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Experimental Analysis on Mechanical Properties of

Plastics Used for Fused Deposition Modelling

Mrityunjay Upadhyay – 20BME10008

School of Mechanical Engineering

VIT Bhopal University

Experimental Analysis on Mechanical Properties of
Plastics Used for Fused Deposition Modelling

Report submitted to the

VIT Bhopal University

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

DSN4095 Capstone Project - Phase 1

Submitted by

Mrityunjay Upadhyay – 20BME10008

Under the supervision of

Dr. Karthik Rao

School of Mechanical Engineering

VIT Bhopal University, Madhya Pradesh

January, 2024

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School of Mechanical Engineering
VIT Bhopal University

Date: 24/01/2024

Supervisor Certificate

This is to certify that the work presented in the Report titled “Experimental
analysis on mechanical properties of plastics used for fused deposition
modelling” is the bonafide work of Mrityunjay Upadhyay registration
number 20BME10008 is a record of original research carried out by him
under my supervision and guidance in partial fulfillment of the requirements
of the Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) in Mechanical Engineering.

Dr. Karthik Rao


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Declaration of Originality

I, Mrityunjay Upadhyay, bearing the Roll Number 20BME10008 hereby declare that this
report entitled “Experimental analysis on mechanical properties of plastics used for fused
deposition modelling” represents my original work carried out as an undergraduate
student at VIT Bhopal University. To the best of my knowledge, it contains no material
previously published or written by another person, nor any material presented for the
award of any other degree of VIT Bhopal University or any other institution. Any
contribution made to this thesis by others, with whom I have worked at VIT Bhopal
University or elsewhere, is explicitly acknowledged in the thesis. Works of other authors
cited in this dissertation have been duly acknowledged under the section ''References''.

I am fully aware that in case of any non-compliance detected in the future, the VIT Bhopal
University may withdraw the degree awarded to me on the basis of the present thesis.

January 24, 2024 Mrityunjay Upadhyay – 20BME10008

VIT Bhopal University

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This is to acknowledge that I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to

Dr. Karthik Rao. His unwavering support, insightful suggestions, and
constant encouragement proved to be invaluable throughout the entire
process and the subsequent report writing phase. His expertise and guidance
not only enriched my understanding but also significantly contributed to the
overall quality of this work. I am truly grateful for the mentorship and the
positive impact on my academic journey.

Mrityunjay Upadhyay – 20BME10008

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This project aims to investigate the feasibility of utilizing 3D printing technology to

fabricate samples from Polylactic Acid (PLA) and subsequently enhancing their
properties to position PLA as a viable alternative to aluminum. The study encompasses
a multifaceted approach, combining the precision of 3D printing with material science
and performance testing methodologies.
The initial phase involves the utilization of a 3D printer to construct PLA samples,
ensuring the accurate reproduction of desired geometries. Post-printing, an extensive
battery of tests will be conducted to scrutinize the mechanical properties of the PLA
samples using a Universal Testing Machine. Tensile strength, impact resistance and
resistance to environmental factors will be primary parameters under investigation.
Subsequent efforts will be directed towards enhancing PLA material properties through
various methodologies, including the incorporation of reinforcing agents, modification
of printing parameters, and post-processing techniques. The overarching objective is to
optimize PLA's mechanical strength and overall performance to match or surpass the
characteristics of aluminum.
Throughout the investigation, considerations of sustainability, cost-effectiveness, and
scalability will be paramount in guiding material development. The project aims to
contribute not only to the scientific understanding of PLA but also to the practical
aspects of its implementation as a substitute for aluminum in specific applications. The
potential advantages include reduced weight, improved sustainability due to PLA's
biodegradability, and potentially lower production costs.
The findings of this research hold promise for unlocking new avenues in the widespread
adoption of PLA, expanding the repertoire of materials available for engineering
applications. By merging cutting-edge 3D printing technologies with material science,
this project seeks to address challenges in the pursuit of more sustainable and cost-
effective alternatives to traditional materials, contributing to the ongoing evolution of
additive manufacturing.

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Description Page No.

Supervisor certificate……………………………………2
Declaration of originality………………………………..3
Chapter – 1 Introduction……………………………………………...7
Chapter – 2 Literature review………………………………. .. ……..8
2.1 Motivation of the study……………................…..…9
2.2 Objective of the work………………………..……...9

Chapter – 3 Methodology………………………….…………………10
3.1 Step-wise Approach…………………………………10
3.2 Properties of Raw Materials………………………...11
3.3 Tests to be performed……………………………….11
3.4 Optimization Methods………………………………11
Chapter – 4 Conclusion………………………………………………13
Chapter – 5 Future scope of the study………………………………..14

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Chapter – 1
The dynamic evolution of additive manufacturing technologies, particularly 3D printing,
has spurred a relentless pursuit of materials that can match or surpass the properties of
conventional substances like aluminum. Among the emerging candidates, Polylactic Acid
(PLA) stands out as a promising biodegradable polymer with versatile applications. This
research delves into the intricate interplay between 3D printing technology and material
science, aiming to explore the potential of PLA as a viable alternative to aluminum. The
initial impulse for this investigation arises from the need to address the environmental
and economic concerns associated with traditional manufacturing processes. Aluminum,
renowned for its strength-to-weight ratio and widespread use in various industries, has
long been a standard material. However, its production is energy-intensive, and its
disposal poses ecological challenges. In contrast, PLA, derived from renewable resources,
offers an eco-friendly alternative.
The project begins by employing 3D printing technology to fabricate intricate PLA
samples, ensuring precision in replication. These samples will then undergo a rigorous
battery of tests, evaluating mechanical properties. The objective is to comprehensively
understand PLA's baseline characteristics and identify areas for improvement.
In the subsequent phase, the project shifts its focus towards enhancing PLA's material
properties through the integration of reinforcing agents, meticulous adjustment of printing
parameters, and the application of post-processing techniques. This endeavor not only
seeks to match the properties of aluminum but also envisions surpassing them in specific
Throughout this exploration, considerations of sustainability, cost-effectiveness, and
scalability will be integral in guiding material development. The goal is not merely to
demonstrate PLA's potential as a substitute for aluminum but to pave the way for its
practical implementation in engineering applications, fostering a paradigm shift toward
more sustainable and economically viable manufacturing practices. This project thus
unfolds at the intersection of innovation, environmental consciousness, and the
transformative potential of 3D printing technologies in material engineering.

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Chapter – 2
Literature Review
Ömer Bayraktar explores the impact of parameters such as melt temperature, layer
thickness, and raster pattern orientation on tensile strength. [1]

Miloš Vorkapić demonstrates with research that heat treatment, particularly with
Gypsum, can significantly enhance the mechanical properties of 3D printed specimens,
resulting in increased hardness and tensile strength at the cost of reduced plasticity. [2]

Paolo Minetola highlights how the development of low-cost FDM machines by numerous
small companies have led to increased accessibility and adoption of this technology. [3]

Dorin Catana discusses the advancements in additive manufacturing, particularly in 3D

printing using PLA and PLA-glass materials. [4]

Shigenobu Ogata compares the shear modulus and ideal shear strength of aluminum and
copper along the crystallographic direction through first-principles calculations. [5]

C. Novoa investigates on how extruder nozzle temperature, model infill rate and number
of shells affect the tensile strength of 3D PLA products manufactured with the FDM
technology. [6]

Gaoyuan Ye proposes a fused deposition method for 3D printing to enhance the

compressive properties of lattice structures. [7]

T.V. Christy demonstrates the widespread application of Al 6061 alloy in various

industries, such as transportation and construction, owing to its excellent mechanical
properties and corrosion resistance. [8]

Josef Sedlak explores the degradation of 3D-printed plastic parts when subjected to
common environmental factors and tells why material selection plays a significant role in
the longevity and performance of printed components. [9]

John Ryan C. Dizon discusses a summary of research on the mechanical properties of

3D-printed polymers, focusing on Additive Manufacturing technologies and their
applications. [10]

Miloš Vorkapić demonstrates that heat treatment, particularly with Gypsum, can
significantly enhance the mechanical properties of 3D printed specimens, resulting in
increased hardness and tensile strength at the cost of reduced plasticity. [11]

Josef Kiendl explores the mechanical properties of 3D-printed PLA specimens and
highlights the importance of considering factors like fibre alignment and loading direction
for optimizing material performance. [12]

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2.1 Motivation of the Study

This research is driven by a pressing need to revolutionize traditional manufacturing

practices, specifically by exploring sustainable alternatives to materials like aluminum.
Polylactic Acid (PLA), a biodegradable polymer derived from renewable sources, holds
significant promise in this regard. By leveraging the precision of 3D printing technology,
we aim to enhance PLA's properties, positioning it as a viable and environmentally
conscious substitute for aluminum. This research not only aligns with the global shift
towards sustainable practices but also offers potential economic benefits.

2.2 Objective of the work

• Assembling and fabrication of a fused deposition modelling (FDM) machine

which will be used for fabrication of precise PLA samples.
• Conducting a comprehensive material characterization study of aluminum 6061-
T6 and PLA to analyze their mechanical properties.
• Enhancing PLA's material characteristics through innovative methods such as the
incorporation of reinforcing agents, optimization of printing parameters, and the
application of post-processing techniques.
• Analysis and validation of the prepared enhanced specimens.

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Chapter – 3
3.1 Step-wise Approach

1. Sample Fabrication using 3D Printing:

• Utilize a 3D printer to fabricate PLA samples with varied geometries,
ensuring meticulous control over printing parameters. Design and print
standard test specimens for mechanical testing, incorporating ISO
standards for consistency.
2. Mechanical Property Analysis:
• Conduct a comprehensive analysis of the PLA samples' mechanical
properties, including tensile strength, elongation at break, and impact
resistance, using a universal testing machine (UTM). Employ the UTM to
perform tensile tests, assessing the samples' response to applied forces and
capturing stress-strain curves for detailed mechanical property
3. Enhancement Strategies:
• Integrate reinforcing agents such as additives, polymers or fibers into the
PLA matrix to enhance mechanical properties.
• Optimize 3D printing parameters, such as layer height and infill density,
to influence material density and strength.
• Implement post-processing techniques like annealing or surface
treatments to further enhance mechanical properties.
4. Mechanical Property Verification using UTM:
• After implementing enhancement strategies, reevaluate the mechanical
properties of the modified PLA samples using the UTM.
• Conduct additional tensile tests to compare the impact of modifications on
tensile strength, elongation, and other relevant mechanical characteristics.
5. Validation and Practical Application:
• Validate the enhanced PLA materials in practical engineering
applications, considering factors such as load-bearing capabilities and
resistance to environmental conditions.
• Gather feedback through real-world testing and iterate on the material
formulation if necessary to meet or exceed the performance of aluminum
in specific applications.

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3.2 Properties of raw materials
3.2.1 Polylactic Acid Properties[13]
• Ultimate Tensile Strength = 35.6 MPa
• Flexural Strength = 85.2MPa
• Shear Strength = 33 MPa
• Elongation at break = 4.2%
• Density = 1.24 g/cm
3.2.2 Aluminum 6061-T6 Properties[14]
• Ultimate Tensile Strength = 310 MPa
• Flexural Strength = 276 MPa
• Shear Strength = 207 MPa
• Elongation at break = 12%
• Density = 2.7g/cc
3.3 Tests to be performed
1. Tensile Test:
• Purpose: Measures the material's strength, elasticity, and ductility.
• Procedure: The sample is mounted in the grips of the UTM and force is
applied until the material fails. The machine records the force applied and
the resulting deformation.
2. Flexural Test (Three-Point Bend Test):
• Purpose: Evaluates the material's bending or flexural properties.
• Procedure: The sample is placed across two supports, and a force is applied
at the center until the material breaks. The machine records the force and
3. Shear Test:
• Purpose: Measures the material's shear strength.
• Procedure: The sample is subjected to a force that causes it to deform in a
parallel manner. The UTM records the applied force and deformation.

3.4 Optimization Methods

• Material Blending: Experiment with blending PLA with other polymers to

enhance mechanical strength and toughness.
• Fiber Reinforcement: Integrate reinforcing fibers (e.g., glass fibers, carbon
fibers) into the PLA matrix to enhance tensile strength, stiffness, and
impact resistance.
• Additives: Incorporate additives such as plasticizers, impact modifiers, or
nucleating agents to improve PLA's flexibility, impact resistance, and

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• Annealing: Apply post-processing heat treatments, like annealing, to
enhance crystallinity and mechanical properties by reducing internal
• Processing Parameters: Optimize processing conditions, including
extrusion temperature, cooling rates, and molding pressures, to achieve the
desired balance of mechanical properties.
• Testing and Iteration: Conduct systematic testing and iterate through
various formulations and processing parameters to identify the most
effective combination for the desired mechanical properties.

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Chapter – 4
In conclusion for this Phase 1 review, this research looks to navigate the intersection of
3D printing technology, material science, and engineering applications, with a focus on
establishing Polylactic Acid (PLA) as a sustainable alternative to aluminum. The
investigation commences with the precise fabrication of PLA samples using 3D printing
techniques, ensuring quality to desired geometries and adherence to industry standards.
Through a meticulous analysis of the mechanical properties of the baseline PLA samples
using a Universal Testing Machine (UTM), valuable insights can be gained into PLA's
inherent characteristics. Subsequent efforts aimed at enhancing PLA's properties through
the incorporation of reinforcing agents, optimization of printing parameters, and post-
processing techniques will yield encouraging results.
The use of the UTM in both baseline and post-enhancement phases allows for a
comprehensive evaluation of PLA's mechanical performance. The modified PLA samples
are to be enhanced to exhibit notable improvements in tensile strength, elongation at
break, and impact resistance in the later phase.
This study looks at laying the groundwork towards more sustainable and economically
viable materials in engineering, emphasizing the pivotal role of 3D printing technology
in advancing the capabilities of materials like PLA. With the further findings this research
looks to provide a solid foundation for future research and development, fostering
innovation in the pursuit of environmentally conscious alternatives for traditional
manufacturing materials.

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Chapter – 5
Future Scope
The successful exploration of Polylactic Acid (PLA) as a potential alternative to
aluminum through the integration of 3D printing technology opens up promising avenues
for future research and development. One key area for further investigation involves
delving into advanced material formulations by experimenting with novel combinations
of PLA, reinforcing agents, nanomaterials, and additives. This could lead to the
development of PLA composites with tailored characteristics, catering to specific
applications and industries. Additionally, there is scope for ongoing optimization of 3D
printing processes, with a focus on achieving greater precision, higher resolution, and
increased production speeds, thereby enhancing the efficiency of manufacturing PLA
Future research endeavors might explore the creation of multifunctional PLA materials,
incorporating features such as self-healing capabilities, improved electrical conductivity,
or enhanced flame retardancy. This expansion of PLA's capabilities could broaden its
applications across various industries. Moreover, a comprehensive life cycle analysis and
environmental impact assessment will be crucial to provide a holistic understanding of
PLA's sustainability, considering the entire production process, product life, and end-of-
life considerations.
Integrating PLA materials into industry standards and certifications is another avenue for
future exploration, ensuring compatibility and compliance with existing engineering and
manufacturing norms. Real-world testing and case studies will be essential to validate the
performance of enhanced PLA materials in diverse engineering applications, including
sectors such as automotive, aerospace, and consumer goods. Assessing market adoption
and economic viability, with a focus on factors like cost competitiveness and scalability,
will be pivotal in determining the material's feasibility on a larger scale.
Finally, fostering collaborative research initiatives between academic, industry, and
research institutions will accelerate innovation by leveraging diverse expertise in
materials science, 3D printing technology, and engineering applications. This
collaborative approach will address complex challenges and propel the continued
evolution of PLA as a sustainable and technologically advanced material in the field of

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[1] Ömer Bayraktar, Experimental study on the 3D-printed plastic parts and
predicting the mechanical properties, September 2016,
[2] Miloš Vorkapić, Enhancing mechanical properties of 3D printed
thermoplastic polymers by annealing in moulds, August 2022,
[3] Paolo Minetola, Benchmarking of FDM Machines through Part Quality
Using IT Grades, June 2015,
[4] Dorin Catana, Comparison between the Test and Simulation Results for
PLA Structures 3D Printed, Bending Stressed, April 2021,
[5] Shigenobu Ogata, Ideal Pure Shear Strength of Aluminum, October
[6] C. Novoa, Optimizing the tensile strength for 3D printed PLA parts,
August 2019,
[7] Gaoyuan Ye, The compression performance of 3D-printed X structures,
December 2022, article/pii/
[8] T.V. Christy, Study on the Mechanical Properties of Al 6061 Alloy, July
[9] Josef Sedlak, Analysis of the Mechanical Properties of 3D-Printed
Plastic Samples Subjected to Selected Degradation Effects, April 2023,
[10] John Ryan C. Dizon, Mechanical characterization of 3D-printed
polymers, March 2018,
[11] Miloš Vorkapić, Enhancing mechanical properties of 3D printed
thermoplastic polymers by annealing in moulds, August 2022,
[12] Josef Kiendl, Controlling toughness and strength of FDM 3D-printed
PLA components through the raster layup, October 2019,

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[13] José María Reverte, Mechanical and Geometric Performance of PLA-
Based Polymer Composites Processed by the Fused Filament Fabrication
Additive Manufacturing Technique, April 2020, https://www.research

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