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A. Identify the following. Write your answer on the space provided.

FREEDOM 1. This is the ability to make choices and perform
PHYSICAL FREEDOM 2. This is freedom from any physical restraint.
PSYCHOLOGICAL FREEDOM 3. This is the freedom of choice.
VOLUNTARINESS 4. This is the ability to act out one’s own free will and
RESPONSIBILITY 5. This refers to the person being accountable for his or
her actions and their consequences.
B. Put a check beside the number of the statement which shows responsible
use of freedom.
/ 1. Instead of spending her excess allowance on the new pair of
shoes, Reyna decides to open a bank account and start saving up for her future.
/ 2. Despite the threats made on his life, the witness decided to come
forward and divulge important information regarding the crime he witnessed.
3.A woman used the internet to humiliate her ex-boyfriend by
spreading lewd photos of him on social media.
________4. Despite knowing that many of his clients were poor and desperate,
a moneylender continues to impose very high interest rates on loans.
/ 5. A businessman did not accept a high-paying position in an
overseas firm and instead decided to start his own business and spend more
time with his family.

Answer briefly. Use the space below.

1. In what way can you change or improve your behavior so that you will be
better able to uphold human freedom?

- To better uphold human freedom, one way I can change and

improve my behavior is by promoting tolerance, through respecting
the rights of others, advocating for equal opportunities, and
supporting policies that protect individual liberties. My individual
actions can contribute to a more just and free society, and
collectively, these efforts can lead to positive change.
2. What is the most significant decision that you have made in your life so
Describe how this affected you.

- I think the most significant decision in my life so far is when I chose

HUMSS as my strand. I am the type of student who likes mathematics
and science stuff. So, when I chose this strand, I knew that I will have a
hard time keeping up with the other students. And I was right. I had to
sacrifice my sleep and free time just to study so I have something to
answer in recitations and I have answers on exams/quizzes.


Make a short but concise answer.

Reflect on your past experiences and identify a moment when you
believed you had no choice regarding your actions or decisions, or you
make a choice eventually regretted. Reevaluate that situation using the
various views on human freedom.

- An experience where I believed I had no choice regarding my decision

was when I was in 4th grade. It was the day that our teacher will pick the
individual representative in our mathematics Olympics. In that same
day my father told me that we will go to the house of my grandmother
because the whole family will visit our deceased grandfather. I didn’t
want to come because of the said event but I was forced to. For 3 days
my Papang and Kuya will be gone. As an 8-year-old I had no choice. I
can’t be alone in the house. I’d be scared. So, I chose to go. Then,
when I came back to school, a representative was already chosen.
When the Olympic took place, we placed 2nd in our district. That made
me regret my decision. I wouldn’t’ve lost if I was the participant in the
individual quiz. It made me realized that I need to be objective and
need to critically examine my choices for me to be able to make the
best decision.

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