Marienburg Scenario 11 - Rising Tide

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Scenario 11: Rising Tides

By Dic Lombardi

terrain Once a crate is opened roll on the Cargo Chart Below

adding +1 for every 6" from the beach the marker lies.
All players take it in turn to place pieces of terrain
D6 Result
according to the description given of the Mannsport Sea
1 Rotten! The contents weren’t cured correctly! Gross! If
(see Environmental Rules.) we suggest that the terrain is your warrior worships nurgle or is a Pestilence
roughly 2’x4’ of land and 4’x4’ of sand representing the low Skaven, they may treat the rotten food as 1
tide beach. Healing herb otherwise treat as empty.
2 Crate. 2D6 gold crowns worth of light goods.
3 Chest. Roll a D6 for its contents: 1-3 A treasure
set-up 4-5 D3 Treasures 6. Medicine Chest.
D3 cargo objective markers are included for each warband. 4 Barrel. Roll a D6 to prize the barrel open to reveal its
Each player deploys their respective cargo objective contents: 1. Hostage 2. Powder Keg
markers anywhere on the Beach, at least 6 inches from 3. Superior Blackpowder 4. Alcoholic Spirits 5.
another cargo marker. Please note; when searching cargo Elven Wine 6. Bugman's Ale
markers every 6" from the beach you will add +1 to the 5 Coffin! Roll a D6 for what the casket holds:
roll. 1-3 Vampire!!! You’ve inadvertently cracked
open a coffin bound for the vampire coast!
All players roll a D6 to see who deploys first. Whoever Spawn a Vampire from the bestiary in Base to
rolls the highest sets up first, on the land, within 8” of the base contact with the warrior who cracked the
table edge of his choice. With his opponents deploying crate! 4. Blunderbuss 5. D3 Handguns
after, also on land. No warbands may deploy on the beach. 6. Hochland Long Rifle
6 Booty Sack! Inconspicuously packaged in a grain sack is
an exquisite commodity of value! Roll on the
starting the game Booty Chart for the looted article.
Both players roll a D6. The highest scoring player takes the
first turn. Any model taken OOA will drop any loot they collected
special rules. this match
The Tide: the tides in the Mannsport are erratic and
dangerous, wizards and practitioners of magic blame the
winds of Shyish in the area. ending the game
After the first round the Tide advances 2D6” forward.
Once every either cargo marker has been looted or the tide
Every round after the first roll a D6, on a 1-2 the tide reaches the shore, the game ends.
recedes 2d6”, and on a 3-6 the tide advances 3d6”.
The warband who holds the most loot is victorious.
Any model “hit” by the tide must pass an initiative test. If
they pass, they are pushed with the tide, landing on the
shore where the tide finishes, if they fail, they are dashed experience
against the rocks and must roll on the injury table, also +1 Survives: all Heroes and henchmen groups who live
being deposited on the shore if they survive. through the battle gain +1 experience.
+1 Winning Leader. The Leader of the winning warband
Once the cargo is covered by the tide it is inaccessible due gains +1 experience.
to the swells of the low water. +1 Per enemy OOA: Heroes gain +1 XP for each enemy
they put out of action.
Cargo: When a model comes into base to base contact +1 Snatch and grab: any hero carrying a piece of loot at
with a Cargo crate, they must make a strength test to crack the end of the game gains +1XP
it open, they can’t risk carrying the crates to the shore with
the tide on the backs.

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