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De La Salle University

Ramon V. del Rosario

College of Business

A Prescriptive Analysis of the Shortest Path to Mang-Go

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Course Requirements for

Prescriptive Analytics (Optimization)

2nd Term, SY 2024-2025

Submitted by:

FRAN, Justin Karl Berezo

SABARRE, Kristian Ralph
ZAPATA, Mikhail Llorin
SY, Chris Paolo Labonite
HONG, Jason

Submitted to:
Mr. Roderick Pangidian

Submitted on:
March 19, 2024
Table of contents…………………………………………………………. 1

Company Profile and Background……………………………………1

● Figures 1.1 and 1.2: The figures show one of the main products and newest products of Mang Go...1
● Figure 1.3: The figure shows a Google Map view of the stall location of Mang Go………………...1
Statement of the Problem…………………………………………….2
● Figure 2.1: The figure above shows their sales report for the week of February……...2
● Figure 2.2: The figure above shows their monthly expenses report for February……..2

Alternative Course of Action……………………………………………….

Optimal Solution……………………………………………….

Conclusion ……………………………………………….




Mang Go, was founded in April 2023 by two young entrepreneurial students of De
La Salle University named Kelly Rivera and Diego Castil. Mang Go is located beside the
De LaSalle University’s Enrique M. Razon sports complex. Mang Go provides the taste
buds of consumers on a delightful journey through the rich and beloved flavors of Filipino

Their commitment to quality extends from their personal values to the very essence
of Mang Go’s products. Their signature products are expertly crafted into irresistible
desserts, served conveniently in a cup. They are dedicated to using only the best
ingredients, ensuring that only high-quality products are served to consumers so that they
enjoy those classic Filipino treats quickly and affordably.

Product catalogue:

Figures 1.1 and 1.2: The figures shows one of the main products and newest products of Mang Go

The figures above shows the newest product and one of the best sellers raging prices
between 75 php and 120 php. The company Mang Go focuses on mango products hence
the creation of the name “Mang Go” which also symbolizes the enjoyment of a simple
fruit created differently that can be consumed not as a simple fruit but an enjoyment of
different flavors created by the company.
Figure 1.3: The figure shows a Google Map view of the stall location of Mang Go

Mang Go is located most likely in one of the busiest and bustling streets in Malate Manila
when it reaches lunchtime in most of areas of the vicinity. Mang Go is also accessible from the
Brother Andrew Gonzales building, one of Lasalle's structures that is extremely busy in the middle
of the day due to its enormous student capacity and the increased foot traffic it generates around
the campus.

One of the main places to go for students when it reaches noon is the Agno vicinity which
is full of food stalls, coffee shops, and hang-out spots for students to study and relax as well as
entrances inside the campus itself is accessible and near within that vicinity. Gokongwei College of
Engineering is one of the places that always divergers into the crowd when it comes to places to eat
because of its wide variety of choices and accessibility of food within the surrounding area of
Agno as well as near condominium towers play an important role on the foot-traffic of the
company of Mang Go.


The problem that Mang Go faces today is the location where they can’t maximize
their sales in school bazaars. The store has minimal foot traffic despite how close it is to
De Lasalle’s main buildings which are the Razon and Andrew building. Mang Go's
concern is how to create foot traffic within their vicinity while maximizing the number of
orders and sales of their product.

Figure 2.1: The figure above shows their sales report for the week of February

Mang Go averages about 61 orders in a day with the regular-priced Mang Go product
being the most purchased within February. And accumulates an amount of Php 15,150 for solo,
Php 29,250 for regular, Php 13,875 for jumbo, and for the promo of Buy 1, Take 1 it accumulated
to Php 18,600. With the total of sales, amounting to Php 76, 875 for the month of February.

Figure 2.2: The figure above shows their monthly expenses report for February

In February, Mang Go had a total of Php 30,701 in possession. This graph displays Mang
Go's spending breakdown. Additionally, it demonstrates that Mang Go must pay these costs to
carry out their regular business operations.

The objective of this case study is to figure out how to generate more sales, create more
consumer exposure, and decrease expenses especially labor or the salary expenses of the workers.
As it contributes more than half of the expenses every month towards their profit every month
leading to the owners of Mang Go at a small margin for profit in their business.

a. Develop a model and test the solution

Maximum flow model

b. Analyze the results
c. Explain the pros and cons of your chosen model

d. Explain your chosen optimal solution and why it is the best to
answer your problem statement
e. Discuss the robustness of the model


f. Consider stakeholders in the decision-making for the
g. Implementation plan of the solution



Note: Get data from a company or organization and find a problem that can
be solved using optimization. You can start gathering the data now or
interviewing (for example) company owners, but be sure to ask them to allow
you to have a follow-up interview as you may need more details from the
company as you do your paper and as we progress in the course.

Submit separately your excel file. Only 1 excel file will be submitted. Have
your dataset in 1 sheet (label as DATASET), and your different spreadsheet
models in different sheets with proper labels as well.
Refer to the Final Paper grade rubric (see your syllabus, pp.3-4) on how the
course final output will be graded.

Paper Format:
● Use proper cover page with all names of group members
● 12 points, Times New Roman Font, 1.5 spacing, 1 inch margin all sides.
8x11 Inch (Short Bond)
● Min. Pages: 20 excluding table of content, appendices & references
● Max pages: 40 excluding table of content, appendices & references
● Must have table of contents and page numbers.
● Must follow APA version 7 format
● Figures/pictures must be in appropriate size, and must not consume
more than ¼ of the page content

Rubric for Final Paper (same as in the syllabus)
9-10 7-8 G 4-6 G 1-3
Define the Accurately interprets Accurately Misinterprets Offers biased
problem evidence, statements, interprets evidence, interpretations
graphics, questions, etc. evidence, statements, of evidence,
statements, graphics, statements,
graphics, questions, etc. graphics, etc.
questions, etc.
Develop a Identifies the most Identifies relevant Fails to identify Fails to identify
model important arguments for arguments (for strong, relevant or hastily
choice of model choice of model arguments for chooses model
choice of model
Acquire input Identifies and gathers Identifies and Fails to identify Fails to identify
data the most important data gathers relevant and gather or hastily
suitable for chosen data suitable for relevant data gathers relevant
model chosen model suitable for data suitable for
chosen model chosen model
Develop and Draws warranted and Draws warranted Draws Does not justify
test the solution sensible, conclusions conclusions based unwarranted or results or
based on solution on solution fallacious procedures, nor
conclusions explain
Analyze the Thoughtfully analyzes Offers analyses Ignores or Ignores or
results and evaluates major and evaluations of superficially superficially
alternative points of view obvious evaluates evaluates
alternative points obvious obvious
of view. alternative alternative
points of view. points of view.
Identify Describes the dilemma Identifies the Has somewhat Has a vague
Dilemma in detail having gathered dilemma, an idea of what idea of what the
pertinent facts. including pertinent the dilemma is dilemma is and
Ascertains exactly what facts, and and a bit is uncertain
must be decided ascertains what uncertain on what must be
must be decided what must be decided
Consider Determines who should Determines who Is somewhat Is unsure as to
Stakeholders be involved in the should be unsure as to who should be
decision-making process involved in the who should be involved in the
and thoroughly reflects decision-making involved in the decision-making
on the viewpoints of the process and decision-making process
stakeholders identifies all the process
Analyze Clarifies several Clarifies at least Begins to Is unable to
Alternatives alternatives and two alternatives appraise the present
and evaluates each based and predicts their relevant facts alternatives and
Consequences on whether or not there associated and their
is interest and concern consequences in assumptions consequences
over the welfare of all detail. and identifies
stakeholders some
Choose an Formulates an Formulates an Formulates an Has difficulty
Action implementation plan that implementation implementation identifying and
delineates the execution plan that plan that is appropriate
of the decision and that delineates the groundless course of action
evidences a thoughtful execution of the and/or from among
reflection on the benefits decision inexecutable. alternatives
and risks of action
Grammar No spelling, punctuation, Few spelling, A number of A lot of spelling,
Usage and or grammatical errors punctuation, or spelling, punctuation, or
Mechanics grammatical punctuation, or grammatical
errors grammatical errors


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