CFM Exam Study Course - FAQ

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CFM Exam Study

Frequently Asked Questions

Exam Registration

1. Are there accommodations for the CFM test for individuals with a verifiable disability like
ADD/ADHD (e.g., additional time, quite setting)?

Yes, ADA accommodations are available with a letter from a physician. The registration
application includes instructions for how to request an accommodation.

2. Is there a waiting period for exam retakes?

ASFPM does not have a waiting period, however it may take a few days to update our
system which would allow you to purchase a retake exam online.

3. Does the $85 retake fee cover the proctor test for any location, including your home?

Yes, the $85 retake fee is good for online exams, testing centers, or proctored exam

4. How many times can you re-take the exam at $85?

Each retake costs $85 and there is currently no limit of retakes.

5. Is there a maximum number of retakes within a year?

Currently, there is no limit to the number of times you can retake the exam within a
given year. The Certification Board of Regents is collecting exam statistics and
monitoring the number of candidate retakes to determine if any limitations should

6. How frequently are exams offered?

Online-proctored exams are available anytime. Exams at testing centers are subject to
availability and seating capacity at that specific location.

7. What is the exam fee, and are there any scholarships or grants to cover the cost?

Exam fees are listed in the application and are subject to change. $185 for members of
ASFPM and $565 for non-members. If you live in AR, NM, OK or TX – refer to the chapter
in your state for their fees. Check with your State Coordinator or Chapter representative
to see funding is available to cover part or all of the exam fees.

Last updated: 1/22/24
Exam Content

8. Is there a timeline for when Risk Rating 2.0 regulations will be included in the exam?

There is no timeline yet, because there is an ongoing legal challenge and the regulations
have not been finalized. We typically wait 2-years after new regulations are introduced
so that the rule-making process and guidance can be developed/distributed.

Taking the Exam

9. I've seen in other exams where there is a section at the end where you can write down which
questions you disagreed with (wording, question structure, etc.). Is that true with the CFM
There is a post-exam survey which includes one open-ended question that you can
include any comment that you feel is necessary.

10. Are the paper maps also electronic now?

The CFM exam does include the use of maps for a few exercises (riverine and coastal).
For these questions, the maps are completely digital. No paper is used for the CFM

11. Does the test tailor the questions based on your answers? For example, if you get a question
wrong does it ask more questions of that type.

No, it does not.

12. With the 70% passing requirement, does the online exam automatically end if you do not reach
that threshold? Or do you still get the full 120 questions?

No, the candidate has access to all 120 questions. The only reason the exam would
automatically end is if the candidate does not submit the exam within the 3-hour time
limit, in which case, any unanswered questions would be counted as incorrect.

13. Do the maps provided for the online proctored exam have a way to measure distance, draw
lines, or other sketch estimates for finding locations or BFEs?

There are no measurement tools needed to answer any mapping related questions. For
any question that refers to a specific location on a map, the subject property will be
highlighted with a red box.

14. What is the exam pass rate?

The average pass rate in 2023 was 54% meaning 54% of the people that took the exam
achieved a passing score of 70% (84 questions). This is a combined average and includes
first-time exams and all retakes. Average pass rate for first time candidates is 58%

Last updated: 1/22/24
15. Are computers provided at testing centers?

Yes, computers are provided at testing centers. Candidates are not permitted to have
any personal belongings with them while taking the exam. This includes purses, phones,
backpacks, etc.

16. Can website exams be taken at a Pearson Learning center?

Digital exams taken at a test center are limited to those that are part of the Meazure
Learning test center network. Online Remote proctor exams are usually taken at home
or at an office. The room must be secure with no other people in the room.

17. For the online exam, can I skip a question and go back to it later?

The exam interface allows a candidate to navigate forward and backwards across all 120
questions. Questions can also be flagged for follow-up review before the exam is

18. Will we know what areas we struggled in if the test is unsuccessful in order to better prepare for

Candidates are presented with their score immediately which includes a breakdown of
total questions missed by exam category (e.g. mapping, regulations, insurance, etc.)

Exam Study & Preparation

19. Should one have site development experience to take these exams? I have only design office
experience and have a break in career?

Experience varies across all CFM exam candidates. The self-assessment is design to let
candidates examine their skills against the activities and competencies of a floodplain
manager. Visit the course page located here to complete your skills assessment.

20. Where are the skills assessment and knowledge checks on the website?

The contents of the CFM Study course including the self-assessment and knowledge
checks are on the course page located here.

21. Where can I find the FEMA 480 Study Resources?

All CFM exam study resources are located in the ASFPM Library.

22. Has FEMA 480 been updated since Feb. 2005?

No. An update has been in process for quite some time, but a release date has not been
announced. The information contained in the 2005 version is still applicable as a study
resource for the exam.

23. About how many study hours should one budget in total?

Each candidate’s study will be unique. The Self-assessment provides time estimates for
each of the study preparation documents.

Last updated: 1/22/24
24. Are practice tests available online?

There is no practice CFM exam, however a list of 60 questions has been developed to
test your basic understanding of the NFIP. This NFIP Knowledge check is available with
the other course materials and can be found on the course page located here. The
knowledge checks are NOT the same questions that are on the exam, but are provided
to help you study. Passing all of the knowledge checks does not guarantee that you will
pass the CFM exam.


25. I was told that the FEMA 273 course is not offered in my state anymore.

Requests for the in-state deliveries of 0273 Managing Floodplain Development Through
the National Flood Insurance Program should be directed to FEMA or your State NFIP
Coordinator. ASFPM is also authorized to teach 273 in most states (not FEMA Region IV).
If interested, contact your state NFIP coordinator or email

26. I can't see the NFIP 101 training course on the website anymore. What happened?

In order to take the NFIP 101 course, you must be logged in. Sometimes, a user will be
logged out after a while, but logging back into the Learning Management System usually
will restore user progress. For system access issues, contact

27. When is the next 273 class being offered near me?

Please contact for more information on how to find where this class
is being offered.
28. We are hosting a peer learning session before our conference for CFM exam candidates, and I
was wondering if slides are available for us to show at our event? We understand we cannot
show questions or give information on what questions are on the exam.

The contents of the CFM Study course are on the course page located here. ASFPM is
working on a slide deck that can be used by chapters to convey similar information, but
any course with “CFM exam preparation” in the title are strongly discouraged as
candidates will have the expectation that by attending that course, they will pass the
exam. For this reason, ASFPM does not offer an exam prep course, but rather an exam
study course.

Certification Maintenance

29. How many hours of continuing education are required to maintain my CFM credential?

As a matter of policy, 16 hours of continuing education over a 2-year cycle are required.
There is no requirement or limit on a per year basis. You can earn any amount over that
time period, but the total must be at least 16 hours. Any credits over 16 do not
carryover to the next cycle.

Last updated: 1/22/24
30. Can I earn CECs for webinars that are pre-recorded and not subject to monitoring?

To receive credit, you must have a certificate of attendance from the training provider.
If your system can track attendance, but no learning checks or monitoring is performed,
the maximum credit is 1-hour. If attendance is not tracked and the recorded webinar is
simply made available for public viewing, no credit will be awarded.

31. I’m considering taking a course at my local community college. How do I know if the course
would be eligible for continuing education credit?

Contact with the full course description and schedule to verify

32. Can you do the NFIP 101 course more than once for credit?

The system will only allow 1 certificate of attendance to be awarded for this course,
therefore, the course can only be used once for credit.

33. If you complete the NFIP 101 course to prepare for the exam (you still are not a CFM), do the
hours count towards the 16 CEC needed if you are not certified yet?

There are two versions of the NFIP101 course. One version allows the user to take one
or more module in any order as a study or learning resource. The other version is meant
to be taken in sequence and in its entirety to earn credit. Credits earned before passing
the exam do not count towards your renewal cycle.

34. Can I use CEC credits that I took before becoming a CFM? (EX: If I took an applicable training in
July 2023, but take the CFM exam and become certified in December 2023, does the training
from July count toward my renewal for 2025?)

No. Continuing Education Credits (CECs) start accruing AFTER you become certified.

35. What services do the CFM renewal fees support?

CFM renewal fees support the operations of the CFM Program including the continuous
monitoring of CECs, recertification, and ongoing exam maintenance.

36. What happens if I miss CEC requirement for a cycle? Will I lose my certification? Will I have to
start everything from start?

If you lack the CECs needed for renewal, visit our website for list of over 1,600 hours of
free or low cost pre-approved virtual training. If you do ultimately become decertified
for failure to meet the requirements for renewal, then yes, you would have to wait for
1-year, then take and pass the exam again to become recertified.

Last updated: 1/22/24

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