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Religion and Culture

Submitted By : Hafiza Arham

Roll No. : 24

Subject : Criticism and Theory

Submitted To : Professor Jamshaid

Thomas Stearns Eliot :
Thomas Stearns Eliot OM was a poet, essayist, publisher, playwright, literary critic and
editor. Considered one of the 20th century’s major poets, he is a central figure in English-
language Modernist poetry.

Born: September 26, 1888, St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Died: January 4, 1965, London, United Kingdom

Full name: Thomas Stearns Eliot

He is well known as a writer in a number of areas: poetry, prose and drama. He was
awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1948. T.S. Eliot was an American-English poet,
playwright, literary critic, and editor. He is best known as a leader of the Modernist
movement in poetry and as the author of such works as The Waste Land (1922) and Four
Quartets (1943).
Religion and Culture
T.S. Eliot’s essay “Religion and Literature” was written in the early 1930s.
Specifically, it was first delivered as the Clark Lectures at Trinity College,
Cambridge, in 1932. The lectures were later compiled and published as the
In 1935 , Eliot wrote a remarkable essay titled ‘Religion and Literature’. This
essay is a fresh, vibrant and illuminating as it must have been some seventy-
seven years ago. There is a two-fold purpose in this piece, to expound on the
state of religion as he found it in his day, and to parlay his thoughts on this
topic into a practical analysis of necessities facing mankind in exposing
themselves to worldly pressures exerted insidiously through choices made in
the field of literature.
"we fail to realize how completely, and yet how irrationally, we separate
our literary from our religious judgements.”

T.S. Eliot’s essay “Religion and Literature” explores the intersection of faith
and literary expression. In this work, Eliot delves into the complex relationship
between religious beliefs and artistic endeavors, offering insights into how
spiritual perspectives influence and shape literature. He reflects on the role of
religion in shaping cultural values and the impact of religious thought on the
creative process, providing a nuanced exploration of the interplay between the
sacred and the artistic.
T.S. Eliot’s essay “Religion and Literature” explores the interconnectedness
of religion and literature, emphasizing the importance of spiritual values in
shaping literary works. One key lesson is the idea that literature can serve as a
medium to express and grapple with religious themes, offering insights into
the human experience and the search for meaning. Additionally, Eliot
highlights the significance of a spiritual foundation in shaping the cultural and
artistic landscape.
Purpose of Writing :
The purpose of T.S. Eliot’s essay “Religion and Literature” is to explore and
analyze the intricate relationship between religion and literary expression.
Eliot delves into how religious beliefs and perspectives influence the creation
and interpretation of literature. The essay seeks to understand the impact of
faith on artistic endeavors, cultural values, and the broader human
experience. Eliot aims to shed light on the interconnections between the
sacred and the artistic, providing readers with insights into the complex
interplay of religious thought and literary creativity.

Key Elements :
Key elements in T.S. Eliot’s “Religion and Literature” include:
Exploration of Faith: Eliot delves into various aspects of religious faith and
how it intertwines with literature.
Cultural Influence: The essay explores the role of religion in shaping cultural
values and societal norms, emphasizing its impact on literature.
Artistic Expression: Eliot examines how religious beliefs influence the
creative process and expression in literature, considering the themes,
symbols, and language used by writers.

Interplay of Sacred and Artistic: The essay discusses the nuanced

relationship between the sacred and the artistic, highlighting moments where
religious elements contribute to the depth and meaning of literary works.
Human Experience: Eliot aims to connect the religious and literary
dimensions to the broader human experience, exploring how both contribute
to our understanding of existence.
These elements collectively contribute to Eliot’s exploration of the intricate
connections between religion and literature in this essay.
Relationship between Religion and
Literature :
T.S. Eliot’s essay on “Religion and Literature” explores the interplay between
these two realms. He emphasizes how literature can reflect and engage with
religious themes, providing a means for individuals to grapple with existential
questions. Eliot suggests that literature can be a vessel for spiritual
exploration, conveying deeper insights into the human experience through the
lens of religious and philosophical perspectives.
In Eliot’s view, literature serves as a vehicle for expressing the complexities of
religious beliefs, morality, and the human condition. He argues that literature
can convey a sense of transcendence and provide a medium for individuals to
connect with their spiritual dimensions. Eliot encourages writers to
incorporate religious motifs and symbols into their works, believing that such
elements enrich the depth and resonance of literary expressions. Ultimately,
his essay underscores the profound relationship between religion and
literature, highlighting the potential for literature to be a conduit for exploring
and understanding spiritual dimensions of human existence.

Eliot’s POV on Liberal Attitude :

T.S. Eliot in his essay “Religion and Literature” does not explicitly focus on a
liberal attitude. However, his views on literature and religion often reflect a
more conservative and traditional perspective. Eliot values the role of religion
in providing a moral and cultural foundation for literature, emphasizing the
importance of established traditions.
His emphasis on the connection between literature and religious belief
suggests a preference for a more conservative approach, valuing the stability
and guidance that religious principles can offer. While he doesn’t directly
address a liberal attitude, Eliot's writings often align with a more traditional
and conservative worldviews.
In Eliot’s essay “Religion and Literature,” there is a discernible inclination
towards a more conservative outlook on culture and society. He expresses
concerns about the erosion of traditional values and the potential
consequences of abandoning religious foundations in literature. Eliot, known
for his intellectual conservatism, tends to value the stability and continuity
provided by religious and cultural traditions, suggesting a skepticism towards
more liberal attitudes that may advocate for radical departures from
established norms. This perspective is embedded in his broader philosophy,
which seeks to preserve and reinvigorate cultural and spiritual heritage.

Opinion against Liberal Attitude :

While T.S. Eliot’s essay “Religion and Literature” is respected for its insights,
some may adopt a liberal attitude that challenges or critiques certain aspects
of his opinions. Critics might argue:
Narrow Perspective: Some may contend that Eliot’s views reflect a
conservative and narrow perspective, limiting the exploration of diverse
beliefs and ideologies in literature.

Dogmatism: Critics may assert that Eliot’s emphasis on religious influence

might be perceived as dogmatic, potentially excluding alternative
interpretations and secular perspectives.
Cultural Bias: There could be an argument that Eliot’s essay exhibits a
cultural bias, as his observations may be more relevant to Western or Judeo-
Christian traditions, potentially overlooking the richness of other cultural and
religious influences on literature.
Literary Freedom: Critics might argue that Eliot’s suggestions about the
influence of religion could be seen as imposing restrictions on the creative
freedom of writers, limiting their ability to explore various themes and
A liberal critique might seek to broaden the discussion, advocating for
inclusivity, diversity, and the freedom of expression within the realm of
literature, challenging any perceived constraints suggested by Eliot’s

Summary :
T.S. Eliot’s essay “Religion and Literature” explores the relationship between
religious beliefs and literary expression. He emphasizes the interplay between
the two, arguing that literature can benefit from a religious foundation,
providing a deeper understanding of human experience. Eliot contends that
religious perspectives contribute to the moral and cultural fabric of literature,
enriching its content and resonating with readers on a profound level. The
essay delves into how religious elements shape the artistic and ethical
dimensions of literature, fostering a connection between spiritual insights and
literary creativity.
In “Religion and Literature,” T.S. Eliot delves into the idea that literature can
serve as a medium for expressing and grappling with religious themes,
reinforcing a symbiotic relationship between the two. He suggests that a solid
understanding of religious traditions can enhance one’s appreciation of
literature, providing a framework for interpreting the deeper meanings
embedded in works of art. Eliot also touches on the notion that a literary piece
infused with religious elements has the potential to resonate with readers on a
universal and timeless level, transcending cultural and temporal boundaries.
The essay ultimately invites reflection on the profound impact of religious
thought on the literary landscape.
Critical Analysis :
T.S. Eliot’s essay “Religion and Literature” critically analyzes the intricate
relationship between religion and literature He examines how these two
realms intersect and mutually influence each other. Here are some key points
of critical analysis:
Interplay of Themes: Eliot explores how religious themes can permeate
literature, adding depth and significance to literary works. The critical analysis
delves into specific examples to illustrate how religious motifs contribute to
the overall meaning and impact of a piece.
Moral and Cultural Dimensions: The essay critically evaluates Eliot’s
assertion that religion contributes to the moral and cultural dimensions of
literature. It may question whether this integration enhances or limits the
scope of literary expression and artistic creativity.
Universal Resonance: A critical analysis might question the universal
resonance of literature infused with religious elements. Does the emphasis on
religious perspectives enhance the relatability of literary works across diverse
audiences, or does it potentially limit the appeal to specific religious or
cultural groups?

Contemporary Relevance: Critics may explore the relevance of Eliot’s ideas

in the contemporary literary landscape. How do his views on the
interconnection of religion and literature hold up in a more secular and
diverse society?
Balance of Tradition and Innovation: Eliot’s conservative stance is evident in
his emphasis on tradition, but a critical analysis might examine whether this
approach allows for the necessary innovation and evolution within literature.
Does a strong reliance on religious foundations impede or foster literary
Cultural Context: Critics may consider the cultural context in which Eliot
wrote and how societal changes have influenced the relationship between
religion and literature since then. Is his perspective more reflective of a
specific era, or does it offer enduring insights?
Overall, a critical analysis of “Religion and Literature” would engage with
these aspects to assess the strengths, limitations, and implications of Eliot’s
ideas on the interconnectedness of religion and Literature.

“Religion and Literature” by T.S. Eliot delves into the intricate relationship
between faith and artistic expression. Throughout the work, Eliot explores how
religious beliefs and traditions can influence and enrich literature, and vice
versa. He contemplates the spiritual dimensions of poetry, drama, and other
forms of creative writing, highlighting the ways in which art can serve as a
pathway to deeper understanding of the divine and the human experience.
Eliot’s insightful analysis in “Religion and Literature” sheds light on the ways
in which literature can both reflect and shape religious thought, offering
profound insights into the nature of belief, doubt, and the search for meaning.
By examining the works of various poets and writers, Eliot demonstrates how
themes of redemption, sin, grace, and spiritual yearning permeate the literary
landscape, pointing to the enduring significance of religious themes in artistic

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