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A. CONTENT STANDARD The learners demonstrate an understanding of the integration of social
science perspective and community action initiatives.
B. PERFORMANCE STANDARD The learners shall be able to synthesize the integrative experience of
implementing community-action initiatives applying social sciences’ ideas
and methods.
C. LEARNING COMPETENCIES Differentiate typologies of communities. HUMSS_CSC12-IIIa-c-6

D. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
1. Identify different typologies of communities;
2. Recognize the differences of typologies of communities; and
3. Explain the differences of typologies of communities.
discuss the different contributions of the parts to a whole and the important
of creative imagination in putting together the various parts of whole.
• illustrate the origin of the different components of a gadget, business
industrial/ technological/ agricultural product, etc. through a mind map
reflection essay.
A. TOPIC Typologies of Communities
B. MATERIALS Chalkboard, Chalk, Laptop, Power Point Presentation
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials Self-Learning Module Quarter I Module 4
fromLearning Resource
(LR) Portal
Photo 1-
5. Other Learning
Slide share-

A. DAILY ROUTINE Prayer, Greetings, Classroom Management, and Checking of Attendance
B. REVIEW Let’s Recall!
What are the functions of community in terms of structures, dynamics, and
C. MOTIVATION Task 1: Picture Analysis
Guide Questions:
1. What can you say about the photo?
2. What is the differences between them?

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D. DEVELOPING MASTERY - Begin the lesson by engaging students with a discussion about what
they understand by the term "community."
- Ask students to brainstorm different types of communities they are
aware of.
- Write down their responses on the board.
- Present to the students the brief information on different typologies
of communities, such as:
a. Geographic communities: Communities based on physical
location, such as neighborhoods, towns, or cities.
b. Virtual communities: Communities formed online, through
social media platforms, forums, or gaming networks.
c. Professional communities: Groups of individuals within the
same field or industry who share common interests and
d. Cultural communities: Communities bound by shared
cultural practices, traditions, language, or ethnicity.
e. Interest-based communities: Groups formed around shared
hobbies, passions, or interests, like book clubs, sports teams,
or fan clubs.
- After giving brief explanations, the teacher will group the class into
A. APPLICATION Group Activity:
- Assign each group one typology of communities to research and
- Instruct them to find examples of communities that fit their assigned
typology and to discuss the characteristics that define those
- Encourage groups to think critically about the similarities and
differences between their assigned typology and others mentioned in
the presentation.
- Reconvene the class and have each group present their findings.
- Facilitate a discussion about the similarities and differences between
the typologies of communities presented.
- Encourage students to consider the significance of these
classifications in understanding social dynamics and interactions
within communities.

B. GENERALIZATION Critical Thinking:

Why is it important to understand different typologies and classifications of
communities in sociology and everyday life?
C. EVALUATION Short Quiz: Identification
__________ 1. This type of community focuses on the physical
boundaries that make it distinct or separate, such as river or
a street.

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__________ 2. This community has common identifiable characteristics
or attributes like culture, language, music, religion, customs,
and others.
__________ 3. This community incorporates social movements such as
women’s rights, environment, peace, and human rights.
__________ 4. This community refers to individuals that come together
voluntarily and support each other.
__________ 5. This area are separate and away from the influence of
large cities and towns.
__________ 6. It is known as the countryside, farmland, or agricultural
__________ 7. This area, on the other hand, are called cities or towns.
__________ 8. It is sharing an environment and you can interact with
them personally easily.
__________ 9. It is sharing same interest across the world and do have
interdependence with each other like businesses that runs in
__________ 10. It is either physical or virtual like an online social media
or a center or gathering place where people interact.
V. ASSIGNMENT/HOMEWORK Assignment: Advance Reading
Directions: Read and analyze in advance the next topic which is the Value of
undertaking community action modalities.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% 39 of Learners who earned 80% above.
in the evaluation
B. No. of leners who require 0 of Learners who require additional activities for remediation.
additional activities for
remediation who scored below

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