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Small blessings

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Fandom: Supernatural
Relationship: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Character: Castiel, Castiel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester,
Bobby Singer, Jody Mills, Garth Fitzgerald IV, Gabriel (Supernatural)
Additional Tags: Kid Fic, Baby Castiel, Adorable Castiel, Nerd Sam, Protective Dean
Winchester, Awesome Bobby, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Age
Regression/De-Aging, De-Aged Castiel, Fledgling Castiel, Canon
Divergence, I'm Bad At Tagging, My First Fanfic, Mild Language, Fluff,
Light Angst, Nightmares, baby feeding, bee documentaries, messy baby
eating, Nests, Lullabies, Cute Castiel, Awesome Jody Mills, Wings, Fluff
and Angst, SO MUCH FLUFF, Cuddles, bath times, castiel!wings, story
time, Worried Castiel, Scared Castiel, Singing, Dean Whump,
Hospitalization, Hospitals, ghost - Freeform, Hunt Gone Wrong, bobby
singer kicks ass, Separation Anxiety, Injured Dean Winchester, Injured
Sam Winchester, Hurt Dean Winchester, Hurt Sam Winchester, Medical
Patient Sam Winchester, Medical Patient Dean Winchester, Big Brother
Gabriel, Long suffering Bobby Singer, Demons, Road Trip, Burgers -
Freeform, sam Winchester healthy eating, Sam needs to working on his
Series: Part 1 of tiny steps at a time
Stats: Published: 2015-11-30 Completed: 2020-06-04 Chapters: 13/13 Words:

Small blessings
by trenchcoatsandbowties


In order for Castiel to complete the spell sending the Leviathans and lost souls back to
purgatory his body has to compensate to seal it. This results in him being reduced to a small
child with black wings sprouting from his back.

This is the story of when the Winchesters after a month of raising their bundle of joy leave
to go on a short hunt, leaving the ever patient Bobby Singer to look after Fledgling Castiel.
Everything will be absolutely fine.... right?


Hi everybody this is my first ever fic so please don't hate me too much. I'm very
determined to finish this fic but I am a very busy uni student so it may take sometime to
finish. I really hope you guys enjoy it!!! I would love comments and feedback : )

chapter 1

Bobby was a man who had faced much adversity. He had spent the majority of his life running
into the kind of danger that haunted most people’s dreams surviving off of fumes and gut rotting
bourbon. Then Sam and Dean Winchester stitched themselves into his small world, bringing an
apocalypse or two with them and things got that little more complicated. Whilst most at Bobby’s
stage of life were clearing shop and planning a cruise where they could drink infinite Mai Tai’s,
Bobby was still grinding. However Bobby did not expect that after all he had survived, including
the devil himself, an infant angel might be the one to break him.

As Bobby let the stinging buzz of frying energy swirl round his mind letting his eyes rest heavily,
the sound of muffled crying started to pierce his worn ears once again. With a weighted frustrated
sigh all Bobby could say to himself was “Balls.”

It was then that he started to wonder how such a small person could have the talent for such
torture. Sleep deprivation was something he thought he knew well till he was left as the soul
custodian of a heartbroken Castiel. The tears, the despair, the upset had been relentless and Bobby
was running out of options before he genuinely considered throwing the angel out the window.
Bobby had prayed in the hopes that when the sun set that the amount of exhaustive emotions the
angel had exerted would have caused him to have passed out as soon as his head touched the
pillow. Instead it was the early hours of the morning and neither of them were getting any sleep.

He understood how deeply Castiel missed the Winchester brothers, it had been turbulent times to
say the least and the small amount of comfort their little unit had made now seemed distant as raw
vulnerability settled in the space the boys had left. However as exhausted cries danced on Bobby’s
ear drums he knew that enough was enough, this was second night in a row and whilst Bobby was
made of stronger stuff, his resolve was quickly cracking.

Bobby grumbled as he pulled himself out of his warm bed, he breathed through the throbbing pulse
in his head and made his way to the kitchen. In the small period of respite he had that day Bobby
looked at ‘herbal’ remedies in an old witches book that might make angels more amenable. It was
the only in case of emergency option he had, with not much to know as to whether it would work or
not, but Bobby was out of ideas, with the energy to give a damn quickly fading. Bobby warmed
some milk, added his concoction and some honey into a bottle and tiredly made his way up to
Castiel’s room.

Bobby felt his heart twinge is sympathy. In the dim illumination of the night light, lying in a nest
of blankets, sheets and Dean smelling things was the miserable little angel with his wings puffed
and in disarray, trench coat bundled and wrapped around him. His eyes were red and full of tired
tears with sorrowful cries pouring out. Bobby turned on the lamp on the floor near the nest and sat
next to the whimpering angel and patted his back.
"Ok Cas, its time to sleep" Bobby said gently as he collected Castiel into his arms. It was evident
the angel was running on empty as he pawed at his eyes, this state of being was so new and
unknown that it had taken a lot of work to get the angel comfortable, finding routines and coping
mechanisms he could use, learning to rely on Dean and Sam. The angel was lost without them and
it was hard to sooth the hurt.

It seemed like a lifetime ago and only yesterday that Castiel had undergone the ritual to repair the
mistakes made when he ripped open purgatory. After overcoming the volatile power of the
leviathans with Sam and Dean’s help Castiel returned all of Purgatories monsters and lost things.
All had almost been lost, the leviathans were strong and tried to hold on inside Castiel but the angel
wouldn’t let them. He would not let this egregious error hurt his friends, he would rather die.
Therefore Castiel compensated with his very being to expel every last drop back to where they
belonged, till he and his vessel was reduced to a small child. A baby with wings sprouting from his
back and with very little grace to remain. He was practically human with very human needs like
sleep, hunger, and emotions, not quite the God he had been hours before.

The angel immediately snuggled into Bobby’s cotton soft t-shirt staining it with tears. “It’s ok Cas,
I know you miss them but they’ll be back soon" Bobby soothed.

"Dee an’ 'am..." Cas sniffled.

"Yes, Dean and Sam will be back in a few days, but in the meantime it's time to sleep" Bobby
whispered and offered the bottle of milk, Cas sleepily began to drink in earnest pausing to breath
out tension he had been holding. Bobby watched the angel’s eye lids grow heavy and his breathing
soften as the angel curled into him. Not much of the milk was left when the teat of bottle slipped
from Castiel’s mouth.

"That's it Cas. Good boy" and with that Bobby laid him down and tucked Castiel in with his trench
coat and downy blanket. With that Bobby turned off the lamp and went back to his nice warm bed
and hoped to catch at least four hours of sleep before it all started again.

It all began three days ago. Bobby was settling back into his role of agent Willis and hunter
parenting, making sure hunters like Garth didn't get thrown to the floor by a pissed off suspicious
police officer. He often pondered how Garth hadn't gotten himself killed yet.

It felt good to get back to the normality of things, as much as normal gets in Bobby's world. A lot
had happened in the last few weeks for all of them but the peace was starting to settle in. It was a
shame it was too good to last. After laying to rest another grouchy egotistical suit, Bobby put the
phone down to see two very guilty looking Winchesters.
The brothers had shoved their hands in their pockets, Sam had started to warm up his best puppy
eyes and Dean couldn’t look at him straight. Bobby knew that look all too well. It was a look that
meant Bobby was really going to regret this conversation. They were going to ask him for a favour
and a pretty big ugly one too.

“Hey Bobby” Dean said trying to paint on his Winchester charm, Bobby would not be fooled.

“Dean.” Bobby said measuredly straightening where he stood and his arms crossed into a defensive
position. He could see Dean wince. Neither brother wanted to say what ever it was and it wasn’t
cute. He could practically hear time grate on by as the brothers tediously squirmed with indecision.

"You do realise I'm an old man who would actually like to be doing stuff with his time before he
dies, instead of looking at you constipated idjits"

Sam and Dean shuffled awkwardly as Dean steeled himself. “Well Bobby, Sam found a case in
Mississippi of a haunting and-"

"And let me guess you want to take the case" Bobby grumbled "but the reason you two look like
you might wet yourselves is coz that means leaving a certain angel behind. With me"

"Right on the nail" Sam scratched his neck and huffed nervously.

“Fan-frigging-tastic” Bobby said dryly.

“Look Bobby, its been weeks since Sam and I have done a hunt and I’ve got to be honest, I’m
missing it. We’ve been housebound living on top of each other for a while and I need a break.
Looking after Cas I- I’m not gonna lie I’m beat right now. I want to have a few nights where I can
sleep in my own bed without having an angel hit me in the face with his wings or having to watch
where I step every minute of the day because he’s glued to my side. It's a little suffocating, I- I
need a break man" Dean sighed

Bobby knew Dean had a point. Castiel as good as he was could be a handful and Dean took the
brunt of it. The angel needed so much attention just to make sure he didn't swallow loose change or
hexed objects that lay around the household. Although Cas had his own nest in his own room, he
frequently wound up sneaking into Dean’s bed. Not that they could figure out how he opened the
doors when he can’t even walk.

As if on queue, Cas crawled into the room and settled himself next to Dean’s feet and started
distractedly playing with the laces of Dean’s shoes and cooed to himself.

"He's doing a lot better Bobby, I mean, he's starting to communicate more, he's happy to watch the
discovery channel or kid films, he doesn't get quite so much food everywhere-" Dean babbled.
"Yes that might be true but your forgetting to mention the fact he can't function without you! Christ
when is the last time he let you pee in peace, he doesn’t want to be stuck with a cranky old bastard
like me, what am I going to do if he wakes up with night terrors or he wont eat or wont sleep
because he’s missing you”

Bobby’s train of thought was broken by a little sob, drawing everyone's attention to a shaking
Castiel with glassy confused eyes.

"Oh Cas" Dean sighed and crouched down to gather Cas into a hug which Cas melted into. "He's
not trying to be mean," Dean shot a scolding glare at Bobby "he's just grumpy"

“Dee” Castiel sniffled into Dean’s shoulder as he settled against him.

"Look. I know it's by no means ideal, but we just need a small break. We've found nothing to
reverse Cas' regression and wings, and we might as well take a case instead of sitting on our asses"
Sam said diplomatically.

"Look I’m just worried, coz it ain't like there’s rainbows coming out of my ass. He isn’t going to be
happy being alone with me instead of you" bobby grouched.

"I can write you down everything Cas needs, and he likes you plenty Bobby. It'll only be a few
days, just a simple salt and burn, just....please?" Sam implored.

Bobby knew he couldn't win this and that as much as this was gonna be a pain in the ass for him,
Dean and Sam needed some space from Cas. It was clear the boys still loved the angel like family
and while Castiel had healed Sam's wall and saved the world from himself and purgatory's rejects,
it was a raw wound that needed time to heal. The winchesters hadn’t asked to be parents, let alone
to their celestial friend who had recently betrayed them for better or for worse. He reckoned if he
didn't allow this venture, the pressure would start to build, they didn't want to do something stupid.
After all Cas was just a child and he needed safety.


"Thank you Bobby " Dean exhaled

"But I do have rules"

"Of course whatever you need Bobby" Sam reassured.

"That little rug rat is gonna miss you like crazy, both of you. So you have to promise to call. At
least once a day. Phone, video, Morse code I don't care. Just so he and I know you’re ok. You leave
a list of everything and I mean everything, there's not exactly lore I can go to when there's shit I
don't know."

"Awww look at you being all mother hen" Dean cheeked but was met with a stoney glare.

"I mean it Dean. He goes crazy enough you leave the room let alone another state. So call for my
sake cos I'm the one who gonna have to deal with it, and finally you tell him what's going on, I'm
not having him think you evaporated into thin air."

Dean looked down at the now dozing angel, with a tinge of sadness. "Yeah will do, Bobby" Dean
muttered quietly.

"Good. When are ya guys leavin'?"

"Tomorrow morning" Sam said "get everything ready tonight and give Cas a bit more time with

"Well you better put him down, and let him sleep, it's gonna be a lot harder to pack with him trying
to weigh ya down"

Dean gave a muted nod as he went to settle cas in the living room cot that they stolen from the
baby store a few miles out, Dean refused to spend that much money on a 'hunk of wood'. He then
tucked one of the soft blankets they had managed to procure, gently around Castiel's body. He
stirred a little but quickly calmed, he looked peaceful and content.

Dean let out a soft sigh, “this is going to be harder than I thought", because as much as that kid had
been giving Dean grief, Bobby new those two had a strong profound bond which had only grown
and changed.

"Dean as hard as it maybe, you both need a little time to yourselves" Sam reassured "it'll only be
about three days, six tops, you can't be stuck together 24/7, it'll be fine."

"I guess you're right" Dean sighed, "let's get ready, he'll be awake in two hours" before quickly
getting to work, not wanting think about it too much more. Bobby could see he was desperate for
some independence, to go back to work, to get back to the family business of saving people and
hunting things, but things were different. He could practically see the worried questions and doubt
that hung over him. The Winchesters, however, were first and foremost stubborn. If Dean
Winchester was going to do something he was going to do it, no matter how much pain it caused.

As Dean predicted Castiel slumbered for a good two hours peacefully, unaware of the guilty looks
being cast over him. Bobby, though he dare admit it, could never get over the sweetness that
Castiel exuded. The angel slowly sat himself up, hair all moving like a wave to form a soft off
centred spike at the side of his head. His little fists rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, as he let out a
sleepy yawn.

"Afternoon Cas" Bobby greeted

"Ahhnoo bubee" Cas crooned with a small smile brightening his face.

"Ahhh that's close enough for me" Bobby smiled, picking up the content angel, giving a little
tickle. Cas giggled delightedly, burrowing into Bobby's chest.

"Come on trouble, let's scrounge some grub up. You must be hungry sleeping through lunch and

"Ungee" Cas mumbled, still enjoying the warmth radiating from the hunter.

"Ok bud, let's see what we got"

When Castiel was transformed, the Winchesters had dived deep into research on child development
being down right terrified they would 'screw up' their new charge. They had never had to care for a
child longer than a few days, and not a clue beyond that they poop, cry, and eat. With Castiel not
being a young baby they couldn't just give him formula and hope for the best. That would have
been easy. Castiel appeared old enough to have been weaned on to at least partial solid diet, but as
the Winchesters found, or rather Sam, it was going to be a little trickier. Castiel was fussy. Where
normal infants and children got used to trying an array of flavours Castiel had had barely any food
in his entire existence and it was overwhelming. Even the textures of foods were proving to be
difficult. He had a very narrow diet of mushy baby porridge, banana, and pasta. Castiel had very
strong sweet tooth especially for honey which was hard not to indulge when it meant he would eat

However Sam Winchester, as Dean would never stopped saying, was a health freak, and he was
concerned if they indulged too much in Cas's taste for sugar he would up looking like a miniature
Violet Beauregard with horrific diabetes or sever vitamin deficiency. Which is why Cas has been
put on a strict healthy diet, in an effort to find other good things he likes.
Unfortunately for Bobby it was why his kitchen looked like a bomb hit it. There were pots and
pans filled with various stewed, poached, steamed, blended, mashed vegetable and fruits, as well
other utensils spilling out of the sink.

"I gonna kill that idjit, I know his hearts in the right place but he could learn to tidy away his shit
every once and awhile"

"'am ,'am, 'am" Cas babbled

"Yeah that idjit. Right let’s see what we're trying to get down you today"

Bobby looked down at the stained, grubby week timetable Sam had scrawled on the cluttered table.

"Ok it looks like stewed Apple and then some spinach salad" Bobby muttered trying to hide his
face of disdain from Cas "Well I'm certainly glad I'm not the one eating this. We can at least do the
apple" Bobby grumbled, going to the fridge where further carnage had been inflicted with what
seemed like hundreds of Sample bowls, with neat labels of their concoctions. Sam had even gone
through the trouble to alphabetise them.

"Right, Apple, stewed here we go"

Cas just happily dribbled on Bobby's shoulder with his hand providing a temporary meal.

With his kitchen table out of commission Bobby decided to just let the little one eat in the living
room, he laid out a plastic mat that could take the dirt before setting the food and the angel down
with a spoon. Castiel looked at him a little unsure as Bobby sat opposite him.

"Go on kid eat up, and remember no musical Disney sunshine till you've had at least five spoons
full, got it?"

Castiel offered a little pout with some petulant babble but otherwise, for once in his miniature life
stuck his hand into the bowl and started feeding himself the apple.

Bobby looked on gobsmacked. After weeks of tantrums and crying just to get one spoon full of
anything down Castiel, he was now doing it as if there had never been an issue. Now he was
actually grinning, as he enjoyed his stewed apple dish.

"Well I be damned"
"What was that Bobby?" Sam asked waltzing into the living room with a pile of washing in hand.

Bobby didn't even need to point at this minor miracle, to have Sam drop the clothes, mouth
imitating a fish.

Castiel seemed to find this hysterical as he started to giggle, hands and face covered in globs of

"Cas...did you eat your food?!" Sam dramatically exclaimed.

Castiel continued to laugh trying to hide his enjoyment behind his sticky hands.

"Is it actually in your tummy! I guess I'm going to have check!" and in one quick swoop Sam
picked the angel up and threw him a little in the air. Castiel squealed with delight as Sam started to
blow raspberries on his clothed tummy, before putting his ear to his abdomen.

"Oh my goodness I can hear lots of Apple in there! I'm so proud!" Castiel's wings flapped excitedly
against his back, as he shrieked with glee.

"Come here mister!" Sam said as he pulled his small friend into a massive moose hug.

"God you would have thought you’d won the freakin' lottery." Bobby smirked.

"I think this is the parent equivalent" Sam beamed "two weeks Bobby, two weeks! And he's finally
eating something that isn't the same manufactured rubbish! Happily I might say!" Giving Cas
another raspberry kiss on the cheek and stroked his ruffled feathers back into place. The angel
welcomed the comfort. Castiel loved his wings being massaged like this. It was a relaxing
reassurance that he hadn't experienced before, and it made him feel safe. Loved.

"Da da ba, 'am"

"Ok Cas, ok. Let’s eat a little bit more then we can watch a movie, what do you wanna watch?"

"Eeoh ah I!"

"Lilo and stitch hey, ok bud"

After polishing off the bowl Sam wiped Castiel down then settled him in the middle of the sofa
and grabbed the angel's beloved coat to tuck around him, which Castiel dutifully patted down with
his small hands.

"Dee an 'am?" Cas asked patting the empty spaces beside him.
"Um... In a few minutes buddy, Dean and I have some things to finish up first ok"

"Otay... Bubee?" Cas asked giving Bobby the biggest sad puppy eyes he could muster. This kid
was making him soft.

"Alright, just no water works ok"

"Otay" Cas smiled as Bobby sank in to the sofa while Sam put the DVD in the player. Next thing
Bobby knew there was beige trench coat covering his lap as the small angel tried to share the
improv blanket that was a bit too heavy for his young arms. Once castiel was satisfied he leaned
into Bobby’s side and Bobby’s arm curled around him.

Bobby was just glad he hadn't really seen this film before, not really. He had seen snippets but had
managed to excuse himself from the joyful experience and leave one of the long suffering
Winchesters to enjoy the magic. Besides this was better than having a screaming match which they
could often find themselves in with Cas. It was a shame it wasn't to last.

Cas was happily watching the film for a good hour, when Dean walked into the living room. Of
course Dean being the sunshine of Castiel's life, his attention went out the window.

"Dee! Dee!" Cas clapped, stretched his arms to be picked up.

"Heya Cas" Dean said tiredly and groaned as he picked cas up. "I think you're getting heavier
buddy!" Which was met by a bitch face from Sam and Bobby as if to say, 'are you actually kidding

Fortunately Castiel was ignorant to the implications of the comment, too happy lightly patting
Dean's face. "Nah I'm just kidding, your perfect the way you are, don't listen to the media. What
are we watching here?" Dean asked already fully knowing the answer. He'd watched this film
many a time and could quote it word for word. However Castiel loved it so it didn't matter. He did
have a soft spot for children's films. He could still vaguely remember enjoying the lion king on
their crappy VCR player, his mum's arms round him while she ran her fingers delicately through
his hair. Despite the arguments his mum and dad had been having at the time, there was always
time to be with his mum and watch a good film.

"Eeoh!" Cas beamed.

"Of course" Dean smiled warmly, but Bobby saw there was a sadness, an anxiety in there as he
could see his mind working overtime.
"Dean, maybe now is not-"

"I know Bobby but....I don't think I can hold out much longer before I lose my nerve" Dean
winced. "Hey Cas, I need to talk to you about something”
Chapter 2
Chapter Notes

Hi guys, thank you so much for all the positive feedback!!! It's so nice to hear what
you guys think.

I really hope you guys enjoy this next instalment, enjoy!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The conversation was awful to say the least. It became abundantly clear that Castiel was not in the
least bit soothed by anything Dean had to say when it was made apparent to him that he wasn’t
coming too. Bobby wished he could bleach from his memory the look of utter devastation that
stained Castiel’s cherub face as flood gates opened and a pained howling cry pierced them. As
Dean desperately tried to reassure, saying "it's just going to be a few days, we'll be back before you
know it", Bobby could tell all Castiel could hear was "we're abandoning you.” No matter what
Dean and Sam said to help the damage had been done.

Castiel could not and would not be consoled. He screamed at the top of his lungs and tightly
gripped Dean's chest, not daring to let him go for a second, in the fear he would leave on the spot.
Dean had been pacing and bobbing him up and down without end, silently wondering if his arms
would just fall off as they cramped and strained. His back begged for relief from the added weight
but he sadly knew if he stopped it would make the situation worse.

All Bobby knew, it was giving everyone a headache. He could see regret etched on Dean’s face as
he continued to bargain and ramble at the small angel. "Shhhh shhhh shhh Cas... Calm
down...please!" Dean pleaded "look we can watch Frozen or finding nemo or both! Anything just
calm down!"

However the fact of the matter was that Castiel knew Dean would be leaving, no matter how much
Dean promised or consoled. He was being left behind.
"Dee ay!" Cas sobbed.

"I'm sorry Cas, but me and Sammy need to go on this hunt, we'll be back in a few days!"

Bobby groaned, this same conversation was repeating its self for the hundredth time and Bobby
had just about had enough.
"For the love of God Dean he ain't gonna understand 'a few days' he doesn't have a concept of
time!" He grumbled getting to his feet and going to grab the dusty calendar stashed in the kitchen.

"Castiel." Bobby said sternly catching the miserable angel's attention, "Come have a look at this
with me" Cas quietened a little, still catching his breathes on heavy sobs, still weeping woeful tears.
Bobby walked over to the battered sofa and got Dean and Cas to sit down next to him. He flipped
the calendar to the current month "right, now Cas, that box is today," Bobby said, demonstrating
by taking Cas' small hand and placing it gently on the date "and Dean and Sam will be going
tomorrow.” Castiel whimpered mournfully but Bobby waited for him resettle over that inevitable
information "now they'll be gone for one, two, three days. That's not a big number is it. That's two
nights sleeping and three days of us doing some other stuff, ok?" Castiel shyly nodded, his pitiful
pout and shuddered breathing still making his feelings known.

"Then Dean and Sam will come home and give you lots of hugs and all that other lovey crap they
do, ok? Its only for a little while." Bobby said firmly trying catch the angel’s gaze. It still wasn’t
entirely clear what the angel’s level of comprehension but Bobby was sure it was more than the
boys gave Cas credit for.

"Tay" Cas sniffled wearily resting his head against Dean’s chest as Dean let out an exhausted sigh.
They both looked haggard.

"Now Dean is gonna give you a nice bath, then he's gonna put you in your pyjamas, read you a
story and put you to bed, okay, nothing's changing tonight everything is happening as normal. Ya
got that?"

"Dee ay I bed?" Cas asked pitifully.

"For tonight Cas. But while Dean and Sasquatch over there are away, it'll be you and me bud, and
we will be just fine, nothing bad is gonna happen"

"No ba" Castiel echoed, whimpering ever so slightly as he loosened his grip on Dean's shirt.

"That's right, now off you go" Bobby said giving Dean the classic 'your an idjit' look.
"Come on Cas, those rubber ducks aren't going to stop those pirates by themselves" Dean said
tiredly trying to perk up a little as he hoisted Castiel back on to his hip, and trundled upstairs to the

Bobby sunk deeper into the sofa with a deep sigh, letting his eyes relax heavily knowing he could
quite happily fall asleep then and there, even if it was barely evening. Sam moved to do the same,
but was stopped short when a gruff agitated "don't you dare..." Came from under Bobby's ragged

"But Bobby-"

"No. My sofa, my rules. I'm tired and have a crippling headache, and you and your brother are the
cause of said headache. Whether you like it or not. My sofa sanctuary will not be ruined by your
giant limbs"

Sam gave an annoyed glare but resided to sitting in the less comfortable wooden chair by the desk.
He knew Bobby was right. Bobby was always right.
"You got everything sorted?"

"Yeah pretty much, I checked the reports again earlier, no more deaths but there was some
casualties, bunch of kids trying to play hide and seek in a house with a pissed off poltergeist did not
go well."

“Yeah well...just don't get your brother killed. Cas would no take that well"

"Hey! What about me?!" Sam said indignantly.

"I'm sure he would get over you alright, as long as he still has his favourite with him" Bobby
smirked "where as I'm pretty certain he'd smite us on the spot if we let Dean get his ass toasted."

"Yeah I suppose" Sam chuckled "but I promise Bobby we won't take any unnecessary risks-"

"You better not. If you get yourselves killed, I'll come and kill you myself"
"Ok Bobby" Sam said with a small smile.

They revelled in the calm and almost silence, enjoying the distant sounds of splashing and
hysterical baby laughter coming from upstairs, with the sound of pirate Dean being taken down by
some very perturbed ducks.

It wasn't long after a very soaked Dean came downstairs with Castiel wrapped up with a fluffy
white towel which hooded over his soft curls on his head, the biggest grin beaming on his face.

"Looks like someone had some fun" Bobby chuckled.

"Yeah someone really did," Dean smiled giving Cas a little tickle, drawing out another giggle and
wriggle from the angel,"those wings can really splash when they want to! I need to get changed,
can you get him dressed Sam?"

"Yeah of course" Sam said immediately rising to the task "come here Cas" bringing the angel into
his arms.

"I'll be back in a minute Cas and then we'll have a story ok" giving Castiel one last smile before
heading up stairs.

"Right lets get you dry then we’ll get your PJs on, what do you say about that?"

"Da da am'!"

"Yeah! Ok buddy." Sam then took Castiel over to their impromptu changing area, where a basket
full of all different kinds of clothes for the angel had been stored. Sam laid Cas on the changing
mat they had managed to procure, even though Castiel was slightly too big for it.

It had taken a good while for the Winchesters to get used to the more unglamorous side of child
care. Upon the realisation of a 'dirty bomb', as Dean liked to call them, there would be without fail
at least ten good Rock Paper Scissors matches until one of them lost and took upon their dirty
defeat. The majority of the time Dean lost.
This meant that Sam had gained hours of pleasure watching his brother struggle to hold it together,
or even get a surprise friendly fire from Cas, and watch Dean's face contort with barely contained
horror, while he and Cas laughed themselves into stitches.

Sam was sometimes lucky enough to have his phones camera open and rolling, so he could enjoy
the moment forever and ever but also for blackmail, should he find Dean is being particularly

However it had to become easier, Sam was, as a matter of fact, practically unfazed these days by
nappy changing but it was still fun to make Dean do it. He was surprised that Dean was so affected
by the sometimes noxious smell, given the amount of gross crap they've had to deal with over the
Fortunately this time Cas was as fresh as a daisy, so after the careful dry patting of the Angel's
wings and body, it was only a matter of putting on a fresh clean nappy and his pyjamas which that
night was a soft powder blue onesie that covered his feet. Cas happily gurgled while he sucked on
his fingers as Sam did up the final poppers on his leg.

"There we go, all done. Your getting a lot better at this aren't you bud?," Sam praised. It was
definitely a ginormous milestone they had managed to overcome in their short time with baby Cas.
Previously, Cas would have to be battled in and out of clothes. He screamed as if he still had his
angelic voice and throwing his limbs and wings in any which way. There were times that Sam and
Dean would just get a nappy on him then let him have an hour or two to be otherwise clothing free,
just to save them from an ever building stress and injuries.

In the end they realised Castiel had felt restricted by clothes as well as hating the fight to put him in
them. This meant exchanging all the clothes they had for Castiel for baggier and more downy soft
ones, which they painstakingly modified for his appendages to easily slot through the back and still
keep him warm. Fair to say they couldn't have survived with out Jody Mills and her magic ways
with a needle and thread.

"Right lets go find Dean" Sam said helping Castiel to stand on the floor taking his hands in his. Cas
immediately took off on his still unsteady legs, with the comfort that Sam wasn't going to let him

It had become clear that Castiel was having to start from the beginning on many things, one being
walking. It had meant that Dean had lost all independence as he became the one solely responsible
for transporting his new charge to his chosen destinations or incur his wrath.

However, it was decided that it would be better for Dean to have the use off his arms back. This
hence led to the hard truth that he would have to put Castiel down and suffer the consequences.

It was one of the greatest moments of frustration, as Dean had to slowly teach his fledgling to get
himself crawling, instead of stuck sobbing on his front on the floor as he tried desperately to move
and wriggle forward to Dean. It was long and arduous especially when Dean wanted nothing more
than to just pick Castiel up and forget the whole venture.

However they will never forget the pure bliss and joy they experienced when Cas crawled for the
first time over to Dean, while they were having breakfast on a Thursday morning. Bobby even
made blueberry and maple syrup pancakes specially to celebrate.

So Although walking was still yet to be achieved the Winchesters were a little relieved, given a
crawling Castiel was a hard to catch one. The amount of times Dean was left trying to chase a
giggly angel for his bath had been endless, as well as hilarious on Bobby and Sam's part.
Especially when Dean forgot that he was in fact taller than many of the tables and counters Cas
would decide to crawl under, earning himself some pretty impressive injuries that could rival his
hunting ones. Sam was considering keeping a tally chart.

So Sam and Castiel set off as Sam helped Cas to jump each step of the stairs, drawing out sweet
laughter from the angel as he bounced. When they reached the landing Sam stopped letting the
angel find his feet again. "Where's that Dean, Cas uh? Can you find him?" Sam said a little loudly
so that Cas was still entertained but so Dean knew they were on the way and he didn't get a 'scare'
which had happened one to many times for Sam's liking.

"Dee 'oom!" Squealed as if hadn't seen Dean in forever let alone ten minutes ago.
"Yeah? You know what I think you're right, shall we go have a look?" Sam said, but the question
was barely heard as Cas tried to shoot off towards Dean's room, tugging Sam along with barely
contained excitement "ok buddy" Sam chuckled leading the way.
When they came to Dean's door Sam noticed it was slightly off the latch, and Dean was indeed
appropriately dressed.

"Right Cas you ready to knock this door open?" Sam asked, receiving a very excited bouncing from
the angel. Sam then picked Castiel up and gently swung him saying "and a one, and a two, and a
three!" Before making his feet tap the door open as Castiel shrieked with glee.

Inside they found Dean dressed in his green plaid pyjama bottoms and a loose black t-shirt,
finishing putting away the duffel bags for their trip the next day, Castiel oblivious to it.

"Dee dee da!" Cas babbled cheerfully.

"Hey sport! Aww look at you in your new pyjamas, your definitely eye candy for the ladies" Dean
chuckled but Sam looked a little unimpressed "but of course that for when your a little older".

However the angel wasn't really focused on what he was saying and instead was struggling to walk
towards Dean. The older brother watched in enjoyment as Sam tried to keep ahold of Cas' hands as
he started to flap his wings strongly in excitement.

Deciding it was probably better Cas didn't fall flat on his face, he picked up his adoring angel into
a gripping hug, helping to calm the angel down by lightly swaying from side to side as he stroked
his wings.

"There we go, did Sam dowse you with sugar your practical exploding with energy" Dean joked.

"Yeah in his wildest dreams" Sam smiled.

"Speaking of which we need to get you to bed Cas it's getting late!" Dean said looking down at the
angel in his arms who was tightly curled against him, with his top scrunched up in his tiny fists.

"Someone certainly looks ready for bed" Sam said quietly with a small smile.
"Yeah he certainly is, come on little man lets go." Dean said and carried Castiel down the hall to
the Angel’s room.

"Can you grab his bottle Sam?" Dean hollered as he entered Cas' room.
"Yeah sure I'll be back in a minute" Sam called back as he headed down stairs.
Castiel's room may have been the smallest but it was the cosiest room in the whole Singer
household. What had once been a random storage space, drab, full of clutter and dust, was now a
haven of colour and comfort.

They had originally tried to have Cas sleep in the cot at night as well as the short time during the
day but the angel had other ideas. In the early days, they recognised that when Castiel was getting
tired he would start to grab his comforters, cushions and blankets, then start to pull them around
him to make a vague circle shape, before promptly falling asleep on top it. Castiel was far from
conventional child.
Which lead to Sam and Dean spending a very pleasant afternoon making a more durable nest. It
was the size of a double bed and took up most of the floor space, and was made up various pillows
and colourful blankets they outsourced from the thrift store. The reason it was so big for such a
small child was that they could also enjoy lying down with Castiel as they settled him to sleep.
Even after Castiel fell asleep Dean and Sam would often stay a few minutes longer, just to enjoy
the peace and warmth the room held.
They bought a night light and some fairy lights so that the room wasn't plunged into to total
darkness but instead resonated with a delicate glow of warm pinks and golds, so that Castiel could
find his way at night and not be too terrified by the dark.
Of course there were a few extra editions to the nest such as a couple of Dean's odd socks and t
shirts, which Dean occasionally dipped into if he ran out of clothes, and Castiel's trench coat, when
it wasn't dragged around and left somewhere else around the house.

Dean lay Castiel down in the centre of the nest and let the angel knead and arrange his spot, while
Dean grabbed a book off the shelf. It was a small collection but enough, they had a couple of
classics like spot the dog, Mog the cat, and Beatrix potter classics, but tonight it was some Roald
Dahl with Charlie and the chocolate factory. Arguably it might be a bit complex for a normal infant
but Castiel seemed to grasp it. Most of the time though it wasn't even the story that mattered, it was
listening to Dean voice that soothed Castiel and helped him drop off to sleep.

"Right Cas where did we get too, huh?" Dean spoke quietly, helping to keep the calm quiet

"Ee va Dee" Cas whispered in reply, snuggling in closer to Dean's side resting his small head on
Dean's left shoulder.

"Of course well done Cas," Dean praised as he tried to open the book to the page he dog eared the
night before, with his left arm still pinned by Cas. Once he found his place he grabbed the red and
gold blanket by Cas' side and pulled it over the pair of them. "Right lets see...ahhh yes here we go,
you ready Cas?"

"Ess Dee" Cas smiled trying to stifle a little lion yawn as Dean called them.

"Ok bud, ...."

Dean read for about five minutes till Sam came in with Cas' bottle of milk and also Cas' trench coat
which he carefully tucked Cas in and handed Dean the bottle, before leaving quietly, not wanting to
further disturb Dean and Castiel.

It was only another ten minutes, however, till castiel was softly snoring and drooling a little on
Dean's t-shirt, bottle still half full. However Dean couldn't bare to move.
He couldn't bare the thought of not enjoying this moment with Cas tomorrow, to instead leave this
serenity to be caught in the storm and danger of hunting without him. Even if it was a few days.
Even if it’s what he thought he wanted.
Castiel looked so peaceful in his slumber, his wings twitching from time to time, a small smile
playing on his face, and Dean knew that wouldn't be the case the next morning. He did feel guilty,
but he equally knew he needed some of his old freedoms back. Just for a short while.

"I'm so sorry Cas..." Dean whispered as he gently lifted Cas head off his arm, and placed a small
kiss on his forehead. He quickly placed the book back on the shelf before casting a final
melancholy look over his sleeping angel and shutting the door behind him

Chapter End Notes

So I hope you guys liked it, please do comment with feedback.

Uni pressure is rising as I do have some very imminent deadlines for January but
hopefully I will be able to be a little naughty and have the next chapter ready before
then :)
chapter 3
Chapter Notes

hi guys, i hope you guys had a great christmas holidays! im sorry its been a while, its
been super crazy going back to uni with coursework, exams, and work but ive finally
had a day off! so here is the next installment, i hope you enjoy it x

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The next morning occurred with unsettled feeling. The Winchesters had loaded the Impala the
night before, and Sam had dutifully written perfect notes that summed up the raising of Castiel, so
all that was left breakfast and goodbyes.

All the adults were subdued, going through the motions, trying to keep things normal for their
angel, but Castiel seemed to pick up on the anxiety that permeated the air. He was restless and
didn't handle being put down well, he would fidget and make keening noises, until he was brought
into somebody's arms again.

Dean was the most agitated, and the most reluctant to let the angel go, even from the moment he
woke up to find the angel squirrelling into his side at 5 in the morning.

They were all sitting round the dinner table with steamy coffee. It was made possible by the guilt
Sam had been suffering last night, meaning he finally 'cleared up his shit' as Bobby put it, so they
finally had a table to sit round again. They hoped their highly caffeinated beverages would give
them strength for the day.

Castiel had flat out refused to sit in his high chair, hence he was sitting on Dean's lap, his head
resting mournfully on his chest.

It had seemed Castiel was no longer as enthusiastic about eating as he started to be yesterday, so
Dean was spoon feeding him porridge and banana letting Sam's schedule go the way side much to
his brother's chagrin.

However Castiel needed to eat, meaning Sam's annoyance wasn't held for very long, he even let go
the fact Dean had slipped a little honey in.

To be fair, Dean found that even his own appetite had been somewhat diminished, his special pig
'n' poke now feeling somewhat sickening. He was just glad he wasn't having pie, he never wanted
to go off that.

The awkward silence continued on as did the sombre mood.

When breakfast had finished, as much as they could stomach at the time, Dean tried to settle
Castiel again.

"Ok bud, let's get dressed, then we can have a bottle and put on a film, hey?" Dean said trying to
perk a little, with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Cas eh Dee?" Cas asked quietly.

"Yeah me and you little man, come on we can try out that new bee top Jodie made you the other

"Bee" Cas quietly enthused with delight, his blue eyes brightening at the prospect as they went into
the living room to get Cas changed.

After a rather unfortunate local incident, and would remain that way to the public eye, Jodie had
incurred a busted up leg. This was due to a 'rabid dog' attack she had sustained on her ‘holiday
weekend’. This meant she was housebound, leg in plaster and consequently extremely bored.

After near constant amount of time spent working over the last few years she was stumped on how
to spend these weeks of free time.

Jodie had always had a soft spot for crafts like sewing and knitting, and it had been a while since
she had picked up her needles.

When she had been pregnant with her son Owen, she had made a quilt for him. It was a made up of
the most gorgeous textures, with nearly every shade of blue running through the patchwork, with
gentle yellow stars stitched on to the top. It had never left his side from the moment he was born
and till the day he died, she couldn't even bare the thought of him being without it, which is why it
still was with him even after death.

She had regretted letting her passion fall by the wayside. She had instead thrown herself into long
hours of work till she was exhausted, as did her husband, instead of a confronting her grief.

However, when Bobby had come to visit with a freshly baby faced Castiel to give the boys a few
hours of peace from the constant crying, she had found herself a love rekindle.

As soon as the little sobbing Cas was handed over to her by a worn Bobby, she felt a glowing
warmth she hadn't experienced in a long time. Castiel had settled in her embrace almost instantly,
big shiny blues looking back at her, a small smile beaming.

She missed her son and her husband greatly, but the little boy in her arms gave her a great reprieve
from her lingering grief, as her maternal nature was indulged once more.

They enjoyed each other’s company for hours that afternoon, while Bobby snored softly on her

Which is why when the boys were experiencing difficulty with Castiel's clothes she barely
hesitated to offer her services.

She had since decided to start making her own clothes for the angel, embellishing them with his
favourite animals and characters, as well as having good accommodation and fitting for his wings,
instead of the two massive gaping holes the boys had crassly made with a hunting knife.

Meaning that every week or so castiel was treated to a new set of unique clothes.

Dean settled Cas on his lap with his neatly folded clothes by his side. Castiel fussed and squirmed
as he tried to glue himself to Dean's side.

Dean was determined to keep his cool, even though this was making life twice as hard. He didn't
want to leave the angel thinking he was a complete monster.

So as difficult as the angel was being he would bare it.

"Come on Cas, buddy let’s get your top on" Dean coaxed, which Castiel babbled annoyance back
at, but begrudgingly leaned back a little so he could have his head popped through the top. Dean
then proceeded to guide the Angels arms through the sleeves, before slipping the padded sleeves
designed for the base Castiel wings on, closing the poppers, before bringing the rest of the poppers
that lined the sides and back of the t-shirt together.

It was a beautiful. A light yellow with three delicate bumble bees stitched on the front. It was a
good fit too, like always, not to baggy and not to snug. Just right.

Castiel seemed very pleased, trying to pull the front of his top more into view with a big grin.

"Bee!" Cas exclaimed, Dean taking the moment of distraction to put his trousers on him.

"Yes bees, you’re gonna have to thank Auntie Jodie next time you see her" Dean chuckled at his
angels adorableness.

"'Ank Odee" Cas echoed.

"That's right bud, shall we put you're bee film on?"

Castiel immediately nodded and continued to babble about bees, even if it didn't make sense to
anybody else, but it made Dean feel a little lighter inside.

Dean put the bee documentary DVD on and the TV soon came to life with warm countryside
scenery and hundreds of the fuzzy creatures buzzing round. This was one of many documentaries
they had, which were endless scenes of raw footage of various animals like the bees or cats.

When Dean was rummaging around the video store for such DVDs to add to their 'Cas distraction
collection', a mother had seemed to intuitively known his intentions, saying "my son is the same.
We've got hours of train and dinosaur footage back home, make sure you pick a good one, you will
be watching it more than once".

Boy was she right to. On a whim Dean had chosen a cartoon one that Castiel was enraptured by,
and he immediately regretted it after the second viewing. It 'broke' 2 days later when it was
'accidentally shot 5 times'.

He took her words of wisdom after that. It was why Disney tended to be a safer bet.

Dean almost let himself forget that there were more pressing issues as Castiel settled into his lap
resting his head on his chest. It was only when he saw Sam at the door, whispering, "Dean, I think
we better go..." That his heart sank. It was time for goodbyes.

"Hey Cas I think uncle Bobby really needs a cuddle this morning, are you gonna let him give him
one while you watch the bees?"

Castiel looked hesitantly at Bobby, who had also come to stand by the living room door way, then
back to Dean.

Dean sent Bobby a look, and Bobby let out a grumbly sigh, "yeah Cas, I really want to watch the
bees, have cuddles and be called sandy," Bobby said sarcastically which Dean scowled at.
However both were disguised enough that Castiel didn't notice "will you help me?"

Castiel still looked unsure but slowly crawled over to Bobby and into his arms. However he
couldn't quite relax, staying upright and eyes still fixed on Dean's moves.
"Dee wa bee?" He asked hesitantly

"Umm, no bud. Me and Sammy gotta get going"

Castiel's face was devastated. It immediately started to blush and redden, eyes welling up with
tears, his breaths hitching on the sobs getting caught in his throat. Dean ploughed on though.

"Now Cas no need for tears." Dean said softly wiping some of the tears from Cas' cheek "This is
just like the old times. Me and Sammy are going to go hunt this monster, save some lives, and then
we are going to come home, to you and Bobby. Then there'll be hugs and cuddles and story time
and everything else as normal. Nothing is going to happen. Ok?"

"Kay-y" Cas hiccupped.

"Good boy. Now you going to help send us off"

"Ug dee?"

"Yes, one last hug, then its goodbye time"

Cas gave a pathetic nod as he was brought into a gripping hug from Dean. Castiel sobbed heavily
on Dean's shoulder almost struggling to catch his breath, as dean stroke his hair.

Fortunately for Dean, it meant Cas couldn't see the tears glistening in his eyes, as they practically
melted into one another. However it could not last forever as Bobby gave Dean a gentle nudge
before taking Cas gently back into his own arms.

Castiel sounded like a wounded animal as he whimpered against Bobby gripping tightly on to his
shirt. All Bobby could do was pat his back as the boys collected the last of their things. Bobby
followed them out to the porch so Castiel could see them off. After final quick hugs, the
Winchester boys were in the impala, sticking the keys in the ignition and letting the engine roar to
life, then driving out of the driveway, round the corner and off into the horizon. Left behind a
distraught angel and an-out of-his-depth uncle.

Chapter End Notes

thank you for reading, hopefully i'll have the next chapter up soon, and please do
feedback :)
Chapter 4
Chapter Notes

Hi guys, sorry it's been a while but I hope this chapter makes up for it
Please do leave comments and feedback x

It was 3 o'clock in the afternoon and Bobby was seriously considering dragging the boys asses
back and doing the hunt himself.

Castiel had been crying non stop all day. Bobby had actually prayed for nap time to come, but the
angel was still awake and still going.

He was obviously as exhausted as Bobby and it was just making the angel temperamental and
cranky. One minute he would want to be held, the next put down, then he would want to be rocked,
then he would want to be still.

He would just stand and sob by the coffee table, when he'd had enough of Bobby, or crawl and sit
by the door to cry, waiting for Dean and Sam to come back any second. It was heart breaking but
Bobby was too drained to feel to sorry for the angel.

Especially as there were feathers everywhere. Castiel had got so worked up he made his wings flap
so hard he was practically malting. It was going to be a bitch to clean up, just like the porridge that
was all over the floor in the kitchen from when Bobby tried to get Castiel to eat lunch, but the bowl
was met by a frustrated swipe of an arm.

Castiel didn't want lunch. He Wanted Dean.

Bobby let it go though. The angel didn't want this anymore than he did. Bobby had gotten used to
having the boys around again, to have some resemblance of family life, knowing the boys were
safe and happy. Now they'd thrown themselves back into the fray and it sucked ass that the peace
was broken. The possibility they may not come ever present in the back of his mind.

Though Dean and Sam were never his sons, they are his boys. He would fight to protect them till
his dying breath. He knew Castiel would want to do them same to if he was able.

Bobby was reading through Cas' notes on the sofa in an effort to think what the hell to do next,
when Castiel
Started to crawl towards him, something dragging behind him.

It was a disconnected retro landline phone that Dean had got on a whim for cas because Castiel
enjoyed pressing the buttons so much. Castiel was still hiccuping and sniffling as he made it to
Bobby and slowly stood up, supported by the sofa, phone receiver in hand.

He gently tapped Bobby on the knee, which was much better than the hitting he was giving Bobby
earlier. That had earned him time in the downstairs cot prison.

Bobby looked down at the pitiful angel and his watery puffy face and gave him a reassuring smile.

"Yes Cas ?" Bobby asked softly.

Castiel then gave Bobby the phone receiver, or more pushed it into his lap due to his poor
dexterity, his eyes gazing up at him expectantly.

Bobby then put the notes aside, to hold the phone in his hands.

"Do you wanna play Cas?"

Castiel shook his head, before patting the phone again. He was obviously very tired and was
struggling to convey himself properly, babbled words forgotten.

"Castiel can you use your words please?" Bobby continued patiently.

"Pho Dee?" Castiel whispered, eyes glistening again

"You want to phone Dean, ok bud but why don't we wait a bit longer coz Dean is still going to be
driving for now and we don't want him being distracted do we?"

"No" Cas agreed but he slumped a little in on himself, voice watery. Bobby then picked him up and
cradled him, gently patting Cas' back.

"I know it's tough bud but it is going to be ok. For now though I'm going to make you a bottle and
we'll watch a film 'k? Then when it's time for dinner we'll give Dean a ring"

Cas gave a very tired nod, and snuggled against Bobby's chest. Bobby knew Cas wouldn't last
much longer. He just needed to keep him settled and then things could relax again.

Bobby turned on the tv, which had long been silenced so the noise levels weren't maddening,
allowing the documentary to resume again.

He repositioned Castiel to rest against his shoulder and went into the kitchen. Their was a bottle of
milk Castiel had been to upset to drink earlier, but fortunately Bobby had had quick reflexes and
caught the bottle before it collided with his head.

He hummed quietly as he bobbed Castiel gently as the angel soaked up the reassuring motions. It
was familiar, it's what Dean does.

It wasn't long till they were sitting down again, nestled in by a collection cushions and blankets.
Cas sleepily drank his bottle as he let his troubles ease and dissipate. Bobby just tried to keep his
eyes open, not letting sleep wash over him just yet. He also tried to block out the mess that was
strewed through his living. It could be sorted later.

Before too long Castiel was asleep in Bobby's arms, bottle empty. Bobby breathed a sigh of relief.
Taking down a Wendigo was less stressful than a day of angel baby sitting. He groaned at the
realisation he had to do this for at least another 2 days. Then he remembered he is Bobby singer,
and he would not be defeated by a baby angel child.

Very slowly he extricated himself from the warmth of cushions, angel in arms, with groaning
creeks making themselves known from his back. He then settled the angel in his crib with two of
the blankets. The angel needed his sleep.

It was nearly 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and hopefully the angel would sleep for 2 hours. Meaning
he could have 40 winks and then prepare dinner.

Bobby then settled himself back in his cave of comfort on the sofa, turned the TV off and then
promptly let him self fall into blissful sleep.
Bobby woke with a start, when a piercing cry met his ears. He immediately came to attention to
find the source of distress. He found the angel sitting in his cot looking dazed but ultimately upset,
hands rubbing harshly at his eyes as the tears began to fall once more.

"Oh Cas buddy what's wrong?" Bobby placated as he came over to sooth Castiel.

"Dee gone! Dee dead!" Castiel bawled. Which meant on top of everything, nightmares had just
joined this party of hilarity. Just great.

"Dean is just fine Castiel, you just had a bad dream" coddled as he picked up Cas. "He's ok and
you're ok, you just need to calm down"

"Wan Dee! Ere Dee?!"

"Shhhh shh shh it's ok it's ok" Bobby tried to sooth but Castiel's shrieking voice overpowered.
Bobby looked at the time to see it was almost 6 o'clock.

It was worth trying to call.

Bobby reached into his pocket and grabbed his chunky but functional phone and showed it to

"Castiel. Look I'm gonna call Dean and see what he's up too. Ok?"

This grabbed Cas' attention and he quietened a bit.

"'all d-dee-ee?" Cas sobbed.

"Yes but you have to calm down"

"'K..." Cas said as he tried to control his breathing again, but not quite managing. He was trying
though and that's what counted.

"Good boy. Right he might not pick up coz he could be busy so don't worry if he doesn't pick up."
Bobby cautioned.

Cas gave a sullen nod, his eyes fixed on the phone. Bobby dialled the number, and waited patiently
as the droning dial tone went on. He could feel Castiel squirm with agitation the longer it went on.

On the hundredth ring, a crackly voice picked up on the other end.


"Hey ya idjit"

Castiel immediately started to try and grapple for the phone, but Bobby gave a pointed stare and
Castiel resulted to frustrated whining.

"Hey Bobby"
"How you boys doing"

"Yeah we're ok we just got into the hotel and unpacking. Sam's being a baby coz apparently I
violated his human right to pee" Dean chuckled before saying louder "even though there was
nowhere to stop!"

There was a muffled shout on the end of the line which could only belong to an upset Sam.

"Anyway, how is Castiel, is he alright?" Dean said tone changing to gentle worry, filled with
genuine concern.

"Oh Cas is just peachy, been trying to scream down the place ever since you left, but he's fine"
Bobby grumbled while Cas made another attempt for the phone, whimpering when Bobby held it
out of reach.

"Was that him Bobby? Can I speak to him?"

"I'd probably kill ya if ya if you didn't"

Bobby grumbled putting the phone on speaker so the angel could hear Dean too.


"Dee!" Cas Sobbed with relief "Dee avive! Dee no' dead!"

"Of course I'm alive buddy, I've just been driving, I'm ok I promise," Dean tried to sooth, sounding
deflated and worried by his angel's distress.

Castiel tried to talk more but despite his nap he was extremely worked up and over tired, and only
sobs and distorted babble made it through the phone. "What's wrong buddy? you know I'm ok"

"He had a nightmare Dean. You know, with the stress of you leaving him an' all to do dumb ass
shit" Bobby exasperated, laced heavy with condescension.


"Dean it has been an extremely long day, it has been non stop moping and tantrums and I am tired.
I still appreciate what this trip is about but it has been a hard day and I imagine tomorrow won't be
much different. So just have chat about something else for the love of God"

"Ok Bobby I'm sorry. Hey buddy why don't you tell me about your new cat film...."

As the minutes went on Castiel began to relax again. They talked About all manner of things that
Dean knew Castiel loved, and it was nice. The tears soon stopped and a smile replaced it, as Castiel
babbled happily into the phone.

However it was getting late. Although Dean wouldn't let Castiel notice, the man sounded tired, and
there were pauses where Bobby could tell Dean was trying to stifle his yawns. Which is why when
the conversation took a lull, Bobby announced it was time for dinner and Dean's bedtime.

Castiel was not happy at all, grabbing then holding the phone close to him, cradling it possessively.
Bobby almost resisted when the angel started sporting puppy eyes and a pout but fortunately cas
started listening to the muffled Voice from the phone.

Dean told cas to be a good boy for Bobby and they would have a good chat the next day. that it
was time for little angels and hunters to go to bed and get some rest, so they were ready for
adventures. He told him he loved him and he hoped he had good dreams.

"Uv oo Dee" Castiel quietly replied as he surrendered the phone to Bobby.

"Love you too buddy, good bye"

"bi..." Cas practically whispered as he leaned forlornly against bobby's chest, as Bobby and Dean
each other their goodbyes before Dean hung up.

Bobby carded his fingers through cas' hair comfortingly as his felt his t-shirt become damp with
tears and heard sniffles.

Bobby let out a sigh of exhaustion. This whole day was turning into ground hog day, repetitive and
never ending.

"Ok bud I know, I know" Bobby soothed as he brought Castiel into a more comfortable position
for a cuddle. "He'll be back before you know it"

Then the peaceful moment was broken by the loud gurgling of bobby's tummy, making Castiel
burst out with giggles and in turn so did Bobby.

"Tickuls!" Cas giggled

"Oh really! That tickles? How about this!" Bobby joked as he started to tickle Castiel under his
arms. Castiel squealed with joy, his laughter lighting up the house brightly, from the grey turmoil.

Bobby even found himself smiling for the first time that day.

He stopped tickling the angel, when his stomach let its self be known, and the angel started
laughing so hard Bobby was afraid he'd stop breathing.

The angel decided it was so entertaining he rested his against Bobby prominent belly to listen to
the rumble and grumbles that growled. Bobby couldn't help but chuckle at Castiel's amusement
especially after the day they were having. It was nice to see the angel being expressive instead of
the lonely repressed soldier he was previously.

Castiel was enjoying the strange sensations so much he was surprised by his own little tummy

"Well as funny as you find this Castiel I think it's time we had dinner"

"Ohkay bubee" Cas smiled as he started to poke and prod his own stomach.

It didn't take long to whip up some baby porridge and banana for Castiel, which he let the angel
help himself too while he cooked his own dinner. Lunchtime had been so stressful he had barely
eaten, desperately trying to sort the whirlwind storm that was an upset Castiel.

Looking over at Castiel who was quite contently half eating, half playing with his food he decided
to make something more than a sandwich. Bobby decided on some spagbol and Parmesan cheese.

It wasn't long till the kitchen was filled with rich smells of seasoned mince and cheeky slosh of red
wine, because Bobby enjoyed 'sophisticated' tastes as much as the next person.

Once he was finished putting the last sprinkling of Parmesan atop his serving, he was surprised to
find a certain angel with porridge stead on the majority of his face, eyeing up his dinner.
Bobby was stunned. Did he have some magical powers over Castiel's appetite or did the angel
realise his cooking was better than Sam's ? Bobby chuckled to himself as the angel practically
started drooling over the sight of bobby's dinner.

"Cas...would you like some?"

The angel immediately started nodding and clapped, exclaiming "yesh bubee!". Well Bobby be

It wasn't long till both of them happily eating bobby's creation. Bobby couldn't keep the smug
smile off of his face at the idea of having Castiel eating properly by the time the boys came home.
He even took a picture with his Polaroid camera, of the very messy but happy angel, and stuck it on
the fridge for when the boys came home.

The angel babbled and chatted as he scoffed a whole plate of spagbol. It was a well needed

However as bedtime encroached things became difficult once more.

The angel started to fuss again at the idea of facing sleep. The nap time nightmare was an ever
present possibility. Bath time was a pleasant experience but Cas seemed jittery at the idea of
leaving it.

He seemed unsure as well at leaving bobby's side.

Bobby had decided that conventional bedtime probably wouldn't cut it. Castiel wasn't going to play
ball, he was scared, over tired and only a child.

He would simply make the angel comfortable enough that he would nod off by himself and then
carry him up so the angel didn't have to make this harder than this already was.

Bobby was tired himself and didn't have the same energy the Winchesters had for child care. He
just had to do what would work for now.

So after he put the angel into a fresh nappy and pyjamas, he made up a ritual bottle of milk, and
settled down with Castiel to watch the Aristocats. The angel seemed a little unsure of what this
change in routine meant, but didn't fight it, to interested in the mess the kittens were making of the
piano with the colourful paints.

It wasn't long till the angel was gently snoring with his thumb acting as a dummy. Unfortunately
for Bobby it meant he had to stop watching the film which was surprisingly entertaining. But it
was late and both of them needed a proper bed.

So begrudgingly Bobby turned off the TV and gently carried the angel up to his nest, before
returning to his own.

The chance of a goodnight sleep soon fell to pieces. The night became plagued with nightmares.
Bobby was constantly being woken up to either Castiel screaming or to the angel somehow making
it into his room, and practically beating his stomach in panic.

No fun was to be had by anyone.

Which was when Bobby decided, if things didn't get better by the end of tomorrow he would need
help. Thank god jody mills lives on a few streets from here.
chapter 5
Chapter Notes

hi guys! omg its been to long but life has a habit of making things crazy !

i have finally done some fan art for this fic which i hope you guys like, i couldn't work
out how to get it on AO3 so here is the link to my tumblr

hope you guys enjoy =D

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Jody was enjoying one of her many lye-ins, waking from blissful sleep. It was a beautiful day and
the soft rays of sunlight gave her room a soft warmth. She had washed her sheets the day before,
and they smelled fresh and crisp.

Having a public service job like being the sheriff, meant a goodnight sleep was a rare thing. It was
long hours of trying to stop crappy people doing crappy things, or just being plain dumb.

Which is why she took the moment to enjoy her eyes resting closed, breathing in deeply and

She enjoyed the lightened feeling of her leg as she had finally had her heavy robust Cast cut off
and replaced with a leg brace. She could actually move now. Although she missed the little
doodles, scribbles and the small outlined hand prints a certain angel had adorned in permanent
marker on it.

However, knowing no more embarrassing uncoordinated runs to the bathroom would happen,
outweighed the sweet drawings.

This serenity was however interrupted, when the shrill ringing broke through the silence, letting
her know Bobby was calling. Not that she minded, it was always nice having Bobby call.

"Hey Bobby, what happening?"

"Please for all that is holy, help me"

He sounded more grumpy than usual and it wasn't hard to figure out why. At the end of the phone
she could hear a certain Castiel fussing and crying.

"I take it playing nanny is not treating you well"

"No it most certainly isn't, and I whole heartedly dedicate the blame to sam and Dean"

Jody had to stifle a chuckle, because gruff hunter Bobby singer sounded pitiful.

"See, not as easy as it looks" she joked

"I concede ok, parenthood is no fringing picnic, especially for supernatural idjit Angels. These god
forsaken nightmares are really grinding Cas down. They're disturbing to say the least from what I
can make out. Most of them centring around Dean, and a certain demonic ass hat huntin' him down
as revenge for all the recent shit"

Jody's brightness dimmed at that. She had heard about all said shit that had happened, and knew it
was the last thing any person should have to deal with, let alone a child. She had been quite
involved in the early days of this new wacky episode of the Winchesters life. Bobby unloaded
about the crap state of things at the singer household, when he first came to visit her with Castiel.
She immediately offered to step in and help.

Sam had still been ill even though his melon had been glued back together again. He needed a fair
bit of help to do normal daily task like getting dressed or get to the toilet. He needed someone and
he needed peace and quiet to help heal.

However there was now a baby living in the house, and Castiel was anything but quite. He was
traumatised and wanted the whole world to know it.

This left a stressed and worn out Dean to pick up the pieces, trying to deal with the complex
emotions of relief and anger of everything that had happened. He was glad he had his friend back,
but a friend who had betrayed him and now depended on him in his vulnerable state. He was
caught between the warring need to help his friend and his brother but unable to do both.

Bobby tried to help where he could but he too wasn't doing so hot and was out of his depth. The
moose stuck in bed was very hard to lift and manoeuvre, especially with Bobby's back, but the
constant baby screaming was unbearable, meaning Castiel would often have to just be left in his cot
when both adults couldn't take anymore.

Which is why Jody became a frequent visitor. Being able to split the child care with someone who
actually knew how to raise a baby made things a lot easier.

Also Castiel freaking loves her, and as soon as she entered Bobby's house the angel would instantly
light up.

Although Dean was still his true Mother hen, Dean was often preoccupied, usually with sam at the
time, meaning Cas couldn't be as clingy as he wanted to be. However Jody was more than happy to
indulge, so when Jody came to visit it meant endless cuddle time. If he heard that Jody was coming
to visit he would try to gather all the essentials for when she visited. He would search out his
prized trench coat and blanket, to have it ready at his favourite spot on the sofa, positively beaming
and bouncing with excitement.

Hence Jody mills was the perfect person to come to the rescue.

"Now please save me, I don't know how much more I can take"

Jody snapped out of her reminiscing as the crying at the end of the line got louder again and Bobby
let out a heavy sigh.

"Alright, I haven't seen my boy wonder for a while anyway, come over, let him have a change of
scenery, I've actually got fun stuff for him to play with" Jody smirked knowing that the
Winchesters collection of children's toys were practically non-existent. They had been convinced
that they would be able to get Castiel back to normal that they had tried to limit the stuff they
bought. However the answer to this was still far out of reach.
"Thank you, be over in half an hour?"

"That's great, I'll see you guys soon"

"Thanks Jody I owe you one" Bobby said before hanging up. Jody was over the moon, things were
a little slow at the moment, so having the boys would be a delight.

It didn't take her to long to get ready and dressed. With the Cast it could take a good 2 hours to just
get her trousers on, but with the brace it was plain sailing.

Jody's mind was already working on a game plan. She had realised a long time ago the true key to
keeping kids happy and relaxed was distraction. Whether it be their favourite toy was left at home
or their favourite hunter was out of town. If they were kept busy and content they would notice

She heard the muffled cries before the knock at the door. At the door was a very drained looking
Bobby, with a Blanket covered Castiel. The Angels face was blotchy and damp with tears and the
biggest puppy eyes.

"Hiya guys, aww sweetheart what's the matter" Jody greeted as Bobby started to take his shoes off
in the hallway and removed the blanket hiding Castiel's wings.

"Dee an 'Am gon. Owley go' em!" Castiel sobbed.

"He's been like this all night, every time he gets a lick of sleep he wakes up in a panic." Bobby

"Oh bubs come here" Jody cooed taking Castiel into her arms and giving him a gentle squeeze.

"You know that they're fine Cas, you spoke to them last night right?"

"Yeah we did, and they revealed the delightful news, that the Case is 'more complicated than they
thought' and that it could be another 2 days till they're ready to come back"

Castiel buried his face into Jody's shoulder as he continued to cry.

"Wan' Dee" Cas croaked.

"I know sweetie, it sucks, but Dean and Sam will come home. They'll be just fine. No silly demon
like Crowley can do anything to the Winchesters right?" she soothed as she bounced him up and

"No" Castiel whispered

"Exactly, but in the meantime we have lots of fun things to do, like...”

"Cuddle ime?" Castiel brightened

"Yes, that's right! And now is the perfect time dontcha think?"


"That's my little man" she praised as she started to walk to her prized sofa, when she remembered
Bobby was practical a walking zombie. "Hey Bobby, the guest room is all set up if you wanna
have a lie down"

"Thanks Jody, you’re a life saver" Bobby smiled, before slowly heading towards the stairs.
"Anytime," Jody smiled. Castiel had finally relaxed, and instead started to excitedly wriggle as
they settled down with her most comfortable throw. She sat at the far end, letting Castiel sit on her
lap, and relax his head in the crook of her arm that was resting on the sofa arm. She then wrapped
the throw around them making a nice cocoon.

"Here we go, all comfy?"

"Yesh" Cas nodded while he patted down the last few bumps in the cover.

"Then we are all good aren't we pigeon?"

"I not 'igeon" Cas giggled

"Oh if you're not a pigeon you must be a... chicken?"

"No!" Castiel laughed


"No! Illy Odie!"

"What could you possibly be?!" Jody said dramatically.


"An angel?!"

"Yesh!" Castiel laughed, this was a game he often enjoyed playing.

"Oh my goodness of course you are! I don't know how I missed that" she teased whilst gently
stroking his feathers into place while Castiel purred. She could tell there was a few missing, most
likely from Castiel having an extreme tantrum, it was a rare occurrence but still happened when he
was very distressed. This was such ocCasions like when his trench coat had been put in the wash,
or dean went to the shops without taking him. It didn't take a genius to work out what level of
distress this whole situation would cause.

"You’re our little angel aren't you?"

"A am!" Castiel smiled "Dee an 'am an bubee an 'Odee Aigil!"

"Yes you are and never forget it" Jody said, before squeezing him and blowing a raspberry on his
cheek, making the angel giggle hysterically.

It wasn't long till they settled into familiar comfort, enjoying each other’s company with words
rarely needed. Just enjoying being together. After millenniums of celestial rule Castiel had never
been able to experience simple necessities that human did. Which meant he had so much to catch
up on and his new found family was more than willing to oblige.

The morning passed with ease with the hum of singers on the radio, and the gentle snoring from
upstairs. Castiel had even slept for a bit with no incident of nightmare which was a blessing. When
he woke he was so rested he seemed to still be in a dream, just Casually smiling at all around him.

"Afternoon poppet" Jody smirked as Cas' grin grew bigger when she greeted him "someone had a
good nap" she chuckled softly as she stroked his hair out of his eyes. Cas happily babbled in
response, still content with things.
"Hey shall we have some lunch?"

"Uhney ah bwed?" Castiel asked hopefully.

"Of course sweetie, especially without sam around we can have as much as we like!" Jody jokingly
whispered. She knew Sam's heart was in the right place, but kids were kids and there was only so
much you could control. Which is why when Cas was around hers she would let him have as much
fun with food as possible. She knew from experience if you make food an awful ordeal then kids
would just be more averse to eating all together.

With Castiel she would let him have his favourites with new normal foods on the side, and if you
just let him be he would eat it. All of it in fact sometimes, some things were hit and miss but who
doesn't have dislikes. Every time Jody thought about courgettes she wanted to hurl. However the
Winchesters were never ones to just let things be.

She also found after much frustration and tears that Castiel just wanted to be more like the adults,
to not be so different at mealtimes. So Jody tended to make some meals that both of them could
enjoy without adding all the pazaz of herbs and spices that came with adult meals.

And as much as she loves her boys she is a way better cook, or at least at making meals that wasn't
heavy in fat and was stodgy.

So when she sat down putting Cas in his high chair at the dining table in the cosy dining room, he
let out a happy squeal and clapped his hands. This was because there was honey and bread just like
he wanted, and small portions of raspberries and strawberries. So while she ate her sandwich she
Casually nibbled on her own lot of berries which after a while Cas noticed and looked enraptured
by it. When he realised he had a portion of his own he got very excited and curious.

He took, or rather grabbed, a chunk of strawberry whilst keeping a close eye on Jody, studying her.
After giving him a reassuring nod, he gave his strawberry a careful inspection before popping the
chunk of fruit in his mouth. His face was lit with joy. Strawberries obviously a hit, one of many
points to Jody, angel aunt extraordinaire. Even raspberries seemed to go down well after he got
over the initial shock of the sharpness, his facial expression was picture perfect.

It wasn't long till a groggy a Bobby came downstairs but looking a lot better.

"I must still be dreaming, is that berry juice on your face Cas!" Bobby smiled fondly.

Castiel giggled, covering his smile with his hands.

"No it can't be," Bobby joked, turning to Jody "you’re a miracle worker. Last time sam tried to get
him to eat those they ended up decorating my window!" This made Castiel giggle even more.

"You think that's funny mister?" Jody chuckled

"Wi a da re!" Cas grinned.

"Oh I bet wi a da re" Bobby mumbled mirthfully "took me a good hour to scrub it all off"

"Awww poor Bobby," Jody sassed "I guess me and Cas should make you some cookies to heal
your woes"

This perked Castiel's interest instantly "ooky?" He asked sweetly.

"Yes cookies! Let’s go make some sweetie"

"Yay aba do Odie!"

"No idea what you said but yes" Jody smiled quickly wiping the crumbs and juices off of Castiel's
face before picking him up.

"Can I come to" Bobby teased.

"Oh I don't know, I suppose so, your highness" Jody smirked.

Jody loved baking with Cas, it was familiar and most of all normal, well as normal as it gets when
caring for an angel.

They had made enough to stock a bakery in the past, and would enjoy eating the fruits of their
labour by employing the boys to help, watching cartoons and enjoying hot chocolate.

She knew Castiel loved it everything from pouring and mixing to cutting and eating. However he
particularly loved trying to eat the chocolate chips without Jody noticing, another game he loved to
play. He would have a permanent grin the entire time.

They all walked into the well-loved kitchen Castiel in Jody's arms.

After suiting Bobby up in a rather fetching apron, she and Cas set to work bossing Bobby about.
"So what do we need first Cas" Jody asked.

"Boo !" Cas exclaimed

"Yeah that's right!"

"Bubee boo!" Cas ordered pointing to the old cookery book on the kitchen side. Both Jody and
Bobby couldn't help but laugh.

"Yes your majesty" Bobby smirked doing a little mock bow, Castiel happily clapped and giggled
his hands.

"He is our little pain in the ass" Jody joked but Cas seemed to miss it, instead wrapped up in his
own little world, "cookie recipe is on page 42, servant" she winked.

"As you say ma lady" Bobby said winked. Jody may have only slightly blushed at that.

It wasn't long till the cookie making process made it look like a bomb hit but they could care less.
Cas was happily pouring the mixtures into the bowl, although a fair bit didn't quite make it, either
going on the floor or the work surface and even stomachs. An impromptu Flour fight also didn't
help the mess levels, it was priceless to have had so much hysterical fun.

A highlight was when Cas started putting handfuls of the stuff down Bobby's T-shirt with Jody's
assistance in his precious cap. Jody had teased him by calling him Casper but it confused Castiel
too much.

They had eventual gotten the cookie batter into cookie shapes and into the oven, the rich smell
working through the house. They would all deny the monstrous stomach growls that could be
heard a state away.

As they waited they ate the left over mixture, which was very tasty and Castiel was reluctant to
give up the bowl for washing.

However, this meant time for dancing. Jody turned up the radio, and let the music fill the room, joy
thrumming through their bodies. Bobby put Cas on his shoulders, and took his hands so he
wouldn't fall off, letting the 3 of them dance to the country music tones, smiles bright. They were
enjoying themselves so much they almost couldn't hear the timer beating.

Fortunately the cookies were perfect, still warm and full of gooey chocolate, meaning Jody wasn’t
allowing it anywhere near the sofa. So they settled down at the table with their respective drinks,
Bobby and Jody with coffee and Cas with his own batch of chocolate milk, and enjoyed the
beautiful day that lay outside.

“Hey Castiel,” Jody smiled grabbing the child’s attention from splashing chocolate milk
everywhere, “I have a surprise for you.”

“eely?” Cas asked with excitement, the angel was not used being treated to nice things so when he
was he was over the moon.

“yes really, shall I go get it?” she said

“yesh pwease odie” Cas smiled ecstatically

Jody had seen it when she had to go to a store to sort out a dispute over shoplifting which turned out
to be a false alarm, but the store had been a quaint toy shop filled to the brim with all kinds of
things. However one caught her eyes, it was a grey rabbit sitting on its own in the baby section. It
was incredibly soft and its long ears were stitched with colourful flower patchwork. It was medium
sized and perfect for Castiel. The store owner, Laura, had seen her looking at it and came over
saying “she’s lovely isn’t she, these rabbits are extremely popular but for some reason this one is
always left behind. Take her sweetie, no charge, I may not see so clearly these days but even I can
see, she deserves a home. I know you know someone who needs her just as much” she gently
smiled and patted her shoulder before pottering off to help another customer.

As soon as Castiel saw the rabbit he fell instantly in love, hugging her close and enjoying the soft
feeling on his face. It was beautiful, Castiel finally has a proper toy, a friend all to himself. He was
instantly babbling and chatting to her in his high chair while the adults enjoyed the sweet scene.

With Cas’ wings it meant he was unable to go outside, not without inciting the public, media or
demons with the hysteria of the boy with wings. This often limited what they could do on nice days
like this. They were unable to go to the park or a zoo or do any normal kid family stuff.

This wasn’t going to stop any of the gang though, they just had to be discreet and a bit smarter.
Jody’s garden was quite considerable in size compared to some people and her husband had been a
keen gardener. A good 10 years ago he had planted many different fruit trees so that they grew
along the border, and they had grown very large and thick with foliage, meaning peaking
neighbours were unable to nose in their business. Jody reckons it was because he had ‘romantic’
ideas about what they could get up to in the garden, but they never quite bloomed into reality.

This only left a few spots they had to cover up and needing to ward the garden, which in the end
wasn’t to tricky, leaving a good lush green space to do whatever they wanted with. Meaning on a
day like today it was the perfect time to just lounge in the sun.

Taking all necessities like blankets, cushions and tonnes of freshly baked cookies, the three and
now rabbit, headed out into the garden. Jody let Castiel take charge in picking the best spot for
them to set up camp and then help her and Bobby make it. The little angel decided that the orange
trees was the best spot after much babble and deliberation, probably because there was some
orange blossom on the tree and when the breeze knocked some of it from the branch Cas would
exclaim “Snow!”
Jody loved how the angel’s feathers gleamed blues in the sun as he fanned his wings out to soak up
the warmth, as he lay on his front on Jody’s lap and cuddled with rabbit. She couldn’t help but be
grateful for the day especially when she had experienced some spectacularly shit ones.
However she couldn’t help but notice Bobby’s agitation as he kept checking his phone and treated
it as if it was a mill stone in his pocket.

“You okay Bobby?” she asked hesitantly.

“Yeah just…” he drifted obviously trying to tell his feelings in a way that wasn’t to emotional,
typical hunters, “…got the feeling somethings about to bite us in the ass you know?”
Jody bit her lip, because she did know, and it never ended well. As although it may be the perfect
day here, who knew what kind of day sam and dean had gotten themselves into.

“Yeah…” she whispered, noting Castiel seemed to have drifted off, so wasn’t listening.

“The boys said they were gonna call after they had followed up a lead, but that was about 6 hours
ago, and there has been no sign from them. They that something wasn’t quite right with this case,
but they could handle it. I’m afraid they’ve bitten a bit more than they could chew” Bobby said
staring off into the distance. The worry was evident, it was a lot to process, and just the thought of
anything happening was devastating.

Jody gently placed her hand on top of his, attracting his attention back to the present, “It will be ok.
They’re survivors and they will be fine. They always are, no matter how bad it gets. And when it
does, we will drag their asses out of the fire, like always,” she reassured offering a small smile that
he returned watery eyes starting to glisten.

They then laid down, lying Castiel between them with his rabbit. They spent the rest of the
afternoon this way, even one Castiel woke up, but he too seemed to sense the change in the air and
continued to cuddle up to his care takers. They stayed for the sundown and even the first stars
breaking out across the sky.
In all that time the phone still had not rung.

Chapter End Notes

i hope you guys liked it, please leave comments and feedback on both the fic and the
art will try to get the next the chapter up soon in which things will be getting a little
intense.... but there will also be fluff coz who doesnt want that ;P
Chapter 6
Chapter Notes

Hi guys, sorry it has been so long hopefully after May is over, a few more chapter will
make it out more quickly. I hope you guys enjoy the chapter =)

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The tension in the house was palpable, visceral. It made him feel sick, but then again many things
do now, like Sam's courgette and mash potato mix, but it was beside the point. He could hear
Jody's heartbeat boom in her chest from where his head laid. It was comforting and unnerving.

It was hard now he couldn't instantly tell everything about every human he came into contact with,
such as the health of their heart. Instead he now has to collect his data by hand, or in this case head,
though his data might be limited, as well as easily forgotten, but Castiel was still determined to
make sure his caretakers were ok.

He was worried to say the least. His adults were quite and stoic, currently staring at a single phone
as if it had done something wrong. Last night Bobby had been pacing with it, making it do lots of
beep noises before making growl sounds at it. Cas wasn't entirely sure what this meant.

He just really missed Dean, even Sam a little. He hadn't seen them in forever, only hearing their
voices fleetingly over the accused phone. It hurt not to have them near. Though Jody's made a great
cuddle partner, dean was perfect and his heart beat was beautiful. The thought of his absence made
him grip a little tighter to jody's shirt, burying his face in her chest. What if she and Bobby
disappeared to?

He loved Jody though because she just seemed to know what he needed. She gave him a reassuring
squeeze, then gently stroked his wings, whispering "It's ok Cas" pressing a kiss on his forehead.
His feathers ruffled happily under her touch.

It was hard to stay focused. Raw emotions confused and dominated beyond comprehension. One
moment he would feel irritation or frustration, then he the next he would be happy and soothed.
Various different human sensations also distracted him. How could you focus on things if your
stomach was screaming for attention?

He didn't know how Dean or sam could cope. Especially Dean, a large portion of his day can be
spent complaining about how hungry he is, yet he would still be able to do his job. However for
castiel, once hunger became a thought he was all consumed by it, not only the need to have food
but the right kind, something he could never truly appreciate till now. Why would you want some
of Sam's frankly disgusting concoctions, when you could have Jody's cooking or honey!

Anyways, it was nice to have this comfort. He often worried what would happen if he had been left
behind on the floor of that lab. He was plagued by it some nights, when nightmares wouldn't leave
him alone, taunting him with memories of the last year, of Crowley's anger, of the Winchesters
anguish with him. That he would try and shout for them, scream, paralysed, but they would simply
walk away. Glad to be finally rid of him.

But they didn't. When he woke, every time they would be there and embrace him in their arms. No
scolding or torture would happen. They would still treat him as family, and it was more than he
could ever ask for.

On the edge of his awareness he realised Bobby and Jody's was talking again as he felt the
vibrations of Jody's voice resonate in her throat.

"Just call one last time, every single one, just one more time. If they still don't reply we'll
implement our code brown plan" Jody's sighed.

Wait, what is she talking about? Is it about Dean? Sam?

"Ok... Those morons better pick up, I'm gonna whoop their asses so hard if they don't"

"At least it means you have found them" Jody's murmured as Bobby groaned, picking up the phone
and made the beeping noises again.

They were. Now Castiel was worried and frustrated, why would nobody tell him what was going

"Wad ga ba dee a sm!" Cas asked. Sadly communication was a difficulty at the moment, nothing
that he wanted to say would be said correctly and sometimes he couldn't keep his thoughts straight.
It was maddening, he had so many things he needed to say but no one would listen.

"Shh Cas it's ok buddy" Jody's soothed once again, readjusting him giving him a reassuring pat on
the back. It was nice, but still not answering his question.

"Wed da ga dee n Sm!" He whimpered, why wouldn't she tell him, he needed to know where Dean
was! Was he in danger? Was he going to come home?

"Aww sweet heart, I know I know. Bobby, me and Cas are just going to have some breakfast while that..."

"Ok, I'll see you guys in a bit" Bobby said putting the phone to his ear with a sad smile. Cas really
hoped he would let Dean talk to him again. He enjoyed talking to Dean, it meant he was ok.

Before he knew it he was being settled into his high chair, and buckled in. It didn't feel right, Jody's
was walking away, why was Jody's leaving him? He banged his hand against the table, letting out a
small cry, puppy eyes following her.

"Cas bubbs, hold your roll. I'm just getting breakfast out the fridge, I'll be back in a sec ok?" Jody
gently smiled from the door.

"Da Tay" Castiel whispered. Lots of people said they were just going to be a second, many never
returned. He hated being left behind. He hated being alone.

Fortunately, Jody kept her word and returned with a tray of bowls and a mug of steaming coffee.
Cas enjoyed the way the steam danced off into the room, he often tried to catch it in his hands but
it was always allusive, and it wasn't long till one of the adults would move it away from him, in
fear of spillage and scolds.

"Right sweetie, on the menu this morning, we've got raspberry yogurt and some fruit salad" Jody
said cheerily, seemly trying to lift the mood.
He had to admit he was hungry. He supposed his worrying could wait a little bit, Bobby was good
with making the right beep noises to call Dean. He liked the different colours of reds, blues, greens
and purples in the bowl of fruit and the way they bled together. He didn't think they would be
toxic, he had to be careful, some food really can taste awful. Like lemons, one of the few moments
he felt sorely tested by Dean in this new phase of life. Tentatively, he grabbed a chunk of what he
now recognised to be strawberry, and enjoyed the way the taste exploded with sweetness and a
touch of sharpness. He still liked it, the other mix of berries also had a similar satisfying sensation.

Now to test the raspberry yoghurt, grabbing a handful of the smooth pink gloop before Jody could
intervene with a spoon. He understood why adults used the metal things to eat their food but it
makes it harder to learn about what you're eating. For instance the yoghurt was lovely and cold on
his hands, and he liked the funny sound it made when he clapped his hands together, making him
giggle. Even Jody was struggling to stifle her laughter, as globs of yoghurt went flying, decorating
his hair and pyjamas. Even the smell was sweet and interesting, remembering most of humans taste
came from the smell of their food. Eventually it made it to his mouth, and he decided it was better
to eat it, than to paint with.

"You are a funny one aren't you Castiel" Jody smiled mopping the mess off his face with win a
damp kitchen cloth. He shook his head trying to escape, not because he didn't like it, it was just one
of the many things he found entertaining these days. He couldn't explain it, when he was big Dean
would complain at how much effort it would take to get Castiel to smile even a little. Now he
smiled more easier, freer. He liked it, he could actually be happy now.

"Ma Odie" Cas babbled as she finished. He always felt it was important to say how grateful he was
even if the adults couldn't fully understand. She gave a small chuckle, even if she looked a little

However moments like these can't last forever.

Bobby came into the dinning room looking pale and grey. Even Jody's light dimmed. Bobby
seemed to be frozen, his gaze not quite making Jody's or Castiel's, glazed looking. Cas knew
something must be wrong, it didn't feel good one bit.

"Bobby?" Jody whispered, and Bobby flinched, snapped from his shocked daze. Castiel didn't like
this, it was all wrong.

"One of the phones picked up. It was nurse from Jackson memorial hospital....asked if I was the
next of kin to a pair of John does that came in."

"Oh god what..."

"They're....they're stable, they... Sam and Dean, were found in the woods. A women who was with
them had called 911, but she was dead when the authorities arrived...they're real hurt Jody," Bobby
said a lump wedged in his throat.

What. Dean and Sam were hurt. In hospital. He wasn't there. He wasn't there to protect them. They
weren't coming home. He didn't understand.

He had to help them! He tried to squirm free, flapping his wings, but he was trapped by the buckles
of the chair. How could he save Dean if he was stuck! He could hear Jody try to calm him down,
but she doesn't understand, it wasn't fair why did he have to be so powerless to help them!

Tears started to stream from his eyes, hiccuped sobs escaping. Who was he kidding. He was
useless. He was just a human-ish child with a pair of wings, how could he possibly help his friends.
He let himself slump in defeat, all he could do was cry. His stomach was heavy and volcanic, his
whole body felt tense and wrong, at war with its self. He wanted it to stop. He wanted the
Winchesters home.

Soon he was aware he was no longer constrained in the chair, and instead in comforting arms,
familiar heart beat grounding him back to the present. The voice in his head was so loud, he didn't
deserve this kindness, if he hadn't been so selfish, so righteous, he wouldn't be in this mess, a
burden on his friends, he could have protected him, he...

A beautiful voice started to silence the anger of the voice. It was soft, lyrical, quiet. The more he
listened the more his body calmed with the music, the volcano in his stomach settling, the weight
lifting, his hearing returning.

"Baby mine, don't you cry. Baby mine, dry your eyes. Rest your head close to my heart, Never to
part, baby of mine..."

Castiel let his tears begin to stop, and his breath settling, trying to vaguely match the temperament
of Jody's. This song was very special to the pair, because it was for when he was truly upset and
needed that connection, to help him know he was cared for. Not for some tantrum about not having
control over the tv, or when they've forgotten something of his, but for when it all felt to much, that
trying to assimilate into this new strange life was distressing or plain unfair.

"From your head down to your toes, You're not much, goodness knows. But, you're so precious to
me, Sweet as can be, baby of mine."

"meh Odie. Ad ba Dee" Castiel hiccuped.

"Yes sweetheart, don't worry everything is gonna be fine" Jody comforted.

"I'll getcha a bottle" Bobby murmured as he shuffled back into the kitchen.

Not that Castiel was listening that closely. He had to stay calm, it hurt to much, it scared Bobby
and Jody, it wouldn't help anything. He needed to help Dean and Sam.

Before he knew it though he was being rocked in jody's arms which he did find soothing but also
distracting, how could he think of how to help the Winchesters if he was...falling asleep. He was so
tired. It was only late morning, but every day he needed so much sleep no matter how much he got
at night. He knew sam and Dean only needed 4 or 6 hours, why did he need so much? A yawn kept
escaping no matter how hard he tried.

He tapped Jody to try and stop her rocking so he could help, but she just caught his hand in hers
then gave it a quick kiss. Maybe talking would work?

"Odie a da da dee?" he asked but jody simply shushed him gently as she settled on the sofa with a
fresh bottle made up by Bobby.

He really did feel quite hungry and he was feeling quite tired...

No he had to help Dean and Sam! He desperately tried to squirm free but the fresh taste of milk hit
his tongue and he was all but lost to it. He was so tired and hungry. He'll think of a plan when he
wakes up, he will save Dean. It wasn't long till his eyelids closed and sleep swept him away.
He loved the dream world he walked in especially when they are nice ones. He felt like his normal
self, not constrained by human things. He could explore his fantastical, beautiful and strange
places, revisit things he cherished. He could be happy. Sam and Dean would be there, and Bobby
and jody, even some other familiar faces. It was peaceful. The sun would shine, the air was fresh,
and he could just breath.

All to often though this would change. His bright world would then be decimated. Black smoke
would break in, smother and strip, as it stormed through his fragile escape. Angered voices screech
in his ears, voices of leviathans, monsters and Crowley. They would hurt him, taunt him and most
frightening of all they'd take everyone away, including the Winchesters.

He would be left cold and alone. He'd scream in a wasteland of ash and muck, for them all to
comeback, but nothing would happen. No one would come.

However it wouldn't be long till soothing voices would reach him, grip him tight, and pull him out
of the nightmare. Whether it be Dean, or Sam, or Bobby, or Jody, he was just grateful that they
hadn't left him.

Which is exactly how he was feeling now. The world he had walked this time in had been different
this morning. The light had never had a chance to shine, and he choked on the sulphuric air. He
couldn't see. He stumbled as he called out for someone, anyone to hear him and help him. There
was nothing, till he felt his foot step on nothing, and his body fall into a chasm.

When he hit the bottom he heard a sickening crunch. His body screamed at him but he was
distracted, he could make out the outlines of something, someone.

He was tentative to see what it was, dread immediately pooling heavy in his stomach. He clawed
his way across the flaw, pain grinding at him with every moment. The closer he got the more
familiar the outlines became.

He sobbed. Their faces, Dean and Sam's faces, slack and grey, chests unmoving. He laid his hand
upon Dean's chest, desperately searching for that familiar heart beat thrumming. There was
nothing. Just the cold wetness of his top, Castiel didn't need the light to know what it was.

"Oh dear pigeon, it seems Sam and Dean have had a little accident. How unfortunate, if only they
were looking where they were going" a sneering voice echoed in the darkness, gruff,
condescending, accented, it was unmistakably Crowley. He would never forgive Cas.

"Shame, though I suppose this means more quality time for just you and me pet, after all we have
so much we need to straighten out. No one to interrupt while I demonstrate as to you why I cannot
abide traitors!"

He thought Crowley was going to strike him down then and there but then his world broke out in
light and he was raised from his perdition.

He was flying, no, he was being lifted, all he could hear was screaming and crying. Oh. That was
him, but he couldn't stop, everything hurt, the images wouldn't leave!

"Hey, hey, hey... It's ok Castiel, it's all fine, you're right here with me... It wasn't real..."

That was jody, she was holding him, she said everything's...fine... But how could it be!

He felt a comforting weight cocoon him as jody's arm wrapped tighter around him. It was soft and
fleece like. It was nice.

But every time he closed his eyes, the fear and despair would slam into his head, tear into his chest
and the overwhelming emotion would make his voice erupt with sorrow and tears pour.

The darkness. The filth. Dean. His face. His body. The red. Sam.


However his ears hear the soothing words, the singing, the heart beat, the breathing. He could feel
the warmth and smell the fabric softener. He was home and he was safe. Maybe he could allow
himself to breath. He felt something else being tucked in with him. He decided he could open his
eyes to. There before him was his new friend, rabbit.

He may not have given her a Human name yet, but he loved her. Sometimes it was hard to express
what he needed let alone what he felt, but he had soon realised those constraints weren't there with

Rabbit was there by his side the whole time since their recent meeting, even when he got to play
with the water in the tub she wasn't far away, enjoying the bathroom scene from the bathroom
cabinet. When the adults were looking odd the night before he could say as much to her. When he
woke in the middle of the night he wasn't so alone while he waited for someone to come help him.

She also didn't mind when he dribbled on her, or 'smooshed' his head into hers, or just wanted to
squeeze her tightly. Dean sometimes got annoyed at that, reminded him to be gentle. He knew he
wanted that connection, but apparently not everyone could stand how he expressed it.

He hoped he would learn how eventually, like how he learnt to recognise if someone was joking or
not. For now though he would enjoy what he knew.

He noticed his crying had lessened, he was still breathing heavily but much more easily. He could
feel that heart beat, the gentle hum, jody's soft breathing. Everything was here. Everything was...

Something was missing. He couldn't put his finger on it. He accommodated for the fact Dean and
Sam were gone but there was something else to...

"That's it Castiel, that's it...just breathe, it was only a nightmare"

It was, but it didn't make it any less scary.

His throat hurt and his eyes stung. He felt so weak, but jody was here and so was Bobby.

Where was Bobby? Maybe he was downstairs, only now realising he was in jody's room, where
she keeps his cot. That's why he couldn't see him.

Somehow that answer didn't sit right though. Something was missing.

Jody started to rock him, as she walked out the room. He couldn't see where they were going, he
decided hiding behind rabbit and blanket was better while he figured this problem out.

"Ok Castiel, let's get you changed" Jody said pressing kisses on his forehead.

Change? He thought he was already dressed. However a sense of dampness and stickiness came
into awareness. His top clinging to his skin from sweatiness. It was a little uncomfortable. A
feeling of embarrassment crawled in a little to.
He had realised normal things were going to be a little bit different pretty quickly. Being dependent
on someone else was definitely unnatural. He was a soldier of heaven, who could travel worlds in a
second, and wield great power.

Now he struggled to move, he had to eat, sleep, multiple clothes, contact, comfort, bathing

He had been very upset at everything for a good few weeks when this happened. People wouldn't
listen to him, would get things wrong, couldn't fix things. It was frustrating and lonely.

He could tell Sam and Dean were struggling but he couldn't do anything, he couldn't even help

Things have changed a little bit though. Although many things still make him feel a bit
uncomfortable, he trusted his friends.

He learnt that trying to struggle at the things that made his friends uncomfortable was hurting them
to. Once he let his friends help, he felt a lot better to. He would be clean, comfortable, and happier,
his friends would be calmer to.

So when Jody got rid of his nightmare ridden clothes and popped a fresh nappy on him, he felt a lot
better. She let him for go the trousers and t-shirt for the moment. He enjoyed letting his feathers
puff and trace against his back, and the air against his back.

The both of them settled on the floor where Jody had gotten out a play mat for him to investigate.
He loved the different noises it made, and looking at the angel in the reflection of the little plastic
mirrors. There was lots of interesting textures to feel to.

He was lost in it as Jody carefully straightened out the feathers of his wings. It was relaxing and
easy nothing like he had felt earlier.

Wait. He was upset earlier. Because Dean and Sam....they were hurt... He was coming up with a
plan... Something was missing...

Bobby. Where was Bobby ?


"Yes cas?"


Jody looked slightly uneasy.

"Bobby has gone to see Sam and Dean sweetie to see how they're doing"

"Bubee gon?"

"Yes, but he'll be back soon poppet"

Castiel felt like crying all over again but he could be strong, he could brave, or at least brave

He crawled over to Jody dragging rabbit with him and on to her lap snuggling into her.

He would not cry.

"I know cas, it sucks like hell but it'll be ok. Bobby always sorts things, be it a busted car or a
broken bone, Bobby will always fix things."

Castiel thought back and knew this to be mostly true. Bobby was an expert hunter, an extraordinary
researcher, and trained in the art of Winchester parenting. Bobby did fix most situations, like when
his film wasn't working he made it go again, and when Dean had cut his arm when tinkering one of
the cars out back, he stitched it back up.

But Bobby was just a man. What if this was something he couldn't mend?

"'K Odie" Castiel sniffled, there was no use arguing, there was nothing else they could do.

Maybe there was? Maybe there was still a plan to be made...he could still be helpful. He would
have to work hard but maybe, just maybe he could still be the winchesters saving grace.

Chapter End Notes

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it, please leave comment and feedback :)
chapter 7
Chapter Notes

omg guys im so sorry its been way to long since i updated but as promised not
abandoned and never will be. Uni didnt finish till august, then i got a gross cold and i
needed to enjoy my holiday but im so happy to be writing again!

i hope you guys enjoy, its a shorter chapter but hopefully the next chapter wont be too
long xxx

please comment and feedback, it would be much appreciated :)


Just breathe.

One breathe in.

One breathe out.

If Bobby kept breathing, everything will be fine.

Sort of.

Bobby had never been great at processing emotional situations. He, like many others, had
succumbed to hunter’s constipation when it came to dealing with emotions. It was easier to let all
the words, thrums, buzzes and movements blur and wash over him, becoming nothing. It meant not
listening to what had happened and not seeing Dean’s limp body, sunken on a hospital bed, in
intensive care, with a tube shoved down his throat.


This may not be his first time in this position, but it still hurts like a searing wrench tearing into his
guts. Seeing Dean like this was something he could never get used to. The pale clammy skin, the
deep bruising on his face, the mummy like bandages encasing his head and arms, the multiple
needles, endless tubes and intertwining wires hanging off of Dean’s arm. He was lost in the
mechanical movements of Dean’s chest, as the machine gently pushed air in to his lungs, and as
unnatural as it was, it was easier than looking at Dean’s face. Everything was so much, an
unrelenting pressure that was getting harder to quash, maybe it was better to let it all fade and
disappear, and everything was fine, just fine.

“Mr. Singer, are you ok?” a voice broke through.

Bobby startled, the nurse with mint green scrubs came into focus again. Her hand rested lightly on
his shoulder, her blue eyes gleaming with evident worry, her freckles forming a light dusting on her
face, her soft strands of her hair, though mussed, glowed with the weak light of the sun through the
window around her young face.

The question finally registered to his brain. Was he ok?

His eyes were stinging, his breathing was a little shaky, his hands trembling, his stomach wanted to
execute a projectile movement, so on balance probably not.

“Umm yeah, sorry I-”

“It’s ok, how about I get you a chair,” she reassured as she guided Bobby to the simple vinyl chair
by Dean’s bed.

“Thanks, sorry I know the last thing you need is me falling on you,” Bobby weakly chuckled.

“It’s ok, my superwoman strength always comes in handy” she smiled softly. She was nice, Bobby
could hit himself when he realised he didn’t even know her name. He tried to glance at her name
badge that twisted behind her arm, she caught his eye and he succumbed to a deep blush. ‘Great,
she must think I’m some kinda creep!’ Bobby despaired, fortunately she seemed to pick up on his
social faux pas as she almost giggled.

“Georgie, my names Georgie, sorry my other name tag met its fate when I accidently chucked it in
the wash, pins completely out of whack” she smiled.

Bobby chuckled lightly, “Nice to meet you Georgie please call me Bobby, Mr. Singer makes me
feel too old” he said quietly as if trying not to disturb Dean, even though a minor apocalypse
couldn’t wake him at the moment.

“Nice to meet you Bobby” she smiled warmly.

They fell into a comfortable silence as Bobby continued to take in the crappiness of the situation.
There were several monitors, all with different sets of lines and waves, numbers rising and falling,
Bobby could probably point out the heart one but after that he had no idea after that. What he knew
for certain, was the amount of beeps and trills was doing his head in, it was as if the whole ward’s
machinery was competing against each other.

He became distracted by the strange orange like fluid that slowly drained from what appeared to be
Dean’s chest into clear cylinders, which didn’t help to reassure his currently weak stomach. Bobby
definitely could identify, what he knew was a urinary catheter into a half full bag attached to the
bed, Dean was not going to be happy.

Georgie’s voice broke his thoughts once more, “If you have any questions, feel free to ask, I know
everything just goes in one ear and out the other for everyone, it is a lot to take in, sometimes it can
feel like a massive info dump, but yeah, fire away when you’re ready,” she rambled, slightly

As much a wished this would all be a horrible dream and hoping really hard would
have Dean cracking jokes and singing rock songs off-tune in the shower every morning, this was
reality and it wasn’t going to change anytime soon.

“Thanks, that would be really appreciated, things may have gone over me a little.”

“No problem, before we start would you like anything to drink? Water, coffee?”

“You don’t have a bottle of whiskey anywhere do ya?”

“Sadly not” she giggled.

“Shame, a water would be great thank you”

“Coming right up!” she smiled. Bobby fell back into his thoughts for a while as
Georgie went to fetch a plastic cup at the water machine. He observed the activities of the hospital
ward, some of the staff were laughing as they exchanged weekend news and failed dates, families
coming and going with refills of coffee, some talkative and bubbly, others quiet and distant. He
watched everyone dance around each other; cleaners mopping around the nurses plotting on large
charts, as doctors huddled in corners in deep conversation. It was a pleasant enough distraction but
those can only go so far. Turning back to Dean, he refused to let himself feel so distant, this was
his son for god’s sake, him being a bit ruffed up wasn’t going to change that. Minding the medical
paraphernalia, Bobby shuffled his chair closer to Dean’s bed letting down the bed side so he could
get closer. Gently he took Dean’s hand in his, gripping it to give it some sense of life. “What on
earth did you idjits get into?” bobby whispered, a reply he hoped for never coming.

Almost seamlessly, if it wasn’t for her foot catching the chair causing her to stumble, Georgie
settled into the chair next bobby again popping his cup of water on the bedside table next to him,
minding his arm that was holding Dean’s.

“So…What would you like to know first?”

The conversation was long and left Bobby feeling raw and ready for blood. Sam and Dean had
been found near the abandoned manor they had gone to investigate. A group of hikers had been
hoping for shelter from the rain that was pelting all those bellow punishingly, so headed to the
manor for shelter. Instead they stumbled upon the bloodied, unconscious bodies of Sam and Dean
in the neighbouring wooded grounds, the 10th and 11th victims to the house. When paramedics
arrived they were hypothermic and with critical injuries. They had been in the rain for hours.

They were rushed to the hospital not long after, and became the attention of the surgeons. Both
Sam and Dean had an impressive list of injuries, all of which incurred hours of tireless and delicate
work. They had taken some brutal hits, breaking many of Sam’s bones narrowly avoiding
shattering them, internal bleeding threatening with a branch impaled in his side, Dean’s right lung
punctured, bleeding, and head contused and bruised. It was arduous and gnarly as the medical team
worked to warm them and fix their injuries, but by the skin of their teeth the Winchesters were
stabilised. Just.

Sam was now recovering in a high dependency unit, the majority of his body in plaster cast and
pins, lethargic but slowly recovering well. Dean had been sedated and muscle relaxed to let the
ventilator do its job, to allow Dean’s body to recover without large pressure from breathing. There
was no knowing how he would be when he woke up, but the signs were looking promising. They
hoped that they would be able to start reducing his sedation in a couple of days, but it would be
down to Dean as to whether he’d want to start waking up.

“-but like I said these two are quiet the fighters, the doctors are quiet happy with how they’re both
doing and hopefully we can get them home soon, but unfortunately you need to be prepared that
soon could end up being a month or more”

“Ok…It’s good they’re in good hands…”

They shared a sad smile until the shrill ring of Bobby’s phone ripped through the silence. Bobby
fumbled as he opened the flip phone to see the caller ID. Jody 3 missed calls.

“I’m so sorry, is there a place I can take this”

“Of course the family room has good reception. It’s by reception on the right”

“Thank you, for everything”

“Your welcome, I’ll be here if you need anything”

Fortunately, the family room was quiet, all of the families now post lunch assuming their bedside
visiting position. It wasn’t the best room Bobby had ever been in, but it was practical and cosy. He
was starting to eye the free bread available on the side, realising he hadn’t eaten since his measly
gas station breakfast.

He decided to call first, he could hold off dinner a little longer. Jody picked up almost


“yeah it’s me, sorry I missed your calls the signal hear sucks”

“Its fine, more importantly how are you and the boys?”

“I’m alright, the boys…”

“less so…”

“Yh…Anyway, how are you and your boy? how’s cas?”

“I’m fine, tired… Cas is… well he’s Cas. He’s just out of sorts at the moment,
understandably, but its definitely exhausting”


“No he’s fidgety- Castiel no. no,” the phone was temporarily muffled as a frustrated whine could
be heard “Castiel come sit here, Bobby’s on the phone,” Bobby smirked as he heard the faint
‘bubee’ on the background “yes bobby, why don’t we have a cuddle while I talk to him?”

More babble could be heard as Cas could be heard climbing up onto Jody, the phone muffling the
almost sing song chant of ‘bubee ‘one, bubee ‘one’.
“You guys ready?” Bobby smirked.

“Yes, like I said fidgety, he keeps trying to crawl off places where I can’t see him, and for
somebody with big wings he can be a good hider when he wants to be, scares the crap out of me, an
hour it took me to find him! I only turned my back for a second”

“That sounds like cas”

“Indeed, I’m getting too old for this, that kid is way too energetic for his own good. We’ve had
several minor bumps this morning”, a ‘cas owee’ interjected loudly, “yes sweetie, all better now”
and a kissing noise accompanied.

“He keeps trying to walk, been cruising round all the furniture in the living room”

“Someone is keeping busy”

“Yes, not that it’s not great it’s just not the right time…Bobby…how is Sam and Dean?”

“I, umm, I haven’t seen Sam yet but he’s apparently doing better, starting to wake up more, limbs
busted badly but he’ll be ok”

“And Dean?”
“He’s…he’s got a nasty head injury and… a tube down his…he has a machine to help
him breathe. He had a bleed so they have to give his lungs a rest or something”

“Oh Bobby…”

“He’ll be ok, Dean always has a way of pulling through”

Bobby can hear the way Jody’s throat sticks in her throat but she manages to say “He does”

There’s a heavy silence till Jody is able to break it, “are you sure you’re ok there Bobby, I can
always come up and meet you-”

“It’s ok Jody, I’ll manage, anyway Cas needs to be somewhere safe and those wings aren’t exactly
discreet. Besides, I need to deal with this case before any other idjit gets themselves hurt”

“Just please make sure you get some help…”

“Sure will, I think there’s some hunters not too far away…maybe even Garth actually…”

“Good just stay safe”

“Will do. I better go, I still need to see Sam”

“Ok, take care Bobby, send my love to Sam and Dean, and please be careful…”

“You know me Jody, I’m the best hunter in the state, safe is my middle name”
Jody scoffed but it made them both smile “I’ll speak to you later James Bond, for now I’m pretty
sure I’ve got a diaper to change”

Bobby wrinkled his nose with a grin, glad he didn’t have to deal with that specific chore with his
very safe distance, “Ok Jody, I’ll call you later after I’ve talked to Sam.”

“Ok Bobby see you later” a faint ‘bye bubee’ chirping in too.

“Bye Jody, bye Cas” Bobby spoke as he sadly hung up, but more determined than ever.

He would see Sam, he would get on the case, close the case and burn those bastards to hell, heal
Sam and Dean somehow, and get home, and be with his family. Bobby was done with his loved
was being put in the shitter and being punished nine ways to Sundays.

It would end now.

chapter 8
Chapter Notes

happy new year everybody!!!!! im am SO sorry this chapter is so late, i am a terrible

person i cant believe how long its been since my last update, i hope everyone has had a
great holidays and that you enjoy this chapter, although i have to warn you guys the
end of this story is insight (about 3 chapters) but hope you guys still are enjoying it :D

See the end of the chapter for more notes

His whole body didn’t feel real. Parts hurt with furious vengeance and others almost didn’t exist.
He figured the analgesia he was on was pretty strong, he hadn’t felt so surreal in a long time. His
eyelids felt heavy and he made no effort to open them. He just enjoyed the colours that danced
across his eyelids in an attempt to distract himself from the throbbing pain that burnt up his legs. It
would move like waves coming and going every time he adjusted to be comfortable.

His head was a mess but his memories were gradually realigning. He remembered the rain, he
remembered the dirt, remembered Dean and his gormless face. Though the rest was a little fuzzy it
was enough to know what a boneheaded move they had made out there. How could they have been
so stupid?

“Sam?” a voice said like pouring sand, soft yet a little gritty.

“You idiot, come on Sam”, maybe not like sand but more like a radio, the auto tune just coming
into range but not quite the soft static lilting yet a little on edge.

“Sam?” The voice sounded desperate now but more familiar.

“Bobby?” He spoke to the void.

“Sam! Yes it’s me, come on son, open your eyes up for me” yes, how could that gruff voice be
anything else? It was Bobby, thank goodness.

“Bobby” Sam groaned, relief evident as he let out a heavy sigh. He dared to crack his eyes open
and was pleasantly surprised by the low light level, a mint green curtain drawn across the large

There before him, looking a little more haggard than usual, was Bobby, the bags under his eyes a
little prominent, his cap more askew but it was Bobby, and Sam couldn’t be happier in that

“How did you get here?”

“How do you think Moron, magic carpet ride?” Bobby smirked, Sam drowsily returned the
sentiment with his own small smile. “I drove, can’t exactly get an angel ride over… those tickets
are hard to find at the moment”
“No… haven’t got the tickets either…” Sam said drowsily.

“You ok there Sam?”

“Yeah everything just a bit…woolly…sorry”

“It’s ok, I can deal with woolly, how you feeling?”

“I’ve definitely felt better… My legs feel bad but they’d feel a lot worse without the morphine”
Sam said lazily gesturing to the three IV syringe drivers that were filled with some pretty powerful
pain relief, definitely some of Sam’s best friends at the moment, “My legs… I can’t bear to look at
them at the moment, the surgeons had to… they’re a mess, got pins and all sorts sticking out of
He remembered the first glimpse he got of them, he almost felt teary.

He had managed to crack his eyes long enough to see the damage that had been left when one of
the nurses were changing his dressings. Long, thick, raw wounds from the surgeons relieving the
pressure that his broken bones were putting on the surrounding tissues. Sam was used to gore, but
his stomach turned and wretched anyway.

“They’re hopeful I’ll be able to get back on them again… at some point” he mumbled. The doctors
had said they were confident they had intervened in time too extensive damage had been caused but
they couldn’t be sure, it would be a long road to recovery.

“I’m so sorry Sam”

"Not your's Dean?" Bobby looked hesitant, it must be bad.

"Please Bobby they won't tell me much..." He knew it was because they were afraid of upsetting

"He's still asleep... And he still has the breathing tube...he's stable, they said he just needs time to
rest, he should wake up in a few days”

Sam could only say "ok" his assurance barely brushed.

“He’s in good hands Sam, it may take some time but we'll get there"

"Yh... I just wished this never happened"

"Sam, what did happen?"

"We got it wrong. Only a little but enough for it to-" Sam almost choked.

"It's ok Sam. Take yur time Sam"

Sam took a deep breath.

"The house... it used to be a boarding house for vulnerable children. Orphans. In the 1900s it was
run by a guy called Jack Crichton, he inherited the house from his grandmother after she passed
away, moved in not long after with his wife. They couldn't have children so decided to somewhat
adopt all these kids to make up for it. Things were fine until the Great Depression hit, and things
went to hell. Crichton became a drunk, his anger grew, took it out on the kids, his wife.

"On 29th February 1934, the police arrived on the property after reports of abuse started to come
in. However all the children had disappeared as well as Crichton, just wreckage of gore inside. His
wife was the only one left and she was catatonic was till the day she died at the psychiatric home
40 miles away. Police searched but could never find him.

"Dean and I we... we figured that it must be Crichton's spirit behind the attacks, if we could find
his bones and burn them then it would solve the problem..."

"So what went wrong?"

"Couldn't find all the bones, bastard had parts hidden all over the place, we'd thought we'd found
most of it. The problem was we weren't just dealing with him, he's able to control the children, used
them to attack us, slow us down, they're scared shitless of him. Some of the attacks from recently
had happened in the wooded grounds, so we figured he had remains buried somewhere down there.
We'd started digging but didn't get very far...he threw Dean so hard..."

Bobby could see Sam was wavering "its ok son" he said taking Sam's hand and giving it a
reassuring squeeze. Sam took a deep breath and continued.

"We couldn't sort out the grounds remains, I'm not even sure we covered the whole manor, the
place is so big. We need to finish this quickly before someone else is hurt. The police have
cordoned it off but it won't stop people, they just want a good scare"

"Yh bunch of morons. It's ok Sam I'll make sure the place is finished"

"You need to burn it all Bobby" Sam said almost desperately “you can use TNT for all I care. That
smarmy dick is crafty, he needs to be destroyed, and the children need to be put to rest"

Bobby could only nod, it was part of the many ugly truths that there was nothing nice or fair for
anyone in this world, not even innocents could catch a break.

"You better have back up"

"Of course I do I'm not stupid Sam"

"Who is it Bobby"

"... Garth..."

"Garth, seriously Bobby!" Sam almost shouted, his heart monitor making itself known.

"I know, I know but there's no one else in the area. Now I know what's in store we can plan this
better, we know how this dick head operates"
"Just...just be careful, I don't want an angry Jody on my case, who would look after Cas then"

"Will do"

"How is Jody and Cas?"

"They're good, Cas is being a little mischief as normal, decided now was the time for learning how
to walk, and Jody’s running ragged after him"

Sam chuckled "well he has always had impeccable timing. I hope this is all over soon, I can't wait
to be back home. This was such a stupid idea"

"No Sam. You can't go blaming yourself. This needed to be dealt with, and we will fix this. That
arsehole is going to hell, Dean's going to wake up, we're going to get you both of you on your feet,
and we're going home. We'll go back to watching endless children's film and we'll call it quits. You
boys have done more than anyone could have dreamed of, maybe it's time for a new chapter in our

"Yeah, I think your right. I think me and Dean ran to this thinking it would solve some itch we had
for being in one place for so long, in truth I think we were scared that things have actually been

Sam's eyes started to run, his emotions shouting louder than the pain in his legs. Everything was
perfect, they had a family, they had some normality, it was happy, they had to strive for it but it
was there. It was everything he had been working and hoping for and he allowed himself and Dean
to be blinded. He was so stupid.

"Sam stop it" Bobby said pulling him back out of his thoughts

"I'm sorry Bobby"

"Its ok son, it's ok"

They sat in silence for a while, no more needed to be said. It wasn't long till one of the nurses came
along to set up Sam's next course of pain relief. Bobby decided it was best time to leave Sam to
rest, seeing the way he struggled to keep his eyes open, his face from grimacing.

Sam understood and just begged Bobby to stay safe. He was going to need it.


"Bobby, I think we actually were supposed to take the last right hand turn instead of left..."

Bobby let out a slow controlled breath out through his nose, a technique he'd learnt in a Buddhist
meditation book he'd read. He had found it had helped him quiet well in lower level stress
scenarios to help him keep calm and level headed, but it was being sorely tested at this point.

"Why do you think that Garth?"

"Well that's Egerton farm up ahead and according to the map that's 20 miles away from Crichton's
manor...gosh this map is hard to follow" Garth chuckled nervously to himself as he squinted closer
to the map.

Bobby could practically feel the hot bubbling annoyance try to tear out of him and punch Garth in
the face. They had gone wrong three times trying to find this god forsaken manor costing them a
good few hours in the process. He was already wired at the prospect of this hunt that had famously
hurt so many people and trying to find the place was exhausting him.

Not to mention Garth's never ending energy and "contributing" was definitely for somebody with
more patience than Bobby currently had. When Bobby opened his hotel door he was confronted by
a barrage of balloons and bunches of flowers while being tackled into an extremely uncoordinated,
smothering, awkward hug that had the temperament of a cocker spaniel trying to love a wall.

Suffice to say, Bobby was not in the best of moods

“Garth, if you don’t give me the map in the next five seconds, your ass will be on the ground, out
of this car as it drives away, before you have the time to say ‘Mr Fizzles needs to be stuffed where
the sun don’t shine’!”,
Garth gulped, eyes wide before gingerly handing over the wilting map. Nobody challenged Bobby
Singer’s word without consequences.
Garth never handled uncomfortable silences well, the undertones of them he found unsettling. It’s
why he developed the art babble and waffle, to cope with this, however it is not to everybody’s
liking. Which is why even before he even attempted to open his mouth, a calloused palm was
placed across it, silencing him immediately.

“Can you please just shut your pie hole, for 5 minutes, before I officially lose my patience” Bobby
grumbled, not raising his eyes from the map. Only a mumbled apology pitifully followed from
behind Bobby’s hand.
“Thank you. To be honest this isn’t really making any sense, could have sworn we went the other
way yet we still ended up away from the manor…”
Bobby removed his hand away from Garth

“Maybe… we are being redirected away from the property?”

“how do you mean?”
“All the people who ended up there didn’t get there by driving, they were all walking, hiking, even
Sam and Dean’s Car wasn’t found at the property, and the it could be because they didn’t want it to
get damaged while they were hunting but Baby was found way away from the main drive, because
they- the ghost guy, Crichton- could sense they were coming, maybe he was trying to actively
disadvantage them, tire them out, leave supplies behind, disorientate them so he would have the
upper hand ”

"You know Garth... That's the first useful thing you've said today"

Garth practically beamed with praise as he tried to sneak a little self-fist pump when he thought
Bobby was busy restarting the car. Bobby got his own tired groan in, all the same.
They promptly turned the car around, but made a slower journey not letting any detail or clue to
the manors where a bouts be missed.

It wasn't long till they found a faded and overgrown sign to Crichton manor. It was about 250
yards from a discreet opening, into woodlands over taken by ivy and nettles. It was so easily
missed, it was only by pure chance or local knowledge that it could ever be found.

Bobby's heart sunk as he explored the entrance. Only an off road vehicle or a heavy duty one would
be able to get down here now, the route dingy and haggard, it would burst his tyres in seconds, and
tight bends that would stick him in a ditch. He knew this was a likelihood, the impala being
recovered from down the road by police for the boys. Poor thing was currently sitting in an
impoundment yard, till Dean or Sam could take baby home, Bobby knew it was next on his list of
endless things to do.

Garth was wearing the same glum face, they would have to walk it.

"Bobby, I don't think we're gonna be able to carry everything down there. The map says it’s a good
mile and a half to the house and the stuff is heavy"

"It's ok Garth, I have a backup plan"

"Really" Garth brightened but still inquisitive.

"Well of course what did you think I had in the back, a frigging horse?"

“You had it covered with a sheet..." Garth mumbled looking to the floor

Bobby eye rolled as he went to the back of the pick up to start unloading his homemade, reinforced
wagon with their "plan" safely on board.

"Were you even listening earlier? Now help me get these down here before I start regretting this"

Garth rushed over and they gently got their precious loads on to the ground.

"It was just a lot to take in, I mean I'm just really worried for the boys and it's important -"

"Stop Garth! Just... Stop. I know this is difficult but we cannot afford to waste any more time. This
bastard is crafty and sadistic, and this ain't going to be some luau on a beach in Hawaii, we have to
protect ourselves more than ever, so put these on and let’s get going" Bobby ranted as he rifled
through their stock to find iron plating and a large bag of rock salt.

"Put the plaiting on to cover your torso and try to keep it out of view, it's uncomfortable and heavy
but we can't take the chance, hopefully if they attempt to attack you, the ghosts will evaporate
before they can try. Also stuff some salt in your pockets in case you lose your gun at any point, it'll
buy you time to get it back."

"Thanks Bobby" Garth said whilst dutifully carrying out his mentors instructions.

"Don't thank me yet boy"

Once they loaded the bare essentials on to the trailer and stuffed as much ammo as possible on
their person it was time to move. Bobby was terrified.

The closer they approached to the manor, Bobby could feel his anxiety stepping up the pressure, as
he pushed his heavy load down the jolty track.
They passed the left over police tape and coffee cups from where the boys and many others had
been found. It was sickening.

The manor was an austere place that presided in one of the woodlands largest clearings,
accompanied with an unkempt pond and mire. Although around the edges decay could be seen, it
still maintained an image of excellence and pride that seemed impossible given nobody living had
inhabited it for over 70 years.

"I don't like the look of this place Bobby" Garth panted trying to catch his breath from the trek as
they reached the outskirts of the clearing, letting his tired body slump against his cart.

"Me neither."

Although the sky was mainly clear the air felt heavy and cloying. Bobby grabbed his binoculars to
try to get a glimpse of the residents. It was when he looked to the small attic window he saw a
young face looking directly at him.

His heart was in his throat. Had they been finished before they had even started?

The girl slowly raised her hand to the window pane resting it gently against it. Bobby could just
about make out the scars that marred her palm. She then started to mouth words to him.

'Help us'

"Jesus Christ..." Bobby sighed empathetically.

"Poor things" Garth whispered “we need to put these little ones to rest"

"Yes, we do” Bobby said. He couldn't begin to imagine what these kids have gone through not
only in their living years but their deceased ones to, being stuck with an abusive dick like Crichton.

"Right let’s get moving, we need to check there's no living morons in the house. We'll get the carts
in, prime the and set the device, do a search of the place then get the hell out here, hopefully the
explosion will take care of any attachments in the house. Then we will finish the grave site in the
woods. You cover, while I get everything sorted, are we good?"

"Yes sir" Garth affirmed raising his shotgun in preparation, "let's go"

Bobby nodded before giving one last look to the attic, where more frightened eyes now looked
upon him. He raised his hand to mirror the girl's before mouthing 'we'll save you'

There was hope they'd all get through this.

With trepidation they moved on the house. With speed they got the carts onto the porch and into
reception area. It was a grand but creaky space with hardwood floors and panelling, nice
flammable materials, perfect.

Quickly they set up a protective circle of salt with the addition of a base layer of glue so no ghost
hijinks could move it, they couldn't afford it to.

Garth dutifully had his shotgun primed and ready with a likeness Bobby could describe as akin to a
Meerkat, as he kept look out.

Bobby could feel the house itch around him, as lights tinkered and floor boards groaned.

"Don't try me, you ghost bastard" Bobby mumbled

He pulled back the cover to reveal his iron caged explosive master piece. It had been a good while
since Bobby had gotten to express his hand for pyrotechnics, and this was going to be more than

He set 40 minutes. 40 minutes to sweep through the house check there is nobody living after they
were put in position, then get the hell out.

"You ready?" Bobby whispered to Garth

"Yeah, I think so" Garth jittered, but his face steeled with determination.

"Good" Bobby nodded before reaching one last time into the cart for the two jugs of holy oil he
had stashed "here, we'll make a trail as we go. If this doesn't purify the grounds at least it'll help
burn this house to the ground”

Garth nodded, taking the jug in one hand and raising his shotgun in his right.

"We move together, try not to get separated" Bobby reminded, it was too dangerous.

Bobby grabbed the first cart, they would place it in the east wing drawing room, the most central
part of that side of the house.

He felt worried about leaving the other cart behind but it was unlikely Crichton would be able to
mess with it. A hope he would hold on for dear, especially with the amount of iron and salt
protecting it.

They stalked the hallway, the wheels of the cart squeaking gently as they went, it was first time
Bobby had seen Garth so quiet. Bobby could feel the hairs on his neck heckle as the temperature
plummeted, dragon like breath floating from his heavy breathes. Crichton was here.

Chapter End Notes

thanks for reading i hope you guys liked it please comment they make me feel warm
and fuzzy inside ;D
Update/ Not a chapter

Hello everyone, I just wanted to reassure everyone and say the next chapter is on the way! I'm
probably half way through so far

I do want to say sorry it's been so long since my last update but life has been crazy. I have just
finished my degree which involved 5 months of work placement and a dissertation and another
essay both of which where horrible... But I've passed with a 2:1 ! So it was worth it in the end and
as of tomorrow I'm starting my new and first proper job, which I'm super excited and nervous
about. Long story short sadly didn't have as much time as I wanted to write my fic but I'm on it
now ...hopefully ;)

Will update so see you all soon xxxx

Chapter 9 official
Chapter Notes

Hi everyone I’m so so sorry how long it’s been this year has been the craziest and
starting my new job more so, I work 12.5 hour shifts both days and nights which
means nothing is straight forward and it unfortunately has meant this got left a bit. I
also have to admit I really struggled to write this chapter but the next one should be a
lot easier. I hope you guys like it and please leave comments and feed back I apologies
again for grammar and spelling this was done on my phone xxx

Bobby had often wondered what it would be like to be a bird or even an angel. To fly high above
the world and its problems without a care. He wondered what it would be like to fly without metal
and man made contraptions, to immerse himself in the authentic experience of self sustaining
flight. Such thoughts didn’t seem to matter as much now, as he is hurtled across the landing of
Crichton manor.

Bobby could feel his organs jerk as his ribs fractured, protesting against the force of his impact
against the floor. Time seemed to stop as Bobby's head bounded harshly.

As blackness clouded his vision, Bobby could feel the urge to vomit rising from his gut, but he
wouldn't give that son of a bitch the satisfaction. He should have skipped lunch. As his vision
cleared the only thought that ran through his mind was 'where the hell is Garth?!'

He knew that this hunt wasn't gonna be easy, but this hunt was more batshit crazy than Rufus
Turner with a bottle a jack, a flame thrower and a nest of wendigos.

Fighting the abusive ghost was relentless, Crichton had been following him too closely for bobby’s
comfort and with the children at his disposal they were out numbered. He barely had time to ready
his shotgun and load rock salt into that smug bastards face.

Catching his breathe Bobby rose to his feet, joints creaking as Crichton evaporated and vanished.
He took in the chaos unfolding from his view on the landing. The initial bomb they secured was
still ticking in the safety of salt and iron and Bobby could weep with relief. The second bomb had
been the start of their troubles, when they were forced to hastily set up as they took cover in the
centre of the East wing. They were taken by surprise to say the least, when the time code of the
bomb decided to skip from 40 minutes to 4.

They didn't have a chance to fix it. Crichton was hot on their tails, deciding three rounds of rock
salt was just three to many for his entertainment. They now had a royally pissed off poltergeist.
With heavy furniture sailing across he room with brute force they had no choice but to get the hell
out of dodge in a Hail Mary of rock salt fire. Breaking a hard left they escaped the trail of gasoline
that was about to ignite in a blaze. Bobby can safely say he had never run so fast in his life as the
east wing of the manor was engulfed in flames.

Bobby made it to the bottom of the grande stairs gathering his breath. The Coast was clear but he
could see flames licking their way down the end of the corridor to his right. As Bobby went to turn
away he noticed running through the flames with a mighty scream was a child no older than eight
years old. Bobby felt his heart shiver as the painful shriek hit him. However before the child could
reach bobby's range, the child sparked and flickered as he disappeared into the ether. His bones had
burned, Bobby thought. The child had been freed, the plan was working.
Quickly Bobby checked the timer of the bomb, 27minutes remained. It was something.

The iron chest plate wore heavy on him but he was reluctant to ditch it. Crichton had already
attempted to sucker punch him in the chest, to latch on to his soul, but the plating stopped him.
Thank god.

He just had to get through this and it would be over

He needed to go deeper into the heart of the house and find where that moron Garth had gone.

He took the entrance behind the stairway with his shot gun readied. With his ears pricked he
listened for the slightest disturbance. He needn’t have had the best hearing to have registered the
mass of clanging echoing out of a nearby stairwell that lead to the lower ground quarters. It likely
would have been where the staff of the original owners worked.

Primed and ready he began to stalk down the narrow steps. His cloudy breathe prepared him for
the adolescent ghost that lurked at the bottom with a hefty chunk of wood. Bobby could see the
timidness, his hesitation on the boys face but no chance could be taken, and the rock salt blew the
boy away with cry.

They clattering and chill got worse as he moved down the hall. Bobby took in a deep breath as he
approached a door in the dim light. However before he could enter the door flung open and a ball
of energy bounded into him.

"Garth!! Where the hell have you been!!"

"No time Bobby we need to leave the immediate area now!"

Bobby wasn't even given the opportunity to retort as Garth latched on to his arm and dragged him
with more strength than you'd expect for such a lanky guy.

In seconds just as they dove round a corner ripples of pure power pounded through the walls.
Debris could be heard smashing to the floor as the manor shook with the aftershock.

"What the hell was that!" Bobby shouted at Garth, not caring that his breathe had been knocked out
of him.

"Cookin on gas, Garth style!"

"You blew up the kitchen"

Garth shrugged jittery with energy and adrenaline

"That takes care of the lower ground!"

"Congratulations you idjit, just remember we’re still in the bloody house!!"

"Whoops?" Garth supplied awkwardly and bobby felt like he could’ve punched him. “ I’m sorry
bobby it’s just I remember watching a documentary one time about architecture, and apparently-”
“It doesn’t matter Garth!”

“Anyway there was a strong chance that some of the children may have been buried there and if
not the blast would’ve taken out a good portion of connecting rooms. I think I might have been
right coz Crichton followed me here which is why I had to hurry it so much, there was a surprising
amount of iron in there!”

As they let the air go silent as they got their breathing under control, quiet distant cries could be
heard. More souls freed? Bobby could only pray.

They were both caught by surprise when Crichton burst in front of them. Garth shrieked and flung
an iron rod he absentmindedly had in his hand. However this barely clipped Crichton, and bobby
could have cried.

Crichton jerked and sparked, growling in disgust and with a roar he struck out his arms towards the
walls either side of them and then with force drew the walls towards him. Garth and Bobby leaped
in different directions to escape tumbling walls crashing down.

As Bobby collected him self blinking dust out of his eyes he realised that Garth and him were




A muffled “I’m ok” just about made it through the new made wall. “Just run!”

He didn't know where he was headed but he set off with all the urgency he had remaining. Down
one of the many connecting hallways at his side was another set of stairs that led to the ground
then first floor at another end of the house and he took the exit with little thought. As he staggered
up, 2 bright white lights ascended through the floors and the relief he felt was pure.

When he reached the first floor his lungs struggled to catch up, he settled into an alcove where a
bookcase or decorative table would have been. For the moment he at least had some cover.

As his breathing became less laboured he reloaded his shot gun and tried to think. Indeed most of
the ground floor was in flames and rising, but only a handful of ghosts had been set free so far.
From the size of the house there must have been more children living here? Where were the rest of
the bones in the house ?

A flicker of white caught his eye and he readied himself, getting to his feet, finger itching on the
trigger as he turned.

He refrained though, recognising the child before him as the one from the attic. Up close he could
see she was about eleven years old, her soft curled hair tied back in a tatty ribbon to match her tatty
dress. Despite the rising heat of the house, Bobby only felt frozen in her presence. All was quiet in
this small alcove.

"Help?" She whispered and Bobby felt a pang of sadness lye heavy in him.

"Yes... I'm here to help... What's your name?"

"Jemima...Jemima Grove" the girl spoke timidly, her fingers knotting nervously in the skirt of her

"Hello Jemima Grove, I'm Bobby Singer"

She was shaking ever so slightly as she mustered up her courage.

"Bobby Singer help"

Bobby hesitantly kneeled on the ground to meet her level, but not quiet abandoning his gun.

"I'm gonna try, but I need you give me a hand Jemima "

"Bobby singer...listen"

The request felt strange but he understood

"I promise to listen Jemima"

"The others...didn't listen. Nobody listened"

"The others?"

"The other people...with the guns, I tried to show them but they kept sending me away, I didn't
mean to scare them"

Bobbys gut sank, Sam and Dean.

"It''s ok Jemima, I'm listening now... Do you know where I might find the other children, and

The girl nodded grimness seeping into her face.

"He... took us... After...after what he did to us..." her voice became thick with fear and bobby Knew
if she was living there would be tears.

"Ok can you tell me where that is?" Bobby tried to gently pry.

"the red room"

"The red room?" His gut uneasy

"It's where he would take us...when we had... Where we had to do penance for our sins." her face
was filled with such sorrow Bobby could barely take it. "I don't like it in there"

This was definitely some Jane Eyre bullshit.

" he said we’re here because God thinks we're impure. That we have to atone"

When bobby looked at the girl more closely. He could make out scars on her hands and arms as if a
crop had been struck against them repeatedly.

"That bastard"
"I don't want to go there"

"Don't worry I won't make you Jemima, can you show me the way?"

She nodded and turned towards the hallway heading towards the North wing

They walked with pace but never abandoning caution, avoiding the ghosts was hard enough but the
fire from the east wing and kitchen was building momentum through the house.

Bobby looked at Jemima as they went, the poor girl was a live wire of anxiety. They needed
distraction as the mayhem coursed on.

“Can you tell me more about Crichton Jemima?”

She adjusted her self slightly as they took another turn.

“He used to be nice...when I was nine he gave me chocolate for my birthday... but then he started to
become angry and he would smash things...then happened and we were all so scared”

“I see...”

"After we- he... He used to be like us but then he was able to grow stronger... there was more of us
but he-" she said Holding back a whimper "he made Alice disappear, she was with the rest of us
and then he came and grabbed her, she turned in to a big light screaming and he got stronger!"

Bobby had heard about this in ghost lore before but it was extremely rare. A ghost could absorb
another ghosts energy to harness it for strength. It obliterated the victim, no one new what
happened to them afterwards, only God.

"I'm so sorry Jemima"

"We need help Bobby singer"

"And I'm going to Jemima, you have to trust me though"

The pair then fell silent again.

The fierce heat began to permeate to the air. It wasn't long till they reached the door. Jemima drew
further in on herself at the sight of it. There was a lock at the top of the door, high where none of
the children could reach.

Bobby carefully assessed the door as it was impossible to rule out traps.

"Keep close Jemima" he said as pulled out one of his salt containers and created a salt line round
the entrance to the room. With great force bobby kicked the door.
The age of the frame meant the door fractured easily and they moved in swiftly.

The room was in deed red. The walls had a thick heavy crimson wallpaper bubbling and peeling
away, the old wooden floors covered by worn scarlet. There wasn’t much that adorned the room
but the set up seemed to be a home office but had the sense of a headmasters room, with an oak
desk and chair sitting proud by the window that looked out onto the back garden. Then in the
middle of the biggest wall a heavy cross hung.

Jemima lingered behind bobby to scared to enter. He turned to check on her, she was barely in the
room, fear gripping her firmly in place.

“It’s ok Jemima, you don’t need to come any further”

She nodded but did not relax. He needed to be quick, the smoke was becoming pungent in the air.

He looked around taking in the layout to find potential hiding spots, there was a small cupboard,
some bookcases but nothing to obvious. It didn’t make sense, if Jemima was right and most of the
people were taken here where would they fit?

Bobby coughed and his eyes stung as the smoke began to collect through the floor boards, shit.

Once he managed to clear his eyes, that’s when he noticed the smoke seemingly seeping under one
of the walls. With haste bobby headed to the biggest wall and start hitting his hand against the

Dull, dull... hollow.

Hollow !

“Thank god” and with that he grabbed the oak chair and began to slam it against the wall. Slowly
but surely the plaster splintered and crumbled revealing a gloomy cavern, full of bones. The
majority looked like they belonged to the children, but at the back was a small collection of large
adult bones such as a femur and ribs.

“Jesus...” Bobby felt his insides twist sharply

That’s when he heard Jemima scream. Whipping round the girl was cowering in the shadow of

“Jemima over here!!” Bobby yelled as he readied his shot gun. Crichton growled as he tried to
follow but was blocked by the salt line. The distraction was enough to shoot him away for the

Grabbing all the remaining salt supplies he had he emptied them on the to the bones. As he reached
for his lighter however he felt himself be flung into the wall.

Sight hazy and thoughts foggy, he barely saw Crichton enter the room having dispersed the salt
line in a gust of wind.

Jemima whimpered at Bobby’s side as Crichton loomed over the two.

“You.” Crichton snarled at Jemima and he went to reach her as the child shrunk in on herself.

“Don’t you dare you son of a bitch” Bobby groaned as he tried to prop himself up

With no thought Crichton reached for bobby’s throat and hauled him into the air.

Bobby has only been in this position a handful of times in his career and it never got better. As hard
as tries the air refuses to break round the compression. He clawed to be released but Crichton only
clamped down harder. No salt no gun he could not think what to do next. He could not think, his
mind becoming faint...

Then his body slammed to the ground.

“Stay the hell away you dick!!”

Garth...thank... someone

As bobby looked over he noticed Garth wasn’t alone. A group of eight children stood strong
behind unmoving. Crichton’s eyes were fixed upon them furious.

“I think these lot have something they want to say to you” Garth piped.

And with that the children launched upon Crichton all reaching for a share of his soul. It was
enough to attract his undivided attention. With that bobby flung the remaining lighter fluid and
lighter on top of the bones. He looked amongst the crowd for Jemima and found her sad eyes bright
with relief as her soul began to ascend in white.

"RUN!" Bobby yelled as Crichton was paralysed by the children. They ran as fast as their legs
would carry them. Down the corridors, down the stairs narrowly avoiding the licking flames, their
breathes fighting against the heavy smoke. They could barely see when they reached the foyer, that
bobby just about managed to stop Garth colliding with their bomb.

They didn’t stop running till they collapsed on the lawn, breathing like scared rabbits, hearts

A few shrill screams of the children ripped through the atmosphere as bright burning lights could
be seen from the distant window.

And with a few lasting beats the front of the house ripped it's self open.

Bobby covered his face as splinters and dust spewed into the air. It was probably an impressive site
to see, but he didn’t dare raise his head. The ground was cool and he could almost let himself drift
off in the aftermath of this war zone. He really needed to retire.

“We need to get to the forest grave!!” Garth gasped as he lumbered to his feet.

Bobby groaned, he was so done with this day. His head was very fuzzy, his thoughts like mud, he
knew he saw the site earlier...

“Where the hell is it!?”

“I think it was over here”

They only had a finite amount of time, the rest of Crichton’s bones were out here and while the
house blast will have slowed him down he was still strong.

It didn’t take them long to find the clearing, remembering the police tape and rubbish left by the
crews attending Sam and Dean.

Quickly they set up a ring of salt round where Sam and dean had been digging, and began to dig
The adrenaline made bobby feel ill, just waiting for any second for everything to go to crap.

“Bobby! Bobby!”
Bringing him out of his thoughts, he saw what Garth saw, bone.

The elation was cut short when a log flew across the back of Garth’s head and he tumbled to the

Crichton flickered and phased as he approached with rage. Bobby imagined any king who had lost
his kingdom would be pretty pissed about it.

Once again Crichton was held back by the salt circle but it wouldn’t take long to disrupt.

Bobby fired his Shotgun, dissipating Crichton in his stride

“Garth!” But his friend was down, eyes drooping. Shit!

Bobby kept digging, fortunately the soil was softened by the recent rainfall, but his body felt ready
to shatter. He took sock of what bones he had and was happy he had most of an adult skeleton from
what he saw at the house.

Bang!! He sent off another round. But Crichton wasn’t sent far.

Taking the rest of garth’s supplies he doused the bones thoroughly, Garth stirred back to
consciousness as bobby searched his pockets.

As the lighter fluid rocketed up in flames, Crichton, who had been so close to reaching Garth in
amidst the chaos, let out a mighty cry as the remainder of his spirit burnt out into embers.

"You've just been Garthed and Bobbed, Crichton" Garth slurred as he slowly collapsed to the
ground, covering himself in bark. "Jus-just give me a minute...phwoow"

Bobby took a deep breath and shook his head smiling to himself
"Come on ya idjit lets get you home"

Tired and groggy they heaved their tired limbs back to the truck. They knew a cheap motel bed
would be their home for a good two days. Bobby really hoped he hadn't herniated his spine.

Garth was quieter than his normal self as they finally slumped into the seats with a groan.

"I think... I'll just... Close my eyes for a bit now" Garth whispered as he drifted to his right and
layed his head against the cool window

"Don't blame ya" Bobby reassured feeling like maybe it would be best if he took the opportunity to
rest his eyes, so they don't end up crashing from exhaustion.

Just as Bobby let his eyes drift he was shocked with the strong insistent vibrations of his phone that
was nestled in his top jacket pocket. It was jody.

Immediately he answered


Her sigh of relief was clear through the phone and it made bobby's heart race with worry.
"Bobby!! Oh thank god, I've left 16 messages! Are you okay, you need to come home now!"

Everything she said ran and blurred together in bobby's foggy mind

"Ok jody slow down I-"

"It's Cas! He's Missing!"

Chapter 10
Chapter Notes

Hey guys Long time no see, I know all my fault. Here is the next chapter, I hope you
enjoy, I apologise for poor grammar and any errors I’m working off of my phone xxx

Please do leave comments I enjoy hearing from you guys

Castiel loved stars. Their nature and grace, their eloquent poetry, they were simply mesmerising.
Once he could travel amongst their majesty and knew every story they hold. Things had changed
now, however his appreciation had only ever brightened.

Not too long ago, Sam had let him stay up past his bedtime to stargaze from their blanket in the
garden. It had been a cool evening but the expanse of night sky was gleaming with excitement. Cas
loved how they shimmered and blinked up there, He couldn’t appreciate their glory in the same
way he used to but he could still understand from the more human perspective. The moment was
no less precious than when he was a full grown angel, he just enjoyed the soothing sound of Sam’s
voice as he retold everything that he knew about stars, from ancient stories to the science of them
as Cas snuggled tightly into his arms. Castiel loves Sam’s voice and he missed it greatly, Dean to.
When he had started to fall asleep in Sam’s arms they went inside and dean was waiting for him, he
scooped him up in his arms, held him tightly and castiel had never felt so blessed. He desperately
wanted them back.

From his cot he could see the sky was clear much like that night but the vibrancy was absent.
Nothing was the same since the Winchesters left. Jody was trying her best but he only felt restless
and agitated the longer they were gone. He wanted to scream most of the time, nobody would
listen to him, and no one would understand that he needed to be with the Winchesters. He was their
protector and nothing was going to stop that.

He was sure that once he was reunited with them he would be able to fix whatever had happened to
them, not that anyone has told him exactly what has happened. He wasn’t going to let that stop
him. Never.

He heard a light knock at the door before it cracked open. Jody stepped in and came over to his cot
wearing a worn smile.
“Hey Cas” she spoke softly
“Still not asleep Cas? Its nearly midnight”
Cas couldn’t find himself to care, nothing was right. His mind was racing always focused on the
abyss in his life.

“It’s ok Cas” Jody said soothingly as she picked him up from his cot. She ran a thumb delicately
under his eyes, it was only then he realised there was tears running down his face.
he quietly sobbed as he turned his face into Jody’s shoulder.
“I know” Jody said as she sat them down on the nearby chair. Silence bloomed and Castiel knew
she had no words to say, nothing she hadn’t said over and over again, the situation was dire and she
couldn’t fix it which scared him more than anything. He just tried to quell his tears. Time passed
and he felt a little lighter having had the company, as long as he didn’t think too hard.
“Try to get some sleep, tomorrow is another day” she quirked but the confidence behind it was
fractious. She gently lay him down, tucking the blanket around him with his rabbit, he gently
gripped one of the ears and rubbed it against his face.
“Goodnight sweetheart”
“Nigh Odie” he whispered.

All was quiet, all was dark, and it was time to change that. He couldn’t take it anymore.

When Bobby left it was then he realised he needed to get his family back himself. It wouldn’t be
easy but when had anything in the Winchester way of life been easy. He admitted his options were
limited but that wasn’t going to stop him.

Mobility was his primary objective. Jody and bobby had refused to take him he would need to
make his own way.

He doubted modern transportation would be an option due to insufficient financial funds and
people worrying about a small child with wings traveling alone which would hamper his journey.
He would need to get places under his own esteem.

He evaluated what he had at the moment and the only thing he had for certain was crawling.

Crawling was not going to be efficient enough, it tired his knees particularly outside. He knew that
human children around his development could walk so he would make a start. Walking would need
to be a thing. He thought it couldn’t be that hard, right?

It was one of the most frustrating processes of his life. Where all motor abilities had been so
natural this was anything but. Before being an angel everything physical came with instinct and
might but now coordinating his small body required so much focus that it hurt.

His legs needed much more strength to keep himself up right. This led the slight awkwardness of
squatting. He’d seen Sam do it lots when he was warming up for a run, he said it helped his
muscles grow stronger. As soon as he was sure Jody wasn’t looking he would haul himself up
alongside the coffee table or sofa and practice his squatting. Though Jody always found him and
seemed to have a similar reaction to dean when Sam did his squats, poorly stifled laughter. He
couldn’t quite see what was funny, it was a very effective exercise.

Before long his legs were much more able to hold his weight and he had to control his giddiness.
Not that it lasted long because he soon realised that balance was not his friend.
He would summon all his energy to focus on standing up without falling flat on his face and yet he
would still find himself thudding to the floor. At least the sofa was soft and cushioned, he had a bit
of an unfortunate incident with the coffee table and now had quite an impressive bump on his
forehead. He cried more than he liked to have admitted.

The hardest thing was not letting Jody get suspicious which had led to certain tensions. He
desperately tried to find somewhere that he could practice in peace, but Jody would get concerned
and try to make and do something else instead. He may have had a tantrum or two over that,
meaning Jody just sent him to bed because she thought he was tired.
With time though, things became more natural, or at least enough to get by. He learnt that his
wings gave him an advantage over gaining balance so when he began to teeter over he use them
could stabilise himself. He tried not to be too proud of himself when he finally took his first few
steps hiding behind the dining table. Jody couldn’t know that he finally had means independent.

That’s when he thought why not be a little bolder. Why not use his wings for flight? Or a hover or
graceful fall at least ?

Which is why he was now on the window sill of his bedroom ready for his leap of faith. It was a
fundamentally stupid idea even he could admit that, knew that if the Winchester’s were here he
would be severely scolded but what choice did he have? Doors were to heavy, there’s no
convenient cat flap, only a slightly a jar window.

The Winchester’s had seen to warding Jody’s land within an inch of its life meaning on these warm
nights they could have the freedom of fresh air. Guilt soured his stomach of the thought of abusing
this freedom but it was necessary.

He felt even more wobbly at this height and a whimper escaped him. Maybe he shouldn’t do this.
He squeezed his eyes closed trying to gather the strength. It wasn’t to late to go back to bed but he
was losing time to help Sam and Dean, he couldn’t be selfish.

You can do it cas

Castiel stilled at the voice

Jump to me buddy

Cas looked down to see a familiar Dean Winchester smiling up at him


That’s right buddy I’m just here I’ll catch you

The dean raised his arms up ready to catch him and Castiel didn’t even question stepping off

His wings pumped furiously as he plummeted, his insides in panicking swirl

Thud! He rolled along the grass, his wings cocooning around him as he gasped.

Carefully he opened his eyes to see green grass tickle his nose. He slowly sat up in a daze

He had done it! His bottom was sore he admitted but he’d done it. He was out the house and ready
to save Sam and dean. He clapped his hands with joy enjoying the sensation.

He just needed to get there now.

Shakily he extended his legs and rose to his feet, his wings flexed out to keep him upright. The
grass was moist under his feet with dew and he wriggled his toes in it enjoying the coolness.
Focus, he thought he needed to get moving.

He toddled down the pathway to the end of the garden and looked out on to the quiet road. He felt
stumped. In his former form he barely had to think to get to where he wanted to go. However he
felt worry had started to simmer.
Left or right?

It was a simple enough question but he was not sure on the answer. Bobby and Jody came from
both directions to get to the could be either. Don’t over think it he thought, as an angel he
instinctively knew where he was going why would now be different. He didn’t think he’d ever seen
Sam and dean use a map, they just knew where they were going to.

He took a deep breath. Left, he would go left.

He kept to the shadows of hedge rows and fences so he was more hidden but so he could grab onto
something when he felt he would fall. It was more walking than he had ever done before and his
legs were letting him know. When there was grass to walk on he leaped for it, his feet tender and
raw from stones and pebbles digging sharply into them. He was so tired.

He had taken a long nap that afternoon but his body was ailing. He felt like he had traveled miles
but when he looked back he could still just about see Jody’s front door.

Frustration heated through him and the urge to cry welled fiercely but he refused. He would not let
this regression stop him from saving his friends.

So he soldiered on. He crawled at times when he needed a break but it wasn’t enough, he would
flap his wings and jump which would carry a little but not enough, he soldiered on.

Soon he came to a small park that he recognised from when the car would pass it on the way to
That was only 5 minutes away by car.

It’s taken him forever and he’s barely gone anywhere! He couldn’t even think to consider looking
for signs pointing to Sam and deans hospital, he was still barely away from home!

He thumped to the floor in despair small fists rubbing harshly at his eyes. What has he done? He
was useless, he couldn’t do it!

He felt so stupid, he was alone with no means of help. Just a foolish child. He had failed dean

“Well look what we have here”

The air from Castiel’s lungs left him. From the shadows, a man who looked to be in his mid-30s
dressed in a leather jacket and some ripped up dark grey jeans, emerged with a grim smile on his
face. Cas new that if a human had seen him they would have thought him handsome, however all
Cas could see was the rotting filth that was person’s true face. A Demon.

“Well isn’t this going to be my lucky day. I am going to be famous! I’m going to be the demon that
found Crowley’s traitor” the man leered. The way he walks over was so casual it was unnerving, a
sleazy kind of confidence oozed from every pore infecting the air around them.

“We’ve been searching for you for ages but couldn’t quite know where you’d gotten to. Oh the
boss he has been so mad!”

Castiel desperately tried to pick himself up again, his hands fighting the dirt, flapping his wings
harshly, but he kept toppling over himself back onto the grass.

“We never thought we were looking for a shitty baby though”

Panic welled up in him, strong nausea pumped through him.

“Oh just think of the rewards” he leered as he finally was in reaching distance of Castiel.

“Don’t worry little one, we are going to take good care of you”
As the man reached for him pure panic jolted through him, before he knew it his wing was
smacking with great velocity into the side of the demons face. The demon reeled back almost
landing flat on his back. He brought a hand to his face swiping the dribble of blood off his face.

“Why you little bitch!” He roared

Castiel screamed as the demon raised his fist above him in fury. Cas had never felt so terrified in
his life as he screwed his eyes shut. All he wanted was to be in dean’s arms again. Now he was
going to be killed by some random demon, alone.

Then a gasping groan cut through. Castiel dared to open his eyes a little to see the demon seizing in
orange jolts a silver blade sticking through his chest. Whoever stabbed the demon then cast his
body aside out.

Castiel still cried, fear settling deep in his bones, Crowley is going to have him, he’ll never see Sam
and dean again, he’ll only ever know pain and hurt, he’ll only know loneliness and shame-

“Shhh little one your alright” a voice broke through the horror racing though his mind

Cas startles violently and he was gently collected into warm arms and his back patted reassuringly.

“Come on buddy, it’s alright, time to calm down, your safe, I’ve got you” the voice was soothing
and vaguely familiar

Taking a deep breath cas dared to open his eyes once more.

Things were blurry at first but his sight soon adjusted. From looking at the ground he wasn’t as
high as he normally was with dean, particularly Sam so the man wasn’t tall in stature.

His shirt was a soft white fabric with a light dusting of red but castiel ignored it. He had a black
long coat that was light in weight and had clean lines that gave him a quirky kind of grace.

Looking at his face it had a Familiarity that was screaming but his mind still lagged behind. His
face had a gentleness to it and an immaturity. A smile quirked playfully on his thin lips. He had a
thick beard too but Castiel sensed he didn’t normally have it there. Castiel ran his small hands
through his sandy locks enjoying the gentle wave. He looked up into his eyes and they were warm
honey dripping with a latent mischief. Castiel’s heart soared with hope.

“Hey little bro”

Chapter Notes

Hi everybody! Once again I’m sorry I’m a terrible fic parent but here’s the next
chapter. I’ve continued to realise the amount of errors in this fic such as grammar so
once I’ve uploaded the last chapter I will probably go back through and fix this. I hope
you guys enjoy and do leave comments they really make my day ☺️

Castiel fluttered his eyes open to sweet pastel colours dancing above him on a domed ceiling. He
felt warm and light as he blissfully stretched his wings and enjoyed the smooth silky sheets under

“Well look who’s awake here”

Castiel smiled as his older brother came and laid down next to him. Seeing Gabriel’s face was
instantly reassuring after being so terrified but the demons face has begun to fade. Here in this
small corner of paradise that Gabriel had created he breathed happily. He had not forgotten about
all his troubles but he was able to take them aside for the time being.

After the immediate demon threat was over, there was a lot running that followed. Gabriel while he
still had his wings could not hold the energy long enough to make the entire journey to this haven.
Gabriel had excitedly explained that this was the perfect opportunity to practice his carjacking
skills. They were some way out of Sioux Falls hidden in what looked like a grotty abandoned
motel. Heavily warded it was the safest place to be. It was too dangerous to go back to Jody’s
especially if more demons followed, they couldn’t drag her into this. Castiel could feel his thoughts
wandering when Gabriel gently tapped Castiel’s nose and said “Watch this little bro” with a
quirked lip.

At a snap of his fingers little sparks of light bloomed and fizzed over them like sparklers. Castiel lit
up with them as they danced, he looked over at Gabriel with a bright smile and he could see them
glow in his eyes.

It was strange to be reunited with Gabriel and be so at ease with him. An older brother he had
barely seen when he was an angel, who had only ever been trapped somewhere in between Lucifer
and Michael’s fights before running away, who had died finally standing up to his older brother,
someone who was now here beside him. However while their interactions had been limited there
was a fondness between them.

While Gabriel had been very bitter the last time they met and had imprisoned Castiel with Sam and
Dean in a pocket universe of TV shows, all of that animosity was washed away. He had his big
brother back and his big brother had just saved him from another one of his stupid mistakes.

Castiel rolled over so that he could inspect Gabriel close again. He still could not quite get used to
the beard, it felt like another thing hiding his brother’s true form but it was fun to tug at even if
Gabriel disagreed.
“You’re like a cat Castiel” Gabriel chuckled as he carefully removed the tiny grabby hands from
his now sore face. He then lifted Castiel onto his chest his hands supporting him under him so that
Castiel could still see him.

“Gab bah?” Castiel smiled despite himself.

“Yeah Cassie I’m here” Gabriel said sincerely.


Gabriel sighed deeply

“It’s a long story Cassie and it’s late”

Castiel fixed him with his fiercest stare, blue orbs pinning Gabriel to the spot. Gabriel tried to
squirm away but couldn’t.

“Geeze how am I supposed to resist that” Gabriel sighed. Reluctantly he sat up placing Castiel in
front of him on a plush pillow. They sat in a moment of silence as Gabriel crossed his legs and
worked up the courage to get his words together.

“Well you probably know about the Grande Elysian hotel standoff with Lucy. The apocalypse was
imminent, the other gods were having a pissing contest over how to stop my asshole brothers and
the Winchester’s were trapped in the middle of it all as per fricking usual.”

Castiel felt his stomach flip at the mention of Sam and Dean.

“I admit I wasn’t the most helpful, I still wanted the whole mess to be over but...Lucifer arrived and
it was a slaughter fest Cassie and I knew that in the end I had to do something, I couldn’t let that
bag of dicks burn everything because his daddy issues.

“I knew I wouldn’t beat my brother in a showdown with brawl, my talents lie elsewhere. There’s
no talking Lucy out of something he doesn’t want to and he was on a war path so it’s not like my
words would get me anywhere. The only way out was to convince old knuckle head that he’d won
without punching in my melon, creating a copy of me made sense, but making an extremely
realistic copy after a decoy copy made even more sense.” There was a glimmer of mischief that
flashed in Gabriel eyes but diminished quickly.

“Faking my death like that was a huge blow, there was no way Lucy would believe that
was the real me unless given enough reason to. The sheer amount of grace I gave may have well
sealed my death.”

Gabriel had a faraway look in his eyes, Castiel gripped Gabriel’s finger with a squeeze he hoped
was reassuring rather than painful. Gabriel’s hard-lined lips softened into a small smile as he met
Castiel’s eyes.

“It’s why I’ve been gone so long. Replenishing my grace has needed more time than I anticipated.
Staying hidden from heaven and hell has not been easy either but they’ve both been somewhat
distracted recently what with Raphael and such”

Castiel felt shame seep into him and his cheeks reddened
“It’s ok Cassie...I know this wasn’t what anyone wanted but I understand why you did what you
There was a pregnant pause as Castiel tried not to let his emotions drown him. Gabriel lifted
Castiel’s chin slowly so that their eyes met.
“It’s why I was there tonight, I’m here to start putting things right. I haven’t exactly lived up to
expectations so far and there’s no other leaders about in heaven so I’m stepping up. It’s time I stood
for something.” His sincerity was clear and his determination was set, it lit a small flame of hope in

“So while my grace isn’t perfect I can make a start, I think it will help exercise it and make it
stronger as well” Castiel beamed and crawled into Gabriel’s arms. As best he could he wrapped his
arms round his brother’s middle as joy sang in him, it had been a long time since any of his brothers
and sisters had sought true peace for the host or treated him like an equal. In return he felt arms
securely wrap round him as they savoured the moment.

“Now Cassie can you please explain to me, why on God’s green earth were you wondering about
the streets of Suburbia tonight?”

Castiel looked up at his brother and firmly said “‘Am an Dee.”

“Moose and squirrel?” Gabriel quirked his eyebrow, Castiel nodded.

“Why were you out looking for those bozos?” Gabriel said genuinely confused, the idea that
Castiel wasn’t permanently attached to their hips was a mystery. “Can you tell me?”

Castiel tried he really did but the words died in his mouth as the weight of emotion slammed down
on him and it made him whine in frustration.

“Ok ok, don’t get your knickers in a twist how about you show me?”

Castiel was confused at first but then nodded and sat up straight. Gabriel carefully placed his hands
on either side of Castiel‘s head and Castiel let his mind open to him. It was all there practically
bursting at the seams, the Winchester’s research at Bobby’s house, them leaving to hunt, him going
to stay at Jody’s house, the cursed phone call, Bobby’s distraught face, Bobby leaving and Castiel
setting off to help and then the demon.

“Oh...raspberries” Gabriel murmured his face taking on its own grim edge, “So Sam and Dean
have wound up in hospital and you, babe young one decided to go on a solo mission to save
Castiel nodded dejectedly with tears brewing.

“Ok we don’t need the waterfalls champ” Gabriel chastised delicately, drying the tears away.

“It was brave what you were trying to do Cassie, you were just...under equipped” Gabriel
reassured, “I’m here now though, while I might not be able to mojo this straight like the olden
days, between the two of us we can rescue the boys. So let’s go save them”

There was no way they could fly all the way to the hospital, Gabriel needed to conserve all his
grace for helping Sam and Dean. They couldn’t take a plane, neither of them had passports and
even if Gabriel made some, the risk that demons could corner them was too high. Gabriel was able
to piece together the overheard conversation of Castiel’s memory to get the name of the hospital
Bobby was heading to and looked up the address.

Without time to spare they gathered together supplies for the road trip as well ingredients and lore
for spell work. With any hope they would reach the hospital in a day if Gabriel drove straight all
day and night. Castiel worried that Gabriel would need more of a break but his brother had
reassured that he only needs to have a short nap once a week these days and he would be ok.
Gabriel magicked up a car seat for Castiel in their “borrowed” car and they hit the road as the sun
began to rise. The drive it’s self was relatively smooth. Castiel slept for a good portion, the stress
and excitement of the last few days catching up with him.

Much to Castiel’s delight Gabriel was able to put a simple cloaking charm on Castiel’s wings while
they were out so they were invisible to the common folk, a freedom Castiel hadn’t been able to
enjoy in a long time.

They got some questionable looks when Gabriel let Cas have his own adult sized burger at a diner
they stopped at. Castiel had laughed himself silly as he enjoyed mashing his hands into the soft
bun and dripping condiments before scoffing chunks of cooked beef. Gabriel joined him gleefully
pulling some silly faces in between which had Castiel reduced to hysterics. Gabriel wasn’t too
impressed when the waitress said how cute his son was but that made Castiel giggle for miles
down the road as Gabriel scowled.

Castiel was scared things would be awkward when he needed changing or help with tasks that
previously he wouldn’t need to bat an eye at but in true Gabriel fashion he surprised Castiel. He
was patient, attentive and joked the whole way through which put Castiel at ease.

The drive was long and there was times Castiel got restless being stuck in the car, thinking of what
was ahead and Gabriel took short breaks to allow Castiel to get his pent up energy out. This is
when Gabriel would let him totter about in fields next to the empty back roads and look at hidden
flowers in the wild grasses. Castiel particularly enjoyed when Gabriel would throw him high in the
air and bat his wings so that he could fly even for just a few seconds.
In the early hours of the next morning they were just outside the state of Mississippi. Gabriel
checked them into a reasonable hotel and they collapsed onto the kings sized bed.

“I don’t know how humans do it” Gabriel groaned

“I ‘ard” Castiel yawned
“Very hard”
Castiel found it very hard to keep his thoughts in order, it had been a long day and his limbs ached
and his eye lids threatened to close. “Right Cassie let’s get some sleep, we both need to have our
marbles together before sorting this out tomorrow” Gabriel drawled and before Cas knew it he was
in a fresh change of clothes and tucked close against his brothers body under the puffy duvet.

The sun peeked through the flimsy curtains and the pair of angels woke slowly. It was late
morning and the their stomachs rumbled, Gabriel felt too lazy to get them out to a diner for
breakfast so whipped up some pancakes and bacon ready on the table for them. They ate in
comfortable silence when the eldest brother spoke:
“Cas we need to have a talk about Sam and Dean. There no denying that what has happened is
probably horrific, we need to brave for them.”
Castiel nodded solemnly. He was so desperate to get his family back that he wasn’t sure how he
would react, he was glad that Gabriel was here.
Once again they were in the car traveling the final leg of the journey to Sam and Dean. The
hospital was huge and modern and Castiel felt instantly overwhelmed, there was constant streams
of people with chatter and noise filling the space, hundreds of signs directing people to seemingly
hundreds of floors that could be holding Sam and Dean anywhere.
“’ow di fide ‘am an Dee?”
“Simples Cassie we ask somebody with access to the computer system very kindly where they
Castiel doubted that somebody would just let them look that kind of thing up but he also sensed
that Gabriel wouldn’t exactly be giving them a choice in the matter. They approached the reception
desk where a middle aged gentleman was sat typing.
“Hello my name is David how can I help you today?”
“Hiya we’ve come to visit our friends Sam and Dean Winchester, can you so kindly tell us where
they have been admitted to?” Gabriel supplied his eyes bursting with a shot of white light briefly.

The man looked like he wanted to hesitate but instead his face became placid and smiley “Of
course sir give me just one second”

Castiel looked disapprovingly at Gabriel but he was thoroughly ignored. Castiel didn’t want David
to get into trouble because of Gabriel.

“So Sam Winchester is admitted to the high dependency acuity unit which is on the sixth floor
north wing if you follow the purple signs to your left they will take you to the correct elevators and
the unit will be there on your right”

That sounded quite serious Castiel thought and the concerns he felt began to boil in his stomach.

“…And Dean Winchester is admitted to the intensive care unit…”

With those few words Castiel’s heart imploded. Nothing about the words intensive care sounded

Sensing Castiel’s distress Gabriel quickly wrapped things up, “Ok thank you for your time” before
heading off towards the first green sign David had listed as directions to intensive care.

“Cassie don’t panic” Gabriel whispered and started firmly patting Castiel on the back. Cas then
realised he wasn’t exactly breathing consistently but the pats broke through the stress.

“Ok game plan we go see Dean first as he probably needs a bit more TLC then we will sought Sam
out.” Castiel nodded numbly into Gabriel’s shoulder.

“Dee ok?” Castiel whispered, eyes bright and shining with tears looking into his brothers.

“He’s gonna be little bro” holding his brother tight.

It took them a while following the green signs to the ICU but eventually they made it to the the
heavy secured doors of the ward. With a ding the automatic doors opened to let some dreary family
members out and Gabriel seized the opportunity to slip in.

As they entered they were greeted by the green panelled reception which attached to the main
nursing desk which was bustling with activity. The whole ward was open and meticulous, nothing
discreet or private about it which is inconvenient given what they plan to do. Gabriel hesitantly
walked further in not quite sure where to start.

“Oh my goodness who is this little cutie?!” A women in burgundy scrubs crooned as she
approached with a collection of linen in her arms. They realised that they might have been standing
a bit lost looking for too long.
“Cas” Castiel shyly said slightly hiding in Gabriel’s shoulder. The woman looked friendly and
warm like Jody. She was young and her hair was in a high ponytail with a light dusting of freckles
across her nose and cheeks.

“Aww nice to meet you Cas I’m Ellie, and who is this?” She said pointing at his big brother

“Gab” Castiel said proudly.

“Gabriel, he means Gabriel, enchanté” Gabriel said smoothly slightly bowing.

Ellie blushed “Nice to meet you to Gabriel. Can I help you guys? Is it your first time visiting?”

Sobering quickly Gabriel came back to himself “Yeah sorry we’ve come to visit our friend Dean

There was then a pause and Castiel realised how distracted he had let himself get even for the
briefest of moments.

“Oh yes Dean, bless him he had a pretty rough night last night. Sarah is looking after him today I
believe. I’m not sure that your little one is gonna want might not be an appropriate day to

That threw them both and it was clear in Ellie’s face that was the most delicate way of saying Dean
was up shits creak last night and probably still was.

“Oh ok um... tell you what my friend will be here soon to watch little Cassie we’ll come back in a
little bit when it’s more appropriate”

“That’s ok take your time, the family room is just down that corridor to the left if you want to wait
there” she offered before giving castiel a little wave and walking back to one of the bays.

In the meantime Gabriel retreated before finding a little corner where a fire extinguisher was kept
and the door for one of the store rooms was open giving them a little privacy.

“Gab?” Castiel patted Gabriel, they couldn’t be leaving surely they just got here.

“Just a second Cassie don’t worry. I’ve got an idea to not get us chucked out of here when we start
helping Dean, every patient is one to one here so it’s not like the staff are gonna leave us alone to
do weird magic crap”

Gabriel looked round the corners making sure no one was immediately approaching and there was
a lack of CCTV cameras.

“You ready?”

Castiel nodded though he wasn’t entirely sure what he was agreeing to.

Gabriel then snapped his fingers with a resounding click and everything came to halt and stopped.
Castiel held his breathe for a moment feeling the change in atmosphere. From their corner they
emerged into the surreal tableaux.

Cas looked around in awe at the frozen world around them, everyone paused on a breath, the
perfect silence ringing. His brother had actually stopped time.
Gabriel not one for waiting weaved freely round the still staff, over to a giant white board behind
the nursing station that had a huge list of surnames penned in black in the first column of an
elaborate table.

“Let’s have a look where Deano is.”

Castiel could feel his anxiety rising, struggling to sift through the many names but soon enough
Gabriel’s finger landed on bed 12 where written in capitals was Winchester.

“Gotcha squirrel”

Leaving the nursing desk they avoided the huddled doctors round bed sides, nurses drawing IVs at
trolleys, the family members milling about as they counted the bed numbers as they went till they
reached bay 10-13. The bay was on the edge of the ward with large windows framing it with the
hospital gardens sprawling behind. It was a welcome slither of peace against the harsh clinical
environment, golden sun light and a soft green tinged everything it touched. It reminded Castiel of
Dean’s eyes when he smiled.

Castiel scanned all the beds impatiently, he couldn’t find Dean anywhere, just strangers. He let out
a whine of frustration accidentally nudging Gabriel in the side.

“Castiel it’s ok, look number 12 is the bed over there towards the back, the curtain is just drawn a
bit that’s why you couldn’t see him, it’s ok” Gabriel pointed and Castiel berated himself for
missing something so obvious.

Tentatively they made their way to the bed space. Before Gabriel dared to pull back the curtain he
paused and looked down at Castiel, he wore a frown and worried eyes meeting Cas’, “Now Cassie,
remember what I said, you have to be brave. Dean isn’t going to be himself but it is still him and he
needs us”

Castiel gave a wobbly nod as everything continued to rage within him. He was finally with Dean,
things were going to get better.

When the curtain was pulled back Cas felt like he had been punched as the air rushed out of him.

“Dee?” Cas whispered as his eyes prickled and welled.

The person in the bed looked like a broken stranger. His Dean was bright and shining, vibrant and
brash...this body before him was a marred shell. All Castiel could think was this couldn’t be his

The soul that had been a beacon of strength was wilting and sorrowful, a flame fighting against a
wretched storm. In the frozen time Castiel thought Dean looked dead.

Gabriel moved closer dancing round the frozen nurse sitting at the desk at the end of his bed and
sat himself in the vacant chair by the head of the bed. Castiel squirmed as he struggled to see
Dean’s face with all the ventilator tubing that crowded the space.
Sensing the problem Gabriel put Castiel on the chair so he could adjust the position of the tubing
and gently Dean’s head to give Castiel a slightly clearer view.

Castiel was afraid to touch him, he looked like he would splinter like a bone China. His cheeks
hollow and skin sallow.

“It’s ok Castiel” Gabriel whispered holding Castiel strong and close as Castiel let the tears fall

“Oh Dean-O what on Earth did you get yourself into?” Sounding morose.

“‘Elp Dee”

“We will little bro, I’ll get the spell ready soon”

“‘E wi Dee”

“You want to be with Dean?”

Castiel nodded firmly and sniffled.

“Ok little guy”

After moving the ECG wires to create space Gabriel lay Castiel prone on Dean’s chest.

Gabriel then went got to the task at hand. He started unpacking the ingredients, bowls and
parchment out on the bed by Dean’s legs. He then carefully wheeled the statue nurse back from the
desk and began preparations.

Once everything was laid out Gabriel paused and sighed “I might not be as strong as I once was but
that certainly won’t stop us getting Dean back Cassie I promise.”

“Kay” Cas snuffled softly.

Castiel carefully laid his head on Dean’s chest, missing the sound of his strong heartbeat. He
curled his fingers into the fabric of the hospital gown and held on tightly. He couldn’t help but eye
the thick tubing resting in Dean’s neck with stitches decorating his skin or the tubes snaking out
from the side of Dean’s hospital gown. Castiel thought how he hoped Dean couldn’t feel them, that
he couldn’t feel anything. Cas stayed still afraid to disturb anything else attached to Dean.

Gabriel swooped round and plucked some of Dean’s hair before he added it to the concoction.

“Right Cassie this is African dream root, this will allow you to enter the dream scape and find
Dean in his head. There’s no hope of healing him physically if his mind is wandering somewhere
else. This is some of my grace, take it to Dean get him to accept it and it should kick start the
healing process. That with a bit of spell work we should be on our way. Either way this won’t be a
100% job but it’s better than where Dean’s heading at the moment so...yeah. Just relax Castiel and
find Dean”


“You’ll know Castiel, you’ve found him before in harder circumstances” not exactly helpful but
Castiel trusted him.


“Yesh” Castiel nodded and Gabriel assisted him in drinking the murky liquid.

The root tasted revolting and Castiel tried not to vomit but he could feel himself sinking under

Blackness was what struck him. He opened his eyes and it was all he saw, dark nothing.

He felt strange. He felt like he did when he was a fully-fledged angel. Unrestricted and light. He
looked down to see he was wearing his trench coat instead of drowned in it. He was back to his old
self. Ish.
He focused on where his wings were and thought of moving them and move they did, he felt their
strength and flapped them in one clean beat.

He could laugh with glee if it weren’t for his surroundings. He had to focus. He took a deep breath
and tuned his hearing and waited for a sign of Dean. He felt faint a tug in his core and he let it
guide him through the darkness.

The silence was eerie and the absence of light unnerved him. Tentatively he raised his hand a let a
bright light beam against the dark.

Suddenly a howling screech pierced his ears and he slammed his hands on his ears. It was
noticeably cold now and Castiel shivered and froze. More voices shrieked at him when a flash of
light blasted in the distance illuminating shaggy ominous shadows against the inky plane. The
shadows grew and prowled on forward. Castiel remembered his feet and picked up the pace. He
could have sworn something swiped at his legs as he ran, something sharp and jagged but he kept

The tug he felt grew stronger and desperate trying to haul him through the nightmare.

Something brushed past him and swiped at him and Cas cried out. In a moment of rage Castiel
stood his ground, he focused and let himself draw on what little bit of his grace that remained with
him and sent out a pulse of burning energy and watched the horrors scream and shatter into

Castiel thought he might collapse but felt something kept him on his feet. What had been
suffocating blackness was now a midnight blue and Castiel let himself feel more at ease. The tug
made its self known and Castiel chased it.

It was a while till Castiel was stopped by the pull. Before him was a figure in a shabby chair but his
posture was unnatural as the figure listed to the side. As he got closer he could make out the sandy
cropped hair and the green plaid shirt. He didn’t need to see the man’s face to know that was Dean.

“Dean!” Castiel shouted as he rushed over in front of Dean. To his horror Dean’s eyes were glassy
and vacant, his mouth was gaped open and drool streamed out. Castiel fumbled to prop Dean up
but he was a dead weight.

“Dean” Castiel said as his hands supported Dean’s head but there was no reaction. It was then he
felt heat radiate from his trench coat pocket. Castiel reached in to find the vial of grace Gabriel had
given him attached to a necklace. Without hesitation Castiel put it around Deans neck studying
every detail if Dean’s face waiting for something to happen.

Nothing. Nothing happened. Castiel thumped Dean’s chest with his fist “Dean come on!”

Castiel rested his head against Deans as his eyes streamed

“I can’t lose you Dean, I’ve come all this way, please wake up” Castiel stifled a sob “Please I need
you.” Castiel rested his head on Dean’s shoulder and cried.

Then a weak voice broke through Castiel tears.

Chapter 12
Chapter Notes

Hello everybody, surprise! We have finally made it to the end of this story. Suffice to
say 2020 has not gone the way anybody thought and working as a health care
professional in the NHS in a pandemic has been strange and daunting. Many of my
friends and colleagues have gone through things you can’t even imagine and I’m so
proud of them. Hopefully though it will be over soon.

So as a small promise to myself I have been working on this desperately to make sure
this story finally has an ending.

I hope you guys enjoy, this has been my first ever fanfic and it has been a learning
process but it’s one I enjoyed. I’m hoping to write some one shots in the future when
I’m able, if you guys have any suggestions for what you’d like to see do submit your

Thank you to everyone who has read my fic and shown support, couldn’t have done it
with out you xxxxx

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Time had always been something Castiel understood as being a complex structure. Something that
was non linear, that had power, but it was something he at least knew how to manipulate and
monitor to a degree. Once he could travel through the centuries with only a small amount of
inconvenience. In this moment however time had him seized in place. In this barren desolate plane
in which Dean Winchester’s broken mind resided time had stopped. Dean Winchester said his
name and now he is paralysed, lost between his last breath and the next.

His thoughts swirled as he begged to be released from this suffocation, his grace slammed in to his
chest trying to offer any minuscule amount of assistance. It was no use though, he didn’t
understand what was happening.

“Cas” there it was again, distorted and feathered, the voice he had been longing to hear. His chest
“Breathe Cas” the slow weak voice called out with the firm instruction ringing clear, time snapped
back with viscous urgency. Castiel felt immense relief flood and open his chest up, as he took deep
reviving breathes and gathered himself.

Dean looked at him with confused concern. His complexion worn and grey as his very being
started to stitch and weave its self back together. Castiel could see the small beads of Gabriel’s
grace glow as they ran along the tears and gaps, injecting life into every fibre of Dean’s being. The
older Winchester’s head lolled to the side heavily but Castiel could see those weary green eyes
fight to connect with his. Neither of them dared to blink, fearing this tenuous link was so brittle it
would shatter and the other would disappear out of existence. Tentatively Dean raised his arm as
tremors danced along and rested his frail hand against Castiel’s chest feeling it rise and fall.

“Cas?” Dean whispered breaking the eerie silence.

“It’s me Dean” Castiel replied quickly desperate to reassure. Dean took a moment as he breathed in
sharply, his head woolly and his senses clouded. He stared at Castiel, elated to see the familiar face
of his friend but he couldn’t help the strange nagging sensation that unsettled him. He couldn’t
remember how long it had been since he last saw Castiel, a day? A week? An eternity?
Darkness had been all he’d known for a while now, his mind wandering this intangible nothing
place. Castiel was in front of him though and that was enough. With a groan he straightened
himself using all his focus not to fall out of the chair. He studied Cas’ face, not the young infant
he’d left behind but the warrior of God in a tax accountant. Though the more Dean searched his
friends face he couldn’t shirk reading the same fear and vulnerability that resonated in those ocean
blue eyes like the ones he left only a few days ago on Bobby’s porch.

“Well... aren’t you a sight for sore eyes” Dean smiled with relief and Castiel couldn’t help but
smile in return
“It’s good to see you too Dean” Castiel said feeling aglow.

“Cas are again?”Dean asked hesitantly.

Castiel couldn’t help but feel an element of embarrassment and disappointment settle in him, “No
this is just a projection of me while I’m in here, back out there I’m still...small.” Dean could see
Castiel’s shoulders hunch a fraction. He had forgotten how wounded the angel’s pride could be,
once a mighty angel who played God and lost, his existence now in the hands of others, in a world
he doesn’t understand. With much left undiscussed and untouched, their fragile lives had been
allowed to teeter in the aftermath.

“It’s so weird to hear you talk again, not that your small talk isn’t very adorable” Dean lightly
jested, tempting his friend back out of his shell.

“I’d say... more frustrating.” Castiel said as small smile broke through.

Dean let out a light sigh, “Either way I’m so happy to have you man, small or not.” It was sincere
and Castiel couldn’t help but feel its strength. Dean Winchester was a man who loved fiercely and
only a select few, to know he was still one of them powered him more than he could comprehend.
The two of them could barely contain their grins, their small shy laughter dwarfed in the vast

Dean looked around the endless nothing, his eyes still adjusting “Where are we Cas?” He
whispered as his confusion continued to peak.

“We are in your mind” Castiel spoke softly, afraid their voices would splinter the space around
them, “Do you remember what happened?” Dean furrowed his brow and squinted his eyes in
concentration, the odd pleading sensation knocking at him again, a memory a little out of reach,
screaming at him to be known, something important.

“I mean- we were at Bobby’s and… me and Sam we…” Dean could feel how close it was as it
tapped at him but it remained elusive.

In the silence Castiel gently prompted “You had a hunting accident”, and with that Dean felt like
his synapses were on fire. The mansion and the ghosts exploded into view, he felt the sickening
crunch of spine slamming into the tree and his brother’s howling cry as he sunk into the
unforgiving black emptiness.

“Sammy!” Dean grabbed Cas’ shoulder as he tried to move with urgency, he had to help Sam!

“He’s alive! He’s ok” Castiel reassured helping his friend settle back into his seat “He’s safe Dean”

“Oh thank God” Dean panted grimacing “What happened, I mean, I- I feel like I’ve just been out,
am I- am I dead?”

“No. No you were hurt very badly though, you’ve been in a medically induced coma, you-“ Castiel
couldn’t bare it. The memory of Dean’s battered body, the ventilator whirring, mechanical breaths
sustaining Dean, the knowledge of his friends soul living on a knife’s edge. Even if Castiel felt
more like his former self his emotions still wouldn’t keep themselves in check. He felt the same
distress he felt the first time seeing Dean but tenfold.

“Hey its ok, you found me” Dean desperately tried to reassure seeing his friends rising panic.

“I was so scared I’d lost both of you. Nobody would tell me what happened, I couldn’t do
anything”, Cas could feel himself shiver and shake, his resolve cracking. He must have been quiet
for too long because Dean gently took his hand and gave it a squeeze.

“It’s me, I promise, I’m still here” his voice soothing and strong

“I know, I’m just so glad”

“I’m sorry we left you” Dean whispered eyes cast downwards.

“I understand... you needed space” Castiel replied feeling own eyes more drawn to the ground.

“No Cas-“.

“It’s ok I understand that my... current state isn’t the easiest and the way I- what I did to Sam was

“No Cas listen to me.” Dean said firmly “Everything that happened...with Crowley and purgatory...
and Sam... that’s water under the bridge. Who you were, what you did, is not who you are. Your
my brother Cas and I will stand by your side for as long as I am able and I will care for you no
matter what form you are. I know Sam and everyone else would do the same. We’re family”

Castiel eyes glistened as the words washed over him. “I’m a burden to you” he couldn’t help it, his
thoughts had been locked within him for to long, his self loathing screamed.

“Don’t you dare say that Cas, you are everything to us!”

“I was only ever trying to protect you, I hope you know that. I thought I had saved Sam and
you...You were happy with Lisa and Ben, I didn’t want to break that by asking for help. So I did it
on my own and I failed to keep you safe. Not only that I hurt you, deeply. I was reduced to this
feeble child as penance and you should have left me on the floor of the lab that night. You should
have left me for Crowley, for him to tear me apart but you didn’t, I was crying scared for the first
time in my existence-“

“-and I picked you up in my arms and held you tight all the way back to Bobby’s house, your
fingers gripped tightly round mine. Coz that’s what family does” Dean said solemnly.

“You saved me”

“Cas we forgave you a long time ago. You need to forgive yourself, to let it go. You have saved us
so many times and even when you’re an infant you are pulling our asses out the fire. Going on this
hunt was the biggest mistake of my life, I see that now. Truth was I was afraid that I had finally
found the thing I had been looking for, for a really long time. That if I had admitted it then I would
loose it... and look where that got us...”

Dean brought his thumb up to Cas’ cheek and brushed the stray tear away from his it.

“I’m not leaving you ever again Cas, that’s a promise. “

Dean opened his arms and Cas did not hesitate to take Dean in his. Castiel never wanted to leave
Dean’s hold ever again.

In the peripheries of Castiel’s senses a low piercing ringing sound came through, persistent and
urgent calling out to him. Gabriel. Reluctantly Castiel broke out the hold “we should go.”

“Yeah let’s, I’m done with this place” Castiel slung Dean’s arm around his neck and hauled him
up. Dean stumbled and his legs screamed but he blocked it out and let Castiel carry him forward.
Castiel wasn’t entirely sure where there were meant to be going but let his ears tune and latch onto
the signal and made their way in that direction. Gabriel’s signal grew stronger as they walked on
gaining ground until the signal abruptly cut out and castiel felt his gut drop.

“I don’t understand” Castiel whispered

“What’s wrong?”

“Gabriel, his message stopped”

“Gabriel! That ass hat is back!” Dean exclaimed

“Yes he’s the one making this all possible”

“Son of a bitch” Dean said shocked.

“He was giving me a sound source to follow but its gone...” panic made Castiel’s heart pick up

“Let’s keep going I’m sure it’ll pick up again”

“Ok” Castiel nodded and they set off again. They walked with purpose if a little aimlessly for a
while as Castiel tampered down the anxiety rolling heavy inside him. His eyes strained as he tried
to pick out anything in the vast darkness when a faint light flickered on the horizon. A white
beacon called out to them, it had to be Gabriel.
“We need to get to over there” Castiel said with renewed purpose. The gloom that had been coating
them began to dissipate, what had been a barren dark nothing started to shape and lighten in the
path of the beacon. They followed it.

The closer they got the clearer it was, it was a fissure, a gate way calling to them. Dean’s breath
was harsh and he was heavy on Castiel’s shoulders but the two still made their way on. The light
was warm and welcoming, lighting up the surrounding particles like shimmering glass. They
paused as Dean got his breath back, trepidation coursed though them as they readied themselves.

“Guess I’ll see you on the other side” Dean smiled and Castiel nodded
“See you on the other side Dean”

“Remember I’ll be there for you Cas, no matter what”

“Always” and with that they stepped through the fissure, never letting go.

Castiel gasped as he shocked himself awake, he coughed and spluttered in surprise, the air dry and

“Took you long enough Cassie!”

Castiel looked to his side in horror. Gabriel was grey and sweating profusely, panting harshly in the
seat next to Dean. Castiel opened his mouth in dismay “Gab!”

“It’s ok but we need to get outta here, I can’t maintain this freeze for much longer!”
Gabriel groaned as he pulled himself up using the bedside rails for support. He inhaled air through
his nose sharply and into his lungs as deeply as he could. He begged for a break.
Once he felt more sure of his feet he reached out to Castiel.

“Dee?” Cas sniffled as he tried to hold onto Dean. Gabriel did not hesitate however and swept
Castiel up whether he liked it or not. He could feel his grip on the time freeze wane and slip, they
couldn’t delay any longer. The fan next to Dean’s bedside begun to minutely turn and spin. With
that he hurried as quickly as his weak legs would take him. Castiel tried to squirm to see Dean over
his shoulder not baring to be separated again.

“Deans gonna be fine Cas you fixed him! Just give him time to figure out the last bit and he’ll be
awake in no time at all” finding that last bit of waning energy, Gabriel bolted through the heavy
duty doors. As soon as they crossed outside the threshold of the ICU the place snapped back into
life, the usual noise slamming Castiel’s ears.

Pitifully Gabriel hobbled to a chair in the hallway gasping for air, “We are not doing that again”
Gabriel wheezed as he let Cas settle in his lap. Castiel couldn’t help but stare at Gabriel’s weary
face, couldn’t help but feel wretched at his brothers condition, Gabriel looked as dire as the
patients resting in the intensive care beds. He had done it all for him and his friend.

“Orry Gab” Cas whispered, he didn’t mean to hurt his brother.

“It’s ok bud, you did it, I’m so proud of you!” Gabriel smiled with a tired exhale, patting Cas
soothingly on the arm “your amazing as always Cassie”

Castiel leaned into Gabriel seeking reassurance and comfort. They sat in silence as Gabriel
regained his breath. They got some funny looks from visitors and staff walking by but Gabriel used
his usual charm, charisma and trickery to gloss over that he looked like death warmed over and
kept the strangers walking on.

Castiel’s mind wouldn’t rest though, thoughts of Dean vibrant. He was that little bit closer to
having his family back. Soon they would be back at Bobby’s, all on the couch, he would be
between Dean and Sam, and they would stay like that. That’s when it struck him, “Gab?”
“Yes Cas?” Gabriel supplied, his cheeks looking pinker and his eyes clearer.


Gabriel squinted as the cells of his frazzled mind pieced back together. Then his face went stark
white as realisation hit him. “Ohhhh....snickerdoodle I forgot about Samwich!” Gabriel couldn’t
help but wince as his grace protested at the strain it had been put under. The thought of having to
under go another trial like that filled him with dread.

“El ‘am?” Castiel whispered big eyes watering. Who could resist that Gabriel thought to himself. If
he wasn’t ended by his own stupid antics those eyes would.

“I know Cas, I know we’re going to help him” Gabriel muttered reluctantly “Tell you what... let’s
go to the canteen and get some food, should help recharge the old batteries, give us sometime to
think, then we’ll go see Sam. I’m not going to be any good till I got some sugar in my system...and
maybe a nap”

Castiel nodded fluttering his eyelids staving off the tears. With reluctance Gabriel slowly rose to
his feet holding Castiel tight, back straining to straighten, feet only satisfied with a shuffle. Slowly
but surely they carefully followed the signs to the nearest canteen they could find in the hopes
there was an overly indulgent slice of chocolate fudge cake waiting for them.

Fortunately it wasn’t too busy and they stacked their tray high with confectionary and a burger on
the side for Cas. There was a quiet booth at the back that meant they could hide somewhat. Cas
safely behind Gabriel next to the wall where he could smoosh and pick his food to his heart’s

After scoffing down a huge amount of their edible goods, Gabriel would not be ashamed to say he
had taken a well deserved nap in front of everyone, it would have been perfect if it wasn’t for the
fact he face planted the remains of their meal half way through and had a terrified little angel
smacked him round the head till he woke up and could stop the feisty little one. It was incredibly
hard to shrug off the judgemental looks of the general public who stared him down and looked
ready to call child services.

Before too long they were stepped foot onto Sam’s ward. The ward had soft blue glow as the
afternoon sun seeped through the blinds. Castiel thought back to the intensive care unit with it’s
blaring alarms and hoards of people expecting the worst but was instead surprised by a calmer
atmosphere. While there was nurses and doctors about the place there weren’t nearly as many.
Castiel peered over Gabriel’s shoulder and watched the nurses attend to their patients. While the
patients looked comfortable and awake that familiar scared feeing began to grip Castiel again,
flashbacks of Dean coming forth. He really hoped Sam was ok.

Gabriel put all his energy into walking straight and soothing Castiel’s back as invisible feathers
ruffled and brushed against his face. He could see the receptionist desk ahead and could not afford
to turn into a heap on the floor then.

At the very least, Gabriel thought, it was unlikely he would have to pull off such a extravaganza
like earlier. Looking around there appeared to be more private rooms and less eyes honed in on
every single patient. More opportunity to examine the situation without staff running in to wonder
what the hell was going on.

At the desk was a woman in her 50s with neat greying corn rows hair and simply framed glasses,
clacked away at the keyboard which made a noise Castiel secretly found satisfying. As they
approached she lifted her head almost out of habit of sensing someone approach.

“Can I help you sir- Oh isn’t he the cutest little moon pie I ever saw! He’s so delicious you could
gobble him up” her voice drawled as her eyes beamed and gave a small wave at Castiel. Cas
furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, it seemed inappropriate to openly talk about eating children,
but the women had a pleasant aura.

“He is isn’t he” Gabriel chirped “He’s come to make our cousin feel better, Sam Winchester, is it
ok for us to visit?”

“Why of course, he is in bed 29 which is just down the corridor to the left” she pointed “Mr
Winchester must be very popular, I think he’s already has a visitor today...yes came in about 20
minutes ago”

“Oh...goodie” Gabriel twitched and alarm bells blared in his head. He swore to dad that if some
supernatural being had pipped them to the post and hurt Samuel the full fury of the trickester’s
wrath would be known today.

“Well I hope you have a nice visit and no doubt this little one will make Mr Winchester’s day”

“Thanks” Gabriel said as he hurried down the corridor.

“Bye little fella!”

“-I” cas squeaked as Gabriel whisked him away.

As collectedly as he could Gabriel sped walk down the hallway.

“Please don’t be a demon, please don’t be a demon” Gabriel muttered as he looked at the numbers
of the rooms as they went.

As they rounded the corner it was to Castiel’s great relief to the sight of a familiar grumpy old man
with a baseball cap grumbling to the weary, crumpled looking Sam in the hospital bed.

“It’s going to be ok Bobby he always is I’m sure there’s a reason” Sam said weakly.

“I don’t even know where to start Sam, he’s out there somewhere and you two are messed up seven
ways to Sunday I can’t just leave what if-“

“Bubee!” Castiel’s excited small voice chirped from the doorway of Sam’s room. The heads of the
two men whipped round in shock, as disbelief radiated.

“What in the hell? Where the hell have you been!” Bobby said sternly, face aghast. Castiel didn’t
register though he was so happy to see Bobby and Sam.

“Da oo e a ‘am a Dee” Cas babbled desperate to get the words out, to let them know it was all fine,
that he and Gabriel were fixing the situation.

“Jody has been frightened out her mind, you disappear in the middle of the night, no clue as to why
or where, we thought Crowley had taken you! what the bloody hell where you thinking!!”

Castiel froze. This wasn’t like the other times Bobby had been cross. His voice bellowed and bit at
his ears, his complexion was red, his eyes blood shot almost akin to a crossroad demon’s. That’s
when it hit him, Bobby was angry, furious at him. Castiel couldn’t help but shrink in shame, he
never meant to anger Bobby or scare Jody. He couldn’t help but feel memories of Zachariah
scolding him surge as the shame spread through out him. He’d screwed up again.

“Hey lay off Cassie, he was only trying to help” Gabriel piped up, shielding Castiel in his arms.

Bobby did a double take, truly taking in who was in front of him, “Aren’t you supposed to be

“Well Sorry to disappoint but no I’m not!...Was nearly but that’s beside the point” Gabriel snarked.

“Just typical what we really needed was a fricking dickhead archangel to add to this bloody mess”

“For your information this frigging archangel is saving your sorry asses, again!”

“Excuse me what-!”

“Guys stop! your upsetting Cas” Sam practically shouted wincing with the effort. It was then that
Cas realised he wasn’t breathing right as he tried to hold on to his ragged sobs.

“Cassie hey it’s ok, just breath” Gabriel crooned stroking Castiel’s back.

“Or-ry Bubbee” Castiel gasped, tears dripping off his scarlet cheeks as regret seethed in him. He
could never get anything right, he’d hurt his family once more.

With a deep sigh Bobby collected himself and scratched his brow. “Come ‘ere Cas” Bobby said
extending out his arms. Gabriel reluctantly handed Castiel over to Bobby and Castiel nuzzled his
face into Bobby’s neck as he tried to suppress his sobs.

“I know you meant well Cas we were just worried. A note would have been nice”

Soon sobs became hiccups and his breaths softened. Head resting on Bobby’s shoulder he couldn’t
help but think that this day couldn’t get any longer.

“E el ‘am an Dee” Castiel whispered.

“Idjit, you’ve spent to much time with these two” Bobby grumbled fondly.

“Do I get a hug too?”

Down to his side was the weak but warm smile of Sam Winchester. Castiel had seen his friend in
horrendous circumstances before but Sam looked bone-tired. Much like Dean his skin looked
washed out and papery as if he would disappear if a slight breeze took him. His hair greasy, dark
circles rested under his eyes, no longer the tall proud athlete. However nothing could distract from
that shining soul that despite the odds had a strong flame lit within it.

“‘Es ‘am, ug ‘am” Castiel nodded.

Bobby rolled his eyes before settling Castiel at Sam’s side strategically.

“Hey Cas” Sam greeted

“‘Am” Castiel said assuredly looking deep into Sam’s eyes, it was good to see his friend.

“I missed you buddy...I’m so sorry” Sam croaked

“I kay” Castiel said sincerely eyes staring soulfully into Sam’s.

“Come here” Sam curled his arm best he could around Castiel then Cas laid his head down against
Sam’s shoulder as Sam’s arm acted like a nest. Castiel’s small hands gripped Sams patient gown,
as his form shifted in time with Sam’s breath. Sam went to stroke his back but was taken aback.

“Um Cas, where’s your wings?”

“Oh just a small invisibility spell from yours truly” Gabriel smiled smugly as he sat himself down
in a chair burying his nose into women’s magazine that had been lying about “nothing big I’m sure
you guys thought of that”

“Of course, Makes sense” Sam smiled appeasingly not rising to the bait and extended his hand out
again gently feeling for the young wings and let his fingers run over silky feathers. Castiel couldn’t
help but purr feeling complete. Castiel soaked up the reassurance, his friends were alive and
breathing, his brother was back, they would soon all be reunited.

“Seems like you both have been up to all sorts” Sam said and quirked his eyebrow.

“Ah ba ‘am”

“Yeah you could say that” Gabriel mumbled whilst feigning deep interest into an article on top
lingerie fashion trends of the month.

“How did this even happen? How did a supposedly long lost archangel and his recently shrunk
brother get together and come here?”

With a huff Gabriel tossed the magazine aside, “Look, I’ve been trying to find my way back for a
while now and when this boy wonder pinged on my radar and I realised he was trying to go on a
heroic adventure to save you and Dean all by himself I came as soon as I could, and there was
some minor demon troubles which I took care of and after a good catch up we decided to come as
soon as we could and save you” Gabriel rambled.

“What do you mean demon-“ Bobby tried your interject.

“It’s fine I took care of it but anyway the point is that me and Cassie are here to help and that
means getting you up and going Sammy boy”

“What about Dean he needs it more than I do”

“Oh don’t you worry we’ve been to see Deano. Let’s just say he’s going to start feeling a lot better
a real soon, all thanks to Cassie too”

Sam looked down at Castiel who was staring up at him looking unsure “I’m so proud of you Cas.
You never stop surprising us” and a shy smile grew on Castiel’s face as he let Sam mess up his
“He did good. Now we’re here to fix you up or at least give you a helping hand. I’m definitely not
a hundred percent after that certain escapade with Dean but at the very least we’ll give it our best

“Thank you Gabriel” Sam said gratitude radiating.

“Your welcome” Gabriel said with a grin and eye wriggle, Sam softly laughed, to think this was
the same archangel who trapped them in a television show.

The moment was interrupted by Bobby’s phone ringing. Seeing the number Bobby jumped to
answer it “Yes this is he ok?”
Castiel’s ears immediately pricked up desperate to listen in.
“Thank god for that” Bobby let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding and chuckled “he is a
stubborn one...ok I’m with his brother at the moment so I’ll be there is about 15 minutes...thanks

“Is everything ok Bobby” Sam said quickly.

“That was Dean’s doctor, apparently he just broke through his sedation, ripped out his breathing
tube and is demanding he sees Cas and you immediately. Gave the nurses quiet the scare”

“Is he ok!” Sam exclaimed.

“Yeah just being stubborn as hell. Hopefully if I get him to calm down he won’t have an

“I ee Dee?” Castiel piped up.

“No Cas if he’s all stirred up the medical staff probably won’t let you see him. It won’t be very
nice. I’ll go see him now and get him sorted, you guys stay with Sam and see what you can do”

“Ok Bobby just phone as soon as you can” Sam agreed.

“Will do, make sure these two don’t get into to much trouble” Bobby winked as he left the room.

“Right lets see have looksy” Gabriel clapped his hands and jumped up to examine Sam.
Sam gestured towards the leg hiding under the sheet, “that’s the main thing, they’ve done quite
extensive work on it but its pretty- mangled” Sam choked out.

“Sweet Mary and Joseph, Samuel” Gabriel grimaced as a sickly sweet odour drifted from the
densely dressed leg, but that couldn’t hide the macabre skin patchwork from Gabriel’s eyes “what
the hell happened?”

“The ghost we were fighting was all kinds of angry at us. Decided breaking my leg was going to be
payment for trespassing, for starters at least” Sam’s gaze went distant as he recalled the last few
days “It was a while till we were found so the damage caused pressure and then that threatened to
kill the surrounding tissues. Doctors have done a good job but it doesn’t make it any less painful or
hard to look at.”

“Well I can definitely do something about that” Gabriel said lost in thought “I can definitely use
my grace to jump start the healing and sedate the pain in your leg, will take a while to clear the
scar tissue but we can try that later, don’t want the medical staff getting suspicious.”
“Anything you can do will be fine Gabriel” Sam said gratefully

“Tone down the ass kissing Sam there’s only so much I can take” Gabriel sassed and Sam couldn’t
help shake his head in jest, Castiel appreciated seeing the two get along.

Gingerly Gabriel lay his hands on Sams leg and let a golden white glow shine from his palms. Sam
initially felt an uncomfortable heat radiate into his tortured limb but Gabriel held him steady and
before long that burning sensation turned to cold soothing relief. Gabriel’s brow began to crease
but he continued as he saw necrotic debris and infection dissolve and healthy tissue started to stitch
itself in place. It was when pain sent Gabriel jolting back and slamming to the floor that he

“Gab!” Castiel screamed

“Gabriel are you ok?!” Sam said in panic.

Gabriel rolled onto his side and clutched at his head “Mother fudging Cranberry sauce!”

“What happened?!”

“That was my grace having enough and freaking out!” He groaned in frustration.

“I’m so sorry Gabriel”

Slowly sitting up still holding his head in his hands Gabriel collected himself “It’s fine, it’s my
own fault, do you at least feel better?”

“I feel... lighter, my head feels clearer, my leg feels really good”

“Good…I think I’m going to puke” Gabriel groaned he could Sam and Cas’s eyes go wide “I’m ok,
will need a stiff drink and another long looong nap” he eased himself into an armchair by Sam’s
bed. “Just going to rest my eyes”

“You do that” Sam winced.

Gabriel was snoring in no time at all. While Castiel and Sam were still very worried the archangel
was still breathing and had good colour in him. In the quiet of the cubicle Sam and Castiel chatted
and enjoyed each other’s company both feeling the most comfortable they’d been in a while.
Bobby returned sometime later to find Castiel still looking dotingly up at the great Sam Winchester
babbling away and Sam was smiling back at him with a healthy glow to his skin, Gabriel asleep
curled uncomfortably in the armchair next to them.

Dean had been his usual gung-ho self trying to fight medical staff to rip out lines in vital places and
make his way out of bed to find his brother and Castiel. He fortunately stopped when Bobby yelled
at him to stop being an Idjit before he got him self hurt. After a long discussion with the doctors it
was decided that if Dean continued to be his remarkably well recovered self for the next 24-48
hours he could be step-downed to the ward to recover as soon as possible. Bobby knew however
that while Dean had reluctantly agreed that as soon as that idjit could see an exit that he would haul
ass out of there and straight back home with his family in tow. Once the medical staff backed off a
bit Dean asked after Sam and Castiel and the two of them caught up on the week that came from

The day was getting late and Bobby could see Castiel’s eyes drooping, it was time to get the angels
to a motel and get some decent rest. While Gabriel was a struggle to up and straight they managed.
They said their goodbyes to Sam and looked forward to seeing the boys again the next day. Castiel
was asleep in Bobbys arms before they made it out of the car park.

It was a long few days of navigating the medical system and Gabriel’s grace made a slow but
surprisingly strong recovery. There had been many frustrations for those who had the angels on
their side with the poor medical professionals at a loss to the sudden healing of the men who had
been in dire straights not long before. However it was indisputable that Sam and Dean Winchester
were to well to be in hospital and the medical team reluctantly discharged them from their services.
The boys were finally going home.

It was dusk when the impala arrived on Bobby Singers salvage yard driveway. Soft warm light
touched and gleamed over the property as the engine rumbled to a stop. Castiel cracked his eyes
open from his pleasant slumber on Deans chest. Bobby was in the drivers seat with Gabriel riding
shot gun. Sam was next to Dean and he looked like he also was just coming back to consciousness.

“Welcome home boys” Bobby grumbled with a smile before cracking the impala door open and
climbing out. It had been a long drive, Sam and Dean were still not fit enough to take the wheel,
Castiel was 16 years off the legal driving age, and Bobby did not trust the archangel who had never
driven before so he decided to shoulder the miles by himself. Although he was weary and his joints
creaked it was worth getting his family home safe. Apart from the miles being long there was little
drama, even Gabriel had been quiet throughout the journey. They all relaxed to the hum of the
Impala and Dean’s tapes as fields of green flew by.

While Bobby cracked his back into place he heard the front door swing open. Up ahead Jody
approached from the front porch with fast pace and before he knew it Bobby was scooped into a
tight hug. “You idiots are never leaving my sights again” Jody instructed.

“I ain’t arguing” Bobby chuckled and he could hear Jody’s soft laughter as she pulled back gently
patted his bearded face. From behind, Sam and Dean approached with Castiel in Dean’s arms
looking uncertain and Gabriel trailing just after them.

Jody crossed her arms and her posture straightened “Castiel” she said sternly as she gave her best
motherly disappointed eyes as the baby started to go bright pink with shame.

“‘Orry Odee” Castiel whispered and stewed in the silence she held.

After a long pause Jody sighed, “You do sure know how to make me worry Cas” and a forgiving
smile broke out, she then took him from Dean’s arms and brought him into a squeezing hug.
“Don’t you ever do that again, do you understand?”

“Es Odee” Cas said solemnly as he nestled into her arms and let himself relax there, he could feel
Jody kiss the top of his head and he remembered how grateful he was to have such an extraordinary
women in his life.

Sam and Dean smiled on at the reunion but Sam noticed that amongst the happiness of being home
something wasn’t quite right. Sam turned his head and noticed that Gabriel was standing a distance
behind them watching the sun set on the horizon. The fading light danced on his mute features, a
stark contrast of his usual rambunctious self.

“Hey Gabriel are you coming?” Sam called concerned.

Turning back to face them Gabriel face was one of hesitation and melancholy “No I’m afraid not”
his eyes not quite meeting Sam’s as Gabriel took steady steps and began to close the distance
between. Taking a deep breathe he looked at the sky once more wistfully,“I think It’s time I went
back upstairs… Been avoiding it for too long and someone needs to straighten it out”

“Are you sure? I mean we just got here, stay the night, rest up-“ Sam said desperately.

“No it’s ok, my grace is feeling pretty healthy after that long drive and... if I stay I don’t know if
I’d ever get the nerve to leave” Gabriel said sharing a look with Castiel, whose ears had definitely
picked up on the conversation. Gabriel’s eyes shimmered as he fought to keep his composure for
his little brother’s sake.

Sam looked to Dean as his brother seemed as uneasy about this as he did. He could see Dean’s
thoughts race but He could also see the change in Dean. “Look Gabriel, I know we’ve had our
differences in the past but I mean it man...thank you, for everything” Dean said sincerely.

Gabriel nodded chin fighting hard not to wobble “anything for the Winchester’s” and took Dean
into a bear hug which Dean hesitantly reciprocated. Before Dean could settle in this strange act
Gabriel whispered into Dean’s ear “Hurt my brother and They’ll be a world of pain rained down
upon you, hope that’s still clear”

“Understood” and after some intense back pats they disengaged. With that Gabriel turned and
faced his younger brother.
Castiel could already feel himself well up as his brother approached “Come here Cassie” and
Gabriel took him in his arms. Castiel wings shivered as he melded against Gabriel hoping that if he
held on with enough strength Gabriel wouldn’t be able to leave.

“Gab ‘ay?” Castiel whispered.

“Not this time Cassie.” Castiel sniffled not caring “It’s been good to see you little bro, I’ll come
back and visit in a few days I promise, still got to fix up your Winchester’s after all… and make
sure you’re not causing trouble” Gabriel chuckled to himself. Castiel never wanted to let him go.
As strong as his older brother was he could feel his anxiety and trepidation, returning to a home
that was volatile and war torn, good memories in short supply. It was terrifying. If anyone was to
fix their home though it was Gabriel.

“U oo gab”

“Love you too little bro”

Reluctantly Gabriel handed Castiel to Jody, his eyes misty. Then with a small wave and the flap of
his wings Gabriel was gone.

It was late into the evening but nobody could bring themselves to retire, all afraid of losing sight of
each other. In the peace of the living room everybody settled themselves letting the warm feeling
of returning home soak in.

“Well it’s good to be home” Dean groaned softly as he sank into the couch lying on his back,
greedily taking up the entire couch. His bones creaked as the pillows moulded and cradled him.
Once each of his joints sighed and rested into place Dean opened up his arms and gestured for
Castiel to join him. Castiel tamely fluttered his wings as Bobby laid him down on Dean’s chest. He
felt Dean’s soothing hands settled on top of him, deft fingers carded his feathers back in to place.
He rubbed his face against the soft cotton shirt as he let his ear find the heart beat thrumming in
Dean’s chest.
“I ain’t moving ever again” Dean murmured happily.

“‘Ay?” Castiel chirped.

“Yup we’re staying here forever Cas, you and me” And Castiel couldn’t help but beam.

“Hope you know I ain’t gonna be no house maid for you Dean Winchester” Bobby grumbled as he
crossed his arms across his chest and quirked an eyebrow

“But Bobby you’d look so pretty in the dress” Dean snarked.

“Don’t make me whoop you boy” Bobby smirked as Sam and Jody tried to keep their laughter
under wraps. However Castiel couldn’t help but let a giggle escape him.

“Don’t think your excluded Cas, I will have no more trouble from you Boys”

“Bubee ‘iddy”

“He’s the most prettiest man I’ve ever seen” Jody teased as Sam buried his grin into his hand.

“So help me god” Bobby huffed and left the room in a sardonic manner to the kitchen as the others
laughed him out. He let the sound wash over him as he grabbed a couple of beers from the fridge
and started to take the caps off.

It was a fragile thing they had Bobby thought as he looked upon his makeshift family. The
circumstances over the last year had been dire and down right shitty at times, so much so that
betrayal and blood was set to drown, devastate and ravage everything and everyone around them.
At times he didn’t know how much more his heart would be able to take.

However, Within the despair and darkness though there would always be pockets of light, that no
matter how unexpected and hidden at first they would break through and shine brightly. He had
his boys, he had Jody and they all now had Castiel. While his life was nothing like he ever
expected, at this moment it was the best he ever could have hoped for. No longer the town’s sad
lonely curmudgeon drunk but a father to two heroes and a wayward angel, and he had a talented,
brave, strong sheriff as a partner. With a swig of his beer he basked in the light of the small
blessings he had been granted.

Chapter End Notes

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