5138.70 6017.63
Total 5032.5 6006.0 7256.73 8497.08 9631.44 11232.89 12424.3 14206.1 15763.48 16968.70 18857.08 21397.08
Meherpur Urban 1998.2 2485.6 3335.80 3693.49 3235.90 3884.22 5753.2 6578.6 7413.94 7838.96 8982.33 10713.03
Rural 1907.9 2065.5 2524.50 2689.56 2968.20 3504.98 2230.3 2426.2 2701.77 2997.89 3302.92 4019.41
Total 3906.1 4551.3 5860.31 6383.04 6204.10 7389.20 7983.5 9004.8 10115.71 10836.85 12285.25 14732.44
Narail Urban 2870.0 3419.8 4147.56 4756.32 4843.06 5489.49 9131.2 10246.6 11360.91 12183.03 14590.21 16226.08
Rural 1180.8 1329.2 1627.69 1818.43 1969.61 2200.84 1861.4 2209.8 2566.55 3297.13 4142.42 4900.55
Total 4050.9 4749.1 5775.26 6574.75 6812.68 7690.33 10992.6 12456.4 13927.46 15480.16 18732.63 21126.63
Satkhira Urban 10486.8 12339.5 14324.04 17416.80 16528.51 18648.20 20500.0 22742.0 24767.10 26896.98 28762.55 31277.16
Rural 6227.0 6903.5 7849.83 9232.66 10250.86 12421.13 14799.1 17335.8 19486.73 21697.46 24089.14 26804.62
Total 16713.8 19243.0 22173.87 26649.46 26779.37 31069.33 35299.1 40077.8 44253.83 48594.43 52851.69 58081.78
Barishal Division Urban 41248.6 48769.1 58471.60 65106.50 68009.86 76708.42 107696.7 124152.8 135744.82 145116.55 162725.48 180300.90
Rural 28130.7 31718.2 35523.03 40320.06 44036.85 51380.22 50960.7 58337.4 65577.49 71203.28 79856.47 88522.65
Total 69379.3 80487.2 93994.63 105426.56 112046.71 128088.64 158657.4 182497.2 201322.31 216319.83 242581.95 268823.55
Barguna Urban 3913.9 4027.3 4823.59 6022.40 5581.46 6424.59 8138.5 9601.2 9972.43 10606.81 11661.46 12799.84
Rural 3707.3 3980.2 4308.12 4850.81 5283.98 6213.39 3259.1 3586.0 4136.07 4397.22 4645.76 5263.02
Total 7621.1 8007.5 9131.71 10873.21 10865.44 12637.98 11397.5 13127.2 14108.50 15004.03 16307.23 18062.86
Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution 367

9.33 Bank Advances and Deposits by Division /Districts and Locality

(In million taka)
Division/ Advances Deposits
Districts Locally 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

Barishal Urban 18534.0 21431.3 26571.12 29339.27 31103.17 34306.26 47419.0 54685.7 135744.82 64680.69 73403.80 81988.76
Rural 7730.8 8855.6 9958.88 11553.61 12237.76 13986.99 17113.0 19047.9 65577.49 23241.20 26475.38 29720.92
Total 26264.8 30786.8 36530.00 40892.88 43340.93 48293.25 64532.0 73733.6 201322.31 87921.90 99879.18 111709.69
Bhola Urban 7232.9 8626.8 10357.75 11043.69 11764.20 14144.98 16106.0 20059.9 23337.46 24626.61 28065.58 30602.07
Rural 4795.1 5184.6 5919.32 6075.45 6605.49 7814.62 5861.2 7030.6 8392.20 8954.36 9519.63 10333.35
Total 12027.9 13811.4 16277.07 17119.14 18369.68 21959.61 21967.2 27090.6 31729.67 33580.97 37585.21 40935.42

Jhalakati Urban 2603.4 3289.5 3810.05 4201.70 4374.52 4614.13 8110.5 8977.4 9767.46 10506.08 12176.78 13368.15
Rural 2194.9 2533.2 2932.35 3299.69 3471.92 4021.70 5605.4 6387.5 6780.02 7246.48 7825.01 8825.89
Total 4798.3 5822.8 6742.40 7501.39 7846.45 8635.83 13715.9 15364.9 16547.48 17752.56 20001.79 22194.00

Patuakhali Urban 6327.8 7686.2 9136.38 10154.10 10352.62 11571.80 15043.3 16639.0 18074.77 19134.29 20313.82 23059.28
Rural 5959.0 6160.2 6788.12 8308.73 9048.12 10983.94 8560.7 9938.8 11404.30 13040.83 14322.38 16104.81
Total 11986.7 13846.4 15924.50 18462.83 19400.73 22555.74 23604.0 26577.8 29479.06 32175.12 34636.20 39164.10

Pirojpur Urban 2636.7 3207.8 3772.70 4345.35 4833.89 5646.66 12879.5 14196.5 14232.68 15562.06 17104.05 18482.80
Rural 4043.7 5004.4 5616.25 6231.77 7389.58 8359.57 10561.4 12346.6 13044.56 14323.19 17068.29 18274.64
Total 6680.4 8212.2 9388.9 10577.12 12223.47 14006.24 23440.9 26543.1 27277.24 29885.25 34172.34 36757.44
Sylhet Division Urban 59718.2 67241.6 74398.63 78331.45 77993.15 89621.37 232700.4 247449.4 268927.70 282593.32 306769.28 341265.83
Rural 23278.0 27377.4 31817.50 33271.53 34936.23 40341.10 126269.2 134397.6 150119.74 155019.53 172146.45 199504.04
Total 82996.2 94619.0 106216.13 111.602.97 112929.38 129962.47 358969.6 381847.0 419047.44 437613.15 478915.72 540769.87
Hobigonj Urban 6692.6 7704.3 9031.14 9841.68 10051.53 11241.47 22250.6 24733.3 26792.25 29228.55 32251.28 36792.34
Rural 3389.9 3676.0 4282.65 4872.72 5248.89 6749.35 10174.0 11515.3 12288.68 13356.13 15457.35 18410.36
Total 10052.5 11380.3 13313.79 14714.40 15300.42 17990.83 32424.6 36248.3 39080.94 42584.68 47708.63 55202.70
Maulavi Bazar Urban 9914.6 10735.6 11836.44 12506.18 12505.08 14093.04 48156.5 51056.0 53816.12 55685.93 60586.61 68071.47
Rural 4555.8 5111.9 5585.32 6027.23 6223.15 7548.88 22482.1 23940.3 26287.34 28378.32 32942.14 37584.54
Total 14470.4 15847.5 17421.76 18533.41 18728.22 21641.92 70668.6 74996.3 80103.46 84064.24 93528.75 105656.01
Sunamganj Urban 4595.0 5175.5 6210.98 6143.02 5985.79 6769.53 16146.2 17585.1 19095.57 20705.97 22744.79 26655.25
Rural 3530.4 4007.0 4521.29 5182.25 6612.17 6667.87 10542.5 11880.2 13535.99 14285.16 15820.73 18221.51
Total 8125.4 9182.5 10732.27 11325.27 12597.96 13437.40 26688.7 29465.3 32631.56 34991.13 38565.52 44876.75
Sylhet Urban 38515.9 43626.2 47320.07 49840.57 49450.75 57517.32 146117.2 154075.0 169223.76 176972.87 191186.60 209746.77
Rural 11801.9 14582.4 17428.24 17189.33 16852.02 19375.00 83070.6 87061.8 98007.73 99000.22 107926.22 125287.63
Total 50317.9 58208.6 64748.31 67029.90 66302.77 76892.32 229187.8 241136.8 267231.48 275973.09 299112.82 335034.41
Rajshahi Div. Urban 195226.4 230171.0 261615.12 283886.93 297587.70 330819.15 248122.3 282063.9 309182.86 335899.46 380576.14 423282.87
Rural 51298.1 58975.8 69164.90 76117.28 87333.21 91702.33 84125.5 95581.3 105306.65 117489.98 131843.14 151131.92
Total 246524.4 289146.8 330780.02 360004.21 384920.91 422521.48 332247.8 377645.1 414489.51 453339.45 512419.28 574414.79
Bogura Urban 52695.6 60637.4 67243.87 73004.18 77188.19 85186.53 53070.8 58260.4 63454.17 70100.01 78583.40 89392.23
Rural 8076.2 10085.7 11475.18 12049.08 12639.24 14493.17 15027.0 17477.5 18323.06 20605.73 23655.02 27216.88
Total 60771.8 70723.2 78719.05 85053.26 89827.44 99679.71 68097.8 75737.8 81777.23 90705.74 102238.42 116609.11

Dinajpur Urban 29520.6 32842.1 40646.09 43816.93 44423.89 50329.21 37017.2 39790.0 43823.91 45731.49 52237.22 57280.31
Rural 8256.9 9440.2 11182.57 13217.89 13977.62 16666.01 11521.0 13166.2 13691.17 14404.81 16527.47 19114.95
Total 38077.5 42282.3 51828.66 57034.82 58401.51 66995.22 48538.2 52956.2 57515.08 60136.30 68764.59 76359.25
Gaibandha Urban 7163.7 8762.6 9868.37 11127.11 11504.27 13258.28 9871.6 11081.3 12419.96 13703.33 15251.83 16473.66
Rural 7715.3 8295.6 9280.48 10639.05 11209.82 13739.22 6716.1 8296.7 8582.09 9335.85 10311.63 11742.30
Total 14879.0 17058.2 19148.85 21766.16 22714.09 26997.50 16587.8 19371.9 21002.05 23039.18 25563.46 28215.96

Joypurhat Urban 9525.6 11131.4 13835.49 14819.73 14682.68 16307.54 10923.9 12056.1 14833.06 15488.34 16931.01 19845.26
Rural 1896.2 1912.9 2272.99 2591.56 2760.98 3057.38 1541.7 1800.4 2002.84 2154.59 2116.64 2714.43
Total 11421.8 13049.3 16108.48 17411.30 17443.66 19364.92 12465.6 13856.5 16835.90 70642.94 19047.66 22559.68
368 Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution

9.33 Bank Advances and Deposits by Division/Districts and Locality

(In million taka)
Division/ Advances Deposits
Districts Locally 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

Kurigram Urban 4401.5 5150.0 6362.41 8135.30 8127.59 10067.49 8906.9 10198.0 11201.48 12482.17 13919.14 57280.31
Rural 3983.6 4343.1 4884.99 5366.23 5546.16 6607.21 3722.6 4379.1 5044.87 5619.02 6478.91 19114.95
Total 8385.1 9493.1 11247.40 13501.53 13673.75 16674.70 12629.5 14577.2 16246.36 18101.18 20398.05 76395.25

Lalmonirhat Urban 3738.4 4104.0 4481.86 5150.57 5050.08 6084.34 4484.6 7908.5 5731.93 6048.58 6680.50 16473.66
Rural 3426.3 4228.7 4896.78 5805.34 6098.11 7458.32 2775.9 3163.4 3825.82 4235.11 4816.01 11742.30
Total 7164.7 8332.7 9378.64 10955.91 11148.18 13542.66 7260.5 11071.4 9557.75 10283.68 11496.50 28215.96

Natore Urban 9813.8 11974.9 13928.28 15401.57 16347.56 18715.12 15962.1 18092.6 19290.91 21041.68 23394.49 26058.85
Rural 4036.1 4816.5 5498.93 6378.30 6754.72 7869.05 7494.4 8563.2 9219.23 10456.51 11827.60 13224.19
Total 13849.9 16791.4 19427.21 21779.88 23102.29 26584.17 23456.5 26655.8 28510.14 31498.19 35222.09 39283.04

Naogaon Urban 17033.0 20240.6 21831.22 22843.16 22057.64 25277.72 23241.6 26450.8 28409.70 30656.21 35278.28 38633.81
Rural 10844.6 11802.1 14733.83 16394.36 16781.77 19136.00 12302.9 14292.6 16080.01 18162.87 19950.35 21902.22
Total 27877.6 32042.7 36565.05 39237.52 38839.41 44413.72 35544.5 40743.4 44489.72 48819.08 55228.64 60536.03

Chapainawabganj Urban 24369.55 27887.88 31123.74 33779.16 36560.18 40416.06 17054.00 18521.51 21254.05 22617.09 24967.43 27858.21
Rural 1960.56 2563.87 2991.16 3520.93 3834.57 4503.21 4150.13 4845.33 5425.91 5572.26 6066.29 7605.14
Total 26331.11 30451.75 34114.89 37300.08 40394.75 44919.27 21204.13 23366.84 26679.96 28189.35 31033.72 35463.34

Nilphamari Urban 14696.3 17697.8 21252.17 23997.35 24246.31 27495.46 12870.4 15324.4 16686.95 17656.49 19539.08 21581.00
Rural 6405.3 7291.8 8340.73 9168.18 9923.42 11447.26 5175.8 6091.9 6634.88 6984.92 8113.28 9154.90
Total 21101.7 24939.7 29592.90 33165.52 34169.74 38942.72 18046.2 21416.3 23321.83 24641.41 27652.36 30735.90

Pabna Urban 21845.3 26264.6 30629.61 33809.46 35623.08 40313.60 32845.5 39143.9 42961.03 45089.66 51276.31 58329.13
Rural 10914.4 12647.2 14395.99 15747.37 23537.86 19872.58 16325.4 17885.1 19441.89 21541.83 24845.60 28853.18
Total 32759.7 38911.8 45025.60 49556.83 59160.94 60186.18 49170.9 57029.0 62402.92 66631.50 76121.91 87182.32

Panchagarh Urban 4098.0 4592.2 5904.56 7082.06 7302.51 8835.90 3300.1 3939.7 4860.54 5124.40 6114.58 6734.67
Rural 3060.8 3938.6 4598.59 5209.32 5395.13 6550.52 3046.1 3663.5 4170.17 4301.96 5068.66 5723.12
Total 7158.8 8530.8 10503.14 12291.38 12697.64 15386.42 6346.2 7603.2 9030.71 9426.36 11183.24 12457.79

Rajshahi Urban 50070.3 60239.7 67484.48 73340.11 77381.96 85237.55 67471.8 78148.99 84804.78 92977.79 107527.52 116394.85
Rural 5989.5 6734.1 7938.93 8642.85 9239.37 9653.77 7200.6 8342.8 9584.94 10945.25 12322.24 13835.65
Total 56059.8 66473.8 75423.41 81982.95 86621.33 94891.32 74672.4 86491.7 94389.72 103923.04 119849.75 130230.50

Rangpur Urban 34856.4 36545.4 42503.67 47294.70 48846.30 53997.30 32135.1 36652.4 39824.10 44528.03 51709.77 57149.70
Rural 8231.1 10757.4 12407.28 13530.02 14036.44 16255.97 10276.6 12115.4 13826.86 14845.26 16673.21 18670.97
Total 42787.6 47302.8 54910.95 60824.72 62882.74 70253.27 42411.7 48767.8 53650.95 59373.29 68382.98 75820.66

Serajganj Urban 11595.4 13718.9 15538.42 16889.55 17746.41 19365.02 28027.9 31919.6 34175.16 37928.68 42617.69 46770.54
Rural 7579.5 8413.4 9857.89 10792.83 11784.68 13117.17 20083.3 22374.4 25228.77 28000.93 31059.40 35780.23
Total 19174.9 22132.2 25396.32 27682.39 29531.09 32482.19 48111.1 54294.0 59403.93 65929.61 73677.10 82550.76

Thakurgaon Urban 8227.8 9032.0 11141.54 12633.44 12189.60 13180.85 7212.6 7404.0 8970.99 10389.87 11575.95 13336.77
Rural 4417.8 5060.8 5856.91 6794.42 7433.55 8962.32 4783.6 5485.9 6460.81 6942.22 7332.96 8652.00
Total 12645.6 14092.8 16998.45 19427.86 19623.15 22143.17 11996.2 12889.9 15431.79 17332.09 18908.90 21988.77

Bangladesh Urban 5593320.1 6490111.3 7606619.78 8533900.93 9402429.45 10147526.2 6788853.0 7497027.0 8223389.81 9024922.13 10022451.05 11331561.1
9 1
Rural 622245.8 726738.4 863534.86 980575.83 1084454.95 1240928.71 1685685.1 1907549.1 2143024.42 2373394.12 2619220.57 3066071.56
Total 6215565.9 7216849.7 8470154.63 9514476.76 10486884.40 11388455.0 8474538.2 9404576.1 10366414.23 1139831.25 12641671.62 14397632.6
0 7
Note : Figures as on June 30.
Source : Scheduled Banks Statistics,2017.
Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution 369

9.34 Foreign Exchange Reserves and Exchange Rate

Year Foreign Exchange Reserves Exchange rates
Million Taka (Period average of Official
Rates) Tk. U.S. Dollar

1991-92 62632 38.1453

1992-93 84416 39.1395
1993-94 111286 40.0009
1994-95 123073 40.2005
1995-96 84906 40.8365
1996-97 74877 42.7008
1997-98 80266 45.4563
1998-99 73650 48.0644

1999-00 81466 50.3112

2000-01 73831 53.9592
2001-02 90859 57.4347
2002-03 141753 57.9000
2003-04 163241 58.94
2004-05 186769 61.39
2005-06 242914 67.08
2006-07 349314 69.03
2007-08 421377 68.60
2008-09 515945 68.80
2009-10 747121 69.18
2010-11 809996 71.17

2011-12 848071 79.10

2012-13 1190896 79.93
2013-14 1669666 77.72

2014-15 1964974 77.68

2015-16 2365189 78.26
2016-17 2699492 79.12
2017-18 2758082 82.10
2018-19 2764540 84.02
Note: Position as on 30th June.
Source: Annual Report, Bangladesh Bank-2017-18
370 Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution

9.35 Bank Rate and Interest Rate Structure of Post Office Savings Bank and House
Building Finance Corporation
Particulars With effect With effect With effect With effect With effect With effect
from from from from From From
01.07.11 01.03.12 01.07.12 23.05.15 13.02.20 16.03.20

A. Bank Rate 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00

B. Interest Rates on Deposits

with post office savings Bank

a) Ordinary Account 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 5.00 7.50

b) Fixed Deposit Account

(Interest After Maturity)

i) For one year 09.50 10.40 10.40 10.40 5.00 10.20

ii) For two years 10.50 11.40 11.40 11.40 5.50 10.70
iii) For three years 11.50 13.24* 13.24* 11.28* 6.00* 11.28*

c) Fixed Deposit Account

(Interest after 6 months)

i) For one year 8.50 10.00 10.00 10.00 4.00 9.00

ii) For two years 9.00 10.50 10.50 10.50 4.50 9.50
iii) For three years 9.50 11.00 11.00 11.00 5.00 10.00

C. Interest Rates on construction

Loans Provided by House
Building Finance Corporation

i) Dhaka and Chattogram

Metropolitan Cities

a) Loan up to Tk. 15 lacs - 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00

b) Loan above Tk. 15 lacs - 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00

ii) Other Divisional/District - 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00

Head Quarters
Source: Economic Trends, Bangladesh Bank, March-2020
*including 0.84% social security premium (SSP) & will be payable on completion of 3 years.
Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution 371
9.36 Bank-Wise Interest Rate Structure in Bangladesh
(Except Islamic Banks) End 2021
Percent per annum
Private Banks
Interest Rates on EBL NCCBL Dhaka Bank South East BCBL Prime Bank Dutch Bangla Mercantile
Ltd. Bank Ltd Bank
Savings Deposit 2.00 2.00 3.25 1.25-1.75 3.25-3.50 1.25-5.00 0.50-2.00 2.00
Fixed Deposit rates:
Three months and above but less than six months 2.25-5.60 3.75-5.60 4.00-5.60 4.00-5.60 6.00 2.25-5.60 2.00-5.60 4.25-5.60
Six months and above but less than one year 2.75-5.60 3.75-5.60 4.00-5.60 4.00-5.60 6.00 2.50-5.60 2.50-5.70 4.50-5.60
One year & above but less than two years 2.75-5.60 4.00-5.60 4.00-5.60 4.00-5.60 6.00 3.00-5.60 3.00-5.80 4.75-5.60
Two years & above but less than three years 3.00 5.00-5.60 4.50-5.60 4.00-5.60 - 3.25-5.60 3.00-5.80 4.75-5.60
Three years & above 3.00 5.00-5.60 6.21 - - 3.25-5.60 3.00-5.80 -
Lending Rates:
Sub Category-1 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 6.00-8.00 8.00
Sub Category-2 - - - - - 8.00 6.00-8.00 -
Term loan to Large & Medium Scale Ind.
Sub Category-1 9.00 9.00 9.00 - 9.00 9.00 6.00-9.00 9.00
Term loans to small Industry
Sub Category-1 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 6.00-9.00 9.00
Sub Category-2 - - - - - 9.00 - 9.00
Working Capital to Large & Medium Scale Industry
Sub Category-1 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 6.00-9.00 9.00
Sub Category-2 - - - - - 9.00 6.00-9.00 -
Working Capital to Small Industry
Sub Category-1 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 6.00-9.00 9.00
Sub Category-2 - - - - - - - 9.00s
Exports 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00
Trade Financing
Sub Category-1 9.00 9.00 9.00 - 9.00 9.00 6.00-9.00 9.00
Sub Category-2 - - - 9.00 - 9.00 - 9.00
Housing Loan
Sub Category-1 7.50-9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 6.00-9.00 9.00
Sub Category-2 - - - - - 9.00 - 9.00
Consumer Credit
Sub Category-1 8.50-9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 7.50-9.00 7.00-9.00 9.00
Sub Category-2 - - - - - 8.50-9.00 - 9.00
Sub Category-1 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00-18.00 3.75-9.00 3.00-6.00 9.00
Sub Category-2 - - - - - - 6.00-9.00 9.00
372 Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution

9.36 Bank-Wise Interest Rate Structure in Bangladesh

(Except Islamic Banks) End February,2021
Percent per annum
Foreign Banks
Interest Rates on Commercial St. Chartered SBI Habib NBP CITI Bank Woori Bank H.S.B.C
Bank of N.A
Savings Deposit 3.00 0.05-5.00 1.00-2.00 2.50 4.50 0.10 0.50-2.00 0.25-4.00
Fixed Deposit rates:
Three months and above but 1.50-5.55 0.05-5.53 3.50-5.60 3.75-4.25 4.00 0.10 0.75-5.60 0.20-2.50
less than six months
Six months and above but less 2.50-5.55 0.05-5.53 3.50-5.60 4.00-4.50 5.00 0.10 0.75-5.60 0.25-3.00
than one year
One year & above but less 3.10-5.55 0.05-5.53 3.50-5.60 4.00-4.50 5.50-6.50 0.10 0.75-5.60 0.30-3.50
than two years
Two years & above but less 3.30-5.55 0.05-5.53 3.50-5.60 3.00 6.50-7.50 - 1.50-5.60 0.30-3.50
than three years
Three years & above 3.70-5.55 0.05-5.53 3.50-5.60 4.00 6.50-7.50 - 1.50-5.60 0.30-3.50
Lending Rates:
Sub Category-1 6.00-8.00 2.50-5.50 6.00-8.00 8.00 6.50-7.50 5.00-8.00 7.00-4.00 8.00
Sub Category-2 - - - - - - - -
Term loan to Large &
Medium Scale Ind.
Sub Category-1 8.00-9.00 5.25-8.25 6.00-8.00 8.00-9.00 - 2.50-5.50 7.25-9.00 9.00
Sub Category-2 - 5.25-8.25 - - - - - -
Term loans to small Industry
Sub Category-1 9.00 6.00-9.00 6.00-9.00 8.00-9.00 8.00 - 8.00-9.00 9.00
Sub Category-2 - 6.00-9.00 - - - - - -
Working Capital to Industry
Sub Category-1 6.00-9.00 5.00-8.00 6.00-9.00 8.00-9.00 9.00 1.85-4.85 7.00-9.00 9.00
Sub Category-2 - 6.00-9.00 - - - 1.85-4.85 - -
Trade Financing
Sub Category-1 8.00-9.00 5.00-8.00 6.00-9.00 8.00-9.00 9.00 6.00-9.00 7.00-9.00 -
Sub Category-2 - 6.00-9.00 - - - 6.00-9.00 - -
Housing Loan
Sub Category-1 8.00-9.00 9.00 6.00-9.00 - 9.00 - 6.49-7.41 9.00
Sub Category-2 - - - - - - - -
Consumer Credit
Sub Category-1 9.00 6.00-9.00 6.00-9.00 8.00-9.00 6.75 - 6.45-7.41 9.00
Sub Category-2 - 6.00-9.00 - - - - - -
Sub Category-1 - 5.00-8.00 6.00-8.00 8.00-9.00 - 2.75-5.75 - 5.75-9.00
Sub Category-2 - 2.00-5.00 - - - - - -
Source: Economic Trends, December, 2021.
Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution 373
9.36 Bank-Wise Interest Rate Structure in Bangladesh
(Except Islamic Banks) End February, 2020
Percent per annum
Private Banks
Interest Rates on EBL NCCBL Dhaka Bank Ltd. South East BCBL Prime Bank Dutch Bangla Mercantile
Bank Ltd Bank
Savings Deposit 2.00-3.00 3.50 1.00-6.00 2.75-3.75 3.25-3.50 2.50-6.00 1.00-4.00 3.50-5.00
Fixed Deposit rates:
Three months and above but less than six months 3.50-7.00 7.00-8.50 6.50-8.00 6.00-7.50 6.00 6.00 4.00-4.50 6.00
Six months and above but less than one year 3.50-6.00 8.00-9.50 6.25-7.00 6.50-7.00 8.00-9.00 6.00 4.50-5.00 6.50
One year & above but less than two years 4.00-6.00 8.00-9.50 6.00 6.50-7.00 9.00-9.50 6.00 5.00-5.50 7.00
Two years & above but less than three years 5.00 - 6.00 7.00 - 6.00 5.00-5.50 7.00
Three years & above 5.00 8.00 9.05 - - 6.00 5.00-5.50 -
Lending Rates:
Sub Category-1 7.50-9.00 9.00 6.00-9.00 9.00 9.00 6.00-9.00 7.00-9.00 9.00
Sub Category-2 - - - - - 6.00-9.00 7.00-9.00 -
Term loan to Large & Medium Scale Ind.
10.00-13.00 11.00-14.50 10.50-13.50 - 9.00 10.00-13.00 9.00-12.00 10.00-13.00
Sub Category-1
Sub Category-2 - - - 11.00-14.00 - 10.00-13.00 9.00-12.00 10.50-13.50
Term loans to small Industry
Sub Category-1 12.00-15.00 12.00-15.00 12.50-15.50 12.50-15.50 9.00 13.50-16.50 9.75-12.75 10.50-13.50
Sub Category-2 - - - - - 14.00-17.00 - 11.50-14.50
Working Capital to Large & Medium Scale Industry
10.00-13.00 11.00-14.50 10.50-13.50 11.00-14.00 9.00 9.50-12.50 9.50-12.50 10.00-13.00
Sub Category-1 - - - - - 9.50-12.50 9.50-12.50 -
Sub Category-2 -
Working Capital to Small Industry
Sub Category-1 12.00-15.00 12.00-15.00 12.50-15.50 12.50-15.50 9.00 13.50-16.50 10.25-13.25 10.50-13.50
Sub Category-2 - - - - - - - 11.50-14.50
Exports 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00
Trade Financing
11.50-13.50 11.50-15.00 11.50-14.50 - 9.00 10.50-13.50 10.25-13.25 10.50-13.50
Sub Category-1 - - - 11.00-14.00 - 10.50-13.50 - 11.50-14.50
Sub Category-2
Housing Loan
10.00-10.50 12.00-16.00 11.50-14.50 11.50-14.50 9.00 12.00-15.00 9.50-12.50 11.00-14.00
Sub Category-1 - - - - - 12.00-15.00 - 11.50-14.50
Sub Category-2
Consumer Credit

Sub Category-1 11.50-12.00 13.00-16.00 11.00-14.00 12.50-15.50 12.00-14.00 10.50-13.50 10.50-13.50 10.00-13.00
Sub Category-2
- - - - - 12.50-15.50 - 17.00-20.00
Sub Category-1 11.50-22.00 11.00-17.00 10.50-19.00 16.00-19.00 10.00-18.00 6.00-25.00 10.25-13.25 11.50-14.50
Sub Category-2 - - - - - - 7.50-10.50 13.00-16.00
374 Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution

9.36 Bank-Wise Interest Rate Structure in Bangladesh

(Except Islamic Banks) End December, 2021 Percent per annum
Foreign Banks
Interest Rates on Commercial St. Chartered SBI Habib NBP CITI Bank Woori Bank H.S.B.C
Bank of N.A
Savings Deposit 3.00 0.05-5.00 1.00-2.00 2.50 4.50 0.10 0.05-2.00 0.25-4.00
Fixed Deposit rates:
Three months and above but
less than six months 1.50-5.55 0.05-5.50 3.50-5.60 4.00-4.50 4.00 0.10 1.25-5.60 0.20-2.50
Six months and above but
less than one year 2.50-5.55 0.05-5.50 3.50-5.60 4.50-5.00 5.00 0.10 1.50-5.60 0.25-3.00
One year & above but less
than two years 3.10-5.55 0.05-5.50 3.50-5.60 4.00-4.50 5.50-6.50 0.10 1.75-5.60 0.30-3.50
Two years & above but less
than three years 3.30-5.55 0.05-5.50 3.50-5.60 3.00-4.00 6.50-7.50 - 3.00-5.60 0.30-3.50
Three years & above 3.70-5.55 0.05-5.50 3.50-5.60 4.00-6.00 6.50-7.50 - 3.00-5.60 0.30-3.50
Lending Rates:
Sub Category-1 6.00-8.00 2.50-5.50 6.00-8.00 8.00 6.50-7.50 5.00-8.00 7.00-8.00 9.00
Sub Category-2 - - - - - - - -
Term loan to Large &
Medium Scale Ind.
Sub Category-1 8.00-9.00 5.25-8.25 6.00-8.00 8.00-9.00 - 0.60-0.90 7.25-9.00 9.00
Sub Category-2 - 5.25-8.25 - - - - - -
Term loans to small
Sub Category-1 9.00 6.00-9.00 6.00-9.00 8.00-9.00 8.00 - 8.00-9.00 9.00
Sub Category-2 - 6.00-9.00 - - - - - -
Working Capital to Large &
Medium Industry
Sub Category-1 6.00-9.00 5.00-8.00 6.00-9.00 8.00-9.00 9.00 1.85-4.85 7.00-9.00 9.00
Sub Category-2 - 6.00-9.00 - - - 1.85-4.85 - -
Working Capital to Small
Sub Category-1 8.00-9.00 6.00-9.00 6.00-9.00 8.00-9.00 9.00 - 8.00-9.00 9.00
Sub Category-2 - 6.00-9.00 - - - - - -
Exports 7.00 7.00 4.00-6.00 7.00 7.00 - 7.00 -
Sub Category-1 8.00-9.00 5.00-8.00 6.00-9.00 8.00-9.00 9.00 6.00-9.00 7.00-9.00 -
Sub Category-2 - 6.00-9.00 - - - 6.00-9.00 - -
Housing Loan
Sub Category-1 8.00-9.00 9.00 6.00-9.00 - 9.00 - 6.90-7.85 9.00
Sub Category-2 - - - - - - - -
Consumer Credit
Sub Category-1 9.00 6.00-9.00 6.00-9.00 8.00-9.00 6.75 - 6.90-7.85 9.00
Sub Category-2 - 6.00-9.00 - - - - - -
Sub Category-1 - 5.00-8.00 6.00-8.00 8.00-9.00 - 2.75-5.75 - 6.25-9.00
Sub Category-2 - 2.00-5.00 - - - - - -
Source: Economic Trends, Bangladesh Bank, February 2020
Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution 375

9.37 Profit Rate Structure of the Islami Banks, 2020

(Percent per annum)
Nature of Deposits Islami Bank Al- Social ICB Islamic Shahjalal Union Bank Al- Exim First
Bangladesh Arafah IslamiBank Bank Ltd. Islamic Bank Bank Falah Bank Security
Bank Islamic
1. Mudaraba Savings Deposits 3.41 2.59 3.50 3.00 1.94 4.96 - 3.36 4.61
2. Mudaraba Term Deposit
a) 3 years 6.05 5.78 6.00 6.00 4.49 8.50 - 5.11 10.88
b) 2 years 5.89 5.71 6.00 6.00 4.49 9.16 - 5.11 10.18
c) 1 year 5.78 5.19 6.00 6.00 4.49 9.28 - 5.11 8.97
d) 6 months 5.67 5.43 5.75 6.00 4.25 8.80 - 4.90 7.20
e) 3 months 5.50 5.25 5.50 6.00 4.25 8.09 - 4.69 7.08
f) 1 Month 4.51 3.63 3.50 5.00 1.66 7.03 - 4.42 5.10
3. Mudaraba Special Notice Deposits
a) Monthly Term Saving deposit - 5.97 - 3.00 - - - - -
b) Monthly Savings investment Deposit - 5.97 - - - 8.81 - - -
c) Month Profit Base Deposit - 5.97 - - - - - - 4.31
d) Savings Bond (Islami Bond)
i) 3 Years - 5.97 - - - - - - -
ii) 5 Years 6.16 5.97 - - - - - - -
iii) 8 Years 6.88 5.97 - - - - - - -
e) Benefit Scheme
i) Double Benefit Scheme - 5.97 11.25 - 6.57 11.53 - - 8.46
ii) Triple Benefit Scheme 5.97 - - 6.84 - - - 12.74
f) Millionaire Scheme Deposit
i) 12 Years - 5.97 7.00 - 6.57 9.30 - 7.14 10.15
ii) 15 Years - 5.97 7.00 - 6.66 - - 7.19 -
iii) 20 Years - 5.97 - - 7.40 - - - -
iv) 25 Years - 5.97 - - 11.10 - - - -
g) Midaraba Special Deposit Pension -
i) 5 Years 6.05 5.97 6.50 - 6.29 - - 6.98 -
ii) 8 Years - 5.97 6.75 - 6.47 - - 6.82 -
iii) 10 Years 6.88 5.97 7.00 - 6.57 9.01 - 6.82 10.68
iv) 12 Years - 5.97 7.00 - - - - 6.77 -
h) Mudaraba Education Deposit Scheme 3.41 - 7.00 - - - - 6.07 9.74
I Mudaraba Steady Money - - - - - - - - -
j.) Mudaraba Super Saving - - - - - - - 6.55 -
k) Mudaraba Multi Plus Savings - - - - - - - 6.23 -
l) Mudaraba Smart Saver Deposit - - - - - - - - -
m) Mudaraba Lakhopati “Deposit -
Scheme 5.97 7.00 - - 8.54 - - -
n) Mudaraba Future Deposit Scheme - - - - - - - - -
o) Mudaraba Housing Savings Scheme - - 7.00 7.00 7.77 - - 7.14 -
P) Children Savings Scheme - - 4.50 - - - - - -
q) Mudaraba Mahar Savings (10 years) 6.88 5.97 7.00 - - 7.19 - 6.82 -
r) Mudaraba savings (5 Years) 6.05 5.97 6.75 - - 8.60 - 6.98 -
s) Mudaraba Monthly profit Deposit 6.50 5.97 - 6.00 - 10.37 - 6.13
Scheme( 5Years) 8.80
t) Mudaraba Monthly profit Deposit 6.05 - - - - - - -
Scheme( 3 Years) -
4) Mudaraba sho rt Term Deposits - 2.58 4.50 - 1.48 6.14 - 3.30
5) Mudaraba Hajj savings Deposit
a) Hajj Deposit (Term)
i) 1 to 10 years 6.88 5.97 - 7.50 6.29 - - - 9.83
ii) 11 to 25 years 7.16 5.97 - - 9.62 - - - -
iii) One Term Haji Deposits - 5.97 - - - - - - -
-b) MMPDR/ Haji Deposits (Monthly) - 5.97 7.00 - - 8.25 - 5.86 -
c) Cash Waqf 7.43 5.97 7.00 - 6.94 - - 6.34 -
Source : Economic Trends, Bangladesh Bank February 2020
376 Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution

9.38 Deposits in Various Government Sponsored Savings Scheme

(In million taka)
Sl. Savings scheme Unit 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13
1. Defence Savings Certificate Gross - - - - - - -
(Pratirakkha Sanchay Patray) Net (- (- (- (- (-)2537.2 488.0 22.53
)14338.5 )13962.5 )18067.0 )16451.9

2. 5-Yrs. Bangladesh Savings Gross 20450.2 20578.7 21728.2 39929.9 17806.5 12277.3 2169.68
Net 14521.1 9365.6 9915.3 30259.4 105.2 9144.6 25.34

3. 3-Years. Savings Certificate Gross - - - - - - -

Net (-)0.01 (-) 0.2 (-)0.3 (-)0.1 - - -
4. Bonus Savings Certificate Gross - - - - - -
Net - - (-)0.2 (-)0.01 72.4 0.14

5. Bangladesh Savings Certificate Gross - - - - - -

Net - - - - - -
6. Prize Bond Gross 625.9 651.7 619.5 651.2 595.8 503.3 60.26
Net 161.4 223.4 141.5 166.1 183.2 182.4 11.96
7. Wage Earners Development Gross 5593.1 8073.1 8529.0 11212.2 7095.6 3768.8 432.37
Net 4583.8 6496.2 6360.7 8912.5 1456.9 1455.3 75.23

8. 3-Years. National Investment Gross 2658.1 1820.2 2093.8 7442.1 - - -

Net (-)2020.1 (-) 2689.0 825.8 5064.9 1922.6 2131.2 728.18
9. Post Office Savings Bank:

a) Ordinary Deposit Account Gross 8527.0 8884.9 8496.2 9935.5 12416.5 12187.6 1178.93
Net 537.4 689.3 (-)463.1 775.0 1324.9 48.1 -

b) Fixed Deposit Account Gross 34323.4 29269.7 30950.9 46083.3 33383.3 31857.4 21.05
Net 13306.8 3167.5 5340.0 17234.2 -4722.0 12917.4 3886.43

c) Bonus Deposit Account Gross - - - - - - -

Net (-)01.3 (-) 0.5 - (-)0.1 - - 714.90

10. Postal Life Insurance Gross 725.1 723.5 776.3 849.1 868.8 861.3 88.57
Net 567.5 536.9 535.7 583.9 438.5 288.1 14.11
11. Six monthly Profit Bearing Savings
Certificate (Soymash antar Munafa
bhithik Sanchayapatra) Gross - - - - - - -
Net (-)2695.9 (-) 491.0 (-)86.8 (-)16.9 31.8 110.8 0.07
12. Family Savings Certificate Gross - - - 0.5 51615.6 71271.4 7632.82
(Paribar Sanchayapatra) Net (-)2989.1 263.3 43.7 (-)9.9 49975.5 60658.8 6592.56

13. Three Monthly Profit Bearing Gross 62790.6 55130.6 72216.8 117308.0 23940.8 33377.5 6039.81
Certificate Net 16494.3 9460.7 20669.8 54976.4 -36051.0 35943.6 4242.90
(Tin Mash antar Munafa bhithik
14. Pensioner savings certificate Gross 13768.4 14390.2 12650.4 19872.6 21952.3 18628.3 1286.52
Net 12629.5 12739.8 10706.9 13584.5 10995.6 2274.1 407.36
15. Jamanat Savings certificate Gross - - - - - - -
Net (-)01.5 (-) 2.3 (-)1.1 (-)0.6 -0.17 - 0.02
16. U.S. Dollar Premium Bond Gross 343.1 283.1 344.2 363.4 408.6 949.2 87.33
Net 176.9 (-) 191.6 57.7 83.4 171.0 716.7 31.85
17. U.S. Dollar Investment Bond Gross 1430.4 1252.2 1947.3 1889.2 2236.5 3871.4 464.07
Net 817.0 103.9 441.8 745.8 1184.6 2981.5 264.30
Total Gross 151235.3 141057.9 160352.8 255536.9 172320.3 1895535 23326.77
Net 41749.2 25182.9 36333.2 115906.4 20569.0 4790.2 772.34
Note : (-) means nil.
Source: National Savings Directorate, Ministry of Finance.
Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution 377

9.39 Insurance Companies and Corporations in Bangladesh

(Life & General)
Name of Insurance Companies & Corporations Year of Registration

1. Jiban Bima Corporation 1973
2. Postal Live Insurance 1972
1. National Life Insurance Company, Ltd. 1985
2. Delta Life Insurance Company, Ltd. 1986
3. Shandhani Life Insurance Company Ltd. 1990
4. Meghna Life Insurance Company Ltd. 1996
5. Homeland Life Insurance Company Ltd. 1996
6. Rupali Life Insurance Company Ltd. 1999
7. Golden Life Insurance Company Ltd. 2000
8. Progressive Life Insurance Company Ltd. 2000
9. Progati Life Insurance Company Ltd. 2000
10. Padma Life Insurance Company Ltd. 2000
11. Baira Life Insurance Company Ltd. 2000
12. Sunlife Insurance Company Ltd. 2000
13. Sunflower Life Insurance Company Ltd. 2000
14. Far East Islami Life Insurance Company Ltd. 2000
15. Prime Islami Life I Insurance Company Ltd. 2000
16. Popular Life Insurance Company Ltd. 2000
17. Best Life Insurance Company Ltd. 2013
18. Chartered Life Insurance Company Ltd. 2013
19. NRB Global Life Insurance Company Ltd. 2013
20. Protective Islami Life Insurance Company Ltd. 2013
21. Sonali Life Life Insurance Company Ltd. 2013
22. Zenith Islami Life Insurance Company Ltd. 2013
23. Alpha Islami Life Insurance Company Ltd. 2014
25. Diamond Life Insurance Company Ltd. 2014
26. Guardian Life Insurance Company Ltd. 2014
27. Jamuna Life Insurance Company Ltd. 2014
28. Mercantile Islami Life Insurance Company Ltd. 2014
29. Swadesh Life Insurance Company Ltd. 2014
30. Trust Islami Life Insurance Company Ltd. 2014
31. LIC Bangladesh Ltd. 2016

1. American Life Insurance Company Ltd. 1974
1. Shadharan Bima Corporation 1973
1. Bangladesh General Insurance Company Ltd. 1985
2. Peoples Insurance Company Ltd. 1985
3. United Insurance Company Ltd. 1985
4. Bangladesh Co-operative Ins. Company Ltd. 1985
5. Green Delta Insurance Company Ltd. 1985
6. Pragati Insurance Company Ltd. 1986
7. Eastern Insurance Company Ltd. 1986
378 Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution

Name of Insurance Companies & Corporations Year of Registration

8. Eastland Insurance Company Ltd. 1986
9. Karnaphuli Insurance Company Ltd. 1986
10. Janata Insurance Company Ltd. 1986
11. Phoenix Insurance Company Ltd. 1986
12. Federal Insurance Company Ltd. 1987
13. Central Insurance Company Ltd. 1987
14. Reliance Insurance Company Ltd. 1988
15. Rupali Insurance Company Ltd. 1988
16. Purabi Gen. Insurance Company Ltd. 1988
17. Prime Insurance Company Ltd. 1996
18. Provati Insurance Company Ltd. 1996
19. Meghna Insurance Company Ltd. 1996
20. City General Insurance Company Ltd. 1996
21. Pioneer Insurance Company Ltd. 1996
22. Mercentile Insurance Company Ltd. 1996
23. Northern General Insurance Company Ltd. 1996
24. Bangladesh National Insurance Company Ltd. 1996
25. Nitol Insurance Company Ltd. 1999
26. Standard Insurance Company Ltd. 1999
27. Paramount Insurance Company Ltd. 1999
28. South Asia Insurance Company Ltd. 1999
29. Islami Insurance Bangladesh Ltd. 1999
30. Islami Commercial Insurance Company Ltd. 1999
31. Dhaka Insurance Ltd. 2000
32. Continental Insurance Company Ltd. 2000
33. Desh General Insurance Company Ltd. 2000
34. Agrani Insurance Company Ltd. 2000
35. Sonar Bangla Insurance Company Ltd. 2000
36. Global Insurance Company Ltd. 2000
37. Asia Pacific General Insurance Company Ltd. 2000
38. Express Insurance Company Ltd. 2000
39. Asia Insurance Company Ltd. 2000
40. Republic Insurance Company Ltd. 2000
41. Crystal Insurance Company Ltd. 2000
42. Union Insurance Company Ltd. 2000
43. Takaful Islami Insurance Company Ltd. 2001
44. Senakallyan Insurance Company Ltd. 2013
45. Shikder Insurance Company Ltd. 2013
Source : Department of Insurance.
Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution 379

9.40 Disbursement and Recovery of Agricultural Credit by Different Banks

and Financial Institutions
(In billion taka)

Bank/Financial 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19

Institutions Disbursement Recovery Disbursement Recovery Disbursement Recovery

BKB 49.32 53.78 49.76 49.63 61.34 66.17

RAKUB 16.72 17.12 17.11 18.45 18.85 19.39

SCBs 30.95 28.96 33.89 29.38 32.74 33.09

PCBs 106.77 83.46 107.09 110.22 115.60 111.05

FCBs. 6.23 5.09 6.08 7.35 7.64 7.64

Total : 209.99 188.41 213.93 215.03 236.16 237.34

Note: B.K.B=Bangladesh Krishi Bank, R.K.U.B=Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank, S.C.B=State owned Commercial Bank, PCB.= Private
Commercial Bank, FCB= Foreign Commercial Bank
Source : Agricultural Credit Department, Bangladesh Bank .
380 Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution

9.41 Disbursement and Recovery of Agricultural Credit of

Bangladesh Krishi Bank by Zila
(In lakh taka)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Zila Disbur- Reco- Disbur- Reco- Disbur- Reco- Disbur- Reco- Disbur- Reco- Disbur- Reco-
sement very sement very sement very sement very sement very Sement Very
Cox's Bazar 4427 6702 3948 4688 3695 3438 6745 12900 6776 6267 11220 12355
Chattogram 44773 16337 27518 26671 21570 38865 45082 29342 46633 49793 66507 58934
Bandarban 1824 1663 1968 2107 1916 1036 3373 2704 4047 2573 5292 2519
Rangamati 4364 4140 4264 4303 4862 4025 7200 4712 8418 5622 10594 6680
Khagrachhari 4783 4513 4589 4723 4663 3897 7131 5390 7366 4361 9626 4870

Feni 7424 6124 7241 1858 6892 7038 22699 9416 10500 7358 10036 8335
Noakhali 7453 7168 7763 1390 7314 7499 18094 9291 10000 10746 15000 14341
Lakshmipur 7667 8455 6502 1572 5543 6144 11653 11887 10069 10755 15000 10528

Cumilla 18508 19016 19859 2322 21895 21089 18265 31459 34000 28750 40000 29290
Chandpur 6450 7650 8165 3298 7990 5988 13185 9335 10000 7732 22000 8633
Brahmanbaria 8359 8810 9139 1890 9353 9293 4526 12276 10000 11464 11000 13357

Sylhet 11293 11454 10340 6403 10859 7603 20087 11481 20800 17501 30000 12153
Sunamganj 3709 3654 4028 8128 3943 3547 11100 6328 11000 6789 12000 8688
Moulavibazar 9674 9202 9685 12739 10263 7426 11800 6842 10035 8645 15032 8757
Hobiganj 7135 6908 6349 10936 6281 6538 8900 7313 10000 11975 15000 8570

Dhaka 66102 66281 56017 16634 48900 116115 26745 31323 23523 19641 34409 32447
Manikganj 5635 5985 6086 7902 6639 4435 12587 10355 12587 8507 18643 10754

Munshiganj 6363 6829 6374 9842 6030 9439 9887 14260 11335 6461 16714 11841
Narsingdi 6795 6295 5744 9044 6537 7025 11517 23637 13821 8462 18695 18391
Narayanganj 7210 7923 7001 9703 6640 10483 9710 32878 15015 13091 21115 17215
Gazipur 10443 10571 12651 17266 14971 14448 24427 27716 24854 20272 31604 21046

Mymensingh 13672 12482 16012 23744 15457 20679 22491 39103 22623 31831 35011 30588
Kishoreganj 11914 13396 12164 14594 11567 6892 19285 15488 17525 21032 25009 17663
Netrokona 5719 6470 6184 6815 4897 6689 9742 12313 11473 6200 14596 11951
Jamalpur 9175 13418 10876 14752 11111 13437 17997 33421 17644 14959 26381 24109

Sherpur 7702 8015 6445 7589 5470 7324 8173 25678 6649 10100 11677 8033
Tangail 12125 13926 13108 16802 13188 13575 29101 23719 30465 19181 35614 22652

Faridpur 8679 9383 9409 12603 10664 7921 30301 10985 32000 8748 33000 9412
Shariatpur 7016 6967 8342 10692 7910 6076 10000 13463 10092 5188 15000 11548
Rajbari 8699 9159 9515 11816 10002 9110 18000 12953 10000 8825 25000 4243
Madaripur 8240 9089 8751 10787 9736 8704 10000 13921 10000 8461 10000 11308
Gopalganj 8875 9284 8947 9854 10472 8331 10000 11258 10000 10396 11158 10698

Barishal 8693 9470 9816 11839 10704 5800 13720 20349 15729 6716 22015 8041
Bhola 8117 8934 8628 11885 7033 7087 9516 21445 15623 12078 14170 11818
Patuakhali 5251 3936 7528 8638 8655 5602 10186 16935 15373 8515 17299 10200
Pirojpur 8116 9382 9528 10266 10033 7979 13685 11368 13731 10191 19594 10174
Jhalakati 6230 5868 6971 6848 7278 3549 10423 7261 10760 5202 14539 6858
Barguna 7667 7448 8478 9836 8537 6519 10052 26489 10257 8242 15327 19169
Khulna 15052 15400 14529 21041 16352 20952 25279 23095 23443 22988 34513 30354
Bagerhat 10174 12494 10969 15377 12458 14912 17906 12940 20879 13980 26625 15236
Satkhira 9936 9936 11279 12171 13233 9690 22569 12648 24729 12023 33679 17161

Jashore 11850 11574 12346 16013 12758 12432 17310 17943 19793 12571 26005 15655
Magura 8711 9804 9978 11258 11749 8165 17423 10684 20857 9703 23832 10525
Narail 5340 4651 5709 7020 6459 4636 9870 10186 11028 6205 12688 6061
Jhenaidah 13739 13858 13842 17934 16378 17236 24787 17884 30396 15098 37472 18412

Kushtia 8453 8596 13479 19043 10780.0 14405 17123 24586 21603 15318 33264 14030
Meherpur 6635 6995 6872 8696 8187 6977 11083 12617 14978 4628 15649 9124
Chuadanga 7822 7717 8226 11567 9820 8493 14346 11853 15995 7971 20227 10927
Bangladesh 494043 573432 493162 502898 497644 558543 831514 845301 878389 676765 1174782 835364
Source : Bangladesh Krishi Bank.
Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution 381

9.42 Cumulative Statement of Grameen Bank, 2015

(In crore taka)
Sl.N Name of the District No. of Villages No. of Number of members (Landless) Disbursement Recovery
o Branches
Covered In operation Male Female
1 Dhaka 14744 44 1237 146825 4032.10 3764.29
2 Gazipur 814 24 880 102616 2462.07 2305.27
3 Manikganj 912 36 6596 172881 2112.71 1986.64
4 Munshiganj 1107 37 4891 170356 3877.02 3639.18
5 Narayanganj 1097 35 18434 135525 3091.37 2875.62
6 Narsingdi 746 25 91 98376 2711.08 2528.11
7 Netrokona 3100 106 1313 398406 3617.42 3251.81
8 Mymensingh 1328 49 543 172057 1602.58 1436.24
9 Keshoreganj 1477 49 856 126021 1089.89 992.77
10 Faridpur 1307 49 8373 218554 1635.11 1504.26
11 Rajbari 687 27 4446 123086 795.15 716.29
12 Gopalgonj 2327 102 49826 353661 6436.54 6004.74
13 Shariyatpur 1303 41 283 120686 1987.84 1826.22
14 Madaripur 931 32 1270 91070 1608.45 1464.92
15 Jamalpur 523 25 474 71284 1191.42 1090.15
16 Sherpur 546 20 69 70393 1134.34 1049.03
17 Tangail 681 29 317 81267 1155.63 1052.24
18 Chattogram 1822 98 14797 222917 6308.37 5907.25
19 Coxsbazar 699 35 6224 88480 1319.17 1213.80
20 Rangamati 314 16 58 24095 371.29 334.96
21 Khagra chori 469 17 115 30886 331.39 300.83
22 Bandarban 216 10 12 13901 216.00 195.22
23 Cumilla 1501 44 10622 110006 1294.48 1198.91
24 B. Baria 1152 35 2073 144264 1349.00 1237.93
25 Chandpur 950 31 1474 108753 1115.29 1039.92
26 Noakhali 1436 51 863 152173 1490.74 1335.60
27 Laxmipur 877 46 286 122692 2042.50 1883.56
28 Sylhet 524 27 118 72134 1120.11 1030.69
29 Sunamganj 548 32 493 66677 1429.23 1311.89
30 Moulavi Bazar 2900 89 478 277804 6024.87 5629.69
31 Habiganj 971 36 1164 143547 2430.22 2240.79
32 Feni 1153 47 245 134468 2123.10 1966.55
33 Rajshahi 1495 41 1674 167104 2790.26 2578.34
34 Natore 756 24 2105 83943 1510.25 1400.15
35 Nowgaon 1107 34 985 113316 1844.04 1699.44
36 Nowabganj 2055 60 1602 176317 2360.84 2171.50
37 Rangpur 1365 42 6041 169834 2942.32 2707.98
38 Lalmonirhat 1542 50 14948 190754 3257.26 2983.23
39 Gaibandha 2310 71 6273 264303 4010.22 3724.93
40 Kurigram 731 24 1663 85670 1120.34 1043.92
41 Nilphamari 1310 60 30357 224421 2511.88 2253.12
42 Pabna 547 37 15381 155109 1042.95 973.81
43 Serajganj 444 24 5128 98615 826.13 750.52
44 Dinajpur 1302 50 10086 177164 1568.31 1424.55
45 Thakurgaon 1202 54 12718 165516 1941.85 1808.45
46 Panchagar 2393 68 5518 297639 2922.57 2647.02
47 Bogura 798 45 5856 166235 1565.15 1404.09
48 Joypurhat 749 29 2241 116564 944.34 849.17
49 Khulna 700 24 986 80427 893.84 805.19
50 Bagerhat 902 33 1465 108651 1300.53 1201.53
51 Satkhira 882 41 529 111679 1246.67 1141.87
52 Jashore 742 24 556 94415 1409.66 1292.77
53 Jhenidah 242 7 100 26959 313.67 284.52
54 Magura 542 16 262 58396 672.76 613.02
55 Narail 1372 46 2684 137265 1705.68 1552.22
56 Kushtia 503 16 344 48419 609.95 555.51
57 Chuadanga 639 22 724 65380 929.96 849.09
58 Meherpur 1115 31 968 110059 1402.64 1286.43
59 Barishal 1267 65 7848 164056 3087.97 2850.45
60 Jhalakathi 404 21 511 59791 841.00 777.75
61 Pirozpur 754 31 984 92781 1211.26 1121.86
62 Bhola 552 44 264 89434 1307.08 1171.86
63 Patuakhali 858 54 20015 144666 2232.67 2044.29
64 Borguna 650 36 8035 93264 1194.82 1087.10
Total 81392 2568 307772 8499007 123018.31 113376.08
Source : Grameen Bank
382 Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution

9.43 Disbursement and Recovery of loan of Grameen Bank, 2021

Sl. Name of the Name of villages Branches in Number of members (Landless) Disbursement Recovery
No. new Districts (in covered) operation Male Female
1 Dhaka 13754 44 1371 154539 7670.87 7324.84
2 Narayanganj 822 24 923 102695 4754.07 4513.50
3 Narsingdi 931 36 5058 158054 4000.08 3810.63
4 Gazipur 1109 37 5036 160695 7184.97 6864.74
5 Manikganj 1026 35 16503 147058 5722.35 5442.21
6 Munshiganj 767 25 57 100231 5280.94 5027.35
7 Mymensingh 3148 106 0 433372 7387.98 6960.54
8 Keshoreganj 1342 49 7 186218 3453.51 3271.95
9 Netrokona 1484 49 0 143757 2159.42 2026.30
10 Jamalpur 1345 49 7418 224125 3437.64 3250.32
11 Sherpur 723 27 2829 136166 1840.79 1713
12 Tangail 2384 102 49911 384936 12935.32 12282.21
13 Faridpur 1205 41 672 120886 3999.55 3802.15
14 Rajbari 848 32 827 92055 3244.41 3069.90
15 Madaripur 544 25 374 84719 2618.88 2471.39
16 Shariyatpur 569 21 0 73136 2265.55 2156.10
17 Gopalgonj 690 29 0 92175 2482.62 2342.45
18 Chattogram 1904 98 14306 233392 12108.75 11501.34
19 Coxsbazar 728 35 2806 93582 3066.02 2896.34
20 Rangamati 330 15 0 27090 994.08 929.56
21 Khagra chori 474 17 64 34827 825.96 774.89
22 Bandarban 214 10 41 15270 569.20 531.14
23 Sylhet 1493 44 11159 114117 2589.96 2460.56
24 Habiganj 1152 36 1279 154174 2922.85 2763.15
25 Moulavi 963 31 1515 122025 2201.48 2076.97
26 Sunamganj 1578 51 1689 174105 2644.88 2504.35
27 Noakhali 896 46 120 112990 4283.54 4071.36
28 Laxmipur 532 27 0 66412 2456.53 2327.79
29 Feni 564 32 361 66788 3029.56 2859.71
30 Cumilla 2928 89 0 297649 11604.14 11108.97
31 B. Baria 1040 36 666 155349 5280.38 5007.19
32 Chandpur 1188 47 0 147952 4385.27 4198.70
33 Rajshahi 1554 41 714 157598 5411.70 5129.95
34 Nowabganj 780 24 1926 89810 2886.37 2767.34
35 Natore 1157 34 60 126522 3815.16 3600.53
36 Nowgaon 2072 60 655 193068 5074.22 4763.99
37 Pabna 1410 42 5531 184549 6682.49 6277.28
38 Serajganj 1600 50 14575 207182 6377.87 6065.64
39 Bogura 2348 71 4284 297950 7667.51 7289.60
40 Joypurhat 776 24 792 94788 2122.79 2002.49
41 Rangpur 1328 60 30755 258641 5170.39 4861.92
42 Nilphamari 578 37 15008 157378 2252.15 2116.68
43 Lalmonirhat 487 24 5400 109338 1688.73 1585.68
44 Kurigram 1342 50 8453 204185 3637.45 3426.14
45 Gaibandha 1252 54 11401 197596 4478 4182.79
46 Dinajpur 2388 68 4480 302867 6403.45 6002.53
47 Thakurgaon 858 45 5403 178730 3561.65 3337.52
48 Panchagar 754 29 2344 125083 2123.10 1984.04
49 Khulna 693 24 0 85258 1951.31 1833.91
50 Satkhira 880 33 113 118310 2439.44 2302.40
51 Bagerhat 870 41 82 119039 2568.89 2416.68
52 Kushtia 762 24 0 104448 3109.48 2921.84
53 Meherpur 245 7 0 25844 709.46 668.38
54 Chuadanga 553 16 0 62840 1544.66 1452.96
55 Jashore 1339 46 252 155885 3755.34 3526.89
56 Narail 498 16 0 54405 1294.90 1221.40
57 Magura 657 22 47 71969 1971.18 1859.71
58 Jhenidah 1096 31 0 115610 3099.92 2914.92
59 Barishal 1311 64 7988 17434 6199.57 5848.48
60 Jhalakathi 410 21 611 62085 1682.66 1588.73
61 Pirozpur 775 31 719 99648 2274.85 2156.41
62 Bhola 609 44 0 102554 2957.47 2792.90
63 Patuakhali 929 54 21732 158700 4464.67 4182.98
64 Borguna 692 36 8034 99112 2341.61 2191.63
Bangladesh 81678 2568 276351 9105885 251120.01 237615.96
Source : Grameen Bank.
Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution 383

9.44 Disbursement and Recovery of Agricultural Credit by Bangladesh Rural

Development Board
(In lakh taka)
Sl. Name of 2017-18 2019-20 2020-21
No. zila Disbursement Recovery Disbursement Recovery Disbursement Recovery
1. Pancagar 563.64 524.88 370.76 310.29 390.72 390.91
2. Thakurgaon 139.87 130.77 143.34 120.92 224.46 187.93
3. Dinajpur 1375.66 1210.34 1261.29 1185.18 1548.31 1399.21
4. Nilphamari 595.51 508.58 426.28 364.90 435.28 759.73
5. Lalmonirhat 694.36 476.09 383.13 311.84 371.17 315.49
6. Kurigram 1133.12 995.41 691.14 643.69 881.62 769.58
7. Rangpur 1266.25 1031.87 868.38 876.84 1303.62 1058.98
8. Gaibandha 226.68 191.38 847.74 314.34 1358.77 891.33
9. Jaipurhat 616.50 593.46 614.14 568.60 738.83 682.70
10. Bogura 2311.14 2260.98 2092.59 2081.69 2636.14 2533.93
11. Sirajganj 1877.16 1527.99 1105.25 1209.07 1611.42 1247.44
12. Pabna 2044.82 2038.35 1559.98 1597.60 1907.72 1790.30
13. Natore 2087.27 1906.34 1505.61 1872.74 2078.07 1903.80
14. Naogaon 2443.65 2248.13 2058.48 1983.16 2611.36 2384.18
15. Nawabganj 1499.12 1393.79 1236.33 1243.13 1257.15 1840.55
16. Rajshahi 2882.30 2578.51 2271.75 2425.74 2808.01 2753.87
17. Kushtia 2093.70 1971.57 1153.59 1135.01 1582.86 1471.45
18. Meherpur 1312.03 1140.61 1346.57 1277.60 1777.39 1680.28
19. Chuadanga 1006.26 862.41 1170.58 1191.27 1527.63 1408.39
20. Jhenaidah 3336.95 2963.05 2529.36 2404.37 3487.68 3211.57
21. Magura 1175.65 1001.36 1319.77 1243.32 1569.69 1485.68
22. Narail 2953.80 2856.94 1257.26 1174.65 3279.70 3221.85
23. Jashore 4433.84 3791.11 5097.61 4983.50 3852.67 3813.29
24. Satkhira 6779.16 5768.53 6363.12 6039.01 6873.23 6927.67
25. Khulna 3016.16 2850.61 3353.00 3198.73 3931.68 3786.25
26. Bagerhat 2683.94 2288.05 2258.47 2232.60 2486.37 2195.80
27. Borguna 1429.16 1282.97 868.37 803.07 1091.54 1004.68
28. Patuakhali 2402.50 2275.51 1892.28 1768.03 2266.98 2313.32
29. Bhola 1133.78 1004.47 947.78 894.19 1179.32 1159.01
30. Barishal 2287.43 1940.95 1671.42 1732.86 1794.19 1782.48
31. Jhalakati 720.61 578.62 396.70 381.65 706.96 573.96
32. Pirojpur 1176.86 966.66 812.78 758.78 873.50 827.50
33. Gopalganj 4816.43 4117.44 3703.78 3670.21 4452.54 4208.55
34. Madaripur 6116.99 5669.40 5271.40 4843.84 6040.85 5871.99
35. Shariyatpur 5522.21 5214.66 4482.22 4302.27 5053.83 4983.62
36. Faridpur 7709.60 6924.9 6172.81 6114.08 6712.16 6638.13
37. Rajbari 4886.51 4324.76 3958.75 3821.02 4828.03 4759.13
38. Manikganj 2513.26 2436.32 2100.52 2013.95 2812.02 2610.94
39. Dhaka 1254.30 1110.25 979.11 1023.80 1125.27 1152.09
40. Munshiganj 987.36 1038.07 808.53 850.98 1185.44 7013.22
41. Narayanganj 955.32 992.71 801.86 755.70 958.51 854.12
42. Narshingdi 1299.48 1432.01 845.95 870.11 889.27 820.49
43. Gazipur 1670.86 1619.18 1097.35 1143.09 1387.46 1385.99
44. Tangail 5836.44 5372.98 4893.02 5006.68 5950.63 5887.15
45. Jamalpur 428.79 403.11 255.54 272.26 331.89 332.01
46. Sheerpur 415.03 363.28 278.48 306.75 319.31 286.43
47. Mymensingh 991.65 827.64 644.29 706.30 1023.96 867.31
48. Kishoreganj 833.50 772.86 690.49 721.27 810.50 729.93
49. Netrokona 447.24 369.54 383.32 279.96 458.53 368.58
50. Sunamganj 622.83 418.73 179.52 180.60 376.53 290.85
51. Sylhet 520.37 480.87 230.09 292.71 295.95 296.77
52. Maulabibazar 466.00 416.67 430.99 490.40 697.56 611.78
53. Habiganj 783.29 639.19 509.02 499.34 451.24 548.78
54. B. Baria 1527.13 1422.04 1043.46 1136.19 1730.75 1650.18
55. Cumilla 2901.38 2849.30 2744.45 2475.14 3536.10 3135.62
56. Chandpur 1933.53 1902.99 1482.54 1527.89 1590.91 1737.31
57. Lakshmipur 1076.81 1047.79 1117.25 1091.45 1059.39 1124.36
58. Noakhali 1093.22 1112.88 773.27 798.73 1117.33 1029.93
59. Feni 1729.44 1678.95 1482.43 1375.73 1827.00 1761.28
60. Chattogram 2425.95 2129.36 1527.28 1752.08 2193.48 2049.14
61. Cox's Bazar 1006.53 1095.44 510.57 858.33 784.96 794.71
62. Bandarban 564.33 520.32 454.98 418.98 790.03 587.83
63. Rangamati 1099.96 999.64 1049.64 920.59 1561.76 1371.24
64. Khagrachari 1091.16 1016.10 701.82 649.24 1200.54 1119.36
125225.78 113879.76 101479.58 99498.04 123997.77
Source : Rural Development Board.
384 Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution

9.45 Number of central and Primary Co-operative Societies in Bangladesh by

(Lakh Taka)
Name of Districts Societies Members
Central Primary Central Primary
1. Dhaka 25 7823 2275 1802486
2. Narayanganj 17 2421 1677 196587
3. Narsingdi 25 2665 1724 120285
4. Gazipur 12 3242 1718 224480
5. Manikganj 15 2779 1257 137058
6. Munshiganj 20 1837 1623 74069
7 Kishoreganj 31 4665 3847 161120
8. Tangail 25 5741 3382 443839
9. Faridpur 15 2161 1124 140577
10. Rajbari 10 1531 631 60942
11. Madaripur 9 1307 1024 89247
12. Shariatpur 8 1336 883 97039
13. Gopalganj 32 3106 1839 138245
14.M y m e n s i n g h 29 7131 4027 349342
15.Netrokona 16 3995 3152 142423
16.Jamalpur 24 3079 2168 125306
17.Sherpur 8 1933 1448 85758
18. Chattogram 54 7522 3735 630225
19. Cox's Bazar 25 3094 2020 176008
20. Rangamati 16 1350 1131 40869
21. Khagrachari 8 1178 518 54188
22. Bandarban 8 1130 465 47325
23. Noakhali 24 2427 1522 181324
24. Laxmipur 16 1954 1223 90665
25. Feni 19 1833 1381 107769
26. Cumilla 29 4997 2605 348891
27.B-Baria 19 3094 1823 167967
28.Chandpur 18 2954 1587 130063
29.Sylhet 28 3649 2627 143488
30.Hobigonj 19 3257 2965 104425
31.Moulovibazar 14 2630 1133 71603
32. Sunamgonj 26 3518 2168 105782
33. Rajshahi 23 3538 2348 166779
34. Nowabganj 13 2808 1617 154912
35. Natore 17 3835 2602 169837
36. Naogaon 26 5840 3329 290985
37. Pabna 25 4826 2961 204898
38. Sirajganj 38 5124 3436 257910
39. Bogura 18 4689 2095 270283
40. Joypurhat 10 1864 874 69350
41. Rangpur 25 5071 2893 212879
42. Nilphamari 10 2033 1540 86037
43. Lalmonirhat 8 1510 714 73437
44. Kurigram 14 2814 2080 149784
45. Gaibandha 12 2776 1975 237126
46. Dinajpur 25 4243 2546 302599
47. Thakurgaon 13 1420 498 73254
48. Panchaghor 12 1688 837 65828
49. Khulna 26 3229 1865 180518
50. Satkhira 22 3116 1588 192107
51. Bagerhat 15 1857 1059 113467
52. Kushtia 24 2575 1680 160673
53. Meherpur 7 919 580 57829
54. Chuadanga 13 2068 1577 101763
55. Jashore 36 5388 3627 203910
56. Narail 7 1591 1119 85990
57. Magura 12 1788 1062 84355
58. Jhinaidha 18 2145 1404 93347
59. Barishal 22 3440 1882 344340
60. Jhalakathi 10 1206 565 45492
61. Pirojpur 14 2389 1409 100276
62. Bhola 15 2955 2351 124542
63. Patuakhali 23 2895 2497 126074
64. Barguna 11 2107 1226 117538
Bangladesh 1208 195086 118629 11707514
Source :Co-Operative Society.
Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution 385

9.46 Statistics on Employment Created through Programs

of the Co-operative Societies
(Figures are cumulative upto June 2021)
Name of Districts Total Office bearer Under project of the Under project sponsored
societies by the societies
No % No % No % No %
1. Dhaka 62865 27244 16052 19569
2. Narayanganj 918 845 73 0
3. Narsingdi 1336 831 15 490
4. Gazipur 3000 2907 0 93
5. Manikganj 1324 654 124 546
6. Munshiganj 288 288 0 0
7 Kishoreganj 2937 1976 120 841
8. Tangail 1586 1583 3 0
9. Faridpur 796 645 3 148
10. Rajbari 345 345 0 0
11. Madaripur 230 230 0 0
12. Shariatpur 204 196 8 0
13. Gopalganj 876 516 0 360
14.M y m e n s i n g h 3323 3200 0 123
15.Netrokona 15125 584 180 14361
16.Jamalpur 795 356 222 217
17.Sherpur 528 421 107 0
18. Chattogram 36969 4359 52 32558
19. Cox's Bazar 289 254 35 0
20. Rangamati 440 274 166 0
21. Khagrachari 293 110 155 28
22. Bandarban 73 73 0 0
23. Noakhali 942 812 105 25
24. Laxmipur 888 541 140 107
25. Feni 532 454 28 50
26. Cumilla 2368 1695 634 39
27.B-Baria 1319 462 429 428
28.Chandpur 1875 683 762 430
29.Sylhet 1123 617 353 153
30.Hobigonj 1595 230 393 972
31.Moulovibazar 1121 328 568 225
32. Sunamgonj 895 278 567 50
33. Rajshahi 750 633 94 23
34. Nowabganj 341 341 0 0
35. Natore 410 378 32 0
36. Naogaon 975 960 15 0
37. Pabna 1204 931 273 0
38. Sirajganj 1100 1019 70 11
39. Bogura 973 749 203 21
40. Joypurhat 459 346 53 60
41. Rangpur 4308 2668 1475 165
42. Nilphamari 397 267 130 0
43. Lalmonirhat 714 461 253 0
44. Kurigram 421 262 133 26
45. Gaibandha 1041 306 585 150
46. Dinajpur 2019 1041 425 553
47. Thakurgaon 2001 566 638 797
48. Panchaghor 61 61 0 0
49. Khulna 1392 1089 110 193
50. Satkhira 1089 853 236 0
51. Bagerhat 2044 354 845 845
52. Kushtia 5958 1426 295 4237
53. Meherpur 234 77 157 0
54. Chuadanga 101 87 11 3
55. Jashore 1084 542 395 147
56. Narail 425 141 144 140
57. Magura 1130 329 365 436
58. Jhinaidha 467 340 111 16
59. Barishal 3471 2016 213 1242
60. Jhalakathi 1179 411 444 324
61. Pirojpur 3078 826 1299 953
62. Bhola 554 554 0 0
63. Patuakhali 4750 997 1574 2179
64. Barguna 1740 603 568 569
Bangladesh 193068 75725 32440 84903
Source: Co-Operative Society.
386 Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution

9.47 Distribution of Rickshaw to the Rickshaw Puller Co-operative Societies

(Figures are cumulative up to June, 2021)
Number Number of Rickshaw
Name of Districts Society Members Allotted Owning by full payment
1. Dhaka 0 0 0 0
2. Narayanganj 0 0 0 0
3. Narsingdi 0 0 0 0
4. Gazipur 0 0 0 0
5. Manikganj 0 0 0 0
6. Munshiganj 0 0 0 0
7. Kishoreganj 0 0 0 0
8. Tangail 0 0 0 0
9. Faridpur 8 0 0 0
10. Rajbari 0 0 0 0
11. Madaripur 0 0 0 0
12. Shariatpur 0 0 0 0
13. Gopalganj 0 0 0 0
14. Mymensingh 0 0 0 0
15 Netrokona 12 236 0 0
16.Jamalpur 0 0 0 0
17.Sherpur 0 0 0 0
18. Chattogram 0 0 0 0
19. Cox's Bazar 0 0 0 0
20. Rangamati 0 0 0 0
21. Khagrachari 0 0 0 0
22. Bandarban 1 37 0 0
23. Noakhali 4 187 0 0
24. Laxmipur 2 149 2 2
25. Feni 0 0 0 0
26. Cumilla 1 173 0 0
27. Brahmanbaria 0 0 0 0
28. Chandpur 0 0 0 0
29. Sylhet 0 0 0 0
30. Hobiganj 0 0 0 0
31. Moulavi Bazar 0 0 0 0
32. Sunamganj 0 0 0 0
33. Rajshahi 0 0 0 0
34. Nowabganj 0 0 0 0
35. Natore 0 0 0 0
36. Naogaon 0 0 0 0
37. Pabna 3 1534 0 0
38. Sirajganj 0 0 0 0
39. Bogura 0 0 0 0
40. Joypurhat 0 0 0 0
41. Rangpur 0 0 0 0
42. Nilphamari 0 0 0 0
43. Lalmonirhat 0 0 0 0
44. Kurigram 0 0 0 0
45. Gaibandha 0 0 0 0
46. Dinajpur 0 0 0 0
47. Thakurgaon 0 0 0 0
48. Panchaghor 0 0 0 0
49. Khulna 0 0 0 0
50. Satkhira 0 0 0 0
51. Bagerhat 0 0 0 0
52. Kushtia 0 0 0 0
53. Meherpur 0 0 0 0
54. Chuadanga 0 0 0 0
55. Jashore 0 0 0 0
56. Narail 0 0 0 0
57. Magura 0 0 0 0
58. Jhinaidha 0 0 0 0
59. Barishal 0 0 0 0
60. Jhalakathi 4 85 0 0
61. Pirojpur 0 0 0 0
62. Bhola 0 0 0 0
63. Patuakhali 0 0 0 0
64. Barguna 0 0 0 0
Bangladesh 27 2401 2 2
Source : Co-Operative Society.
Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution 387

9.48 Statistics on Employment Created through Programs

of the Co-operative Societies
(Figures are cumulative upto June 2017)
Name of Districts Total Office bearer Under project of societies Under project sponsered
by the societies
No % No % No % No %
1. Dhaka 31697 34.44 23930 49.45 7298 37.15 469 1.95
2. Narayanganj 2064 2.24 2044 4.22 20 0.10 0 0
3. Narsingdi 344 0.37 151 0.31 193 0.98 0 0
4. Gazipur 1521 1.65 1316 2.72 205 1.04 0 0
5. Manikganj 156 0.17 124 0.26 32 0.16 0 0
6. Munshiganj 367 0.40 367 0.76 0 0 0 0
7. Mymensingh 386 0.42 269 0.56 75 0.38 42 0.16
8. Kishoreganj 1108. 1.20 332 0.69 711 3.62 65 0.27
9. Netrokona 18006 19.56 254 0.52 154 0.78 17598 73.33
10. Jamalpur 185 0.80 125 0.26 54 0.27 6 0.03
11. Sherpur 342 0.37 183 0.38 159 0.80 0 0
12. Tangail 636 0.69 578 1.19 23 0.12 35 0.15
13. Faridpur 246 0.27 246 0.51 0 0 0 0
14. Rajbari 190 0.21 183 0.38 7 0.04 0 0
15. Madaripur 127 0.14 127 0.26 0 0 0 0
16. Shariatpur 171 0.19 131 0.27 20 0.10 20 0.08
17. Gopalganj 124 0.13 119 0.25 5 0.03 0 0
18. Chattogram 2929 3.18 2018 4.17 911 4.64 0 0
19. Cox's Bazar 223 0.24 223 0.46 0 0 0 0
20. Rangamati 43 0.05 43 0.08 0 0 0 0
21. Khagrachari 193 0.21 31 0.06 138 0.70 24 0.01
22. Bandarban 33 0.04 33 0.07 0 0 0 0
23. Sylhet 1427 1.55 120 0.25 526 2.68 781 3.25
24. Hobiganj 145 0.16 145 0.30 0 0 0 0
25. Moulavi Bazar 617 0.67 108 0.22 445 2.27 64 0.27
26. Sunamganj 993 1.08 351 0.73 642 3.27 0 0
27. Noakhali 724 0.79 600 1.24 107 0.54 17 0.07
28. Laxmipur 1050 1.14 718 1.48 150 0.76 182 0.76
29. Feni 634 0.68 634 1.31 0 0 0 0
30. Cumilla 3033 3.30 1999 4.13 1034 5.26 0 0
31. Brahmanbaria 486 0.53 160 0.33 161 0.82 165 0.69
32. Chandpur 2749 2.99 927 1.92 1583 8.06 239 0.99
33. Rajshahi 285 0.31 90 0.19 195 0.99 0 0
34. Nowabganj 490 0.53 245 0.51 245 1.25 0 0
35. Natore 285 0.31 273 0.56 12 0.06 0 0
36. Naogaon 349 0.38 330 0.68 19 0.09 0 0
37. Pabna 1489 1.62 1219 2.52 270 1.37 0 0
38. Sirajganj 1019 1.11 667 1.38 341 1.74 11 0.05
39. Bogura 248 0.27 151 0.31 79 0.40 18 0.08
40. Joypurhat 96 0.10 66 0.14 0 0 30 0.13
41. Rangpur 1256 1.36 418 0.86 665 3.39 173 0.72
42. Nilphamari 148 0.16 61 0.13 87 0.44 0 0
43. Lalmonirhat 67 0.07 67 0.14 0 0 0 0
44. Kurigram 116 0.13 59 0.12 57 0.29 0 0
45. Gaibandha 877 0.95 142 0.29 585 2.98 150 0.63
46. Dinajpur 573 0.62 550 1.14 23 0.12 0 0
47. Thakurgaon 77 0.08 52 0.11 25 0.13 0 0
48. Panchaghor 58 0.06 58 0.12 0 0 0 0
49. Khulna 446 0.48 430 0.89 10 0.05 6 0.03
50. Satkhira 499 0.54 438 0.91 61 0.31 0 0
51. Bagerhat 136 0.15 136 0.28 0 0 0 0
52. Kushtia 2920 3.17 920 1.90 382 1.94 1618 6.74
53. Meherpur 91 0.09 80 0.17 11 0.06 0 0
54. Chuadanga 101 0.11 82 0.17 16 0.08 3 0.01
55. Jashore 682 0.74 321 0.66 244 1.24 126 0.53
56. Narail 356 0.39 219 0.45 137 0.70 0 0
57. Magura 85 0.09 72 0.16 3 0.02 10 0.04
58. Jhinaidha 257 0.28 254 0.52 3 0.02 0 0
59. Barishal 1889 1.51 1125 2.32 240 1.22 24 0.1
60. Jhalakathi 183 0.20 37 0.08 143 0.73 3 0.01
61. Pirojpur 1158 1.26 318 0.66 445 2.27 395 1.65
62. Bhola 252 0.27 252 0.52 0 0 0 0
63. Patuakhali 2862 3.11 574 1.19 621 3.16 1667 6.95
64. Barguna 233 0.25 104 0.21 70 0.36 59 0.25
Bangladesh 92032 100.00 48390 100.00 19642 100.00 24000 100.00
Source : Co-Operative Society.
388 Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution

9.49 Statistics on Employment Created through Programs of the Co-operative

Societies (Figures are cumulative up to June 2010)
Name of Districts Total Office bearer Under project of the Under project sponserd
societies by the societies
1. Dhaka 31656 23930 7298 428
2. Narayanganj 82 67 1 14
3. Narsingdi 271 133 138 0
4. Gazipur 1055 650 405 0
5. Manikganj 58 28 30 0
6. Munshiganj 354 354 0 0
7. Mymensingh 334 253 55 26
8. Kishoreganj 525 193 312 20
9. Netrokona 501 213 151 137
10. Jamalpur 183 123 54 6
11. Sherpur 211 136 75 0
12. Tangail 353 312 6 35
13. Faridpur 84 84 0 0
14. Rajbari 96 57 32 7
15. Madaripur 71 71 0 0
16. Shariatpur 170 130 20 20
17. Gopalganj 123 119 4 0
18. Chattogram 2131 267 864 0
19. Cox's Bazar 223 228 0 0
20. Rangamati 28 28 0 0
21. Khagrachari 195 38 138 24
22. Bandarban 18 18 0 0
23. Sylhet 1266 107 466 693
24. Hobiganj 154 127 27 0
25. Moulavi Bazar 205 105 39 61
26. Sunamganj 402 272 130 0
27. Noakhali 662 538 107 17
28. Laxmipur 892 654 94 144
29. Feni 635 635 0 0
30. Cumilla 1448 1227 221 0
31. Brahmanbaria 210 61 69 80
32. Chandpur 944 171 714 59
33. Rajshahi 280 85 195 0
34. Nowabganj 573 201 372 0
35. Natore 306 275 31 0
36. Naogaon 374 355 19 0
37. Pabna 1464 1194 270 0
38. Sirajganj 994 643 340 11
39. Bogura 230 142 79 9
40. Joypurhat 90 60 0 30
41. Rangpur 1251 347 693 211
42. Nilphamari 143 61 82 0
43. Lalmonirhat 65 65 0 0
44. Kurigram 97 53 44 0
45. Gaibandha 860 125 585 150
46. Dinajpur 577 554 23 0
47. Thakurgaon 41 41 0 0
48. Panchaghor 52 52 0 0
49. Khulna 442 426 10 6
50. Satkhira 402 379 23 0
51. Bagerhat 110 106 0 4
52. Kushtia 2609 885 372 1352
53. Meherpur 75 64 11 0
54. Chuadanga 101 82 16 3
55. Jashore 882 279 92 511
56. Narail 177 170 7 0
57. Magura 72 59 3 10
58. Jhinaidha 134 134 0 0
59. Barishal 248 200 27 21
60. Jhalakathi 73 37 33 3
61. Pirojpur 1158 318 445 395
62. Bhola 167 167 0 0
63. Patuakhali 2519 506 552 1461
64. Barguna 233 104 70 59
Bangladesh 62339 40488 15844 6007
Source : Co-Operative Society.
Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution 389

9.50 Statistics on Co-operative Markets (As on 30 June, 2020)

No. of Co-operative Markets Total No. of No. of shops in the Market
Name of District Total Kutcha Pucca Members Total Allotted to the
1. Dhaka 1952 1500 452 99176 45000 38000
2. Narayanganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
3. Narsingdi 0 0 0 0 0 0
4. Gazipur 0 0 0 0 0 0
5. Manikganj 3 0 3 120 3 3
6. Munshiganj 1 1 0 1 21 21
7. Kishoreganj 26 23 3 560 26 26
8. Tangail 7 0 7 4608 595 158
9. Faridpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
10. Rajbari 11 11 0 235 15 15
11. Madaripur 0 0 0 0 0 0
12. Shariatpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
13. Gopalganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
14. Mymensingh 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 Netrokona 10 10 0 200 100 80
16.Jamalpur 10 7 3 1840 10 10
17.Sherpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
18. Chattogram 0 0 0 0 0 0
19. Cox's Bazar 0 0 0 0 0 0
20. Rangamati 0 0 0 0 0 0
21. Khagrachari 0 0 0 0 0 0
22. Bandarban 0 0 0 0 0 0
23. Noakhali 3 2 1 2183 23 23
24. Laxmipur 0 0 0 0 0 0
25. Feni 5 0 5 2207 5 0
26. Cumilla 14 13 1 3200 40 40
27. Brahmanbaria 0 0 0 0 0 0
28. Chandpur 1 1 0 53 14 14
29. Sylhet 0 0 0 0 0 0
30. Hobiganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
31. Moulavi Bazar 2 0 2 105 10 5
32. Sunamganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
33. Rajshahi 0 0 0 0 0 0
34. Nowabganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
35. Natore 0 0 0 0 0 0
36. Naogaon 0 0 0 0 0 0
37. Pabna 13 2 11 2238 55 7
38. Sirajganj 0 0 0 0 0 0
39. Bogura 3 3 0 798 3 0
40. Joypurhat 0 0 0 0 0 0
41. Rangpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
42. Nilphamari 0 0 0 0 0 0
43. Lalmonirhat 0 0 0 0 0 0
44. Kurigram 0 0 0 0 0 0
45. Gaibandha 0 0 0 0 0 0
46. Dinajpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
47. Thakurgaon 0 0 0 0 0 0
48. Panchaghor 0 0 0 0 0 0
49. Khulna 0 0 0 0 0 0
50. Satkhira 0 0 0 0 0 0
51. Bagerhat 0 0 0 0 0 0
52. Kushtia 7 6 1 1875 60 0
53. Meherpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
54. Chuadanga 0 0 0 0 0 0
55. Jashore 0 0 0 0 0 0
56. Narail 0 0 0 0 0 0
57. Magura 0 0 0 0 0 0
58. Jhinaidha 0 0 0 0 0 0
59. Barishal 0 0 0 0 0 0
60. Jhalakathi 0 0 0 0 0 0
61. Pirojpur 0 0 0 0 0 0
62. Bhola 12 12 0 0 0 0
63. Patuakhali 0 0 0 0 0 0
64. Barguna 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bangladesh 2080 1591 489 119399 45980 38402
Source : Co-Operative Society.
390 Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution

9.51 Statistics on Housing Co-operative, June, 2014

Sl No Name of Division Name of Name of Share Capital(In Loan Head (In Loan Repaid (In
Societies Members lakh taka) lakh taka) Lakh taka)
1. Chattogram
28 9603 290.67 5.2 5.2
2. Dhaka
60 20408 27.17 17.23 13.21
3. Khulna
2 113 1.55 0 0
4. Rajshahi
3 325 3.28 0 0
5. Barishal
3 94 120.45 0 0
6. Sylhet
4 346 0.20 0 0
100 30889 443.32 22.43 18.41
Source: Co-operative Societies.

9.52 Statistics on Housing Co-operative, June, 2015

Name of Divisions Number of Number of Share Capital Loan held Loan repaid
Societies Members (In lakh taka) (in Lakh taka) (in Lakh taka)

25 9507 45.75 0 0
1. Chattogram Division
58 20270 903.70 17.00 13.21
2. Dhaka Division
5 113 1.59 0 0
3. Khulna Division
3 345 278.52 0 0
4. Rajshahi Division
3 94 0.41 0 0
5. Barishal Division
3 235 0.98 0 0
6. Sylhet Division
94 30564 1230.95 17.00 13.21
Note : (-) Means nil. Figures are cumulative.
Source :Co-Operative Society.

9.53 Statistics on Housing Co-operative, June, 2017

Sl No Name of Division Name of Name of Share Capital(In Loan Head (In Loan Repaid (In
Societies Members lakh taka) lakh taka) Lakh taka)
1. Chattogram 25 9601 103.51 0.00 0.00
2. Dhaka 58 20441 935.75 0.00 0.00
3. Khulna 0 - 0.00 0.00 0.00
4. Rajshahi 3 168 2.30 0.00 0.00
5. Barishal 2 49 1.74 0.00 0.00
6. Sylhet 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 88 30259 1043.30 0.00 0.00
Source: Co-operative Societies.
Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution 391

9.54 Selected Co-operative Societies, Number of Members

Disbursement and Recovery of Loans (2016-17)
Name of Co-operative Societies Number of Disbursement of Loan (in Recovery loan
Members Tk.)

2016-17 2016-17 2016-17

Co-operative Land Mortgage Bank 50306 1118.61 815.13
Union Multipurpose Co-operative Societies 727266 4052.76 4214.47
Fishermen Co-operative Societies 382537 1710.71 1340.06
Sugarcane Growers Co-operative Societies 905 254.50 212.84
Agricultural Co-operative Societies (Departmental) 442063 1867.36 1836.02
Agriculture Co-operative Societies (BRDB) 1728405 37805.38 40019.49
Milk Co-operative Societies 107649 2764.29 1481.24
Salt Co-operative Societies 189 0 0
Landless Farmer Co-operative Societies 33192 33.95 11.51
Derelict Tank Co-operative Societies 0 0 0
Khamar (Farm) Co-operative Societies 0 0 0
Oil Producers' Co-operative Societies 0 0 0
Pan (Betel Leaf) Cultivator Co-operative Societies 0 0 0
Groundnut Co-operative Societies 0 0 0
Weaver Co-operative Societies 197074 171.60 140.06
Total : 3669586 49779.16 50070.82
Note: Weavers Co-operatives societies are treated as Handloom Co-operatives societies.
Source: Co-operatives society.

9.55 Item wise Revenue Collection

(In crore taka)
Items of Revenue Collection FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20
Import Duty 21069.19 24319.78 24269.52 23613.91
Vat (at import level) 25561.19 29049.78 31400.83 30291.4

Supplementary Duty (at import level) 7628.89 7873.11 7665.01 6644.64

Export Duty (at import level) 22.70 35.88 55.24 2.28
Sub Total 54281.87 61278.55 63390.60 60552.23
Excise Duty 1790.51 2072.59 2373.37 2279.47
Vat (Local) 38287.76 46716.45 55971.19 56452.71
Supplementary Duty (Local) 23481.70 29902.74 28814.53 25471.33
Turn Over Tax 2.45 2.19 20.74 1.16
Other taxes 00 00 00 647.83
Sub Total 63562.42 78693.97 87179.83 84852.50
Total of Indirect Tax 117844.29 139972.52 150570.43 145404.73
Income Tax 52754.93 61144.50 69074.51 72179.79
Travel Tax 1057.22 1195.92 1126.68 824.42
Total of Direct Tax 53812.15 62340.42 70201.19 73004.21
Grand Total 171656.44 202312.94 220771.62 218408.94
Source: National Board of Revenue (NBR).
392 Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit Distribution

9.56 Government Grant/Subsidy during FY 2003-04 to 2010-11

(In crore taka)
Organization 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11
BCIC - - - 0 0 0 0 0
BSEC - - - 0 0 0 0 0
BJMC 33.03 29.57 100.00 34.99 34.99 34.45 65.12 155.74
BIWTC 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
RDA 0.10 0.09 0.12 0.13 0.15 0.15 0.20 0.20
BFFWT 16.25 16.44 18.19 18.29 27.70 44.53 61.16 74.05
BIWTA 27.86 31.88 52.19 50.58 42.45 82.49 98.24 153.56
BSCIC 21.50 22.51 26.5 28.50 36.98 39.96 47.74 64.53
REB 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 2.68
BHB 4.50 4.61 7.99 7.43 7.43 - - -
BSB 4.30 4.26 3.97 4.32 6.29 8.89 10.4 13.85
EPB 4.00 410.00 12.00 11.00 12.30 13.71 13.81 16.50
BADC 35.00 42.00 58.62 66.50 86.62 155.00 204.27 279.30
BWDB 230.80 251.83 279.01 228.24 228.24 571.62 645.74 671.78
BERC - - 0.54 0.77 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
BSRTI - - - 1.44 1.6 1.79 1.42 3.00
TOTAL 385.84 421.69 567.63 460.69 494.25 961.19 1156.6 1435.69
Source: Monitoring Cell, Finance Division.

9.57 Private Investment Proposals Registered with BOI

(In million taka)
Fiscal Year Local Investment Foreign/JV Total Investment Proposals Growth in
Proposals Registered Investment Registered Project Value
Projects Project Value Projects Project Value Projects Project (%)

2001-02 2875 88060 89 17340 2964 105400 (-)29

2002-03 2101 116526 104 20670 2205 137196 (+) 30

2003-04 1624 135461 130 26440 1754 161901 (+)18

2004-05 1469 140046 120 52977 1589 193023 (+)19

2005-06 1754 183703 135 249857 1889 433560 (+)125

2006-07 1930 196581 191 119251 2121 315832 (-) 27

2007-08 1615 193530 143 54328 1758 247859 (-)22

2008-09 1336 171175 132 147496 1468 318671 (+) 27

2009-10* 1470 274137 160 62608 1630 336743 (+) 5

2010-11 1746 553690 196 365243 1942 918933 (+) 173

2011-12 1735 534769 221 344168 1956 878937 (-) 10

Source. Monthly Report (2011-12), Policy & Planning, Board of Investment.

Prices and Wages 393

Chapter 10


394 Prices and Wages
Prices and Wages 395

10.01 Harvest Time Market Price of Agricultural Crops

(Per Quintal/100 pieces in Taka)
Sl.No. Name of Crops 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
1 Aman Local 1368 2023 2284 1759 1597 2628
2 Aman HYV 1566 2221 2590 1658 1893 2842
3 Aman Paijam - - - 2071 2241 3081
4 Aus Local 1336 1920 2173 1699 1368 -
5 Aus HYV 1315 1920 2258 1599 1398 -
6 Aus Paijam - 1625 2425 1606 - -
7 Boro Local 1433 1870 2175 1664 1732 2356
8 Boro HYV 1622 2038 2514 2290 1983 2559
9 Boro Paijam - - - 2290 2234 2703
10 Wheat 2045 1996 2123 2335 2548 2570
11 Mustard 7415 7005 5735 4828 6366 7725
12 Masur 8727 7605 5966 5541 6946 7197
13 Mung 6152 7083 6786 5972 7215 7611
14 Gram 6064 7667 7117 5901 6312 6325
15 Motor 5061 6453 4733 3630 4519 5221
16 Kheshari 4046 4978 3591 3196 4323 4625
17 Mustard 4335 4502 4815 4875 4810 5625
18 Lin seeds 4775 5309 5267 4738 4880 5716
19 Til 4271 3429 4152 4840 5942 5540
20 Groundnut 6621 6539 5766 6569 8415 7796
21 Onion 3356 2134 4057 2542 6610 4118
22 Garlic 7066 10955 5374 4032 11189 7000
23 Chillies (dry) 13138 13988 13353 14626 18713 19082
24 Chillies (green) 5057 4090 5539 3907 4122 7706
25 Zinger 7461 6509 7015 9329 13003 9007
26 Turmeric 12214 12284 12073 11302 11367 11247
27 Coriander seeds 8479 7144 6720 8083 8398 8592
28 Betel nut 23155 22760 26664 27209 27207 28232
29 Betel leaves 5127 4583 5860 5754 7168 6371
30 Jute (White) 4754 3988 3915 4522 4663 7590
31 Jute (tossa) 3919 3811 3679 4028 4172 5563
32 Tobacco (jati) - - - - - -
33 Tobacco (Matihari) - - - - - -
34 Arum 2211 2027 2349 2393 2650 2039
35 Karala 2867 2898 2926 2978 3570 3726
36 Jhinga 2429 2296 2975 2494 2608 2963
37 Lady`s Finger 2362 2375 2828 2408 2779 2938
38 Cabbage 1122 1439 1524 1176 1933 2587
39 Pumpkin 1324 1446 1185 1531 1747 1715
40 Bean 1823 2587 2997 2192 3244 2697
396 Prices and Wages

10.01 Harvest Time Market Price of Agricultural Crops

(Per Quintal/100 pieces in Taka)

Sl.No. Name of Crops 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

41 Puisak 1047 1162 1775 1082 1125 1341
42 Cucumber 1981 1984 1933 1955 2495 2587
43 Patal 2246 2191 2628 2479 2636 3077
44 Cauliflower 1640 1951 1900 1871 2601 2247
45 Brinjal 2361 2411 2736 2120 2677 2731
46 Radish(china) 914 1246 1204 1042 1390 1412
47 Water gourd 1330 1563 1605 1496 1885 1804
48 Chichinga 2035 1950 2134 2156 2448 2561
49 Tomato 1697 2006 2302 2061 3449 4177
50 Chalkumra 1551 1528 1515 1496 1614 1785
51 Potato (local) 1897 1718 1580 1827 2259 2532
52 Potato (Holand) 1520 1325 1266 1476 1694 2195
53 S. Potato 1400 1302 1573 1804 1937 1837
54 Banana (Chapa) 211 197 191 200 211 220
55 Banana (Sabri) 319 345 328 630 373 404
56 Banana (Shaghar) 237 268 255 285 298 301
57 Pine Apple ( local) - - - - 2077 -
58 Pine (jul Doog) 1717 1599 1903 1321 - 1479
59 Pine (Kelenda) 2506 2149 2327 2571 2938 2602
60 Lemon 258 272 265 288 303 326
61 Jack Fruit 4636 7717 4089 5827 7363 6688
62 Water melon 8005 8555 6249 12190 9117 10692
63 Litchi 204 224 207 188 - 837
64 Orange 887 909 1001 1034 1197 967
65 Mango (guti) 3392 2988 3199 2859 2753 3584
66 Fozli 5393 8966 4710 4259 6093 5133
67 Arseni 4373 5579 4253 3061 5641 5724
68 Langra 4666 5122 5128 3793 5866 4684
69 Gopalvog 4500 4500 3708 3883 4363 4191
70 Coconut 2555 2470 2389 2401 2711 3538
Sources: Department of Agricultural Marketing.
Prices and Wages 397
10.02 Annual Average Wholesale Price of Selected Consumer Goods in Bangladesh
Items Specification Unit 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

Rice Fine Quintal 4408.56 4138.00 3894.00 4571.21 4803.45 4706.83 5026.70 5812.00 6489.21 6874.51 6221.44
Rice Medium " 3865.67 3600.00 3382.00 3923.34 3875.00 3830.33 4197.28 5022.00 5388.95 5755.90 5172.65
Rice Coarse " 3342.72 2834.00 2543.00 3001.00 3048.38 2866.00 3316.00 4320.45 4570.45 4788.07 4406.19

Masur Husked whole " 9976.50 8238.00 10287.00 10299.70 10403.00 11809.80 11883.40 11378.00 11390.70 12885.30 10318.43
Khesari Husked whole " 4492.00 3710.00 6625.00 4758.11 4444.16 4718.00 5708.33 6473.23 7463.56 7953.89 6926.10
Ruhi fish Big cut piece " 24553.00 25663.00 27801.00 24263.75 23313.00 21437.30 23882.17 23474.00 25918.87 28043.17 11618.06

Beef Sup. quality " 25462.00 27046.00 25790.00 26845.70 28993.00 34778.20 41923.33 46940.00 47995.70 53012.37 37877.78
Mutton Sup. quality " 33495.00 36379.00 38779.00 40724.50 43233.00 51613.80 59449.00 66954.00 74789.20 82624.40 50683.06
Hen egg Fresh 100 pcs. 706.67 726.00 912.00 891.89 934.00 1003.50 894.38 1100.00 1209.12 1578.62 1292.36

Potato Local best Quintal 1486.17 1594.00 1874.00 144.50 1669.00 2228.83 1957.37 1809.16 2080.62 2332.41 3805.56
Mustard oil Local, Mill " 13492.33 16075.00 15149.00 14417.50 14050.00 14439.50 13752.00 13610.22 12922.72 13035.22 13084.65
Soybean oil - - - - - 10481.33 9879.00 9213.67 9107.33 9323.00 9216.66 9551.33 9671.72
Vegetable oil Pakvan 16 kg. 1685.00 1842.00 2902.00 1880.42 1968.00 2865.50 1202.05 4188.50 5451.95 6349.45 1923.47

Ghee Cow Quintal 56514.40 62234.00 69566.00 59363.70 73616.00 67428.80 61551.00 64492.05 67492.05 70433.10 89730.56
Coconut oil Imported " 19742.00 22772.00 23806.00 24033.33 27583.00 16054.30 17227.00 24833.33 26006.03 27178.73 32911.11
Salt Fine white " 1865.83 2005.00 2623.00 2131.12 1959.00 1925.50 2494.00 2808.38 3176.88 3343.38

Chillies Dry " 14110.00 15385.00 14635.00 14860.58 15473.00 13717.00 13533.33 17386.33 18611.91 21464.91 23243.06
Onion Best quality " 2700.00 2165.00 2811.00 4503.72 3328.00 3830.67 2807.07 4232.76 5056.36 5232.76
Turmeric Best quality " 25446.33 18102.00 9317.00 10272.24 10848.00 12439.50 13170.00 14129.22 14859.72 16451.22 10820.83

Milk Cow un-boiled 100 Liter 4584.00 4397.00 4749.00 4481.20 5682.00 4769.50 5371.00 5920.19 6187.99 6537.18
Sugar Open market Quintal 5117.83 5744.00 4997.00 4327.42 4084.00 4154.83 6066.00 5892.58 6366.00 6877.17
Gur Cane, loose " 5009.10 5932.00 5754.00 8055.50 5560.00 5987.67 5461.33 7087.36 6561.02 6988.69
Banana Sobri (Med. size) 80 pcs 259.00 310.00 299.00 279.81 286.00 349.33 398.00 408.00 427.19 485.86
Cocoanut Dry 100 pcs. 2364.33 2214.00 2452.00 2815.17 2570.00 2915.83 2710.00 3602.83 3966.00 4258.83

Fire-wood Gazari,split 1000 kg 4476.00 4031.00 4482.00 188.56 4531.00 4786.83 5303.00 5448.20 5603.00 5919.17
Kerosene White 4 Gallons 789.00 897.00 1148.00 1145.18 1157.00 935.58 960.00 1188.33 1212.75 1091.33 2799.42
Matches 40 sticks Gross 193.00 184.00 199.00 174.00 222.00 218.50 216.00 217.16 242.16 280.82 222.03

Betelnut Tanti whole dry sup.qlty. Quintal 13408.00 21623.00 21357.00 29157.00 27848.00 29050.70 25497.00 33946.72 39846.72 42296.44 33383.82
Fowl Hen, big live weight " 22734.60 24362.00 28260.00 29400.00 29725.00 19727.50 11749.00 12966.66 19427.50 20049.00
Betel leaf Pan, Medium size Gadi(6400) 5287.00 4233.00 5179.00 4677.00 4915.00 4368.17 4704.00 6528.38 6864.21 7317.38 5576.39

Tobacco leaf Motihari sup. quality Quintal 12820.00 12313.00 12517.00 13942.24 13403.00 13983.50 10370.00 19774.83 21200.07 27904.90 18433.33
Cigarette Capstan 250 sticks 1881.00 2165.00 2276.00 2065.00 3774.00 4106.17 4590.00 4820.00 5303.83 5787.66 0.00
Long cloth Medium quality Meter 48.00 53.00 57.00 57.43 58.00 57.00 55.40 63.47 61.87 64.87 72.26
Paper Foolscap white Ream 585.33 410.00 431.00 321.00 441.00 506.33 287.16 398.00 490.00 600.84 355.60
Cycle tyre Malaysia Dozen 3298.00 3142.00 3667.00 3084.00 3902.00 3408.83 3393.00 4235.00 4619.17 5203.34 4902.50
Cycle tube Malaysia Dozen 1038.00 1606.00 1644.00 1410.00 1638.00 1561.67 1531.00 1941.00 2110.33 2234.00 1959.08
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS
398 Prices and Wages

10.03 Annual Average Wholesale Price of Selected Consumer Goods in Barishal Division

Items Specification Unit 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

Rice Fine Quintal 4146.00 4101.00 4304.17 5681.00 5784.00 5800.00 6225.00 6522.00 6847.00 6991.67
Rice Medium ,, 3783.00 3224.00 3808.30 3931.25 3995.00 4133.33 4233.33 4397.66 4497.66 6033.33
Rice Coarse ,, 3050.00 2658.00 2990.42 2950.00 2907.00 3175.00 3583.33 3659.52 3967.85 4725.00
Masur Husked whole ,, 8208.00 10124.00 9724.24 9815.00 12507.00 12150.00 12708.33 13351.23 13909.56 10275.00
Khesari Superior quality ,, 3833.00 5397.00 4465.30 3306.25 5245.00 6283.33 7808.33 8376.23 8601.23 7922.50
Beef Superior quality ,, 24792.00 24526.00 24958.00 28725.00 37218.00 46250.00 48250.00 51601.14 53601.14 52916.67
Mutton Superior quality ,, 37083.00 41050.00 45833.27 44106.25 54182.00 61500.00 70000.00 74702.43 78202.43 78333.33
Ruhi fish Big size 100pcs 33000.00 19175.00 2423619.00 23775.00 23300.00 33840.00 25030.00 23891.43 25081.43 31000.00
Hen egg Fresh Quintal 755.00 923.00 863.94 1029.00 1091.00 1279.00 1198.00 1261.29 1180.29 1279.17
Potato Local best ,, 1244.00 1550.00 1552.11 1416.25 4264.00 2365.00 2050.00 2165.14 2350.14 3283.33
Chillies Dry, Superior quality ,, 15575.00 13214.00 15164.64 14370.00 16886.00 16250.00 18500.00 18917.86 19167.86 25166.67
Turmeric Best quality ,, 15858.00 8822.00 9491.75 12835.00 6875.00 15333.00 16333.33 17401.23 19401.56 10600.00
Mustard oil Local ,, 14583.00 15058.00 12608.33 13582.50 14144.00 14692.00 14800.00 14831.00 15939.00 14233.33
Soybean oil - - 8850.00 9376.25 9975.00 9046.00 9800.00 11200.00 11954.00 9300.00
Ghee Cow ,, 60883.00 81806.00 91820.00 90932.50 114545.00 116667.00 120000.00 128445.29 131778.29 104483.33
Coconut oil Imported ,, - - - - - - - - - -
Vegetable oil Pakvan 16kg 1578.00 1791.00 1570.00 1587.50 1673.00 1250.00 - - - 2183.33
Tobacco leaf Motihari,Sup qlty Quintal 13156.00 - - 17000.00 32003.00 24167.00 32000.00 34692.00 37525.00 18291.67
Betelnut Tanti whole dry sup ,, 28292.00 28403.00 31736.14 25165.00 22709.00 19167.00 20000.00 26815.43 29948.43 28833.33
Betel leaf Medium size 6400 leaves 5075.00 5735.00 5505.00 3951.25 5145.00 7980.00 7527.00 7877.29 8424.29 3175.00
Kerosene White 4 gallons 946.00 968.00 1020.00 1056.00 1007.00 1079.00 1000.00 1007.71 1128.71 1240.00
Paper Foolscap Ream 372.00 377.00 390.00 352.00 377.00 384.00 348.00 344.57 398.57 348.00
Cycle tyre Malaysia Dozen 3850.00 3150.00 3604.39 3560.00 4015.00 4440.00 4440.00 4524.29 4724.50 -
Cycle tube Malaysia Dozen 1667.00 1533.00 1635.00 1686.25 2542.00 3000.00 3000.00 3190.43 3390.43 -
Cigarettes Capstan 250 sticks 2238.00 2250.00 2500.00 3210.00 3200.00 4200.00 4200.00 4480.29 4820.50 -
Matches 40 sticks Gross 227.00 254.00 282.00 221.00 240.00 240.00 240.00 281.86 288.86 240.00
Long cloth Medium quality Meter 53.00 48.00 64.00 66.00 62.00 75.00 75.00 78.14 81.25 77.08
Firewood Gazari 1000 kg 3667.00 5796.00 6522.00 4858.75 5000.00 5000.00 5000.00 5190.43 5250.40
Source : National Accounting Wing, BBS
Prices and Wages 399

10.03 Annual Average Wholesale Price of Selected Consumer Goods in Chattogram Division
Items Specification Unit 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

Rice Fine Quintal 4388.00 4435.00 4886.33 5143.05 4863.00 4875.00 6333.33 6611.23 7069.56 6225.00
Rice Medium ,, 3790.00 3800.00 4141.00 4219.45 4185.00 4185.00 5791.67 6077.62 6284.29 4925.00
Rice Coarse ,, 3013.00 3196.00 2661.00 3211.66 3257.00 3264.00 5200.00 5512.43 5748.43 4241.67
Masur Husked whole ,, 9540.00 11844.00 12009.09 11141.66 11000.00 11042.00 11625.00 11922.86 12505.86 10500.00
Khesari Superior quality ,, 4290.00 4733.00 5418.18 5166.66 4909.00 4938.00 5466.67 5634.77 5963.44 6633.33
Beef Superior quality ,, 31910.00 31083.00 32545.45 35666.66 42364.00 43500.00 52833.33 55822.38 57155.71 6050.00
Mutton Superior quality ,, 44030.00 42130.00 40545.45 41250.00 64818.00 65500.00 75166.67 78614.77 81281.44 12274.17
Ruhi fish Big size 100pcs 21470.00 26269.00 28358.00 23583.33 26090.00 29000.00 24042.00 24409.43 26451.43 9691.67
Hen egg Fresh Quintal 738.00 958.00 852.00 875.00 1018.00 1008.33 1425.00 1523.14 1739.81 1183.33
Potato Local best ,, 1607.00 2120.00 1668.18 2116.66 2272.00 2308.33 2121.00 2194.43 2207.10 2416.67
Chillies Dry, Superior quality ,, 17350.00 13729.00 13227.27 13875.00 14818.00 14875.00 17292.00 17283.71 18700.71 23166.67
Turmeric Best quality ,, 17500.00 12425.00 13000.00 14375.00 15409.00 15208.33 15792.00 15548.00 16131.67 9566.67
Mustard oil Local ,, 15800.00 15798.00 15950.00 13783.33 13000.00 12958.33 12542.00 12976.57 13660.24 12109.09
Soybean oil - - 13000.00 11850.00 10045.00 11000.00 10892.00 12448.00 12340.00 10463.64
Ghee Cow ,, 54182.00 55500.00 35000.00 55000.00 55000.00 55167.00 57250.00 57688.29 59771.29 63450.00
Cocoanut oil Imported ,, 20000.00 20008.00 20000.00 20000.00 20000.00 20000.00 20000.00 21000.00 22000.00
Vegetable oil Pakvan 16kg 2306.00 3285.00 3277.00 3386.66 - - - 4386.66 4429.43 1900.00
Tobacco leaf Motihari,Sup qlty Quintal 7167.00 - - - - - - - - 18166.67
Betelnut Tanti whole dry sup qlty ,, 18800.00 26833.00 28721.21 27500.00 30000.00 30250.00 33083.33 35123.81 37957.14 34833.33
Betel leaf Medium size 6400 leaves 3410.00 4365.00 3261.00 3158.00 3109.00 3383.00 6433.33 6865.23 7115.56 7400.00
Kerosene White 4 gallons 944.00 1195.00 1296.00 1236.00 - - - 1434.86 1590.86 4258.83
Paper Foolscap Ream 382.00 364.00 380.00 380.00 380.00 384.00 442.00 450.57 508.57 350.00
Cycle tyre Malaysia Dozen - - - - - - - - - 4920.00
Cycle tube Malaysia Dozen - - - - - - - - - 2040.00
Cigarettes Capstan 250 sticks 1311.00 - - 5000.00 5000.00 5000.00 5917.00 6375.00 6492.00
Matches 40 sticks Gross 212.00 220.00 220.00 - 230.00 230.00 - 330.29 360.29
Long cloth Medium quality Meter 53.00 68.00 70.00 74.83 80.00 80.42 84.17 88.62 92.37 80.00
Firewood Gazari 1000 kg - - - - - - - - -
Source : National accounting Wing, BBS
400 Prices and Wages

10.03 Annual Average Wholesale Price of Selected Consumer Goods in Dhaka Division
Items Specification Unit 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

Rice Fine Quintal 4584.00 4638.00 4545.42 4552.00 4615.00 5144.25 5766.67 5935.62 6258.04 5966.67
Rice Medium ,, 4042.00 4293.00 4037.50 3679.00 3845.00 4752.00 5208.33 5374.95 5431.28 4658.33
Rice Coarse ,, 3075.00 3281.00 3271.00 3231.00 3250.00 4000.00 4358.33 4541.66 4799.99 3744.17
Masur Husked whole ,, 9183.00 11384.00 9908.93 10225.00 12078.00 10732.42 11542.00 11879.00 12688.58 10633.33
Khesari Superior quality ,, 4016.00 5286.00 4515.00 3785.00 3740.00 5775.00 7942.00 8502.86 9669.86 5341.67
Beef Superior quality ,, 25425.00 26918.00 27167.00 27188.00 24333.00 42528.00 50750.00 54367.86 57589.86 59916.67
Mutton Superior quality ,, 36760.00 40591.00 45125.00 48417.00 47259.00 58278.00 62583.33 65272.38 67577.71 71250.00
Ruhi fish Big size 100pcs 24680.00 24814.00 22725.00 21208.00 12648.00 16295.00 19750.00 20045.71 22500.71 9691.67
Hen egg Fresh Quintal 813.00 950.00 913.00 930.00 1061.00 1104.00 1008.33 1036.23 1116.23 1183.33
Potato Local best ,, 1618.00 1838.00 1388.00 1802.00 1420.00 2183.42 2217.00 2302.57 2336.15 3541.67
Chillies Dry, Superior quality ,, 15576.00 13027.00 15417.00 15625.00 19250.00 16320.00 19290.00 19820.57 21790.57 23583.33
Turmeric Best quality ,, 20765.00 11348.00 11225.00 12208.00 14878.00 14779.00 16500.00 15890.71 16611.71 16000.00
Mustard oil Local ,, 15685.00 14977.00 12458.00 141.75 15296.00 15292.00 18166.67 19521.19 21395.86 15350.00
Soybean - - 10200.00 9325.00 9400.00 9186.00 9975.00 11400.00 12189.00 9541.67
Ghee Cow ,, 680.20.00 70377.00 74167.00 73175.00 40172.00 27111.00 2666.67 45172.00 50172.00 106000.00
Coconut oil Imported ,, 33350.00 25500.00 29500.00 - 30000.00 10250.00 15000.00 12378.57 17128.57
Vegetable oil Pakvan 16kg 2106.00 - 1600.00 - 1950.00 - 5800.00 6327.71 6527.71 2086.67
Tobacco leaf Motihari,Sup qlty Quintal 15685.00 22708.00 - 8400.00 8703.00 4333.00 8900.00 8930.71 10497.71 17750.00
Betelnut Tanti whole dry sup qlty ,, 19100.00 23923.00 33780.00 29008.00 26578.00 31750.00 49000.00 53271.43 57521.43 31666.67
Betel leaf Medium size 6400 leaves 6715.00 8936.00 6706.00 7833.00 3525.00 5294.42 7533.00 7649.86 7888.44 5075.00
Kerosene White 4 gallons 6130.00 1088.00 1020.00 - 1111.00 1102.25 1237.00 1538.00 1672.75 4258.83
Paper Foolscap Ream 350.00 334.00 290.00 - 408.00 306.00 355.00 455.71 494.71 450.00
Cycle tyre Malaysia Dozen 4333.00 3600.00 3240.00 - 4250.00 3717.00 5170.00 5289.57 5742.57 4970.00
Cycle tube Malaysia Dozen 1456.00 1200.00 2250.00 - 1999.00 2008.00 3450.00 3734.86 3976.86 2328.33
Cigarettes Capstan 250 sticks 1994.00 2250.00 2400.00 - 4700.00 4858.00 5300.00 5772.29 6214.29
Matches 40 sticks Gross 217.00 245.00 172.00 - 200.00 227.00 277.00 285.57 335.57 210.00
Long cloth Medium quality Meter 60.00 56.00 6300.00 - 48.00 52.00 53.17 55.19 58.36 77.50
Firewood Gazari 1000 kg 6680.00 - - - 5105.00 5676.00 3583.33 3940.95 4148.28
Source : BBS
Prices and Wages 401

10.03 Annual Average Wholesale Price of Selected Consumer Goods in Khulna Division
Items Specification Unit 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

Rice Fine Quintal 4175.00 4008.00 4933.33 4891.66 4514.00 4825.00 5891.00 6136.14 6402.14 6225.00
Rice Medium ,, 3350.00 3383.00 4100.00 4233.33 3706.00 3965.00 5148.00 5404.86 5687.86 4925.00
Rice Coarse ,, 2758.00 2954.00 3450..00 3366.66 2542.00 2992.00 4260.00 43324.66 44080.74 4241.67
Masur Husked whole ,, 7992.00 11754.00 10533.33 10666.66 12354.00 12886.00 9716.25 9962.57 9792.82 10500.00
Khesari Superior quality ,, 3425.00 5885.00 5100.00 5350.00 4890.00 6661.00 4580.42 4745.48 4664.90 6633.00
Beef Superior quality ,, 24575.00 25000.00 25200.00 28166.66 34545.00 38567.00 44055.42 46838.34 50326.76 51000.00
Mutton Superior quality ,, 39108.00 39800.00 39867.00 45333.33 50587.00 53167.00 65305.50 69048.00 71186.50 6625.00
Ruhi fish Big size Quintal 27267.00 28000.00 28200.00 30000.00 21709.00 22869.00 25745.58 25528.23 27404.81 4816.67
Hen egg Fresh 100pes 696.00 942.00 950.00 925.00 917.00 875.00 869.00 893.71 987.71 1183.33
Potato Local best Quintal 2450.00 1846.00 1167.00 1550.00 1990.00 1630.00 1385.00 1232.86 1387.86 3541.67
Chillies Dry, Superior quality ,, 16192.00 15000.00 16333.00 17916.66 17090.00 15422.00 16236.00 16242.29 17056.29 23166.67
Turmeric Brst quality ,, 19400.00 12325.00 12667.00 12166.66 15090.00 13780.00 13025.00 12114.29 13359.29 9566.67
Mustard oil Local ,, 15042.00 15500.00 16000.00 12333.33 11500.00 10097.00 11153.33 10597.81 11654.14 13336.36
Soybean - 9500.00 9566.66 8562.00 7837.00 8418.00 9620.57 10201.57 9541.67
Ghee Cow ,, 64083.00 75000.00 76333.00 91138.83 87731.00 90400.00 100153.00 105305.86 115058.86 106000.00
Cocoanut oil Imported ,, 22350.00 18367.00 18400.00 24750.00 30000.00 29861.00 30000.00 31092.86 32231.86 29900.00
Vegetable oil Pakvan 16kg 1910.00 2661.00 1727.00 1780.00 10552.00 1217.00 12008.00 13450.57 14241.57 2000.00
Tobacco leaf Motihari,Sup qlty Quintal 15425.00 16583.00 20000.00 18500.00 16500.00 16217.00 15661.00 15694.71 16138.71 18166.67
Betelnut Tanti whole dry sup ,, 18125.00 18533.00 19667.00 23333.00 28000.00 31980.00 31597.00 33521.57 34138.57 34833.33
Betel leaf Medium size 6400 leaves 4525.00 4942.00 5000.00 4103.33 4593.00 6148.25 8070.00 8576.43 9498.18 3966.67
Kerosene White 4 gallons 885.00 1069.00 1072.00 1118.00 1157.00 1178.00 1188.00 1231.29 1288.29 1260.00
Paper Foolscap Ream 531.00 461.00 471.00 474.00 415.00 302.00 610.00 621.29 729.29 350.00
Cycle tyre Malaysia Dozen 3567.00 3517.00 3525.00 3292.00 3564.00 3568.00 - 3768.00 3877.57 4920.00
Cycle tube Malaysia Dozen 1363.00 1375.00 1367.00 1550.00 1542.00 1081.25 1080.00 1039.57 1138.32 1608.00
Cigarettes Capstan 250 sticks 2167.00 2400.00 2900.00 3516.66 3882.00 4500.00 4500.00 4633.29 4833.29
Matches 40 sticks Gross 216.00 156.00 176.00 216.00 216.00 216.00 216.00 220.00 231.00 216.00
Long cloth Medium quality Meter 58.00 60.00 68.00 59.00 57.00 62.00 62.52 63.17 63.69 82.50
Firewood Gazari 1000 kg 3808.00 5675.00 5733.00 4863.83 10409.00 12427.75 8403.25 8059.71 8035.21
Source : BBS
402 Prices and Wages

10.03 Annual Average Wholesale Price of Selected Consumer Goods in Rajshahi Division
Items Specification Unit 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

Rice Fine Quintal 4627.00 3743.00 4583.00 4376.00 4123.00 4333.00 5331.20 5431.80 5730.00 5870.33
Rice Medium ,, 3737.00 3597.00 4204.00 3837.00 3367.00 3873.36 4691.25 4827.57 5345.46 4877.58
Rice Coarse ,, 2760.00 2544.00 3059.00 3119.00 2436.00 3248.00 40004.08 42324.66 44080.74 4348.67
Masur Husked whole ,, 8225.00 9458.00 9236.00 9466.00 11453.00 11823.00 10000.00 11253.57 10430.57 10002.25
Khesari Superior quality ,, 3308.00 6133.00 3525.00 3407.00 4607.00 6110.00 6242.00 6461.14 6593.14 6428.75
Beef Superior quality ,, 23909.00 24454.00 26000.00 28208.00 34542.00 40153.00 41694.08 43234.81 45775.89 51333.33
Mutton Superior quality ,, - - - 41294.00 52337.00 61416.00 63860.50 69983.43 72427.93 63716.67
Ruhi fish Big size Quintal 23000.00 - - - 20794.00 20561.00 20528.83 21175.81 21143.64 4816.67
Hen egg Fresh 100 pes 722.00 846.00 850.00 941.00 865.00 - - 1003.14 998.94 1093.75
Potato Local best Quintal 2525.00 1540.00 1570.00 1570.00 1594.00 1454.25 1290.00 1313.57 1395.32 3966.67
Chillies Dry, Superior quality ,, 15558.00 15353.00 16000.00 15055.00 14625.00 18417.00 - 19022.57 20639.57 23500.00
Turmeric Best quality ,, 19125.00 - - - 10075.00 - - 11732.14 12732.14 9566.67
Mustard oil Local ,, 13663.00 14142.00 14200.00 10793.00 11330.00 1235.00 - 1351.86 1486.86 10854.09
Soybean ,, - - 9838.00 8694.00 8437.00 8267.00 8326.00 9515.43 9574.43 9541.67
Ghee Cow ,, - - - - - - - - - 95000.00
Coconut oil Imported ,, 21250.00 19533.00 - - - - - 22035.71 23035.71 28833.33
Vegetable oil Pakvan 16kg 731.00 2758.00 1485.00 1431.00 1338.00 1272.00 1273.00 1350.43 1351.43 1570.83
Tobacco leaf Motihari,Sup qlty Quintal 6300.00 7260.00 7827.00 9116.00 9278.00 - - 980.00 1004.00 15458.33
Betelnut Tanti whole dry sup qlty ,, 17917.00 18944.00 22036.32 28416.00 31425.00 - - 3359.57 3559.57 31386.25
Betel leaf Medium size 6400 leaves 4029.00 5580.00 3892.00 6142.00 5100.00 3938.00 3607.00 3546.71 3215.71 4508.33
Kerosene White 4 gallons 898.00 1126.00 1236.00 1217.00 1127.00 1190.00 1190.00 1231.71 1231.71 1520.00
Paper Foolscap Ream - 547.00 - 651.00 331.00 - - - -
Cycle tyre Malaysia Dozen 3239.00 - 3517.00 3716.00 3816.00 3832.00 3832.00 3916.71 4316.71
Cycle tube Malaysia Dozen 1287.00 1326.00 1531.00 1580.00 1425.00 1234.00 1234.00 1226.43 3226.43
Cigarettes Capstan 250 sticks 2275.00 2026.00 2690.00 3518.00 4458.00 4500.00 4500.00 4817.86 4817.86
Matches 40 sticks Gross 200.00 200.00 200.00 234.00 174.00 140.00 140.00 131.43 151.43 160.00
Long cloth Medium quality Meter 52.00 53.00 55.00 43.00 41.00 - - 45.00 46.00 69.00
Firewood Gazari 1000 kg 4317.00 4286.00 4576.00 5399.00 - - 3200.00 3340.43 4290.64
Source : BBS
Prices and Wages 403

10.03 Annual Average Wholesale Price of Selected Consumer Goods in Sylhet Division
Items Specification Unit 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

Rice Fine Quintal 4725.00 4028.00 4175.00 4213.00 4342.00 4883.33 5375.00 5467.86 5959.53 6050.00
Rice Medium ,, 4025.00 3200.00 3300.00 3350.00 3878.00 4275.00 5058.33 5205.95 5989.28 5616.67
Rice Coarse ,, 3325.00 2375.00 2600.00 2412.00 2804.00 3217.00 4517.00 4687.29 5987.29 5000.00
Masur Husked whole ,, 10025.00 11000.00 11500.00 11100.00 11467.00 11667.00 12675.00 13053.57 14061.57 10000.00
Khesari Superior quality ,, 4975.00 5550.00 5600.00 5650.00 4917.00 4483.00 6800.00 7060.71 8377.71 8597.00
Beef Superior quality ,, 25750.00 24750.00 25250.00 26000.00 35667.00 40542.00 44033.42 46645.34 50136.76 6050.00
Mutton Superior quality ,, 38750.00 33000.00 34750.00 39000.00 40500.00 56833.33 64805.50 68527.71 76499.88 12274.17
Ruhi fish Big size Quintal 20500.00 28000.00 28500.00 18000.00 24083.00 24375.00 25745.58 26494.95 27865.53 9691.67
Hen egg Fresh 100 pes 788.00 935.00 947.00 904.00 1069.00 1100.00 1200.00 1258.86 1358.86 1831.25
Potato Local best Quintal 1300.00 1676.00 1700.00 1558.00 1833.00 1804.17 1792.00 1862.29 2050.12 6083.3
Chillies Dry, Superior quality ,, 16125.00 15250.00 16000.00 16000.00 16958.00 18333.33 13000.00 12553.57 14220.24 20875.00
Turmeric Best quality ,, 21250.00 23000.00 24000.00 13500.00 12292.00 19917.00 11125.00 9998.57 1086.57 9625.00
Mustard oil Local ,, 18950.00 18500.00 18500.00 19688.00 21367.00 17167.00 12000.00 11007.14 12840.14 12625.00
Soybean - - 11500.00 10462.00 8858.00 9308.33 8525.00 9742.86 9959.53 9641.67
Ghee Cow ,, 42250.00 69500.00 70000.00 57833.00 77125.00 79958.33 100152.66 108424.47 128618.80 63450.00
Coconut oil Imported ,, 18667.00 38000.00 38000.00 38000.00 39833.00 43350.00 40000.00 43047.57 49697.57 40000.00
Vegetable oil Pakvan 16kg 2302.00 1600.00 1800.00 1654.00 1680.00 1523.33 1400.00 1371.14 1447.81 1800.00
Tobacco leaf Motihari,Sup qlty Quintal 12000.00 14000.00 16000.00 14000.00 17417.00 17500.00 45000.00 49714.29 77214.29 22766.67
Betelnut Tanti whole dry sup qlty ,, 19750.00 33000.00 34000.00 33667.00 35592.00 39833.33 38000.00 40607.14 38773.81 38750.00
Betel leaf Medium size 6400 leaves 6825.00 5960.00 4200.00 4300.00 4737.00 3597.17 6000.00 6882.14 7284.97 9333.33
Kerosene White 4 gallons 1015.00 - 1096.00 - 1211.00 1208.00 1215.00 1243.57 1250.57 4258.83
Paper Foolscap Ream 278.00 620.00 650.00 348.00 348.00 347.00 300.00 303.14 406.14 280.00
Cycle tyre Malaysia Dozen 2860.00 4800.00 4800.00 5040.00 4808.00 4800.00 4800.00 5077.14 5279.14 4800.00
Cycle tube Malaysia Dozen 1455.00 1770.00 1800.00 1787.00 1862.00 1860.00 1860.00 1917.86 2000.00 1860.00
Cigarettes Capstan 250 sticks 2100.00 2260.00 2533.00 3625.00 3721.00 4479.00 4500.00 4742.86 4863.86
Matches 40 sticks Gross 205.00 - - 216.00 251.00 240.00 200.00 199.29 159.29 284.17
Long cloth Medium quality Meter 66.00 45.00 55.00 45.00 53.00 63.00 63.00 62.57 65.00 77.50
Firewood Gazari 1000 kg 4042.00 2000.00 8000.00 3000.00 8207.00 8714.00 8403.25 9026.29 8715.54

Source : BBS
404 Prices and Wages

10.04 Annual Average Wholesale Price of Tanned Leather and Hides in Dhaka
Year Cow Leather (chrome) Sq. feet Cow hides (wet salted) 100 Goat Skins (dry salted) 100 pieces
1996-97 40.00 91000 6275

1997-98 40.00 62917 7343

1998-99 50.00 48111 8667

1999-00 52.00 25455 7789

2000-01 55.00 35833 9919

2001-02 55.00 46333 9750

2002-03 65.00 57636 11682

2003-04 65.00 67255 10167

2004-05 68.00 85667 11000

2005-06 74.00 92666 12000

2006-07 75.00 122500 11778

2007-08 75.00 136750 15200

2008-09 - 113555 20000

2009-10 90.00 118889 18000

2010-11 - 15500 20000

2011-12 - 130000 50000

2012-13 - 145000.00 26750.00

2013-14 - 260000 30000

2014-15 - - -

2015-16 - 220000 25000

2016-17 - 170000 75000

2017-18 - 76000 39000

Source: BBS
Prices and Wages 405

10.05 Annual Average Wholesale Price of Selected Building Materials

at Major Towns
(Price in taka)
Items Town Unit 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Bricks-10" (first class) Dhaka 1000 7794 7860 7983 9118 10796 10841 9125
Narayanganj " - - - - - - -
Chattogram " 7787 7955 8066 8995 9912 9924 8767
Rajshahi " 7478 7465 7050 8539 9877 9921 8375
Khulna " 6896 7386 7462 8396 10207 10641 8867
Sylhet " 7483 7840 7955 8630 9293 9563 8625
Rangpur " 6990 - - - - - -
Barishal ‘’ 6812 7670 7805 8790 9575 9580 8883
(a) Cement
(Bangladeshi) Dhaka Bag 542 552.75 514 524 552 561 473
Narayanganj " - - - - - - -
Chattogram " 523 530.42 510 506 552 563 470
Rajshahi " 523 543.42 512 506 546 560 480
Khulna " 521 543.25 507 494 544 560 466
Sylhet " 558 548 512 505 552 559 472
Rangpur " 525 - - - - - -
Barishal ‘’ 523 549.92 517 501 551 559 467

Sand (coarse, sup.) Dhaka 100 cft. 2080 1949 1945 2121 2583 2692 2475
Narayanganj " - - - - - - -
Chattogram " 2288 1992 1987 2249 2767 2705 2413
Rajshahi " 2084 1821 1830 2077 2496 2687 2402
Khulna " 2290 1935 1940 2105 2560 2631 2433
Sylhet " 2148 1833 1840 2060 2526 2684 2317
Rangpur " 2060 - - - - - -
Barishal ‘’ 2064 1826 1840 2080 2552 2669 2284

3" Dhaka 50 Kg 3395 3143 3399 3273 3517 3508 3258

Iron rods ( 8 or 3

Narayanganj " - - - - - - -
Chattogram " 3349 3236 3396 3239 3517 3502 3221
Rajshahi " 3217 3177 3306 3030 3516 3501 3271
Khulna " 3167 3178 3645 3025 3517 3503 3225
Sylhet " 3167 3141 3308 3041 3516 3500 3177
Rangpur " 3132 - - - - - -
Barishal ‘’ 3132 3142 3303 3042 3516 3500 3117

C.I. sheet (26 gauge) Dhaka Bundle 8920 8682 8815 8620 8642 8662 7121
(Local) Narayanganj " - - - - - - -
Chattogram " 8988 8986 8833 8630 8653 8669 7083
Rajshahi " 8828 8829 8678 7795 8453 8472 7042
Khulna " 8925 8195 7995 7791 7956 8031 6858
Sylhet " 8880 8800 8500 8013 8427 8378 6796
Rangpur " 8840 - - - - - -
Barishal ‘’ 8880 8866 - 8637 8650 8666 6846
406 Prices and Wages

10.05 Annual Average Wholesale Price of Selected Building Materials at

Principal Towns
(Price in taka)
Items Town Unit 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Paint (Robbialac) Dhaka Gallon 909 981.33 1008 1053 1073 1093 1094
White synthetic Narayanganj " - - - - - - -
Chattogram " 997 1022.08 1041 1053 1074 1092 1252
Rajshahi " 868 931.92 976 1043 1063 1088 1057.5
Khulna " 852 930.25 971 1041 1063 1088 1141.25
Sylhet " 878 929 971 1041 1063 1088 1061
Rangpur " 888 - - - - - -
Barishal ‘’ 860 901 941 1011 1048 1079 1095
Varnishes (Robbialac) Dhaka 1 lb. Tin 778 783 807 881 939 958 987
Super Qlty. Narayanganj " - - - - - - -
Chattogram " 755 780 805 880 936 957 999
Rajshahi " 724 758 787 870 930 957 915
Khulna " 724 760 788 873 935 957 906
Sylhet " 749 760 788 873 935 957 906.25
Rangpur " 730 - - - - - -
Barishal ‘’ 730 760 788 872 934 956 973
Timber : Dhaka Cft. 3832 2779 2803 2857 2904 2918 2977.5
(a) Chattogram Teak Narayanganj " - - - - - - -
8' x 1" 8 feet long Chattogram " 2727 2294 2320 2376 2441 2464 2771
Rajshahi " 2590 2293 2321 2372 2432 2466 2700
Khulna " 2925 2279 2303 2359 2421 2459 2665
Sylhet " 2275 2311 2334 2375 2421 2453 2566
Rangpur " 2308 - - - - - -
Barishal ‘’ 2365 2321 2340 2377 2422 2451 2591
(b) Garjan (Bean) Dhaka Cft. 1398 1318 1404 1454 1500 1520 1724
3"x 3"x 8' Narayanganj " - - - - - - -
Chattogram " 1394 1408 1404 1441 1475 1495 1692
Rajshahi " 1476 1412 1436 1468 1490 1509 1712
Khulna " 1271 1332 1298 1356 1426 1452 1679
Sylhet " 1356 2392 2560 1389 1422 1450 1674
Rangpur n.a 1374 - - - - - -
Barishal ‘’ 1374 1635 - 2891 1428 1450 1572
(c) Garjan (Plank) Dhaka Cft. 1429 1443 1471 1505 1531 1555 1708
8"x 1"x 8' Narayanganj " - - - - - - -
Chattogram " 1552 1547 1483 1508 1503 1557 1694
Rajshahi " 1657 1552 1580 1606 1627 1644 1724
Khulna " 1434 1460 1479 1507 1532 1556 1720
Sylhet " 1408 1384 1360 1394 1427 1455 1692.5
Rangpur " 1388 - - - - - -
Barishal ‘’ 1399 1403 1394 1420 1431 1460 1667
Bamboo (borak) Dhaka Each 293 321 350 373 390 418 430
Narayanganj " - - - - - - -
Chattogram " 380 365 367 502 400 421 395
Rajshahi " 288 320 343 368 384 407 393.75
Khulna " 288 316 337 368 397 420 385
Sylhet " 286 316 335 368 397 419 382
Rangpur " 270 - - - - - -
Barishal ‘’ 280 330 352 376 397 419 404
Source : National Accounting Wing, BBS
Prices and Wages 407

10.06 Consumer Price Index (CPI), National

Year General Food, Non-food Clothing Gross rent Furniture Medical Trans-port Recrea- Misc.
beverage and fuel & furnish- care and and tion, goods and
& footwear lighting ing, health communi- entertain- services
tobacco) house- expenses cations ment,
hold education
equipm- and
ent and cultural
oper. services
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

(Base: 1995-96=100)

2004-05 153.23 158.08 147.14 142.15 141.43 143.18 162.67 179.94 150.24 137.78
2005-06 164.21 170.34 156.56 148.35 152.02 151.21 169.62 191.66 165.42 143.25
2006-07 176.06 184.18 165.79 156.79 162.32 162.61 178.49 201.15 171.47 151.44

2007-08 193.54 206.79 176.26 164.53 174.70 178.56 185.66 211.01 174.86 166.69
2008-09 206.43 221.64 186.67 173.10 184.45 194.75 189.25 222.12 181.44 188.84
(Base: 2005-06=100)

2014-15 207.58 223.80 186.79 208.50 171.80 214.45 180.77 181.78 168.02 204.21
2015-16 219.86 234.77 200.66 233.38 182.74 227.39 199.94 201.34 171.01 211.61
2016-17 231.82 248.90 209.92 243.56 194.01 235.85 206.70 210.78 177.56 217.51
2017-18 245.22 266.64 217.76 255.24 200.25 249.68 209.28 218.80 183.65 223.81
2018-19 258.65 281.33 229.50 277.64 206.98 265.25 215.31 235.23 186.72 234.87
2019-20 273.26 296.86 243.00 290.00 220.70 282.67 230.07 248.48 190.13 259.27
2020-21 288.48 313.86 255.85 298.14 228.29 298.15 247.86 271.45 193.61 288.53
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS

10.07 Consumer Price Index (CPI), Rural

Year General Food, Non-food Clothing Gross rent Furniture Medical Trans-port Recreatio Misc.
beverage and fuel & furnishing, care and and n, goods and
& footwear lighting house- health communi- entertainm services
tobacco) hold expenses cations ent,
equipment education
and oper. and
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

(Base: 1995-96=100)
2006-07 177.42 182.18 169.33 155.88 172.14 160.38 185.41 201.06 174.74 147.95

2007-08 195.14 203.93 180.19 162.08 185.85 174.31 191.72 211.49 178.03 164.03
2008-09 208.46 218.38 191.59 169.68 199.33 189.12 194.47 219.63 184.66 184.85
(Base: 2005-06=100)

2016-17 231.02 243.08 211.83 253.51 187.45 229.57 219.35 193.71 194.81 226.47
2017-18 244.17 259.86 219.21 263.96 192.89 246.23 221.15 197.24 201.31 233.72
2018-19 256.74 273.53 230.01 282.76 198.99 261.30 225.86 207.51 205.05 253.71

2019-20 271.20 289.08 242.74 292.21 212.44 277.56 242.40 217.05 208.93 275.65
2020-21 286.37 306.40 254.51 298.86 220.23 286.65 264.04 234.11 214.52 305.80
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS
408 Prices and Wages

10.08 Consumer Price Index (CPI), Urban

Year General Food, Non-food Clothing Gross Furniture Medical Trans-port Recreation, Misc.
beverage and rent fuel &furnishing, care and and entertainment, goods and
& footwear lighting house-hold health communi- education and services
tobacco) equipment expenses cations cultural
and oper. services
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
(Base: 1995-96=100)
Weight 100 48.80 51.20 6.79 22.17 2.58 2.97 7.07 6.40 3.22

2003-04 142.54 149.60 135.80 136.37 122.56 138.61 147.08 172.02 134.10 137.01
2004-05 151.29 161.14 141.90 143.18 126.31 146.30 152.49 182.41 141.60 144.80

2005-06 161.39 174.18 149.20 148.72 131.07 155.49 156.47 192.53 157.05 152.62
2006-07 172.73 189.06 157.17 159.02 138.41 168.05 161.064 201.38 163.51 159.93
2007-08 189.65 213.73 166.69 170.51 147.54 188.92 170.90 209.84 167.16 173.16

2008-09 201.49 229.60 174.69 181.42 148.24 208.46 176.54 228.18 173.59 198.58
(Base: 2005-06=100)
2012-13 177.71 195.91 161.88 170.39 153.55 211.03 151.15 157.53 139.06 176.96
2013-14 191.73 214.85 171.61 183.66 162.80 211.11 155.82 168.52 147.83 186.37
2014-15 204.76 230.56 182.32 197.93 172.33 223.53 169.80 190.26 150.95 194.16
2015-16 219.31 245.66 196.39 216.50 186.86 236.67 180.93 215.50 152.84 199.87
2016-17 233.29 263.09 207.38 224.66 201.60 246.87 185.05 229.59 158.95 206.45
2017-18 247.17 283.19 215.83 238.67 208.77 255.74 188.96 242.55 164.59 211.57
2018-19 262.17 300.30 229.00 267.92 216.22 272.20 197.25 265.77 166.95 222.78
2019-20 277.06 315.83 243.34 285.82 230.27 291.66 208.97 283.12 169.81 239.06
2020-21 292.27 332.08 257.64 296.78 237.63 318.36 220.17 312.59 171.05 267.20
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS
Prices and Wages 409

10.09 Annual Average Retail Price of Selected Consumer Goods in Bangladesh

Items Specification Unit 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Rice Fine Kg. 37.82 44.95 46.67 42.20 50.51 54.84 54.07 54.78 61.58
Rice Medium " 33.48 41.09 41.72 34.19 45.89 52.57 51.81 53.13 57.84
Rice Coarse " 25.74 33.48 31.70 27.19 37.23 39.93 46.16 38.03 50.18

Masur Husked whole " 109.82 108.82 98.96 127.25 116.62 117.92 132.45 129.51 107.22
Khesari Husked whole " 52.01 46.62 42.88 63.24 55.19 55.49 61.38 68.46 66.31
Ruhi fish Big cut piece " 244.26 255.43 297.78 317.27 340.39 347.17 349.69 310.98 353.10

Beef Sup. quality " 226.25 236.30 267.39 275.83 275.78 301.95 380.28 430.68 496.02
Mutton Sup. quality " 316.32 346.74 395.50 417.97 424.044 446.18 512.59 596.04 748.71
Fowl Hen big live weight " 204..56 232.40 282.22 342.49 374.99 396.04 398.34 401.85 418.64
Hen egg Fresh Hali (4) 26.69 24.83 29.59 37.13 31.24 31.62 32.57 31.36 33.41
Potato Local best Kg. 21.25 14.13 16.15 21.45 15.85 20.98 24.91 27.55 21.01
Mustard oil Local, Mill " 137.57 143.23 167.33 181.01 44.70 180.07 168.10 183.73 187.72

Vegetable oil (Pakvan) " 102.00 109.05 130.44 136.44 135.11 135.01 134.62 134.51 136.00
Ghee Cow " 574.51 588.62 647.83 739.14 768.39 789.45 882.58 1000.98 1033.52
Coconut oil Imported " - 227.00 235.92 256.34 201.35 260.00 271.62 269.86 268.93

Salt Fine white " 19.26 19.21 24.59 30.50 27.59 28.19 28.71 42.07 42.27
Chillies Dry " 139.56 155.18 186.36 166.18 155.06 186.30 204.01 219.55 233.10
Onion Best quality " 31.44 30.61 28.31 35.03 66.21 41.09 48.89 35.60 62.69
Turmeric Best quality " 153.40 274.06 187.58 107.30 97.75 113.72 134.12 215.99 202.08
Milk Cow un-boiled Litre 42.98 42.08 47.76 52.78 59.92 60.83 67.17 72.44 75.23
Sugar White controlled Kg. 50.31 53.88 60.13 52.68 47.89 46.94 48.25 68.00 61.50

Gur Cane, loose " 56.55 62.80 69.78 72.95 75.02 84.13 84.14 88.02 92.47
Banana Sobri medium size Hali (4) 13.91 14.27 17.22 20.28 20.42 23.17 24.32 29.72 30.74
Cocoanut Dry medium size Each 21.18 24.02 32.28 33.02 36.50 38.58 45.92 46.92 46.11

Fire-wood Gazari split Quintal 414.44 439.88 477.26 483.11 506.05 524.73 539.48 546.73 564.32
Kerosene White 22 oz. Litre 47.71 49.69 57.64 52.68 70.43 73.74 74.23 74.19 75.24
Matches 40 sticks Each 1.99 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00

Betel 4nut Tanti whole dry sup. Kg. 137.80 139.00 278.37 262.17 316.20 290.08 361.60 442.65 447.71
Betel leaf Pan, medium size Bira (80) 64.81 67.23 66.95 88.75 84.37 99.91 130.39 169.65 249.12

Tobacco leaf Motihari sup. quality Kg. 170.00 145.545 169.44 278.20 293.80 327.50 351.50 369.90 390.00
Cigarette Capstan 10 sticks - - - - - - - - -
Cigarette Scissors " 15.31 - - - - - - - -

Saree Mill 50x70's (count,med) Piece 289.98 314.86 362.99 399.79 447.54 483.74 547.70 586.95 597.53
Long cloth Medium quality Metre 37.96 38.18 56.31 61.10 65.94 68.98 71.74 73.11 74.40

Paper Foolscap white Quire 19.99 21.98 22.28 28.61 22.67 24.35 24.53 24.69 24.70
Cycle tyre Malaysia Piece 243.27 239.66 247.48 253.75 265.21 298.29 280.72 282.63 -
Cycle tube Malaysia " 105.45 116.97 131.17 - 137.19 173.69 185.75 190.06 192.00
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS
410 Prices and Wages

10.10 Annual Average Retail Price of Selected Consumer Goods in Dhaka City
Items Specification Unit 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

Rice Medium Kg. 42.54 35.50 46.36 53.36 52.25 51.33 58.25 61.47 62.43 68.15
Masur Husked, whole Kg. 94.64 129.42 109.73 116.27 135.58 140.83 106.25 107.23 108.54 110.54
Ruhi fish Big, cut pieces Kg. 306.10 277.14 310.00 359.09 382.50 354.17 297.75 400.24 390.45 395.25
Beef Superior quality Kg. 268.82 283.58 283.33 323.00 394.42 443.33 533.37 560.21 570.54 580.54
Mutton Sup. quality Kg. 419.27 450.25 454.55 458.91 587.50 670.83 750.83 762.21 800.25 810.54

Fowl Hen big live-weight Kg. 320.00 360.56 372.50 428.57 428.33 426.63 454.17 460.35 450.54 455.65
Hen egg Fresh Hali (4) 31.34 37.02 37.00 0 34.92 32.92 33.00 33.86 34.21 36.25
Potato Desi nainital medium Kg. 16.67 19.78 21.33 26.00 26.58 23.67 21.67 22.10 23.10 23.52
Mustard oil Local mill first quality Kg. 166.75 191.72 191.91 185.00 177.50 200.00 200.00 195.54 193.25 296.21
Salt Fine white Kg. 22.98 30.11 28.70 30.00 30.00 39.00 36.50 36.10 36.14 35.50
Chillies Dry, fair average quality Kg. 176.36 158.33 178.64 179.85 200.00 205.83 234.00 225.14 232.25 235.21

Onion Fair average quality Kg. 29.45 35.83 41.82 40.09 51.75 37.67 64.17 45.21 60.58 65.24
Milk Cow un boiled Litre 53.36 58.00 66.11 70.00 74.58 80.00 80.00 75.10 75.65 75.56
Sugar White (controlled) Kg. 64.00 51.42 47.55 47.18 48.92 68.75 60.50 61.10 63.58 65.21
Gur Cane loose Kg. 73.55 78.75 77.73 87.73 82.50 85.42 103.83 102.00 105.25 110.21
Banana Sabri medium size Hali (4) 19.60 22.63 24.09 24.18 26.25 26.58 30.42 32.11 32.96 34.21
Cocoanut Dry medium size Each 35.93 36.00 41.88 46.36 50.00 50.00 48.32 50.14 52.54 55.25
Firewood Gazari split Quintal 573.00 550.00 550.00 600.00 718.18 800.00 696.67 700.45 720.25 740.02

Match 40 sticks Each 2.00 2.00 20.00 20.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
Kerosene White Litre 58.45 67.67 70.80 77.00 76.67 74.17 77.00 78.14 78.10 80.25
Saree Mill (50'sx70's) med. Piece 381.20 433.56 520.45 524.55 691.67 752.92 780.00 800.00 850.14 851.24
Long cloth Medium Metre 56.09 60.67 61.18 71.55 74.17 76.83 82.67 83.00 85.14 85.54
Paper Foolscap white Quire 21.95 22.00 22.33 25.09 25.50 25.00 25.00 28.00 30.14 30.95
Betel leaf Pan medium Bira 89.94 97.58 89.55 106.36 135.00 170.67 243.75 250.00 255.25 257.54
Betel nut Tanti whole Kg. 282.45 278.33 387.00 316.36 393.33 452.83 440.00 450.24 455.10 460.54
Tobacco Motihari " 187.00 288.33 303.80 378.20 400.00 - 550.00 555.00 565.00
Cigarettes Scissors Packet - - - - - - -

Source: BBS
Prices and Wages 411

10.11 Price of Gold and Silver Bullion in Dhaka

Year Gold Tezabi Silver
(Per gram) (Per gram)
2001-02 638 17.54
2002-03 700 25.00
2003-04 824 25.00
2004-05 926 31.00
2005-06 1252.50 31.00
2006-07 1600 43.00
2007-08 2050 65.00
2008-09 2568.33 75.00
2009-10 2732.3 65.11
2010-11 3757.14 61.81
2011-12 5577.11 142.90
2012-13 5079.56 143.00
2013-14 5000.00 156.25
2014-15 4525.00 159.38
2015-16 4354.70 145.00
2016-17 4440.00 148.831
2017-18 4420.00 149.00
2018-19 4423.00 149.50
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS

10.12 Average Retail Price of Tea

(Taka per packet of 200 gram)
Retail price at
Year Dhaka Chattogram Khulna Rajshahi Sylhet Rangpur
1999-00 68.00 54.00 61.58 48.78 46.20 60.00
2000-01 48.00 55.16 47.84 48.40 53.86 48.00
2001-02 49.70 48.00 49.32 42.00 39.32 47.76
2002-03 50.00 48.00 49.00 42.00 39.00 48.00
2003-04 53.58 52.86 57.86 48.16 60.00 70.00
2004-05 57.18 58.18 60.54 51.50 60.00 58.82
2005-06 64.00 64.22 56.00 55.20 60.00 65.00
2006-07 74.00 78.00 74.00 74.00 79.00 72.00
2007-08 81.00 80.00 76.00 72.00 88.00 80.00
2008-09 - 90.00 80.00 90.00 78.00 78.00
2009-10 51.60 58.45 50.50 53.25 60.00 -
2010-11 63.83 63.18 62.67 62.42 62.00 61.58
2011-12 64.00 64.00 62.82 62.91 63.44 63.67
2012-13 67.83 71.70 66.82 70.27 66.25 67.00
2013-14 79.40 81.44 79.38 87.82 75.50 76.18
2014.15 75.00 85.00 75.00 75.00 75.83 76.67
2015-16 74.00 85.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.42
2016-17 77.00 84.42 77.92 76.27 77.50 76.25
2017-18 85.00 85.00 85.00 78.00 80.00 77.00
2018-19 110 112 111 119 109 108
2019-20 122.50 120.42 117.50 116.67 117.50 122.08
2020-21 110 110 110 110 110 110

Note Retail prices relate to 'Ispahani green spot' brand. Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS
412 Prices and Wages

10.13 House-Rent Indices of Different Categories of Private Residential Houses

in Four Principal Cities (Base: 1973-74=100)
Name of centre 2013-14 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
1320.53 1423.19 1490.51 1578.89 1664.72 1752.01 1833.20
i) Higher
2734.56 3210.71 3452.51 3687.89 3928.75 4166.23 4351.43
ii) Middle
8363.45 10238.73 11091.72 11819.52 12703.85 13752.90 14484.66
iii) Lower
iv) Average

1173.50 1275.82 1342.56 1423.41 1514.40 1608.22 1694.41
i) Higher
2648.71 2913.80 3111.36 3298.14 3534.62 3855.64 4081.48
ii) Middle
4081.75 4694.93 5059.35 5386.23 5751.34 6140.33 6436.70
iii) Lower
iv) Average

3513.14 2799.26 2978.79 3168.11 3409.23 3703.19 3952.63
i) Higher
3513.14 3907.16 4190.47 4458.97 4697.42 4951.35 5226.29
ii) Middle
3947.58 4875.23 5294.69 5662.52 6031.35 6382.75 6658.19
iii) Lower
iv) Average

1219.34 1327.48 1411.13 1499.86 1608.84 1733.67 1841.30
i) Higher
1764.46 1991.97 2140.59 2270.18 2437.93 2637.38 2801.16
ii) Middle
1796.26 2255.81 2457.08 2641.36 2768.18 2867.80 2971.26
iii) Lower
iv) Average

1574.20 1706.44 1805.70 1917.57 2049.31 2199.27 2330.39
i) Higher
2663.96 3005.91 3223.70 3428.70 3649.68 3902.65 4115.09
ii) Middle
iii) Lower 4547.11 5516.17 5975.70 637741 6813.68 7285.95 7637.70
iv) Average

Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS

Prices and Wages 413

10.14 Construction Cost Index (Building) Bangladesh

(Base: 1998-99=100)
Year General Building Mat Transport Labour
2008-09 214.06 201.58 488.29 221.46
2009-10 222.30 207.11 566.89 241.61
2010-11 256.60 230.46 843.83 282.59
2011-12 321.01 268.46 1468.70 378.69
2012-13 362.62 299.03 1639.04 439.67
2013-14 427.61 360.87 1737.52 512.85
2014-15 461.13 396.65 1720.25 538.33
2015-16 490.09 421.02 1776.30 569.20
2016-17 516.49 448.62 1840.93 586.48
2017-18 544.79 476.91 1909.77 609.13
2018-19 572.58 501.25 1981.59 643.88
2019-20 597.11 523.52 2044.74 671.80
2020-21 619.20 542.72 2097.85 700.28

Source : National Accounting Wing, BBS

10.15 Annual Average Daily Wage Rate of Construction Labour by Type of Labour at
Principal Towns
(Taka per day)
Type of Labour Town 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
Dhaka 448 478 496 510 533 548 558

Narayanganj 424 435 451 465 622 887 887

Chattogram 448 475 476 461 481 499 512

Rajshahi 437 464 484 499 506 517 527
Khulna 443 453 469 482 489 500 500
Sylhet 417 428 445 458 464 473 474
Rangpur 409 413 437 454 461 473 481

Helper (Jogali) Dhaka 364 365 389 400 412 428 439
Narayanganj 362 362 395 408 432 442 450
Chattogram 370 372 395 415 430 447 447
Rajshahi 363 364 387 402 419 436 479
Khulna 335 364 388 401 415 420 445
Sylhet 309 310 479 497 500 500 500
Rangpur 333 467 494 486 492 500

Carpenter Dhaka 448 458 478 490 490 496

Narayanganj 500 501 502 442 451 515
Chattogram 443 458 475 486 490 492
Rajshahi 412 413 413 434 453 505
Khulna 382 461 462 439 450 460
Sylhet 418 439 513 520 521 448
Rangpur 320 442 443 431 447 480

Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS

414 Prices and Wages

10.16 Transport Charges of Building Materials

Year Motor truck Bullock cart Push cart Country boat Index
(3 tons per 8 k.m.) (Cart load per 5 k.m.) (Cart per8 k.m.) (m.ton per k.m.) (Base : 1969-

1998-99 477.42 184.10 90.95 246.98 2504.44

1999-00 519.10 189.03 95.19 269.48 2559.45
2000-01 538.20 197.17 101.35 281.88 2650.52
2001-02 511.67 211.65 105.00 298.42 2770.47
2002-03 507.90 216.67 112.50 296.25 2809.34
2003-04 550.00 181.92 117.30 296.83 2883.81
2004-05 592.04 219.68 116.76 299.83 3077.00
2005-06 691.27 226.53 125.13 297.92 3426.00
2006-07 803.63 235.29 172.02 360.00 1969.70
2007-08 546.36 166.75 150.56 375.76 -
2008-09 1155.67 352.42 299.58 713.08 -
2009-10 1222 428 296 571 -
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS

10.17 Wage Rate Indices by Sector

(Base: 1969-70=100)
Nominal wage indices Country Indices deflated by country C.P.I.
Year General Manufac- Construc- Agricul- Fisheries CPI of General Manufac- Construc-
turing tion ture industrial turing tion
industry workers industry
1997-98 2141 2395 1990 1870 2053 1748 122 137 114
1998-99 2259 2522 2163 1950 2138 1921 118 131 113
1999-00 2390 2702 2286 2037 2221 1973 121 137 116
2000-01 2489 2832 2356 2141 2292 1999 125 142 118
2001-02 2637 3035 2444 2262 2411 2024 130 150 121
2002-03 2926 3501 2624 2443 2563 2068 141 169 127
2003-04 3111 3765 2669 2582 2775 2129 146 177 125
2004-05 3293 4015 2758 2719 2757 2216 149 181 124
2005-06 3906 4293 2889 2925 3133 2351 149 183 123
2006-07 3779 4636 3135 3156 3332 - - - -
2007-08 4227 5197 3549 3524 3686 - - - -
2008-09 5025 6128 4311 4273 4236 - - - -
2009-10 5459.70 6536.53 4651.20 4832.49 4741.73 - - - -
2010-11 5781.64 6778.06 4983.29 5325.63 5043.15 - - - -
2011-12 6469.17 7221.12 6583.09 6133.58 5186.94 - - - -
2012-13 7422.05 7978.14 7684.48 7448.50 6021.01 - - - -
2013-14 8097.40 8699.92 8237.89 8282.91 6566.36 - - - -
2014-15 8898.78 9552.95 9004.44 9254.25 7129.29 - - - -

Wage Rate Indices by Sector

(Base: 2010-11=100)
Index Growth Rate (Point To Point)
Year General Agriculture Industry Service General Agriculture Industry Service
2019-20 170.39 170.28 168.24 175.33 6.35 6.48 5.99 6.41
2020-21 180.83 181.16 177.52 185.99 6.12 6.39 5.51 6.07

Note : Indices for the years are the averages of the indices of 4 centres, viz. Dhaka, Chattogram, Rajshahi and Khulna, prepared separately and this average
is considered as per national index. Country C.P.I. is the average of the consumer price indices of industrial workers of Narayanganj, Chattogram and
Khulna. Indices of large scale industry group are weighted while others are simple un-weighted indices.
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS
Prices and Wages 415

10.18 Daily Average Wage Rate of Selected Groups of Industrial Workers in Dhaka
(Taka per day)
Group 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
1. Cotton textile 294 306 311 306 363 390 408 428 440
213 223 229 223 287 309 326 361 556

2. Jute textile 279 302 309 302 350 376 388 399 411
209 221 227 221 290 302 319 343 353

3. Matches 266 - 295 - 328 346 362 380 390

200 222 229 222 274 293 307 326 339

4. Engineering 376 401 407 401 444 464 467 483 490
(a) Fitter 264 282 289 282 337 360 377 390 395
(b) Turner - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -

5. Mustard oil 279 302 326 302 357 382 393 413 427
220 243 243 243 287 331 343 361 370
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS
416 Prices and Wages

10.19 Miscellaneous Service Charges in Bangladesh

(In Taka)
Type of services Unit 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

Personal care
Hair cut (without shave) average standard saloon Per cut 32.30 35.62 38.28 55.03 60.69 74.59
Hair cut (without shave) average saloon -do- 24.54 26.42 31.72 43.35 45.85 49.30

Shoe repair-half soling (men's shoes) Per pair 74.13 89.79 89.21 122.85 141.96 151.89
Shoe shining (with cream) -do- 14.41 16.55 18.37 22.20 22.13 22.06

Laundry charge :
Saree-cotton, plain border Each per 29.72 31.68 31.81 29.73 30.87 33.46
Saree-silk/shifon/georgette -do- 55.08 57.29 50.37 63.45 64.98 65.70
Full pant-tetron/polyester -do- 12.00 16.28 18.50 16.06 16.24 16.42

Shirt-tetron/polyester -do- 12.11 12.52 13.58 12.78 13.01 13.25

Coat-woolen/tropical (dry wash) -do- 122.49 141.40 148.07 174.99 184.20 191.56

Tailoring charge (standard tailor)

Full shirt-tetron-polyester -do- 158.72 185.69 178.32 200.37 230.01 254.15
Full pant-tetron/polyester -do- 236.79 265.65 265.78 279.01 296.00 311.38
Pajama-cotton/tetron -do- 78.72 - 107.39 123.15 122.07 120.99

Blouse-cotton -do- 43.66 51.71 56.13 71.21 91.09 101.61

Physician's Fees :
Doctor's consulting fee MBBS at patient's house Per visit 339.11 332.80 356.55 358.23 352.05 375.38
Doctor's consulting fee MBBS within the chamber -do- 220.19 224.20 281.71 257.14 269.18 280.50
Doctor's consulting fee MBBS, FRCS within the
chamber -do- 301.12 306.71 314.16 327.98 383.68 400

Pathological Charges :
Blood Test, TC, D.C,ESR & H.B. Each 204.70 210.98 230.86 255.69 275.11 279.16
Urine test -do- 83.13 89.91 123.45 101.50 110.60 111.04
Stool test R/E -do- 99.13 99.06 101.69 120.89 120.64 120.39

Chest X-Ray (Large size) -do- 179.50 184.63 185.28 203.57 220.32 222.50
E.C.G. (Electro Cardiograph) -do- 281.45 300.38 305.85 351.18 375.53 376.18

Prices and Wages 417

10.19 Miscellaneous Service Charges in Bangladesh

(In Taka)
Type of services Unit 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
House Servant (Free meal)
Full time house work Age 10-15 -do- 1474.05 1619.40 1663.14 1691.59 1768.97 1798.95

Repairing Charges :
Car servicing-Toyota/equivalent Each 841.06 819.58 783.81 - 632.51 633.70
Bicycle oiling (cleaning & oiling) -do- 141.28 202.53 241.43 - 157.57 158.05
Scooter oiling (cleaning & oiling) -do- 453.16 447.92 484.76 478.29 478.35 497.37

Recreation and Amusements :

Cinema Ticket-D.C. (Ordinary Hall) -do- 34.78 35.89 36.21 35.44 35.51 35.53
Cinema Ticket-1st class (Air conditioned Hall) -do- 31.72 48.80 49.24 50.00 49.89 50.00

Cinema Ticket-1st class (Ordinary Hall) -do- 33.04 29.39 31.28 30.00 30.00 30.00
Cinema Ticket-3rd class (Air conditioned Hall) -do- 35.00 32.89 34.11 25.07 26.90 28.73
Cinema Ticket-3rd class (Ordinary Hall) -do- - 20.93 26.62 25.90 26.07 26.24

Transport Charges :
Railway fare 3rd class -do- 12.00 - 12.37 - - 16.00
Bus fare (within the town) per mile Per K.M. 1.59 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.68 1.70
Bus fare-outside the town for 16 K.M. Per ticket - 23.93 31.20 - - 1.60

Auto-Rickshaw fare within the town (Reserve) Per K.M. 55.03 59.63 60.44 66.76 86.27 95.98
Auto-Rickshaw fare outside the town
(Reserve) for 16 K.M. Per trip 61.83 - 60.44 - - -
Rickshaw fare (Reserve) Per K.M. 17.17 - 19.43 - 33.31 -
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS
418 Prices and Wages
National Income 419

Chapter 11

420 National Income
National Income 421

11.01 Key Indicators of National Accounts

Indicators 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

1. GDP at current market prices (billion Tk.) 20,758 23,243 26,392 29,514 31,705 35,302
2. GDP at constant* market prices (billion Tk.) 20,758 22,126 23,746 25,617 26,501 28,339
3. GNI at current market prices (billion Tk.) 21,731 24,046 27,448 30,723 33,017 37,160
4. GNI at constant* market prices (billion Tk.) 21,731 22,890 24,695 26,667 27,598 29,831
5. Per capita GDP at current market prices (Tk.) 129,828 143,698 161,274 178,280 189,361 208,751
6. Per capita GNI at current market prices (Tk.) 135,911 148,659 167,723 185,583 197,199 219,738
7. Per capita GDP at current market prices (in US$) 1,659 1,816 1,964 2,122 2,234 2,462
8. Per capita GNI at current market prices (Tk.) 1,737 1,879 2,043 2,209 2,326 2,591
9. Per capita GDP at constant* market prices (Tk.) 129,828 136,793 145,101 154,741 158,279 167,580
10. Per capita GNI at constant* market prices (Tk.) 135,911 141,516 150,903 161,079 164,830 176,401
11. Growth rate of GDP at constant* market prices (%) 8.33 6.59 7.32 7.88 3.45 6.94
12. Sectoral growth rate of GDP constant* market prices (%)
Agriculture 3.63 3.20 3.54 3.26 3.42 3.17
Industry 13.70 8.27 10.20 11.63 3.61 10.29
Services 6.59 6.37 6.55 6.88 3.93 5.73
13. Sectoral shares of GDP at constant* prices (%)
Agriculture 14.06 13.62 13.14 12.56 12.52 12.07
Industry 32.45 32.98 33.85 34.99 34.94 36.01
Services 53.49 53.40 53.01 52.45 52.54 51.92

14. Consumption at current price (billion Tk.)

15,097 16,952 19,411 21,580 23,120 26,356

Private consumption (billion Tk.)

13,880 15,552 17,839 19,738 21,227 24,279

Public consumption (billion Tk.)

1,218 1,400 1,573 1,841 1,893 2,077
15. Investment at current prices (billion Tk.) 6,277 7,193 8,399 9,508 9,926 10,950
Private investment (billion Tk.) 4,921 5,499 6,583 7,452 7,614 8,367
Public investment (billion Tk.) 1,357 1,694 1,815 2,055 2,312 2,583
16. Domestic savings at current prices (billion Tk.) 5,661 6,291 6,981 7,935 8,585 8,946
17. National savings at current prices (billion Tk.) 6,666 7,138 8,079 9,190 9,961 10,871
18. Consumption as % of GDP 72.73 72.93 73.55 73.12 72.92 74.66
Private consumption 66.86 66.91 67.59 66.88 66.95 68.78
Public consumption 5.87 6.02 5.96 6.24 5.97 5.88
19. Investment as % of GDP 30.24 30.95 31.82 32.21 31.31 31.02
Private investment 23.70 23.66 24.94 25.25 24.02 23.70
Public investment 6.54 7.29 6.88 6.96 7.29 7.32
20. Domestic savings as % of GDP 27.27 27.07 26.45 26.88 27.08 25.34
21. National savings as % of GDP 32.11 30.71 30.61 31.14 31.42 30.79
Note: *Constant price base year: 2015-16
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS
422 National Income

11.02 Annual Growth of GDP by Sectors at Constant Price (Base: 2015-16)

ISIC sectors 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

A. Agriculture 3.63 3.20 3.54 3.26 3.42 3.17
1. Agriculture, forestry and fishing 3.63 3.20 3.54 3.26 3.42 3.17
a) Crops & horticulture 1.07 2.22 2.75 2.07 2.50 2.29
b) Animal Farming’s 4.53 2.77 2.90 3.01 3.19 2.94
c) Forest and related services 8.13 5.00 5.08 5.13 5.34 4.98
d) Fishing 6.53 4.73 4.93 4.99 4.40 4.11
B. Industry 13.69 8.27 10.20 11.63 3.61 10.29
2. Mining and quarrying 13.43 17.29 9.55 11.31 3.16 6.49
a) Natural gas and crude petroleum 11.72 (0.34) 0.04 (0.57) (4.47) 0.32
b) Other mining & coal 14.37 26.67 13.53 15.69 5.58 8.26
3. Manufacturing 15.78 7.09 10.45 12.33 1.68 11.59
a) Large Industry - 4.63 11.08 12.79 0.41 10.61
b) Small, Medium and Micro Industry - 10.06 11.10 10.61 2.69 13.89
c) Cottage Industry 9.96 9.29 7.45 14.17 3.67 10.27
4. Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 13.56 7.07 8.27 8.24 0.67 9.54
a) Electricity 14.14 8.78 10.09 10.22 1.87 11.65
b) Gas 11.89 2.06 2.60 1.62 -3.68 1.45
5. Water supply; sewerage, waste management and 3.63 2.96 .31 2.18 6.65
remediation activities 6.61
6. Construction 8.78 9.76 10.06 10.47 9.13 8.08
C. Services 6.48 6.37 6.55 6.88 3.93 5.73
7. Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles 8.22 8.74 8.85 3.21 7.64
and motorcycles 6.87
8. Transportation and storage 6.38 6.13 6.74 7.01 1.73 4.04
a) Land Transport 6.58 6.53 7.08 7.42 1.74 4.68
b) Water transport 4.74 1.07 1.55 1.45 0.75 1.80
c) Air transport 2.04 12.61 9.78 7.08 1.29 -2.00
d) Warehousing and support activities 4.66 6.35 9.10 8.76 3.42 -4.99
e) Postal and courier activities 20.09 3.23 5.44 4.48 2.07 3.34
9. Accommodation and food service activities 9.85 5.39 5.52 5.64 1.69 4.53
10. Information and communication 6.48 8.35 6.77 7.36 6.57 7.11
11. Financial and insurance activities 7.85 5.30 6.94 8.25 4.72 5.82
a) Monetary intermediation (Banks) 8.96 5.23 7.41 8.62 4.94 5.96
b) Insurance 0.82 2.07 3.04 4.54 2.16 3.22
c) Other financial auxiliaries 4.51 11.86 6.46 8.59 5.38 7.48
12. Real estate activities 3.46 3.33 3.48 3.61 3.68 3.42
13. Professional, scientific and technical activities 3.88 3.97 4.08 4.17 3.38 5.09
14. Administrative and support service activities 7.54 6.40 7.74 8.17 6.33 6.02
15. Public administration and defence; compulsory 11.23 8.67 6.49 5.49 6.05
social security 11.54
16. Education 12.46 5.95 5.89 7.06 5.33 5.81
17. Human health and social work activities 10.01 10.33 9.20 12.20 10.70 10.60
18. Arts, entertainment and recreation 2.39 4.98 5.24 5.48 5.43 5.76
19. Other service activities 2.44 3.14 3.22 3.27 3.06 3.08
Total GVA at Constant basic price 8.29 6.54 7.34 8.01 3.76 7.00
Tax less subsidy 7.76 7.64 6.75 4.94 -3.65 5.33
GDP at Constant market price 8.27 6.59 7.32 7.88 3.45 6.94
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS
National Income 423

11.03 Sectoral Shares of Gross Domestic Product at Constant Prices

(Base: 2015-16=100)
ISIC sectors 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
A. Agriculture 14.06 13.62 13.14 12.56 12.52 12.07
1. Agriculture, forestry and fishing 14.06 13.62 13.14 12.56 12.52 12.07
a) Crops & horticulture 6.96 6.68 6.39 6.04 5.96 5.70
b) Animal Farming’s 2.35 2.26 2.17 2.07 2.06 1.98
c) Forest and related services 1.87 1.84 1.81 1.76 1.78 1.75
d) Fishing 2.89 2.84 2.77 2.70 2.71 2.64
B. Industry 32.45 32.98 33.85 34.99 34.94 36.01
2. Mining and quarrying 1.66 1.83 1.87 1.93 1.91 1.91
a) Natural gas and crude petroleum 0.58 0.54 0.50 0.46 0.43 0.40
b) Other mining & coal 1.09 1.29 1.36 1.46 1.49 1.51
3. Manufacturing 21.25 21.36 21.98 22.86 22.40 23.36
a) Large Industry 11.13 10.93 11.31 11.81 11.43 11.81
b) Small, Medium and Micro Industry 6.50 6.71 6.95 7.11 7.04 7.49
c) Cottage Industry 3.63 3.72 3.73 3.94 3.94 4.06
4. Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning 1.24 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.22 1.25
a) Electricity 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.98 0.97 1.01
b) Gas 0.31 0.30 0.29 0.27 0.25 0.24
5. Water supply; sewerage, waste management 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
and remediation activities
6. Construction 8.19 8.44 8.65 8.85 9.31 9.40
C. Services 53.49 53.40 53.01 52.45 52.54 51.92
7. Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor 14.52 14.75 14.94 15.05 14.97 15.06
vehicles and motorcycles
8. Transportation and storage 7.95 7.92 7.88 7.80 7.65 7.44
a) Land Transport 6.89 6.89 6.87 6.84 6.70 6.56
b) Water transport 0.65 0.62 0.58 0.55 0.53 0.51
c) Air transport 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.08
d) Warehousing and support activities 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.25
e) Postal and courier activities 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.04
9. Accommodation and food service activities 1.20 1.19 1.17 1.14 1.12 1.09
10. Information and communication 1.25 1.27 1.26 1.26 1.29 1.29
11. Financial and insurance activities 3.27 3.24 3.22 3.23 3.26 3.22
a) Monetary intermediation (Banks) 2.77 2.73 2.73 2.75 2.78 2.75
b) Insurance 0.32 0.31 0.29 0.28 0.28 0.27
c) Other financial auxiliaries 0.19 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20
12. Real estate activities 9.69 9.39 9.06 8.69 8.68 8.39
13. Professional, scientific and technical activities 0.20 0.19 0.19 0.18 0.18 0.18
14. Administrative and support service activities 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.74 0.73
15. Public administration and defence; 3.36 3.51 3.55 3.50 3.56 3.52
compulsory social security
16. Education 2.74 2.73 2.69 2.67 2.71 2.68
17. Human health and social work activities 2.75 2.84 2.89 3.01 3.21 3.32
18. Arts, entertainment and recreation 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.14 0.15 0.14
19. Other service activities 5.69 5.51 5.30 5.07 5.03 4.85
Total GVA at Constant basic price 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS
424 National Income

11.04 Gross Domestic Products of Bangladesh at Constant Prices by Major Industry

(Base: 2015-16)
ISIC sectors 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
A. Agriculture 2,795,050 2,884,380 2,986,618 3,083,999 3,189,501 3,290,754
1. Agriculture, forestry and fishing 2,795,050 2,884,380 2,986,618 3,083,999 3,189,501 3,290,754
a) Crops & horticulture 1,382,799 1,413,445 1,452,281 1,482,299 1,519,388 1,554,174
b) Animal Farming’s 466,548 479,482 493,403 508,246 524,455 539,891
c) Forest and related services 371,884 390,487 410,329 431,359 454,402 477,043
d) Fishing 573,819 600,966 630,605 662,095 691,256 719,645
B. Industry 6,449,401 6,982,905 7,694,869 8,590,037 8,900,231 9,815,808
2. Mining and quarrying 330,526 387,669 424,694 472,709 487,657 519,315
a) Natural gas and crude petroleum 114,780 114,391 114,438 113,784 108,701 109,050
b) Other mining & coal 215,747 273,278 310,256 358,925 378,956 410,266
3. Manufacturing 4,223,870 4,523,191 4,995,976 5,612,204 5,706,535 6,367,645
a) Large Industry 2,211,523 2,313,882 2,570,157 2,898,847 2,910,717 3,219,668
b) Small, Medium and Micro Industry 1,291,077 1,421,018 1,578,819 1,746,320 1,793,253 2,042,406
c) Cottage Industry 721,270 788,292 847,000 967,038 1,002,566 1,105,571
4. Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 245,546 262,905 284,658 308,124 310,201 339,803
a) Electricity 183,103 199,177 219,273 241,683 246,204 274,875
b) Gas 62,442 63,728 65,384 66,440 63,997 64,928
5. Water supply; sewerage, waste management and 21,032 21,796 22,441 23,857 24,376 25,996
remediation activities
6. Construction 1,628,426 1,787,343 1,967,101 2,173,144 2,371,462 2,563,048
C. Services 10,629,825 11,307,474 12,048,523 12,877,439 13,383,891 14,151,080
7. Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles 2,885,100 3,122,247 3,395,047 3,695,607 3,814,389 4,105,896
and motorcycles
8. Transportation and storage 1,580,296 1,677,100 1,790,096 1,915,556 1,948,698 2,027,395
a) Land Transport 1,369,416 1,458,904 1,562,145 1,678,127 1,707,365 1,787,300
b) Water transport 129,414 130,805 132,834 134,761 135,771 138,220
c) Air transport 16,667 18,769 20,605 22,064 22,350 21,903
d) Warehousing and support activities 55,386 58,906 64,267 69,899 72,287 68,681
e) Postal and courier activities 9,412 9,716 10,245 10,704 10,925 11,290
9. Accommodation and food service activities 238,860 251,730 265,636 280,610 285,346 298,278
10. Information and communication 248,337 269,075 287,286 308,422 328,686 352,057
11. Financial and insurance activities 650,716 685,235 732,783 793,237 830,679 879,010
a) Monetary intermediation (Banks) 549,956 578,737 621,621 675,227 708,568 750,797
b) Insurance 63,428 64,738 66,704 69,733 71,236 73,530
c) Other financial auxiliaries 37,332 41,759 44,458 48,277 50,875 54,682
12. Real estate activities 1,925,094 1,989,206 2,058,413 2,132,677 2,211,091 2,286,675
13. Professional, scientific and technical activities 39,060 40,610 42,269 44,032 45,521 47,836
14. Administrative and support service activities 142,438 151,553 163,289 176,631 187,808 199,110
15. Public administration and defence; compulsory 667,295 742,202 806,560 858,900 906,023 960,814
social security
16. Education 544,789 577,218 611,202 654,343 689,242 729,318
17. Human health and social work activities 546,003 602,421 657,834 738,094 817,037 903,639
18. Arts, entertainment and recreation 30,071 31,568 33,223 35,044 36,948 39,077
19. Other service activities 1,131,766 1,167,310 1,204,885 1,244,287 1,282,423 1,321,975
Total GVA at Constant basic price 19,874,276 21,174,759 22,730,011 24,551,474 25,473,623 27,257,642
Growth rate 8.29 6.54 7.34 8.01 3.76 7.00
Tax less subsidy 883,937 951,470 1,015,729 1,065,882 1,027,026 1,081,802
GDP at Constant market price 20,758,212 22,126,229 23,745,740 25,617,356 26,500,649 28,339,444
Growth rate 8.27 6.59 7.32 7.88 3.45 6.94
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS
National Income 425

11.05 Annual Growth of GDP by Sectors at Current Price

ISIC sectors 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

A. Agriculture 9.81 7.75 9.37 7.31 7.64 7.94
1. Agriculture, forestry and fishing 9.81 7.75 9.37 7.31 7.64 7.94
a) Crops & horticulture 6.85 7.51 9.19 6.80 7.35 7.26
b) Animal Farming’s 12.56 6.13 7.41 5.84 6.09 5.99
c) Forest and related services 14.59 7.19 9.28 7.06 8.06 10.95
d) Fishing 12.01 10.00 11.38 9.73 9.18 9.03
B. Industry 19.40 12.62 16.22 14.87 7.61 12.71
2. Mining and quarrying 19.81 20.97 10.73 18.82 4.97 7.02
a) Natural gas and crude petroleum 16.52 2.87 1.37 0.71 (3.59) 1.05
b) Other mining & coal 21.64 30.60 14.66 25.53 7.51 8.61
3. Manufacturing 20.42 10.47 17.66 14.01 4.33 14.79
a) Large Industry (23.17) 7.54 15.91 13.12 1.98 12.36
b) Small, Medium and Micro Industry 13.65 18.49 13.92 5.37 19.31
c) Cottage Industry 14.62 13.77 21.25 16.61 8.90 13.43
4. Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning 19.06 11.60 16.92 16.72 0.85
supply 20.48
a) Electricity 22.43 20.23 11.76 22.90 22.11 0.46
b) Gas 15.11 15.62 11.11 -1.45 -3.90 2.75
5. Water supply; sewerage, waste management 7.62 9.91 7.48 3.26 7.50
and remediation activities 7.34
6. Construction 16.76 15.58 14.60 16.02 15.03 10.98
C. Services 14.81 12.36 12.46 11.74 8.82 10.89
7. Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor 12.52 15.12 11.96 6.54 11.64
vehicles and motorcycles 12.21
8. Transportation and storage 15.23 13.09 10.68 11.07 5.71 10.32
a) Land Transport 14.95 13.42 11.15 11.63 5.81 11.27
b) Water transport 18.55 10.71 5.30 5.15 4.45 5.46
c) Air transport 7.46 13.96 10.32 7.36 2.41 (1.07)
d) Warehousing and support activities 15.81 11.31 11.54 11.50 6.38 (0.19)
e) Postal and courier activities 22.22 7.99 9.38 10.14 8.03 8.79
9. Accommodation and food service activities 16.42 11.66 12.88 11.44 7.35 10.67
10. Information and communication 6.46 9.79 8.06 9.31 9.02 9.52
11. Financial and insurance activities 14.18 11.03 13.12 14.16 10.63 11.68
a) Monetary intermediation (Banks) 15.43 10.95 13.62 14.56 10.86 11.83
b) Insurance 6.81 7.61 8.99 10.25 7.92 8.94
c) Other financial auxiliaries 9.59 17.94 12.61 14.52 11.33 13.44
12. Real estate activities 16.42 11.24 10.20 10.48 10.47 8.69
13. Professional, scientific and technical 9.62 10.10 9.86 9.22 10.91
activities 10.05
14. Administrative and support service 10.37 9.84 15.91 14.93 17.97
activities 13.93
15. Public administration and defence; 17.58 15.02 9.70 8.04 9.38
compulsory social security 26.03
16. Education 24.45 11.71 12.01 12.90 11.28 11.68
17. Human health and social work activities 18.00 16.33 15.51 18.33 16.95 16.72
18. Arts, entertainment and recreation 8.59 11.90 12.08 12.53 12.18 12.18
19. Other service activities 9.22 9.94 9.93 10.17 9.66 9.34
Total GVA at current basic price 15.51 11.79 13.27 12.21 8.26 11.15
Tax less subsidy 25.07 15.97 19.64 4.03 -11.10 16.70
GDP at current market price 15.89 11.97 13.55 11.83 7.42 11.35
National Accounting Wing, BBS
426 National Income

11.06 Sectorial Shares of Gross Domestic Product at Current Market Prices

ISIC sectors 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
A. Agriculture 14.06 13.56 13.09 12.52 12.44 12.09
1. Agriculture, forestry and fishing 14.06 13.56 13.09 12.52 12.44 12.09
a) Crops & horticulture 6.96 6.69 6.45 6.14 6.09 5.88
b) Animal Farming’s 2.35 2.23 2.11 1.99 1.95 1.86
c) Forest and related services 1.87 1.79 1.73 1.65 1.65 1.65
d) Fishing 2.89 2.84 2.79 2.73 2.75 2.70
B. Industry 32.45 32.69 33.54 34.34 34.13 34.61
2. Mining and quarrying 1.66 1.80 1.76 1.86 1.81 1.74
a) Natural gas and crude petroleum 0.58 0.53 0.48 0.43 0.38 0.35
b) Other mining & coal 1.09 1.27 1.28 1.44 1.43 1.39
3. Manufacturing 21.25 21.00 21.82 22.17 21.36 22.06
a) Large Industry 11.13 10.70 10.95 11.04 10.40 10.52
b) Small, Medium and Micro Industry 6.50 6.60 6.91 7.01 6.83 7.33
c) Cottage Industry 3.63 3.69 3.95 4.11 4.13 4.22
4. Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 1.24 1.32 1.30 1.35 1.46 1.32
a) Electricity 0.92 0.99 0.98 1.07 1.21 1.09
b) Gas 0.31 0.32 0.32 0.28 0.25 0.23
5. Water supply; sewerage, waste management and 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.09 0.09
remediation activities
6. Construction 8.19 8.47 8.57 8.86 9.42 9.40
C. Services 53.49 53.75 53.37 53.15 53.42 53.30
7. Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and 14.52 14.61 14.85 14.82 14.58 14.65
8. Transportation and storage 7.95 8.04 7.86 7.78 7.60 7.54
a) Land Transport 6.89 6.99 6.86 6.82 6.67 6.68
b) Water transport 0.65 0.64 0.60 0.56 0.54 0.51
c) Air transport 0.08 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.07
d) Warehousing and support activities 0.28 0.28 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.24
e) Postal and courier activities 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04
9. Accommodation and food service activities 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.19 1.18 1.17
10. Information and communication 1.25 1.23 1.17 1.14 1.15 1.13
11. Financial and insurance activities 3.27 3.25 3.25 3.30 3.38 3.39
a) Monetary intermediation (Banks) 2.77 2.75 2.75 2.81 2.88 2.90
b) Insurance 0.32 0.31 0.30 0.29 0.29 0.28
c) Other financial auxiliaries 0.19 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.21 0.21
12. Real estate activities 9.69 9.64 9.38 9.23 9.42 9.21
13. Professional, scientific and technical activities 0.20 0.19 0.19 0.18 0.19 0.18
14. Administrative and support service activities 0.72 0.71 0.69 0.71 0.75 0.80
15. Public administration and defence; compulsory social 3.36 3.53 3.59 3.51 3.50 3.44
16. Education 2.74 2.74 2.71 2.73 2.80 2.81
17. Human health and social work activities 2.75 2.86 2.92 3.07 3.32 3.49
18. Arts, entertainment and recreation 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.16 0.16
19. Other service activities 5.69 5.60 5.44 5.34 5.41 5.32
Total GVA at current basic price 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS
National Income 427

11.07 Gross Domestic Products of Bangladesh at Current Prices

ISIC sectors 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
A. Agriculture 2,795,050 3,011,670 3,293,802 3,534,431 3,804,464 4,106,614
1. Agriculture, forestry and fishing 2,795,050 3,011,670 3,293,802 3,534,431 3,804,464 4,106,614
a) Crops & horticulture 1,382,799 1,486,692 1,623,332 1,733,782 1,861,159 1,996,305
b) Animal Farming’s 466,548 495,159 531,856 562,897 597,153 632,931
c) Forest and related services 371,884 398,637 435,632 466,390 503,992 559,163
d) Fishing 573,819 631,181 702,982 771,362 842,160 918,215
B. Industry 6,449,401 7,263,062 8,441,058 9,696,197 10,434,511 11,761,197
2. Mining and quarrying 330,526 399,842 442,760 526,098 552,239 591,021
a) Natural gas and crude petroleum 114,780 118,071 119,693 120,543 116,211 117,429
b) Other mining & coal 215,747 281,771 323,066 405,555 436,028 473,592
3. Manufacturing 4,223,870 4,666,061 5,490,242 6,259,374 6,530,638 7,496,585
a) Large Industry 2,211,523 2,378,261 2,756,760 3,118,577 3,180,334 3,573,569
b) Small, Medium and Micro Industry 1,291,077 1,467,245 1,738,580 1,980,659 2,086,958 2,489,993
c) Cottage Industry 721,270 820,555 994,902 1,160,137 1,263,346 1,433,023
4. Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning 245,546 292,335 326,252 381,438 445,225 449,016
a) Electricity 183,103 220,141 246,036 302,389 369,260 370,961
b) Gas 62,442 72,194 80,216 79,049 75,965 78,055
5. Water supply; sewerage, waste 21,032 22,634 24,876 26,736 27,607 29,676
management and remediation activities
6. Construction 1,628,426 1,882,191 2,156,929 2,502,550 2,878,801 3,194,899
C. Services 10,629,825 11,943,198 13,431,175 15,007,804 16,331,503 18,110,380
7. Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor 2,885,100 3,246,320 3,737,155 4,183,954 4,457,574 4,976,516
vehicles and motorcycles
8. Transportation and storage 1,580,296 1,787,217 1,978,063 2,197,115 2,322,517 2,562,154
a) Land Transport 1,369,416 1,553,130 1,726,349 1,927,057 2,038,982 2,268,813
b) Water transport 129,414 143,280 150,878 158,645 165,707 174,748
c) Air transport 16,667 18,994 20,954 22,496 23,037 22,791
d) Warehousing and support activities 55,386 61,650 68,766 76,673 81,564 81,412
e) Postal and courier activities 9,412 10,164 11,117 12,244 13,227 14,390
9. Accommodation and food service activities 238,860 266,702 301,060 335,495 360,151 398,567
10. Information and communication 248,337 272,644 294,609 322,040 351,075 384,480
11. Financial and insurance activities 650,716 722,466 817,235 932,966 1,032,169 1,152,706
a) Monetary intermediation (Banks) 549,956 610,182 693,262 794,168 880,439 984,571
b) Insurance 63,428 68,255 74,391 82,016 88,514 96,426
c) Other financial auxiliaries 37,332 44,028 49,582 56,781 63,216 71,709
12. Real estate activities 1,925,094 2,141,511 2,359,902 2,607,154 2,880,011 3,130,287
13. Professional, scientific and technical 39,060 42,817 47,140 51,788 56,562 62,732
14. Administrative and support service 142,438 157,215 172,688 200,172 230,048 271,376
15. Public administration and defence; 667,295 784,630 902,487 990,056 1,069,648 1,169,964
compulsory social security
16. Education 544,789 608,580 681,642 769,606 856,425 956,422
17. Human health and social work activities 546,003 635,152 733,648 868,110 1,015,218 1,185,003
18. Arts, entertainment and recreation 30,071 33,650 37,716 42,440 47,610 53,407
19. Other service activities 1,131,766 1,244,293 1,367,830 1,506,909 1,652,496 1,806,765
Total GVA at current basic price 19,874,276 22,217,930 25,166,034 28,238,432 30,570,477 33,978,191
Growth rate 15.51 11.79 13.27 12.21 8.26 11.15
Tax less subsidy 883,937 1,025,143 1,226,445 1,275,855 1,134,217 1,323,656
GDP at current market price 20,758,212 23,243,073 26,392,479 29,514,288 31,704,694 35,301,848
Growth rate 15.89 11.97 13.55 11.83 7.42 11.35
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS
428 National Income

11.08 Gross Domestic Product of Bangladesh at Current Prices by Broad Industry Sector
Broad industry sector 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
GDP (Million Tk.)
1. AGRICULTURE 2,795,050 3,011,670 3,293,802 3,534,431 3,804,464 4,106,614
2. INDUSTRY 6,449,401 7,263,062 8,441,058 9,696,197 10,434,511 11,761,197
3. SERVICES 10,629,825 11,943,198 13,431,175 15,007,804 16,331,503 18,110,380
GVA at Current price 19,874,276 22,217,930 25,166,034 28,238,432 30,570,477 33,978,191
Share (%)
1. AGRICULTURE 14.06 13.56 13.09 12.52 12.44 12.09
2. INDUSTRY 32.45 32.69 33.54 34.34 34.13 34.61
3. SERVICES 53.49 53.75 53.37 53.15 53.42 53.30
GVA at Current price 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
Growth rate (%)
1. AGRICULTURE 9.81 7.75 9.37 7.31 7.64 7.94
2. INDUSTRY 19.40 12.62 16.22 14.87 7.61 12.71
3. SERVICES 14.81 12.36 12.46 11.74 8.82 10.89
GVA at Current price 15.51 11.79 13.27 12.21 8.26 11.15
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS

11.09 Gross Domestic Product of Bangladesh at Constant Prices by Broad Industry

Sector (Percentage)
Broad industry sector 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
GDP (Million Tk.)
1. AGRICULTURE 2,795,050 2,884,380 2,986,618 3,083,999 3,189,501 3,290,754
2. INDUSTRY 6,449,401 6,982,905 7,694,869 8,590,037 8,900,231 9,815,808
3. SERVICES 10,629,825 11,307,474 12,048,523 12,877,439 13,383,891 14,151,080
GVA at Constant price 19,874,276 21,174,759 22,730,011 24,551,474 25,473,623 27,257,642
Share (%)
1. AGRICULTURE 14.06 13.62 13.14 12.56 12.52 12.07
2. INDUSTRY 32.45 32.98 33.85 34.99 34.94 36.01
3. SERVICES 53.49 53.40 53.01 52.45 52.54 51.92
GVA at Constant price 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
Growth rate (%)
1. AGRICULTURE 3.63 3.20 3.54 3.26 3.42 3.17
2. INDUSTRY 13.69 8.27 10.20 11.63 3.61 10.29
3. SERVICES 6.48 6.37 6.55 6.88 3.93 5.73
GVA at Constant price 8.29 6.54 7.34 8.01 3.76 7.00
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS
National Income 429

11.10 Implicit GDP and Sectorial Deflators

ISIC sectors 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
A. Agriculture 100.00 104.41 110.29 114.61 119.28 124.79
1. Agriculture, forestry and fishing 100.00 104.41 110.29 114.61 119.28 124.79
a) Crops & horticulture 100.00 105.18 111.78 116.97 122.49 128.45
b) Animal Farming’s 100.00 103.27 107.79 110.75 113.86 117.23
c) Forest and related services 100.00 102.09 106.17 108.12 110.91 117.21
d) Fishing 100.00 105.03 111.48 116.50 121.83 127.59
B. Industry 100.00 104.01 109.70 112.88 117.24 119.82
2. Mining and quarrying 100.00 103.14 104.25 111.29 113.24 113.81
a) Natural gas and crude petroleum 100.00 103.22 104.59 105.94 106.91 107.68
b) Other mining & coal 100.00 103.11 104.13 112.99 115.06 115.44
3. Manufacturing 100.00 103.16 109.89 111.53 114.44 117.73
a) Large Industry 100.00 102.78 107.26 107.58 109.26 110.99
b) Small, Medium and Micro Industry 100.00 103.25 110.12 113.42 116.38 121.91
c) Cottage Industry 100.00 104.09 117.46 119.97 126.01 129.62
4. Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning 100.00 111.19 114.61 123.79 143.53 132.14
a) Electricity 100.00 110.53 112.21 125.12 149.98 134.96
b) Gas 100.00 113.28 122.68 118.98 118.70 120.22
5. Water supply; sewerage, waste 100.00 103.85 110.85 112.07 113.26 114.16
management and remediation activities
6. Construction 100.00 105.31 109.65 115.16 121.39 124.65
C. Services 100.00 105.62 111.48 116.54 122.02 127.98
7. Wholesale and retail trade; repair of 100.00 103.97 110.08 113.21 116.86 121.20
motor vehicles and motorcycles
8. Transportation and storage 100.00 106.57 110.50 114.70 119.18 126.38
a) Land Transport 100.00 106.46 110.51 114.83 119.42 126.94
b) Water transport 100.00 109.54 113.58 117.72 122.05 126.43
c) Air transport 100.00 101.20 101.69 101.96 103.08 104.05
d) Warehousing and support activities 100.00 104.66 107.00 109.69 112.83 118.54
e) Postal and courier activities 100.00 104.61 108.51 114.39 121.07 127.45
9. Accommodation and food service activities 100.00 105.95 113.34 119.56 126.22 133.62
10. Information and communication 100.00 101.33 102.55 104.42 106.81 109.21
11. Financial and insurance activities 100.00 105.43 111.52 117.62 124.26 131.14
a) Monetary intermediation (Banks) 100.00 105.43 111.52 117.62 124.26 131.14
b) Insurance 100.00 105.43 111.52 117.62 124.26 131.14
c) Other financial auxiliaries 100.00 105.43 111.52 117.62 124.26 131.14
12. Real estate activities 100.00 107.66 114.65 122.25 130.25 136.89
13. Professional, scientific and technical 100.00 105.43 111.52 117.62 124.26 131.14
14. Administrative and support service 100.00 103.74 105.76 113.33 122.49 136.29
15. Public administration and defence; 100.00 105.72 111.89 115.27 118.06 121.77
compulsory social security
16. Education 100.00 105.43 111.52 117.62 124.26 131.14
17. Human health and social work activities 100.00 105.43 111.52 117.62 124.26 131.14
18. Arts, entertainment and recreation 100.00 106.59 113.52 121.11 128.86 136.67
19. Other service activities 100.00 106.59 113.52 121.11 128.86 136.67
Total GVA 100.00 105.05 111.15 115.21 119.64 124.57
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS
430 National Income

11.11 Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Categories at Current Prices

(In million Tk.)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Domestic demand 21,374,626 24,145,165 27,810,126 31,087,205 33,045,910 37,305,907
Consumption 15,097,392 16,952,160 19,411,358 21,579,552 23,119,824 26,355,718
Private 13,879,862 15,552,385 17,838,586 19,738,395 21,226,670 24,278,999
General Government 1,217,531 1,399,775 1,572,772 1,841,157 1,893,153 2,076,719
Investment 6,277,233 7,193,004 8,398,768 9,507,653 9,926,087 10,950,188
Private 4,920,555 5,499,423 6,583,344 7,452,276 7,614,069 8,366,820
Public 1,356,679 1,693,581 1,815,423 2,055,377 2,312,017 2,583,368
Resource balance -724,823 -1,013,453 -1,891,036 -1,590,389 -1,707,574 -2,258,770
Exports 2889793 2979703 3345191 3864824 3310854 3,764,158
Imports 3614616 3993156 5236227 5455213 5018428 6,022,928
Gross Domestic Expenditure 20,649,803 23,131,712 25,919,090 29,496,816 31,338,336 35,047,137
Gross Domestic Product 20,758,212 23,243,073 26,392,479 29,514,288 31,704,694 35,301,848
Statistical Discrepancy 108,409 111,361 473,389 17,472 366,358 254,711
Net factor income from abroad 972538 802498 1055433 1208947 1,312,318 1,858,118
Gross National Income 21,730,750 24,045,571 27,447,912 30,723,235 33,017,012 37,159,966
Net current transfers from abroad 32489 44164 42125 46551 63694 66,536
Gross Disposable National Income 21,763,239 24,089,735 27,490,037 30,769,786 33,080,706 37,226,502
Gross Domestic saving 5,660,820 6,290,912 6,981,121 7,934,736 8,584,871 8,946,130
Gross National saving 6,665,847 7,137,574 8,078,679 9,190,234 9,960,883 10,870,784
Current Account Balance 280,204 -166,791 -793,478 -334,891 -331,562 -334,116
Memo items: (% of GDP)
Consumption 72.73 72.93 73.55 73.12 72.92 74.66
Private 66.86 66.91 67.59 66.88 66.95 68.78
General Government 5.87 6.02 5.96 6.24 5.97 5.88
Investment 30.24 30.95 31.82 32.21 31.31 31.02
Private 23.70 23.66 24.94 25.25 24.02 23.70
Public 6.54 7.29 6.88 6.96 7.29 7.32
Exports of goods & services 13.92 12.82 12.67 13.09 10.44 10.66
Imports of goods & services 17.41 17.18 19.84 18.48 15.83 17.06
Gross Domestic saving 27.27 27.07 26.45 26.88 27.08 25.34
Gross National saving 32.11 30.71 30.61 31.14 31.42 30.79

Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS

National Income 431

11.12 Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Categories at Constant Prices (Base:

(In million Tk.)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Domestic demand 21,374,626 22,857,218 25,139,831 26,632,317 27,491,513 29,683,386
Consumption 15,097,392 16,055,234 17,512,568 18,480,278 19,017,806 20,524,089
Private 13,879,862 14,750,010 16,138,461 16,922,051 17,429,171 18,826,200
General Govt. 1,217,531 1,305,224 1,374,107 1,558,227 1,588,635 1,697,889
Investment 6,277,233 6,801,983 7,627,262 8,152,039 8,473,708 9,159,297
Private 4,920,555 5,202,408 5,958,710 6,472,343 6,488,315 6,993,615
Public 1,356,679 1,599,576 1,668,552 1,679,696 1,985,393 2,165,682
Resource balance -724,823 -964,756 -1,701,396 -1,380,401 -1,427,291 -1,813,284
Exports 2,889,793 2,836,527 3,009,722 3,354,530 2,767,407 3,021,772
Imports 3,614,616 3,801,282 4,711,118 4,734,932 4,194,697 4,835,057
Gross Domestic Expenditure 20,649,803 21,892,462 23,438,435 25,251,916 26,064,223 27,870,101
Gross Domestic Product 20,758,212 22,126,229 23,745,740 25,617,356 26,500,649 28,339,444
Statistical Discrepancy 108,409 233,767 307,305 365,440 436,427 469,343
Net factor income from abroad 972,538 763,937 949,590 1,049,323 1,096,913 1,491,651
Gross National Income 21,730,750 22,890,167 24,695,330 26,666,679 27,597,562 29,831,095
Net current transfers from abroad 32,489 42,042 37,901 40,405 53,239 53,413
Gross Disposable National Income 21,763,239 22,932,209 24,733,230 26,707,084 27,650,801 29,884,508
GDP Deflator 100.00 105.05 111.15 115.21 119.64 124.57
Implicit deflators
Personal consumption 105.44 110.53 116.64 121.79 128.96
expenditure price index 100.00
Special government employees 107.24 114.46 118.16 119.17 122.31
index 100.00
Other construction index 100.00 101.03 101.09 104.88 106.20 103.20
Wage rate index 100.00 107.60 113.43 123.45 128.53 136.75
Construction material price 104.74 108.17 123.45 128.53 121.57
index 100.00
Price Index of machinery and 108.91 115.30 121.22 107.80 109.47
equipment 100.00
Price Index of transport 108.88 113.02 118.15 105.09 106.96
equipment 100.00
GDP deflator 105.05 111.15 115.21 119.64 124.57
Annual percentage change
Final consumption expenditure
HH final consumption exp. 5.84 6.27 9.41 4.86 3.00 8.02
GG final consumption exp. 19.64 7.20 5.28 13.40 1.95 6.88
Gross capital formation 8.83 8.36 12.13 6.88 3.95 8.09
Exports of goods and services 2.87 -1.84 6.11 11.46 -17.50 9.19
Imports of goods and services -3.30 5.16 23.93 0.51 -11.41 15.27

Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS

432 National Income

11.13 Per capita GDP, GNI and NNI at Current Prices

2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

GDP (Mill. Tk.) 20,758,212 23,243,073 26,392,479 29,514,288 31,704,694 35,301,848
GNI (Mill. Tk.) 21,730,750 24,045,571 27,447,912 30,723,235 33,017,012 37,159,966
NNI (Mill. Tk.) 19,916,143 22,018,489 25,160,020 28,165,948 30,271,447 34,116,452
Population (Mill. No.) 159.9 161.8 163.7 165.6 167.4 169.1
Per capita GDP (In Tk.) 129,828 143,698 161,274 178,280 189,361 208,751
Per capita GNI (In Tk.) 135,911 148,659 167,723 185,583 197,199 219,738
Exchange rate (Taka per US$) 78.27 79.12 82.10 84.03 84.78 84.81
Per capita GDP (In US $) 1,659 1,816 1,964 2,122 2,234 2,462
Per capita GNI (In US $) 1,737 1,879 2,043 2,209 2,326 2,591
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS

11.14 Per capita Real GDP, GNI and NNI at Current Prices

2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

GDP (Mill. Tk.) 20,758,212 22,126,229 23,745,740 25,617,356 26,500,649 28,339,444
GNI (Mill. Tk.) 21,730,750 22,890,167 24,695,330 26,666,679 27,597,562 29,831,095
NNI (Mill. Tk.) 19,916,143 20,958,260 22,628,901 24,443,286 25,309,750 27,389,558
Population (Mill. No.) 159.9 161.8 163.7 165.6 167.4 169.1
Per capita GDP (In Tk.) 129,828 136,793 145,101 154,741 158,279 167,580
Per capita GNI (In Tk.) 135,911 141,516 150,903 161,079 164,830 176,401
Source: National Accounting Wing, BBS
Education 433

Chapter 12

434 Education
Education 435

12.01 Number of Institution, Student and Teacher by type of Education 2020

Type of Management No. of No. of Teacher No. of Student Indicators

Education Institution Total Female % of Total Girl % of TSR SPI TPI
Fema Girl
Primary Public
Education Private
Secondary Public 615 12556 3916 31.19 543307 260573 47.96 43 883 20
Education : Private 18176 213028 59097 27.74 8473466 4704885 55.52 40 466 12
Part 1 Total 18791 225584 63013 27.93 9016773 4965458 55.07 40 480 12
College Public 607 26401 7005 26.53 2361262 1154591 48.90 89 3890 43
Education Private 2704 83366 22063 26.47 1857475 966044 52.01 22 687 31
Total 3311 109767 29068 26.48 4218737 2120635 50.27 38 1274 33
Madrasah Public 3 80 6 7.50 4578 524 11.45 57 1526 27
Education Private 9302 112611 19084 16.95 2548861 1410173 55.33 23 274 12
Total 9305 112691 19090 16.94 2553439 1410697 55.25 23 274 12
Professional Public 125 8261 3905 47.27 40074 29245 72.98 5 321 66
Education Private 616 7542 3253 43.13 138854 72557 52.25 18 225 12
Total 741 15803 7158 45.30 178928 101802 56.90 11 241 21
Teacher Public 94 1454 372 25.58 20250 9972 49.24 14 215 15
Education Private 129 1678 573 34.15 11943 4818 40.34 7 93 13
Total 223 3132 945 30.17 32193 14790 45.94 10 144 14
Technical Public 571 9644 1514 15.70 286887 56736 19.78 30 502 17
Vocational Private 1903 27838 5643 20.27 432032 120562 27.91 16 227 15
Total 2474 37482 7157 19.09 718919 177298 24.66 19 291 15
University Public 46 15524 4057 26.13 820430 310622 37.86 53 17835 337
Private 105 16070 4870 30.30 349160 101213 28.99 22 3325 153
Total 151 31594 8927 28.26 1169590 411835 35.21 37 7746 209
Total (Post1- Public 2125 76186 21513 28.24 4172239 1864760 44.69 55 1963 36
primary) Private 34401 513396 134345 26.17 15293012 8171351 53.43 30 445 15
Total 36526 589582 155858 26.44 19465251 10036111 51.56 33 533 16
Country Public
(Primary Private
+Post- Total
TSR-Teacher Student Ratio, SPI-Students per Institution, TPI-Teacher per Institution, Teacher of Primary Schools included in Primary Education Section.
Source : Bangladesh Education Statistics, BANBEIS, 2020
436 Education

12.02 Number of Public Universities’ Teachers and Students by Sex in Bangladesh

No. of No. of Teachers No. of Students
Year University Male Female Total Male Female Total
1985 6 - - - 28378 7115 35493
1986 6 - - - 28266 7292 35558
1987 7 - - - 32484 8255 40739

1989 7 - - - 32351 8904 41255

1989 7 - - - 36797 9862 46659
1990 7 - - - 36903 10900 47803
1991 9 - - - 40697 11923 52620
1992 9 - - - 40683 12039 52722

1993 11 - - - 48381 14625 63006

1994 11 - - - 89799 27560 117359
1995 11 3150 521 3671 101638 33175 134813
1996 11 3309 579 3888 50872 15203 66075
1997 11 3400 615 4015 51091 1619 67282

1998 11 3598 666 4264 51129 16016 67145

1999 13 3678 715 4393 53485 16660 70145
2000 13 3598 749 4707 59055 18810 77865
2001 17 4399 842 5241 70068 22494 92562
2002 17 4587 880 5467 68929 23223 92152

2003 21 5091 907 5998 78924 25812 104736

2004 21 5487 975 6462 603822 362640 966462
2005 21 5836 1085 6921 673840 399886 1073726
2007 27 6470 1435 7905 787268 454084 1241352
2008 31 6644 1676 8320 720520 456449 1176969
2009 31 7564 1677 9241 829228 552988 1382216
2010 31 7865 1861 9726 201628 100003 301631
2011 34 8031 1931 9962 208154 108177 316331
2012 34 8641 2103 10744 256579 149358 405937
2013 34 9128 2377 11505 286011 168519 454530
2014 35 9609 2651 12260 307805 180143 487948
2015 35 9399 2868 12667 292720 159472 452192
2016 35 10136 3063 13199 333447 186941 520388
2017 35 10460 3255 13716 380464 221928 602392
2018 37 10715 3607 14322 187297 95826 284322
2019 45 10977 3679 14656 505269 312771 818040
2020 46 11467 4057 15524 509808 310622 820430
Source : University Grants Commission.
Note: National University Students are excluded in 2010 to 2016. Banbeis, 2020
Education 437

12.03 Number of Teachers & Students Ratio in Public Universities

University 2018 2019 2020
Teachers Students Ratio Teachers Students Ratio Teachers Students Ratio
Dhaka University 2188 37984 1:17 2188 37984 1:17 2421 39383 1:16
Rajshahi University 1210 38230 1:32 1210 38230 1:32 1097 38291 1:35
Bangladesh Agricultural University 613 7893 1:13 613 7893 1:13 591 8219 1:07
Bangladesh University of Engineering and 718 7991 1:11 718 7991 1:11 656 8851 1:14
Chattogram University 1311 26144 1:20 1311 26144 1:20 1289 27483 1:22
Jahangirnagar University 746 17374 1:23 746 17374 1:23 757 16929 1:22
Islamic University 410 14317 1:35 410 14317 1:35 398 15997 1:40
Shahjalal University of Science & 552 11311 1:21 552 11311 1:21 561 8059 1:14
Khulna University 460 6100 1:8 460 6100 1:08 507 7338 1:14
BB Sheikh Mujibur Rahaman Medical 593 2444 1:24 593 2444 1:24 481 2367 1:3
BB Sheikh Mujibur Rahaman Agriculture 198 1651 1:83 198 1651 1:08 215 1880 1:9
Haji Mohammad Daness Dni: of Science & 287 9368 1:33 287 9368 1:33 321 11547 1:37
Technology University
Maulana Bhashani Science &Technology 204 5963 1:44 204 5963 1:44 239 5188 1;22
Patuakhali University of Science & 244 3332 1:14 244 3332 1:14 253 3421 1;14
Sher-e-bangla Agriculture University 304 3692 1:12 304 3692 1:12 321 4770 1;15
Chattogram Engineering & Technology 265 4198 1:16 256 4198 1:16 296 5954 1;20
Rajshahi Engineering & Technology 239 3783 1:15 239 3783 1:15 308 5809 1;19
Khulna Engineering & Technology 355 5055 1:14 355 5055 1:14 374 5950 1;16
Dhaka Engineering & Technology 237 3580 1:15 237 3580 1:15 260 3502 1;13
Noakhali Science & Technology University 331 1930 1:22 331 1930 1:22 346 7342 1;21
Jagannath University 657 14142 1:26 657 14142 1:26 695 17038 1;25
Cumilla University 193 5360 1:28 193 5360 1:28 252 6050 1;24
National Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam University 207 7094 1:34 207 7094 1:34 248 7258 1;29
Chattogram Veterinary & Animal Science 130 1102 1:8 130 1102 1:08 137 1547 1;11
Sylhet Agriculture University 252 2050 1:8 252 2050 1:08 244 2165 1;09
Jashore Science & Technology University 216 3742 1:17 216 3742 1:17 276 4137 1;15
Bangladesh University of Professionals 328 5062 1:16 328 5062 1:16 372 8198 1;22
Begum Rokeya University 176 8053 1:45 176 8053 1:45 186 10099 1;54
Pabna Science & Technology University 153 4071 1:27 153 4071 1:27 175 5378 1;31
BB Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science & 258 10359 1:40 258 10359 1:40 272 11056 1;41
Bangladesh Textile University 180 7593 1:42 127 2589 1:21 172 2948 1;17
Barishal University 127 2589 1:21 180 7593 1:42 191 7990 1;42
Rangamati Science & tech University 15 362 1:24 15 362 1:24 28 583 121
BB Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime 56 300 1:7 56 300 1:07 39 582 115
Chottogram Medical University - - - - - - - -
Rajshahi Medical University - - - - - - - -
Rabindra University - - 9 103 1:13 28 427 115
Bangladesh Total 14322 284322 1:20 14656 818040 1:56 15194 314930 121

Source: University Grants Commission

Note: Except for students of colleges, madrasas affiliated to national, open and Islamic Arabic universities and other
438 Education

12:04 Yearly Average Per Head Expenditure in Public Universities Students

(In Taka)
University 2016 2017 2018
Studen Per head Students Per head Students Per head
ts Expenditure Expenditure Expenditure
Dhaka University 32251 113376.00 33360 194390.00 37984 187902.00
Rajshahi University 36606 87669.00 37256 75012.89 38230 78962.00
Bangladesh Agricultural University 6760 333425.00 7244 396053.00 7893 380954.00
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology 9780 127372.00 8856 195110.66 7991 232242.00
Chattogram University 23836 92313.00 28216 98315.00 26144 120706.00
Jahangirnagar University 16931 99000.00 17006 135000.00 17374 147000.00
Islamic University 13248 70344.00 13636 87224.00 14317 92915.00
Shahjalal University of Science &Technology 10398 74902.00 10113 99505.00 11311 98558.00
Khulna University 5649 154888.00 7269 155160.00 6100 155160.00
Open University 433413 1049.00 540733 2831.33 533615 741.30
BB Sheikh Mujibur Rahaman Medical University 3409 120000.00 3867 240000.00 2444 -
BB Sheikh Mujibur Rahaman Agriculture 1361 326779.00 1545 342000.00 1651 378385.00
HaJI Mohammad Daness Dn: of Sicence & 7527 68774.00 9073 67859.00 9368 76185.00
Technology University
Maulana Bhashani Science &Technology 5091 102195.00 5849 112487.00 5963 103738.00
Patuakhali University of Science & Technology 3322 129831.67 3265 170781.00 3332 186193.00
Sher-e-bangla Agriculture University 3310 167703.00 3436 203000.00 3692 242000.00
Chattogram Engineering & Technology University 3707 106784.00 3957 84531.00 4198 120854.00
Rajshahi Engineering & Technology University 3750 115454.96 4534 104689.14 3783 177897.31
Khulna Engineering & Technology University 4056 115680.00 4586 126602.70 5055 136241.43
Dhaka Engineering & Technology University 2853 181540.70 3511 151580.75 3580 170520.75
Noakhali Science & Technology University 4306 71770.00 6436 58369.00 1930 82092.16
Jagannath University 19088 36095.35 17414 49534.79 14142 54924.89
Cumilla University 5988 40104.00 5988 51342.00 5360 62380.42
National Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam University 4206 43034.00 6517 39933.75 7094 48873.71
Chattogram Veterinary & Animal Science 1285 217687.00 1216 236270.00 1102 286866.00
Sylhet Agriculture University 1782 233950.00 1776 271452.70 2050 230487.80
Jashore Science & Technology University 2850 75965.00 3344 89094.00 3742 98497.00
Bangladesh University of Professionals 4035 82346.38 5254 83000.00 5062 128259.24
Begum Rokeya University 9583 28325.00 8178 44722.00 8053 50423.00
Pabna Science & Technology University 3076 60000.00 3555 71484. 4071 67606.31
BB Sheikh Mujibur Rahaman Science & Techonology 5825 29670.00 7954 25598.00 10359 29408.00
BangladeshTextile University 2391 48724.00 2483 77031.69 7593 11592.00
Barishal University 5409 34000.00 6644 36115.44 2589 36059.00
Rangamati Science & Tech University 264 70269.00 284 61467.22 362 131923.04
BB Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Mari University 151 469607.69 242 467788.00 300 399702.26
Chottogram Medical University - - - - 1889 16269.93
Rajshahi Medical University - - - - 3749 5094.69
Rabindra University - - - - 103 484070.00
Ialami Arabic University 77247 - 87143 - 237480 681.11
Source: Bangladesh University Grants Commission
Education 439

12:05 Faculty and Others Wise Number of Students in Public Universities, 2020
University Arts & Social Education Business Law Pharmacy Science Biology Medical Agriculture Eng: Others Student
Human Science & Tec: Male Female Total
Dhaka University 8852 6461 5215 9086 739 684 3498 2856 0 0 1123 170 23949 15434 39383
Rajshahi University 8853 7480 - 5339 1714 - 5723 3995 - 1639 2224 - 24309 13982 38291
Bangladesh Agricultural
- - - 765 - - - - 3667 2884 851 52 4557 3662 8219
Bangladesh University of
- - - - - - 275 - - - 8401 175 6970 1881 8851
Engineering and Technology
Chattogram University 8537 5142 204 4939 789 3247 2659 - - 1365 601 17552 9931 27483
Jahangirnagar University 3026 2280 - 1663 374 - 3113 2338 - - - 4135 9741 7188 16929
Islamic University 2916 4316 - 2827 1547 - 979 987 - - 1812 613 10827 5170 15997
Shahajalal University of Science &
- 2660 - 398 - - 1895 395 - 247 2264 200 5675 2384 8059
Khulna University 933 1015 41 830 155 310 965 1117 - 523 952 236 4248 3090 7338
BB Sheikh Mujibur Rahaman
- - - - - - - - 2367 - - - 1202 1165 2367
Medical University
BB Sheikh Mujibur Rahaman
- - - - - - - - 301 1579 - - 869 1011 1880
Agriculture University
Haji Mohammad Daness Dn: of
- 1637 - 1364 - - 1614 - 651 2631 2430 1220 6984 4563 11547
Sicence & Technology University
Shere bangla agriculture
- - - - - - - - - 4770 - - 2966 1804 4770
Maulana Bhashani Science
28 424 - 369 - - 1369 1891 - - 1083 24 3002 2186 5188
&Technology University
Rajshahi Engineering &
- - - - - - 479 - - - 5330 - 4500 1309 5809
Technology University
Dhaka Engineering & Technology
- - - - - - - - - - 3502 - 3172 330 3502
Patuakhali Engineering &
- - - 496 - - 677 - - 1972 276 - 2331 1090 3421
Technology University
ChattogramTechnology University - - - - - - - - - - 5886 68 4752 1202 5954
Khulna Engineering & Technology
- - - - - - 788 - - - 5103 59 4847 1103 5950
Jagannath University 3571 3355 259 3566 787 - 2382 2883 - - - 235 10455 6583 17038
BB Sheikh Mujibur Rahaman
- - 99 - - - - - - - 99 - 109 91 200
Digital University
Sheikh Hasina University 115 58 - - - - 27 - - - - - 109 91 200
Khulna Agriculture University - - - - - - - - - 64 30 127 116 105 221
Sylhet Medical University - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
BB Sheikh Mujibur Rahaman
Aviation and Aerospace - - - 24 - - - - - 54 - 65 13 78
Bongomata Sheikh Fazilatunnesa
Mujib Science & Technology - 66 - 66 - - 61 206 - - 98 - 347 150 497
440 Education

12:05 Faculty and Others Wise Number of Students in Public Universities, 2020
Arts & Social Education Business Law Phar- Science Biology Medica Agric Eng: & Others Student
University Human Science macy l ulture Tec: Male Female Total
Noakhali Science & Technology
- 1492 255 811 106 - 3226 - - - 1215 237 4686 2656 7342
National Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam
1904 2206 - 1680 316 - 808 - - - - - 4347 2911 7258
Cumilla University 767 1585 - 1370 259 - 1487 - - - 582 - 3573 2477 6050
Chattogram Veterinary & Animal
- - - - - - - - - 1547 - - 878 669 1547
Science University
Sylhet Agriculture University - - - - - - - - - 1883 282 - 1227 938 2165
Jashore Science & Technology
224 - - 491 - - 766 921 - - 1735 - 2762 1375 4137
Bangladesh University of Professionals 228 2466 762 3027 597 - 826 - - - - 292 4968 3230 8198
Begum Rokeya University 1635 2952 - 1953 - - 1961 891 - - 583 124 6150 3949 10099
Pabna Science & Technology University - 1638 - 476 - - 1250 238 - - 1688 88 3510 1868 5378
BB Sheikh Mujibur Rahaman Science & 1308 2256 - 1444 507 - 1747 1160 73 1119 1433 9 7808 3248 11056
Barishal University 989 1731 - 1905 473 - 2005 887 - - - - 5065 2925 7990
Bangladesh Textile University - - - - - - - - - - 2948 - 2421 527 2948
Rangamati Science & Tech University - - - 296 - - - 25 - - 262 - 382 201 583
BB Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime
- - - 18 94 - 189 - - - 236 45 427 155 582
Chottogram Medical University - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rajshahi Medical University - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rabindra University 245 110 - 72 - - - - - - - - 264 163 427
Total 44131 51330 6835 45275 8457 994 41357 23449 7059 20858 53847 8710 202151 112779 314930
National University 28283
907952 993171 6900 767612 - - - - - 8934 8408 1598634 1377179 2975813
Open University 528366 - 25570 8238 1038 - - - - 11554 6227 5420 350256 236186 586442
Islamic Arabic University 265098 - - - - - - - - - - - 169391 95707 265098
Total 1701416 993171 32470 775850 1038 - 282836 - - 11554 15161 13828 2118281 1709072 3827353
Bangladesh Total 1745547 104450 39305 821125 9495 994 324193 23449 7059 32412 69008 22538 2320432 1821851 4142283

Source: University Grants Commission

Education 441

12:06 Number of Students, Teachers and Other Information of Private Universities, 2020

Sl: Name of University Institute Depart- Studrent Teacher Teacher Yearly Yearly Debited Per head
No Facult Ment Total Student ( Female Full- Part- Total Student Credited (Lakh InTK) student cost Pass
y Foreign Student) Time Time Ratio (Lakh InTK) In: Taka Student
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 North-Sourth University 00 04 43 42 15 506 107 613 1:40 49869 33533 130853 1468
2 University of Science & Technology,
00 04 12 00 00 74 16 90 1:17 1527.41 1157.57 69630.50 353
3 Independent University, Bangladesh 00 09 49 27 13 218 306 524 1:15 16206.15 15170.35 161964 1263
4. Central Women,s University 00 03 22 00 00 34 12 46 1:11 427.29 489.38 90085 87
5. International University of Business,
00 04 13 51 01 286 05 291 1:22 7497 6226 88318 1272
Agriculture & Technology
6. International Islamic University
00 06 29 40 02 287 118 405 1:22 8851 8748 91316.82 1596
7 Ahsanullah University of Science
00 04 20 02 00 402 129 531 1:14 10307 10892 106201 1813
8 American International University,
00 04 32 07 01 347 57 404 1:26 22281.51 23956.25 182144.42 4504
9 East-West University 00 09 37 02 01 299 116 415 1:30 18139.62 14070.66 112883 2011
10 The University of Asia Pacific 00 06 18 07 03 262 72 334 1:17 7962 5744 115411 834
11 Gono University 00 04 24 04 01 163 23 186 1:12 23.45 15.22 64746 296
12 The People’s University of Bangladesh 00 05 28 00 00 43 47 90 1:28 583.78 745.97 41930 626
13 Asian University of Bangladesh 00 05 25 50 07 78 54 132 1:35 1977.44 1892.32 38225.59 4398
14 Dhaka International University 00 06 29 520 42 153 49 202 1:30 2327.22 2327 31321.25 1812
15 Manarrat International University 00 04 11 00 00 83 30 113 1:22 936 1255 43731 879
16 BRAC University 02 04 50 179 74 542 234 776 1:16 31067.92 82537.96 168925 1227
17 Bangladesh University 00 05 20 00 00 126 26 152 1:27 1262.88 1090.61 23211 666
18 Leading University 00 04 24 00 00 105 17 122 1:25 2219.81 2097.32 65802 00
19 BGC Trust University Bangladesh 00 04 10 00 00 83 25 108 1:29 862.17 859.14 26993.99 913
20 Sylhet International University 00 03 10 00 00 45 06 51 1:07 180.48 426.95 85420 231
21 University of Development Alterantive 00 05 27 00 00 192 40 232 1:10 1270.88 1263.44 50789.49 390
22 Premium University 00 06 17 00 00 212 77 289 1:18 2674.80 3385.64 59524.58 1621
23 South East University 00 06 26 00 00 217 130 347 1:25 10810.29 5006.05 71555 1103
24 Daffodil International University 01 04 44 89 15 657 35 692 1:29 19122.54 18743.69 106756 4101
25 Stamford University Bangladesh 01 09 33 85 10 242 77 319 1:16 4313.62 4308.21 83210.82 1087
26 State University of Bangladesh 00 03 18 00 00 94 104 198 1:11 2592.90 2541.43 96395 682
27 IBAISH University
28 City University 00 04 19 32 07 217 15 232 1:23 3411.28 2734.22 50252 692
29 Prime University 00 05 20 24 02 116 11 127 1:29 1553.47 1552.89 39069 716
30 Northern University Bangladesh 00 06 25 01 01 189 107 296 1:25 4121.72 3763.66 41893 831
31 Southern University Bangladesh 00 03 15 00 00 135 33 168 1:15 1391.89 1691.74 68854 579
32 Green University of Bangladesh 00 04 15 00 00 233 78 311 1:18 3183 3183 46282 436
33 Pundro University of Science & Tech 00 03 17 00 00 75 12 87 1:24 665.09 1826.69 49591 249
34 World University of Bangladesh 00 03 21 00 00 192 13 205 1:21 2654.91 2573.49 60954.32 1031
35 Shantamarium University of Creative
00 03 33 00 00 137 33 170 1:22 3519.86 3328.20 89612 728
36 The Millennium University 00 04 10 00 00 16 01 17 1:27 133.49 130.25 27955 84
37 Eastern University 00 04 10 06 00 16 01 17 1:27 133.49 130.25 27955 877
38 Metropolitan University 01 04 14 00 00 106 09 115 1:15 1339.33 1176.96 60062 707
442 Education

12:06 Number of Students, Teachers and Other Information of Private Universities, 2020
Insti- Faculty Depart- Student Teacher Teacher Yearly Yearly Per head
Sl: Name of University tute Ment Total Students Fem Full- Part- Total Student Credited Debited student cost Pass
No Students -ale Time Time Ratio (TK in Lakh) (TK in Lakh) In Taka Student
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
39 Uttara University 00 05 36 00 00 259 62 321 1:20 3554.33 4046.29 46660 2219
40 United International University 00 03 18 26 03 198 30 228 1:21 9368.16 6901.86 168472 399
41 University of South Asia 00 04 17 47 02 39 51 90 1:19 718.05 745.44 42621.21 550
42 Bangladesh University of Business &
00 07 22 00 00 275 38 313 1:28 6271.95 5587.48 48854 956
43 President University 00 04 12 00 00 58 112 170 1:11 1127.74 1181.23 19943.54 348
44 University of Information Technology & Science 00 03 17 24 03 117 16 133 1:22 1667.17 1630.94 43526 349
45 Prime Asia University 00 04 19 95 04 230 33 263 1:14 4007.80 4183.88 96100 792
46 Royal University of Dhaka 00 03 11 66 02 37 09 46 1:37 665.72 606.24 21500 324
47 University of Liberal Arts, Bangladesh 00 04 15 04 03 221 93 314 1:13 7515.33 7033.86 137870 774
48 Atish Dipokor Science. & Tech University 00 06 21 00 00 74 13 87 1:18 707.12 707.12 5919 606
49 Victoria university of Bangladesh 00 03 09 - - 20 15 35 1:08 126.83 131.80 45305 28
50 Bangladseh Islamic University 00 03 11 00 00 68 09 77 1:28 658.16 658.16 30135 764
51 Asha University Bangladesh 00 04 10 00 00 53 05 58 1:16 1078.36 956.56 89495 484
52 East Delta University 00 03 11 12 02 82 24 106 1:20 2359.60 2344.061 109407 350
53 Europian University of Bangladesh 00 03 17 02 00 245 17 262 1:50 2669 4645 17295 2682
54 Borendro University 00 03 24 00 00 124 25 149 1:28 1946.89 1998.01 47525 1430
55 Hamdard University of Bangladesh 00 04 19 00 00 71 08 79 1:13 1148 1096.19 105403 116
56 BGMEA University of Fashion and
00 07 18 01 00 160 51 211 1:29 7089.39 1133.95 94026 379
57 North East University, Bangladesh 00 04 16 00 00 39 11 50 1:17 350.13 346.32 36683.50 279
58 Fast Capital University of Bangladesh 00 05 14 00 00 57 03 60 1:25 330 426.84 11152.06 470
59 Esha Khan International University BD 00 04 12 00 00 25 06 31 1:20 165.93 188.69 30883.75 290
60 Z: H: Shikdar Science & Technology
00 04 12 00 00 53 01 54 1:14 403.72 461.10 60336.06 228
61 Exim Bank Agriculture University
00 04 07 00 00 53 00 53 1:13 381.95 868.45 71472 53
62 North Western University 00 05 17 00 00 75 50 125 1:24 1825.18 1069.74 3884 411
63 Khaja Unus Ali University 00 06 27 00 00 78 10 88 1:13 761 761 181695 555
64 Sonargaon University 00 03 20 05 00 228 93 321 1:19 2513.88 2951 48503 1457
65 Feni University 00 04 13 00 00 44 12 56 1:17 44284 456.06 45345 130
66 Britania University 00 04 14 00 00 22 07 29 1:23 302.42 320.73 4220 663
67 Port City International University 00 04 18 13 00 150 65 215 1:26 3200.86 2100.66 35872 1523
68 Bangladesh University of Health Science 00 04 26 55 12 53 33 86 1:15 781.83 666.48 49000 122
69 Chattogram Independent University 00 03 15 00 00 48 34 82 1:21 240 262 148097 48
70 Notre Dam University Bangladesh 00 04 15 00 00 43 16 59 1:20 124.17 1454.48 105896 164
71 Times University Bangladesh 00 03 10 00 00 15 00 15 1:05 44.15 109.09 66036 37
Education 443

12:06 Number of Students, Teachers and Other Information of Private Universities, 2020

Sl: Name of University Insti- Depart- Student Teacher Teacher Yearly Yearly Per head
No tute Faculty Ment Total Female Full- Per- Total Student Credited debited student cost Pass
(with Time Time Ratio (TK in (TK in In: Taka Student
foreigner) Lakh) Lakh)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
72 North Bengal International University 00 04 22 00 00 57 11 68 1:17 498.99 543.57 46547.38 383
73 Fareast International University 00 04 25 00 00 78 30 108 1:24 432.40 483.78 7877 332
74 Rajshahi Science & Technology University 00 03 15 00 00 41 11 52 1:13 363.31 441.17 50171.71 150
75 Shaikh Fazilatunnesa Muzib University 00 03 13 00 00 42 07 49 1:11 249.69 212.25 34359 170
76 Cox’s Bazar International University 00 04 18 00 00 28 24 52 1:24 317.34 328.02 26668.72 167
77 Ranada Prasad Saha University 00 05 10 00 00 38 00 38 1:15 2093.14 2093.14 296420 00
78 Germen University Bangladesh 00 06 13 00 00 31 04 35 1:28 281.37 267.28 26912.73 95
79 Global University Bangladesh 00 05 10 00 00 17 15 32 1:21 126.15 116.15 5206 00
80 CCS Science and Tech University 00 04 11 00 00 37 21 58 1:13 242.20 242.20 32080 15
81 BD Army Univer of Sci & Tec ( BAUST) Syedpur 00 04 08 00 00 98 23 121 1:17 2772.58 2517.43 84371 195
82 BD Army Univer of Eng & Tec ( BAUET), Kadirabad 00 06 16 00 00 88 18 106 1:16 1672.18 1117.68 66309.02 311
83 BD Army Int Univer of Eng & Tec ( BAIUST) 00 04 08 00 00 95 07 102 1:11 1653.99 1599.72 136105 166
84 The Int. University of Scholars 00 03 07 00 00 27 26 53 1:21 223.34 258.11 14312 307
85 Canadian University of Bangladesh 00 03 18 22 01 38 29 67 1:19 1291.13 1390.29 290856 46
86 N.P.I University of Bangladesh 00 03 06 00 00 30 03 33 1:31 223.47 223.47 9182.91 102
87 Northern University of Sci. & Tech. Khulna 00 03 13 00 00 69 32 101 1:29 653.64 648.90 102442 207
88 Rabindra Moitre University , Kushtia 00 04 10 00 00 46 04 50 1:10 194.37 128.45 23026 00
89 University of Creative Tech, CTG 00 03 07 00 00 61 32 93 1:13 383.35 1782.61 45976 61
90 Central University of Sci. & Tech. 00 02 03 00 00 40 16 56 1:06 79.62 79.33 21688 09
91 Rabindra Creative Atrs University, 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
keranigang, Dhaka
92 University of Global Village 00 03 07 10 00 47 00 47 1:17 500 500 52339 80
93 Rupayoun A.K.M. Shamsuddoza University 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
94 Anower Khan Modern University 00 02 05 00 00 24 06 30 1:24 584.19 584.19 56381.28 00
95 Z.NRF University of Management Science 00 02 03 00 00 31 04 35 00 00 00 00
96 The University of Comilla - - - - - - - - - - - - -
97 Ahsania Mission Science & Tech University 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0:0 00 00 00 00
98 Khulna Khan Bahadur Ahsanullah 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0:0 00 00 00 00
99 Bandarban University 00 03 06 00 00 23 05 28 1:05 67.36 52.90 38332.82 00
100 Shah Mokdum Management University 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0:0 00 00 00 00
101 Trust University Barisal 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0:0 00 00 00 00
102 International Standard University 00 03 06 00 00 09 18 27 1:09 410.48 373.76 126431 00
103 Queens University - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Source : Bangladesh University Grants Commission
444 Education

12:07 Faculty and Main Subject wise Number of Students in Private Universities, 2020

Main Subject
Sl: Name of University
No Arts Social Education Science Business Law Pharmacy Agriculture Eng: & Biological Other Diploma Total
& Human Science Admini- Technical Science Chart
1 North-Sourth University 722 26 00 00 11459 548 1915 00 7560 2459 00

2 University of Science & Technology 205 00 00 00 298 00 375 00 461 222 00

Independent University, Bangladesh 211 266 71 616 4282 212 500 00 1984 00 00
4 Central Women,s University 178 94 00 77 176 00 00 00 00 00 00
5 International University of Business, 176 00 00 00 1092 00 158 553 4264 00 00
6 AgricultureAgriculture & Technology
International Islamic University 1045 978 802 00 2526 393 526 00 2577 00 281
7 ChattogramUniversity of Science
Ahsanullah 00 00 99 50 1129 00 00 00 6202 00 00
8 &Technology
American International University, 318 51 00 5172 2469 277 00 00 2451 00 00
9 Bangladesh
East-West University 1033 1194 00 65 4635 695 855 00 3813 00 01
10 The University of Asia Pacific 561 00 00 00 1456 357 1025 00 2442 00 00
11 Gono University 314 168 00 78 22 174 409 242 404 500 00
12 The People’s University of Bangladesh 590 163 00 355 209 293 00 00 874 00 00
13 Asian University of Bangladesh 1973 1119 59 00 955 00 00 00 549 00 00
14 Dhaka International University 546 270 00 00 936 998 180 00 3103 00 00
15 Manarrat International University 482 00 00 00 670 104 358 00 926 00 00
16 BRAC University 596 475 184 404 2538 548 655 39 5516 425 00
17 Bangladesh University 420 353 00 100 429 345 163 00 2195 00 00
18 Leading University 357 124 00 46 613 239 00 00 1659 00 00
19 BGC Trust University Bangladesh 466 00 00 00 1364 396 225 00 685 00 00
20 Sylhet International University 33 00 00 00 37 277 00 00 25 00 00
21 University of Development Alterantive 186 73 00 00 695 95 515 00 358 100 00
22 Premium University 1145 140 00 93 1558 825 00 00 1378 00 13
23 South East University 799 00 00 00 2412 771 592 00 3945 00 00
24 Daffodil International University 2043 00 00 9000 2241 00 00 00 4333 00 72
25 Stamford University Bangladesh 315 307 00 272 956 484 422 00 2300 00 00
26 State University of Bangladesh 68 61 00 128 195 271 832 00 640 00 00
27 IBAISH University - - - - - - - - - - - -
28 City University 538 00 00 00 578 305 101 56 3818 00 00
29 Prime University 405 00 81 00 752 564 00 00 1934 00 00
30 Northern University Bangladesh 346 00 00 440 698 673 326 00 4823 00 00
31 Southern University Bangladesh 246 94 00 00 714 421 99 00 883 00 00
32 Green University of Bangladesh 334 219 00 00 532 389 00 00 4231 00 00
33 Pundro University of Science & Tech 324 00 97 00 412 00 00 00 1241 00 00
34 World University of Bangladesh 236 00 00 00 506 390 281 00 2809 00 00
35 Shantamarium University of Creative 2331 140 00 275 757 155 00 00 56 00 00
36 Technology
The Millennium University 88 00 00 00 212 78 00 00 82 00 00
37 183 00 00 00 558 678 00 00 1225 00 00
Eastern University
38 Metropolitan University 317 00 00 00 454 195 00 00 753 00 00
39 Uttra University 1117 00 75 599 891 483 00 00 3026 00 00
Education 445

12:07 Faculty and Main Subject wise Number of Students in Private Universities, 2020

Main Subject
Sl: Name of University Arts Social Education Science Business Law Pharmacy Agriculture Eng: & Biological Other Total
No & Human Science Admini- Technical Science Diploma
stration Chart
40 United International University 00 117 00 00 1831 00 00 00 2684 00 139
41 University of South Asia 37 00 00 349 222 00 00 00 988 00 153
42 Bangladesh University of Business & 887 229 00 00 2518 646 00 00 4587 00 00
43 Tech
President University 77 00 00 00 292 00 00 00 1508 00 00
44 University of Information Technology & 293 00 00 00 515 143 132 00 1815 00 00
45 Science
Prime Asia University 00 00 00 1669 523 96 00 00 1425 00 00
46 Royal University of Dhaka 00 695 00 00 640 00 00 00 352 00 00
68 University of Liberal Arts, Bangladesh 754 673 00 00 1996 00 00 00 778 00 00
7 Atish Dipokor Science. & Tech 65 00 48 00 100 94 292 190 628 00 00
49 Victoria university of Bangladesh 49 00 00 00 143 00 00 00 71 00 00
50 Bangladseh Islamic University 1268 00 00 00 515 401 00 00 00 00 00
51 Asha University Bangladesh 299 00 00 55 234 259 87 00 00 00 00
52 East Delta University 234 84 00 00 711 00 00 00 1114 00 00
53 Europian University of Bangladesh 2763 00 00 00 2276 1308 00 00 6812 00 00
54 Borendro University 877 679 00 52 632 423 319 00 1231 00 00
55 Hamdard University of Bangladesh 237 79 00 266 171 00 00 00 287 00 00
56 BGMEA University of Fashion and 101 00 00 00 546 00 00 00 5371 00 166
57 North East University, Bangladesh 193 50 00 07 192 157 00 00 243 00 00
58 Fast Capital University of Bangladesh 159 134 00 00 129 118 00 319 615 00 00
59 Esha Khan International University BD 76 00 00 00 57 236 00 00 00 00 106
60 Z: H: Shikdar Science & Technology 75 00 00 00 163 198 00 00 318 00 00
61 Exim Bank Agriculture University BD 00 32 00 00 230 130 00 289 00 00 00
62 North Western University 174 09 00 00 404 371 00 00 2021 00 00
63 Khaja Unus Ali University 217 00 00 90 189 106 183 00 196 00 141
64 Sonargaon University 00 00 00 00 1669 610 00 00 3776 00 00
65 Feni University 222 00 00 00 191 00 00 00 430 00 100
66 Britania University 222 00 00 00 191 00 00 00 430 00 00
67 Port City International University 499 148 00 00 1355 407 00 00 3250 00 00
68 Bangladesh University of Health Science 00 00 00 1318 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
69 Chattogram Independent University 488 00 00 00 617 355 00 00 285 00 00
70 Notre Dam University Bangladesh 311 00 00 207 500 139 00 00 00 00 00
71 Times University Bangladesh 08 04 00 00 31 39 00 00 00 00 00
72 North Bengal International University 277 406 00 00 114 170 00 00 185 00 00
73 Fareast International University 369 00 00 96 651 99 00 00 1460 00 00
74 Rajshahi Science & Technology 15 06 00 00 31 97 00 00 544 00 00
75 Shaikh Fazilatunnesa Muzib University 236 00 00 100 45 00 00 00 00 00 180
76 Cox’s Bazar International University 320 00 00 00 313 311 00 00 190 00 96
446 Education

12:07 Faculty and Main Subject wise Number of Students in Private Universities, 2020
Main Subject
Sl: Name of University Arts Social Education Science Business Law Pharmacy Agriculture Eng: & Biological Other Total
No & Human Science Admini- Technical Diploma
stration Chart
77 Ranada Prasad Saha University 55 00 00 00 182 93 83 00 166 00
78 Germen University Bangladesh 22 00 00 44 146 00 00 00 782 00
79 Global University Bangladesh 19 00 00 00 128 191 00 00 220 00
80 CCN Science and Tech University 30 00 00 38 68 59 00 00 560 00
81 BD Army Univer of Sci & Tec ( BAUST)
380 00 00 00 585 00 00 00 1136 00
82 BD Army Univer of Eng & Tec (
216 00 00 00 207 82 00 00 955 00
BAUET), Kadirabad
83 BD Army Int Univer of Eng & Tec (
239 00 00 00 345 101 00 00 478 00
84 The Int. University of Scholars 103 00 00 00 510 00 00 00 524 00
85 Canadian University of Bangladesh 91 00 00 00 499 35 00 00 675 00
86 N.P.I University of Bangladesh 20 00 00 00 73 00 00 00 919 00
87 Northern University of Sci. & Tech.
496 00 00 00 1396 00 00 00 1023 00
88 Rabindra Moitre University , Kushtia 122 00 00 00 68 00 00 61 255 00
89 University of Creative Tech, CTG 314 00 00 00 293 00 00 00 630 00
90 Central University of Sci. & Tech. 00 00 00 00 204 00 00 00 129 00
91 Rabindra Creative Atrs University,
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
keranigang, Dhaka
92 University of Global Village 121 00 00 00 303 00 00 00 388 00
93 Rupayoun A.K.M. Shamsuddoza
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
94 Anower Khan Modern University 00 00 00 00 163 00 00 00 553 00
95 Z.NRF University of Management
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
96 The University of Comilla 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
97 Ahsania Mission Science & Tech
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
98 Khulna Khan Bahadur Ahsanullah
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
99 Bandarban University 24 21 00 00 00 00 00 00 34 59
100 Shah Mokdum Management University
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
101 Trust University Barisal 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
102 International Standard University 33 00 00 00 131 00 00 00 87 00
103 Queens University 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Source : Bangladesh University Grants Commission
Education 447

12:08 Enrolment in Colleges by Management and Sex

Management School & College/ Degree College Honors College Master’s College All College
Year Interm: College
Total Female Total Female Total Female Total Female Total Female
2004 Public 4189 3407 114013 47360 91379 35155 237834 77792 447415 163714
Private 289865 126880 483079 197021 23358 10265 46914 16978 843216 351144
Total 294054 130287 597092 244381 114737 45420 284748 94770 1290631 514858
2005 Public 3326 3031 115896 49873 68442 26000 321473 122382 509137 201286
Private 257903 122424 511995 207908 23191 8496 65020 29223 858109 368051
Total 261229 125455 627891 257781 91633 34496 386493 151605 1367246 569337
2006 Public 3326 3031 116674 50104 68442 26000 318424 121555 509866 200690
Private 86103 124424 511217 207677 23191 8496 65020 29223 861791 369820
Total 89429 127455 627891 257781 91633 34496 383444 150778 1371657 570510
2008 Public 6942 4575 101354 49970 139631 58066 474435 184614 722362 297225
Private 342879 173771 614358 273927 89886 37567 86148 38320 1133271 523585
Total 349821 178346 715712 323897 229517 95633 560583 222934 1855633 820810
2009 Public 44132 19526 116498 60315 196482 84163 492053 199286 849165 363290
Private 441015 209360 691675 317725 80492 33051 83533 32624 1296715 592760
Total 485147 228886 808173 378040 276974 117214 575586 231910 2145880 956050
2010 Public 8094 6007 147155 77098 234533 98012 499327 177406 889109 358523
Private 460651 236789 855895 403272 102170 39925 86486 36437 1505166 716423
Total 468745 242796 1003014 480370 336703 137937 585813 213843 2394275 1074946
2011 Public 7530 5852 164114 84880 249018 112891 709860 300437 1131530 504160
Private 516905 274713 969718 474949 180751 77353 116947 52159 1784321 879174
Total 525443 280665 1133832 559829 4289769 190244 826807 352596 2915851 1383339
2012 Public 21480 10259 128216 63632 272895 136423 764278 270730 1186869 481044
Private 529099 277870 868246 428619 341852 150661 118254 46449 1857451 9903599
Total 550579 288129 996462 492251 614747 287084 882532 317179 3044320 1384643
2013 Public 20985 10099 113816 57140 267842 139074 757826 292035 1160469 498348
Private 553417 294282 939116 474389 430202 184488 111583 49013 2034318 1002172
Total 574402 304381 1052932 531529 698044 323562 869409 341048 3194787 1500520
2014 Public 18425 6985 120832 60227 296836 155109 899198 374777 1335291 597098
Private 572523 301288 977197 495514 483499 211233 137873 62706 2171092 1070741
Total 590948 308273 1098029 555741 780335 366342 1037071 437483 3506383 1667839
2015 Public 606337 309850 990000 505655 577534 252440 148036 59928 2321907 1127873
Private 20830 7767 113355 53457 292353 155901 930424 364173 1356962 581298
Total 627167 317617 1103355 559112 869887 408341 1078460 424101 3678869 1709171
2016 Public 24138 8866 118447 60172 293619 158207 976835 414964 1413039 642209
Private 617096 322801 956994 489719 618882 263510 161773 66951 2354745 1142981
Total 641234 331667 1075441 549891 912501 421717 1138608 481915 3767784 1785190
2017 Public 31688 12242 103858 53155 308576 175842 992596 459849 1436718 699088
Private 618136 319623 860023 450518 758431 328804 199652 75586 2436242 1174531
Total 649824 331865 963881 503673 1067007 502646 1192248 535435 3872960 1873619
2018 Public 70896 30483 282870 141519 638557 306840 197347 83228 2084011 1056133
Private 670399 350682 685194 370130 531071 252093 1202107 511504 2194430 990346
Total 741295 381165 968064 511649 1169628 558933 1399454 594732 4278441 2046479
2019 Public 72839 32347 247112 130419 660993 309676 1252666 553421 2233610 1025863
Private 708608 367771 681249 369437 567202 273403 194541 87360 2151600 1097971
Total 781447 400118 928361 499856 1228195 583079 1447207 640781 4385210 2123834
2020 Public
Note : Bangladesh Education Statistics, BANBEIS, 2019
448 Education

12:09 Number of College, Teacher and Enrolment by Type, 2020

No: of college Number of Teacher Number of Student
Type of college % of % of
Total Girls Total Female Female Total Girls Girls
School & College 1388 194 18874 5324 28.21 416384 222444 53.42
(College Section)
Higher Secondary College 1390 209 25396 6724 26.48 413366 213236 51.59
Degree (Pass) College 1081 211 38885 8989 23.12 924782 506455 54.76
Degree (Honors :) College 649 111 31216 8430 27.01 1329851 666465 50.12
Master’s College 191 40 14270 4925 34.51 1550738 734479 47.36
Total (College Education) 4699 765 128641 34392 26.73 4635121 2343079 50.55
Source: Bangladesh Education Statistics, BANBEIS, 2020

12:10 Number of Secondary Schools, Teachers and Enrolment

Year No: of School No: of Teacher Enrolment

Total Female % of Female Total Girl % of Girl
1998 14518 165213 24106 14:59 6769078 :3464742 51:18
1999 15460 173897 25867 14:87 7236939 3758823 51:94
2000 15720 174146 26290 15:10 7646885 4020237 52:57
2001 16166 183277 30196 16:48 7887010 4196097 53:20
2002 16562 186949 31311 16:75 8162134 4360778 53:43
2003 17386 206557 39580 19:16 8126362 4322568 53:19
2004 18267 214673 47255 22:01 7503247 3925110 52:31
2005 18500 238158 48290 20:28 7398552 3868014 52:28
2006 18700 239431 48615 20:30 7419179 3876914 52:26
2008 18756 209496 46788 22:33 6819748 3661457 53:69
2009 19083 213482 53363 25:00 7356793 3796538 51:61
2010 19040 218011 50334 23:09 7465774 3979676 53:31
2011 19070 223555 52001 23:26 7510218 4026374 53:61
2012 19208 221043 53862 24:37 7937235 4229292 53:28
2013 19602 229575 55846 24:33 8501442 4519091 53:16
2014 19684 232994 58969 25.31 9160365 4875084 53.22
2015 20297 24311 61701 25.38 9743072 5193962 53.31
2016 20449 243553 62496 25.66 10184364 5476354 53.77
2017 20467 243880 62511 25.63 10330695 5580387 54.02
2018 20465 234165 60070 25.65 10475100 5655381 53.99
2019 20660 246845 63197 25.60 10349323 5571314 53.83
2020 20849 252505 72960 28.89 10252126 5624186 54.86
Source: Bangladesh Education Statistics, BANBEIS, 2020
Education 449

12:11 Enrolment in Pre-primary by Type and Gender, 2019

Type of school Boys Girls Total

GPS 583852 600458 1184310
NNPS 295937 299865 595802
Experimental Schools
Ebtedayee Madrasahs
Community Schools
Others Type
Source: Bangladesh Education Statistics, BANBEIS, 2019

12:12 Number of Primary Education Institution, Teacher and Enrolment, 2018

Type of Primary School No: of No: of Teacher No: of Enrolment
School Total Female % of Total Girls % of
Female Girls
A. MoPME/DPE Managed school
1.GPS 38916 236318 160732 68.02 8932612 4505133 50.43
2.NNPS 26613 112549 63078 56.04 4102111 2104774 51.31
3.RNGPS 280 1226 824 67.21 36472 18299 50.17
4.NRNGPS 4570 18915 12788 67.61 336559 168844 50.17
5.Experimental 64 350 307 87.17 11460 5878 51.29
6.Community (CS) 134 517 396 76.60 14730 7482 50.79
7.ROSC School 4755 4896 4058 82.88 99184 50075 50.49
8.Shishu Kollyan (SK) 293 1193 820 68.73 33587 16901 50.32
Total (A) 75625 375964 243003 71.85 13566715 6877386 50.62
B. MoE Managed School
9.Aattached to High Madrasah 7196 16566 2714 13.38 816152 443558 54.35
10. High School Attached Primary 1893 18508 10366 56.01 559452 285605 51.05
11.Ebtadaee Madrasah (EBM) 5164 13422 3546 26.42 348936 168997 48.43
Total (B) 14253 48496 16626 32.94 1724540 898160 51.28
C. MoC Managed School
12.Kindergarten (KG) 24363 224873 105973 60.91 1281005 627333 48.97
13.Tea-Garden 76 226 82 60.18 8764 4169 47.57
Total (C) 24439 225099 106055 60.54 1289769 631502 48.27
D. Managed by other Authorities
14.Temple based Education Center 554 671 551 82.12 734 267 36.38
15.Social Welfare based (MoSW) 119 934 509 54.50 10181 4892 48.05
16.Deaf & Dumb (MoSW) 52 418 208 49.76 4484 2038 45.45
17. Mosque based Education Centre) 373 452 258 57.08 1900 945 49.74
18. School for blind 3 15 4 26.67 126 54 42.86
19. Jail Attached 4 16 5 31.25 714 262 36.69
20 Hillly Parisad Directed School 101 362 141 38.95 4739 2241 47.29
21.Others Types 833 3030 1987 65.58 59145 29679 50.18
22.Quami Madrasah 16 89 7 7.87 1343 437 32.54
Total (D) 2055 5987 3670 45.97 83366 40815 43.24
E.NGO Bureau Managed School
23.NGO School 5156 12816 10125 79.00 227131 121020 53.28
24.BRAC LCs 10318 13790 13234 95.97 346567 178582 51.53
25.Other NGO LCs 2301 3248 2881 88.70 100012 51568 51.56
Total € 17775 29854 26240 87.89 673710 351170 25.12
Grand Total (A+B+C+D+E) 134147 685400 426651 62.25 17338100 8799033 50.75
Source-DPE (APSC 2018), Bangladesh Education Statistics, BANBIES, 2018
450 Education

12:13 Gross and Net Enrolment Rate in Primary Education, 2007-2020

Year GER (%) NER (%)
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total
2007 93.4 104.6 98.8 87.8 94.7 91.1
2008 92.8 102.9 97.6 87.9 90.4 90.8
2009 1001 107.1 103.5 89.1 99.1 93.9
2010 103.2 112.4 107.7 92.2 97.6 94.8
2011 97.5 105.6 101.5 92.7 97.3 94.9
2012 101.3 107.6 104.4 95.4 98.1 96.7
2013 106.8 110.5 108.6 96.2 98.4 97.3
2014 104.6 112.3 108.4 96.6 98.8 97.7
2015 105 113.4 109.2 97.1 98.8 97.7
2016 109.3 115 112.1 97.01 98.8 97.96
2017 108.10 115.40 111.70 97.66 98.29 97.97
2018 110.32 118.30 114.23 97.55 98.16 97.85
2019 104.49 114.93 109.60 97.65 98.01 97.74
2020 100.1 108.9 104.9 97.37 98.25 97.81
Source-DPE (APSC 2018), BANBIES, 2020

12:14 Dropout Rate by Grade (%), 2020

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5

All 1.0 1.5 4.9 7.6 2.2

Source-DPE (APSC 2019), BANBIES, 2020

12:15 Number of Sanskrit & Pali Tolls with Teachers and Students in Bangladesh
Year No: Sanskrit No of Pali
of No: of teachers No: of students tols No: of teachers No: of students
tols Male Fem: Total Male Fem: Total Male Fem: Total Male Fem: Total
2008-09 126 312 118 430 3320 1346 4666 9: 267 93 350 314 165 479
2009-10 126 312 118 430 3230 1428 4658 93 267 93 350 316 136 479
2010-11 128 316 120 436 6453 3366 9819 93 267 93 350 462 208 670
2011-12 128 316 120 436 6449 3400 9849 93 267 93 350 463 180 643
2012-13 128 316 120 436 7453 3674 11127 93 267 93 350 335 113 448
2013-14 128 316 120 436 9362 6810 16162 93 367 93 350 445 203 648
2014-15 129 319 120 439 11563 8003 19566 94 370 93 353 495 288 783
2015-16 129 - - 439 - - 19604 94 - - 353 - - 788
2016-17 129 - - 439 - - 19119 94 - - 353 - - 914
2018-19 129 319 120 439 10546 5318 15864 94 260 93 353 854 473 1327
2019-20 132 325 123 448 10044 4920 14964 97 264 95 359 101 523 1533
2020-21 136 413 131 544 10142 4523 14665 97 264 95 359 119 501 1694
Source : Bangladesh Sanskrit and Pali Education Board, Dhaka
Education 451

12:16 Number of Teacher in Professional Educational Institutions by Type, Sex

and Management, 2020

Type of Institution Public Private Total

Total Girls % Total Girls % Total Girls %
295 185 62.71 295 185 62.71
Medical College 6658 2782 41.78 3149 1202 38.17 9807 3984 40.62
Dental College 72 25 34.72 255 95 37.25 327 120 36.7
Nursing College 1008 882 87.5 1706 1419 83.18 2714 2301 84.78
Homeopathic College 89 0 0 700 150 21.43 789 150 19.01
Unani/Ayurvedic 44 14 31.82 205 33 16.1 249 47 18.88
Textile Technology 73 14 19.18 37 11 29.73 110 25 22.73
Leather Technology 22 3 13.64 - - - 22 3 13.64
Law College - - - 635 100 15.75 635 100 15.75
Art College - - - 135 28 20.74 135 28 20.74
Agriculture Colege - - - 70 11 15.71 70 11 15.71
Library Science - - - 83 24 28.92 83 24 28.92
Others - - - 567 180 31.75 567 180 31.75
Total 8261 3905 47.27 7542 3253 43.13 15803 7158 45.30
Source- Bangladesh Education Statistics, BANBIES, 2020

12:17 Enrolment in Professional Educational Institutions by Type, Sex

and Management, 2020

Type of Institution Public Private Total

Total Girls % Total Girls % Total Girls %
Medical University 488 126 25.82 488 126 25.82
Medical College 20340- 12764 62.75 29834 18730 62.78 50174 31494 62.77
Armed Forces & Army 2128 - - 1875 675 36 1875 675 36.00
Medical College
Dental College 15118 1390 65.32 5058 3090 61.09 7186 4480 62.34
Nursing College 218 14373 95.07 32449 29036 89.48 47567 43409 91.26
Homeopathic College 161 106 48.62 46612 12840 27.55 46830 12946 27.64
Unani/Ayurvedic 835 73 45.34 3188 809 25.38 3349 882 26.34
Textile Technology 786 212 25.39 375 115 30.67 1210 327 27.02
Leather Technology - 201 25.57 - - - 786 201 25.57
Law College - - - 7896 1912 24.21 7896 1912 24.21
Art College - - - 856 295 34.46 856 295 34.46
Agriculture College - - - 1891 733 38.76 1891 733 38.76
Library Science - - - 4947 2094 42.33 4947 2094 42.33
Others - - - 3873 2228 57.53 3873 2228 57.53
Total 40074 29245 72.98 138854 72557 52.25 178928 101802 56.90
Source-DPE (APSC 2019), BANBIES, 2020
452 Education

12:18 Number of Professional Education Institutes by Types and Division, 2020

Type of Institution Barishal Chattogram Dhaka Khulna Rajshahi Rangpur Sylhet Mymens Total
Medical College No: 2 15 53 9 11 7 6 4 107
% 1.87 14.02 49.53 8.47 10.28 6.54 5.61 3.74 100
Medical University 1 1 1 1 4
% 0.00 25.00 25.0 8.47 25.00 0.00 25.00 0.00 100
Armed Forces and Army No: 2 1 1 1 1 6
Medical College
% 0.00 33.33 16.67 8.47 16.67 16.67 0.00 0.00 100
Dental College No: 1 2 22 0 3 2 3 2 35
% 2.86 5.71 62.86 0.0 8.57 5.71 8.57 5.71 100
Nursing College No: 21 29 124 35 68 46 17 21 361
% 5.82 8.03 34.35 9.70 18.84 12.74 4.71 5.82 100
Homeopathic College No: 7 11 19 8 6 7 1 4 63
% 11.11 17.46 30.16 12.70 9.52 11.11 1.59 6.35 100
Unani/Ayurvedic College No: 1 5 3 2 1 0 2 2 16
% 6.25 31.25 18.75 12.50 6.25 0.00 12.50 12.50 100
Textile Technology College No: 1 2 5 1 1 1 11
% 9.09 18.18 45.45 9.09 9.09 0.00 0.00 9.09 100
Leather Technology College No: 1 1
% 0.00 0.00 100.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100
Art College No: 0 0 2 2 2 1 7
% 0.00 0.00 28.6 28.6 28.57 0.00 0.00 14.29 100
Law College No: 4 14 34 8 7 6 3 4 80
% 5.00 17.50 42.50 10.00 8.75 7.50 3.75 5.00 100
Agriculture College No: 3 1 1 5
% 60.00 0.00 20.0 0.0 0.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 100
Library Science No: 2 2 11 4 6 3 1 2 31
% 6.45 6.45 35.48 12.90 19.35 9.68 3.23 6.45 100
Others No: 2 3 4 1 1 1 2 14
% 14.29 21.43 28.57 7.14 7.14 0.00 7.14 14.29 100
Total No: 44 86 281 71 108 73 35 43 741
% 5.94 11.61 37.92 9.58 14.57 9.85 4.72 5.80 100
Source : BANBEIS, 2020

12:19 Number of Technical Institution, Teacher and Enrolment by Type, 2020

Type of Institution No: of No: of Teacher No: of students

Institute Total Female % of Total Girl % of
female Girl
Polytechnic Institute 439 12022 2071 17.23 252755 42249 16.72
Technical School & College 216 4234 1065 25.15 105019 22316 21.25
Glass & Ceramic Institute 1 29 4 13.79 1284 48 3.74
Graphic Arts Institute 1 46 5 10.87 1463 208 14.22
Survey Institute 4 70 13 18.57 1306 101 7.73
Technical Training Centre 166 2054 356 17.33 38902 13388 34.41
Textile Institute 33 541 100 18.48 11815 1041 8.81
Textile Vocational 51 546 106 19.41 10758 2529 23.51
Agriculture Training Institute 183 1551 296 19.08 30444 8043 26.42
Marine Technology 1 121 13 10.74 780 45 5.77
S:S:C Vocational (Independent) 175 2721 558 20.51 38775 11892 30.67
HSC Voc/Business Management (Independent) 722 11524 2116 18.36 184150 58601 31.82
Medical Technology 108 1347 233 17.30 14860 5638 37.94
Medical Assistant Training School (MATS) 209 676 221 32.69 26608 11199 42.09
S:S:C Vocational (Attached) 2711 9141 2039 22.31 230083 76973 33.45
HSC Voc/Business Management (Attached) 2032 7405 1719 23.21 169332 50411 29.77
Total (Tech & Voc Edn:) 7052 54028 10915 20.20 1118334 304682 27.24
Source : BANBEIS, 2020
Education 453

12:20 Number of Government Recognized Unani Colleges, Teachers, Students

and Output of Final Examinations
No: of No: of teachers No: of students Output of final
Year institutions examinations*
No: of
Male Female Total Male Female Total No: of students
students passed
2004 10 61 6 67 339 52 391 665 109
2005 10 61 6 67 283 66 349 661 99
2006 10 61 6 67 622 116 738 655 135
2007 10 61 6 67 618 161 779 607 123
2008 10 61 6 67 606 185 791 134 126
2009 12 75 10 85 652 210 682 149 139
2010 12 75 10 85 1140 450 1590 148 139
2011 12 75 10 85 938 386 1324 161 148
2012 12 75 10 85 1054 500 1554 250 238
2013 13 83 11 94 1085 534 1619 299 287
2014 14 89 12 101 1078 504 1582 304 290
2015 14 89 12 101 1176 472 1648 354 340
2016 16 102 18 120 1177 452 1629 356 351
2017 16 102 18 120 1186 394 1580 335 328
2018 16 102 18 120 1170 395 1565 300 297
2019 16 88 32 120 1173 394 1567 303 290
2020 16 88 32 120 615 178 793 368 351
Note : *4 Year Diploma course in the Unani System of medicine (DUMS): (-) means not available: for 2002, information on Unani & Ayurvedic
college are shown collectively due to lack of separate information:
Source : Controller of Examinations, Board of Unani and Ayurvedic System of Medicine

12:21 Number of Government Recognized Ayurvedic Colleges, Teachers,

Students & Output of Final Examinations
No: of No: of teachers No: of students Output of final
Year Institutions examinations*
No: of
Male Female Total Male Female Total No: of students
students passed
2004 7 38 2 40 120 28 148 236 43
2005 7 38 2 40 157 38 195 357 50
2006 7 38 2 40 280 62 342 289 55
2007 7 38 2 40 291 84 375 309 81
2008 7 38 2 40 291 83 374 63 -
2009 7 38 2 40 291 79 370 67 -
2010 7 36 13 49 502 111 613 61 58
2011 7 36 13 49 395 96 491 119 116
2012 7 36 13 49 360 100 463 51 49
2013 7 36 13 49 433 115 548 102 99
2014 9 49 17 66 427 108 535 99 96
2015 9 49 17 66 564 131 695 104 102
2016 9 49 17 66 637 126 763 105 104
2017 9 49 17 66 653 118 771 98 96
2018 9 49 17 66 690 115 805 167 167
2019 10 47 16 63 718 127 845 147 143
2020 10 47 16 63 434 115 549 203 200
Note : *4 Year Diploma course in the Ayurvedic System of Medicine (DAMS)
Source : Controller of Examinations, Board of Unani and Ayurvedic System of Medicine
454 Education

12:22 Result Statistics for SSC Examination by Sex Under Board of

Intermediate & Secondary Education, Dhaka
Year Science Humanities Business Studies Overall
Sex Total Pass % Total Pass % Total Pass % Total Pass %
Student Student Student Student
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
2013 Male 41704 39253 94:12 32604 25327 77:68 83208 73361 88:17 157516 137941 87:57
Female 29579 27883 94:27 62096 49534 79:77 66593 60368 90:65 158268 137785 87:06
Total 71283 67136 94:18 94700 74861 79:05 149801 133729 89:93 315784 275726 87:31
Male 33871 30396 89:74 52673 39568 75:12 63644 55827 87:72 150188 125791 83:76
2014 22654 20885 92:19 79172 62974 79:54 45800 42122 91:97 147626 125981 85:34
Total 56525 51281 90:72 131845 102542 77:77 109444 97949 89:50 297814 251772 84:54
2015 Male 56784 54858 96.61 37904 29870 78.80 79716 69578 87.28 174404 154306 88.48
Female 43435 42419 97.66 68920 56264 81.64 62981 57057 90.59 175336 155740 88.82
Total 100219 97277 97.06 106824 86134 80.63 142697 126635 88.74 349740 310046 88.65
2016 Male 65571 62849 95.85 49873 39557 79.32 88606 77652 87.64 204050 180058 88.24
Female 52421 50847 97.00 85948 71119 82.75 68391 62224 90.98 206760 184190 89.08
Total 117992 113696 96.36 135821 110676 81.49 156997 139876 89.09 410810 364248 88.67
2017 Male 73227 70309 96.02 60364 44573 73.84 91314 77918 85.33 224905 192800 85.73
Female 59377 57719 97.21 98763 77881 78.86 66684 60140 90.19 224824 195740 87.06
Total 132604 128028 96.55 159127 122454 76.95 157998 138058 87.38 449729 388540 86.39
2018 Male 86707 80223 92.52 78234 52404 66.98 94352 74270 78.72 259293 206897 79.79
Female 72978 69121 94.71 128001 95525 74.63 70150 60658 86.47 271129 225304 83.10
Total 159685 149344 93.52 206235 147929 71.73 164502 134928 82.02 530422 432201 81.48
2019 Male 95120 87860 92.55 84948 53687 63.51 87842 66635 76.22 267910 208182 78.00
Female 83148 78740 94.92 134727 95674 71.47 64879 53882 83.51 282754 228296 81.15
Total 178268 166600 93.65 219675 149351 68.39 152721 120517 79.32 550664 436478 79.62
2020 Male 69801 65776 94.23 59937 40363 67.34 74118 59242 79.93 203856 165381 81.13
Female 66510 63493 95.46 95289 70243 73.72 56620 48602 85.84 218419 182338 83.48
Total 136311 129269 94.83 155226 110606 71.25 130738 107844 82.49 422275 347719 82.34
2021 Male 68410 65329 95.50 82780 73954 89.34 81189 74781 92.11 232379 214064 92.12
Female 65467 63125 96.42 115595 107128 92.68 58588 55399 94.56 239650 225652 94.16
Total 133877 128454 95.95 198375 181082 91.28 139777 130180 93.13 472029 439716 93.15
Source: Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Dhaka (Computer Section)
Education 455

12:23 Result Statistics for SSC Examination by Sex Under Board of

Intermediate & Secondary Education, Rajshahi
Year Science Humanities Business Studies Overall
Sex Total Pass % Total Pass % Total Pass % Total Pass %
Student Student Student Student
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
2013 Male 22880 22054 96:39 275557 25065 90:96 10291 9666 93:93 60728 56785 93:51
Female 14635 14245 97:34 34173 31864 93:24 5326 5115 96:04 54134 51224 94:62

Total 37515 36299 96:76 61730 56929 92:22 15617 14781 94:65 114862 108009 94:03
Male 14508 10429 71:88 28483 21138 74:21 16905 14117 83:51 59896 45684 76:27
2014 9279 6837 7368 34645 28175 81:32 7860 7024 89:36 51784 42036 81:18
Total 23787 17266 72:59 63128 49313 78:12 24765 21141 85:37 111680 87720 78:55
2015 Male 30468 30019 98.53 26246 23808 90.71 9975 9434 94.58 66689 63261 94.86
Female 20959 20753 99.02 34286 31722 92.52 5586 5372 96.17 60831 57847 95.09
Total 51427 50772 98.73 60532 55530 91.74 15561 14806 95.15 127520 121108 94.97
2016 Male 35361 34849 98.55 32881 30280 92.09 11391 10960 96.22 79633 76089 95.55
Female 25817 25565 99.02 40605 38011 93.61 6001 5853 97.53 72423 69429 95.87
Total 61178 60414 98.75 73486 68291 92.93 17392 16813 96.67 152056 145518 95.70
2017 Male 39723 37964 95.57 35714 29976 83.93 11282 10113 89.64 86719 78053 90.01
Female 29534 28296 95.81 44926 39609 88.16 5759 5448 94.60 80219 73353 91.44
Total 69257 66260 95.67 80640 69585 86.29 17041 15561 91.32 166938 151406 90.70
2018 Male 47514 44997 94.70 42117 31372 74.49 11162 9453 84.69 100793 85822 85.15
Female 36519 35281 96.61 51273 40996 79.96 5277 4766 90.32 93069 81043 87.08
Total 84033 80278 95.53 93390 72368 77.49 16439 14219 86.50 193862 166865 86.07
2019 Male 51482 49773 96.68 45848 38294 83.52 9933 8942 90.02 107263 97009 90.44
Female 38415 37734 98.23 53881 48005 89.09 4322 4080 94.40 96618 89819 92.96
Total 89897 87507 97.34 99729 86299 86.53 14255 13022 91.35 203881 186828 91.64
2020 Male 47481 46100 97.09 48153 39758 82.57 8509 7218 84.83 104143 93076 89.37
Female 37136 36494 98.27 55276 48105 87.03 3630 3227 88.90 96042 87826 91.45
Total 84617 82594 97.61 103429 87863 84.95 12139 10445 86.04 200185 180902 90.37
2021 Male 45405 41869 92.21 55368 53306 96.28 8057 7174 89.04 108830 102349 94.04
Female 35706 33391 93.52 58233 56374 96.81 3545 3292 92.86 97484 93057 95046
Total 81111 75260 92.79 113601 109680 96.55 11602 10466 90.21 206314 195406 94.71
Source: Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Dhaka (Computer Section)
456 Education

12:24 Result Statistics for SSC Examination by Sex under Board of

Intermediate & Secondary Education, Cumilla
Year Science Humanities Business Studies Overall
Sex Total Pass % Total Pass % Total Pass % Total Pass %
Student Student Student Student
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
2013 Female 10133 9668 95:41 22231 18119 81:50 36654 3334 90:94 69018 61121 88:56
Total 24226 23351 96:39 27927 22896 81:98 76487 70060 91:60 128642 116307 90:41
Male 8355 7085 84:80 12775 7703 60:30 28954 21075 72:79 50084 35863 71:61
2014 Female 5704 4830 84:68 27282 16870 61:84 20189 14863 73:62 531752 36563 68:76
2015 Total 14059 11915 84:75 40057 24573 61:35 49143 35938 73:13 103259 72426 70:14
Male 19019 18286 96.15 7933 6075 76.58 40303 33574 83.30 67255 57935 86.14
Female 15292 14576 95.32 28944 21529 74.38 34277 28725 83.80 78513 64830 82.57
Total 34311 32862 95.78 36877 27604 74.85 74580 62299 83.53 145768 122765 84.22
2016 Male 21804 20749 95.16 9137 6603 72.27 42711 35425 82.94 73652 62777 85.23
Female 19197 18116 94.37 32907 23839 72.44 34761 30101 86.59 86865 72056 82.95
Total 41001 38865 94.79 42044 30442 72.41 77472 65526 84.58 160517 134833 84.00
2017 Male 24917 21015 84.34 12498 4587 36.70 45685 23854 52.21 83100 49456 59.51
Female 22174 18616 83.95 42459 18022 42.45 35246 21917 62.18 99879 58555 58.63
Total 47091 39631 84.16 54957 22609 41.14 80931 45771 56.56 182979 108011 59.03
2018 Male 27941 26411 94.52 11560 7574 65.52 41739 32052 76.79 81240 66037 81.29
Female 26938 25384 94.23 40217 27557 68.52 34316 27919 81.36 101471 80860 79.69
Total 54879 51795 94.38 51777 35131 67.85 76055 59971 78.85 182711 146897 80.40
Total 34311 32862 95.78 36877 27604 74.85 74580 62299 83.53 145768 122765 84.22
2019 Male 27886 27231 97.65 13437 10137 75.44 42240 36569 86.57 83563 73937 88.48
Female 27812 27109 97.47 47081 36252 77.00 34841 31182 89.50 109734 94543 86.16
Total 55698 54340 97.56 60518 46389 76.65 77081 67751 87.90 193197 168480 87.16
2020 Male 22401 21711 96.92 13012 9661 74.25 32476 27224 83.83 67889 58596 86.31
Female 22311 21553 96.60 42412 32643 76.97 26458 22768 86.05 91181 76964 84.41
Total 44712 43264 96.76 55424 42304 76.33 58934 49992 84.83 159070 135560 85.22
2021 Male 26383 26063 98.79 23879 22801 95.49 45627 42927 94.08 95889 91791 95.73
Female 27617 27339 98.99 62656 60413 96.42 33542 31960 95.28 123815 119712 96.69
Total 54000 53402 98.89 86535 83214 96.16 79169 74887 94.59 219704 211503 96.27
Source: Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Dhaka (Computer Section)
Education 457

12:25 Result Statistics for SSC Examination by Sex under Board of

Intermediate & Secondary Education, Jashore
Year Science Humanities Business Studies Overall (Sc:,Hum:,B: Stud:)
Sex Total Pass % Total Pass % Total Pass % Total Pass %
Student Student Student Student
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Male 11969 11586 96:86 26392 23591 89:39 21867 20667 94:51 30228 55544 92:72
2013 7126 6872 96:44 34928 31547 90:32 16011 15296 95:53 58065 53715 92:51
Total 19095 18458 96:66 61320 55138 89:92 37878 35963 94:94 118293 109559 92:62
Male 8716 7026 80:61 34318 16982 49:48 13943 11308 66:74 56677 35316 58:88
2014 5092 4116 80:83 38880 21826 56:14 10866 8292 76:31 54838 34234 62:43
Total 13808 11142 80:69 73198 38808 53:02 27809 19600 70:48 114815 69550 60:58
2015 Male 16532 15748 95.26 27965 20925 74.83 21040 18336 87.15 65537 55009 83.94
Female 10655 10228 95.99 35711 27902 78.13 16272 14559 89.47 62638 52689 84.12
Total 27187 25976 95.55 63676 48827 76.68 37312 32895 88.16 128175 107698 84.02
2016 Male 18516 18122 97.87 34709 29912 86.18 22505 21183 94.13 75730 69217 91.40
Female 13504 13253 98.14 41559 36942 88.89 17271 16582 96.01 72334 66777 92.32
Total 32020 31375 97.99 76268 66854 87.66 39776 37765 94.94 148064 135994 9185
2017 Male 19099 18099 94.76 38222 25573 66.91 20839 17299 83.01 78160 60971 78.01
Female 14185 13606 95.92 46191 34876 75.50 15137 13542 89.46 75513 62024 82.14
Total 33284 31705 95.26 84413 60449 71.61 35976 30841 85.73 153676 122995 80.04
2018 Male 22648 21261 93.88 48096 30150 62.69 21699 17406 80.22 92443 68817 74.44
Female 17549 16650 94.88 57783 41699 72.16 15809 13533 85.60 91141 71882 78.87
Total 40197 37911 94.31 105879 71849 67.86 37508 30939 82.49 183584 140699 76.64
2019 Male 23746 22918 96.51 48350 41084 84.97 19091 17635 92.37 91187 81637 89.53
Female 18870 18342 97.20 58005 52189 89.97 14248 13520 94.89 91123 84051 92.24
Total 42616 41260 96.82 106355 93273 87.70 33339 31155 93.45 182310 165688 90.88
2020 Male 20602 19162 93.01 44307 35811 80.82 15400 13946 90.56 80309 68919 85.82
Female 16444 15278 92.91 52481 45303 86.32 11401 10743 94.23 80326 71324 88.79
Total 37046 34440 92.97 96788 81114 83.81 26801 24689 92.12 160635 140243 87.31
2021 Male 20398 19861 97.37 55972 50085 89.48 15229 14713 96.61 91599 84659 92.42
Female 16887 16568 98.11 59210 54311 91.73 11099 10901 98.22 87196 81780 93.79
Total 37285 36429 97.70 115182 104396 90.64 26328 25614 97.29 178795 166439 93.09
Source: Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Dhaka (Computer Section)
458 Education

12:26 Result Statistics for SSC Examination by Sex under Board of

Intermediate & Secondary Education, Chattogram
Year Sex Science Humanities Business Studies Overall (Sc:,Hum:,B: Stud:)
Total Pass % Total Pass % Total Pass % Total Pass %
Student Student Student Student
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
2013 Male 9087 8345 91:83 5821 4652 79:92 24781 22382 90:32 36689 35379 89:14
Female 6935 6394 92:20 13553 10802 79:70 26190 23462 89:58 46678 40658 87:10
Total 16022 14739 91:99 19374 15454 79:77 50971 45844 89:94 86367 76037 88:07
Male 7319 5698 77:85 9602 5786 60:26 21384 15097 70:60 38305 26581 69:39
2014 4674 3779 80:85 16596 10486 63:18 17951 13466 75:02 39221 27731 70:70
Total 11993 9477 79:02 26198 16272 62:11 39335 28563 72:61 77526 54312 70:06
2015 Male 11342 10841 95.58 6223 4250 68.30 24343 20364 83.65 41908 35422 84.60
Female 8849 8476 95.78 14611 10299 70.49 23100 18991 82.21 46560 37766 81.11
Total 20191 19317 95.67 20834 14549 69.83 47443 39355 82.95 88468 73221 82.77
2016 Male 13505 12974 96.07 9069 7421 81.83 29569 27037 91.44 52143 47432 90.97
Female 11144 10669 95.74 21592 18279 84.66 28190 25881 91.81 60926 54829 89.99
Total 24649 23643 95.92 30661 25700 83.82 57759 52918 91.62 113069 102261 90.44
2017 Male 14539 13389 92.09 10016 6980 69.69 30930 26229 84.80 55485 46598 83.98
Female 11982 11030 92.05 23478 17590 74.92 26952 23804 88.32 62412 52424 84.00
Total 26521 24419 92.07 33494 24570 73.36 57882 50033 86.44 117897 99022 83.99
2018 Male 16467 14750 89.57 13047 7281 55.81 33243 25577 76.94 62757 47608 75.86
Female 14318 12958 90.50 29515 18311 62.04 28558 23160 81.10 72391 54429 75.19
Total 30785 27708 90.00 42562 25592 60.13 61801 48737 78.86 135148 102037 75.50
2019 Male 17747 16155 91.03 15808 9799 61.99 35090 27884 79.46 68645 53838 78.43
Female 15780 14508 91.94 35081 23682 67.51 30100 24823 82.47 80961 63013 77.83
Total 33527 30663 91.46 50889 33481 65.79 65190 52707 80.85 149606 116851 78.11
2020 Male 15717 14476 92.10 16829 12415 73.77 33203 28948 87.18 65749 55839 84.93
Female 14541 13431 92.37 35473 27250 76.82 28060 25368 90.41 78074 66049 84.60
Total 30258 27907 92.23 52302 39665 75.84 61263 54316 88.66 143823 121888 84.75
2021 Male 15662 15138 96.65 22898 19645 85.79 35961 32388 90.06 74521 67171 90.14
Female 15276 14817 97.00 40855 36122 88.42 27984 26440 94.48 84115 77379 91.99
Total 30938 29955 96.82 63753 55767 87.47 63945 58828 92.00 158636 144550 91.12
Source: Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Dhaka (Computer Section)
Education 459

12:27 Result Statistics for SSC Examination by Sex under Board of

Intermediate & Secondary Education, Barishal
Year Sex Science Humanities Business Studies Overall (Sc:,Hum:,B: Stud:)
Total Pass % Total Pass % Total Pass % Total Pass %
Student Student Student Student
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
2013 Male 6768 3239 92:16 9858 8124 82:41 14918 13561 90:90 21544 27924 88:52
Female 4600 4240 92:17 16694 14113 84:52 10735 10071 93:81 32032 28424 88:74
Total 11368 10479 92:18 26555 22237 83:74 25653 23632 92:12 62576 56348 88:63
Male 4147 3405 82:11 12156 7271 59:81 11538 9017 78:15 27841 19693 70:73
Female 2971 2444 82:26 17226 11617 67:44 6877 5648 82:13 27074 19709 72:80
Total 7118 5849 82:17 29382 18888 64:28 18415 14665 79:64 54915 39402 71:75
2015 Male 9845 9248 93.94 10400 7572 72.81 14982 12737 85.02 35227 29557 83.90
Female 7465 7123 95.42 17394 13520 77.73 10370 9246 89.16 35229 29889 84.84
Total 17310 16371 94.58 27794 21092 75.89 25352 21983 86.71 70456 59446 84.37
2016 Male 11101 9805 88.33 13255 9396 70.89 16876 13271 78.64 41232 32472 78.75
Female 8807 7851 89.14 20351 15246 74.92 11338 9333 82.32 40496 32430 80.08
Total 19908 17656 88.69 33606 24642 73.33 28214 22604 80.12 81728 64902 79.41
2017 Male 12835 11492 89.54 16171 10389 64.24 18355 13510 73.60 47361 35391 74.73
Female 10657 9886 92.77 23788 17188 72.25 11870 9893 83.34 46315 36967 79.82
Total 23492 21378 91.00 39959 27577 69.01 30225 23403 77.43 93676 72358 77.24
2018 Male 14625 12957 88.59 19476 12398 63.66 17811 13696 76.90 51912 39051 75.23
Female 12416 11298 91.00 27898 20143 72.20 10898 9028 82.84 51212 40469 79.02
Total 27041 24255 89.70 47374 32541 68.69 28709 22724 79.15 103124 79520 77.11
2019 Male 15261 13734 89.99 22049 13771 62.46 15289 11633 76.09 52599 39138 74.41
Female 13201 12231 92.65 31222 23045 73.81 9599 8121 84.60 54022 43397 80.33
Total 28462 25965 91.23 53271 36816 69.11 24888 19754 79.37 106621 82535 77.41
2020 Male 13637 12306 90.24 28127 19665 69.92 14326 11064 77.23 56090 43035 76.72
Female 12136 11353 93.55 36127 28251 78.20 8083 6977 86.32 56346 46581 82.67
Total 25773 23659 91.80 64254 47916 74.57 22409 18041 80.51 112436 89616 79.70
2021 Male 12758 11698 91.69 31853 27772 87.19 13101 11993 91.54 57712 51463 89.17
Female 12119 11347 93.63 36409 32792 90.07 6766 6315 93.33 55294 50454 91.25
Total 24877 23045 92.64 68262 60564 88.72 19867 18308 92.15 113006 101917 90.19
Source: Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Dhaka (Computer Section)
460 Education

12:28 Result Statistics for SSC Examination by Sex under Board of

Intermediate & Secondary Education, Sylhet
Year Sex Science Humanities Business Studies Overall (Sc:,Hum:,B: Stud:)
Total Pass % Total Pass % Total Pass % Total Pass %
Student Student Student Student
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
2013 Male 5614 5284 94:12 16768 14867 88:66 3560 3337 93:74 25942 23488 90:54
Female 4431 4056 91:54 25993 22502 86:57 2140 1999 93:41 32564 28557 87:70
Total 10045 9340 92:98 42761 37369 87:39 5700 5336 93:61 58506 52045 88:96
Male 4264 3861 90:55 14908 10833 72:67 7112 61121 86:07 26284 20815 79:19
2014 3243 2748 84:74 23751 18345 77:24 4283 3660 85:45 31277 24753 79:7
Total 7507 6609 88:04 38659 29178 75:48 11395 9781 85:84 57561 45568 79:16
2015 Male 8144 7749 95.15 19517 15022 76.97 4752 4195 88.28 32413 26966 83.20
Female 7056 6709 95.08 29286 22291 76.11 3269 2966 90.73 39611 31966 80.70
Total 15200 14458 95.12 48803 37313 76.46 8021 7161 89.28 72024 58932 81.82
2016 Male 9211 8653 93.94 22956 18617 81.10 5505 5048 91.70 37672 32318 85.79
Female 8287 7757 93.60 34617 28005 80.90 3872 3506 90.55 46776 39268 83.95
Total 17498 16410 93.78 57573 46622 80.98 9377 8554 91.22 84448 71586 84.77
2017 Male 9804 8977 91.56 26400 19856 75.21 5422 4822 88.93 41626 33655 80.85
Female 8924 8050 90.21 39304 30057 76.47 4061 3612 88.94 52289 41719 79.79
Total 18728 17027 90.92 65704 49713 75.97 9483 8434 88.94 93915 75374 80.26
2018 Male 11352 10585 93.24 30610 18791 61.39 5905 4767 80.73 47867 34143 71.33
Female 11198 10289 91.88 45482 28646 62.98 4381 3632 82.90 61061 42567 69.71
Total 22550 20874 92.57 76092 47437 62.34 10286 8399 81.65 108928 76710 70.42
2019 Male 11691 11136 95.25 31609 19795 62.62 5805 4528 78.00 49105 35459 72.21
Female 11876 11057 93.10 47606 30148 63.33 4584 3498 76.31 64066 44703 69.78
Total 23567 22193 94.17 79215 49943 63.05 10389 8026 77.25 113171 80162 70.83
2020 Male 10332 9490 91.85 33986 25205 74.16 5543 4809 86.76 49861 39504 79.23
Female 11270 10052 89.19 50310 37813 75.16 4663 4111 88.16 66243 51976 78.46
Total 21602 19542 90.46 84296 63018 74.76 10206 8920 87.40 116104 91480 78.79
2021 Male 9950 9485 95.33 38229 37015 96.82 5153 4886 94.82 53332 51386 96.35
Female 11540 10992 95.25 50375 49162 97.59 4306 4160 96.61 66221 64314 97.12
Total 21490 20477 95.29 88604 86177 97.26 9459 9046 95.63 119553 115700 96.78
Source: Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Dhaka (Computer Section
Education 461

12:29 Result Statistics for SSC Examination by Sex under Board of

Intermediate & Secondary Education, Dinajpur
Year Sex Science Humanities Business Studies Overall
Total Pass % Total Pass % Total Pass % Total Pass %
Student Student Student Student
2013 Male 23:167 22:015 95:03 24685 21406 86:72 4847 4316 89:04 52:699 47:737 90:50
Female 13:616 13:087 933:11 33055 29185 88:29 2017 1851 91:77 48:688 44:123 90:62
Total 36:783 35:02 95:43 57:740 50:591 87:62 6864 6167 89:85 101387 91:860 90:23
2014 Male 12788 9333 72:98 24925 17129 68:72 12185 9777 80:24 49898 36239 72:63
Female 8170 6295 77:05 33870 25067 74:01 5095 4339 85:16 47135 35701 75:74
Total 20958 15628 74:57 33870 25067 74:01 5095 4339 85:16 47135 35701 75:74
2015 Male 33256 31278 94.05 26742 20018 74.86 4931 4150 84.16 64929 55446 85.39
Female 22113 21184 95.80 37220 29472 79.18 2270 2087 91.94 61603 52743 85.62
Total 55369 52462 94.75 63962 49490 77.37 7201 6237 86.61 126532 108189 85.50
2016 Male 37659 35537 94.37 34480 28723 83.30 5083 4663 91.74 77222 68923 89.25
Female 25569 24350 95.23 44734 38758 86.64 2067 1990 96.27 72370 65098 89.95
Total 63228 59887 94.72 79214 67481 85.19 7150 6653 93.05 149592 134021 89.59
2017 Male 41842 38009 90.84 37931 27548 72.63 4508 3806 84.43 84281 69363 82.30
Female 29336 27615 94.13 48274 38868 80.52 1681 1516 90.18 79291 67999 85.76
Total 71178 65624 92.20 86205 66416 77.04 6189 5322 85.99 163572 137362 83.98
2018 Male 48820 43400 88.90 42760 25985 60.77 4212 3231 76.71 95792 72616 75.81
Female 35516 33037 93.02 53607 37714 70.35 1729 1509 87.28 90852 72260 79.54
Total 84336 76437 90.63 96367 63699 66.10 5941 4740 79.98 186644 144876 77.62
2019 Male 51803 48151 92.95 46071 32643 70.85 3858 3268 84.71 101732 84062 82.63
Female 37865 36036 95.17 56582 44787 79.15 1367 1250 91.44 95814 82073 85.66
Total 89668 84187 93.89 102653 77430 75.43 5225 4518 86.47 197546 166135 84.10
2020 Male 46890 44122 94.10 48687 33591 68.99 3256 2564 78.75 98833 80277 81.22
Female 34904 33390 95.66 56841 43955 77.33 1243 1063 85.52 92988 78408 84.32
Total 81794 77512 94.76 105528 77546 73.48 4499 3627 80.62 191821 158685 82.73
2021 Male 45155 43451 96.23 51079 47056 92.12 3113 2944 94.57 99347 93451 94.07
Female 34552 33625 97.32 58199 55033 94.56 1314 1253 95.36 94065 89911 95.58
Total 79707 77076 96.70 109278 102089 93.42 4427 4197 94.80 193412 183362 94.80
Source: Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Dhaka (Computer Section)
462 Education

12:30 Result Statistics for Dakhil Examination by Sex under Bangladesh

Madrasha Education Board, Dhaka
Year General Science Muzabbid Muzabid Mahir, Partial Overall
Sex T : Student Pass % T:Student Pass % T:Student Pass % T:Student Pass % T:Student Pass %
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
2008 Male 84195 70034 83:18 14075 12823 91:10 438 313 71:46 13 12 92:31 98721 83182 84:26

Female 76448 60197 78:74 4941 4485 90:77 478 412 86:19 1 0 0:00 81868 65094 79:51
Total 160643 130231 81:07 19016 17308 91:02 916 725 79:15 14 12 85:71 180589 148276 82:11
2009 Male 84806 73899 87:14 15386 16422 95:03 450 331 73:56 20 17 85:00 100662 88869 88:28

Female 79249 65210 82:28 5279 4992 94:56 529 448 84:69 1 0 0:00 85058 70650 83:06
Total 164055 139109 84:79 20665 19614 94:91 979 779 79:57 21 17 80:95 185720 159519 85:89

2010 Male 93684 82417 87:97 17147 16417 95:74 569 440 77:33 33 30 90:91 111433 99304 89:12

Female 91848 76520 83:31 6469 6185 95:61 672 691 102:83 0 0 - 98989 83396 84:25
Total 185532 158937 85:67 23616 22602 95:71 1241 1131 91:14 33 30 90:91 210422 182700 86:83
2011 Male 104779 88417 84:38 19633 18154 92:47 571 437 76:53 13 10 76:92 124996 107018 85:62
Female 104328 83368 79:91 7584 6960 91:77 618 528 85:44 0 0 - 112530 90856 80:74

Total 209107 171785 82::15 27217 25114 92:27 1189 965 81:16 13 10 76:92 237526 197874 83:31

2012 Male 123571 110248 89:22 23085 21824 94:54 712 581 81:60 37 35 94:59 147405 132688 90:02
Female 115819 99775 86:15 9195 8648 94:05 646 538 83:28 0 0 - 125660 108961 86:71
Total 239390 210023 87:73 32280 30472 94:40 1358 1119 82:40 37 35 94:59 273065 241649 88:50

2012 Male 92692 83605 90:20 20802 18533 89:09 285 214 75:07 5 5 100:00 113784 102357 89:96

Female 97212 86184 8366 9967 8451 84:79 297 263 88:88 0 0 0 107476 94898 88:30

Total 189904 169789 89:41 30769 26984 87:70 582 477 81:96 5 5 100:00 221260 197255 89:15
2013 Male 92692 83605 90:20 20802 18533 89:09 285 214 75:07 5 5 100:00 113784 102357 89:96
Female 97212 86184 88:66 9967 8451 84:79 297 263 88:88 0 0 0 107476 94898 88:30

Total 189904 169789 89:41 30769 26984 87:70 582 477 80:96 5 5 100 221260 797255 89:15
Education 463

12:31 Result Statistics for HSC Examination by Sex under Board of

Intermediate & Secondary Education, Dhaka
Year Sex Science Humanities Business Studies Overall (Sc:,Hum:,B: Stud:)
Total Pass % Total Pass % Total Pass % Total Pass %
Student Student Student Student
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

24409 17893 73:30 31153 18630 59:80 46509 36955 79:46 102071 73478 71:99
14772 11528 78:04 49144 31035 63:15 28938 24507 84:69 92854 67070 72:23
2010 Female
39181 29421 75:09 80297 49665 61:85 75447 61462 81:46 194925 140548 72:10
27383 21060 76:91 33345 21731 65:17 49041 41444 84:51 109769 84235 76:74
16586 13622 82:13 5067 34046 68:00 31690 28124 88:75 98343 75792 77:07
2011 Female
43969 34682 78:88 83412 55777 66:87 80731 69568 86:17 208112 160027 76:89
29353 24230 82:55 37915 27274 71:93 53546 46851 87:50 120814 98355 81:41
18493 16144 87:30 58254 43754 75:11 36594 33327 91:07 113341 93225 8225
47846 40374 84:38 96169 71028 73:86 90140 80178 88:95 234155 191580 81:82

2013 30216 22877 75:71 42415 26436 62:33 60846 49231 80:91 133477 98544 73:83
19726 15456 78:35 66488 43682 65:70 43735 37363 85:43 129949 96501 74:26
49942 38333 76:76 108903 70118 64:39 104581 86594 82:80 263426 195045 74:04
2014 Male 49106 47426 96:58 35536 31607 88:94 87245 82690 94:78 171887 161723 94:09
Female 35972 34786 9670 66683 60204 90:28 69094 66106 95:68 171749 161096 93:80
Total 85078 82212 96:63 102219 91811 89:82 156339 148796 95:18 343636 322819 93:94
2015 Male 31938 27393 85.77 50480 26109 51.72 57089 40527 70.99 139507 94029 67.40
Female 20995 18618 88.68 70708 39444 55.78 42936 34762 80.96 134639 92824 68.94
Total 52933 46011 86.92 121188 65553 54.09 100025 75289 75.27 274146 286853 68.16
2016 Male 40282 36138 89.71 65435 40588 62.03 67120 47780 71.19 172837 124506 72.04
Female 27447 25053 91.28 88337 60270 68.23 48398 37977 78.47 164182 123300 75.10
Total 67729 61191 90.35 153772 100858 65.59 115518 85757 74.24 337019 247806 73.53
2017 Male 46008 40288 87.57 64890 33958 52.33 60778 42762 70.36 171676 117008 68.16
Female 32984 29511 89.47 85042 50893 59.84 44036 35329 80.23 162062 115733 71.41
Total 78992 69799 88.36 149932 84851 56.59 104814 78091 74.50 333738 232741 69.74
2018 Male 51371 41569 80.92 75041 37221 49.60 60430 36609 65.55 186842 118399 63.37
Female 39384 32685 82.99 98570 58656 59.51 44964 34772 77.33 182918 126113 68.95
Total 90755 74254 81.82 173611 95877 55.23 105394 74381 70.57 369760 244512 66.13
Source: Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Dhaka (Computer Section
464 Education

12:32 Result Statistics for HSC Examination by Sex Under Board of

Intermediate & Secondary Education, Rajshahi
Science Humanities Business Studies Overall
Year Sex Total Pass % Total Pass % Total Pass % Total Pass %
Student Student Student Student
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
2013 Female 9137 6945 76:01 32342 25812 79:81 7485 6767 90:41 48964 39524 80:72
Total 22752 16688 73:35 58065 44047 75:86 14255 20896 86:15 105072 81631 77:69
Male 26456 25935 98:03 26595 25054 94:21 10543 10179 96:55 63594 61168 96:19
2014 Female 17690 17421 98:48 35046 33432 95:39 5838 5672 97:16 58574 56525 96:50
Total 44146 43356 98:21 61641 58486 94:88 16381 15851 96:76 122168 117693 96:34
2015 Male 14685 10161 69.19 26730 19505 72.97 15351 12847 83.69 56766 42513 74.89
Female 9724 7107 73.09 31162 25218 80.93 7230 6492 89.79 48116 38817 80.67
Total 24409 17268 70.74 57892 44723 77.25 22581 19339 85.64 104882 81330 77.54
2016 Male 18163 13111 72.19 30219 21335 70.60 15324 11872 77.47 63706 46318 72.71
Female 12127 9192 75.80 32602 25448 78.06 7345 6343 86.36 52074 40983 78.70
Total 30290 22303 73.63 62821 46783 74.47 22669 18215 80.35 115780 87301 75.40
2017 Male 19511 16445 84.29 33260 18841 56.65 14291 9954 69.65 67062 45240 67.46
Female 13857 12304 88.79 34250 23799 69.49 6667 5529 82.93 54774 41632 76.01
Total 33368 28749 86.16 67510 42640 63.16 20958 15483 73.88 121836 86872 71.30
2018 Male 19544 15046 76.99 42172 22698 53.82 14513 9062 62.44 76229 46806 61.40
Female 14682 12027 81.92 41824 28715 68.66 6595 5126 77.73 63101 45868 72.69
Total 34223 27073 79.10 83996 51413 61.21 21108 14188 67.22 139330 92674 66.51
Total 24409 17268 70.74 57892 44723 77.25 22581 19339 85.64 104882 81330 77.54
2019 Male 20987 17205 81.98 44901 30124 67.09 14934 11120 74.46 80822 58449 72.32
Female 16268 14006 86.10 44748 35302 78.89 6834 5793 84.77 67850 55101 81.21
Total 37255 31211 83.78 89649 65426 72.98 21768 16913 77.70 148672 113550 76.38
2020 Male
2021 Male 45405 41869 92.21 55368 53306 96.28 8057 7174 89.04 108830 102349 94.04
Female 35706 33391 93.52 58233 56374 96.81 3545 3292 92.86 97484 93057 95.46
Total 81111 75260 92.79 113601 109680 96.55 11602 10466 90.21 206314 195406 94.71
Source: Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Dhaka (Computer Section)
Education 465

12:33 Result Statistics for HSC Examination by Sex Under Board of

Intermediate & Secondary Education, Cumilla
Year Sex Science Humanities Business Studies Overall
Total Pass % Total Pass % Total Pass % Total Pass %
Student Student Student Student
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
2013 Male 7358 5307 72:13 9545 5131 53:76 26792 17213 64:25 43695 27651 63:28
Female 5150 3867 75:09 21281 10650 50:04 18568 12191 64:82 44999 26708 59:35
Total 12508 9174 73:68 30826 15781 51:19 45360 29404 64:82 88694 54359 61:29
2014 Male 16486 15710 95:29 7015 5820 82:97 42352 39070 92:25 65853 60600 92:02
Female 12667 11913 94:05 27193 22300 82:01 38708 35055 90:56 78568 69268 88:16
Total 29153 27623 94:75 34208 28120 82:20 81060 74125 91:44 144421 129868 89:92
2015 Male 8350 6165 73.83 13925 6967 50.03 26209 15623 59.61 48484 28755 59.31
Female 5772 4414 76.47 26758 13941 52.10 18952 12668 66.84 51482 31023 60.26
Total 14122 10579 74.91 40683 20908 51.39 45161 28291 62.64 99966 59778 59.80
2016 Male 10268 8037 78.27 15691 8272 52.72 27162 17687 65.12 53121 33996 64.00
Female 7531 6213 82.50 28809 16097 55.87 18192 13589 71.85 55252 35899 64.49
Total 17799 14250 80.06 44500 24369 54.76 46074 31276 67.88 108373 69895 64.49
2017 Male 11218 8068 71.92 14884 5486 36.86 21902 10238 46.74 48004 23792 49.56
Female 8946 6595 73.72 27509 10786 39.21 15913 8531 53.61 52368 25912 49.48
Total 20164 14663 72.72 42393 16272 38.38 37815 18769 49.63 100372 49704 49.52
2018 Male 11834 9747 82.36 14902 7618 51.12 21095 13003 61.64 47831 30368 63.49
Female 10653 8929 83.82 28856 17155 59.45 16326 11368 69.63 55835 37452 67.08
Total 22487 18676 83.05 43758 24773 56.61 37421 24371 65.13 103666 67820 65.42
2019 Male 11673 10319 88.40 14042 9845 70.11 17507 13168 75.22 43222 33332 77.12
Female 10558 9386 88.90 26456 19457 73.54 14124 11183 79.18 51138 40026 78.27
Total 22231 19705 88.64 40498 29302 72.35 31631 24351 76.98 94360 73358 77.74
2020 Male
2021 Male 12718 12339 97.02 19052 18530 97026 19845 19196 96.73 51615 50065 97.00
Female 12256 11914 97.21 35366 34832 98.49 15322 14869 97.04 62944 61615 97.89
Total 24974 24253 97.11 54418 53362 98.06 35167 34065 96.87 114559 111680 97.49
Source: Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Dhaka (Computer Section)
466 Education

12:34 Result Statistics for HSC Examination by Sex under Board of

Intermediate & Secondary Education, Jashore
Year Sex Science Humanities Business Studies Overall (Sc:,Hum:,B: Stud:)
Total Pass % Total Pass % Total Pass % Total Pass %
Student Student Student Student
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
2013 Male 8043 5803 72:15 31027 18855 60:77 17356 13208 76:10 56426 37866 67:11
Female 4796 3540 73:81 37864 24097 62:35 10908 8737 80:10 53568 36374 67:90
Total 12839 9343 72:77 68891 42952 62:35 28264 21945 80:10 109994 74240 67:49
2014 Male 14162 13597 96:01 28225 24936 88:35 23570 22439 95:20 65957 60972 92:44
Female 8987 8614 95:85 37047 32959 88:97 17192 16552 96:28 63226 58125 91:93
Total 23149 22211 95:95 65272 57895 88:70 40762 38991 65:66 129183 119097 92:19
2015 Male 8566 5850 68.29 34540 12010 34.77 16713 9190 54.99 59819 27050 45.22
Female 5144 3580 69.60 38145 15248 39.97 11173 7209 64.52 54462 26037 47.81
Total 13710 9430 68.78 72685 27258 37.50 27886 16399 58.81 114281 53087 46.45
2016 Male 10676 9111 85.34 40484 32290 79.76 18173 15224 83.77 69333 56625 81.67
Female 6615 5738 86.74 42575 35868 84.25 12049 10698 88.79 61239 56625 81.67
Total 17291 14849 85.88 83059 68158 82.06 30222 25922 85.77 130572 108929 83.42
2017 Male 10055 8004 79.60 28598 16761 58.61 12138 9043 74.50 50791 33808 66.56
Female 6441 5307 82.39 29639 20470 69.06 8821 7417 84.08 44901 33194 73.93
Total 16496 13311 80.69 58237 37231 63.93 20959 16460 78.53 95692 67002 70.02
2018 Male 11234 9023 80.32 33352 14771 44.29 12234 7858 64.23 56820 31652 55.71
Female 8070 6595 8172 35546 20957 58.96 9256 7054 76.21 52872 34606 65.45
Total 19304 15618 80.91 68898 35728 51.86 21490 14912 69.39 109692 66258 60.40
2019 Male 12099 10283 84.99 39869 26671 66.90 13252 10488 79.14 65220 47442 72.74
Female 9047 7817 86.40 42534 32164 75.62 9428 8072 85.62 61009 48053 78.76
Total 21146 18100 85.60 82403 58835 71.40 22680 18560 81.83 126229 95495 75.65
2020 Male
2021 Male 10581 9990 94.41 45022 44537 98.92 10103 9579 94.81 65705 64106 97.57
Female 8389 8031 95.73 46963 46693 99.43 7105 6911 97.27 62457 61635 98.68
Total 18970 18021 95.00 91985 91230 99.18 17208 16490 95.83 128163 125741 98.11
Source: Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Dhaka (Computer Section)
Education 467

12:35 Result Statistics for HSC Examination by Sex under Board of

Intermediate & Secondary Education, Chattogram
Year Sex Science Humanities Business Studies Overall12:
Total Pass % Total Pass % Total Pass % Total Pass %
Student Student Student Student
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
2013 Male 6427 4273 66:49 7529 4040 53:66 17943 11225 62:56 31899 19538 61:25
Female 3949 2843 71:99 13155 7294 55:45 14683 9311 63:41 31787 19448 61:18
Total 10376 7116 68:58 20684 11334 54:80 32626 20536 32:94 63686 38986 61:22
2014 Male 9945 9355 94:07 6892 5930 86:04 26064 24327 93:34 42901 39612 92:33
Female 7468 6991 93:61 15800 13583 85:97 25678 23760 92:53 48946 44334 90:58

Total 17413 16346 93:87 22692 19513 85:99 51742 48087 92:94 91847 83946 91:40
2015 Male 7478 5366 71.76 10698 5258 49.15 21341 13801 64.67 39517 24425 61.81
Female 5014 3862 77.02 18091 9806 54.20 18085 13150 72.71 41190 26818 65.11
Total 12492 9228 73.87 28789 15064 52.33 39426 26951 68.36 80707 51243 63.49
2016 Male 8671 6468 74.59 12748 6273 49.21 21664 14688 67.80 43083 27429 63.67
Female 6023 4797 79.64 19901 10581 53.17 17709 13209 74.59 43633 28587 65.52
Total 14694 11265 76.66 32649 16854 51.62 39373 27897 70.85 86716 56016 64.60
2017 Male 10032 7593 75.69 12614 5601 44.40 18857 11522 61.10 41503 24716 59.55
Female 7134 5684 79.67 18582 9214 49.59 15195 10733 70.64 40911 25631 62.65
Total 17166 13277 77.34 31196 14815 47.49 34052 22255 65.36 82414 50347 61.09
2018 Male 11585 8213 70.89 14936 6882 46.08 21107 13231 62.69 47628 28326 59.47
Female 8914 6773 75.98 22840 12646 55.37 17476 13010 74.44 49230 32429 65.87
Total 20499 14986 73.11 37776 19528 51.69 38583 26241 68.01 96858 60755 62.73
2019 Male 12630 9873 78.17 15280 6687 43.76 21080 12449 59.06 48990 29009 59.21
Female 9971 8228 82.52 22293 11593 52.00 17672 12693 71.83 49936 32514 65.11
Total 22601 18101 80.09 37573 18280 48.65 38752 25142 64.88 98926 61523 62.19
2020 Male
2021 Male 10905 9929 91.05 18402 15791 85.81 19999 17120 85.60 49306 42840 86.89
Female 9287 8688 93.55 24931 22672 90.94 16105 14862 92.28 50323 46222 91.85
Total 20192 18617 92.20 43333 38463 88.76 36104 31982 88.58 99629 89062 89.39
Source: Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Dhaka (Computer Section)
468 Education

12:36 Result Statistics for HSC Examination by Sex under Board of

Intermediate & Secondary Education, Barishal
Year Science Humanities Business Studies Overall
Sex Total Pass % Total Pass % Total Pass % Total Pass %
Student Student Student Student
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
2013 Male 3531 2372 66:61 11223 7109 63:34 11212 8860 79:02 25996 18341 70:55
Female 2608 1873 71:82 17051 11822 69:33 6518 5367 82:34 26177 19062 72:82
Total 3169 4245 68:81 28274 18931 66:96 17730 14227 80:24 52173 37403 71:69
2014 Male 8386 7672 91:49 10335 8953 86:63 16302 15236 93:46 35023 31861 90:97
Female 5876 5416 92:17 17502 15169 86:67 11691 11097 94:92 35369 31682 90:34
Total 14262 13088 91:77 27837 24122 86:65 27993 26333 94:07 70092 63543 90::66
2015 Male 4137 3057 73.89 12853 7692 59.85 11315 8229 72.73 28305 18978 67.05
Female 3117 2401 77.03 16968 11656 68.69 7414 6062 81.76 27499 20119 73.16
Total 7254 5458 75.24 29821 19348 64.88 18729 14291 76.30 55804 39.97 70.06
2016 Male 5401 4387 81.23 14030 8089 57.66 12750 9431 73.97 32181 21907 68.07
Female 4041 3354 83.00 17303 11302 65.32 8013 6594 82.29 29357 21250 72.38
Total 9442 7741 81.98 31333 19391 61.89 20763 16025 77.18 61538 43157 70.13
2017 Male 6231 5016 80.50 14186 8309 58.57 10922 7786 71.29 31339 21111 67.36
Female 4940 4123 83.46 17374 11804 67.94 6833 5469 80.04 29147 21396 73.41
Total 11171 9139 81.81 31560 20113 63.73 17755 13255 74.66 60486 42507 70.28
2018 Male 6659 4821 72.40 14997 8815 58.78 10161 7155 70.42 31817 20791 65.35
Female 5880 4661 79.27 18044 13151 72.88 6432 5258 81.75 30356 23070 76.00
Total 12539 9482 75.62 33041 21966 66.48 16593 12413 74.81 62173 43861 70.55
2019 Male 7495 5967 79.61 15229 8981 58.97 9508 6310 66.37 32232 21258 65.95
Female 6690 5653 84.50 18456 13102 70.99 6160 4874 79.12 31306 23629 75.48
2020 Male
2021 Male 6661 6029 90.51 18470 17839 96.58 6926 6421 92.71 32057 30289 94.48
Female 6315 5864 92.86 23815 23443 98.44 4609 4368 94.77 34739 33675 96.94
Total 12976 11893 91.65 42285 41282 97.63 11535 10789 93.53 66796 63964 95.76
Source: Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Dhaka (Computer Section)
Education 469

12:37 Result Statistics for HSC Examination by Sex Under Board of

Intermediate & Secondary Education, Sylhet
Year Science Humanities Business Studies Overall
Sex Total Pass % Total Pass % Total Pass % Total Pass %
Student Student Student Student
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
2013 Male 3506 2674 76:27 10818 8258 76:34 5790 5114 88:32 20114 16046 79:78
Female 2576 1965 76:28 17163 13279 77:37 3127 2719 86:95 22866 17963 78:56
Total 6082 4639 76:27 27981 21537 76:97 8917 7833 87:84 42980 34009 79:13
2014 Male 6921 6351 91:76 18937 16991 89:72 4316 4057 94:00 30174 27399 90:80
Female 5721 5234 91:49 29297 25419 86:76 2893 2698 93:26 37911 33351 87:97
Total 12642 11585 91:64 48234 42410 87:93 7209 6755 93:70 68085 60750 89:23
2014 Male 8144 7749 95.15 19517 15022 76.97 4752 4195 88.28 32413 26966 83.20
Female 7056 6709 95.08 29286 22291 76.11 3269 2966 90.73 39611 31966 80.70
Total 15200 14458 95.12 48803 37313 76.46 8021 7161 89.28 72024 58932 81.82
2015 Male 3956 3538 89.43 15854 10779 67.99 6847 5404 78.93 26657 19721 73.98
Female 3127 2748 87.88 23491 17014 72.43 4427 3545 80.08 31045 23307 75.07
Total 7083 6283 88.75 39345 27793 70.64 11274 8949 79.38 57702 43028 74.57
2016 Male 4678 4093 87.49 17534 11054 63.04 7341 5632 76.72 29553 20779 70.31
Female 3890 3381 86.92 25614 15960 62.31 4902 3750 76.50 34406 23091 67.11
Total 8568 7474 87.23 43148 27014 62.61 12243 9382 76.63 63959 43870 68.59
2017 Male 5561 4740 85.24 17665 11208 63.45 6652 5082 76.40 29878 21030 70.39
Female 4917 4006 81.47 25619 18148 70.84 4586 3613 78.78 35122 25767 73.36
Total 10478 8746 83.47 43284 29356 67.82 11238 8695 77.37 65000 46797 72.00
2018 Male 6299 5187 82.35 19540 9555 48.90 6722 4444 66.11 32561 19186 58.92
Female 5846 4913 84.04 27574 16448 59.65 5061 3580 70.74 38481 24941 64.81
Total 12145 10100 83.16 47114 26003 55.19 11783 8024 68.10 71042 44127 62.11
2019 Male 6530 5799 88.81 21296 11895 55.57 6823 4856 71.17 34649 22490 64.91
Female 6065 5386 88.80 30336 19324 63.70 5201 3924 75.45 41602 28634 68.83
Total 12595 11185 88.81 51632 31159 60.35 12024 8780 73.02 76251 51124 67.05
2020 Male - - - - - - - - - - - -
Female - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total - - - - - - - - - - - -
2021 Male 6230 5814 93.32 18955 17978 94.85 5031 4514 89.72 30216 28306 93.68
Female 6722 6228 92.65 25481 24739 97.09 4242 3920 92.41 36445 34887 95.73
Total 12952 12042 92.97 44436 42717 96.13 9273 8434 90.95 66661 63193 94.80
Source: Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Dhaka (Computer Section)
470 Education

12:38 Result Statistics for HSC Examination by Sex Under Board of

Intermediate & Secondary Education, Dinajpur
Year Science Humanities Business Studies Overall
Sex Total Pass % Total Pass % Total Pass % Total Pass %
Student Student Student Student
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
2013 Male 10899 6460 59:27 21277 14592 68:58 12022 9755 81:14 44198 30807 69:70
Female 6970 4479 64:26 32542 24212 74:40 4734 44126 82:84 44246 32817 74:17
Total 17869 10939 61:22 63819 38804 72:10 16756 13881 76:30 88444 63624 71:94
2014 Male 28275 27241 96:34 26992 24304 90:04 5242 497 91:51 60509 56342 93:11
Female 18000 17562 97:57 37528 34273 91:33 2401 2281 95:00 57929 54116 93:42
Total 46275 44803 96:82 64520 58577 90:79 7643 7078 92:61 118438 110458 93:26
2015 Male 11888 7941 66.80 23891 15563 65.14 10741 8318 77.44 46520 31822 68.40
Female 7368 5263 71.43 30594 21785 71.21 4506 3801 84.35 42468 30849 72.64
Total 19256 13204 68.57 54485 37348 68.55 15247 12119 79.48 88988 62671 70.43
2016 Male 15273 11530 75.49 27684 17986 64.97 11423 7640 66.88 54380 37156 68.33
Female 9765 7873 80.62 33894 24123 71.17 5057 3677 72.71 48716 35673 73.23
Total 25038 19403 77.49 61578 42109 68.38 16480 11317 68.67 103096 72829 70.64
2017 Male 15903 11877 74.68 29063 16315 56.14 10761 6810 63.28 55727 35002 62.81
Female 10614 8659 81.58 34054 21700 63.72 5005 3611 72.15 49673 33970 68.39
Total 26517 20536 77.44 63117 38015 60.23 15766 10421 66.10 105400 68972 65.44
2018 Male 16022 10911 68.10 34951 17778 50.87 11072 6195 55.95 62045 34884 56.22
Female 10926 7978 73.02 41086 25478 62.01 5450 3611 66.26 57462 37067 64.51
Total 26948 18889 70.09 76037 43256 56.89 16522 9806 59.35 119507 71951 60.21
2019 Male 16384 12911 78.80 37067 23844 64.33 10506 6973 66.37 63957 43728 68.37
Female 11870 9864 83.10 43368 31981 73.74 5120 3660 71.48 60358 45505 75.39
Total 28254 22775 80.61 80435 55825 69.40 15626 10633 68.05 124315 89233 71.78
2020 Male - - - - - - - - - - - -
Female - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total - - - - - - - - - - - -
2021 Male 14006 12262 87.55 34055 32057 94.13 8196 6726 82.06 56257 51045 90.74
Female 10596 9452 89.20 41607 40233 96.70 4584 3754 81.89 56787 53439 94.10
Total 24602 21714 88.26 75662 72290 95.54 12780 10480 82.00 113044 104484 92.43
Source: Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Dhaka (Computer Section)
Education 471

12:39 Result Statistics for Alim Examination by Sex Under Bangladesh

Madrasha Education Board, Dhaka
Year General Science Muzabbid (Mahir) Muzabbid (Mahir, Partial) Overall
Sex Total Pass % Total Pass % Total Pass % Total Pass % Total Pass %
Student Student Student Student Student
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Male 46016 42410 92:16 4378 4072 93:01 83 59 71:08 85 58 100:00 50562 46599 92:16
2013 Female 35428 31985 90:28 1443 1366 94:66 50 43 86:00 18 18 100:00 36939 33412 90:45
Total 81444 74395 91:34 5821 5438 9342 133 102 76:69 76 76 100:00 87474 80011 91:47

Male 58184 53895 94.05 5548 5290 96.27 112 85 75.89 - - - 63965 59374 94.22
2014 Female 41631 38337 93.76 1873 1802 97.14 56 51 91.07 - - - 43595 40223 93.91
Total 99815 92232 93.93 7421 7092 96.49 168 136 80.95 - - - 107560 99597 94.09

Male 43492 38276 89.90 4186 3921 94.76 122 85 69.67 - - - 48051 42513 90.32
2015 Female 34720 30453 89.87 1485 1397 94.84 47 35 74.47 - - - 36337 31966 90.07
Total 78212 68729 89.89 5671 5318 94.78 169 120 71.01 - - - 84388 74479 90.21
2016 Male 47392 40977 88.24 5107 4663 92.06 115 82 71.30 - - - 52614 45722 88.58
Female 37037 31633 87.66 1867 1680 90.91 52 43 82.69 - - - 38956 33356 87.81
Total 84429 72610 87.99 6974 6343 91.75 167 125 74.85 - - - 91570 79078 88.25
2017 Male 52289 39041 76.44 5205 4539 88.07 175 100 57.14 - - - 57669 43680 77.44
Female 39619 29262 76.21 1964 1684 87.03 68 42 61.76 - - - 41651 30988 76.70
Total 91908 68303 76.34 7169 6223 87.78 243 142 58.44 - - - 99320 74668 77.13

Male 50995 38664 77.58 4556 3975 88.59 449 281 62.58 - - - 56000 42920 78.36
2018 Female 41826 32025 78.63 2113 1893 90.44 197 114 57.87 - - - 44136 34032 79.11
Total 92821 70689 78.05 6669 5868 89.18 646 395 61.15 - - - 100136 76952 78.69

Male 44432 37956 87.73 4274 3939 93.45 524 360 68.70 - - - 49230 42255 88.02
2019 Female 36902 31872 89.11 2175 2007 94.09 232 162 69.83 - - - 39309 34041 89.27
Total 81334 69828 88.35 6449 5946 93.67 756 522 69.05 - - - 88539 76296 88.57

Male 43305 43305 100.00 4323 4323 100.00 644 644 100.00 - - - 48272 48272 100.00
2020 Female 37505 37505 100.00 2223 2223 100.00 341 341 100.00 - - - 40069 40069 100.00
Total 80810 80810 100.00 6546 6546 100.00 985 985 100.00 - - - 88341 88341 100.00

Male 56244 50228 94.30 4975 4726 97.93 541 481 95.25 - - - 61760 55435 94.60
2021 Female 48179 43296 96.51 2948 2799 98.07 280 250 94.70 - - - 51407 46345 96.59
Total 104423 93524 95.31 7923 7525 97.98 821 731 95.06 - - - 113167 101780 95.50
Source: BANBEIS, 2013
472 Education

12:40 Results of Madrasah for Fazil and Kamil Public Examination

Year Fazil Examination Kamil Examination
Appeared Passed % of Pass Appeared Passed % of Pass
1994 15743 10633 67:54 8583 7317 85:25
1995 13256 9341 70:46 8070 6896 85:45
1996 15918 11250 70:67 10094 8401 83:23
1997 17949 13344 74:34 9770 8345 85:41
1998 21388 16803 78:56 10250 8793 85:79
1999 20330 15761 75:30 10276 9111 85:78
2000 22264 13302 55:45 12809 11293 80:71
2001 23904 9874 41:31 9380 7747 8:60
2002 24435 8640 35:3:6 9019 6998 77:59
2003 20183 9829 48:70 6992 5950 85:10
2004 17521 9289 53:02 6898 5874 85:16
2005 19561 13152 67:24 7717 7010 90:84
2006 19243 14456 78:51 8384 7538 94:64
2008 3459 2801 80:98 706 690 97:73
2009 17267 16439 95:20 9568 9241 96:58
2010 22945 21762 94:84 12254 12118 98:89
2018 2153 2094 97.26

12:41 School Attendance Rates of Population

5-24 Years by Sex and Residence, 2011
Total 5-9 years 10-14 years 15-19 years 20-24 years
Residence Both Sex Number % Number % Numbe % Numbe %
r r
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Bangladesh Both Sex 60981523 53 18173229 64 16646615 81 12861890 43 13299789 11
Male 30224265 55 9322514 63 8614889 78 6509492 45 5777370 16
Female 30757258 51 8850715 64 8031726 84 6352398 41 7522419 7

Rural Both Sex 46683735 52 14653149 63 13036749 82 9444802 42 9549035 7

Male 23006028 54 7511728 62 6746461 79 4773561 43 3974278 12
Female 23677707 51 7141421 64 6290288 85 4671241 40 5574757 4

Urban Both Sex 14297788 53 3520080 68 3609866 79 3417088 47 3750754 20

Male 7218237 56 1810786 68 1868428 78 1735931 49 1803092 26
Female 7079551 51 1709294 68 1741438 80 1681157 45 1947662 15
Bangladesh Both Sex - - 8814 4860 9983 6290 4579 3791 1429 12:84
Male - - 4236 4841 5140 6127 2557 4038 852 19:35
Female - - 388 4880 4843 6472 2022 3519 477 7:68

Rural Both Sex - - 6454 4790 7695 6297 3260 3695 810 10:29
Male - - 3366 4766 3953 6090 1840 3979 556 16:80
Female - - 3088 4816 3742 6530 1420 3383 254 5:57

Urban Both Sex - - 1660 5153 2288 6267 1319 4052 618 18:99
Male - - 870 5158 1187 6253 717 4199 395 24:62
Female - - 790 5148 1101 6283 602 3889 223 13:52
Bangladesh Both Sex - - 7212 4:10 7004 5:42 2536 28:4 871 9:9
Male - - 3837 4:23 4862 5:60 1628 35:8 679 16:6
Female - - 3375 4:00 3142 5:23 907 20:7 192 4:1

Rural Both Sex - - 5734 3:92 5362 5:21 1770 25:5 520 7:8
Male - - 3062 4:06 291 5:40 1187 33:8 428 14:4
Female - - 2672 2:77 2371 4:98 583 17:0 92 2:5

Urban Both Sex - - 1478 4:99 1642 6:28 766 38:2 351 16:3
Male - - 775 5:08 871 6:40 441 42:5 251 22:5
Female - - 703 4:89 771 6:14 325 33:6 100 9:7
Source : Population & Housing Census, 2001 & 2011, BBS
Education 473

12:42 Literacy Rate for Persons Aged 7 Years and Above by Sex
and Zila 2001 & 2011
Sl: Name of Zila 2001 2011
No: Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female
BANGLADESH 46:15 50:27 41:80 51:77 54:11 49:44
1: Barguna 55:29 57:70 52:83 57:64 59:23 56:12
2: Barishal 56:99 59:01 54:92 61:24 61:88 60:63
3: Bhola 36:89 39:50 34:09 43:24 43:59 42:91
4: Jhalakathi 65:35 67:38 63:35 66:68 67:59 65:84
5: Patuakhali 51:65 55:54 47:73 54:07 56:24 52:01
6: Pirojpur 64:31 65:58 63:02 64:85 65:04 64:68
7: Bandarban 31:67 38:24 23:67 35:86 40:29 30:93
8: Brahmanbaria 39:46 42:26 36:69 45:29 45:74 44:88
9: Chandpur 50:29 51:91 48:74 56:78 56:14 57:34
10: Chattogram 55:55 59:79 50:83 58:91 61:13 56:66
11: Cumilla 45:99 49:37 42:64 53:32 54:08 52:65
12: Cox's Bazar 30:18 34:01 26:00 39:29 40:32 38:22
13: Feni 54:27 57:47 51:19 59:63 61:10 58:28
14: Habiganj 37:72 41:76 33:62 40:53 42:22 38:94
15: Khagrachhari 41:81 49:94 32:65 46:11 51:88 40:07
16: Lakshmipur 42:94 44:25 41:66 49:40 48:94 49:81
17: Maulvibazar 42:06 45:59 38:45 51:10 52:74 49:53
18: Noakhali 51:67 53:51 49:90 51:29 51:44 51:16
19: Rangamati 43:60 51:47 34:21 49:73 56:42 42:26
20: Sunamganj 34:37 38:07 30:47 34:98 36:86 33:12
21: Sylhet 45:59 49:43 41:55 51:18 53:48 48:87
22: Dhaka 64:79 69:58 58:74 70:54 73:56 66:86
23: Faridpur 40:85 44:64 36:96 48:96 50:29 47:69
24: Gazipur 56:40 60:47 51:90 62:6 65:96 58:92
25: Gopalganj 51:37 55:23 47:44 58:09 60:30 55:98
26: Jamalpur 31:80 35:44 28:02 38:44 41:14 35:86
27: Kishoreganj 38:27 41:35 35:11 40:87 41:51 40:25
28: Madaripur 42:14 46:87 37:29 47:97 50:11 45:93
29: Manikganj 41:02 46:03 35:98 49:2 52:59 46:05
30: Munshiganj 51:62 54:1 49:07 56:09 56:44 55:74
31: Mymensingh 39:11 41:86 36:26 43:49 44:86 42:16
32: Narayanganj 51:75 55:93 46:90 57:10 59:48 54:56
33: Narsingdi 42:91 46:14 39:50 49:6 50:56 48:66
34: Netrokona 34:94 37:88 31:88 39:44 40:88 38:03
35: Rajbari 39:81 43:66 35:75 52:28 53:98 50:63
36: Shariatpur 38:95 42:17 35:77 47:26 47:96 46:62
37: Sherpur 31:89 35:04 28:55 37:91 40:17 35:70
38: Tangail 40:46 44.94 35.88 46.79 50.01 43.77
39. Bagerhat 58.73 60.82 56.49 58.98 59.97 57.99
40. Chuadanga 40.88 43.52 38.08 45.91 46.88 44.93
41. Jashore 51.29 56.15 46.09 56.52 59.38 53.65
42. Jhenaidah 44.66 48.78 40.26 45.91 46.88 44.93
43. Khulna 57.81 63.26 51.83 60.14 64.32 55.85
44. Kushtia 40.37 43.40 37.19 46.33 47.88 44.79
45. Magura 44.71 49.16 40.10 50.64 52.87 48.48
46. Meherpur 37.80 39.89 35.60 46.27 46.87 45.69
47. Narail 48.56 52.38 44.69 61.27 63.34 59.31
48. Satkhaira 45.52 51.84 38.91 52.07 56.11 48.15
49. Bogura 42.89 47.99 37.53 49.38 52.86 45.89
50. Dinajpur 45.67 51.02 39.99 52.42 55.68 49.12
51. Gaibandha 35.73 40.87 30.51 42.81 46.29 39.50
52. Joypurhat 49.62 55.01 43.95 57.48 61.39 53.55
53. Kurigram 33.45 39.42 27.55 42.52 46.49 38.80
54. Lalmonirhat 42.33 48.19 36.25 46.09 49.30 42.89
55. Naogaon 44.39 49.42 39.12 48.22 51.29 45.17
56. Natore 41.55 45.45 37.41 49.59 51.90 47.29
57. Nawabganj 35.92 37.37 34.44 42.94 41.55 44.27
58. Nilphamari 38.84 44.73 32.58 44.37 47.59 41.13
59. Pabna 42.44 45.18 39.50 46.72 47.83 45.61
60. Panchagarh 43.89 50.12 37.33 51.77 55.21 48.32
61. Rajshahi 47.54 52.27 42.48 52.98 55.84 50.09
62. Rangpur 41.91 46.50 37.06 48.55 51.25 45.86
63. Sirajganj 40.59 45.46 35.36 52.98 55.84 50.09
64. Thakurgaon 41.82 48.44 34.77 48.71 52.97 44.40
Source : Population & Housing Census- 2011, BBS
474 Education

12.43 Literacy Rate of Population 7 Years and Over

Year Both Sex National Rural Urban

2002 Both Sex 48.80 45.30 63.10

Male 52.80 49.30 67.30
Female 44.50 41.00 58.80

2003 Both Sex 49.10 45.70 63.20

Male 53.10 49.70 67.40
Female 50.00 41.40 58.90
2004 Both Sex 49.90 46.60 64.20
Male 53.70 50.20 68.10
Female 46.20 42.90 60.20
2005 Both Sex 52.10 48.30 63.50
Male 55.40 51.60 67.00
Female 48.80 45.00 60.00
2006 Both Sex 52.50 48.70 64.00
Male 55.80 51.90 67.50
Female 49.10 45.30 60.50
2007 Both Sex 56.06 52.19 67.78
Male 59.41 55.53 71.06
Female 52.69 48.67 64.52
2008 Both Sex 57.68 51.49 68.63
Male 60.76 54.54 71.80
Female 54.56 48.41 65.44
2009 Both Sex 56.70 52.70 68.80
Male 59.60 55.70 71.90
Female 53.80 49.70 65.40
2010 Both Sex 56.80 52.80 69.00
Male 59.80 55.80 72.10
Female 53.90 49.90 66.00

2011 Both Sex 51.77 47.16 66.40

Male 54.11 49.01 69.30
Female 49.44 45.38 63.22
2012 Both Sex 56.3 49.9 67.4
Male 59.2 52.7 70.4
Female 53.3 47.0 64.3
2013 Both Sex 57.2 53.9 68.6
Male 59.3 55.1 70.9
Female 55.1 51.9 66.2
2014 Both Sex 58.6 55.2 70.5
Male 60.7 57.2 72.6
Female 56.6 53.1 68.4
2015 Both Sex 63.6 57.2 73.3
Male 65.6 59.2 75.3
Female 61.6 55.1 71.2
2016 Both Sex 71.0 65.5 77.7
Male 73.0 67.7 79.6
Female 68.9 63.3 75.8
2017 Both Sex 72.3 66.5 79.5
Male 74.3 68.6 81.5
Female 70.2 64.4 77.5
2018 Both Sex 73.2 67.6 80.1
Male 75.2 69.7 82.0
Female 71.2 65.5 78.2
2019 Both Sex 74.4 69.1 81.0
Male 76.5 71.5 82.8
Female 72.3 66.7 79.2
2020 Both Sex 75.2 69.7 82.0
Male 77.4 72.2 83.9
Female 72.9 67.1 80.1
Source : Sample Vital Statistics 2020
Education 475

12.44 Adult literacy Rate of Population 15 Years and over

Year Both Sex National Rural Urban

2002 Both Sex 49.60 45.30 66.50

Male 55.50 51.40 72.20
Female 43.40 39.10 60.70

2003 Both Sex 50.30 46.10 67.10

Male 56.30 52.20 72.70
Female 44.20 39.90 61.20
2004 Both Sex 51.60 47.40 68.30
Male 57.20 53.00 73.80
Female 45.80 41.60 62.70
2005 Both Sex 53.50 48.80 67.10
Male 58.30 53.60 72.00
Female 48.60 43.80 62.30
2006 Both Sex 53.70 48.90 67.40
Male 58.50 53.80 72.30
Female 48.80 44.00 62.50
2007 Both Sex 58.30 53.71 71.50
Male 63.10 58.64 75.98
Female 53.53 48.79 67.09
2008 Both Sex 59.07 52.18 70.86
Male 63.40 56.55 75.19
Female 54.74 47.86 66.56
2009 Both Sex 58.40 53.80 71.50
Male 62.60 58.20 75.40
Female 54.30 49.60 67.60
2010 Both Sex 58.60 54.10 71.60
Male 62.90 58.40 75.60
Female 55.40 49.80 67.80

2011 Both Sex 53.00 47.50 69.50

Male 56.80 50.80 73.40
Female 49.20 44.40 66.10
2012 Both Sex 60.7 54.0 72.0
Male 64.8 58.0 76.1
Female 56.6 50.0 67.6
2013 Both Sex 61.0 57.0 74.1
Male 64.2 60.2 77.3
Female 57.8 53.9 70.9
2014 Both Sex 61.4 57.4 74.6
Male 54.7 60.7 77.7
Female 58.2 54.1 71.5
2015 Both Sex 64.6 57.6 74.7
Male 67.6 60.6 77.7
Female 61.6 54.6 71.8
2016 Both Sex 72.3 65.4 80.7
Male 75.2 68.4 83.3
Female 69.5 62.4 77.9
2017 Both Sex 72.9 66.1 81.1
Male 75.7 69.0 83.8
Female 70.1 63.2 78.4
2018 Both Sex 73.2 67.6 80.1
Male 75.2 69.7 82.0
Female 71.2 65.5 78.2
2019 Both Sex 74.4 69.1 81.0
Male 76.5 71.5 82.8
Female 72.3 66.7 79.2
2020 Both Sex 75.6 69.8 82.8
Male 78.2 72.4 85.4
Female 73.0 67.2 80.1
Source: SVRS 2020 BBS.
476 Education

12.45 Adult literacy Rate of Population for All Ages by Zila by Sex, 2011
Name of Zila Both sex Male Female
BANGLADESH 52.96 56.77 50.39
Barguna 58.95 61.72 61.64
Barishal 63.48 65.40 67.32
Bhola 44.01 45.65 44.67
Jhalakathi 68.76 70.96 75.91
Patuakhali 55.01 58.66 56.47
Pirojpur 67.05 68.24 70.47
Bandarban 36.15 42.31 26.26
Brahmanbaria 46.69 48.92 52.32

Chandpur 59.21 59.89 69.87

Chattogram 63.04 66.77 59.48
Cumilla 55.95 58.51 63.31
Cox's Bazar 41.23 44.07 36.78
Feni 63.64 66.85 69.55
Habiganj 41.36 44.77 41.78
Khagrachhari 47.06 55.15 37.08

Lakshmipur 52.53 53.36 51.37

Maulvibazar 52.16 55.38 52.75
Noakhali 55.77 57.57 64.76
Rangamati 50.32 59.05 36.16
Sunamganj 35.79 39.30 33.30
Sylhet 53.74 57.72 50.17
Dhaka 73.66 77.2 55.28
Faridpur 49.75 52.64 50.32
Gazipur 65.15 69.55 54.65
Gopalganj 59.46 63.24 60.39
Jamalpur 35.91 39.57 35.51

Kishoreganj 41.18 43.36 42.78

Madaripur 48.12 51.93 47.82
Manikganj 48.31 53.08 48.86
Munshiganj 57.14 58.52 57.64
Mymensingh 43.37 46.15 42.93
Narayanganj 60.05 63.70 52.24
Narsindgi 51.14 53.76 51.67
Netrokona 38.20 41.07 37.25
Rajbari 49.23 52.04 49.06

Shariatpur 47.55 49.94 51.21

Sherpur 35.81 39.23 34.38
Tangail 45.74 50.24 46.26
Bagerhat 60.70 62.82 59.46
Chuadanga 46.22 48.17 45.34
Jashore 57.06 61.32 53.66
Jhenaidah 48.18 51.37 45.80
Khulna 61.80 67.57 55.19
Kushtia 45.80 48.42 44.23

Magura 50.33 53.90 50.05

Meherpur 44.91 46.43 45.67
Narail 59.36 62.58 61.87
Satkhira 52.55 58.23 49.65
Bogura 49.07 53.94 45.36
Dinajpur 52.26 57.03 47.62
Gaibandha 40.89 45.73 40.02
Joypurhat 55.91 61.09 51.36
Kurigram 40.75 46.31 39.82

Lalmonirhat 45.26 50.21 41.76

Naogaon 48.05 52.42 45.01
Natore 48.60 52.02 46.37
Nawabganj 43.55 43.18 47.08
Nilphamari 42.82 47.83 38.53
Pabna 45.99 48.06 45.13
Panchagarh 50.53 55.68 45.78
Rajshahi 53.23 57.44 49.03
Rangpur 47.36 51.42 44.44
Sirajganj 41.62 46.14 38.35
Thakurgaon 47.09 53.95 42.05
Source : Population & Housing Census, 2011, BBS
Education 477

12.46 Number of Persons Completed Different Educational Levels and

Percentage Distribution, 2011

Both Sex Total Class Class S.S.C & Degree

(I - V) (VI - IX) H.S.C. & above
Both 82478020 40019434 26351251 12766352 3340983
Male 42792444 20416948 12536924 7416148 2422424
Female 39685576 19602486 13814327 5350204 918559
Both 59642140 31622868 19642102 7273985 1103185
Male 30417062 16070441 9167093 4317345 862183
Female 29225078 15552427 10475009 2956640 241002
Both 22835880 8396566 6709149 5492367 2237798
Male 12375382 4346507 3369831 3098803 1560241
Female 10460498 4050059 3339318 2393564 677557

Both 100 48.52 31.95 31.90 12.68
Male 100 47.71 29.30 36.32 19.32
Female 100 49.39 34.81 27.29 6.65
Both 100 53.02 32.93 23.00 5.62
Male 100 52.83 30.14 26.87 9.41
Female 100 53.22 35.84 19.01 2.30
Both 100 36.77 29.38 65.41 33.35
Male 100 35.12 27.23 71.29 46.30
Female 100 38.72 31.92 59.10 20.29
Source : Population & Housing Census, 2011, BBS
478 Education

12.47 School Attendance Rate of Population 5-24 Years by Sex

And Locality, 1991-2011
Locality/ Sex 5 - 9 Years 10 - 14 Years 15 - 19 Years 20 - 24 Years
Number % Number % Number % Number %
Both Sexes 11597906 63.82 13530383 81.28 5521695 42.93 1471631 11.07
Male 5890437 63.19 6758091 78.45 2918086 44.83 942518 16.31
Female 5707469 64.49 6772292 84.32 2603609 40.99 529113 7.03

Both Sexes 2402140 68.24 2858687 79.19 1596868 46.73 763140 20.35
Male 1232609 68.07 1458722 78.07 847169 48.80 474485 26.32
Female 1169531 68.42 1399965 80.39 749699 44.59 288655 14.82

Both Sexes 9195766 62.76 10671696 81.86 3924827 41.56 708491 7.42
Male 4657828 62.01 5299369 78.55 2070917 43.38 468033 11.78
Female 4537938 63.54 5372327 85.41 1853910 39.69 240458 4.31

Both Sexes 8336 49.69 10138 63.95 4566 38.16 1430 13.10
Male 4373 49.56 5248 62.32 2572 40.88 975 20.07
Female 3963 49.82 4890 65.80 1994 35.15 455 7.51

Both Sexes 1673 52.87 2285 63.94 1316 41.04 617 19.46
Male 882 53.09 1201 63.84 724 42.98 410 25.70
Female 791 52.63 1084 64.06 592 38.89 207 13.14

Both Sexes 6664 48.94 7853 63.96 3249 37.11 814 10.50
Male 3491 48.75 4046 67.89 1848 40.10 565 17.32
Female 3173 49.16 3807 66.32 1401 33.78 248 5.54

Both Sexes 7212 41.0 7004 54.2 2536 28.4 871 9.9
Male 3837 42.3 3862 56.0 1628 35.8 679 16.6
Female 3375 40.0 3142 52.3 907 20.7 192 4.1

Both Sexes 1478 49.9 1642 62.8 866 38.2 351 16.3
Male 775 50.8 871 64.0 441 42.5 251 22.5
Female 703 48.9 771 61.4 325 33.6 100 9.7

Both Sexes 5734 39.2 5362 52.1 1770 25.5 520 7.8
Male 3062 40.6 2991 54.0 1187 33.8 428 14.4
Female 2672 37.7 2371 49.8 583 17.0 92 2.5
Note: 2001 & 1991 Figure in thousand, 2011 Figure in number
Source : Population & Housing Census- 2011, BBS
National Report (Provisional), BBS
Education 479

12.48 Number of School, Student and Teacher by Type and Management, 2018
No. of Institution Number of Teachers Number of Students Indicator
Type of Manag- Total Girls Total Female % of Total Girls % of TSR SPI TPI
Institution ement Ins. Female Girls
Junior Private 2385 537 20623 5299 25.69 438903 252933 57.63 21 184 8.6
Secondary Total 2385 537 20623 5299 25,69 438903 252933 57.63 21 184 8.6
Secondary Private 15587 2370 177339 43048 24,27 8272420 4518715 54.62 47 531 11.4
School Public 599 172 11742 3404 28.99 585199 264135 45.14 50 977 19.6
Total 16186 2542 189081 46452 24.57 8857619 4782850 54 47 547 11.7
School & Private 1204 176 23197 7899 34.05 1010657 536026 53.04 44 839 19.3
College Public 64 10 1264 420 33.23 75645 30996 40.98 60 1182 19.8
Total 1268 186 24461 8319 34.01 1086302 567022 52.2 44 857 19.3
Government Govt. 626 0 0 0 0 92276 52576 56.98 147 00
Primary Primary
All School Private 19802 3083 221159 56246 25.43 9814256 5360250 54.62 44 496 11.2
Public 663 182 13006 3824 29.4 660844 295131 44.66 51 997 19.6
Total 20465 3265 234165 60070 25.65 10475100 5655381 53.99 45 512 11.4

12.49 Number of College, Teacher and Student by Type, Sex and

Management, 2020
Manage- No. of College No. of Teacher Enrolment Indicator
ment Total Girl Total Female Female Total Girl % Girl TPC SPC TSR
School & College Private 1324 186 17937 5093 28.39 387025 208933 53.98 14 292 22
(College Section) Public 64 8 937 231 24.65 29359 13511 46.02 15 459 31
Total 1388 194 18874 5324 28.21 416384 222444 53.42 14 300 22
Higher Secondary Private 1340 200 24256 6298 25.96 362859 191484 52.77 18 271 15
College Public 50 9 1140 426 37.37 50507 21752 43.07 23 1010 44
Total 1390 209 25396 6724 26.48 413366 213236 51.59 18 297 16
Degree (Pass) Private 902 184 33771 7895 23.38 659703 366335 55..5 37 731 20
College 3
Public 179 27 5114 1094 21.39 265079 140120 52.86 29 1481 52
Total 1081 211 38885 8989 23.12 924782 506455 54.76 36 855 24
Degree (Honors) Private 402 74 20738 5907 28.48 592394 296386 50.03 52 1474 29
Public 247 37 10478 2523 24.08 737457 370079 50.18 42 2986 70
Total 649 111 31216 8430 27.01 1329851 666465 50.12 48 2049 43
Master’s College Private 60 17 4601 1963 42.66 241519 111839 46.12 77 4042 53
Public 131 23 9669 2962 30.63 1308219 622640 47.59 74 9986 135
Total 191 40 14270 4925 34.51 1550738 734479 47.36 75 8119 109
Grand Total Private 4028 661 101303 27156 26.81 2244500 1174977 52.35 25 557 22
Public 671 104 27338 7236 26.47 2390621 116802 48.86 41 3563 87
Total 4699 765 128641 34392 26.73 4635121 2343079 50.55 27 986 36
Note: TPC=Teacher per College, SPC=Student per College, TSR=Teacher Student Ratio.
Source: BANBEIS, 2020
480 Education

12.50 Number of Madrasah, Teacher and Enrolment (Post-Primary) by Type

Gender and Management, 2020
Type of School Management No. of No. of Teacher No. of Enrolment Indicator
Madrasha Total Female %Fem Total Fem. % TSR SPI TPI
Dakhil Private 6575 66941 11375 16.99 1376501 832347 60.47 20.56 209 10
Sub Total 6575 66941 11375 16.99 1376501 832347 60.47 20.56 209 10
Alim Private 1385 20787 3512 16.90 440028 247726 56.30 21.17 318 15
Sub Total 1385 20787 3512 16.90 440028 247726 56.30 21.17 318 15
Fazil Private 1089 19187 3185 16.60 486048 246805 50.78 25.33 446 18
Sub Total 1089 19187 3185 16.60 486048 246805 50.78 25.33 446 18
Kamil Public 3 80 6 7.50 4578 524 11.45 57.23 1526 27
Private 253 5696 1012 17.77 246284 83295 33.82 43.24 973 23
Sub Total 256 5776 1018 17.62 250862 83819 33.41 43.43 980 23
Total Public 3 80 6 7.50 4578 524 11.45 57.23 1526 27
Private 9302 112611 19084 16.95 2548861 1410173 55.33 22.63 274 12
Total 9305 112691 19090 16.94 2553439 1410697 55.25 22.66 274 12
Source: BANBEIS, 2020

12.51 Number of Institution, Teacher and Enrolment in Technical & Vocational Education by
Type , Management and Gender, 2020

Type of Institute Management No. of Institu- No. of Teacher No. of Student

Tion Total Female %Female Total Girl % Girl
Public 52 2672 328 12.28 133527 20519 15.37
Pol1ytechnic Institute Private 387 9350 1743 18.64 119228 21730 18.23
Total 439 12022 2071 17.23 252755 42249 16.72
Technical School & College Public 64 1726 199 11.53 62007 7992 12.89
Private 152 2508 866 34.53 43012 14324 33.30
Total 216 4234 1065 25.15 105019 22316 21.25
Glass & Ceramic Institute Public 1 29 4 13.79 1284 48 3.74
Total 1 29 4 13.79 1284 48 3.74
Graphic Arts Institute Public 1 46 5 10.87 1463 208 14.22
Private 0
Total 1 46 5 10.87 1463 208 14.22
Survey Institute Public 2 39 8 20.51 860 52 6.05
Private 2 31 5 16.13 446 49 10.99
Total 4 70 13 18.57 1306 101 7.73
Technical Training Centre Public 68 1742 282 16.19 25923 7842 30.25
Private 98 312 74 23.72 12979 5546 42.73
Total 166 2054 356 17.33 38902 13388 34.41
Textile Institute Public 10 196 31 15.82 3704 302 8.15
Private 23 345 69 20.00 8111 739 9.11
Total 33 541 100 18.48 11815 1041 8.81
Textile Vocational Public 41 458 79 17.25 9432 2260 23.96
Private 10 88 27 30.68 1326 269 20.29
Total 51 546 106 19.41 10758 2529 23.51
Agriculture Training Institute Public 13 295 67 22.71 11525 3536 30.68
Private 170 1256 229 18.23 18919 4507 23.82
Total 183 1551 296 19.08 30444 8043 26.42
Education 481

Type of Institute Management No. of Institu- No. of Teacher No. of Student

Tion Total Female %Female Total Girl % Girl
Marine Technology Public 1 121 13 10.74 780 45 5.77
Total 1 121 13 10.74 780 45 5.77
S.S.C. Vocational Public 11 278 45 16.19 832 512 61.54
Private 211 2443 513 21.00 37943 11380 29.99
Total 222 2721 558 20.51 38775 11892 30.67
H.S.C. Voc/B Management Public 10 150 26 17.33 3128 175 5.59
Private 830 11374 2090 18.38 181022 58426 32.28
Total 840 11524 2116 18.36 184150 58601 31.82
Medical Technology Public 97 1244 215 17.28 9206 3534 38.39
Private 11 103 18 17.48 5654 2104 37.21
Total 108 1347 233 17.30 14860 5638 37.94
Medical Assistant Training Public 200 648 212 32.72 23216 9711 41.83
Private 9 28 9 32.14 3392 1488 43.87
Total 209 676 221 32.69 26608 11199 42.09
S.S. Vocational (Attached) Public 197 1354 258 18.81 33861 6410 16.91
Private 2556 7787 1781 23.50 196222 70563 35.06
Total 2753 9141 2039 22.31 230083 76973 33.45
H.S.C. Voc/B Public 172 1075 248 23.07 26904 9099 33.82
Management(Attached) Private 1860 6330 1471 23.24 142428 41312 29.01
Total 2032 7405 1719 23.21 169332 50411 29.77
Total (Technical Education) Public 940 12073 2020 16.73 347652 72245 20.78
Private 6319 41955 8895 21.20 770682 232437 30.16
Total 7259 54028 10915 20.20 1118334 304682 27.24
Source: BANBEIS, 2020

12.52 Number of Institution, Enrolment, Teacher, Enrolment per School, Teacher per
School, Teacher Student Ratio, 2020
Type of Institute Teacher Student
Total Girl % Total Female %
O Level school 31 1024 725 70.80 8055 3150 39.11 1:8 260 33
A Level school 95 6412 4249 66.27 65285 28106 43.05 1:10 687 67
Junior school 16 298 255 85.57 2460 1014 41.22 1:8 154 19
Total 142 7734 5229 67.61 75800 32270 42.57 1:10 534 54
Source: BANBIES, 2020

12.53 Enrolment in Teacher Educational Institutions by Type Gender and Management, 2020

Type of Institutions Public Private Total

Total Female %of Total Female % of Total Female % of
Fem. Fem. Fem.

Primary Training institute (PTI) 11614 7433 64.00 0 0 11614 7433 64.00
Teachers Training College (TTC) 2976 1463 49.16 9511 4093 43.03 12487 5556 44.49
Technical Teacher Training College (TTTC) 458 390 85.15 0 0 458 390 85.15
Vocational Teacher Training (VTTI) 2416 206 8.53 0 0 2416 206 8.53
Physical Education College 607 120 19.77 2432 725 29.81 3039 845 27.81
High Secondary Teacher Training Institute 1272 311 24.45 0 0 1272 311 24.45
Madrasah Teacher Training Institute 907 49 5.40 0 0 907 49 5.40
Total 20250 9972 49.24 11943 4818 40.34 32193 14790 45.94
Source: BANBEIS, 2020
482 Education

12.54 Comparative Statistics of JSC & JDC Examination, 2017 & 2018

Year 2017 2018

Name of Board Appeared Passed % Pass Appeared Passed % Pass
1 2 3 5 6 7 8
Dhaka 682959 5577722 81.66 726540 604419 83.19
Rajshahi 237100 226530 95.54 246993 233569 94.57
Cumilla 261753 164456 62.83 292811 254725 86.99
Jossore 209515 174776 83.42 235822 199536 84.61
Chattogram 180868 146814 81.17 202455 165038 81.52
Barishal 118397 114035 96.32 114857 111469 97.05
Sylhet 135202 120882 89.41 149094 119006 79.82
Dinajpur 228348 201809 88.38 248389 202756 81.63
Madrasa Board 358569 311247 86.80 382208 340311 89.04
BISE 2054142 1707024 83.10 2216961 1890518 85.28
Total 2412711 2018271 83.65 2599169 2230829 85.83
Source: Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Dhaka (Computer Section)

12.55 Number of English Medium school by type of Enrolment, 2020

Co Co
Type of School Total School Only for Boys Only for Girl Education Education-
together Separate
O Level school 31 - - 25 6
A Level school 95 - - 73 22
Junior school 16 - - 13 3
Total 142 0 0 111 331
% 100 0.00 0.00 78.17 21.83
Source: BANBEIS, 2020
Health, Family Planning and Social Statistics 483

Chapter 13

484 Health, Family Planning and Social Statistics
Health, Family Planning and Social Statistics 485

13.01 Indicators of the Health and Family Planning Sector

CL.No Health Services Provision Number Source
1. Government hospitals under DGHS 739 DGHS 2019
2. Total number of Government Facilities under the DGHS 2258 DGHS 2019
3. Total Primary level facilities (except community clinic) 2003 DGHS 2019

4. Total Secondary & Tertiary level facilities 255 DGHS 2019

5. Total No. of private registered hospitals and clinics 5321 DGHS 2019
6. Total Number of registered private diagnostic centers 9529 DGHS 2019
7. No. of hospital beds under DGHS (functional) : 54660 DGHS 2019
8. No, of hospital beds in private sector
(in private hospitals registered by DGHS 91537 DGHS 2019
9. Total in the DGHS-run facilities and registered private hospitals 7579 DGHS 2019
10. No, of postgraduate medical teaching institutions: 39 DGHS 2019
10.01. Government: 29 DGHS 2019
10.02. Private 10 DGHS 2019
11. No, of medical colleges: 106 DGHS 2019
11.01. Government 36 DGHS 2019
11.02 Private 70 DGHS 2019
12. Armed Forces & Army Medical colleges 6 DGHS 2019
13. No, of Dental collegesand dental units: 35 DGHS 2019
13.01 Government 9 DGHS 2019
13.02 Private 26 DGHS 2019
14. No. of Nursing Institutions offering basic BSc Nursing Course 60 DGHS 2019
14.01 Government 15 DGHS 2019
14.02 Private 45 DGHS 2019
15. No. of nursing Institutions offering post- basic BSc Nursing Course 41 DGHS 2019
15.01 Government 4 DGHS 2019
15.02 Private 37 DGHS 2019
16. Nursing Institutions offering specialized diploma 4 DGHS 2019
16.01 Government 1 DGHS 2019
16.02 Private 3 DGHS 2019
17. No. of institutions offerinf Diploma in Nursing &/ Midwifery 183 DGHS 2019
17.01 Government 43 DGHS 2019
17.02 Private 140 DGHS 2019
18. No. of Unani & Ayurvedic Medical College 4 DGHS 2019
18.01 Government 2 DGHS 2019
18.02 Private 2 DGHS 2019
19. No. of Homeopathic Medical College 2 DGHS 2019
19.01 Government 1 DGHS 2019
19.02 Private 1 DGHS 2019
20. No. of Unani & Ayurvedic Diploma College 23 DGHS 2019
18.01 Government 1 DGHS 2019
18.02 Private 22 DGHS 2019
21. Number of Madical Assistants Training schools 209 DGHS 2019
21.01 Government 9 DGHS 2019
21.02 Private 200 DGHS 2019
22. Institute of Health Technology (IHT) 108 DGHS 2019
22.01 Government 11 DGHS 2019
22.02 Private 97 DGHS 2019
486 Health, Family Planning and Social Statistics

13.01 Indicators of The Health and Family Planning Sector

CL.No Health Services Provision Existing Sanctioned Source

21. No. of Personnel 78619 105254 Health Bulletin-2019

22. No of Doctors 25594 27002 Health Bulletin-2019
23. No. of registered Physicians (MBBS) 101538 Health Bulletin-2019
(BDS) 9875 Health Bulletin-2019
24. No. Of Medical Technologists 5208 8146 Health Bulletin-2019
24.01 No. of dental technologists 476 627 Health Bulletin-2019
24.02 No of MT (EPI) 483 498 Health Bulletin-2019
24.03 No. of laboratory technologists 11581 2389 Health Bulletin-2019
24.04 No. of pharmacy technologists 1441 2915 Health Bulletin-2019
24.05 No. of physical therapists 126 337 Health Bulletin-2019
24.06 No. of radiographers 573 795 Health Bulletin-2019
24.07 No. of radio theeapy 36 86 Health Bulletin-2019
24.08 No. of sanitary inspectors 478 498 Health Bulletin-2019
25. No. Of Sub-Assistant Community Medical Officers 3709 5337 Health Bulletin-2019
26. No. of community healthcare providers to work at 13907 - Health Bulletin-2019
community clinics
27. No. Of Domiciliary Staff Health Bulletin-2019
27.01 Health Inspectors (HI) 1057 1410 Health Bulletin-2019
27.02 Assistant Health Inspectors (AHI) 3753 4220 Health Bulletin-2019
27.03 Health Assistants 15020 20908 Health Bulletin-2019
28. Population per registered Physician 1487 Health Bulletin-2019
29. No. Of registered Physicians per 10000 Population 6.73 Health Bulletin-2019
30. No. Of doctors working under DGHS per 10000 1.55 Health Bulletin-2019
31. No. of medical technologists working under DGHS per 0.60 Health Bulletin-2019
10000 population
32. No. Of Community and Domiciliary health workers 2.66 Health Bulletin-2019
working under DGHS pere 10000 people
33. No. of beds in private hospitals (registered by DGHS) 5.53 Health Bulletin-2019
per 10000 populations
Source: DG of Health Service . Health Bulletin,2013’ 2014’ 2015,2016, 2017.

13.02 Proxy Indicators of Hand Washing Behaviors At Home

Indicator National (%)

Hand washing location after defecation:

Hand washing location available within 30 feet from the latrine structure (including improved and unimproved toilet) 84

Hand washing location with water available within 30 feet from the latrine structure (including improved and 77
unimproved toilet)

Hand washing location with water and soap available within 30 feet from the latrine structure (including improved 61
and unimproved toilet)
Source: Bangladesh National Hygiene Survey, BBS 2018
Health, Family Planning and Social Statistics 487

13.03 Hand Washing Behaviors at Schools

Indicators National(%)

Hand washing locations & water available inside or

nearby (<30 feet) the latrines 91

Water and soap available inside or nearby (<30 feet) the latrine 85

Hand washing locations by sex (Co-education only)

Improved and unlocked latrines those had soap & water available at hand washing locations (Primary + Secondary -
both boys and girls had separate latrines) 39
Students’ reported hand washing facilities

Hand washing locations available in the school compound 82

Hand washing locations with water available 78
Hand washing locations with soap available 35
Handwashing locations with both soap and water available 34
Source: Bangladesh National Hygiene Survey, BBS 2018

13.04 Products Used At Home During Menstruation

Indicator National (%)
a Adolescent:
New cloth 5.1
Old cloth 50
Disposable pad 43
Cotton/tissue/cloth rag 1.6
Nothing --
b Adult
New cloth 3.3
Old cloth 64
Disposable pad 29
Cotton/tissue/cloth rag 1.9

Source: Bangladesh National Hygiene Survey, BBS 2018

13.05 Problems Faced by Adolescent Girls and Women During Menstruation

Problem National (%)

Itching/irritation/redness/swelling/lumps and blister 6.2

Smelly discharge/ unusual discharge 4.3

Pain at lower abdomen 28
No problem faced 65
Itching/irritation/redness/swelling/lumps and blister 7.5
Smelly discharge/ unusual discharge 5.3
Pain at lower abdomen 15
No problem faced 74
Source: Bangladesh National Hygiene Survey, BBS 2018
488 Health, Family Planning and Social Statistics

13.06 Products Used At School during Menstruation

Indicator National (%)
Old cloth (rag) 34
New cloth 3.0
Pad 62
Cotton/Tissues/ waste fabrics of garments 1.0
Source: Bangladesh National Hygiene Survey, BBS

13.07 Yearly Cases of HIV-AIDS

Year Cumulative Total AIDS Death New Cases
2003 363 34 10 115
2004 465 57 30 102
2005 658 134 74 193
2006 874 240 109 216
2007 1207 365 123 333
2008 1495 476 165 288
2009 1745 619 204 250
2010 2088 850 241 343
2011 2533 1101 325 445
Source: Health Bulletin 2012, Ministry of Health and Family welfare.

13.08 Year-wise Collection of Safe Blood by Philanthropic Organization

Year Sandhani Red Crescent Quantum Badhan Total
2002 34125 22470 5295 11030 72920
2003 35223 22810 6720 13000 77753
2004 37426 23195 10431 10300 81352
2005 38989 24842 15063 17000 95894
2006 40606 27486 22635 21166 111593
2007 29312 14612 33712 28000 107643
2008 32056 25663 59526 42966 294759
2009 34733 25663 43901 48253 152550
2010 36647 43077 46045 55977 181746
2011 33347 45400 46002 60892 185641
2012 35360 45407 87165 55695 223627
Source: Health Bulletin 2013, Ministry of Health and Family welfare.
Health, Family Planning and Social Statistics 489

13.09 Distribution of the Upazila Health Complexes by % of Bed Occupancy Rates in

Different Years
Bed Occupancy Year 2008 Year 2009 Year 2011 Year 2012 Year 2013 Year 2014
Rate No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %

Below 40% 10 2.48 8 1.96 24 5.94 15 3.7 44 10.4 50 11.9

40-50 42 10.40 23 5.64 19 4.70 23 5.7 24 5.7 23 5.5
50-60 59 14.60 36 8.82 42 10.40 46 11.3 53 12.6 59 14.0
60-70 74 18.32 75 18.38 50 12.38 53 13.1 60 14.2 80 190
70-80 76 18.81 113 27.70 63 15.59 77 19.0 62 14.7 76 18.1
80-90 61 15.10 60 14.71 64 15.84 61 15.0 80 19.0 66 15.7
90-100 48 11.88 48 11.76 47 11.63 61 15.0 49 11.6 33 7.9
100-110 16 3.96 20 4.90 36 8.91 36 8.9 25 5.9 20 4.8
110-120 16 3.16 12 2.94 27 6.68 11 2.7 5 1.2 4 1.0
120-130 0 0.00 9 2.21 17 4.21 9 2.2 5 1.2 0 0.0
130-140 0 0.00 4 0.98 7 1.73 4 1.0 5 1.2 1 0.2
Above 140% 2 0.50 0 0.00 8 1.98 10 2.5 10 2.4 8 1.9
Total= 404 100 408 100.00 404 100.00 406 100.0 422 100.0 420 100.0
Source: Health Bulletin 2012, Ministry of Health and Family welfare.

13.10 Primary Healthcare Facilities Run by the DGHS

Type of Total No. of facilities Total beds
Level Type of facility
Upazila health complex (100-bed) Hospital 3 300
Upazila health complex (50-bed) Hospital 345 17250
Upazila health complex(31-bed) Hospital 65 2015
Upazila health complex (10-bed) Hospital 11 110
Subtotal of Upazila Health Complexes 424 19675
50-bed hospital Hospital 2 100
31-bed hospital Hospital 7 217
30-bed hospital Hospital 2 60
25-bed hospital Hospital 1 25
20-bed hospital Hospital 32 640
10-bed hospital Hospital 17 170
Upazila health office OPD 60 0
Union Sub Center OPD 1312 0
Union health & family welfare center (UH & FWC, Netherland) OPD 87 0

Urban dispensary OPD 35 0

School Health Clinic OPD 23 0
Tejgaon Health Complex, Dhaka 1 0
Grand total of primary level facilities (except community clinic) 2003 20887

Community clinic (functional at present) OPD 13907 0

Grand total of primary level facilities (including community clinic)
15910 20887
Source: Health Bulletin 2019, DGHS
490 Health, Family Planning and Social Statistics

13.11 Secondary and Tertiary Public Hospitals under the DGHS by Division, 2017
Type of Hospitals No/ % Barishal Chatto Dhaka Khulna Mymen
gram singh
Medical college No 1 2 6 2 1
% 5.9 11.8 35.3 11.8 5.9
Other Secondary and tertiary No 7 18 37 14 4
% 6.4 16.4 33.6 12.7 3.6

Type of Hospitals No/% Rajshahi Rangpur Sylhet Total

Medical college No 2 2 1 17
% 11.8 11.8 5.9 100
Other Secondary and tertiary No 13 10 7 110
% 11.8 9.1 6.4 100
Source: DG of Health. Health Bulletin, 2017

13.12 Number of Community Clinics by District, 2018

SL.No Name of Number SL.No Name of Number
the Districts of CC the Districts of CC

1 Dhaka 150 33 Barguna 120

2 Gazipur 215 34 Jhalakathi 85
3 Narayanganj 128 35 Sylhet 251
4 Narshingdi 201 36 Moulvibazar 175
5 Manikganj 150 37 Habiganj 188
6 Faridpur 186 38 Sunamganj 217
7 Gopalganj 179 39 Rajshahi 233
8 Kishoreganj 293 40 Naogaon 300
9 Munshiganj 115 41 Chapainawabganj 136
10 Madaripur 128 42 Natore 190
11 Rajbari 132 43 Pabna 248
12 Shariatpur 113 44 Sirajganj 341
13 Tangail 427 45 Bogura 363
14 Mymensingh 486 46 Joypurhat 112
15 Jamalpur 278 47 Rangpur 309
16 Netrokona 212 48 Kurigram 268
17 Sherpur 157 49 Nilphamari 176
18 Chittagong 507 50 Lalmonirhat 161
19 Khagrachhari 69 51 Gaibandha 292
20 Cumilla 456 52 Dinajpur 324
21 Chandpur 212 53 Thakurgaon 145
22 Noakhali 269 54 Panchagarh 100
23 Brahmanbaria 238 55 Khulna 192
24 Coxsbazar 174 56 Bagerhat 196
25 Lakshmipur 173 57 Satkhira 223
26 Bandarban 71 58 Jhenaidah 171
27 Rangamati 59 59 Jashore 274
28 Feni 148 60 Magura 96
29 Barishal 273 61 Narail 88
30 Patuakhali 198 62 Meherpur 72
31 Bhola 215 63 Chuadanga 118
32 Pirojpur 151 64 Kushtia 199
Source: Community based Health Care, DGHS-2018
Health, Family Planning and Social Statistics 491

13.13 Proportion and Prevalence of Morbidity

Proportion (%) Prevalence per 1000 population
Selected Diseases Both Sex Male Female Both Sex Male Female
Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 112.09 221.97 229.16
Goiter 0.72 0.72 0.72 1.62 1.59 1.66
Epilepsy 0.41 0.42 0.39 0.92 0.93 0.90
Ulcer 7.62 7.02 8.21 17.18 15.58 18.82
Hepatitis 1.59 1.69 1.49 3.59 3.76 3.42
Rabies 0.16 0.18 0.15 0.37 0.39 0.34
Chicken pox 0.76 0.73 0.79 1.72 1.62 1.81
Conjunctivitis 2.37 2.10 2.63 5.33 4.66 6.03
Night blindness 0.59 0.52 0.66 1.33 1.16 1.51
Cataract 2.85 2.34 3.35 6.42 5.19 7.68
Arthritis 7.61 6.35 8.85 17.16 14.10 20.29
Tuberculosis 0.55 0.67 0.43 1.24 1.49 0.99
Malaria 1.27 1.31 1.24 2.87 2.91 2.84
Kala-asar 0.75 0.58 0.92 1.69 1.28 2.11
Acute respiratory infection(ARI) 5.06 5.39 4.73 11.41 11.96 10.85
Measles 0.63 0.74 0.53 1.43 1.65 1.21
Diabetes 4.66 4.33 4.99 10.51 9.61 11.43
High blood pressure 5.45 5.09 5.81 12.29 11.30 13.31
Urinary tract infection 1.37 1.42 1.31 3.08 3.16 3.00
Sexually transmitted diseases 0.29 0.30 0.29 0.66 0.66 0.67
Arsenic 0.29 0.27 0.31 0.65 0.60 0.70
Ear infection 1.50 1.52 1.49 3.39 3.37 3.42
Skin diseases 2.17 2.19 2.15 4.89 4.86 4.93
Cancer 0.32 0.34 0.29 0.71 0.76 0.66
Diarrhoea 4.02 4.33 3.71 9.06 9.61 8.50
Dysentery 3.86 4.28 3.44 8.70 9.49 7.88
New born problem 0.25 0.31 0.18 0.56 0.69 0.42
Titanus 0.85 0.97 0.73 1.91 2.15 1.67
Mumps 0.41 0.37 0.45 0.93 0.83 1.04
Whooping cough 1.12 1.09 1.14 2.52 2.42 2.62
Diphtheria 0.30 0.28 0.32 0.68 0.63 0.74
Asthma 2.23 2.32 2.14 5.02 5.14 4.90
Heart/chest pain 2.92 2.89 2.96 6.59 6.40 6.78
Stroke/brain hemorrhage 0.73 0.75 0.71 1.65 1.67 1.62
kidney 0.67 0.74 0.61 1.52 1.64 1.40
Pregnancy related 0.13 0.00 0.26 0.30 0.00 0.61
Fever 8.66 10.05 7.29 19.54 22.32 16.70
Typhoid 2.15 2.28 2.02 4.85 5.06 4.64
Migrane 1.97 2.06 1.89 4.45 4.56 4.33
Tumour 1.22 1.24 1.20 2.76 2.75 2.76
Toothache 1.14 1.18 1.10 2.57 2.62 2.53
Anemia 1.08 1.07 1.08 2.43 2.39 2.47
Paralysis 1.48 1.66 1.49 3.56 3.69 3.41
Nasal polyp 0.92 0.98 0.86 2.07 2.18 1.96
Low B/P 0.88 0.87 0.89 1.98 1.93 2.04
Hernia 0.77 0.87 0.67 1.73 1.93 1.53
Hormonal Problem 0.53 0.58 0.48 1.20 1.29 1.11
Influenza 1.22 1.26 1.18 2.75 2.79 2.71
Back pain 0.87 1.01 0.73 1.97 2.25 1.68
Gal bladder stone 0.65 0.69 0.61 1.46 1.53 1.39
Bronchitis 0.60 0.67 0.54 1.36 1.49 1.23
Appendicitis 0.56 0.62 0.49 1.25 1.38 1.12
Allergy 1.14 1.16 1.11 2.56 2.58 2.54
Abdominal pain 0.64 0.70 0.57 1.44 1.56 1.30
Tonsils 0.82 0.87 0.78 1.86 1.93 1.78
Ovary related problem 0.41 0.00 0.81 0.91 0.00 1.85
Others 5.73 5.63 5.82 12.91 12.49 13.35
Source: Health and Morbidity Status Survey 2014, BBS
492 Health, Family Planning and Social Statistics

13.14 Access to Toilets for the Restaurant Staff And Food Vendor

Indicators National(%)
Access to latrine during business hours (restaurant):
Improved latrine for staff 26
Unimproved latrine 3

No facilities 71
Reported defecation locations used by the food vendors during business hours if needed:

Public latrine nearby market of mosque 68

Latrines owned by nearby residential houses 23

Latrines nearby school/collage/hospital 13

No facility/bush/field--open defecation 1
Source: Bangladesh National Hygiene Survey, BBS 2018

13.15 Percentage Distribution of Adults (>15 Years) Who Use Tobacco

Indicator GATS, 2009 GATS, 2017

Percentage of adult (15+) population overall tobacco use in any form 43.3 35.3
Percentage of adult (15+) population used smoked tobacco 23.0 18.0
Percentage of adult (15+) population used smokeless tobacco 27.2 20.6
Source: Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) Bangladesh 2009, NIPSOM
Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) Bangladesh 2017, BBS

13.16 Average Monthly Expenditure On Tobacco By Sex

Indicator Overall (BDT) Men Women

Manufactured cigarettes 1077.7 1082.3 -
Bidis 341.9 340.3 370.5
Average amount spent on 20 manufactured cigarettes 85.3 85.3 -

Average amount spent on 20 manufactured bidis 16.5 15.9 42.3

Last purchased manufactured cigarettes in stores 48.3 48.2 -

Last purchased smokeless tobacco in stores 63.6 48.5 72.1

Cost of 100 packs of manufactured cigarettes as a 6.7 6.7
percentage of per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Source: Global Adult Tobacco Survey Bangladesh, 2017

Health, Family Planning and Social Statistics 493

13.17 Number of admissions, deaths District/General Hospitals, 2013

District Facility Name No. of Admission (N) Deaths (N)
Barguna Barguna District Hospital beds100 Male
4210 Female
6104 Child
1720 Total
12034 Male
37 Female
29 Child Total
Barishal Barishal General Hospital 100 2459 2847 158 5462 - - 11
Bhola Bhola District Hospital 100 8746 8357 7693 24796 126 113 538
Jhalakathi Jhalokathi District Hospital 100 4308 6263 1001 11572 2 2 58
Patuakhali Patuakhali 250 bed Sadar Hospital 250 8483 13303 8117 26903 76 58 430
Pirojpur Pirojpur District Hospital 100 6665 5507 2678 14850 24 16 164
Bamdarban Bandarban District Hospital 100 2663 2755 1836 7254 18 13 82
Brahmanbaria B-baria 250 bed Dis. sadar Hospital 250 12580 10140 5621 28341 179 46 580
Chandpur Chandpur 250 bed General Hospital 200 7929 9105 8526 25560 56 52 330
Chattogram Chattogram General Hospital 250 3465 4635 1229 9329 1 1 53
Cumilla Cumilla General Hospital 100 11773 14468 4931 31172 10 2 29
Cox’s Bazar Cox’s Bazar District Hospital 250 7564 12104 18156 37824 153 167 824
Feni Feni District Hospital 250 7480 10660 6427 24567 60 72 356
Khagrachhari Khagrachhari District Hospital 100 3375 5332 169 10398 67 59 280
Lakshmipur Lakshmipur District Hospital 100 7960 7953 5926 21839 8 8 105
Noakhali Noakhali 250 bed General Hospital 250 12993 11414 8203 32610 95 75 818
Rangamati Rangamati General Hospital 100 3374 4230 2020 9624 29 24 177
Faridpur Faridpur General Hospital 100 6099 6366 5025 17490 29 20 198
Gazipur Gazipur District Hospital 100 5730 7919 3161 16810 23 20 102
Gopalganj Gopalganj Sadar Hospital 250 9896 12854 5756 28508 82 66 148
Jamalpur Jamalpur 250 bed General Hospital 250 12250 17850 9211 39311 213 145 358
Kishoreganj Kishoreganj 250 bed sadar Dis. Hos. 250 15391 21690 7751 44832 157 139 296
Madaripur Madaripur District Hospital 100 5493 8515 5036 19044 67 47 114
Manikganj Manikganj District Hospital 100 7312 8418 2785 18515 61 71 132
Munshiganj Munshiganj District Hospital 100 4350 4959 3988 13297 8 13 21
Narayanganj Narayanganj 200 bed Hospital 300 2144 3340 1268 6750 5 4 9
Narayanganj Narayanganj General Hospital 100 6173 6211 3331 15715 - - -
Narsingdi Narsingdi Distrct Hospital 100 2996 2870 2480 8346 52 48 100
Narsingdi Narsingdi Dist. Hopital (development) 100 3250 3751 2010 9011 33 27 60
Natrakona Natrakona District Hospital 100 8090 12909 3033 24032 63 34 97
Rajbari Rajbari District Hospital 100 7623 9186 2391 19200 17 15 32
Shariatpur Shariatpur District Hopital 100 4757 8164 300 13221 40 15 55
Sherpur Sherpur 100 bed Dist. sadar Hospital 100 8441 8816 4650 21907 33 24 57
Tangail Tangail 250 bed District Hospital 250 16345 24535 10113 50993 345 294 639
Bagerhat Bagerhat District Hospital 100 5981 6750 1551 14282 43 33 76
Chuadanga Chuadanga District Hospital 100 9022 14144 5151 28317 35 40 75
Jashore Jashore sadar Hospital 278 19642 20777 4985 45404 179 108 287
Jhenaidah Jhenaidah District Hospital 100 8176 16487 3116 27759 85 - 85
Khulna Khulna General Hospita 150 3479 5307 1830 10616 11 2 13
Kushtia Kushtia 250 bed General Hospital 250 18119 17774 10105 45998 23 12 35
Magura Magura District Hospital 100 8568 10349 6291 25208 79 47 126
Meherpur Meherpur District Hospital 250 6639 11255 4943 22837 90 73 163
Narail Narail District Hospital 100 6818 8546 2848 18212 40 35 75
Satkhira Satkhira District Hospital 100 7530 8487 5220 21237 161 196 357
Bogura Bogura Mohammad Ali District Hospital 250 5349 7483 2734 15566 6 7 13
C. Nawabganj C. Nawabganj District Hospital 100 10068 12551 3876 26495 102 89 191
Joypurhat Joypurhat District Hospital 100 8159 11785 2277 22221 72 53 125
Naogaon Naogaon District Hospital 100 9121 8353 5022 22496 2 3 5
Natore Natore District Hospital 100 8437 10539 2945 21921 35 22 57
Pabna Pabna 250 bed General Hospital 250 17941 29340 11813 59094 266 156 422
Sirajganj Serajganj General Hospital 100 22599 21445 12085 56129 - - -
Dinajpur Dinajpur District Hospital 250 3911 9586 2492 15989 238 120 358
Gaibanda Gaibanda District Hospital 100 18333 28675 4154 51162 8 7 15
Kurigram Kurigram District Hospital 100 10632 11530 3372 25534 84 52 136
Lalmonirhat Lalmonirhat District Hospital 100 4018 5034 1524 10573 142 150 292
Nilphamari Nilphamari District Hospital 100 9011 16338 2870 28219 26 16 42
Panchagarh Panchagarh 100 bed Dist. sadar Hos. 100 4680 6326 2519 13524 52 44 96
Thakurgaon Thakurgaon District Hospital 100 7462 9658 17481 34601 3 2 5
Habiganj Habiganj District Hospital 100 11453 16445 10379 38277 317 220 537
Moulvibazar Maulavibazar District Hospital 250 10918 12833 5754 29505 35 30 65
Sunamganj Sunamganj 250 bed Dist. sadar Hos. 250 5907 6711 2928 15546 58 54 112
Sylhet Shahid Shamsuddin District Hospital 100 935 1411 5 2351 - - -
(Note : There is no district or general hospital in Dhaka, Mymensingh, Rajshahi and Rangpur districts. There is an additional genera58l
hospital in Narayanganj and Narsingdi district)
Source: Health Bulletin 2014, Ministry of Health and Family welfare.
494 Health, Family Planning and Social Statistics

13.18 Division Wise Number of Sanctioned, Filled up and Vacant Post under DGHS, 2015

Division Class Sanctnd Filled up Vacant

Male Female Total Sanctd% No. Sanctd%

Barishal Doctor(Class I) 1543 995 324 1319 85 224 15

Non-Doctor(Class II) 25 6 1 7 28 18 72
Class II 1614 76 1441 1517 94 97 6
Class III 4043 2288 1167 3455 85 628 15
Class IV 1912 1136 381 1517 79 395 21
Total 9177 4501 3314 7815 85 1362 15
Chattogra Doctor(Class I) 3911 2550 1110 3660 94 251 6
m Non-Doctor(Class II) 61 12 0 12 20 49 80
Class II 3128 197 2546 2543 81 585 19
Class III 10092 5790 2084 7874 78 2218 22
Class IV 4515 2613 841 3454 77 1061 23
Total 21707 11162 6381 17543 81 4164 19
Dhaka Doctor(Class I) 9435 6163 2944 9107 97 328 3
Non-Doctor(Class II) 280 93 32 125 45 155 55
Class II 8316 644 6773 7417 89 899 11
Class III 16658 10066 4138 14204 85 2454 15
Class IV 11733 6456 2395 8851 75 2882 25
Total 46422 23422 16282 39704 86 6718 14
Khulna Doctor(Class I) 2333 1479 542 2021 87 312 13
Non-Doctor (Class II) 46 12 5 17 37 29 63
Class II 1937 68 1703 1771 91 166 9
Class III 5945 3185 1357 4542 76 1403 24
Class IV 2629 1408 586 1994 76 635 24
Total 12890 4193 3941 10345 80 2545 20
Rajshahi Doctor(Class I) 2731 1789 667 2456 90 275 10
Non-Doctor(Class II) 54 13 6 19 35 35 65
Class II 2703 169 2235 2404 89 299 11
Class III 6770 4623 1297 5920 87 850 13
Class IV 3762 2157 791 2948 78 814 22
Total 16020 8751 4996 13747 86 2273 14
Rangpur Doctor(Class I) 2270 1466 558 2024 89 246 11
Non-Doctor(Class II) 37 3 2 5 14 32 86
Class II 1922 99 1482 1581 82 341 18
Class III 5584 3741 1065 4797 86 787 14
Class IV 2568 1511 520 2031 79 537 21
Total 12381 6820 3618 10438 84 1943 16
Sylhet Doctor(Class I) 1413 945 308 1253 89 160 11
Non-Doctor(Class II) 22 3 0 3 14 19 86
Class II 1263 76 906 982 78 281 22
Class III 3623 2183 674 2857 79 766 21
Class IV 1809 1055 420 1475 82 334 18
Total 8130 4262 2308 6570 81 1560 19
Grand Total 126727 65070 41092 106162 84 20565 16
Doctor(Class I) 22632 15387 6453 21440 92 1796 8
Non-Doctor(Class II) 525 142 46 188 36 337 64
Class II 20883 1329 16886 18215 87 2668 13
Class III 52755 31876 11773 43649 83 9106 17
Class IV 28928 16336 5934 22270 77 6658 23
Total 126727 65070 41092 106162 84 20565 16
Source: Health Bulletin 2014, Ministry of Health and Family welfare
Health, Family Planning and Social Statistics 495

13.19 Average Length of Stay, Bed Occupancy Rate, Hospital Death Rate Average
Daily Admissions and Average Daily OPD Patients in Different Types of Hospitals,
Type of hospital Number of hospitals Number of Number of Death against
considered for analyses admitted patients deaths admission (%)

Upazila health complex 408 2251845 9330 0.41

District and general hospital 64 1656770 23996 1.45
Medical college hospital 14 1279805 60724 4.74
Institute of child and Mother Health (ICMH) 1 14998 394 2.63
National Institute of Cancer Research and 1 4057 110 2.71
Hospital (NICRH)
National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases 1 49283 3655 7.42
National Institute of Chest Disease and 1 12151 970 7.98
Hospital (NIDCH)
National Institute of Kidney Diseases and 1 5553 206 3.71
Urology (NIKDU)
National Institute of Mental Health & 1 3120 3 0.10
National Institute of Neurosciences and 1 3921 342 8.72
National Institute of Ophthalmology (NIO) 1 12447 0 0.00
Government Homeopathic Medical College 1 520 0 0.00
Total 495 5194470 99730 1.88
Source: Health Bulletin, 2014, Ministry of Health and Family welfare

13.20 Some parameters of Hospitalized Patients Served by USAID’S NHSDP (former

SSFP) Partners in 2014

Month Total Patients (N) Admissio Death(N) Average Bed-occupancy Hospital Average Total
n (N) Length of stay rate (%) death rate Daily skilled
(day) (%) admission Delevry
(N) (N)

January 2314374 1955 0 3 62 0 63 2272

February 2299292 1680 0 3 61 0 63 1958
March 2369922 1842 0 3 62 0 62 2129
April 2355968 1701 0 3 61 0 62 1998
May 2400769 1949 0 3 62 0 62 2230
June 2422256 1905 0 3 63 0 63 2236
July 2271619 1970 0 3 63 0 63 2281
August 2283434 2013 0 3 64 0 64 2387
September 2350401 2192 0 3 68 0 65 2591
October 2137484 2254 0 3 72 0 64 2616
November 2230365 2308 0 3 76 0 67 2696
December 2266481 2440 0 3 77 0 69 2886
Total 27702365 24209 0 3 66 0 64 28280
Source: Health Bulletin, 2014, Ministry of Health and Family welfare
496 Health, Family Planning and Social Statistics

13.21 Average Expenditure on Treatment due to Accident

Sex Average Expenditure (Tk.)
Total Rural Urban
Both sex 5565 5408 6142
Male 5644 5446 6375
Female 5421 5337 5725
Source: Health and Morbidity Status Survey 2014, BBS

13.22 Medical Colleges and Their Number of Seats, 2019

a) Medical Colleges and Number of Seats
Sl. No. Institute Established No. of Seats as of 2019
1. Dhaka Medical College 1948 220
2. Mymensingh Medical College 1962 220
3. Chattogram Medical College 1962 220
4. Rajshahi Medical College 1962 220
5. MAG Osmani Medical College 1966 220
6. Shere-E- Bangla Medical College 1968 220
7. Rangpur Medical College 1972 220
8. Sir Salimulllah Medical College 1972 220
9. Cumilla Medical College 1992 160
10. Khulna Medical College 1992 160
11. Shaheed Ziaur Rahman Medical College 1992 160
12. Faridpur Medical College 1992 160
13. Dinajpur Medical College 1992 160
14. Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College 2005 175
15. Pabna Medical College 2008 70
16. Noakhali Medical College 2008 70
17. Cox’s Bazar Medical College 2008 70
18. Jashore Medical College 2010 70
19. Satkhira Medical College 2011 65
20. Syed Nazrul Islam Medical College, Kisharganj 2011 65
21. Kustia Medical College 2011 65
22. Shaikh Shahera Katun Medical College, Gapalgonj 2011 65
23. Gazipur Medical College, Gazipur 2013 65
24. Tangail Medical College, Tangail 2014 65
25. Sirajganj Medical College, Sirajganj 2014 65
26. Manikganj Medical College, Manikganj 2014 65
27. Jamalpur Medical College, Jamalpur 2014 65
28. Patuakhali Medical College, Patuakhali 2014 51
29. Rangamati Medical College,Rangamati 2014 51
30. Mughda Medical College Dhaka 2015 65
31. Seikh Hasina Medical College, Habiganj 2017 51
32. Netrakona Medical College, Netrakona 2018 50
33. Nilphamari Medical College, Nilphamari 2018 50
34. Naogaon Medical College, Naogaon 2018 50
35. Magura Medical College, Magura 2018 50
36. Chandpur Medical College, Chandpur 2018 50
Total 4068
b) Medical Colleges Under Bangladesh Armed Fo rces and Number of Seats
Sl. No. Established No. of Seats as of 2019
37. Armed Forces Medical College, Dhaka 1999 125
38. Army Medical College, Bagura 2014 50
39. Army Medical College, Chattogram 2014 50
40. Army Medical College, Cumilla 2014 50
41. Army Medical College, Jashore 2014 50
42. Army Medical College, Ranglpur 2014 50
Total 375
Source: Health Bulletin, 2019, Ministry of Health and Family welfare
Health, Family Planning and Social Statistics 497

c) Private Medical Colleges and Number of Seats, 2015 (May)

Sl. No Name No of Seats Established in the
1 Bangladesh Medical College, Road # 14/A, Dhanmondi, Dhaka 110 1985
2 Samaj vittik Medical College, Mirza Nagar, Via-Savar Cant. Dhaka 150 1989
3 Institute of Applied Health Sciences, Foy’s Lake, Chattogram 200 1990
4 Jahurul Islam Medical College, Bajitpur, Kishoregonj 100 1992
5 Medical college for Women and Hospital, Rd # 8-9 Set-1, Uttara Model Town, Dhaka 90 1992
6 Z H Sikder, Women Medical College, Monica Estate, Western Dhanmondi , Dhaka 100 1992
7 Dhaka National Medical College, 53/1, Jonson Road, Dhaka 125 1995
8 Community Based Medical College, 161 K.B. Ismail Road, Mymensingh 125 1995
9 Jalalabad Ragib Rabea Medical College, Pathan tola, Sylhet 175 1996
10 Shaheed Monsur Ali Medical College, Plot # 26 Rd #10, St-11, Uttara, Dhaka 110 1998
11 North East Medical College, South Surma , Sylhet 120 1998
12 Holy Family Red Cresent Medical College, 1, Eskaton garden Road, Dhaka 130 2000
13 International Medical College, Sataish Bazar, Gushuli, Tongi, Gazipur 120 2000
14 North Bengal Medical College, JC Road, Dhanbandi, Sirajganj 85 2000
15 East West Medical College, Aichi Nagar, JBCS Sarani, Horirampur Turag, Dhaka 110 2000
16 Kumudini Medical College, Mirzapur,Tangail 110 2001
17 Tairunnessa Medical College, Targas, Kunia, Board Bazar,Gazipur 95 2001
18 Ibrahim Medical College, Inrahim Sarani, Segun Bagicha, Dhaka 110 2002
19 BGC Trust Medical College, Kanchan nagar, Chandanaish, Chattogram 125 2002
20 Shahabuddin Medical College, Rd# 131/A, Plot# 12, Gulshan Model Town, Dhaka 90 2003
21 Enam Medical College, Parbatinagar, Thana Road, Savar, Dhaka 140 2003
22 Islami Bank Medical College, Nowdapara, Safura, Airport Road, Rajshahi 75 2004
23 IBN Sina Medical College, H#48, Rd#9/A, Satmoshjid Rd, Dhanmondi, Dhaka 65 2005
24 Central Medical College, Cumilla Tower, Laksham Road, Cumilla 75 2005
25 Eastern Medical College, Race Course , Cumilla 105 2005
26 Khwaja Yunus Medical College, Enayetpur, Sirajganj 95 2005
27 Chottogram. Ma- O- Shishu Medical College, Agrabad, Chottogram-4100 100 2006
28 Sylhet Women Medical College, Mirbox Tolla, Sylhet 100 2006
29 Nightangel Medical College, Ashulia, Sarker Market, Dhaka 85 2006
30 Suthern Medical College, Mozaffor Ahmed Chy Rd, East Nasirabad, Chattogram 95 2006
31 Northern International Medical College, House # 81, Rd#7, Dhanmondi, Dhaka 75 2006
32 Uttara Adhunik Medical College, Uttara, Dhaka 90 2007
33 Delta Medical College, Mirpur, Dhaka 85 2008
34 Ad-din Women’s Medical College, 2-Bora Mogbazar, Dhaka 90 2008
35 Dhaka Community Medical College, 190, Boro Mogbazar, Wireless rail gate, Dhaka 100 2008
36 TMSS Medical College, Bogura 130 2008
37 Anwar Khan Modern Medical college, Dhanmondi, Dhaka 110 2008
38 Prime Medical College, Pirjabad,Rangpur 125 2008
39 Rangpur Community Hospital Medical College, Medical East Gate,Rangpur 125 2008
40 Northern Private Medical College, Dhap, Chiklibata Burirhat Road, Rangpur 70 2006
41 Faridpur Diabetic Association Medical College, Ziltuli, Faridpur 80 2010
42 Green Life Medical College, Dhanmondi, Dhaka 100 2010
43 Popular Medical College, Road-02, House-25, Dhanmondi, Dhaka 90 2010
44 MH Shamarita Medical College, 13/A & 89/1 Pantha path, Dhaka-1215 90 2010
45 Moonno Medical College, Manikgonj 80 2011
46 Central International Medical College, 2/1 Ring Road, Shamoli, Dhaka 85 2011
47 Dr. Sirajul Islam Medical College, Mogbazar, Dhaka 85 2011
48 Marks Medical College, Mirpur, Dhaka 70 2011
49 Moinamoti Medical College, Baro para, Cumilla 90 2012
50 Ad-din sakina Medical College, 15, Rail Road, Jashore 65 2012
51 Gazi Medical College, Sona Danga, Khulna 90 2012
52 Barind Medical College, Sher sha Road, Laksumpur, Rajshahi 90 2012
53 City Medical College, Eta Hata, Block-8 Tangail Road, Gazipur 80 2012
54 Ashiyan M.C. Unicon Plaza (4-6 Floor) 4212, North Avenue, Gulshan-2 50 2013
55 Aichi Medical College, Plot 35 and 37 50 2013
56 Abdul Hamid M.C.Kishoregonj (New) 50 214-15
57 Bikrampur Bhiyans Medical College & Hospital, Srinagar, Munshiganj 50 214-15
58 Universal Medical College, 74G/75 Peacock Square, New Airport Road, Dhaka 50 214-15
59 Care Medical College, 2/1-A Iqbal Road, Mohammadpur, Dhaka 50 214-15
60 Brahmanbaria Medical College, Ghatura, Brahmanbaria 50 214-15
61 Parkview Medical College & Hospital, Taltola, Telirhat, VIP Road, Sylhet 50 214-15
62 Marine City Medical College & Hospital, Chattogram 50 214-15
63 Shah Makhdum Medical College , Boalia, Rajshahi 50 214-15
64 US Bangla Medical College , Rupganj, Narayanganj 50 214-15
Total 5950
Source: DG of Health, Health Bulletin, 2015
498 Health, Family Planning and Social Statistics

d) List of Government Dental Colleges, 2015 (June)

Name Seats Estd
1 Dhaka Dental College, Mirpur-14, Dhaka 97 1960
2 Chattogram Medical College Dental Unit, Chattogram 60 1990
3 Rajshahi Medical College Dental Unit, Rajshahi 59 1989
4 Sir Salimullah Medical College Dental Unit, Dhaka 52 2012
5 Shahid Suhrawardy Medical College Dental Unit, Dhaka 56 2012
6 Mymensingh Medical College, Dental Unit, Mymensingh 52 2012
7 M.A.G. Osmani Medical College Dental Unit, Sylhet 52 2012
8 Sher-e-Bangla Medical College Dental Unit, Barishal 52 2012
9 Rangpur Medical College Denttal Unit, Rangpur 52 2012
Total 532
Note: Includes 10 seats resorved for children of freedom fighters and 5 seats for tribal students distributed in each medical college according to
% of number of seat Source: DG of Health. Health Bulletin, 2014

e) List of Private Dental College, 2014

[ Name Of College seats Estd
1 Pioneer Dental College, 111 Malibag, DIT Road, Dhaka 100 1995
2 City Dental College, 1085/1, Malibag Chowdhury Para, Dhaka 75 1998
3 University Dental College, 120 Shiddeswari Outer Circular Road, Century Orchid, Moghbazar, Dhaka 100 1996
4 Bangladesh Dental College, House #35, Road #14/A, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka. 70 1997
5 Saporro Dental College, Plot-12, Road # 1/B, Sector # 9, Uttara Model Town, Dhaka 90 2000
6 Rangpur Dental College, Medical East Gate, Rangpur 100 2008
7 Chattogram International Dental College, 206/1, Hazi Chand mia Road, Shamsher para, Chattogram 65 2005
8 Samaj Vittik Dental College, Mirzanagar, Via Savar Cant., Dhaka 50 1997
9 Marks Dental College, A/3, Main Road, Section-14, Mirpur, Dhaka 50 2008
10 Update Dental College, 162, Atish Dipankar Road, West Mugdha, Dhaka 85 2008
11 Udayan Dental College, Rajshahi 50 2008
12 Saphena Dental College, Baro Mogbazar, Dhaka 95 2010
13 Mandi Dental College, 295/jha/14 Sikdar Real Estate, Dhanmondi (West), P.S-Hazaribag, Dhaka-1209 65 2010
14 MH Shamarita Medical College Dental Unit, 13/A & 89/1 Pantha path, Dhaka-1215 45 2010
15 Kumudini Medical College Dental Unit, Mirapur, Tangail 40 2011
16 Holy Family Red Crecent Medical College, 1 Eskaton Garden Road, Dhaka 30 2012
17 TMSS-Bogura Medical College dental Unit, Bogura 50 2011
18 Community Medical College Dental Unit, 190 Boro Mogbazar, Dhaka 30 2012
19 Green Life Medical College Dental Unit, Dhanmondi, Dhaka 30 2013
20 Community-based Medical College Dental Unit, Mymensingh 30 2014
21 Dhaka National Medical College Dental Unit, 53/1 Jonson Road, Dhaka 20 2014
22 Delta Medical College Dental Unit, Mirpur, Dhaka 25 2014
23 Islami Bank Medical College Dental Unit, Rajshahi 20 2014
24 Al Amin Dental College, Sylhet 40 2015
Total 1355

Source: DG of Health. Health Bulletin, 2014

f) Academic Institutions for Teaching and Training of Alternative Medicines in Bangladesh

Name of the AMC institute No Duratio Duration Degree offered No. of

Tota Govern Private n of of seats
l ment course internshi
Government Unani & BUMS (Bachelor of Unani Medicine & Surgery) MAMS
Medical College 1 1 0 5 years 1 year (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery) 50
Homeopathic Medical College 2 1 1 5 years 1 year BHMS (Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine & 50
Tibbia College/Unani Diploma 12 1 11 4 years 6 months DUMS (Diploma in Ayurvedic Medicine & 25*
Ayurvedic Diploma college 8 0 8 4 years 6 months DAMS (Diploma in Homeopathic Medicine & -
Homeopathic Diploma College 41 0 41 4 years 6 months DHMS (Diploma in Homeopathic Medicine & -
Total 64 3 61
1. * Only in Government Institutions Source: DG of Health. Health Bulletin, 2013
Health, Family Planning and Social Statistics 499

13.23 (a) Sex-wise prevalence of top 15 diseases/causes of admission among the

indoor patients of upazila hospitals (n=414)in 2013
Male(n=762264) Female (n=984425)
Disease/Condition Total patients Percentage Disease/Condition Total patients Percentage
Diarrhea 144742 18.99 Diarrhea 142157 15.89
Assault 125895 16.52 Assault 99196 11.09
Peptic ulcer 52392 6.87 Pneumonia 61862 6.92
Pneumonia 52105 6.84 Peptic ulcer 34567 3.86
Enteric fever 26753 3.51 Enteric fever 26108 2.92
Road traffic accident 26455 3.47 Road traffic accident 22897 2.56
Bronchial asthma 23446 3.08 Bronchial asthma 21499 2.40
Viral fever 19188 2.52 Viral fever 20848 2.33
Poisoning 18697 2.45 Poisoning 19640 2.20
Hypertension 10374 1.36 Hypertension 18841 2.11
Anemia 8872 1.16 Anemia 13797 1.54
Chronic obstructive 8215 1.08 Chronic obstructive Pulmonary 13220 1.48
Pulmonary diseases diseases
Urinary tract Infection 5465 0.72 Urinary tract Infection 12318 1.38
Anxiety and depressive disorders 4569 0.60 Anxiety and depressive disorders 10079 1.13
Head injury 3966 0.52 Head injury 8968 1.00

13.23 (b) Sex-wise prevalence of top 15 diseases/causes of admission among th e

admitted patients in the district-level hospitals in 2013
Male(n=762264) Female (n=984425)
Disease/Condition Total patients Percentage Disease/Condition Total patients Percentage
Diarrhea 58952 13.53 Diarrhea 53198 11.79
Assault 39226 9.00 Assault 23899 5.30
Peptic ulcer 14182 3.26 Pneumonia 15994 3.54
Pneumonia 20819 4.78 Peptic ulcer 14074 3.12
Enteric fever 7139 1.64 Enteric fever 6409 1.42
Road traffic accident 24084 5.53 Road traffic accident 10397 2.30
Bronchial asthma 12350 2.83 Bronchial asthma 11140 2.47
Viral fever 11559 2.65 Viral fever 9923 2.20
Poisoning 9059 2.08 Poisoning 9338 2.07
Hypertension 8451 1.94 Hypertension 10687 2.37
Anemia 5685 1.30 Anemia 8332 1.85
CVA 8186 1.88 Abortion 8499 1.88
Myocardial infarction 8021 1.84 Urinary tract Infection 6680 1.48
Fracture 5829 1.34 Anxiety and depressive disorders 9441 2.09
Septicemia 4850 1.11 Obstructed labour 11571 2.56

13.23 (c) Sex-wise prevalence of top 15 diseases/causes of admission among the

patients of medical college hospitals in 2013
Male(n=762264) Female (n=984425)

Disease/Condition Total patients Percentage Disease/Condition Total patients Percentage

Diarrhea 20186 13.53 Diarrhea 6472 3.02
Assault 18377 9.00 Assault 8892 4.15
Fracture 8435 5.53 Abortion 6613 3.09
Myocardial infarction 7310 3.26 Myocardial infarction 3301 1.54
CVA 5618 2.65 CVA 3990 1.86
Pneumonia 6337 2.83 Pneumonia 5134 2.40
Road traffic accident 20186 13.53 Road traffic accident 9065 4.23
Bronchial asthma 5105 1.94 Bronchial asthma 4243 1.98
COPD 4969 1.88 Fracture 4828 2.25
Diabetes mellitus 4593 1.84 Poisoning 4127 1.93
Head injury 5171 2.08 Obstructed labour 3822 1.78
Hypertension 4482 1.64 Hypertension 3602 1.68
Bacillary dysentery 4076 1.34 Anemia 3495 1.63
Peptic ulcer 4068 1.30 Peptic ulcer 3301 1.54
Bronchiolitis 3580 1.11 Anxiety and depressive disorders 3797 1.77
Source: Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Health Bulletin, 2014
500 Health, Family Planning and Social Statistics

13.24 Cumulative Screening Report for Blood With TTIs, 2003-2014

Year No of HIV+ve* Hepatitis B+ve Hepatitis C+ve Syphhilis+ve Malarial

units Parasite+ve
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
2001 99653 2 0.002 1381 1.4 82 0.08 290 0.29 7 0.01
2002 170948 4 0.002 2433 1.4 246 0.14 655 0.38 53 0.03
2003 180015 1 0.001 1900 1.1 1024 0.57 428 0.24 13 0.01
2004 121993 36 0.030 1284 1.1 251 0.21 257 0..2 8 0.01
2005 203575 8 0.004 1689 0.8 201 0.10 305 0.15 6 0.90
2006 228127 20 0.009 1814 0.8 242 0.11 209 0.09 1 0.00
2007 324005 27 0.008 2764 0.9 251 0.08 215 0.07 1013 0.31
2008 369026 13 0004 2996 0.8 309 0.08 143 0.04 4 0.00
2009 358067 9 0.003 2135 0.6 181 0.05 115 0.03 7 0.00
2010 38447 6 0.002 3313 0.9 374 0.10 182 0.05 37 0.01
2011 415372 21 0.005 4356 1.0 272 0.07 179 0.04 39 0.01
2012 541682 56 0.010 5052 0.9 676 0.12 399 0.07 58 0.01
2013 593774 37 0.006 5184 0.9 597 0.10 573 0.10 98 0.02
2014 651718 74 0.01 5529 0.8 462 0.07 754 0.11 48 0.01
Total 4642402 314 0.006 41830 0.90 5168 0.11 4704 0.10 1392 0.03
Source : DG of Health, Health Bulletin, 2014

13.25 Statistics of Local Production of Finished Drugs & Raw Materials

(In Million Taka)
Year Finished Drug Raw Materials Total

2007-08 51492.71 1849.10 53341.81

2008-09 59295.67 2350.30 61645.97
2009-10 70960.50 3590.00 74550.00
2010-11 79690.00 3395.00 83085.00
2011-12 123752.55 3187.17 126939.72
2012-13 122833.47 2826.14 125659.60
2013-14 123719.77 2987.29 126707.06
2014-15 152201.28 3992.61 156193.99
2015-16 162992.75 4554.11 167546.86
2016-17 199133.00 4928.77 204061.77
2017-18 223564.43 4984.75 228549.18
Source: Drug Administration

13.26 Prices of Selected Imported Raw Materials for Essential Drugs

Average price (US $ per Kg.)
Raw materials 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Amoxycycline Trihydrate - - - - - - 0.48

Tetracycline HCL 24.00 - 25.50 25.50 24.57 27.03 0.08
Oxytetracycline HCL - - - - - - -
Amoxycillin Trihydrate 32.52 31.75 31.75 31.75 - - 0.14
Trimethoprime 21.58 22.45 25.00 25.00 20.49 20 0.08

Leavamisole 43.25 39.80 28.80 28.80 27 - 0.01

Doxycycline - 54.35 47.50 47.50 40.69 42.5 0.05
Metronidazole 10.5 10.20 10.64 10.64 9.53 8.91 0.80
Paracetamol BP - 4.09 4.00 4.00 4.81 4.85 -
Source : Essential Drug Company Limited
Health, Family Planning and Social Statistics 501

13.27 Statistics for Import of Finished Drugs Raw/Packaging Materials

(Million Taka)
Year Imported
Raw Materials Packing Materials Finished Product
2008 7996.25 421.90 2453.00
2009 8012.50 496.20 1895.00
2010 8215.00 525.50 1710.00
2011 29725.59 5845.07 1121.53
2012 5023.50 4189.93 6647.81
2013 3625.70 5023.50 7596.83
2014 20857.69 5331.21 7844.37
2015 42172.64 20857.00 7844.37
2016 109026.78 49884.40 7166.92
2017 81033.67 393027.28 9397.66
2018 206429.4 337750.1 13424.6
2019 465075.2 189531.9 45188.6

Source: Drug Administration

13.28 Export Statistics of Finished Drugs and Raw Materials

(Million Taka)
Year Finished Products Raw Materials No. of Countries
2007 2347.10 130.31 67
2008 3131.07 146.12 71
2009 3352.07 119.62 73
2010 3274.32 51.19 83
2011 4212.24 49.27 87
2012 5396.21 116.03 87
2013 6038.71 160.56 87
2014 7139.81 790.73 95
2015 6953.30 168.01 113
2016 22456.0 14.0 127
2017 31924.5 38.66 145
2018 35081.65 61.18 146
2019 40679.5 43.3 148
2020 40692.7 861.9 148

Source: Drug Administration

13.29 Licensed Business Units in Drugs by Categories

Category 2015 2016 2018 2019-20

No. of licensed pharmaceutical (Allopathic) manufacturing units 280 267 271 280
No. of licensed Unani drug manufacturing units 266 267 271 279
No. of licensed Ayurvedic drug manufacturing units 206 204 205 205
No. of licensed Homeopathic drug manufacturing units 79 79 79 79
No. of licensed herbal drug manufacturing unit - 32 32 36
No. of whole sale trading firm for drugs 2550 2595 2695 2784
No. of retail trading firms for drugs 116465 120947 126157 151768
Source: Drug Administration, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

13.30 Statistics of Production Units, Registered Drug Products (Brands) &

Distributions Outlets, 2018
Systems No. of Production Units No. of Registered No. of
Brands Pharmacy
Allopathic 209 28010 122336
Unani 262 5668 750
Ayurvedic 185 3865 504
Homoeopathic 64 2327 2548
Herbal 36 415 19
Source: Drug Administration, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
502 Health, Family Planning and Social Statistics

13.31 Number of Family Planning Personnel by Districts and Division, 2020-21

2020-21 2020-21
Family Planning Inspector (FPI) Family Welfare Assistant (FWA)
District Name Approved Post Present Vacan Approved Present Vacan
Strength t Post Strength t
Dhaka 93 79 14 551 392 159
Munshiganj 71 57 14 322 174 148
Narayanganj 59 52 7 361 266 95
Narsingdi 71 59 12 363 216 147
Gazipur 48 41 7 329 213 125
Manikganj 69 60 9 292 167 125
Kishoregan 112 105 7 536 421 115
Tangail 102 100 2 599 368 231
Faridpur 81 69 12 410 263 147
Madaripur 59 50 9 264 161 103
Shariatpur 61 53 8 238 152 86
Rajbari 44 40 4 199 126 73
Gopalganj 70 62 8 364 229 135
Total 940 827 113 4828 3148 1680
Mymenshing 156 144 12 835 600 235
Netrokona 89 85 4 418 304 114
Sherpur 45 43 2 258 191 67
Jamalpur 68 60 8 411 297 114
Total 358 332 26 1922 1392 530
Chittagong 212 173 39 981 695 235
Cox’s Bazar 46 42 4 242 175 114
Noakhali 71 69 2 471 346 67
Laxmipur 45 44 1 284 213 114
Feni 46 40 6 229 162 530
Cumilla 169 143 26 957 705 246
B. Baria 94 93 1 483 300 67
Chandpur 89 84 5 513 361 125
Rangamati 40 36 4 152 113 71
Khagrachari 39 29 10 120 83 67
Bandarban 27 23 4 85 95 252
Total 878 776 102 4477 3248 183
Sylhet 83 67 16 487 102 385
Moulvi Bazar 68 52 16 335 233 102
Habiganj 78 72 6 379 287 92
Sunamganj 82 71 11 397 284 113
Total 311 262 49 1598 906 692
Rajshahi 70 60 10 379 266 113
Chapai Nababga 50 45 5 254 171 83
Naogaon 98 82 16 491 327 164
Natore 49 41 8 288 193 95
Pabna 73 64 9 394 283 111
Sirajganj 80 68 12 468 309 159
Bogura 109 100 9 596 383 213
Joypurhat 32 30 2 174 118 56
Total 561 490 71 3044 2050 994
Rangpur 76 77 -1 462 345 117
Nilphamari 66 61 5 301 206 95
Lalmonirhat 43 40 3 216 173 43
Kurigram 73 62 11 374 261 113
Gaibandha 78 73 5 465 335 130
Dinajpur 103 99 4 519 325 194
Thakurgaon 45 48 -3 238 124 114
Panchagarh 42 40 2 202 135 67
Total 526 500 26 2777 1904 873
Khulna 81 71 10 435 306 129
Bagerhat 79 64 15 401 269 132
Satkhira 79 71 8 379 231 148
Jashore 89 79 10 514 371 143
Jhenaidah 72 64 8 338 230 108
Magura 42 37 5 171 115 56
Narail 39 38 1 189 141 48
Kushtia 62 56 6 326 218 108
Meherpur 20 18 2 111 74 37
Chuadanga 30 29 1 180 124 56
Total 593 527 66 3044 2079 965
Barishal 87 85 2 499 314 185
Bhola 61 55 6 318 208 110
Jhalokathi 32 27 5 162 90 72
Pirojpur 52 47 5 272 205 67
Patuakhali 62 57 5 317 233 84
Barguna 39 38 1 242 179 63
Total 333 309 24 1810 1229 581
Dhaka 940 827 113 4828 3148 1680
Mymenshing 358 332 26 1922 1392 530
Chattogram 878 776 102 4477 3248 1229
Sylhet 311 262 49 1598 906 692
Rajshahi 561 490 71 3044 2050 994
Rangpur 526 500 26 2777 1904 873
Khulna 593 527 66 3044 2079 965
Barishal 333 309 24 1810 1229 581
Total 4500 402 477 2350 1595 7544
3 0 6
Source: DG Family Planning
Health, Family Planning and Social Statistics 503

13.32 Distribution of Family Planning Aids

2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
IUD (cases) 202198 179413 157898
Implant(cases) 422813 335450 352065
Injectable (Doses) 11144307 11072131 10013104
Oral pill (cycles) 88554637 81595439 77869914
Condom (pieces) 108643551 107832493 104863627
M.R 149379 106309 -
Permanent Method (cases) Total 144607 127509 75918
Source: M.I.S Unit, Directorate General of Family Planning

13.33 Distribution of Ever Users of Contraceptives by Age of Women and Method of Used,
Age Any Any Condom Oral Pill Injection Male Female IUD Foam Norplant Traditiona
Group Metho modern Sterilizati Sterilizati l
d methods on on Method

Total 75.5 73.3 9.6 43.6 14.9 0.53 1.02 2.28 0.70 0.71 2.08
15-19 66.49 64.66 9.31 40.33 8.83 0.24 4.59 0.29 0.43 0.62 1.68
20-24 65.77 64.21 7.29 42.20 11.20 0.29 0.54 0.56 0.66 0.70 1.47
25-29 87.40 85.62 12.53 54.84 14.88 0.40 0.62 0.97 0.69 0.70 1.68
30-34 89.58 87.72 9.87 56.64 16.61 0.47 0.87 1.77 0.73 0.77 1.82
35-39 70.20 67.92 9.52 35.47 16.93 0.72 10.3 2.79 0.71 0.74 2.16
40-44 65.20 61.94 8.63 28.68 16.45 0.77 1.21 4.74 0.75 0.72 3.13
45-49 65.10 61.42 7.95 29.00 13.97 0.99 1.13 7.05 0.80 0.54 3.56
Source: Report on Sample Vital Registration System, 2011, BBS (Page No-132)

13.34 Distribution of Contraceptives Uses of Currently Married Women by Age, 2011

Age Any Any Condom Oral Pill Injection Male IUD Female Foam Norplant Traditiona
Group Metho modern Sterilizati Sterilizati l
d methods on on Method

Total 58.3 56.5 4.0 35.0 12.8 0.5 0.9 2.1 0.6 0.6 1.8
15-19 58.7 57.3 6.5 40.8 8.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.6 1.4
20-24 58.4 57.1 4.5 39.3 10.7 0.3 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 1.2
25-29 58.8 57.2 4.0 37.4 12.6 0.4 0.7 1.0 0.5 0.6 1.4
30-34 58.5 56.9 3.6 34.4 14.3 0.4 1.0 1.9 0.6 0.7 1.6
35-39 57.9 55.9 3.5 31.8 14.6 0.7 1.1 3.0 0.5 0.6 1.9
40-44 58.1 55.2 3.6 30.6 13.6 0.7 1.3 3.9 0.7 0.7 2.7
45-49 57.9 54.6 3.6 30.6 11.3 0.9 1.3 5.6 0.8 0.5 3.2
Source: Report on Sample Vital Registration System, 2011, BBS (Page No-133)

13.35 Locality-Wise Differentials of CPR, 2011

Method National Rural Urban
Any Method 58.3 56.0 62.2
Any Modern Method 56.5 54.2 60.1
Condom 4.0 2.9 5.7
Oral Pill 35.0 33.9 36.9
Injection 12.8 13.4 11.7
Male Sterilization 0.5 0.4 0.6
IUD 0.9 0.9 0.9
Female Sterilization 2.1 1.8 2.6
Foam 0.6 0.3 0.9
Norplant 0.6 0.5 0.8
Traditional Method 1.8 1.7 2.0
Source: Report on Sample Vital Registration System, 2011, BBS
504 Health, Family Planning and Social Statistics

13.36 Contraceptive Prevalence Rate by Residence

Year National Rural Urban

2005 57.8 55.2 60.4

2006 58.3 57.1 60.5
2007 55.0 53.8 57.0
2008 52.6 51.1 55.3
2009 56.1 54.4 58.7
2010 56.7 55.3 60.9
2011 58.3 56.0 62.2
2012 62.2 59.8 66.1
2013 62.4 61.8 64.1
2014 62.2 61.6 64.5
2015 62.1 60.4 64.5
2016 62.37 59.3 65.9
2017 62.5 59.4 66.3
2018 63.1 62.4 64.0
2019 63.4 62.7 64.4
Source: Report on Sample Vital Registration System, 2019, BBS

13.37 Contraceptive Method Mix with Respect to Any Method

Method 2000 HDS 2001 2002 2003 2004 2006VRS 2009SVR 2010 20111SVR

Any method 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100 100
Any modern method 83.3 87.8 89.6 91.0 90.9 90.1 95.8 96.6 96.8
Pill 41.7 47.9 56.9 58.7 58.6 62.1 66.3 60.6 60.0
IUD 2.6 3.5 1.5 1.1 1.1 1.2 0.7 1.4 1.6
Injection 17.0 12.2 14.2 18.1 17.9 12.0 16.3 22.3 21.9
Condom 11.7 11.5 17.7 9.6 9.8 11.7 9.6 6.7 6.8
Female sterilization 9.7 10.9 3.8 3.3 3.2 2.9 2.5 3.6 3.7
Male sterilization 0.8 1.7 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.7 0.9
By traditional methods 16.7 12.2 10.8 9.0 9.1 9.9 4.2 3.4 3.1
Source : Report on Sample Vital Registration System, 2011, BBS

13.38 Contraceptive Method Mix with Respect to Modern Method

Method 2009-SVRS 2010 SVRS 2011SVRS 2015SVRS 2016 SVRS 2017 SVRS 2018-SVRS 2019-SVRS

Any modern method 100.0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Pill 69.2 62.73 62.2 56.0 57.3 56.3 56.6 57.3
IUD 0.8 1.45 1.6 1.6 1.4 1.6 1.7 1.6
Injection 16.8 23.08 22.6 24.8 26.0 22.6 24.9 23.2
Condom 10.3 6.94 7.0 12.3 9.9 14.5 11.6 12.9
Female sterilization 2.5 3.73 3.8 3.2 3.4 2.7 2.9 2.7
Male sterilization 0.4 0.72 0.9 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5
By traditional methods - 3.52 2.2 - - - - -
Foam Tablet - - - 0.4 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8
Norplant - - - 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
Source : Report on Sample Vital Registration System, 2017, BBS
Health, Family Planning and Social Statistics 505

13.39 Birth Attendant, 1993-2001

Birth attendant Year National Rural Urban
Relative 1993 52.1 58.0 30.2
1995 (HDS) 39.1 44.7 27.0
1998 33.1 40.6 10.4
1999 31.9 39.4 9.5
2000 31.2 37.6 9.1
2001* 30.7 37.1 9.0
Midwife 1993 41.9 40.8 46.2
1995 (HDS) 46.2 46.9 44.4
1998 49.3 48.5 51.8
1999 48.8 48.2 50.7
2000 47.3 48.1 48.4
2001* 47.1 48.0 47.7
Nurse/Doctor 1993 6.0 1.2 23.6
1995 (HDS) 14.7 8.4 28.5
1998 17.6 10.9 37.9
1999 19.3 12.4 39.8
2000 21.5 14.3 42.5
2001* 22.2 14.9 43.3
Source: Report on Sample Vital Registration System 1993-2001, BBS

13.40 Neonatal Mortality Rate per 1000 Live Births

Year sex National Rural Urban

2006 Both Sex 31 32 27
Male 33 35 25
Female 29 29 29
2007 Both Sex 29 30 29
Male 33 33 36
Female 26 28 22
2008 Both Sex 31 31 30
Male 32 33 31
Female 29 29 29
2009 Both Sex 28 29 28
Male 30 31 29
Female 27 26 27
2010 Both Sex 26 26 25
Male 28 29 25
Female 24 23 26
2011 Both Sex 23 24 22
Male 25 27 22
Female 22 22 24
2012 Both Sex 21 22 21
Male 23 25 20
Female 20 19 22
2013 Both Sex 20 23 16
Male 22 24 15
Female 21 22 18
2014 Both Sex 21 21 19
Male 22 22 21
Female 19 20 16
2015 Both Sex 20 20 20
Male 20 21 19
Female 20 19 22
2016 Both Sex 19 19 20
Male 18 17 20
Female 20 19 20
2017 Both Sex 17 17 17
Male 18 18 17
Female 17 16 18
2018 Both Sex 16 16 16
Male 17 17 16
Female 15 15 15
2019 Both Sex 15 16 15
Male 16 17 15
Female 15 15 15
Source: Report on Sample Vital Registration System 2006-2019, BBS
506 Health, Family Planning and Social Statistics

13.41 Post Neonatal Mortality Rate per 1000 Live Births

Year sex National Rural Urban

2004 Both Sex 17 17 14
Male 17 17 18
Female 16 17 10
2005 Both Sex 16 17 16
Male 16 16 17
Female 17 17 15
2006 Both Sex 14 15 11
Male 14 15 10
Female 14 15 12
2007 Both Sex 13 13 13
Male 11 13 6
Female 14 13 20
2008 Both Sex 10 11 9
Male 10 10 8
Female 11 11 11
2009 Both Sex 11 12 11
Male 12 12 12
Female 10 11 9
2010 Both Sex 10 11 10
Male 10 10 9
Female 11 12 10
2011 Both Sex 11 12 10
Male 11 12 9
Female 11 11 11
2012 Both Sex 12 12 10
Male 11 12 10
Female 12 13 11
2013 Both Sex 11 11 10
Male 10 11 9
Female 10 11 10
2014 Both Sex 9 9 7
Male 9 9 8
Female 9 9 6
2015 Both Sex 9 9 8
Male 10 10 10
Female 8 9 6
2016 Both Sex 9 9 8
Male 9 9 8
Female 8 9 8
2017 Both Sex 7 8 5
Male 7 9 5
Female 6 7 5
2018 Both Sex 6 6 5
Male 6 6 5
Female 6 6 6
2019 Both Sex 6 6 5
Male 6 6 5
Female 6 6 5
Source: Report on Sample Vital Registration System 2004-2019, BBS
Health, Family Planning and Social Statistics 509

13.42 Under 5 Years Child Death Rate (per 1000 Live Birth) by Locality

Year sex National Rural Urban

2009 Both Sex 50 52 47
Male 52 54 48
Female 48 50 46
2010 Both Sex 47 48 44
Male 50 52 44
Female 43 43 43
2011 Both Sex 44 47 39
Male 45 50 37
Female 43 43 41
2012 Both Sex 42 44 37
Male 43 46 36
Female 41 42 38
2013 Both Sex 41 43 35
Male 42 45 30
Female 40 41 39
2014 Both Sex 38 40 30
Male 38 40 34
Female 37 40 26
2015 Both Sex 36 39 32
Male 39 42 33
Female 34 35 31
2016 Both Sex 35 36 32
Male 35 36 32
Female 34 35 33
2017 Both Sex 31 33 27
Male 32 36 27
Female 29 31 27
2018 Both Sex 29 31 27
Male 31 34 28
Female 27 28 25
2019 Both Sex 28 29 26
Male 30 31 27
Female 26 27 25

Source: Report on Sample Vital Registration System 2009-2019, BBS.

13.43 Contraceptive Prevalence Rate by Division and Residence, 2011

Total Rural Urban
Barishal 58.4 57.1 60.7
Chattogram 56.5 52.2 62.5
Dhaka 59.6 57.6 62.4
Khulna 61.0 59.1 64.3
Rajshahi 59.3 58.1 61.7
Rangpur 59.2 57.6 63.1
Sylhet 42.8 38.1 53.5
National 58.3 56.0 62.2
Source: Report on Sample Vital Registration System 2011, BBS
510 Health, Family Planning and Social Statistics

13.44 Contraceptive Prevalence Rate by Method resid ence, 2011

Method National Rural Urban
Any Method 58.3 56.0 62.2
Any Modern Method 56.5 54.2 60.1
Condom 4.0 2.9 5.7
Oral Pill 35.0 33.9 36.9
Injection 12.8 13.4 11.7
Male Sterilization 0.5 0.4 0.6
Female Sterilization 0.9 0.9 0.9
IUD 2.1 1.8 2.6
Norplant 0.6 0.3 0.9
Foam Tab. 0.6 0.5 0.8
Traditional Method 1.8 1.7 2.0

Source: Report on Sample Vital Registration System 2011, BBS

13.45 Percentage Distribution of Currently Married Women Using Family Planning

Methods by Types
Method 2002 2003 2004 2006 2016 2017 2018 2019

Any method 53.4 55.1 56.0 58.3 62.3 62.5 63.1 63.4

Any modern method 47.8 50.2 50.9 52.5 58.4 59.2 61.6 62.2

Pill 30.4 32.4 32.8 36.2 33.4 33.4 34.9 35.6

IUD 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.0

Injection 7.6 10.0 10.0 7.0 15.2 13.4 15.3 14.4

Condom 9.4 5.3 5.5 6.8 5.8 8.6 7.2 8.0

Female Sterilization 2.0 1.8 1.8 1.7 2.0 1.6 1.8 1.7

Male Sterilization 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3

By Traditional methods 5.8 4.9 5.1 5.8 3.9 3.3 1.5 1.3
Source: Report on Sample Vital Registration System 2002-2019, BBS
Health, Family Planning and Social Statistics 511

13.46 Maternal Mortality Ratio per 1000 Live Births

Year National Rural Urban
2007 3.51 3.86 2.19
2008 3.48 3.93 2.42
2009 2.59 2.85 1.79
2010 2.16 2.30 1.78
2011 2.09 2.15 1.96
2012 2.03 2.10 1.90
2013 1.97 2.11 1.46
2014 1.93 1.96 1.82
2015 1.81 1.91 1.62
2016 1.78 1.90 1.60
2017 1.72 1.82 1.57
2018 1.69 1.93 1.32
2019 1.65 1.91 1.23
Source: Report on Sample Vital Registration System 2019, BBS

13.47 Cause-Specific Death Rates per 100,000 Population by Sex and Locality, 2011
Sl Cause of Death Total Rural Urban
No. Both Sex Male Female Both Sex Male Female Both Sex Male Female

1 Chicken pox, Measles, Polio 0.73 0.93 0.48 0.75 0.92 0.52 0.71 0.94 0.39
2 Fever: Malaria, Typhoid, Influenza, 4.47 4.09 5.03 5.12 4.81 5.53 3.11 2.55 3.89
Dengue, Other Fever
3 Jaundice, 1.77 1.88 1.64 1.81 2.10 1.44 1.69 1.42 2.07
4 Cholera, Diarrhea 0.85 0.69 1.08 0.94 0.79 1.15 0.66 0.47 0.91
5 Dysentery 0.61 0.66 0.56 0.60 0.48 0.75 0.66 1.04 0.13
6 Tuberculosis, Water in lungs 1.36 1.55 1.12 1.44 1.66 1.15 1.20 1.32 1.04
7 Asthma, Respiratory Disease 10.13 11.20 8.82 10.79 12.15 8.99 8.84 9.15 8.42
8 Pneumonia 4.23 4.21 4.31 4.57 4.59 4.55 3.55 3.40 3.76
9 High Blood Pressure 2.26 2.39 2.11 2.34 2.32 2.36 2.13 2.55 1.55
10 Heart Disease, Stroke, Brain Hemorrhage 16.97 19.12 14.28 13.77 14.82 12.39 24.24 28.40 18.52
11 Diabetes, General Diseases 1.41 1.70 1.04 1.14 1.35 0.86 2.02 2.45 1.42
12 Rheumatism, rheumatic Fever 1.02 1.05 1.00 1.22 1.22 1.21 0.60 0.66 0.52
13 Paralysis 0.88 1.02 0.72 0.97 1.14 0.75 0.71 0.75 0.65
14 Diphtheria, Meningitis 0.26 0.27 0.24 0.22 0.31 0.12 0.33 0.19 0.52
15 Peptic ulcer 0.37 0.45 0.28 0.42 0.48 0.35 0.27 0.38 0.13
16 Malnutrition 1.05 0.78 1.44 1.07 0.83 1.38 1.04 0.66 1.55
17 Tumor, Cancer 8.86 8.75 9.09 8.65 8.74 8.53 9.44 8.77 10.36
18 Skin Disease, Leprosy, Arsenic 0.51 0.51 0.52 0.45 0.52 0.35 0.66 0.47 0.91
19 Pregnancy related problem 1.11 - 1.52 0.67 0.00 1.56 0.60 1.42
20 Accident 4.86 5.97 3.43 5.37 6.47 3.92 3.82 4.91 2.33
21 Mental disease, Drug abuse, Epilepsy/Margi 1.17 1.37 0.92 1.34 1.53 1.10 0.82 1.04 0.52
22 Old age 18.87 16.58 22.14 19.56 17.31 22.54 17.63 15.00 21.24
23 ENT disease 0.24 0.15 0.36 0.27 0.13 0.46 0.16 0.19 0.13
24 Gonorrhea, HIV/Aids 0.02 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.13
25 Appendicitis, Kidney problem 1.84 2.06 1.56 1.84 2.27 1.27 1.86 1.60 2.20
26 Other diseases 14.14 12.63 16.31 14.67 13.07 16.77 13.21 11.70 15.28

Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Source: Report on Sample Vital Registration System 2011, BBS
512 Health, Family Planning and Social Statistics

13.48 Percentage Distribution of Death by Causes, Sex and Locality, 2011


Sl Cause of Death National Rural Urban

No. Both Sex Male Female Both Sex Male Female Both Sex Male Female
1 Chicken pox, Measles, Polio 3.90 5.62 2.18 4.23 5.90 2.54 3.31 5.11 0.85
2 Fever: Malaria, Typhoid, Influenza, 23.87 24.84 22.89 29.03 30.91 27.14 14.53 13.80 8.48
Dengue, Other Fever
3 Jaundice 9.44 11.42 7.45 10.29 13.49 7.07 7.90 7.67 4.52
4 Cholera, Diarrhea 4.54 4.17 4.91 5.36 5.06 5.65 3.06 2.56 1.98
5 Dysentery 3.27 3.99 2.54 3.38 3.09 3.68 3.06 5.62 0.28
6 Tuberculosis, Water in lungs 54.09 68.00 40.16 61.16 78.13 44.10 41.30 49.58 18.38
7 Asthma, Respiratory Disease 54.09 68.00 40.16 61.16 78.13 44.10 41.30 49.58 18.38
8 Pneumonia 22.60 25.57 19.62 25.93 29.51 22.33 16.57 18.40 8.20
9 High Blood pressure 12.07 14.51 9.63 13.25 14.89 11.59 9.94 13.80 3.39
10 Heart disease, Stroke, Brain Hemorrhage 90.57 116.05 65.05 78.08 95.27 60.78 113.18 153.85 40.43
11 Diabetes, Venereal Diseases 7.53 10.34 4.72 6.48 8.71 4.24 9.43 13.29 3.11
12 Rheumatism, Rheumatic fever 5.45 6.35 4.54 6.91 7.87 5.94 2.80 3.58 1.13
13 Paralysis 4.72 6.17 3.27 5.50 7.31 3.68 3.31 4.09 1.41
14 Diphtheria, Meningitis 1.36 1.63 1.09 1.27 1.97 0.57 1.53 1.02 1.13
15 Peptic Ulcer 2.00 2.72 1.27 2.40 3.09 1.70 1.27 2.04 0.28
16 Malnutrition 5.63 4.71 6.54 6.06 5.34 6.78 4.84 3.58 3.39
17 Tumor, Cancer 47.28 53.13 41.43 49.04 56.21 4184 44.10 47.53 22.62
18 Skin disease, leprosy, Arsenic 2.72 3.08 2.36 2.54 3.37 1.70 3.06 2.56 1.98
19 Pregnancy related problem 3.45 0.00 6.90 3.81 0.00 7.63 2.80 0.00 3.11
20 Accident 25.96 36.27 15.63 30.44 41.59 19.22 17.84 26.58 5.09
21 Mental disease, Drug abuse, 6.26 8.34 4.18 7.61 9.84 5.37 3.82 5.62 1.13
22 Old age 100.74 100.64 100.84 110.91 111.29 110.54 82.34 81.27 46.36
23 ENT disease 1.27 0.91 1.65 1.55 0.84 2.26 0.76 1.02 0.28
24 Gonorrhea, HIV 0.09 0.00 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.28
25 Appendicitis, Kidney problem 9.80 12.51 7.09 10.43 14.61 6.22 8.67 8.69 4.81
26 Other Diseases 75.51 76.70 74.31 83.15 84.03 82.27 61.69 63.38 33.36

Source: Report on Sample Vital Registration System 2011, BBS (Page No-101)

13.49 Persons Who Believe Tobacco Causes Diseases (% of Adults > 15 Years)
Indicator Smoking tobacco causes: Using smokeless tobacco causes:
Overall Men Women Overall Men Women

Oral cancer N/A N/A N/A 91.0 91.6 90.5

Lung cancer 94.8 95.3 94.3 N/A N/A N/A
Heart attack 89.5 92.1 86.9 82.5 86.0 79.2

Stroke 88.9 92.5 85.4 82.0 86.2 78.0

Adults believed breathing other 93.1 95.7 90.7 N/A N/A N/A
peoples’ smoke causes serious illness
in nonsmokers
Source: Global Adult Tobacco Survey Bangladesh, 2017
Health, Family Planning and Social Statistics 513

13.50 Place of Delivery

Delivery place Year National Rural Urban
At home 1995 89.1 94.3 78.0
1999 88.0 94.0 76.1
2000 87.8 93.8 75.7
2001 87.4 93.6 74.7
2003 88.9 91.4 74.6
2004 88.8 91.0 76.2
2006 87.3 89.9 76.3
Hospital/Clinic 1995 9.3 3.8 20.9
1999 10.5 4.1 22.8
2000 10.7 4.4 23.4
2001 11.2 4.7 24.5
2003 9.4 7.1 22.8
2004 9.7 7.9 20.9
2006 11.4 9.1 21.2
Others 1995 1.7 1.9 1.2
1999 1.5 1.8 1.1
2000 1.5 1.7 0.9
2001 1.4 1.7 0.8
2003 1.7 1.6 2.8
2004 1.5 1.2 3.0
2006 1.4 1.2 2.5
Source: Report on Sample Vital Registration System 1995-2006, BBS

13.51 Progress of Sinking Deep Tube wells in Coastal Saline Areas

No. of tube wells completed up to the year
Former District
2003-04 2004-05 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2016-17
Chattogram 17231 17701 2160 29031 29988 31106 31996 33013 36376
Noakhali 14997 16220 21525 46963 48253 49890 51769 53526 56806
Sylhet 332 359 876 6353 8257 9365 10221 11721 12611
Khulna 6228 6409 9514 22299 23225 24756 25778 26784 29024

Barishal 14499 14593 19885 52412 553997 57028 60897 63292 67125
Patuakhali 16834 16387 20263 34623 35218 36529 37116 38908 40657
Faridpur 1134 1524 2737 22899 25001 28650 29574 30723 35280
Jashore 1966 2543 4265 9641 11395 11938 12400 12829 13568
Total 73221 75736 81225 224221 235334 249262 259751 270796 291447
Source : Department of Public Health Engineering
514 Health, Family Planning and Social Statistics

13.52 Number of Hand/Shallow Tube wells for Drinking Water in Rural Areas by Former
Former Districts 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2016-17 2017-18 2019-20
Khagrachhari 2210 2240 2240 2240 2240 2240 2240 2240
Bandarban 1067 1067 1067 1067 1067 1067 1067 1105
Chattogram 48360 48443 48853 48943 49013 49013 49013 56846
Rangamati 1240 1262 1262 1313 1313 1313 1313 1331
Cumilla 81915 81933 81964 82034 82050 82050 82050 82050
Noakhali 45116 46404 46404 46404 46404 46404 46404 46404
Sylhet 72267 72399 77678 72915 72988 73135 73224 73224
Dhaka 86661 86846 86984 87175 87297 87664 87679 87679
Faridpur 60715 60813 61028 61296 61518 61887 62127 63908
Jamalpur 33002 33696 34264 34758 34855 35178 35201 40853
Mymensingh 69373 69432 69490 69490 69490 69490 69490 70205
Tangail 30750 30750 31109 31344 31444 32231 32415 34140
Barishal 35780 37274 37274 37274 37274 37443 37443 39448
Kushtia 25292 25292 25580 25609 25617 25628 26054 26456
Jashore 51774 51774 51774 52346 52383 52493 52493 53688
Khulna 41145 41145 41361 41523 41722 42102 42149 42466
Patuakhali - - - - 0 0 0 0
Bogura 31033 31230 3123 31458 31778 31778 31965 32404
Dinajpur 44626 45186 45946 46517 47777 48542 48730 57521
Pabna 37761 38051 38311 38412 38412 38894 38894 40323
Rajshahi 52806 52866 52900 52941 52946 52981 52995 54430
Rangpur 89402 90425 91390 93319 94149 95608 95608 105715
Bangladesh 942325 948528 953109 958351 961737 967141 968554 1012436
Notes : Average discharge capacity of hand tube well is about 4-5 gallons per minute. Figures are as on 30th June
Source : Department of Public Health Engineering
Health, Family Planning and Social Statistics 515

13.53 Number of Hand/Tara for Drinking Water in Rural Areas by Former Districts
Former districts 2013-14 2014-15 2016-17 2017-18 2019-20

4792 4792 4864 4864 7469

Bandarban 2968 2968 2993 2993 2993
Chattogram 2979 3123 3561 3868 5607
Rangamati 5430 5434 5489 5517 7284
Cumilla 21345 21514 27183 29064 34763
Noakhali 123 169 174 180 337
Sylhet 6891 7307 7700 8094 11994
Dhaka 32197 34007 37126 38053 43065
Faridpur 4687 4751 4886 5008 7030
Jamalpur 8063 8100 8635 8641 10374
Mymensingh - - 44526 46562 55230
Tangail 9081 9338 10330 10747 13435
Barishal 368 368 368 368 368
Kushtia 10111 10553 10744 11617 13097
Jashore 7768 7941 8863 10158 14472
Khulna 1545 1600 1600 1600 3396
Patuakhali - 0 0 0 0
Bogura 17688 19258 19395 19752 25584
Dinajpur 9797 10221 10221 11283 13881
Pabna 22268 22553 22948 23208 24176
Rajshahi 46484 47892 48560 50112 57445
Rangpur 12505 12506 12098 12881 17006
Total 227090 234395 292264 304570 369006
Source: Department of Public Health Engineering
516 Health, Family Planning and Social Statistics

13.54 Production and Number of Sales Centre of Sanitary Latrines by Former District

Former 2012-13 2014-15 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19

Districts No.of Production No.of Production No.of Production No. of Production No. of Productio
centre centre centre centre Centre n
Khagrachhari 8 1240 8 8 1300 8 900 8 138
Bandarban 6 2215 6 6 1300 6 900 6 138
Rangamati 10 2000 10 10 1300 10 900 10 140
Chattogram 39 4600 39 39 1800 39 1800 39 1088
Cumilla 47 8380 47 46 2700 46 3100 46 1232
Noakhali 25 4155 25 25 2700 25 2700 25 1632
Sylhet 59 7955 59 58 4000 58 4000 58 1376
Dhaka 62 6390 62 62 5400 62 5400 62 3264
Faridpur 63 4340 63 62 4500 62 4500 62 2720
Jamalpur 17 2080 17 17 1800 17 2000 17 888
Mymensingh 68 7150 68 68 2700 68 2700 68 1632
Tangail 24 2300 24 24 900 24 900 24 544
Barishal 56 6850 56 52 3600 52 3800 52 1976
Jashore 33 4725 33 33 3600 33 3600 33 2176
Khulna 50 5200 50 48 2700 48 2700 48 1632
Kushtia 21 1895 21 20 2700 20 2700 20 1632
Patuakhali 24 1880 24 24 1800 24 2200 24 688
Bogura 34 3360 34 34 1800 34 1800 34 1088
Dinajpur 44 4090 44 44 3000 44 3000 44 1032
Pabna 25 3090 25 25 1800 25 1800 25 1088
Rajshahi 49 5835 49 49 3600 49 3600 49 2176
Rangpur 74 6610 74 71 5000 71 5000 71 1720
Total 838 96040 838 825 60000 825 60000 825 30000
Source : Department of Public Health Engineering

13.55 Number of Newspapers and Books Published (General)

Number of newspapers and periodicals Number of books published
Year Dailies weekly & Monthly Others Total Bengali English Others Total
1999 217 349 127 87 780 88 23 - 111
2000 337 556 247 106 1246 530 87 29 646
2001 368 579 251 107 1305 780 75 4 859
2002 407 603 258 108 1376 439 27 - 466
2003 436 615 260 108 1419 340 34 - 374
2004 376 239 67 06 688 339 38 1 368
2005 407 286 64 07 764 302 22 1 325
2006 410 267 57 06 740 269 30 - 299
2008 424 214 69 05 712 267 50 02 319
2009 405 129 57 02 593 301 31 - 332
2010 294 126 30 20 470 700 100 100 900
2011 518 322 97 08 495 318 100 90 508
2012 580 376 114 11 1081 251 21 02 274
2013 623 349 205 09 1186 489 23 12 524
2014 863 831 161 15 1870 115 22 0 137
2015 1055 1357 355 36 2803 180 38 0 218
2016 1106 1296 280 216 2896 82 26 54 162
2017 1185 1388 402 40 3015 112 20 48 180
2018 1242 1408 413 40 3104 120 25 07 153
Source : Department of Films and Publications
Health, Family Planning and Social Statistics 517

13.56 Number of Cinema Houses and Their Seating Capacity by Former Districts, 2020
S. No Former Districts Total cinema house Running Closed Total seat

01 Dhaka 45 42 03 23452
02 Narayanganj 22 17 05 8605
03 Nawabganj 09 06 03 1612
04 Pabna 10 08 02 7610
05 Khagrachhari 00 00 00 00
06 Rajshahi 08 06 02 10022
07 Noakhali 09 05 04 600
08 Moulvibazar 07 05 02 1107
09 Khulna 07 05 02 3078
10 Sunamganj 00 00 00 00
11 Bandarban 00 00 00 00
12 Satkhira 11 07 04 4000
13 Panchagarh 14 08 06 2270
14 Tangail 17 11 06 3888
15 Naogaon 12 08 04 2516
16 Chandpur 10 06 04 15030
17 Magura 06 04 02 520
18 Sherpur 09 07 02 1130
19 Chattogram 07 05 02 3209
20 Chuadanga 07 05 02 2300
Total 210 155 55 68402
Source: Department of Mass Communication, Ministry of Information.

13.57 Number of Advocates and Lawyers by Former Districts

Former District 2006 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Chattogram 2178 3000 3437 3759 376 4094 4479 4989 553 553
Chattogram H.Ts.* 60 115 68 71 04 49 56 67 14 14
Cumilla 1279 1631 1793 1886 99 1784 1844 1933 137 137
Noakhali 672 751 827 878 138 907 955 1009 78 78
Sylhet 1713 1922 2170 2327 1686 2404 2539 2732 246 246

Dhaka 11395 13833 16880 18338 54 20537 22066 23740 2040 2040
Faridpur 660 707 842 895 10 921 976 1030 64 64
Jamalpur 385 - - - - 312 322 350 14 14
Mymensingh 1241 1501 1599 1685 71 1907 1960 2014 84 84
Tangail 571 1017 1145 1195 19 701 720 754 34 34

Barishal 1058 1385 1469 1514 40 1386 1417 1468 66 66

Jashore 1313 1228 1295 1354 39 1408 1434 1494 62 62
Khulna 2004 2272 2450 2539 83 2371 2472 2569 111 111
Kushtia 771 813 860 884 46 861 833 913 28 28
Patuakhali 409 626 668 703 35 556 595 631 62 62

Bogura 884 876 933 961 35 992 1015 1050 44 44

Dinajpur 644 661 723 759 53 824 867 906 58 58
Pabna 748 831 866 887 19 836 848 864 30 30
Rajshahi 1675 1864 1963 2020 73 1902 1959 2088 101 101
Rangpur 902 1098 1202 1243 73 1278 1317 1379 72 72

Total 30562 36131 41190 43898 3001 46030 48734 51981 3898 3898
* Includes Bandarban
Source : Bangladesh Bar Council
518 Health, Family Planning and Social Statistics

13.58 Number of Crimes by Type as Registered with the Police, 2017

Dacoity Robbery
Buse & Mills & Dacoity Total At the Total No Total No
Name of Unit
Home Trucks Bank Piracy Industry with Other Dacoity Home Streat & of of
Murder Road Robbery Murder
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
DMP 11 5 0 0 0 0 4 20 21 82 103 218
CMP 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 70 71 70
KMP 4 0 0 0 0 2 0 6 7 2 9 25
RMP 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 33 34 8
BMP 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 6 8 16
SMP 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 18 18 32
Dhaka Range 57 10 0 4 3 2 23 99 33 99 132 828
Mymensingh range 1 2 0 0 0 2 3 8 3 13 16 248
Chattogram Range 34 3 1 4 0 4 19 64 12 62 74 626
Sylhet Range 29 0 0 0 0 1 1 31 2 29 31 303
Khulna Range 22 3 0 0 00 2 5 33 12 39 51 338
Barishal Range 15 0 0 5 0 0 2 22 20 16 36 169
Rajshahi Range 14 9 0 0 0 1 12 36 3 35 38 368
Rangpur 5 0 0 0 1 0 1 7 0 29 29 281
Railway Range 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 19
TOTAL 199 32 1 13 4 14 73 336 117 540 657 3549

Law & Order Breaking Crime (Rapid Action Trial Law-2002

Make Hindrance Damages Property Creation of Obstruction to Obstruction to Danga Registered
Extortionist to vehicle or to Caused to the Destroy Snatching Consternation Submit Carryout Total cases of
divert the route Vehicle Tender Duty Law &
of the vehicle Order
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
20 2 0 5 172 3 1 0 202 7 550
3 0 2 2 66 5 0 0 80 0 223
5 1 0 1 13 0 0 0 19 0 59
1 0 0 0 11 2 0 0 15 2 61
1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 4 0 29
6 3 3 7 37 10 0 0 60 3 118
12 0 0 1 90 21 0 1 131 0 1190
12 0 0 31 18 44 0 2 107 0 379
20 0 0 1 68 24 0 1 114 0 878
0 0 0 6 15 9 0 0 30 2 397
15 0 0 11 17 18 0 1 62 9 493
34 0 0 6 5 16 0 1 62 0 289
43 2 1 26 47 13 0 0 132 0 574
3 0 0 3 12 5 0 2 25 0 342
0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 28
175 9 6 100 574 171 1 9 1045 23 5610
Health, Family Planning and Social Statistics 519

Women Molestation Abduction

Name of Unit Rape Throw Seriously Other Total Child Hostage For Other Total Police Burglary
Acid Injured ways Persecution trafficking Assault
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

DMP 375 0 16 1120 1511 268 30 1 54 85 132 554

CMP 103 2 0 183 291 59 5 0 2 7 21 92
KMP 32 1 1 206 240 8 0 0 4 4 6 35
RMP 16 0 14 34 64 56 8 0 9 17 14 33
BMP 26 0 1 59 86 3 0 0 7 7 4 32
SMP 13 0 5 45 63 57 1 0 5 6 12 25
Dhaka Range 823 6 41 2232 3102 496 25 0 98 123 95 360
Mymensingh Range 295 0 34 736 1065 6 7 0 19 26 18 74
Chattogram Range 473 3 31 1093 1600 289 22 0 55 77 112 360
Sylhet Range 216 0 0 470 686 175 2 0 17 19 40 103
Khulna Range 305 2 26 1547 1880 80 10 1 34 45 26 152
Barishal Range 379 1 24 848 1252 199 1 1 18 20 16 161
Rajshahi Range 440 2 141 1066 1649 114 2 0 41 43 28 79
Rangpur 495 4 79 1149 1727 44 3 0 27 30 16 103
Railway Range 1 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0
TOTAL 3995 21 413 10790 15219 1854 116 3 390 509 543 2163

Theft Rapid Action Trial Total

Cattle Theft Car Theft Copper wire Other Theft Total Theft Other Cases Arms Law Explosive Drugs Smuggling Total Number of
Theft Cases
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

10 388 10 789 1197 5315 157 108 13638 115 14018 23630
2 102 0 163 267 1547 231 2 4260 44 4537 7044
2 8 1 39 50 443 25 4 1706 32 1767 2612
1 24 1 24 50 485 18 9 2021 189 2237 3017
1 12 0 33 46 388 11 1 921 4 937 1532
13 31 1 56 101 669 13 0 301 15 329 1380
122 241 4 606 973 12787 290 43 19646 197 20176 39302
105 66 1 183 355 5897 36 4 5398 178 5616 13436
153 246 5 382 786 11676 581 16 12555 190 13342 29120
157 88 3 151 399 4638 49 7 2246 223 2525 8982
54 86 1 279 420 8917 342 89 9764 813 11008 23021
39 14 1 128 182 5763 59 8 3441 5 3513 11395
126 116 1 227 470 7817 343 62 12237 1240 13882 24656
137 123 1 216 477 8203 50 8 10262 2218 12538 23480
0 1 0 59 60 100 3 1 588 136 728 922
922 1546 30 3335 5833 74645 2208 362 98954 5599 107153 213529
Source : Police Head Quarter
520 Health, Family Planning and Social Statistics

13.59 Number of Imams Trained and Expenditure Incurred Therein in Bangladesh

Year Number of Expenditure

Imams Trained (In Thousand Taka)
1989-90 2491 11267
1990-91 880 15115
1991-92 1838 89787
1992-93 1760 13022
1993-94 1697 149000
1994-95 1725 16999
1995-96 1624 19999
1996-97 2106 350
1997-98 1144 24460
1998-99 952 24999
1999-00 2107 34177
2000-01 2061 78824
2001-02 1497 4000
2002-2003 800 425
2003-2004 3091 115376
2004-2005 1397 53773
2005-2006 1897 463.24
2006-2007 1856 567.55
2007-2008 3118 700
2008-09 3173 794
2009-10 3197 853
2010-11 3182 981.80
2011-12 3145 1069.95
2012-13 3208 1190.00
2013-14 3116 1298.16
2014-15 3500 1552.54
2015-16 3481 1725.697
2016-17 3515 1982.65
2017-18 3600 2077.48
2018-19 3700 2264.44
2019-20 3710 2027.96

Source : Imam Training project, Islamic Foundation, Bangladesh

521 Health, Family Planning and Social Statistics

13.60 Number of Imams Trained by Former Districts

District 2019-20 District 2019-20 District 2019-20

Panchagor Narail Manikganj 25
Thakurgaon Satkhira Dhaka 96
Dinajpur Khulna Narsingdi 62
Nilphamary Bagerahat Narayanjanj 25
Kurigram Khulna Div. Munshiganj 24
Lalmonirhat Pirojpur Dhaka Div. 844
Rangpur Jalokathi Sunamganj 70
Gaibandha Barishal Sylhet 105
Rangpur Bhola Moulovibazar 64
Joypurhat Barguna Habiganj 64
Bogura Patuakhali Sylhet Div. 303
Naogaon Barishal Div. B.Baria 59
C. Rajbari 57 Cumilla 83
Rajshahi Faridpur 47 Chandpur 41
Natore Madaripur 50 Laxipur 47
Sirajganj Shariatpur 48 Noakhali 62
Pabna Gopalganj 42 Feni 48
Rajshahi Sherpur 28 Chattogram 128
Kushtia Jamalpur 39 Cox Bazar 60
Meherpur Tangail 67 Kharacchhari 17
Chuadhanga Mymensingh 75 Rangamati 31
Jheniadhah Netrokona 43 Bandaraban 28
Jashore Kishoreganj 73 Chattogram 604
Magura Gazipur 43 Bangladesh 3710
Source: Imam Training academy, Islamic Foundation
522 Health, Family Planning and Social Statistics

13.61 SDGs Indicators and Tier Classification by Goal and Data Availability in Bangladesh,
(as of 12 June, 2022)
Availability Status % of
53rd UNSC Update Availability
Multiple Baseline
Goals Review Total Tier I Tier II Undecided Data
Tier Available Completely
Indicators Available
for Unavailable

SDG 1: No Poverty 13 7 6 0 0 10 2 3 77%

SDG 2: Zero Hunger 14 10 4 0 0 11 2 3 79%

SDG 3: Good Health

28 25 3 0 0 27 9 1 96%
and Well-being

SDG 4: Quality
12 5 6 1 0 11 8 1 92%

SDG 5: Gender
14 5 9 0 0 8 2 6 57%

SDG 6: Clean Water

11 8 3 0 0 8 5 3 73%
and Sanitation

SDG 7: Affordable
6 6 0 0 0 6 4 0 100%
and Clean Energy

SDG 8: Decent
Work and Economic 16 8 8 0 0 13 6 3 81%
SDG 9: Industry,
Innovation and 12 10 2 0 0 9 2 3 75%

SDG 10: Reduced

14 8 6 0 0 12 4 2 86%

SDG 11:
Sustainable Cities 15 5 9 0 1 6 1 8 40%
and Community
SDG 12: Responsible
Consumption and 13 5 8 0 0 2 1 11 15%

SDG 13: Climate

8 3 5 0 0 2 0 6 25%

SDG 14: Life below

10 5 5 0 0 4 3 6 40%

SDG 15: Life on

14 11 2 1 0 8 2 6 57%

SDG 16: Peace,

Justice and Strong 24 6 17 1 0 20 9 4 83%
SDG 17:
Partnerships for the 24 17 6 1 0 19 4 6 79%

Total 248 144 99 4 1 176 64 72 71%

Total Unique
232 136 91 4 1 168 63 72%
Source: SDG cell,,BBS
Consumption, Household Income and Expenditure 523

Chapter 14

524 Consumption, Household Income and Expenditure
Consumption, Household Income and Expenditure 525
14.01 Net Availability and Per Capita Availability for Consumption of Selected Items
Per Per Per Per Per
capita Per Per capita capita capita capita
availa- capita capita availa- availa- Edible availa- availa-
Food bility availa- Onion avail- Chillies bility Pulses bility oil bility Sugar bility
Period Popu- grains of food Tea bility ('000' ability ('000' of chi- ('000' of ('000' of ('000' of
lation ('000' grains (million of tea M. of onion M. llies M. pulses M. edible M. sugar
(million) M.Ton) (kg.) kg.) (kg.) Ton) (kg.) Ton) (kg.) Ton) (kg.) Ton oil (kg.) Ton) (kg.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1999-00 129.8 26402 203.4 34.00 0.26 147 1.1 149.10 1.15 587 4.5 307.1 2.36 238 1.83
2000-01 129.9 28379 218.5 36.00 0.30 145 1.1 137.60 1.10 535 4.1 312.0 2.40 426 3.30
2001-02 131.6 27045 205.5 42.00 0.30 192 1.5 135.20 1.00 525 4.0 - - 389 3.00
2002-03 135.2 27788 205.5 43.00 0.30 191 1.4 146.90 1.10 615 4.5 - - 324 2.40
2003-04 137.0 28594 208.7 48.00 0.40 344.8 2.5 150.10 1.10 508 3.7 - - 556 4.10
2004-05 137.1 28135 205.2 45.0 0.30 642.3 4.7 196.9 1.40 497 3.6 332.0 2.4 794 5.80
2005-06 138.8 30559 220.2 46.0 0.30 810 5.8 166.7 1.20 531 3.8 - - 758 5.46

2006-07 140.60 30359 215.9 - - 928 6.6 152.4 1.1 526.4 3.7 75.6 0.5 787.3 5.6
2007-08 142.46 32097 225.3 - - 1031 7.2 125.2 0.9 451.2 3.4 78.0 0.5 1221.4 8.6
2008-09 144.20 32750 227.1 - - 799 5.5 106. 0.7 244.6 1.7 90.0 0.6 - -
2009-10 146.10 - - 59.23 0.24 945 6.5 270 1.8 462 3.1 8.35 5.7 1418 9.7
2010-11 149.70 - - 56.71 0.30 1069 7.1 239 1.6 709 4.7 8.46 5.6 1302 8.7
2011-12 152.40 - - 50.85 0.33 1182 7.7 126 0.9 753 4.9 722 4.7 1987 13.0

Per capita Per capita

Per capita Per capita Per capita Milk & milk availability Per capita availability
Gur availability Salt availability Meat availability products of milk & Eggs availability Cigarettes of cigare-
Period ('000' of Gur ('000' of salt ('000' of meat ('000' milk pro- (Million) of eggs (Million ttes
M.Ton) (kg.) M.Ton) (kg.) M.Ton) (kg.) M.Ton) ducts(kg.) Nos. No. sticks) (sticks)
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

1999-00 524.80 4.04 740 5.70 672.80 5.18 1751 13.5 4177 32 19732 152
2000-01 534.3 4.10 740 5.70 642.5 5.30 941 7.2 4446 34.2 20120 155
2001-02 405.0 3.10 727 5.50 866.8 6.60 923 7.0 4246 32.4 20384 155
2002-03 415.5 3.10 765 5.70 935.6 6.9 937 6.9 7026 52.0 22499 166
2003-04 410.6 3.0 795 5.8 1020.2 7.4 915 6.7 8038 58.7 23025 168

2004-05 505.0 3.7 965 7.0 1166.1 8.5 1089.2 7.9 8038 58.6 23860 174
2005-06 368 2.65 978 7.0 11864 8.5 1100 7.9 11367 81.9 24997 180
2006-07 708 5.0 - - 1410.3 10.0 - - 12791.5 91.0 - -
2007-08 614 4.3 - - 1433.6 10.1 945.1 6.6 13152.9 92.3 - -
2008-09 644 4.5 - - 2008.7 13.9 983.5 6.8 13913.7 96.5 - -
2009-10 - - 1389 9.5 1287.4 8.8 2034 13.9 11285 111 23677 162
2010-11 - - 1487 9.9 1336.0 8.9 2140 14.3 17177 115 23816 159
2011-12 - - 1512 9.92 733.3 4.8 3784 24.8 7261 48 32351 212
526 Consumption, Household Income and Expenditure
14.01 Net Availability and Per Capita Availability for Consumption of Selected Items

Period Total net Per capita Total net Per capita Natural Per capita Mild Per capita Matches Per capita Cement Per capita Electrical Per capita
availability availability availability availability gas availability steel availability ('000' availability ('000' availability energy availability
of petroleum of petro- of superior of superior M.c. of natural ('000' of mild gross of matches M.Ton) of cement (Million of electrical
products leum pro- kerosene oil kerosene Meter gas M.Ton) steel boxes (boxes) (kg.) Kwh) (Kwh)
('000' m.ton) ducts (kg.) ('000'm.ton) oil (kg.) Meter (kg.) 40-50
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
1992-93 2114.0 18.67 375 3.3 5505 48.63 516.0 4.56 13566 17 2366.0 20.90 6902.00 60.97
1993-94 1989.0 16.90 392 3.3 5964 50.67 448.0 3.81 15012 18 3159.0 26.84 7448.00 63.28
6935.00 57.84
1994-95 2587.0 21.58 434 3.6 6628 55.28 415.0 3.46 11817 14 3474.0 28.97 7454.00 61.05
1995-96 2405.0 19.70 452 3.7 7161 58.65 451.0 3.69 12462 15 3383.0 27.71 7822.00 62.93
10169.00 80.39
1996-97 2798.0 22.50 539 4.3 6926 55.72 510.0 4.10 11656 14 3083.0 24.80 9421.00 73.49
1997-98 2445.0 19.32 586 4.6 7512 59.38 557.0 4.25 11917 14 3133.0 24.77 12468.00 96.06
1998-99 2930.0 22.85 568 4.4 8244 64.31 649.0 5.06 10937 12 4670.0 36.43 14002.0 170.80
1999-00 3162.0 24.36 639 4.9 8752 67.46 675.0 5.20 11299 12 3921.0 30.20 15238.0 115.8
2000-01 3330.0 25.60 636 4.9 9892 76.20 757.0 5.80 11726 13 6944.0 53.50 16132.0 119.3
2001-02 3507.0 26.60 670 5.1 10326 78.50 163.0 1.20 11875 13 6881.0 52.30 15330.0 111.9
2002-03 3739.0 27.7 704 5.2 11350 83.9 169.0 1.3 12127 13 6531.0 48.3 16337 119.2
2003-04 3657.0 26.7 698 5.1 12106 88.4 175.0 1.3 12337 13 5960.0 43.5 20954 151.0
2004-05 3768 27.5 263 1.9 12921 94.2 194.0 1.4 12811 14 7857 57.3 6902.00 060.97
2005-06 3782 272 311 2.2 14020 101.0 208.0 1.5 13428 14 7971 57.4 7448.00 63.28
2006-07 - - - - 15920 113.23 - - 13311 - 8080 57.46 - -
2007-08 - - - - 17015 119.44 - - 13000 - 9211 64.65 - -
2008-09 - - - - 18511 128.37 - - 13411 - 9856 68.35 - -

Note : Net availability of foodgrains = Net production-internal procurement+offtake; Where net production is estimated by deducting 10% of total production as seeds and
wastage. (Directorate of food).
Source : HIES –Household Income and Expenditure Survey.
Consumption, Household Income and Expenditure 527
14.02 Net Availability and Per Capita Availability of Food Grains for Domestic Consumption
Estimated Total production ('000' M.tons) Net production ('000' M.tons) Imports ('000' M.tons) Internal procurement ('000'M.tons) Off-take ('000' M.tons)
Year population Rice Wheat
(million) (a) Rice Wheat (b) (b) Rice Wheat Rice Wheat Rice Wheat

1992-93 113.2 18341 1176 17896 1141 20 809 895 - 475 598

1993-94 117.7 18041 1131 17603 1098 - 500 149 17 350 1026

1994-95 119.9 16838 1245 16429 1208 204 1325 123 41 322 1168

1995-96 122.1 17687 1369 17257 1328 591 1171 272 69 594 1201

1996-97 124.3 18883 1454 18424 1410 89 643 581 103 691 635

1997-98 126.5 18862 1803 18404 1749 92 596 392 217 443 827

1998-99 128.2 19905 1988 19421 1928 359 1603 563 267 530 1604

1999-00 129.8 23066 1840 22505 1785 - 816 584 210 877 974

2000-01 129.9 24984 3361 23754 1357 - - 206 42 203 133

2001-02 131.6 24135 2827 23544 1141 59 492 166 417 552 758

2002-03 135.2 25187 1507 24575 1462 20 335 815 127 748 631

2003-04 137.0 26190 1253 25553 1215 - 3001 781 - 496 456

2004-05 137.1 25157 976 24906 976 82 183 251 - 1103 256

2005-06 138.8 26539 735 26034 735 46 168 505 - 803 174

2006-07 140.60 27318 737 26654 714 634 192 - - 1290 192

2007-08 142.46 28931 844 28228 818 1676 1 - - - -

2008-09 144.20 31317 849 30556 823 680 0.054 - - - -

2009-10 146.10 31975 901 31176 874 3163 3202 - - - -

2010-11 149.70 33542 972 32703 943 1807 3543 - - - -

2011-12 152.4 33889 995 33065 970 443 1772 - - - -

Source :HIES –Household Income and Expenditure Survey.

528 Consumption, Household Income and Expenditure

14.03 Net Availability and Per Capita Availability of Food grains

for Domestic Consumption
Net availability Per capita consumption of food grains Net availability Per capita consumption
of food grains excluding minor cereals (Quantity) of including minor cereals
excluding food grains (Quantity)
Year minor cereals (kg. per (kg. per Index including (kg. per Index
for annum) day) (e) minor cereals annum) (e)
consumption for
('000'M.tons) consumption
(d) ('000' M.tons)

1991-92 20169 181.1 0.50 108.7 20238 181.7 107.6

1992-93 19215 169.7 0.47 102.2 19281 170.3 100.8

1993-94 19910 169.2 0.46 100.00 19981 169.8 100.5

1994-95 20742 173.0 0.47 102.17 20812 173.6 102.8

1995-96 21215 173.8 0.48 104.35 21283 174.3 103.2

1996-97 20476 164.7 0.45 97.83 20541 165.3 97.8

1997-98 20814 164.5 0.45 97.83 20878 165.0 97.7

1998.99 22653 176.7 0.48 104.35 22715 177.2 104.9

1999-00 25347 195.3 0.54 117.39 25411 195.8 115.9

2000-01 28345 218.2 0.60 130.43 28379 218.5 129.4

2001-02 26961 204.9 0.57 123.90 27045 205.5 121.70

2002-03 27753 2053 0.56 124.14 27788 205.5 121.67

2003-04 23828 206.8 0.57 125.05 28594 208.7 123.56

2004-05 28100 2050 0.56 122.86 28135 205.2 121.49

2005-06 29983 216.0 0.59 129.44 30558 220.2 130.37
2006-07 29463 209.6 0.57 - 30358 215.9 -
2007-08 30715 215.6 0.59 - 32097 225.3 -
2008-09 32035 222.2 0.61 - 32750 227.1 -

Note : (a) Estimated population as on 1 January. (b) Deduction for seeds, wastage, etc. has been taken as 2.43% of total production of rice and 3.01% of
total production of wheat (Master survey of Agriculture). (c) Deduction for seeds has been taken as 2.5% of total production. (d) Net availability of
foodgrains-(net production-internal procurement) + off take from ration distribution. (e) Five years average from 1965-66 to 1969-70=100.
(f) Minor cereals include barley, jowar, bajra, ragi and other cereals.
Source : HIES –Household Income and Expenditure Survey, BBS
Consumption, Household Income and Expenditure 529

14.04 Per Capita Availability of Tea for Domestic Consumption

Year Net Production Export Available for Per capita availability
(million) (kg.) (million) (kg.) domestic
consumption (kg.) Index
(million) (kg.)
1994-95 47.00 26.00 21.00 0.18 180.0
1997-98 54.00 25.00 29.00 0.23 230.00
1998-99 44.00 21.00 23.00 0.18 180.00
1999-00 51.00 17.00 34.00 0.26 260.0
1995-96 51.00 21.00 30.00 0.25 250.0
1996-97 53.00 22.00 31.00 0.25 250.0
1997-98 52.00 17.00 35.00 0.26 260.0

2001-02 56.00 14.00 42.00 0.32 320.0

2002-03 55.00 12.00 43.00 0.30 300.0
2003-04 57.00 9.00 48.00 0.40 400.0
2004-05 58.0 13.0 45.0 0.30 300.0
2005-06 55.00 9.0 46.0 0.30 300.0
2006-07 65.90 5.3 50.6 0.36 -
2007-08 56.95 10.3 46.65 0.33 -
2008-09 56.11 8.2 47.91 0.33 -
2009-10 59.23 23.05 36.18 0.24 -
2010-11 56.71 12.20 44.51 0.30 -

Source : HIES –Household Income and Expenditure Survey, BBS and Bangladesh Tea Board.1980-81=100.

14.05 Per Capita Availability of Onion for Domestic Consumption

Year Production Net availability Per capital availability
('000' M.tons) ('000' M.tons) for consumption
(a) Kg. Index
1994-95 142 182 1.52 149.0
1995-96 138 170 1.39 136.3
1996-97 142 168 1.35 132.4
1997-98 132 170 1.34 131.4
1998-99 131 152 1.18 115.7
1999-00 134 147 1.13 110.8
2000-01 127 145 1.10 107.8
2001-02 150 192 1.50 147.0
2002-03 153 191 1.40 137.2
2003-04 272 345 2.5 245.0
2004-05 589 642 4.7 460.6
2005-06 769 812 5.8 568.4
2006-07 894 928 6.6 -
2007-08 889 1030 7.2 -
2008-09 735 798 5.5 -
2009-10 872 945 6.5 -
2010-11 1053 1069 7.1 -
Source : HIES –Household Income and Expenditure Survey, BBS
530 Consumption, Household Income and Expenditure

14.06 Per Capita Availability of Chillies for Domestic Consumption

Local Net availability Export Net available
Year production ('000' M.tons) ('000'M. tons) for domestic Per capita availability for
('000' M.tons) (a) (b) consumption consumption
('000'M. tons)
(Kg.) Index

1994-95 52 51 - 52 0.43 97.4

1995-96 52 51 - 61 0.50 113.6
1996-97 53 52 - 52 0.42 95.45
1997-98 53 52 - 52 0.41 93.18
1998-99 142 138 - 138 1.08 245.45
1999-00 143 139 - 139 1.07 243.18
2000-01 141 1.38 - 138 1.10 250.0
2001-02 136 135 - 135 1.00 227.27
2002-03 137 147 - 147 1.1 250.0
2003-04 138 150 - 150 1.1 250.0
2004-05 186 197 - 197 1.4 318.18
2005-06 155 153 - 153 1.4 250.0
2006-07 154 152 - 152 1.1 -
2007-08 118 125 - 125 0.9 -
2008-09 109 106 - 106 0.7 -
2009-10 244 238 32 270 1.8 -
2010-11 138 135 104 239 1.6 -
2011-12 130 127 - 127 1.0 -
Notes : (a) Net availability = gross production net of 2.5% on account of seeds and wastage + Import-Export.1980-81=100 for index.
Source : HIES –Household Income and Expenditure Survey, BBS

14.07 Per Capita Availability of Pulses for Domestic Consumption

Year Production Net available Import Net availability
Per capita consumption
('000' M.tons) production ('000' M.tons) for consumption
'000' M.tons) ('000' M.tons)
(Kg.) Index
1995-96 524 511 36 547 4.48 201.8
1996-97 525 512 103 615 4.95 222.9
1997-98 519 506 108 614 4.85 218.4
1998-99 414 404 116 520 4.06 182.8
1999-00 384 374 213 587 4.52 203.5
2000-01 378 368 170 538 4.14 186.5
2001-02 357 348 177 525 4.00 180.1
2002-03 355 615 269 615 4.5 202.6
2003-04 344 508 173 508 3.7 166.6
2004-05 331 323 181 504 3.7 166.6
2005-06 367 358 195 553 4.0 180.1
2006-07 340 331 195 526 3.7 -
2007-08 205 200 291 491 3.4 -
2008-09 198 193 51 295 1.7 -
2009-10 308 300 162 462 3.1 -
2010-11 224 219 490 709 4.7 -
2011-12 239 234 515 749 4.9 -
Notes : (a) Net availability = gross production net of 2.5% on account of seeds wastage etc. (1980-81=100)
Source : HIES –Household Income and Expenditure Survey, BBS
Consumption, Household Income and Expenditure 531

14.08 Per Capita Availability of Edible Oils for Domestic Consumption

(Thousand m.tons)
Year Oil Net Oil Import Off-take Net avail- Per capita consumption
seeds production equivalent to (d) (e) ability
(a) of oil oil seeds (f)
Kg. Index
seeds (b) (c)

1990-91 516.0 464.4 197.7 246.3 11.5 209.2 1.91 127.3

1991-92 616.0 566.7 232.5 259.1 22.1 254.6 2.29 152.7

1992-93 650.0 598.0 246.6 9.5 15.0 261.6 2.31 154.0

1993-94 679.0 624.7 257.0 7.4 13.0 270.0 2.29 152.7

1994-95 719.0 661.5 213.8 586.2 13.0 226.8 1.89 126.0

1995-96 710.0 653.2 213.9 512.6 16.0 229.9 1.88 125.3

1996-97 776.0 713.9 252.4 521.0 12.0 264.4 2.13 142.0

1997-98 784.0 721.3 260.8 523.0 13.0 273.8 2.16 144.0

1998-99 816.0 750.7 277.7 523.0 14.0 291.7 2.28 152.0

1999-00 822.0 756.2 293.1 527.0 14.0 307.1 2.36 157.2

2000-01 665.0 611.7 231.4 555.3 80.6 312.0 2.40 180.4

2001-02 658 605.3 226.1 768.0 - - - -

2002-03 509 468.3 177.9 767.7 - - - -

2003-04 633 582.4 215.9 629.0 - - - -

2004-05 643 592 432.6 863 - - - -

2005-06 596 518 185 443 - 628 - -

2006-07 625 575 - - - - - -

2007-08 642 591 - - - - - -

2008-09 832 766 - - - - - -

2009-10 908 835 - 2533 - 3368 5.7 -

2010-11 920 846 - 2603 - 3449 5.6 -

2011-12 722 664 - 2993 - 3657 4.7 -

Notes : (a) All oilseeds including cocoanut. (b) Deduction for seed, wastage etc. has been taken as 8% of total production to get net production.
(c) Oil equivalent is the sum of individual oil. (d) Imports include butter oil received as grant. (e) As available from the Ministry of
Food. (f) Net availability = local production + off-take from ration distribution.
Source : HIES –Household Income and Expenditure Survey, BBS
532 Consumption, Household Income and Expenditure

14.09 Per Capita Availability of Sugar for Domestic Consumption

Year Production of Chewing and Cane available Cane crushed Sugar Import of Export of sugar
sugar cane wastages for crushing in mills produced sugar (‘000’ M.tons)
(‘000’ M.tons) (‘000’ (‘000’ M.tons) (‘000’ M.tons) (‘000’ M.tons) (‘000’ M.tons)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
1974-75 6741 451 6290 1422 100 - -
1975-76 5980 426 5554 1100 87 73 -
1976-77 6504 483 6021 1707 141 6 -
1977-78 6777 454 6323 2309 178 - 28

1978-79 6938 486 6452 1715 132 - -

1979-80 6675 467 6208 1272 94 - -
1980-81 6598 462 6136 1826 145 25 -
1981-82 7136 500 6636 2473 202 - -

1982-83 7307 511 6796 2217 178 - -

1983-84 7169 434 6735 1900 153 6 -
1984-85 6878 417 6461 1177 89 3 -
1985-86 6640 398 6242 1018 83 135 -

1986-87 6896 414 6482 2287 182 117 -

1987-88 7207 432 6775 2199 178 122 _
1988-89 6707 402 6305 1330 110 157 2
1989-90 7423 445 6978 2298 184 91 -

1990-91 7682 461 7221 3106 246 18 -

1991-92 7446 447 6999 2280 195 27 -
1992-93 7507 450 7057 2266 187 73 -
1993-94 7111 427 6684 2575 221 86 -

1994-95 7446 447 6999 3472 270 81 -

1995-96 7165 430 6735 2383 184 88 -
1996-97 7520 451 7069 1763 135 207 -
1997-98 7379 443 6936 2122 166 160 -

1998-99 6951 417 6534 2314 153 151 -

1999-00 6910 415 6495 1612 123 115 -
2000-01 6742 405 6337 1369 98 328 -
2001-02 6502 390 6112 2289 284 105 -
2002-03 6838 410 6428 2645 177 147 -
2003-04 6484 389 6095 2385 119 440 -
2004-05 6423 385 6038 1415 107 687 -
2005-06 5511 331 5180 1858 133 625 -
2006-07 5770 346 5424 2325 162 594 -
2007-08 4984 299 4685 - 164 1146 12
2008-09 5233 314 4919 - 80 1013 8
2009-10 6220 373 5847 - 245 1178 5
2010-11 8100 486 7614 - 227 1093 18
2011-12 4603 138 4465 - 208 1987 -
Consumption, Household Income and Expenditure 533

14.09 Per Capita Availability of Sugar for Domestic Consumption

Net available sugar Sugar Population Per capita Index of per capita Molasses made Bagasse
for consumption (Million kg.) (Million) (kg.) 1969-70=100 in mill (‘000’ Production
(Million kg.) M.tons) (‘000’ M.tons)
(9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
100 100 78.0 1.28 69 44 476
161 161 79.9 2.02 107 40 418
147 147 81.8 1.80 96 60 675
149 149 83.7 1.78 95 83 808

132 132 85.6 1.54 82 62 600

94 94 87.7 1.08 57 47 464
171 171 89.9 1.91 101 67 679
202 202 91.6 2.21 118 92 941

178 178 93.5 1.90 101 80 821

160 160 95.5 1.66 88 71 698
92 92 97.5 0.94 50 43 424
218 218 99.4 21.9 116 39 366

299 299 101.5 2.95 157 85 379

300 300 103.4 2.90 154 83 809
267 267 105.5 2.53 135 50 467
275 275 107.5 2.56 136 76 758

264 264 109.6 2.41 128 85 994

222 222 111.4 1.93 106 85 752
260 260 113.2 2.30 122 95 714
307 307 117.7 2.61 139 95 825

351 351 119.9 2.93 155 134 1258

272 272 122.1 2.23 119 92 856
342 342 124.3 2.75 146 67 650
326 326 126.5 2.58 137 79 744

304 304 128.2 2.37 126 89 815

238 238 129.8 1.83 97 88 570
426 426 129.9 3.28 174 - 502
389 389 131.6 2.96 157 106 1103

324 324 135.2 2.43 129 98 962

559 559 137.0 4.13 219 61 576
94 794 137.1 5.79 307 53 520
758 758 138.8 4.46 290 72 655
756 756 140.6 5.38 285 - -
1298 1298 142.46 9.11 - - -
1085 1085 144.20 7.52 - - -
1418 1418 146.10 9.70 - - -
1302 1302 149.70 8.70 - - -
2195 2195 152.40 14.4 - - -
534 Consumption, Household Income and Expenditure

14.09 Per Capita Availability of Sugar for Domestic Consumption

Net available Export Net available
sugar cane Cane crushed Cane available Gur making molasses gur from cane Date palm
for crushing in mills for gur making ('000' edibles (a) ('000' juice (b)
Year ('000' M.tons) ('000' M.tons) ('000' M.tons) M. tons) ('000' M.tons) M.tons) ('000' M.tons)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
1975-76 5554 1100 4454 445 6 439 399
1976-77 6021 1707 4314 432 10 422 383
1977-78 6323 2309 4014 401 19 382 391
1978-79 6452 1715 4737 473 16 457 392

1979-80 6208 1272 4936 494 n.a. 494 392

1980-81 6136 1826 4310 431 n.a. 431 378
1981-82 6636 2473 4163 417 n.a. 417 379
1982-83 6796 2217 4579 458 n.a. 458 338

1983-84 6735 1900 4835 484 3 481 343

1984-85 6461 1177 5284 528 13 515 312
1985-86 6242 1018 5224 522 - 522 279
1986-87 6482 2287 4195 420 - 420 267

1987-88 6775 2199 4576 458 18 440 220

1988-89 6305 1330 4975 498 26 472 201
1989-90 6978 2298 4680 468 - 468 204
1990-91 7221 3106 4115 412 6 406 206

1991-92 6999 2280 4719 472 16 456 206

1992-93 7057 2266 4791 479 - 479 214
1993-94 6684 2575 4109 411 - 411 215
1994-95 6999 3472 3527 353 - 353 227

1995-96 6735 2383 4352 435 - 435 231

1996-97 7069 1763 5306 531 - 531 316
1997-98 6936 2122 4814 481 - 481 323
1998-99 6534 2314 4220 422 - 422 332

1999-00 6495 1612 4883 488 - 488 292

2000-01 6337 1369 4968 497 - 497 300
2001-02 6112 2289 3823 382 - 382 185
2002-03 6428 2645 3783 378 - 378 298
2003-04 6095 2385 3710 371 - 371 317
2004-05 6038 1415 4623 462 - 462 342
2005-06 5180 1853 3327 333 - 333 282
2006-07 5424 2325 3099 310 - 310 240
Notes : (a) Gur content is 12.5% of juice (i.e. 8 seers of juice is equal to 1 (one) seer of gur.
Source : HIES –Household Income and Expenditure Survey, BBS
Consumption, Household Income and Expenditure 535

14.10 Production of Molasses for Domestic Consumption

Gur from Total gur Index of Gur price Khejur Free market Ration
palm juice available for per capita (cane loose) gur price price of price of
('000' m.tons) consumption Per capita (1969-70=100) (taka per (taka per sugar (taka sugar (taka
(c) ('000' M.tons) (Kg.) kg.) kg.) per kg.) per kg.)
(9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
49.92 488.92 6.12 64.08 8.11 8.62 13.40 6.86
47.89 469.89 5.74 60.10 6.13 7.06 12.98 6.97
48.90 430.90 5.15 53.92 6.23 7.66 9.87 6.97
49.02 506.02 5.90 61.76 6.98 — 11.61 8.79

49.02 543.02 6.21 64.84 10.28 5.59 15.59 8.79

47.25 478.25 5.34 55.68 9.23 5.85 18.41 9.81
47.38 464.38 5.04 53.06 7.93 11.00 16.50 12.86
42.30 500.30 5.30 56.01 8.46 11.41 14.80 12.86

42.93 523.93 5.47 57.28 10.06 13.58 15.66 12.86

39.00 554.00 5.68 59.48 13.20 14.92 16.50 13.41
34.92 556.92 5.60 58.64 15.85 - 23.45 14.46
33.01 453.01 4.46 46.70 14.96 - 20.83 15.54

27.50 467.50 4.52 47.33 15.75 - 22.89 17.17

25.13 497.13 4.71 49.32 19.17 - 26.67 20.62
25.50 493.50 4.59 48.06 20.09 - 30.72 26.18
25.75 431.75 3.94 41.26 18.97 - 30.48 27.93

25.75 481.75 4.32 45.24 19.72 - 27.88 26.00

26.75 505.75 4.47 46.81 22.08 - 25.41 -
26.88 480.88 4.09 42.83 19.52 - 29.22 -
28.38 381.38 3.18 33.30 19.58 - 29.93 -

28.88 463.88 3.80 39.79 20.46 - 31.02 -

39.50 570.50 4.57 48.06 23.67 - 31.39 -
40.38 521.38 4.12 43.14 24.55 - 32.16 -
41.50 463.50 3.62 37.91 24.18 - 32.20 -

36.50 524.80 4.04 42.30 25.42 - 31.88 -

37.50 534.30 4.11 43.04 27.84 - 32.75 -
23.10 405.4 3.08 32.25 27.56 - 32.00 -
37.20 415.5 3.11 32.56 27.56 - 32.20 -
39.60 410.6 3.03 31.72 27.93 - 32.12 -
42.75 505.05 3.68 3852 29.84 - 21.34 -
35.25 367.95 2.64 27.74 29.96 - 32.78 -
30.00 339.90 242 2533 34.95 - 33.10 -
Source : HIES –Household Income and Expenditure Survey, BBS
536 Consumption, Household Income and Expenditure

14.11 Per Capita Availability of Salt for Domestic Consumption

Local Import Total Availability for Per capita consumption
Year production ('000' M.tons) availability human
('000' M. tons) (a) ('000' M.tons) consumption (Kg.) Index
('000'M.tons) (b)

1993-94 695 328 1023 656 5.60 119.9

1994-95 600 264 864 664 5.54 118.6
1995-96 650 250 900 682 5.59 119.7

1996-97 683 57 740 695 5.59 119.7

1997-98 710 17 727 720 5.69 121.8
1998-99 715 19 734 724 5.65 121.0
1999-00 721 19 740 724 5.58 121.4

2000-01 732 20 752 736 5.66 121.2

2001-02 405 8 413 727 5.50 117.8
2002-03 684 81 765 - 5.7 122.0
2003-04 778 17 795 - 5.8 124.1
2004-05 929 36 965 - 7.0 149.7
2005-06 850 128 978 - 7.0 149.7
2006-07 1065 - 1065 8.32 5.80 -
2007-08 1222 - 1222 8.45 5.80 -
2008-09 1372 - 1372 8.57 5.80 --
2009-10 1389 - 1389 - - -
2010-11 1480 7 1487 - 9.93 -
2011-12 1460 52 1512 - 9.92 -
Source : BSCIC & Director of Food & BBS

14.12 Per Capita Availability of Meat and Eggs for Domestic Consumption
Production of Meat ('000' M.tons) Production of Eggs (Million Nos.)
Period Chicken Per Per
and capita capita
Beef Buffalo Goat Sheep Duck Total (Kg.) Fowls Duck Total (Kg.)

1997-98 330.00 7.00 44.62 4.15 144.97 530.74 420 1826 1127 2953 23
1998-99 334.00 7.00 45.00 5.00 154.00 545.00 4.25 2405 1521 3926 30
1999-00 339.00 7.00 45.00 5.00 163.00 559.00 4.30 2535 1642 4177 32

2000-01 344.00 7.00 46.00 5.00 173.00 575.00 4.42 2673 1773 4446 34
2001-02 349.00 8.00 46.00 6.00 311.00 720.00 5.47 2359 1905 4264 32
2002-03 353.00 8.00 46.00 6.00 364.00 777.00 6.90 4960 2066 7026 52
2003-04 358.00 8.00 46.00 7.00 427.00 846.00 7.40 5807 2230 8037 58
2004-05 363.0 8.00 47.0 7.0 544.0 969.0 8.5 7403 2408 9811 71
2005-06 368 9.0 47.0 8.0 490.0 922.0 8.0 8767 2599 11366 82

2006-07 374 8.8 47.3 8.6 735.3 1174.0 8.3 11094 3117 14211 101
2007-08 379 9.1 47.7 9.4 748.2 1193.4 8.4 11106 3366 14472 102
2008-09 384 9.4 48.0 10.2 789.0 1240.6 8.6 11534 3634 15168 105
2009-10 398 9.7 49.8 10.5 89.4 1287.4 8.8 12383 3902 16285 111
2010-11 413 10.0 51.7 10.9 580.4 1336.0 8.9 13061 4116 17177 115
2011-12 400 10.0 49.00 13.0 261.3 733.3 4.8 3147 4114 7261 48
Note : Import and export of meat and eggs are very negligible, so they are not considered in the table.
Source : HIES –Household Income and Expenditure Survey, BBS
Consumption, Household Income and Expenditure 537

14.13 Per Capita Availability of Milk & Milk Products for Domestic Consumption
('000' M.Tons)
Local Milk products (Local) Import Total Per
Year milk Ghee Chhana Butter Cheese Total Liquid equive- SMP Liquid availa- capita
consum- Curd milk lent of equiva- bility in (Kg.)
ption produ- milk lent liquid
liquid form cts (2+ product- form
3+4+5+6) s (1+8+10)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1991-92 387 13 15 1 1 15 45 387 46 184 958 8.6

1992-93 395 13 16 1 1 16 47 395 38 152 942 8.3

1993-94 462 13 36 1 2 36 88 463 19 76 1001 8.5

1994-95 532 18 24 1 1 21 65 532 20 80 1144 9.5

1995-96 608 21 24 1 2 24 72 607 23 92 1307 10.7

1996-97 776 27 31 1 1 27 87 776 26 104 1656 13.3

1997-98 787 27 31 1 1 27 87 786 21 84 1657 13.1

1998-99 797 27 31 1 1 27 87 797 24 96 1690 13.2

1999-00 808 27 31 1 1 27 87 807 34 136 1751 13.5

2000-01 818 28 32 1 1 28 90 818 31 124 1760 13.5

2001-02 829 29 33 1 1 29 93 829 24 97 1753 13.3

2002-03 840 29 33 1 1 29 93 840 24 97 1777 6.9

2003-04 851 30 34 1 1 30 96 851 16 64 1766 6.7

2004-05 862 30 35 1 1 30 97 862 57 228 1952 7.9

2005-06 874 30 35 1 1 30 97 874 36 144 1892 6.3

2006-07 885 62 35 1 1 31 130 885 38 152 1922 13.67

2007-08 897 62 36 1 1 31 131 897 48 192 1986 13.94

2008-09 909 63 36 1 1 32 133 909 74 296 2114 14.66

2009-10 921 64 37 1 1 33 136 921 48 192 2034 13.92

2010-11 934 65 38 1 1 34 139 934 68 272 2140 14.30

2011-12 1892 112 77 2 2 68 261 1892 65 - 3784 24.8

Per capita milk and milk-product availability series has been revised since 1975-76 owing to exclusion of fluid equivalent of local milk-product from the total. Milk
product of imported milk (SMP) is not taken into consideration due to lack of data on share distribution.
Source : HIES –Household Income and Expenditure Survey, BBS
538 Consumption, Household Income and Expenditure
14.14 National Food Balance of Bangladesh

Food Groups Energy (calories) Protein (grams) Fats (grams)

2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09
Grand Total 2485.8 2579.8 2566.2 2693.1 3055.1 68.0 72.5 71.5 74.5 72.8 54.4 47.1 46.9 46.8 49.3

Vegetable products 2366.2 2455.7 2432.4 2561.7 2919.6 52.4 57.0 54.2 57.1 54.8 4.92 41.4 40.9 41.2 43.5

Animal products 119.7 124.1 133.9 131.4 135.4 15.6 15.5 17.3 17.4 18.0 5.1 5.7 6.0 5.6 5.7

Cereals 1945.6 2086.9 2048.8 2138.0 2155.2 43.3 47.3 45.0 47.2 46.9 33.3 34.8 35.6 36.8 37.8

Roots & Tubers 86.2 73.5 88.7 111.7 88.2 2.8 2.3 2.8 3.6 2.8 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1

Sugar/Syrup/honey 63.1 88.2 115.4 140.1 508.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Pulses 33.3 36.5 34.1 33.2 16.0 2.4 2.6 2.4 2.3 1.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.0

Tree nuts/oil-crops 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Vegetables 19.9 18.9 19.5 21.7 22.8 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3

Fruits 57.2 42.4 48.4 46.4 46.4 2.2 1.7 1.9 1.8 1.7 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.3

Meats 26.3 24.8 30.9 31.1 31.9 5.5 5.2 6.6 6.6 6.8 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6

Eggs 16.4 18.7 20.8 21.1 22.1 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.6 1.7

Fish 54.5 55.8 57.3 53.6 55.5 8.2 8.4 8.6 8.7 9.1 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.3 1.4

Milk 14.6 11.6 11.6 12.2 12.5 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.9 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8

Vegetable oils & fats 131.5 46.4 35.1 26.3 39.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 14.6 5.2 3.9 2.9 4.4

Animal oils & Fats 7.9 13.3 13.3 13.4 13.5 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.8 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4

Spices 29.4 63.0 42.3 44.3 42.7 1.2 2.4 1.4 1.4 1.3 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6

Source: HIES, National Accounting Wing, BBS.

Consumption, Household Income and Expenditure 539

14.15 Household Income and Expenditure Survey, 2016

Key Findings HIES 2010 HIES 2016

Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban
1. Total Sample Household 12240 7840 4400 46076 32096 13980
2. Average Household size 4.50 4.53 4.41 4.06 4.11 3.93
3. Housing Structure (Main House ) Roof material (Percent)
Brick/Cement 10.37 3.65 28.71 11.06 5.32 25.73
CIS/Wood 81.52 86.38 68.28 84.29 89.41 71.22
Straw/Bamboo/Others 8.11 9.97 3.01 4.65 5.27 3.05
4. Housing Structure (Main House) Wall material (Percent)
Brick/Cement 25.12 13.59 56.59 30.50 20.24 56.77
CIS/Brick/Wood 38.46 43.24 25.40 49.33 55.73 32.95
Mud/Unburnt brick 16.72 20.57 6.22 11.02 13.57 4.50
Hay/ Bamboo/ Leaf/ Others 19.71 22.60 11.78 9.15 10.46 5.78
5. Source of Drinking water (Percent)
Supply 10.62 1.47 35.57 12.01 2.14 37.28
Tube well 85.37 94.97 59.18 85.18 94.94 60.18
Others 4.01 3.56 5.04 2.81 2.92 2.54
6. Electricity (Percent) 55.26 42.49 90.10 75.92 68.85 94.01
7. Toilet Facilities (Percent)
Sanitary/Pucca 51.05 41.87 76.12 61.37 53.27 82.12
Katcha 44.54 52.39 23.11 35.67 42.98 16.94
Open Space/Others 4.40 5.73 0.77 2.96 3.75 0.94
8. School Enrolment Aged 6-10 Years
Upper Poverty Line (CBN)
Poor 78.33 78.48 77.53 90.2 91.3 85.8
Non-Poor 89.99 87.92 91.70 95.0 95.1 94.4
9. Literacy Rate (7 Years & Over)
Both Sex 57.91 53.37 70.38 65.6 63.30 71.6
Male 61.12 56.67 73.10 67.8 65.5 74.0
Female 54.80 50.21 67.67 63.4 61.2 69.3
10. Nominal Income (Taka Per Month)
Income per Household 11479 9648 16475 15945 13353 22565
Income per Capita 2553 2130 3741 3936 3256 5748
11. Nominal expenditure (Taka Per Month)
Expenditure Per H/H 11200 9612 15531 15715 14156 19697
Consumption Expenditure Per H/H 11003 9436 15276 15420 13868 19383
Expenditure Per Capita 2491 2122 3526 - - -
540 Consumption, Household Income and Expenditure

14.15 Household Income and Expenditure Survey, 2016

Key Findings HIES 2010 HIES 2016
Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban
12. Food Intake (Gram Per Capita Per Day)
Rice 416.000 441.6 344.2 367.19 386.09 316.70
Wheat 26.0 23.3 33.6 19.83 17.44 26.22
Pulses 14.30 13.2 17.2 15.60 15.12 16.88
Vegetables 166.10 170.0 155.0 167.30 164.78 174.06
Fish 49.5 45.8 59.9 62.58 60.59 67.91
Meat 19.0 14.7 33.3 25.42 22.32 30.04
Egg 7.20 5.80 10.9 13.58 12.73 15.85
Milk & Milk Product 33.7 31.8 39.2 27.31 26.29 30.04
Fruit 44.7 42.6 50.4 35.78 32.24 42.23
Protein 66.26 65.24 69.11 63.80 63.30 65.00
13. Calorie (K. Cal/Capita/Day)
14. Incidence of Poverty CBN Method 2318.3 2344.6 2244.5 2210.4 2240.2 2130.7
Lower Poverty Line
Head Count (%) 17.6 21.1 7.7 12.9 14.9 7.6
Poverty Gap 3.1 3.7 1.3 2.3 2.6 1.3
Squared Poverty Gap 0.8 1.0 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.4
Upper Poverty Line
Head Count (%) 31.5 35.2 21.3 24.3 26.4 18.9
Poverty Gap 6.5 7.4 4.3 5.0 5.4 3.9
Squared Poverty Gap 9.0 2.2 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.2
15. Incidence of Poverty and Literacy of Head of Household CBN Method
CBN Method
Lower Poverty Ling
Literate 9.2 12.4 3.9 7.1 90 3.6
Illiterate 25.1 27.2 15.6 15.8 17.0 11.4
Upper Poverty Line
Literate 19.0 23.3 11.4 15.1 17.5 10.3
Illiterate 42.8 43.5 39.4 29.5 30.1 27.3
16. Poverty incidence and sex of head of Household CBN Method
Lower Poverty Line
Male 17.9 21.5 7.9 13.2 15.3 7.5
Female 14.6 17.3 5.5 10.4 11.3 8.0
Upper Poverty Line
Male 32.1 35.9 21.7 24.8 27.1 18.8
Female 26.6 29.3 17.5 19.9 20.0 19.7
17. Percent of household receiving benefit from Social Safety Nets 24.57 30.12 9.42 28.7 35.7 10.9
18. Percent of disabled Person (Net) 9.07 9.63 7.49 6.94 7.27 6.04
Consumption, Household Income and Expenditure 541

14.15 Household Income and Expenditure Survey, 2016

Key Findings HIES 2016 HIES 2010
Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban
19. Disability: Intensity of difficulty Some Severe Fully Some Severe Fully
Unable Unable
(a) Eye sight 3.89 0.42 0.8 5.58 0.53 0.08
(b) Hearing 1.75 0.28 0.9 1.93 0.33 0.06
(c) Walking and Climbing 1.40 0.46 0.17 1.84 0.53 0.07
(d) Remembering & Concentrating 1.07 0.33 0.19 0.94 0.24 0.08
(e) Self care 0.88 0.32 0.31 0.52 0.24 0.09
(f) Speaking & Communicating 0.80 0.32 0.31 0.52 0.24 0.09
20. Percent of Household reporting Migration
Total 11.22 12.98 6.72 12.28 13.72 8.33
Within Country 2.95 3.59 1.32 3.97 4.84 1.62
Abroad 8.27 9.39 5.40 8.60 9.25 6.85
21. Percent of Household reporting
Opening new bank account 7.50 7.60 7.30 7.41 5.05 13.85
Deposited Money in Micro/Financial Institution 15.09 17.30 12.20 14.51 15.94 10.61
Deposited Money for Saving in any Informal Financial 5.30 5.10 5.70 5.64 5.80 5.22
Received Loans from Financial Inst, Friends, etc
22. Average Amount of Loan Taken per Household 29.30 32.70 22.10 32.03 35.08 23.70
23. percent of Household who faced any kind of crisis 37743 31332 59728 28062 21804 54122
Source: Final Report on Household Income and Expenditure Survey, 2016, BBS
542 Consumption, Household Income and Expenditure

14.16 Average Household Size

Year/Division HIES 2016
National Rural Urban
HIES 2016
National 4.06 4.11 3.93
Barishal 4.17 4.18 4.13
Chattogram 4.47 4.53 4.32
Dhaka 3.87 4.04 3.71
Khulna 3.74 3.73 3.78
Mymensingh) 3.85 3.85 3.89
Rajshahi 3.76 3.75 3.80
Rangpur 3.87 3.86 3.94
Sylhet 4.94 4.97 4.82
HIES 2010
National 4.50 4.53 4.41
Barishal 4.56 4.57 4.52
Chattogram 4.97 5.07 4.70
Dhaka 4.39 4.47 4.28
Khulna 4.26 4.24 4.34
Rajshahi (Former) 4.21 4.18 4.36
-Rajshahi(New) 4.15 4.12 4.28
-Rangpur 4.28 4.25 4.48
Sylhet 5.50 5.56 5.17
HIES 2005
National 4.85 4.89 4.72
Barishal 4.84 4.88 5.03
Chattogram 5.42 5.49 5.21
Dhaka 4.69 4.77 4.57
Khulna 4.71 4.73 4.62
Rajshahi 4.53 4.52 4.57
Sylhet 5.57 5.65 5.11
Pop- Census-2011 4.90 4.90 4.80

HIES 2000
National 5.18 5.19 5.13
Barishal 5.44 5.46 5.23
Chattogram 5.86 5.93 5.53
Dhaka 5.00 4.99 5.00
Khulna 5.07 5.12 4.78
Rajshahi 4.77 4.71 5.23
Pop-Census 1991
Source: Final Report on Household Income and Expenditure Survey, 2016, BBS
Consumption, Household Income and Expenditure 543
14.17 Age-Sex Structure of Population by Residence, 2010 and 2016
Age Group 2010 2016
(Years)` Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
National 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

0-4 10.30 10.75 9.85 9.98 10.30 9.66

5-9 12.32 12.61 12.03 10.69 10.91 1047
10-14 12.10 12.53 11.67 11.58 12.04 11.12
15-29 9.50 9.93 9.09 9.76 10.13 9.40
20-24 8.56 7.80 9.31 7.96 6.94 8.97
25-29 8.43 7.40 9.44 9.00 7.96 10.03
30-34 6.60 6.33 6.86 7.63 7.41 7.85
35-39 7.00 6.58 7.40 7.35 7.38 7.33
40-44 5.58 5.53 5.64 5.5 5.67 5.34
Rural 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

0-4 10.63 11.22 10.06 9.93 10.39 9.48

5-9 12.88 13.23 12.53 11.17 11.45 10.90
10-14 12.27 12.66 11.89 11.98 12.52 11.44
15-29 9.40 9.84 8.97 9.73 10.32 9.13
20-24 8.20 7.64 8.76 7.46 6.65 8.26
25-29 8.26 7.31 9.18 8.51 7.40 9.61
30-34 6.28 5.96 6.60 7.38 7.08 7.67
35-39 6.74 6.23 7.24 7.13 6.99 7.28
40-44 5.33 5.34 5.33 5.44 5.47 5.41
Urban 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

0-4 9.36 9.45 9.27 10.11 10.7 10.15

5-9 1074 10.89 1059 9.39 9.47 9.32
10-14 11.61 12.16 11.06 10.5 10.72 10.28
15-29 9.80 10.17 9.43 9.85 9.59 10.11
20-24 9.57 8.26 10.88 9.31 7.72 10.48
25-29 8.91 7.65 10.17 11.33 9.47 11.16
30-34 7.48 7.38 7.59 8.31 8.31 8.32
35-39 7.73 7.57 7.88 7.95 8.43 7.48
40-44 6.29 6.06 6.51 5.68 6.20 5.17
Source: Final Report on Household Income and Expenditure Survey, 2016, BBS
544 Consumption, Household Income and Expenditure
14.18 Monthly Household Nominal Income Expenditure and Consumption by Residence
HIES 2000 to 2016
Survey Year Residence Average Monthly (Taka)
Income Expenditure Consumption
1 2 3 4 5
2016 National 15988 15715 15420

Rural 13398 14156 13868

Urban 22600 19697 19383

2010 National 11479 11200 11003

Rural 9648 9612 9436

Urban 16475 15531 15276

2005 National 7203 6134 5964

Rural 6095 5319 5165

Urban 10463 8533 8315

2000 National 5842 4881 4537

Rural 4816 4257 3879

Urban 9878 7337 7125

Source: Final Report on Household Income and Expenditure Survey, 2016, BBS
Consumption, Household Income and Expenditure 545
14.19 Percentage Distribution of Average Monthly Household Consumption Expenditure by Major
Expenditure Groups HIES 2005 to 2016
Year of Survey Major Expenditure Groups
and Avg. Food and Cloth & Housing & Fuel & Household
Residence Cons. Total Beverage Foot wear House Rent Lighting Effect Medical Education Misce.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
National 15420 100 47.69 7.12 12.43 6.07 2.93 4.54 5.42 23.76
Rural 13868 100 50.49 7.50 9.80 6.65 2.88 4.63 4.93 22.68
Urban 19383 100 42.59 6.42 17.25 5.02 3.03 4.36 6.33 25.69
National 11003 100 54.81 4.95 9.95 5.63 1.68 3.79 5.68 22.98
Rural 9436 100 58.74 5.12 7.29 6.06 1.85 4.05 4.18 20.94
Urban 15276 100 48.19 4.67 14.41 4.89 1.40 3.35 8.2 26.43
National 5964 100 53.81 5.51 12.25 5.98 2.05 - - 20.37
Rural 5165 100 58.54 5.54 9.77 6.10 1.80 - - 18.22
Urban 8315 100 45.17 5.48 16.78 5.76 2.49 - - 24.29
Note: (-) Indicators data not available
Source: Final Report on Household Income and Expenditure Survey, 2016, BBS

14.20 Percentage Distribution of Income Accruing to Household in Groups (Deciles) and Gini Co-efficient HIES 2010 & 2016
Household Income Deciles 2010 2016
and Gini Co-efficient National Rural Urban National Rural Urban
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Total/Deciles 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
Lower 5% 0.78 0.88 0.76 0.23 0.25 0.27
Decil-1 2.00 2.23 1.98 1.02 1.06 1.17
Decil-2 3.22 3.53 3.09 2.83 2.99 3.04
Decil-3 4.10 4.49 3.95 4.05 4.36 4.1
Decil-4 5.00 5.43 5.01 5.13 5.52 5.00
Decil-5 6.01 6.43 6.31 6.24 6.58 6.15
Decil-6 7.32 7.65 7.64 7.48 7.89 6.88
Decil-7 9.06 9.31 9.30 9.06 9.52 8.44
Decil-8 11.50 11.50 11.87 11.25 11.8 10.4
Decil-9 15.94 15.54 16.08 14.86 15.51 13.47
Decil-10 35.85 33.89 34.77 38.09 34.78 41.37
Top 5% 24.61 22.93 23.39 27.82 24.19 32.09
Gini Co-efficient 0.458 0.431 0.452 0.482 0.454 0.498
Source: Final Report on Household Income and Expenditure Survey, 2016, BBS
546 Consumption, Household Income and Expenditure
14.21 Per Capita Per Day Intake of Major Food Items (Grams) HIES 2010 to 2016.
Food Items Survey Years
2010 2016
National Rural Urban National Rural Urban
Total 1000.0 1005.2 985.5 975.5 974.4 978.7
Rice 416.0 441.6 344.6 367.2 386.1 316.7
Wheat 26.0 23.3 33.6 19.8 17.4 26.2
Potato 70.3 71.5 66.7 64.8 65.9 62.0
Pulses 14.3 13.2 17.2 15.7 15.2 16.9
Vegetables 166.1 170.0 155.0 167.3 164.8 174.1
Edible Oil 20.5 18.3 26.6 26.8 25.7 29.6
Onion 22.0 20.2 27.8 31.1 29.8 34.5
Beef 6.8 4.7 12.5 7.5 6.5 10.2
Mutton 0.6 0.5 0.9 0.6 0.5 0.8
Chicken/duck 11.2 9.0 17.4 17.1 15.1 22.5
Eggs 7.0 5.8 10.9 13.6 12.7 15.9
Fish 49.5 45.8 59.9 62.6 60.6 67.9
Milk & Milk Products 33.7 31.8 39.2 27.3 26.3 30.0
Fruits 44.7 42.6 50.4 35.8 32.2 45.2
Sugar/Gur 8.4 7.4 11.3 6.9 6.6 7.6
Food taken outside
Miscellaneous 36.5 33.6 44.9 42.29 38.13 53.41
Source: Final Report on Household Income and Expenditure Survey, 2016, BBS
Consumption, Household Income and Expenditure 547
14.22 Average Per Capita Per Day Intake of Major Food Items (in Grams) by Residence HIES, 2010 & 2005
Food Items 2010 2005
National Rural Urban National Rural Urban
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Total 1000 1000.5 985.5 947.7 946.3 952.1
Cereals 463.9 485.6 402.9 469.2 485.6 419.3
Rice 416.0 441.6 344.2 439.6 459.7 378.5
Wheat 26.0 23.3 33.6 12.1 8.0 24.5
Other 21.9 20.7 25.1 17.5 17.9 16.3
Potato 70.3 71.5 66.7 63.3 61.9 67.5
Vegetables 166.1 170.0 155.0 157.0 156.5 158.7
Leafy vegetables 36.1 36.1 36.3 43.4 43.8 42.2
Others 129.9 133.9 118.6 113.6 112.7 116.5
Pulses 14.3 13.2 17.2 14.2 12.7 18.6
Masoor 6.7 4.8 12.2 8.3 6.2 14.7
Khesari 1.3 1.5 0.7 2.0 2.4 0.9
Others 6.2 6.9 4.3 3.9 4.1 3.0
Milk Prod 33.7 31.8 39.2 32.4 31.0 36.6
Edible Oils 20.5 18.3 26.6 16.5 14.3 22.9
Mustard 2.1 2.5 0.8 3.8 4.6 1.5
Soya bean 18.3 15.6 25.8 12.6 9.6 21.3
Others 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Meat, poultry, eggs 26.2 20.5 42.2 20.8 17.6 30.7
Mutton 0.6 0.5 0.9 0.6 0.6 0.7
Beef 6.8 4.7 12.5 7.8 6.4 12.0
Chicken/duck 11.2 9.0 17.4 6.8 5.8 10.1
Eggs 7.2 5.8 10.9 5.2 4.4 7.4
Others 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.5
Fish 49.5 45.8 59.9 42.1 39.7 49.6
Condi & Spices 66.0 64.8 69.3 53.4 50.2 63.1
Onion 22.0 20.2 27.8 18.4 16.1 25.3
Chilies 10.5 10.8 9.8 9.7 9.7 9.9
Others 33.3 33.8 31.7 25.3 24.4 27.9
Fruits 44.7 42.6 50.4 32.5 32.4 32.9
Sugar/gur 8.4 7.4 11.3 8.1 7.5 9.7
Sugar 7.4 6.2 10.7 6.1 5.1 9.0
Gur 1.0 1.2 0.6 2.0 2.4 0.7
Miscellaneous Items 36.5 33.6 44.9 38.2 36.9 42.5
Source: HIES, 2010 ,BBS
548 Consumption, Household Income and Expenditure
14.23 Per Capita Per Day Calorie (K.Cal) Intake by Residence, HIES 1995/96 to 2016
Survey Years Residence
National Rural Urban
1 2 3 4
2016 2210.4 2240.2 2130.7
2010 2318.3 2344.6 2244.5
2005 2238.5 2253.2 2193.8
2000 2240.3 2263.2 2150.0
1995-96 2254.0 2263.1 2208.1
Source: Final Report on Household Income and Expenditure Survey, 2016, BBS

14.24 Per Capita Per Day Intake of Protein (Grams) by Residence, HIES 1995/96 to 2016
Survey Years Residence
National Rural Urban
1 2 3 4
2016 63.80 63.34 65.02
2010 66.26 65.24 69.11
2005 62.52 61.74 64.88
2000 62.50 61.88 64.96
1995-96 64.96 64.45 67.50
Source: Final Report on Household Income and Expenditure Survey, 2016, BBS

14.25 Prevalence (%) Of Malnutrition Among Children Aged 6-59 Months

Indicator Area of Residence Year of CNS/CMNS by BBS
2000 2005 2012
Underweight Rural 52.6 50.1 35.5
(WAZNCHS<-2) Urban 41.8 38.5 30.9
National 51.0 47.8 34.4
Stunting Rural 50.2 44.9 45.0
(HAZNCHS<-2) Urban 37.5 32.5 38.1
National 48.3 42.4 43.4
Rural 12.2 13.1 13.2
Wasting Urban 10.9 10.8 12.8
(WHZNCHS<-2) National 12.0 12.7 13.1
MUAC <125 mm Rural 7.0 4.9 3.3
Urban 3.6 2.6 2.2
National 6.5 4.1 3.0
Source: Child and Mother Nutrition Survey, BBS 2012
Consumption, Household Income and Expenditure 549

14.26 Poverty Gap and Squared Poverty Gap (in percent ) by Cost of Basic
Needs Method HIES 2010 and 2016
Poverty Line and Division Poverty Gap Squared Poverty Gap
National Rural Urban National Rural Urban
1. Using the Lower Poverty Line
National 3.1 3.7 1.3 0.8 1.0 0.4
Barishal 5.4 5.4 5.2 1.6 1.6 1.7
Chattogram 2.2 2.7 0.8 0.6 0.7 0.2
Dhaka 2.7 4.1 0.5 0.7 1.1 0.1
Khulna 2.7 2.7 2.6 0.8 0.8 0.7
Rajshahi (New) 2.8 2.9 2.3 0.7 0.7 0.6
Rangpur 5.5 5.6 4.0 1.4 1.4 1.0
Sylhet 3.3 3.7 1.2 0.9 1.0 0.4

1. Using the Upper Poverty Line

National 6.5 7.4 4.3 2.0 2.2 1.3
Barishal 9.8 9.2 12.6 3.4 3.0 5.2
Chattogram 5.1 6.1 2.1 1.5 1.8 0.6
Dhaka 6.2 8.1 3.3 1.8 2.4 0.9
Khulna 6.4 6.1 7.4 2.0 1.9 2.3
Rajshahi (New) 6.2 6.4 5.6 1.9 1.9 1.7
Rangpur 11.0 11.3 8.6 3.5 3.6 2.7
Sylhet 4.7 5.0 2.7 1.3 1.3 0.9

1. Using the Lower Poverty Line
National 2.3 2.6 1.3 0.6 0.7 0.4
Barishal 2.7 2.7 2.6 0.8 0.8 0.9
Chattogram 1.5 1.7 1.1 0.4 0.4 0.3
Dhaka 1.2 1.9 0.5 0.3 0.5 01
Khulna 1.9 2.0 1.7 0.5 0.5 0.5
Mymensingh 2.8 2.9 2.5 0.7 0.7 0.7
Rajshahi 2.3 2.5 1.6 0.6 0.7 0.4
Rangpur 6.3 6.4 5.6 2.0 2.0 1.8
Sylhet 1.8 1.8 1.7 0.4 0.4 0.4

1. Using the Upper Poverty Line

National 5.0 5.4 3.9 1.5 1.7 1.2
Barishal 5.5 5.1 7.6 1.8 1.6 2.9
Chattogram 3.5 3.8 2.9 1.0 1.1 0.8
Dhaka 3.2 3.9 2.4 0.9 1.2 0.7
Khulna 5.2 5.0 5.7 1.5 1.4 1.7
Mymensingh 6.4 6.2 7.7 1.9 1.7 2.7
Rajshahi 5.6 5.9 4.2 1.6 1.8 1.2
Rangpur 11.9 12.1 10.6 4.2 4.2 3.8
Sylhet 2.6 2.4 3.8 0.7 0.6 1.2
Source:Final Report on Household Income and Expenditure Survey, 2016, BBS
550 Consumption, Household Income and Expenditure

14.27 Incidence of Poverty (CBN) by Educational Status HIES 2010 and 2016
Characteristics of Households 2010 2016
National Rural Urban National Rural Urban
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Using the Lower Poverty Line
National 17.6 21.1 7..7 12.9 14.9 7.6
Literacy Statis:
Illiterate 25.1 27.2 15.6 15.8 17.0 11.4
Literate 9.2 12.4 3.3 7.1 9.0 3.6
Educational Level:
No education 25.1 27.1 15.6 16.0 17.2 11.6
Completed Class 1-1v 15.8 18.4 7.9 12.6 13.4 9.5
Completed Class V-Ix 11.4 13.8 5.4 7.9 9.4 4.5
11.4Completed class SSC+ 3.4 6.1 0.8 2.7 4.5 0.9
2. Using the Upper Poverty Line
National 31.5 35.2 21.3 24.3 26.4 18.9
Literacy Statis:
Illiterate 42.8 43.5 39.4 29.5 30.1 27.3
Literate 19.0 23.3 11.4 15.1 17.5 10.3
Educational Level:
No education 42.8 43.5 39.4 29.8 30.4 27.4
Completed Class 1-1v 35.7 38.1 28.3 25.1 25.3 24.3
Completed Class V-Ix 22.6 24.9 16.7 16.5 17.9 13.1
Completed class SSC+ 7.5 11.2 3.9 6.6 9.6 3.6
Source: Final Report on Household Income and Expenditure Survey, 2016, BBS
Consumption, Household Income and Expenditure 551

14.28 Incidence of Poverty by Main Occupation of Head of Household 2010 & 2016
Residence and Occupation of Head Percentage of Population the below Poverty line
2010 2016
National Lower Upper Lower Upper
Total 17.6 31.5 12.9 24.3
Professional, Technical and Related Works 10.6 19.5 7.6 16.2
Administrative & Management Works 0.5 0.8 2.3 4.0
Clerical, Related Works & Govt. Executive 8.5 17.7 11.8 24.4
Sales Workers 10.3 22.3 8.3 17.7
Service Workers 26.1 44.2 14.0 26.6
Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries 22.2 37.0 18.2 32.0
Production, Transport and Related Workers 21.5 41.0 11.3 22.8
Head not Working/NAD 12.6 24.2 14.9 20.8
Total 21.1 35.2 14.9 26.4
Professional, Technical and Related Works 15.0 24.8 9.4 18.8
Administrative & Management Works 1.2 1.8 9.3 11.0
Clerical, Related Works & Govt. Executive 15.5 23.5 15.6 28.6
Sales Workers 14.6 27.1 9.8 19.8
Service Workers 30.9 49.1 15.9 26.8
Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries 22.5 36.8 18.4 31.7
Production, Transport and Related Workers 28.9 47.9 14.0 25.3
Head not Working/NAD 15.7 28.1 12.6 20.5
Total 7.7 21.3 7.6 18.9
Professional, Technical and Related Works 4.3 11.9 3.7 10.8
Administrative & Management Works 0.0 0.0 0.5 2.2
Clerical, Related Works & Govt. Executive 4.6 14.5 7.5 19.6
Sales Workers 4.7 16.0 6.2 14.8
Service Workers 16.6 34.4 10.9 26.3
Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries 16.7 40.0 16.0 35.3
Production, Transport and Related Workers 10.7 30.7 6.7 18.5
Head not Working/NAD 4.0 13.6 19.2 21.4
Source: Final Report on Household Income and Expenditure Survey, 2016, BBS
552 Consumption, Household Income and Expenditure

14.29 Percentage Distributions of Households by Sources of Drinking Water

And Residence HIES 2010 and 2016
Residence and Sources of Water 2010 2016

National 100.00 100.00

Supply Water 10.62 12.01
Tube-Well 85.37 85.17
Pond/ River/Canal 0.94 1.15
Well/Indara 0.99 0.47
Water falls 0.08 0.13
Others 2.00 1.07
Rural 100.00 100.00
Supply Water 1.47 2.14
Tube-Well 94.97 94.93
Pond/ River/Canal 1.27 1.46
Well/Indara 1.29 0.53
Water falls 0.11 0.14
Others 0.89 0.8
Urban 100.00 100.00
Supply Water 35.57 37.28
Tube-Well 59.18 60.18
Pond/ River/Canal 0.05 0.36
Well/Indara 0.15 0.32
Water falls 0.01 0.09
Others 5.04 1.76
Source: Final Report on Household Income and Expenditure Survey, 2016, BBS
Consumption, Household Income and Expenditure 553

14.30 Enrolment of Children Aged 6-10 Years by Sex, Division and Poverty Status
HIES, 2016
Gender and Division Poor Non-Poor
National Rural Urban National Rural Urban
Both Sexes 89.95 90.61 86.37 94.25 94.71 92.96
Barishal 90.53 90.64 89.82 93.85 93.56 95.41
Chattogram 83.17 82.72 84.97 92.23 92.73 90.71
Dhaka 89.79 91.12 85.93 94.01 94.81 93.04
Khulna 94.15 95.10 90.22 97.41 97.65 96.61
Mymensingh 91.58 92.65 82.66 95.89 95.76 96.58
Rajshahi 91.70 92.91 87.72 96.77 96.68 97.16
Rangpur 91.50 92.02 87.63 96.15 96.40 94.70
Sylhet 89.80 90.77 80.99 92.61 93.66 86.79
Male 88.09 88.46 86.06 93.85 94.28 92.57
Barishal 86.56 86.22 89.31 94.56 94.26 96.06
Chattogram 77.82 76.71 82.25 92.67 93.76 89.25
Dhaka 87.08 87.06 87.15 92.92 92.57 93.39
Khulna 93.00 94.71 87.24 96.36 96.62 95.45
Mymensingh 89.75 91.55 70.91 95.22 95.14 95.63
Rajshahi 89.54 88.94 96.28 96.20 95.84 97.80
Rangpur 92.00 92.45 88.45 95.73 95.66 96.16
Sylhet 89.64 89.90 86.93 91.71 93.15 83.59
Female 91.78 92.73 86.67 94.68 95.18 93.31
Barishal 94.31 95.12 90.14 93.11 92.84 93.11
Chattogram 88.09 88.21 87.58 91.77 91.64 91.77
Dhaka 92.29 94.45 84.36 95.12 97.32 95.12
Khulna 95.28 95.47 94.33 98.45 98.66 98.45
Mymensingh 93.63 93.95 91.47 96.70 96.52 96.70
Rajshahi 93.96 95.89 82.74 97.39 97.59 97.39
Rangpur 91.00 91.58 86.86 96.66 97.32 96.66
Sylhet 89.96 91.60 76.40 93.51 94.18 93.51
Source Final Report on Household Income and Expenditure Survey, 2016, BBS

14.31 Percentage of Children Attending Different Types of Schools at Primary

Level by Sex, HIES, 2016 and 2010
Type of Schools 2016 2010
Both Sex Boys Girls Both Sex Boys Girls
Government 80.20 79.63 80.8 81.64 80.73 82.53
Govt. Subsidized 10.45 10.1 10.82 11.89 12.46 11.34
Non-government 4.60 4.90 4.27 1.77 1.79 1.74
NGO Run 0.98 0.98 0.98 2.52 2.32 2.73
Madrasha (Recognized) 2.29 2.64 1.92 1.72 2.02 1.43
Madrasha (Qaomi) 1.49 1.75 1.21 0.45 0.69 0.23
Source: Final Report on Household Income and Expenditure Survey, 2016, BBS
554 Consumption, Household Income and Expenditure

14.32 Distribution of Method of Treatment by Sex and Residence

HIES 2016 & 2010
Type of Treatment National Rural Urban
Both Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female
Sex Sex Sex
Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
Govt. health worker 1.44 1.23 1.61 1.42 1.26 1.55 1.49 1.14 1.7
NGO health worker
Homoeopathic doctor 2.36 1.86 2.77 2.47 1.98 2.89 2.02 1.50 2.44
Kabiraj/Hekim/Ayurbed 0.76 0.78 0.74 0.73 0.76 0.71 0.84 0.86 0.83
Peer/Fakir/Tantric/Ojha/boidya 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.03
Gov.District hospital 3.24 3.41 3.11 2.93 3.11 2.78 4.18 4.32 4.07
Community Clinic 1.70 1.45 1.90 2.14 1.80 2.44 0.34 0.37 0.32
Qualified Doctor 15.44 15.00 15.82 14.43 13.97 14.83 18.49 18.18 18.74
Non Qualified Doctor 22.50 23.87 21.35 25.06 25.92 24.33 14.81 17.54 12.60
Pharmacy/dispensary/Compounder 33.11 34.43 32.00 32.79 34.39 31.42 34.09 34.58 33.70
Family Treatment 0.96 0.97 0.95 0.96 0.95 0.96 0.98 1.04 0.92
Self-Treatment 0.96 0.97 0.95 0.96 0.95 0.96 0.98 1.04 0.92
Other 0.13 0.15 0.11 0.12 0.16 0.09 0.16 0.11 0.20
Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
Govt. health worker 2.37 2.43 2.33 2.39 2.71 2.15 2.28 1.12 3.17
NGO health worker 024 0.08 0.37 0.21 0.09 0.30 0.38 0.00 0.67
Homoeopathic doctor 3.19 3.42 3.01 3.10 3.28 2.96 3.59 4.08 3.21
Kabiraj/Hekim/Ayurbed 1.52 1.76 1.33 1.74 2.01 1.53 0.47 0.56 0.41
Peer/Fakir/Tantric/Ojha/boidya 0.33 0.20 0.42 0.37 0.25 0.48 0.10 0.00 0.18
Govt. Doctor (Govt. Institution) 11.84 12.72 11.15 11.62 12.41 10.99 12.87 14.17 11.88
Govt. Doctor (Private Practice) 22.08 21.64 22.42 21.30 20.89 21.62 25.74 25.22 26.14
NGO Doctor 0.31 0.35 0.28 0.36 0.39 0.34 0.08 0.19 0.00
Private Doctor 24.23 24.32 24.17 24.12 23.94 24.26 24.77 26.11 23.75
Pharmacy/dispensary/Compounder 29.74 28.69 30.56 30.55 29.56 31.32 25.99 24.57 27.06
Family Treatment 0.50 0.51 0.50 0.45 0.51 0.40 0.73 0.46 0.93
Self-Treatment 0.64 0.66 0.63 0.63 0.76 0.53 0.68 0.19 1.05
Other 3.00 3.22 2.83 3.15 3.20 3.11 2.31 3.33 1.54

Source: Final Report on Household Income and Expenditure Survey, 2016, BBS

14.33 Average Amount Received in last 12 months from different Social Safety Net
Programmes, HIES 2016
Types of Programme TK in 12 Months Monthly Amount
Ananda School (ROSC) [Cash/kind] 1593 132.8
Stipend for Primary Students 965 104.0
School Feeding Program 2682 223.5
Stipend for Secondary and Higher Student 1165 129.4
Stipend for Drop out Student 1505 125.4
Stipend for Disabled Student 4250 354.2
Old aged Allowance (MOSW) 3510 292.5
Widow, Deserted & Destitute Women Allowances 3584 298.7
Maternity allow, Program for the Poor Lactating 4630 385.8
Maternal Health Voucher allowance 3950 329.2
Honorarium for insolvent freedom Fighters 66082 5506.8
Honorium & Medical Allowances for injured Freedom Fighters 31376 2614.6
Ration for Martyred Family and injured Freedom Fighters 6489 540.8
Allowances for distressed Cultural Personnel 8620 718.3
Allowances for financially insolvent 4740 395.0
Vulnerable Group Development (VGD) 3481 290.1
Vulnerable Group Feeding (VGf) 679 56.6
General Relief Activities 806 67.1
Gratuitous Relief (GR)-Food/Cash 606 50.5
Allow. For beneficiaries in Ctg Hill Tracts Area 3346 278.8
Food Assistance in in Ctg Hill Tracts Area 12751 1062.6
Employment gen. Programme for Hard-core poor or 100 days 2291 190.9
Food/Cash for Work (FFW/CFW) 6306 525.5
Test Relief (TR) Food (Cash) 2464 205.3
Rural emp. Opportunity for protection of Public 54000 4500.0
Consumption, Household Income and Expenditure 555

Types of Programme TK in 12 Months Monthly Amount

Rural emp. And Road Maintenance for protection of Public 24798 2066.5
One Household One Farm 9802 816.8
Housing Support 1294 107.8
Agriculture Rehabilitation (MOA) 5403 450.3
Targeted Ultra Poor (TUP) (BRAC) 8501 708.4
Char Livelihood 5568 464.0
Economic Empowerment for the Poor/ Shiree 7367 613.9
Urban Partnership for Poverty Reduction 6997 583.1
Shouhardo Programme 10493 874.4
Nabojibon Programme (Save the Children) 10845 903.8
Proshar Programme (ACDIVOCA) 1000 83.3
Others 2704. 225.4
Source: Final Report on Household Income and Expenditure Survey, 2016, BBS

14.34 Percentage Distribution of Population (5 Years and Over) Facing Some

Difficulty by Sex, Age Group and Type of Disability HIES, 2010
Age group Eye Sight Hearing Walking Mental Self-care Speaking
Both Sex
Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
5-9 0.80 8.60 2.11 5.00 7.71 4.28
10-14 1.80 9.44 3.31 7.04 8.61 20.59
15-24 3.14 10.76 5.06 11.82 6.06 19.82
25-34 6.08 13.90 8.78 16.67 13.02 9.24
35-44 17.31 12.20 15.40 9.62 18.56 15.79
45-54 23.81 10.22 19.57 14.15 13.24 5.65
55-64 20.90 10.86 16.83 10.59 19.20 10.40
65+ 26.16 24.03 28.94 25.12 13.61 14.22
Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
5-9 1.07 10.46 2.54 7.54 16.02 8.21
10-14 2.08 10.10 4.78 11.33 8.08 30.31
15-24 3.39 13.41 5.42 9.87 9.57 14.00
25-34 3.91 12.35 4.22 12.93 6.70 7.97
35-44 13.12 10.74 16.34 8.37 22.02 12.93
45-54 23.40 9.52 22.38 11.32 16.40 6.69
55-64 22.81 11.07 13.92 16.98 17.01 8.62
65+ 30.21 22.34 30.41 21.66 4.20 11.27
Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
5-9 0.61 6.81 1.67 2.86 0.00 0.00
10-14 1.61 8.81 1.87 3.43 9.10 9.97
15-24 2.97 8.21 4.71 13.46 2.80 26.17
25-34 7.55 15.38 13.30 19.81 18.89 10.63
35-44 20.15 13.60 14.46 10.67 15.34 18.92
45-54 24.10 10.89 16.79 16.54 10.30 4.52
55-64 19.60 10.66 19.72 5.20 21.23 12.33
65+ 23.41 25.64 27.49 28.03 22.34 17.45
Source: Household Income and Expenditure Survey, 2010, BBS
556 Consumption, Household Income and Expenditure

14.35 Percentage Distribution of Migrants Working Abroad Sending Remittances

During the Last 12 Months by Division and Amount, 2016
Remittance (in `000`Tk) Total Division
Barishal Ctg. Dhaka Khulna Mymen Rajshahi Rangpur Sylhet
National 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
<25 29.91 40.00 27.86 23.14 50.11 37.24 27.75 37.24 27.75
25-49 18.31 21.64 19.5 18.65 15.92 15.53 17.8 15.53 17.8
50-99 31.99 25.43 36.61 32.53 19.31 30.98 28.38 30.98 28.38
100-149 10.59 7.31 8.56 13.74 8.61 10.29 15.14 10.29 15.14
150-199 4.31 2.65 4.16 4.78 2.68 1.9 5.24 1.9 5.24
200-299 2.87 0.66 2.17 3.68 1.36 0.96 4.01 0.96 4.01
300-399 0.89 1.44 0.65 1.51 0.74 0.39 0.63 0.39 0.63
400-499 0.45 0 0.06 1.11 0.11 1.26 0.35 1.26 0.35
500+ 0.68 0.87 0.43 0.85 1.17 1.45 0.7 1.45 0.7
Average per remittance recipient household (in 133. 110.77 128.96 158.4 92.91 146.57 125.09 72.87 134.58
`000`) 78 6
% of total remittance (Number) 160.00 3.18 43.35 26.16 6.71 3.02 4.74 1.57 11.28
% of Total Remittance (Amount) 100.00 2.63 41.78 30.98 4.66 3.31 4.43 0.85 11.34
Source: Household Income and Expenditure Survey, 2016, BBS

14.36 Percentage Distribution of Households Faced/Experienced Crises During the Last

12 Months by Residence HIES, 2016
Type of Crisis National Urban Rural
1. Drought/irregular rains 2.95 3.81 0.75
2. Floods 5.46 6.79 2.05
3. Landslides/Erosion 0.49 063 0.12
4. Excessive crop diseases/pests 0.62 0.8 0.16
5. Excessive livestock diseases 0.39 0.5 0.09
6. Unusual high price of Agri. Products 0.27 0.35 0.07
7. Unusual low price of Agri. Products 0.41 0.56 0.04
8. Reduction of low income due to factory layoff 0.06 0.06 0.06
9. Less earning due to job loss of HH members 0.15 0.13 0.21
10. Serious accident/illness of income earners 0.71 0.79 0.52
11. Serious accident/illness of other members 0.59 0.62 0.52
12. Death of income earner 0.18 0.19 0.17
13. Death of other household members 0.19 0.18 0.2
14. Theft of money/valuable assets 0.36 0.37 0.34
15. Theft of Agri. Assorts/output (crop/livestock) 0.13 0.14 0.08
16. Conflict/violence 0.07 0.09 0.04
17. Fire/earth quake/tornado etc. 0.79 1.91 1.49
18. Others 0.59 072 0.26
Total 0.86 1.04 0.40
Source: Household Expenditure Survey-2016, BBS
Notes on data and their sources 557



558 Notes on data and their sources
Notes on data and their sources 559


Chapter 1 Sources of data
General Features and Environment The main sources of data are Population and
Housing Census reports of 1961, 974, 1981, 1991,
The main objectives of this chapter are to 2001 & 2011 and reports of Sample Vital
provide some broad idea on the historical Registration System, BBS.
emergence of the nation as well as the location,
physiography, climatic conditions, and major socio- Sample Coverage of Sample Vital Registration
economic features of the country. This information is System (SVRS)
helpful particularly for those foreign readers who
would like to have some idea about Bangladesh. Sample Vital Registration System (SVRS)
was introduced by Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
Data on the characteristics of general soil types (BBS) in 1980 to determine the annual socio-
and Division and Zila-wise distribution of agricultural demographic changes in population during inter-
lands by types have been collected by BBS, from censal period. Initially 103 Primary Sampling Units
the Director, Soil Resources Development Institute. (PSUs) were selected and each PSUs comprising of
Data on forest area by regions are from the about 250 continuous households. Out of 103 PSUs
administrative records of the Chief Conservator of 62 PSUs were from rural and 41 PSUs were from
Forests, govt. of the People’s Republic of urban area. With this sample size it was possible to
Bangladesh. produce estimates at the national level with urban-
rural break-up. On the basis of technical
Hydrological data, river system in Bangladesh, committee’s recommendation and to meet the data
main rivers according to length, area of major need of the planners, policy maker and other users
standing water bodies, flow of major rivers, water the sample PSUs was increased to 210 PSUs in
level of major rivers, Static water and in-stream 1983 having 150 from rural and 60 from urban area.
storage potential, tidal variation and highest salinity This could provide estimates at the division levels
etc. are presented in this chapter. The main sources with urban-rural break-up. in 1991. To meet the
of these data are the administrative records of SRDI, users, demand for Zila (district) estimate, the
WAPDA, MPO, SPARRSO & BWDB. number of PSUs was again increased to 500 in
1995. With the availability of sampling frame from
Data on loss of human lives and properties in the Population Census-2001 the sample design was
recent major cyclones and tidal surges compiled recasted. An Integrated Multi-Purpose Sample
from the administrative records of Bangladesh Design was introduced with effect from 1st July 2002
Meteorological Department have been presented in and the number of PSUs increased to 1000 to
this chapter. provide the estimate of vital events at the Zila level.
The number of PSU was increased from 1000 to
Data on Annual rainfall, monthly temperature, 1500 under newly formed IMPS design based on
humidity, rainfall, maximum and minimum Population Census 2011. Data collection from 1500
temperature are presented here from the records of PSUs was started from July 2013, till 2014. Now
Bangladesh meteorological Department. data is being collected from 2012 PSUs.

Chapter 2 Dual Recording System

Area, Population, Household and The strength of the sample vital registration
Housing Characteristics district
is the collection of data under a dual record system
In this chapter attempts have been made to provide to estimate demographic indicators using Chandra
information on administrative units in Bangladesh,
Sekaran and Deming Technique introduced from the
household and population by zila, upazilla and
municipality, intercensal growth of population, age- beginning. Under System-1, there is a Local
sex distribution, marital status of population, Registrar for each PSU who used to collect data
population by religion, youth population, tribal about each vital event as and when it occurs and
population, birth and death rates, mortality, life record it in the specified schedule and then send the
expectancy and population of major cities. filled-in schedules to the headquarters according to
Information of households by source of drinking
the time table set for each schedule. Under System-
water, toilet facilities, electricity connection have also
been provided in this chapter. 2, the staff members from upazila and regional
560 Notes on data and their sources

Statistical offices (Supervisors) visit the Crude Birth Rate (CBR)

The number of live births per 1000 mid-year
PSUs on a quarterly basis and collects retrospective
population in a given year.
data on all the events. Supervisors and RSOs
Age-Specific Fertility Rate (ASFR)
regularly checks the quality of work obtained by the
Number of live births to women in a given age
local registrars and Supervisors .The filled-in group per 1,000 women in the same age group in a
given year. It is usually calculated for 5 years age
schedules obtained from both the systems are
groups from 10-14 to 45-49 or 15-19 to 45-49.
coded and matched at the headquarter by pre-
designed matching criteria and staff members of Total Fertility Rate (TRF)
SVRS Project and Demography and Health Wing at The average number of children that would be
born alive to a woman (or group of women) during
Head Quarter evaluate the work of these two
her reproductive period if she were to live through all
systems and re-visit, wherever necessary. her child-bearing years and bear children according
to the age specific fertility rates of a given year.
Sample Selection
Gross Reproduction Rate (GRR)
The IMPS frame developed from population
The average number of daughters that would be
census 2011 served as the sampling frame for the born alive to a woman (or a group of women) during
collection of data in the SVRS. A single stage her life time if she passed through her child-bearing
stratified cluster sampling methodology was adopted years conforming to the age-specific fertility rates of
for the selection of SVRS sample EA’s. a given year.

Administrative divisions of the country were Net Reproduction Rate (NRR)

regarded as the domain of the study. These The average number of daughters that would be
born to a woman if she passed through her life time
domains were divided into three residential
from birth conforming to the age-specific fertility and
categories, viz. rural, urban and city corporations. A mortality rates of a given year. This rate is similar to
total of 935 urban EA’s and 1077 rural EA’s were the gross reproduction rate and takes into account
that some women will die before completing their
selected from the entire sample area comprising of
child bearing years. NRR 1.00 means each
2012 PSUs. generation of mothers is having exactly enough
daughters to replace itself in the population.
Definitions on Fertility and Mortality
Crude Death Rate (CDR)
Sex-Ratio The number of deaths per 1000 midyear
The ratio of males to females in a given population in a given year.
population usually expressed as the number of Child Death Rate (CH. DR.)
males per 100 females. The child death rate is defined as the number of
deaths among children in age 1-4 per 1000 mid-year
Child-Women Ratio (CWR) population in the same group.
The number of children under 5 years of age per
1,000 women of child bearing age (between ages 15 Infant Mortality Rate (IMR)
and 44 sometimes 15 to 49) in a given year. It is a The number of deaths to infants under one year
rough fertility indicator based on census data. It is of age per 1000 live births in a given year.
sometimes used when no adequate data on births
are available.
Notes on data and their sources 561

Life Expectancy at Birth Chapter 5

The average number of additional years a Industry
This chapter focuses on the present position of
person would live if current mortality trends were to
the statistical series of manufacturing, mining and
continue. electricity. The index of industrial production
comprises manufacturing, mining and electricity and
quantities underlying these series are important
NATURAL GROWTH RATE (NGR) indicators of the growth of industrial sector of the
The natural growth rate is the difference country. Quantum index of industrial production by
between crude birth rate (CBR) and crude death rate industry group are presented in Tables. The year
(CDR) expressed in percentage. 2005-06 has been adopted as the comparison base
for the index series. The weights have been derived
from the results of the Census of Manufacturing
Chapter 3 Industries 1988-89.
Labour Forces
The total civilian labour force of the country age The Laspeyres base weighted index formula has
15 and above was 63.5 million in 2016-17 and the been used for the index. Employment as well as
crude activity rate was 37.7. The total civilian labour productivity indices of industrial workers for selected
force according to 2015-16 labour force survey were industries provided in tables. The index formula
62.2 million of which 43.1 million were male and used is weighted Laspeyres with 2005-06 as the
19.1 million females. According to LFS 2016-17 base.
40.6% were employed in agriculture and 59.4% in
non- agriculture. It was 48.1% and 51.9% Index number of producer prices of domestically
respectively in 2005-06. The labour force produced industrial goods classified by their
participation rate was 58.2% for both sex, 80.5% for economic end-use, major economic activity and
male at 36.3% for female in 2016-17. industrial groups are presented in tables 5.02. The
index formula is base-weighted Laspeyres index
Chapter 4 with
Agriculture 2005-06 as the base year and with about 100
Crops, Livestock, Forestry and Fishery industries for which data are at present available in
Bangladesh. The weights have been derived from
This chapter concerns with data on Agriculture. the results of the Census of Manufacturing
Broad agriculture sector comprises of two sectors: 1. Industries, 2005-06. Each Industry has a weight
Agriculture and forestry 2. Fishing. The agriculture equal to its relative contribution to the total gross
sector is divided into 3 sub-sectors: i) Crops and value of production according to the 2005-06 CMI.
Horticulture ii) Animal farming iii) Forest and related For new tables on handloom units, looms production
services. The value-added originating in each of cloth and variety of cloths by type of ownership
branch of the activities is equivalent to the value of are given in the chapter.
gross output minus the value of current inputs used
for producing that output. For example, in crop sub-
sector the value of gross output is obtained by Quantity and value of production data of
multiplying the quantity of the output of each crop by selected industrial items have been presented in the
homestead prices. The value of inputs such as seed, separate tables. These data are regularly collected
fertilizer, pesticides etc. is also worked out by the by the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics from
same method (i.e. the quantity used times their respective sector corporations, National Board of
respective purchase cost/price) and subtracted from Revenue, Directorate of Taxation and Excise,
the value of gross output of crops to end up with Bangladesh Tea Board, Petro-Bangla and some
value added which is equivalent to the sum of large private industrial establishments. The position
compensation of employees and gross operating of the jute manufacturing industry relating to number
surplus originating in agricultural crops sub-sector. of looms installed, number of looms operating
The value added defined as such, is also estimated
etc.are shown in table 5.12. Production, exports,
for other sub-sectors like, animal farming, forest and
related services and also for fishing sector. internal consumption and stocks of jute goods have
been shown in table 5.13. Bangladesh Jute Mills
Gross value added at current and constant Corporation is the source of data.
prices are shown in table no. 4.02 and 4.03 Gross
value added from Agriculture at constant prices are
shown in table 4.10 to 4.13.
562 Notes on data and their sources

Count-wise production of yarn have been shown in Chapter 7

the tables 5.14 Transport and Communication
Transport and communication sector cover: (i)
Grade-wise production of tea in Bangladesh is Railway transport; (ii) Road transport
shown in table 5.15. The Bangladesh Tea Board is (mechanized/non-mechanized vehicles); (iii) Water
transport (mechanized/non-mechanized); (iv) Air
the source of data. The number of tea factory
transport; (v) Communication Telephone services,
workers by category is shown in table 5.16. Postal services, Radio and Television services) and
(vi) Tourism.
The table 5.17 presents quantity and value of Data of this sector are usually collected from
production of minerals by type. These data are secondary sources. The following type are collected
by mail and/or personal contact from the concerned
regularly collected by the Bangladesh Bureau of organizations:
Statistics from the Bangladesh chemical Industries Railway Transport
Corporation (B.C.I.C.), Bureau of Mineral Bangladesh Railway compiles data on operation
of the railways route kilometer, stations and rolling
Development (BMD), and Petro-Bangla.
stock by gauge, passenger and cargo carried,
revenue earnings, operational expenses and other
aspects of railway traffic and publish in their
Chapter 6
information book. The statistics on railway transport
are mainly collected from Bangladesh Railway for
Data on energy have been identified according this book.
to the sources of supply via, commercial and
Road Transport
traditional. The former has been defined here to Statistics are gathered from a variety of sources
include natural gas, crude oil, petroleum products, scattered over the wide range of the economy and
coal and electricity as such quality of data is affected to the extent of the
However, the data relating to traditional sources are multiple objectives underlying the collection and
relatively poorer in quality as it had to be assembled compilation of data by the sources concerned.
from a variety of sources producing information of However, the same for organized sector, defined to
highly elusive in nature and widely scattered over be registered and/or maintained in the form of
the economy. records either administrative or statistical, are of
This chapter represents data on the national good quality and fairly reliable. The organizations in
energy balance and energy use by major sources the organized sector and the statistics collected from
and on the availability of energy and its final sector- them are shown as below.
wise consumption. This also gives a statistical Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation:
picture of electrical power generation, transmission operation of bus, coach and truck plying on road.
Roads and Highways Department: road mileage
and distribution. The administrative records of
by type of Road, progress of road construction and
Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation (BPC) petro- expenditure incurred on maintenance of roads,
Bangla and BPDB are the sources of data. culverts and targets achieved.
Bangladesh Road Transport Authority.
Ministry of Communication, Railway Division,
Roads and Road Transport Division: number of
vehicles (on road) registered by type of vehicles,
motor car, bus, truck, taxi, jeep, station wagon, auto-
rickshaw, motor cycle, etc. classified by region,
seating capacity and kind of fuel used.
Notes on data and their sources 563

Water Transport — Bangladesh Television: number of television

Statistics of this sector are also to be sets licensed by type and by region.
characterized in similar nature, sources and Tourism
methodology of amassing the basic data. Here again Statistics of this sector are narrowly defined to
the quality of data are little undermined when these include only the international tourist movements.
from traditional sources are to be monitored. But Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation is the concerned
those from organized sector are fairly dependable. organization that provides data on arrival of tourists
The sources and the statistics collected from them by nationality and foreign exchange earnings thereof
are shown as below: etc.
— Chattogram and Mongla Port Authorities:
Road Accidents
vessels handled and their turn round at ports,
Statistics of this nature are the indicators of
cargo handled by major commodity groups,
efficiency of public administration and are regularly,
number of National and International seaborne
compiled in Police Directorate. The Police
ships entered into and cleared from the ports.
Directorate is responsible for the collection and
— Bangladesh Inland water Transport Authority compilation of number of road accidents by region
(BIWTA): type and category of vessels, tonnage and by important cities. These data concern the
and passenger capacity and navigable number of accidents and the number of persons
waterways etc. injured and killed in such accidents.

Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Corporation Fare and Freight Index

(BIWTC): number of vessels by type, passenger and The index has been developed on the basis of
cargo carried and the ferry services under its control the fare and freights of Bangladesh Railways,
and supervision. Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation (BRTC),
Bangladesh Shipping Corporation (BSC): Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority
number of vessels with carrying capacity, number of (BIWTA), and Bangladesh Biman. The Laspeyres
voyages, passengers and cargo carried, net profit formula has been used for computing the index with
earned, assets and liabilities, working capital, etc. 1995-96 as the weighted base year.

Aviation Chapter 8
Statistics of this sector though small in size but Foreign Trade Statistics
good in quality are well maintained by Bangladesh 1.1 Introduction
Biman, the National Airline of the country.
Compilation of foreign trade statistics has been one
The statistics collected from this source are of the core activities of Bangladesh Bureau of
performance of Biman, number of aero planes by Statistics since 1990-91. Classifying the
type, number of flights operated on National routes commodities according to harmonized system at 2 to
and passengers and cargo carried. 8-digit level, data on exports and imports with unit,
quantity, value, country of origin by commodity etc.
Communication have been set into this report. This publication also
Type of statistics collected in this highly resumes export and import data by HS chapter and
organized public sector are shown as below: commodity, direction of trade, major heads of
accounts etc.
Bangladesh Post Office Department: number of
post offices in the country by division, number of To make the publication most useful to the user
letters, money orders booked through post offices as well as policy makers and planners, time series
and postal rates (air mail) from Bangladesh to data and comparative statistics have also been
selected countries. It also provides data on number added. Summary and key foreign trade statistics that
of radio sets licensed. helps the beneficiaries to understand the overall
— Bangladesh Telecommunications Company Condition of foreign trade at a glance are presented
limited: number of telephone sets in the country in this issue.
by division and also number of telegraph offices
by region.
564 Notes on data and their sources

1.3 Scope and Coverage

1.2 Sources of Data and Collection of
Document Foreign trade statistics include all commodities
In the past, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics which pass through the boundary of customs
territory, in the case of import, all goods and
collected foreign trade data from the primary
commodities entering into the country and for
sources, “bills of entry” for imports and “shipping
exports, all goods and commodities leaving the
bills” for export only for sea-originated trade data. country, excluding certain items such as military
For customs clearance, the importers and the hardware, bullion, currency notes, coins and goods
exporters have to submit these bills to the custom in transit.
houses located at the sea port of Chattogram and The foreign trade statistics covers all goods imported
Mongla for every consignment imported into or into and exported from the country along with the
intended for export from Bangladesh by sea. BBS’s commodities imported for and exported from Export
personnel posted at Chattogram and Mongla Processing Zones (EPZ). The entire exports and
Customs Houses were responsible for collecting and imports by various routes, sea, air, land and postal
parcels, are taken into account.
sending these bills to Foreign Trade Section of
National Accounting Wing, BBS. The staffs posted at 1.4 Classification of Commodity and Coding
the said two customs houses were used to collect Foreign trade statistics of Bangladesh are compiled
the documents and carry them to Dhaka twice or and classified on the basis of “harmonized
thrice in a month. Still the system of data collection commodity description and coding system (HS)”
remains unchanged only for Mongla Sea-port-based which is based on the (Standard International Trade
Classification) SITC Rev-3. These classifications are
data. An assigned official posted at the Regional
arranged in 21 sections and 98 chapters which
Statistical Office, Khulna, not at Mongla Customs cover all commodities of international trade. They
House, is responsible for collecting the documents include broad headings of commodities at 4-digit
from Mongla Custom House and sending the same level and detailed description at 8-digit level.
to BBS. But the method of data collection for Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics has prepared the
Chattogram sea-port-based data has completely HS at 2 to 8-digit level to meet the need of the
country. Imports are recorded by country of
been changed. Data produced at Chattogram Sea
consignment and exports by country of last known
Port have been collected from National Board of
Revenue, Dhaka on monthly basis in CD-ROM that
Quantities and values are recorded as shown in the
contains data in tabular form with many fields of
trade bills and checked by customs officials.
which BBS takes into consideration only a few as its
requirements. The weight recorded in the trade bills is taken as net
weight. Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics follows
Accordingly, in the past, the land borne foreign trade metric system of weight for compiling and publishing
data were compiled from the monthly returns the quantity of exports and imports. Missing
received from the land customs stations across the quantities of entries are estimated, wherever
country, which deals with border trade with possible, on the basis of unit price calculated for the
neighboring countries. Air-borne data were collected reported items. BBS follows Brussels Definition of
from the air-borne trade returns, bill of entry for Value (BDV) for the purposes of valuation. The
imports and customs statements for exports Brussels definition of valuation of goods has been
received from the air freight unit in Dhaka. But at accepted by almost all countries of the world. The
present, both land-borne and air-borne foreign trade BDV was introduced in December, 1950 under the
data have been collected from NBR in CD-ROM/Pen Principles of the General Agreement on Tariffs and
drive. Trades (GATT) with the object of providing a
comparable system of valuation.
Notes on data and their sources 565

are published on fiscal year basis, from July 1 to

Under the BDV, the dutiable value of goods
June 30
imported for home consumption is calculated at
normal price. Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics 1.6 Systems of Trade
records import value on CIF (cost, insurance
and freight) basis and export value on FOB (free There are two systems of computing trade statistics:
on board) basis. (i) the special trade system and (ii) the general trade
system. Special trade system is based on the
1.5 Data Processing, Tabulation and
concept of “clearance through the customs frontiers”
which is, in fact, the statistical boundary. Any
After collecting CDs from NBR by Foreign Trade commodity not cleared by the customs is excluded
Section of BBS on monthly basis, these are sent to from such statistics. The general system of trade is
Computer Wing of BBS for rearranging, processing, based on the concept that uses the national
tabulation etc. After completion of the work, data are boundary as the statistical frontier i.e. all goods and
sent to Foreign Trade Section, BBS which does the commodities entering or leaving the country except
work of correction, compilation and editing and then military goods, bullion, currency notes, coins, goods
sends to the Computer Wing for rearranging the said in transit are recorded in trade statistics.
data. Again, the Computer Section sends the printed
form of data to FTS. Finally, after correction and In the past, Bangladesh followed the special trade
amendment by FTS, these are again sent to the system. For better coverage Bangladesh is now
Computer Wing for final print out. applying the general trade system. The main
characteristics of the general system of trade are
On receipt of shipping bills from Khulna, entries are
summarized below:
made in the control register and the bills are sorted
out according to the date and type of trade. After
General System of Trade
sorting, the documents are bound in the form of a
book which is known as batch. Each batch consists i) Imports “entering directly” for
of 50-60 bills covering the bills of a particular date.
The batches are distributed among the coders for home consumption or use.
coding the information. The basic information, such ii) Imports into customs bonded
as commodity specified by type, quantity of each manufacturing plants.
commodity according to units prescribed in the HS,
iii) Imports into customs bonded
value, export destination and other relevant
information are coded, checked and edited properly warehouses and free area.
on the documents. On completion of coding work,
the value is taped from the documents. Batch totals Exports
are entered in the control register for subsequent i) Exports of national production.
matching with computer totals. Batches are then ii) Exports from customs bonded
sent to the Computer Wing for capturing the data in
manufacturing plants.
iii) Nationalized exports.
Though most of the tabulations are made according iv) Exports from customs bonded
to Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding
warehouses and free area.
System, selected tabulations are done on the basis
of category of goods by different exporting or Re-export is included after clearance from customs
and falls under category (iii) and (iv) mentioned
importing accounts.
Selected monthly tables are published in the 1.7 Computation of Trade Indices
Monthly Advance Release and other monthly and
Indices of imports and exports are designed to
annual publications of BBS. Foreign Trade Statistics
measure the overall position and direction of
566 Notes on data and their sources

Economic classification of Government budget

movements of values, prices and quantum of
has been presented in the respective table.
commodities bought and sold in international
Economic analysis of the budget involves re-
markets. Construction of indices is based on
classification of budgetary data according to
published data. One type of index i.e. unit price
economic and functional characteristics.
index is computed by taking 2002-2003 as the base
year Development expenditures of the Government
by various sectors have been presented. These are
Unit Price Index (UPI): It represents the overall based on annual development expenditure of the
direction of price movements of commodities bought Government. The development expenditure of the
and sold in international markets. Prices are based Government has been compiled from data collected
through a detailed questionnaire filled in by the
on FOB values of exports and CIF values of imports.
government and its agencies and in cases of non-
response estimates are derived from the Annual
The main reasons for selection of 2002-03 as base
Development Programme.
year are:
i) It was considered as a normal year for Receipts and expenditure of Bangladesh
business/trade activities. railway, post office and telephone and telegraph
department have been presented separately. In fact,
ii) In 2002-03 BBS, harmonized commodity separate budget estimates for these departments
description and coding system (HS) 8-digit are prepared and required to be presented before
level were adopted. In HS coding system, the Jatiya Sangshad. Economic analysis of these
the total number of commodities is 8123. budgets involves re-classification of budgetary data
For better classification and according to economic and functional
representation of new commodities in the characteristics.
index basket, the year of introducing HS
code was chosen as the base year. Receipts and expenditures of corporations and
BBS has been computing various annual indices of autonomous bodies including financial institutions
and insurance companies have been presented.
foreign trade and publishing them in its Monthly
Statistical Bulletin and other monthly and annual The budgets of the corporations and autonomous
publications. bodies have been analysed and re-classified
according to the economic and functional
Chapter 9 characteristics.
Finance, Foreign Aid, Banking, Insurance,
Co-operatives and Credit Distribution. Receipts and expenditures of local government
Finance bodies such as Municipalities, Zila, Thana and Union
Government budgets are of two kinds via Parishad have been shown in separate tables.
revenue budget and development budget. Budget These data have been collected through a detailed
estimates are prepared by the Ministry of Finance. questionnaire filled in by the local government
These are required to be placed before the Jatiyo bodies. The sources of these data are the annual
Sangshad for discussion and to the President for budgets of the institutions themselves.
Banking, Insurance, Co-operative and Credit
Revenue receipts are classified under two major
heads, viz, tax receipts and non-tax receipts. Tax
This chapter presents data on the financial
receipts include income and wealth tax, land
activities of nationalized, foreign and private banks
revenue, customs, excise, sales tax etc. Non-tax
as well as the financial transactions of co-operative
items cover income from Government enterprises
societies and other specialized financial institutions
and properties such as post offices, telegraph &
in Bangladesh.
telephone, railway, currency, forest, civil works and
registration fees, etc.
Notes on data and their sources 567

(5) Medical care and health expenses,

Banking (6) Transport and communications,
There are tables on bank branches operating in
(7) Recreation, entertainment, education and
Bangladesh. Consolidated position on abilities and
assets of scheduled banks, bank advances by cultural services,
economic purposes, foreign exchange reserves, (8) Miscellaneous goods and services.
lending rates and rate of interests for profit on
National Saving Schemes, cash remittance and use
Selection of items: The items selected should be
of foreign currency accounts held by Bangladeshis
as representative as possible. In the case of cost of
staying abroad.
living index, the items selected should represent the
Bangladesh Bank and concerned Bank
consumption habit of the people. To achieve this the
organization are the sources of data.
total number of items are divided into groups and
subgroups and then from each group a
representative sample is selected for inclusion.
There are tables in this connection which
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics regularly (after
present structural information on Insurance certain interval) conducts Household Expenditure
company/organization in Bangladesh. Statistical Survey (HES). So, Household Expenditure Survey
data on claims and surrenders in Life Insurance (HES) data can be used for this purpose.
business etc are presented Department of Insurance Expenditure incurred in various items based on
is the source of data. 2005-06 Household Expenditure Survey (HES) was
the basis of determining weights for the selection of
items in the index basket.
Chapter 10
Prices & Wages
The earlier using price schedules are updated on the
1. Construction of Consumer Price Index (CPI) basis of 2005-06 Household Expenditure Survey
(HES) suggested by the IMF mission (December 29,
The CPIs are compiled on monthly basis.
1997-January1998). Recently the base year has
Monthly prices of various items are used for
been shifted to 2005-06.
computation of the indices. Annual indices are also
computed by averaging the 12 month’s indices. The The CPI items for the National index and its regional
reference groups of the indices are the average components have been classified into 8 majors’
urban and rural households of Bangladesh. groups. Some new items are incorporated in the
Three principal consumer indices (CPIs) are new two price schedules in the index basket. There
produced and disseminated i.e National, all urban is no
and all rural. The national CPI is calculated by selected item for National basket that is priced all
combining the urban and rural indices using as over the country. National basket comprises of
weights, the country-wide urban and rural urban and rural.
household’s expenditure multiplied by the total
number of urban / rural households as available National market consists of urban market
from population Census data. For computing the and rural market. Urban Market is specific for urban
three CPIs all goods and services included in the area and rural market is specific for rural area.
index baskets were classified under eight commodity
groups following the ILO standard and Number of items index basket (Base: 2005-06=100):
recommendations of the IMF mission. The indices Sl.No. Name of index Number of items
covered eight commodity groups which are: - 1. CPI Rural 318
(1) Food, beverage and tobacco, 2. CPI Urban 422
(2) Clothing and footwear,
3. CPI National -
(3) Gross rent, fuel and lighting,
(4) Furniture’s furnishings household equipment
& operation,
568 Notes on data and their sources

Selection of Base Year: Index numbers are urban/rural expenditure multiplied by the total
designed to make comparison between prices with number of urban/rural households as available from
reference to different time periods. For any index population census data. The weights of national CPI,
number computation there must be a base all urban and all rural have been derived from the
year/reference year for comparison. The base year computer data sheets of 2005-06 Household
should be a year of Economic stability or in other Expenditure Survey. The base year is 2005-06 and
words a normal year. The base year should be a the basket and weights were determined on the
normal year and it must be free from economic, basis of the 2005-06 Household Expenditure Survey
political and social disturbances and as far as (HIES), which covered a sample of 7420
possible. Under the recommendation of IMF Mission households.
(08/07/2012 to 19/07/2012), the year 2005-06 has
Weighting patterns of CPI National, (Base: 2005-06
been selected as the base year for the computation
of consumer price index (CPI).

Locality Average No. of Total Weight

Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics has been regularly monthly househo monthly (%)
household Expenditur
compiling the following consumer price index lds
Expenditure e
numbers on the basis of 2005-06 as the base year. (Million)
(Tk.) (Million
(i) Consumer price index, all urban areas. Tk.)
Bangladesh - 22.13 90630.66 100
(ii) Consumer price index, all rural areas.
Urban 7274 3.63 26383.56 29.11
(iii) Consumer price index, National.
Rural 3473 18.50 64247.10 70.89

Determination of Weights: The commodities BBS has taken up compilation of all urban,
included in the index number are not all of equal all rural, National CPIs. The National CPI is derived
importance; we must consider the problem of from the indices compiled separately for the urban
weighting the different commodities included in the and rural households, based on the new weights
index number according to their importance. calculated by the IMF mission using the 2005-06
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics conduct Household HIES. BBS revised the new weights to better reflect
Expenditure Survey (HIES). So, the consumption the consumption patterns of household. The weights
patterns were determined on the basis of the results of individual items of CPI, all urban and all rural have
of the 2005-06 Household Expenditure Survey been derived from the computer data sheets of
(HIES) based on sample of 7420 households of 2005-06 Household Expenditure Survey.
which 5040 in rural and 2380 in urban. Item weights
were devised to reflect the significant changes that
had occurred in the consumption pattern. Almost all
the item weights have been taken from tabulation of
HIES data. In calculating the National CPI, all urban
and all rural indices have been combined using as
The weights of group and sub-group of CPI, all
weights the total country wide urban and rural urban and all rural have been derived from the
household expenditure i.e average monthly
Notes on data and their sources 569

computer data sheets of 2005-06 Household centers is taken for constructing the index for
Expenditure survey which is given below.
(c) Source of data: House-rent of private
Group Weight Weight residential houses is collected after every three
Rural Urban months by the trained field staff of BBS. Two
General 100.00 100.00 houses of each category have been selected for
I. Food, Beverage And Tobacco: 61.407 46.519 regular collection of rent and two houses have
Non-Food 38.977 53.481 been kept reserved.
Ii. Clothing And Footwear: 6.903 6.719
Iii. Gross Rent,Fuel & Lighting 12.302 19.638
III. Method of Computing indices of the Cost of
Iv.Furniture & Furnishing
Household Equipments & Operations 4.645 4.883
Building Construction:
V. Medical Care And Health Expenses: 3.380 3.650 The index of the cost of construction of building
Vi. Transport & Communication: 4.686 7.859 is divided into 3 groups, viz. (i) Building
Vii.Recreation,Entertainment Education & Cultural materials (ii) Transport cost and (iii) Labour
Services: 3.425 5.867 Charges of construction labour. Till 1998-99 the
Viii. Miscellaneous Goods & Services 3.248 4.863
Index have been constructed for 6 centers Viz.
Dhaka, Chattogram, Khulna, Rajshahi, Barishal
Formula Used: In the majority of countries, the and Sylhet. A simple average of 6 centers is
index numbers are computed using Laspeyres taken as the national Index. Group weight and
formula, the weighted arithmetic mean of price weights for individual items were determined
relatives, the weights being the base year values. through a survey on prices of Building materials,
For computation of the indices Laspeyres formula is transport cost & Labour Charges of construction
used. The formula is given below: - conducted during the period 1998-99, The base
period of the Index is 1998-99. Laspeyres'
Pn formula is used for constructing the Index.
i -------- X Wi
Po Source of Data: Prices used in the Index are
I = --------------- X 100 collected by the trained field staff of BBS.
 W Number of items and weight distribution by group by centre are as
where, I = Consumer price index. follows:
P n =Price in the current year Centre Building Materials Transport cost Labour Charges
No.item Weight No Weight No Weight
P o= Price in the base year s items items
Dhaka 61 78.10 4 2.77 6 19.13
Wi = Weight of the individual item Chattogram 61 77.84 4 2.80 6 19.36
W = Weight of the groups Khulna 61 76.35 4 2.93 6 20.72
Rajshahi 61 79.95 4 2.57 6 17.48
II. Method of Construction of House-rent Barishal 61 75.10 4 3.00 6 21.90
Sylhet 61 75.04 4 2.88 6 23.08
IV. Method of computing the Wage rate index:
(a) Definition of House-rent: House-rent are the The object of the wage rate index is to measure
actual monthly rent paid to the owner of a the movement over time of both the nominal and
private residential house excluding gas, real wages of employees in different sectors of
electricity and water charges. Residential house the economy of Bangladesh.
of Government, Semi-Government and other
organization and also enemy pro- 1969-70 has been taken as the base year for the
perty/abandoned property are not included in construction of this Index.
the house-rent collection. Both skilled and unskilled labour of the following
groups and sub-groups have been covered in
(b) House-Rent index: Till 1987-88 House-rent the Index.
index of 14 categories of private residential
houses have been constructed for 6 centers viz. 1. Manufacturing
Dhaka, Chattogram, Rajshahi, Khulna, Rangpur A) Large Scale Industry
and Sylhet on quarterly basis with 1984-85 as (a) Cotton Textile
base and there after the index is being (b) Jute Textile
constructed for 4 centers viz. Dhaka,
(c) Match Industry
Chattogram, Rajshahi & Khulna centers. This is
an unweighted index. A simple average of 4 (d) Engineering
(e) Hydro generated vegetable oil Industry.
570 Notes on data and their sources

B) Small scale & cottage Industry Chapter 11

(a) Handloom National Income
National accounts estimation is one of the core
2) Construction
activities of BBS. BBS has been compiling GDP and
3) Agriculture other national accounts aggregates by production
4) Fisheries approach and expenditure category since 1972-73.
The Index of large-scale Industry is At present these estimates are based on 2008 SNA
weighted and the indices of the remaining 4 framework and 2015-16 as a base year for the
groups are unweighted. The weights of the sub- constant price estimates.
groups of large-scale Industry group have been BBS is largely confined to compilation of GDP
derived from their value added in the GDP.
by Industrial origin and GDP by expenditure
That is the value added of the respective
groups viz. Cotton Textile, Jute Textile, Match components. GDP by industrial origin is in more
Industry. Engineering and vegetable oil Industry details, providing estimates of gross value added by
were first added together and the percentage, 15 major ISIC sectors. GDP estimates both current
contribution of each of the sub-groups has and constant market prices are provided by fiscal
been taken as the weight of the sub-groups years (FY) i.e . for July-June period.
covered. The weight has again been bifurcated
to decide positions of 'skilled' and unskilled'
labour. The bifurcation has been done on the Estimates of GDP by expenditure components are
basis of the proportion of the number of skilled less elaborate. Estimates are made for basic
and unskilled industrial labour of the country in aggregates such as private and public consumption,
the base year. The weights thus obtained were gross fixed capital formation by public and private
as follows: sectors, exports and imports both in current and
Name of sub-groups Weights
constant prices.
i) Cotton Textile:
a) Skilled 20.53 It is worthwhile to mention that BBS has revised
b) Unskilled 8.83
GDP and other national accounts estimates from
ii) Jute Textile:
2005-06 to 2015-16 with 2015-16 as a base year for
a) Skilled 36.26
b) Unskilled 15.54 constant price estimates. The revised provisional
estimates reflect a wide data coverage along with
iii) Match Industry:
a) Skilled 3.72 methodological improvements for estimation of
b) Unskilled 1.59 outputs of various sectors and subsectors.

Name of sub-groups Weights

iv) Engineering: The national accounts statistics are published in the
a) Skilled 8.91 various regular publications of BBS with limited
b) Unskilled 3.82
scope. Besides, BBS has published detailed
v) Hydrogenated Vegetable oil Industry: statistics on national accounts in the publication
a) Skilled 0.58
b) Unskilled 0.25 namely: - Twenty Years of National Accounting of
Total: 100.00 Bangladesh, 1972-73 to 1991-92 and National
Monthly indices of the four important cities, viz. Accounts Statistics of Bangladesh (Revised
Dhaka, Chattogram, Rajshahi and Khulna are Estimates, 1989-90 to 1998-99). BBS also releases
constructed. An average of the indices of the four
cities is taken as the country Index. a brochure on preliminary and final estimates of
GDP in the middle of each fiscal year.
Notes on data and their sources 571

Chapter 12 — Receipts refer to cash received by or

Education made available to or for schools, including
appropriations, subventions, fees, cash
Statistics of enrolment, educational attainment, value of property received as gifts, etc.
grade, students, teachers and educational
institutions have been compiled following the — Expenditures refer to financial charges
concepts, definitions, classification and tabulation incurred by or on behalf of schools for
procedures as per revised recommendations of the goods and services.
UNESCO conference on Standardization of — Capital/development expenditures refer to
Educational Statistics (ISES) as far as practicable in expenditures for land, building and
the context of Bangladesh. equipment etc.

Educational attainment is defined as the highest The system of education through the indicators
grade completed and/or attained by a person in the of the number of educational institutions, teachers
system of regular special and adult education at and student’s participation rate, teachers-student
home or abroad. ratios, operating expenses per student, total govt.
Grade is defined as a stage of instruction usually expenditure on education, percentage of literacy etc.
covered in the course of a school year. has been presented in the respective tables.

Student (Pupil) is defined as a person enrolled The number of teachers, student’s ratio in public
and/or registered in a programme of education university shown from 2011 to 2013. Yearly average
defined at the outset. per head expenditure in public universities student
and faculty wise number of students in public
Class is defined as group of students (Pupils) universities have been shown. The number of
who are usually instructed together by a teacher or student’s teachers institute, faculty, department,
by several teachers. male female students and subject wise number of
students in private universities, 2012 have been
Teacher is defined as a person employed, even present in this chapter. The number of general
part-time and/or without remuneration to colleges with students, teachers by region and
communicate knowledge, skills, etc. output of the examinations of general colleges have
School (educational Institution) is defined as a been shown in separate tables. The number of govt.
group of students (pupils) of one or more grades, and non-govt. recognized Intermediate and Degree
organized to receive instruction of a given type and colleges with number of teachers and students
level under one teacher, or of various types and/or therein by region and by sex have been given in the
levels under more than one teacher under the direct tables. The number of secondary schools by govt.
supervision of the head of the establishment. A and non-govt. by region, by urban and rural
school is said to be a government school if it is distribution have been given. The number of
operated by the government whether national or secondary schools with teachers and students by
local, whatever the origin of its financial resources. gender, average no. of teachers and students per
Similarly, a school is said to be a private school if it Secondary schools and teacher-student ratio have
is not operated by a government authority (national been shown.
or local), whether or not it receives financial support Government & affiliated Madrashas with number
from such authorities. The latter can, however, be of teachers and students by type and by region and
further classified as "aided" or "non-aided" the result of the madrasha education, as reported by
depending on whether or not they derive financial
the Bangladesh Madrasha Board, have been given.
support from government authorities.

Statistics on educational finance presented also The number of primary schools by govt. and non-
conform to the following definitions:
572 Notes on data and their sources

govt. with teachers and students, by rural and urban, nutritional status. Data are also presented on social
students by sex and region, average number of issues and community facilities including number of
students and teachers per primary schools and tube wells, newspapers, book publishing and
teachers-students’ ratios as reported by primary circulations, film production, cinema halls, legal
education officers, Ministry of Education, have been services, crime and religious institutions.
given in separate tables.
Growth of medical facilities, number of medical
Sanskrit and pali tols with teachers and students colleges, post graduate medical institutes, T.B.
are also given, number of Technical Institution by clinics and rural health centers, The Directorate of
type with teachers and students for 2012 the number health services is the source. Number of hospitals
of Teachers Training colleges both primary and and hospital beds, number of blood slides examined
Secondary level have been given in separate tables. and malaria cases detected are shown in tables
Unani college with the number of teachers and concerned. The Ministry of Health and Family
students, as available from the Bangladesh and Welfare and the Directorate of Health Services are
Board of Unani and Ayurvedic system of Medicine, the sources.
have been presented in respective tables.
Professional colleges as law, Agriculture, Arts & Local production of drugs and medicines,
crafts, Home Economics, Social welfare and comparative prices of selected imported raw
Research, with number of students and teachers as materials and licentiate business units in drugs by
obtained from the Bureau of Educational Information categories are given in respective tables.
and Statistics have been given in the tables.
Public expenditure on health and related
The results of the S.S.C and H.S.C and activities in the health sector are given in separate
Technical Education as obtained from the Boards of tables. The Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics is the
Intermediate and Secondary Education, Technical source. Data on district-wise distribution of health,
Education Board and Bureau of Educational maternal and child health and family planning
Information and Statistics have been presented in facilities have been presented in respective tables.
respective tables. The school attendance rate by The Directorate of Population Control and Family
age and sex, the literacy rate by region are given in Welfare is the source. Table shows data on number
respective tables. The rate of literacy for census of family planning personnel by region. The target
and achievement of family planning activity by
years, however, are not directly comparable
method, year-wise target for new contraceptives
because of difference in definitions which have been
acceptors required to meet the 4th five-year plan
appended to the tables concerned. The gross
and year-wise mix of different contraceptives under
expenditure on education by type of educational 4th five-year plan are shown in respective tables.
Institutions have been compiled by BBS and Region-wise family planning activities, current use of
appended in the concerned tables. Tuition fees of contraception among currently married women 15-
different educational institutions and average 49 years of age by method, percentage of currently
monthly tuition charge in Dhaka Metropolitan married women 15-49 years of age using
Statistical Area have been presented in separate
tables. The number of primary and Junior Contraception, percentage distribution of current
scholarships awarded in Bangladesh by grade & users of non-clinical family planning methods by
rate have been given in a table. reported source of supply and allocation in five-year
plan for family planning and population control
Chapter 13 programme have been given in separate tables. The
Health, Family Planning and contraceptive survey and the BBS are the sources.
Social Statistics Concerned tables present the progress of sinking
This chapter presents data on health facilities, deep tube wells in saline areas and number of hand
manpower and services, public expenditure and tube wells for drinking water in rural areas by region.
The productions and no. of sales centre of sanitary
Notes on data and their sources 573

latrines by former districts up to 2004-05 have the territory now constituting Bangladesh. After the
been shown in table & show the number of liberation of the country in 1971, the first round of
newspapers and books published and number of HES was conducted in 1973-74. In the year 2000
newspapers & periodicals with their gross the scope of the survey was broadened and
circulation. The production of films by type and accordingly it was renamed as Household Income
language and the number of cinema houses by
and Expenditure Survey (HIES). It is heartening to
region, the number of advocates and lawyers by
note that 14 rounds of surveys have so far been
region, number of crimes by type and number of
places of worship by region, and data on the conducted after liberation of Bangladesh. The
regional non-govt. hospitals and clinics with beds, present survey is the 15th in the line.
number of Imams trained by region have been given
in respective tables. Over the years, improvements have been
made in data collection, coverage and data analysis
of the HIES. Recall method was followed in HES
Chapter 14
Consumption, Household Income conducted between 1973-74 and 1981-82 for
And Expenditure collection data on sources of income, expenditure
This chapter focuses attention on the flow of on durable and non–durable goods and other
selected items of consumption goods as a periodic consumption items. In 1983-84 survey, both recall
but partial measure of change in the basic needs of and diary methods were introduced. Two types of
the society regardless of its equity. The details of questionnaires were developed for collecting data
socio-economic data collected from the results of under these two methods. Under the recall method
household income and expenditure survey data were collected on income and non–food
conducted by Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics in expenditure with varying reference periods. Data on
different years are presented for user’s benefits.
food consumption were collected daily by locally
recruited diary keepers for one month. These two
Household Income
methods were followed in HES conducted in 1983-
Household income is defined as the material 84, 1985-86, 1988-89 and 1995-96.
return in kind or in cash in exchange for goods and
services etc, by the household earners, other than
Data collection as well as data entry
boarders, lodgers and servants. The income of
methods were further improved in HIES. In the year
household was further classified for recording
monthly and annual income in cash or in kind and 2000, trained enumerators collected income,
imputed income as related to the reference period. expenditure and consumption data. Data pertaining
to daily consumption of food items were collected on
Household Expenditure
day to day basis by the same enumerators who
Consumption expenditure refers to the were deputed to the respective Primary Sampling
household consumption expenditure defined as the Units (PSUs). Another innovative technique was
value of goods and services finally consumed by
followed in the HIES 2000 through the introduction
resident households of Bangladesh.
of data entry into laptop computers at the field level
Household Income & Expenditure Survey (HIES), by the enumerators themselves. This method
BBS facilitated correction of errors or inconsistencies, if
Introduction any, by the enumerators at the field level.
Household Income and Expenditure Survey
(HIES) is the prime data source for estimating In HIES 2000 and 2005, lot of measures
household income, expenditure, consumption, were taken for collecting detailed information on
income inequality and incidence of poverty in income in addition to those on expenditure and
Bangladesh. Household Expenditure Survey (HES) consumption. Accordingly, from the year 2000 this
is being conducted since the pre-liberation period in
574 Notes on data and their sources

survey was termed as Household Income & characteristics of the population and
Expenditure Survey (HIES) as mentioned earlier. households.
 Provide benchmark data for formulation of
Moreover, detailed modules on education appropriate policy for poverty reduction,
and health were introduced in HIES 2000 to assess improvement in standard of living and
the status of health and education in the country. nutritional status of the population.
In HIES 2005 the health and education  Provide relevant data for monitoring of the
modules were recast and redesigned. Minor Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS)/Five year
plan and the Millennium Development Goals
changes were also made in other modules including (MDGs).
the food consumption module where provision for  Provide data on nature, volume and distribution
dining out was included to capture food consumed of resources under different
outside by the household members. In addition, a Social Safety Net programmes.
new module on “Social Safety Nets” was introduced  Collect data related to calculation of demand
in this round of survey. function and elasticity.
In HIES 2010, 4 new modules were  Generate data for formulating appropriate fiscal
introduced with the previously existed modules.
These are (1) Disability (2) Migration and  Collect data on type and extent of disability by
age, sex and locality.
Remittances (3) Micro Credit and (4) Crisis & Crisis
 Provide data on migration and remittances.
Management. Besides, the Social Safety Net
module was redesigned and somewhat shortened.  Collect detailed data on credit and repayment
situation and practices.
In order to improve the income data, the scope of
 Collect data on crises at household level, its
the agriculture productivity was broadened to include impact and strategy for management.
both temporary crops and fruits.
1.2 Sample Design
HIES 2016 was carried out during April
2016-March 2017.In 2016 HIES,the questionnaire The HIES 2016 deviates from the sampling design
used in the previous round of HIES 2010 in several
included more comprehensive coverage of different ways. The objectives of HIES 2016 have changed
income sources of households compared to earlier Significantly from HIES 2010. In HIES 2010,
rounds.In 2016 the SSNP module was modified and sample was designed to provide reliable annual
estimates at division level with urban and rural
enhanced with the technical support of the World break down. But in HIES 2016, the sample was
Food Programme (WEP). designed to achieve three objectives:
I0 Reliable annual estimates at 64 district level
1.1 Objectives of the Survey ii) Reliable Quarterly estimates at the national level
The main objectives of HIES 2016 are to: iii) Reliable annual estimates at the division level for
 Obtain detailed data on household income, urban and rural areas.
expenditure and consumption.
To achieve these multiple objectives, BBs needed
 Determine poverty profile with urban and rural to change the sample design of HIES 2016
breakdown. significantly from 2010.The first significant change
 Provide information about standard of living was to increase the sample size to almost four
and nutritional status of population. times compare to HIES 2010. The IMPS
constructed based on Population and Housing
 Provide data to determine the weights of
census 2011 was used as sampling frame for the
consumer price indices.
selection of primary sampling units (PSUs). Census
 Provide household level consumption data Enumeration Areas consisting of 110 household on
used in compiling national accounts estimate. an average were treated as PSUs.
 Provide detailed information on health status
and educational level of the population. In the Sample design two different levels of
Stratification were followed:
 Determine poverty estimates by administrative i) As of HIES 2016, Bangladesh had eight
divisions and detailed socio-economic administrative divisions. These were
Notes on data and their sources 575

Barishal, Chattogram, Dhaka, Khulna, Improvements In Household Income and

Mymensingh, Rangpur and Sylhet. First of Expenditure Survey 2016
all, these 8 divisions of the country were
stratified by 3 basic localities viz. Rural,
Urban and City Corporation. Thus, there • Data Entry was carried out in the sample area
should have been 8*3=24 strata. But as the using laptop computers with the help of
sampling frame (Population Cencus 2011)
does not contain Rangpur city corporation improved data entry program.
and other two city corporations viz.Barishal • The data collection, entry and data transferring
and Sylhet are not much different from
urban characteristics of these two city process for the HIES 2016 was developed
corporations .BBS included only the four using Paper and Pencil Interviewing (PAPI)
main city corporations (Dhaka, Chattogram,
Khulna, and Rajshahi) in the city combined with Computer Assisted Field Entry
corporation locality. This brought the (CAFE).
number of main strata to 20 (8 rural
divisions + 8 urban divisions + 4 city • Data entry program was design to detect
inconsistencies and errors in data at data entry
ii) Secondly, as the PSUs of HIES 2016 will be
allocated at district (zilla) level, the sample stage and this enabled correct data.
was implicitly sub-stratified at the district
level. Since there are a total of 64 districts • The data file was sent to the head office
in Bangladesh, the sample design includes through e-mail services.
a total of 132 sub-strata: (64 rural,64 urban
and 4 city corporations). • The data entry programme was developed in
CSPro and contained with a cloud based data
transferring system,which allowed enumerators
to transfer data from the field almost in real
time using mobile internet connection.
• Number of PSU was increased from 612 in
HIES-2010 to 2,304 in HIES-2016, an increase
of 276.5%.
576 Notes on data and their sources

Construction Cost Index (Building) Bangladesh
(Base: 1998-99=100)
Year General Building Mat. Transport Labour

2002-03 114.27 113.36 116.94 116.94

2003-04 119.61 118.63 121.45 122.73
2004-05 125.18 124.60 123.95 127.25
2005-06 129.41 128.64 132.29 132.60
2006-07 138.74 136.93 148.04 144.23
2007-08 163.89 159.46 202.69 174.36
2008-09 214.06 201.58 488.29 221.46
2009-10 222.30 207.11 566.89 241.61

2010-11 256.60 230.46 843.83 282.59

2011-12 321.01 268.46 1468.70 378.69

2012-13 362.62 299.03 1639.04 439.67

2013-14 427.61 360.87 1737.52 512.85

2014-15 461.13 396.65 1720.25 538.33

2015-16 490.09 421.02 1776.30 569.20

2016-17 516.49 448.62 1840.93 586.48

2017-18 544.79 476.91 1909.77 609.13

2018-19 572.58 501.25 1981.59 643.88

March, 19 580.16 508.07 2015.48 650.50

April, 19 580.57 508.57 2015.71 650.62

May, 19 582.54 510.82 2016.41 651.78

June, 19 585.27 514.05 2020.92 652.36

2019-20 597.11 523.52 2044.74 671.80

July, 19 586.24 514.86 2021.78 653.96

August, 19 586.96 515.42 2021.96 655.34

September 19 588.47 516.11 2023.41 660.05

October, 19 589.97 516.64 2026.68 664.94
November, 19 591.29 517.21 2028.14 669.40
December 19 592.82 518.78 2029.91 670.74
January, 20 600.72 526.30 2057.30 677.39

February,20 603.19 528.94 2060.89 679.03

March, 20 604.68 530.45 2062.55 680.50
April, 20 604.92 530.50 2063.86 681.30
May, 20 606.76 532.18 2068.47 683.37
June, 20 609.34 534.79 2071.94 685.61

Notes on data and their sources 577

Construction Cost Index (Building) Bangladesh
(Base: 1998-99=100)
Year General Building Mat. Transport Labour
July, 20 609.84 535.18 2075.23 686.12
August, 20 610.12 535.32 2077.53 686.66
September, 20 611.21 536.55 2078.68 687.27
October, 20 612.27 537.45 2079.95 688.87

578 Notes on data and their sources
579 Metric System of Weights and Measures


Bangladesh has adopted metric system of weights and measures from 1.7.1982.
For convenience of readers, we are printing below the relevant portions of the
Ordinance passed in this respect by the Government,
No. ED/CD/34/82-131 (200) dated 31/8/82 in full.

1. MASS : 4. VOLUME:

1 Grain = 0.000 064 798 91 Kilogram 1 Cubic inch = 0.000 160 387 064 Cubic meter

1 Tola = 0.011 663 303 8 Kilogram 1 Cubic feet = 0.023 316 846 592 Cubic meter

1 Seer = 0.933 104 304 Kilogram 1 Cubic yard = 0.764 554 857 984 Cubic meter

1 Maund = 37.324 172 16 Kilogram 1 Gallon (UK) = 0.004 546 087 Cubic meter

1 Ounce (troy) = 0.031 103 476 8 Kilogram = 4.546 087 Liter

1 Pound (avoirdupois) = 0.453 592 37 Kilogram 1 Gallon (USA) = 0.003 785 411 784 Cubic meter

1 Hundred weight (UK) = 50.802 345 44 Kilogram = 3.785 411 784 Liter

1 Hundred weight (USA) = 45.358 237 Kilogram 1 Bushel (USA) = 0.035 239 070 17 Cubic meter

1 Ton (UK) = 1016.046 908 8 Kilogram (2 150.42 cubic inches)

1 Ton (USA) = 907.184 74 Kilogram 1 Barrel (for petroleum) = 0.158 987 294 928 Cubic meter

1 Acre-feet = 1233.482 Cubic meter


1 Inch = 0.025 4 Meter
1 Degree Fahrenheit = 9/5 (T-459.67) kelvin (k)
1 Foot = 0.304 8 Meter
1 Degree Celsius = T-273.15 kelvin (k)
1 Yard = 0.914 4 Meter o
1 Degree kelvin = t+273.15 degree Celsius ( C)
1 Mil = 1609.344 Meter o
= 5/9 (F+459.67) degree Fahrenheit ( F)

1 Nautical mile (UK) = 1853.18 Meter Where T=Temperature

in kelvin : T=Temperature in Celsius and
F=Temperature in Fahrenheit.
For Survey of Bangladesh only 6. FORCE:
1 Foot = 0.304 799 Meter
1 Pound-force = 4.448 221 615 260 5 newton

1 Poundal = 0.138 254 954 376 newton

3. AREA :
1 Square inch = 0.000 645 16 Square meter
1 Barometric inch of
1 Square feet = 0.092 903 04 Square meter memory = 3 386.388 640 341 pascals

1 Square yard = 0.836 127 56 Square meter 1 Inch of water = 249.088 91 pascals

1 Square mile = 2589 988.110 336 Square meter

1 British thermal unit = 1 055.055 852 62 Joules

For Survey of Bangladesh only 1 Foot-pound-force = 1.355 817 948 331 400 4 Joules

1 Square feet = 0.092 903 Square meter
1 Horse-power (UK) = 745.699 871 582 270 22 Watts
1 Acre = 4046.846 8 Square meter 1 Horse-power(European)= 735.498 75 Watts
1 Ton of refrigeration = 3516.852 842 67 Watts
= 0.404 684 58 Hectare


1 Foot = 0.3048 meter 1 Million BTU = 293 kilo watt hours

1 Mile = 1.6093 km = 252000 kilo calories
1 Square feet = 0.0929 m2 1 Megawatt (mw) = 1000 kilowatts (kw)
1 Square mile = 2.590 km2 1 Megawatt (gw) = 1 million kilowatts
1 Acre = 4.047 m2=0.404678 hectare 1 Inch = 2.540 centimeter (c.m.)
1 Hectare = 2.4711 acre 1 C.M. = 0.3937 inch
1 Imp. gallon = 4.5425 liter=(1.2 U.S. gal.) 1 Meter = 3.281 ft.—1.094 yd.
1 Pound (lb) = 453.592 gram 1 Yd. = 36 inches—0.9144 meter
1 Long ton = 2240 lb = 1016.047 kg. 1 Km. = 0.6214 mile
1 Tonne = 1000 kg. 1 Liter = 0.22 gallon
1 Barrel = 34.9726 Imp. gal. 1 Lb. = 0.4536 kg.
1 Long ton of crude 1 Kg. = 2.205 lbs.
oil petroleum product = 7.9 barrels for most types. 1 Maund = 82.29 lb.—37.3261 kg.
1 Standard cubic feet 1 Seer = 2.05725 lb.—0.9331 kg.
(SCF) of gas = 1 cubic feet at 60 F saturated with 1 Tola = 180 grains troy—11.6625 gram
water 1 Chhatak = 0.0625 seer—58.31 gram
1 British thermal unit (BTU) = 0.2928 watt-hours 1 Bale of jute = 400 lbs.
= 0.252 kilo calories 1 Crore = 10 million
1 Lakh = 0.1 million
1 Hali = 4
Heating values of fuels
Electricity voltage and
Firewood : 6500 BTU per lb. average moisture content
cycle in Bangladesh
Bagasse : 3200 BTU per lb. 50 percent moisture content
Voltage : 220-240
Cow dung : 3700 BTU per lb. 50 percent moisture content
Cycle : 50
Coal : 12,500 BTU per lb. of Bituminous coal
Natural gas : 941 BTU per standard cubic feet (average)
: 1936 BTU per standard cubic feet of
Bangladesh (Titas) gas.
Kerosene : 19800 BTU per lb.
Motor spirit : 20500 BTU per lb.


Imp. Imperial
(...) nil or insignificant (e) Estimated
Sr. seer (p) Provisional
Md. maund (r) Revised
Pound sterling m.t. metric ton
$ U.S. dollar n.r. not reported
lb. pound (weight) n.a. not available
Cft. cubic feet n.e.c. not elsewhere classified
Sq. square P.area Pourashava (municipality) area
Sft. square feet BBS. Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
Yd. yard
Standard Conversion Factors 581


Multiply By
Sl. To convert Into In case of In case of
1 2 3 4 5

1. Acre Bigha 3.025 0.3305785

2. Acre Decimal 100 0.01
3. Acre Hectare 0.4046856 2.471054
4. Acre Katha 60.5 0.0165289
5. Acre Sq. Meter 4046.856422 0.0002471054
6. Acre Sq. Mile Divide by 640 640
7. Acre Sq. Yard 4840 Divide by 4840

8. Are Hectare 0.01 100

9. Are Sq. Meter 100 0.01
10. Are Decimal 2.471054 0.4046856

11. Bale (Cotton) Long Ton 0.175 5.7142857

12. Bale ( " ) Maund 4.763889 0.2099125
13. Bale ( " ) Metric Ton 0.17780821 5.6240372
14. Bale ( " ) Pound 392 Divide by 392
15. Bale ( " ) Quintal 1.778082 0.56240372
16. Bale ( " ) Short Ton 0.196 5.1020408

17. Bale ( Jute ) Long Ton Divide by 5.6 5.6

18. Bale ( " ) Maund 4.861111 0.20571438
19. Bale ( " ) Metric Ton 0.1814369 5.511557
20. Bale ( " ) Pound 400 0.0025
21. Bale ( " ) Quintal 1.8143695 0.5511557
22. Bale ( " ) Short Ton 0.2 5

23. Bigha Acre 0.3305785 3.025

24. Bigha Are 13.378038 0.0747493
25. Bigha Hectare 0.13378038 7.4749378
26. Bigha Sq. Meter 1337.803776 0.0007474938
27. Bigha Sq. Yard 1600 Divide by 1600
28. Centimeter Foot 0.0328084 30.48
29. Centimeter Inch 0.3937008 2.54
30. Centimeter Meter 0.01 100
31. Centimeter Millimeter 10 0.1
32. Chain Foot 66 Divide by 66
33. Chain Furlong 0.1 10
34. Chain Kilometer 0.2201168 49.709695
35. Chain Meter 20.1168 0.0497097
36. Chain Mile 0.0125 80
37. Chain Yard 22 Divide by 22
38. Chhattack (Weight) Gram 58.3190188 0.017147065
39. Chhattack (") Kilogram 0.05831902 17.147065
40. Chhattack (") Ounce 2.0571429 0.4861111
41. Chhattack (Area) Are 0.04180637 23.919801
42. Chhattack (") Sq. Meter 4.180637 0.239198
43. Chhattack (") Sq. Yard 5 0.2

44. Cubic Centimeter (Area) Cubic Inch 0.06102374 16.387064

45. Cubic Centimeter ( " ) Cubic Meter 0.000001 1000000
46. Cubic Foot (Cft.) Cubic Meter 0.02831685 35.3146667
47. Cubic Inch Cubic Centimeter 16.387064 0.06102374
48. Cubic Meter Cubic Foot 35.3146667 0.02831685
49. Decimal Acre 0.01 100
50. Decimal Are 0.4046856 2.471054
51. Decimal Bigha 0.03025 33.057851
52. Decimal Hectare 0.0040468564 247.105381
53. Decimal Katha 0.605 1.6528926
54. Decimal Sq. Foot 435.6 0.00229568
55. Decimal Sq. Meter 40.468564 0.024710538
Attention : To convert col. 3 into col. 2 use quantity factors for price and price factors for quantity.
582 Standard Conversion Factors


Multiply By
Sl. To convert Into In case of In case of
1 2 3 4 5
56. Foot Centimeter 30.48 0.0328084
57. Foot Inch 12 Divide by 12
58. Foot Meter 0.3048 3.2808399
59. Foot Yard Divide by 3 3

60. Furlong Chain 10 0.1

61. Furlong Foot 660 Divide by 660
62. Furlong Kilometer 0.201168 4.97097
63. Furlong Meter 201.168 0.00497097
65. Furlong Mile 0.125 8
66. Furlong Yard 220 Divide by 220

66. Gallon (Imperial) Liter 4.546087 0.2199694

67. Gallon ( " ) U.S. Gallon 1.2009524 0.8326725
68. Gallon (U.S.) Gallon (Imperial) 0.8326725 1.2009524
69. Gallon (U. S.) Liter 3.785402 0.26417277

70. Gram Chhattack 0.017147065 58.3190188

71. Gram Ounce 0.035273962 28.349523
72. Gram Tola 0.08573532 11.663804

73. Hectare Acre 2.471054 0.4046856

74. Hectare Sq. Kilometer 0.01 100
75. Hectare Sq. Meter 10000 0.0001
76. Hectare Sq. Mile 0.0038610216 258.998811

77. Hundred weight (Cwt.) Kilogram 50.802346 0.01968413

78. Hundred weight ( " ) Long Ton 0.05 20
79. Hundred weight ( " ) Maund 1.361111 0.7346939
80. Hundred weight ( " ) Metric Ton 0.05080235 19.68413
81. Hundred weight ( " ) Pound 112 Divide by 112
82. Hundred weight ( " ) Quintal 0.5080235 1.968413
83. Hundred weight ( " ) Short Ton 0.056 17.857143

84. Inch Centimeter 2.54 0.3937008

85. Inch Foot Divide by 12 12
86. Inch Meter 0.0254 39.370079
87. Inch Millimeter 25.4 0.03937008

88. Katha Decimal 1.6528926 0.605

89. Katha Sq. Foot 720 Divide by 720
90. Katha Sq. Meter 66.8901888 0.0149498756
91. Katha Sq. Yard 80 0.0125

92. Kilogram Hundred weight 0.01968413 50.802346

93. Kilogram Long Ton 0.0009842065 1016.04692
94. Kilogram Maund 0.02679229 37.324172
95. Kilogram Metric Ton 0.001 1000
96. Kilogram Pound 2.2046226 0.45359237
97. Kilogram Quintal 0.01 100
98. Kilogram Seer 1.0716916 0.9331043
99. Kilometer Short Ton 0.0011023113 907.184749
100. Kilometer Chain 49.709695 0.0201168
101. Kilometer Furlong 4.97097 0.201168
102. Kilometer Meter 1000 0.001
103. Kilometer Mile 0.6213712 1.609344
104. Kilometer Yard 1093.613298 0.0009144
105. Liter Cubic Centimeter 1000.028 0.000999972
106. Liter Gallon (Imperial) 0.2199694 4.546087
107. Liter Gallon (U.S.) 0.26417277 3.785402

Attention: To convert col. 3 into col. 2 use quantity factors for price and price factors for quantity.
Standard Conversion Factors 583


Multiply By
Sl. To convert Into In case of In case of
1 2 3 4 5
108. Long Ton or British Ton Hundred weight 20 0.05
109. Long Ton (") Kilogram 1016.04692 0.0009842065
110. Long Ton (") Maund 27.222222 0.0367347
111. Long Ton (") Metric Ton 1.0160469 0.9842065
112. Long Ton (") Pound 2240 Divide by 2240
113. Long Ton (") Quintal 10.160469 0.09842065
114. Long Ton (") Short Ton or U.S. Ton 1.12 0.8928571

115. Maund Hundred weight 0.7346939 1.361111

116. Maund Kilogram 37.324172 0.02679229
117. Maund Long Ton 0.0367347 27.222222
118. Maund Metric Ton 0.037324172 26.792289
119. Maund Pound 82.285714 0.012152778
120. Maund Quintal 0.3732417 2.679229
121. Maund Short Ton 0.041142857 24.305556

122. Meter Centimeter 100 0.01

123. Meter Chain 0.0497097 20.1168
124. Meter Foot 3.2808399 0.3048
125. Meter Inch 39.370079 0.0254
126. Meter Yard 1.0936133 0.9144

127. Metric Ton or Tonne Hundred weight 19.68413 0.05080235

128. Metric Ton " Kilogram 1000 0.001
129. Metric Ton " Long Ton 0.9842065 1.0160469
130. Metric Ton " Maund 26.792289 0.037324172
131. Metric Ton " Pound 2204.6226 0.0004535924
132. Metric Ton " Quintal 10 0.1
133. Metric Ton " Short Ton 1.102311 0.907185

134. Mile Chain 80 0.0125

135. Mile Furlong 8 0.125
136. Mile Kilometer 1.609344 0.6213712
137. Mile Meter 1609.344 0.0006213712
138. Mile Yard 1760 Divide by 1760

139. Millimeter Centimeter 0.1 10

140. Millimeter Inch 0.03937008 25.4

141. Millimeter Meter 0.001 1000

142. Ounce Gram 28.349523 0.035273962

143. Ounce Pound 0.0625 16
144. Ounce Tola 2.4305556 0.41142857

145. Pint Gallon (Imperial) 0.125 8

146. Pint Liter 0.568261 1.759755

147. Pound Gram 453.592374 0.0022046226

148. Pound Hundred weight Divide by 112 112
149. Pound Kilogram 0.45359237 2.2046226
150. Pound Long Ton Divide by 2240 2240
151. Pound Metric Ton 0.0004535924 2204.6226
152. Pound Ounce 16 0.0625
153. Pound Seer 0.4861111 2.057143
154. Pound Short Ton 0.0005 2000
155. Quintal Hundred weight 1.968413 0.5080235
156. Kilogram Kilogram 100 0.01
157. Quintal Long Ton 0.09842065 10.16049
158. Quintal Metric Ton 0.1 10
159. Quintal Maund 2.679229 0.3732417
160. Quintal Pound 220.46226 0.0045359237
161. Quintal Short Ton 0.11023113 9.0718475
Attention : To convert col. 3 into col. 2 use quantity factors for price and price factors for quantity.
584 Standard Conversion Factors


Multiply By
Sl. To convert Into In case of In case of
1 2 3 4 5

162. Seer Kilogram 0.9331043 1.0716916

163. Seer Pound 2.057143 0.4861111

164. Short Ton or U.S. Ton Hundred weight (Cwt.) 17.857143 0.056
165. Short Ton ( " ) Kilogram 907.184749 0.0011023113
166. Short Ton ( " ) Long Ton 0.8928571 1.12
167. Short Ton ( " ) Maund 24.305556 0.041142857
168. Short Ton ( " ) Metric Ton 0.907185 1.102311
169. Short Ton ( " ) Pound 2000 0.0005
170. Short Ton ( " ) Quintal 9.0718475 0.11023113

171. Square Centimeter Sq. Inch 0.1550003 6.4516

172. Square Centimeter Sq. Meter 0.0001 10000

173. Square Foot Katha Divide by 720 720

174. Square Foot Sq. Meter 0.09290304 10.7639104

175. Square Inch Sq. Centimeter 6.4516 0.1550003

176. Square Kilometer Hectare 100 0.01
177. Square Kilometer Sq. Mile 0.3861022 2.589988

178. Square Meter Are 0.01 100

179. Square Meter Hectare 0.0001 10000
180. Square Meter Sq. Foot 10.7639104 0.09290304
181. Square Meter Sq. Yard 1.19599 0.8361274

182. Square Mile Acre 640 Divide by 640

183. Square Mile Hectare 258.998811 0.0038610216
184. Square Mile Sq. Kilometer 2.589988 0.3861022

185. Square Yard Acre Divide by 4840 4840

186. Square Yard Are 0.0083612736 119.5990046
187. Square Yard Sq. Foot 9 Divide by 9
188. Square Yard Sq. Meter 0.8361274 1.19599

189. Tola Gram 11.663804 0.08573532

190. Tola Ounce 0.41142857 2.4305556
191. Ton (British) Long Ton See long ton
192. Ton (U.S.) Short Ton See short ton

193. Tonne– Metric Ton See metric ton

194. U. S. Gallon– Gallon (U. S.) See gallon (U.S.)

195. Yard Chain Divide by 22 22

196. Yard Foot 3 Divide by 3
197. Yard Furlong Divide by 220 220
198. Yard Kilogram 0.0009144 1093.613298
199. Yard Meter 0.9144 1.0936133

200. To convert Fahrenheit into Celsius/centigrade: C = (F-32) X 5/9

201. To convert Celsius/centigrade into Fahrenheit: F = (CX9/5+32)

Note : Milli = 1/1000 Centi = 1/100 Deci = 1/10

Deca = 10 times Hecto - 100 times Kilo = 1000 times
1 liter water at 4oC = 1 Kg. (approximately).
Attention: To convert col. 3 into col. 2 use quantity factors for price and price factors for quantity.
Editorial Committee

Dr. Shahnaz Arefin, NDC


Statistics and Informatics Division (SID)

Ministry of Planning


Mr. Shaikh Md. Kabedul Islam : Additional Secretary, SID

Mr. Mohammad Tajul Islam : Director General, BBS
Mr. Rezaul Azam Faruqui : Additional Secretary, SID
Mr. Abul Kalam Azad : Director, BBS
Mr. Md. Mashud Alam : Director, BBS
Mr. Mohammad Abdul Kadir Miah : Director, BBS
Mr. Kabir Uddin Ahmed : Director, BBS
Mr. Md. Emdadul Haque : Director, BBS
Mr. Alauddin Al Azad : Director, BBS

Member Secretary

Mr. Ziauddin Ahmed : Director, BBS

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