Make A Situation Where You Can

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make a situation where you can't escape into your native language.

Essentially means immerse yourself of course going to that country or going to a place where you
can speak only that language is very difficult for some of you totally understand but if in your life you
can create a situation in your library, in your room, in your house somewhere for just an hour or I
don’t know maybe a day I don’t know what your schedule is like but if you can create a situation or
create an environment where you have no choice but use that language and cannot escape meaning
you cannot go back to using your native language as a crutch you can’t use the native language at al
lit forces you to use language that you’re studying so of course if you are lucky enough to live in the
country or to live in a place where people speak the language you’re studying great but you have to
go out and interact with people you have to put yourself in place where you have no choice but to
speak it’s very hard and it’s very scary and it’s very embarrassing at first but if you take time to find
places and to make environments that are comfortable for you where you feel comfortable making
mistakes and asking questions it’s very valuable for your learning proces this is actually something
that I did totally, I totally did this my japanese wasn’t very good for a long time but then I started
making friends who could not speak English, I just did this through finding hobbies there was a hobby
that I had I joined a group I joined actually a school to where I could learn how to do that hobby and
everything was taught only in japanese and the people in my class only spoke japanese mostly and
maybe we would go out for drinks and food late at night or on the weekend and everybody spoke
only japanese and if I couldn’t communicate even simply in japanese I had no hope of keeping that
friendship together soi t forced me to study it forced me to think about the words they were using
and to try to learn those words those patterns as well as how to produce tchem naturally myself so I
was learing the voacubalary words the people around me were using and learing how to applpy
tchem on my own that was only possible because i had no escape in those situation so try to do that
evem if you can do it yourself in oyur house it’s super helpful i think

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