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Question Bank

Unit No 1
Q1)Explain the following terms.
i) Ordering
ii) Bags & Sequence
2)What do you mean by Object Oriented Methodology? Explain the different stages of it.
3)What is Object Orientation? What are the four aspects of Object Orientation.
4)Explain the following terms
i) Association
ii) Generalization
iii) Multiplicity
5)Explain 1) Association end names ii) Qualified association
6) What is object orientation? What are four aspect of object orientation.
7) What is N-ary association? Describe the criteria for designing N-ary association.
8) What is Link & association?
9) Explain Navigation of class model.

10) What are the different design technique of OOMT?

11) What are the three model?
12)What is abstraction?
13) Describe the class & object?
14) what are the different object oriented themes?
15)Describe various phases of class modeling?

16) What is Object Constraint Language?

17) What is generalization & specialization?
18) What is the Role of Multiplicity in class model?

Unit No 2
Q1) Explain the term

1. Propagation of operation 2. Navigation 3. Dependency 4. Abstract classes

2)What is state diagram? Explain state diagram behaviour with suitable example.
3)Explain Abstract Class with neat Sketch.
4) Explain the three kinds of models that separates a system into distinct view.
5) Specify UML notation for the following.
1) Meta data 2) Derived data
6) Explain
1)Association Vs Aggregation 2)Aggregation Vs Composition
7) Explain the following terms

 Enumerations
 Multiplicity
 Scope
 Visibility
 Association Ends
8) Differentiate between

 Association Vs Aggregation
 Aggregation Vs Composition?
9)Design the state diagram for a copy machine

10) Explain the term

 Propagation of operation
 Navigation
 Dependency
 Abstract classes
 Metadata
 Reification
 Derived Data
 Package
 Interface
11) What is the use of constraint in model? How to apply constraint on class model?
12) What is Event? Explain the type of Events.

13) What is state modeling? Describe using example.

14) Design State diagram for Telephonic system.

Unit 3
1. Explain Procedural Sequence Model in details
2. Explain Concurrency for the State Model
3. Explain the activity model in brief.
4. List the special Constructs of activity model and explain any one of them

5)Explain how complex use cases can be built for smaller pieces with include, extend and
generalization relationships
6)What is Nested State Diagram? Explain with suitable example.
7)Describe Signal Generalization ?
8)What is Concurrency? How to achieve Concurrency in state modeling?

9)Describe relationship between class model & state model.

10)What is Interaction model?
11) What is use case model?
12) What is Sequence model? Describe scenario model.
13) Describe various relationship in use case diagram.

Unit 04
1)Explain the following terms.
i) Domain Analysis ii) System Conception.
2)Draw a class model for ATM with attributes and inheritance
3) Prepare a problem statement for an Automated Teller Machine (ATM).
4) Explain the following terms
i) Finding Association ii) Finding attributes of Object & Links
5)Describe the various software Development stages each with a distinct purpose, input and

6)What are the software development life cycle?

7)What are the factors are important for improving system?
8)For making standard system, what kind of answers given by that standard system?

9)What are the different steps for constructing a domain class model? Considering the ATM
example explain how to find the classes.
10)Describe overview of Analysis.
11)Explain Domain Class Model.

12) Explain Domain State Model.

13) Explain Domain Interaction Model.
Unit 05
Q1) Describe the steps in designing application Class Model.
Q2) Explain the following terms.
i) Layers
ii) Partitions

Q3) Explain various methods of allocation of subsystems.

Q4) What is Reuse Plan? Explain the use of libraries and frameworks in reuse plan.

5)Explain the following in brief.

i)Libraries ii)Frameworks iii)Patterns
6)Considering ATM case study.
i)Write a Normal Scenario for process transaction use case.
ii)Draw a sequence diagram for the above process transaction scenario.

7)Explain various methods of allocation of subsystem.

8)Define application interaction model? Explain finding use cases.
9)Explain Application Interaction Model.
10) Explain Application Class Model.
11) Explain Application State Model.
12) How to make Reuse Plan?
13)How to Break a Entire System in to sub system?

14)Describe Management of Data storage.

15)How to Handle Global Resources?
16)What is software control strategy?
17)How to Handle Boundary Condition?
18)Explain the Architecture of the ATM system.

Unit 06
1)Explain the task in design Optimization
2) Explain different steps for organizing a class Design.
3) Explain the following terms.
i) Downward Recursion
ii) Functionality Layers

4) What do you mean by bridging the gap and refactoring in a class design?
5)Explain the factors for choosing an algorithm during the class design.

6) Describe the overview of class design.

7) What is realizing Usecase?
8) What are the different steps include in designing algorithm?
9) What is Recursing Downwards?
10) Explain the term.
 Refactoring,

 Design Optimization,
 Reification of behavior,
 Adjustment of Inheritance,
11) Describe Organizing a class design for ATM System.

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