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 Assist-to help

 Assistant-someone who helps someone else to do a job

 Pushchair-a small folding chair on wheels that a baby or small child sits in and
is pushed around in
 Otherwise-used to show that something is completely different from what you
think it is or from what was previously stated
 Engaged-involved in something
 Perform-to do an action or piece of work
 Performance-the action of entertaining other people by dancing, singing,
acting, or playing music
 Trick-an action that is intended to deceive, either as a way of cheating
someone, or as a joke or form of entertainment:
 Magic-the use of special powers to make things happen that would usually be
impossible, such as in stories for children
 Envy-to wish that you had something that another person has
 Envious-wishing you had what another person has
 Celebrity-someone who is famous, especially in the entertainment business
 Fame-the state of being known or recognized by many people because of your
 Licence-an official document that gives you permission to own, do, or use
 Record-to store sounds or moving pictures using electronic equipment so that
they can be heard or seen later
 Scatter-to (cause to) move far apart in different directions
 Plant-a living thing that grows in earth, in water, or on other plants, usually has
a stem, leaves, roots, and flowers, and produces seeds
 Row-a line of things, people, animals, etc. arranged next to each other
 Disorderly-untidy and badly organized
 Tap-to hit something gently, and often repeatedly, especially making short,
sharp noises
 -a device that controls the flow of liquid, especially water, from a pipe
 Turn on-to start to show a particular quality
 Pollution-damage caused to water, air, etc. by harmful substances or waste
 Polluted-affected by pollution
 Was+inf- when talking about an event that was in the future at a particular
point in the past, we can use was/were to + infinitive for things that actually
 1. He was to find out years later that the car he bought was stolen.
 Slight-small in amount or degree
 Upside down-having the part that is usually at the top turned to be at the
 Right way up-in the correct position
 Feather-one of the many soft, light things that cover a bird's body
 Wear-to have clothing, jewellery, etc. on your body
 -to become weaker, damaged, or thinner because of continuous use
 Sleeve-the part of a piece of clothing that covers some or all of the arm
 Mend-to repair something that is broken or damaged
 Worn out-can no longer be used because it is so old or because it has been
damaged by continued use
 Exhausted-extremely tired
 Qualification-an official record showing that you have finished a training
course or have the necessary skills
 Debt-something, especially money, that is owed to someone else
 Interrupt-to stop a person from speaking for a short period by something you
say or do
 Interruption-an occasion when someone or something stops something from
happening for a short period
 If only-used when you want to say how doing something would make it
possible to avoid something unpleasant
 Act-to behave in the stated way
 Capable-able to do things effectively and skilfully, and to achieve results
 Bar-a place where drinks, especially alcoholic drinks, are sold and drunk,
 to prevent something or someone from doing something or going somewhere,
or to not allow something
 Lock-to put something in a safe place and fasten the lock
 Cart-a vehicle with either two or four wheels, pulled by a horse and used for
carrying goods
 Put the cart before the horse-to do things in the wrong order:

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