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Ep. 1.

2/ 20

My Personal Illustration not an Effective School environment.

My Personal illustration of an effective school environment is an environment that is structurally

built in strong, clean external and in internal, free from noise of the outside world so that the students will
feel peaceful and concentrated. On the classroom part, one that is conducive in learning is a classroom
that has many charts, posters, sayings and inspirational quotes as motivation and additional information to
children. Also those that have models like the Globe, projects and a whole lot more of projects.

Ep 2. P28

Which is your favorite theory of development. How can this guide you as a future teacher? Clip some
readings about this theory///

Field Study 1: Episode 2

Piaget's theory of cognitive development is a comprehensive theory about the nature and
development of human intelligence, first developed by Jean Piaget. It is primarily known as a
developmental stage theory, but in fact, it deals with the nature of knowledge itself and how humans
come gradually to acquire, construct, and use it. To Piaget, cognitive development was a progressive
reorganization of mental processes as a result of biological maturation and environmental experience.
Children construct an understanding of the world around them, and then experience discrepancies
between what they already know and what they discover in their environment. Moreover, Piaget claims
the idea that cognitive development is at the center of human organism and language is contingent on
cognitive development. Below, there is first a short description of Piaget's views about the nature of This
theory of Jean Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development can help me guide in the future as a teacher.
Because this theory explains that an individual has its own level of learning according to their age. So
with this theory you will be guided and understand that each level has its own level of understanding and
development with it comes to their physical and cognitive aspects. This theory also explains the
development of a child as early as conception until they will become mature, and each age level has
different level of development in terms of their physical and cognitive aspects.


Your Analysis

1. How did the classroom organization and routines affect the learner’s behavior?

The learners' behavior is influenced by the classroom organization and routines because they are
aware of their limitations. The students' minds are set that there are rules to be followed, so they will
practice their proper attitude and act politely.

2. What should the teacher have in mind when she/he designs the classroom organization and routines?
What theories and principles should you have in mind?
The teacher should keep in mind that he or she interacts with students in order to be more careful
when creating the set of routines; the teacher should make it a point that the students are oriented and
participate in the creation of the rules. In addition, the teacher should prepare ice breakers so that the
students do not become bored while studying.

3. Which behavior strategies were effective in managing the behavior of the learners? In motivating
///students? Why were they effective?

Positive reinforcement is one of the most effective behavior management strategies for learners.
The teacher should demonstrate caring characteristics and should motivate students to pursue their efforts
in their studies by providing rewards or incentives if the student performs excellence in class, whether
academically or non-academically. By doing so, students will strive hard, actively participate, and
perform very well.

The effective way of managing the behavior of the learners is to give them some paper works it is
effective because it can motivate them and this paper works will also help them in grammar and writing

Your reflection

• Imagine yourself organizing your classroom in the future. In what grade/year level do you see
yourself? What routines and procedures would you consider for this level? Why?

As I envision myself organizing my own classroom in the future, it challenges me. I'm excited to
handle 4th year high school because I will prepare them for college. The routines that I will consider for
this level are prayer so that they will be good fearing, cleanliness in the classroom so that they will
become conscious of their environment, and having some games/activities that are relevant to the lesson.

• Make list of the rules you are likely to implement in this level. Why would you choose these rules?

The rules that I am going to implement in this level are that if you are absent, you must present an
excuse letter with a valid reason signed by the parents, that 10 consecutive absent will be considered drop,
that 15 minutes late is considered absent, that no I.D, no uniform, and no shoes will have a fine of 5php,
that this 5php will be used to beautify the classroom. I chose these rules because I want my students to
have self-discipline and time management.

• Should learners be involved in making the class rules? Why?

Yes, the students should be involved in making the rules because they will be the ones to choose
the rules, so I will not hear any feedback that they do not agree with the rules that I am imposing, so I will
allow my students to choose their own rules that they may be able to achieve.
Ep 4/P58

1. Reflect on your development as a child. What type of parenting did you experience?

From the time I was a young boy until now, I've noticed that my parenting style is one of
authority. Whereas my parents are always in charge and make rules, they are also gentle and loving. They
demand and respond to us equally. I am not limited in what I want to be involved in, especially when it
comes to selecting my peers. Even if they are strict at times, they do so for good reason. And they force
us to consider the consequences of their actions. And this type of parenting style has a positive impact on
us. I'm very sociable and friendly as a child, a buddy, and a student; I have a lot of friends. I am very
involved with other people. And I don't feel deprived of social life.

2. As a good teacher, how would you establish good home-school collaboration? How can you work well
with the parents? How can you help them? How can they help you? ///

I can establish home-school collaboration with parents by becoming acquainted with them in
order to build rapport and learn from them. Simple small talk about the weather, traffic, a local event, or
any of the hundreds of other things adults use to communicate with one another can be appropriate at the
start of our relationship. But, eventually, I'll have to talk about the child. "What has my student said about
his school activities?" could be an enticing question. "It would be necessary to ask open-ended questions
to get the parents talking about their child and to share information that could help me with the student at

To have a good working relationship with the parents, I must think like one, send caring and
concerned messages about their child, and create a welcoming environment for their guardians. Positive,
honest, and clear communication is recommended as the foundation for developing personalized
relationships with parents in which each of us understands and respects the perspectives of the other.
Working toward shared goals with shared power can necessitate ongoing planning, development, and
even evaluation. This can include requesting school support for needs such as time off to meet with
parents/families in the community or the creation of a family support area in the school.

Together, the parents and I can discuss their child's achievement expectations and our respective
roles in assisting the child in meeting these expectations. In the future, as a member of an educational
institution, I will be able to develop programs to promote effective home-school partnerships that promote
positive academic, social, and emotional outcomes, All students in my school must have behavioral and
social competencies. I intend to participate in efforts to increase mutual respect, understanding,
compassion, and flexibility among families and the school community.

Parents' roles, on the other hand, will include regular communication with me about their child's
progress, encouragement of leisure reading with their children, participation in school functions, athletics,
and other extracurricular activities, other extracurricular activities, homework completion monitoring, and
frequent communication with their children about academic and behavioral expectations and progress
They can also help out at school by serving on a committee or volunteering.
Ep3/ 37


How did you feel being in that classroom? Did you feel a sense of oneness or unity among the learner's
and between the teachers and the learner's?/

While observing the classroom, I noticed that, despite the students' individual differences, their
unity in accepting and appreciating one another made me feel at ease. . The teacher's management of
diversity in the classroom indicates that she is very effective in developing teaching strategies that
promote awareness and connection with diverse cultures. The students' empathy and open-mindedness
about diverse backgrounds clearly helped them understand each other. Students demonstrating confidence
and independence in class are also indicators that the teacher is successful in fostering cultural sensitivity
in the classroom. The way they look out for one another, how openly they communicate with their
teacher, and how they come together in collaboration activities made me feel a sense of oneness in the


An observation guide for the learner's characteristics.


An observation guide for indigenous peoples education

To address, the difference in our social inclinations placed us in a group to which we belonged. In
this case, the child from a different religion will gravitate toward his classmates who share his religious

Girls tend to group with other girls, while boys tend to group with other boys. The interaction is
being influenced by these types of factors because each of us is unique.



1. Recall time when you were in elementary or high school. Recall the high and low achievers in your
class. How did your teacher deal with differences in abilities? Was your teacher effective?
1) Recall the time when you were in elementary or high school. Recall the high and low
achievers in your class. How did your teacher deal with differences in abilities? Was your teacher

During elementary in Grade 6, I remember some of my classmates were still struggling how to
read fluently in English language. What my teacher did was, she assigned a study buddy for each student
who’s having hard time to read and let their study buddy help them. As one of the study buddies, I helped
my classmate in reading a book every recess or lunch time. My teacher constantly monitors us, and the
progress that my classmates are making. For me, it is very effective. She helps the low achiever students
improve their weakness while letting the high achievers share their knowledge and skills through assisting
their classmates

2. What disposition and traits will you need as a future to meet the needs of the learner's?/

Expectation that I will be handling a classroom with students with wider-ability levels.

• Additional time and effort to meet the needs of the learners.

• Continuous innovation and brainstorming of effective strategies and approaches in handling

students with different levels of abilities.

• Effective communication to establish good relationship with students while being a good
listener for them.

• Focus on collaboration along with the belief that this is more effective than letting the
students learn alone.

• Flexibility and Adaptability in changing and evolving environment.

• Empathetic teacher who understands what her students backgrounds, needs and interest.

• Lifelong learners who continuously seeks for what is best for students



Curriculum design competencies and Content

Answer each question based on your observation and interview data

Q. What do you think can still be done to promote and uphold the indigenous peoples knowledge
systems and practuo and rights in schools?


1. What new things did you learn about indigenous peoples?

Based on what I've seen, students are more concerned with the harsh possibility of being duped if
they don't study than with their dreams and aspirations as learners. I also learned that there are numerous
factors that affect students' performance in class, so teachers and parents of these students should be
aware of these challenges and, to the greatest extent possible, find a way to solve the problem. For
example, the students are greatly impacted by a lack of food.

2. What did you appreciate most from your experience in visiting the school with indigenous learner's

My most memorable moments were when I realized that, even though they You couldn't take
away their sincerity and dedication if they were being taught holistically and academically. commitment
to expressing themselves as individuals through their respective performance Internal school cultures and
beliefs As a future teacher, I want to help indigenous students.


SHOW Your Learning Artifact

Make a collection of strategies on how to address the students differ ability levels.///

Make use of distinction. The process of making education accessible to all students is known as
differentiation. It is a personalized approach to teaching that addresses individual learning needs rather
than employing a single strategy for everyone.

Differentiate at all stages of the lesson plan. Mora-Flores defines differentiated instruction as using "a
variety of strategies to communicate the same information in a lesson."

Investigate other instructional strategies. Differentiation is a broad term that refers to a variety of
instructional strategies. To address a wide range of skills and abilities in your classroom, experiment with
different differentiation strategies to see what works best for you and your students.

Consider grouping on purpose. When teachers organize students based on common interests,
backgrounds, or other criteria, this is known as intentional grouping.

As a future teacher, I intend to employ some strategies and techniques that I am confident will be
effective have a positive outcome in order to meet the needs of my class's high and low achievers I must
Remember that diversity is always present in the classroom, including students' backgrounds, religion,
racial groups, and ethnicities

Different cultures, abilities, and cognitive levels may exist. I will continue to employ some of the
teaching techniques that I have developed. They are confident for their cognitive level.
7.1/ 79

1. How does the voice of the teacher affect classroom instruction?

2. How does the punctuality of the teacher affect classroom discipline?

I believe it is common courtesy to arrive on or before the start of lessons. This allows teachers to
set up their classrooms and greet students. On the rare occasions when I was late, I apologized.

Lateness is also extremely inconvenient for those who arrived on time and should not be
tolerated. Furthermore, unless there is a compelling reason, teachers should not recap for the benefit of
latecomers. If teachers are late, students may follow. This can have an impact on classroom discipline.

Depending on the desired student outcomes, modulating one's voice is extremely beneficial. A
teacher's voice can often be raised to encourage student interest, participation, and involvement.
Furthermore, changing the tone of the teacher's voice from higher to lower encourages students to listen
to and understand directions and allows the teacher to speak with authority and guidance.

3. Why do we need to check on the physical aspects of classroom management?

The room should be as comfortable and as conducive to learning as possible. Variety in seating
arrangements as shown below can change the atmosphere of the entire classroom in one easy step. You
should experiment with different arrangements to meet your needs and resources.


1. What does this statement mean to you as a future teacher? Explain. “No amount of good instruction
will come out without effective classroom management.”

2. What are your plans in ensuring effective classroom management? ///


1. As a future teacher, what classroom management stratei do I need to employ to respond to diverse
type of learner's?

As effective teaching strategies for accommodating diverse learners will differ according to the

students' individual needs Using a variety of instructional methods, providing accommodations or

modifications as needed, and creating a supportive learning environment that promotes inclusion are

some general ideas to consider. It is also critical to recognize your own biases and assumptions about

diverse students and work to overcome any prejudices you may have.


• Locate where you can find the following curriculum in the school setting.

Recommended curriculum

Written curriculum

Description1. RecommendedCurriculum (K to 12Guidelines)DepEd Website IIt is where you will find

the most important competencies that you will be able to use all year and indicates its area per quarter.

r.2. Written Curriculum(Teachers lesson plan)School School personnel hires aspecialist-a contract
ofservice-to develop a plan tomeet their setgoals/objective

.3. Taught Curriculum(Teaching learningprocess)Classroom The teacher's lecture serves as the catalyst
for group activities. In short, the teacher provides guidance to the students.

.4. Supported Curriculum(Subject textbook)SchoolThese are the resources that are available at the
school. It can be humans (teachers), books (such as textbooks, workbooks, teacher's guides, and so on),
and laboratory equipment.

5. Assessed Curriculum(Assessment process)School It is the evaluation of learners, whether formative

or summative, that determines their level of learning.

.6. Learned Curriculum(Achieved LearningOutcomes)School These are the skills or expertise that you
may be able to see in the learners through activities such as trainings, seminars, and so on..
7. Hidden Curriculum(Media)School This is the knowledge taught by the teacher, which may or may not
be taught at the school.




1. How does the teacher teacher whome you observed compare to the ideal characteristics or
competencies of global quality teachers

The teacher I observed was extremely competitive. I can see and feel it because she tried her
hardest to teach her students to the best of her ability. She truly guides her students in order for them to

2. Was the lesson implemented as planned

Yes, the teacher adhered to her lesson plan. It was so well-organized that the students are actively
participating in class because it is so appealing from the start.

3. Can you describe the disposition of the teacher after the lesson was taught? Happy and eager?
Satisfied and contented?

The teacher appears content, happy, and satisfied. Although their activity is not completed, she
appears pleased because she believes the students understand the situation.

4. Can you describe the majority of students reactions after the lesson was taught? Confused? Happy
and eager? Contented?

The students are eager and happy. Since some of their activities are performance task, they are
excited to see themselves and find out the result of their

How will you prepare your lesson plan?///

6.1/ P73

Observing classroom management and routines

Checklist on classroom Routines


1. Where the routines effective in ensuring discipline and order in the class?

Yes, it is a proof that setting routines to the class develops self-respect and self-discipline.And for
them to take their studies seriously so to have a high grade.

2. Which of those routines were systematic and consistently implemented

I believe it is the "questioning during lessons." This routine moved me because when the teacher
asks a question to the students, she encourages them to respond with a clue or a follow-up question based
on the same answer.


Which of the routines will you most likely apply in your class? ///

6.2/ P75

Classroom Rules importance


1. Analyze each given rule. What circumstances led to the formulation of the rule?

2. Are classroom Rules important?


Reflect on the various classroom Rules set by the Resource Teacher. Will you have the same rules?///

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