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COMP1809 – Introduction to Computer Science

and Its Applications

Student Name : Nguyen Anh Dung

Student ID : GCH220140

Article Title : A research About Computer Network and Its Applications

Instructor : MSc. Nguyen Dinh Tran Long

Submission Date: 05/12/2023
Table of Contents
1 Introduction.........................................................................................................................................3
2 Literature Review................................................................................................................................3
2.1 History of Computer network......................................................................................................3
2.2 Evolution and types of computer networks.................................................................................4
2.2.1 Evolution of computer networks.........................................................................................4
2.2.2 Types of computer networks...............................................................................................5
2.3 Network Components and Infrastructure....................................................................................5
2.3.1 Node:...................................................................................................................................6
2.3.2 Link:.....................................................................................................................................6
2.3.3 Network equipments:..........................................................................................................6
2.3.4 Protocols for the Network:..................................................................................................7
3 Main discussions..................................................................................................................................7
3.1 Types of Network, advantages, disadvantages and applications in various scenarios.................7
3.1.1 Local Area Network (LAN)....................................................................................................7
3.1.2 Wide Area Network (WAN)..................................................................................................8
3.2 Emerging trends and technologies............................................................................................10
3.3 Optimism and anxiety about the future of computer networks................................................12
4 Conclusion.........................................................................................................................................13
5 References.........................................................................................................................................14
1 Introduction

Nowadays, the world is becoming more and more developed, and the advent of
modern technology is increasingly day by day. It makes people becoming easily in
connect with other people as texting message, face time in order not to waste a
lot of time to go out to talk with friend or other people. Moreover, the exchange
of information, resources, and services also more convenient. And what I want to
mention is computer networks. Which has witnessed remarkable growth and
evolution, giving rise to a multitude of technologies and protocols that have
revolutionized the way we live and work. From local area networks (LANs) in
homes and businesses to vast global networks that span the globe, computer
networking encompasses a wide array of concepts, including data transmission,
routing, security, and protocols. It is a dynamic and ever-evolving field, constantly
adapting to accommodate the increasing demands of a digitally connected world.
Computer Networks play an important role in our daily lives and have great
influence in global economy.

This research paper will focus on computer network and its features, challenges,
and the future of Computer network.

2 Literature Review
2.1 History of Computer network

According to L. Kleinrock (1961), the first computer network was created which
called ARPANET and has started operating. The telephone network was the most
powerful network on the planet at the time. The telephone network transmits
data from a sender to a receiver using circuit switching, which is a suitable choice
given that voice is transferred at a consistent pace between sender and receiver
(Kleinrock, 31/5/1961).
Figure 1-Leonard Kleinrock with the First Interface Message Processor

ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network), which was initiated by

the U.S. Department of Defense's ARPA (now known as DARPA) in the late 1960s.
ARPANET was designed to connect various research institutions and enable
resource sharing. It used packet-switching technology. That was both a milestone
marking the birth and development of computer networks to this day.
2.2 Evolution and types of computer networks

2.2.1 Evolution of computer networks

- The evolution of computer networks has been driven by the need for
efficient communication and resource sharing.
+ In 1960s, the first networking called ARPANET was established by the U.S.
Department of Defense's ARPA. The ARPANET - which later became the
Internet - was funded by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA),
created in 1958 to support scientific research in the United States. (Sutton,
+ From 1970s-1980s, Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn developed Internet to become
a high level which called TCP/IP. The TCP/IP protocol suite became the
standard for communication on the ARPANET and later the internet. Besides,
Bob Metcalfe and others at Xerox PARC in the 1970s also developed successful
Ethernet and introduced a widely adopted local area network (LAN)
technology. It allowed for high-speed data communication within a single
physical location. In 1980s, The development of domain names and the
introduction of the Domain Name System (DNS) in 1983 simplified web
+ Broadband and Wireless (2000s): Wireless technologies like Wi-Fi became
prevalent, enabling mobile internet access.
+ Social Media and Cloud Computing (2010s): The increasingly of social media
became faster especially Facebook, Twitter. Cloud computing services, like
Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud, offered scalable infrastructure
and software services over the internet. This is the most important milestone
to mark the remarkable development of computer networks. It helps all
people around the world to become better life in the future. (Huang, 2010)
+ IoT and 5G (2010s-2020s): The rollout of 5G networks promised even faster
and more reliable wireless connectivity.

2.2.2 Types of computer networks

 Local Area Network (LAN): This type covers an area, like homes, offices or
campuses and usually relies on technologies like Ethernet or Wi Fi.
 Wide Area Network (WAN): WANs span larger geographical areas and can
connect multiple LANs across cities or countries. They make use of
technologies such as leased lines, frame relay or MPLS.
 Wireless Networks: These networks employ technologies like Wi cellular
networks to facilitate device connectivity.
 Internet: The internet is a network that interconnects millions of devices
and networks worldwide.
 Virtual Private Network (VPN): VPNs establish communication between
locations by utilizing encrypted connections over public networks like the
 Peer, to Peer (P2P) Networks: In P2P networks devices communicate
directly with each other without relying on a server. Are commonly used for
file sharing purposes.
2.3 Network Components and Infrastructure

Computer networks comprise elements that collaborate to enable

communication and resource sharing. The network infrastructure consists of both
hardware and software components. Here is an overview of the network
components and the supporting infrastructure. (Buttgereit, 2021)
2.3.1 Node:
 Definition: A node refers to a device connected to a network, such, as
computers, servers, printers, and other network devices.
 Role: Nodes act as endpoints that create, process, or consume data.

2.3.2 Link:
 Definition: A link represents a logical connection that facilitates the flow of
data between nodes.
 Type: Links can be either wired connections (like Ethernet cables or fiber
optics) or wireless connections (such as Wi Fi or radio waves).

2.3.3 Network equipments:

 Router:
• Function: Routers determine the path for transmitting data, between
networks. They operate at the network layer (Layer 3) of the OSI model.
• Key features: Routing capabilities, logical addressing, and network
segmentation. (Rossberg, 2021)

 Switch:
 Function: The switch is responsible, for forwarding data within the network.
Operates at the data link layer (Layer 2). It uses MAC addresses to
determine where to send the data.
 Key features: The switch supports port based forwarding VLANs and has
MAC address reading capabilities.

 Hub:
 Function: A hub is a network device that broadcasts data to all
connected devices. It operates at the level (Layer 1).
 Modem:
 Function: A modem converts signals into signals for transmission
over communication lines. It is essential for connecting to the
 Types: DSL modems, cable modems and dial up modems.
2.3.4 Protocols for the Network:
 TCP IP (Transmission Control Protocol Internet Protocol)
 TCP/IP, also known as Transmission Control Protocol Internet
Protocol, is a used network protocol suite that effectively manages
and controls data transmission, between devices connected to the
Internet. (S. Bhattacharjee, 1998)
 The key protocols within TCP/IP include TCP, UDP, IP and ICMP.

 HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol):

 HTTP, which stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol plays a role in
facilitating communication and data transmission across the Internet.
 It's worth noting that HTTPS is often combined with HTTP to ensure
communication. (Calvert, 1998)

 DNS (Domain Name System):

 DNS or Domain Name System serves the purpose of translating user
domain names into addresses that can be accessed via the internet.
This enables users to access websites using their domain names of
relying on numerical addresses. (Zegura, 1998)

3 Main discussions
3.1 Types of Network, advantages, disadvantages and applications in various
There are many different types of network as (LAN, MAN, WAN, etc,..). With
each network brings different advantages, disadvantages and applications to
human and concern in every fields. Here is overview about LAN and WAN and
comparision about the pros and cons between networks.

3.1.1 Local Area Network (LAN)

 Define: A Local Area Network (LAN) is a network of interconnected
computers and devices within a limited area, such as a home, office
building, or school. LANs are designed to facilitate the sharing of resources,
information, and applications among the connected devices.

 Advantages
o High-Speed Data Transfer: Because LAN is used in small area so
typically provide high-speed data transfer rates, allowing quick
communication between devices. (Yang, 1989)
o Resource Sharing: LANs enable the sharing of resources such as
printers, files, and applications among connected devices inside area.
(DeMartino, 1989)
 Disadvantages
o Limited Coverage: Local Area Networks (LANs) usually have a
coverage area like an office, building or campus. This can be a
drawback when theres a need, for connectivity or remote access.
o Sharing of Limited Resources: While Local Area Networks (LANs)
enable the sharing of resources, among devices connected within a
network there may be limitations when it comes to accessing
resources beyond the LAN or sharing them with networks. Additional
configurations or access methods might be necessary, in cases.
o Scalability Challenges: Expanding or increasing the size of an area
network (LAN) to accommodate several devices or users can pose
certain difficulties. It could potentially involve reorganizing the setup
acquiring equipment or adjusting, to the network design, which can
be both time consuming and expensive.

3.1.2 Wide Area Network (WAN)

 Define: WAN is a type of computer network that covered in a large area,

connected multiple local area networks across different locations. WAN is
designed to facilitate communication and data exchange between regions,
countries, or continents.
 Advantages
o Large geographic range: WANs have a large geographic scope, which
enables communication between distant locations, regions,
countries, or continents. This extensive coverage facilitates
communication and data transmission across great distances.
o Global Communication: WANs facilitate global communication,
allowing people or organizations to communicate and interact across
international borders. They endorse various methods of
communication like email, video conferencing, and instant
messaging, these methods promote collaboration across the globe.
o Diversity in communication options: WANs have various long-
distance communication methods such as leased lines, fiber optics,
satellite links, or wireless connections. This diverse communication
style allows organizations to choose the most effective and
dependable methods based on their preferences.
 Disadvantages
o Security vulnerabilities: Wide Area Networks (WANs) especially when
using networks such, as the internet face security risks. The
expansive nature of WANs makes them more susceptible to hacking
attempts, data breaches, malware attacks and interception of
information. Ensuring security measures throughout the network
presents challenges and requires significant investment in security
protocols and technologies.
o Latency and performance issues: When transmitting data over
distances in WANs there can be delays or latency in data transfer.
These delays can impact real time applications, video conferencing or
systems that require responses. Moreover, network congestion and
bandwidth limitations over distances can affect network
performance by causing slower data transfer speeds and reduced
o Complexity and management challenges: WANs cover areas and
involve complex configurations and management requirements.
Monitoring, troubleshooting, and maintaining the health of the
network across locations demand skills and resources.
According to the author, WAN brings a lot of advantage and better than LAN.
Following the reason about the pros of WAN, people can see that WAN allows
users or all businesses and machines to share data in a large area and range. It
also shows the ability to respond quickly in all sorts of different ways to every
user feel comfortable and satisfied when using. People can communicate with
other friends or other colleagues in a long distance or even in another
countries. They can use Email, Messenger, or many social networks to share a
work or connect with people so they do not have to go far to discuss at work
instead of using many app to organize a meeting online. It’s very appropriate
and convenient. Beside WAN still have disadvantages as: security risks, latency
issues…WAN is a large network so security issues very alarming, people can
have their personal information stolen by bad guys or even hacker can use the
sensitive information for the purpose of making money. Almost people use
WAN, and this is the way that make to share a data become slower and
require complex configuration that cost a lot of money to become faster.
Overall, there are two main types of networks ( LAN and WAN). Each of them
brings a lot of advantage to humans and beside that, there are many harmful
aspects that networks have caused. So, everyone should be a wise user to exploit
the benefits of each type of network as well as limit the risks that they bring to
their life.
3.2 Emerging trends and technologies
 5G technology
o Improved Connectivity: 5G offers speeds, reduced delays and greater
network capacity allowing for advanced applications such, as Internet of
Things (IoT) and augmented/virtual reality (AR/VR).
o Utilizing Edge Computing: By utilizing edge computing data can be
processed closer to the user resulting in response times. The introduction
of new services.

 Internet of Things (IoT) describes a network of physical devices ("things")

equipped with technology to connect and exchange data over the Internet
without human intervention.
 AI in network
o Predictive Analysis: The integration of AI and machine learning enables
network optimization, proactive security threat detection and predictive
analysis to enhance network performance.

 Many people said that: “ IoT is a new step forward in modern world”. And it
very correctly in the society today. People can see many applications of IoT
in smart homes, smart healthcare, industry 4.0 and even in smart
transportation. Human totally control lights, air conditioners, fans via a
smartphone or smart controller in their own house instead of using craft
supplies in the past. Moreover, people especially old people don’t need go
far to periodic health examination. They even use smart medical devices in
their home to health monitoring and analysis of healthcare data with
almost absolute accuracy. In transportation by using sensors and data
collected from vehicles to optimize traffic flow. Here is all about something
to show that IoT really brings modern devices to their life and make their
life become better day by day.

 The emergence of 5G technology brings both excitement and cautious

anticipation from humans. We are enthusiastic, about its potential to
revolutionize connectivity offering speeds, minimal delays, and improved
device integration. The possibilities for healthcare, smart cities and
autonomous vehicles are particularly intriguing sparking curiosity and
fostering hope for advancements. However, there are lingering concerns
about the health effects, cybersecurity risks and the potential exacerbation
of the divide. As this technology continues to develop it becomes crucial to
implement regulations, robust security measures and ensure access for all.
Striking a balance between harnessing the capabilities of 5G while
addressing associated challenges remains essential in shaping our society’s
approach, towards this transformative technology.
 As AI continues to play a role, in network systems human perspectives offer
a mixture of fascination and concern. The possibilities presented by AI in
streamlining network operations bolstering security and predicting network
failures are exciting for their potential to enhance efficiency and drive
innovation. However, there are also worries about the autonomy of AI
ethical implications and the potential impact on jobs. It is widely recognized
that ethical guidelines, transparency, and human supervision are necessary
when implementing AI driven networks. Striking the balance, between
leveraging the capabilities of AI while considering aspects remains crucial.
This underscores the importance of implementation to ensure that AI
complements than replaces human intelligence. Ultimately it is essential to
create a network environment that prioritizes safety, fairness and upholds
human values.

Overall, IoT, 5G technology and AI in network is an indispensable part of each

home or in many fields of their life. Its useful applications in daily life. In the
future, it would be developed to adapt with many requests from people and
indispensable with each person. (Bakhader, 2016)
3.3 Optimism and anxiety about the future of computer networks

 When people contemplate the future of computer networking, a blend of

optimism and concern arises. The progression of computer networks is in a
state of evolution seamlessly integrating into every facet of our lives. We
imagine a future where these networks become pervasive effortlessly
connecting devices, systems, and individuals across the globe.

 The optimistic surrounding advancements in areas like the Internet of

Things (IoT) artificial intelligence (AI) and edge computing is palpable. The
potential for homes, efficient workplaces and interconnected cities ignites
our imagination while promising comfort and efficiency on an
unprecedented scale.
 Nevertheless, within this vision of a world concerns unavoidable arise.
Privacy issues pertaining to data usage, cybersecurity threats associated
with technology adoption and the ethical factors related to computer
networks. It is widely acknowledged that as networks grow increasingly
intricate ensuring safety and conduct becomes paramount.

 The potential impact of AI on networks elicits both excitement and

trepidation due to its implications. Ethical concerns and responsible
innovation are regarded as factors in directing the path of network
development, towards a secure, and fair future for all.

 Ultimately, when it comes to envisioning the future of computer networks

from a perspective it can be characterized by a combination of hopefulness
and cautiousness.

 It presents a vision of a society where technology empowers people to

reach their potential while also taking care to ensure that individual rights,
privacy, and the overall well-being of society are protected in our evolving
digital landscape.

4 Conclusion
In conclusion, the purpose of the current research was to determine the type
of computer network and comparison between networks to find the best
choice for users. This research paper also shows the necessity of IoT in life and
how it changes human life when using it. And it is impossible not to mention
the prediction about the future of computer networks that raises people’s
optimism and anxiety. Computer network plays an important role and
indispensable in daily life of each human. It has contributed a lot to society,
and even helped people overcome challenges in life, boosted the economy,
opened many opportunities, and outweighed its limitations. However,
computer networks still have many issues that make people concerned such
as personal information or ethical issues. Therefore, this report also reminds
people to always consider carefully and be wise users. In the future,
Computer Network will be more increasingly and become one of the most
important with each people in every field.

5 References
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