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Year 9 Mathematics - Algebra @ the Farm - Revision Application Task


❏ Both types of calculators can be used for this test

❏ Your own Reference Booklet can be used

❏ Estimated time: 50 minutes

❏ Show all working out to demonstrate skills assessed

❏ Provide an answer correct to 2 decimal places where appropriate

❏ You will be marked according to the rubric

You and your friends are planning a delightful visit to a farm in the
countryside next month. To ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience,
you'll need to carefully plan and budget for this outing. Considerations
should include entrance fees, costs for any special farm activities or
tours, transportation, and provisions for meals & refreshments.

As you enter the gate, the attendant explains that you will be allocated
car park according to an algebraic expression that is connected to your

The pronumeral f stands for the number of letters in a visitor’s first name.
The pronumeral s stands for the number of letters in a visitor’s surname.

Your friend, Zaralee Wildertown, arrived earlier and received an algebraic expression. She was
able to work out which car park she had been assigned

a) What is Zaralee Wildertown’s value of f and her value of s? f =………………… s = ……………………

b) Zaralee received the following algebraic expression:

4f + 5s. Which car park number has she been allocated to?

c) If you were given the same algebraic expression as Zaralee,

which car park number would you be allocated to?
d) Zaralee asked if she could change her allocated car park to a
spot closer to the entrance, where the numbers are all less
than 20. She was issued with a new algebraic expression:
8f - 3s. What is Zaralee’s new car park number?

e) Suggest three algebraic expressions that would allocate your

friend, Ali Zhang, to car park number 20.

The entry fee for an adult is $10 & concession is $8.
tickets purchased
Write an expression that describes the cost How much did Zaralee’s family of five (2
of entry using adults & 3 concession) need to pay to
a to represent the number of adults tickets enter the farm?
c to represent the number of concession

Calculate the total cost of petrol necessary for a round trip of 45km using the equation below
to estimate expenses.
$C = 0.77 x number of kilometres

Curious about Zaralee’s family

You ask Zaralee’s grandma how old she is.
She replies:
“If you double my age, add 8 and then divide
by 3, you get 48.”

Write the algebraic equation that represents

her statement, and then determine how old
Zaralee’s grandmother is?
Zaralee’s mum, Mia, is three times as old as
Zaralee. Five years ago, she was 4 times as

Use a pronumeral to define Zaralee’s age,

and write an equation for the information
you have been given.

Solve the equation and then answer the

questions below.
a) How old is Mia now?
b) How old was Zaralee seven years ago?
Animal Nursery
There were ‘p’ miniature pigs and ‘y’ baby chicks in the animal nursery.
Write an expression for the total number of heads.

Write an expression for the total number of legs.

The length of the rectangular pen they were in was

three times its width “w” (in metres).

Draw a labelled diagram to show the dimensions of

the rectangular pen.

Write an expression for the rectangular pen’s

perimeter. (the distance around the outside)

The area of a rectangular shape can be found by

using the formula Area = length ✖ width.
Write an expression for the pen’s area.

The cafe at the farm provides a wide range of food, hot and cold drinks and icecreams.
However, instead of showing the prices on the menu, there are ‘clues’ for visitors to
solve. Write an equation for each clue, and then solve to determine the cost of each
Clue 1:
Clue 2:
Adding $1 to the cost of 2 hot dogs is $9.
If $6 is added to the price of 4 ice-creams,
then doubled, and divided by 5, the cost
Equation: ………………………………………………………………………….
would be $4.

Equation: …………………………………………………………………………….

How much is a hot dog? ……………………………………..

How much is an ice-cream? ………………………………

Clue 3:
The cost of three ‘obento’ plus $1 is equal to subtracting $19 from the
cost of five ‘obento’. How much is an ‘obento’?

How much is an ‘obento’? ……………………………….

The Show Arena

There are three sections of seating at the show arena.
Section A has ‘x’ number of standard seats plus 3 ‘accessible’ seats.
Section B has 20 more standard seats than Section A plus an additional 3 ‘accessible’ seats. Section C has
double the number of standard seats in Section A and three times the number of ‘accessible’ seats in
Section A.

Write an expression that shows the number of standard seats and the number of ‘Accessible’ seats in
each section and then determine the expression for the total number of seats available. (use x as the
pronumeral for the number of standard seats).
Section C ‘accessible’ seats
Section A Section B Expression
Number of Seats
Number of x=# of standard
standard seats seats
Number of

Total Number of seats in the Show Arena

Snake Eggs
You learn that the temperature at which snake eggs are incubated can influence the sex of the
hatchlings. To ensure the optimal conditions for the eggs you need to convert the incubation
temperature from Fahrenheit to Celcius.
The formula �� = converts degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit. 5�� + 32

However, the temperature settings of the incubator at the farm are in Celsius and the
instruction are given in Fahrenheit.

a) Transpose the formula to make C the subject.

b) If the ideal temperature for incubating the snake eggs is 86oF, what is the equivalent
temperature in Celsius?
The Hen-house
During your farm visit, you're tasked with collecting fresh eggs from the henhouse to contribute to
the farm's daily production count. However, to ensure the collected eggs are fresh and healthy for
consumption, they must weigh within a specific range. Eggs that are too light might not be
developed enough, while those that are too heavy could indicate other health concerns.

You learn that the ideal weight for a fresh egg is more than 50 grams but less than 70 grams
Write this range of ideal egg weights using

Illustrate the solution on a number line

The Treasure Hunt

This unique treasure hunt activity allows participants to find hidden tokens around the farm
and these tokens can be exchanged for various farm products at the end of the visit. Each
participant starts with 10 tokens as a welcome gift.

The formula to calculate the total number of tokens collected is given by T = h (5f + 2d) + 10
Where T is the total number of tokens collected.
h is the number of hours spent on the farm.
f is the number of tasks finished.
d is the number of discoveries made (interesting finds like special plants or farm animals)
Zaralee’s family Your Family

Spent 4 hours at the farm

If your family spent 2 more hours at the farm
Finished 3 tasks
and completed 2 additional tasks but made
Made 5 discoveries
the same number of discoveries as Zaralee’s
How many tokens did they collect?
family, how many tokens would you collect?

If a jar of farm-made honey requires 120 tokens will either of you have enough tokens?
The Gift Shop
After a delightful day at the farm you decide to buy some farm produce gift baskets. There are
two types available: the Harvest basket and the Dairy Delight basket.

If Zaralee’s family purchases 2 Harvest baskets and 4 Dairy Delight baskets for $56, and your
family buys 3 Harvest baskets and 2 Dairy Delight baskets for $46, how much does each Harvest
basket and each Dairy Delight basket cost?
Show all working, including defining any pronumerals used.

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