4 - 1 What Actitivies Would Work

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Analysis of the suggested activities

(scheme of work, point 1.3)

No Suggested Activity Procedure/ Works? Why

Desribe: successful entrepreneur, business plan, government support to start ups
1 Ask a local entrepreneur (where Yes During a similar activity (when a
possible) to speak to the class representative of profession was invited
about setting up their business to career counseling session) the students
Learners discuss the were very interested and asked him a lot
characteristics the person has and of questions. That is why I believe inviting
issues they might have had to deal a real person entrepreneur would trigger
with in setting up the business lots of thoughts with our students.

2 Show a video clip of a successful Yes I conducted this activity with a

entrepreneur from your country. Learners modification: the students were asked to
explore other qualities that entrepreneurs explore and create a poster of an
have by researching the career of a entrepreneur of their choice, showing
successful entrepreneur from own what his/her business is about, how
country and compare that with the career he/she got involved in it, what its unique
of a successful entrepreneur from another selling point is, and a fun fact about
country him/her.
This went very well, some amazing
posters were handed in.
3 Extension activity: Ask learners to Yes Again, I modified this one and sent the
consider what the essential qualities of a following instruction: “Use this link 100
successful entrepreneur are Learners стартапов Казахстана (astanahub.com)
could give a presentation on their and try to summarize what unites these
findings to the whole class people, with an example.
4 Give learners a simple explanation of a No I think my students would find it very
business plan. Show a video clip, for difficult to summarize the main points if
example: they don’t receive a printed version of the
www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/z4br87h/v text in the video.
ideo. Learners summarise the main
points about what a business plan is and
why it is important.

5 Give learners a copy of a simple business Yes I ran this activity in the 1st quarter of this
plan for a start-up business. Learners year. The students raised their hand to
identify the main parts and discuss why ask questions about different parts of the
the information is necessary business plan of Toma Pizzeria Ltd
6 In groups learners are given a scenario for Yes Year worked on this task in pairs.
a possible business that they could As a result, 6 pairs produced 6 simplified
operate from school such as a stationery business plans, 2 of which were gaming
shop or cake stall. The groups either use clubs with differing unique selling points,
the simple business plan as a model for 1 was healthy food shop, 1 bakery, 1 fish
their own plans, or they are given a blank food place, 1 language tutoring
business plan template to fill in, with organization.
some prompt questions to guide them.
Explain that there is no need to produce
full, detailed sections on marketing, HR,
finance, etc. (F)

7 In groups learners have five minutes to No When I tried similar activity in another
discuss possible ways that governments topic, at some stations it was too crowdy
might help business start-ups and record and at some point it became too noisy in
ideas on a large sheet of paper. Each the class.
group then moves round to the next However, this might work if I set the strict
group to add any ideas that they had not rotation timing and smoother moving of
thought of and continue until they are the groups.
back to their original place

8 Hold a class discussion on reasons why Yes I asked each group to take one method of
governments might want to help such government support and compose a case
businesses. Learners write brief notes for which such method would be best
answering what, how and why questions suited.
about the main methods

9 Extension activity: Learners explore what Yes So far, only 1 student in Year 9
methods are available to businesses in demonstrates the ability to locate
your country and present their findings as relevant information and present a
a poster, report or presentation to the summary as this task requires.
whole class. (I)

Apply knowledge and understanding of the methods and problems of measuring the size of business
10 Learners list possible ways to measure the Yes This worked well. Among the ways that
size of a business. Explain that profit is not businesses can be compared, my students
a reliable measure of size. named “number of subscribers” and Q
score, which was fun.
11 Provide data related to 3 businesses in the Yes I think that through this activity the
same sector. Learners classify the 3 students will “personally” come across
businesses based on its size (largest to the limitations of each method and might
smallest). Each group record their even be able to formulate these
rankings on a sheet of paper. Each group limitations
then moves round to the next table to
rank the same businesses on the next set
of data. Finish with a whole class
discussion of the results and problems of
measuring size

Learners should be able to explain reasons why some businesses grow and others remain small.
12 Learners work in pairs to mind map No This class is not prepared to work with
possible reasons why a business might mind maps. I have scheduled a training
want to expand Follow this with a whole session to model how to build a mind
class discussion. map
13 Explain the different types of growth. Yes With this class, we started creating our
Provide learners with sort cards to match own set of online flash cards on
the terms to the definitions, which can https://www.cram.com/flashcards. After
then be added to the key word glossary. each topic, every student adds 1-2 cards
so by the end of the course it will become
a big set.
14 Divide learners into five groups. Each No So far, it has been a challenge to ensure
group research and note the main that once they have presented their part,
features of the main type of growth. They the students listen to other groups’
should also try to include local or national presentations. They started chatting and
examples of businesses that have used did not make notes about other types of
each method. When completed, each growth. Next time, for this type of
group give a short presentation to the activity, I will announce that during this
class so everyone has the same part of the lesson I assess their ability to
information. Other learners could ask listen, so low mark will be given to those
questions to who talk when another group is
check understanding. (F) presenting.

15 Learners given several activities to Yes This might better be used as homework
complete using worksheets and case
studies to identify and explain the form of
business growth used by different

16 Provide learners with access to the Yes I will use it as a homework exercise, with
internet or newspaper articles to explore discussion and feedback in class
the way that a range of actual businesses
has grown. Examples might include
McDonalds, Ellen Fisher, Facebook, Tata
Industries. Working in groups, learners
research the reasons why some
businesses have grown and others
remained small. Learners complete a
worksheet to
check understanding. For example
usiness-Growth-Basics.pdf. When
complete, learners add key terms to their

17 Learners research benefits and risks of Yes This is a great activity to organise the risks
growth. Half the class find out about and benefits in students’ mind maps.
possible benefits, and the other half Groupwork will allow them to build the
possible risks. Learners pair up with full picture in their notes.
someone who researched the opposite
set of points to explain to each other what
they discovered.
Learners complete an activity to identify
the type and possible reasons for the

18 Learners research and note-take possible No I think this be better understood by the
reasons why some businesses remain students through animated power point
small. (I) Link this to the objectives of with some photographs of real
the business and the type of business. entrepreneurs/businsesses

19 Learners complete a simple case study Yes The sharing and co-construction effect of
about the problems of growth. Learners, this activity will help the learners to feel
individually, are given time to read the themselves part of the process, see their
case study and identify potential contribution in the final group’s answer
problem(s). In pairs, learners share results
and then pair up with another group and
share their results, and update notes as
necessary, and suggest how they might
solve the problem identified. (F)

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