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Things in Your School Bag (Benda-benda yang Ada dalam Tas)

English Pronounciation Part of Meaning

Vocabulary Speech
Book buk Noun (n) Buku
Pencil pen-sl Noun (n) Pensil
Pen pɛn Noun (n) Pulpen
Eraser i-ray-zeh Noun (n) Penghapus
Sharpener shaap-neh Noun (n) Rautan
Scissor si-ze(r) Noun (n) Gunting
Drawing Book draw-ing-buk Noun (n) Buku gambar
Pencil case pen-sl-keis Noun (n) Tempat pensil
Ruler ruw-le Noun (n) Penggaris

Contoh kalimat:

- My mother gave me new pencil. (Ibuku memberiku pensil baru.)

- Did you bring your drawing book? (Apa kamu membawa buku gambar?)

- I forget to bring any pencils today! (Aku lupa membawa pensil hari ini!)

Things In The Classroom (Benda-benda di dalam Kelas)

English Pronounciation Part of Meaning

Vocabulary Speech
Chair cheuh Noun (n) Kursi
Desk desk Noun (n) Meja
Cupboard ka-bed Noun (n) Lemari
Bookshelf buk-shelf Noun (n) Rak buku
Blackboard blek-bawd Noun (n) Papan tulis hitam
Whiteboard wyt-bawd Noun (n) Papan tulis putih
Fan fen Noun (n) Kipas angin
Board marker bawd-maa-keh Noun (n) Spidol

Contoh kalimat

- The teacher writes the assignment on the whiteboard. (Guru menulis tugas pada
papan tulis putih.)

- The fan in our class is broken, so we sweating a lot. (Kipas angin di kelas kami
rusak, jadi kami banyak berkeringat.)

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