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Welcome everyone!

Today, we will explore the significant role of the Kassenzahnärztliche

Vereinigung Westfalen-Lippe (KZVWL) in Münster, Germany. We will delve into
its mission, services offered, and its overall contribution to dental healthcare in
the region.

The KZVWL is an Association of Dentists in Westphalia-Lippe. It represents the

interests of dentists, concludes contracts with health insurance companies,
and guarantees the quality of dental care in Westphalia-Lippe. The
Headquarters of the kzvwl is located in Münster and was founded in 1955. The
Company is a medium-sized organization. We have 1 subsidiary in Münster, 2
kzvwl in NRW and 17 all around Germany. It was founded to ensure accessible
dental care, the kzvwl represents 5700 dentists across Westfalen-Lippe.

The Kzvwl has many services and mission for example, we handle dental care
billing and ensure proper compensation to the dentists. Another example is
offering continuing education and training opportunities.
Additionally, the KZVWL provides valuable support and resources to the dentist
members like (Dispute Resolution: The KZVWL might act as a mediator in case
of disputes between dentists and patients or insurance companies.)
The Kzvwl is recognized for its commitment to quality dental care and dentist
There are 300 employees working for KZVWL in Münster. Most of them work
full time, 8 hours, they also have 31 days of leave(vacation). The staff members
sometimes do Home-Office. Currently, there are 6 trainees in different
departments, and 2 of them are in IT.

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