Activity 1 Introducing Oneself RP

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Activity 1

Introducing Oneself


Objectives: Pronounce words in French correctly Spell words in French correctly Introduce oneself Use tu and vous appropriately Materials/Handouts (HOs): - HO 1 titled How to shadow Procedure: - Tutors provides a model by introducing themselves first - Tutors spell their name out Note/Variation: - If learner is a true beginner, have the learner shadow you by repeating exactly what you are saying (Ref. to HO for a conversation sample illustrating shadowing) Remember to use gestures. Ex: Point to the learner when asking Et toi? Comment tappelles-tu? Moi, (pointing the finger towards yourself) je mappelle *********************

Role Plays
The following scenarios are given to learners to practice introducing themselves using the appropriate pronouns tu and vous. Name: Emilie Gender: Female Scenario A: You are meeting your French Professor for the first time; introduce yourself. Use the appropriate pronoun.


Dialogue sample for scenario A: Tutor (T): Bonjour! Comment tappelles-tu? Learner (L): Je mappelle Emilie. Et vous? Etes-vous madame Pouzet? T: Oui, je suis professeur de franais. S: Enchante, madame. Comment allez-vous? T: Bien, merci. Et toi? S: Trs bien. Au revoir, madame. T: Au revoir Emilie.

Name: Albert Gender: Male Scenario B: You are meeting your roommate for the first time; introduce yourself. Use the appropriate pronoun.

Dialogue sample for scenario B: T: Tu tappelles Albert? S: Oui, et toi, tu es? T: Je suis Adam. S: Salut, Adam. T: Salut Albert, a va? S: a va bien. Et toi? T: Je vais bien aussi.


Activity 2

Who is it?


Objectives: Identify people Use the correct question when identifying people Respond to the question Qui est-ce? correctly Materials/Handouts: - Flashcards with pictures (write the answer in the back of the flashcards once printed out) Procedure: - Tutors provides a model by choosing a picture and asking the question Qui est-ce? and answering Cest, Ce sont Tutors then hand in a few of the flash cards to the learner. Take turn in asking and answering each others questions. Make sure to use the negative expressions Ce nest pas, Ce ne sont pas as well.

Note/Variation: - To make it more challenging and if learner has had French instruction prior taking French classes at HPU, this activity can turn into a guessing game. The learner can describe the picture and provide the tutor with clues to help him/her guess who are the people on the picture. Encourage the learner to tell you more whenever possible. *********************

Flashcards - Identifications
The following flashcards contain pictures of popular international personalities as well as pictures of random peoples professions. Both the tutor and the learner should have a stack of flashcards and take turn in asking each other to identify the people as well as in answering each others questions.


Tom Cruise (acteur)

Barack Obama (president des EU)

Prince William

Princesse Diana


Jackie Chan (acteur)

Oprah (talk show host)

Ricky Martin (chanteur)

Cline Dion (chanteuse)


Des danseurs

Un peintre / Un artiste

Anderson Cooper (journaliste)

Une musicienne


Des tudiants

Un photographe

Angelina Jolie (actrice)

Un boulanger


Activity 3


RP + Pics

Objectives: Count from 0 to 59 Identify objects in a stationary store Respond to the following questions Combien a cote? Combien de y a-t-il? correctly Materials/Handouts: - Pictures containing the various items in a stationary store - Table containing bus numbers and their destinations - Dialogue samples Procedure: - First, learner can practice numbers by looking at the picture containing several items you can find in a stationary store. The tutor asks the learner Combien de stylos y a-t-il? and the learner replies il y a dix stylos for example. Then they can role play scenario 1 & 2. Once the learner is confident, proceed with the role plays. Make sure to use the expressions a cote and Il y a when answering to questions Combien a cote? and Combien dey a-t-il? respectively.

Note/Variation: - If learner has had little or no French instruction prior to taking French classes at HPU, provide them with the dialogue sample presented below. Remember to reverse roles so that the learner gets an opportunity to practice asking or answering. Encourage the learner to tell you more whenever possible. *********************

Role Play 1
The following scenario is given to the learner to practice shopping for stationary along with the pictures. Scenario 1: You are a student buying school supplies at a stationary store. You go to the cashier with a basket with of supplies. Ask the vendor how much various items cost.


Dialogue Sample: T: Bonjour, monsieur. Combien de crayons y a-t-il? L: Il y a cinq crayons. Combien a cote un crayon? T: a cote deux euros. L: Daccord. Je vais prendre les cinq. Combien a cote un bloc-note? T: a cote trois euros. Combien en achetez-vous? L: Je vais en acheter quatre.

Flashcards Stationary
Crayon de couleur Cahier Portable


Sac dos






Role Play 2
The following scenario is given to the learner to practice number from 0 to 59. The Learner is provided with the bus information table A. Scenario 2: You are working at the tourism information desk at Ala Moana Shopping Center. A tourist has a bus information table with missing bus numbers on them. Provide him/her with the missing information.

Dialogue Sample: L: Je peux vous aider? T: Oui, je veux aller Waikiki. Quel sont les numros dautobus? L: Vous pouvez prendre les numros 8, 19, 20 larrt de bus dAla Moana. T: Si je suis au supermarch Donquijote, quel bus dois-je prendre pour aller downtown? L: Vous pouvez monter sur le 2 et le 13 T: Et pour si je veux aller Kaneohe? L: Prenez les numeros 55, 56, et 57. Bus Information Table A

De Donquijote Waikiki De Ala Moana Waikiki De Ala Moana Kaheohe De downtown laroport De Waikiki Hawaii Kai

Bus #
2, 13 8, 19, 20, 42 55, 56, 57 19, 20 23, 24



Bus Information Table B (with blanks)

De Donquijote Waikiki De Ala Moana Waikiki De Ala Moana Kaheohe De downtown laroport De Waikiki Hawaii Kai

Bus #



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