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digital service
Ministry of Finance

08/10/2018 07.49
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103664 FM Digital service AS5 02.indd 2-3

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digital service
Ministry of Finance
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Denmark is today at the forefront when it comes to the digitization of the public sector. In fact, we
are nothing less than the best in the world. First place was awarded this summer by the United
Nations, which every two years measures public digitization among the world's countries. Digitization
has made everyday life easier for Danes, who have largely adopted, for example, NemID, advance
and annual statements on and other digital solutions. But Denmark, like the rest of the world,
is experiencing that digital development is accelerating and bringing with it new opportunities and

As part of the Cohesion Reform, the government is now launching the reform track Digital service in
world class. With the Cohesion Reform, the government wants to create a more coherent public
sector that puts the citizen at the center of public welfare. And here digitization plays an absolutely
central role. The digital development offers new opportunities to develop the public service to the
greater benefit of citizens. We must become much better at exploiting that.

The government will therefore raise the political ambitions for the digitization of the public sector.
We propose a number of action areas and initiatives, which should provide citizens and businesses
with a more up-to-date and coherent digital service. With the initiatives, the government wants to tie
the public service together better, so that citizens' and businesses' digital encounter with the
public sector becomes easier and more manageable.

It is of course absolutely crucial for the government that digitization takes place within clear
frameworks and that respect for the individual citizen's privacy is maintained. Also in the digital
world. The government will therefore ensure an increased focus on data ethics and a more
transparent use of data in the public sector. The effort must provide a measurable boost in Danes'
trust in how the authorities use and share data in the public sector.

Public digitization is a joint task. Therefore, the government will continue the work with digital
services by agreeing a digitization pact with municipalities and regions, so that we oblige each other
to cooperate in delivering world-class digital services.

Good reading!

Minister of Innovation
Sophie Lohde

World-class digital service · October 2018 3

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World-class digital
1 service

Denmark is an international front-runner when it comes to public digitalisation.

But the political ambitions must be raised further if the public sector is to keep
up with the expectations of citizens and companies. The government is
therefore launching the World-class digitalservice , which must set

reform track to speed up public digitization and contribute to better

and more coherent welfare.

Since the turn of the millennium, a digital transformation of the public administration and of the service to citizens and
businesses has been carried out. Today, we take it for granted that communication with the public sector takes place
digitally. This is not necessarily the case in other countries with which we otherwise compare ourselves. The Danes are
diligent users of both NemID, Digital Post and digital self-service solutions on, for example, and, which
is why Denmark is right at the front in international comparisons – in other words: Denmark provides world-class
public digital service.

It is no coincidence that Denmark is so far ahead on the digital front. It is a result of difficult political decisions and strong
and persistent cooperation across the state, the regions and the municipalities.

The digital transition has meant that the internet has become the Danes' primary entrance to the public sector. This
applies regardless of whether you have to complete the annual statement, read the post from the municipality or apply
for SU or unemployment benefits. The digital self-service solutions are available around the clock, prescriptions and
NemID can be accessed on the mobile, and Danes no longer receive window envelopes in the letterbox. The vast
majority can be done from home and when it fits into everyday life. The Danes have therefore got a better, easier and more
flexible welfare system.

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The Danes are major consumers of the public digital service

760 million. 91%

Danes carried out NemID transactions of Danes over the age of 15 are registered with
i 2017. Digital Post from the start.

86% 126 million.

of the 16-89-year-olds have notices were sent with Digital Post to
searched for information on various websites citizens and businesses in 2017.
in the past year.

34 million. had a visit in 2017.

Source: Statistics Denmark and the Digital Agency.

The changeover has largely been successful because the Danes have quickly embraced the digital solutions. But the
towering use of public digital solutions obliges. Expectations are high and rising as citizens get used to the standard from
the best private solutions.
This applies to everything from the purchase and delivery of food and clothing to payment in stores with a simple
swipe to the right. The use of digital solutions has become a matter of course, and good service has in many cases
become synonymous with digital service. We – the public sector – must therefore raise our ambitions to keep up.

In the work with the Cohesion Reform, an open and inclusive process has similarly emphasized that the digital
service can be further developed. As part of the Cohesion Reform, the government set up a number of challenge
panels, consisting of 13 top managers with extensive experience from the public as well as the private sector. The
challenge panels highlighted as one of the central recommendations that the Danes must face a unified, safe and
modern digital Denmark, where ambitious goals are set for the development of the digital service.

At the same time, the Minister of Innovation has visited all of the country's 98 municipalities, five regions and a
number of government workplaces to learn more about how we can renew the public sector.

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In May 2017, the government set up the Disruption Council, which, among other things, must come up with proposals
for how we seize the opportunities in technological development and maintain and develop a labor market with decent
conditions that can keep up. The Disruption Council has, among other things, decided to focus on new technologies
and business models as a central theme, as well as how we solve the important questions that come with it, e.g. in
relation to data ethics.

The government listens to that. If Denmark is also to have a public sector with world-class digital services in the
future, there is a need for high political ambitions as well as joint and targeted efforts across the public sector.

Denmark must be a member of D7

Denmark has long made a name for itself as a digital front runner in an international context. To that end, the
government will work to ensure that Denmark becomes a member of the "Digital 7", which is a collaboration
with seven "digitally advanced" countries that have in various ways distinguished themselves as
frontrunners for public digitalisation.

The government wants the Danish digital public service to remain world-class. It is therefore natural that we
share our experiences and listen to the experiences of other countries that are also far ahead.


With the broad political Agreement on digitization-ready legislation from January 2018, the government has taken the
initiative to ensure that Denmark, as one of the first countries in the world, considers the digital reality early in political
negotiations and in the legislative process in the Folketing. The agreement lays the foundations for the further
digitization of the public sector in the coming years.
Furthermore, as part of the negotiations for new EU rules, the government will focus on new rules creating a good
framework for digitization for both the public sector and Danish companies.

However, the government sees three significant challenges and barriers for us to build on the results so far and continue
to reap the benefits of digitalisation:

Firstly, we must not put trust in the public authorities' handling of citizens' information out of control. Citizens must
continue to be comfortable with the way in which public authorities use and handle their data. Therefore, citizens must
be able to access their own data more easily, and it must be more transparent which information public authorities share.
At the same time, citizens must to a greater extent be able to give consent to how public authorities share the citizen's
data, for example when vulnerable citizens must have the opportunity to get one plan across e.g. the employment
effort and the social area rather than many different action plans. One plan that takes care of the citizen's overall
challenges and ensures coordinated efforts requires that the relevant authorities share information about the citizen
among themselves.

Here, citizens must be in no doubt that the sharing of information between authorities takes place in a responsible
manner and with the consent of the citizen.

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Secondly, the digital service today is characterized by the fact that the digital solutions are built according
to the authority boundaries and structures of the public sector, instead of taking as a starting point the
needs and situation of citizens and companies. This places great demands on citizens and businesses that
they find their way themselves in a complex public sector with many digital solutions and entrances.
When you lose a relative, you must, for example, find your way to a funeral request, a statement of the
deceased's estate, estate tax, access to Digital Post and possibly apply for survivorship assistance and
funeral assistance.

Thirdly, the public sector is taking too long to adopt new technologies and digital welfare solutions. This is
despite the fact that new technologies and digital welfare solutions such as robotics and artificial
intelligence hold opportunities to tie the public sector closer together and create better and safer services.
The technologies make it possible, for example, for citizens to receive treatment in their own homes and
receive the necessary support when they can no longer cope with everyday life alone.

It is the government's view that these three challenges must be overcome if the public digital service in
Denmark is to remain world-class.


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With the Cohesion Reform, the government sets four national targets for the development of the
public sector in the coming years. The targets have been set on the basis of the many inputs that have
been received as part of the work on the Cohesion Reform, and must contribute to setting a common
direction for the development of the public sector in the coming years.

National targets for the development of the public sector

• Citizens must be met by a coherent public sector • More freedom
and time for welfare • Denmark
must have a public sector that ensures welfare of the highest quality • Attractive
public workplaces with trust in professionalism and the citizen at the center

The reform track on digital services is particularly oriented towards the goal that Denmark must have a
public sector that ensures welfare of the highest quality.

The government wants to be held up on the targets. For each of the goals, measurable indicators are
therefore set, so that we can all follow the development. For the reform track on digital services, the
government will be particularly concerned with following the development of citizens' trust in the
public sector's processing of personal data and ensuring that citizens have a better overview of the
information that public authorities have about the individual. Trust and transparency are the key words
if we are to drive development forward – citizens must be on board and feel safe.

In 2017, figures from Statistics Denmark showed that a total of 83 percent of Danes have some or a
great deal of trust in the authorities when it comes to handling personal information. 37 percent of
Danes had a high degree of trust. There is thus already basic trust in the public sector's processing
of personal information, but it is crucial for the development of our public sector that we manage to
maintain and strengthen trust further.

The government will therefore allow itself to be measured in the following way:

• More people must trust that their personal data is processed responsibly in the public sector
sector. Before 2024, 90 percent of citizens must therefore have confidence in the public's processing
of data, and 60 percent must have high confidence. At the same time, citizens must have a more
comprehensive overview of the most relevant information that public authorities have about them.

With world-class Digital service, the government is therefore proposing an ambitious effort for a
more coherent and transparent digital service on the terms of citizens and businesses, so that we
maintain trust in digitalisation. Based on the three overall challenges for public digitalisation, the
government's work with digital services will unfold within the following three areas of action.

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Areas of focus for the government's work with digital services

Knowledge, overview and transparency
The government will give citizens a significantly better overview of their ongoing cases and benefits, as well
as an easily accessible insight into the authorities' information about citizens. There must be transparency in the
handling of citizens' information, and the focus must be placed on the ethical issues of the use of data made
possible by technological development.

Digital service on the terms of citizens and businesses The government

will create better coherence in the digital service so that it is organized on the terms of citizens and businesses.
At the same time, the government will begin the work of making ID proofs digital, so that you don't have to have
identification elsewhere than on your phone. Initially, this must be done by developing a driving license app that
can supplement the physical driving licence.

Technology and new welfare solutions must benefit more

The government will accelerate the spread of new technology and digital welfare solutions so that more
people can benefit from already tested digital solutions. At the same time, we must use new technologies, so
that Denmark is also a digital front-runner in the future.

The government will enter into a digitization pact with KL and Danish Regions, which obligates all
parties in the three areas of action and ensures world-class digital service.

The efforts cut across the entire public sector and require strong cooperation between state
authorities, regions and municipalities. The government will therefore enter into an agreement
with KL and Danish Regions on a digitization pact, in which state authorities, regions and
municipalities undertake to cooperate on the direction set out with the reform track Digital
service in world class.

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2 overview and transparency

Good public service is largely about knowing the citizen's needs and adapting the service
accordingly. It requires that relevant information is used across public authorities. But there
must be a clear framework so that citizens can be confident about the way in which
public data is used.
The government will therefore ensure greater transparency, so that citizens have access to a
comprehensive overview of pending cases with the public sector and the most relevant
information that the authorities have about the citizen. In addition, the government will set
up a Data Ethics Council, which will make recommendations for handling ethical dilemmas and
support a broad public debate on data ethics.

If we are to have a coherent and up-to-date public sector that creates value for the individual and
for society, data is a central prerequisite. Both data on social conditions such as traffic and
the environment and information on the individual citizen are necessary for the service that
the public sector provides today.

When, for example, citizens are to receive housing benefit or a pension, information is
exchanged between authorities. This is to the great advantage of the citizens, who do not
have to find the same information themselves in each individual case. Access to good quality
data, for example, also forms the basis for citizens to receive good and safe treatment across
the health sector. And the municipalities use data on e.g. education and age to target
employment efforts to the individual, so that the unemployed find employment more quickly.
This is positive for both the individual and the economy.

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The Danes are happy with the public digital solutions

92% 88%
of users are either satisfied or very satisfied with of the Danes aged 16-89 who have used the official online services believe that they are easy to use.

84% 87%
of users are either satisfied or very satisfied with of users are either satisfied or very satisfied with
Digital Post. NemID.

Source: Statistics Denmark and the Digital Agency.

We can go even further by using data better and more qualified across authorities. But increased
use of data and the sharing of information between authorities also places stricter demands on
the public sector to process information about citizens in the right way. There is therefore a
need for a clear framework for how public authorities must use the new opportunities to organize a
good and coherent service on the citizens' terms.

The debate on the data protection act in the spring of 2018 has shown that it can create insecurity
when you do not know what information the authorities share and for what purposes. It's a
perfectly legitimate concern that needs to be taken seriously. Public use of data must always be
done with respect for legal certainty and the individual's privacy.

The public sector must therefore deliver on three fronts:

• Firstly, public authorities must of course at all times comply with the rules for,
how and when data may be collected and used.

• Secondly, public authorities must take good care of information about citizens, so they
not fall into the wrong hands.

• Thirdly , there must be transparency so that citizens have the opportunity to see the most
relevant data used by authorities.

With the data protection regulation, which came into force in the spring, all public authorities must
comply with and document compliance with the regulation's principles for how personal data is
processed. Based on the government's presentation, fines have also been introduced for public
authorities that do not comply with the regulation's rules. Data protection lo-

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ven and the work with the regulation sharpens public authorities' focus on the handling of
personal data and must contribute to citizens being confident in the way in which personal
data is handled. It is a big task that challenges both public authorities, companies and

In addition, with the national strategy for cyber and information security, which was also
published in the spring, the government strengthens information security across the public
sector. Among other things, the strategy requires that you ensure sufficient monitoring of the
state's critical systems, and that you work more focused on skills development so that
employees and managers can handle data safely. At the same time, the strategy puts
particular focus on the socially critical sectors – telecommunications, finance, energy, health,
transport and maritime sectors – initiating targeted efforts in their areas.

But there is also something to address. Today, there is no overall overview of the
individual citizen's data or balances with the public sector, which ensures the necessary
transparency. On and other public websites and self-service solutions, you can find
a range of data about yourself and information about ongoing cases, e.g. if you apply for
SU or housing benefit. However, the information is most often scattered, and typically the
focus is on the data and cases that the individual authorities themselves have to deal with.
As a citizen, you therefore have to find out in several different places to get information about,
for example, the processing of cases or the payment of benefits. It is both difficult and non-
transparent – and it falls far short of the government's ambitions for a world-class public digital service.

Overview of own information strengthens security in

the public sector

of Danes would feel more secure if they could follow
what their data is being used for.

Source: DANISH IT.

Citizens must be in no doubt that the use of information takes place in a responsible manner
and with sensible purposes in mind. The meeting with the digital public sector must be easy
and fast, but it must also be safe. It is therefore absolutely crucial that the public's use of data
is transparent.

The government is therefore initiating a targeted effort to ensure greater transparency and
security regarding the public's use of data, while at the same time that data is used better and
more qualified to adapt the public service to the individual citizen. A working group examines

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gives i.a. the options for deleting data and other options to strengthen citizens' trust that
public authorities process the citizen's data in a safe and sound manner.

Knowledge, overview and transparency

The government will implement the following concrete initiatives:

Strategy for data in the public sector The

government will draw up a strategy for the use of data across the public sector, so that we – within a clear
framework – become better at using data to provide citizens and businesses with a more coherent and
targeted service. The strategy must also create the prerequisites for companies to use the large amount
of public data, which is not personally identifiable, to create value for society.

Establishment of the Data Ethics Council

In order to support an informed public debate on data ethics issues and dilemmas, the government
will set up a Data Ethics Council, which will make data ethics recommendations and support a broad
public debate on data ethics issues.

Citizens must have access to their own information and cases The
government will ensure that citizens get a better digital overview of their own circumstances and ongoing cases with public
authorities. The insight must be significantly strengthened in close cooperation with municipalities and regions, so that the
individual can easily follow along in one place. This specifically entails the following:

• An overview of awarded benefits, ongoing cases, digital mail, deadlines and relevant information
about the citizen, which will be established by 2024
• Access to which authorities regularly access relevant information about the citizen
• A brush-up of, so that the user-friendliness and the visual expression are sharpened
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2.1 Strategy for data in the public sector

Public data is central to many of the welfare services provided by the public sector. This includes
knowledge of all conceivable social conditions as well as knowledge of the individual citizen and
company. Some data is personal data, such as health information, which must be handled within a
clear framework, while a very large proportion of data relates to aspects of our society that are not
personally identifiable. Public data makes it possible to deliver high-quality services efficiently – if
we understand how to use data in the right way. At the same time, many public data on social
conditions can be used by companies in new solutions.

But today we do not use data optimally in the public sector. There are different approaches across
sector areas, and the citizen can still encounter a public sector where efforts are not coordinated. If we
are to improve the public service in the future and make it more effective, up-to-date and coherent, we
must do away with silo thinking.

With a safe and coordinated use of data, the authorities can create solutions that are tailored to
the citizens. For example, we can use health data to a greater extent – for those patients who want a
closer follow-up in the healthcare system – to predict who is at risk of, for example, emergency
admission, and thereby initiate early preventive action. It will be a clear advantage for those patients
who can receive earlier and more precise treatment. Similarly, the citizen must experience meeting
one unified public sector, where there is no need to submit the same information several times. With
the plan "Health in the future - better use of data for the benefit of the patient", the government has
already taken significant steps towards better use of data in the health field.

If we are to become better at, for example, organizing solutions for the individual citizen and creating
coherence across the board, it is crucial that citizens have confidence that, in particular, personal data
is used in a safe and responsible way, so that legal certainty and respect for the individual's privacy are

Companies already today use public data on e.g. addresses, properties and geographical conditions
for various solutions, which many Danes make use of. Today, geography forms maps, addresses, etc.
Among other things, basis for innovation and development of services such as insurance offers, just
as when buying a house it is easy to get an overview of noise nuisance from surrounding roads, or
whether water risks collecting during cloudbursts. The technological development will enable companies
to develop even better and more targeted solutions with great societal value. With the Strategy for
Denmark's digital growth, the government has therefore launched several initiatives to strengthen
companies' ability to use public data for growth and new solutions.

As part of its work, the Disruption Council has also dealt with how Danish companies can use the
opportunities in data to create growth in an ethically responsible way. The many strong public data are
thus an important piece in relation to ensuring that Denmark gets the most out of technological

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The government's ambition is that we must have a more transparent, secure and efficient use
of data, so that the public sector can deliver the service that citizens rightly expect, and where
relevant public data can at the same time form the basis for new, useful private solutions. The
vision is a coherent service that is available when citizens need it – safe and secure.

The government will therefore prepare a strategy for the use of data in the public sector.

The strategy for data in the public sector must…

• Create more coherent and targeted service through data
• Ensure clear frameworks so that data is used safely and securely for the citizen
• Ensure broad use and usefulness of data – also for private services

Firstly, the strategy must enable the public sector to use data to a greater extent to develop,
improve and strengthen the coherence of the service to citizens in the coming years. The citizen
must meet one public sector, where information relevant to the citizen's case is known by the
relevant employees regardless of authority. This applies to the municipal case manager and to the
municipal home helper. Wider use of data must enable more targeted and effective efforts that
are more tailored to the needs of the individual citizen. This presupposes, among other things,
that the public authorities have control over data and that data is handled in a coordinated manner.

Secondly, the authorities must take good care of citizens' personal information, and data must
always be used with respect for the citizen's privacy and personal security. The new data
protection regulation and law sets the legal framework for the authorities' use of personal data.
The strategy must therefore contribute to also ensuring a clear political and ethical framework for the
coming years' new opportunities for using data. This must be done concretely, for example, by the
strategy setting out principles for the use of public data. As part of the work, the government will
also investigate whether there can and should be an expansion of the boundaries of what is
considered sensitive personal data, or whether it is otherwise possible to introduce special protection
of personal data, which is typically experienced as private, but which today is categorized as
general non-sensitive personal data.

Third, the strategy must support that public data can be used in the private sector.
The trend is towards private players using various data, including address data and environmental
and map data, to offer services, e.g. home and contents insurance, that are tailored to the
needs of the individual citizen. Correspondingly, with the citizens' consent, banks can, for example,
obtain income information from the Tax Administration, so that citizens avoid having to find payslips
and tax papers themselves. The strategy must contribute to making the service for the individual
citizen better, more efficient and coherent - regardless of whether the service is provided by public
authorities or by private actors. The strategy must thus complement the efforts in the government's
Strategy for Denmark's digital growth.

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2.2 Establishment of the Data Ethics Council

With the technological development, new opportunities arise to use data for more targeted welfare services, effective
treatments in the health sector, digital solutions and fast administration in the public sector. The same applies in
the business world, where technological development holds great potential for growth and innovation. But the
development also raises ethical questions about how we use the new opportunities.

The debate on the use and protection of personal data is important. This has been evident, for example, in
connection with the adoption of the Data Protection Act and the launch of the government's national strategy for
cyber and information security.

Under the auspices of the Disruption Council, the government has set up an expert group on data ethics. The expert
group has discussed the ethical dilemmas and issues raised by data and the use of new technology. The overall
purpose is to support Denmark's vision of being a digital frontrunner by ensuring continued trust in the digitization of
the public and businesses through ethical and responsible use of data.

Against this background, the government will set up a Data Ethics Council, which will, among other things, make
recommendations and participate in the public debate on data ethics dilemmas and issues in society in light of new
technology, as well as discuss how data ethics initiatives can improve competitiveness in business.

The council will be established when the final recommendations from the expert group for data ethics under the Disruption
Council are available.

In connection with this, it is crucial that citizens have somewhere to go with concerns about public authorities' handling
of personal data. Therefore, the government will set up a special mailbox at the Danish Data Protection Authority,
where citizens can contact if they suspect a breach of personal data security or are insecure about an authority's use of
data – even without it being an actual complaint. Inquiries in the mailbox will also be able to support the discussions on
data ethics in the Data Ethics Council.

Establishment of the Data Ethics Council

The government will set up a Data Ethics Council, which will, among other things, give recommendations to and
contribute to a continuous and informed public debate on the data ethics issues and dilemmas, including that we
in Denmark navigate sensibly between new opportunities and challenges.

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2.3 The citizen must have access to his

own information and files
As a citizen, it is difficult today to gain an overall insight into what information the public authorities collect and
use - and who is looking at what information. This can create uncertainty about what the citizen's information is
actually used for.

At the same time, it is difficult to get an overall overview of ongoing cases with public authorities. An application
for housing benefit or SU can certainly be completed with a digital self-service solution, but it is difficult afterwards
to get a comprehensive overview of ongoing cases with different authorities. Today, it requires that you, as a
citizen, orientate yourself in several different places and create an overview yourself.

The government will therefore focus on several fronts. It must be much easier for citizens to access the most relevant
information and cases. The government also wants the individual citizen to eventually gain insight into which
authorities are looking at information about him or her. And then citizens must experience an up-to-date and easy
digital service at

The effort must deliver on three fronts:

• Citizens must have access to information about themselves and ongoing cases
• In the long term, citizens must be able to gain insight into which authorities are looking at information about them
or her
• must be an up-to-date entry into the public sector

Firstly, the government will initiate a significant effort in the coming years to give citizens greater insight into and a
better overview of information and cases across both the state, the municipalities and the regions. As part of this, the
government will ensure that a "My overview" is developed on, which gathers the citizens' most important
cases and information in relation to the public sector in one place. At the same time, the solution must be developed
as an app, so that the citizen always has the overview at hand.

The initiative aims to ensure that citizens do not have to find their way around the many different public systems
themselves, but instead get the various entrances gathered in one place, and that the most relevant information is
made available in a single overview.

With "My overview", the government will also establish a personal calendar where the individual citizen's
agreements and important deadlines appear, e.g. agreements with public authorities or deadlines for payment of
land debt. At the same time, it will make it possible to give the citizen automatic but personal help with reminders
and notifications, so that you can keep track of various cases. In other words, it must be much easier for citizens
to keep track of agreements and important obligations.

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"My overview" brings together citizens' contact with the public sector

My overview

Citizen information

Digital Post Cases Payments

"My overview" must give citizens a unified digital access to the public sector, where the individual citizen can get a
greater overview of their cases, digital mail, deadlines and services from the public sector, as well as insight into
the most relevant information that public authorities has registered about him or her.

Today, "My page" on provides access to a range of basic information and entrances to various self-
service solutions, e.g. change of address or SU application. But when the self-service solution has been
implemented, the information about the case is only available to the individual authority. With "My overview", the
citizen gets one entry to information about how the cases are progressing.

The same applies to the insight into the information about the individual that the authorities hold. Today, the citizen
must find the information himself from each individual authority. With "My overview" the most relevant information
from the many different authorities is presented in one place, so that it is clear and accessible to the citizen.

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It is an ambitious vision that requires the state, municipalities and regions to work closely together.
The government will therefore in 2018, as part of an overall digitization pact for the public sector, agree a concrete
plan for increased transparency with KL and Danish Regions. The digitization pact must lay the framework for
the targeted efforts of the coming years to give citizens greater insight into their own information and a better
overview of the digital service. The plan takes the form of a wave plan, where several "waves" of areas are
continuously included in "My overview" over the next few years.

With the first wave in 2020, it will, among other things, be made possible to get an overview of sick day money,
cash assistance and housing allowance. The specific areas for the next waves must then be determined
continuously in cooperation with municipalities and regions. By 2024, it must be possible for citizens to get an
overview of all the most relevant information across authorities on "My overview".

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"My overview" must be continuously developed and expanded to

include more areas



• Construction
• Transport
2021 • Animal husbandry

• Fishing, hunting
and nature

2020 • Family relationships

• Day service
• Culture, church
and free time


• Health and the elderly Overall overview •

• School and Afaler and calendar
Areas education •

• Personal and • Housing and energy Deadlines • Payments

contact information • Residence in Denmark
• Employment • Finance and tax
• Economic

Personal content
• NemKonto and NemSMS
• Given and received digital proxies
• Expiry of passport and driving licence
• Weapons permits
• Unemployment benefit counters from
• Education support from
• Financial services from ATP and Udbetaling Danmark, e.g. lifelong pension, housing allowance,
maternity allowance and family benefits
• Municipal benefits, e.g. sickness benefit, cash assistance, education assistance, rehabilitation, resource
course, unemployment benefit, fake job, fake wage subsidy and individual benefits

On "My overview", the individual citizen must, among other things, be able to see the person's cases, deadlines and benefits from the public
sector as well as an overview of the most relevant information that the public sector has registered about him or her. "My overview" will
not be established from day one, but will be continuously developed over the coming years up to and including 2023. The plan for the
development takes the form of a wave plan, where several "waves" of areas
continuously included in "My overview".

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Secondly, the government wants the individual citizen to eventually also be able to see which
authorities have accessed his or her information. It will further strengthen transparency in the use of
information in the public sector. We already know that model today from the health sector, where
citizens can access MinLog at and, among other things, see which medical information
has been registered and who continuously accesses it.

The government will therefore carry out an analysis that will investigate the possibilities of giving
citizens a better insight into which authorities have access to information about him or her.

It is crucial that there is confidence that unauthorized persons do not access information about the
individual citizen. The government will therefore investigate the possibility of requiring that a log
be established for all systems with personally identifiable information, so that the citizen can gain
insight into whether unauthorized persons have had access to information about the citizen himself.
It is also being investigated whether there is a need to require a separate data security policy
aimed at the employees of the relevant authorities.

The government will ensure insight into the use of information

about citizens

The individual citizen must have confidence in how public authorities use the citizen's information. And
the individual citizen must have a better insight into which authorities have accessed his or her
information. The government will therefore carry out an analysis of the possibilities of establishing a
log display where citizens can see which authorities have accessed information about the citizen.

An example of a similar solution today is the Common Medicine Card, where medical information about
the citizen is stored, so that relevant employees in hospitals and care for the elderly and the private
practitioner can see which medicine the citizen is receiving. On, the citizen can access his
own medical card and see which authorities have access to the citizen's information.

With the Agreement on the regions' finances for 2019, the government has agreed with the regions that
before the end of 2020 all patients must also have the opportunity to access a digital display of logo
information from the hospitals' electronic patient records.

Thirdly, the government will ensure that has a more modern look. is the primary
entry point for many citizens when they have errands with the public sector. Therefore, it is important
that is accessible, user-friendly and clear, so that citizens' encounters with the public
sector are also safe on the digital platforms.

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With the development of "My overview", also takes on an even more central role as most
citizens' primary entrance to the public sector. This places great demands on the solution. User-
friendliness is crucial, and the visual expression on must support the goal that citizens
should be able to easily gain insight into information, matters and services.

At the same time, it will be easier for the citizen to get an overview when an app is developed for "My
overview". With the app, the citizen will always have the public solutions close at hand.

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Digital service on
3 the terms of
citizens and companies

The technological development provides new opportunities for a more

flexible and coherent task solution. But also new expectations for more
flexible and easily accessible solutions. The government will ensure
that citizens experience a coherent digital service that meets their needs
– regardless of which authorities are involved. At the same time, it is the
government's vision that relevant public ID proofs must eventually
be digital, so that citizens always have them at hand. The first step is the
development of a driver's license app.

Denmark has come a long way with the digitization of communication between authorities and
citizens as well as companies. Over the past 10 years, the old-fashioned paper forms have been
replaced by online self-service, so that citizens' and companies' communication with the public
authorities is now predominantly digital. This has made it easier to be a citizen and business in
Denmark, because you can now arrange your errands with, for example, the municipality,
Udbetaling Danmark or the Tax Administration digitally. At the same time, workflows have been
made more efficient and resources freed up for other areas.

But the design of the public digital self-service solutions is largely characterized by being organized
according to sector-divided structures and authority boundaries, which we have historically
adapted to, rather than starting from the needs of citizens and companies. This means that the
digital public service as a whole does not live up to the citizens' expectations of a coherent and up-
to-date digital service - even if most public digital solutions work well individually. It is problematic.

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Need for more coherent service

56% 77%
of the citizens needed contact with other departments of those who had contact with ere
or authorities in connection with their situation. departments or authorities did not find that the
authorities were good at creating coherence.

of the citizens who have used separate
online self-service solutions to complete an errand
indicate that they are "highly" satisfied.

Source: Rambøll and Statistics Denmark.

In the same way that the public digital service must be more coherent and based on the
citizens' needs, the authorities must also become better at offering digital solutions that
meet the citizens' expectations of flexibility and accessibility.
The use of IT is already high and it continues to increase. Almost nine out of ten Danes today
own a smartphone, and it has largely become the focal point for many tasks. It must be used
to give citizens the opportunity to have digital solutions at their fingertips. Even when you're on
the go.

The government is therefore launching a targeted effort to create better coherence in the
public digital service and ensure that the digital solutions are easily accessible and based
on the needs of the citizen.

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Digital service on the terms of citizens and businesses

The government will implement the following concrete initiatives:

Coherent digital user journeys The government

will ensure that self-service solutions and other digital services are to a greater extent thought of
together across authorities, so that citizens and businesses experience a coherent digital service that
meets their needs, by having established coherent user journeys by 2021 at the latest journeys for ten
important situations for the citizen and ten important business situations.

ID proofs at your fingertips By

digitizing the driving licence, the government will take the first steps towards making relevant ID proofs digital,
so that citizens have the public solutions at their fingertips. Concretely, an app that can supplement the driving
license will be established by 2020 at the latest. The application and case processing process in the driving
license area is also characterized by paper-heavy processes, and therefore, in addition to the development
of the driving license app, the government will digitize and simplify the driving license area, so that citizens are
met by an up-to-date and efficient case management.

Uniform digital communication In

order to ensure a uniform framework for a uniform spread of digital communication to new areas, the
government will introduce an authority in the Public Administration Act, which ensures that the spread takes
place with the continued possibility of help for those citizens who find it difficult to use the digital solutions. At
the same time, a style guide will be drawn up, which will contribute to self-service solutions being user-friendly
and one-stop-shops, so that citizens will encounter recognizable solutions across areas.

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3.1 Connected digital user journeys

The digital service in the public sector must in future be more coherent and based on the citizen's overall
situation and needs. Today, citizens and businesses themselves have to find their way in a complex
public sector with many digital solutions and entrances.
You have to, for example, when you lose a family member. In that situation, you have plenty to do with
dealing with the grief, but at the same time you have to find the different ways to request a funeral,
inventory of the deceased's estate, estate tax, possible funeral assistance and subsistence assistance
and changes in one's own circumstances such as housing allowance or pension.

This is an example of how the public sector's layout complicates things for citizens.
The government will therefore work to create a coherent digital service that meets the needs of citizens and
businesses across authorities.

The government will ensure that the digital service is made coherent in ten of the important situations that
citizens may find themselves in, and in ten of the central situations that companies may find themselves
in. This must be done by creating a overview of all the tasks that are relevant in exactly their situation, so
that it becomes easy to see, and so that you do not forget, for example, to report a move or apply for a
benefit that you may have become entitled to.
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Better user journeys – digital citizen

Order NemID
sign in Activate NemID
Digital Post !

? !
Give mobile number ?
and get an SMS when
Give parents
there is mail
read access

Order NemID
Activate NemID

@ Sign in
Digital Post

Give your mobile number

and receive an SMS when

there is mail

Give parents
read access

Sometimes it can be difficult to keep track of contact with the public when major changes occur in one's life.
When you turn 15, for example, it becomes mandatory to communicate digitally with the public. Today, it can be a
difficult and disjointed process to understand when, for example, you have to obtain a NemID and log in to Digital
Post for the first time. With a coherent digital user journey, the government wants to ensure that young people
get the information they need - and that parents are equipped to help as best as possible.

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For example, young people in particular experience when they turn 15 and thus become digital citizens
that there are many things that they have to deal with, e.g. NemID, Digital Post, tax card etc. For many,
it is a confusing situation, and despite the fact that young people move naturally online, it is difficult
for many to use the public digital solutions. Therefore, it is one of the first situations that the government
tackles in its work with the connected digital user journeys. At the same time, a separate campaign will
be launched, which will raise awareness of the situation and improve young people's behavior online as
digital citizens.

With the connected user journeys, citizens will have one entrance to all relevant tasks.
At the same time, it will be possible to continuously receive notifications and reminders about any
outstanding balances or the status of cases. The effort will help the individual to a greater extent manage
their chores themselves and without having to contact several different authorities.

Better user journeys – divorce

The Danish Courts Agency State administration

• Lawsuit in the case of property division • Conflict mediation

• Decision on • Decision on
parental authority spousal support

• Enforced visitation • Request for divorce

Payment Denmark
• Application for
• Notification of filling housing benefit
• Relocation of school and • Change in child and
daycare center youth benefit
• Application for free space • Correction of pension
in day care conditions

Tax administration
• Correction of joint taxation
• Housing and property
value taxation
• Misc. deductible contributions

When a family breaks up, it's a big upheaval for everyone. There are many things you must and even more things you
can do. It is easy to lose track of which authorities can help with what and which services you can apply for. With a
coherent digital user journey, you can create an overview in a stressful situation, provide clear and situational
information and offer couples who can and want to, a better basis for managing things themselves.

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The work on the development of the coherent user journeys will take place until 2021 with the
close involvement of citizens, companies, employees and other parties who are important for
understanding and improving the digital service in the individual situations. The effort is a step on
the way towards the government's ambition that citizens and businesses are ensured consistent
service across the public sector.

As part of the digitization pact, the government will prepare an agreement with municipalities and
regions on the connected digital user journeys. The connection is created across the public
sector, and therefore it is important that we involve the entire public sector in the work with the
user journeys. The first steps have already been taken as part of the joint public digitization
strategy, but the government wants to raise the level of ambition and accelerate deployment

The government's vision is that, in the long term, user journeys become so coherent that citizens
no longer experience authority boundaries as a problem. Citizens and businesses must
experience a digital service that takes care of the central needs in one coherent user journey.

Coherent user journeys in ten important situations for


Situation So many citizens

Become a digital citizen (15 years) 66,835 15-year-olds in 2017

Start training 89,758 applicants for higher education in 2018
Move 896,531 performances in 2017
New parent 61,397 births in 2017
Get divorced 15,169 divorces in 2017

Get a new job 700,000-800,000 job openings annually

Lose job 14,844 notified redundancies in 2017
Move abroad 21,095 Danish citizens provided assistance in 2017
Lost relatives 53,261 deaths in 2017

Become a pensioner Approx. 60,000 new public pensioners per year

For the business area, ten user journeys are also identified for companies, where more consistency
is created before the end of 2020. This could be, for example, when an employee is hired or in
case of illness in sole proprietorships. The government will, in close cooperation with selected
companies and based on the companies' needs, decide which areas are to be included.

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3.2 ID proofs at hand

The public sector has been good at developing digital solutions. But in the future, the digital solutions
must be available to a much greater extent where the citizen is. You have to have them close at hand -
even when you're on the move.

The mobile phone has become the focal point for almost everything we do. The Danes have become
accustomed to having their mobile phone with them almost all the time. Conversely, the wallet is
becoming increasingly redundant. Most plastic cards have already been replaced or supplemented with
digital solutions. For example, Dankort, period card, youth card, boarding card, parking and gym
membership can already be accessed from the mobile. With the NemID Nøgleapp, the government
and the financial sector have worked together to make it much easier to use all the services that use NemID.

But other key public ID proofs, such as driving licences, have not yet been digitised.
Similarly, the health card has not yet been digitized either. You still have to carry a physical plastic card
when, for example, you drive a car or go to the doctor. It is not the future. Therefore, the government
will initiate work so that relevant public ID proofs eventually become digital.

The key app makes everyday life easier and increases security

Five million Danes have NemID, which they use 65 million times each month. The NemID Key app
can be used in all the places where you need to use the key card – for example to check online
banking, use or shop online. The app has already been downloaded more than 900,000 times

In addition to the key app making everyday life a little simpler, it is also easier to keep track of than
the key card – because you always have it on your mobile at hand. Almost 30,000 users lose their key
cards every month. In addition, many make the mistake of taking pictures of their key card with their
mobile phone, thereby reducing security. With the key app on the mobile it is both easy and safe.

It is not easy to digitize our ID proofs. But with the Cohesion Reform, the government will take the first
step and develop a driving license app. The goal is that from 2020, citizens should be able to access
their driving license from their mobile phone.

It will make everyday life a little easier for all citizens, who will not have to carry their physical driving
license with them when they drive a car or need to identify themselves in connection with, for example,
a visit to citizen services. The digital driving license will be a supplement to the physical card and
valid in Denmark, and the app is thus an offer for everyone who wants to use a digital solution.
In parallel with establishing a driving license app, the government will also investigate the possibility of
also digitizing other relevant public evidence such as the health card.

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Driving license app should make everyday life easier for Danes

The government will develop a driver's license app as the first step on the road to making ID proofs digital.
With the app, you don't have to bring your physical driver's license with you when you drive a car or need to
identify yourself in Denmark. The driving license app is a supplement to the physical driving license and
thus an offer for citizens who would rather use a digital solution.

The administration in the driving license area must be digitized At

the same time, the government will take the initiative to examine the possibilities for digitizing the driving license
area, so that citizens here too will encounter an efficient and digital service. Today, applications in the area are
made in the following way:

• The paper form is filled in by the citizen, the driving instructor, the doctor, the test expert and citizen
service • Physical medical certificate, first aid certificate and photo ID are attached to the
application • Photo of the citizen is signed in connection with the issuance of the medical
certificate by the doctor • Family card is filled in by the test expert, which citizen service uses to order the driving license

In connection with the work with a driving license app, an analysis of digitization of the driving
license area is being initiated. The analysis must point to how case processing in the area can be
digitized and thus pave the way for the current paper-based processes to be gradually
converted to faster and digitized proceedings.

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3.3 Uniform digital communication

Citizens communicate digitally with the public sector in more and more areas. With the digital self-
service, citizens can now more easily apply for housing benefit, renew their passport or change doctors.

Today there are more than 100 areas with digital self-service. The digital communication between the
public sector and citizens has so far become a reality through four so-called "wave laws", which were
implemented in the period 2012-2015. The laws are based on a number of common principles that
all citizens must initially use digital self-service, while at the same time ensuring support and help
for those citizens who are challenged by the digital solutions.

The government wants new digital self-service solutions to follow uniform and recognizable rules.
There must be the same opportunities to get help, guidance or manage one's errands in another way if
one does not have the opportunity to use the digital solutions. Many older Danes have embraced
digitization and use the digital opportunities diligently.
But there are still citizens who find it difficult with the digital solutions. They must continue to have
support and help when digitization becomes possible in new areas.

The government will therefore ensure uniform requirements for digital communication, which follow the
concept introduced with the four wave laws on digital self-service. It will benefit the citizens and make it
easier for the authorities. Specifically, the government will put forward a proposal for an amendment
to the Public Administration Act, which means that digital communication can be introduced in a
uniform manner in new areas, and that citizens will continue to be offered an alternative form of
communication if digital solutions cannot be used.

The spread of digital self-service solutions can also make it easier for relatives to help a family member,
for example during an illness, when digital powers of attorney are included in the solutions. In the
joint public digital power of attorney solution, citizens can submit a digital power of attorney so that
relatives can handle applications, services and agreements with the public sector digitally on the
citizen's behalf. Today, a digital power of attorney can be given to, among other things, the health
record on, to apply for housing benefit or to report a move. This makes it significantly
easier for relatives to help one's family member in a safe and easy way without having to appear at
various authorities or involve the family member unnecessarily.

The government will also take the initiative to work towards a common "style guide" for the authorities'
self-service solutions. The style guide must set a framework for the usability and quality of the
solutions and thus contribute to the self-service solutions being consistent and recognizable across

It is therefore the government's wish that the development of digital communication between citizens and
authorities should take place in a uniform manner, which ensures recognizability from solution to solution,
so that citizens can easily manage errands digitally.

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Technology and
4 new welfare solutions
must benefit more people

If in the future we are to have a public sector that can deliver welfare
and high-quality service to citizens and businesses, it requires renewal
and innovation. The government will therefore make the public
sector better at accelerating the testing and application of new
technological options and digital welfare solutions, among other things
by establishing an investment fund of a total of DKK 410 million. It is also
the government's vision to make Denmark one of the leading countries in the use of artificial intellige

New technologies such as robotics, artificial intelligence and digital welfare solutions offer
opportunities to tie the public sector closer together and create better and safer services for
citizens and businesses. At the same time, technological development creates new expectations
from citizens and businesses for more flexible public solutions that keep pace with the private

New technologies and digital welfare solutions can free up time for the core task. This is, for
example, the case when software robots solve simple tasks that are repeated, such as sorting e-
mails. Similarly, telemedicine enables citizens with COPD to measure weight and oxygen
saturation in their own homes. Healthcare staff continuously monitor and detect early
deterioration in the citizen's condition, and emergency admissions can be avoided. In the end,
this means that the citizen experiences security and freedom and becomes able to act on
aggravations in the illness.

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Telecontracting can pave the way for new welfare solutions

In May 2018, the government entered into an agreement on broadband and mobile in digital top class with a broad majority in
the Danish Parliament. The agreement must contribute to growth, efficiency, welfare and jobs throughout the country.
Good coverage and fast infrastructure will support, for example, the spread of welfare solutions.

The agreement entails, among other things, that the broadband pool targeting sparsely populated areas is increased, just as
the framework conditions for rolling out digital infrastructure in local areas are strengthened. In addition, a
telecommunications industry forum will be established, which will focus on promoting the rollout of 5G in Denmark.

However, it is often too slow to test and spread new technologies and digital welfare
solutions in the public sector. This means that we are missing out on obvious opportunities
to raise the quality of the public service and ensure a continued focus on efficiency.

The government will therefore carry out targeted efforts so that the public sector becomes
better at adopting new technologies and digital welfare solutions faster than today.
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Technology and new welfare solutions must benefit more people

The government will implement the following concrete initiatives:

Investment fund for new technologies and digital welfare solutions The
government will establish an investment fund with a total volume of DKK 410 million. DKK in the
period 2018-2022 to accelerate the testing and application of new technologies. In order to anchor
projects locally and increase the total investment volume, the projects must be co-financed by the project owners.

New solutions are spread to more

people The government wants to ensure that tested and successful digital welfare solutions can be spread
more easily in the public sector, at the same time as we become familiar with new technologies. The
effort is expressed through the following initiatives:

• A new strategy for the Center for Public Innovation, where the center gets a new role with increased focus on
testing and dissemination of new technologies as well as supporting innovation in public-private
collaboration. An agreement is concluded with regions and municipalities to strengthen the spread
of digital welfare solutions
• A prize is established for the best reuse of already tested digital solutions
• An effort is being initiated to promote the use of cloud technology
• A state analytics network is established for the dissemination and development of technological
solutions • Efforts are initiated for cooperation with technology companies on new solutions

Denmark must be at the forefront of the use of artificial intelligence

The government wants to make Denmark one of the leading countries in artificial intelligence by 2025. The
following initiatives are therefore being launched:

• A national strategy for artificial intelligence is being drawn up, which cuts across the public and private sectors, and
which both ensures a better framework for the use of artificial intelligence and at the same time sets out a
number of principles for its use, e.g. in relation to privacy, security, justice, etc.

• Artificial intelligence is tested through the creation of a number of signature projects

• A Danish language resource is being developed so that, for example, speech recognition can be used

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4.1 Investment fund for new technologies

and digital welfare solutions

New technologies and digital welfare solutions hold great potential for improving the public service. Today,
new technologies such as software robots and machine learning are only used to a limited extent in the public
sector, just as it is too slow to spread well-tested welfare solutions, such as telemedicine or digital solutions for

The government will therefore establish an investment fund for the testing and dissemination of new technologies
and digital welfare solutions in municipalities and regions, and in this connection allocates DKK 100 million. The
fund must make resources available for testing solutions and technologies, which are often associated with
initial costs and risks, but which in the long term can yield significant gains.

Investment fund for new technologies and

digital welfare solutions
The government will establish a new investment fund with a total investment volume of DKK 410 million. DKK
in 2018-2022. The fund must support the testing and dissemination of new technologies and digital welfare
solutions in municipalities and regions.

In the economic agreements for 2019, the government together with KL and Danish Regions established a fund
for joint prioritization of digital solutions in the health area. DKK 70 million was set aside in this connection. DKK
to this. With the municipal and regional co-financing, the fund has a total investment volume of DKK 210 million.

The government wants to increase ambitions and is therefore injecting an additional DKK 100 million. DKK to
this. At the same time, the fund must be expanded and support initiatives in all welfare areas.

The investment fund targets both the testing of technology locally and the nationwide spread of well-tested
solutions. The investments must contribute to the development of innovative solutions that can free up hands
for more citizen-oriented service. The efforts are anchored locally, and the government is therefore proposing that
municipalities and regions co-finance the efforts. The fund will thus have a total investment volume of DKK
410 million. DKK in 2018-2022.

In connection with the annual financial agreements, the parties agree on which new technologies and digital
solutions are to be disseminated, and the parties set concrete targets for the dissemination in the same

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Examples of new technologies…

RPA (Robotic Process Automation) is software that imitates an employee's administrative task-
solving. It is particularly suitable for automating repetitive, non-discretion-based workflows and
provides, for example, the possibility of faster case processing for the benefit of the citizen.
The technology operates on top of the existing IT landscape and across systems and
So warerobotter

Artificial intelligence is a collective term for technologies that try to imitate human cognition and
that can learn to make decisions by identifying patterns in large amounts of data, which enables,
for example, image, speech and text recognition. In addition, artificial intelligence can design
prediction models for e.g. risk assessment or early detection of diseases.

Blockchain is a technology for recording information that provides high security that the
information is correct. This is because the information is stored in millions of copies distributed

Blockchain over the Internet, and it is the majority of copies that determine what is right. This means that
it is virtually impossible to make unauthorized changes to the information, because several
million copies must be changed at the same time. Blockchain is particularly suitable for
information about series of events, for example transactions or proceedings. With each new
event, a link is added to the chain of information. Each link in the chain consists of a box
with the information itself and a reference to the previous link.

In this way, all events can be traced to their starting point and can therefore be used to quickly
and securely verify ownership.

Cloud technologies provide easy and cheap access to computing power and storage space,
without having to buy and operate the IT equipment yourself. The technologies make it possible
to develop digital solutions faster and closer to citizens' needs than today, where digital solutions

Cloud are often acquired through long tendering processes. At the same time, access to cloud
technologies is to a large extent a prerequisite for further work with artificial intelligence, as
cloud solutions provide access to great computing power and the necessary advanced

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4.2 New solutions are disseminated to more people

As part of the effort to accelerate the spread of tested solutions, the Center for Public Innovation (COI) must have a
new role with an increased focus on supporting the spread of new technologies in the public sector.

Faster dissemination of new technologies requires a coordinated effort across the public sector. It is, for example,
crucial that relevant experiences with the new technologies are gathered and shared crosswise, so that parallel projects
and investments can be avoided. At the same time, transversal barriers to the authorities' use of new technologies must
be taken care of. There is also a need for cooperation on innovation to be strengthened across the public and private

The government will therefore, as a follow-up to the agreements on the municipalities' and regions' economy for 2019,
discuss a new strategy for COI with KL and Danish Regions, which can come into force from 2019 and which can
contribute to supporting the faster spread of new technologies in the public sector.

At the same time, the government is establishing a prize for the best reuse of digital solutions, which will further
encourage people to use already well-tested solutions even more than today. With the prize, DKK 100,000 is awarded
to each of the three specific units and employees in the municipal, regional and state areas who have implemented a
digital solution based on experience from other authorities.

The Center for Public Innovation must support faster diffusion

The government will discuss a new strategy for the Center for Public Innovation (COI) with the municipalities and
regions. It is important that experiences with new technology are used and shared crosswise, and therefore the
center must have a central role in the dissemination of new technologies in the public sector.

The public sector has been good at testing new welfare solutions, but it has been difficult to spread the well-tested
solutions across the country. This is due, among other things, to skewed financial incentives, a lack of skills and lengthy

The government will therefore further ensure that the public sector becomes faster in spreading well-tested digital
welfare solutions. What works must benefit the citizens as soon as possible – and thus raise the quality of the public
service. If we are to succeed in this, it requires a targeted effort across the public sector. The government therefore
wants, as part of the digitization pact, to conclude an agreement with regions and municipalities on strengthened
frameworks for the spread of digital welfare solutions.

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Agreement on faster deployment of digital welfare solutions

As part of the digitization pact, the government will take the initiative for a joint public distribution agreement
and discuss this with KL and Danish Regions. The government proposes that the following themes will be

• Tools and competence development: In order to strengthen the professionalization in dissemination projects,
there is a need for partly targeted and experience-based tools for steering groups, project managers and
owners, partly for competence development targeted at professional employees, so that digital solutions
become a natural part of the professional toolbox.

• Common evaluation model: With a common evaluation model, it is ensured that authorities and parties to the
agreement set the right requirements for evaluating welfare solutions based on risk. This avoids
unnecessarily extensive evaluations.

• Clarification of minimum content and process: Financial agreements with municipalities and regions on
nationwide rollout of digital welfare solutions must in future contain the necessary clarifications so that the
implementation phase is not unnecessarily prolonged.

At the same time, the government will raise the innovation capacity in the public sector, so that it will be easier
for public authorities to spread the new technological solutions for the benefit of citizens and businesses. Therefore,
it is the government's ambition that cloud technology should be used to give the authorities access to the latest
technologies for the development and operation of efficient and innovative digital solutions. Testing and subsequent
application of new technologies often requires access to secure and scalable cloud environments that offer the
necessary storage and analysis of data.

The government will strengthen the public sector's use of cloud technologies by establishing cloud environments for
public authorities associated with the State's IT, just as a guide on cloud computing will be published in autumn
2018. As part of the effort, the government will also in 2019 carry out an analysis of the possibilities for increased
use of cloud technology in the public sector, as well as how important security issues are best handled. The
analysis must support that it becomes easier to use the cloud, while doing so in a secure manner.

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Digital solutions improve welfare locally

Nyborg Municipality: Virtual home training for COPD patients Nyborg

Municipality works with online home training for COPD patients. With the virtual training, patients with
mobility difficulties can sit at home and carry out a training that strengthens their condition and reduces
their symptoms. It is a good example that with the use of new technology you can offer a new and
more worthy service on the citizens' terms.

Odder Municipality: Screen visits ensure more flexible support Odder

Municipality uses screen visits for citizens with mentor or housing support. Screen visits make the
citizen independent of where he or she is and can receive support from his or her contact person, even
if the citizen is on holiday, during an educational stay or in hospital. In this way, the use of screen
visits can support dignity and freedom in citizens' lives.

Ærø Municipality: Telemedicine provides better welfare In

Ærø Municipality, work is done with medical consultations over the internet, so-called telemedicine, so that
the citizens of the island do not have to spend time and effort on transport. It is a good example of how
the situation can be improved for the individual citizen, who gets significantly easier access to the
service - also in areas with a greater distance from the hospital - with the new digital solutions.

Odense University Hospital: Faster home security for premature births At Odense University
Hospital, an app is used to ensure a good course for parents with premature babies. With the app, there are
fixed video conferences between parents and hospital staff, the parents continuously enter the child's
nutrition and growth, and the app also contains small instructional videos about the care and care of
premature babies. With the solution, the parents can come home earlier in a safe environment, while the
staff can follow the child's development and give the parents the necessary guidance and support.

Several government authorities are in the process of testing the possibilities of data analytics.
This applies, for example, to Nævnenes Hus in Viborg, where advanced data analysis must give
the case handlers a faster overview of precedent and support faster decisions for the citizens.
But many authorities find that they lack knowledge about the possibilities of analytics. In order to
strengthen the use of new technology in the state, a network is therefore being established
between state authorities where knowledge and practice can be shared about work with
analytics and new technological solutions. In the network, the participants inspire each other to
spread existing solutions and develop new ways of using technology.

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In addition, the Norwegian State Administration works purposefully with the development of
software robots that can automate simple and routine processes. The goal is to realize
benefits such as greater efficiency, lower costs, minimization of errors, fewer routine tasks for
employees and the creation of a better and more systematic analytical basis for further
work. In order to realize the benefits, the Norwegian State Administration has set up a "Robot
team", which, in collaboration with the employees, identifies relevant tasks for the robots, as
well as develops and implements them.

At the same time, the government will initiate an effort to uncover the possibilities for increased
cooperation between public authorities and technology companies for quick and efficient
solutions to concrete challenges in the public sector. This can be done, for example, through
innovation partnerships or other forms of cooperation.
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4.3 Denmark must take the lead in the application of

artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence has the potential to ensure better service and more growth and innovation.
For example, artificial intelligence can be used to support doctors in diagnosing diseases and thus detect
disease development early with a view to preventive measures.

Artificial intelligence is used in several places in the private sector. It is mainly large international companies
that use the technologies for e.g. image, text and speech recognition as well as predictions about service
needs, customer churn etc. Conversely, artificial intelligence is only used in individual public authorities and
in limited areas. It's a shame - because artificial intelligence has the potential to improve and make the service
close to citizens more efficient.

In light of the significant technological development, the government set up the Disruption Council in May
2017. The Disruption Council has, among other things, focus on the possibilities of new technologies and
artificial intelligence, and how we can ensure that the gains benefit everyone.

Artificial intelligence can improve and make the service

close to citizens more efficient by, among other things, contributing to…

• Faster and better diagnosis, prevention and treatment, e.g. when diagnosing cancer • More accurate prediction of risk for
e.g. hospitalization, prediction of floods during cloudbursts
and management of drainage systems for water diversion
• Faster identification of citizens with cardiac arrest via advanced voice recognition on emergency calls
• A more focused and risk-based control effort for, for example, control of corporation tax fraud

The government's ambition is for Denmark to be among the leading countries in the world to use artificial
intelligence by 2025. It is an ambitious goal. But we already have a clear advantage over other countries.
Good data is a prerequisite for the use of artificial intelligence, and Denmark has the best public data in
the world.

To achieve this, the government will draw up a national strategy for artificial intelligence across the public and
private sectors. It is important that the strategy is broadly anchored in society and sets a common direction
for ongoing and future initiatives within artificial intelligence. The focus of the strategy will be to ensure
that Danish companies and public authorities have the best framework for exploiting the opportunities in
artificial intelligence. At the same time, the strategy must set out clear ethical principles for the use of artificial
intelligence in Denmark. By coordinating and focusing knowledge and efforts, the strategy must ensure that
we manage to exploit the opportunities of artificial intelligence more quickly, regardless of sector.

Skilled companies, an agile public sector, strong research environments and good education are
prerequisites for Denmark to be able to exploit the advantages that artificial intelligence

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entails. The strategy must therefore take a closer look at what can be done to improve companies and public authorities'
use of artificial intelligence. This can, for example, be preparation and access to data, initiation of pilot projects and
investments in shared infrastructure.

The strategy must be based on the latest knowledge about artificial intelligence from Danish and foreign research
environments and on the measures the government has already taken to promote education and research in digital

At the same time, it is crucial for the development of artificial intelligence in several areas that speech recognition and
language understanding can be used. As Denmark is a small language area, however, the language resource is not
sufficiently developed. Therefore, the government will take the initiative to develop a Danish language resource for
free use, so that work with artificial intelligence can be further developed in Denmark.

Concrete efforts for artificial intelligence

National strategy for artificial intelligence The
government will draw up a strategy for artificial intelligence that cuts across the public and private sectors. The strategy must ensure
public authorities and Danish companies the best framework for exploiting the possibilities of artificial intelligence. But artificial
intelligence must be used responsibly. Therefore, the strategy must also set out ethical principles for the use of artificial intelligence.
The principles must ensure that privacy, security, transparency, fairness, etc. secured in use.

World-class Danish language technology Speech

recognition and language understanding make it possible to support various types of tasks. This applies to decision support when
handling environmental approvals, reviewing annual accounts and audit statements, complaints, support and emergency calls,
email responses, etc. A significant barrier to the effective use of speech recognition and language understanding in Danish is
that Denmark is a small language area.

Therefore, the building of a language resource in Danish is being initiated, which will be made available for free
use, so that the suppliers have a shared, high-quality language resource that gives them the opportunity to
develop good solutions within speech recognition and language understanding with a high level of precision.

Signature projects must provide concrete experience

In order to build concrete and practical experience with the use of artificial intelligence in the public
sector as quickly as possible, a number of signature projects are being initiated. The projects must
be initiated in areas where there is considered to be a potential for increasing quality and productivity
in core public tasks using artificial intelligence, but where there is currently too little concrete
experience. The signature projects are financed by the investment fund for new technologies and
digital welfare solutions.

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October 2018

Ministry of Finance

Christiansborg Slotsplads 1 1218

Copenhagen K Tel. :
+45 3392 3333 E-mail:

ISBN 978-87-93635-87-6 (pdf version)

ISBN 978-87-93635-78-4 (print version)

Design, cover: e-Types

Photo: Ritzau Scanpix
Print: Rosendahls

The publication can be downloaded


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