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[pPamoja v . e . e y e e : . e e y . 7 v . . . e e . e v , . r ’ v ’ . v e . e , e . e . e e . ” French ab initio Writing Format Booklet June 2018 , e , e . r . . , r e e v . y e . v e . , . . e . e , v . e ’ e e ’ e [ppamoja Working in collaboration with IB World Schools We have been working with International Baccalaureate (IB) World Schools across the globe for almost a decade, providing innovative products and services adapted to their needs. We support each school in the successful delivery of their Programme. What we do Based on our blended learning methodologies, our offering ranges from content that's accessed via our digital platform, to courses that are taught online in full, promoting student responsibility and success. Our courses are either taught online by our teachers or taught by a school's own teacher in the classroom. Written by subject matter experts and authorised by the IB, all courses meet IB standards and learning outcomes. About Pamoja Pamoja is an education technology company based in Oxford, UK. We provide schools, teachers and students around the world with progressive, flexible solutions that support the implementation of blended learning methodologies. In 2009, we launched the largest International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme online. We now teach thousands of students from hundreds of schools, promoting student responsibility and success whilst supporting schools’ blended learning strategies, through our flagship Pamoja Taught courses. We've recently developed new School Taught courses that enable teachers to flip their classroom. Students access IB-authorised lessons and resources via our online platform, encouraging new learning opportunities. [ppamoja French ab initio This booklet is a resource to help you learn proper formatting for a variety of written tasks. To better understand the assessment criteria for written work, please familiarize yourself with the rubrics/assessment criteria which are embedded in the course. If you have any questions, please ask your instructor. Personal Text Examples © Courrier électronique formel © Journal intime © Courrier électronique informe! © Lettre Informelle © Carte Postale © Lettre Formelle Professional or Mass Media Text Examples © Brochure/Annonce/Publicité © Blog © Article du journal © Rapport » Présentation orale ou Discours [pPamoja External assessment criteria Paper 1: Productive skills — Writing Assessment criteria are used to mark paper 1, which is worth 25% of the overall mark. There are three assessment criteria, Criterion A: Language How successfully does the candidate command written language? To what extent is the vocabulary appropriate and varied? To what extent are the grammatical structures varied? * To what extent does the accuracy of the language contribute to effective ‘communication? Marks Level descriptor 0 The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below. 2 ‘Command of the language is limited. Vocabulary is sometimes appropriate to the task. Basic grammatical structures are used. Language contains errors in basic structures. Abundant repetition and inaccuracies interfere with meaning 34 ‘Command of the language is generally effective. Vocabulary is generally appropriate to the task, and varied ‘Some basic grammatical structures are used, with some attempts to use more complex structures. Language is generally accurate for basic structures, but errors occur in more complex structures. Errors at times interfere with communication 56 ‘Command of the language is effective and mostly accurate. [pPamoja Vocabulary is appropriate to the task, and varied. A variety of basic and more complex grammatical structures is used effectively. Language is mostly accurate. Occasional errors do not interfere with ‘communication. Criter n B: Message To what extent does the candidate fulfil the task? How relevant are the ideas to the task? To what extent are ideas developed? * To what extent do the clarity and organization of ideas contribute to the successful delivery of the message? Marks Level descriptor 0 The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below. 2 The task is partially fulfilled. ‘Some ideas are relevant. Ideas are stated, but with no development. Ideas are not clearly presented and do not follow a logical structure, making the message difficult to determine. a4 The task is generally fulfilled. Most ideas are relevant to the task. Some ideas are developed with some detail and examples. Ideas are generally clearly presented and the response is generally structured in a logical manner, leading to a mostly successful delivery of the message [pPamoja 56 The task is fulfilled effectively. Ideas are relevant to the task. Ideas are developed well, providing details and relevant examples. Ideas are clearly presented and the response is structured in a logical manner, supporting the delivery of the message. Criterion C: Conceptual understanding To what extent does the candidate demonstrate conceptual understanding? To what extent is the choice of text type appropriate to the task? To what extent are register and tone appropriate to the context, purpose and audience of the task? + To what extent does the response incorporate the conventions of the chosen text type? Marks Level descriptor 0 The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below. 7 Conceptual understanding is limited. The choice of text type is generally inappropriate to the context, purpose or audience. The register and tone are inappropriate to the context, purpose and audience of the task. The response incorporates limited recognizable conventions of the chosen text type. 2 Conceptual understanding is fully demonstrated. The choice of text type is appropriate to the context, purpose and audience. Eppamoja The register and tone are appropriate to the context, purpose and audience of the task, The response fully incorporates the conventions of the chosen text type. Conceptual understanding is fully demonstrated. The choice of text type is appropriate to the context, purpose and audience. The register and tone are appropriate to the context, purpose and audience of the task. The response fully incorporates the conventions of the chosen text type. Note: A response that ignores context purpose and audience may receive marks of O for criteria B and C even if the response has received a high mark for criterion A. [pPamoja Courrier électronique formel Tips: In the ab initio Course Activities and in the Written Assessments remember to always include the following items in an email (formal or informal): © Email address of the receiver (in French) ‘+ Email address of the sender (in French) © Subject (in French and relevant to the task) © Date, if you are asked to include it (in French format: le 3 mars 2015) © Opening line and name of the person in French © Short Introduction * Body © Closing line © “Farewell” line «Name or signature of person writing the email (in French) Note: If the instructions specify that any other information should be included, make sure you include it. ** The email format is similar to the letter format, but remember emails are usually much shorter and specific. ‘Sample email and explanation is shown on the next page [pPamoja Sample Email A +—To —_— De: From Date: le 3 mars 2015 Dat Sujet: Absent samedi proch: |< — Subject Opening line Monsieur Leclerc, ‘espére que tout va bien pour vous en ce moment Introduction Je vous écris ce message pour vous informer que je ne peux pas travailler Body Closing Line . Veuillez m’excuser pour ce désagrément. Farewell Line ‘ordialement, Annick Feraud [pPamoja Alternatives for Formal Emails * A (To): choose any email address; just make sure you include a visible name in French © De (From): choose any email address; just make sure you include a visible name in French. © Opening line: In more formal situations, you can simply write Monsieur X or Madame X. You can use abbreviations as well. When you write Monsieur/Madame it must be followed by a last name (not a first name). Again choose one and use it throughout. **Note: When you don't know the name of the person you are writing to (i.e: when you write toa company) you address the company in plural: “Messieurs” © Introduction: formal emails should be written using the “vous” form (throughout the entire letter: greetings, verbs, pronouns, etc..). Remember that it should be a much shorter introduction than that you would use in a letter. 0 Je vous écris. > Je vous écris ce message. * Body: if the instructions ask you to include specific information, make sure you include it. In the question prompt, be sure to underline what you must include so you won't forget. * Closing line: some formal options are (choose one and use it always): © Merci beaucoup pour votre attention. 2 Jattends votre réponse. © Farewell line: some formal options are (choose one and use it always) © Veuillez recevoir, Monsieur/Madame, mes salutations distinguées = Je vous prie d’agréer, Monsieur le Directeur, 'assurance de ma considération distinguée. © Veuillez accepter Messieurs (or Monsieur or Madame) mes salutations distinguées. © Croyez Cher Monsieur (or Chére Madame), en l'expression de mes sentiments les meilleurs. *Note: All names included in the letter should be in French. [pPamoja Courrier électronique (informel) Tips: In the ab initio Course Activities and in the Written Assessments remember to always include the following items in an email (formal or informal) © Email address of the receiver (in French) © Email address of the sender (in French) ‘© Subject (in French and relevant to the task) Date, if you are asked to include it (in French format: le 8 mars 2015) ‘© Opening line and name of the person in French © Short Introduction © Body © Closing line © "Farewell’ line = Name or signature of person writing the email (in French) Note: If the instructions specify that any other information should be included, make sure you include it *The email format is similar to the letter format, but remember emails are usually shorter and precise, Sample email and explanation is shown on the next page [pPamoja Sample Email A nicolas@yahoo fr +—To De: Date: le 8 mars 2015 — From Dat Sujet: Le cinéma? |}<— Subject opening ti "° I cher Nicolas, Introduction moment. Body Closing Line Jespere te voir samedi Farewell Line ‘Comment ga va? Moi, ¢a va bien. Je suis occupée avec mes devoirs en ce Le nouveau film de X passe au Ciné Royal ce weekend. Penses-tu que tu auras le temps d'y aller avec moi ce samedi ? [pPamoja Alternatives for Informal Emails A (To): choose any email address; just make sure you include a visible name in French De (From): choose any email address; just make sure you include a visible name in French. Opening line: it goes according to the gender of the person you are writing to (Chére Laura, Cher Papa). Again, choose one and always use it. = Cher Muhammad (Chers copains) - Chére Mado (Chéres amies) ~ Salut X Introduction: informal emails should be written using the “tu” form (throughout the entire letter: greetings, verbs, pronouns, etc.) If you are writing to one person: Comment vas-tu? © Ifyou are writing to more than one person: Comment allez-vous? Body: define which verb tense(s) you should be using (present, past, future). If the instructions ask you to include specific information (2.: “mentionnez vos coordonées” “mentionnez la description des choses que vous aimeriez acheter’, “mentionnez comment il faut s'habiller’, etc.), make sure you include it. Underline what you must include, so you won't forget. Also, make sure you include questions to interact with the receiver. Remember itis a friendly letter, so you are writing to someone you know. Closing line: the following options are all for different occasions, so please keep them in mind to use when appropriate’ Je tembrasse Cela m’a fait plaisir d'avoir des nouvelles 0 Atrés bientot Farewell line: some informal options are (choose one and use it always): [pPamoja o Amities 2 Amicalement/ Bien amicalement Bien a toi (informal)/ Bien a vous (plural) Abientot Tendrement Bises / Grosses bises Bisous The first four ‘expressions are semi- formal and may be used in a wide variety of situations. The last three are very informal and should only be used for close, personal commu **Note: All names included in the email should be in French [pPamoja Carte Postale Sometimes in section A you will be asked to write a Carte Postale. Postcards are very similar to informal letters as you normally send them to someone you know well and they are often sent from a holiday destination. Here are some points to remember and an example. © Address of who you are writing to on right-hand side of postcard © Place and date you are writing from in top left corner © Greeting © Salut/Bonjour Philippe © Cher Philippe (masculine name) 2 Salu/Bonjour Sophie Chere Sophie (feminine name) © Chers amis (plural masculine) Chérs amies (plural feminine) Content + Must match the question prompt given. Write about what they ask for in the question. © OFTEN: where you are, who you are with, what you are doing, what the weather is like, what activities you did/do, will do, what you think of the place, when you will return, etc. Tenses = Pay close attention to the question as it may guide you to which tense to use. Read carefully. © If not, decide which tense you want to use: past, present, future. You can use more than one tense if you use time indicators. © Aujourd'hui 2 Hier 2 Demain 2 La semaine derniére © La semaine prochaine [pPamoja Closing * Informal-sometimes you would mention that you miss the person or wish they were there with you Tu me manques (| miss you) Vous me manquez (| miss you — more than one person) Sample: La Carte Postale Biarritz, le 12 juin 2016 € Ville et Date Address Chers Papa etMaman, © Greeting Eloise et Francois Bonapart 157 rue du Ruisseau 65301 Paris, J’espare que vous allez bien. Moi, je m’amuse bien | FRANCE Biarritz. II fait beau et la mer est A 22 degrés, c’est super ! Hier j'ai commencé mon cours de surf, c'est difficile mais amusant. Demain nous allons visiter la ville et nous mangerons des fruits de mer dans un restaurant typique. Jai rencontré une fille sympa qui s‘appelle Christine et qui aime le surf aussi. Nous allons faire des excursions ensemble dans le pays Basque. Nous restons a I’Hétel de la Plage, c’est un deux étoiles assez confortable et surtout pas trop cher! Je rentrerai a la maison le 24 juin et je vous teléphonerai de la gare. Vous me manquez beaucoup. Gros bisous € Closing Sophie [pPamoja Lettre formelle Tips: In the ab initio Course Activities and in the Written Assessments remember to always include the following items in a letter (formal or informal): Note: Address of the receiver in French (preferably of a French country) Date (in French format: le 8 mars 2015) Opening line and name of the person in French Introduction of letter Body Closing line “Farewell line Name or signature of person writing the letter (in French) If the instructions specify that any other information should be included in the letter, make sure you include it Sample letter and explanation is shown on the next page [pPamoja Sample Letter Hotel “Au Bon Accueil” 5 rue Nationale The Recipient's 86000 POITIERS Address France N Londres, le 8 mars 2015 Opening Line Introduction Body Closing Line Monsieur Magnin, J'ai Fhonneur de vous informer que j'ai bien regu votre lettre du 28 février. C'est avec plaisir que j'accepte le poste de traductrice de votre site web. Je regrette de ne pas pouvoir commencer immédiatement. Je serai disponible a partir du 30 mars. cover tne PEN vous remerciant de la confiance que vous me témoignez, je vous prie d'agréer, Farewell Line lonsieur Magnin, ‘assurance de ma consideration distinguée —————uulie Parienti [pPamoja Alternatives * Address: you can write the full address or with abbreviations. There are some options below. The trick is to come up with an address of your choice and stick with it (use it always). You can research on the internet the name of a real place in a Francophone country and learn it. English French Abbreviation Avenue ‘Avenue av. Boulevard Boulevard blvd. Street rue rue) ‘+ In more formal situations, you can simply write Monsieur X or Madame X. You can use abbreviations as well. When you write Monsieur/Madame it must be followed by a last name (not a first name). Again choose one and use it always. “Note: When you don't know the name of the person you are writing to (i.e: when you write to a company) you address the company in plural: “Messieurs” ‘Intro: formal letters should be written using the “vous” form (throughout the entire letter: greetings, verbs, pronouns, etc.) 2 Ifyou are writing to one person or many people: Je yous écris... * Body: if the instructions ask you to include specific information (i,e.: “mentionnez les avantages...” “mentionnez vos opinions...", etc.), make sure you include it. Underline what you must include so you won't forget. «Closing line: some formal options are (choose one and use it always): © Merci beaucoup pour votre attention. o J'attends votre réponse. © Farewell line: some formal options are (choose one and use it always): 2 Veuillez recevoir, Monsieur/Madame, mes salutations distinguées. 2 Je vous prie d’agréer, Monsieur le Directeur, 'assurance de ma considération distinguée. © Veuillez accepter Messieurs (or Monsieur or Madame) mes salutations distinguées. [pPamoja 2 Croyez Cher Monsieur (or Chere Madame), en l'expression de mes sentiments les meilleurs. *Note: All names included in the letter should be in French [pPamoja Lettre informelle : In the ab initio Course Activities and in the Written Assessments remember to always include the following items in a letter (formal or informal): Address of the receiver in French (preferably of a French country) Date (in French format: le 8 mars 2015) Opening line and name of the person in French © Introduction of letter © Body © Closing line Farewell’ line Name or signature of person writing the letter (in French) Note: If the instructions specify that any other information should be included in the letter, make sure you include it ‘Sample letter and explanation is shown on the next page [pPamoja Sample Letter 118 rue Vinolly The Recipient's Address 84120 Pertuis Date France ondres, le 8 mars 2015 Opening Line Chére Florence, Comment ca va? Cela fait si longtemps que l'on ne s‘est pas contactées. Je te raconte Introduction Jun peu ma vie. fe continue avec mes études en Littérature a l'Université de Londres. Et j'aurai un stage en Provence, & Aix, du 15 juin au 15 aot. Body Alors, raconte-moi un peu de tes nouvelles. Penses-tu pouvoir venir me rendre visite cet été? Closing Line ‘Je embrasse. Farewell Line ‘A bientot, Name ~ ‘Julie [pPamoja Alternatives Address: you can write the full address or with abbreviations. There are some options below. The trick is to come up with an address of your choice and stick with it (use it always). You can research on the internet the name of a real place in a Francophone country and learn it. English French Abbreviation Avenue ‘Avenue av. Boulevard Boulevard bWvd Road Chemin ch Street Rue rue ‘Apartment Appartement app. Opening line: it goes according to the gender of the person you are writing to (Chére Laura, Cher Papa). Again choose one and use it always. ‘Cher Muhammad (Chers copains) = Chére Mado (Chéres amies) ~ Salut X Intro: informal letters should be written using the “tu” form (throughout the entire letter: greetings, verbs, pronouns, etc.) 2 Ifyou are writing to one person: Comment vas-tu? Comment ga va? = Ifyou are writing to more than one person: Comment allez-vous? Body: define which verb tense(s) you should be using (present, past, future). If the instructions ask you to include specific information (j.e.: "mentionnez vos coordonnées”, “mentionnez ce qu'll faut acheter”, etc.), make sure you include it. Underline what you must include so you won't forget. Also, make sure you include questions to interact with the receiver (as shown on the [pPamoja letter sample above). Remember itis a friendly letter, so you are writing to someone you know. © Closing line: the following options are all for different occasions, so please keep them in mind to use when appropriate: 2 Ecris-moi bientét. (Write soon) © Je técrirai bient6t. (I will write again soon) o Abientét. (Until next time) Farewell line: the following options are all for different occasions, so please keep them in mind to use when appropriate: o Je tembrasse. © Cela m’a fait plaisir d’avoir des nouvelles. o Atrés bientét © Farewell line: some informal options are (choose one and use it always): o Amities Amicalement/ Bien amicalement © Bien a toi (informaly/ Bien vous (plural) The first four expressions are semi-formal and may 2 Abientot be used in a wide variety ° Tendrement of situations. The last © Bises / Grosses bises three are very informal © Bisous and should only be used **Note: All names included in the letter should be in French. [pPamoja Brochure/Annonce/Publicité Brochures need to give practical information and/or specific facts. They do not give opinions. They are focused on giving information to readers who need to know everything, Even if you don't know the specific information, you can make it up — be creative! Posters and announcements or advertisements are clear communications with a specific purpose usually announcing or advertising events or items. Again, this is an opportunity to be creative. Usually in Section A on Paper 1, the question prompt will be very specific as to what information you are to include in the message. Read the instructions carefully. Language © Register: Do not use JE. It isn't a personal opinion piece. It is destined for a general public. Use “Vous”. © Impératif: It is common to find verbs in the Imperative to motivate readers to do something. © Venez visiter Vincroyable Cathédrale de Rheims. 2 Amenez vos enfants pour quiils apprennent histoire dans ce site merveilleux. 2 Mangez au restaurant traditionnel de la Tour... * Vtheure: a.m. and p.m. do not exist in French. In brochures and other formal information situations French uses the 24-hour clock. 2 Heures is abbreviated to h. 2 Le monument est ouvert de 9h a 17h Titles Subtitles + Information in separate and short paragraphs. Columns/Images © Closure © Include information on where to get more information: telephone number, website, email, street address, etc. [sp Pamoja Sample Brochures Most Tourist Offices and Travel Agencies now have Brochures online that you can read or download. Check out a few to get a feel for the style and what they should include: http:/www.chamor com/brochures,87,fr.html http://www ues Publicité Sample Colocataire recherché —€ Titre Je m’appelle Antoine et je suis étudiant en maths, je propose une colocation de 2 personnes dans un appartement prés de luniversité. € Introduction Je suis quelqu’un de trés calme et je travaille beaucoup a la maison. Je préfére un coloc non-fumeur. L’appartement a * 2chambres + ‘1sallede bain € Information as asked for in prompt. Can be in point form. N'hésite pas a me contacter par mail ou téléphone. © Closing Antoine € Contact [pPamoja Article (du journal) Tips: In the ab initio Course Activities and in the Written Assessments remember to always include the following items in an article: Title Introduction Body 2 Conclusion © Catchy closing line © Name of author (in French) Note: If the instructions specify that any other information should be included, make sure you include it Sample Article Title Aidez les enfants sans parents! Crest trés facile de rendre quelqu'un heureux. Nous aidons les orphelins de St. Introduction Benedict, Le groupe des éléves en 11 organise une collecte de jouets pour 'orphelinat Body [pPamoja Conclusion Closing Line Aidez-nous & partager le bonheur ! C'est trés facile! Name of author —_— Ecrit par: Jean-Frangois Pinot Alternatives for Articles + Title: interesting, catchy title related to the article you have to write. * Introduction: short paragraph introducing what you will be talking about in the body of the article. Make sure you identify the verb tense in which you must write and in which person (Je, Nous, etc.) ‘© Body: two or three paragraphs containing all the information you must provide (given in the instructions of the task). Make sure you use the verb tense in which you must write and in which person (usually you should continue with the one you started with). [pPamoja short paragraph concluding the information given above. Make sure you use the verb tense in which you must write and in which person (usually you should continue with the one you started with). © Closing Line: catchy line (phrase) to leave the readers thinking about what you wrote. » Name of Author: any name is valid preceded by the phrase: © Eerit par: (written by) **Note: All names included in the letter should be in French. Journal Intime © Tips: In the ab initio Course Activities and in the Written Assessments remember to always include the following items in a diary entry: © Date (in French format: le 3 mars 2015) © Opening line © Introduction (short, precise, informal, personal, in first person) Body (informal, personal, in first person) Closing line (informal) “Farewell” line (informal) © Name or signature of person writing the entry (in French) Note: If the instructions specify that any other information should be included in the entry, make sure you include it “Diary entries should always be informal, personal and written in first person (Je). They should include personal information, express emotions and be subjective. ** Diary entry sample and explanation is shown on the next page [pPamoja Sample Diary Entry le 28 décembre 2015 <——— Date Opening Line ‘Cher Journal, [C'est Ihiver et la période des fétes. Noal était génial, alors je vais parler un peu de mes vacances, Introduction Fadore Noél, c'est ma féte préférée. Body Closing Line |, Je crois que c'est tout pour ce soir. Farewolltine | A la prochaine, Camille Alternatives for Diary Entries Date: French format. © Opening line: some informal options are: 2 Cher Journal, 2 Bonjour Journal, © Bonjour/Bonsoir/Salut [pPamoja © Introduction: a short informal sentence describing what you are going to talk about in the “body’. Written in first person. Make sure you decide if it should be written in past tense, present tense or future tense or a combination of two (i.e: present and past). = Body: informal, mostly in first person (unless you have to describe something you did ina group or with someone). Include all the information that instructions are telling you to include. Make sure you decide if it should be written in past tense, present tense, future tense or a combination of two (i.e: present and past). = Closing line: some informal options are (choose one and use it always): > Je crois que c'est tout pour linstant. © Alors, c'est comme ga que j'ai terminé ma journée. 2 Alors, c'est comme ¢a que j'ai terminé ma journée. Quelle horreur! 2 Alors, c'est comme ga que j'ai terminé ma journée. Génial! © Farewell line: some informal options are (choose one and use it always) 2 Ala prochaine, > Aplus, o Abientét, © Au revoir, **Note: All names included in the entry should be in French. [pPamoja Présentation Orale/Discours You need to be able to write the text of an oral presentation or a speech. Decide who your audience is (informal or formal). . Ti Examples of Greetings: Informal Greetings Formal Greetings Bonjour tous. Mes chers camarades et Monsieur le directeur/Madame la directrice Mes chers amis. Chers collegues Bonjour les enfants. Mesdames et Messieurs + Introduce yourself and the topic of your speech: > Je m'appelle... Je suis ici pour vous parler de. © Je vous remercie d'étre venus. © Je voudrais vous parler aujourd'hui de. © Appropriate style and grammar Vous form: used to address @ group as it is the plural, whether it is formal or informal. © Impératif (commands) Ecoutez-moi bien! © Réagissez maintenant! Arrétez de polluer la planate! 2 Nattendez pas! 2 Exclamations: remember that your text is supposed to be told to an audience and it needs to be lively and engaging. [pPamoja Exclamations Rhetorical Questions Je ne suis pas d'accord! Savez-vous que...? On peut changer les choses! Pensez-vous que... Est-ce que c'est normal que...? * Cohesive devices/Connecting words © D'abord © Premiérement, Deuxiemement o Diuncdté Diun autre cété Enfin Pour finir © Pourtant © De plus © Make sure to have a conclusion and make it interesting. Thank the audience at the end of the presentation. © Merci pour votre attention © Merci de m’avoir écouté aujourd'hui 2 Merci d’étre venus 2 Avez-vous des questions? Jlespére que je vous ai convaincu aujourd'hui. Sample presentation is shown on the next page [pPamoja Sample Presentation Introduction Messieurs et Mesdames. Bonjour et merci d’étre venus cet aprés-midi. Je voudrais vous parler des changements climatiques dans le monde d’aujourd'hui Introduction, First paragraph, use of cohesive devices D'abord, jeuxiément, on constate que... Body dovolop your ideas fully in multiple paragraphs Savez-vous que. Conclusion | Finalement, on voit... ‘Coneluding statement inciting action Alors, réagissez maintenant. Arrétez de polluer notre monde! Thank you | Merci pour votre attention. Julie [pPamoja Blog You need to be able to write the text of a blag post for Part B of the test which is the long written task section. A blog is usually lively and entices readers to find out more about the topic. Often entries are about a personal experience and continues with a reflection on the topic. Use exclamations, rhetorical questions or imperatives to talk to your readers and give them advice. The register is semi-formal, you will use vocabulary and expressions related to feelings and personal experience and opinions. The point of view is personal. © Address of the site © Title of the entry - needs to be catching Examples: Les secrets de la cuisine frangaise 2 Savez-vous danser le twist? o Une aventure terrifiante 4 Paris Des vacances de réves Vous voulez apprendre le frangais en un mois? * Date of the post Examples: © Le 20 janvier 2016 © Mercredi 20 janvier 2016 © Greet your readers (formal/informal) - your audience could be a group of friends, your family or an unknown audience but it is always a group. You therefore need to use the pronoun “vous”, Examples: © Salut & tous! (informal) 2 Bonjour a tous (formal and informal) Salut amis blogueurs! (informal) © Bonjour et bienvenue sur le Blog de Tim (formal) © Multiple Paragraphs You can have sub-titles to help you organize your ideas. © Use of cohesive devices = Drabord + Premigrement, Deuxiemement [pPamoja © Dun coté = Dun autre cété * Enfin = Pour finir = Pourtant De plus Conclusion: here you can summarise the experience you wrote about in your entry and/or write what you are planning to write in your next entry. Examples: © J'espere que vous avez aimé I’histoire de mon séjour 4 Montréal 2 Je vous donne RDV la semaine prochaine pour mon Blog sur les secrets de la cuisine francaise © Merci de votre lecture et a trés bientét sur mon blog Salutation Examples: © Abient6t les amis (informal), © Rendez-vous a mon blog de la semaine prochaine, © Je vous embrasse (rather formal), Comments from the readers Examples: © Laissez vos commentaires Abonnez-vous 4 ma newsletter ici Lisez tous mes articles ici Links to real-life blogs en frangais http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ ‘Sample blog is shown on the next page Greeting Introduction Body ~ multiple paragraphs Closing Line [sp Pamoja Sample Blog Web address of the site _ Ecrir | Write | Rechercher: © inviter wa amit +— Editing Options erie an message eavoyer dun ami © ioviterun groupe @ signater uo abus 1D Commentaies 1D Messages récents 1 Photos centes| Title — Sujet: Des professeurs inoubliables! Date| Le 9 janvier 2016 > | 20:21 GMT Bonjour a tous ! Aujourd'hui était ma premiere journée a mon nouveau lycée. Quelle expérience ! Vaimerais partager mes expériences et vous raconter des histoires des profs ici! tb J'espére que vous avez aimé l'histoire de mes profs et de ma journée inoubliable. Farewell Line Name A bientdt, ———uaaues [pPamoja © Writing a response to a Blog post: this is a different task from writing a blog entry. You need to acknowledge that you read the post, make references to some of a content of an original blog post written by someone else and make clear if you agree or disagree with it. You can also add ideas, facts or state the way you feel about it. Decide if your answer is informal and uses the pronoun “tu” or formal and uses *vous". Examples of useful starting sentences: © J'ai beaucoup aimé lire ton/votre blog! Merci pour cet article! Merci d’avoir partagé tonivotre aventure, c’était super intéressant! 2 Dans ton blog tu dis/vous dites que. 2 Je suis d’accord avec toi/avec vous quand tu disivous dites que... parce que... © Je ne suis pas d’accord avec toi/avec vous quand tu dis/vous dites que... parce que. Jai quelques questions pour toi/vous + a few questions to interact with the blogger [pPamoja Rapport There are a wide variety of options for the reports that can appear on Paper 2. The content will vary but generally the format is more or less similar. You will adapt as you see fit according to the task. Title Objet Subject of task: What is the report for? © Police report Customer service report © Restaurant food quality survey/report o Ete, Date Sections/Sous-titres: You may have to divide your report into sub-sections. Use subtitles to help organize and clarify your information. Paragraphs: Do not write one big chunk of a paragraph. Break up your information into smaller paragraphs grouping the similar ideas together. Details/Information 2 Quoi? Type diintervention: aggression, vol, accident, ete. 2 Qui? Qui est concemés? Témoins, victims, etc. Quand? Date et heure exacte des faits 2 Ou? Lieu exacte des faits © Comment? Les details*** © Avec quoi? Objets découverts 2 Mésures prises? What steps were taken? Register © Use of first person: Je, Nous if re-telling the event from your perspective 2 Use of third person: Telling the story as an observer 2 Formal language. [sp Pamoja = Connectors or cohesive devices Drabord o Mais o Ensuite 2 Puis o Enfin * Signature or Personal Info fppamoja Sample Police Report le 2 janvier 2016 Date Voiture volée < Titre Objet: Voiture volée Nom: Frangois Boutin € Personal Information Ville: Montréal, Québec Details: Hier, on était au centre ville, prés de la rue Sainte-Catherine. Quelqu’un a volé notre voiture. La voiture est bleue.. € Details of event (who, what, where, € More than one paragraph Sianaturd Signature: Frangois Boutin Date le 2 janvier 2016

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