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5.1. is athe
day in each
day when year which is
Christians the same
This festival is the most important celebration
the the
of the one on
year which
Christ. youbeginning
makes the were born .
of spring.
1 T E T
2 T E A C H E R’ S D A Y
3 B I R T H D A Y
4 H A L L O W E E N
5 C H R I S T M A S

6 M I D- A U T U M N

4. ItThe
6.2. It aispurpose
is the day
holiday of this every
celebrated Vietnamese's
on student
the night festival
of October 31 th,
to celberate
usually by childrenthe
teachers largest
flowers, full and
ingifts moon
costumes ingoing
best the
year . collecting candy.
Lesson 2: Reading ( Con’t)
Lunar New Year, or Tet, is Vietnam's main holiday. It is the grandest and most
important occasion in the year which falls sometime between 19 th January and 20'1'
February on the Western calendar. Tet marks the beginning of spring and, for agrarian
people, the start of a new year.
Tet’s preparations and celebrations used to be spread over months, but nowadays the
holiday is much shorter. A great deal of excitement still builds up well before Tet.
however. Streets are decorated with coloured lights and red banners. Shops are full of
goods. People arc busy buying gifts, cleaning and decorating their houses and cooking
traditional foods.
Homes are often decorated with plants and flowers at this time. Peach blossom is
traditional at Tet in the North while apricot blossom is traditional in the South. The
kumquat tree with its ripe deep orange fruits is popular throughout the country. One of
Tet’s most special foods is banh chung, which is made from sticky rice, green beans
and fatty pork. Mut, which is candied fruit such as sugared apples, plums or tomatoes,
is also popular.
On the days of Tet everyone tries to be nice and polite to each other. People believe
that what they do on the first day of the year will influence their luck during the whole
year. Thus, only positive comments should be made. People visit other family members
or friends, and they exchange New Year's wishes. Children receive their “lucky
money" inside red envelopes. Many people go to pagoda to pray for a happy year for
themselves and their family. Both children and adults take part in games and various
forms of entertainment. Tet is really a time of fun and festivals throughout the country.
It is Tet holiday or the first day of the
new year.
Review vocabulary

Peach blossom Kumquat tree

Lucky money 3

5 4
Chung cake
Candied fruit

7 10:33
Tieng Anh 11 - Unit 8 – Celebrations - A. Reading
peach blossom /pi:t∫'blɔsəm/ (n.p):
apricot blossom ['eiprikɔt 'bl ɔsəm]
kumquat tree ['kʌmkwɔt tri:]
candied fruit /’kændid fru:t/ (n) Mứt

11 10:33
Tieng Anh 11 - Unit 8 – Celebrations - A. Reading
lucky money (n): Tiền Lì Xì

12 10:33
Tieng Anh 11 - Unit 8 – Celebrations - A. Reading
Agrarian people(n) = farmers: Người nông dân
Western calendar
lịch dương 71/ 1

Lunar calendar
lịch âm

10:33 14
Tieng Anh 11 - Unit 8 – Celebrations - A. Reading
Some activities at Tet

making banh chung

Some activities at Tet

decorating the house

Some activities at Tet

eating special Tet foods

Some activities at Tet

going to the flower market

Some activities at Tet

going to the pagoda

Some activities at Tet

receiving "lucky money”


Lunar New Year, or Tet, is Vietnam's main holiday. It is the grandest and most
important occasion in the year which falls sometime between 19 th January and 20'1'
February on the Western calendar. Tet marks the beginning of spring and, for agrarian
people, the start of a new year.
Tet’s preparations and celebrations used to be spread over months, but nowadays the
holiday is much shorter. A great deal of excitement still builds up well before Tet.
however. Streets are decorated with coloured lights and red banners. Shops are full of
goods. People arc busy buying gifts, cleaning and decorating their houses and cooking
traditional foods.
Homes are often decorated with plants and flowers at this time. Peach blossom is
traditional at Tet in the North while apricot blossom is traditional in the South. The
kumquat tree with its ripe deep orange fruits is popular throughout the country. One of
Tet’s most special foods is banh chung, which is made from sticky rice, green beans
and fatty pork. Mut, which is candied fruit such as sugared apples, plums or tomatoes,
is also popular.
On the days of Tet everyone tries to be nice and polite to each other. People believe
that what they do on the first day of the year will influence their luck during the whole
year. Thus, only positive comments should be made. People visit other family members
or friends, and they exchange New Year's wishes. Children receive their “lucky
money" inside red envelopes. Many people go to pagoda to pray for a happy year for
themselves and their family. Both children and adults take part in games and various
forms of entertainment. Tet is really a time of fun and festivals throughout the country.
*Task 1: Guess the meaning of the red and bold
words in the following sentences.
1. Tet holiday in Viet Nam is the grandest and most
important occasion in the year.
2. For agrarian people, Tet marks the start of a new
3. Streets are decorated with coloured lights and red
4. Many people go to the pagoda to pray for a happy
5. Mut, which is candied fruit such as sugared
apples, plums or tomatoes, is also popular.
6. A great deal of excitement still builds up well
before Tet.
1. Tet holiday in Viet Nam is
the grandest and most
important occasion in the year.

trọng đại
2. For agrarian people, Tet marks
the start of a new year.
thuộc về nông nghiệp
3. Streets are decorated with coloured
lights and red banners.
băng rôn, biểu ngữ
4. Many
people go to
the pagoda to
pray for a
happy year.

cầu nguyện
5. Mut, which is candied fruit such as
sugared apples, plums or tomatoes, is
also popular. mứt táo= candied apples
6. A great deal of excitement still
builds up well before Tet.
sự nô nức
Trọng đại
1. grand (a): ____________
Thuộc về nông nghiệp
2. agrarian (a): ___________
Băng rôn, biểu ngữ
3. banner (n):__________________
Cầu nguyện
4. pray (v):________________
Mứt táo
5.sugared apples :__________
6. excitement (n):_____________
Sự nô nức,sự kích động
Match the words or phrases with their definitions.

A. the state of being excited

1. grand
B. a long piece of cloth with a
2. agrarian message on it

3. banner C. apples covered with sugar

4. pray D. great

5. sugared apples E. connected with farming

F. to speak to God, especially to

6. excitement give thanks or ask for help.

1. D
D 2.
2. ee 3.
3. bb 4.
4. ff 5.
5. cc 6.
6. aa
31 10:33
Tieng Anh 11 - Unit 8 – Celebrations - A. Reading
Task 2. Work in groups. Decide whether the statements are
true (T) or false (F).
1.Tet is always on 20 February on the Western

calendar. sometime between 19th Jan and 20th Feb 

2. According to the text, for people anywhere in the
world, the beginning of spring is the start of a new 
year. agrarian people
3. Tet used to be longer than it is nowadays. (L1-2, P2) 
4. According to the text, “lucky money” is given to
everyone at Tet. 
5. Kumquat trees are popular both in the North and
in the South of Vietnam. (L3-4, P3) 
6. People try to be nice and polite to each other
because they want to have good luck on New Year’s
Day. during the whole year

1.F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. F
*Task 3 Answer the following questions.
1. When is Tet holiday in Vietnam?
2. How long did Tet preparations and
celebrations last in the past?
3. What do streets look like before Tet?
4. What do people do to prepare for Tet?
5. What is banh chung made from?
6. What is mut?
7. What are some popular activities at
Tet ?

1.When is Tet holiday in

 It’s sometime between 19th January

and 20th February on the Western
2.How long did Tet
preparations and
celebrations last in the

 They lasted for months in the past.

3.What do streets look like
before Tet?

They are decorated with coloured lights

and red banners.
4.What do people often
do to prepare for Tet?

 They often buy gifts, clean and

decorate their houses and cook traditional
5.What is banh chung made
It is made from sticky rice, green beans
and fatty pork.
6.What is mut ?

 It is candied fruit such as sugared

apples, plums or tomatoes.
7. What are some
popular activities at

 (Some popular activities at Tet are) visiting

friends and other family members, exchanging
wishes, going to the pagoda, playing games,
 Task 3: Answer the following questions
1. When is Tet holiday in Vietnam?
It's sometimes between 19 January and 20 February on the Western calendar.
2. How long did Tet preparation and celebrations last in the past?
They lasted for months.
3. What do streets look like before Tet?
Streets are decorated with colored lights and banners.
4. What do people do to prepare for Tet?
They buy gifts, clean and decorate their houses and cook traditional foods.
5. What is banh chung made from?
It is made from sticky rice.
6. What is mut?
It is candied fruit.
7. What are some popular activities at Tet?
Visiting friends and other family members, exchanging wishes, going to the pagoda,
playing games, etc.
After you read
How do people in Vietnam
celebrate TET ???

Tet in Vietnam
Main purpose

Time Activities
during Tet
Fill in each column with the information about Tet

Name Time Its main purpose Preparations Traditional Activities at

before Tet foods Tet
Tet -Tet marks:…… -Streets:…… - -
(Lunar - For agrarian -People:……. - -
New people:…… -Homes: …... -
Name Time Its main purpose

sometime -Tet marks: the

Tet (Lunar between beginning of
19th January and spring
New Year) 20th February
on the Western
-For agrarian
people: the start of
calendar a new year
Preparations before Traditional foods Activities at Tet
-Streets: decorated with
coloured lights - Visit other
and red banners. -Banh chung family members
- People: buy gifts, clean -Mut or friends.
and decorate their (candied fruit) - Exchange New
houses,cook traditional
foods. Year's wishes.
- Home: decorated - Go to the
with plants and pagoda…….
Task 4: Read the passage and choose the best answer
for each blank
On the days of Tet everyone tries to be nice and (1)
each other. People believe that what they do on the first day of
the year will (2)........ their luck during the whole year. Thus, only
positive (3)............ should be made. People visit other family
members or friends, and they exchange New Year’s wishes.
Children receive their (4) “.........................” inside red envelopes.
Many people go to the pagoda to (5)............for a happy year for
themselves and their family. Both children and adults take part
(6).......... games and various forms of entertainment. Tet is really
a time of fun and festivals throughout the country
1/ a.polite
a. polite b. impolite c. politeness d. politely
2/ a. be influenced b. influencing c. influencec. influence d. to influence
3/ a. comments
a.comments b. ideas c. opinions d. thoughts
4/ a. cards b. money
b. lucky lucky money
c. gifts d. presents
5/ a. prayed b. to pray c. praying d. d.
6/ a. at b. with c. in
c. in d. for
- Learn by heart the new
words and prepare for the
next lesson
Thank you for
your attention !
Best wishes!

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