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Significance of th e study

The findings of this study will have a deep significance to the foundation for

further research and exploration into oral reading fluency. It will provide as springboard

for future studies to continue building upon the findings and expanding our

understanding of effective strategies for improving reading fluency in students across

diverse populations. Furthermore, the data and information obtained in this study will be

useful to the following:

To the education sector for it will provide valuable insights into the effectiveness

of reading interventions and teaching strategies. This study can help educators identify

best practices for improving oral reading fluency, ultimately leading to improved reading

comprehension and academic achievement for students.

To the teachers, they can benefit from this research by gaining a better

understanding of how to support students in developing oral reading fluency. By

implementing evidence-based practices identified through this study, teachers can

effectively target struggling readers and provide targeted support to help them improve

their reading fluency.

To the students, this research can lead to the identification of effective

interventions that can help them improve their oral reading fluency. By improving their

fluency, students can experience increased confidence in their reading abilities and

ultimately improve their overall academic performance.

To the future researchers, they can benefit from this study by building upon the

findings to further explore the factors that contribute to oral reading fluency and develop
more effective interventions. This research can pave the way for future studies that will

continue to advance our understanding of oral reading fluency and its impact on student


Scope and Delimitation

The scope of this research on Oral Reading Fluency will include variables such

as expression and volume, phrasing, smoothness, and pace. The primary objective of

this study is to investigate the impact of Response to Intervention (RTI) on enhancing

Oral Reading Fluency. Moreover, this research is scheduled to commence in the 4th

week of March 2024. This study's timeframe ensures a comprehensive exploration of

the effectiveness of RTI on Oral Reading Fluency within a reasonable period, allowing

for proper analysis and interpretation of the gathered data. Furthermore, the locale for

this research is Mariano Untal High School, providing a specific and controlled

environment for the study. Conducting the research within the school premises ensures

a direct relevance to the academic setting and the specific population under

investigation. In addition to this, the targeted respondents for this study are the Grade

11 HUMSS students. The selection of this group allows for a focused enhancement of

Oral Reading Fluency within the context of humanities and social sciences. The method

employed in this research is the Response to Intervention (RTI) approach, utilizing

Multidimensional Fluency Rubric to measure changes in Oral Reading Fluency.

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