Anatomy Past Questions-1

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The branch of modern biology that is related to the scientific study of the structures of
living organisms and it's parts can be referred to as?

(a) Anatomy (B) Physiology. (C) Biochemistry (D) Structural biology.

2. An anatomist is concerned with the following except:

(A) Shape. (B) Size (C) Position. (D) Function

3. In Gross anatomy, body structures and parts are examined using the ________

(A) Glass (B) Spectacles. (C) The eyes (D) X-ray

4. Superficial Anatomy is the study by sight of the ________

(A) External body features (B) Internal body features. (C) Total body features (D) None

of the above.

5. In micro anatomy, _________ is used to examine the structure of an organism

6. Machine (B) Naked eyes (C) Unaided eyes (D)


7. 6. All but one is not a urinogenital organ

8. Kidney (B) Urethra (C) Bladder (D) Pancreas

9. 7. The kidneys are located on the left and right of the _____ in humans

10. Retroperitoneal space (B) Peritoneal space (C) Beneath the reproductive organs (D) In the body

11. 8. In adult humans, the kidney is about _______cm/______inches in length

12. 15cm/ 4½ inches (B) 24cm/ 6½ inches (C) 12cm/ 4½ inches (D) 3cm/ 0.5 inches

13. 9. ________ conveys blood to the kidney and ________ transports blood away from the kidney

14. Renal artery/ renal vein (B) Renal vein/ Renal artery (C) Carotid artery/ hepatic portal vein (D)
Lilac artery / subclavian artery

15. The _________ conveys the urine to the urinary bladder

(A) Bile (B) Pile (C) Ureter (D) Urethra

16. Aside urinogenital functions, the kidney also performs the function of ______

(A) Osmoregulation (B) phosphorylation (C) Communication (D) Urination

17. The osmoregulatory function of the kidney involves the following except:
18. Control of blood sugar level (B) Control of body fluids (C) Acid-base balancing (D)
Emulsification of fats
13. In the human kidney, filtration of blood occurs in the _____

(A) Glomeruli (B) Bowman's capsule (C) Loop of Henle (D) A and B

14. Below are the examples of substance secreted by the kidney except:

(A) Hydrogen (B) Ammoniumm (C) Uric acid (D) Phosphorus

15. All except one is not an example of the substances absorbed by the kidney

(A) Free water (B) Glucose (C) Hydrogen (D) Amino


16. The cell of the kidney is referred to as a ______

(A) Neurone (B) Nephron (C) Thrombocyte (D) Myocyte

17. The total number of kidney cells specific to an adult human is ____

(A) 1000 (B) 12,500 (C) 1 000 000 (D) 1 000 000 000

18. It is discovered that the kidney performs functions independent of the nephron

(A) True (B) False (C) We can't say (D) That's a lie

19. The function that the kidney preforms independent of the nephron is _____

(A) The conversion of vitamin D to calcitriol (B) Conversion of Amin acid to acid (C) Breakdown of
water to hydrogen and oxygen (D) Breakdown of protein to amino acid

20. Urinalysis can be defined as _______

(A) Procedures used in the management of kidney disease which include chemical and
microscopic examination of the urine.

(B) Physical and physiological management of kidney disease.

(C) Instrumental Procedures adopted in order to maintain kidney disease by microbial

management of the blood.

(D) None of the above.

21. The study of kidney function is known as ______

(A) Renal physiology (B) Adrenal physiology (C) Skeletal physiology (D) Muscular physiology

22. A professional who deals with speciality in addressing the disease of kidney function is a _____

(A) Nephrologist (B) Gynaecologist (C) Xenologist (D) Pathologist

23. Nephrology is the study of the various kidney diseases while Urology is _____
(A) Study of urinogenital diseases (B) Study of pulmonary diseases (C) Study of the function of
the urinogenital organs (D) Examination of nephrons

24. In mammals, the kidneys are located high in the _______

(A) Abdominal cavity (B) Renal cavity (C) Thoracic cavity (D) Nephral cavity

25. The right kidney is positioned lower and smaller than the left as a result of ________

(a) Position of the liver (B) Position of the pancreas (C) Position of the stomach (D) Position of
the bladder

26. The gland located on top of each kidney is the _______ gland

(A) Adrenal (B) Spleen (C) subclavian (D) Pulmonary

27. The renal hilum is the point where:

(A) The renal artery enters and the renal vein leaves the kidney (B) The artery only enters the kidney
(C) Where the vein enters the kidney (D) Where the ureter enters the kidney

28. The organs located respectively on top of the right and left kidneys are:

(A) liver and pancreas (B) liver and spleen (C) Spleen and liver (D) adrenal


29. The tough fibrous tissue that surrounds the kidney is called ________

(A) Renal capsule (B) Vena cava (C) Prostrate gland (D) Glomeruli

30. The urine producing functional structure of the kidney is termed ____

(A) Papella (B) Calyx (C) Medulla (D) Nephron

31. The kidneys receive blood from the _____ which branch directly from the abdominal aerota

(A) Renal artery (B) Pulmonary artery (C) Carotid artery (D) iliac artery

32. In adult human, the specific cardiac output received by the kidney is about _____%

12—15 (B) 20—25 (C) 8—15 (D) 20—30

33. The kidney and the nervous system communication through the ______

(A) Artery (B) Veins (C) Renal plexus (D) Lymph nodes

34. The process of kidney development is known as __________

(A) Nephrogenesis (B) Myogenesis (C) Pathogenesis (D) Thrombogenesis

35. The protein present in the mammalian urine that prevents the growth of bacteria is ______
(A) Uromodulin (B) Erepsin (C) Pepsin (D) Trypsin

36. The proteins expressed in the glomerulus are:

(A) Podocin and nephrin (B) Adenine and thiamine (C) Uromodulin and Guanine (D) Calbindin
and aquaporin 2

37. One of these is not a kidney developmental phase

(A) Pronephros (B) Mesonephros (C) Metanephros (D) Internephrose

38. The urine is produced by the collection of this processes except:

(A) Filtration (B) Secretion (C) Excretion (D) Ingestion

39. __________ is referred to as the hormone of the kidney

(A) Antidiuretic hormone (B) angiotensin II (C) Somatotropin (D) Oxytocin

40. The process by which cells and large proteins are realtained while materials of smaller molecular
weights are filtered from the blood to make an ultrafiltrate is termed _______

(A) Ultrafiltration (B) Filtration (C) Reabsorption (D)


41. The action mentioned above occurs at the _______

(A) Renal corpuscle (B) Renal Capsule (C) Pelvis (D)


42. The image below illustrates a _______

(A) Nephron (B) Kidney (C) Vein (D) Cortex

43. ________ is the correct order of urine formation

(A) Filtration—Reabsorption—Secretion—Excretion
(B) Reabsorption—Filtration—Secretion—Excretio
(C) Excretion—Filtration—Secretion—Reabsorption

(E) Secretion—Filtration—Reabsorption—Excretion

44. The transport of molecules from the ultrafiltrate into the peritubular capillary is termed :

(A) Secretion (B) Constriction (C) Reabsorption (D) Adsorption

45. The function of Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is to

(A) Stimulate the reabsorption of water (B) Stimulate the production of breast milk (C) Stimulate
the production of red blood cells (D) Reduce the absorption of water

46. Surgical removal of the kidney is called

(A) Vasectomy (B) Nephrectomy (C) Dialysis (D) Urinalysis

47. Calcitriol, an enzyme secreted by the kidney helps in:

(A) Stimulating the production of calcium (B) Preventing osteoporosis (C) Stimulating the
production of red blood cells in the bone marrow (D) All of the above

48. The mammalian kidney is ________ shaped

(A) Spherical (B) Bean (C) Geometric (D) Oval

49. The following are diseases of the kidney except

(A) Kidney stone (B) Nephritis (C) Diabetes mellitus (D) Kidney dysfunction

50. The urine is transported into the bladder by the:

(A) Urethra (B) Pelvis (C) Ureter (D) Bowman's capsule

51. The system responsible for the removal of excess or unwanted substances from the mammalian
body, cells and blood is the _______. (A) Urinary system (B) Reproductive system (C) Excretory
system (D) Kidney
52. The kidney in mammals extends from _____to______. (A) T¹²-L³ (B) T³-T⁶ (C) L¹-T⁵ (D) L²-L⁴
53. In the mammalian kidney ______ divides into the renal pyramids. (A) Pelvis (B) Jejunum (C) Medulla
(D) Renal capsule
54. Each nephron of a kidney contains the following except___. (A) Bowman's capsule (B) Loop of
Henle (C) renal corpuscle (D) Calyces
55. The pelvis subdivides to form the _____. (A) Capsule and corpuscle (B) Major and minor calyces (C)
Anterior and posterior calyces (D) Glomerulus
56. The renal corpuscle is _____ micrometer in diameter. (A) 200 (B) 20 (C) 60 (D) 150
57. _________ and _______ are tiny organs found inside the renal corpuscle. (A) Bowman's capsule
and glomerulus (B) Jejunum and calyx (C) Glomerulus and Ileum (D) Distal convoluted tubule
58. Nephrons that possess long, extended nephrons are called ______ nephrons. (A) Cortical (B)
Juxtamedullary (C) Medullary (D) Palmitic
59. In the ____ tubule, Na+ is absorbed while P+ is secreted. (A) Distal convoluted tubule (B) Loop of
Henle (C) Collecting tubes (D) None of all.
60. The ______ empties into the renal pelvis through the renal papillae. (A) Collecting tube (B)
Collecting tubule (C) Collecting duct (D) Connecting tubule
61. The renal artery enters the kidney through the ileum and branches progressively to form the ______.
(A) Segmental arteries (B) Interlobular arteries (C) Arcuate arteries (D) Palmitic vein
62. The following except one are accessory male reproductive organ except. (A) Sperm duct (B) Testes
(C) Seminal vesicle (D) Bulbourethral gland
63. The testes is ______cm long. (A) 2.5 (B) 4 (C) 4.5 (D) 1
64. Listed are layers which surrounds the testes excluding. (A) Corpus carvenosa (B) Tunica vasculosa
(C) Tunica Viginalis (D) Tunica Albuginea
65. The testes is completely matured at _______ weeks. (A) 28 (B) 32 (C) 14 (D) 19
66. In the scrotum, the testes is supported by the _____. (A) Septum (B) Serous membrane (C)
Spermatic cord (D) Cremasteric muscles
67. In females, after the release of an oocyte, the graffian follicle forms a yellowish substance called
______. (A) Tunica Albuginea (B) Corpus luteum (C) Corpus albicans (D) Corpus carvenosa
68. The activities of the reproductive organs is controlled by ______. (A) Nerves (B) Cerebellum (C)
Pituitary gland (D) Medulla
69. During cold weather the Cremasteric muscles________. (A) Relaxes (B) Expands (C) Flattens (D)
70. A spermatic chord surrounded by a sheath of smooth muscles contains all except. (A) Testicular
veins (B) Testicular nerves (C) Testicular Serous membrane (D) Lymphatics
71. Puberty in males begins at age ______. (A) 10-12 (B) 10-14 (C) 10-20 (D) 9-12
72. The penis is located _____ to the scrotum. (A) Above (B) Below (C) Inferior (D) Anterior
73. The epididymis is ______cm in length. (A) 6 (B) 7 (C) 4.5 (D) 2.5
74. The innermost wall of the uterus is the _______. (A) Perimetrium (B) Endometrium (C)
Myometrium (D) Infundibulum
75. The surgical removal of the prepuce in a male is termed ____. (A) Vasectomy (B) Durotomy (C)
Circumcision (D) Operation
76. Exchange of gases between the blood and the cells can best be known as (A) Cellular respiration (B)
Internal respiration (C) External respiration (D) Membrane respiration
77. The paransal sinuses are cavities in the bones of the ______ which contains air. (A) Face and Nasal
cavity (B) Face and cranium (C) Ribs and lungs (D) Hands and legs
78.Blood supplies to the penis by the _____. (A) Penal artery (B) Bulbourethral artery (C) Carotid artery
(D) Bulber artery
79. ______ is the hormone that is involved with the maturation of follicles. (A) Prostaglandins (B)
Progesterone (C) Follicle stimulating hormone (D) Luteinizing hormone
80. The nerve that connects the nose to the brain is the. (A) Olfactory nerves (B) Nasal nerves (C)
Aerobic nerves (D) Receptors
81. The part of the pharynx which lies beneath the nasal cavity is the ____. (A) Nasopharynx (B) Mato
pharynx (C) Orlingopharynx (D) Oropharynx
82. The semen contains all except. (A) Seminal fluid (B) Sperm (C) Testosterone (D) Prostrate fluid
83. Exchange of gases takes place basically in the _____ (A) Lung (B) Alveoli (C) Bronchioles (D) Nose
84. Ovulation occurs at the ___ day of menstrual cycle. (A) 14th (B) 28th (C) 7th (D) 19th
85. Cartilages are attached to the following except________. (A) Wind pipe (B) Larynx (C) Bronchi (D)
Primary bronchi
86. The alveolar ducts are attached to the end of each bronchiole at the. (A) Terminal region (B)
Bifurcate region (C) Acinar region (D) Alveolar region
87. During inhalation, the diaphragm_____. (A) Relax (B) Becomes wet (C) Becomes oxygenated (D)
88. ________ is a tissue that surrounds the urethra. (A) Corpus carvenosa (B) Corpus spongiosum (C)
Urethral membrane (D) Tunica Viginalis
89. A process by which the sperm acquires its ability to fertilize an oocyte is termed. (A)
Spermatogenesis (B) Oogenesis (C) Capacitation (D) None of all
90. The primary sex cells of both the male and female mammals are produced in the. (A) Gonads (B)
Abdomen (C) Peritoneal (D) Retroperitoneal
91. During swallowing, the nasal and oral parts are separated by the. (A) Soft palate and hard palate
(B) Glottis and epiglottis (C) Soft palate and uvula (D) None of all
92. The Renal Capsule surrounds the kidney while the _______ surrounds the lungs_____. (A)
Pulmonary capsule (B) Pleura (C) Pleura membrane (D) Pulmonary membrane
93. _______ surrounds the inner medulla of the female primary reproductive organ. (A) Cortex (B)
Capsule (C) Membrane (D) Capillaries
94. If a released ovum is not fertilized, the yellowish substances formed turns into a white colored
fibrous tissue known as ______. (A) Corpus sponges (B) Fossae (C) Corpus albicans (D) Corpus
95. A tube, 12 to 14 cm long which projects from the base of the skull to the level of the 6th cervical
vertebrate is the. (A) Olfactory nerves (B) Wind pipe (C) Bronchi (D) Pharynx
96. The nose is lined with a very vascular_____. (A) Mucous membrane (B) Tympanic membrane (C)
Cartilage (D) Septum
97. The nasal cavity is divided into two equal passages by a ____. (A) Septum (B) Cartilage (C) Chitin (D)
98. The first phase of the ovarian cycle is the ______ phase. (A) Ovarian (B) Menstrual (C) Follicular (D)
99. _______ and ______ are the two muscles of breathing. (A) Glottis and epiglottis (B) Intercostal and
Diaphragm (C) Pharynx and larynx (D) Bronchi and bronchioles
100. All except one are the hormones associated with the ovarian cycle. (A) FSH (B) Estrogen (C)
Progesterone (D) Prostaglandins
101. The exchange of gases between the blood and the lungs is called
(A) External respiration (B) Internal respiration (C) Anaerobic respiration (D) Aerobic respiration
102. Folds of fibrous tissue and fat covered by skin which forms the boundary of the vulva is called
_______. (A) Labia majoral (B) Clitoris (C) Labia minoral (D) Vestibule
103. The pharynx is dived into the following parts, excluding. (A) Oropharynx (B) Matopharynx (C)
Laryngopharynx (D) Nasopharynx
104. The _______ is located anteriorly to the labia minora. (A) Bartholin's cyst (B) Vestibule (C) Clitoris
(D) Vulva
105. The part of the pharynx which lies beneath the nasal cavity is the ____. (A) Nasopharynx (B)
Matopharynx (C) Orlingopharynx (D) Oropharynx
106. In the penis, erection occurs when the _______ is filled with blood. (A) Tissues (B) Corpus
Carvenosa (C) Corpus sphincter (D) None of the above
107. Blood supply to the external genitalia is by the ______ artery. (A) Bulber (B) Iliac (C) Subclavian (D)
108. The vagina is _____ cm is length. (A) 7.5 (B) 9 (C) 5 (D) 8
109. The uterus is _____ cm in length. (A) 9 (B) 7 (C) 2.5 (D) 5
110. The dome shaped structure above the opening of the uterine tube is the ______. (A) Uterus (B)
Infundibulum (C) Corpus (D) Fundus
111. _______ is referred to as the neck of the uterus. (A) Perimetrium (B) Myometrium (C) Fundus (D)
112. The following are divisions of the uterine tube excluding. (A) Isthmus (B) Ampulla (C) Corpus (D)
113. During child bearing process, conception takes place at the _____. (A) Uterus (B) Ampulla (C)
Infundibulum (D) Corpus
114. Puberty in female begins at age _____. (A) 10-14 (B) 9-12 (C) 12-14 (D) 13-15
115. The ______ and _____' hormones secreted by the pituitary gland stimulates the growth and
maturation of ovaries and genitalia. (A) Oxytocin and progesterone (B) FSH and LH (C) Estrogen and
Oestrogen (D) Estrogen and progesterone
116. Uterine tubes of mammals is ____ cm in length. (A) 10 (B) 15 (C) 12 (D) 9
117. The ovum produced by the female genitalia can only survive for ______ days. (A) 3 (B) 7 (C) 1 (D) 5
118. Absence of menstrual period in a woman of reproductive age is termed _____. (A) Amenorrhea
(B) Pregnancy (C) Di menorrhagia (D) Dysmenorrhea
119. A woman suffering from dysmenorrhea suffers _____. (A) No menstrual cycle (B) Internal bleeding
(C) Painful menstruation (D) Menstrual cramps
120. When a woman menstruates at shorter intervals than normal, it can be said that she has _____.
(A) Menorrhagia (B) Dysmenorrhea (C) Epimenorrhea (D) STDs
121. The two hormones responsible for the secretion of breastmilk during lactation are _____ and ____.
(A) Gonadotropin and somatotropin (B) Prolactin and progesterone (C) Oxytocin and prolactin (D)
Estrogen and gonadotropin
122. the glomerulus is embedded inside the __________. (A) Bowman’s capsule (B) Renal Capsule (C)
Renal Corpscule (D) Pelvis
123. The inner layer which envelopes the capillaries of the renal corpuscle is the ______. (A) Visceral
layer (B) Podocyte layer (C) Renal layer (D) Canaliculi layer
124. Absorption and secretion of substances occurs in the ________. (A) Collecting tubes (B)
Collecting ducts (C) Distal convoluted tubule (D) Proximal convoluted tubule
125. Juxtamedullary nephrons produce________ urine. (A) Isotonic (B) Hypotonic (C)
Hypertonic (D) Protein filled urine
126. The activation of sensory receptor cells at the level of stimuli is termed _________. (A)
Nociception (B) Sensation (C) Mechanoception (D) Perception
127. The term perception is used to indicate _________. (A) Processing of sensory stimuli into
meaningful patterns (B) Movement of sensation from points of activation to the brain for processing
(C) Activation of receptor cells for information transmission (D) Interpretation of sensation by the
128. The cell structures that direct sensory stimuli to the brain for interpretation are called ______.
(A) Effector organs (B) Organs (C) Receptors (D) All of all
129. The primary structure of the organ of sight is the ______. (A) Eyeball (B) Cornea (C) Eyelid
(D) Lens
130. The ear is the Organ of _________. (A) Balance (B) Sight (c) Sensation (D)
131. The Sensation of pain can also be referred to as_______. (A) Thermoception (B)
Nociception (C) Proprioception (D) Mechanoception
132. The _______ is a sphere Structure situated in the anterior Part of the Orbital Cavity. (A) The
eye-lid (B) Eye-lashes (C) Eye-balls (D)Eye-cyst
133. The Opaque part of the Eyeball is termed________. (A) Cornea (B) Sclera (c)
Chroid (D) Iris
134. The Inner nervous Coat of the eyeball is called______. (A) Ciliary body (B) Cons (D) Retina
135. The Central Opening of the Ciliary body is Called the___________. (A) Rods (B)
Cornea (C) Pupil (D) Cyst
136. The muscle responsible for the dilation of the pupil is the ________ muscle. (A) Circular
(B) Internal (C) Pupillary (D) Radial
136. The rods and Cones are found Inside the________. (A) Iris (B) Cornea (C) Retina
(D) Cilliary body
137. The eye structures for the reception of Light are ________ and________. (A)
Sclera and Cornea (B) Choroid and pupil (C) Cornea and Iris (D) Cones and rods
138. The retinal Structure responsible for dim vision is the. (A) Pupil (B) Cones (c) Rods
(D) Sclera
139. The________ is referred to as the eye’s blind spot. (A) Optic nerve (B) Optic disc (c) Rods
(D) Cones
140. The Structure used for forcasing near vision is the. (A) Sclera (B) Cones (c) Rods
(D) Macula
141. The exposed Part of the eyeball is Covered by the. (A) Conjuctiva (B) Macula (c)
Optic disc (D) Optic nerve
142. All but one is not a light transmitting Structure of the eyeball. (A) Lens (B) Vitreous
humor (c) Aqueous humor (D) Conductive layer
142. _________ refracts light onto the retina. (A) Pupil (B) Iris (c) Lens (D)
143. _________ maintains the shape of the eye. (A) Vitreous humor (B) Aqueous humor
(c) Lens (D) Cornea
144. Hairs projecting from the eye-lids are called. (A) Eye-brows (B) Eye-lashes (c) Eye-Lid
(D) lachrymal apparatus
145. When crying, tears Comes out through the. (A) Tear duct (B) Tear gland (C) Lachrymal
gland (D) Lachrymal duct
145. The muscle responsible for the upward movement of the eye is the (A) Circular muscle
(B) Superior rectus (C) Posterior rectus (D) Radial muscle
147. Inward movement of the eye is performed by the. (A) Lateral rectus (B) Pappilary
muscles (c) Inferior Oblique (D) Medial rectus
148. The________ is a Funnel shaped organ located in the outer layer of the ear. (A) Anditary
meatus (B) Ear Ossicles (C) Eustesian tube (D) Pina
149. The pina is made up of ________cartilage. (A) Thyroid (B) Elastic (C)
fibromuscular (D) Thin
150. Sound Passes from the Outer environment Into the inner ear through the______. (A) Pina
(B) Auditory meatus (c) Tympanum (D) Ossicles
151. The _________ Separates the outer from the Inner ear. (A) Ossicles (B) Tympanic
membrane (c) Acoustic membrane (D) Auditory membrane
152. The following except one is not an ear ossicle. (A) Incus (B) Stapes (c) Malleus
(D) Corti
153. Fenestra rotundum is also referred to as the ________. (A) Oval window (B)
Semi-circular Canal (c) Cochlea nerve (D) Cochlea
154. In the inner ear, _________ Communicates with the nasopharynx. (A) Auditory meatus
(B) Ear Ossicles (C) Fenestra Ovalis (D) Eustachian tube
155. The main organ used for equilibrium in the ear is the _________. (A) Semi-circular Canal
(B) Cochlea (c) Cochlea nerve (D) Membrane labyrinth
156. Perilymph is a Fluid of the __________. (A) Bony labyrinth (B) Membrane labyrinth
(c) Fenestra rotundum (D) Cochlea
157. When The ______ is damaged, hearing is affected. (A) Vestibule (B) Pina (C)
Semi-circular Canal (D) Cochlea
158. A bony Spiral Canal which wind around a Central body pillar Modiloes is Called _______. (A)
Basilar membrane (B) Tympanic membrane (c) Cochlea (D) Cochlea nerve
159. _____________ are oval clusters of Cells with a Small pore on the Surface, located on the Sides
of papilla. (A) Taste buds (B) oval window (c) Circumvallate cells (D) filiform Cells
160. _____________ receives the Sensation of smell. (A) Olfactory nerve endings (B)
Olfactory receptors (c) receptors (D) Nerves
161. The total Surface area of olfaction on each side in man is _________. (A) 75 mm Square
(B) 200 mm square (c) 150 mm square (D) 250 mm Square
162. The first Cranial nerve is the _________ nerve. (A) Auditory nerve (B) Olfactory nerve
(c) Cerebral nerve (D) ematress
163. All except one is not a layer of the epidermis. (A) stratum germinativum (B) Stratum
Corneum (c) Stratum lucidum (D) stratum Spongiosum
164. Multiplication of Skin cells occurs in _______. (A) Stratum Lucidum (B) stratum Spongiosum
(c) Stratum germinativum (D) Stratum Spinosum
165. All but one is not a nerve of the Skin. (A) Mechanoreceptors (B) Thermoreceptors (c)
Nociceptors (D) Mechanoceptors
166. The pigment responsible for the tone of the Skin is _________. (A) melanin (B) sebum
(C) Keratin (D) Creatinine
167. The following are found in the dermis except. (A) melanin (B) Sebaceous gland (c)
Erector Pilli (D) Keratin
168. The _________ is the widest organ of the mammalian body. (A) Skin (B) femur
(C) Tibia (D) Fibula
169. The cell of the Skin Called _________. (A) Receptors (B) Perceptors (C) Squames (D)
170. The cytoplasim of skin squames contains ________. (A) Phospholipid (B)
Biomolecules (c) keratin (D) melanin
171. The pattern of papillae formed as a result of its ridged nature gives an impression called
_______. (A) Fingerprints (B) Thumbprints (C) Indicators (D) implicators
172. The part of the hair above the Skin is the _____. (A) Root (B) Bulb (c) shaft
(D) Follicle
173. The color of hair on the Skin is determined by _____. (A) Level of melanin (B) level of
keratin (c) Nature of macrophages (D) Nature of Skin
174. The rise and fall of the hair in reaction to external Stimuli is Controlled by _______. (A)
sebum (B) Glands (c) Arrector Pilli (D) Effector organs
175. The sebaceous gland Secretes an oily Substance called ________. (A) Sebum (B)
Sebunotertinized fluid (c) Baric Fluid (D) All of all.

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