Rfeliset Bhenselaepucesdechatsdu Liban Mba VBZD2011

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Volume 11, Number 7, 2011

ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/vbz.2010.0146

Rickettsia felis and Bartonella henselae

in Fleas from Lebanon

Pamela Angue Mba,1 Jean-Lou Marié,2 Jean-Marc Rolain,1 Bernard Davoust,2

Jean-Claude Beaucournu,3 Didier Raoult,1 and Philippe Parola1


A total of 155 fleas collected in 2009 in Lebanon from 16 cats (104 Ctenocephalides felis specimens, 1 C. canis
specimen) and 2 dogs (50 C. canis specimens) were tested for the presence of Rickettsia spp. and Bartonella spp.
using molecular methods, including real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR), regular PCR, and
sequencing of amplified PCR products. Rickettsia felis, the agent of the emerging flea-borne spotted fever in
humans, was identified in 17 (16%) C. felis cat fleas. Bartonella henselae, an agent of cat scratch disease, was
identified in three (2.9%) C. felis. Our results emphasize the potential risk of these emerging flea-borne infections
in Lebanon.

Key Words: Bartonella henselae—Fleas—Lebanon—Rickettsia felis.

Introduction DNA was extracted from each specimen (Berrelha et al.

2009). Each sample was tested by real-time quantitative
polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) for the presence of Rick-
F leas are worldwide vectors of several important zoo-
noses transmitted to humans including plague (Yersinia
pestis) and murine typhus (Rickettsia typhi), and they also play
ettsia spp. DNA using primers and a Taqman probe targeting
a partial sequence of the citrate synthase gene gltA as well as a
primer/probe set specific for the R. felis chromosomal bioB
a role in the cycle of rural epidemic typhus (Rickettsia prowa-
gene (Berrelha et al. 2009). Samples that tested positive for
zekii) in the United States (Bitam et al. 2010).
gltA by qPCR but negative in the R. felis-specific qPCR
In recent years, fleas have been associated with emerging
were tested by regular PCR using primers CS409d and
human infections worldwide, including flea-borne spotted
Rp1258n, which amplify a 396-bp fragment of rickettsial gltA,
fever (also called cat flea typhus) caused by R. felis and the cat
and primers 190.70 or 190.180, and 190.701, which amplify a
scratch disease (CSD) in connection with Bartonella henselae.
629- to 632-bp fragment of rickettsial ompA (Berrelha et al.
The cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis, has been associated with both
pathogens (Bitam et al. 2010).
All DNA samples were also screened using Bartonella
Fleas and human flea-borne infections have been rarely
genus-specific qPCR with a Taqman probe targeting the 16S/
studied in Lebanon (Matossian et al. 1964). In this work, we
23S rRNA gene intergenic spacer (ITS) (Varagnol et al. 2009).
aimed to detect Rickettsia spp. and Bartonella spp. in fleas
Samples that tested positive for Bartonella by qPCR were
collected in this country.
thereafter tested using standard PCR with primers that am-
plified a variable-size ITS of Bartonella spp. (Parola et al. 2003).
Materials and Methods
For Bartonella species identification, DNA sequencing reac-
From September through November 2009, 105 fleas were tions were performed for all samples reamplified in standard
collected from 16 cats and 50 fleas were collected from two Bartonella ITS PCR. Negative controls constituted DNA ex-
dogs at sites in the Naqoura and Dayr Kifa regions in south- tracted from noninfected laboratory ticks. R. felis (qPCR) and
ern Lebanon. They were stored in 70% ethanol, transported B. elisabethae (ITS PCR) DNA samples served as positive
to France, and identified using standard taxonomic keys controls. Sequences were edited, assembled, and identified as
(Beaucournu and Launay 1990). described (Berrelha et al. 2009).

Unité de Recherche en Maladies Infectieuses et Tropicales Emergentes (URMITE), UMR CNRS 6236-IRD UMR 198, Faculté de Médecine,
WHO Collaborative Center for Rickettsioses and Other Arthropod Borne Bacterial Diseases, Université de la Méditerranée, Marseille, France.
Working Group on Animal Epidemiology of the French Forces Health Service, Marseille, France.
Laboratoire de Parasitologie et Zoologie Appliquée, Faculté de Médecine, Rennes, France.


Results various atypical manifestations (Chomel and Kasten 2010).

B. henselae has been also described as an agent of bacillary
With the exception of one flea that was identified as
angiomatosis and peliosis in highly immunocompromised
C. canis, all fleas collected from cats were identified as C. felis
individuals (Chomel and Kasten 2010).
felis. All fleas collected from dogs were identified as C. canis.
Although we cannot address the precise prevalence or
All real-time qPCR- and PCR-positive and negative controls
distribution of R. felis and B. henselae in Lebanon, clinicians
tested as expected. Rickettsia DNA was detected by qPCR in 18
there and elsewhere who may see patients returning from this
(all C. felis felis) of the 155 specimens; 17 of these 18 Rickettsia-
country must now be alerted by the presence of these flea-
positive fleas were positive in the R. felis-specific qPCR, and
borne agents in the country.
1 was negative. This one was tested by regular PCR using
primers that amplified parts of the gltA and ompA genes of
rickettsiae. However, after several attempts, no sequence Disclosure Statement
permitting bacterial identification was obtained.
No competing financial interests exist.
Bartonella DNA was detected by qPCR in 8 (all C. felis felis)
of the 155 fleas; among them, 5 tested positive by the standard
ITS PCR. Sequencing showed that the amplified 723-bp References
product had 100% homology with B. henselae (GenBank Beaucournu, JC, Launay, F. Les puces (Siphonaptera) de France et
accession number: AJ457177.1) in three of these five fleas. The du bassin méditerranéen occidental. Paris: Fédération Française
quality of the other two sequences obtained was insufficient to des Sociétés de Sciences Naturelles, 1990:548. [In French].
permit molecular identification despite several attempts. One Berrelha, J, Briolant, S, Muller, F, Rolain, JM, et al. Rickettsia felis
specimen of C. felis felis was found to be coinfected with both and Rickettsia massiliae in Ivory Coast, Africa. Clin Microbiol
R. felis and B. henselae. Infect 2009; 15:251–252.
Bitam, I, Dittmar, K, Parola, P, Whiting, MF, Raoult, D. Fleas and
Discussion flea-borne diseases. Int J Infect Dis 2010; 14:e667–e676.
Chomel, BB, Kasten, RW. Bartonellosis, an increasingly recog-
R. felis is an obligate intracellular Gram-negative bacterium
nized zoonosis. J Appl Microbiol 2010; 109:743–750.
belonging to the spotted fever group of Rickettsia (Pérez-
Matossian, RM, Garabedi, GA, Hatem, J. Rickettsioses in Leba-
Osorio et al. 2008). C. felis is currently the only known bio- non. Rev Pathol Gen Physiol Clin 1964; 64:533–536.
logical vector of R. felis, and these fleas are able to maintain Parola, P, Sanogo, OY, Lerdthusnee, K, Zeaiter, Z, et al. Identi-
stable infected progeny through transovarial transmission fication of Rickettsia spp. and Bartonella spp. in fleas from
(Reif and Macaluso 2009). However, molecular evidence of the Thai-Myanmar border. Ann NY Acad Sci 2003; 990:
R. felis has been found in various arthropods (Reif and Ma- 173–181.
caluso 2009). Flea-borne spotted fever caused by R. felis is to Pérez-Osorio, CE, Zavala-Velázquez, JE, Arias León, JJ, Zavala-
date only incompletely described (Pérez-Osorio et al. 2008). Castro, JE. Rickettsia felis as emergent global threat for humans.
The clinical features may include fever, fatigue, headache, Emerg Infect Dis 2008; 14:1019–1023.
generalized maculopapular rash, inoculation eschar(s), and Reif, KE, Macaluso, KR. Ecology of R. felis. A review. Med En-
lymph nodes. Cases have been reported from Brazil, Mexico, tomol 2009; 46:723–36.
France, Germany, Spain, Tunisia, Egypt, South Korea, Laos, Socolovschi, C, Mediannikov, O, Sokhna, C, Tall, A, et al. Rick-
and Taiwan (Reif and Macaluso 2009). Recently, a study of 134 ettsia felis, a common cause of uneruptive fever in rural Se-
patients conducted over 9 months in two Senegalese villages negal. Emerg Infect Dis 2010; 16:1140–1142.
identified up to 6% of indigenous febrile nonmalaria cases as Varagnol, M, Parola, P, Jouan, R, Beaucournu, JC, et al. First
R. felis associated (Socolovschi et al. 2010). detection of Rickettsia felis and Bartonella clarridgeiae in fleas
B. henselae is a Gram-negative bacterium known as an agent from Laos. Clin Microbiol Infect 2009; 15:334–335.
of CSD. Cats have presented as a reservoir for this bacterium,
with an increasing gradient of the prevalence of infection from Address correspondence to:
cold climates to warm and humid climates (Chomel and Philippe Parola
Kasten 2010). Fleas appear to play an important role in the Unité de Recherche en Maladies Infectieuses
maintenance and transmission of B. henselae among cats. The et Tropicales Emergentes (URMITE)
possibility that B. henselae can be directly transmitted to UMR CNRS-IRD 6236-198
humans by the cat flea has not been demonstrated experi- Faculté de Médecine
mentally. Transmission of B. henselae by cat fleas seems to WHO Collaborative Center for Rickettsioses
occur mainly through infected flea feces that is inoculated by and Other Arthropod Borne Bacterial Diseases
the scratching of the cat’s claws (Chomel and Kasten 2010). In Université de la Méditerranée
addition to the cat flea, new potential vectors have been Bd Jean Moulin
suggested, including ticks (Chomel and Kasten 2010). CSD is 13385 Marseille
usually characterized by persistent regional lymphadenopa- France
thy. Clinical manifestations may include low-grade fever and
aching, headache, anorexia, and splenomegaly as well as E-mail: philippe.parola@univmed.fr
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